Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model for training on basic knowledge of strong current

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 Strong current basic knowledge training

Part 1: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

[Key words] Digital circuit theory practice teaching assessment

Digital Electronic Technology is an important professional basic course for applied electronics, computer and electronic information majors. It not only has abstract and difficult theoretical knowledge, but also is a highly practical course. If we only pay attention to theory and neglect practice in teaching, we can not stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, and students can not fully understand and apply the knowledge they have learned; Students' practical ability and theoretical literacy are indispensable. This paper expounds how to reform teaching, ensure the correctness of theory and practice, and highlight the cultivation of practical operation ability.

1、 Theoretical teaching should choose teaching content according to the characteristics of higher vocational education and higher vocational students, and grasp the degree of theory

The goal of higher vocational education is to cultivate high-quality practical talents who are at the forefront of enterprise production, construction, management and service; The basic principles of teaching in higher vocational education require that "the basic theory teaching should aim at application and take necessity and sufficiency as the degree"; We should "strengthen the cultivation of practical ability". The first problem to be solved in the exploration of theoretical teaching is how to correctly grasp the training objectives, select and reconstruct the few and refined teaching contents from the extensive knowledge according to the training needs. Therefore, the teaching content should design the knowledge, ability and quality structure of students around the main line of technical application ability and theoretical quality training. In the past, the reform only focused on the integrity and systematicness of theoretical knowledge, ignored the practicality and practicality of theoretical knowledge, and chose teaching content from the perspective of application. The main teaching goal of Digital Electronic Technology is to enable students to master digital electronic technology Basic knowledge , basic theory, basic analysis and design methods, train students in basic skills of digital application circuit production and debugging, and provide necessary theoretical basic knowledge and practical skills for learning follow-up courses. Based on the teaching objectives of this course and the training objectives of higher vocational education, the selection of teaching content highlights the application of basic theories, basic analysis methods and knowledge, ignoring the complicated internal analysis and mathematical derivation of integrated circuits; Emphasize the description, analysis and application of external logic functions; Emphasize external characteristics and main parameters. For example, in the chapter of logic gate circuit, the CT74S series gates, which are widely used in practical work, are analyzed as typical circuits, mainly introducing the CT74LS series, and comparing the main electrical parameters of each series of TTL integrated gate circuits, so that students can have a certain understanding of the characteristics of each series of TTL integrated gate circuits; In the chapter of sequential logic circuit, on the basis of introducing the working principle of basic circuit, we directly introduce the function list and use of medium scale integrated counters and shift registers, without discussing their internal logic circuits, etc. This not only highlights the application of medium scale integrated circuits, but also provides guarantee for increasing skill training time.

2、 Skill teaching should highlight the training objectives of vocational education, and cultivate and train students' ability of skilled operation and design innovation

The practical goal of digital electronic technology is to cultivate students' comprehensive ability to flexibly use knowledge on the basis of consolidating theoretical teaching. The practice content can be divided into basic skills practice teaching and comprehensive skills training practice teaching.

1. Practical teaching of basic skills

The practical teaching of basic skills is divided into two levels: the first is the teaching of theoretical verification experiments, which aims to consolidate the classroom teaching content and strengthen students' understanding of basic concepts, including the reading and use of experimental instruments, and the testing of basic gate circuits and integrated circuits. Such as gate circuit logic function and test, integrated counter and register function verification, etc. The practical teaching at this level should follow the progress of theoretical teaching, carry out practical training in time after classroom teaching, and let students practice while learning. Through training, students can learn to use common electronic instruments correctly and can practice some basic digital electronic technology. To enable students to master the basic points of digital electronic product manufacturing, and have the basic skills of digital electronic component application, so as to lay a solid foundation for the next level of skill training. The second is the research and design of basic digital circuits. This training can effectively improve the application of professional knowledge and practical skills of students, and is an important link in the transformation from theory to practice, such as sequential circuit design and research. Students majoring in applied electronics should not only have the basic circuit design ability, but also have the ability to assist in the development of digital electronic products, and the ability to use and maintain digital electronic products; To master the construction, performance analysis and troubleshooting skills of digital electronic circuits. The practical teaching at this level includes two categories: one is the whole week practical teaching; The second is the practical teaching carried out simultaneously with the professional basic courses. Through a series of professional skill module training, students can master the necessary professional skills and lay a good foundation for comprehensive skills training such as post practice and graduation design.

2. Comprehensive skill training practice teaching

The purpose of comprehensive skill training is to train students' ability to apply basic professional skills to solve practical problems. The comprehensive skills training is arranged after the professional courses, and it is carried out for a period of time (three weeks or four weeks). The main task is to cultivate the ability of technicians. The students are trained comprehensively to complete the combination of knowledge and skills in the cooperation of hands and brains. The training content includes the following aspects: the ability to read and draw circuit diagrams; Ability to consult technical data; Ability to select devices and circuits, analyze and estimate circuits; Capability of lapping debugging circuit; Ability to analyze and eliminate faults; Ability to make circuit products and solve process problems. Comprehensive training teachers only need to give training topics and technical indicators, and other specific work such as checking data, making plans, selecting circuits, instruments, making circuit boards, organizing experiments, and analyzing experimental results are independently completed by students under the guidance of teachers. Comprehensive practical training topics should not be separated from students' original experimental basis. The comprehensiveness should not be too strong and complex. It should be the standard that most students can complete within the specified time after hard work. Through the training of comprehensive skill modules, students can be trained in the ability to apply technology, apply knowledge comprehensively and analyze problems.

3、 Teaching assessment focuses on practical skills assessment and grasping the orientation of higher vocational training objectives

The content and method of assessment are the means to achieve the teaching objectives, and also a guide to the training objectives. The teaching assessment should not only test the students' understanding of theoretical knowledge and practical operation ability of relevant skills, but also assess the students' comprehensive application ability of knowledge and skills. The assessment content can be divided into three parts: first, the usual performance, including attendance and attendance, accounts for 20% of the total score; The second is theoretical test, accounting for 30% of the total score; Third, comprehensive skill test, accounting for 50% of the total score. The content of comprehensive skill test includes four aspects: (1) digital electronic component identification and quality identification, mainly examining students' ability to identify digital electronic components and quality identification, with a weight coefficient of 0.2; (2) The confirmatory experimental test is mainly to check the students' understanding of theoretical knowledge and their ability to use conventional electronic instruments correctly, with a weight coefficient of 0.2; (3) Fault analysis and troubleshooting, mainly examining students' ability to analyze, judge and repair common faults of certain fixed digital electronic appliances, with a weight coefficient of 0.3; (4) Comprehensive circuit design, test the ability of students to comprehensively use digital electronic technology, with a weight coefficient of 0.3.

The practice shows that through the above three aspects of teaching exploration, students' practical ability and problem analysis ability can be effectively cultivated, students' interest in learning Digital Electronic Technology can be improved, and classroom theory teaching can be effectively promoted, and students' comprehensive quality can be significantly improved.


[1] Wang Lihua. Strengthening Practical Teaching and Cultivating Innovative Ability [J]. Journal of Liaoning Higher Vocational Education (Education and Science Edition), 2004, (6): 37-38

Part 2: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

Key words: excellent engineering experiment, practice, innovation and cultivation

CLC No.: G71 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1673-9795 (2013) 05 (a) - 0017-01

Modern optoelectronic information engineering has become more and more important in scientific research, national defense, industry, agriculture and other aspects. The fields studied by optoelectronic information engineering, such as optical display, optical information recording and storage, and optical communication, have become important pillars of modern high-tech and industry.

The "Outstanding Engineer Training Plan" is a major reform project for higher engineering education implemented by the Ministry of Education, and also a major measure to promote China to become a big engineering education country and a powerful engineering education country. Optoelectronic Information Engineering is one of the first majors selected into the "Outstanding Engineer Training Plan" of the Ministry of Education. The College of Optoelectronic Engineering of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications aims to cultivate high-quality professionals in information technology and other related fields with solid foundation, broad knowledge, strong practical ability, innovative spirit and social responsibility, It has established the experimental teaching concept of "strengthening the theoretical basis, paying attention to the experimental ability, improving the comprehensive quality, and facing the social needs", actively exploring new ideas, reforming experimental teaching methods, and focusing on cultivating students' innovative awareness and ability.

1 Establishment of experimental teaching curriculum system oriented to training objectives

"Excellent Engineer" requires students to master solid basic knowledge, master the principle and manufacturing process of photoelectric devices, and have innovative consciousness on this basis. According to the training requirements, through practice, the College of Optoelectronic Engineering has put forward a multi-level structure of three levels, namely, the establishment of basic (demonstration, confirmatory experiments), intensive (comprehensive, design experiments), and innovative (research and design experiments). The experimental content revolves around three modules, namely, the experimental module of photoelectric detection technology, the experimental module of optical information transmission, and the experimental module of optical information processing.

The implementation plan is to provide relevant confirmatory experiments closely followed by theoretical courses; The intensive experiment is based on the photoelectric detection technology laboratory, optical information transmission laboratory, and optical information processing laboratory. There are independent courses in modules, such as photoelectric sensing experiment, optical fiber information and optical fiber communication experiment, etc. Students can choose the corresponding intensive experiment courses for the project group synthesis experiment in the module according to their professional and interest needs; Open experiments are set up in the form of projects and graduation designs relying on the innovation platform and auxiliary design room. According to the social development and professional needs, the integrated experiment content design further enriches the comprehensive application experiment projects and increases the proportion of design and innovative experiments. Realize interactive and open experimental teaching in and out of class, greatly encourage students to spare no effort or interested students to think of ideas to solve practical problems in the experiment, and cultivate students' innovative thinking and analytical ability.

The specific implementation method is to attach importance to basic experiments and strengthen the training of basic experimental skills. Emphasize on strengthening the training of basic experimental skills such as light path adjustment, optical component recognition, etc., specify the combination, have strong planning, encourage students to ask questions, and stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning; Strengthen comprehensive experiments and strengthen the cultivation of comprehensive practical ability. Focus on the connection and understanding of knowledge points, encourage students to think hard and stimulate their innovative consciousness. Promote innovative experiments and improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems. Reasonably apply comprehensive experimental techniques and methods to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems with basic techniques and methods. Creative experiments are free to choose teams, emphasize cooperation, cultivate students' sense of team and project management, and focus on cultivating students' ability to think independently and solve practical problems.

2 Enrich the content of open and innovative experimental projects

It is clearly stated in the training goal of excellent engineers in the optoelectronic information engineering specialty of Beijing University of Technology that efforts should be made to cultivate good ideological quality and professional ethics, master solid basic theories, systematic expertise, necessary knowledge and skills in production practice and testing, and have strong engineering awareness, engineering quality, engineering practice ability High quality photoelectric information engineering professionals with the ability to acquire knowledge by themselves, innovative quality, entrepreneurial spirit, social communication ability, organizational management ability and international perspective.

Aiming at the goal of cultivating innovative high-quality talents, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications has set up an open experimental project, which enriches the content of innovative experimental projects. Each semester, the college will organize the application, and the project will be approved by the competent department of the school. The project cost will be allocated by the competent department of the school. The source of the project can be scientific research projects, social needs, competition needs, etc., directly facing the undergraduate students of the College of Optoelectronics Engineering.

Open projects emphasize the students' dominant position. Students can set up projects freely and pay attention to autonomy, collaboration, exploration, science and innovation in the research process. Under the guidance of students and teachers, students are required to go through the preparatory work of consulting data, formulating experimental plans and experimental materials in the early stage, complete the implementation of the mid-term experimental steps, recording and analyzing the results, and finally complete the writing of experimental reports in the form of research papers in the later stage, highlighting the training of students' ability to work independently, which has greatly stimulated students' enthusiasm for learning Initiative and creativity are conducive to cultivating students' innovative thinking and comprehensive quality

Our institute carries out more than ten open experimental projects every semester, such as the performance test of liquid crystal and the production of liquid crystal cell, Design and simulation of THz absorber, research and design of 1 × 8 optical splitter chip, design of environment measurement system based on SPCE061A Lingyang MCU, serial port data acquisition based on LabVIEW and Lingyang SPCE061A, preparation and performance test of variable liquid lens, experimental research on electrically controlled capillary surface tension, design of optical fiber fusion high-voltage power supply device, The design and production of solar battery pack. The project is rich in content and involves multiple directions of scientific research. Students can freely combine and choose according to their hobbies.

The specific implementation method is to publicize the open experimental project after the project is approved by the school. The school will assign a special person to take charge of the statistics of the subjects reported by the students and notify the corresponding teachers to contact the students. The project implementation time is one semester, regardless of the specific time. The teachers and students will use their spare time to complete the project. After the project is completed, the school will organize an expert group to accept it within the specified time, After passing, students will be given independent personality chemistry scores.

3. Cognition practice, professional practice and enterprise practice linking practice and training system

The College of Optoelectronics Engineering has established a practice and training system combining cognitive practice, professional practice and enterprise practice in accordance with the training goal of "outstanding engineers" and the demand of society for the practical operation ability of optoelectronics professionals, so as to promote the strengthening of students' innovation awareness and the cultivation of innovation ability.

The specific implementation process is as follows: the first level organizes junior students to carry out cognition practice, including visiting relevant laboratories and manufacturers, in order to enhance professional cognition; The second level is to offer practical optional courses for second and third grade students, and conduct physical understanding and basic operation skills training in the center's training laboratory, such as fiber optic cable stripping, fiber optic fusion, cutting, fiber optic end face treatment and other training; At the third level, students are sent to the laboratories jointly built by enterprises and schools to conduct experimental research on product development, and students are sent to the laboratories jointly built by relevant optoelectronic enterprises to practice. The practice time is summer and professional practice; The fourth level sends students to enterprises to study and design graduation projects on related topics, so that students can have zero distance access to the production line of related enterprises and actually participate in the production process of the production line.

This series of practice systems, from simple to deep, can enable students to well master the basic professional operating skills, understand the market situation related to the specialty, understand the demand for optoelectronic products, and understand the design ideas and precautions of professional products through practical training, which is highly praised by students. Every year, the number of students for practical training is full, It has achieved very good practical results.

4 Conclusion

In the implementation of experimental practice teaching for outstanding engineers, it is an important responsibility of the school to establish new ideas of innovative education, cultivate high-quality talents with engineering practice ability, exploration, innovation awareness and entrepreneurial spirit, social communication ability, organization and management ability and international vision. Teachers should not only focus on the transfer and teaching of knowledge in the teaching process, What is more important is to cultivate students' ability to use knowledge to solve specific problems, encourage students to strengthen their sense of innovation, and promote the cultivation of outstanding undergraduate engineers to a new level.


Part 3: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

Abstract: The paper elaborates the construction process of quality specialty. For improving quality of talent training, the quality specialty team of Shenyang Aeronautical Vocational College does a lot of work, including establishing the goal of talent training, designing teaching plan of quality specialty, building double-teaching troop, combining with the teaching concept of basing on education, integrating work with learning, innovating and developing, servicing for the community, modifies and writes teaching plan and curriculum standard, establishes school running mode of school-enterprise cooperation, builds theory-practice integrated training base, in accordance with requirement of talent training. And the work achieves remarkable results.

Key words: high-quality professional construction; Talent cultivation; Job analysis; Knowledge structure; Teaching quality

Key words: quality specialty construction;talent training;job analysis;knowledge structure;teaching quality

CLC No.: C961 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1006-4311 (2013) 12-0253-03

0 Introduction

Shenyang Aviation Vocational and Technical College has started to construct the high-quality specialty of applied electronic technology since 2011. Adhering to the school running concept of higher vocational education, after more than a year, all members of the team went to the production site of the enterprise, combined with the school running concept of "education oriented, work study integration, innovative development, and social service", and in accordance with the requirements of cultivating high-quality and highly skilled talents, We have completed the revision and compilation of the teaching plan and curriculum standards, established a school enterprise cooperation and work study combination mode, and established a practical training base integrating theory and practice, which has achieved remarkable results.

1. Significance of high-quality specialty construction

Specialty construction is a whole process of specialty research, setting, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and is directly related to the school running characteristics of the college. The specialty construction should meet the market demand, be employment oriented, and adopt the principles of systematic implementation, diversified cooperation, scientific research guidance, industry adaptation, dynamic development, and quality objectives. On the basis of specialty construction, high-quality specialty construction is the construction of key specialties that have a certain foundation, conform to the direction of social development, and directly connect with enterprises. The established specialty should be forward-looking in determining the training objectives and teaching contents, and should be closely linked with modern enterprises.

2 Objectives of high-quality specialty construction

It will take two years to build the applied electronic technology specialty into a high-quality specialty with complete functions, advanced facilities, sound mechanism and system, good teaching quality, meeting the training requirements of industrial clusters in Liaoning Province for high skilled electronic talents, and having a strong influence in the province. And create a professional team with reasonable age structure, excellent technology, and can meet the needs of modern teaching.

2.1 Innovate the talent training mode, improve the teaching management system, reform the existing talent training scheme, cooperate with enterprises, jointly explore the current situation of enterprise talent demand, jointly develop talent training scheme and professional teaching resources, achieve the docking of professional teaching requirements and enterprise post skills requirements, curriculum content and professional standards, The teaching process is connected with the production process, so as to realize the seamless relationship between the talent training of the school and the talent demand of the enterprise, so that the graduates trained in this major can take the post directly after arriving at the enterprise, and save the time and cost for the enterprise to retrain the graduates received.

2.2 Strengthen practice education, promote the modernization of training equipment, strengthen the construction of campus training base, introduce some new training equipment in combination with the actual production of enterprises, establish a real environment simulating the whole production process of enterprises, so that students can be as close as possible to the real production process of enterprises during campus training. Through school enterprise cooperation, strengthen the construction of off campus practical training bases, make full use of enterprise resources, and implement productive practical training and on-the-job practice in enterprises, so that students can work in enterprises for a period of time before graduation, understand and understand enterprises, accumulate some practical work experience, and lay a good foundation for their smooth employment and rapid entry into work after graduation, Realizing the zero docking between schools and enterprises.

2.3 Promote the reform of teaching methods and means, change the talent training mode, implement the task driven, project teaching and other curriculum teaching modes, and implement the integration of learning and doing; Carry out student skill competitions to promote the cultivation of students' independent innovation interest and team cooperation ability; Strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, transfer the production process, workflow and other information of enterprises to the classroom, realize the joint teaching between schools and enterprises, save costs and enhance the effect.

2.4 Strengthen the construction of the "double qualified" teacher team, improve the training system of the "double qualified" structure teacher team, select professional teachers to carry out engineering practice in the enterprise in a planned and targeted manner, promote professional teachers to understand the enterprise, accumulate enterprise work experience, and carry out theoretical training for enterprise employees. At the same time, engineering and technical personnel from the production line are invited to work as part-time teachers to undertake the teaching tasks of some professional courses, practical training courses and practice courses. Strengthen the technical discussion and experience exchange between schools and enterprises, improve the technical service ability, give full play to the knowledge intensive advantages of the school, and enable the major to become an influential technical service entity in the region. Highlight the echelon construction of teaching team, strengthen the training of young teachers, and form a professional teaching team with sufficient quantity and reasonable structure.

3. Training objectives of high-quality professionals

The professional talent training program is the overall design of talent training objectives, training specifications, training process and training methods, the basic teaching document to ensure teaching quality, the premise of teacher team construction and the construction of on-site and off-site training bases, and the basic basis for organizing the teaching process, arranging teaching tasks, and determining the preparation of teaching documents. Therefore, The quality of professional talent training program is the premise to ensure the quality of talent training.

The cultivation goal of high-quality professionals is to concentrate the essence of professional construction on the basis of the professional cultivation goal, which has the role of an example. Therefore, the construction of high-quality specialty requires a complete set of teaching documents, an excellent full-time and part-time teaching team, a leader of brand specialty, an efficient and pragmatic professional steering committee, a characteristic talent training mode, good corporate partners, rich scientific research topics and achievements, advanced and complete training equipment and environment Employers and students' parents are satisfied with the teaching quality. In view of the construction goal of the high-quality specialty of Electronic Technology Application, the research team visited relevant industry departments and production sites in state-owned and private enterprises, deeply understood the enterprise's work in production, maintenance, operation and other aspects, grasped the enterprise's demand for knowledge learned by employees and demand information for employment, and obtained a lot of first-hand information.

3.1 Training objectives The training objectives should be accurate. On the one hand, students should have the technical ability and professional quality of employment positions (groups); on the other hand, students should have the knowledge, ability and quality structure of a certain professional technical field necessary for career development and migration, and lay a good foundation in humanistic quality, thinking methods and lifelong learning ability.

In order to more accurately define the training objectives, team members, through communication with the heads of relevant enterprises, held a symposium of enterprise technicians and experts to understand the needs of the enterprise, and held a symposium of previous graduates to understand the problems they encountered in their work in the enterprise and the methods and experiences to solve them, and designed a questionnaire, The relevant personnel of the enterprise should carefully fill in the form, strengthen mutual understanding between the two sides, build a bridge between the school and the enterprise for mutual communication, mutual understanding, joint education, mutual benefit and win-win results, and finally determine the talent training objectives of this major: to meet social needs as the goal, employment as the guidance, application ability training as the main line, and to face the electronics and related industries, Cultivate all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects, have good professional ethics and innovative spirit, master basic theoretical knowledge of electronics, be familiar with advanced industrial electronic equipment and related instruments, have skilled operation, debugging, maintenance and other practical skills, and be able to engage in electronic product assembly, debugging, inspection and maintenance and other technical work; Technical application talents engaged in procurement, sales, service and management of electronic products and components, as well as electronic product development and system engineering installation.

3.2 Job analysis According to the employment needs of electronic industry enterprises and other industry enterprises in Liaoning and its surrounding areas, combined with the market research done in the early stage, the employment positions of graduates of this major are summarized as follows: ① Electronic product manufacturing enterprises: engaged in process technology guidance of electronic product production lines, management of production lines and product inspection; Installation, operation, maintenance, repair and measurement of production line instruments and equipment. ② Electric appliance sales and maintenance enterprise: engaged in after-sales services such as sales promotion, installation, commissioning and maintenance of electric appliances. ③ Some graduates with high quality can participate in the development and research of enterprise electronic products. ④ Operation and maintenance of electrical equipment of enterprises outside the electronic industry.

3.3 The knowledge structure shall have the necessary cultural quality of the specialty, the basic knowledge of circuit theory, instrument measurement, single-chip control, programmable controller and computer application required by the specialty, and the basic knowledge of electronic product production management and quality management, home appliance principle and maintenance, and electronic equipment principle and application.

3.4 Competency structure is aimed at the position target of the profession. Professional competence should include: ① Relevant competence: love their own work, have professional ethics and good code of conduct; Strong social activity ability, ability to choose jobs and start businesses, and ability to continue learning; Proficiency in computer skills; Have the ability to read and translate relevant English materials; Have certain foreign language reading and conversation skills. ② Professional ability: ability to identify and test components, electronic assembly, welding and debugging, and use common electronic instruments and meters; Ability to arrange production process, formulate process documents, guide electronic product batch production and quality management; Ability to read and analyze circuit diagrams of electronic equipment; Design and transformation capability of commonly used electronic products; Ability to skillfully use circuit aided design software; The ability to configure, install, debug, troubleshoot and maintain common audio and video, communication, refrigeration and heating equipment; Installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance capacity of large electronic equipment; Electrical control and operation capability; PLC application capability, etc.

4 Teaching scheme design

4.1 Course system The course system adopted by the major of electronic technology application is to establish the main post group through the analysis and screening of enterprise posts, and then find out the professional ability and requirements through the analysis of the main post group. The work process oriented model is adopted to establish a course system suitable for the profession, and build one or two high-quality courses.

4.2 The curriculum structure adopts the modular curriculum structure of "level by level promotion", as shown in Figure 1. First of all, master the basic ability of this major through learning the basic modules of the underlying specialty; Then, master the core competence of the major through the learning of each professional module of the middle level; Finally, master the post ability of the specialty through the learning of various professional modules at the senior level. The curriculum structure focuses on cultivating students' practical and innovative ability, and cultivating high-quality talents with innovative spirit and practical ability.

4.3 Professional knowledge aims at the professional core competence of the main post group and highlights the cultivation of professional core competence, which is the key to feature higher vocational education and enhance graduates' employment competitiveness. Therefore, the teaching content of professional knowledge should aim at professional core competence and support the cultivation of professional core competence. In the past, professional education emphasized that students have a wide range of knowledge and solid professional theoretical knowledge, and the cultivation of professional core competence is very weak. Without their own characteristics, the path is getting narrower and narrower. This historical lesson should cause us to think deeply.

Professional knowledge and skills are two elements that constitute professional core competence, and they complement each other. Each skill needs corresponding knowledge points to support, and knowledge can only be used, remembered and deepened in continuous application if it is "activated" in skills. Therefore, professional theoretical knowledge must aim at professional core skills, and must find the knowledge points that support professional skills. This is fully reflected in the analysis of training objectives. Especially in the analysis of skills and knowledge objectives such as electronic product process technology and production, quality management, electronic equipment installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, etc. In this way, we will completely get rid of the shackles of the "discipline system" thinking set, and lay a solid foundation for the adoption of more advanced curriculum models. This specialty introduces the concept of capability progression in specialty construction, as shown in Figure 2.

4.4 Professional foundation and skills Mastering solid professional basic knowledge and skills is one of the keys to achieving professional training objectives. The professional foundation is the fulcrum of the cultivation of professional core competence. Only when the fulcrums reach the necessary number and are solid, can the cultivation of professional core competence be sustained and stable. To achieve a solid professional foundation, we should mainly grasp three points: first, a solid foundation for component identification and detection; Second, solid basic operating skills; Third, a solid foundation for process preparation. The above three points put forward clear requirements in the analysis of training objectives, and for key basic knowledge and skills, start with the most basic and simple knowledge and skills, and achieve a solid goal through repeated explanation and training.

5 Teaching quality monitoring

Implement the quality policy of "adhering to scientific management, strengthening skills training, continuous quality improvement, and pursuing customer satisfaction", introduce the ISO9001-2008 quality standard, comprehensively establish the education and teaching quality assurance system, and ensure the quality of professional construction from a series of contents such as professional construction, teacher team construction, educational administration management, teacher work standards, and customer satisfaction measurement.


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Chapter 4: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

1、 Advocate research-based learning

Research learning is a teaching method in which students, under the guidance of teachers, independently determine and select special research topics from society, real life and nature to study, and actively solve problems, acquire knowledge and apply knowledge in the research process in order to achieve certain teaching purposes.

2、 Cultivate students' practical ability and independent exploration ability

1. Pay more attention to the training of students' electrical experiment skills. Students are required to start with a bit of standardized operation, carry out intensive training of experimental skills according to their own learning and basic characteristics of electrical experiments, and require students to operate accurately, skillfully and standardized.

2. Let students explore independently. Let students explore the teacher's practice topics and equipment specified in the teaching plan independently, try to analyze and solve problems, and guide students to open their minds; After that, guide students to read the textbook, effectively carry out production practice, and finally discuss and make a summary. In addition, we should encourage students to establish confidence, and then cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems independently, and their scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, seriousness and the spirit of seeking truth.

3、 Strengthen module teaching of skill training specialty

The professional module teaching attaches importance to the cultivation of students' comprehensive professional ability and psychological foundation, and can also strengthen practical teaching and professional skills. Through standardized and standardized training and module teaching, the comprehensive professional ability and overall quality of students can be comprehensively improved. In a word, specialized module teaching is convenient for students to deepen their understanding of skills and knowledge points, which is also one of the important ways to train students to adapt to production needs. For example, in the circuit module, install and practice the series regulated power supply circuit with amplification link, and send the students the principle, function, structure and other relevant materials of the low-voltage part of the circuit in advance, so as to form a deep impression in the students' minds. During the experiment, students know that they can observe rectification, amplification circuit, voltage stabilization Filter the output waveform of each sub circuit.

4、 Fully mobilize students' subjective initiative

Mobilize students' subjective initiative, and increase students' interest in experimental courses through various ways. The students are required to be familiar with the theoretical content and understand the operating steps before class. During the experiment, the teacher will give students a demonstration operation with demonstration and explanation. The key links are repeatedly emphasized and explained. The steps are clear, and the decomposition operation and the overall operation are organically combined. The preparation before the experiment can be made through the joint participation of teachers and students, including broadening the students' knowledge, pre-test of the experiment, after which the students operate the experiment in groups, and the teachers' itinerant evaluation and guidance. Let students strengthen memory, integrate theory with practice and improve self-confidence by answering teachers' selective questions in experimental operation. For example, in the electrician skill test, what is the method to measure the AC current in a circuit with a MF30 multimeter without AC current level? Such problem situations will fully mobilize their subjective initiative and let students' interests focus on professional knowledge.

5、 Cultivate students to master basic skills

(1) Focus on cultivating the ability to read and understand maps. Although the working process of various electrical equipment is different, they all follow certain laws and principles and are composed of simple basic control links. Therefore, through training, students can master the meaning of various connection relationships, graphics and electrical symbols, and analyze the maintenance methods of common faults and the working process of electrical equipment according to the electrical schematic diagram.

(2) Pay attention to training electricians' basic operation skills. The basic operation technology of electricians is to train the basic skills of electrical maintenance personnel, so that students can have the ability of daily lighting circuit maintenance and installation, and master the ability to correctly use common electrical tools.

(3) Pay attention to training students' ability to use three electrical meters (clamp ammeter, megger, multimeter). Through the training, students can understand the brief working principle and basic structure of the "three meters", skillfully use the "three meters" to detect various electrical parameters, and master the common fault maintenance of the "three meters".

6、 Adopt modern and advanced teaching methods

Multimedia teaching can not only allow teachers to control computers actively through programming, but also integrate information from various electronic media, improve the preaching scene in traditional teaching, complete teaching tasks, and make it easy for students to accept. Especially in electrician teaching, we make full use of presentations and multimedia to make courseware, and teach students profound and difficult theories in the form of pictures. This is conducive to improving students' practical ability, enhancing their perceptual understanding, cultivating students' learning interest, and reducing teaching costs, skilled operation skills, and understanding theoretical concepts, It plays an important role in fully mobilizing students' thinking, hearing and vision, and enhancing the training effect.

7、 Interesting teaching method

(1) Interesting teaching method. Interesting teaching method means that when learning electronic professional courses, systematic classroom theory teaching is temporarily exempted, and interesting experimental teaching is carried out in advance. The basic theories in the textbooks are interesting. With the purpose of cultivating students' interest, experiments are carried out first. After arousing and cultivating curiosity and interest, Finally, the teaching of theoretical knowledge is infiltrated into a series of interesting hands-on operations, and the necessary theoretical teaching is infiltrated in the experimental process.

(2) The practical effect of the interesting teaching method. The interesting teaching method improves the professional learning atmosphere and changes students' learning life; From the perspective of students' learning, the "interesting teaching method" eliminates the previous beginner's feeling of being unattainable to electronic technology and makes it easy for beginners to get started. The interesting teaching method has made students fall in love with electronics, forming a professional learning atmosphere of catching up with each other. Students' learning life has been enriched, and students can learn by themselves. The "interesting teaching method" mode is deeply loved by students.

Chapter 5: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

Since the three sets and five reforms, the city county integrated training has been put on the agenda. How to give full play to the role of the training base and provide an effective platform for the city county integrated training under the background of the rapid expansion of training objects is the focus of this study.

Accurate and clear function positioning

The layout of the training base gives priority to the urgently needed majors of the company, the urgently needed skills and talents, and the relatively concentrated majors that can form resource sharing. The positioning, functions and service orientation of the training base are based on the full use of training resources.

Master station setting

The company has built a training base in Donggang, with four training rooms for safety, power distribution, metering and marketing. The above training rooms are mainly used for power distribution project operation training, business electricity professional training, safety skills training, etc., and an outdoor power distribution training site is set up.

Substation setting

According to the different emphasis of training, the company has set up another six training sub stations, which are closely related to the on-site training, and are mainly set at the work site or workshop, respectively relay protection, distribution lines, power supply services, substation operation, dispatching simulation system.

Extension training base

Rizhao Technical School has basically complete social certification training facilities. On the basis of making full use of the hardware facilities of Rizhao Technical School, the company appoints professionals as teachers to ensure the training level and training effect. The training objects are mainly the network operation training and special operation training for the company's system employees, agricultural electricians and external personnel. The training function is positioned to meet the requirements of social supervision institutions for obtaining evidence, while strengthening the training of employees in specific fields.

Accurate management process

Donggang training base and extension training base are managed by the company's training center, and 6 sub bases are mainly managed by professional units. In the main station of the training base, the "Rizhao Power Supply Company Training Base Management Specification" is implemented, mainly including teaching management, training equipment management, safety operation management and other aspects.

Teaching management

The relevant systems such as plan management, teaching inspection, achievement assessment and evaluation have been clarified. The plan includes annual training plan, material and tool consumption purchase plan, etc. In the process of plan implementation, the principle of ensuring the implementation of the plan was taken as the principle, variables were controlled, interference was reduced, and the plan implementation feedback system was implemented. The plan implementation nodes were recorded at fixed points, and feedback adjustments were made to ensure that the implementation rate was not less than 98%. In practical training teaching activities, teaching inspection is often carried out to ensure and continuously improve the quality of practical training teaching. Teaching inspection covers teaching plan (courseware) inspection, class listening, and teaching evaluation. Specific scoring rules should be formulated for the level of teaching plan (courseware), teaching ability, etc. Make clear regulations on reference requirements, examination process, score analysis, make-up examination, score registration, training certificate issuance, etc.

Training equipment management

Relevant systems such as the use, repair and maintenance of equipment are defined. Equipment, instruments, meters, tools and instruments run through the training and teaching process. In order to improve the utilization rate and do a good job in the maintenance and repair of equipment and instruments, teachers with rich experience and strong sense of responsibility are selected from the relevant business units as the "guardians" of the equipment to carry out regular maintenance and repair of the equipment, If necessary, according to the development status of power grid equipment, it will put forward an update application to replace the outdated equipment, that is, the guardian is not only responsible for equipment maintenance, but also will act as a monitor of skill inheritance. For the management of the tool warehouse, the warehouse entry and exit registration system shall be implemented, and the responsibility system for the use, acceptance, storage and registration of various items shall be established. All the damage and replacement of equipment shall be done for a reason. For the consumption and supplement of materials, special emphasis shall be placed on avoiding waste. In the principle of sufficient use, quota shall be specified in combination with the actual training to ensure that the use of materials is within the controllable range.

Safe operation management

With reference to the environmental operation requirements of the production site, combined with the training site of the training base, the operation safety operation specifications and operation precautions are formulated. The operation specification takes into account the special environment of the training base and the actual requirements of the on-site operation environment, so that the training is not divorced from the actual, and training is the basic requirement for production safety escort. In particular, some habitual non-standard behaviors and unsafe operation actions formed by the trainees in the production environment have not only been corrected, but also consolidated and improved during the training. The operation specifications on the training site not only ensure the safety of the trainees during the training, but also, most importantly, as a pre accident prevention measure, ensure the safety of the trainees in the production process, The stability of the equipment is ensured.

Substation management

The other six base sub stations have formulated their own base management specifications according to the training needs and the capacity of the competent units. The specifications are also based on the service of on-site training, mainly as the experimental field of the production site, to meet the production needs in time and increase the flexibility of training. The standardization of each base is supervised and implemented by each unit. The vitality and influence of the base substation are closely related to the attention of the competent unit to the training. The training center will give publicity and attention to the units with perfect equipment, orderly management and high use efficiency; For units with loose management and high equipment idle rate, cancel or give key support as required.

Selection of teachers

The management of teachers in the training base is the core of the management of the training base. There are clear regulations on the source, composition ratio, salary and assessment method of teachers. In order to meet the daily training and training needs, the training base is equipped with practical teachers and theoretical teachers. The training teacher demonstrates, explains and guides the specific operation process in the process of training teaching, and imparts certain basic professional knowledge to students. Due to the differences between practical training teaching and theoretical teaching in teaching objectives, teaching contents and teaching forms, the requirements for practical training teachers and theoretical teachers are also different, that is, practical training teachers have higher cultural knowledge, stronger teaching organization ability, stronger operation ability, etc; The theory teachers should have extensive and solid theoretical knowledge, a high cultural foundation, strong expression ability and organizational ability. Therefore, according to the different teaching tasks, it is necessary to plan the composition and proportion of teachers.

Adhere to the three principles of "careful selection, comprehensive training and real-time assessment" to select and hire practical teachers. Comrades who are familiar with the enterprise in all fields and have excellent professional quality are selected to join the reserve team, and those who have high teaching level are trained to enter the famous teacher lecture hall, and those who have poor language expression ability and classroom control ability are trained to become excellent teachers. At the same time, those who have teaching enthusiasm but have room to improve their skills and teaching level are taken as reserve personnel, To form a dynamic structure of "high-quality, excellent and reserve" echelon team. In order to ensure the quality of practical training teaching, teachers mainly employ experts from within the enterprise, and if necessary, professional and technical personnel with rich practical experience in the society are also employed as part-time teachers.

Adjust the selection criteria of teachers according to the curriculum requirements, "judge heroes by skills", and do not require teachers to be "big and comprehensive" according to the characteristics of "small and excellent" practical training. As long as a skill is standardized and perfect, it can be included in the teaching team. The change of selection criteria selects more teacher talents, and then cultivates a batch of small (new) technical leaders, It also naturally extended simple and effective training to the production site and small classes, completely solved the contradiction between work and learning, and improved the learning enthusiasm and initiative of employees.

Each course has formulated the supporting assessment rules, and the assessment will be carried out immediately after the 3-5 day training program. The assessment shall be scored according to the detailed quality requirements and scoring standards on the scoring sheet. The scoring is based on the hundred point system, and those who deduct more than 20 points need to learn again. The individual assessment is organized by the teachers themselves. In the comprehensive assessment, the expert team comprehensively assesses the teaching effect and the teaching level of the teachers.

Systematization of training and teaching

In the practice teaching, the particularity of the practice teaching is highlighted. Any operation item can be decomposed into actions, and ultimately it exists as a combination of "small operations". In the teaching process, the accuracy and proficiency training of "small operations" is taken as the means of operation project training, and thus a small module teaching system is developed.

In the process of modular teaching, due to the existence of many universal "small modules", this provides a basis for breaking the theoretical boundaries of professional work and realizing knowledge sharing, and also makes it easier to integrate theoretical teaching into practical teaching content, realizing the organic combination of theoretical learning and skill operation training. The modular teaching of the company's practical training project is refined layer by layer according to the three levels of foundation, integration and promotion, and finally forms a pyramid style curriculum system.

Establish basic training module based on specialty

The company has broken down and refined the operation items in various production fields such as transmission line operation, maintenance, substation operation, substation maintenance, electrical test, relay protection, power inspection, meter reading, accounting and charging, power grid dispatching, power communication, etc. In the process of refining, the mode of factorization becomes the object of small module teaching at the bottom of the factorization. Take the distribution operation discipline as an example, as shown in Figure 1.

In the figure, the course content covers all operation items of the distribution operation specialty, and each operation is a teaching module. The module content includes: operation content, dangerous point analysis and control measures, pre operation preparation (tools and materials preparation, operation conditions), operation steps and quality standards (basic regulations, work processes, operation steps and quality standards) Precautions, etc., and the supporting assessment rules shall be established at the same time. The whole project has fully demonstrated the correct operation of norms and standards through explanation and demonstration with pictures and texts. Employees have passed the assessment and confirmed that they have mastered this operation. Learners' learning style is listening and practicing, which is a process of passive absorption. The basic training module is the introductory education of the whole training and the most critical first step of skill training.

Adjust teaching methods and set up comprehensive training modules

Comprehensive training is a comprehensive assessment and training of the basic operation proficiency of employees. It is mainly divided into two parts:

The first is "error correction" to ensure that the principle is thoroughly understood, digested and absorbed. This training is to set up small mistakes and let the trainees find and correct them by themselves. Generally, according to the instructions of correct operation steps, the operation is carried out step by step. As long as you are careful and meticulous, you can basically get the correct results. However, if you want to find and correct errors in the finished products with basically correct appearances, you need to think deeply about the principles of the project, the reasons for the operation steps, and be able to comprehensively use the relevant instruments and meters to solve the problem.

The second is "continuous simulation" to ensure the comprehensive application of project modules. The basic module exists independently as a single operation and is a continuous operation combination of a series of projects in actual work. On the basis that employees have mastered the operation essentials of basic modules, they will connect the operation sequence of each module by building blocks, set different work tasks and different work environments, and require employees to complete the work tasks with safe and reasonable work processes and correct operation steps.

The training method is mainly classroom simulation exercise, and the staff always maintain the learning attitude of exploration and experiment. The above training further improved the staff's professional skills in practical operation, avoided the stiff learning effect that the staff only knew one thing and did not know the other, fully exercised the staff's comprehensive practical ability, and also made the staff establish more perfect production quality awareness, safety awareness, group cooperation awareness, environmental protection awareness, social awareness, economic awareness, and large project management awareness, Cultivated the ability of employees to analyze and solve problems.

Increase the cognitive dimension and establish the outward bound training module

Outward bound training is to consolidate the skills and knowledge learned by employees, expand the extension of knowledge related to specialty, and increase the amount of training information, so as to broaden the knowledge horizon of employees. Outward bound training module is a necessary supplement to basic training module and comprehensive training module, and an effective way to stimulate employees' innovation. Different training methods are adopted for new and old employees.

(1) Old employees who learn with problems. After the employees have mastered the basic skills, they will take the practical problems encountered in the work to the platform and solve them by brainstorming. Employees will explain their own plans and ideas openly in class, experts will participate in the discussion, and the most cutting-edge theoretical knowledge and practices in the world will be integrated into the discussion. Stimulate the enthusiasm and desire of employees for continuous innovation in the collision, so that employees can understand that innovation is around us. As long as we participate carefully, innovation is very simple.

(2) Train new employees in a wide range of fields. The induction training for new employees has received basic training in many fields, such as production and marketing. In the class, we set up problems involving two fields, guide new employees to make flexible and reasonable collocation, encourage them to break through professional limitations, think deeply across fields, and feel the satisfaction and pride brought by the creation of work.

Chapter 6: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

As a basic course in engineering specialty teaching in higher vocational colleges, electrotechnics plays an important role in the whole process of professional education and talent cultivation. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the demand of new professions for talents, enterprises and society have put forward higher requirements for the teaching of vocational and technical courses. Therefore, we devote ourselves to research and actively carry out teaching reform on the course of electrical technology, so as to meet the needs of the times and cultivate skilled talents to adapt to social development.

2、 Existing problems in electrotechnics teaching

(1) The outdated teaching content is not conducive to the cultivation of students' professional skills

At present, the teaching materials for higher vocational education have narrow overall knowledge, too little new knowledge and few practical examples. Most of them focus on the derivation and calculation of formulas, which cannot be combined with practical problems. The characteristics of vocational education are not obvious, which cannot meet the needs of vocational education reform and development. However, some teachers' knowledge still remained more than a decade or even decades ago, and they know little about the new technology used in this industry today, which makes the knowledge learned by students out of touch with social requirements.

(2) Backward teaching methods are not conducive to mobilizing students' learning initiative

The teaching methods are outdated and backward, and modern teaching methods are not fully utilized. There are more teaching contents but less class hours. The teaching mode is still blackboard plus chalk, and the teacher dominates the classroom. There is less teaching interaction, less time for students to think, and they fail to closely combine relevant knowledge with professional requirements, making students passive in learning, unable to raise interest in learning, and even bored with learning this course. The way and means of practical teaching are also relatively simple, requiring students to complete the specified content within the specified time, without innovation.

(3) Single assessment method is not conducive to the improvement of students' comprehensive quality

The assessment only focuses on the test of theoretical knowledge and lacks the assessment of practice and practical ability, which cannot reflect the real ability and level of students, and is not conducive to the cultivation of students' practical ability and the overall development of students.

(4) The students' basic knowledge is weak, which is not conducive to the further improvement of the teaching quality of the course

Many students do not master the basic knowledge of high school physics required for electrician technology courses in high school, which causes them to be very hard to learn this course after entering colleges and universities, unable to understand in class and do homework. Moreover, students' ability to do experiments is poor, and some are even unwilling to do so. As a result, they do not master what they should master.

3、 Reform Approaches and Achievements

In combination with the actual situation, in view of the difficulties existing in the college at present: less training equipment, single experimental teaching methods and means, insufficient number of training equipment, fewer student training times, backward experimental equipment, fewer full-time teachers to carry out training, and the professional level of teachers who participate in training still needs to be improved, the proposed solutions are as follows:

(1) Further increase the tools and equipment required for training and expand the training site

At the same time, it is planned to visit outside the school to jointly carry out teaching with surrounding schools, so as to solve the contradiction that the equipment conditions or processing technology of the school run training place cannot meet the needs of production training teaching. From January 2009 to December 2011, our institute added a large number of new instruments and equipment for the Department of Electronic and Power Engineering, with the actual total value of more than 2 million yuan. These include the introduction of general electrician training assessment device, the introduction of electric shock first aid simulator, the introduction of advanced maintenance electrician training assessment device, the introduction of digital projectors and a series of more than 20 matching computers, making the total number of available computers reach more than 100, etc. All these provide a solid hardware foundation for the development of electrician training, so that electrician training provides a practical operating platform.

(2) Actively carry out investigation and study in higher vocational colleges and sister colleges, and establish counterpart support and cooperation relationship, which is conducive to our research and exploration of the project

Our college actively exchanges and visits with higher vocational colleges in Guangxi, including Nanning, Liuzhou and Baise. While further enhancing friendship, we also deeply explore the problems and challenges encountered in higher vocational education. With a strategic vision of foresight, we look forward to the opportunities and development of higher vocational education in Guangxi, and strive to strive for social Provide high-quality professional and technical talents for the country.

(3) Actively carry out the production competition of electrical and electronic products

Carry out household appliance maintenance activities for the general public, open a second classroom, make up for the lack of practical training teaching, change the students' single classroom learning mode, and improve the students' strong interest and enthusiasm in electrical technology. On the one hand, it can reduce the burden of teachers, promote the further development of scientific research in schools, and also cultivate students' ability to observe, think about and practice problems; On the other hand, it has a good effect on consolidating students' basic professional knowledge, cultivating their ability to analyze problems comprehensively, providing students with more opportunities for practical activities, and laying a solid foundation for future social and independent work. From 2009 to now, our department has sent a large number of students with excellent results and strong practical ability to participate in Guangxi or the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest. After fierce confrontation, the students of our department do not live up to their expectations of achieving excellent results again and again. For example, in November 2009, our students won one first prize and two second prizes in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition; In autumn November 2011, our students won one first prize and four third prizes in Guangxi Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition.

(4) Established and gradually improved the training system

In view of the lack of integrity and systematicness of previous training work, weak training management range, training subjects and trainees' level, this year our department adjusted the training management plan, further increased the management of staff training work, instructed the trainers to establish a complete and comprehensive filing and registration system, and optimized the training management process on the basis of summarizing previous training experience, Improve the education and training system, encourage teachers to participate in professional training, and encourage trainees to give direct feedback on the training effect with department leaders in a timely manner, so as to promote the common improvement of the professional quality of all trainers and greatly improve the quality of training.

(5) Actively carry out teacher training

We have established high-quality training teachers composed of a large number of professional and technical personnel. At present, the number of teachers and professional technicians who participated in the training has reached more than 12, and the teachers and professional technicians who participated in the training are all lecturers or above. The middle and higher levels and high professional titles of professional and technical personnel ensure the smooth progress of training and the improvement of training quality.

(6) Actively carry out vocational skills training based on the training room

Including electrician work license training and electrician professional qualification certificate training, to improve the quality of our graduates, enhance their employment competitiveness, ease or solve the employment pressure of the college, further enhance the competitive position of the college in higher vocational colleges, and expand the school running scale of the college. In the process of training, we set up teaching contents and supporting teaching methods in accordance with the requirements of the training syllabus, and each teacher participating in the training has a more detailed training plan, thus ensuring the quality of training; Strictly require each trainee to avoid absenteeism and ensure their learning time; A variety of training methods and means have been adopted to ensure the learning interest and attitude of students and enhance their enthusiasm for active learning.

4、 Summary

After more than one year of reform of electrician technology courses, our department has organized several electrician work license trainings. The trainees are 150 college students in our school, and the one-time pass rate is more than 90%. At present, 150 students have obtained the electrician work license, which has improved their professional quality and enhanced their employment competitiveness.

In the process of reform, we always adhere to the student-centered, teacher led, and focus on the cultivation of students' hands-on ability, so that students can master a practical technology. After completing the electrician technology courses, students can participate in the grade appraisal and obtain the corresponding electrician certificate, which will broaden the way for future work and relieve the employment pressure of the society. In the process of training, the trainers' teaching ability has been strengthened, forming a professional and technical personnel training team with good professional quality and strong sense of responsibility. Through the training, we have also accumulated some experience, made useful attempts to find out the teaching methods suitable for higher vocational education, explored an effective method and way to cultivate students' ability to learn electrical technology skills, and played a demonstrative role in the teaching of engineering colleges in the new situation.


[1] Bao Jie. Exploration and practice of higher technology and vocational education reform in the new century Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004

Chapter 7: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

Key words: international economy and trade; Specialty construction; concept

1、 General Principles of International Economy and Trade Specialty for Applied Technology Undergraduate

1. Advanced. Applied undergraduate education is a higher level in higher vocational education, and naturally "higher" should be the benchmark of its training goal positioning. Therefore, the specialty of "international economy and trade" in our school should be wider than that in vocational colleges, and the basic theory of the specialty should be thicker, so that students can master considerable theoretical knowledge and have development potential and innovation ability.

2. Professionalism. The undergraduate education of applied technology belongs to vocational education. Naturally, "professionalism" should be the connotation of the orientation of the training objectives of "international economy and trade". The major of "International Economy and Trade" should strengthen the cultivation and training of students' practical ability, and require students to obtain vocational qualification certificates or technical grade certificates representing their professional ability and technical level, so that they can be competent for posts with higher technical requirements when they graduate.

3. Regional. Regionality is the local feature of the orientation of training objectives of applied undergraduate education. The structural and unbalanced development of regional economy determines that applied technology undergraduate education has regional characteristics. In terms of the structure of regional economy, there are differences in the resource status, industrial structure and development direction of different regions. This determines that the post structure of "professionals" required by different regions should be different. From the perspective of the current pilot project of applied undergraduate education, applied undergraduate education should be based on and serve the local area, and cultivate a large number of high-level technical application-oriented talents who can go, stay, and be used for the local production, construction, management, and service front-line, especially to promote new and practical technologies for the front-line, and improve the scientific and technological content of local enterprises, Provide intellectual security for local economic construction and social development.

4. Social. Sociality is the value orientation of the training goal orientation of applied undergraduate education. Ordinary undergraduate education is also about achieving two-way participation with the society, so applied undergraduate education needs to be more open to running schools, facing the society, relying on the society, being accepted by the society, serving the society, going out of the school to the society, entering the enterprise to the market, taking the social needs as the guide, relying on the industry and enterprises, and taking the road of combining production, learning and research.

Accordingly, application undergraduate talents, as a kind of advanced technology application professionals, should have the following characteristics and qualities:

First, the high level of talent. The applied undergraduate education belongs to the higher vocational education at the undergraduate level. The applied undergraduate talents should be distinguished from the ordinary undergraduate education by their strong practical ability and ability to analyze and solve practical production problems, and from the higher vocational college education by their broad knowledge and high technical skills. No matter how specific the technical skill post is and how basic the work level is, it still belongs to the category of higher education training, which is the high-level of talent level.

Second, the professionalism of knowledge and ability. Applied undergraduate education is a kind of higher vocational education, which provides students with certain vocational education: management education, which aims to improve the level of vocational and technical skills; It sets up teaching plans based on the needs of professional post groups, determines specific training objectives and talent specifications on the basis of professional ability analysis of professional post groups, clearly lists the professional ethics, professional knowledge and professional ability that graduates should have, and then organizes teaching. Among them, the improvement of professional knowledge and professional ability should focus on the adjustment of industrial structure and product structure, face the development of science and technology in the 21st century, constantly update teaching content, adjust curriculum structure, pay attention to the horizontal expansion and combination of knowledge, reflect the advancement and application of knowledge, and cultivate students' ability to master new equipment and technology. The professionalism of applying the knowledge and ability of undergraduate talents reflects the essential attribute of higher vocational education.

Third, talents are technical and skilled. Application undergraduate talents not only understand the basic theory and knowledge of a certain specialty, but also have the production operation and organizational ability required by a certain post group, can apply the design intent or process idea of researchers to the actual operation of specific technical skills, and can provide technical guidance and organizational management on the production site, Solve practical problems in production. They should also be good at handling, exchanging and using information, guiding the improvement of equipment, processes and products, and be a versatile technical and skilled talent with sufficient professional theory, skilled production technology and strong organizational ability.

Fourth, the innovative consciousness of talents. Application undergraduate talents are a kind of advanced technology application talents. Their application is not only inheritance application, but also creative application, not only the application of existing knowledge, technology and methods, but also the creative analysis of new situations and solutions to new problems through continuous learning of new knowledge, new technology and new methods.

2、 Analysis of the Training Objectives of International Economics and Trade Major in our University

Our school has 12 years of professional foundation in the construction of this discipline. The undergraduate construction of this discipline is to set up courses on the basis of the industrial foreign trade professional specialty in the principle of strengthening the foundation, highlighting the professional characteristics, and strengthening the humanistic education, so as to build the international economy and trade specialty on the basis of solid trade theory and featured by the trade research of mechanical and electrical products A characteristic discipline specializing in humanistic education. This feature is based on the industry background of our school, which is not only in line with the positioning of Shanghai to develop modern service industry, but also in line with the construction of electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines as the mainstream disciplines of our school, and more consistent with the tradition of humanities education in the Department of Economic Engineering.

Major training objectives: students in this major should systematically master the basic principles of economics and the basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of international economy and trade, understand the prevailing international trade practices and rules, and be familiar with the basic knowledge of electromechanical industry technology, Applied senior professionals who can engage in foreign-related economic trade, management and practical business operation in electromechanical product manufacturing and operation enterprises and other economic organizations.

3、 The Characteristics of the Curriculum of International Economics and Trade in Our University

According to the general principles and training objectives of the major of International Economy and Trade of our university, the curriculum of the major of International Economy and Trade of our university, on the basis of attaching importance to basic theoretical courses, has set up the following characteristic courses with industry background, so that students can systematically understand the knowledge, theories, policies and regulations of electromechanical industry products and trade, Enhance the market competitiveness of students and better serve the industry. These courses include: Mechanical Drawing, Introduction to Mechanical and Electrical Products, Mechanical and Electrical Products Marketing, Mechanical and Electrical Products Trade, Mechanical and Electrical Products Trade Regulations, etc.

Curriculum requirements of "Mechanical Drawing": "Mechanical Drawing" is a basic technical course with strong theoretical and practical nature. The course of Mechanical Drawing introduces the basic theory and method of mechanical drawing, as well as the national standards related to mechanical drawing.

Through the study of this course, students will receive the basic training of mechanical drawing, so as to master the basic knowledge of drawing and reading mechanical drawings, have the ability to draw and read mechanical part drawings and assembly drawings, and at the same time, cultivate students' conscientious and responsible spirit and meticulous work style. Mechanical Drawing plays an important role in cultivating students' comprehensive quality.

Course setting requirements of "Introduction to Mechanical and Electrical Products": "Introduction to Mechanical and Electrical Products" is a professional basic course set up to cultivate international economic and trade talents with mechanical and electrical product knowledge base. The purpose of setting up this course is to expand students' knowledge structure. This course mainly introduces the performance, use, model of commonly used mechanical and electrical products, technical characteristics of typical mechanical and electrical products, and the introduction of major manufacturers. Through the learning of this course, students can understand the functions of commonly used mechanical and electrical products and master the professional knowledge of mechanical and electrical products.

Curriculum requirements for "electromechanical product marketing": "electromechanical product marketing" is to introduce the user demand characteristics, product structure analysis, production and demand status of electromechanical products, market demand prediction, marketing characteristics, etc. of commonly used electromechanical products on the basis of students' knowledge of electromechanical products. Through the study of this course, students can understand the market analysis methods of typical mechanical and electrical products, and improve their ability of market analysis and prediction of mechanical and electrical products.

Course requirements of "Mechanical and Electrical Products Trade": "Mechanical and Electrical Products Trade" is a professional orientation course for students majoring in international economy and trade. It mainly introduces the current situation of electromechanical products trade, the geographical environment and productivity layout of major trading countries, the rules of electromechanical products trade countries, the rules and processes of China's electromechanical products trade, the comparative analysis of electromechanical products trade countries, and the policies and regulations of electromechanical products trade.

4、 Key points in the construction of international economy and trade specialty in our school

According to the training objectives and curriculum system arrangement of the major of "International Economy and Trade" in our university, to train application-oriented undergraduate talents with distinctive characteristics of "International Economy and Trade", we believe that we should focus on the key links such as curriculum construction and reform, the construction of "double qualified" teachers and the construction of training bases.

1. Curriculum construction and reform. In the course construction and reform of applied undergraduate education, the characteristics of training high-level technical applied professionals should be reflected, and the courses should be constructed with "application" as the theme and characteristics, rather than simply adding several courses on the basis of the original three-year college. Compared with higher vocational colleges, the professional caliber of applied undergraduate education should be wider, but lower than that of ordinary undergraduate education. The curriculum should reflect "two strengthening": first, strengthen the learning of theoretical courses. The basic theoretical study of higher vocational colleges is "necessary and sufficient", while the professional theoretical basis of applied undergraduate courses should be relatively solid. Second, strengthen the practice link. The application undergraduate students have higher requirements for practical ability, so the application undergraduate students should make full use of four years to strengthen the cultivation of students' practical ability and focus on cultivating students' practical ability.

2. "Double qualification" teacher team construction. The quality of the teaching staff is the key to training applied undergraduate talents. Based on the characteristics of applied undergraduate talents, teachers should not only have high theoretical knowledge, but also have rich practical experience. Teachers must absorb and internalize the knowledge and ability of production, management, service, etc., and be able to effectively reproduce and impart to students. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of applied undergraduate talent training to build a team of "double qualified" teachers with noble ethics, new educational concepts, strong reform awareness, high teaching level and strong practical ability, and a combination of full-time and part-time teachers. Through the planned arrangement of teachers to carry out professional practice and on-site inspection in enterprises and institutions, support teachers to participate in the combination of production, teaching and research, professional practical ability training and other measures to improve teachers' own skill level, so as to improve the "double teacher" quality of existing teachers. At the same time, enterprises and public institutions are widely attracted to work as full-time and part-time teachers by senior technicians, managers and personnel with special skills who have both practical work experience and a solid theoretical foundation, so as to increase the proportion of teachers with relevant professional and technical qualifications and enrich the "double qualified" teaching team.

3. Construction of training base. The key to improving the quality of applied undergraduate education lies in strengthening the skills and practical links. Therefore, we should highlight the key point of skills training and strengthen the construction of practical training bases. On the one hand, according to the training objectives of our undergraduate education of "international economy and trade", we will build a practical training base on campus to train students in basic technical skills for professional post groups. On the other hand, actively expand off campus training bases, rely on enterprises to establish off campus practice and training bases closely integrated with production, learning and research, form an effective operating mechanism, and gradually form a multi-functional comprehensive education and training base integrating teaching, scientific research, production and training, so that students can directly participate in production and practical work, and carry out on-site post practice. At the same time, teachers' practical skills training is also carried out.


[1] Wang Juanjuan, Zhu Yu. Comparison of Undergraduate Courses in International Economics and Trade between China and the United States [J]. Journal of Sichuan Institute of Education, 2004, (3): 18-21

[2] Moore School of Business at the University of Carolina [EB/OL].

[3] Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania [EB/OL].

[4] Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland [EBL/OL].

Chapter 8: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

Key words: excellence plan Optoelectronic information teaching method Talent training

CLC No.: G71 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1674-098X (2013) 01 (c) - 0204-01

Optoelectronic information technology is a multidisciplinary integrated technology combining optics, optoelectronics, microelectronics and other technologies. It is widely used in various industries such as national defense, scientific research, industry and agriculture. With the rapid development of optoelectronic information industry, the radiation, transmission, detection of optical information and the conversion, storage Processing and display and many other research fields have become an important pillar of modern high-tech industry. The "Excellence Plan" is a major reform project to implement the Outline of the National Medium and Long term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) and the Outline of the National Medium and Long term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020), and to promote China's transformation from a large engineering education country to a powerful engineering education country, aiming to cultivate a large number of innovative capabilities High quality engineering and technical personnel of all types to meet the needs of economic and social development. As one of the first selected majors, Optoelectronic Information Engineering is of great significance to the reform and innovation of experimental practice teaching system, teaching methods and teaching content of relevant majors in order to implement the training policy of excellent engineers "facing engineering, broadening foundation, strengthening ability and emphasizing application".

1. Reform of "Excellence Plan" Experimental Practice Teaching Concept and System for Optoelectronic Information Engineering Specialty

According to the university's talent training goal of "cultivating high-quality professionals in information technology and other related fields with solid foundation, broad knowledge, strong practical ability, innovative spirit and social responsibility", the undergraduate experiment of excellent engineers in optoelectronic information engineering is divided into three levels, namely basic (demonstration, verification experiment), intensive (comprehensive, design experiment) Innovative (research and design experiment) multi-level structure, experiment content covers physical optics, laser principle, photoelectric detection technology, optical communication principle and foundation, semiconductor optoelectronic devices, photoelectric sensing technology and other courses, practical training includes cognition practice, professional practice, production practice, curriculum design, photoelectric comprehensive design, graduation design and other links. Students need to master solid basic knowledge, master relevant basic engineering technology, and have certain professional market insight and innovation awareness. Therefore, the experimental practice teaching system and content must strengthen the characteristics and advantages of the professional direction, closely cooperate with the social needs of the specialty, integrate the experimental teaching content of the specialty, divide the modules and levels, and students can select the design content according to the social needs and their own preferences. First of all, integrate a large number of experimental teaching contents, optimize and integrate all photoelectric information experiments originally scattered in various theoretical courses, and set up independent courses to expand the comprehensive and designed experimental contents, strengthen students' connection and understanding of related multiple theoretical courses, and cultivate students' comprehensive experimental ability. For example, the teaching content of "Basic Experiments of Optics and Optoelectronics" currently implemented by the college originally covered three experiments in theoretical courses. The most representative experimental items were selected and optimized to form a complete set of experimental teaching courses including principles and applications, including light source characteristics, photoelectric detection, laser principles and laser modulation. Secondly, relying on the photoelectric detection technology laboratory, optical information transmission laboratory, and optical information processing laboratory, experimental modules such as optical transmitter, optical transmission and optical receiver series experiments for optical fiber communication, and photoelectric sensor design experiments are set up for students to freely combine and choose, closely combining the professional needs of society for photoelectric students. Thirdly, enrich the research direction and content of innovative experimental topics. Students can choose team partners freely, emphasize cooperation, cultivate students' team awareness and project management awareness, and focus on cultivating students' ability to think independently and solve practical problems. Finally, a trinity practice and training system linking cognitive practice, professional practice and enterprise practice has been established. Engineering application and management experiment and practice courses have been set up to train students in engineering instrument operation, fiber cutting, welding, end face treatment, connector manufacturing, etc., and arrange students to go to relevant manufacturers for practical training, Use the basic knowledge of photoelectric information engineering and the preliminary skills to solve engineering problems to promote the strengthening of students' innovation awareness and the cultivation of innovation ability.

2. Experimental Practice Teaching Method of "Excellence Plan" for Optoelectronic Information Engineering Specialty

It is clearly stated in the training goal of excellent engineers in the optoelectronic information engineering specialty of Beijing University of Technology that efforts should be made to cultivate good ideological quality and professional ethics, master solid basic theories, systematic expertise, necessary knowledge and skills in production practice and testing, and have strong engineering awareness, engineering quality, engineering practice ability High quality photoelectric information engineering professionals with the ability to acquire knowledge by themselves, innovative quality, entrepreneurial spirit, social communication ability, organizational management ability and international perspective. Therefore, the experimental practice teaching activities in the "Excellence Plan" must have unique teaching methods. (1) Focus on cultivating students' awareness of "outstanding engineers". In order to strengthen the cultivation of the awareness of outstanding engineers, special personnel are set up to manage and improve the network information, which includes updating the latest professional technology, reporting the latest research direction of the specialty, reporting the employment needs of enterprises related to photoelectric information, and the production direction of relevant enterprises. Students are required to browse at a specified time from the early days of enrollment, The imperceptible influence of relevant information can help students unknowingly develop their love for their majors and their yearning for outstanding engineers, and clarify their direction of efforts. (2) Use the network to realize the three-dimensional teaching of experiment and training. To master a solid theoretical foundation, we must take classroom teaching as the main means, and use a variety of teaching methods such as multimedia courseware and simulation software to achieve multimedia experimental teaching, build a three-dimensional experimental teaching platform, produce three-dimensional teaching materials such as course websites, and achieve multi-level and multi angle learning with students at any time. (3) Add market research content in the internship link. As the leading technology industry in the 21st century, optoelectronic information technology is constantly developing and updating at a rapid speed. In addition to consulting relevant industry trends and market information on the Internet, students' schools should also have the ability to search information independently. Senior students can search the network information of domestic and foreign product markets through internship links and go deep into enterprises for investigation and research, Students are required to write a survey report. This link can expand their vision and improve their market insight. (4) Strengthen the effect of experimental training, and change the role of teachers from "instructor" to "participant" in experimental training. In general, in the experimental practice courses, teachers, based on the number of experimental teaching, generally give priority to teaching and guide students to conduct experiments. For the teaching of outstanding engineers, a course can be set up independently according to the experimental training conditions. The content of the subject should focus more on the application of engineering technology and engineering practice ability, emphasize the students' dominant position, and be managed by students themselves, Free combination: teachers only join the group as league members, and pay more attention to students' autonomy, collaboration, exploration, scientificity and innovation in the training process. When encountering practical problems in practical training, we should also tactfully hint or discuss solutions with students, which is conducive to cultivating students' innovative thinking and improving their social communication ability, organization and management ability. (5) Reform the assessment method of experiment and training. Teachers should not only take the students' completion as the only criterion in practice, but also make a comprehensive assessment by taking more consideration of students' cooperation ability, management ability, speed of problem finding, and means of problem solving, so as to encourage students to find and solve problems in practice and stimulate their interest in research, Finally, the purpose of improving comprehensive ability is achieved.

Chapter 9: Training Model of Strong Current Basic Knowledge

(1) It is important to improve students' logistics professional skills

The guiding ideology of traditional education mode is to complete the knowledge structure of students and the integrity of knowledge system. The development of logistics management specialty under the open education mode needs to establish its own talent training mode, which has its own characteristics of open education. Theoretical knowledge should be "enough" to improve students' vocational skills, strengthen vocational skills training, carry out activities to improve students' skills, and focus on improving students' practical ability.

(2) Strengthening practical teaching

Combined with the training goal of logistics professionals in open education, practical courses are the main component of the teaching content. Strengthen practical teaching links, provide students with practice places, flexible teaching methods, and combine the course theory with case analysis and base practice, so that students can experience in enterprise practice. Open education system, active contact with all parties in teaching activities, and interactive production learning work learning cooperation between schools and enterprises.

(3) We should speed up the reform of the curriculum system

Adhere to the professional ability as the main line, and the goal is to cultivate the ability, so as to optimize the curriculum system. The curriculum system takes the talent training mode of "wide caliber, solid foundation, strong ability and high quality" as the starting point, and can adopt the construction method of "platform+module", that is, the required courses are composed of general education platform, professional basic course platform and professional backbone required course platform. The curriculum system is mainly based on application, and the application of practical teaching and knowledge technology is prominent.

2、 Exploring the Training Mode of Logistics Management Professionals in Open Education -- Taking Panyu Radio and Television University as an Example

Since 2006, Panyu Radio and Television University has opened the course Logistics Management. In response to the market demand, the enrollment situation is good, the teaching concept is updated, and the construction of teaching facilities has laid a better foundation for professional development, especially in the construction of teaching resources and teachers. After several years of development, according to the professional development, Panyu RTVU has also made many useful explorations in the construction and reform of logistics specialty, including inviting experts in logistics to give special lectures and discussing cooperation with Guangzhou Hongfeng Logistics Company, a well-known local logistics enterprise.

(1) School enterprise cooperation practice of open education logistics major in Panyu Radio and Television University

The training of logistics management professionals in open education also needs to take the road of school enterprise cooperation. In 2009, Panyu Radio and Television University reached a preliminary agreement with Hongfeng Logistics Company. Under the premise of mutual benefit, the following cooperation projects were carried out: enterprises

1. Establish short-term training programs for the problems that enterprises need to solve urgently

(1) Hongfeng Logistics Co., Ltd. is faced with the problem of vehicle scheduling management, and has conducted training on vehicle scheduling management.

(2) Transport drivers shall be educated on transport SOP (standard operation procedure) to improve service level and awareness.

(3) Carry out ISO related background knowledge training to help employees better understand the corporate culture and detailed business operation processes (including customer complaints, daily document control issues, warehouse operation process issues, etc.). On a monthly basis, regularly enter the enterprise to hold seminars to understand the current problems faced by the enterprise, jointly analyze the problems that occur every month and propose solutions. For the lack of professional knowledge of enterprise employees, we can find it in time through seminars to lay the foundation for future training plans.

(4) Business etiquette training.

2. Establish medium and long-term cooperation projects for middle managers. Panyu RTVU will provide a talent training platform for Hongfeng Logistics Company. Employees in need can go to Panyu RTVU to study logistics management for a long time and obtain corresponding academic certificates. These are mainly aimed at the middle level storage, shipping and sales management personnel. Since they have considerable practical operation ability in their long-term work, they need theoretical supplement, such as the improvement of the executive power of management personnel, the education of new logistics concepts, and the ability to understand the logistics situation.

(1) Warehouse management personnel: training on the ability to build warehouse operation process; Goods knowledge training; Fire fighting knowledge training; Forklift operation method; Basic knowledge of cargo packaging.

(2) Logistics management personnel: training on the ability to formulate cargo operation process; Cost control training; Customs declaration knowledge training; Warehouse management training; Team building training.

(3) Sales personnel: risk awareness training; Cost accounting training; Geography knowledge training; Training on international trade knowledge and negotiation skills.

3. Establish special training. For example, training of information operating system, company automation system operation training and office system training (Excel software training).

4. Sign an off campus internship agreement with students and contact the off campus practice base. As a cooperative enterprise, Hongfeng Logistics Company receives a certain number of students majoring in logistics from the university. After the internship, the students can be admitted after graduation, so as to supplement the logistics talents of the enterprise. School

1. Improve training conditions and increase equipment investment. On the basis of the existing multimedia teaching, introduce advanced logistics training systems, such as purchasing the ERP software system developed by UFIDA or Kingdee, strengthen the installation and training of relevant personnel on the existing teaching hardware equipment of the school, so as to improve the teaching means, improve the training ability and quality.

2. Establish a learning and training system. Cultivating professional talents is a new training field for us, lacking teachers and experience. Therefore, we must strengthen the training of teachers' practice, such as arranging a certain number of professional teachers to study in the corresponding enterprises in winter and summer vacations to guide practice in theory.

3. Establish project leader system. To determine the person in charge of special projects is not only the coordinator of school enterprise cooperation, but also the person in charge of professional construction. Establish an incentive mechanism to commend and reward those who have achieved outstanding results, and timely adjust those who have not achieved good results, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of school enterprise cooperation in cultivating high-tech capabilities.

4. The school keeps in touch with the enterprise. Hongfeng Logistics Company will select excellent senior management or technical talents from the company as needed to give special lectures at the school and teach students' professional courses, so as to better combine theory with practice. The school also tries to invite experts from other enterprises to hold special report meetings to guide and learn from each other.

5. Strengthen school enterprise communication. In order to promote the combination of teaching and learning, schools and enterprises jointly organize problem competitions through various ways, such as fellowship activities. In the form of technical exchanges and mutual visits between schools and enterprises, the quality of talents will be improved in the process of activities.

(2) Panyu Radio and Television University carried out "double qualified" talent training for the logistics major of open education

1. In order to implement the Letter of Intent on Research and Cooperation on the Career oriented Training Project for Skilled Talents of the Central Radio and TV University jointly signed with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Beijing Bo'ao Zhongcai Education Technology Co., Ltd. and the "Reform on the Teaching of Career oriented Skilled Talents Training with Vocational Education at the Core" jointly carried out with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security In the spirit of the Notice on Project Work (Dian Xue Jiao [2009] No. 9), the Central Radio and Television University and the Vocational Skills Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly formulated the project implementation rules. According to the requirements of this detailed rules, the logistics management specialty belongs to the double certificate transformation specialty. According to the requirements of the Central Radio and TV University Academic Affairs Office, we have transformed the teaching scheme of the logistics management specialty, which will be implemented in the autumn of 2010.

2. There are five core courses of logistics specialty in the double teacher transformation specialty. Vocational skills training courses are set up in the comprehensive practice link. Those who have achieved 60 points in five double certificate courses and vocational skills training (I) can obtain the Level IV vocational qualification certificate (logistics staff level); If the score of three core double certificate courses reaches 85 points, and the other two double certificate courses and vocational skill training (I) and (II) reach 60 points, the student can obtain the third level vocational qualification certificate (assistant logistics division level).

3. Under the guidance of this educational policy, Panyu Radio and Television University strictly implements the teaching of five core courses, so that students can obtain vocational skill certificates when they graduate, making them more competitive in their jobs.

3、 Conclusion