Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Work Plan

Selected work plans (9 articles)

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 Work plan

Part 1: Model Work Plan

The population and family planning work has really been placed at the top of the implementation of the sustainable development strategy. Party committees and governments at all levels have insisted on holding a number of special research meetings on family planning work every year, and each meeting will solve at least one practical matter. Adhere to and improve the responsibility system of population and family planning target management. The Party and government leaders and family planning departments were assessed separately, and the "one vote veto" system was effectively implemented. Give full play to the coordinating and guiding role of family planning leading groups at all levels, and clarify the responsibilities of family planning work of relevant departments. Actively establish new work measures, improve the comprehensive governance mechanism, and form a good situation of joint management. It is necessary to coordinate relevant departments, mobilize the strength of the whole society, establish a comprehensive governance mechanism in which the party and government are responsible, departments cooperate, the masses participate, complement each other's advantages, and work together to solve the population problem by taking economic, administrative, legal, educational and other comprehensive measures. 2、 Strengthen publicity and education to create a new cultural atmosphere of fertility

Seriously organize the study and publicity of the relevant statements on population and family planning work in the report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, make full use of various forms and channels to vigorously promote the Population and Family Planning Law, the Regulations of Yunnan Province on Population and Family Planning, the Regulations of Yunnan Province on Rewarding the Only Child of Agricultural Population, the concept of quality service, the "three in five out eight services", good birth and good breeding Knowledge of contraception, informed choice and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. We should improve population schools and other propaganda and education positions for family planning, carry out "service-oriented" propaganda, provide information such as laws, regulations and management, and scientific knowledge such as family planning, eugenics and eugenics, reproductive health care, STD and AIDS prevention, according to the needs of the masses, and raise the awareness of the masses of childbearing according to law, contraceptive protection, eugenics and eugenics, and reproductive health care, Advocate the concept of equality between men and women and civilized progress in marriage and childbearing. We will set up population education and adolescent education courses in primary and secondary schools, and actively and steadily carry out adolescent sexual health education.

We will extensively carry out activities to promote the new trend of marriage and childbearing among thousands of families, vigorously popularize the scientific, civilized and progressive concept of marriage and childbearing that family planning, contraception and birth control, male and female birth are all the same, and strive to build a new socialist fertility culture.

By the end of the year, the awareness rate of family planning cadres on the concept of quality service and basic knowledge will reach more than 95%; The awareness rate of people of childbearing age about informed choice of family planning reached more than 85%, the awareness rate of basic knowledge of family planning reached more than 85%, and the awareness rate of basic knowledge of STD/AIDS prevention reached more than 80%. 3、 Strengthening basic work at the grass-roots level

The focus of the work should be really moved down to the grass-roots level, and the key and difficult points of population and family planning work should be combined with the actual situation to formulate measures and plans and do a good job in basic work at the grass-roots level. Further improve and standardize the management of standing books to provide true and effective information for family planning work. 4、 Administer according to law, enhance legal awareness of family planning

In view of the difficulty in collecting social maintenance fees and the long-term arrears, we should enforce the law correctly and in a civilized manner, and implement the administrative law enforcement responsibility system, the publicity system, the appraisal system, and the law enforcement fault accountability system. We will reform the administrative examination and approval system, simplify procedures, clear up and abolish unreasonable regulations that restrict the legitimate rights of the masses, make family planning government affairs public, effectively protect the reproductive health rights of the masses, and promote the population and family planning work to be managed in accordance with the law. 5、 The work of "awarding excellent people without compensation" has developed steadily

Party and government leaders at all levels unify their thinking and attach great importance to it. The main leaders of the party and government are personally responsible for keeping abreast of the progress of the work, timely supervising and inspecting, and timely studying and solving the difficulties and problems in the work. Regularly report the situation and earnestly implement the responsibility system. In the work, we should conscientiously do a thorough investigation, pay attention to the working methods, make the foundation clear and the situation clear, carefully analyze and study, and promote the overall progress with points. Strictly control the policy, strictly review the qualification for handling certificates, and simplify the procedures for handling certificates. The township staff actively went deep into the villages and families with one child, publicized the policy of "awarding, preferential treatment, exemption and compensation", so that the people really understood the knowledge of "awarding, preferential treatment, exemption and compensation", changed the concept of childbearing, voluntarily handled the Honor Certificate for Parents of Only Child, completed the certification task assigned by the city, and should pay attention to the improvement of consolidation rate, constantly sum up experience, and pay attention to working methods, Earnestly carry out the work of "awarding the excellent without compensation". 6、 Actively explore the new model of floating population management

We will strengthen the work of sorting out and checking the floating population, standardize management and services, continue to earnestly implement the Family Planning Management Measures for Floating Population, highlight the key points and difficulties, and guide them by point to area. Actively explore new ways suitable for the management and service of floating population in our district. 7、 Comprehensively promote the development of "villager autonomy"

In 2009, the villagers' autonomy work has gained some experience. On this basis, this year, we will earnestly consolidate the achievements and actively and effectively promote the 21 village neighborhood committees and communities that fail to meet the standards to carry out family planning villagers' autonomy work. 8、 Further strengthen the collection of family planning information to provide decision-making basis for leaders

In accordance with the spirit of Yuhongjishengzi No. 20059 document, we actively carried out family planning information collection work. First, we built an information network, accurately felt the pulse of service, implemented division of labor and responsibility, and comprehensively collected information. The second is to combine inside and outside and broaden the channels of information collection. The third is to integrate the analysis and application of information resources, improve the level of service and management. In order to maximize the role of information in daily management and service, starting from improving the analysis and application of information, information runs through the whole process of service work, promoting the improvement of overall management and service level. The fourth is to implement information guidance services, promote the healthy development of quality services for family planning, take information as an important basis for evaluating the effectiveness of work, implement scientific management, and provide quality services, which provides a direction for targeted guidance and improvement, and injects new vitality into quality services for family planning. [Page]

By making information guide service, promote service and standardize service, we have built a good information support platform for family planning work, improved the predictability and innovation of work, and provided better services for the people. 9、 Strengthen the work of family planning associations

Adhere to the combination of administrative management and mass work, give full play to the role of family planning associations, further give play to the five functions of "leadership, publicity, service, supervision and communication" of family planning associations and the three self functions of "self-education, self-management and self service", make full use of the activity room of family planning associations to carry out colorful activities, Promote the establishment and improvement of community family planning associations and the smooth development of management work. 10、 Continue to develop "three priorities" and promote "three combinations"

Continue to consolidate the achievements of "three priorities" in the development of family planning, deepen the activities of combining "three combinations" with poverty alleviation and development, implement the "happiness project" with the theme of helping poor mothers, take various forms according to the actual situation of our district and local conditions, actively explore the establishment of a relief mechanism and security system conducive to family planning families, and focus on solving the problem of children's disability The problem of family planning families with living difficulties and lack of pension security caused by death. Promote the "three combinations" work, improve the reproductive health level of people of childbearing age, promote the coordinated development of population and family planning work with social economy in our region, and promote the pace of building a well-off society in an all-round way in our region.


1、 Strengthen the construction of family planning technical service institutions in accordance with the requirements of good technology, good service, excellent management, beautiful environment and people's satisfaction.

Family planning service institutions have five comprehensive functions: publicity and education, technical services, personnel training, medicine distribution, and information consultation. They are the main positions to implement contraceptive measures and improve the level of reproductive health of the masses. In 2009, we will continue to take strong measures to improve the management and service level of family planning technical service institutions.

First, continue to strengthen the standardization construction of grass-roots family planning service stations, and further promote the standardization and standardization construction of township family planning service stations. Second, strengthen the capacity building of family planning technical service personnel. To comprehensively improve the overall quality and technical service ability of technicians, reduce the occurrence of family planning surgery accidents and complications, and provide safe, satisfactory and trustworthy technical services for the masses. Third, we should strengthen science popularization, actively participate in AIDS prevention and control, give full play to the advantages of family planning technology service network, popularize AIDS related knowledge, promote the use of condoms, and improve people's self-protection awareness and self-protection ability. Fourth, rationally allocate resources and further improve the family planning service network. Carry out services according to law, improve rules and regulations, standardize service procedures, strictly implement technical standards and ensure technical quality. We will promote informed choice of contraceptive methods, conscientiously implement the system of informed consent form for preoperative choice of contraception and birth control operations, guide the masses to independently choose appropriate contraceptive methods, and improve the comprehensive contraceptive rate, timely contraceptive rate and efficiency. Fifth, improve the distribution and supply network of contraceptives, and strive to meet the needs of the masses for contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Sixthly, standardize follow-up after family planning surgery and contraceptives. Seventh, "whisper rooms" and "male clinics" were set up to provide high-quality reproductive health services according to the needs of the masses.

Part 2: Model Work Plan

1、 Promote comprehensive governance and create a good environment

(1) Adhere to the principle of publicity and education, continue to strengthen the publicity and education of family planning, take various forms, strengthen the party and government advocacy of the basic national policies and the publicity of the news society, especially the publicity of the great achievements of family planning in the past 30 years, strengthen population culture construction, population theory research, and deepen the activities of new marriage and childbearing trends into thousands of families, To further create a good public opinion and social atmosphere in the whole society. Organize and hold special seminars for Party and government leaders in population and family planning work.

(2) Coordinate the Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government to supervise the implementation of the Decision of the Central Committee and the Implementation Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee, and promote all regions to incorporate population and family planning work into the important agenda of the Party committee and the government, and into the overall plan of economic and social development. Guide local governments to introduce specific policies and measures to strengthen population and family planning work.

(3) We will improve the macro decision-making system on population issues, give full play to the role of the provincial leading group for population and family planning in deliberation and coordination, promote the convergence of various economic and social policies with the basic national policy of family planning, and promote the comprehensive governance of population issues. We will reform and improve the accountability system for population and family planning objectives, streamline the evaluation content, optimize the indicator setting, focus on the main priorities, and advocate being realistic and pragmatic. Explore the introduction of early warning mechanism in the evaluation and scientifically use the right of "one vote veto". Adhere to the sharing of evaluation data among rural, urban and floating population, and make full use of information technology such as WIS in the evaluation. Strengthen the research on population development strategy and start the preparation of the "* *" plan. Establish a consultation mechanism for demographic data.

(4) We will establish an investment guarantee mechanism for stable growth, and, in accordance with the requirements of the Decision of the Central Government, we will promote finance at all levels to increase their investment in population and family planning, strive to increase financial investment at all levels more than regular financial growth, and basically achieve the annual per capita investment target of 30 yuan by the end of "* *".

2、 Adhere to classified guidance and strengthen key work

(5) Continue to implement the overall working idea of "focusing on northern Anhui, promoting the south of the Yangtze River, and driving the Yangtze Huaihe River", focus on increasing policy preference, work guidance, and investment guarantee for rural areas, especially northern Anhui, and strive to promote high-quality services in southern Anhui to a new level. In view of the prominent problems that restrict the development of work, strengthen comprehensive research, determine special topics to focus on exploration, and promote the balanced development of the overall work.

(6) We will further deepen the comprehensive reform of population and family planning, and improve the long-term working mechanism of "management by law, village (residents) autonomy, quality services, policy promotion, and comprehensive governance". We will vigorously carry out the Year of Basic Construction of Population and Family Planning at the grass-roots level, further improve the working mechanism of family planning, such as "village first", strengthen the construction and management of family planning service positions at the grass-roots level, guide the grass-roots level to do a good job in basic and regular work, and promote the standardization and institutionalization of family planning at the grass-roots level. Hold the on-site meeting of basic infrastructure construction in due time.

(7) We will strengthen family planning in cities and among the floating population, and further improve the work pattern of "playing chess" among the floating population in the province. The family planning work conference of urban and floating population was held to further deepen the construction of "innovation project" of urban population and family planning, strengthen the construction of urban community population family planning service institutions, carry out special clean-up of floating population, and implement the statistics of all floating population. Strengthen the infrastructure construction in the outflow areas, actively explore new models of outflow population management, and explore new ways of two-way cooperation between provinces.

(8) We will further improve the working mechanism for comprehensively managing the sex ratio at birth. Deepen the action of caring for girls, adhere to multiple measures such as publicity and education, interest orientation, pregnancy monitoring, and legal crackdown, improve the norms of investigation and handling of "two non" cases, and carry out pilot work of designated delivery and real name registration. The on-site meeting on comprehensive management of the sex ratio of the birth population shall be held in due time.

(9) We will further improve the family planning benefit oriented policy system, and actively promote the implementation of statutory incentives and preferential policies. We will improve the reward and support system for rural family planning families, fully implement the special support system for family planning families, and comprehensively carry out the pilot work of the reward system for long-term birth control measures in 23 counties in northern Anhui and along the Huaihe River. Summarize and promote the experience and practices of various regions in the construction of family planning benefit oriented policy system. Deeply carry out the "reproductive care" action, give play to the role of the * * UNFPA, and increase assistance and support for families with family planning difficulties. Actively coordinate with relevant departments to reflect the compatibility and unity with the national family planning policy in the inclusive policy, and give priority and care to family planning families.

3、 Adhere to administration according to law and safeguard the interests of the masses

(10) We will actively do a good job in revising the * * Population and Family Planning Regulations. At the same time, publicity and law popularization of the new Regulations will be well done.

(11) We will strengthen the supervision of family planning administrative law enforcement, incorporate it into the annual target responsibility system assessment, and implement "one vote veto" for major malignant cases. We will continue to reform and improve the mechanism for collecting, administering and using social maintenance fees. The mid-term evaluation of the "* *" plan of population and family planning administration according to law was carried out. Strengthen legal training and improve the quality of law enforcement teams. We will earnestly guide administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation cases.

(12) Deeply promote activities to facilitate people's rights and interests, earnestly safeguard citizens' legitimate rights and interests, and improve people's satisfaction. We will comprehensively promote the openness of family planning government affairs, improve the government information disclosure system, continue to strengthen the efficiency construction of the population and family planning system, implement standardized management, and effectively play the role of the "12356" sunshine service hotline for population and family planning.

4、 Improve service system and promote quality service

(13) We will further promote the establishment of advanced counties and quality service stations for family planning, so as to improve the quality and speed of family planning quality services. Strengthen the research and guidance on the establishment activities, improve the evaluation index system and evaluation methods, and explore and promote the establishment activities of advanced urban family planning service areas.

(14) Fully promote the construction of county stations and township offices. Accelerate the construction of national debt projects, implement technical equipment projects of county stations and township offices, further promote the standardized and standardized construction of grass-roots family planning service stations (offices, offices), and strive to fully meet the national construction standards by the end of "* *".

(15) Strengthen the capacity building of family planning technical services, strengthen the supervision of practice, optimize the qualification of practice, strengthen legal practice, standardize service behavior, and improve the service level. Improve the management of medical documents for family planning technical services. We will continue to promote science and technology training activities, implement the "Three Thousand Talents Project", and improve the ability and quality of technical service personnel. We will continue to promote family planning, reproductive health care and primary prevention of birth defects. Deepen the reform of medicine and tool work. The "Happy Smile" activity was organized to promote the project counties to do a good job in the work of UNFPA projects and relevant international cooperation projects.

(16) Vigorously promote the informatization construction of the provincial population and family planning system, accelerate the construction of the population macro management and decision-making information system (PADIS), improve the construction of the provincial WIS information management, awards, grants, special assistance management, and urban population comprehensive service information system, and improve the practical application level. Explore the establishment of paperless office system.

5、 Strengthen style construction and improve team quality

Part 3: Model Work Plan

Arrangement for reporting family planning work in 2019

County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau:

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the county's population and family planning work conference, stabilize the low fertility level, improve the quality of the population, ensure the health of the population, improve family happiness, and promote social harmony as the goal, earnestly perform the responsibilities of population and family planning, and carry out in-depth activities to build new villages and create new families, and provide high-quality family planning services to advanced counties. According to the overall arrangement of the working meeting of the county party committee and the specific requirements of the county family planning leading group and the county bureau, the family planning work of our institute is arranged as follows:

1、 Strengthen leadership and improve mechanism

1. We will strengthen leadership over family planning, and uphold and improve the "top leaders" responsibility system. While improving agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers' income and stabilizing rural areas, we should conscientiously do a good job in family planning in our own units. We should strengthen our study and deeply realize that family planning is an inevitable requirement for realizing agricultural modernization and building a well-off society in an all-round way. We should further implement the responsibility system, strengthen the "first leader" project, establish a family planning work leading group, and allocate full-time and part-time family planning staff. Establish and improve "one card" and "three volumes" family planning work files, include family planning work as an important part of the annual work, and ensure that responsibilities, inputs and measures are in place.

2. We will strengthen the management of women of childbearing age and their families in service, strengthen supervision and inspection, strictly control the "four fixed passes", and stabilize the low fertility level. Actively cooperate with the family planning department to seriously carry out the work of "three inspections and one treatment", organize married women of childbearing age to go to the designated place for gynecological examination, and strive to achieve 100% gynecological examination rate.

2、 Adhere to people-oriented principle and give full play to legal effect

To do a good job in family planning, we must firmly establish the idea of "people first", focus on improving people's ideological quality and legal concept, strengthen the awareness of birth and management according to law, and strengthen the measures to control family planning according to law. We will continue to organize cadres, workers and the masses to thoroughly study the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening Population and Family Planning Work to Solve Population Problems, the Population and Family Planning Law, the Population and Family Planning Regulations of Shaanxi Province, the Maternal and Child Health Care Law and other laws and regulations, so that these laws and regulations will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and change the traditional concept of fertility of the masses, We should crack down on the artificial termination of pregnancy by sex identification and sex selection according to law.

3、 Do a good job in providing quality services for family planning

We need to change the traditional family planning management model, combine family planning management with quality services, establish and improve the family planning clearance, inventory and filing work, and assist in carrying out quality services such as pregnancy check, health "sex" knowledge education and health check in accordance with the three main principles of "education first, daily work first, and contraception first", Enhance the interaction and scientificity of family planning work.

4、 Adhere to the combination of family planning and animal husbandry promotion

We will increase scientific and technological assistance to rural family planning households, and promote rural people to become rich with fewer children. We should give full play to our scientific and technological advantages and effectively increase assistance to rural family planning households. First, we should focus on the adjustment of rural industrial structure, pay attention to practical technology training for family planning households, and strive to achieve that each family planning household can master one or two practical agricultural enrichment technologies, so as to provide reliable and timely information for family planning households to become rich. Second, the promotion of new agricultural technologies and new varieties should give priority to rural family planning households. Each employee should pay special attention to 3-5 family planning technology rich demonstration households, provide farmers with good varieties, advanced technology, rich information and other ways, and strive to help farmers become rich through labor, especially for rural women only households and one-child households, To help supervise and inspect the implementation of preferential treatment policies for rural only child and pure two daughter ligation households, so that agricultural departments can take part in the comprehensive management of rural family planning.

Part 4: Model Work Plan

2. Hold a "Lecture on Female Reproductive Health Knowledge" to improve the awareness and knowledge level of female teaching staff on reproductive physiological health.

3. Two family planning knowledge tests will be held for women of childbearing age to ensure that 100% of the population and basic family planning knowledge should be known.

4. Correctly guide the majority of women of childbearing age to implement informed choice of contraceptive methods, strengthen the publicity and education of the knowledge of informed choice of women of childbearing age, and strive to promote the implementation of informed choice based on the implementation of long-term contraceptive measures.

5. Solicit newspapers and magazines related to family planning for women of childbearing age to borrow; Publicize popular science knowledge related to national conditions, national policies and family planning laws and regulations to enhance their awareness of population, responsibility and rule of law.

6. Lectures on population and family planning, adolescent health care and adolescent psychological education were held for students

2、 Family planning management and service for married women of childbearing age

1. Carefully implement the statistics and reporting of the self-management personnel of the unit and the floating population, ensure that the reports are timely, and the statistical quality qualification rate reaches 100%.

2. In April and October this year, married women of childbearing age will be organized to have a physical examination, and the physical examination registration will be done well to ensure that there is no missing person and the thorough examination is accurate.

3. Strict birth management, timely apply for the "Family Planning Service Manual" and "Birth Certificate" for eligible newlyweds, strictly hold the "Service Manual" and "Birth Certificate" to plan pregnancy and childbirth, and resolutely eliminate unplanned pregnancy and childbirth. Timely apply for the Honor Certificate of the Parents of the Only Child for eligible couples, and pay the subsidies for the only child according to relevant regulations, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of late married and late childbearing couples, and provide them with comprehensive and high-quality services.

4. Strengthen the current management and service work, carefully guide women of childbearing age to implement contraceptive measures, provide free and timely contraceptives for people using contraceptives, strengthen visits and information feedback, improve service awareness and skills, and ensure the consolidation and improvement of contraceptive effects.

3、 Advocate late marriage and late childbearing to ensure the improvement of late marriage and late childbearing rate

First, organize unmarried employees to study the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Marriage Law, strengthen publicity and education, take a variety of forms, organically combine public opinion publicity, centralized training, individual heart to heart talks and other forms, and strive to create a public opinion atmosphere of late marriage and late childbirth. Make them realize that late marriage and late childbearing are not only citizens' rights but also citizens' obligations. And the benefits of late marriage and late childbirth to society, families and citizens themselves.

Secondly, we should improve, formulate and implement preferential policies and incentive policies for those who practice late marriage and late childbearing, encourage and guide teaching staff to consciously implement late marriage and late childbearing and family planning, and make due contributions to controlling population growth and improving population quality.

Third, we should carry out late marriage and late childbearing volunteer activities, organize youth of the right age to sign the Letter of Late Marriage and Late Childbearing Volunteer, guide them to consciously implement late marriage and late childbearing, and strive to achieve 100% of the late marriage and late childbearing rate in our school.

4、 Cooperate with the unit community to do a good job in family planning management and ensure standardized management services

1. According to the work needs after the reform, cooperate with the community to do a good job in family planning management, and participate in various family planning activities organized by the community on time; Urge and educate the staff and family members of the unit to obey the family planning management of the community neighborhood committee of the current residence.

2. According to the requirements of the community, we should do a good job in family planning management of floating population, empty households, and those who buy and rent houses in the dormitory area of our hospital, so as to find out the foundation, grasp the situation, manage correctly, provide warm services, ensure safety, and report in time.

3. Further improve the handover of current residence management, find out the handover background of women of childbearing age, master the situation of all women of childbearing age, strengthen the information exchange with community neighborhood committees, and provide quality services for women of childbearing age in production, life and childbirth.

5、 Strengthen self construction and constantly improve work quality

1. We will continue to improve the responsibility system for managing population and family planning objectives, and actively strive to become an advanced unit of family planning and a target management unit of family planning.

Part 5: Model Work Plan

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we should fully implement the scientific concept of development, and take stabilizing the low fertility level, improving the quality of the birth population, and promoting the all-round development of people as the goal. We should strengthen infrastructure construction, improve the working mechanism, focus on implementing the "family planning" project, promote the overall solution of population problems, and promote the population and economy, society, resources The coordinated and sustainable development of the environment will ensure that the population and family planning work in our county will continue to maintain the advanced position of the province in the coming year.

2、 Task

(1) Implement responsibilities and stabilize the low fertility level. Efforts should be made to improve the sense of responsibility and mission of leaders at all levels in population and family planning work, strengthen the implementation of the responsibility system for population and family planning work, strictly implement the current family planning policy, pay close attention to the implementation of various tasks and indicators, and ensure the stability of the low fertility level. Establish and improve the comprehensive governance mechanism of "government leadership, department guidance, cooperation of all parties, and participation of the masses", and strive to create a new situation of comprehensive governance of population and family planning.

(2) Strengthen publicity and create a strong working atmosphere. Deeply promote the "Fertility Care Action" and the "Marriage and Childbearing New Fashion into Thousands of Families" activities, vigorously carry out publicity and education on national conditions and policies, population situation, population awareness and per capita concept, focus on the diversified requirements of the masses, integrate publicity and education in services, constantly innovate the forms and methods of publicity and education, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of publicity and education, We will raise the awareness of the population and family planning policy among the people, and do everything possible to change the people's concept of fertility. Deeply carry out the work of building spiritual civilization, strengthen the construction of family planning team and civilized window, and establish a good industry image. Vigorously promote family planning villager autonomy, give play to the main role of family planning families, promote democratic participation and democratic supervision of villagers, and truly realize villagers' self-education, self-management, self service, and self supervision in family planning.

(3) We will crack down on "two evils" and comprehensively address the problem of high gender ratio. Actively coordinate the county public security, health, drug supervision, discipline inspection, supervision and other relevant departments, strengthen the efforts to crack down on "two non" behaviors, and comprehensively address the problem of high gender ratio. Fully implement the two systems of hospital delivery registration management and the identity registration of b-ultrasound examination for more than 14 weeks of pregnancy; Coordinate with relevant departments to carry out special inspection on the management and use of b-ultrasound and the sales of drugs for termination of pregnancy, and crack down on illegal identification of fetal sex and sex selection for termination of pregnancy; Strictly implement the second child approval and pregnancy tracking management system, and carefully sort out the doubtful cases of "two evils"; We will implement a reward reporting system for "two non" cases and mobilize the masses to participate in combating "two non" acts.

(4) Levy according to law to form a strong legal deterrent. We will increase the collection of social maintenance fees in accordance with the law, expand the collection area and raise the collection rate. The organization strengthened the collection, timely cleared up the collection arrears over the years, and imposed a high limit and heavier collection on celebrities, rich people and entrepreneurs who violated the policy and had extra lives. We will increase our efforts to apply to the court for compulsory execution, and resolutely apply to the court for compulsory execution for those who are financially capable but refuse to pay, so as to form a strong legal deterrent and promote the healthy development of population and family planning work.

(5) Strengthen management and constantly improve the family planning management mechanism of floating population. We will do a good job in the management and service of floating population, adhere to the management mechanism of "inflow first, outflow and inflow joint management", strengthen comprehensive governance, establish and improve the system of close cooperation and information exchange between relevant departments, and jointly manage, so as to form a long-term mechanism. We will steadily promote the informatization construction of the whole population, and comprehensively implement the tasks of the "chess game" of the floating population's family planning service management; Do a good job in population and family planning in closed residential areas, constantly establish and improve the mechanism of "community management, property assistance, and owner participation", and standardize family planning management in closed residential areas; Strengthen the staffing and service network construction of floating population family planning management institutions, and provide necessary full-time (part-time) community family planning personnel.

(6) Constantly explore and strive to broaden the interest oriented mechanism. Earnestly implement family planning incentive policies, coordinate relevant departments to favor family planning families in the process of implementing inclusive policies, constantly expand the coverage of family planning family incentive policies, and constantly enrich their connotation, in rural poverty alleviation and development, homestead division, water and toilet improvement, biogas application, new technology promotion, migration and relocation, demolition subsidies, children's education and employment In terms of projects and policies such as condolence for families in need, preferential treatment and care will be given to rural families with only children and two women, so as to enhance the influence of population and family planning work.

(7) Deepen services and create a high-quality service image for population and family planning. Focusing on the all-round development of people, guided by meeting the needs of the masses, and in accordance with the requirements of "beautiful environment, excellent technology, high-quality service, excellent management, and the satisfaction of the masses", we will comprehensively strengthen the construction of family planning teams, spare no effort to improve the quality of technical service personnel, and constantly improve the software and hardware construction level of county and township family planning service institutions. We will continue to carry out the "activity of democratic appraisal of work style and political conduct", promote the construction of a civilized window for family planning, and improve people's satisfaction. Emancipate the mind, innovate ideas, constantly expand the field of quality services, and provide public services such as market information, technical training, new housing construction, good birth and good breeding, and health consultation for family planning families.

3、 Safeguard measures

(1) Adhere to the principle of "top leaders" taking overall responsibility and strengthening management by objectives. Adhere to the principle that the "top leaders" of the Party and the government take overall responsibility, and further improve the awareness of cadres and the masses of the difficulty, complexity and severity of population and family planning work in the new era. Put population issues on the important agenda, effectively solve the difficulties in population and family planning work, coordinate and organize relevant departments to jointly manage and comprehensively manage population and family planning work through economic, social and various means and measures. Strictly implement the responsibility system of population and family planning target management, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of target operation. Seriously implement the "one vote veto" of family planning, promote the performance of duties, and hold the responsible person accountable for fraud, concealment and misrepresentation in accordance with relevant regulations.

(2) We will intensify training and strengthen the construction of the contingent of cadres. Strengthen the work of family planning in towns and villages according to the requirements of good thinking, correct style, understanding of business, good management, and good ideological work of the masses

Part 6: Model Work Plan

Main annual work objectives: the accuracy rate of family planning statistics is more than 97%, the information coverage rate is more than 98%, and the accuracy rate is more than 95%; The legal fertility rate has reached over 98%; The mass satisfaction rate is above 95%; The implementation rate of contraceptive measures reached over 98%; The legal fertility rate of floating population is more than 98%, the contact rate, filing rate, verification rate and certificate issuing rate with the registered permanent residence are more than 92%, and the awareness rate of "Caring and Joining" is more than 75%.

According to the needs of the masses and the requirements of the superior in terms of policies and regulations, contraception and birth control, eugenics and reproductive health, focusing on the realization of the above goals and tasks, we should pay close attention to the "two implementations", improve the working system, improve the working mechanism, strengthen the "seven priorities", and promote the new development of population and family planning work to create a new situation.

1、 Pay close attention to "two implementations"

(1) Deeply study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Opinions, and strengthen the dedication and sense of responsibility to do a good job in population and family planning

Carefully study the spirit of Opinions. Relying on the theoretical center group of the street party working committee and the population school, we will take various forms, such as special lectures, seminars, training classes, and do a good job of special learning and training for the leaders of the party working committee, street units, street and community population and family planning staff, focusing on the background and significance of the issuance of the Opinions, the overall requirements and objectives of population and family planning work in the new era New tasks and measures to solve population problems as a whole, safeguard measures to promote the development of population and family planning, leadership measures to strengthen population and family planning work, population and family planning policy system in the Opinions and other contents, deeply understand the connotation, grasp the spiritual essence, study hard and thoroughly, and integrate the thoughts and actions of leaders of the Party Working Committee and district family planning cadres into the spirit of the Opinions, We will strengthen our dedication and sense of responsibility to do a good job in population and family planning.

The publicity of the Opinions shall be incorporated into the overall publicity plan of the streets and units stationed in the streets. Make full use of the network, population schools and other publicity and education platforms, and in combination with activities such as "new marriage and childbearing trends into thousands of families" and "double entry, double construction", extensively and deeply carry out various forms of publicity activities, focusing on the core content and important policies of the Opinions. In combination with the actual situation of the district, the centralized publicity is carried out to form a massive publicity atmosphere, so that the spirit of the Opinions is known to everyone, and all sectors of society know that the work of population and family planning is not relaxed, and the task of solving population problems as a whole is more arduous and complex.

(2) Focus on the establishment and implementation of the family planning policy system to benefit the people, and ensure that family planning families give priority to sharing the fruits of reform and development

We will fully implement the policies that have been issued to guide the interests of family planning. We will strengthen supervision and inspection, strictly abide by relevant regulations and procedures, implement the issued family planning benefit oriented policies, and focus on the implementation of family planning benefit policies such as "five awards", "four assistance", "four exemptions", and "one preference". Strictly implement the policy of family planning and benefiting people. First, we will implement the special support system for family planning families. Accurately grasp the policy boundaries, do a good job in identifying the target population, and ensure that the special assistance funds are distributed in full and on time. The second is to do a good job in returning the social maintenance fees for the second child to those who voluntarily return the Birth Certificate of the second child. The third is to implement the new family planning policy issued by the superior. The floating population and the registered population enjoy the same free family planning technical services such as reproductive health examination, pregnancy and environmental monitoring, and physical examination for children aged 0 to 3 years.

2、 Perfect working system and working mechanism

1. Establish a series of internal management systems. It includes learning system, attendance and sign in system, leave application system, target performance appraisal system, and administrative system according to law. Work shall be carried out in strict accordance with legal responsibilities and procedures. Formulate a learning system to encourage family planning cadres to squeeze time for self-study, learn while doing, and learn with targeted problems; Formulate the system of attendance check in and asking for resumption from leave, and enhance the discipline of family planning cadres; Develop target performance appraisal system, divide work tasks into people, quantify goals to people, implement responsibilities to people, and link work performance with rewards and punishments; Formulate and establish a system of administration according to law, and carry out work in strict accordance with legal responsibilities and procedures.

2. Establish a scientific and reasonable work guidance system, and strengthen the guidance for the daily work of residents. After the change of community neighborhood committee in September last year, six new family planning directors were appointed, which has a certain impact on family planning work. The family planning office should play the role of the weekly regular meeting system and information feedback system, carry out various forms of business guidance such as major training and individual coaching, and improve the comprehensive work ability of community family planning cadres by strengthening their sense of responsibility and enterprising spirit. What knowledge should residents and family planning staff master, and what characteristics each resident and family planning staff has, street family planning staff must be clear, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and give classified guidance. What should be strengthened should be strengthened training, and efforts should be made to improve the working ability and business level of residents and family planning staff.

3. Establish inspection and supervision system. Regular inspection and supervision must be carried out after work arrangement to master the work progress. For those who do not work hard, help to analyze the causes and strengthen supervision.

3、 Strengthen the "Seven Key Points"

1. We will steadily carry out the activity of the Year of Standardized Basic Construction at the grass-roots level to stabilize the low fertility level. Formulate the implementation plan for the year of standardized construction of grassroots infrastructure. Through measures such as clearing up and inventory, strengthening training, feedback information, rectification and implementation, strictly implement the daily management and service specifications of streets and family planning, comprehensively survey the information of women of childbearing age within the jurisdiction, further improve the "grid" management operation mechanism, strengthen the responsibilities and assessment of migrant population coordinators, and improve their working ability, Realize seamless coverage of urban family planning and all-round management and service. Establish a system for street leaders to contact street units and neighborhood committees, and regularly go to the grass-roots level to guide family planning work. Establish an assessment system for the daily management of family planning of residential floating population in the street, do a good job in the management and service of floating population, strengthen the connection and cooperation between the current residence and the registered permanent residence, strengthen the family planning work of urban population separated from households, guide more units to provide preferential services for floating population, and make more floating population from the "care and join chain service activities" Benefit from.

2. We will strengthen management and rights protection in accordance with the law and improve the level of administration in accordance with the law. Actively promote standardized law enforcement and civilized law enforcement, use various forms of publicity in communities, squares, public welfare classrooms and population schools, and turn the law enforcement process into a process of publicizing laws and regulations and solving practical difficulties for the masses. The timely rate and standardized rate of applying for "Birth Certificate" and "Honorable Certificate for Parents of Only Child" reached 100%. We will do a good job in opening and publicizing the administration of family planning according to the law, play the role of information guidance according to the requirements of the Code, take the initiative to put the work ahead, and eliminate hidden dangers from the source.

Decompose and implement the administrative law enforcement responsibility system, deepen the work of family planning to facilitate people's rights and interests, start from respecting and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people, provide high-quality and efficient services for the people to implement family planning, respect the people's interests, open legal relief channels, strengthen administrative supervision, comprehensively improve the level of administration according to law and quality services, and constantly improve the satisfaction of the people, Strengthen the cohesion of the population and family planning departments, and promote social fairness, justice, harmony and stability.

Strictly investigate and deal with intentional concealment, underreporting, and misstatement of birth and birth gender, establish a timely notification system, and form a long-term mechanism for clearing up illegal births. Through carrying out the centralized clearing up and inventory activities of illegal births focusing on correcting women of childbearing age's omission of management, concealment of birth errors, comprehensive implementation of the statistical management system of the current residence, and implementation of the management responsibility of the current residence, we have completely reversed the phenomenon of indifference to illegal childbirth cases, deliberate delay in handling, and deliberate concealment of reports, Effectively improve the quality of demographic data and the coverage, accuracy and timeliness of demographic information.

3. Do a good job in follow-up work and improve the level and ability of high-quality service. Improve the construction of community family planning service network, further deepen the brand of "quarter hour technical service circle", continue to carry out "intimate" technical service brand building activities, strengthen brand publicity, strengthen the people-oriented quality service concept, and provide "intimate" services for people of childbearing age. This year, relying on the Jinmen Road Family Planning Technical Service Station, we should take the follow-up work of family planning technical services as a breakthrough to meet the needs of the masses, actively carry out follow-up services during pregnancy, postpartum and postoperative, implement the monitoring of pregnancy and environmental conditions and special free reproductive health examination, provide necessary reproductive assistance to poor women, and improve the level of reproductive health of the masses, Make people of childbearing age satisfied with family planning work.

4. We will do a good job in the publicity and education of family planning for the Olympic Games and establish a good image of our district. We will do a good job in promoting the Olympic news. Formulate and implement emergency plans for external publicity, and do a good job in Olympic family planning publicity. We will carry out reproductive health education and service activities for college and middle school students with the theme of "youth health", improve their awareness and ability of reproductive health care, and carry out the activity of "marriage and childbearing new trends into thousands of families" with the theme of "warm Golden Gate, harmonious family planning".

5. Strengthen the family planning work of floating population, and implement the same management, publicity and service for floating population according to the principle of current residence management. In property communities, office buildings and migrant population communities, in combination with the "Migrant Population Management Service Year" activity, we will carry out in-depth "care franchise chain service activities" for migrant population, and improve the regular management and service mechanism of migrant population in accordance with the principle of "who employs who is responsible, who benefits who manages, who governs who serves", so as to bring migrant population into the regular work scope. Establish family planning associations in enterprises and fairs where the floating population is relatively concentrated, give play to the role of family planning associations in self-education, self-management and self service, and do a good job in online information exchange among the floating population.

6. Promote informatization construction and improve information network construction. We will strengthen the standardization of information work and strive to make the coverage and accuracy of basic information for women of childbearing age meet the requirements of higher authorities. The work focuses on improving the quality and application level of street and residential computer operators, using the network to carry out convenient services, and comprehensively realizing the informatization of residential management services.

7. Strengthen the team building and improve the overall quality of the team

Strengthen the construction of the family planning team at the sub district and residential levels, and actively participate in the professional knowledge training courses for family planning cadres organized by the district family planning bureau.

Strengthen education and training. Adhere to the implementation of training by levels, classifications and batches on a large scale, concentrate on the education and training of grassroots family planning staff, reform the content and methods of training, focus on professional knowledge training, and increase the content of ideological style, work style and ideological education, so as to cultivate the correct work attitude, solid work style and strong dedication of the basic family planning staff Sense of responsibility, improve the management and service ability of family planning cadres.

Strengthen the self construction of the Family Planning Office. Focusing on the study and implementation of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we carried out activities to build spiritual civilization around the Olympic Sailing Competition. Focusing on improving administrative efficiency, we will spare no effort to create a service brand of "Warm Golden Gate, Harmonious Family Planning", change our work style, constantly improve the satisfaction of the people in the district, and establish a new image of the population and family planning industry.

Jinmen Road Sub district Office

February 28, 2008

Plan specification

In order to stabilize and develop the family planning work in our district, the family planning work in Jinmen Road district in 2008, under the correct leadership of the district party committee and the district government, under the specific guidance of the district family planning bureau, closely around the overall deployment and requirements of the office party working committee, adhere to the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development, adhere to the goal of stabilizing the low fertility level, Promote quality family planning services in the district, solve population problems as a whole, constantly improve the overall management and service level of population and family planning work, and create a good population environment for building a civilized and harmonious community.

1、 Main basis for formulating annual plan

(1) According to the requirements of municipal and district levels

According to the requirements of the Letter of Responsibility for the Management of Population and Family Planning Objectives signed by the subdistrict office with the district party committee and the district government, and the key points of the city and district family planning work in 2008, the office, in formulating the annual work plan, closely focuses on the indicators issued by the district, and strictly implements the work indicators.

(2) According to the actual work of the office

After years of continuous efforts, the family planning work of Jinmen Road Sub district Office has tended to a relatively stable development trend. However, in recent years, the number of laid-off and unemployed people has increased year by year, and the number of unemployed residents has increased year by year. Many people have become the key management objects and support and relief groups in our district. The service to these people has become the primary livelihood issue of family planning work in our district, The sub district office will establish a regular cooperation mechanism with the urban management department, comprehensive management office, civil affairs department, women's federation, cultural station, judicial office, trade union and other departments, take effective relief measures, implement relevant policies, actively solve hot and difficult issues in population and family planning work, and highlight the concept of high-quality family planning services.

(3) According to relevant laws and regulations

On the basis of widely publicizing relevant policies, laws and regulations to the masses, family planning work shall be carried out according to the specific requirements of the Municipal Family Planning Commission and the District Family Planning Bureau, and the management and service of people of childbearing age in the district shall be carried out according to law.

(4) According to the needs of the masses

According to 400 questionnaires distributed to people of childbearing age in communities and street units at the end of November 2007, we collected information on the needs of people of childbearing age in terms of policies and regulations, eugenics, quality services, contraception and birth control, and formulated a work plan for this year based on the needs of the masses. According to the relevant policies of the people's general concern for the interests of family planning, the sub district office will strengthen the publicity to the people in the area in terms of the implementation of the incentive policies for the parents of the only child in the policies and regulations, the implementation of the one-time pension subsidies for the parents of the only child in the enterprise when they retire, the implementation of the incentive policies for contraception and birth control, the difficulty in managing the floating population and other hot and difficult issues, To meet the needs of the public for the policies related to the benefit orientation of family planning, so as to promote the effective implementation of family planning work in the district.

2、 To meet the needs of the masses, focus on the following work

According to the needs of the masses and the requirements of the higher authorities, in order to ensure the completion of various indicators and objectives of family planning this year, improve the working mechanism of the sub district offices, improve the working system, work hard on "two implementation", strengthen the "five priorities", promote the new development of population and family planning work, and create a new situation.

(1) Perfect working system and working mechanism

1. Establish a series of internal management systems. It includes learning system, attendance and sign in system, leave application system, target performance appraisal system, and administrative system according to law. Work shall be carried out in strict accordance with legal responsibilities and procedures. Formulate a learning system to encourage family planning cadres to squeeze time for self-study, learn while doing, and learn with targeted problems; Formulate the system of attendance check in and asking for resumption from leave, and enhance the discipline of family planning cadres; Develop target performance appraisal system, divide work tasks into people, quantify goals to people, implement responsibilities to people, and link work performance with rewards and punishments; Formulate and establish a system of administration according to law, and carry out work in strict accordance with legal responsibilities and procedures.

2. Establish a scientific and reasonable work guidance system, and strengthen the guidance for the daily work of residents. What knowledge should residents and family planning staff master, and what characteristics each resident and family planning staff has, street family planning staff must be clear about, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and give classified guidance. Intensive training is required for those who need intensive training, and hands-on teaching is required for those who need hands-on teaching, so as to improve the working ability and professional level of residents and family planning staff.

3. Establish inspection and supervision system. Regular dispatching and supervision must be carried out after work arrangement to master the work progress. For those who do not work hard, help to analyze the causes and strengthen supervision. Inspection and supervision must be done well not only for the lower level, but also for the internal level.

(2) Pay close attention to "two implementations"

1. Deeply study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Opinions, and strengthen the dedication and sense of responsibility to do a good job in population and family planning

The publicity of the Opinions shall be incorporated into the overall publicity plan of the streets and units stationed in the streets. Relying on the theoretical center group of the street party working committee and the population school, special lectures, seminars, training classes and other forms are adopted to conduct special learning and training for the leaders of the party working committee, street units, street and community population and family planning staff. Make full use of the network, population schools and other publicity and education platforms, and carry out extensive and in-depth publicity in various forms in combination with activities such as "new marriage and childbearing trends into thousands of families". At the same time, in combination with major festival activities, centralized publicity will be carried out to form a massive publicity atmosphere, so that the spirit of the Opinions will be known to everyone and all sectors of society will be clear: the population and family planning work has not been relaxed, and the task of solving population problems as a whole will be more arduous and complex.

Earnestly implement the Opinions. Combine the implementation of the Opinions with the solution to the difficulties and hot issues in the reform and development of population and family planning work, put reform and innovation through the whole process of the implementation of the Opinions, focus on the implementation of relevant provisions such as team building, financial input, safeguard measures, leadership measures and interest oriented policies, and the investigation and treatment of illegal births, so as to effectively achieve results and do a good job of the Opinions The implementation of the policy stipulated in the "Opinions", creatively implement the spirit of the "Opinions", and ensure that the spirit of the "Opinions" is truly implemented.

2. Focus on the establishment and implementation of the family planning policy system to benefit the people, and ensure that family planning families give priority to sharing the fruits of reform and development

Implement the issued family planning benefit oriented policies, and focus on the "five awards" (late marriage and late childbearing awards, only child parents awards, giving up the second child birth awards, implementing long-term contraceptive measures awards, and one-time pension subsidies for the retirement of urban employees' only child parents) and "four assistance" (family planning public welfare fund assistance, family planning assistance assistance, family planning assistance for extremely poor families, and special assistance for family planning families), "four exemptions" (free technical services for basic projects, free premarital examination, free four tests for eugenics, and free special reproductive health examination), "one preference" (urban residents' basic medical insurance is preferential to one-child families) And so on.

Strictly implement the policy of family planning and benefiting people. First, we will implement the special support system for family planning families. Accurately grasp the policy boundaries, do a good job in identifying the target population, and ensure that the special assistance funds are distributed in full and on time. The second is to seriously implement the living subsidy system for family planning surgery complications personnel issued by the district. The third is to do a good job in returning the social maintenance fees for the second child to those who voluntarily return the Birth Certificate of the second child. Fourth, implement the new family planning policy issued by the superior. The floating population and the registered population enjoy the same free technical services such as reproductive health examination, pregnancy and environmental monitoring, four tests for eugenics, prenatal screening, and physical examination for 0-3 year old children.

(3) Strengthen the work of "seven priorities"

1. We will solidly carry out the activities of the Year of Standardized Construction of Grassroots Foundations to stabilize the low fertility level

We formulated the implementation plan for the year of standardized basic construction at the grass-roots level, strictly implemented the daily management and service specifications of streets and family planning, and comprehensively surveyed the information of women of childbearing age in our jurisdiction through measures such as sorting out, strengthening training, feedback information, rectification and implementation. Further improve the "grid" management operation mechanism, strengthen the responsibilities of migrant population assistants, improve their working ability, and achieve seamless coverage of urban family planning and all-round management and service. Establish a system of street leaders contacting street units and neighborhood committees, and regularly go deep into the grass-roots level to guide the transformation work. We will do a good job in the management and service of floating population, establish an assessment system for the daily management of family planning of the resident floating population, guide the units to provide preferential services for the floating population, and enable more floating population to benefit from the "care franchise chain service activities".

2. We will strengthen management and services in accordance with the law and improve the level of administration in accordance with the law. Actively promote standardized law enforcement and civilized law enforcement, use various forms of publicity in communities, squares, public welfare classrooms and population schools, and turn the law enforcement process into a process of publicizing laws and regulations and solving practical difficulties for the masses. We fully implemented services for the convenience of the people and safeguarding their rights, broken down and implemented the responsibility system for administrative law enforcement, and achieved 100% of the timely and standardized rates of applying for the Birth Certificate and the Honorable Certificate for Parents of Only Child. Deeply carry out the work of family planning to facilitate the protection of people's rights and interests, start from respecting and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people, provide high-quality and efficient services for the people to implement family planning, respect the people's interests, unblock legal relief channels, strengthen administrative supervision, comprehensively improve the level of administration according to law and high-quality services, constantly improve the satisfaction of the people, and enhance the cohesion of the population and family planning departments, Promote social fairness, justice, harmony and stability.

3. Do a good job of follow-up service and improve the level and ability of high-quality service. This year, relying on Jinmen Road Family Planning Technical Service Station, we will improve the construction of community family planning service network, further deepen the brand of "quarter hour technical service circle", continue to carry out "intimate" technical service brand building activities, strengthen brand publicity, and provide "intimate" services for people of childbearing age. We will actively carry out follow-up services during pregnancy, postpartum, and after surgery, implement the monitoring of pregnancy and environmental conditions and free special physical examination of reproductive health, take the follow-up work of family planning technical services as a breakthrough to meet the needs of the masses, provide necessary reproductive assistance to poor women, improve the level of reproductive health of the masses, and make people of childbearing age recognize family planning work.

4. We will do a good job in the publicity and education of family planning for the Olympic Games and establish a good image of our district. We will do a good job in news and publicity for the Olympic Games, establish an emergency mechanism for the publicity of family planning for the Olympic Games, carry out reproductive health education and service activities for college and middle school students with the theme of "youth and health", improve the awareness and ability of reproductive health care for college and middle school students, and carry out the activity of "marriage and childbearing new trends into thousands of families" with the theme of "warm Golden Gate, harmonious family planning".

Part 7: Model Work Plan

1、 Establish "three systems" and improve the government regulation system

First, establish a mechanism for the main leadership of the party and government. It is necessary to further strengthen the first question responsibility system of the main leaders of the party and government, bring population and family planning work into the important agenda and the scope of supervision and inspection of major issues, implement the priority of listening to family planning reports, holding family planning meetings, allocating family planning funds, paying family planning personnel salaries, handling family planning affairs, and promoting family planning cadres to "six priorities" and "one vote veto" of family planning Put the general customs system into practice.

The second is to establish a mechanism of joint management by functional departments. It is necessary to fully implement the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Responsibilities of Functional Departments in Family Planning Work and the Implementation Measures on the Assessment of Population and Family Planning Work of County level Organs, and conduct management by objectives assessment of county level organs; At the same time, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the coordination and cooperation of functional departments, and integrate the population and family planning work into the overall management of the "five systems" of department work, governing the county according to law, building spiritual civilization, social services, and public infrastructure construction, so as to form a pattern of coordination, coordination, comprehensive governance, and joint management throughout the county.

Third, establish a long-term mechanism for deepening comprehensive reform. The county and township governments should set up a comprehensive reform leading group with the main party and government leaders as the group leaders and the heads of relevant departments as the members, thoroughly implement the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of Population and Family Planning and Establishing a New Working Mechanism, implement the comprehensive reform pilot, gradually promote successful experience, and steadily advance the comprehensive reform.

2、 Advocate "Three Guides" and Create a Brand of Population Culture

First, adhere to the guidance of public opinion. With the goal of building a new fertility culture and guided by the needs of the masses, we should constantly innovate and deepen the "marriage and childbearing new fashion into thousands of families", "caring for girls" and "happy family action".

Second, adhere to the policy orientation. The county party committee and the county government should attach great importance to the population and family planning work, unswervingly pay close attention to the population and family planning work, give priority to the convening of family planning meetings, give priority to the solution of family planning difficulties, give priority to the appropriation of family planning funds, and give priority to the payment of family planning staff salaries. It is necessary to establish the population policy orientation through publicity policies and implementation policies, and promote the in-depth and solid development of population and family planning work. At the same time, it is necessary to effectively use policy resources, departmental resources and social resources, and transmit the birth civilization and new marriage and childbearing styles to the masses by means of the well-off project, happy family action, caring for girls action, reward and support system, new marriage and childbearing styles into thousands of families, new rural construction and other carriers.

Third, adhere to the interest orientation. We should fully implement the 20 preferential and incentive policies for family planning families, so that people can truly feel the political glory, economic benefits and life security of family planning.

3、 Focus on "three innovations" and create a high-quality service platform

The first is to innovate the service project of eugenics. While taking measures such as publicity consultation and premarital physical examination, we should focus on "primary prevention of birth defects", implement primary prevention guidance and eugenics screening, and let rural pregnant women in the county take folic acid, pregnant women's hormone and other complex nutrients free of charge to effectively reduce the incidence of birth defects.

The second is to innovate the reproductive health service mode. It is necessary to overcome the original "three checks" mode of emphasizing management over service in monthly physical examination, vigorously carry out the high-quality service activity of "reproductive health into the family" in March and September, check the environment and pregnancy for women of childbearing age, and provide free physical examination, gynaecological disease diagnosis and treatment, postoperative follow-up, contraception and birth control, guidance for eugenics and better education, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, policies and regulations, reproductive health knowledge publicity and consultation and other services.

Third, innovate the management and service mode of floating population. We need to deepen the "four reforms": we need to deepen the reform of information platform construction and establish an information exchange platform for floating population connected with the national network; Deepen the reform of management mode, and implement the four level service management mode of "service management center - service management community - service management community - building hospital service management responsibility area"; Deepen the reform of high-quality services, adhere to the working principles of "territorial management, housing owners' responsibility, and citizenized services" and "one certificate for multiple certificates" for the floating population, bring the floating population into the public management, treat the floating population as the permanent population, manage and serve the floating population equally, and improve the management service rate; We will deepen the reform of service content, implement "caring medical care", and implement the "Relevant Provisions on Left behind Elderly and Left behind Children in Floating Population Families to Enjoy" Caring Medical Care "issued by the county.

4、 Strengthen "three constructions" and establish information management service network

First, strengthen the construction of information accounts. It is necessary to strengthen the standardization and institutionalization of information account, strengthen the infrastructure construction of account and information work, carry out the verification of population and family planning information data, and improve the level of using population information to guide and manage the population and family planning work of the whole county.

Second, strengthen the construction of service positions. It is necessary to carry out the marking and standardization creation activities of county stations and township offices in a down-to-earth manner, carry out new construction and high standard maintenance of village offices throughout the county, and comprehensively update the standing books, layout and reports to make them more perfect and standardized.

Third, strengthen the construction of professional teams. We should optimize the three-level service team and build a technical service team that is "stable in quantity, good in quality, reasonable in structure and full of vitality"; We should strengthen team training and improve the professional quality of county and rural family planning cadres; We should carry out activities to create "five type organs", and conscientiously carry out activities such as the education of the theme of "emancipating the mind, reform and innovation, openness and openness", the appraisal of work style, and the work style of cadres.

5、 Strict "three management" and establish a pattern of joint management and comprehensive governance

First, strictly manage according to law. We should strengthen the collection and management of social maintenance fees, strengthen legal work, strengthen the openness of government affairs, and strengthen villagers' autonomy.

The second is to strictly control the "two evils". In March, May, July and September, law enforcement personnel from public security, family planning, health, drug supervision, culture and other departments should be transferred to conduct centralized inspection and rectification of B-ultrasound, gynaecological clinics, pharmacies, and cultural markets throughout the county, while adhering to the "three checks", "three determinations" of fixed points, fixed point drainage, fixed point delivery, birth certificate visits, induced abortion approval, and "three controls" of birth reporting, Effectively curb the rising trend of the sex ratio at birth.

The third is to strictly enforce the birth order of Party members and cadres. We should implement the Measures for the Management and Evaluation of Family Planning Work of Cadres and Staff of County Government Offices, and check and sort out the illegal births of Party members, cadres and staff in the whole county.

6、 Clarify "three responsibilities" and establish a new evaluation mechanism

First, adhere to the principle that leaders take overall responsibility. The population and family planning work should be included in the overall plan for economic and social development and placed on an important agenda. As a major inspection matter, it should be studied, deployed, assessed, rewarded and punished with the economic work. Increase the investment in population and family planning, ensure that it is included in the county and township financial budgets, and allocate in full and on time in strict accordance with the standards specified by the superior.

Chapter 8: Model Work Plan

(1) The Party and government attach importance to the work of the Association

First, continue to strengthen team building. Family planning associations at all levels throughout the county have strengthened the team building of new administrative regions (economic development zones) in the county while continuing to consolidate the construction of grass-roots organizations. At the end of the year, 34 township streets and economic development zones, 590 administrative villages and communes in the county have all established associations, and 57995 registered members have been registered. Second, continue to implement management by objectives. At the same time, the county party committee and government included the work of the family planning association in the county's population and family planning development plan, and included it in the key work. At the beginning of the year, the county population and family planning leading group also included this work into the assessment project in the Detailed Rules for the Assessment of Population and Family Planning Objectives, signed the target responsibility letter at all levels, and paid rewards and punishments. Third, personnel and funds are guaranteed. The party and government at all levels in the county regard the construction of association team as an important starting point for the family planning work at the grass-roots level, and in accordance with the principle of "main leaders concurrently serve, and family planning professionals assist", all the teams are well equipped and strengthened, and adequate financial funds are provided.

(2) Pay close attention to publicity, and the awareness rate of "two children alone" is constantly increasing

First, do a good job of early publicity and correctly guide the masses. During the period when the policy of "two children alone" was not issued at the beginning of the year, associations at all levels throughout the county gave full play to the advantages of mass work, set up publicity and consultation points in densely populated areas through television, radio and printing and distributing publicity materials, and clearly started the implementation of the "two children alone" policy according to the relevant requirements of the province and city and the speeches of leaders, so as to do a good job in the interpretation of the policy of having two children alone. The second is to make the policy widely known,. Since the launch of the "Two Children Alone" program, the county family planning association has contacted the county radio and television stations to make a week-long announcement throughout the county using the radio and television network, printed more than 30000 copies of the "Brochure on the Implementation of the Two Children Alone Policy" and widely distributed it in urban areas. 73 CDs recording the new policy were distributed to villages and towns for publicity, The new policy will be published in the column of "County Government Portal - Convenient Services - Family Planning". All township family planning associations and family planning offices publicized the new fertility policy through setting up street propaganda stations, organizing mobile propaganda vehicles and the "village to village" radio network. The third is to combine education with pleasure, and the new fertility policy moves towards the grassroots. From November 6 to 27, the County Population and Family Planning Bureau and the Family Planning Association jointly organized an art tour concert with the theme of popularizing the "two children alone" policy. The event has held special performances in more than ten townships, including Zi'ang Street, Dongyue Township, Yutai Township, Qingdi Township and Wensheng Township, focusing on the policy publicity of "two children alone", rewards and assistance for rural family planning families, etc. The three week tour has covered nearly 100000 people, and the family planning policy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

(3) Practically carry out mass autonomy to boost population and family planning work

First, grassroots organizations were further improved. The county family planning association has combined the building of a mass autonomous team with the evaluation and accreditation of grassroots family planning associations. All associations and organizations have planned, implemented and built well in accordance with the requirements of the standardized construction of mass autonomy, with a qualification rate of 96%, which has injected vitality into the work of mass autonomy. Second, the system construction is scientific and standardized. All grass-roots units in the county have established various system management systems with the main content of giving play to the "three self" role, while improving the "Regulations on Family Planning Villagers' Autonomy", "Family Planning Village Regulations", "Family Planning Villagers' Autonomy Contract (Agreement)" and other systems. Third, village (residential) affairs are open, timely and transparent. Family planning associations at all levels throughout the county have always adhered to "sunshine family planning" and "integrity family planning" as the starting point, focused on five links, and solidly promoted the work of opening village (residential) affairs in promoting grassroots self-government. (The five links are: standardizing the content of the public, grasping the form of the public, strictly disclosing the procedures and time, understanding the satisfaction of the masses and consciously accepting the supervision of the masses). Through scientific system construction and strengthened management, the incidence of arbitrary charges and fines at the grass-roots level in basic investigations at the grass-roots level was 0. In the recent "double evaluation", more than 93% of the people expressed their willingness to consciously abide by various laws and policies of family planning. The majority of the people participated in grass-roots autonomy activities and their enthusiasm to exercise the rights conferred by law continued to rise.

(4) Rely on childbearing care and implement livelihood projects

Since the beginning of the new year, family planning associations at all levels in the county have orderly implemented various fertility care projects in accordance with the annual work plan, and the policy of family planning and benefiting the people has been steadily promoted. First, during the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, the county family planning association raised 87000 yuan at its own level and 18000 yuan for the project fund of the city family planning association, in accordance with the work plan of "the higher level strives, the same level allocates, and the lower level raises", and gave birth care to more than 100 families with family planning difficulties in 34 township sub district offices in the county. At the same time, various grassroots associations and organizations also raised tens of thousands of yuan in donations in many ways to show solicitude and condolences to the local family planning poor families and empty nest elderly. Second, actively organize the volunteer service team of the Association to participate in the large-scale public welfare activity of "caring for empty nest elderly" organized and implemented by the County Population and Family Planning Bureau. During the activity, 12 volunteers with medical qualifications from the Association formed a service team and went to 10 central market towns, including Jinhua, Tuopai, Qinggang, etc., to carry out 10 physical examinations for more than 1000 people, including the elderly in nursing homes, the rural "left behind, empty nest" elderly, including liver function, kidney function, blood routine, carcinoembryonic antigen, and b-ultrasound. On this basis, health records have been established for the elderly, and medical advice has been given to 620 of them. The third is to focus on the activities of caring for left behind children in combination with the work of caring for the next generation. Chen Qinglan, the deputy director of the County Population and Family Planning Bureau and the vice chairman of the Association, has conducted five surveys in Fuxi Town and Taixing Township, respectively, to thoroughly register the "five lost, one disabled and one needy" teenagers, and negotiate with the local party and government on relief measures. Du Xiaodong, director of the County Stream Management Center and executive director of the Association, established a partnership with Jinhua Town Primary School, donated 3500 yuan worth of school bags and water cups to the left behind children in the school during the "June 1st" period, and donated 700 left behind children's growth diaries to all students in the school. The members of the council of the county family planning association also formed support pairs with 20 left behind children who were excellent in character and learning, and gave a total of 4000 yuan of consolation money, establishing a long-term and stable support system.

(5) Promote the action of realizing the dream girl and establish a long-term working mechanism

According to the superior's deployment and the actual situation of the county, the Dream Girl Action of "Caring for Left behind Girls and Building a Beautiful Tomorrow" was organized and carried out from June 20 to July 10. Through investigation, psychological counseling, pair support and other activities, the practical difficulties of some family planning girls' families were effectively solved, creating a good social atmosphere for the healthy growth of girls. First, the County Population and Family Planning Bureau and the Family Planning Association jointly formulated the Implementation Plan of the County on Carrying out the "Dream Girl Action" to clarify the theme, methods and steps of the activity. Second, the family planning organization network was launched in time to conduct a thorough investigation on the family of family planning girls in the county, and 471 households were visited and investigated successively and contact files were established. The third is to call on the whole society to pay attention to the living space of girls and care for their healthy growth by setting up street publicity sites, hanging banners and online appeals. The whole publicity campaign set up 33 stations, distributed more than 46000 copies of materials, produced 41 display boards of various slogans, and covered nearly 200000 people. Fourth, the County Family Planning Association, through multi coordination, won the nearly 100000 yuan "Beingmei" products that the County Wanxing Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. plans to give back to the society, and used them all for the care of 82 girls from family planning families in the county. Through a series of actions to realize the dream of girls, the long-term working mechanism of caring for girls, which is jointly participated by family planning, public security, health, drug supervision, women's federation and other departments, has been fully established. The healthy growth of girls has become a hot topic of public concern. More and more enthusiastic people are willing to join the platform of the Family Planning Association to participate in public welfare activities.

2、 Existing problems and causes

First, the work of the Association is greatly restricted. The main reason is that the county level associations are not listed separately and have no independent source of funds. Only relying on the financial support provided by the Population and Family Planning Bureau, they are powerless and unsustainable in carrying out various work. In the township party and government expenditure, there is no special budget for the work of the association, and the work of grass-roots associations lacks the necessary financial support. Second, the work of the Association was poorly promoted. The main reason is that, except for the county level associations, the specific staff of the township and village associations are part-time. Especially in the face of the health and family planning merger, most of the grassroots cadres are unwilling to take charge of the work of the associations, and some local associations have no real name or name. Third, the enthusiasm for mass participation has faded. The reasons are as follows: First, the work of mass autonomy is not deep enough, and the role of associations in the work of village residents is not obvious; Second, nowadays, there are more migrant workers, and most of the people at home are young and old, so they are not enthusiastic about participating in autonomous activities.

3、 Work direction

(1) Further strive for the attention and support of the local party and government, and seek support from various aspects. Party committees and governments at all levels should understand that the family planning association faces the masses directly. To grasp the association is to grasp the basic work at the grass-roots level, to grasp the population development strategy, and to grasp the overall situation of economic and social development. Strive for the county party committee and the county government to give some consideration to the management of personnel funds of the association.

(2) Continue to carry out extensive and in-depth publicity and service activities. We should make full use of major festivals and anniversaries to carry out large-scale publicity activities in various forms and with characteristics. Make the propaganda and education activities of the association vigorous, healthy and colorful, expand the influence of the family planning association, and enhance the cohesion.

Chapter 9: Model Work Plan

Time flies. Time is slowly evolving. What will meet us is a new life and new challenges. At this moment, we need to start making a work plan. The following is a sample article about the work plan of the accounting month, which I hope will help you. If you like it, you can share it with your friends!

Model 1 of Monthly Accounting Work Plan has been engaged in accounting for two years. Before that, he had been working as an agent bookkeeper in an accounting company and had limited access to work. Therefore, coming to -- can be regarded as that I have a close contact with the financial work of an enterprise as a financial personnel. Therefore, I cherish this opportunity.

The financial accounting content of an organization with a large business volume is much more detailed than those of small-scale enterprises, and the requirements will be more strict. Of course, the workload should not be underestimated. When I first arrived at the company, I heard Tang Li talk about the division and contact of various departments of the company, as well as some businesses involved, different personnel in different departments, different tasks in charge, etc. Although it is not as serious as confusion, the idea is not very clear. Therefore, it is not a problem to make accounts for some documents obtained at first, but it is difficult to distinguish them by department. Maybe this is also one of the so-called meticulous and rigorous aspects of work, so I dare not relax and ask other colleagues when I encounter problems that I don't understand. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to bother others because I have too many problems, but it is better to ask others more than to make mistakes less. I'm not very smart, and my brain doesn't respond quickly enough. Sometimes I have to ask the same question several times. Sometimes, my work will make mistakes, of course, there are personal reasons, there may also be external reasons, but every time I make mistakes, I will reflect, will blame myself, and may also explain the reasons to others, but in most cases, I will accept the criticism and correction of others with an open mind. After all, work is dead, people are alive, and people's ability is to do work and change various forms of work content. Therefore, in the face of various problems, we can treat them peacefully.

Of course, there are shortcomings and deficiencies, and I do not escape from them, but only by being able to adapt to work as soon as possible and put into the working state, can I gradually correct the shortcomings and make up for deficiencies. As far as the current cashier work is concerned, after about three weeks of familiarization and adaptation, I have been able to complete my work independently and am gradually arranging my work in an orderly manner. Be able to be fully familiar with and master the cashier's workflow and content, and also make it easier to do accounting in the future. So, I am frankly facing the current cashier position.

Here, I really want to thank Tang Li, Xiao Lei and Wanni for their help and their tireless acceptance of my "trouble". Thank them for their tolerance and understanding when I made mistakes in my work. Of course, there is also Tang Wenjun. This is not a thanksgiving ceremony, just want to be colleagues, or hope that we can work together happily in the future.

I am now in the cashier position to consolidate the cashier's ability and further improve myself. Accounting work is not new to me, so I am now ready to do all kinds of preparations to become an accountant and accept more tasks. 20-year, this is the direction and goal that I strive for. I believe this goal is not difficult to achieve.

The personal work summary of financial accounting and the work plan for the next year are 20 - years, which is the key year for construction and development, and also an important year for my personal growth and progress. Over the past year, with the guidance of leaders and the help of colleagues, I not only learned more knowledge and felt more edification, but also exercised my comprehensive quality and ability in practice, laying a more solid foundation for better performance of duties and serving the development of collective construction. Here is a brief summary of the whole year's work as follows: I. The 20-year return to work (I) Insist on taking learning as the primary task and constantly enhance comprehensive ability. First, I learn from leaders and colleagues to learn from the indirect experience of carrying out work. Carefully study the leadership's thinking habits, methods and work style, humbly and cautiously consult colleagues to learn relevant business knowledge and processes, and listen to their teaching. Second, strengthen moral cultivation and lay a solid moral foundation. I closely link moral cultivation with learning and practice at work. I regard myself as everyone and follow everyone as myself, constantly enrich my moral foundation, and create positive conditions for rapid integration with colleagues. Third, learn professional knowledge and skills. In the past year, I have taught myself a series of rules and methods of financial management requirements newly issued by the state, as well as some newly adjusted accounting management practices. At the same time, I have also participated in various business trainings, listened to teachers' lectures carefully, and paid attention to the practice and application of important business work, so that I can closely follow the situation of industry development and the needs of enterprise development. Both theoretical knowledge and practical working ability have been obviously improved

In the past year, according to the college's work deployment, our department has successfully completed the tasks of moving north to the university town, talent training level assessment, regular teaching, student management and other tasks. Teachers of the department have carried forward the spirit of hard work, solidarity and cooperation, and achieved remarkable achievements and results. Looking forward to the 20-year period, our department will strictly follow the college's work arrangements and requirements, According to the development goals proposed by the college in the new year and the actual situation of our department, we will continue to carry forward the work style of hard work, unity and cooperation, and strive to do the following work well:

1、 Guiding ideology and priorities

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, blaze new trails, focus on the overall work idea of the college for 20 to years, and on the basis of conscientiously implementing teaching management and student management, pay attention to professional construction, teacher team construction and graduate employment, continue to strengthen practical teaching, highlight curriculum construction, and strive to achieve the training objectives of all majors

(2) Priorities

1. Teaching management

2. Professional construction, especially curriculum construction

3. Strengthen the construction of various rules and regulations

4. Construction of teaching staff

5. Graduates' employment

6. Student management

2、 Strengthen conventional teaching management and complete various conventional teaching tasks

Perfect routine teaching management is an important guarantee to achieve the professional training objectives. Our department's routine teaching management works well, but some problems are still exposed in the evaluation process. Therefore, in the new year, we will adhere to the standardization and institutionalization of planning and reduce flexibility on the one hand; At the same time, strengthen the regularity, continuity and effectiveness of inspection and supervision in teaching management

1. Teachers are required to carefully complete all teaching links and do all relevant work before, during and after class according to the characteristics of the courses they teach

2. Learn from the experience and lessons in the evaluation work, establish and improve relevant teaching documents, and strengthen the file construction and file management. Complete, complete and high-quality teaching documents are the key to ensure the quality of teaching. In the new year, we will vigorously strengthen the establishment and improvement of relevant teaching documents, such as the teaching syllabus, examination syllabus, teaching files, teaching plans, teaching logs, listening records, Register counting, homework and homework correction records; The basic teaching documents involved in practical teaching, such as practical teaching syllabus, practical teaching assignment, plan, approval form, summary, practice/training report (including report correction records, report scores), and practice/training guidance records, should be established and improved, and should be used as assessment items in teaching inspection and final evaluation

3. All teachers should actively explore the teaching mode and teaching methods of higher vocational colleges around the professional training objectives under the premise of following the teaching laws and adhering to the teaching principles. In the teaching process, students' cultural quality and professional characteristics must be fully taken into account, so as to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, achieve the organic combination of teaching and learning, and eliminate the problem of teaching according to the book

3、 Strengthen specialty construction and highlight curriculum construction

1. Exploration of school running mode

There have been four graduates of the financial accounting major, who have some mature experience in running schools, and strive to form a model school running model for the financial accounting major in higher vocational colleges in 20 to; Investment and financial management is an emerging specialty. At present, no mature school running mode has been formed in vocational colleges. We should pay close attention to exploration in this field and find out a feasible talent training program with local characteristics to meet the needs of local economic development as soon as possible. We have also made beneficial attempts and explorations in the accounting computerization specialty, and accumulated some experience, In the future, we should continue to strengthen the reform and construction of the curriculum system of this major, and strive to develop distinctive professional characteristics as soon as possible

In the first half of the year 2, 20 --, a survey of talent demand was conducted to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of setting up three majors, namely, foreign-related accounting, finance and insurance, and real estate operation and management. Through the survey of talent demand, adjustments and revisions were made to the training objectives, quality and ability structure, and teaching plans of investment and financing professionals

3. Course construction

Curriculum construction is the basis of professional construction and the key to achieving the goal of professional talent training. We should first focus on the construction of core professional courses, drive the construction of other courses, and then promote the pace of professional construction. In the 20-year period, the focus of professional curriculum construction in our department is to strengthen the revision of teaching plans and syllabus according to the goal of professional talent training, and strive to establish a scientific curriculum as soon as possible, Perfect theoretical and practical curriculum (teaching) system

4. Strengthen the reform of teaching methods

Advanced teaching methods can improve the teaching quality and promote the improvement of students' theoretical level and practical skills. In the new year, we encourage teachers to strengthen the reform of teaching methods, promote advanced teaching methods such as case teaching, and cultivate students' ability to think independently, analyze and solve problems with their professional knowledge, In the process of solving problems, cultivate the spirit of emancipating the mind and being brave in innovation. In the practical training link teaching, explore the use of multimedia teaching methods and on-site teaching methods to improve students' hands-on ability

5. Strengthen practical teaching

Earnestly implement the practical teaching links of each major and practically improve the students' practical ability. The practical teaching syllabus for the financial accounting and accounting computerization majors of our department has been prepared, and the preparation of each major will be carried out next year. During the preparation of the internship/practical training instructions, the teaching and research department should carefully discuss and revise it repeatedly, In order to make the prepared instruction book really play a due role in supporting the practice/training

Continue to strengthen the construction of off campus practice bases, and make full use of social resources to complete some of our practice links. While making full use of existing experimental facilities and off campus practice bases, the financial accounting specialty and accounting computerization specialty strive to build two practice bases in industrial enterprises with standardized financial system construction; The major of investment and finance is a new major. We strive to establish two off campus training bases (one for financial or insurance enterprises and one for real estate enterprises) to meet the needs of practical teaching

4、 Strengthen the construction of various rules and regulations

Earnestly implement various teaching management rules and regulations, standardize and restrict teaching management work and teachers' teaching work with systems, strengthen the planning and standardization of various work, and avoid blindness and randomness in work

1. Strengthen the construction of teaching and research sections and standardize teaching and research activities

The teaching and research section is the basic unit for teaching, scientific research and teaching management. The smooth development of the work of the teaching and research section is the fundamental guarantee for the success of all teaching work, professional construction and curriculum construction. Each teaching and research section should strengthen management work and carry out teaching and research activities once a week. The development of teaching and research activities should be planned and effective. The teaching and research section should develop a detailed plan of teaching and research activities every semester, Carry out the work of the teaching and research section in strict accordance with the teaching and research plan. Each teaching and research section should solve several important problems in the professional construction and curriculum construction of each specialty from 20 to. Further revise the teaching plan, reduce the opening of theoretical courses, focus on strengthening the construction of core professional courses, discuss and formulate the teaching syllabus and examination syllabus of each specialty in detail. Further strengthen practical teaching, continue to revise the practical teaching syllabus, According to the professional training objectives, practice courses and practice links should be appropriately added or deleted, and practical training and practice instructions should be prepared and bound into volumes

At the same time, the teaching and research section should strengthen the scientific research work and actively participate in the construction of teaching materials compiled by higher vocational colleges and the declaration of scientific research topics

2. Regularly hold regular meetings to strengthen attendance

Our department is scheduled to hold a regular meeting every Monday to summarize the work of the previous week, plan and arrange the work of this week, so as to promote the regular summary of all work, find out problems and smooth progress

3. Listening

Listening to classes is a means for teachers to learn from each other and promote each other. Through listening to each other, teachers can find out all kinds of problems in the course of class in a timely manner, feedback in a timely manner, and promote the continuous improvement of the teaching level of teachers in the whole department, especially young teachers. Old teachers listen to classes more than 5 times a semester, and new teachers listen to classes more than 10 times a semester

5、 Continue to strengthen the construction of teaching staff

In order to improve the situation of the teaching staff, first of all, we will continue to send teachers out to study related courses, and strive to send 2-4 teachers out to study in winter and summer; Secondly, we should continue to strengthen the management and training of new teachers, supervise the implementation of their personal learning plans, and "help" teachers and new teachers should make summaries and plans for the next stage on time, so that new teachers can continuously improve their teaching level; We should unite people with our career, create a good development environment for new teachers, and help them in work and life to reduce brain drain; Thirdly, through the selection of the college's professional leaders, top professionals and young backbone teachers, we fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers, promote teachers to actively engage in teaching and scientific research, and improve the level of teaching and scientific research

At the same time, according to the needs of professional development, our department plans to recruit 7 new teachers from 20 to, including 1 financial accounting teacher, 1 international accounting/foreign-related accounting teacher, 1 securities investment teacher, 1 real estate operation and management teacher, 1 audit teacher, and 1 accounting computerization insurance teacher

6、 Vigorously strengthen student management

1. Further strengthen students' ideological education

Students' ideological education work should be constantly carried out in depth. In terms of political and ideological education, we should take the spirit of the 16th National Congress as the main learning content, guide and help students to deeply understand, implement and practice the important thought of "--". We should keep pace with the times and creatively carry out ideological education work, so that the spirit of the 16th National Congress can reach every student's heart, so as to understand the general situation and consider the overall situation, Adhere to the correct ideological direction. In terms of humanistic quality and system standardization education, we will adopt a combination of centralized education and self-learning to carry out vivid and specific humanistic education and regular system education for students, and cultivate college students of the new century who have both ability and morality through the above education

2. Attach importance to the education and training of student party members and activists

Student Party members and activists for joining the Party are advanced among students and the backbone of the smooth implementation of student management. Giving full play to their leading role will achieve twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, this semester should attach great importance to the education and training of student Party members and activists for joining the Party, and organize at least one party lesson and one thought report every month, They should submit an ideological report and work summary every six months. Through education and training, they can gradually improve their ideological understanding, implement the progressive thought into their daily study, work and life, and play an exemplary role

3. Strengthen system management and attach importance to work evaluation

System management is an important means of student management, and the key to its effectiveness lies in the implementation. This year, we should continue to strengthen the implementation of various student management systems, focus on the comprehensive evaluation of students, conduct comprehensive evaluation of classes and individuals, feed back the evaluation results weekly, praise the first, spur the backward, find problems and solve them in a timely manner, so as to prevent problems before they occur

4. Organize various activities to cultivate students' comprehensive quality

In this semester, various activities are organized at least three times a month in terms of ideology and morality, professional knowledge, literature and art, sports and other aspects, which are mainly organized by each department of the Student Union and guided by counselors

5. Strengthen the construction of student union

The student union is a bridge connecting teachers and students. It strengthens the construction of the student union, enriches the strength of the student union by absorbing students who have the ability to work and are enthusiastic about serving their classmates, strengthens the ideological and moral education of the members of the student union, and gives full play to the role of the student union as a link

6. Do a good job in welcoming and educating new students

It is estimated that there will be 500 freshmen in each major in the second half of the year from 20 to, and the task of receiving freshmen will be very heavy. Our department will make arrangements in advance and make preparations as soon as possible, so as to implement the work of welcoming freshmen and ensure the smooth development of the work of welcoming freshmen. After freshmen enter the university, they should do a good job in the education of freshmen. Not only professional education should be done well, but also moral education should be done well, Focus on legal education, so that freshmen can adapt to college life as soon as possible after entering the university, abide by the laws and various rules and regulations of the university, and become a qualified contemporary college student

7. Take measures to deal with student emergencies

Set up a working group composed of the secretary, counselor teachers and some excellent students. The students report emergencies to the secretary and counselor teachers at any time. The secretary and counselor teachers are specifically responsible for planning and responding to emergencies, so as to find and deal with emergencies in a timely manner

8. Earnestly do a good job of graduate employment guidance

Our department will earnestly do a good job in guiding graduates' employment. In the 20-year period, the number of employed students nationwide was 3.38 million, an increase of 580000 over last year. The overall situation is not optimistic. Therefore, on the basis of summing up the successful experience of last year's employment, we have opened up new work ideas. In addition to the leadership of the Institute's Employment Office, we have also mobilized all available resources to open up employment opportunities and broaden employment channels, Be responsible for the future of students. In addition, by hiring relevant experts and teachers to make employment guidance reports for graduates, students can have a clear understanding of the employment situation, master employment recruitment skills, and be ready for employment. At the same time, we should constantly strengthen communication with the College's Employment Office, organize various supply and demand meetings in time, and strive to improve the employment rate of graduates

7、 Attach importance to the employment of graduates and expand employment channels

The students of 02 Finance and Accounting Department and 02 Telegraph Department will graduate in July of 20 -. We will expand employment channels and increase employment rate through employment information provided by the employment office, active contact with teachers, and organization of students to participate in talent exchange

The work of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate is also an important work. In --, we should continue to organize the work of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate. First, we should do a good job in ideological work, so that every graduate can deeply understand the significance and importance of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate, so that students who register for upgrading from junior college can first attach great importance to it ideologically; Then we should organize and arrange the tutoring work of relevant courses. We should arrange the most experienced teachers to provide tutoring, creating a good environment for the tutoring work. At the same time, we should do a good job in the management and education of students who participate in the tutoring work, so that they can not only think about it, but also act on it, and lay the foundation for achieving good results

Model text 31 of monthly accounting work plan: strive for informatization of accounting and improve work quality and efficiency.

(1) Establish financial accounting software. At present, accounting treatment on the project has not been realized. The daily reimbursement and payment of the project are carried out in the company, which can not ensure the correctness of financial accounting to a certain extent, but also increase the workload of financial personnel and is inefficient. It is suggested that the Project Department can directly use remote access to connect to the server of the company headquarters and conduct accounting processing through the Internet. The remote access mode can greatly reduce the cost of financial accounting. The client is connected to the server indirectly, which ensures the security of data to the greatest extent. The financial data of the project can also be transmitted to the company headquarters in time. (2) Establish key accounting subjects. Production cost, inventory materials, accounts payable, etc. are the key accounting subjects of this project, and detailed accounts need to be established for auxiliary accounting, which is conducive to the whole process tracking management of the project, accurate settlement with suppliers, and improved accounting quality. Timely complete daily bookkeeping and submit financial statements. It is planned to complete the bill preparation of the previous month before the 5th day of each month, check and clear the transaction details with related units, and report to relevant leaders for decision before accounting treatment. Before the 10th day of each month, the financial statements shall be prepared according to the original vouchers reviewed by the leaders and carried forward to the current profits and losses in a timely manner.

2. Actively assist the Project Manager and the Business Planning Department to prepare the output value confirmation sheet, project capital plan, etc., and cooperate with the Cost Management Department to do a good job in cost budgeting and improve the company's budget control system.

Strengthen the fund control of the Project Department, and strictly plan and review the daily use of funds.

(1) Fund plan application. Before the 15th day of each month, collect the applications of the business planning departments of the project departments for review and summary, prepare the fund plan application form according to the summarized fund demand, submit the application to the headquarters after the approval of the project manager, and track the approval of the headquarters in a timely manner. The fund plan application form shall indicate the fund use time, amount, reasons and other matters that need to be explained.

(2) Establish external payment procedures and review the use of funds. First of all, strictly review whether the payment conditions are available according to the contract agreement, focusing on the payment time and amount. If progress payment and balance payment are involved, review whether there are relevant supporting data, such as progress report or acceptance data signed and approved by relevant departments, and relevant responsible person of the project department shall sign and receive the manufacturer's delivery note and warehousing note for warehousing; Whether the invoices issued are legal and compliant; At the same time, check whether the unit price, quantity and amount between the documents are consistent and the calculation is correct.

(3) Review the internal expense reimbursement. Item? A href='//www.xuexila. com/yangsheng/kesou/' target='_blank '>The company is going to carry out the review and approval of the company, but the agents will act as agents instead of acting as agents. Social security equipment/ p>3、 Carefully manage project contracts.

Establish a contract account, timely update the details of each contract's information (the counterparty, contract amount, signing time, payment terms, and operator) and performance status (payment amount, settlement amount, invoice amount), so that they can be filed and checked, and submit the latest contract account to the project manager and the headquarters at the end of each month.

4. Participate in inventory management.

Carefully check whether the invoices have been obtained for the materials paid in the previous period and ask for them in time. The purchase receipt must be accepted and warehoused by relevant personnel, and the delivery unit and contact number must be indicated on the receipt. For the bills that do not meet the requirements, contact the relevant personnel in time to go through the formalities, prepare the material inventory table, timely register the monthly material warehouse out and warehouse in account, check with the warehouse keeper at the end of each month, and ensure that the account is consistent with the actual account. According to the material inventory table, it is reasonable to suggest leaders to strictly control the inventory. The inventory only needs to ensure the reasonable inventory reserve required for normal production and operation, so as to avoid high occupation of working capital due to excessive inventory, which will bring great difficulties to the turnover of working capital of enterprises.

A month's working time has passed in a twinkling of an eye. Looking back on the past month, I can't help feeling a thousand emotions. Although there is no grand victory, it is also an extraordinary test and tempering. In one month's cashier work, the understanding of the cashier's position, the nature of the work, the improvement of business skills and ideas are all the filling and indispensable compensation for my career. Previously, I thought that the cashier was just going to the bank to calculate the cash. I thought it was just some simple and trivial work. After studying and working during the internship, I finally knew that the cashier's work was not as simple as I imagined. Cashier work is an important part of accounting work. Looking back on the cashier's work in the past month, whether it was a mistake or a mistake... Now, I will summarize the cashier's work as follows:

1、 Mistakes in cheque writing

System requirements: cheques must be written neatly, without consecutive writing, and cannot be modified. I filled in a lot of wrong cheques in the past month. Through the teacher's teaching, I finally wrote the cheques neatly. It is also a skill to cover the reserved seal of the bank. Even if the seal is heavily pressed, the bank will refund it, delaying work.

The cashier work seems simple, but it is difficult to do. The achievement of such a little understanding of the cashier can not be achieved without the patient teaching and invisible example of the unit leader. After a month of on-the-job training, I know that the cashier work can not be described as "easy". It is the first line of economic work, the gateway of financial revenue and expenditure, and occupies an important position.

2、 Future work plan

As a qualified cashier, you must have the following basic requirements:

1. Learn, understand and master policies, regulations and company systems

2. Cashiers should abide by good professional ethics.

3. Cashiers should have a strong sense of security and keep cash, securities and bills.

4. In strict accordance with the requirements of the financial system, handle expense reimbursement, cash and cheque collection and payment business.

For cash receipt and payment, the amount shall be counted face to face, and the hourly fee income of each station shall be collected in time and counted. Issue a receipt for each payment; Invoice; The cash collected in time shall be deposited in the bank and no cash shall be withdrawn.

5. Daily cash bookkeeping and inventory work shall be done to ensure that the accounts are consistent with the reality and prevent cash profit and loss.

6. No matter how much the loan amount is, the employee must be signed by the leader, approved and borrowed with the debit form.

7. Take good care of checks and valuables 5. Be familiar with banking business.

The above is my experience and understanding since I worked for nearly a month, and it is also a process that I constantly combine the knowledge I learned with practice in my work. In the future work and study, I should also make unremitting efforts and struggle to do a good job of cashier.

Here, I would like to especially thank the company leaders and colleagues for their support and care in my work and life. This is the greatest affirmation and encouragement for my work. I sincerely thank you.

As the financial cashier of the company, it is natural to do a good job first and save every cost for the company. In order to finish the work assigned by the superior again, the cashier work plan is specially formulated

As a qualified cashier, you must have the following basic requirements:

1. Handle the coordination relationship with other departments while doing their own work well

2. Do a good job of normal cashier accounting.

In accordance with the financial system, we will handle cash receipt and payment and bank settlement business, and strive to open up and settle accounts, so that the limited funds can play a real role and provide financial guarantee for the company. Strengthen the accounting of various expenses.

3. Financial personnel must adhere to the principle of post responsibility system, act impartially and set an example.

4. Complete other work temporarily assigned by leaders.

5. Learn, understand and master the policies, regulations and company systems, and constantly improve their business level and knowledge and skills.

6. Learn to formulate the internal control system for the post, and play the role of financial control and supervision.

7. Cashiers should abide by good professional ethics.

8. Cashiers should have a strong sense of security and keep cash, securities and bills.

The above is my experience and understanding since I worked for nearly a month, and it is also a process that I constantly combine the knowledge I learned with practice in my work. In the future work and study, I should also make unremitting efforts and struggle, do a good job of cashier, and strive to realize my life value.

Here, I would like to especially thank the company leaders and colleagues for their support and care in my work and life. This is the greatest affirmation and encouragement for my work. I sincerely express my gratitude

In short, next month, under the leadership of Sister Runmei, I will do better in cashier. The saying "strict teacher makes excellent apprentice" is very useful to me. I need strict teacher so that my head can be tied tightly. Only in this way can I make no mistakes in work. In short, in June, I feel that I can't do the same as last month, and then Longge will step onto his new job, Tonight, everyone is practicing for him. I will be responsible for the cashier. Let me play alone. At the same time, I cherish this opportunity to exercise and make me more mature. Whether in life, in work or in communication with others, it will make me better.

Model of monthly accounting work plan 5 (I) Further improve the budget management and the monthly financial work plan of the enterprise according to the budget guidance issued by the superior company. As an important part of financial management, budget management is closely related to comprehensive financial work. In next year's work, we will further strengthen the guidance and management of expense budget for departments and stations, carefully do a good job in budget analysis, decomposition and implementation, so that comprehensive budget management can truly become the budget management of all staff, and the budget can truly play its due role.

(2) In combination with iso9000 quality certification, be a good adviser to leaders to ensure the completion of various indicators issued by superior bureaus (companies). This year, the company has embarked on the fast track of sound development. The quality of cigarette sales and tobacco leaf business has been continuously improved, and enterprise assets have been further purified and integrated. In combination with the implementation of the 9000 quality certification system by the municipal bureau (company), in line with the principle of "strict, deep, detailed and practical", we comprehensively strengthened the formulation and implementation of the responsibility system of "Two Cigarettes". On the basis of working hard to increase income, we made every effort to study and reduce expenditure, and strive to complete various tasks and indicators. At the same time, we should carefully study and do a good job in diversified business, and lease the existing idle outlets and cigarette stations around the revitalization of assets; We will conscientiously clean up current accounts, vigorously recover payment for goods, reduce capital occupation, improve the structure of assets and liabilities of enterprises, and reduce the ratio of assets and liabilities of enterprises. Further improve the material price comparison procurement system according to the requirements of the superior company for material procurement.