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Research on Computer Security and Computer Virus Prevention

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 Research on Computer Security and Computer Virus Prevention

Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology, people use computers more and more widely, but at the same time computer security The problem is becoming increasingly serious, computer virus It always threatens people's computer security. In order to effectively solve this problem, this paper first analyzes the security problems existing in computers, then describes the main characteristics of computer viruses, and finally discusses how to improve computer security, prevention The measures taken by computer viruses are discussed in a series of ways in order to better protect computer security.

Key words: computer; Safety; Viruses; prevention

In recent years, computer security incidents have occurred frequently, causing adverse effects on relevant national departments and society, endangering national security and social harmony, and people have great doubts about the security performance of computers. However, everything has a dual nature. While computer security is threatened, relevant national departments have also carried out Research In addition, hackers have also been hit on a large scale, weakening the power of hacker organizations. But with the synchronous upgrade of security systems and viruses, computer security and virus protection have been a process of continuous progress. Due to the diversity and latency of viruses, hackers continue to research and look for opportunities to attack the country's computer protection. Some hackers even think this is the way to prove themselves, so they will constantly attack the computer protection system in the later stage to prove their ability.

1、 Analysis of computer security problems

(1) The hacker team continues to grow, and the means are now

At present, more and more computer talents choose to join the hacker organization alliance in order to prove their ability, which leads to the expansion of the hacker team and the increasing threat to computer security. Hackers' attacks on computers are mainly carried out in the form of WikiLeaks. They plant viruses on systems and related software, and spread viruses when they reach the right opportunity, which may lead to the complete paralysis of the entire city's computer system in the shortest time. With the upgrading and improvement of the computer security system in China, the hacker's technical level is also constantly improving, creating various viruses, all pervasive. Such hacker organization alliance has a great impact on social and national security, so the country has to pay attention to it and constantly improve and improve the security protection system.

(2) There are many kinds of viruses, and the update is fast

With the continuous development and improvement of computer technology, the types of computer viruses are also emerging in endlessly, and with the improvement of the security system, the update speed of computer viruses is also accelerating, becoming more and more difficult to detect, and spreading widely in the shortest time. Some users have installed anti-virus software such as 360 Antivirus and Little Red Umbrella, and cleaned up the virus trojans in a timely manner, and patched the system vulnerabilities in a timely manner. However, many newer viruses continue to attack computers, affecting computer security, and so far, There is still no set of scientific programs and technologies to effectively control the spread of the virus nationwide or even globally.

(3) The application software is vulnerable

Computers are composed of system software and application software, and the types of application software are increasing, and people are using them more and more frequently, Backdoors will be set in the software during design, and according to research, such companies are not unique, but most of them are in use. In order to ensure the authenticity, manufacturers provide hackers with an opportunity to plant viruses in application software through backdoors. In addition, some application software has been put on the market without meeting the relevant standards, and is ready to be updated and improved in the later stage. However, this idea is the reason why viruses can spread and spread.

(4) System design is defective

According to the actual situation, we can see that the computer system we use will remind users to update from time to time. At present, the Microsoft system has been developed to Windows10, but this situation is still unavoidable. Updates and bug patches will be made every once in a while. At this time, if users do not update and patch in time, they will bury security risks, Provide a shortcut for the spread of computer viruses. It can be seen that no matter how perfect the computer system is, defects in design cannot be completely avoided.

(5) The virus spreads in various ways, which is impossible to prevent

At present, the spread of computer viruses is not limited to hackers' attacks on the system, which directly lead to the overall collapse of the system. Most of them are carried out through the real-time communication tools used by people. Whether it is WeChat links or email acceptance, as long as people click to open the link, they will be attacked by viruses, ranging from stealing personal information to losing property. Usually these links attract users' attention with inducing text titles. When users are interested, click on the link and the hacker will immediately implant the written trojan program into the user's system. With the continuous development of computer technology, people's property security has also been greatly threatened. The spread of viruses has become more diverse, making it impossible for users to prevent.

(6) Computer users have weak security awareness

China is a country with a large population. At present, the number of computer users has reached 700 million. However, most users do not have a strong awareness of computer security, do not understand computer related technologies and instructions, and do not understand computer security protection knowledge. Most users think that as long as the computer is installed with anti-virus software, they can rest at ease, and their awareness of computer security is limited to this. Such users are most likely to receive threats. Hackers' intrusion into them often takes the shortest time and causes the greatest losses.

2、 Analysis of the main characteristics of computer viruses

(1) Latency. According to practice, computer viruses have a certain latency, and programs written according to hackers will not spread when entering the computer, causing the collapse of the computer system. It can only be triggered after a certain action is completed and a certain link is clicked, and then the computer is attacked, the storage path of the computer is changed, personal information is disclosed, or the running state of the computer is changed. (2) Destructive. The destructive power of computer viruses is extremely strong. On the one hand, the fission effect of viruses is very obvious, which can fission thousands of times in a short time. On the other hand, the spread speed of computer viruses is very fast. An experienced hacker can collapse the computer system of the whole city in a few minutes. Once the system collapses, The impact on computer operation is very large. (3) Targeted. At present, the spread of viruses is highly targeted. Usually, attacks on computers are mainly aimed at the theft of users' personal information, bank accounts and passwords, and important data.

3、 Effective measures to prevent computer viruses

(1) Strengthen virus prevention during data transmission

Most people use computers to transmit file data in real time, and there are many ways to transmit data, such as USB flash disk, mobile network disk, hard disk, e-mail, Baidu Cloud software, and micro cloud sharing. Due to the latency of computer viruses, virus programs may be triggered in the process of data transmission, thus causing the spread of viruses. Therefore, before data transmission, whether receiving data or transmitting data, virus detection should be carried out first to ensure data security and avoid virus attacks on computers.

(2) Timely backup data and system

According to the situation reflected in practice, up to now, there is no effective means of avoiding computer viruses worldwide to prevent computer viruses accurately. Computer security is still subject to hacker attacks at all times. In order to minimize losses, we advocate that important systems and data information of computers be backed up, and important files be kept as far as possible to avoid loss, For systems, especially enterprise systems, hackers usually attack the file servers of enterprise computers in order to steal relevant information, so the system should also be backed up in time to ensure the security of the system.

(3) Install genuine antivirus software

Some users with computer interests generally do not like to install anti-virus software, because anti-virus software is also a virus in a sense. This behavior may be effective for ordinary viruses. Users can repair the registry in a timely manner, and then force Shanxu to use computer viruses. However, it is difficult to effectively protect against viruses once they encounter hackers whose computer technology is better than their own. If the user installs a software that has not been checked and killed by the virus, the virus will fission and spread in the shortest time to attack the computer. In order to effectively protect against viruses, users should install genuine anti-virus software, upgrade and update the system, constantly reduce loopholes, and constantly update anti-virus software to prevent the continuous development and improvement of viruses.


Computer security has become more and more important in the whole society. In order to effectively prevent the spread and development of computer viruses, users should do a good job in data transmission protection, timely backup data systems, install genuine anti-virus software, and improve computer security.


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Author: Qiu Hao Zhou Jie Unit: Shenyang City University Computer Science and Technology Xihua University Rail Transit Signal and Control