Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Essay on Research Study

Selected Research Study Papers (9)

Preface: The birth of a good article requires you to constantly collect data and sort out ideas. This website has collected a wealth of model articles on the theme of research study papers for you, which are only for reference. Welcome to read and collect them.

 Research study paper

Chapter 1: Model Essay on Research Study

The new curriculum standard points out that learning is a personalized behavior of students. The process of students' learning is more a process of active construction than passive acceptance of external stimulation. Students should process and understand new knowledge information based on their existing knowledge and experience, thus building a new knowledge system, This has also contributed to the transformation of the way of learning in the process of Chinese learning, that is, the independent, cooperative and exploratory way of Chinese learning. This is a fundamental change in the concept of learning and a revolution in learning.

1. Understanding of independent, cooperative and inquiry learning

1.1 To be specific, autonomous learning means that before learning activities, students can determine their own learning goals and set goals, that is, learn to preview before class; In learning activities, students can make self-monitoring, self feedback and self adjustment on learning process and learning methods; After learning activities, students can check, summarize, evaluate and remedy their learning results.

1.2 Cooperative learning refers to the organizational form of learning under teaching conditions. It refers to mutual learning in which students use necessary learning resources under certain socio-cultural background and situations, and through negotiation and communication with others (teachers or students), in order to complete common tasks, there is a clear division of responsibilities.

1.3 Inquiry learning refers to the development of knowledge, skills, emotions and attitudes, especially the development of exploration spirit and innovation ability, through students' independent and independent discovery of problems, collection and processing of information, expression and communication and other exploration activities under the guidance of teachers in teaching.

2. How to implement this new learning method in teaching practice

Titoway said: "Teachers should play a guiding role in the journey of students discovering true knowledge." How can teachers implement inquiry language teaching in teaching?

2.1 Ask questions to induce students' desire to explore. Einstein, the great physicist, said: "It is often more important to raise a problem than to solve it". Therefore, teachers should try to create problem situations in the teaching process, introduce some problems in the form of hot spot introduction, life enumeration or competition, and induce students to learn to question, thus generating strong interest in learning.

2.2 Guide students to participate in teaching activities, carry out trial inquiry, and guide students to solve problems through inquiry. Teachers guide students to actively seek ways and methods to solve problems through reading, observing, thinking, collecting materials and other learning activities, in order to find the correct answers. This is the main link of inquiry learning.

2.3 Make positive comments and deepen summary. Classroom learning evaluation of students to stimulate students' learning motivation is one of the specific measures to stimulate and mobilize students' innovation ability. Evaluation can be in the form of "students talking about evaluation" and "teachers explaining evaluation". Students can fully express their opinions in class, pool their ideas and create new sparks in students' discussion.

3. Current misunderstandings about this new learning method

3.1 Myth 1: "Autonomous learning" is equal to "free learning". Many teachers lack a correct understanding of the "autonomous learning" proposed in the "Chinese Curriculum Standards". Teachers have not properly handled the relationship between students' autonomous participation and teachers' reasonable guidance, and teachers' leading role has not been fully played.

The Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial) points out: "Teachers should pay attention to cultivating students' autonomy and independence in the teaching process, guide students to question, investigate, explore, learn in practice, and promote students' active and personalized learning under the guidance of teachers." 〔 1 〕 In this independent learning process, teachers are not a bystander standing on the side. Proper induction and an enlightening summary at the end of a lesson can not only help students remove obstacles in learning and quickly reach the other side of problem communication, but also stimulate students' interest, arouse their independent thinking and ignite their creativity.

3.2 Myth 2: "Cooperative learning" is equivalent to "group learning" and "voluntary learning". In this teaching process, teachers understand cooperative learning as that as long as they learn in groups, students will naturally cooperate. Teachers lack guidance and monitoring on group cooperative learning, students' cooperation ability is low, and their cooperation habits are poor, leading to the phenomenon of formalization of cooperation. Group learning is not independent of each other. The "voluntary learning" of "whoever is willing to speak, whoever can speak" is not a passive learning style, but a proactive learning style with strong sense of cooperation.

4. Research on the significance of "independent, cooperative and exploratory" Chinese teaching

In 1972, the book Learning to Survive - Today and Tomorrow of the Educational World published by the UNESCO Development Committee proposed that "everyone must continue to learn all his life" [2] should be taken as the guiding principle of the institutional education policy. Its essence is that education should be less committed to transferring and storing knowledge, Instead, we should make more efforts to cultivate the ability and habit of being good at seeking knowledge and methods. Therefore, the study of independent, cooperative and exploratory learning methods is consistent with the development requirements of the times, and also with the diversified quality education thought currently being fully implemented in China, which mainly focuses on cultivating students' ability to "learn to live, learn to learn, learn to develop, and learn to behave".

The Full time General Middle School Chinese Teaching Syllabus also has specific requirements for the teaching purpose of high school Chinese. It is necessary to enable students to master the basic methods of Chinese learning, develop the habit of self-learning Chinese, attach importance to cultivating the ability to find, explore and solve problems, and lay a good foundation for lifelong development 3) However, the current classroom practice is just the opposite: one-sided knowledge teaching, mechanical irrigation, repeated intensive training, serious neglect of the comprehensive and healthy development of students' personality, making them tired of learning, making their personality suppressed or distorted, leading to a general lack of creativity among students, and cultivating creative talents not required by the times and society. Therefore, it is necessary to study the independent, cooperative and exploratory Chinese teaching under this background to formally address the drawbacks and return to the purpose of Chinese teaching.

5. Conclusion

At present, all countries in the world turn their attention to the reform of basic education curriculum, and without exception, they regard the cultivation of students' learning ability of autonomous learning and cooperative inquiry as one of the important pursuits of basic education curriculum reform. Change students' learning methods and advocate Research learning And adapt to the change of students' learning methods. "Inquiry teaching" has become a noticeable research and exploration topic in the new curriculum. Its theory and practice have attracted great attention from teachers. New educational concepts and bold teaching practices have made Chinese teaching take on a new look.


(1) Outline of basic education curriculum reform (for trial implementation)

Chapter 2: Model Essay on Research Study

Key words: research learning Chinese teaching

Since it was included in the curriculum plan as a compulsory course in September 2000, research-based learning has received extensive attention from education experts and front-line teachers. Research learning is a mode of teaching activities with the basic characteristics of inquiry, and it is a process of active learning. It has two meanings: first, what is research, research is to discuss problems, search for the source, seek answers in many ways, and solve questions, not only know what is, but also know why. Second, what is research-based learning, Cheng Hongbing pointed out: "The so-called Chinese research study refers to the activity that students actively seek for problems in Chinese teaching, study Chinese phenomena such as texts in a similar scientific research way under the guidance of teachers, master the rules, acquire knowledge, investigate and understand the society, conduct in-depth research, apply relevant knowledge to seek relevant reasons and solve practical problems. ”It can be seen that the purpose of setting up research-based learning is to further promote the reform of quality education aimed at cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability, change the traditional teaching methods of teachers for a long time, build an open learning environment for students, provide multi-channel access to knowledge, and comprehensively apply knowledge to practice, It is the core of research-based learning to encourage them to form a positive learning attitude and master good learning strategies.

In the traditional Chinese teaching, teachers have too much presupposition, and the learning of texts is done by students from the ideological content of the article to the writing ideas step by step under the guidance of teachers' problems. What students can remember after a lesson is nothing more than the analysis of the content and writing method of an article, but the language learning methods and learning habits that students should master are poor. Carrying out research-based learning is an innovation of traditional receptive learning. Its significance lies in the following aspects:

1. It is conducive to cultivating students' innovative spirit

The traditional "indoctrination" teaching and "memorization" teaching are lack of practicality, and students do not investigate the production process of knowledge and its application in life, thus resulting in the overall disability of students' knowledge and difficult to achieve self sustainable development. "Research learning" opens the classroom to the real situation. What to study and how to study are all decided by the students themselves. Through inquiry, students can learn how to use existing knowledge to solve practical problems. This research experience has individual characteristics, and it is very helpful to cultivate students' innovative spirit.

2. It is conducive to the optimization of classroom teaching structure

The traditional Chinese classroom teaching is deeply influenced by the "red scarf teaching method" of the former Soviet Union, with a single teaching structure, rigid teaching methods and a dull classroom atmosphere. The classroom teaching of "research-based learning" implements the "five step teaching method" (that is, questioning - topic selection - inquiry - doubt resolution - detection) centered on "research", which reflects the idea of "student-centered", so that students can truly become participants and implementers of teaching activities, and the classroom radiates life vitality.

3. It is conducive to improving the comprehensive quality of students

Since "research-based learning" is mainly based on students' independent learning, research learning and practical operation, its implementation is conducive to improving students' subjectivity, inquiry ability, innovation ability and collaboration ability, promoting the harmonious development of students' non intellectual factors, and forming a sound personality.

4. It is conducive to the establishment of equal and interactive teacher-student relationship

The classroom of "research learning" is the "research room" of students. Teachers can no longer impose their own ideas on students, and students do not need to be led by teachers. Teachers should consider what questions students will ask, what help students need, and how to evaluate students' research activities, while students should focus on how to ask a valuable question and how to cooperate with classmates to complete the inquiry under the guidance of teachers. In the classroom, what teachers and students seek is teaching and learning, mutual promotion and common development.

5. It is conducive to improving the teaching and research level of teachers

Although "research-based learning" is based on students' independent research and learning, it does not mean laissez faire, nor does it mean that teachers are not needed. It actually puts forward higher requirements for teachers, because teachers not only have to face the "strange" problems raised by students, but also have to respond correctly to the confusion generated by students in the research process. This requires teachers to invest more time and energy in teaching research, improve their comprehensive quality, and adapt to the requirements of "research-based learning".

In daily Chinese teaching, to realize the transformation from "receptive" to "research-based" learning, I think the key is to cultivate students' scientific and realistic spirit, independent research ability, and the spirit of cooperation and communication. Therefore, teachers should give full play to students' autonomy in teaching and give students space for independent discovery and research.

1、 Create a learning environment to provide favorable conditions for students' research and learning

It emphasizes that independent research is the core, and teachers should pay special attention to the creation of learning environment to make it conducive to the harmony between the way of independent research and learning content. The learning environment relates to the presentation of teaching content, students' learning methods, teachers' teaching methods and teacher-student interaction. For example, the use of information technology means, whether to use courseware that presents fixed conclusions, or to try to make courseware that allows students to choose by themselves, provide research materials, can directly talk, and is conducive to their own conclusions, which is a problem that should be paid special attention to in environmental settings. Teachers from the Language and Arts Section of our school have jointly designed a series of "learning resource banks" for literature appreciation, providing students with as rich background, creative background, works author comments and other materials as possible, so that students can choose, analyze and draw conclusions according to their needs in the process of exploration. I once produced the "Su Shi" learning resource library, which is a courseware in the form of a webpage, collecting Su Shi's chronicles, life stories, photos, works, and various commentary articles with pictures and texts. On the basis of reading the textbook text, let the students enter the learning resource database, browse by themselves, form their own topics, find appropriate materials, analyze and synthesize the opinions of others, form their own opinions, and get the conclusions of the problems. As a result, students' autonomy has been strengthened, and their awareness and ability to search for information, analyze problems, and then solve problems have been strengthened. Practice has proved that students have the ability to do such "research" learning.

2、 Pay attention to ability cultivation, and lay the foundation for students' independent inquiry

In the classroom teaching of Chinese research learning, it is necessary to guide students to study the text in depth with a research attitude, form the ability of research, and develop a good habit of learning Chinese. It requires Chinese teachers to be a qualified organizer, use their brains to build an environment conducive to students' research study, strengthen the guidance of methods for students' independent research, fully cultivate students' self-management ability, and cultivate students' research ability and cooperation spirit. I think that in classroom teaching, teachers should focus on cultivating students' inquiry abilities as follows:

1. Comprehensive information processing capability

With independent research as the core, teachers must change the concept of focusing on imparting systematic knowledge, change the habit of "speaking deeply and thoroughly", and fully realize the comprehensiveness of inquiry learning. In the process of comprehensive activities, students can gain the ability and fun of learning, mobilize various experiences in the process of solving problems, experience various processes, and learn how to learn and cooperate. For example, when I was teaching Wang Zengqi's Hutong Culture, considering the many cultural issues involved in the article, I designed to guide students to start with the text content and the cultural issues involved in the article on the basis of text reading, use one week's extracurricular time to complete the work of collecting information through online search, reading books and other ways, and then sort out and analyze information to draw conclusions, Complete the research report. In this process, students have experienced the process of collecting information, sorting out information, analyzing information, and drawing conclusions under the guidance of goals. This is an excellent exercise for training their information processing ability.

2. Ability to deeply study the text

Constructivism believes that learning activities are not the process of transferring knowledge from teachers to students, but the process of students constructing their own knowledge according to external information, through their own background knowledge, with the help of others, and using necessary learning materials. Therefore, the meaning of the text should not be based on teachers' individual analysis and teaching, but should be actively constructed by students through research. During this period, teachers should act as organizers, guides, helpers and promoters, and make full use of situations, collaboration and conversation to give full play to students' initiative, enthusiasm and creativity, so that students can effectively realize the purpose of constructing the meaning of the current knowledge.

3. Ability to compare and appreciate

In the teaching of reading, students can be guided to make a research comparison from the ideological content, text type, text structure, writing skills and methods of several articles. For example, when I was teaching Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi by Gui Youguang of the Ming Dynasty, I guided students to compare and appreciate this article with the article of offering sacrifices to younger sisters by Yuan Mei of the Qing Dynasty. Students skillfully used the method of "comparison, analysis and synthesis" to explore, and found that: (1) the emotional tone is similar. Both of them are kind of love and affection for their loved ones. The style of writing is so natural, simple and elegant, but it expresses so plaintively. (2) The technique of expression is also very similar. Both of the two articles connect the past events with affectionate remembrance as the main line, "embodying the truth in the narrative of household chores". (3) The descriptions of scenery in the two articles are also the same. Although there are only a few descriptions of scenery, they are tinted with the color of remembrance, so the original atmosphere of the works is strengthened. Many works in Chinese textbooks can be studied by students in this way. We can compare the works of different writers in the same period, and also compare the writing styles of different articles in the same literary style. This can not only improve students' literary appreciation ability, but more importantly, students learn research methods that are useful for life, It has laid a solid foundation for lifelong learning.

3、 Pay attention to the connection between inside and outside class, and cultivate students' innovative spirit

It is particularly important to cultivate students' innovative spirit in writing teaching. In 2003, the Ministry of Education issued the "Chinese Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High School", which pointed out that writing should "attach importance to developing students' thinking ability and developing creative thinking". Then, how to cultivate students' innovative ability in composition teaching? First of all, accumulation and literacy are the basis of innovation. Students should be guided to read widely and broaden their horizons. Secondly, we should lead students to pay attention to the times and think positively. The accumulation of composition materials and attention to the times require students to form in the process of independent inquiry learning. All these need teachers' correct guidance.

4、 Expand the connection between Chinese and real life, and open up the space for Chinese research learning

The extension of Chinese is equal to the extension of life. It expands the connection between Chinese and real life, provides students with a broad world of thinking, imagination and creation, and enables students to fully experience the fun of life from multiple angles and levels when learning Chinese. This is a very important part of Chinese research learning. Chinese research-based learning should abandon the rejection of traditional teaching concepts to real life, so that students can constantly enrich and enrich the experience of life in the process of life full of inspiration, passion and ideals. Once students experience that learning Chinese is closely linked to their own lives, Chinese classroom teaching will become classroom life, and the charm of Chinese will emerge as the times require. The development of comprehensive practical activities of Chinese has set up a bridge between Chinese classroom and social life, making Chinese move towards life. Teachers should guide students to live, find problems in the vast space of life, take the initiative to choose topics, and take the initiative to study, look at life from the perspective of Chinese, treat life with a research attitude, explore the rich connotation of life, and enrich their cultural accumulation. Chinese comprehensive practice activities, social cultural life, etc. can all be regarded as subjects for students to carry out research-based learning. As long as teachers can give students a free sky, they will certainly be able to draw a beautiful picture of life.


[1] Zhang Zhaofeng. On research-based learning

[2] Wang Sheng. Theory and Practice of Inquiry Learning. Educational Science Press, 2002.7

Chapter 3: Model Essay on Research Study

1. Establish the awareness of research-based learning

For a long time, Chinese research learning in many schools can not be effectively carried out, one of the important reasons is that students lack awareness of research learning. In the traditional learning process, students focus on teaching materials, mainly in the mode of teacher indoctrination, and have no space for self-conscious activities. Most students are used to passively accepting knowledge, excessively relying on teaching materials, and lack deep thinking on the content of teaching materials. Therefore, high school Chinese teachers should help students overcome their previous learning shortcomings, encourage students to actively explore and research, dare to question the textbook, dare to question the textbook itself, and learn to interpret the text from different perspectives. In addition to teaching and imparting knowledge, Chinese teachers should pay more attention to developing students' unique personality in the classroom and cultivating their learning ability.

2. Develop feasibility study content based on textbooks

Carrying out research study should be based on textbooks, which is also the fundamental method to cultivate students' language skills. Chinese teachers in senior high schools should make use of the advantages of research-based learning according to the characteristics of students to develop feasible research content for students, so that research-based learning can really be implemented, rather than floating on the surface of the lively model. The topic of research should not only have content, but also be meaningful and worthy of research. It should also be able to arouse students' interest. Students should be able to carry out research, and it should be easy to obtain research materials. When students carry out research-based learning, teachers should be clear about their own position, and should not overstep their own responsibilities. In the process of research, teachers should not too much replace students' self-learning, mainly play a guiding role, give full play to students' learning subjectivity, and let students scientifically and effectively carry out research-based learning and exploration under the guidance of teachers.

3. Management socialization of inquiry group

Compared with the traditional Chinese teaching, the research-based learning in senior high school highlights the dynamic characteristics of the curriculum. We must pay attention to the scientific management of the research-based learning group to ensure the smooth development of inquiry activities and the effectiveness of inquiry. Through many years of attempts, the Literature Society is an effective way to carry out Chinese extracurricular activities. Chinese teachers can organically combine Chinese research learning with campus community activities, carry out research activities by carrying out campus reading festivals, social practice activities and other ways, combine research learning groups into communities, and carry out Chinese research learning through various community activities. This kind of community management can increase students' sense of belonging and stimulate students' enthusiasm for exploration, Improve the effect of inquiry activities.

4. Perfect process evaluation and multiple evaluation

Research learning does not lie in conclusions, but focuses more on the experience of the research process. When evaluating the teaching of Chinese inquiry learning in senior high school, we should not only give a scientific and reasonable evaluation of students' learning performance, but also encourage students to participate more in inquiry learning. There are many ways of evaluation. Teachers should comprehensively consider students' attitude and performance, research methods and strategies, and research results in the exploration process of research-based learning, and make a reasonable, fair and objective evaluation of students. We can also change the evaluation subject and adopt diversified evaluation systems such as teacher evaluation, student self-evaluation, and parent evaluation.

2、 Matters needing attention in research study of Chinese in senior high school

Chapter 4: Model Essays on Research Study

1. Broaden research ideas. Small production, small inventions, small theories and small reports organically combined with scientific and technological innovation activities are another important way to carry out research-based learning, which is of great significance in cultivating students' interest, expertise and practical ability, and can lay a good foundation for students' creative activities in the future. For this reason, our school has set up a special science and technology room, which is in the charge of a special person. We have set up a teacher guidance team composed of teachers in physics, chemistry, biology, political history and other disciplines. High school students are the main body of student teams such as the aviation model team and the innovation team. With research learning activities as the carrier, through the form of subject research, under the guidance of teachers, we can independently complete innovation activities Theoretical research and investigation report. For example, "robot test and operation", "remote control model aircraft", "Lanzhou on the tip of the tongue" and others have participated in national, provincial and municipal competitions and won awards. The school has also been awarded provincial and municipal advanced collective and excellent organization awards for scientific and technological innovation for many times.

2. Reasonably develop textbook materials. The implementation of the new curriculum, the development of research-based learning, and the development of school-based textbooks in high school constitute a trinity curriculum reform network. In carrying out research-based learning activities, our school constantly updates the concept through training and organically combines the three, with obvious results. For example, such topics as "the exploration of the methods of form interpretation and text interpretation of Chinese words in Chinese textbooks", "the development and application of composition materials in Chinese textbooks", "the analysis of the reasons for the time-consuming and inefficient phenomenon in classical Chinese learning and the study of countermeasures", based on the mining and integration of teaching materials, further summarized, sorted and analyzed in the research, stimulated students' enthusiasm and interest in learning, and became more familiar with the teaching materials, The concept of the new curriculum has been realized, and the research report has become a popular school-based textbook for students.

2、 Features and evaluation

In the past three years, nearly 200 research projects have achieved fruitful results with their own characteristics. The results of the project are rich and comprehensive, involving Chinese, history, geography, nature, society and other disciplines. In the process of implementation, the instructor can guide students to conduct research according to the characteristics of the discipline, especially in terms of topic selection, the perspective is unique and close to life, starting from the problems around, reflecting the characteristics of life and practicality, and showing students' keen observation; In terms of material selection, on the one hand, students pay attention to the society, showing a high sense of social responsibility. On the other hand, material selection comes from the extension of textbook knowledge, which is conducive to the college entrance examination under the new curriculum. At the same time, it also pays attention to the organic integration of subject research and scientific and technological innovation activities, which cultivates students' practical ability, innovative consciousness and inquiry spirit. The research methods are scientific and diverse, including literature, questionnaire, interview, experiment, field investigation, behavior research, etc. At the report meeting, the exchange group had a series of problems such as how to implement the research plan, how to use the research methods, how to cooperate and divide the work in the research. In the presentation process, there are fresh picture backgrounds, vivid and specific diagram descriptions, short video materials and rhythmic and vivid explanations, which can basically reflect the research content, views and results. At the same time, it also reflects that the students have greatly improved their ability in collecting, analyzing, integrating information and operating. The research team is well united and coordinated, with clear division of labor, enhanced awareness of cooperation, generous speakers and strong expression ability. These fully reflect their wisdom and creativity in research-based learning, which is gratifying. In the process of group presentation, students' comments, exclamations and applause were sent out from time to time. All the students attending the seminar showed great enthusiasm for research-based learning, and the atmosphere was warm and active. The research ability of students and the guidance ability of teachers are obviously improving.

3、 Deficiency

1. The atmosphere of research-based learning is not strong enough. With the gradual implementation and steady progress of the new curriculum reform, the school has arranged teaching time and activity time for research learning. However, in the actual implementation process, the time schedule for research learning is limited, and sometimes it is occupied by meetings, so teachers and students can't avoid dealing with errands. This will easily lead to research learning becoming a mere formality. It is difficult to achieve the goal of helping college entrance examination and achieving dreams, and it is difficult to move forward to a higher level and deeper fields.

2. The guiding role of teachers in research learning activities is not enough. This mainly comes from teachers' sense of job burnout, which easily leads to teachers' professional knowledge and professional ability stagnating, constraining ideas and hands, and weakening the guiding role.

3. Students' research ability in research learning activities is not strong. The main reason lies in the weak source of students and the lack of guidance of teachers. The source of students is not ideal. The learning habits and thinking level of students will restrict the research effect of the topic. Therefore, the research of some topics tends to be stylized, lacking their own opinions and creativity.

4、 Solutions

1. Renew the concept and strengthen the curriculum management of research learning. Invite the local expert team on campus to give special lectures on research-based learning, so that students can further clarify the objectives and contents of the research-based learning activity curriculum; Do not occupy class hours, have a sense of curriculum, and conduct supervision and inspection on research learning activity classes; Provide spiritual incentives and financial support, promote and reward the achievements of good experience in research-based learning, and serve as the basis for comprehensive quality evaluation and excellence evaluation.

2. Improve teachers' professional ability and strengthen their guiding role in research-based learning. With the further deepening of curriculum reform, teacher professional development plays an important role. In view of the above shortcomings, the school has established a leading group for teachers' professional development, formulated a plan for improving teachers' professional development, focused on the theme of "improving the quality of education", and used the "seven principles of good education" teacher questionnaire as a breakthrough to carry out independent analysis and diagnosis on the actual situation and level of teachers' personal professional development, With reference to the Professional Standards for Middle School Teachers newly issued by the Ministry of Education and the Reference Elements for Independent Analysis and Design of Teachers' Professional Development, focusing on the five dimensions of professional philosophy, professional ethics, professional knowledge, professional ability and professional psychology, the teaching and research group is the carrier to carry out various activities and improve actions, It effectively promoted the further improvement of teachers' professional knowledge and ability, and strengthened the guidance for students to carry out research learning.

Chapter 5: Model Essay on Research Study

Since September 2001, our school has offered comprehensive practical courses according to the new curriculum plan of the Ministry in 2001. Now we will come up with the experience and lessons in the teaching process and ask the leaders and experts of the sister schools to give advice.

1、 General objectives and principles of curriculum provision

According to the purpose of this course offered by the Ministry of Education, as well as the latest information of the contemporary learning spirit and the UNESCO's Learn to Learn, we have determined the teaching goal of the comprehensive research course focusing on promoting students' personality, that is, "people-oriented, comprehensive innovation". The specific content includes the following four aspects:

1. Attitude objectives of inquiry learning:

"Research learning" emphasizes that students can gain personal experience and have the requirement of active learning by participating in some learning activities similar to scientific research, and will gradually form a psychological tendency of being brave to question, willing to explore, and striving to seek knowledge, and have a positive desire to actively use the knowledge learned to explore and solve practical problems.

2. Ability objectives of research learning:

In the process of research and learning, students will activate their original knowledge storage around a problem that needs to be solved, take a variety of ways to collect needed information, and improve their comprehensive and innovative ability through practical activities to solve problems.

3. Interpersonal goals of inquiry learning:

Research learning provides a good space for communication and cooperation. In this process, students can develop team spirit, learn to exchange and share research information, creativity and results, and learn to appreciate others as well as themselves.

4. Value objectives of research learning:

In the process of research-based learning, through careful and practical exploration, students' rigorous attitude, the will to overcome difficulties, and the enterprising spirit not satisfied with the status quo will be cultivated to a certain extent. At the same time, they will also have a deeper understanding of the significance and value of scientific knowledge for human beings and learn to care about the country, society and others, So as to sublimate their spiritual realm.

Offering comprehensive research courses is a new teaching work. Before selecting and determining the course content, we have formulated the following principles in advance:

1. Openness: The principle of openness is the only way to cultivate the spirit of innovation, which is manifested in the following aspects: autonomy of learning methods; The openness of teaching time and space; Diversity of teaching activities; It emphasizes that learning should be linked with students' life and social development, not rigidly adhere to the original knowledge system; The implementation process should reflect the principles of democracy and respect for personality development; Diversity of evaluation criteria and participation in the evaluation process.

2. Practicality: comprehensive research courses emphasize students' personal experience and independent participation in the learning process. Under the premise of emphasizing students' independent choice and exploring various comprehensive problems, the arrangement of teaching content should focus on the arrangement of practical or practical teaching content. As for the arrangement of teaching time, the time for students to study, discuss and practice independently is basically guaranteed to be two thirds of the whole course time, and in special circumstances, it should not be less than one half. Offering comprehensive research courses is mainly to cultivate students' innovative spirit, creativity, research ability, practical ability, and scientific spirit, attitude, behavior and habits. Promote the transformation of students' learning methods and teachers' teaching. Therefore, the course emphasizes the connection between theory and society, science and life practice, and pays special attention to environmental issues, major issues related to contemporary life and social development. In the activity, we should guide students to pay attention to real life and participate in social practice activities. Schools should provide conditions for students to participate in social practice activities, so that students can gain direct experience and emotional experience through personal practice.

3. Comprehensiveness: comprehensive practical courses and research-based learning cannot be simply carried out in different subjects, but should pay high attention to the integration of courses and emphasize the integrity of courses according to the development of modern society and science. We should promote the unity of science and humanity, and the unity of nationality and internationalism. In curriculum development and teaching, we should not only pay attention to the understanding and mastery of general scientific principles, but also pay attention to the comprehensive cultivation of scientific attitude, methods and spirit.

4. Feasibility: According to the students' age and psychological development characteristics, pay attention to the strategies from easy to difficult, from near to far. At the same time, according to local conditions, make appropriate arrangements and guidance to ensure implementation.

2、 Selection and determination of teaching content

According to the curriculum objectives, the teaching content of the comprehensive curriculum is mainly divided into three parts: research learning methods, learning content (comprehensive knowledge), and ability training. These three parts are not completely separated, but closely linked.

1. The method of inquiry learning is the core of teaching. All core concepts require that every student should be guided by the teacher to find and solve problems after mastering this research method. The method of inquiry learning is different from the usual method of subject based learning. It emphasizes group research learning, which is a dynamic process in which students actively participate. Thinking inquiry is the core of this learning, which includes a set of strict procedures. In the learning process of group research, students should not only learn to discover, understand, investigate, design, discuss, evaluate and other methods, but also learn the psychological qualities of cooperation, tolerance, acceptance, competition, innovation, self-esteem, and gradually form the spirit of science and humanity in learning.

2. As a practical problem, comprehensive knowledge provides a theoretical background for comprehensive research courses, and forms a relatively unified whole with core concepts as the main concept. The core concepts that students learn can be divided into two categories. One is the more abstract core concepts, which basically represent the core idea of comprehensive knowledge. These core concepts can not be indoctrinated to students by means of subject based teaching, but should be based on practical problems, so that students can understand them in the process of solving problems, and then grasp the humanistic spirit and scientific spirit. The other is a factual concept, which can be attributed to the issues under study, such as the Korean Peninsula issue, greenhouse effect, ecological invasion, etc. The most basic basis is students' life. The first is the content with "man and nature" as the clue, which mainly focuses on the natural environment related to human survival and development in Dalian, such as climate, water resources, vegetation status, energy, etc. The second is the content with "people and society" as the clue. It can be Dalian's changes, social culture (such as cultural traditions, customs, etc.), or social problems, social problems. The third is "people and self" as the main research object. It mainly involves students' understanding of themselves. For example, the physiology and psychology of adolescence, the shaping of personality, the cultivation of morality, and the purpose and significance of life cause students' self reflection and exploration. These concepts were determined in the research. What the teacher did was to teach students how to discuss these concepts and how to query relevant information.

3. Personality quality, scientific spirit and humanistic spirit are also the teaching goals that cannot be ignored. Generally, they cannot be shown very specifically in the teaching goals, but they are reflected in all the processes of students. At the same time, as a deeper conceptual goal, we can consider inviting some experts to give special lectures to promote them.

3、 Organization, implementation and evaluation of comprehensive courses

1. Course organization:

The establishment of a comprehensive research course is faced with many difficulties, among which teachers cannot be ignored. Teachers of various disciplines have already taken on the teaching tasks of the discipline, and no one has ever undertaken this course. The lack of teaching resources makes this course difficult. Therefore, curriculum organization is particularly important. The school plans to establish a comprehensive research curriculum development and research team, curriculum teaching implementation team and expert advisory team, which are jointly led by the principal office, the teaching office, the teaching and research office, etc. The research team is responsible for the development and experiment of research courses, the collection and compilation of teaching resources, curriculum evaluation and teacher training; The teaching group is responsible for the implementation of specific teaching work (of course, the research group is not completely separated from teaching); The expert advisory group is responsible for the consultation and guidance of scientific research topics, and also serves as a part of relevant lectures.

2. Course implementation:

The comprehensive research courses offered in this semester mainly include: general introduction of comprehensive research courses, problem research, problem research, and ecological problem research. Each part of teaching highlights the purpose and overall goal of the course.

(1) Diversified teaching mode

Due to the lack of teachers, this course is mainly undertaken by several teachers in biology, physics, chemistry, geography, history and other disciplines. The main teaching modes are:

① Theme report: It focuses on introducing research and research cases, and focuses on teachers' teaching. Its main purpose is to introduce background knowledge and successful cases. "A stone from another mountain can be used to attack jade" to change students' ideas and stimulate their interest in research;

② Example teaching: after introducing research methods, distribute corresponding research materials, and conduct simulation research on individuals or groups according to requirements and examples. The role of teachers is to provide examples and guidance, and students are the leading role in learning. The main purpose is to enable students to master various specific research methods in simulation research, such as observation, social investigation, and equal experimental methods;

③ Group research learning: take a research group of 2-5 people as a unit, carry out group discussion, complete learning tasks through division of labor and cooperation, and learn the steps and methods of "research learning". Including: determining topics, formulating research plans, collecting research materials, forming research reports, etc. The role of the teacher is to participate in the group and provide information. The team leader selected by the students is responsible for the management of the research process, and the students are the leader of the learning research. The main purpose is to let students experience the change of learning roles, understand and master basic research methods, experience group collaborative learning, and promote the formation of cooperative spirit.

④ Classroom debate meeting: debate in the form of a large class, each group will report the completed research plans or mid-term reports to all students on the platform, and then students will freely ask questions and answer questions from various aspects, such as topic selection, selection of research methods, reliability of data, etc. The role of the teacher is the host of the meeting (equivalent to the TV program host, however, the teacher also needs to provide in-depth explanation and the method of teaching students to think in the explanation). Every student on the stage is the leader of the classroom, and students off the stage are active participants. The main purpose is to enable students to learn the way and method of thesis defense, cultivate the thinking ability of active participation awareness, aggregate speech and debate, and the ability to express themselves in a civilized and frank manner in public places.

(2) Rich and colorful teaching content

The choice of teaching content is the primary task for every teacher to open this course. Because there is no corresponding textbook and no syllabus, we can neither separate from the teaching of different subjects at the current stage of middle school, nor transfer the teaching content of different subjects to the research course. Therefore, we start from three aspects and choose the corresponding problems to carry out research learning. These three aspects are: historical and social problems, natural science problems, and ecological environment problems. The historical and social issues are based on the history discipline, taking into account the contents of, and other disciplines; Natural science issues are based on physical science, taking into account mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and other disciplines; Ecological environment problems are based on biology, chemistry and geography, from division to integration. When teaching, teachers should base their teaching on these three aspects. When students choose topics, they should first start from the division of subjects, and then start from their own interest. When registering, each research group should be classified accordingly, that is, to see what kind of problems it belongs to and what methods are suitable for it. Of course, no matter what problem is studied, the goal is the same, that is, we should learn the teaching goal to which the problem comes.

(3) Step by step teaching process

The teaching process of the new comprehensive research courses needs to be well arranged. Starting from the overview of the comprehensive research courses, we have arranged three types of method guidance courses, namely, research on historical and social issues, research on natural science issues, and research on ecological and environmental issues. At the same time, we guide students to learn how to select and determine topics, formulate research plans, consult relevant materials, analyze Data preliminary statistics and other research methods.

3. Course evaluation

The evaluation of comprehensive research curriculum is an important step to achieve its curriculum objectives. The evaluation method focuses on process evaluation, mainly in the form of research report, self evaluation and mutual evaluation of researchers. In particular, learning to evaluate is also the teaching goal of comprehensive research courses. All data of research report, self-evaluation and mutual evaluation are in the form of research files, which are kept by students themselves. One or two exhibitions are held every semester to evaluate each student's research files, which are the main basis for final evaluation (rating system evaluation).

The evaluation conducted by teachers mainly includes two aspects: first, the evaluation of research reports, which mainly evaluates the mid-term report and the final report of the research, including topics (content, expression), plans (literature analysis, research steps, research methods, etc.), processes (all relevant materials are attached to the report), conclusions, materials, etc; Second, the achievement of comprehensive ability is generally once a school year, irregularly, but mainly in the next semester.

4、 Preliminary Achievements and Future Assumptions of Comprehensive Research Courses

Through the teaching of one academic year, students experienced the joy of research learning. The whole school organized 154 research groups, initially mastered the main methods of research learning, completed 78 mid-term reports on historical and social issues, and 39 mid-term reports on natural science issues. Students' research stimulated their enthusiasm for learning and social responsibility. The preliminary research results can be reflected in the students' research reports, such as: Planning and Design of Dalian Jinshitan Theme Geopark, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, Is the World Peaceful? -- Analysis of Various Human Disasters in the 20th Century, Handshake of Giant People -- Preliminary Exploration of the Thawing of Sino American Relations in the 1970s "Is the Early Modern National Bourgeois Advanced?", "The Concept of Dalian Development Zone", "Defense of Script DOS Program", "Prevention and Treatment of Piglet Diarrhea", "Disneyland - My Dream", etc. The research study topic I directed, Planning and Design of Dalian Jinshatan Theme Geopark, won the second prize in the National Youth Innovation Competition (competition area), three topics, such as Defense of Script DOS Program, won the first prize in Dalian, three topics, such as Language Design of Classmate Record, won the second prize, and three topics, such as Prevention and Treatment of Piglet Diarrhea, won the third prize. The article "Effective Ways and Significance of Fully Developing Community Scientific and Technological Resources" I wrote won the first prize in the 2002 National Science and Technology Counselor Thesis Competition (competition area).

Although some achievements have been made in our comprehensive research courses, as a school-based course, the course construction is still far from perfect, and there are still many shortcomings to be solved. Therefore, we have the following ideas for future courses:

1. Perfect small class teaching. Further improve the management and guidance of small class teaching and research activities. As far as possible, give detailed guidance to all students' selected projects, and establish corresponding project management organizations. The research team and the school will establish research project files respectively.

2. Establish an open research and information inquiry organization. Properly open physical, chemical and biological laboratories and establish corresponding databases. The lack of data is the most troublesome problem in teaching research courses. Many problems can be explained clearly, but without the support of empirical materials, it is lack of scientificity and persuasiveness. It is suggested that the school should establish a corresponding data system as soon as possible. In addition to adding books and periodicals, it can also buy some good CDs, courseware, etc., and should realize the wide access of computers as soon as possible to realize the sharing of information resources.

3. Establish and improve the supporting system of subject guidance teachers, instructors, consultants and managers. Absorb and utilize social resources. Research teachers are all part-time workers. They are busy with professional courses, and cannot always grasp the new progress in science and technology and humanities. Due to their knowledge, they may not be able to explain all the problems clearly. The school should make use of its good social reputation and extensive social connections, and invite more experts and scholars to give special lectures, host research projects Evaluate or provide various convenient conditions, which can bring better learning effect and society.


1. Implementation Guide for "Inquiry Learning" in Ordinary High School (Trial)

2. Guiding Outline of Comprehensive Practical Activity Course

3. Chen Xia, Curriculum Theory, People's Education Press, 1989

4. Zhong Qiquan, "Science Literacy and Science Curriculum Reform Abroad", Comparative Education Research, 1997 (1)

5. Yang Zhanghong, Educational Experiment Research, Zhejiang Education Press

Chapter 6: Model Essays on Research Study

Keyword research learning Innovation of electronic information professional course

1 Introduction

The current development of the information society and the reform of quality education in China require college students to be able to flexibly apply professional knowledge to solve practical problems and create new knowledge, and have considerable lifelong learning ability. The traditional teaching method of teacher teaching and student acceptance is far from these requirements. Under this teaching method, students are prone to be bored with learning, and the attendance rate of elective courses in senior grades is generally low. The reason is that through the teaching of basic courses in junior grades, students have developed different degrees of rebellious psychology towards learning, And they have strong self-awareness and desire for expression, so they are no longer satisfied with the mechanical transfer of learning content between teachers and students. It is an important channel to help them use their existing professional basic knowledge to learn actively and independently.

The so-called research-based learning refers to a learning method in which students choose different research topics and carry out research independently under the guidance of teachers, according to their own interests, hobbies and conditions, so as to cultivate innovative spirit and creativity. The prominent feature of this learning method is that students should adhere to the free topic selection, independent inquiry and free creation in the learning process. Compared with the previous learning methods, research learning is more conducive to cultivating students' innovation ability.

The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the inexhaustible power of a country's prosperity." For the electronic information industry, technological innovation is an important source of industrial sustainable development. Therefore, the teaching of electronic information courses should aim at cultivating innovative spirit, research ability and practical ability. It emphasizes that students should ask questions, collect materials, explore, analyze and study research topics through research-based learning, and finally cultivate students' scientific attitudes and values, innovative spirit, innovative thinking Creativity, and learn to solve practical problems related to electronic information technology learning in life.

2. The connotation and positive significance of research-based learning

Research learning is to create a scene or approach similar to scientific research in the teaching process, so that students can choose and determine research topics from learning, life and social practice under the guidance of teachers, and actively explore, discover and experience in a way similar to scientific research. At the same time, learn to collect, analyze and judge information to acquire knowledge, apply knowledge and solve problems, so as to enhance thinking and creativity, and cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability.

The focus of inquiry learning is learning rather than research. After all, a school cannot be equated with a scientific research institution. It does not have the necessary research facilities and funds. As long as it can improve students' practical ability and cultivate students' innovative spirit through research-based learning, it can basically achieve the teaching purpose.

The core of inquiry learning is to encourage students to learn through cognitive methods and psychological processes similar to research. Its fundamental purpose is not the expected research results, but the expected learning results. Through research learning, students' comprehensive knowledge and comprehensive ability can be improved, and their practical ability and innovative ability can be cultivated. Therefore, it can be said that research learning makes up for the defect of traditional teaching mode that focuses on teaching subject knowledge and neglects ability cultivation.

Research learning is conducive to cultivating and developing students' subjectivity. The subjectivity education experiment carried out in China in the past 10 years has proved that the core of students' development is their subjectivity development. Cultivating and developing students' subjectivity has become an important purpose of teaching. In research-based learning, students can choose their own topics, design their own research plans, conduct their own investigations and draw conclusions, which reflects that they are the real subject of teaching.

Research learning is conducive to transforming the intellectual resources of human subjects into individual intellectual resources. What kind of way to know the world is closely related to the learning style formed in the student era. The learning mode of traditional education in China is reception learning, which can not well transform human intelligence resources into individual intelligence resources. Research learning can make up for this deficiency. From the perspective of practice mode, traditional teaching is mainly practice and experiment, which is not conducive to the development of students, while research learning is a problem-based learning activity of active cognition and active practice, which is a process of cognition verification experience. Research learning provides students with an active, pleasant and positive experience.

Research learning is conducive to cultivating students' ability of sustainable development. Whether students have the ability of sustainable development mainly depends on three factors: whether they have learned to learn; Whether they have healthy social feelings; Whether they are creative. Research study is conducive to the formation of these three abilities of students.

Research learning can help students develop a good way to pursue their studies and understand the principles of life. The way to study is closely related to the principle of life. The formation of students' sense of conduct needs the support of their way of study. Research study can cultivate students' spirit of seeking truth from facts and their good style of being rigorous and pragmatic.

Research learning is the internal need of higher education

The main disadvantages of traditional classroom teaching are: the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is difficult to implement under the premise of collective teaching activities in the class; It is difficult to transmit and receive some teaching information because of the language based expression mode; The teacher centered classroom teaching can not fully reflect the role of students, and students lack initiative and creativity in learning; In traditional classroom teaching, teachers are always doing repetitive work, and the teaching intensity is very high. In this way, teachers can not get away from the heavy teaching tasks to carry out research work.

High level creative talents shoulder the historical mission of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, and research learning is an important means to cultivate and bring up innovative talents. The successful experience at home and abroad on how to improve the teaching level and scientific research quality and achieve innovative results shows that accelerating innovative research learning is the only way.

The rapid development of modern social science and technology requires that the talents trained by colleges and universities not only have profound scientific knowledge and solid professional skills, but also have the ability to find problems and solve practical theoretical and practical problems. It is obviously impossible to achieve this simply by imparting knowledge. Moreover, the introduction of scientific research into the teaching process and the infiltration of scientific research training for college students in the teaching process are the characteristics of college teaching. Research learning is conducive to the organic combination of teaching and scientific research, and helps college students to acquire new knowledge and produce creative achievements through research and exploration in the simulation of "problem scenarios".

Research learning is open and diversified, emphasizing systematic practice, and giving play to the potential of autonomy in scientific research practice, thus meeting the main factors of forming innovative spirit and producing innovative results. Research learning plays a catalytic role in the formation of innovation, and universities provide a realistic stage for research learning. The practice strategy of research-based learning also includes the form of subject group research, which emphasizes the cooperation and cooperation of the subject group. The exercise of this cooperation spirit has a positive impact on subsequent scientific innovation. Research learning not only enables students to learn knowledge in research, but also exercises students' organizational ability and coordination ability in the process of research, which is unmatched by traditional learning methods.

Research learning helps to make up for the inherent shortcomings of college students. It can give them a huge "place to use", give students time and space for independent activities, and greatly explore the potential of students' scientific research. By participating in the research, students' thinking mode will change greatly: from passive thinking to active thinking; From single thinking to multiple thinking; From plane thinking to three-dimensional thinking; From static thinking to dynamic thinking; From closed thinking to open thinking. Therefore, if students dare to face challenges and put forward independent opinions, their potential will be fully tapped and developed, laying the foundation for scientific innovation.

The research-oriented teaching has changed the assessment structure. It is necessary to separate the basic content assessment and the creative assessment properly, which is a scientific assessment system. The methods conducive to fairness will be welcomed and supported by students. At present, research-based teaching has been widely concerned and welcomed. After solving the problem of cognition, more schools and teachers will certainly go to further practice. After breaking the limitation of "one school, one lesson", we would like to see how to find out the appropriate form and determine reasonable goals and workload according to different people and different places. It is believed that research-oriented teaching will play an exemplary role in the substantial improvement of teaching quality.

4 Design of Research Learning in the Teaching of Electronic Information Specialty

(1) Design of learning objectives. In the research study, teachers should first organize students to select and determine the research topics they are interested in from the fields of communication signal processing, graphics and image processing, voice signal processing, multimedia technology, DSP technology and other fields covered by the electronic information specialty to find and raise problems. In research-based learning, problems are important carriers of students' learning. Students will involve a variety of knowledge in the process of solving problems. The selection, accumulation and application of these knowledge are completely problem centered, presenting a horizontal and cross cutting state.

Research learning is the complement of course teaching. Professional course teaching attaches importance to students' understanding and mastery of basic knowledge of electronic information technology, while research learning does not pursue the teaching of systematic electronic information technology discipline knowledge. It starts from the needs of students' personality development, and focuses on the lack of electronic information discipline teaching and the strengths of research learning.

(2) Design of learning content. Research learning is not mainly about learning book knowledge, but emphasizes the practical process of using hands and brains. In particular, the electronic information specialty emphasizes students' practical ability. It cannot rely on teachers to impart knowledge and skills, but emphasizes students' autonomous learning behavior and process. At present, students' learning style in teaching is basically receptive learning, which is applicable to the mastery of factual knowledge, technical knowledge, and regular knowledge. However, the learning of strategic knowledge, value, attitude, and emotional knowledge is often ineffective. Only through autonomous learning can these knowledge be internalized into students' own experience system. In research-based learning, it is through creating a situation similar to scientific research that students can explore, practice, develop and experience independently, so as to cultivate students' scientific spirit, innovative thinking, and ability to analyze and solve problems. Therefore, the specific contents of inquiry learning can be selected within a rather wide and flexible range, which is in line with the characteristics of wide coverage of electronic information specialty.

The specific selection and design of research learning content mainly reflects the learning objectives and principles of research learning. There is no absolute standard and degree that must be reached, but it is flexible to handle and grasp according to the specific conditions of students and schools. Students can choose directions in the fields of communication signal processing, graphics and image processing, voice signal processing, multimedia technology and DSP technology according to their own interests and hobbies. These choices are reasonable and can effectively reflect and achieve the goal of information technology research study. There is no difference between high and low.

(3) The design of learning strategies. The autonomous learning strategies of students in research learning mainly include: making learning plans independently, determining the division of labor, activities and methods, and selecting research or survey objects; Carry out activities such as data inquiry, operation and production; Collect and exchange learning achievements. To realize the autonomy of learning in electronic information technology research learning, teachers are not only required to provide students with the necessary conditions in terms of ideas, activity space and time to achieve the purpose of students' independent choice, independent arrangement and self organization of learning activities, but also to ask teachers not to be constrained by classroom teaching or other procedural rules, Self arrange students' learning activities.

(4) Design of learning evaluation. Evaluation is the process of providing information for decision-making. The evaluation of research learning refers to the process of systematically collecting information in the process of research learning, making value judgments on the changes in students' cognitive behavior caused by learning based on qualitative and quantitative basis according to the requirements of learning objectives, and providing information for decision-making of research learning.

A complete learning process always presents various phased results, which are not only a branch of the overall results, but also a feedback body for students to predict the overall results in learning. The evaluation of research-based learning attaches great importance to the evaluation of phased results, that is, in each stage of research-based learning, set and examine students' different abilities: in the task setting stage, examine students' ability to set topics; In the stage of collecting relevant materials and adjusting research plans, examine students' ability to collect information; In the stage of project research, examine students' ability to explore topics; Check the production results to check the students' practical ability, creativity and creativity; In the self-evaluation stage, examine students' self-evaluation ability; At the stage of summary, report and exchange, students' comprehensive expression ability will be examined.

5 Conclusion

Students majoring in electronic information are facing the rapidly changing and fiercely competitive market, which requires them to have innovative ability and good lifelong learning ability. By designing teaching strategies based on research-based learning in professional courses, students can learn to learn to learn, especially learn to think about problems and analyze and deal with practical problems outside the classroom, which will benefit them all their lives.


1 An Guiqing. Research based Curriculum Control Micro [J]. Curriculum · Textbook · Teaching Method, 2000 (3)

2 Zhong Wenfang. Positioning, Characteristics and Difficult Problems in the Implementation of Research based Courses [J]. Curriculum · Teaching Materials · Teaching Methods, 2000 (12)

Chapter 7: Model Essays on Research Study

1. In the knowledge preparation stage, the teacher uses a class time to hold relevant lectures, so that students can understand some topic theories, characteristics and methods of research-based learning, etc.

2. Set up a research group to prepare to divide into several research groups on the premise that students choose their own topics and sign up voluntarily. Determine the team leader and clarify the division of labor, so that each student can truly participate, show their strengths in independent exploration, cooperation and exchange, reflect their own value, enable students to establish confidence and interest in participating in research activities, and ensure the sustainable development of the activities.

3. Determine the topic of the research group, fill in the Declaration Form, and be evaluated by the instructor.

4. The research team will state the research content and preliminary research plan of the research team in the whole class. Other teams and instructors will give good suggestions and evaluate the research content and scheme to ensure the smooth progress of the research work and improve the research quality. (1) Preliminary demonstration: when the research group filled in the Application Form, it had made a preliminary demonstration in the group. At that time, the main consideration was whether the topic had research value and feasibility. (2) Argument of the research group: Argument is mainly carried out around research contents, research methods, research steps, condition analysis, task division and other issues. (3) Class argumentation: hold a topic argumentation exchange meeting based on the class (temporary class), listen to the opinions of the instructor and other groups, revise the original scheme, ensure the quality of research, and prepare for the formulation of "topic research plan". (4) Instructor demonstration: the instructor evaluates the topic through written materials and opening report meeting.

2、 Specific implementation of research-based learning

1. In the early investigation stage, the students preliminarily understood the general sources of river pollution and the methods of river treatment through Internet access, library reference and other methods, laying a foundation for future research work.

2. In the experimental research stage, the students of the experimental group first went to Luheng River to get water. The students found a small bucket, made a simple water intake device by themselves with the rope used in the physical education class, and selected a place to fetch water. When testing the pollution degree of the river water, we decided to use the cultivation of Chlorophytum davidianum for testing by searching information online and combining with local plant species. Students choose three clean and equal sized beakers. Pour a certain amount of river water into beaker 1, equal amount of tap water into beaker 2, and equal amount of known harmful sewage into beaker 3. Some students think that since cigarettes contain many substances harmful to human health, their extract will not germinate seeds, so an equal amount of cigarette extract is also set. They set up three groups of experiments for comparison according to the principle of experimental design. After a period of time, they observed the growth of three Chlorophytes and judged the pollution degree of the river water. But the students were worried that it would take a long time to cultivate Chlorophytum, which would affect the research process of other groups. Therefore, the students thought of doing another set of experiments, using water of different water quality to cultivate seeds, and by observing the germination of seeds, speculate on the pollution of the river water. So the students took four clean beakers of equal size, put two layers of filter paper on the bottom of each beaker, and then evenly put 30 intact cabbage seeds into each beaker. Then sprinkle an appropriate amount of river water into beaker 1, tap water into beaker 2, known harmful sewage into beaker 3, and cigarette extract into beaker 4. Why did students think of using cigarette extracts? They originally thought that since cigarettes contain many substances harmful to human health, their extracts would not germinate seeds. After a period of time, the students observed that the seed germination of beaker 1 was not as good as that of beaker 2. The conditions of No. 1 and No. 3 are similar, but we found that No. 4 beaker germinates better than No. 2 beaker. In response to this phenomenon, the students in the experimental group and the students in the data collection and sorting group inquired about the data together, and finally found that cigarettes also contain many nutrients that are beneficial to seed germination, such as N, P, K, etc. And only when its concentration reaches a certain amount, will it have adverse effects on human body and seeds. The students in the experimental group continued their in-depth observation and went to the biological exploration laboratory every day during the noon lunch break to investigate and record the growth of Chlorophytum davidii and seeds, which provided valuable basis for the research of other groups. Through experiments, we found that the water pollution of Luheng River is very serious, which has adversely affected the growth of plants. According to the experimental results of the students in the experimental group, the students in the investigation group began to prepare to investigate the residents around the Luheng River to understand the pollution of the river.

3. Students in the field investigation stage and the investigation stage should first receive safety education, prepare the necessary supplies for going out, collect data, and clarify the purpose and task of the field investigation. Then go deep into the site for field investigation. Through our personal observation of the river course and the growth of surrounding plants, as well as the survey of the residents around the river course on the river course, we can understand the pollution of the river course and its causes. During the investigation, the students realized that there were still many shortcomings in the communication of design problems and inviting residents to investigate.

4. Data collection and summary stage (1) The students in the data collection and sorting group record and sort out the research process and complete the final report. (2) According to the research results of each group, students exchange their experience and successfully demonstrate the research results of the project.

5. At the stage of summary and evaluation, the students of this research group made self-evaluation and mutual evaluation within the group, and communicated with the students of other research groups and accepted the teacher's evaluation, so as to improve the research results of this group and recognize the shortcomings of this group in the research process.

3、 Display research results and generate incentive mechanism

Our school has specially held a research achievement exhibition to show the research achievements of various research groups, and conducted a comparison. The students usually have few opportunities to show, so they especially cherish this platform, and this is conducive to stimulating their enthusiasm for learning, turning hard work into pleasure, and also improving their scientific literacy invisibly. In the school evaluation, "Luheng River Water Pollution Investigation" won the first prize. Their findings are as follows:

1. The students found that (1) water pollution really has a great impact on the growth of plants. For example, we use the polluted water of the Luheng River to cultivate plants that grow the worst, and we found that the roots have a tendency to decay. (2) Through experiments, we found that the pollution situation of Luheng River was very serious. (3) We found that the pollution sources came from domestic sewage, agricultural pesticides, fertilizer pollution, chemical pollution, etc. (4) People place urgent expectations on the early restoration of Luheng River.

Chapter 8: Model Essays on Research Study

In order to cultivate students' ability and improve their quality, we must attach great importance to the main position of students in teaching activities, and attach great importance to students' independent learning and active participation. Therefore, we propose that we should pay attention to the combination of teaching reading and thematic research reading in the teaching of Chinese reading.

Instructional reading refers to reading directly related to course teaching, including preview reading before class, classroom reading while listening in class and review reading after class. The main object of teaching reading is textbooks. However, under the past exam oriented education system, in order to cope with the exam, students often only pay attention to review reading after class and ignore preview reading before class. As a result, they can only passively receive, passively "listen" in class, and completely rely on the teacher's explanation and indoctrination. They can not actively learn and participate in the exam. As a result, they still can't read after "reading" books for more than ten years. Therefore, in the teaching reading, we should emphasize the preview reading before class. Strengthening the preview reading before class can make students familiar with the content of the new lesson, eliminate the blindness of listening to the lesson, so as to achieve active learning and active participation in teaching activities. It is also conducive to active thinking, in-depth understanding, key memory and difficulty breakthrough when listening to the lesson, which will greatly improve the efficiency of classroom reading and classroom teaching. At the same time, it can also effectively exercise and develop students' self-learning ability. Practice has proved that with good and sufficient preview reading, teachers and students can be freed from the shackles of cramming, and the review reading after class can also be transformed from inefficient to efficient, so as to truly "learn from the past and learn from the new".

Teaching reading is important, but relatively speaking, its reading range is relatively narrow, and due to the limitation of classroom teaching time, the knowledge learned is limited, students' self-development space is also limited, and students' learning potential cannot be fully exerted. Therefore, only by combining effective teaching reading with conscious thematic research reading can students become promising talents who can meet the needs of social development.

In 2000, the Ministry of Education issued the Curriculum Plan for Ordinary Senior High Schools (trial draft), which has clearly combined research learning with student work, student agriculture, student army, labor technology and social services to form a "social practice" curriculum, which is included in the compulsory curriculum for senior high school students. "Research learning is based on students' autonomy and exploratory learning. It selects and determines research topics from students' life and social life, mainly in the form of individual or group cooperation. It obtains direct experience through personal practice, develops scientific spirit and attitude, grasps basic scientific methods, and improves the ability to comprehensively use the knowledge learned to solve practical problems." In Article 23 of the Decision of the State Council on the Reform and Development of Basic Education, it is stipulated that "research learning should be carried out to cultivate students' ability to raise, study and solve problems, Provide opportunities to acquire knowledge through multiple channels and apply the learned knowledge to practice, so as to cultivate innovative spirit and practical ability. For this reason, research-based learning courses have been taught in schools in many provinces and cities. For example, Jiangsu Province has tried research-based learning since 2000, Zhejiang Province has also started to introduce research-based learning into senior high school classrooms since the new semester in the autumn of 2001, and Shanghai has a special question on the selection of research-based learning topics, reasons, research methods The examination will be conducted in the form of plans and research results. How to carry out research study in Chinese reading teaching is an important topic in Chinese reading teaching. It is in this environment that we propose to carry out thematic research reading in the teaching of Chinese reading.

Thematic research reading refers to the planned and selective research reading to solve a certain topic. The main object of thematic research reading is reading materials other than textbooks. Thematic research reading is an important way for students to understand the world, expand their vision, enrich their knowledge, cultivate their character, cultivate their ability, improve their quality and self-development.

Thematic research reading teaching is a cooperative and exploratory reading teaching mode centered on special topics. Its basic links are:

1. Propose special topics. Students find feasible research topics and establish research reading goals in preview reading and extracurricular free reading; Or teachers can propose some comprehensive topics, which are the research oriented reading. This is the key to thematic research reading. Special topic research reading must have a clear goal, that is, what problems to solve through reading and what significance to study this topic must be clear in advance. For middle school students, the establishment of a topic should not be too large. They should choose a small topic that is small in opening, short in cycle, and easy to occupy materials. Students should be able to complete it independently or cooperatively through reading. After the topic is established, a specific topic research plan should be designed under the guidance of teachers to ensure that the topic research reading is carried out orderly and effectively.

2. Collect data. Students can collect, screen, analyze, synthesize, refine and reorganize relevant information independently or under the guidance of teachers. Special research reading can only be carried out after a certain amount of accumulation of information. Bee honey must be collected extensively, and monographic research reading also needs a broad knowledge base. The collection of data and information requires extensive reading. They can be sourced from the content of textbooks, newspapers and magazines, or from the Internet. Thematic research reading is an open reading, which will break the closed reading mode from book to book and from book to homework in traditional Chinese reading teaching, give students more ways and channels to obtain information, and lay a good foundation for students to obtain information and solve problems in the future. 3. Cooperative inquiry. After collecting and possessing a certain amount of data and information, students will have a discussion on the topic in groups, so that students can debate and inspire each other. Thematic research reading will fully reflect the dominant position of students in teaching, allowing students to change from passively mastering knowledge in traditional Chinese teaching to actively discovering and researching and solving problems, while teachers will change from the knowledge imparter in traditional teaching to the director or even collaborator of thematic research. This kind of learning method requires students to think independently and interact and cooperate with each other, which will cultivate excellent learning quality of students' unity and cooperation, scientific and realistic, and help them to learn and develop themselves in the future.

4. Exchange evaluation. After cooperative inquiry, students are required to complete the essay independently or cooperatively. The formation of small papers is the basic way to summarize the research results and communicate. Writing small papers is also a reflection of comprehensive quality and a very important Chinese learning ability. Then the main body of students will speak, and other students will supplement, refute and improve, and the teacher will make an evaluation. The main purpose of this link is to feed back students' reading quality, make appropriate suggestions for the problems that students failed to find in the research, and correct the bias or extremes in students' research. In order to keep students interested in thematic research reading, attention should be paid to protecting students' enthusiasm for research in the evaluation, so that students can always feel the joy of discovery, and let students always taste the sweetness of research.

Thematic research reading teaching is a transformation of teachers' teaching concepts, teaching methods and students' learning methods in traditional Chinese reading teaching, which helps teachers and students to jointly establish the teaching concept of equality, democracy and mutual benefit between teaching and learning, so that the focus of teaching and learning will shift from simply acquiring knowledge to learning to mastering learning methods and skills, From passive receptive learning to active exploratory learning, the goal of the organic unity of knowledge, ability and awareness is finally realized. This also fully reflects the dominant position of students and teachers in research learning activities.

In the teaching of Chinese reading in middle schools, the purpose of the combination of thematic research reading and teaching reading is to deepen students' understanding of Chinese classroom teaching, broaden their knowledge, cultivate their innovative spirit and spirit of solidarity and cooperation, and develop the habit of conscious learning and research. Project research reading ability is a comprehensive ability, which will lay a good foundation for students to engage in professional research reading and official reading after graduation. In the middle school teaching, it is very important and necessary for students' future development if they can do a good job of special research reading, combine Chinese teaching with students' future development, and prepare for students' future development in methods and abilities.

The formation of Chinese ability cannot be achieved overnight. The improvement of Chinese ability requires a long process of imperceptible influence, and it cannot be achieved by short-term surprise teaching. The thematic research reading we advocate should focus on cultivating students' consciousness in thematic research reading, let students personally participate in research practice activities in reading teaching, develop good learning habits and research habits, and gradually form a personal concept system of self-awareness guiding research on the basis of experience internalization.

Examples of special research reading:

Chapter 9: Model Essay on Research Study

[Abstract] Research learning is a new learning mode that requires students to actively explore by selecting certain topics in a way similar to scientific research under the guidance of teachers, and has been listed as a required course in high school. The educational tasks and teaching objectives of information technology education in primary schools propose to cultivate students' good information literacy, take information technology as a means to support lifelong learning and cooperative learning, strive to create conditions, actively use information technology to carry out teaching in various disciplines, and focus on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. The above teaching tasks and teaching objectives can be better achieved by adopting the research learning method. When selecting research topics, we should not only combine the content of information technology teaching, but also meet the age characteristics of primary school students, and also combine the teaching content of the subject. We should pay attention to the principle of gradual selection. In the implementation phase, the mode of group collaborative learning is mainly adopted. Teaching, as a proponent, facilitator and listener, pays attention to the communication of knowledge groups, and actively uses network and other information technology means in communication. In the evaluation of learning achievements, more attention is paid to the evaluation of research process rather than the evaluation of results, and students' learning experience in research is emphasized. In the whole process of implementing inquiry learning, always pay attention to the concept of "education is based on human development".

[Key words] Primary school information technology research learning

1、 The Significance of Information Technology Research Learning in Primary Schools

In October 2000, the Ministry of Education held a working conference on information technology education in primary and secondary schools, and issued the "Notice on Popularizing Information Technology Education in Primary and Secondary Schools" and the new "Guidelines for Information Technology Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), which opened a new chapter in information technology education in primary and secondary schools in China. In the "Outline", the main task of information technology education in primary and secondary schools is to cultivate students' interest and awareness of information technology, so that students can understand the profound impact of the development and application of information technology on human daily life and science and technology. Through information technology courses, students can acquire information, transmit information, process information and apply information; Educate students to correctly understand and understand the cultural, ethical and social issues related to information technology, and use information technology responsibly; Cultivate students' good information literacy, take information technology as a means to support lifelong learning and cooperative learning, and lay a necessary foundation for learning, work and life in the information society; Efforts should be made to create conditions, actively use information technology to carry out teaching in various disciplines, and focus on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. The teaching objectives of primary school students are: to understand the application environment of information technology and some forms of information expression; Establish a perceptual understanding of computers, understand the application of information technology in daily life, and cultivate students' interest and awareness in learning and using computers; Learn to cooperate with others when using information technology, and learn to use multimedia resources consistent with age development for learning; Be able to use communication to obtain information from a distance, communicate with others, carry out direct and independent learning, and develop personal hobbies and interests with the help of others; Know how to use information technology systems and software responsibly, and develop good computer use habits and sense of responsibility. In order to achieve the teaching tasks and objectives proposed in the "Outline", our school has carried out research learning exploration in information technology teaching.

The so-called research-based learning refers to a learning method in which students, under the guidance of teachers, actively explore by selecting certain topics in a way similar to scientific research. Its basic characteristics are emphasizing process, application, experience and participation of all staff. Research learning embodies the idea of humanistic psychology that "curriculum is a free and liberating process to meet the needs of human growth and personality integration", and the theory of cognitive assimilation that "the process of learning is a process in which learners actively engage in learning", which is conducive to cultivating people's creative ability and innovative consciousness. Carrying out research-based learning in information technology education in primary schools can enable students to actively acquire knowledge about information technology and cultivate their learning interest and awareness in the course of subject research. At the same time, carrying out research-based learning in groups can also promote the spirit of cooperation between students. At the same time, when completing research projects, The ability of students to acquire and deal with information resources will be greatly strengthened, and information technology will be used as a means of learning and cooperation since childhood. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out research-based learning in the information technology class of primary schools to achieve the curriculum tasks and teaching objectives proposed in the Outline.

2、 The Choice of Information Technology Research Learning Topics in Primary Schools

Research learning requires "simulating scientific research methods and processes, posing and solving problems in a way similar to scientific research", and cultivating innovative awareness and practical ability through this basic form and means. The question to be raised here is the subject of inquiry learning. In selecting topics, students must choose topics independently according to their own interests and hobbies, and give full play to the divergent and open thinking. Teachers can propose some reference topics. At the same time, attention should be paid to students' original knowledge and experience when selecting topics, and the selected topics must be feasible and targeted. According to the teaching requirements of each module of information technology in primary schools, the following types of topics can be proposed according to different levels for reference when learning topics:

(1) Knowledge inquiry topic: This is the lowest level of research topic. After learning some knowledge, students will further broaden their learning range.

1. Drawing teaching topic: how to use computers for art creation; The role of color in representing pictures with different contents. When completing this kind of topic, it is advocated to choose different software for research and learning, such as drawing software provided by Windows, Kingsoft Painting King, Genie Brush, Xiaobaixue and other drawing software.

2. Teaching topic of character input and processing: how to use word processing software to write composition; How to make various forms such as grade sheet, curriculum schedule; How to write class knowledge tabloid; The advantages and disadvantages of various word processing software in application. During the research, pay attention to the horizontal comparison of different software, and choose different software for learning for the purpose of application. The word processing software used can be; Wordpad, word, wps2000, etc.

3. Multimedia production: how to help teachers make courseware, how to use electronic slides to organize class and team meetings and other topics.

(2) Comprehensive subject of knowledge: comprehensive course refers to the comprehensive application of information technology in subject learning, and the comprehensive use of various information technology means in the process of completing subject knowledge learning. That is to say, the integration of information technology and disciplines, the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge into information technology courses, and the cultivation of students' ability to apply information technology to their study and life when solving comprehensive problems. For example, after learning the Chinese language Monument to the People's Heroes, we carried out the collection of images and texts of monuments across the country, and used media technology to create a "Monument Grand View Garden". In natural science, we used multimedia and network technology to explore the evolution of animals, the diversity of biological species, the relationship between animal habits and the environment and other topics. The goal of these topics is to enable students to learn to use multiple media to solve research courses in various disciplines, which not only broadens their knowledge, but also promotes students' ability to apply information technology to solve problems comprehensively, cultivate students' ability to use the network to obtain information, transmit information, process information and apply information, and cultivate students' information literacy.

The above topics are just a few representative topics, which can be used as a reference for students to select topics. On a certain basis, students should be encouraged to select topics independently.

3、 Organization and implementation of information technology research learning in primary schools

Research learning is the combination of independent learning and cooperative learning, in which cooperative learning plays an important role. Because research-based learning is based on problem solving, learners face complex and comprehensive problems, and need to rely on the collective wisdom and division of labor of learning partners. Cooperation is both the stage and the purpose of learning. Through cooperative learning and research, learners can learn from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses. At the same time, they have also developed a cooperative spirit and ability, such as mutual respect, understanding and tolerance, ways and means of expressing, listening to and persuading others, and the ability to formulate and implement cooperative research programs. In modern society, the division of labor is refined, and the problems faced are more and more complex. Training students' sense of cooperation and ability reflects the requirements of the times and society. Therefore, in the information technology research learning in primary schools, the organizational form of group cooperative learning is often used. Students are required to freely form research groups with common interests, jointly develop research topics, implement plans, and jointly study and summarize research results. In this process, the teacher plays the role of a counsellor, listener and coordinator. For example, in the teaching of drawing and word processing, students can be encouraged to form different groups to study the use methods and implementation functions of different drawing software and word processing software and draw different conclusions. Teachers can organize different groups to take advantage of the opportunities to communicate, so that students can learn more widely and cultivate the ability of collaborative learning in group learning.

In the implementation process of research projects, we should also pay attention to hierarchy. According to the learning level of students at different stages, we suggest that students choose different research contents, which is both targeted and achievable.

4、 Evaluation of Information Technology Research Learning Achievements in Primary Schools