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Financial Work Thesis: The Way to Improve Financial Work

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 Financial Work Thesis: The Way to Improve Financial Work

Author: Yang Jianju Unit: People's Government of Fengnan Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City

In the management of state-owned assets, actively explore the regulatory mechanism for the declaration, purchase, allocation and budget linked purchase of state-owned assets of administrative institutions, and promote the reasonable flow of state-owned capital. In terms of government procurement management, the government purchases according to procedures and regulations. For projects involving government procurement in the budget arrangement, the funds are directly transferred to the special procurement account, all of which are implemented through government procurement, and the surplus funds are included in the comprehensive finance Overall budget arrangement.

In terms of supervision content, we should be comprehensive, pay attention to pre audit, in-process monitoring and post inspection, and realize the whole process supervision; Strengthen the safety and normative supervision of financial operation and financial operation performance supervision to improve the efficiency of fund use; The supervision system should be improved. The financial system should perform its own duties and cooperate with each other to form a "big supervision" pattern that is linked up from top to bottom and promoted as a whole; In terms of the application of supervision results, we will focus on studying measures and methods to solve problems found in the system, mechanism and system, establish the system in the whole chapter, strengthen internal control, and manage the results of financial supervision and inspection with budget arrangement, budget implementation, etc work Linking up and standardizing the distribution and use of financial funds.

We will increase investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Focusing on rural education, drinking water safety, biogas, road construction, health, farmers' employment and other issues, we will integrate financial support funds to improve rural production and living conditions. At the same time, we should give play to the leading role of financial support for agriculture to support the development of modern agriculture with characteristics. In strict accordance with the fund management system and fund distribution procedures formulated by the District Bureau, ensure that the funds are earmarked and distributed in full, adhere to the publicity system, and implement "sunshine operation". The agriculture related funds will be distributed in a "one discount for all" way, focusing on the benefits of subsidies such as home appliances to the countryside, automobiles and motorcycles to the countryside, and five guarantees in rural areas, giving full play to the use efficiency of financial funds to support agriculture, so that farmers can get more benefits, improve their enthusiasm for production, promote the improvement of rural production and living conditions, and achieve the synchronous development of district and township.

We will increase efforts to ensure the operation and the people's livelihood. In terms of expenditure, we should correct the practice of neglecting management and scheduling at ordinary times and spending money suddenly at the end of the year, so that the expenditure progress exceeds the balanced progress every month, and ensure a great change and improvement in the management of financial expenditure and the efficiency of fund use. In terms of improving people's livelihood, we will increase funding to perfect The basic old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and basic medical insurance systems, the living security of low-income groups and the life assistance of rural people in extreme poverty, the re employment project of laid-off workers, the living and employment conditions of social vulnerable groups such as the disabled, and efforts to promote the process of social construction, and effectively solve the most immediate livelihood issues of the people's most concern, We will ensure that the benefits identified by governments at all levels are implemented, and continue to improve the effectiveness and safety of fiscal expenditure.

In order to comprehensively promote administration according to law, financial management according to law, and financial supervision, we have taken deepening the comprehensive rural reform, government procurement reform, non tax revenue management reform, asset management reform of administrative institutions, centralized accounting, and the construction of the "financial project" as the highlights of financial reform, carefully organized and fully promoted. (1) In terms of budget, strengthen the management of financial funds. Strictly control and standardize the addition of budget expenditure, strengthen the management of government non tax revenue, ensure that non tax revenue is put into storage in full and on time, and avoid financial funds from drifting away from budget management. (2) In terms of system, strengthen the management of financial expenditure. In terms of improving the reform measures of public financial expenditure, we will strictly implement the system of government procurement management and centralized accounting management, standardize the expenditure behavior of units, put an end to the interception of financial funds, and strictly strengthen the supervision of financial fund expenditure to ensure that financial funds play their due role. (3) Strengthen the management of special funds. Improve the "reimbursement system" management method of special funds, strengthen the tracking and efficiency of the use of special financial funds, and ensure the safe, complete and effective use of financial funds. (4) Financial supervision shall be carried out according to law. We will further improve the internal financial supervision and control mechanism and work procedures, and gradually establish a system that combines internal and external audit. On the basis of strengthening financial self supervision, we will strengthen the supervision and inspection of the use of financial funds, and investigate and deal with violations of the financial system in accordance with the law.