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 Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

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Chinese Journal of Leadership Science Ministerial journals

Chinese Leadership Science

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1209/C CN
  • 2095-7270 ISSN
Competent unit: Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration)
Sponsor: China Leadership Science Research Association; CPC Central Party School Press
Postal code: 82-709
Published in 2014
Format: A4
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influencing factor: 0.38
Cited times: 171
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

The Chinese Journal of Leadership Science (Monthly) was launched in 2014. The purpose of this journal is to adhere to the correct direction, focus on the combination of theory and practice, face leaders at all levels and researchers of leadership science theory, reflect the research results of leadership science theory and practice, discuss the hot spots, difficulties and focus issues of leadership work, and summarize the practical experience of leaders at all levels, Discuss the rules of leadership work and promote the modernization of the ability and level of leading cadres. For leading cadres and leading science researchers at all levels, reflect the latest achievements of theoretical research on leadership science, discuss the hot spots, difficulties and focus issues in leadership work, summarize the practical experience of leaders at all levels, explore the rules of leadership work, and promote the leadership ability and level modernization of leading cadres. The magazine strives to pursue a rigorous and authoritative style of "integrating theory, reality, foresight and innovation". Readers are: leading cadres of national Party, government, military, enterprises and public institutions, and leading scientific theoretical workers of national Party schools, administrative colleges, universities and military schools.

Column setting of Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

Highlights, high-level interviews, our monographs, strategic thinking, new theory exploration, hot spot perspective, observation and thinking, innovative practice, countermeasure research, leadership reference, leadership methods and art, opinion summary, new theory collection, information delivery.

Honorary Information of Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

The way to subscribe to the Chinese Leadership Science Journal

Address: South Campus of the CPC Central Party School (National School of Administration), No. 6, Changchun Bridge Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089.

Notice to Contributors of China Leadership Science Journal

1. The article should be innovative, rich in content, clear in point of view, sufficient in argument, original in idea, concise in writing, generally no more than 5000 words.

2. Manuscripts shall comply with the standard requirements of journals. Citation shall be indicated with the source. For contributions, please attach the author's profile (author's name, gender, work unit, job title), contact information (postcode and detailed address, telephone, e-mail).

3. The editorial department of the journal has the right to delete and revise the articles. After the manuscript is published, it will be published on the website signed with this magazine. If not, please explain.

4. Please do not submit more than one draft. Plagiarism and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. All manuscripts will not be returned due to manpower limitation. If the manuscript is not adopted within three months, please handle it by yourself.

5. All rights reserved, reprinting, excerpting and translation are allowed, but the source must be indicated, otherwise it will be deemed as infringement.

Example of Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

How Grassroots Party Organizations Lead Poverty Alleviation in Poor Areas -- An Interview with Zhang Panjing, Former Head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee

The Key Point of Leading Cadres' Correct Concept of Happiness

How to inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the Communist Party of China in the new era

Give full play to the role of village cadres in building a well-off society in an all-round way

The secretary of the county party committee should dare to take responsibility

To do business, we need to use "five strengths" together

A Review of Research on the Application of the Results of Leading Cadres' Performance Evaluation

Anti corruption is the breakthrough of deepening reform

An Analysis of Xi Zhongxun's Thought of National and Religious United Front

Two party system or multi-party system easily leads to the decline of the country

Community governance must give full play to the role of social organizations

Neighborhood is the strategic support for China's rise

On the Way of Governing the Ancient Qi State

Speech at the Conference to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War

Strengthen the six major identities of socialist ideology

Carry forward the spirit of carrying forward Yimeng in combination with the new conditions of the times

The Third Emancipation of the Mind Is Necessary

"Passion of warmth and love kindling hope" - Qingdao Fuhai Group donated 2 million Chunyu start-up funds to China Charity Federation

Six "Inequalities" Should Be Solved Well in Open Recruitment of Cadres

The Practical Significance of Carrying out the System of Government Power List

Data information of Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of articles published by Chinese Journal of Leadership Science

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Social Science Foundation of China (12CKS044) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Social Science Fund seventy-one
Beijing Social Science Fund ten
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education six
Zhejiang Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project four
Special funds for basic scientific research of central universities four
Social Science Planning and Research Project of Shandong Province three
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province three
Philosophy and Social Science Planning of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region two
Research Plan of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Heilongjiang Province two
Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Province two
Address: South Campus of the CPC Central Party School (National School of Administration), No. 6, Changchun Bridge Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089.