Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Selected Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture (9 chapters)

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 The Concept of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Chapter 1: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: excellent traditional culture; Contemporary culture; modern society

CLC No.: G03 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1003-854X (2016) 10-0140-05

The prosperity of a country or a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture. Since the tenth anniversary of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Comrade General Secretary, has repeatedly stressed the need to achieve the chinese people Traditional culture is creatively transformed and innovatively developed, so that excellent traditional culture It has been handed down from generation to generation, providing a strong spiritual force for promoting reform and opening up, socialist modernization and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This article focuses on exploring the guiding ideology, objectives, requirements and realistic paths of better carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture in contemporary society, so as to promote the optimization, innovation and scientific development of traditional Chinese culture.

1、 Clarify and refine the excellent ideas of traditional culture and build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation

As one of the oldest countries in the world, we are proud of the thousands of years of unbroken historical and cultural heritage. The ancient sages deeply discussed the true meaning of the relationship between people, people and society, and people and nature, and put forward a broad and profound ideological system, which has accumulated into a profound national tradition, national culture and national spirit, and condensed into a moral code, ideological character and value orientation universally recognized and accepted by the Chinese nation, It still has a profound impact on the way of thinking and behavior of the Chinese people. Standing at the starting point of the times and based on the requirements of practice, we must clarify and refine the rich connotation and spiritual essence of traditional culture in line with the requirements of the times, build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and gain a firm foothold in the turmoil of world culture.

1. Be patriotic and worried about the country. In the thick accumulation of Chinese traditional culture, patriotism has always been the main theme of the excitement, and is a powerful spiritual force to encourage the Chinese nation to live and grow. "I pledge my life to the country, vow to die in the battle, and never advance or retreat with my life" (The Southern History of China, The Biography of Yang Kan), "Never do anything that is hidden from others, never keep the heart that is harmful to others, and never avoid anything that is beneficial to the country even if it is dead" (Language), from worrying about the country and the people, to pleading for orders for the people, to committing to the country and dying for the country, is the essence and essence of ancient patriotism, It is also a concentrated summary and vivid portrayal of the spirit of the Chinese nation, showing the Chinese nation's positive and indomitable spiritual character, and the patriotic feelings of not yielding after setbacks and not getting discouraged after repeated setbacks.

2. Caring for the people. The thought of benevolence is the core of traditional ethics and the moral spirit of mankind with universal significance. Confucius emphasized that "benevolent people love others", "do not do to others what you don't want to do to others", "set up people when you want to, and reach people when you want to", reflecting the highest moral pursuit of Chinese people, and also convincing the world. He developed the thought of "benevolence" into the theory of "benevolent government", advocating that people should be benefited, compensated, educated, supported and enriched. "To be lenient to help the people, to be lenient to help the people, and to be peaceful in politics" (Confucius Family Sayings), "To be happy with the people, the people will also be happy; to be worried about the people, the people will also be worried about their worries" (Mencius · Liang Hui Wang Xia)... Although the people-oriented idea is different from the modern democratic concept, the previous dynasties adopted the policies of light corvee and low taxes, thrift and penalty saving, which "solved the problem of the people hanging upside down" (Mencius · Gongsun Chou Xia Xia) The move has provided better production and living conditions for the working people and laid a foundation for the creation of Chinese culture.

3. Fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is a universally recognized value yardstick of mankind, and also a value concept that runs through excellent traditional culture. The theory of "Zhongzheng" and "Zhengzheng" in the Book of Changes emphasizes that we should adhere to the "Zhongzheng Road"; In the Book of Songs, the "morning and night at work" requires hard work; In the Book of Rites, "The journey of the great way is the public", which indicates the pursuit of an ideal society; Confucius said, "Think of justice when you see the benefits, and give orders when you see the danger. If you don't forget the words of your life for a long time, you can also become an adult" (The Analects of Confucius · Constitutional Questions). The highest level of moral cultivation of the sages is to put morality first, practice etiquette and music at the same time, and then adhere to righteousness first when you retreat. In particular, you should not forget righteousness when you see the benefits. You should "think of righteousness when you see the benefits", and if necessary, you should "sacrifice profits for righteousness" or even "sacrifice life for righteousness", It requires people to transcend personal interests and take the just cause of the country, nation and people as the highest pursuit.

4. Sincerity and commitment. A man cannot stand without faith. Honesty is the basic moral standard advocated by China's excellent traditional culture. Honesty is the foundation of living in the world and the necessary moral character of a gentleman and a politician. For example, Mozi said, "The ancients were wise kings and sages, so they ruled the world and were princes. They loved and were loyal to the people, benefited the people, and were loyal and honest. They also showed that they wanted to benefit. They never tire of dying in the world and never tire of dying." (Mozi · Frugality in Use) In interpersonal communication, only "being sincere and trusting" can make "friends believe". In the process of national governance, only those who are lenient can win the public, and those who believe can be appointed by the people can have a long-term national fortune. The traditional concept of honesty and credit has been interpreted and systematized by later generations, settled in the blood of traditional culture, and forged into an important national character.

5. Be honest. Chinese traditional culture emphasizes self-cultivation and self-discipline, and advocates that the fundamental starting point of running a family and a country and the world is to be honest and to achieve the best. The ancient concept of self-cultivation advocated the fine personality of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust, gentleness, courtesy, thrift and comity, advocated the value orientation of filial piety, loyalty, honesty and shame, emphasized the adherence to the basic morality of benevolence, filial piety, loyalty, friendship, generosity, propriety, and shame, and required the correct handling of the relationship between public and private, justice and profit, reason and desire, hardship and happiness, honor and disgrace, life and death. The ancient official governance thought particularly emphasized the virtue of officials. Guan Zi proposed the "four prudent" criterion for investigating the appointment of officials, that is, "great virtue is not benevolent, and you can't grant the power of the state; you can't give way to the virtuous, and you can't respect the position; you can't punish your relatives and nobles, and you can't lead the army; you can't be good at doing things, and you can't be pragmatic and modest, and you can't be with the capital." (Guan Zi · Li Zheng) emphasized the officials in charge of power, Must have higher accomplishment and moral character than ordinary people.

6. Advocate harmony. Tradition and rationality have a long history and rich connotation. The so-called "commercial contract can be combined with the five religions to ensure the common people", Guoyu - Zhengyu. That is, the harmony of the "five religions" of father righteousness, mother kindness, brother friendship, brother courtesy and son filial piety can make people settle down. The ancient sages emphasized the coexistence of harmony concepts, such as "all things are negative but positive, and the spirit of harmony is strong", "harmony, heaven and earth are in place, and all things are nurtured", "harmony is the way of the world", and "virtue is greater than harmony", which created the spiritual characteristics of pluralistic integration and inclusiveness of traditional culture. This idea is embodied in the political field, which is the political principle of "harmonizing the state, unifying all officials and harmonizing all people"; Reflected in the social field, it emphasizes the social harmony concept of "faithfulness and harmony". Qian Mu said, "In Chinese culture, although I have talked about the concept of 'harmony between man and nature' many times in my early years, I have only recently realized that this concept is the home of Chinese traditional culture." "Harmony" is the essence of all things in the universe and the basis of the existence of all things in the world.

2、 Deeply elucidate the practical value of traditional culture to provide spiritual nourishment and strength support for social construction

National culture is a unique symbol that distinguishes a nation from other nations. Lu Xun once said, "Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress". For thousands of years, the national spirit and the spirit of the times jointly cultivated by the Chinese nation, and the ideals, beliefs and value pursuits jointly adhered to, are the spiritual inspiration and cultural leadership that have brought hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants together. "Forgetting the original can open up the future, and being good at inheritance can better innovate". To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is inseparable from the spiritual nourishment and strength support of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

"Innovative development is to supplement, expand and improve the connotation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture in accordance with the new progress and development of the times, and enhance its influence and appeal." It is necessary to promote the combination of traditional Chinese culture and the spirit of the times, and put "benevolence, people first, honesty, justice, harmony and harmony" And other traditional values combined with the characteristics of the current era to achieve the innovative development of traditional Chinese values; We should base ourselves on our own national conditions and face the world, absorb the essence of the achievements of world civilization, and form a scientific and popular socialist advanced culture oriented to modernization, the world, and the future.

4、 Build a benign communication network and explore a realistic path to carry forward excellent traditional culture through multiple approaches

The dissemination of core values of excellent traditional culture and the output quality of cultural products and cultural services that carry the essence of traditional culture and morality are important indicators to measure whether excellent traditional culture can be better promoted in modern society.

1. Refine the connotation of excellent traditional culture, excavate and elucidate the ideological and moral essence that meets the requirements of the times. It is necessary to further clarify, sort out and explain the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and fully understand the unique value of Chinese culture. Reasonably think about the historical mission of the Chinese nation, and further strengthen the ideal and belief of taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to endow excellent traditional culture with new era connotation, and make contemporary expression easy to understand, so that excellent traditional culture can be carried forward in modern society. For example, we should establish the patriotism of "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world", cultivate the lofty ambition of "making a heart for the world, making a life for the people, inheriting the noble and unique learning, and opening up peace for all generations", develop the noble and upright spirit of "wealth cannot be immoral, poverty cannot be moved, and majesty cannot be subdued", have a broad mind of virtue to carry things and help the world, and accumulate the fearless spirit of sacrificing life for righteousness and doing good deeds, Practise the moral cultivation way of impartiality and selflessness, abstinence from extravagance and thrift, etc.

2. Summarize the success and failure of history, and draw on the essence of the thought and experience of governance. Many viewpoints and methods of governing the country contained in the excellent traditional culture are of reference significance for our Party to use its power and govern well today. For example, in the strategy of governing the country, we should learn from the traditional people-oriented thinking, strengthen the concept of governing for the people, and always connect with the people, breathe with them, and share a common destiny; In terms of social governance, we should learn from traditional justice ideas, take practical actions to safeguard social fairness and justice, and let the people really feel that fairness and justice are around; In terms of personality cultivation, we should learn from traditional honesty and credit ideas, and make honesty and credit become the value pursuit and code of conduct of the whole society. This is the requirement to improve the ideological and moral quality of social members, and also the guarantee to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the market economy; In terms of development goals, it draws on the traditional thought of harmony, emphasizes individual physical and mental harmony, interpersonal harmony, social harmony and harmony between man and nature, and realizes the goal of "promoting the construction of a harmonious world".

3. Start with the three levels of national society and family, and integrate excellent traditional culture into economic development and social life. To enhance people's sense of identity and belonging to excellent traditional culture, we should pay attention to the close connection between traditional virtues and daily life, and work hard to implement them in a small way, so as to form a living scene and social atmosphere conducive to the promotion of excellent traditional culture. When formulating economic and social development plans, introducing economic policies and major reform measures, and carrying out production and business activities, we should follow the requirements of traditional ethics, and form a policy orientation, interest mechanism, and social environment to promote excellent traditional culture; Take the promotion of Chinese excellent traditional culture as an important part of social governance, and integrate it into the system construction and governance practice of citizen conventions, village rules, student codes, industry norms, etc; Strengthen family education, inherit good family style and strengthen self-discipline in moral concepts.

4. Strengthen the moral orientation of cultural products, and spread excellent traditional culture through various literary and artistic forms and cultural carriers. It needs content and carrier to educate people with culture. We should attach great importance to the humanistic connotation and moral orientation of cultural products, make cultural products reflect the cultural spirit of a higher realm, and guide the masses, especially young people, to establish a higher spiritual pursuit. We should strengthen the guidance of the creation and production of cultural products such as films and television, books, songs and dances, newspapers and periodicals, integrate excellent traditional cultural values into the whole process of literary and artistic creation and production, launch more excellent works that are ideological, artistic and ornamental, and make cultural products an innovative carrier to promote excellent traditional culture. It is necessary to fit in with the psychological characteristics and acceptance methods of the masses, design more targeted carriers, expand platforms, and carefully organize cultural activities for the benefit of the people so that the masses can benefit from cultural services.

5. Carry out the popularization of excellent traditional culture and deepen the construction of the inheritance system of excellent traditional culture. We should further improve the mechanism for registering and filing cultural relics, implement major cultural relics protection projects, strengthen the construction of key cultural relics protection units, and make the carrier of excellent traditional culture enduring. We will improve the list system and protection system for intangible cultural heritage protection, and implement rescue protection, productive protection and overall protection for intangible cultural heritage classification. We should attach importance to the ideological edification and cultural and educational functions of traditional ethnic festivals, carry out traditional cultural popularization activities with the theme of "family and country feelings, social care, and personality cultivation", hold traditional festivals and cultural celebrations such as Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, and Double Ninth Festival, and integrate traditional virtue education such as patriotism, family love, gratitude, and filial piety, so as to cultivate distinctive characteristics The festival culture with rich atmosphere. Carry out publicity and display activities during the "Cultural Heritage Day" and national traditional festivals to promote traditional virtues and new trends of the times.

6. Explore and promote "human kindness", and widely carry out moral practice activities. We should improve our moral practice ability, guide people to consciously practice the basic moral norms of "patriotism, dedication, honesty, and friendliness", and make everyone the subject of spreading Chinese virtues and promoting Chinese culture. We should actively cultivate the spirit of volunteerism of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", promote the normalization of practice activities, volunteer service activities and spiritual civilization building activities of learning from Lei Feng, focus on caring for vulnerable groups such as the empty nest elderly, left behind children, workers in need, and the disabled, and form a social atmosphere of "everyone for me" and "everyone for me", Guide people to deepen their understanding of excellent traditional culture in practice. The news media should persistently publicize the new things and new models that practice traditional virtues and promote excellent traditional culture, use the models around to lead the formation of the social morality and good ethos, and transform the advanced and typical noble moral sentiments and moral concepts into people's behavioral consciousness.

7. Build effective forms and long-term mechanisms, and constantly improve the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture. We should incorporate "improving the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture" into the comprehensive reform of education. For example, in the construction of the curriculum system, the length of ancient classical poetry and prose should be appropriately increased, and the content of Chinese medicine, martial arts, paper-cut, music, chess, calligraphy, painting, etiquette and festivals should be appropriately increased. The traditional classics should be embedded in the minds of young people through lively teaching. Make full use of the school history museum, library, archives, and art museum, invite well-known scholars to appreciate poetry, appreciate calligraphy and painting, invite folk artists to explain knowledge and impart skills: organize Chinese learning societies, interest groups, etc., to inspire young people to love traditional culture, and consciously assume the responsibility of inheriting and disseminating traditional culture. Build a team of teachers who are familiar with and love excellent traditional culture, and lay a solid talent foundation for strengthening the education of excellent traditional culture.

Chapter 2: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: traditional culture; Cultural common sense; Teaching Practice

The Guiding Outline for Improving the Education of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture clearly points out that the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture should be promoted in an orderly manner by learning stages. In senior high school, students should focus on strengthening their rational understanding of Chinese excellent traditional culture, guide students to understand the spiritual connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and enhance their self-confidence in Chinese excellent traditional culture. In the context of "big Chinese" teaching, an important foundation for the realization of the goal of Chinese education is the accumulation and mastery of cultural common sense. In view of the important position of cultural common sense in Chinese teaching in senior high school, the author provides some suggestions for the preparation of the "cultural common sense" question to consult Yu Fangjia.

1、 Sociological Connotation and Conceptual Category of Cultural Common Sense

"Culture" is the abbreviation of the term "human culture becomes", which is derived from the hexagram of the Book of Changes: "The combination of hardness and softness makes astronomy; civilization ends with humanity. Observing the astronomy, observing the changes of time, observing the humanities, and becoming the world." Therefore, we can understand "culture" as the knowledge of national history and geography, national customs and customs, traditional ways of life, literature and art Code of conduct, mode of thinking and values. Cultural common sense becomes the carrier of inheriting the traditional values of the Chinese nation, which can edify and educate students, affect their thinking habits and behavior, and help them grow into "cultural people" with knowledge and moral beliefs.

2、 Sorting out the Examination of "Cultural Common Sense" in College Entrance Examination

In 1981, the question of "common sense of literature" appeared in the Chinese test paper of the college entrance examination for the first time; In 1983, the "common sense of literature" was changed to "common sense of language". In addition to "common sense of ancient culture", it also includes dictation, stylistic knowledge, common sense of writers' works, knowledge of Chinese character formation, etc. Since 1984, there have been cultural common sense questions in the college entrance examination every year, which gradually involve such Chinese traditional cultural common sense as historical knowledge (1986), historical allusions, traditional stories, couplets (1987), historical and geographical knowledge and ancient literature knowledge (1989), traditional festivals (1993) described in ancient poetry, traditional courtesy terms (1994), and ancient character terms (1995). ①

Judging from the college entrance examination papers in the past three years, the 2014 outline paper examined "Jietan", "South", "Story" and "Spring and Autumn".

The 2015 New Curriculum Volume I examines "Deng Jinshi Di", "Military Department", "Temple" and "Prince"; Volume II of the new curriculum standard examines "men's names and characters", "posthumous titles", "heirs" and "Que".

2016 National Volume I examines "Prime Minister", "Jianchu", "Yousi" and "Khitan"; National Volume II examines "Zhonggong", "His Majesty", "Official Department" and "Moving Illness"; The national volume III examines the "Ministry of Rites", "Department of Jiaofang", "Zhishi" and "Liangjing".

It can be seen that the national syllabus and curriculum standards focus on the examination of "official title, inheritance system, imperial examination and justice, common sense of ancient books, history and geography, customs and festivals" in the common sense of ancient traditional culture. The contents are extensive, uncertain, irregular, and fragmented, which requires high knowledge reserves and accuracy of memorization.

3、 The Status Quo of Cultural Common Sense Accumulation in Senior Chinese Teaching

For a long time, cultural common sense has been neglected in teaching because of its limited proportion in the content of the college entrance examination and its complicated content, which is not easy to summarize the rules. Only individual content will be intercepted from the teaching materials for memorizing and mastering the context because of the college entrance examination. As the content of each knowledge point is isolated and appears in each chapter from time to time, the teacher can teach easily and the students can't remember it effectively.

4、 The Direction and Thinking of the Accumulation of Cultural Common Sense in Teaching Practice

The Chinese Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High School clearly stipulates that "Chinese teaching in high school should enable students to read excellent ancient Chinese works, understand the spirit of the Chinese nation contained in them, and lay the foundation for forming a certain traditional cultural heritage." Therefore, in teaching practice, among the professors of ancient poetry and prose in the five required textbooks and the optional textbook Appreciation of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Prose, We should pay attention to excavating ancient cultural knowledge, stimulating students' interest in learning, and moderately speaking and reading its profound connotation related to reality.

Cultural common sense involved in senior high school can be divided in detail as follows:

(1) Systems and officials: patriarchal clan system, enfeoffment system, abdication system, guest minister system, salary of ancient officials, retirement, three provinces and six ministries system, nine ranks of officials, three princes and nine ministers, etc.

(2) Education imperial examination: procuratorial examination, imperial recruitment, filial piety, hospital examination, children's examination, township examination, joint examination, palace examination, Jinshi, talent selection, scholar, Lianzhong Sanyuan, etc.

(3) Economic system: well field system, land reclamation system, land occupation law, equal field system, equal transportation and leveling.

(4) Common sense of ancient books: biographical style, chronological style, daily living notes, local chronicles, classified books, rare books, the Thirteen Classics, the Twenty Four Histories, the Complete Book of Four Treasury and the Seven Pavilions.

(5) Historical geography: the origin of "Huaxia", "China" and "Jiuzhou", four famous towns, Luoyang's historical stories, etc.

(6) Ancient etiquette: Fengchan, Zongmiao, funeral customs, five costumes, love snatching, crown ceremony, hairpin ceremony, etc.

(7) Customs and festivals: New Year's Day, Man's Day, Lantern Festival, Huachao Festival, Shangsi Festival, Community Day, Cold Food, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc.

Teachers should conduct longitudinal analysis and horizontal comparison of these carefully classified cultural common sense, sort out the internal relevance of each concept, strive to explore ways to learn and accumulate cultural common sense and summarize useful experience, teach students to actively explore and discover its internal profound cultural connotation, understand its significance of the times, and abandon rote memorization, Adopt flexible memory, classified memory, clear organization, and improve efficiency. Through the discussion of this article, I hope to provide some feasible suggestions for the accumulation of cultural common sense in high school Chinese teaching, and contribute a little to the realization of the goal of big Chinese education.


① 18. I. Cultural Common Sense: the Carrier of Mainstream Social Values [J]. Social Science Forum, 2009 (12 below)


1. Shen Xia. Practice and Reflection on Infiltrating Cultural Common Sense in Ancient Poetry Teaching [J]. Literature Education, 2010 (7)

2. Ren Haozhi. All Knowledge of Chinese Culture [M]. China Friendship Publishing Company, 2010 (9)

Chapter 3: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

1 Culture and gene

As for the concept of culture, we are accustomed to look at it in both broad and narrow senses. However, from the perspective of cultural inheritance and development, the concept and connotation of culture should be defined in a broad sense. Marx believed that "culture should be the sum of all human spiritual and material wealth". Mao Zedong, starting from the Marxist cultural theory, believed that "a certain culture is the reflection of the political and economic ideology of a certain society". From the definition of culture by two great men, culture includes both material and spiritual civilizations, At the same time, culture has a certain era. Any culture has its origin. The process of cultural modernization is embedded in the process of cultural inheritance. Only cultural inheritance can lead to cultural modernization. Therefore, culture has both distinctive inheritance and development characteristics.

Biologist Dawkins believes that "the spread of culture is somewhat similar to heredity", and the heredity of biology is controlled by genes. Genes are the main substances that control biological genetic characteristics, dominate the process of biological evolution, and determine biological traits. Since the spread and transmission of culture are similar to heredity, the development trend of culture must be controlled by an internal factor of its own, which we temporarily call me me, namely cultural gene.

From the perspective of the inheritance characteristics of culture and biology, the modernization, inheritance and development of culture, like the inheritance of biology, need the guidance and control of genes. We call the factors that control cultural development as cultural genes. What are cultural genes? Liu Changlin, a famous scholar in China, believes that "cultural genes are the underlying psychological structures and ways of thinking that have had a profound impact on national culture and history"; Another authoritative view of cultural genes in China holds that "cultural genes are the basic factors and basic elements that determine the inheritance and change of the cultural system; the most important of which is the way of thinking and the concept of value that crystallize in a national language system and sublimate into the core philosophy". Of course, there are many other views on the concept of cultural genes in the academic circles of China, all of which have their own rationality. The definition of cultural genes has been generally agreed, and they believe that "cultural genes are different from physiological, ecological, environmental, accidental and other factors", It is "the ideological factor of the fresh cultural tradition that can be copied and the traditional culture that may be revived". Therefore, cultural gene is a continuous ideological factor that is generated in the past, existing in the present and developing in the future.

Therefore, although culture and gene are two different conceptual systems, because their culture has some hereditary characteristics, it is necessary to integrate the two. "However, there is still some controversy in the academic circle about how to define the unit of cultural genes: some scholars put forward the concept of 'enigma rice complex'". Although the word "me me" has been given the meaning of cultural gene, which is generally recognized by people, the research on the combination unit of cultural gene has not yet formed an authoritative theoretical system. In the future, the research on cultural gene unit will be a new trend in academic research. The research on the connotation of cultural genes is an attempt to study the content of "me me complex". Although there are still many places and shortcomings worth discussing in this research, the author's good intention of trying to study cannot be obliterated.

2 "Red Culture" and "Red Culture Gene"

"Red culture inherits the excellent core cultural genes of the Chinese nation, which is where the vitality of red culture transcends time and space, and is also the driving force and source to encourage latecomers to pursue ideals and beliefs". Because of this, the research of red culture has always been paid attention by the academic community, and the theoretical research on red culture has become more and more mature. The connotation of red culture has also been constantly enriched and improved.

The academic research on red culture should first define its concept. Under the special national conditions of China, red culture is first manifested as a revolutionary culture, while it is also an advanced culture and a party and government culture of the Communist Party, leading the Chinese people to constantly move towards freedom, independence, prosperity and strength. Specifically, the red culture is "revolutionary documents, cultural relics, literary works and revolutionary sites, memorial sites formed by the Communist Party of China in the revolutionary war years, as well as the revolutionary spirit, revolutionary tradition and red customs condensed in them, as well as the thoughts reflecting the political, economic and cultural forms of the Communist Party of China". As early as 2007, Wang Yidi, a scholar, gave a systematic definition of red culture. He believed that "red culture is an advanced culture with Chinese characteristics jointly created by the Communist Party of China, all advanced elements and the people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the new democratic revolution. It is an organic unity of material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture" This definition has been widely recognized by the academic community, and Wang Yidi's definition of the concept of red culture has been borrowed from later articles such as Liu Jianping and Li Shuangqing's "Basic Law of Red Culture Inheritance", Zhang Haiyan and Xu Gongxian's "Value and Function of Red Culture in Building a Well off Society", and Meng Ting's "Promoting Red Culture to Improve the Ideological and Political Quality of College Students". However, there are two different views on the time range of the red culture in the academic circle. Some scholars believe that the red culture refers to the culture in the revolutionary period, that is, the culture formed in the period of the new democratic revolution; Another scholar believes that red culture not only refers to the material, system and spiritual culture formed during the revolutionary period, but also includes the material, system and spiritual culture formed during the construction and reform and opening up period. In conclusion, the author believes that no matter in the revolutionary war years or in the period of socialist construction, the Party led the people in the practice of constantly realizing the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the general term of all cultural forms, including material, institutional and spiritual forms, is red culture, and the advancement is the fundamental feature of red culture.

"Red culture inherits the excellent core cultural genes of the Chinese nation, which is where the vitality of red culture transcends time and space, and is also the driving force and source to encourage latecomers to pursue ideals and beliefs". "National cultural genes have the functions of ensuring the inheritance of national culture, maintaining national identity, and promoting national cohesion.". At the same time, the red culture takes Marxism as the guiding ideology, so it contains not only the excellent cultural gene of the Chinese nation, but also the cultural gene of Marxism, with Chinese characteristics and national characteristics. It is of great significance to carry forward the red gene in the new era.

Since 2014, President Xi Jinping has mentioned red gene many times, and the concept of red gene has been officially confirmed. On September 23, 2014, Qiang Wei, Secretary of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, elaborated on the red gene, and believed that the red gene "is the advanced essence, ideological line, glorious tradition and fine style of work tempered by the Party in its long-term struggle". Liu Lei, Political Commissar of Xinjiang Military Region, believes that "the red gene is the fundamental blood of our party and our army's continuous and sustainable development, the spiritual magic weapon to overcome difficulties and forge ahead, and the powerful power to enrich the country, strengthen the military and revitalize the nation". Tian Qirui and Huang Rongsheng believed that "the red gene is the ideology and politics of the proletariat guided by the advanced ideals and beliefs of communism of the Communist Party of China, the soul of the proletariat, the correct proletarian political and ideological cultural content created by the leadership of the Communist Party of China for more than 90 years, and the lifeline that frames the characteristics of socialist core values". Whether from the official point of view or from the perspective of scholars' cognition of red genes, red genes have a positive value of the times, and it is necessary to activate red genes in the new era.

As an advanced culture, red culture should be defined from the perspective of culture. The red gene is "the foundation of the existence and practice of the red regime, tempered by the Chinese Communists in the long-term revolutionary practice". It is a continuous ideological factor that exists in the present and can develop in the future, It is a kind of inheritance of the revolutionary spirit, which determines that the red gene is the general name of the ideological factors of all cultural forms, including institutional culture and spiritual culture, in addition to material culture, and determines the development direction of red culture. At the same time, "as long as this gene can be preserved, the life of the Party can be preserved; as long as it can be inherited, the red country can last". Therefore, activating the excellent red gene is the choice for the continuous development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The research on the connotation of red gene determines the development direction of red culture in the future. The prosperity of the red culture and the stability of the red regime depend on the activation of the red gene, which is also the original intention of the research on the connotation and function of the red gene.

3 "Jinggangshan Red Culture" and "Jinggangshan Red Gene"

The research on the connotation of Jinggangshan red gene is to study all the red cultures formed in the Jinggangshan period, and analyze the red gene, the ideological factor formed in the Jinggangshan period, which exists at present and can be inherited in the future to continue to develop. Jinggangshan red gene is the current cultural factor of Jinggangshan red culture and the main factor determining the continuous existence of Jinggangshan red culture in the future. Jinggangshan red culture is the living source of excellent red culture. The purpose of studying Jinggangshan red culture is to better inherit red culture and serve modernization, and maintain the direction of excellent culture. Jinggangshan red gene is the core factor of Jinggangshan red culture. The activation of Jinggangshan red gene is conducive to the inheritance and development of red culture. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of Jinggangshan red culture and Jinggangshan red gene.

Jinggangshan red culture is the general name of all cultural forms, including material, system and spirit, formed in the practice of the CPC leading the people in the continuous revolutionary struggle in the period from October 1929 when Mao Zedong led the rest of the Autumn Harvest Uprising to Jinggangshan, to February 1930 when the "February 7th" Potou Conference was held - during the Jinggangshan struggle, It is an organic whole integrating material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture. From the perspective of material culture, it includes sites, books, memorial sites, etc. From the perspective of institutional culture, it includes a series of revolutionary theories, programs, lines, guidelines and policies formed during the Jinggangshan struggle. From the perspective of spiritual culture, it is the revolutionary spirit, customs, moral traditions, fine style, etc. formed during the Jinggangshan struggle.

Jinggangshan red gene, the core factor of Jinggangshan red culture, determines the development direction of Jinggangshan red culture. Therefore, the Jinggangshan red gene is a continuous ideological factor that is activated by the ideas, customs, spirits, policies and systems formed during the Jinggangshan struggle through language, books, habits, education and other channels. It exists in the present and can develop in the future. It is the unity of spiritual culture and institutional culture in addition to material culture in the Jinggangshan red culture. From the connotation of Jinggangshan red gene, it contains both the guiding ideology of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture. The organic integration of the two kinds of ideology and culture is the biggest feature of Jinggangshan red culture and the fundamental reason why it has always been able to maintain its advancement. In a word, the excellent ideas, customs, and spirits formed during the Jinggangshan struggle, such as the fine style, revolutionary tradition, and spirit of Jinggangshan; As well as system culture, such as regime system, leadership ideology, strategy and tactics, are all important components of Jinggangshan red gene. The following description of the connotation of Jinggangshan red gene mainly starts from these important aspects.

Chapter 4: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

The social core values of each era have their own characteristics of the times, showing a distinctive character of the times. On the other hand, values also have a historic and distinctive nationality. Any kind of social core values has its national basis, which is based on a certain national culture and needs. No matter how the times change, the national spirit of a nation will always play a very important role in the formation of values. The social core values of a country reflect the cultural accumulation and spiritual genes of the country and nation. As a new type of advanced values, socialist core values, on the one hand, reflect the development trend of human social values, and show the side of transcending nationality; On the other hand, as a concentrated expression of Chinese characteristics, socialist core values must be rooted in the deep soil of Chinese traditional culture. The 24 character socialist core values of "Three Advocacies" have been summarized and expressed from the national, social and individual levels. We can find the theoretical origin of these three levels of core values in Chinese traditional excellent culture. First, from the national level, harmony is undoubtedly the core value of the socialist country level. Because the other two aspects are respectively from the economic, political and cultural perspectives to express the basic goals of our harmonious country and society. If prosperity, democracy, civilization and other values are values that most cultures in the world uphold, then the value of "harmony" is the unique contribution of the Chinese nation to human society in the field of values. One of the biggest characteristics of Chinese traditional culture is the "harmony" culture. The Chinese people have always paid attention to harmony and "harmony without uniformity". "Harmony" refers to that different things complement each other to achieve harmony on the whole, while "sameness" refers to the one-sided absolute similarity of things, which are two concepts that are both related and different from each other. "Harmony without uniformity", as a dialectic of life in Chinese traditional culture, still has important value today. It can not only be used to build a harmonious relationship between people, but also provide an important method for peaceful coexistence and exchanges between countries. In the eyes of the ancient Chinese, the harmonious society is a harmonious society that includes three levels: man and nature, man and man, and man and society. In terms of the relationship between man and nature, Laozi believes that "man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature." Traditional Taoism advocates that only by conforming to the laws of nature can man make better use of nature and return to nature. Only in this way can we truly achieve "harmony between man and nature". The pursuit of humanity and harmony and the establishment of harmonious interpersonal relationships have been the ideals of the Chinese nation since ancient times. Confucius said, "Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself." This is the premise and foundation of human harmony. Mozi advocated "universal love" and put forward the values of humanity and harmony that people help each other. "Harmony", as a value, has always been pursued and yearned for by the Chinese nation. At the same time, "harmony" is also the core value with the most national characteristics that China shows to the world. Secondly, from the social perspective, the most essential embodiment of socialist core values should be fairness and justice. This is because only when the society advocates fairness and justice, the freedom and equality of citizens is not abstract, and only on the premise of justice, the concept of freedom and equality will be finally realized. On the other hand, the rule of law is a powerful weapon to ensure social fairness and justice. Socialism, developed on the basis of defeating capitalist society, is a more advantageous social system. The superiority of socialism is mainly reflected in the fact that this social system can eliminate the exploitation and oppression of capitalist society and establish a fair and just society with common prosperity. The socialist concept of fairness and justice that we advocate today is also deeply rooted in China's profound cultural tradition. From the perspective of the development context of Chinese history, the Chinese nation has been constantly exploring the establishment of a fair and just society. Although the reasons for the outbreak of peasant uprisings in the history of feudal dynasties are different, one thing is the same, that is, the peasants are deeply oppressed by feudal landlords, the peasant class hates unfair social experiences, and looks forward to an ideal society of "equalizing wealth". The simple thought of "not suffering from scarcity but suffering from inequality" advocated by the traditional Chinese society, despite its profound color of equalitarianism and historical limitations, also shows from another aspect that the ancient Chinese people pursued the value ideal of equality for all. From the Great Harmony ideal in the Book of Rites to the "Great Harmony Book" by Kang Youwei in modern times, "Great Harmony Society" expresses the yearning and pursuit of the masses of the people for the establishment of a just society. Finally, from the perspective of individual citizens, attaching importance to personal moral cultivation has always been an important part of Chinese traditional culture. The traditional virtues contained in Chinese traditional culture have become the main ideological source of the socialist core values at the individual level. For example, the value of patriotism is one of the core contents of traditional Chinese values. Chinese traditional culture pursues holism values. In front of the country and individuals, it has always maintained that national interests are the first, and individuals should have a strong sense of responsibility and mission for the fate of the country and the nation. For another example, in Chinese traditional culture, honesty is regarded as a basic criterion for interpersonal communication. Confucius said, "People have no faith, and I don't know what to do with them", "When you make friends, you keep your word". Mencius emphasized the idea of "honesty", "honesty is the way of people", and regarded honesty as a necessary character of a gentleman, which is a moral code that everyone should abide by. Honesty is also the basis for enlightened feudal monarchs to govern the country. "People can't stand without trust." The rulers must win the trust of the people to achieve the long-term stability of the country. In short, Chinese traditional culture provides very rich resources for socialist core values, which are constructed on the basis of fully absorbing and learning from the outstanding achievements of traditional culture, and are refined and sublimated.

2、 To enhance confidence in culture and values, we need to absorb the essence from traditional excellent culture

In the history of mankind, bourgeois values once had their historical progressive significance, which was formed with the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in the West. As an ideological weapon against feudal society, its core values of equality, freedom and fraternity transcend the strict feudal hierarchy values. Similarly, the socialist core values are formed on the basis of critically inheriting all the values formed in the past in human society, and are beyond the capitalist core values. The superiority of socialist core values, on the one hand, is reflected in its close connection with the basic socialist system, which makes its realization no longer unrealistic fantasy, but has a fundamental institutional guarantee. From the perspective of the development history of human society, we chose socialism because this social concept is characterized by public ownership of the means of production without exploitation and polarization, and its fundamental goal is to achieve common prosperity. Therefore, under the socialist system, the values of democracy, freedom, fairness and human rights are no longer abstract concepts, but have practical and achievable institutional foundations and guarantees. On the other hand, the core values of any society have their distinctive national characteristics, and the core values of any society have their inherent national characteristics based on certain national culture and needs. Therefore, as a new type of advanced values, the superiority of socialist core values is also reflected in its profound cultural foundation, which is based on the brilliant national culture of the Chinese nation. As pointed out, the outstanding traditional Chinese culture is the outstanding advantage of the Chinese nation. To realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and enhance confidence in core values, we must vigorously promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Chinese excellent traditional culture is the unique spiritual lifeline and cultural gene of China. Today, to cultivate and carry forward the core socialist values, we should also base ourselves on the "root" and "soul" of China's excellent traditional culture. Our confidence in our values, on the one hand, comes from the correctness of the Chinese road we adhere to; On the other hand, it also comes from our values with profound cultural heritage. The civilization history of the Chinese nation over 5000 years has never stopped. The profound cultural tradition it has created, on the one hand, has created a brilliant ancient civilization, on the other hand, has also provided a rich source of ideas and theories for today's core socialist values. Cultural soft power is one of the important signs of a strong country and nation, which reflects the cohesion of a country based on culture, as well as the attraction and influence generated therefrom. Self confidence in values comes from cultural confidence. Today, we improve cultural soft power, adhere to self confidence in values, and strive to show the unique charm of Chinese culture. As mentioned above, the profound traditional culture of the Chinese nation has contributed many values of contemporary significance to the world. Today, we need to tell a good story about China, spread a good voice of China, and explain Chinese characteristics. We must dig deeply into the traditional culture that can lead the mainstream trend of the world and integrate into the traditional values of the whole world. For example, the value concept of "harmony" is an important part of Chinese traditional values, and it is also our unique contribution to human society in the field of values. "Harmony" is not only the pursuit and aspiration of the Chinese nation, but also a value concept with universal demonstration significance to other countries in the world in the contemporary era. Western society talks about human rights, but in the context of Western discourse, human rights are more understood from the perspective of individuals, so in the process of safeguarding individual human rights, social conflicts and even wars will inevitably occur. "'Harmony' is a more superior value concept that can surpass the western concept of 'human rights'." [2] 80 The harmonious social concept respects individual human rights, but also regulates people's rights demands, so as to avoid conflicts between people. Today, the traditional values of "harmony" can also be used to resolve disputes between countries, and can become a powerful ideological weapon for us to oppose hegemonism and safeguard the rights and interests of developing countries. It is undeniable that the overall pattern of the current international public opinion is still that the West is strong and the West is weak. However, if we can constantly absorb the essence from China's excellent traditional culture, base ourselves on the contemporary era, improve cultural soft power, and adhere to values self-confidence, we will certainly be able to enhance the credibility of foreign languages and improve the appeal of socialist core values.

3、 It is necessary to carry forward excellent traditional national culture to lead diversified social thoughts with socialist core values

In today's China, reform has entered a deep-water area, and various social thoughts and contradictions have come one after another. In order to meet the challenge of cultural diversity, the tenth report of the Party proposed that we should use the socialist core value system to lead the social trend of thought. At the same time, we should also respect differences, embrace diversity, and maximize social consensus. Social trend of thought is a concentrated reflection of the interests of all strata in the ideological field in the process of social development. With the continuous advancement of China's reform cause, various social thoughts have emerged. It should be said that at present, the mainstream of social thoughts in China is good, but with the deepening of reform and opening up, some reactionary western social thoughts have also been introduced into China. These erroneous trends of thought, although different in form and ideological content, are all aimed at anti Marxism and subverting the socialist system. Therefore, how to correctly lead diverse trends of thought, especially how to effectively oppose wrong and reactionary trends of thought, has become a major issue of contemporary Chinese social development. The core socialist values are the fundamental criteria for us to evaluate various social trends of thought. However, how to effectively play its leading role in the value direction is an important theoretical and practical issue before us. To guide social trends of thought with socialist core values, on the one hand, we should base ourselves on the contemporary era, adhere to the position and critical power of Marxism, and use the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics to guide and analyze various social trends of thought; On the other hand, we should also absorb the essence of traditional culture and vigorously promote the excellent traditional national culture. Now is the continuation of history. In the process of cultivating and promoting socialist core values, we should resolutely oppose the tendency. In today's economic globalization, China must maintain its own cultural independence and cultural security in the face of the reality that the West is strong and the West is weak in cultural concepts. Historically, the socialist countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did not successfully resist the peaceful evolution of the western society, and eventually went to disintegration. Today, drawing lessons from the Soviet Union, we must vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Chinese nation, maintain our own national characteristics, and inherit the excellent traditional values of the Chinese nation. In the face of diversified social trends of thought, we should carry forward the spirit of "harmony without uniformity" of traditional Chinese core values, respect differences and embrace diversity. However, based on the abstract theory of human nature, we should fundamentally oppose the idea that various western values, especially the core values of the United States, such as democracy, freedom, equality, and fraternity, are regarded as eternal "universal values" [3]. The essence of the theory of "universal value" is the expression of contemporary western discourse hegemony and the way of value infiltration. Its real purpose is to change the development direction of socialism in China and destroy the mainstream values of socialism. There has never been a kind of value in the world that can be said to be "universal", because there is no universally applicable and eternal value in the world. Therefore, to draw a clear line between socialist core values and "universal values", and to resolve the negative impact of various western social trends of thought, we need to vigorously promote traditional national culture.

4、 Carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture is an important way to cultivate the public recognition of socialist core values

Chapter 5: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: junior high school mathematics teaching; infiltration; traditional culture; To become a talent

The Guiding Outline for Improving the Education of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture issued by the Ministry of Education points out that strengthening the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture is an important part of deepening the education of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the propaganda and education of the Chinese Dream. In junior high school, the focus is to enhance students' understanding of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, improve their recognition of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and guide students to understand the cultural traditions and basic national conditions of China's unified multi-ethnic country. Geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other courses should be combined with teaching links to infiltrate the relevant content of Chinese excellent traditional culture. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is broad, profound and has a long history. It is the quintessence of our country and the spiritual wealth of our Chinese people. How to carry out excellent Chinese culture education for teenagers in junior high school combined with mathematics teaching and guide students to become talents is a practical problem that deserves every mathematics teacher's consideration. To this end, I will talk about some of my practices in combination with my personal teaching experience.

1、 Stimulate students' interest in learning with excellent traditional Chinese culture in classroom teaching

Interest is the best teacher. Piaget believes that children's curiosity does not depend entirely on the physical characteristics of a thing, but depends on how it relates to the past experience of the subject. Learners are most interested in novel and appropriate content related to existing experience. There are many related contents in the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

For example, when learning axisymmetric content, you can show pictures of ancient buildings such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven, show Peking Opera masks, show Chinese knots, and teach students to cut paper, so that students can stimulate their interest in learning mathematics in the process of appreciation and participation. For another example, when learning to solve binary linear equations, the methods adopted are addition and subtraction elimination method and substitution elimination method, so that binary linear equations can finally be transformed into the solution of unary linear equations. In order to enable students to better understand the idea of transformation, we can tell the story of "Cao Chong called the elephant" in class. It is hard to imagine that an elephant's weight should be weighed by a scale. The clever Cao Chong used such a method: the elephant's weight cannot be directly weighed, so the elephant's weight can be changed into the weight of stones, and each stone can be weighed, and finally the weight of the stone can be restored to the elephant's weight. Here Cao Chong used a very important idea: the idea of transformation, that is, to transform the problems to be solved into problems that have been solved or have known their solutions through appropriate methods. Let students not only deepen their understanding of transformation thought, but also marvel at the wisdom of the ancients, and stimulate their interest in learning mathematics.

The concept of the method of disproof is also difficult for students to understand. For this reason, the teacher told a story of "Li Ku beside the road" recorded in Shishuoxinyu in class. Wang Rong, one of the "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest" in the Western Jin Dynasty, was 7 years old when he was playing with a group of children on the road one day. After playing for a while, they all felt very thirsty. At this time, we found a plum tree with luxuriant branches on the roadside. The plums on the tree were big and red, which made people drool. The little friends scrambled to pick plums from the tree, but Wang Rong did not move. When asked why he didn't pick them, he said: "Such a big plum, but no one picked it on the road. It's obvious that these plums are very bitter!" When everyone tasted them, Wang Rong was sure. Wang Rong, a 7-year-old boy, concluded that the plum must be very bitter according to the phenomenon that there are many plum trees hanging fruit on the roadside. It is known that there are many plum trees hanging fruits along the road. Please verify that the plum must be very bitter. Proof: If the plum was not bitter, it would have grown on the side of the road and had already been picked up. It is inconsistent with the known, so the assumption is not tenable. Therefore, "Li is bitter beside the road". While further understanding the concept of the method of disproof, students also have a better understanding of Shishuoxinyu and the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest".

2、 In classroom teaching, strengthen students' nationality with excellent traditional Chinese culture

sense of pride

The Guiding Outline for Improving the Education of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture points out that strengthening the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture will guide young students to more comprehensively and accurately understand the historical tradition, cultural accumulation and basic national conditions of the Chinese nation, recognize the historical inevitability of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics The ideal and belief of realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is of great and far-reaching historical significance.

When learning the Pythagorean Theorem, we can introduce that China is the first country to discover and use the Pythagorean Theorem, which is a great contribution of our ancestors to mathematics. At the same time, it can also be introduced that 1600 years ago, Chinese mathematician Zhao Shuang wrote "Pythagorean Square Diagram", which is a very valuable document in mathematics. Zhao Shuang proved Pythagorean theorem by using "chord diagram". In 2002, the emblem of the World Congress of Mathematicians held in Beijing was "Chord Chart", which not only symbolized the achievements of ancient Chinese mathematics, but also welcomed mathematicians from all over the world like a spinning windmill. Through the study of this content, students' national pride will be stimulated, and students will understand the importance of responsibility.

When learning the "definition of circle", tell the students that China's Mojing is about the work of the 4th to 3rd century BC. In this book, the first definition of circle was given: "Circle, a circle has the same length." The circle here is a circle. This definition is basically the same as that of the modern circle. When learning "the inscribed regular polygon of a circle", introduce to the students the method of finding pi by cutting the circle created by Liu Hui, a scholar in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, which occupies an important position in the history of mathematics. Liu Hui's contribution lies not only in providing a more accurate pi, but also in providing a correct method for calculating pi. After Liu Hui, there was Zu Chongzhi in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He calculated pi to the seventh decimal place. He was the first scientist in the world to calculate pi to the seventh decimal place. It was almost a thousand years before someone in the West calculated pi more accurately. These are good educational resources, which make students feel the wisdom of the Chinese people and enhance their national pride.

3、 In classroom teaching, explore teaching content and infiltrate excellent traditional Chinese culture

In mathematics textbooks, the content of traditional culture education does not occupy an obvious position. This requires teachers to study textbooks carefully, fully explore the potential factors of traditional culture education in textbooks, lose no time to imperceptibly carry out traditional culture education, and integrate traditional culture education into mathematics teaching. After students have learned the application of binary linear equations, they can show an example: today there are pheasants and rabbits in the same cage, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. How about the geometry of pheasants and rabbits? Question: What does it mean to have thirty-five heads? What's the meaning of "there are 94 feet below"? Can you solve this interesting problem? The teacher explained that the problem was a famous problem in ancient times, so as to stimulate students' curiosity to solve the problem. In this way, students further consolidate their mathematical knowledge and feel the wisdom of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

After learning "Calculation of circle", you can ask the following questions (limited in length, abbreviated): if the radius of the big circle is known as r, please calculate the perimeter and area of the shadow part. Through calculation, students find that the perimeter of the shadow part is the perimeter of the big circle, and the area of the shadow part is half of the area of the big circle. At this time, the teacher can lose no time to explain the relevant knowledge of Tai Chi Diagram.

After learning the chapter "Solving Right Triangles", let students think about the following question. The ancient poem "Jiasheng Pond": today there is a square pond of ten feet, and Jiasheng Pond is in the middle of the pond. It is one foot out of the water, and it is suitable for leading Jiasheng to the shore. How about the water depth and the length of Jiasheng Pond? (1 Zhang=10 feet) When reading ancient poems, students think about mathematical problems and enlighten their wisdom.

After learning "quadratic function", you can design the following question. There is a poem in A Dream of Red Mansions: "When children at the bottom of the stairs face up, Qingming is the most suitable decoration. The hairspring is limp, so don't complain about parting to the east wind." This poem vividly depicts the scene when people fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Suppose the perimeter (L) of a kite has been determined to maximize its area, then how should the specific shape of the kite be designed? A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the four classical masterpieces in China. This poem is presented in the form of a riddle, which enables students to consolidate their knowledge of quadratic functions while feeling the breadth and depth of China's excellent traditional culture.

4、 Feel the excellent traditional Chinese culture in mathematical activities

Through mathematical activities, we can combine teaching with pleasure, stimulate students' interest and self-confidence in learning mathematics, and cultivate students' awareness and ability to apply mathematics. The ancient people of our country made many outstanding contributions to the development of mathematics and contained many rich mathematical activity resources that can be used in mathematical activities.

The famous "Nine Palaces Calculation" is one of them. This figure is called "Nine Palaces Calculation" and "Vertical and Horizontal Diagram" in ancient China and magic square in foreign countries. The "Nine Palaces Chart" is to fill 9 numbers from 1 to 9 in a 3 × 3 grid, which is a third order magic square. It is said that when Dayu was controlling the flood, a divine turtle appeared in the Luoshui River, with a picture of "Luoshu" on its back. After learning the addition and subtraction operation of rational numbers, you can carry out the following activities: fill in - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in 9 grids, and add them horizontally and vertically to get the same number. Let students feel the excellent traditional Chinese culture while participating in activities, and master the addition and subtraction of rational numbers.

"Stone, scissors, cloth", also known as "guessing boxing", was also invented by the Chinese. According to the Five Miscellaneous Zu written by Xie Zhaozhe in the Ming Dynasty, the tradition of guessing boxing can be traced back to the gesture order of the Han Dynasty. When learning the content related to "probability", let students play the game of "stone, scissors, cloth", so that students can have a personal experience of the content of probability. At the same time, it is also a good educational opportunity for students to explain the origin and development of the game to students before the game.

In short, five thousand years of Chinese culture has a long history, and junior high school mathematics teaching should also shoulder the important responsibility of inheriting national culture. There are many ways to infiltrate traditional culture in mathematics classroom. We should let the traditional culture permeate into the teaching practice, and strive to let students be affected by the excellent traditional culture of China in the process of learning mathematics, so as to create resonance and lay a solid foundation for growth and success.


[1] Yu Ping. Psychology of Mathematics Teaching [M]. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2010

[2] Zhang Fei. Theory and Practice of Mathematics Teaching Design [M]. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press,

Chapter 6: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Since modern times, we have learned a painful lesson by reflecting on our attitude towards traditional culture. From the New Culture Movement and opposing the old culture to the "Cultural Revolution", traditional culture has been thrown into the "garbage heap of history". After the reform and opening up, we began to correctly understand the excellent cultural traditions of the nation. Since the 18th National Congress, Xi Jinping proposed that "we should use all the spiritual wealth created by the Chinese nation to educate people with culture, and we should not abandon the excellent cultural traditions of the Chinese nation." In 2014, the Ministry of Education issued the Guidelines for Improving the Education of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture It pointed out that "at the university stage, we should focus on improving students' ability to learn and explore the excellent traditional Chinese culture independently, cultivate students' awareness of cultural innovation, and enhance students' sense of responsibility and mission to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture." Excellent traditional culture is a cultural resource for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, It is also an important resource for ideological and political education of college students. Although ideological and political education in colleges and universities has made certain achievements, there are also some shortcomings, such as the need to further innovate the educational concept of traditional culture, the teaching content of ideological and political theory course focuses on knowledge teaching, and college students are affected by many factors, showing a trend of value diversification, Some lack integrity, some advocate western culture, and have insufficient understanding of the value of traditional culture. How to effectively integrate traditional Chinese culture into ideological and political education in colleges and universities is an important issue of ideological and political education for college students.

2、 The Significance of Integrating the Excellent Traditional Culture of the Chinese Nation into the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

The integration of excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students is an inevitable requirement for advocating socialist core values and promoting the development of socialist culture, as well as the need for ideological and political education in the new era. It is of great significance to enhance college students' patriotic feelings, enhance their sense of national pride and Chinese cultural identity, improve their ideological and moral quality, and cultivate their humanistic spirit of self-improvement and integrity.

1. The Significance of Integrating Traditional Culture into Ideological and Political Education of College Students

Excellent traditional culture is the precious spiritual wealth created by the Chinese nation in social practice. Under the multicultural background, excellent traditional culture is of great significance to the ideological and political education of college students.

(1) It is beneficial to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of college students and enhance their sense of national identity. College students are the future builders of the motherland, and their quality and morality are related to the future, rise and fall of the motherland. As contemporary college students, they should have a pure heart of loving and loyal to the motherland, and have lofty feelings of caring for the motherland and the people. Especially in the colleges and universities in the minority areas where the author is located, due to the penetration of "three forces" at home and abroad, in recent two years, some colleges and universities in Xinjiang successively cracked the "Yizabute" reactionary organizations, mainly composed of college students. "Yizabute" places its hope on the youth generation, and attempts to instill pan Islamism and separatism into the youth, The ideological and political education of college students in ethnic minority areas is facing challenges in cultivating so-called "successors to the cause of Islam". The traditional Chinese culture has always emphasized the patriotism and social responsibility of national supremacy and national orientation, and advocated "the world is for the public", "the country forgets its home, and the public forgets selfishness". Therefore, in the ideological and political education of college students, we should draw nutrients from the excellent traditional culture. Many people with lofty ideals have emerged in the long history, These are vivid portrayals of patriotism. Patriotism is the core of the Chinese national spirit, just as Ji Xianlin, a master of Chinese culture, once said in his article "Patriotism through the vicissitudes of life", "Where is the essence of Chinese culture? My own opinion is that there are two points: one is patriotism, the other is integrity and integrity. Other countries cannot say no to these two points, but China is the most prominent and has the longest history. " [1] By integrating excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students, young students can breed a sense of national pride from the essence of Chinese culture, thereby enhancing their sense of identity with the country and Chinese culture.

(2) It is beneficial to improve the ideological and moral quality of college students and enhance their spiritual realm. Due to the transformation of the domestic society, the negative impact of the market economy, corruption within the Party, and the cultural invasion of some decaying western values and lifestyles, the moral level of the whole society has declined, and college students have also been affected. Some college students are knowledgeable, uneducated, skilled, and immoral. They ignore traditional Chinese virtues, blindly worship western culture, pay no attention to the cultivation of heart and morality, ignore the fundamental thinking of human beings, and ignore the higher spiritual pursuit of human beings. The purpose of ideological and political education for college students is to cultivate modern citizens with honesty, kindness, integrity, diligence and other virtues. The formation of these virtues is inseparable from the cultivation and breeding of excellent traditional culture.

The core of Chinese traditional culture is "propriety", which emphasizes the unity of truth, goodness and beauty. Virtue first, righteousness first, excellent Chinese culture values ethics and morality, pays attention to people and the relationship between people, and puts people first. With strong humanistic color and ethics spirit. The traditional moral concepts of "respecting the old and loving the young, fraternal harmony, and filial piety to parents" have always been recognized as virtues. The Confucian culture emphasizes that a gentleman should have three virtues of "benevolence, wisdom, and courage", and emphasize the "inner saintliness" of personality, "self-discipline and self-cultivation". The ancient gentleman improved his self-cultivation through "self-discipline" and "self-examination", For example, Mencius advocated the "great man personality" of "being rich and noble can not be obscene, poor and lowly can not be moved, powerful and unyielding", "killing one's life to gain justice", "virtue is inside, but also seen outside". These moral concepts are applicable in any era. From the perspective of personal cultivation and growth, we should have good conduct, abide by moral norms, and learn to be human, Only in this way can we correctly handle the relationship between individuals and others, between people and society. From the perspective of social progress and development, society does not need people who are morally corrupt. The integration of excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students will help shape the sound personality of college students and enhance their ideological realm.

(3) It is conducive to guiding college students to establish a correct outlook on the world, values and life. In the information age, all kinds of ideas are flooded with the Internet, and all kinds of vulgar values on the Internet are injected into college students' ideology, which has a strong impact on college students' world outlook, outlook on life and values. Some students are not firm in their ideals and beliefs, lack of beliefs, and have individualism, egoism, and money worship tendencies in their ideological behavior and way of thinking, Lack of integrity awareness, cheating in exams, and plagiarism of papers often occur. In the ideological and political education of college students, integrating excellent traditional culture can guide them to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values.

In traditional culture, we pay more attention to the cultivation and realization of outlook on life, world outlook and values. The traditional culture emphasizes the harmonious thought of "the unity of heaven and man". Laozi said: "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature." He pointed out that man and nature should live in harmony, and man should follow the natural laws to achieve sustainable development. This will help college students establish correct ecological ethics awareness and cultivate a scientific world outlook. In Confucianism, "one should be upright and act without orders; if one is not upright, one should not follow orders", "one should think of others as wise, and be introspective when seeing others as unworthy", "one should stand up when one wants to stand up, and one should reach the goal when one wants to reach the goal", "a gentleman is compared to righteousness, and a villain is compared to benefit", Mencius' "one who loves others will always love them; one who respects others will always respect them", and Confucius advocates the positive attitude of entering the world when one knows what is impossible, The self-discipline and self-cultivation, the pursuit of perfect personality, the emphasis on personal accomplishment, and the correct principles of life embodied in the traditional culture permeate into the ideological and political education of college students, which helps to cultivate their rational awareness, self-discipline awareness, and correct attitude towards life, and can guide them to form correct values and make correct value judgments in daily life, Be able to find out their own goals and make a down-to-earth effort.

(4) It is conducive to cultivating the enterprising spirit of college students who are constantly striving for self-improvement. At present, some college students lack down-to-earth pragmatic spirit, and they are eager for quick success and instant benefits. They are impetuous, anxious for ease, afraid of hardship, encounter difficulties in learning and life, lack morale, and lack the spirit of fighting to meet difficulties. The integration of excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students can inspire them from the traditional culture and stimulate their inner fighting spirit. For example, Xunzi's "perseverance will not break the rotten wood; perseverance will make the gold and stone carve out", the "nature will be healthy, and the gentleman will constantly strive for self-improvement" in the Book of Changes, the story of a foolish man moving mountains, and the story of the Chinese nation's perseverance for more than 5000 years The history of enterprising, this indomitable, energetic and promising spirit of self-improvement, has important practical significance for the cultivation of college students' self-reliance and positive attitude towards life. Excellent traditional Chinese culture is conducive to cultivating the pioneering and innovative spirit of college students.

3、 The Path and Method of Integrating Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into College Students' Ideological and Political Education

Chinese excellent traditional culture provides valuable resources for college students' ideological and political education. In the ideological and political education of colleges and universities, it is necessary to fully explore and interpret the reasonable core of China's excellent traditional culture. Starting from the ideological reality of contemporary college students, we should use effective ways to integrate China's excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students.

1. Ideological and political theory course is the main channel for the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students

Ideological and political theory course is an important channel for the dissemination of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and also the main position of ideological and political education for college students. Under the new situation, through the carrier of ideological and political theory class, excellent traditional culture will have a greater impact on college students' ideology and values.

At present, the ideological and political theory course includes four courses. According to the teaching objectives and content of the ideological and political theory course, we can find important resources from the excellent Chinese culture. Traditional culture has vivid and vivid characteristics, strong appeal and penetration, and its integration into the ideological and political theory course can enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education. In the Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, we can give special lectures on the chapter of socialist culture. In colleges and universities in ethnic areas, we can also infiltrate the traditional culture of ethnic minority areas, so that college students can understand the diversity of cultures and the differences among ethnic cultures, from which we can feel the cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese national culture. In "Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis", we can select the examples of ancient sages and famous aphorisms when telling the problems of ideals, beliefs, and life values, and select the chapters about self-cultivation and life from Confucian classics for systematic explanation, so that students can accept the edification of excellent traditional culture and firmly believe in fighting for the socialist country. When teaching the Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, you can combine historical examples, such as the history of resistance and struggle of the modern Chinese nation, get inspired by the Chinese nation's indomitable and self-improvement spirit, and combine the examples of patriotic heroes in history, you can play relevant videos to enhance students' sense of national pride and urgency of the times, thus enhancing their sense of historical mission. In the course of Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism, we can combine the teaching content, find the points of convergence from the excellent traditional culture, and dig out the rich philosophical thoughts contained in the excellent traditional culture, such as the thoughts of Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Wang Fuzhi, etc., so that students can understand the context of ancient Chinese philosophy, Compare the dialectical thinking and the concept of knowledge and action included in ancient Chinese philosophy with Marxist philosophy, feel the charm of Chinese classics and the wisdom of ancient sages, stimulate their national pride, gradually develop the habit of thinking deeply about the wisdom of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and enhance cultural self-confidence.

2. Ideological and political education workers are the bridge between the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the ideological and political education of college students

Ideological and political education is a special educational cause that cultivates and shapes people with people. From a narrow perspective, ideological and political educators include teachers of ideological and political theory courses and students' ideological and political workers. The ideological and political educators are the bridge between the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the ideological and political education of college students, especially the ideological and political theory teachers are the key to carry out the integration.

To give play to the role of ideological and political educators, first of all, as the party committee and relevant functional departments in colleges and universities, we should attach great importance to further strengthen the construction of the team of ideological and political educators in colleges and universities, and improve the level of teachers through regular training, assessment, and the development of scientific systems. The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee should strengthen the publicity of the integration of ideological and political education and Chinese traditional culture education, let ideological and political educators in colleges and universities establish educational beliefs, treat their work with a rigorous attitude, and be strict with themselves and set an example in their work. Continuously innovate educational methods and teaching models.

Secondly, as an ideological and political educator, he should also establish the concept of lifelong learning and constantly improve his professional quality. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "Four Clarifications" at the 2013 National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work. As ideological and political educators in colleges and universities, they should explain to students the historical and cultural background of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and the connotation of Chinese culture, and vigorously promote the excellent traditional culture of China. This is a key task for ideological and political education in colleges and universities, As ideological and political theorists in colleges and universities, they should strengthen the study of excellent traditional culture, and absorb nutrients from ancient Chinese poetry, poetry, literature, history, art, geography and other aspects. In particular, colleges and universities in ethnic areas should also systematically learn the excellent traditional culture of ethnic minorities to comprehensively improve their comprehensive quality. In this way, we can show the spirit core of Chinese excellent traditional culture to students in a lively form, let students feel the charm of Chinese culture, and stimulate the enthusiasm of college students to learn Chinese culture. Strengthening the recognition of Chinese culture can also make students feel that ideological and political education is not empty, and can re-examine life and the world from the perspective of history and reality, triggering them to think more about life.

3. Campus community organization is the link between Chinese excellent traditional culture and college students' ideological and political education

College mass organizations are an important carrier of campus culture, and also the second classroom for ideological and political education of college students. To better play the role of community organizations, we must use advanced culture to guide various specific community cultures. That is, to effectively integrate the culture of each community and strengthen the construction of campus culture. We can integrate excellent traditional culture into it, which has the effect of "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently" on the quality training of college students.

On the one hand, we promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture through the school bulletin board, school radio station, electronic screen, school newspaper, hospital newspaper, microblog, WeChat and other carriers. Create a good cultural atmosphere so that they can be influenced by traditional culture in hearing, hearing and seeing, which will have a certain impact on their psychology and spiritual outlook, thus playing a role in purifying the soul and standardizing their behavior.

On the other hand, a variety of activities can be carried out through associations. College students' associations include recreational associations, academic research associations, and public welfare associations. Schools can hold art festivals and cultural festivals. For example, in the western minority areas, the school where the author works regularly holds "Maxi Lep" parties, where students of all ethnic groups sing and dance, From it, you can feel the strong regional traditional cultural atmosphere and the charm of singing and dancing art, so as to stimulate young students to be vigorous and to stimulate their feelings of seeking truth and beauty. Through this activity, students of all ethnic groups have strengthened their understanding of national culture, which is also an effective way to enhance students' national spirit education and cultural awareness education. At the same time, it is also possible to hold special lectures, speech contests, debate contests, and traditional culture knowledge contests on traditional culture through community organizations. Through this form, excellent traditional culture can be spread to young students, which can enhance students' understanding of the essence of excellent traditional culture, enable them to consciously practice traditional Chinese virtues, enhance college students' ideological quality, improve moral quality It is of great significance for their growth and success.

4. Carrying out Social Practice is the Guarantee for the Integration of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

To carry out social practice activities can realize the integration of ideological and political education of college students and traditional Chinese culture education, so that college students can achieve the unity of knowledge and practice. Students can be organized to participate in various practical activities, public welfare activities and volunteer activities, such as offering love and doing volunteer work in nursing homes, so that students can experience the traditional Chinese virtues through practice. Students can also be organized to participate in museums, cultural relics exhibition halls, patriotism bases and revolutionary exhibition halls, so that students can purify their hearts and realize the sublimation of perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge in their participation.

Chapter 7: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: teenagers; Cultural tradition education

CLC No.: G640 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1671-0568 (2013) 35-0186-02

1、 The Connotation of Cultural Tradition Education

1. Traditional culture and cultural tradition

To make an overview of traditional culture education, we must distinguish the two concepts of cultural tradition and traditional culture. To distinguish cultural tradition from traditional culture, we must first understand the concepts of culture and tradition. It is very difficult to make a unified definition of culture. Because there are hundreds of definitions of culture in the world, different people have different opinions on the definition of culture. In a broad sense, culture refers to the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in practical activities, including material, spiritual and institutional cultures. The narrow sense of culture has certain national characteristics, which mainly refers to the culture of ideology and spirit. For tradition, people often think that tradition and modernity are opposite, but in fact, they are not. In the West, the tradition of English originates from the Latin tradition, which means something that has been passed down from the past to the present. In ancient China, the word "tradition" appeared in Fan Ye's "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Biography of Dongyi", which said that "every country is king and has a tradition from generation to generation". Tradition is often used to refer to the sum total of models, models, norms, etc. that have been handed down from previous dynasties, contain profound cultural accumulation, and are fundamental. [1]

As for traditional culture and cultural tradition, their core and meaning are different. The core of traditional culture lies in culture, while the core of cultural tradition lies in tradition. Traditional culture "is rooted in culture, corresponding to contemporary culture and foreign culture, and its content should be all kinds of material, institutional and spiritual cultural entities and cultural consciousness that have existed in previous dynasties". [2] Cultural tradition is "a spiritual link behind culture, which includes the spirit, rules, beliefs, values, order, etc. behind cultural models.". [4] In a word, traditional culture and cultural tradition are two concepts that are both connected and different. Cultural tradition has a broader connotation and tolerance than traditional culture, and the research on cultural tradition education is more realistic.

2. Cultural tradition education

In the era of globalization and informatization, the essence of China's excellent cultural tradition is still shining. In Asia, many countries, such as Singapore and South Korea, place the promotion of Chinese traditional Confucian culture in a very important position. The phenomenon of cultural pluralism under the influence of contemporary globalization urges us to place traditional cultural education in a very important position.

Education is an important mechanism for cultural inheritance. Cultural tradition education is a kind of education method with excellent cultural tradition as its core content, aiming at inheriting and innovating the Chinese national ideology, culture and academic tradition, cultivating national consciousness and spirit, and improving students' cultural taste. [1] The education of cultural traditions can inherit excellent cultural traditions, and make these cultural essences, such as people oriented, harmonious and benevolent moral ethics, social values of responsibility and self-improvement, and the cosmology and life outlook of the unity of heaven and man, and the Tao following nature, have always become the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. In addition, traditional cultural education can also develop and innovate national culture on the basis of inheritance.

2、 The Importance of Cultural Tradition Education

1. It is conducive to inheriting the excellent cultural traditions of the nation

Five thousand years of traditional culture is the foundation of China's founding. It is inevitable for Chinese and foreign cultures to communicate and touch more deeply in the era of diversification. We know that the more internationalized, the more nationalized. Under the background of globalization, cultural diversity is impacting our national culture, and inheriting our excellent cultural traditions has become an urgent problem to face. The most important way to inherit cultural traditions is education. Teenagers are the future of the nation, and they bear the hope of the nation.

2. It is conducive to offsetting the negative impact of multiculturalism on the moral development of young people

Adolescence refers to the period from 11 to 18 years old, which is the transition period from childhood to adulthood. Due to the characteristics of teenagers, they often show the characteristics of rebellion, trendiness, publicity, novelty, seeking stimulation, being willing to accept new things and eager to self-expression, which makes teenagers vulnerable to the impact of multiculturalism. Without the foundation of Chinese cultural tradition, it is easy for teenagers to lose themselves in the torrent of multiculturalism. According to the moral survey of teenagers, teenagers are greatly influenced by multiculturalism, and there is an obvious trend of diversified development in terms of values and moral orientation. In the multicultural era, various hedonism and consumerism in pursuit of material enjoyment are strongly influencing contemporary teenagers, making them simply pursue enjoyment, do not want to pay, and are often irresponsible for their own behavior. In order to offset the negative impact of multiculturalism on the moral development of young people, we must strengthen the education of cultural traditions of young people, so that they have a good foundation of Chinese cultural traditions.

3. It is conducive to promoting the moral development of young people and shaping a sound personality

Culture can transform people, and cultural tradition plays an important role in educating young people with the spirit, value and essence of culture. China's cultural traditions regulate and restrict the moral consciousness and moral behavior of Chinese people. The so-called "benevolent people are naturally integrated with all things" and "benevolent people love others" are the moral cultivation expected by cultural traditions. For example, the educational thought of filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust, and advocating harmony reflected in the "Disciple Regulations", which states that "Disciple Regulations are the teachings of saints. First, filial piety and filial piety, second, sincere faith. Love others, but be kind-hearted. If you have spare efforts, learn from literature." is very important in contemporary moral education for young people.

Personality refers to the sum of personality, temperament, ability and moral character. The personality thought in Chinese cultural tradition plays an important role in shaping sound personality of contemporary teenagers. Zhang Zai of the Song Dynasty expressed his noble pursuit of ideals and a strong sense of social responsibility and historical mission by "setting his heart for heaven and earth, making a living for the people, inheriting and renovating his studies, and opening up peace for all generations". In addition, the mind of "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the world later", the ethics of "wealth cannot be immoral, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be subdued", the will of "heaven is healthy, and a gentleman will constantly strive for self-improvement", and the philosophy of life of "learning from the best" all contain the power and spirit to lead people to good and teach people to make progress. [1]

4. It is conducive to the growth of our national self-confidence and national rejuvenation

If a nation wants to remain prosperous, it is essential to establish its own strong culture and keep its national culture in an advanced state forever. The cultural and traditional education of young people is conducive to the improvement of moral cultivation of young people, the shaping of sound personality, the cultivation of social responsibility and sense of mission, which is conducive to the prosperity of the country, social harmony and the development of the nation. As Liang Qichao said, "The country is wise when young people are wise, the country is strong when young people are strong, the country is rich when young people are rich, and the country is progressive when young people make progress". As the essence of national culture and the carrier of national spirit, the Chinese excellent traditional cultural tradition can infiltrate into the minds of young people as early as possible, which can make them perfect in personality, serve as a gentleman, and become an upright Chinese.

3、 The Methods and Strategies of Teenager Cultural Tradition Education

1. School education

First of all, the school can let all grades read the classics of traditional culture. Classics are the carrier of famous ethnic cultural traditions and the root of national culture. Reading Chinese cultural classics will have a subtle impact on young people. It can improve students' humanistic quality, enrich their cultural heritage, cultivate their aesthetic ability and noble sentiments, and also enhance their ability to speak and write. The traditional virtues contained in Chinese cultural classics can imperceptibly shape the personality of young people and improve their basic literacy. Some scholars believe that it is very important for children to read the most important books at the age when they have the best memory and are most willing to recite. Although they did not understand at that time, with the growth of age and experience, they will gradually learn from each other, give full play to the wisdom in cultural classics, and benefit from them all their lives. [5] Secondly, cultural tradition education in classroom teaching is also an important way. The education of cultural traditions can be infiltrated into the teaching of various disciplines, such as Chinese, history, ideology and morality, which can be directly infiltrated, because these disciplines are directly related to cultural traditions. For example, Chinese classroom is an important position to spread Chinese traditional culture.

2. Family education

In order to make family education play an important role in the traditional education of youth culture, we must go out of the misunderstanding, that is, in the content of education, we should pay more attention to intelligence than to the cultivation of family ethics and living habits; In the way of education, we should reverse the tendency of emphasizing pettiness and neglecting strict discipline, and establish norms of practice. [6] To treat family education correctly, we should inherit and carry forward the essence of the excellent family education in ancient China. The ancient family education focused on morality, ambition education, personality education and etiquette education, so the current family education should also focus on the ideological and moral education of young people, encourage them to set lofty ambitions, and cultivate good characters such as integrity, modesty, honesty, loyalty and filial piety. In addition, in terms of educational methods, we should also highlight the combination of kindness and severity, and attach importance to the role of example teaching as the main, supplemented by teaching.

3. Social education

Effective cultural and traditional education for young people can not be separated from social education. Mass media education is an important form of social education, which should play an important and positive role in the traditional education of youth culture. However, the mass media under the diversified background lacks the due cultural tradition taste, the cultural tradition consciousness is weak, and the educational form is entertaining and the content is kitsch. Therefore, mass media education should go out of the above misunderstandings, and communicators should improve their awareness of cultural traditions, carry forward and disseminate excellent cultural traditions, popularize relevant knowledge, and form a good social atmosphere.

Under the multicultural background, in the face of various foreign cultures and emerging cultures, in the face of a dazzling array of publications and media forms, we should strengthen the cultural tradition education of young people, so that they can be infiltrated and baptized by the excellent Chinese cultural traditions, and cultivate correct values, noble moral sentiments and ideal pursuit.


[1] Fu Lixia et al. Cultural and Traditional Education [M]. Dongying: China University of Petroleum Press, 2007

[2] Yang Xiuyun. Research on Moral Education from the Perspective of Multi culture [D]. Master's Thesis of Henan Normal University, 2011

[3] Pang Pu. Cultural Tradition and Traditional Culture [J]. Scientific Chinese, 2003, (4)

[4] Zhang Wanhong, et al. Introduction to Chinese Traditional Culture [M]. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2012

[5] Li Yan. Cultural Tradition and Educational Modernization [J]. Theory Guide, 2005, (11)

Chapter 8: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

In ancient China, the inheritance of family style was often combined with family discipline and rules. In ancient China, the number of books about family customs and family instructions is very large. Excellent family culture is an important part of Chinese culture. Family discipline and family style is a form of moral education within the scope of family in ancient times, and also a way of inheriting Chinese moral culture. Family is the basic place for inheriting traditional Chinese virtues. Family discipline and rules are full of traditional Chinese virtues and are an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. The excellent Chinese culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation, an important source of socialist core values, and a solid foundation for us to stand firm in the turmoil of world culture. [1]

1、 Natural connection between excellent family style and socialist core values

1. Definition of Family Style

Family customs are usually some ideas, understandings and rules of conduct formed by a family or a large family for a long time and recognized by most family members. The traditional Chinese culture of "benevolent people love others, honest and self disciplined, loyal and dutiful, diligent and studious, and harmony is the most valuable" still has a positive impact in contemporary times.

2. Socialist core? Definition of r values

The 24 character values, rooted in China's excellent history and culture of more than 5000 years, are a high generalization of China's positive spirit since ancient times, an inheritance of Marx's scientific socialist values, and a fusion of the value practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The 24 character values not only have the value factors and national spirit of Chinese traditional culture, but also draw on the advanced cultural values of the West and the spirit of the times of reform and opening up. It is a realistic portrayal of contemporary Chinese social values and reflects the spiritual aspirations of the overwhelming majority of the people.

3. Natural connection between excellent family style and core values

The values in the core values are intrinsically related to the spiritual concepts in family education. For example, the "Qian Family Instructions" mentioned the idea of "democracy, prosperity and strength" contained in "great wisdom prospers the country, but gathers the masses' thoughts; great foolishness misleads the country, only for self use". The idea of "being kind to others and living in harmony" reflected in various family instructions, letters and letters shows that the family is the basic unit of society, and a harmonious family society can be harmonious, which is consistent with the spirit of "harmony" advocated by the socialist core values. Family culture advocates "honesty based" and regards honesty as the basic character that a person should possess. Isn't the integrity thought advocated here just the "integrity" mentioned at the individual level?

2、 The important role of inheriting excellent family style in practicing core values

The family is the smallest unit of society. Small families form a large country. The total values formed by family education constitute the values of the whole society. Carrying forward the excellent family culture in the family education place can make the excellent family culture fit in with the core values, better implement, and more easily accepted by people. This is of great significance for carrying forward the core socialist values. Comrade Xi Jinping stressed: "Family style construction is very important, and we should use good family style to build a good social style." [2]

At the same time, family education has a particularly important impact on young people, because youth is the period when values are formed. Inheriting excellent family style through family education can help young people form positive values. Let the core socialist values be practiced in family education.

3、 Specific measures for inheriting excellent family style

1. Choose excellent family style by sublating

Inheriting the excellent family style that meets the requirements of the times requires us not only to excavate the excellent family style of ancient masters and celebrities, inherit the red family style of modern revolutionary predecessors and Communists, but also to remove the dross that is not conducive to the development of the times, such as the feudal residual thought of "men are superior to women". We should look at family culture from the perspective of development, and use dialectical methods to select excellent family culture that is conducive to the development of the times for inheritance and development.

2. Inheriting excellent family style requires parents and elders to practice

Because excellent family style comes from family and clan. The inheritance of excellent family style can not be separated from the influence and education of parents on children. The inheritance of excellent family style must rely on parents and parents to set an example in family education and family life, and teach by example. With their own words and deeds, they will imperceptibly pass on excellent family traditions to their children. Yan Zitui pointed out in his "Yan Family Instructions": "The husband believes what he says and believes in his relatives; the husband obeys what he orders and does what he obeys." [3] It means that, in the same way, if your parents and relatives tell you, you are more likely to believe it. The same order is given by different people, and its acceptance is different. The order of the person you admire is often easier to be accepted. Parents and elders have a great influence on the formation of their children's values. It is easier to inherit excellent family style through parents' personal practice.

Chapter 9: Model Concepts of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: traditional culture; Atmosphere; Teachers; evaluate

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the soul and blood of our nation, and the profound cultural foundation for building the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation. It is very important to do a good job in inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture in primary school for cultivating students' sentiment, cultivating aesthetic ability and improving students' cultural literacy. The school is an important carrier and main position for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

1、 The specific methods of our school to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture

1. Create a scholarly campus and atmosphere

Create a strong atmosphere for learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture, make full use of some bulletin boards of the school and the "cultural exhibition board" column of the class, and create a special column for learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture to introduce the content of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the importance, significance, methods, etc. of learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture, Let students obtain the nourishment and edification of Chinese excellent traditional culture through subtle influence.

2. Each class shall set up a class book corner (the bookcase shall be uniformly made by the school, placed in a designated place, and managed by a special person in each class)

The school encourages teachers in charge of classes, fellow teachers and students to donate books and magazines with healthy contents and suitable for students to read. Regularly hold "good books for reading" activities to open up book sources.

3. Establish the school's traditional culture experience room

The experience room includes guqin, tea art, flower arrangement, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, go, etc. Use one traditional culture class or school-based course every week to provide students with a good traditional culture learning environment, so that students can experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture in the traditional culture experience room.

4. Integrate education in activities to enrich connotation

The education of excellent traditional culture is embedded in a variety of activities. In the annual June 1 reporting performance, the content of traditional culture is indispensable. For example, textbook plays such as "The fox assumes the tiger's power", "Pushing the seedlings too far", classic readings such as "Disciple Rules", "Youth in China", dance plays such as "Rap and Sing Face", "Spring Dawn" and other excellent traditional cultural programs are most praised. In addition, in the first "Classic Reading" competition between teachers and students in the county, the "Young China" of our fourth grade won the first prize, and the "When Is the Bright Moon" read by two teachers in our school also won the first prize. Excellent traditional culture enriches the content of educational activities, improves the connotation of educational activities, and also enables excellent traditional culture to be inherited in educational practice.

2、 Problems Existing in the Specific Practice of the School

1. Teaching time and place of traditional culture education

It is far from enough to carry forward the essence of our national traditional culture, regain our national cultural beliefs, and rebuild the cultural soul only by reading the classics of traditional Chinese culture in schools. In addition, to carry out excellent traditional culture education, in addition to school teaching as the main channel, we should also guide students to enter the society and return to their families, and guide them to return to life and understand history with family life.

2. Teaching contents and methods of traditional culture education

How to inherit the culture of China with a long history of five thousand years in our generation or the next generation is facing a very realistic problem. The "Tang and Song poetry craze", "Chinese culture craze" and "children reading classics craze", which were set off by the inheritance of eager for quick success and instant benefit, also let us fall into meditation while busy. Is the culture that has been circulating for thousands of years just "reciting poems" and "taking forms"? In this way, the traditional culture is not close to our life, but far away. It is not beautiful and fruitful for children's learning, but redundant and burdensome.

3. Teacher training in traditional culture education

Inheriting excellent traditional culture requires a team of teachers with good moral standards, professional skills and increasingly reasonable allocation. However, the current situation of teachers in traditional culture education can be summarized in three words: "lack, weakness and poor". There is a long way to go to train a team of teachers with noble morality, excellent business, harmony and efficiency. This can not be done overnight. It needs a process.

4. Evaluation methods of traditional culture education

Teaching evaluation is an indispensable part of teaching, whose main purpose is to check and promote teaching work. However, there is still a problem of randomness in the evaluation of inheriting excellent traditional culture, and even some evaluators have no sense of standards at all.