Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Car yellow card Fan Wen

Selected yellow cards for automobiles (9 articles)

Preface: The birth of a good article requires you to constantly collect data and sort out ideas. This website has collected a wealth of yellow card theme model articles for you, which are only for reference. Welcome to read and collect.

 Car yellow card

Chapter 1: Car Yellow Card Model

The license plate can distinguish the vehicle type from the color font:

Green background, black words and black lines: new energy automobile Special license plate, new energy vehicle license plate is gradually green, and large new energy vehicle license plate is yellow and green.

Black lines with black characters on yellow background: large vehicle number plates, medium (including) and above passenger and cargo vehicles and special operation vehicles, semi trailer tractors, trams.

Yellow background, black characters and black frame lines: trailer number plates, full trailers and semi trailers not fixed with tractors are also required for cars more than 6 meters in general Yellow card

White lines with white characters on blue background: small car number plates, medium-sized cars for passenger, cargo and special operation vehicles.

Chapter 2: Car Yellow Card Model

This is an ordinary iron sheet with a specification of 44mm × 140mm, but its unit price has exceeded 60000 yuan, 48 times more expensive than the price of 20000 yuan per square meter in Shanghai. This is the Shanghai brand.

On April 14, the auction of private car quota in Shanghai ended in April. The lowest bid winning price was 61000 yuan, and the average bid winning price was 61626 yuan, up 2700 yuan and 3001 yuan respectively from March, a record high. So far, in the first four months of this year, the total increase of Shanghai Stock Exchange has exceeded 10000.

Shanghai has adopted the license plate auction system for many years, and the price has always been high. According to insiders, the relevant departments set up a defense at 40000 yuan earlier, but because of the strong demand, they could not control it. Since then, the license plate price has been like a runaway horse, which is difficult to "stop".

Now, the price of the Shanghai license plate has exceeded 60000 for the first time. Different people have different opinions on whether the urban traffic has been improved as a result. But there is no doubt that the scalpers of license plates have become the biggest beneficiaries.

The madness of the last 30 seconds

At 11:29 a.m. on March 15, Chen or sat nervously in front of the computer, his heart beating fast and his hands shaking. "Tick, Tick, Tick", he waited for the 30th second to come, and then quickly bid to "grab" the license plate. In this month, Shanghai put 8000 private brands in, 25014 people bid, and three people on average grabbed one card.

At present, Shanghai Auction System is designed by Shanghai National Auction under the entrustment of Shanghai Municipal Government. According to the online auction rules, bidders must make their first bid between 10:00 and 11:00 on the auction day, and can modify the price within half an hour after 11:00, but only twice.

A week before the auction, Chen may start to study the strategy of auction. Since 1994, many BBS websites in Shanghai have been busy every month on the card auction day, and netizens share the feeling of "adrenaline surge" and the experience of success or failure with each other.

"The competition is in the last 30 seconds." Chen or's research experience is that the first round can be arbitrary bid, and before the end of the second round, we should rush to "grab the price". This is also the strategy of most retail investors. Since 2011, the price of the Shanghai brand has experienced "ten consecutive rises", and there are many bidders who want to "burn the boat and sink the boat". Therefore, the "fight" at the last moment is almost crazy.

At 11:29:30, Chen decided to rush in. At this time, the auction system showed in real time that the lowest winning price was 57900 yuan. According to the regulations of the National Auction Corporation, he could only make a modification of "subtracting or adding up to 300 yuan" on this basis, then input the verification code, and finally confirm the bid.

When Chen or finished this group of actions, the time was close to 29 minutes and 50 seconds. He offered 58200 yuan, but at the moment, the lowest bid price has risen to 58300 yuan.

With only 10 seconds left, Chen or had to raise the price again to win the bid. However, when he began to anxiously input the price and verification code, the auction ended. The results showed that the lowest bid winning price of this auction was 58300 yuan, and the average bid winning price was 58625 yuan, up 2900 yuan and 2993 yuan respectively from the previous month.

"According to past experience, although the bidding is fierce, the lowest bid price generally does not change significantly in the last 30 seconds, which means that I will have half a minute to modify the price. Recently, 10 seconds before the end of the auction, the lowest bid price is still rising, which is too much pressure for such a" scramble "," Chen said.

On April 15, another card auction day, Chen or asked for the help of an uncle who had been successful in many card auctions. In that month, 22706 people competed for 8500 private card quotas, and the craziness continued.

Huang Daqi, a second-hand car dealer who helped his girlfriend buy a license plate, told the Times that at 11:29:20 that day, the lowest bid price was 60300 yuan, and 40 seconds later, the figure jumped to 61000 yuan. "It rose 700 yuan in the last 40 seconds, which is extremely rare."

However, under the rule that bidders are only allowed to increase their prices twice, with a maximum of 300 yuan each time, this means that if they do not adopt some special "strategies", bidders must wait until the last 30 seconds to bid, and may even have to complete two price increases in less than half a minute. "This is almost impossible."

In the rush, Chen or lost twice and offered 60800 yuan, which was 61000 yuan lower than the bid price. A few of the winners share their experience on the Internet - the "600+200" strategy, that is, based on the "lowest bid winning price" at 11:29:20, fill in the bidding box after the price increase of 600, and fill in the "verification code", then wait and observe whether this number has entered the constantly increasing "currently modifiable price zone", once entered, click "Confirm" immediately to complete the bid. However, the price was immediately increased by 200 yuan. "This time, no matter whether the range can be modified or not, there is no need to stay."

"I won the bid, but I don't have any feelings of joy." A netizen who made the bid through the above method said in the post that he bought a piece of iron sheet more expensive than gold with 60000 yuan, and he regretted it.

Who is driving up the price?

"Gambling the last half minute? This is too risky, especially now." In 1998, the fourth year of Shanghai's implementation of the private card auction system, Jiangsu native Wang Zhi went into the auto industry from a state-owned enterprise. His main business is luxury car sales, and his other identity is "scalper". He mainly undertakes licensing business in other places, and occasionally "acts as a license agent".

Wang Zhi's card auction results were almost 100 hits, and it was the first round of bidding, "the first shot is the winner". It is said that Wang Zhi's "internal information" comes from the 4S store, and he helps their customers solve problems such as remote licensing.

"Dealers like Yongda, Dongchang and Kailong will give an estimate every month. For example, if it is 62000 yuan in May, then I will invest 61800 yuan in the first round and won the bid in the second round without modification."

Most 4S stores in Shanghai provide "agency auction" service because license plates are difficult to photograph. "The monthly amount of private license plates launched in Shanghai is relatively stable, while several large dealers have an internal communication mechanism to total the number of customers entrusted to auction, assess the degree of demand exceeding supply, and at the same time, reference the price of second-hand license plates in the current month, the evaluation can be easily obtained." Wang Guorong, a researcher of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and president of Dongchang Development Research Institute, analyzed the Times Weekly.

In fact, J D. Power's latest research shows that in 2009, 84% of China's auto dealerships were profitable, but by 2011, this figure had dropped to 63%; On the contrary, 4S stores with operating losses rose from 6% in 2009 to 20% in 2011. Because of this, high-quality after-sales service is the key aspect for dealers to win from the competition, which also includes good license plate service.

Taking Yongda Group, which Wang Zhi is familiar with, as an example, it is said that the enterprise has more than a dozen 4S stores in Shanghai, and the demand for licensing in one month reaches thousands. "If the valuation is inaccurate in one month and a large number of customers fail to win the bid, then in the second month, its licensing pressure is 2000, and it needs to take a quarter of the 8000 private licensing quota. How easy is this?"

In Wang Zhi's opinion, in order to ensure that the customer wins the bid, the 4S store's valuation is generally high, 500 yuan to 1000 yuan more than the lowest bid price. This was also questioned by the market as driving up prices.

"With the high price of the Shanghai brand, dealers can't actually make a profit from it. On the contrary, because consumers consider the high cost of the license, the turnover of 4S stores will be affected." Wang Guorong believes that a high valuation only means that the demand is strong.

At present, according to statistics, there are more than 490 auto dealers in Shanghai. Based on the conservative calculation of the sales performance of 70-80 cars per month, the sales of new cars in Shanghai in the year will exceed 390000, while the Shanghai Traffic White Paper implements total control on private licensing, with an annual quota of only nearly 100000, about 1/4 of the sales of new cars.

"The demand of Shanghai citizens for license plates is obviously suppressed, but if the auction system is strictly implemented, the price may not rise as high as it currently does. To a certain extent, the agency auction behavior of dealers has led to a partial increase in the price, and from the perspective of the rising trend, it is generally normal, but the range is higher." Chen Bizhuang, Deputy Director of Shanghai Urban Comprehensive Transportation Planning Research Institute, said in an interview with Time Weekly.

The reporter learned in the interview that recently, due to the increasingly fierce competition in the final period, many inexperienced bidders have no way to start, so they also began to use the "guide price" of 4S stores in order to hit in the first round.

"There is another way to deal with 'madness': the highest psychological price will be displayed at the first bid. At the last minute of the second round, if the lowest bid price is far lower than this value, then make some modifications, otherwise, wait for the auction results. If you win, go to Shanghai. If you don't win, go to Shanghai." said Wang Zhi.

One billion scalper market

On April 15, when the price of Shanghai brand exceeded 60000 yuan for the first time in history, Wang Zhi was drinking with several local "scalpers" in Guangzhou to exchange feelings. After a few cups of liquor, Wang Zhi talked about the "foreign brand market" in Shanghai.

"At the end of this year, the Shanghai license plate may exceed 80000 yuan. If so, in addition to more than 8000 Shanghai license plates, the remaining 20000 vehicles may be licensed. If the average licensing fee of 4000 yuan is calculated, the scale of this industry is 1 billion yuan every year."

This is far more than that. It is reported that at present, in Henan, Hebei, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guizhou and other places, it is relatively easy for Shanghai owners to register their license plates in other places. "People and cars are not allowed to go", and the handling cycle is two weeks to one month. However, the specific charges are "rising as the demand increases". The quotation of scalpers has reached 3000 yuan to 4000 yuan, and the price of 4S stores is 5000 yuan to 6000 yuan.

In comparison, license plates in Shandong, Inner Mongolia and other places are cheaper, but people and cars need to go there together. The total cost of a trip will not be less than 3000 yuan.

However, in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other provinces, which are closer to Shanghai, many places have explicitly prohibited Shanghai car owners from licensing in other places. However, some competent scalpers can still come up with a solution, but the price is expensive, such as Yangzhou in Jiangsu, starting from 10000 yuan, and Hangzhou in Zhejiang, starting from 14000 yuan to 15000 yuan.

In fact, at present, the general trend of "licensing" is to stay away from Shanghai. Wang Zhi once did business in Guizhou, and then used local scalpers to put Guizhou brand on Shanghai cars, which has been relatively smooth. Not long ago, he received an order from Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, which is closer to Shanghai.

Chen Huo, who could not get a license twice, actually considered to get a license from another place. However, he suddenly thought that once he found a scalper, he would not be able to leave the scalper in the future.

For example, if a car owner in Shanghai has a license plate in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, then the car must go back to the local annual inspection. Of course, Shanghai scalpers can do it for them, but the driving fee is 300-500 yuan, the car inspection fee is another one, nearly 1000 yuan, and the toll and fuel sticker are also included.

Another example is that Huang Daqi's car got on the license plate in Haikou, Hainan. When he changed hands, he wanted to raise the file, but was told that he needed to pay 7000 yuan for raising the file. So he thought of asking Huang Niu to help him.

In fact, Shanghai scalpers mostly contact local scalpers to make a decision with the inspection station or vehicle management office, whether it is for off-site license plate registration, annual vehicle inspection or others, and the owner needs to pay the total cost after the price increases.

Even so, Lin Li, a colleague of Chen or, contacted Wang Zhi at the first time, hoping to get an outside card. He bought a Buick Excelle and paid 80000 yuan in full after enjoying the discount offered by the dealership. "If the Shanghai stock market drops below 20000, I may consider it," said Lin Li.

Wang Zhi is very clear that the existence and popularity of the "foreign brand market" is only because the Shanghai brand is too expensive, which is completely the result of government control. "Therefore, there is no future for this industry. If one day, the price of the Shanghai brand drops sharply, leveling with the foreign brand, then everything will collapse in an instant."

Wang Zhi told the Times Weekly that his main business is still car sales, and the salesperson just buys license plates and contacts the external licensing business when he is free, but this sideline can bring 300000 to 400000 profits every year.

Restricted ownership or restricted use?

On April 21, Chen Wenkai, president of Shanghai Geshi Auto Network, was preparing for the upcoming Beijing Auto Show. When he heard the reporter of Time Weekly mention that Shanghai brand running entered the "60000 yuan era", he raised another question, what should we limit? Buy a car or use a car?

"At present, the price of the Shanghai license plate has exceeded the unit price of Chery QQ, and the license plate auction system is no different from restricting the purchase of cars in disguised form. However, with the development of society, owning houses and cars is one of the standards of a well-off society and also a right of individuals. If the centralized use of cars will have an impact on the normal operation of society, then we can urge the reasonable use of cars by raising the use cost, limiting the use rights of certain areas and other methods, rather than restricting the right of individuals to own cars. "

In fact, after the financial crisis, the National Development and Reform Commission once asked to clean up the laws and policies that hinder the expansion of automobile industry capacity, including the license plate auction system. However, the relevant departments of Shanghai believe that the World Expo is coming, and the auction of license plates can limit the rapid increase of vehicles, which is conducive to improving traffic. As a result, the policy was continued.

"Compared with Beijing and Shanghai, at present, the car ownership of the former has reached 5 million, while that of Shanghai is only 2.5 million. Considering some vehicles with foreign license plates, it can be said that in the past decade, Shanghai has lost 1 million to 1.5 million cars due to the license plate auction system." Chen Bizhuang told the Times.

However, according to the experience of automobile consumption in various countries, when the per capita GDP reaches US $5000, it corresponds to the popularization period of automobiles, and when this value reaches US $5000 - US $10000, it will be an accelerated popularization period. "At present, the per capita GDP of Shanghai is more than 10000 US dollars, which is equivalent to a moderately developed country, but the per capita car share has not reached the corresponding level. This shows that Shanghai's car consumption will remain strong."

"If there is no house and no car, how can we be called a middle class?" In Wang Guorong's view, the government's idea of curbing congestion should shift from limiting car consumption to advocating rational use.

"In fact, license plate auction does not cure the problem of congestion in Shanghai, but delays the further deterioration of the time." Chen Bizhuang believes that the most critical "root cause" measures are: 1. Continue to improve the service level of public transport; 2. Change people's car use habits.

Chapter 3: Car Yellow Card Model

"Brand is culture, and culture is the foundation of national inheritance and the essence of enterprise management. Implementing brand strategy is the only way to revitalize the national automobile industry and realize the dream of becoming a powerful automobile country," said Ma Chunji, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of CNHTC.

Since its reorganization in 2001, China National Heavy Truck Group has taken the development of national heavy trucks as its own responsibility and taken brand building as an important part of its corporate development strategy. While striving to build the brand of "China Heavy Truck", relying on independent innovation, it has successively launched famous heavy truck product brands such as Steyr King, HOWO, Golden Prince, leaving a brilliant chapter in the history of China's heavy truck manufacturing.

In 1983, CNHTC introduced the full set of manufacturing technology of Steyr 91 series heavy trucks from Steyr of Austria, with a total investment of 1.158 billion yuan; In 1985, the first Steyr heavy truck came off the production line. In more than 20 years, "Steyr" became a synonym for heavy trucks in China, which opened a new page in the history of heavy truck manufacturing in China.

In 2002, the first "Steyr King" heavy truck was born. It not only absorbed the latest technology and process of European automobile industry, but also combined the objective needs of Chinese users. It is a high-tech heavy truck with independent intellectual property rights of CNHTC. So far, on the basis of digestion, absorption and introduction, China's heavy truck industry has entered a new stage of great development relying on independent innovation.

In 2005, the HOWO series heavy trucks representing the most advanced level of domestic heavy trucks were rolled off the production line of China National Heavy Truck. When HOWO heavy trucks were put on the market that year, their production and sales exceeded 10000 units, which was the first time in the history of heavy trucks in China and a miracle in the history of heavy trucks in the world. At present, more than 800000 HOWO heavy trucks have been produced, which marks that China's heavy truck technology has begun to integrate with the international advanced heavy truck technology.

At the end of 2008, HOWO A7, which represents the high-end level of domestic heavy trucks, came out. This heavy truck with 137 most advanced technologies in the world, closely following the development direction of international heavy trucks, successfully broke through the domestic heavy truck technical system, and its technical level basically reached and approached the international advanced level, thus upgrading China's heavy truck technology to the world advanced level.

In 2011, Sinotruk and Deutscher Mann jointly appeared at the 14th Shanghai International Auto Show, and the truck brand SITRAK jointly developed was officially launched. It combines the superb vehicle manufacturing skills of both China and Germany and the advanced operation concepts of both countries. At the beginning of 2013, SITRAK officially went offline, marking that Sinotruk's high-end heavy trucks have reached the advanced level of international heavy trucks.

In 2013, HOWO-T series heavy trucks came into the market, inheriting the excellent characteristics of HOWO brand, which adapts to the working conditions of China and developing countries, and has high cost performance ratio. The whole vehicle widely uses "MAN" technology, which is an upgraded heavy truck.

A number of brand products, such as Hoka, Haohan, Haoyun, Haojun, and Huanghe Shaoshuai, also came into being and played an important role in the market segment.

In the international market, SINOTRUK brand enjoys high popularity, forming six market segments in Russia and the former CIS countries, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, and has completed trademark registration in more than 70 countries and regions in the world. In 2006, it was jointly awarded "China's Top Ten Annual Brands in the World Market" and "China's Top Ten World Influential Brands" by the United Nations Development Programme and the World Productivity Science Alliance.

The road of brand condenses the road of enterprise development.

"Independent innovation has enabled Sinotruk to achieve the transformation from small to large. To make Sinotruk stronger, independent innovation is still indispensable." Ma Chunji, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of Sinotruk Group, said, "If an enterprise wants to go global, it must have its own brand; only by adhering to independent innovation can it support its own brand with international competitiveness". Since the reorganization, CNHTC has continuously developed new technologies and established a brand of CNHTC based on excellent quality, supported by core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and based on harmonious corporate culture. Up to now, CNHTC has a total of 2218 patents and 68 invention patents, becoming one of the heavy truck enterprises with the most complete technical patents in China.

With the development of the enterprise, "building a full range of commercial vehicle enterprises of medium, light, passenger, special vehicles and construction machinery, with heavy truck industry as the leading industry" has become the development goal of CNHTC during the "12th Five Year Plan". As a result, the brand family of CNHTC is also growing. Sorting out and accurately positioning the existing brands has become an urgent problem to be solved in the brand strategy of CNHTC. Because brand not only acts on the market, it is also an important part of enterprise assets and a spiritual beacon for employees.

At the end of 2013, CNHTC Group officially launched its brand strategy at the 2014 Business Conference, and made a decision on the development of multi brand strategy on the basis of full analysis and research on the future development path: to participate in the global competition of commercial vehicles, participate in the competition of multiple market segments, maintain and develop large-scale business formats, it must take the strategy of multi brand development.

According to the interpretation of brand strategy, all products of CNHTC Group will be included under the four major brands of SITRAK, HOWO, HOHAN and Steyr, and corresponding to different logos, they have their own brands, reflecting different brand positioning and defining different brand personalities. These brands are highly concise to the product quality and market positioning of CNHTC. They are not only the needs of enterprise brand development, but also shoulder the responsibility of establishing and developing national brands.

The logo of SITRAK brand is three pieces of ginkgo leaves, which reflects its noble lineage and means "long term". In the Chinese heavy truck brand family, the SITRAK brand represents the high-end commercial vehicle of China heavy truck, and the market positioning is to replace imports. At this stage, the product platform is C7 and C5, which is also based on the German Mann TGA series technology, redesigning the front face shape, redesigning the entire interior, and localization.

Since its listing in 2005, HOWO brand has always been the most popular heavy truck in the domestic market, and also the most famous brand of China Heavy Truck. The new development of HOWO LOGO

Cloth not only inherits the main image of CNHTC's corporate logo, but also recombines it with its unique logo. HOWO brand is positioned as a middle and high-end brand in the Chinese market, covering the product range of T7H, T5G, HOWO light trucks, HOWO buses, all located in the middle and high-end, which is strictly different from other brands of China Heavy Duty Truck. In the future, HOWO brand will be committed to becoming a leading brand in China.

The Steyr brand has a long history in China. Now, CNHTC has repositioned the Steyr brand. The new LOGO is composed of three letters STR, which is also like the spring character of spring water, symbolizing the continuous vitality of the product. The products cover Golden Prince and Hoka. It is an economic brand of CNHTC commercial vehicles. At this stage, the representative products are New HOKA, M5G and Golden Prince.

HOHAN, as a new member of the brand family of CNHTC, represents the middle end truck of CNHTC. The market positioning is mainly the customer group with high price sensitivity. Compared with the domestic mainstream heavy truck, it is competitive in price. The product has the characteristics of heavy truck. At this stage, the representative products are J7B and J5G.

Chapter 4: Car Yellow Card Model

Faced with the rising price of license plates, the Shanghai Municipal Transport Department tried to control them. In September last year, the Shanghai Municipal Government issued a document known as the "Four Rules of Shanghai Licensing", which stipulated that the ownership of newly auctioned license plates should not be transferred within three years after they were put on new cars. It hoped to crack down on the "scalpers" speculative license plate auction market in this way.

However, it is difficult to curb the rising trend of Shanghai price. In addition to the objective reasons for the imbalance between supply and demand, the chain formed by intermediaries such as "scalpers" and auction companies has also played an important role in promoting the price of Shanghai Brand.

Chen Xiaohong, a professor of the School of Transportation Engineering of Tongji University, said in an interview with China Economic and Trade Focus that the current license plate price basically reflects the strong rigid demand of the market. It is impossible for the government to directly interfere with the price of license plates. Instead, it should strengthen the management of illegal vehicles and license plate transactions, and eliminate other external factors that may raise the price of license plates.

In view of the rising price of the Shanghai license plate, people have constantly questioned the auction system of private car license plates in Shanghai. Yang Dongyuan, former vice president of Tongji University and deputy director of the Urban Traffic Engineering Technology Center of the Ministry of Construction, explained that the purpose of the system is to solve the current situation of traffic congestion, and the solution to traffic congestion is more like a compound mixture, in which license plate auction is just one medicine, This medicine is indispensable, but it can't cure a disease only. The immediate problem to be solved is how to guide the rational use of cars.

Strong rigid demand for private car purchase Public car reform may be a stimulus

In 2012, 8000 to 9500 private car license plates were released every month in Shanghai, and the number of bidders was 20000 to 25000. Chen Xiaohong analyzed to reporters that the winning rate of the lottery was much higher than that of Beijing, and it was much fairer, "ensuring that residents who need more cars can get license plates".

Miss Wang, a citizen, had a plan to buy a new car since last June. At that time, the Shanghai license plate was more than 50000 yuan. She felt that the price was too expensive and chose to wait and see. Because the price of the license plate kept exceeding the psychological price, she gave up repeatedly, and the price of the license plate kept rising. "Later I got used to the price rise", and finally decided to buy a new car last December.

In Shanghai, consumers usually buy a car after taking a good license plate, and the license plate quota is valid for three months. But there are also many people who go to take the license plate after buying the car. According to the regulations, they must register the license plate within 60 days after buying the car to declare and pay tax. If they do not register the license plate, they cannot pay tax. According to the regulations, the tax authorities will not only order them to pay within a time limit, but also charge a late fee of 5/10000 of the overdue tax on a daily basis from the date of overdue tax payment. Before getting the license plate and officially going on the road, the owner can apply to the traffic police vehicle management department for a temporary motor vehicle movement permit for three times and a total of 45 days. After more than three times and the valid use period, the motor vehicle on the road is a traffic violation, and once the traffic police find it, they will be deducted points and fined.

According to Miss Wang, many friends around can't wait to get the license plates from other places. The price ranges from 3000 to 6000 yuan, far lower than the Shanghai license plate. However, on the one hand, she worried that the Shanghai government would take more stringent control measures on foreign license plates in the future. On the other hand, she thought that the Shanghai license plate might have a certain value preserving function in the future. In addition, with the idea that a few Shanghai people should buy Shanghai license plates, she took the initiative in February this year, and finally won the license plate with 84000 yuan.

Although a little numb to the rising price of license plates, Miss Wang could not help complaining: "Shanghai license plates are too expensive!"

Yang Dongyuan believes that many car owners, like Miss Wang, sit and wait for the price of the license plate to drop. However, due to the urgency of paying taxes and other reasons, they have to auction the license plate. This kind of mentality of winning has affected the trend of the price of the license plate.

The explanation given by the relevant government departments for the steep rise of the lowest bid price in the recent auction of private car license plates in Shanghai is that "due to the accumulation of a large amount of rigid demand in the early stage, it is concentrated and released".

Our reporter checked the relevant data since January 2012, and found that the lowest bid winning price has been maintained at more than 50000 yuan to more than 60000 yuan, with the rise and fall of each other. The rise is obvious and the range is relatively stable. According to a salesperson at a 4S store of a large car company in Shanghai, the price of license plates had basically kept a growth rate of about 2000 yuan per month, not much.

Until the end of last year, prices suddenly soared. This upward trend coincides with the official vehicle reform carried out in Shanghai at the end of last year. Is there any connection between the two? The reporter sought confirmation from the Shanghai municipal transportation department, but did not receive a clear answer.

It is revealed that at present, more than ten districts in Shanghai, except Chongming County, are carrying out bus reform in succession. Civil servants receive monthly subsidies according to their ranks and no longer enjoy bus allocation. After the bus reform, the number of civil servants who need to buy their own cars and license plates is "conservatively estimated as many as thousands". These civil servants need to get a license plate as soon as possible after they buy a car, otherwise it will be inconvenient for public and private travel. Therefore, when they bid at the auction, they tend to raise the price of license plates.

Yang Dongyuan said that if the reform of public transport was indeed the incentive for the sharp increase of license plate prices in February, such growth would only be short-term.

The complicated auction mode and considerable profit have given birth to "scalper" speculation

In view of the record high of license plates in Shanghai this month, the Shanghai Communications and Port Bureau said that "it will study measures to resolutely curb the excessive and rapid rise of license plate prices". This shows that in addition to normal demand, there are also many factors of speculation and speculation.

Although the relevant departments have repeatedly stated that Shanghai license plates are a quota auction that allows vehicles to go on the road. The license plates themselves have no price, but because they can be transferred, they are endowed with the value of scarce resources. While many institutions and "scalpers" smell the business opportunities, and have launched proxy auction and other businesses, that is, the owner privately entrusts "scalpers" to bid, and the other party guarantees to win the license plate at the lowest transaction price.

The reporter input "auction license plate" on Taobao, and it shows that there are more than 200 businesses, with prices ranging from 500 to 3000 yuan. Since you still have to pay the merchant a sum of money, why not go ahead and buy the cards yourself? The salesperson of the 4S store mentioned above told the reporter that the license auction was only held on the third Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and not everyone was free at that time. In addition, the owner may not be able to get the license due to unskilled operation, Internet speed and other factors, while "scalpers" have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. The relatively complex auction mode itself is also being used by scalpers.

The monthly auction results released by the Shanghai Port Communications Bureau show that the deadline for the lowest transaction price is mostly 1 second to 1 minute before the end of the auction for many consecutive years.

Miss Wang was no exception. She successfully won the license plate at 11:29:50. The current auction mechanism makes it more possible for bidders who modify the bid price at the last moment to buy the license plate at the lowest price. The auction has become "buying lottery tickets", which leads to that those who successfully modify the bid price at the last moment will win the prize. The unsuccessful bidders had to choose "scalpers" to take the auction instead.

In September 2012, the Shanghai Municipal Government issued a document known as the "Four Rules of Shanghai Licensing", which stipulated that the ownership of newly auctioned license plates should not be transferred within three years after they were put on new cars, hoping to crack down on the "scalpers" speculative license plate auction market in this way. However, this policy was immediately "cracked" by "scalpers".

"The new license plate cannot be transferred within 3 years after it is put on the new car, but if the new license plate is put on the used car, it can still be transferred and withdrawn normally. After the normal procedures, the license plate can be transferred to the customer." A "scalper" once told the media after the introduction of the new policy.

In fact, the above "cracking" method is indeed being used by "scalpers" to participate in license plate auctions and then resell license plates for profit. According to the current license plate auctioneer qualification review regulations of Guopai Corporation, those who can participate in the auction do not need to provide new car purchase certificates to participate in the auction. After the auction is successful, the license plate can also be used in second-hand cars.

Chen Xiaohong said that the problem of "self auction annoyance" caused by technical problems such as network and bidding method in the auction process must be solved constantly to make people feel that it is not difficult for them to participate in the auction. At the same time, strengthen the supervision and management of the auction process, so that those "scalpers" have no profit space and no living space. This is where the government should pay attention to the management of licensing.

Auction system needs supporting measures Vehicle sharing mode can be used for reference

The rising price of license plates has attracted people's strong attention to the quota bidding and auction system of private enterprises in Shanghai. Han Zheng recently said at the "Two Sessions" that market licensing is a reflection of the relationship between supply and demand. To ease the relationship between supply and demand, it is necessary to issue more licenses, but more licenses have a traffic capacity problem. This is a systematic project, which needs overall planning.

The so-called license plate auction refers to the right of way of vehicle owners in Shanghai, especially in the central urban area. The auction system of private car license plates in Shanghai is a means of controlling private cars in Shanghai. The purpose of control is to control the total traffic volume and ease traffic congestion.

Yang Dongyuan analyzed to the reporter that the immediate problem to be solved is how to guide the rational use of cars. Private cars have their irreplaceable characteristics. Its convenience cannot be satisfied by buses, and its privacy cannot be provided by taxis. So families without private cars have no right to use cars? In the future, Shanghai will only be able to accommodate 45 million cars, while the population it can accommodate is about 30 million people, which can be converted into 10 million households. Assuming that each family only owns one car, then at most 40% of the family cars can be used. How to ensure that families without private cars can enjoy the right to use them when they need to?

He believes that the vehicle sharing model in Singapore and other places is worth learning. Different from the concept of carpooling, users can join the network of a market-oriented enterprise in the form of membership system. They can spend the corresponding fee with their membership card at the required time to use the vehicle, that is, the right to use the vehicle replaces the ownership of the vehicle. "The general manager of a car sharing company in Singapore once told me that according to its statistics, 80% of the time for general vehicles is parked there, while only 40% of the time for vehicles in car sharing companies is parked on the roadside." Shared resources can support more people to use vehicles.

The domestic car rental industry is similar, but the car sharing company has a wide range of service points, which can generally pick up a car within 500 meters of the user, increasing the convenience of users and also improving the use rate of cars

Chapter 5: Car Yellow Card Model

No one can imagine that "Andar", a car brand that has experienced glory, bankruptcy and regeneration, will come into people's sight again in such a tragic way.

From the birth of the first car in 1991 to bankruptcy in 2003, Andar, once regarded as "one of the most efficient state-owned enterprises in Anqing" by employees, failed to escape the fate of decline. After three years, "Andar" tried to recover from the dead in Wangjiang by backdoor new energy electric vehicle, but it still paid others by mistake. With the current legal representative, Mr. Huang, being put on file for investigation on suspicion of evading capital, where will Andar's fate turn out to be?

On March 18, on the very day that the reporter from Anhui Merchants went to Anqing Economic Crime Investigation Detachment to learn about the progress of the case, Mr. Huang was suspected of evading funds.

However, as an insider who has been paying close attention to the development of Andar for more than ten years reflects, what does the case really mean for the car brand Andar? What is the reason why this automobile brand, which once played an important role in the history of Anhui automobile development, has to face today's dilemma? Who can shoulder the responsibility of saving the endangered Andar?

Past glory

"Our factory used to be one of the most profitable state-owned enterprises in Anqing City, renamed from the original Anqing Automobile Transportation Company Overhaul Factory, and now we have no idea why the enterprise has come to this situation."

On March 17, when the reporter of Hui Merchants came to the old site of the former Andar Automobile Factory on Jixian North Road in Anqing City, several old employees of the former Andar Automobile Factory gathered together to recall the glory of the brand that once belonged to them. After eight years, things are still there and people are no longer there. The plant built near the mountain is still quiet, but there is no sign of Andar.

As early as the 1980s and 1990s, Anqing had already formed an automobile parts industry base, providing parts for many domestic first-line automobile manufacturing enterprises. It has always been a pity that there is no automobile manufacturing enterprise in Anqing. This regret was unexpectedly compensated in another form on the eve of the 1990 Spring Festival.

It turned out that at a light show that year, the former Anqing Automobile Transportation Company overhaul plant manually produced a jeep modeled on Beijing Jeep, which also let the leaders in the city discover the potential of producing cars, thus changing the fate of the automobile overhaul plant.

At that time, a slogan was put forward in Anqing: use the strength and wisdom of the whole city to develop Anqing's automobile industry. Since 1993, Andar brand cars have been assembled and produced. However, within three years, the output value and sales volume of Andar Automobile Factory have both exceeded 100 million, ranking fifth among the largest profit and tax households in Anqing, and the output value of the enterprise has increased nearly 100 times.

"At that time, it was really popular. Although the annual output was less than 1000 units, we hired automotive experts from Wuhan and other places to guide us, and we bought chassis, accelerator, engine and other core parts and components from outside to assemble cars. At that time, everyone was very motivated. The first time Anqing had a taxi, there were 200 units on the road in Andal. Without acquaintances, we could not buy a car at all." Recalling the scene at that time, the old employees of the former Andar still talked about it with relish.

This was also confirmed by a taxi driver. "About 15 years ago, it can be said that Anqing was full of Andar cars. Our car was easier to drive than Xiali cars at that time. It was the earliest taxi in Anqing."

However, this glory did not last long.

Under the economic system at that time, it was not difficult to concentrate superior resources to build cars with the strength of the whole factory, but this also laid a hidden danger for Andar's decline in the future. Andar's "dead hole" made it experience ups and downs like a roller coaster in a very short period of time.

"At that time, all parts of Anhui were swarming with cars, but Andar did not have the ability to produce cars.". Yao, the former deputy director of Andar Automobile Factory, was shocked when he received a call from a reporter. According to him, when the production of Andar cars reached its highest level, it kept at about 100 cars a month, and mainly bought important parts to assemble and produce cars, without the ability of independent production and research. "Although Andar is very beautiful on the surface, it is not really good. At that time, he mainly lived on loans. The sales and profit figures shown in the real financial statements are not optimistic."

In addition, although Andar is famous for producing cars, he has not been able to obtain the production qualification of cars before, but has "muddled through" with the production qualification of minibuses and light buses. In 1997, Andar was required to rectify, and this started the landslide.

Although Andar later obtained the production qualification of cars, looking around, the wind of independent cars is everywhere. Andar has missed the best development opportunity, and the situation is gone. Relying on the launch of the flagship product MPV, which is now widely known as the business car series, Andar has struggled to support it until 2003, and its bankruptcy fate has also been quietly fixed in this year.

In 2003, after it was sold to Anqing Leaf Spring Factory, the famous Andar car disappeared. After three years of silence, moving to Wangjiang has become an important step for Andar to see the light again. Can Andar, who has suffered many hardships, really stand in the new soil?

Take advantage of the new shell

In 2006, a man named Lin Dongming tried to change Andar's fate.

After many negotiations, the legal representative of Zhejiang Taizhou Tailing Electric Vehicle Factory, Lin Dongming, reached an agreement with Wangjiang County and the original Anqing Leaf Spring Factory that the original Anqing Leaf Spring Factory would transfer all the intangible assets of its idle Anqing Andar Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to Lin on the premise that after the transfer, it must set up the Andal Automobile and Electric Vehicle Project in Wangjiang Economic Development Zone, We should bring the brand Andar back to life.

In August of that year, Lin Dongming invested and established Anqing Andar Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Wangjiang County Economic Development Zone. On January 10, 2009, 20 Andar electric vehicles developed by the company began trial operation in the taxi market of Wangjiang County.

Unfortunately, since the new energy electric vehicle is a new mini or small low-speed pure electric car between a car and an electric motorcycle, there was no standard issued at that time, and the license plate could not be successfully handled. After negotiation with the transportation department of Wangjiang County and other departments, the newly launched Andar electric vehicle has been qualified to go on the road, but the scope is limited to Wangjiang County, unable to display its talents in a larger space.

The advent of new energy electric vehicles has made the world see the possibility of Andar's "rebirth". Since then, Wangjiang County has also set up a special leading group, hoping to win the "torch plan" project of the country and Anhui Province, hoping to build an electric vehicle industrial park with an area of 1000 mu in the industrial park.

However, the development path since then has made Andar's brand recovery more difficult.

In May 2010, Andar was "sold" again. The People's Government of Wangjiang County signed an investment promotion agreement with Mr. Huang, the legal representative of Zhejiang Zhuji Xinlu Knitting Co., Ltd., which agreed that Mr. Huang would invest 1 billion yuan to develop a pure electric vehicle project, and agreed that Andar Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. would transfer its equity and invest in the construction of an industrialization project with an annual output of 100000 pure electric vehicles.

Later, Lin Dongming sold Andar to Mr. Huang at a price of 20 million yuan. Mr. Huang paid 5 million yuan in cash, and then wrote a 15 million yuan IOU to Lin, and agreed to pay off the debt before June 13, 2010.

However, until the change of legal representative of Andar Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. on May 14, 2010, Mr. Huang did not return the arrears. Mr. Huang withdrew most of the funds in the form of payment for goods on June 12, and has not returned the previous arrears. On January 17, 2011, the Economic Investigation Detachment of Anqing City investigated the case of Mr. Huang's suspected withdrawal of capital. The case was solved on March 18, but the pain left to Andar was far from over.

On March 18, the reporter from Anhui Merchants came to Anqing Andar Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., No. 36, Lantian Road, Wangjiang Economic Development Zone. The gate was closed, and after five minutes of calling and waiting, the reporter saw only one person surnamed Wu left behind.

According to her, the enterprise is currently in a state of temporary production suspension. "The new production line is being expanded, and production will not start until the second half of the year at the earliest." When the reporter asked about the current chairman of the board, she looked at the reporter warily, without giving too much explanation and explanation. The reporter looked into the workshop through the glass. There was nothing in the whole workshop except the scattered car shells.

Coincidentally, the reporter went to Andar Automobile Manufacturing Company in Andar Electric Vehicle. According to the owner, there are no more than five Andar electric vehicles for taxis that are still driving on the road in the county. Her car was a second-hand car bought last year, and it cost nearly 20000 yuan to replace tires and battery packs. "Now the factory has stopped production, and there is nothing left. Sometimes the parts of the car are broken, but I don't know where to repair them."

On the top of Andar's office building, there is a sign with the words "Andar pure electric vehicle goes to the world". Ironically, Andar pure electric vehicle can't even get out of the river.

Can it only be broken?

"If we can change the direction in time and start new projects when we find something wrong, if we can devote more attention to the brand rather than choose bankruptcy to end the life of the enterprise, if we can choose more enterprises to attract investment rather than hastily introduce enterprises and projects, perhaps Andar will go a little wider."

An insider who has been following the evolution of the Andar incident for more than ten years sighed when talking about the "strange circle" into which Andar fell.

However, when the reporter visited the former Andar old employees, the superior competent department - Anqing Transportation Bureau, and the leaders of the former Andar, they were all reticent about the cause of Andar's failure and unwilling to talk about it in depth.

"This brand has been destroyed, which is determined by the market economy system, and the work of the enterprise's bankruptcy liquidation team has ended. Why should we mention it now?" The aforementioned deputy director surnamed Yao could not help sighing when talking about Andar.

"Our brand situation has not been opened, the sales volume is low, the cost is high, and it is difficult to get loans later. Although we have tried many ways to save it, it can not be saved. The government has support, but the situation can not be maintained by blood transfusion alone, not blood production. In the end, there was no future in the factory, and the original overhaul business could not be carried out, so there was nothing we could do. "

In addition, in the interview, the confusion of Andar's sales and finance has become the "fatal wound" that has been criticized.

"At that time, the management of our factory was quite chaotic, and the quality of cars could not be improved. Some salesmen were out of the reach of the emperor, and the accounts could not be cleared. Until bankruptcy, there were still a lot of sales funds not collected." When talking about the problems of the enterprise in the past, the former employee surnamed Bai in Andar said frankly that redundant staff, redundant fees, and financial chaos were the biggest drawbacks.

From what we have learned so far, at that time, Andar started the production of semi trailers, agricultural vehicles and mini cars in succession, especially mini cars. In fact, they did not have production capacity, but they were still transformed regardless of cost. Several models were changed, but hundreds of them were not produced, and production was stopped. However, the car overhaul, after-sales service and other projects that the enterprise relied on for survival before also failed to maintain. "As long as we think of some ways, the enterprise will not go bankrupt, but it finally went bankrupt, which is really incomprehensible."

According to public data, Andar has been looking for buyers since 2000. FAW, Jinbei, Xindazhou, Qingqi, Macao Golden Dragon Group, etc. have contacted the competent authorities successively, but unfortunately, all negotiations have failed. Finally, "Andar", which covers an area of 150000 square meters and has a fixed asset value of about 60 million yuan, was assessed as "insolvent" and sold to the local leaf spring factory.

Chapter 6: Car Yellow Card Model

The "Red Flag" car was once the pride of the national automobile industry. However, in the past ten years, the market performance of Hongqi cars was not ideal, even very bleak. FAW's positioning of the Red Flag brand has gone through many twists and turns, from a small red flag worth more than 100000 yuan to a top luxury model, which has not been recognized by the market.

At present, Hongqi sedan has been in a state of semi production suspension, and the market sales are almost all inventory. According to the Automotive Business Review, the production of the original Hongqi HQ3 car was basically CKD assembly, and there was no modern production line. Now, the construction boom shows that FAW has great hopes for this Red Flag car.

Big Golden Dragon Occupy Singapore

Chinese buses are gradually encroaching on the Singapore bus market, which was occupied by Japanese and European bus brands, and the leader is Dajinlong. Since 2005, when it first entered the Singapore tourist passenger transport market, its ownership has been close to 400 vehicles, and has maintained a growth rate of about 30% for four consecutive years.

At the first World Youth Olympic Games opened on the evening of August 14, 2010, more than 100 Grand Golden Dragon buses were used to carry out transportation services for athletes, administrative officials and news media participating in the event. In Singapore, Grand Jinlong has become the first imported bus brand.

One year after marriage between CNHTC and MAN

On August 26, at the media conference on the anniversary of the cooperation between CNHTC and MAN, the two leaders of the enterprise - Ma Chunji, Chairman of CNHTC, and Dr. Paheta, CEO of MAN Group, compared their cooperation with "the cornerstone of integrity" and "the pillar of trust" respectively.

Ma Chunji believed that the German culture of being serious, rigorous, working according to procedures, and focusing on work processes was well integrated with Shandong Confucian culture in the past year. In July last year, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement. Now, the work on the transfer of technical documents and localization has come to an end. The plant has started construction as planned. Most of the high-end equipment to be imported has been ordered and delivered in succession. Personnel training and technical support have been carried out in all aspects.

Although the cooperation with CNHTC was completed by Samuelson, Pahta's predecessor, Pahta, who also has an international vision, pays attention to Mann's success in the world and selects partners, thinks that he is more concerned about how to achieve the goal than his predecessor who focuses on the ultimate goal, and what he wants to achieve most now is through new product research and development, To develop German Mann Group into a global powerful company.

Suzhou Jinlong cross-border cooperation

After the G-BOS intelligent operation system was launched in Shenzhen in August 2010, the 12-year-old Suzhou Golden Dragon Hager Bus once again led the industry. On September 1, 2010, it signed the Strategic Framework Cooperation Agreement with China Unicom in Beijing. The two sides intend to establish a special project team to carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of automotive services with the on-board information service of large and medium-sized buses as the core.

The strategic cooperation between Suzhou Jinlong and China Unicom has pioneered cross-border cooperation between Chinese bus enterprises and communication operators. It has become an important case of the alliance between the telecommunications industry and the automotive industry in the WCDA industry chain in the 3G era, which will lay a good foundation for the full implementation of China's Internet of Vehicles technology in the bus industry, It has become an important driver of management transformation and upgrading of bus operation enterprises.

Hummer Ends Wild History

Schwarzenegger, the current governor of California, has always been a loyal "fan" of the big and aggressive Hummer.

In 1991, he spent 45000 dollars to buy a Hummer military jeep, and printed "TERMINATOR" on both sides of the vehicle. In October 1992, the first civilian Hummer came out. Schwarzenegger flew to Indiana and bought the first two cars that had just left the assembly line.

In 1999, General Motors bought Hummer into the company and became one of the brands held by General Motors. In 2006, Hummer sales reached a historical peak, and then continued to decline. With the global pursuit of low-carbon environmental protection and the continuous rise of oil prices, it is inevitable that the Hummer, an oil tiger that consumes nearly 30 liters of oil per hundred kilometers, will no longer be trusted.

In 2009, GM got involved in breaking the protection procedure and began to seek to sell Hummer. On June 3 of that year, it was reported that Sichuan Tengzhong wanted to buy the Hummer brand, which proved to be a farce in February this year.

Although investors from India, Russia and the two Gulf Arab countries subsequently expressed their interest in acquiring the Hummer brand, the Hummer brand finally failed to find a buyer. In August this year, the Hummer brand officially withdrew from the historical stage, ending 18 years of civilian operation.

The last batch of Hummers in the world will be sold out by the end of the year, and Schwarzenegger will bid farewell to his career as governor at the end of the year.

Dongfeng Nissan Boutique Online Shopping

Auto boutiques can also be traded through the network platform. On August 18, 2010, Dongfeng Nissan's "Pure Boutique Online Shopping Platform" (omitted) was launched, providing a new shopping experience for domestic consumers, including membership points system and membership prices, one-on-one customer service, product retrieval, popularity ranking, product reviews and other online shopping platform functions.

In the future, the trial preview function will be added to the pure boutique online shopping platform, which can use FLASH animation to simulate the installation and use effect of goods, and show the appearance, performance and matching of the selected goods; Provide each consumer with personalized customization functions, including several interesting games. In the future, reservation services for maintenance and boutique installation will be launched on this platform.

Yellow River Ecological Investigation Tour

The public welfare activity of "Ten year trip to the Yellow River (the first) large-scale ecological investigation" sponsored by Ankai Bus was launched in Beijing at 10 a.m. on August 11. After that, the team set out to Dongying City, Shandong Province, the first stop of the investigation activity, for a 20 day ecological investigation tour of the whole Yellow River basin.

The 10-year Yellow River travel project was officially launched in June 2010, with an expected duration of 10 years. Every year, 10 to 20 journalists, experts and private environmentalists are organized to carry out field visits from the source of the Yellow River in Qinghai to the coast of Renhaikou in Dongying, and work with local NGOs in the Yellow River basin to carry out year-round project tracking to record the changes of the river and the life changes of the indigenous people on both sides of the river.

No more eyebrows and beard

After determining the multi brand strategy, Chery will now adjust its current structure and plan to establish the Kairui Mini Car Business Department, Weilin Business Car Business Department, Qiyun Economic Passenger Car Business Department and Motor Nine Assembly Business Department.

The newly established four business divisions will focus on developing their respective market segments and implement independent accounting, and give the heads of each business division greater power to freely control their annual budget plans, so as to flexibly adapt to the emerging new market conditions.

Chapter 7: Car Yellow Card Model

Due to the highly concerned nuclear issue and the lack of openness, North Korea is somewhat mysterious in the eyes of the outside world. Few people in China understand the development of its automobile industry.

After a few days of sightseeing, in our eyes, this country is no longer so mysterious. However, her backwardness, her unfitness, and her natural nature behind the mask left a lingering impression on our hearts.

This is a virgin land that has never been cultivated seriously. Once it is fully opened, both its automobile industry and other industries will be priceless treasures in the eyes of foreign investors.

Road and vehicle under female traffic police baton

Walking on the streets of Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, everyone will first be attracted by a beautiful scenery, that is, the beautiful female traffic police standing in the middle of the intersection.

They are dressed in blue professional clothes, holding batons, and commanding passing cars and people in high spirits. What is impressive is that their movements are almost non-stop, looking from left to right, and their heads are flexible, as if they are a general commanding thousands of troops.

During our stay in North Korea, we didn't see any policemen on the street except these female traffic policemen. However, careful observation shows that military vehicles are often parked at some important intersections, and soldiers sometimes stand beside them.

However, if you also think that there are thousands of troops walking on the streets of Pyongyang, it is a big mistake. In fact, there are not many cars on the wide and tidy street except for a few passers-by occasionally.

The streets in North Korea are very spacious. The width of several main roads is even similar to Chang'an Street in Beijing. Quite different from the streets in Beijing, these streets have no lane lines for isolation except for the middle one.

There are no traffic lights on the streets of Pyongyang, and the traffic at intersections is controlled by female traffic police. Female traffic policemen are all standing in the circle drawn by the white line, rather than on the traffic control platform.

In Pyongyang, you can see many famous models: Mercedes Benz, BMW, Jetta, Corolla, GAZ and some heavy vehicles. However, a closer look shows that most of these models are old models, some even 20 or 30 years ago. Only a few Corollas and Jettas look newer.

The license plates of North Korea are divided into black, white, yellow, blue and white. According to the personnel of the Korean Foreign Ministry accompanying us, the black car is a military car, the white car is from a government agency, the yellow car is a private car awarded by the government, the blue car is an embassy car, and the red car is a purely private car.

The first two kinds of cars we see are mainly cars. It is no wonder that the per capita GDP of North Korea is less than 500 dollars, while a second-hand Mercedes Benz costs more than 4000 dollars, which is impossible for ordinary people to afford. Therefore, we only saw one red card car.

For ordinary people, the means of travel are generally subway, bus, tram and trolley bus. It may be due to the lack of transportation capacity. In Pyongyang, almost every bus stop is full of people waiting for the bus. Sometimes the people waiting for the bus go around for a long time.

The subway in Pyongyang is very eye-catching. The subway here is more than 100 meters underground. It takes 6 minutes to take a manned inclined ladder to get down.

The subway system was established more than 30 years ago, apparently for the need of war preparedness. Unlike the Beijing subway, which is built underground, the subway here is all built underground. It is hard to imagine that, relying on its own technical means, North Korea had such a high level of engineering construction decades ago.

Automobile manufacturing in the bud of market economy

It is obviously inaccurate to say that North Korea is completely closed. Here, we can already see the shadow of openness and the budding market economy.

In addition to hotels and shopping malls open to foreigners, there is a people's market that foreigners can go to. If you know the local people (the scalpers dare not change to foreigners directly, and it is said that there is police interference), you can exchange RMB for Korean currency on the black market here, and one RMB can be exchanged for 450 Korean yuan. The normal exchange rate is only about 20.

In North Korea, the first people to become rich are overseas Chinese and those who do business overseas. As soon as the Beijing Pyongyang International Train arrives at Dandong Station, several overseas Chinese with large and small bags get on the train. They all have business in Pyongyang.

Surprisingly, people from Korean customs, border defense and other departments openly ask for bribes from those who do business. According to my observation, these businessmen have to send people from at least four departments, that is, they have to pay at least 400 yuan. This money is by no means a small sum in North Korea.

Of course, those who have money to buy private cars are basically overseas Chinese and overseas businessmen.

In Pyongyang, we only saw two advertisements. One is from Toyota, and the other is from Heping Automobile Factory, a joint venture between South Korea and North Korea.

According to a person from the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK, Heping Automobile Factory currently produces several models, including tractors and accessories. However, one of the vehicles in large batch is an Italian Fiat model.

Peace cars don't run much on the streets. When we visited Nanpu, another city, we saw the Peace Automobile Factory from afar, which seemed to have only one assembly workshop. I don't know how its production capacity is, but it is obviously not too large.

However, flathead trucks from China Dongfeng Motor Corporation can be seen on the streets of Pyongyang, and medium-sized cars from FAW Jiefang can also be seen occasionally. North Korea has not yet entered the era of large-scale industrial construction, but the demand for trucks is obviously large in the agricultural oriented economic pattern.

Chapter 8: Car Yellow Card Model

(Dalian Environmental Science Design and Research Institute, Dalian 116029, Liaoning)

[Abstract] "Environmental Green Label Road" is an urban road that only allows "green label vehicles" to drive and restricts "yellow label vehicles" to drive. The "Green Label Road for Environmental Protection" was created to control the pollution of vehicle exhaust. The specific creation work includes setting warning signs, traffic restriction signs and electronic automatic capture system. In order to ensure the implementation effect of the "green standard road of environmental protection", more efforts should be made in organization and cooperation, capital investment, publicity and education.

Key words: "green road for environmental protection"; "Green Label Vehicle"; "Yellow Label Vehicle"

1 Basic concepts

"Yellow label vehicles": vehicles whose exhaust gas of gasoline vehicles in the annual inspection of motor vehicles fails to meet the national I and diesel vehicles fail to meet the national III emission standards will be issued with environmental protection yellow labels. See the figure for vehicles with yellow labels, which are called "yellow label vehicles". The concentration of exhaust pollutants from "yellow standard vehicles" is high and unstable, and the emission of exhaust pollutants from one "yellow standard vehicle" is equivalent to the emission of 14 national III or 28 national IV green standard vehicles. The logo style is shown in Figure 1.

"Green label vehicles": vehicles whose exhaust gas of gasoline vehicles in the annual inspection of motor vehicles reaches the national level I or above and diesel vehicles reach the national level III or above emission standards will be issued with environmental protection green labels, as shown in the national level III green label. The sign style is shown in Figure 2.

"Green Label Road for Environmental Protection": only "green label vehicles" are allowed to drive, and "yellow label vehicles" are restricted to drive on urban roads (police vehicles, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles carrying out emergency tasks are not restricted). In terms of road conditions, the "green sign road for environmental protection" is not different from ordinary roads, but reflects a concept of environmental protection.

2 Construction Background of "Environmental Protection Green Standard Road"

In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, the process of urbanization has been accelerated, people's living standards have been continuously improved, and the number of motor vehicles has increased rapidly. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities in the top 40 in terms of vehicle ownership, about 50% of nitrogen oxide pollution comes from vehicle exhaust emissions; The nitrogen oxides emitted by vehicles in Shenzhen accounted for 56.4% of the city's emissions. In 2009, the number of motor vehicles in Liaoning Province has exceeded 4.4 million, and is growing at an annual rate of about 10%. The problem of motor vehicle pollution has become increasingly prominent, [1] which has become one of the important factors affecting urban environmental quality.

The investigation shows that most of carbon monoxide in urban air comes from automobile exhaust, mainly from incomplete combustion of gasoline, which is easy to cause human hypoxia and suffocation. Although the content of carbon oxides in automobile exhaust is small, its composition contains a strong carcinogen recognized by the medical community. At the same time, hydrocarbons are prone to photochemical reaction with nitrogen oxides, another emissions, producing a light blue smoke, which is why automobile exhaust often shows light blue. In 1970, a world-famous photochemical smog incident occurred in Los Angeles, USA, and about half of the residents suffered from red eye disease. Shanghai, which has many motor vehicles in China, has also experienced photochemical smog incidents. Sulfur dioxide in vehicle exhaust has a strong pungent smell, which will easily lead to "acid rain" when reaching a certain concentration, causing acidification of soil and water sources, and affecting the growth of crops and forests.

In order to control the pollution of motor vehicle exhaust, the government launched the action of creating "green road for environmental protection". Taking Liaoning Province as an example, Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun and Benxi were listed as the first pilot cities. [2] Build "green road for environmental protection" in cities.

The "Green Label Road for Environmental Protection" requires vehicles to reach the "Green Label Vehicle" standard before passing, and the "Yellow Label Vehicle" is restricted. To accelerate the elimination of "yellow label vehicles" and gradually reduce vehicle emission pollution. While improving the environment, this plan also helps to cultivate and strengthen people's environmental protection concept, so that people can consciously choose environmentally friendly cars with low emissions when buying cars.

3. Creation scheme of "green road for environmental protection"

3.1 Set warning and limit signs

Sign boards shall be set along the "Green Label Road for Environmental Protection", and "Yellow Label Vehicle" limit sign boards shall be set at intersections. All localities have unified requirements and specifications for the sign pattern of "Environmental Protection Green Label Road". The sign pattern of "Environmental Protection Green Label Road" in Shenyang is shown in Figure 3. [3] The signs are arranged on both sides of the "Green Sign Road for Environmental Protection", with the density of about 2 signs per kilometer, and one side on each side in both directions (facing the driving direction of motor vehicles).

An auxiliary sign restricting "yellow marked vehicles" from entering "green marked roads for environmental protection" shall be set in front of the traffic intersection at the intersection of green marked roads for environmental protection. The auxiliary sign style is a circular no turning sign,

Note below: yellow marked vehicles, as shown in Figure 4.

3.2 Setting the electronic automatic capture system

An electronic automatic capture system is set, which consists of three parts: front-end detection capture subsystem, data transmission subsystem and central processing subsystem.

3.2.1 Detection and capture subsystem

The front-end detection and capture subsystem mainly completes the detection of passing vehicles, license plate recognition, picture capture and other tasks. A set of equipment is installed in each lane of the monitored intersection. The equipment in each lane is independent of each other. This subsystem is the basis of the whole system. The quality of image and reliable capture are key factors that determine the image effectiveness and license plate recognition rate. High definition industrial cameras specially used for vehicle capture should be selected in the design to meet the system requirements.

This scheme uses an all-in-one machine for detection, photographing and identification to capture two pictures in succession. The picture information can clearly reflect the time, place, license plate number and vehicle type of the vehicle.

3.2.2 Data transmission subsystem

The data transmission subsystem is responsible for real-time transferring the data photos captured by the front-end detection and capture subsystem to the central processing subsystem through FTP for storage and processing.

According to different network transmission conditions provided on site, the system can support multiple communication modes such as ADSL, optical fiber and Ethernet. According to the provisions of the bidding documents, considering the real-time, stability and security of the system data transmission, the optical fiber Ethernet communication mode is selected for this project.

3.2.3 Central processing subsystem

Receive, process and store the automatic capture information for filing to provide basis for punishment.

The system can realize the following functions:

(1) Change from "manual" supervision to "automatic identification" supervision

In the past, law enforcement departments mainly used manual means to conduct fixed-point and mobile monitoring of traffic flow. Due to the limitation of technical means, there are shortcomings such as large demand for manpower, low work efficiency, high traffic and safety risks. In this case, process automation is very important.

The automatic recognition system of license plate numbers can just make up for this deficiency, greatly reduce the work intensity of staff, and combine with the database to provide real-time records of illegal driving of vehicles on the upper limit of "green road for environmental protection", take photos of them for evidence, and impose penalties.

(2) License plate recognition, automatic interception

The application of license plate recognition technology to the supervision of illegal vehicles on urban roads can greatly improve the efficiency of law enforcement, solve the safety problems brought to law enforcement personnel by stopping every vehicle, and achieve a targeted goal.

After the vehicle is identified as a yellow label vehicle, the system will intercept the illegal vehicle through wired/wireless transmission or use the voice engine to notify the checkpoints set up in front of it, so as to reduce the number of interceptions or compare with the blacklist database, save the photos and license plate numbers of illegal vehicles to another database, and ensure smooth road traffic.

(3) Efficient, instant and uninterrupted work

The application of license plate recognition technology to green marked roads can facilitate compliance with the timeliness principle of urban road vehicle supervision, and can work continuously at any road section during the day. The captured pictures of illegal vehicles can be uploaded to the data center through real-time evidence collection and records, so as to make more effective use of human resources.

(4) Provide vehicle information in close combination with the system

Through the close cooperation between the environmental protection department and the traffic police department, [4] once the illegal license plate number is identified, its past records and data will be immediately called out in the database, providing effective support for identification and law enforcement.

4 Implementation guarantee of "green standard road of environmental protection"

The creation of the "green road of environmental protection" needs to strengthen work cooperation. The Environmental Protection Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, the Service Industry Commission, the Finance Bureau and other departments need to actively strengthen cooperation, close cooperation and overall linkage.

Increase capital investment. In the construction of "Environmental Protection Green Label Road", we should increase investment, reasonably install monitoring equipment in key sections along the "Environmental Protection Green Label Road", and arrange mobile monitoring vehicles on the "Environmental Protection Green Label Road" to ensure the quality of the construction work.

We should make full use of radio, television, newspapers and other media to widely publicize the significance of the creation work and strive for the understanding and support of the masses. At the same time, educate and guide the majority of motor vehicle drivers to abide by traffic and environmental protection laws and regulations; Cooperate with the creation work.


[1] Shuihua. Shenyang's treatment of motor vehicle pollution welcomes the whole transport [N]. China Environmental News, 2013-06-07

[2] Tang Xiaohui. Preliminary Study on Control Measures of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Pollution in Liaoning Province [J]. Environmental Protection and Circular Economy, 2014

[3] Zhang Su, Fu Hongchao, Wang Zhigang, et al. An Analysis of Environmental Protection Green Sign Road in Shenyang [J]. Environmental Science Guide, 2013

Chapter 9: Car Yellow Card Model

Keyword color; Automobile appearance design; individualization; Brand culture

[CLC No.] G232.3 Document ID: B Article No.: 1673-8500 (2013) 01-0014-01

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, people began to pursue a fashionable and high-grade life gradually under the condition that the nature of the product remained unchanged. It has become a development trend of modern life to enrich one's own life through different innovations, and to reflect and realize self value with individuality. Therefore, in modern society, whether any product can be loved by everyone depends on its practicality and, to a large extent, whether it is different from similar products. This requires designers to apply fashion elements to design. It can not only express the emotion of art, but also make the resonance between consumers and products, so as to obtain new satisfaction in sense and spirit.

1 Reasonable application of color in automobile appearance design can promote the progress and development of automobile industry

Automobile, as one of the modern industrial products, not only provides people with convenient transportation, but also reflects the latest scientific and technological achievements, the best creative thinking and the most classic traditional culture of the whole society. With the arrival of the personalized era, when the car has gradually become a popular commodity from the symbol of identity, consumers are not only satisfied with the performance, brand, price, appearance design and fuel consumption of the car, but also the color of the car has become a new shopping factor. When coming into contact with a new model, it is common to take the car by its appearance. The first thing that attracts people is its appearance and color, and then they will pay attention to its shape, performance and configuration. Therefore, the appearance color of a car is equivalent to the appearance of a person, which has become the first impression of a car. The use of color in the appearance design of a car is particularly important. Looking at the development of automobile in the world, all automobile companies that dare to innovate will always find out some innovative automobile color art with enterprising spirit. Many automobile enterprises dare not underestimate the value of color. Every year, different car companies will promote different car body color pedigree, and this kind of car body color design has different ways. In foreign countries, Audi entrusts Universal Color UK to carry out the overall design of automobile products. First, Audi selects the car styles to be launched, and then asks Universal Color to provide 10-20 colors for them. On this basis, Audi will determine which colors to design. Ms. Yu Ximan, a color consultant who once provided color consulting services for Toyota, told the reporter that more than half of the designers in Toyota's design and research center with more than 1000 people had obtained the certificate of color matching teacher issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Culture of Japan. However, Toyota still entrusted the color design of cars to Nippon Color Research Center, and the personnel who obtained the color matching certificate from Toyota made suggestions on Nippon color research. It can be seen from this that giving full play to the role of color in automobile appearance design can not only give people a sense of beauty, but also improve the quality and taste of products. At the same time, it is also an improvement of the enterprise's own image. It can firmly catch people's attention at the first impression.

2 Classic cars continue the brand culture of the enterprise with their symbolic colors

Automobile color is an important part of brand culture and plays a very important role in brand design and development, production and manufacturing, promotion and marketing. Successful color design can expand 40% of the audience for product and brand information dissemination, and improve people's cognitive understanding to 75%, that is, on the basis of not increasing costs, successful color design can add 15% to 30% of the added value of products. Innovating automobile color design to meet consumers' individual, aesthetic, emotional and other spiritual needs will greatly enhance the added value of automobile services.

In the whole history of automobile development, every successful and classic model must have its own value and characteristics. For example, people know Sambo through turbocharging technology. Rolls Royce is a model of luxury. Land Rover is the representative of off-road vehicles. The emergence of L6 engine shows the pride of BMW. The reform of four-wheel drive represents the glory of Audi. Then Ferrari is the most typical representative of a brand to continue and quote with the performance of color. In the 80 years since Enzo Ferrari founded Ferrari in 1929, Ferrari has gone through many changes. However, whenever people mention Ferrari, the brilliant red will immediately show up in front of us. Red, a warm and bright color, endows Ferrari with the sense language of passion and speed, and at the same time, clarifies Ferrari's sportsmanship to the world. Red has become the representative color of Ferrari and the brand symbol of Ferrari. This is the role of color in the construction of automobile brands. It can let consumers remember a brand through a color, or let a color represent a brand. Because of this, there will be red Fit, blue Peugeot 206, orange Yashen Te and other models with color as an important symbol in the car brand market.

3 Proper use of the color design of the car can highlight its personality and help distinguish the consumer groups

Because different consumers have different age, occupation, gender and living environment, different people have different requirements and feelings for color. Today, with emphasis on the development of individuality, more and more people begin to choose colors to express their individuality. Color itself represents different meanings. In today's finely divided market, successful color design of automobile appearance can help automobile companies divide sales groups. For example, black is a symbol of power, dignity, seriousness, toughness, solemnity and holiness, and is a noble color. His main consumer group is middle-aged people, and mainly male. Private enterprise bosses, government officials and freelancers are loyal followers of this group.

Blue will remind people of the vast blue sky and the vast sea, making people feel lofty, holy and boundless. It is a color of wisdom, calm and rationality, and an elegant color. It is loved by white-collar workers. Red, including bright red, magenta, etc., can highlight the speed and power of the car very well, making users energetic, enthusiastic and brave. Therefore, red is a passionate color that women love most. Housewives, foreign employees and self-employed workers are favorite of red. In addition, sports cars also use this color. In terms of price, high-grade cars with more than 200000 yuan are basically black, in addition to silver and red; More than 100000 mid-range cars have more colors than high-end cars, mainly black, silver, red, white, blue and gold; For cars under 100000 yuan, the color is more abundant. This kind of car emphasizes more personalized needs, so the color requirements will be higher.

4 Reasonable car appearance color design can improve the visual effect and safety of cars

According to the investigation in Japan and the United States, among the vehicles involved in accidents, the body colors of blue and green are the most, while the yellow with high brightness is the least. In China, the Mainland Auto Rescue Club and the Tsinghua University Auto Crash Laboratory have conducted an experimental study on the safety of car colors. The ranking result of the safety of five colors is: white is the safest, followed by silver gray, blue, green and black. It can be seen that the appearance and color of a car is related to the safety of driving. In the daytime with good visibility, the color of the vehicle is easy to be recognized by people's eyes, which is more likely to attract the attention of drivers and pedestrians on the road. It is relatively less likely to have frontal collision, rear end collision and other accidents. According to the color theory, the greater the contrast between the vehicle color and the external environment color, the higher the possibility of being recognized by the human eye, and the higher the color safety.

In addition, it is also advisable to select progressive colors in the appearance design of automobiles. However, it should be noted that in front of the white background, the warm yellow has a sense of retreat, while the cool blue gives a sense of progress. Therefore, when choosing the color for the appearance of the car, the use environment, visual effect and safety of the car should also be considered.