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 Journal of Chemistry Teaching

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Journal of Chemistry Teaching Peking University Journal

Education In Chemistry

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 31-1006/G4 CN
  • 1005-6629 ISSN
Competent unit: Ministry of Education
Sponsor: East China Normal University
Sending code: 4-324
Published in 1979
Format: A4
Published at: Shanghai
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: 1-3 months
Impact factor: 1.06
Cited times: 238
Database inclusion:

Peking University Journal (Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal) Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) CA Chemical Abstracts (U.S.) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Chemistry Teaching Journal

Chemistry Teaching magazine has become a garden for middle school teachers, teachers and students in normal universities to exchange teaching experience, study measures for chemistry teaching reform, and jointly improve professional standards and teaching quality. Since its inception more than 20 years ago, Chemistry Teaching has always insisted on serving the chemistry teaching in middle schools and various secondary vocational schools, and has insisted on serving the chemistry teachers working in the front line of teaching in middle schools and secondary vocational schools, which has been widely praised.

The purpose of the publication of Chemistry Teaching magazine is to provide the majority of middle school chemistry educators with the latest education and teaching theories and cutting-edge knowledge of chemical science, introduce the practical experience of chemical teaching in various places, and serve to explore the educational reform of secondary chemistry, improve teachers' professional and teaching level.

Column setting of chemistry teaching magazine

Our monograph, curriculum reform, bilingual teaching exploration, exercise and solution ideas, teacher forum, chemistry contest, scientific education research, inquiry learning exploration, knowledge introduction, examination research, degree paper selection, question answer and discussion, teaching design, reader's mailbox, teaching reform practice and exploration, domestic and foreign chemistry education trends, teacher education, teaching and research notes Experiment and innovative thinking, the application of computer in chemistry.

Honorary Information of Chemistry Teaching Journal

Chemistry teaching magazine subscription

Address: Room 424, Ganxun Building, 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, 200062.

Instructions for submission of chemistry teaching magazine

This magazine now welcomes short and brilliant contributions. The manuscript shall be clear in argument, fluent in text, reliable in data, correct in format and centered in title. The first line below the title indicates the author's name, and the second line indicates the author's work unit, province, city and postal code in turn. Before the text, add 5 "keywords" or less and 200 words of "abstract" (in Chinese). The text is attached with references, generally no more than 10.

2 Please use computer to print the incoming manuscript, A4 paper, small 4 size Song typeface, which can be written on manuscript paper, and the handwriting is required to be correct. Mimeography and duplex printing are rejected.

3 The titles of articles at all levels shall be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, arranged from the left top grid. The "Introduction" shall not be listed as a title. The numbers of the second and third level titles shall be separated by a dot ".", and the last number shall not be followed by a ".", such as "1", "1.1", "1.1.1".

4 If there are pictures and complex chemical structure formula in the article, please use sulfuric acid paper and carbon ink to draw them accurately, each picture is of moderate size, and the caption and text description are clear; Or use a computer to draw a picture, and send it to the editorial department with an e-mail attachment for typesetting. The form shall be made into a three line form without vertical lines.

5 References are listed according to the latest, most important and consulted references. A superscript (such as [3]) shall be used to mark the serial number of the references in the article, and a list of references shall be attached after the text in the order of citation. Document format and punctuation are as follows:

Journal: Author. Document name [J]. Publication name, year, volume (issue): start to end page. For multiple authors, add "etc." or "etal." after the third person, use "," between author names, and "." after the last author and etc. Foreigners' names shall be described in the form of family name followed by first name. The first name may be abbreviated, and "." shall not be added after the abbreviated name.

Example: [1] Wang Jing, Song Xinqi. Functions of exercises [J]. Chemistry Teaching, 2007, (11): 1-4

Book: author (translator), title, edition (not written in the first edition) [M], place of publication: publisher, year: from to

Example: [2] Gu Mingyuan. Education: Tradition and Change [M]. Beijing: People's Education Press, 2004:74-75

Collected Papers: Author. Title. Collected Papers Name. Publisher, Year: From to

6. The introduction of the author, the phone number (or mobile phone), Fax and E-mail of the first author or contact person must be attached after the article so that the editorial department can contact them.

7 The author keeps his own manuscript, which is generally not returned. It is not allowed to submit two manuscripts at a time. If the phenomenon of submitting two manuscripts at a time is found, the editorial department will disclose it to its unit and will not use its manuscripts for three years. From now on, the editorial department will publish the receipt of contributions and the results of the first, second and third reviews on the chemistry teaching website. This journal does not accept e-mail manuscript separately, but must have a written manuscript, which can be sent by e-mail at the same time, and the date of sending the electronic manuscript shall be indicated in the written manuscript. All contributors shall indicate their e-mail and contact number.

8 Please send the manuscript directly to the editorial department through the official channel. Please do not send it through others to avoid delay.

9 The magazine will further strictly comply with the submission requirements. Any manuscript that does not meet the above requirements will not be considered for publication or will be reviewed after being revised.

The editorial department has the right to abridge and revise the manuscript without violating the author's intention. If the author does not agree to revise the manuscript, please explain in the manuscript.

Example of Chemistry Teaching Journal

On Scientific Methods and Thinking Education in Chemistry Teaching

A Brief Talk on the Implementation Methods of High School Chemistry Research Topics

On teachers' questions in chemistry classroom teaching

Paying Attention to Cultivating Students' Non intellectual Factors in Chemistry Exercise Teaching

Introduction to phenylpropanolamine and its analogues

Teaching Record of Synthetic Ammonia Industry

Measuring temperature with self-made color changing test paper

Exploring the hydrolysis of starch with substances in life

Reflection and innovative design of ethanol catalytic oxidation experiment

Thoughts on Experimental Teaching of Preparation of Butyl Acetate

Strategies for improving students' innovative quality in chemistry teaching

Comprehension and Practice of Improving the Efficiency of Listening in Chemistry Class

Chemistry teaching strategy under the background of new curriculum

On Creative Use of New Textbooks

The Development and Thinking of the School based Curriculum "Harry Potter's Chemical Magic" in High School Chemistry Experiment

Statement on Copyright and Publication Use Right

The Practice of "Problem Solving" Model in Conceptual Theory Teaching

Data information of chemistry teaching journal

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of the articles published in chemistry teaching journals

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Education Science Planning Key Project of the Ministry of Education (none) seven
National Education Science "Twelfth Five Year Plan" Key Project of the Ministry of Education (DCA110195) six
Beijing Excellent Course Construction Project (102-105815) five
National Excellent Course Construction Project (102-105101) five
National Education Science "Eleventh Five Year Plan" Ministry of Education Planning Project (DHA080332) five
"Twelfth Five Year Plan" for Educational Science in Jiangsu Province (D201102194) four
Philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education (2012SJD880079) four
Key Teaching Research Project of Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province (JK9-L027) four
Zhejiang Educational Science Planning Project (SC72) four
Scientific Research Fund of Inner Mongolia Normal University (06EJC24) three

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
The 12th Five Year Plan for Educational Science in Jiangsu Province fifty-three
Key Topics of Teaching and Research in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province twenty-four
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education twenty-three
National Education Science "12th Five Year Plan" Key Project of the Ministry of Education twenty-one
National Social Science Fund sixteen
National Educational Science Planning Project sixteen
National Education Science Planning Key Project of the Ministry of Education thirteen
Philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education twelve
Zhejiang Educational Science Planning Project eleven
Special funds for basic scientific research of central universities eleven
Address: Room 424, Ganxun Building, 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, 200062.