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 Contemporary Party member magazine

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Contemporary Party member magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Semimonthly Publication cycle
  • 50-1001/D CN
  • 1007-3566 ISSN
Competent unit: Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CPC
Sponsor: Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CPC
Postal code: 78-3
Published in 1958
Format: B5
Published at: Chongqing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.09
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Contemporary Party Magazine

"Contemporary Party Members" is a political publication approved by the State Press and Publication Administration, managed by the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and hosted by the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Guided by Marxism Leninism, ideology, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", this magazine comprehensively implements the Party's educational policy and the "Double Hundred Policy", integrates theory with practice, carries out educational scientific research and basic theoretical research of disciplines, exchanges scientific and technological achievements, promotes the development of teaching and scientific research work of the college, and makes contributions to educational reform and socialist modernization. Propaganda of Marxism Leninism and ideology, the Party's programme, line, principles and policies, the Party's basic knowledge and traditional style of work, exchange of experience in the construction of grass-roots Party organizations, commendation of good Party members and cadres, criticism of errors contrary to the Four Cardinal Principles and bourgeois liberalization tendencies are reflected in the construction of the four modernizations and reform, opening up We should give full play to the vanguard and model role of Party members and the role of grass-roots Party organizations as a battleground in invigorating the Party.

Column setting of contemporary party member magazine

Contemporary forum, beneficial opening, special planning, reform perspective, theory and practice, contemporary style, service hotline, party building new garden, social hot spots, Bayu mirror learning, spiritual communication, help you succeed.

Honorary information of contemporary party member magazine

Subscription mode of contemporary party member magazine

Address: CQDK All Media Building, No. 35, Food City Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing, 401120.

Notice on Contribution of Contemporary Party Member Magazine

1. Basic requirements The contributions shall be novel in subject matter, authentic in content, clear in argument, clear in hierarchy, reliable in data and fluent in sentence. Articles generally do not exceed 5000 words. Please send a printed copy of your contribution, and we recommend you to submit your contribution by email.

2. The title should reflect the content of the article accurately and concisely. Generally, it should not exceed 20 words. The name of the author should be listed under the title.

3. The number of authorship between the author and the company is generally not more than 5, and the number of authorship is not more than 3. The first author must attach a brief introduction, including the work unit, address, zip code, age, gender, nationality, education background, professional title and position; Other authors shall attach their unit, address and zip code.

4. Abstracts and keywords All papers are required to have Chinese abstracts and keywords. The abstracts are written in the third person and are divided into four parts: purpose, method, result and conclusion. The substantive content of the article is completely and accurately summarized. It is better to use about 150 words, and the keywords are generally 3-6.

5. The first level title of the title hierarchy is identified with "I, II,...", the second level title is identified with "(I), (II),...", the third level title is identified with "1.2.", and the fourth level title is identified with "(1), (2)". Generally, it should not exceed 4 layers. The header line and the first line of each paragraph of the body are two blank spaces. No punctuation is added at the end of each level of title.

6. The legal symbol of measurement unit must be used in the text of measurement unit, number and symbol.

7. Be responsible for the contributions. All authors shall have no objection to the content and signature of the manuscript, and the content of the manuscript shall not be copied or repeatedly published. We have the right to make technical and textual changes to the incoming contributions. The magazine has 2500 words in one page and about 5000 words in two pages. If the author needs to arrange the number of pages, the date of publication, whether it is urgent or not, please make a special explanation when submitting by email.

8. The author is requested to keep a copy of the manuscript, which will not be returned.

9. Once the paper is published, 1-2 copies of current sample publications will be presented as gifts, and if express delivery is required, contact the headquarters.

10. Please indicate the name, work unit, detailed contact address, telephone number (including mobile phone), zip code and other information of the contact person at the back of the manuscript so as to contact relevant matters.

Examples of contemporary Party member magazines

Beibei: the branch is built on the "project"

Four major articles should be done well in innovating organizational setup

Advanced or not, win or lose by index evaluation -- A documentary report on the innovative management mechanism of "top three evaluation" in Luohuang Town, Jiangjin District

Youyang: "Benchmarking Jin" to Cure Backward Development

Xiushan: "Three Mechanisms" Promote Upgrading

Nanchuan: "Four Joint Mechanism" Promotes Rectification

To rectify weak and lax Party organizations, efforts should be made in four aspects

The Way of "Human Harmony"

Party building in the park: service is the absolute principle -- On the enterprise comprehensive service center in Changshou Industrial Park

Wanzhou: "Party member central household" cohesive service

Bajiao Village, Liangshan Street, Liangping County

Fengdu Sanhe Street: "five couplets, five strong, five governance and five pairs"

Three pronged approach to innovating the service mode of grass-roots party organizations Hu Jianchuan

Overcome the Last "Fortress" of Medical Reform -- A Record of the Reform of Public Hospitals in Jiangbei District

Coptis chinensis industry

Standardization of Chongqing Cuisine

Intellectual property trusteeship: a booster for the growth of Chongqing enterprises

Let the sunshine of law warm the vulnerable groups

Three Ways for Industrial Clusters to Promote New Industrialization

Looking for "Heart" -- The entrepreneurial story of college student Liao Xinchuan

Address: CQDK All Media Building, No. 35, Food City Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing, 401120. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.