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On Interior Design in Fine Arts

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 On Interior Design in Fine Arts

[Abstract] Fine Arts That is to say, the creation of art occupies a certain plane or space, and has visibility. In interior design, art plays a very important role in its presentation in all aspects, which is directly related to people's residential satisfaction. Interior design is an art. In addition to making people comfortable, the enjoyment of beauty is also very important. Therefore, this article focuses on discussing the art in interior design In Play an important role in the future Interior design Provide relevant theoretical knowledge.

[Key words] Fine arts; Interior design; importance

With the rapid development of economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the living environment. Interior design has also become an important aspect of public concern. Interior design is an art with high requirements for beauty. Therefore, art plays a very important role in interior design. Interior design refers to the preparation work to meet certain construction purposes (including people's requirements for its use function and visual perception), and the value-added preparation work of deep processing of the internal space of existing buildings. Its purpose is to make the indoor space function more complete, the visual beauty more prominent, and meet people's needs in practical and artistic aspects.

1、 Requirements for interior design

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, their requirements for interior design have become higher and higher. In the past, people paid more attention to practical functions in interior design, requiring the design of the most diversified functions in limited space, so that the interior space can achieve value-added. Nowadays, people not only require to realize the function value of limited space, but also put forward higher requirements for comfort, beauty, design style, etc. The goal of interior design is to create an indoor environment that meets people's material and spiritual life needs. Therefore, first, the use function should be included in the important consideration basis of interior design, and second, the personalized interior design style should be pursued to maximize the livability, comfort and beauty of the interior environment through consideration of color, lighting and other aspects. Art plays an important role in interior design, which directly affects the style and success of interior design.

2、 The Importance of Art in Interior Design

(1) Art can enhance the aesthetic character of interior design

Both Chinese traditional art and western art have been gradually improved in the long historical development. Art is a kind of civilization, as well as a representative of culture and spirit. Interior design is an art design, which runs through people's life and further sublimates the architectural concept. Architecture stresses practicality and beauty, not only in form, but also in connotation. Excellent interior design must be the product of the combination of practicality and art, and it must also achieve the unity of formal beauty and connotation beauty. Interior design and art are inseparable. It can be said that the basic concept of interior design is generally derived from art, and art and interior designers penetrate each other. Integrating art into interior design can delight people's hearts and meet their psychological needs. For interior design, the importance of art is also reflected in the grasp of style, which requires full attention from interior designers. If the connotation of art can be perfectly integrated with interior design, it will achieve unexpected highlights and greatly improve the aesthetic character of interior design.

(2) Art is the foundation of interior design

Fine arts include a variety of contents, such as painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, and architectural arts. Fine arts express the beauty of art flexibly through colors, lines, and other forms. To some extent, art and interior design are quite similar. The light and shade, analysis of things, structure, etc. in art do not coincide with the content of interior design. Even, the artistic image of art and the performance of interior design are the same. Interior design is always based on architecture, and art is an indispensable means of interior design. Only by flexibly using various art skills can we create classic works of interior design that are praised by others. Therefore, art is the foundation for the development of interior design. Because of art, interior design can really vent emotions and meet the artistic pursuit. The reason why interior design is increasingly valued is that art is the keynote, and the use of art elements plays a key role in the success of interior design. Without art, it is useless to talk about interior design.

(3) Art is conducive to improving the concept of interior design

In interior design, another important link is the grasp of design style. Design style is the core value of interior design and an important aspect to meet people's psychological needs. The establishment of an indoor space is generally to meet certain needs. Some people like warm colors, some people like cold colors, some people want comfort, and some people want warmth... In the face of different pursuits of different people, art must play its key role. The value of art lies in its profound cultural heritage. Every color and composition not only reflects the designer's ingenuity, but also reflects a cultural feature. In interior design, especially different interior environments need different design styles. Grasping and determining a style determines whether the entire space system can be coordinated and consistent, and also determines the overall value of this space system. Interior design serves the needs of people in living and working. In addition to practical functions, it should also pay attention to the value of art and enrich the interior cultural heritage, so as to highlight the connotation and heritage of interior design.

(4) Art makes interior design more humanistic

At present, the main living environment of most people is the buildings in the city. The long-term depressed living environment makes people often feel anxious, and people's health is also affected. Gradually, people have ardent expectations of returning to nature. And excellent interior design, to a certain extent, can meet people's needs for nature. For example, designers use natural materials and colors to create a natural atmosphere in the interior, which not only meets people's desire to return to nature, but also achieves environmental protection and green indoor effects. Especially in the interior furniture and decoration, the use of art to construct a personalized interior style not only is novel and unique, but also brings a sense of returning to nature. It not only enriches the interior space, but also improves the taste of the space as a whole. The strong local flavor brings people a different feeling, and it also relaxes the soul. At the same time, art also makes the rigid design in the past flexible. Some fantastic ideas can be presented in the form of art, which perfectly combines ecology and tradition, making the interior more vivid and interesting. It not only conforms to aesthetic principles and meets aesthetic needs, but also allows people to imagine in the environment they see, opening up thinking space, It shows profound humanistic feelings.

3、 Conclusion

In short, art is very important in interior design. It can be said that art runs through the whole process of interior design and exists everywhere and all the time. Art is the foundation of interior design, which can improve the aesthetic character of interior design, and also help to improve the concept of interior design, better reflect the humanistic feelings of interior design, and greatly meet people's psychological and aesthetic needs.


[1] Wu Genghui. Discussion on the Application of Traditional Arts and Crafts in Modern Interior Decoration Design [J]. Green Technology, 2016 (15)

[2] Li Fangfei. Research on the Impact of Folk Art Elements on China's Interior Design Style [J]. Beauty and the Times (City Edition), 2015 (01)

Author: Wu Zhe Unit: Mianning Vocational and Technical School, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province