Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model of the main body of tourism economic activities

Selected Subjects of Tourism Economic Activities (9)

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 Subject of tourism economic activities

Part 1: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

1. Macro Travel? Economics Activities for

Tourism economic activities refer to the economic links between tourists and tourism operators, and the integration of economic phenomena and economic relations. It is generally summarized in three aspects, namely, the activities of tourists, the activities of tourism operators and the management activities of related tourism organizations.

Activities of tourists. Tourists refer to the main body of tourism activities. Apart from the necessary tourism motivation, the main body conditions also require income for tourism and sufficient leisure time. The activities of tourists generally start with the tourists choosing their favorite tourist attractions, leaving their permanent residence to the tourist destination, and end with returning to their permanent residence after participating in tourism activities. In this process, tourists choose, purchase and consume the products of tourist attractions; Tourists end the spatial transfer process between experience and return to their permanent residence from purchasing products to experiencing products; The extra consumption of tourists in the process of experiencing tourism products constitutes all the contents of tourist activities.

Activities of tourism operators. The activities of tourism operators refer to the activities that tourism operators provide various services for tourists in order to let tourists experience tourism products smoothly. In the tourism economic activities, the activities of tourism operators have a wide range, many contents and strong complexity. Therefore, the activities of tourism operators are not only the main activities of tourism economic activities, but also the key activities of their economic activities. In general, the activities of tourism operators can be divided into: the business activities of tourism agencies and hotels, the activities of tourism transportation, the business activities of tourist attractions, and so on. The activities of various departments are independent, mutually supportive and unified in the market economy system.

Management activities of tourism organizations. The management of tourism organizations is an inevitable requirement to ensure the smooth and normal development of macro tourism economy. The departments that implement the management activities of tourism organizations mainly include the management activities of government tourism organizations and non-governmental tourism organizations; The management activities of tourism organizations mainly include administration, supervision, leadership, macro-control, tourism consultation and contradiction coordination. The management activities of tourism organizations effectively create a stable tourism economic environment, which ensures the stability of China's tourism market and the continuous development of tourism economy.

2. Characteristics of macro tourism economic activities

As a tertiary industry, the tourism industry has experienced a long period of development. At present, China's tourism industry is gradually becoming formal and has been developed unprecedentedly. With the development of social economy and the establishment of the market economy system, tourism activities have the nature of tourism economic activities. From the general analysis, modern macro tourism economic activities mainly have dual characteristics.

Aesthetic enjoyment. Aesthetic enjoyment is an intuitive factor for tourists to participate in tourism activities. Tourists choose tourism products in order to get experience. Generally speaking, tourists' experience mainly includes entertainment experience, education experience, escape experience, empathy experience, etc. No matter what kind of tourism experience is, it is a manifestation of tourists' aesthetic enjoyment from tourism products. Therefore, from the visual analysis of macro tourism economic activities, it has the characteristics of aesthetic enjoyment.

Purchase activity. With the continuous development of the market economy, social and economic activities are becoming more and more complex, and economic activities are more and more closely linked. From the perspective of the content of macro tourism economic activities, tourists' activities are no longer just aesthetic enjoyment activities, but economic exchange activities with tourism operators, that is, market transactions to purchase tourism products from tourism operators. With the continuous development and improvement of tourism, the tourism economy will become increasingly complex and perfect.

2、 Macro management of modern tourism economy

1. Macro development and current situation of China's modern tourism economy

From the current development of China's tourism economy, China's tourism economy is experiencing unprecedented development. On the one hand, the number of domestic tourists is increasing and tourism income is increasing; On the other hand, there are more and more tourists from abroad, and China's tourism market is gradually going abroad. Although China's tourism economy has been developing well at present, there are still some problems from the macro perspective.

① As a legal means of macro-control of tourism economy, China's relevant laws and regulations need to be improved. From the current relevant laws and regulations in China, there are mainly some relevant regulatory documents, and an independent tourism legal system has not yet been formed; In addition, the existing laws and regulations have not been amended and improved in a timely manner, and can not play a good role in legal regulation of the ever-changing tourism economic market.

② The service consciousness of tourism economy is not high. As a part of a large market economy, the development of tourism economy depends on various economies Activity subject However, from the current service awareness of China's macro tourism economy, the service awareness of the participants in tourism economic activities, especially the tourism operators, needs to be improved.

③ The tourism economic environment is seriously damaged. The economic and environmental damage of tourism mainly includes: one is the serious environmental damage of tourist attractions. At present, many scenic spots in China suffer from environmental damage and serious environmental pollution due to tourists' personal behavior and inadequate awareness of scenic spot protection; On the other hand, in the macro tourism economy, its economic environment is damaged, and dishonest market transactions such as fraud and deception are relatively serious, which has a negative impact on the stability of the tourism economic environment.

2. Macro management of modern tourism economy.

① Improve relevant laws and regulations, and strengthen the legal means of macro-control of tourism economy. Due to the problem that the relevant laws and regulations of our country need to be improved at present, the relevant legislative departments of our country are required to strengthen the legislative work, improve the existing relevant laws, issue laws and regulations that adapt to the new era and modern tourism economy, and create a good macro legal environment for the development of our tourism economy.

② Strengthen the service awareness of tourism economy. From the macro point of view, to strengthen the service consciousness of tourism economy, on the one hand, it is the service consciousness of tourists that requires tourists to strictly restrict themselves in tourist attractions and improve their quality; On the other hand, as a tourism operator, whether it is a travel agency, a hotel or a tourist attraction, it should strengthen its service awareness, improve its service level, bring the final service to tourists, and create a harmonious atmosphere for China's tourism economy.

③ Strengthen environmental protection of tourism economy. It mainly includes: environmental protection of tourist attractions, taking necessary measures such as rewards and punishments, maintenance, regular inspection and restriction of scenic area capacity to protect the scenic spots; In addition, strengthen the maintenance of the economic environment of the tourism market, adhere to macro-control, adhere to the combination of economic means, legal means and administrative means, and take the establishment of a stable tourism economy as the goal.

Part 2: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Key words: ecotourism, experience economy, experience orientation, development mode


Tourism itself is a kind of experience, but experience economy endows tourism with new connotation. Experiential tourism is an inevitable demand for tourism consumption in the era of experience economy. In China, many ecotourism destinations maintain the original style and features of nature and good ecological environment, and even have rich and unique humanistic accumulation, rich customs and folk customs. They are excellent destinations for obtaining pleasant and happy tourism experiences. With the experience design theory of experience economy, on the premise of understanding and respecting the local natural ecology and the relevant national cultural ecology, developing personalized tourism products that meet the needs of the tourism market is conducive to extending the life cycle of ecotourism destinations and promoting the development of regional tourism.

1、 Theoretical basis of experience oriented eco-tourism development

1. Experience economy

In April 1999, two American scholars, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore, put forward the advent of the era of "experience economy" in their book Experience Economy, pointing out that experience is an activity that takes service as the stage, goods as props, surrounds consumers, and creates activities worthy of consumers' memories. Since then, the concept of experience economy has been hotly discussed around the world.

As an economic form, experience economy is a new economic form after the social economy has gone through the forms of product economy, commodity economy and service economy. Its economic function is mainly realized through a product display to consumers, through which consumers can obtain an unforgettable experience and experience. As the supplier of experience economy, it is mainly through display that the consumer can fully experience and feel the products provided by the supplier within a certain period of time (not the product concept in the traditional sense, but the product concept including environment, culture, customs, atmosphere, pleasure, passion, interpersonal relationships and association space in special environments). The fundamental purpose of this economic form is to enable guests to participate in the economic supply in a personalized way, so that people can get a new experience economy, a feeling synchronized with social fashion. With the continuous development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, it provides soil for the development of experience economy, and experience economy will have unlimited bright prospects.

2. The development of experience oriented ecotourism is an inevitable trend

In the book Experience Economy, American scholars Pine and Gilmore divided tourism experience into four types, namely entertainment experience, educational experience, reclusive experience and aesthetic experience, according to the degree of participation initiative and investment. They believed that each tourist's tourism experience was a combination of the above four types of experience to varying degrees. The central meeting point of the four types of experiences is the sweet spot, where the activity objects reach a "relaxed" state.

Due to the deep understanding of nature and human ecology, tourists are no longer satisfied with the traditional tourism experience of sightseeing and leisure. Instead, they hope to fully understand the natural, cultural, life and historical connotation and characteristics of the tourist destination in the way of experience through the integration of vision, taste, smell, hearing, touch and movement, so as to obtain aesthetic experience, entertainment experience Educational experience and reclusive experience journal network. Eco tourism is a kind of tourism that aims to understand the cultural and natural history knowledge of the local environment, and to go to natural areas purposefully. It is an activity that uses natural resources for people to watch while protecting the natural environment. Experience economy is an economic form that focuses on demand, emphasizes the upgrading of demand structure, and considers production from the perspective of consumers. Reflected in ecotourism, it is to take nature and humanistic ecology as the object, take active participation as the main way, take harmony between human and nature as the goal, and take deep experience and omnipresent perception as the behavioral result; Compared with the traditional form of eco-tourism, experience oriented eco-tourism pays more attention to the participation of tourists in tourism activities, as well as the integration and self enjoyment of the ecological environment. In order to meet this need, the development of ecotourism products has been moving towards an experiential direction.

2、 Principles of experience oriented eco-tourism development

Experience oriented ecotourism takes the experience of tourists as the core, takes participation and interaction as the main characteristics, and takes making tourists get good feelings and memories as the main goal. The focus of tourism management is no longer simply to provide tourism products and services, but to create an unforgettable tourism experience for tourists. Therefore, the development of experience oriented ecotourism should follow the following principles:

1. Participatory

Without participation, there will be no real experience. In the process of participation, tourists have changed their passive role and have a sense of ownership. This sense can inspire tourists to enjoy nature and feel the joy of returning to nature. The ecotourism with strong participation gives tourists a variety of sensory stimuli, which can make them gain a deeper impression.

2. Authenticity

Only the real situation can really impress tourists. Ecotourism should pay special attention to authenticity. Tourists choose ecotourism to see the original nature and real scenes, and enjoy the relaxation and happiness of forgetting time, trouble and self in the charm of nature.

3. Systematicity

Tourism is a complete system including six elements of food, housing, transportation, travel, entertainment and shopping. Any element in the period is the key to affect the quality of experience. Only when each link brings tourists a pleasant experience can the overall experience of tourists be maximized.

4. Difference

Experience is a kind of good feeling produced in consciousness when an individual reaches a certain level of emotion, physical strength, intelligence or even spirit. No two people's travel experience is exactly the same. Therefore, in the development, we should pay attention to the differentiation and pertinence of products, and shape personalized tourism.

3、 Experience oriented development model of ecotourism

Although the development trend of ecotourism is good, experience economy, there are also problems in the development of ecotourism, such as infrastructure, popularity, activity mode, market competition, short-term benefits, and with the development of tourism development and tourism economy, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and ecotourism continues to find a new way out. Based on the above analysis, the key to eco-tourism experience oriented development is to choose the correct development model.

1. Create a distinctive theme of ecological experience

The theme is the basis and soul of experience. A distinctive theme can fully mobilize the tourists' senses, touch the tourists' hearts, and leave deep feelings and strong impressions. It can not only inspire and induce tourists to appreciate and recognize natural and humanistic ecological resources, expand and enhance the level of associative space and experience perception, strengthen the concept of harmony between man and nature, but also guide the construction of scenic spots and improve product popularity. In product development, an experience theme with clear connotation and full of personality can be extracted according to the characteristics of ecological resources and development direction of the scenic spot as the source of attraction. The construction of facilities, design of experience activities, image construction and external publicity of the scenic spot are all around this experience theme, so as to explore the connotation of ecological culture and show the image of ecological culture through the shaping of the experience theme, Guide tourists to experience activities to achieve the best experience tourism effect. For example, the Inner Mongolia grassland can take "tranquility" as the theme, allowing tourists to enjoy peace of mind and relaxation of mood in the vast green fields; The theme of "unrestrained" can also be used to show the warm hospitality and simple folk customs of nomads to tourists; Zhalong Nature Reserve can create eco-tourism with the theme of "education", so that tourists can enjoy the joy of hunting knowledge. The creation of the theme should take into account both inside and outside. Not only should we grasp the "soul" in the overall design, but also every detail must be consistent with the theme.

2. Create a real experience scene and a multi sensory experience atmosphere

The atmosphere of experience needs to be created. Existing experience resources should be used to build the scene or "stage" of experience, starting from the direct experience of tourists, to create a real experience scene and atmosphere. Attention should be paid to the sensory stimulation of tourists. The sensory stimulation of a service project should support and strengthen the service theme. The more effective the activity can stimulate the senses, the less likely it is to be forgotten; The more full an experience is, the more worthy it is to remember and recall. For example, during the development of desert eco-tourism, we should try our best to create a sense of desolation, create a sense of vast vicissitudes, strictly separate the tourist reception area from the scenic spot, there are no artificial buildings in the scenic spot, and there are endless deserts everywhere, with two or three camels dotted sporadically as a foil to the experience economy, which can enhance the attraction of tourism activities themselves. Therefore, the successful creation of the tourism atmosphere with the scenic spot as the basic unit is crucial to strengthening the overall tourism image of the scenic spot and even the tourism destination.

3. Design ecological experience activities that can be deeply participated in

Participation is the core of experience tourism activities. Product development should provide more opportunities for tourists to participate in person, provide challenging activities to increase the authenticity and depth of participation of activities, enable tourists to integrate into their roles, and gain deep experience and overall perception in self enjoyment. Participatory activities are provided by enterprises and operated by tourists themselves. They can make tourists get the pleasure of direct experience and must be advocated in ecotourism activities. According to the different characteristics of ecotourism resources, a variety of participatory activities can be designed, such as swimming, boating, mulberry picking, lotus picking, diamond picking, fishing, stocking, lotus planting, diamond planting, willow planting, wild vegetable digging, etc. Tourists can deeply participate in the periodical network. These tourism activities, which enable tourists to experience natural ecology, local lifestyle and local culture, and are moderately challenging, can enable tourists to enhance their deep impression on the product theme through sensory stimulation (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch), so that tourists can experience "entertainment, education, escapism and aesthetics" from the real tourism experience The four parts are fully felt.

4. Integrating historical culture and developing characteristic ecological experience project

The historical and cultural accumulation reflects the context of the tourist destination. The development of products based on the ecological resources combined with the historical and cultural accumulation helps to refine the theme, enrich the connotation of ecological resources, and enable tourists to obtain sublimation in their experience. For example, as a typical ecotourism destination, Jinkou Gorge at the lower reaches of Dadu River (below Shimian, Sichuan) has rich geological and geomorphic relics, beautiful natural landscape, and unique Yi culture. Then, its ecological experience design is, on the one hand, to develop and design such tourism products as investigation, exploration, mountaineering, rock climbing and rafting oriented to various natural ecological landscapes such as the Grand Canyon, the "Geological Heavenly Book" and Table Mountain, such as "living in the Grand Canyon close to nature and returning to nature (hiking and camping)", "going through 800 million years of space-time tunnels (geological science popularization)". On the other hand, it also takes the Yi people's customs as the experience object, and fully explores the resource potential in various aspects, including local customs, culture and art, national festivals, national sports, etc., to meet the needs of tourists to understand foreign cultures and experience different lives, such as developing and designing series of tourism products, such as "being a Yi people", "Yi food tour", "Yi festival tour", etc. These historical and cultural accumulations add color to ecotourism, and can play the role of finishing touch in guiding tourists' experience.

5. Develop products and target markets rich in experience differences

According to the principle of maximizing tourism benefits, the environment, projects and activities of the scenic spot should be quite different from the tourists' own living environment, which can bring fresh feelings to tourists and meet their personalized and participatory needs. Therefore, ecotourism destinations should build products and target markets rich in experience differences. First of all, we should highlight the experience difference within the product domain according to the resource abundance and characteristics of scenic spots (spots) to avoid repeated construction; Secondly, experience economy. Experience difference mainly depends on the introduction of new products and projects to take the lead in entering the market; Thirdly, the target customer source market should be selected according to the difference of environmental experience to maximize the experience effect.

6. Keep the original ecological experience function

Ecological resources are the carrier and matrix of experience and the basis of product design. Ecological experience tourism pursues the harmony between man and nature, returns to nature in the communication between man and nature, enjoys aesthetic taste in deep experience and all in perception, and obtains the sense of pleasure, achievement, relief, belonging, and various practical knowledge that are difficult to obtain under the original conditions. In order to achieve the above goals, product development must maintain the original ecological functions of tourism resources and maintain their innate characteristics. On the one hand, we should adhere to the minimum manual utilization of resources; On the other hand, the environment must be protected. That is to say, let operators ensure the "green" manufacturing and maintenance process in providing experiential opportunities and emotional consumption, and take active and effective ecological measures in operating projects and processes to ensure the ecological security of tourism destination resource development, environment and facility construction, and finally obtain long-term development opportunities and considerable economic benefits.

In a word, the development mode of ecotourism in the era of experience economy should be properly adjusted. The development of experience oriented ecotourism should be based on the market orientation of tourists' demand changes in the era of experience economy, based on resource advantages, develop ecotourism products that tourists are willing to reuse, and actively explore the experience tourism market, Realize the unification of the production function and ecological function, economic benefit and social benefit of ecotourism resources, so as to promote the development of ecotourism.


[1] Song Yongmei, Sun Gennian. On the theoretical framework and shaping principles of experience tourism [J]. Social Scientist, 2006 (6): 115~119

[2] Lu Yunting, Wang Jianjun. Ecotourism [M]. Beijing: Tourism Education Press, 2001:12

[3] Wei Xiao'an, Wei Shihua. Tourism scenario planning and project experience design [J]. Tourism Journal, 2004, 19 (4): 38~44

[4] Wu Xiaoyi. Innovation Strategy of Experiential Tourism [J]. Business Economy Literature Review, 2005 (3): 56~58

Part 3: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Key words: tourism; Community participation; sustainable development

1、 The raising of the problem -- the background of community participation in tourism development

Tourism activities in the modern sense came into being after World War II, especially in the 1960s. The focus of people's attention on tourism activities focused on the economic role of tourism activities, and became more and more noticeable with the privatization and commercialization of leisure time, and the commercialization and socialization of tourism activities. The development of China's tourism industry for more than 20 years and the three-step development model of inbound tourism, domestic tourism and outbound tourism also prove that the development of tourism is to carry out tourism activities. The formulation and promotion in practice of "tourism is a new growth point of the national economy", "tourism is a new growth point of the national economy", "tourism stimulates domestic demand", and "building a strong province (city) of tourism economy" are more for the economic purpose of generating foreign exchange, balancing the balance of payments, increasing taxes, and broadening employment channels. Pan economy in tourism development is a double-edged sword. While it plays a positive role in the tourism destination, it also has a negative impact on the economy, society, environment, culture and other aspects of the host region. The economy is short-sighted and disordered, environmental pollution worsens, cultural traditions are distorted and lost, and social ethos is corrupted and lost. From the perspective of the host community, the non community nature of tourism development causes the non sustainability of tourism development, which is mainly reflected in:

(1) Phenomenon of "tourist enclave"

The phenomenon of "tourist enclave" refers to the special zone where the tourism or leisure activity space is separated from the main regional unit of the community and becomes the direct operator of tourism, although it relies on the local land and tourism resources. The materials consumed by tourism and the middle and senior level personnel engaged in services are basically from other places, and the tourism income is seriously "leaked". Tourism development has little relevance to local development and weak linkage. The multiplier effect of tourism will be greatly reduced, and may even lead to the "low price sale" of local resources, or even pay high environmental, social and cultural costs for small economic gains.

The appearance of "tourist enclave" phenomenon is due to the rigid constraints on tourism development caused by the economic foundation and economic development level of the destination, and the limited expansion of the supply potential of the destination. In order to develop the tourism economy, the dependence on external demand has increased, making the tourist destination an "enclave" of developing economies. This is the "paradox" of developing tourism in a tourism destination with a long developed economy: it hopes to strengthen the economic base through developing tourism, but in the process of tourism development, due to its own capital base, development and management experience, entrepreneurial ability and other reasons, as well as the reality of fierce competition in the development of tourism economy, the destination economy has to rely on investment and management from outside, As a result, the "impoverished export" has greatly reduced the driving effect of tourism development [1].

(2) "Isolated Tourism Island" Phenomenon

The phenomenon of "tourism island" means that there is a clear boundary between the place where tourism activities take place and the community where the tourism destination is located. The boundary can be either a tangible physical boundary or an intangible emotional boundary. The social connection between tourists and local civilians is cut off, and the space for tourism activities is isolated from the space of the host community. Throughout the tour, tourists lived in a carefully planned scene, their eyes were dominated by brokers, and there was no real sense of freedom. It is difficult for tourists to draw basic conclusions about the real life of this country and region because the space for tourism activities is staged.

(3) The phenomenon of "neo colonialism"

The phenomenon of "neo colonialism" refers to the separation of ownership, management, management and supervision in the development of tourism industry, and the inequality of the status and relationship between relevant stakeholders. In particular, the management power of tourism activities is controlled by tourism intermediary enterprises, and the dominant position of community residents is often ignored, forming a "contract" hidden form, The direct operators of the tourism industry control and interfere with the tourism development of the host community, and plunder and exploit tourism interests.

Given that "tourism is not a panacea as a series of people who are eager for quick success and instant benefit say", [2] change the tourism development model, build a harmonious relationship between the economy and the environment, and tourism stakeholders, highlight the dominant position of community participation in tourism, and take the path of sustainable tourism development will be put on the agenda [3]. Sustainable tourism development inherits the basic connotation of the concept of sustainable development, emphasizing: intra generational equity; Tourism development and utilization should be limited to the environmental carrying capacity; Develop tourism economy on the basis of resource protection. The practice and implementation of the concept of sustainable tourism development is the path choice of sustainable tourism development. Community participation in tourism development and the realization of community tourism integration become the best model choice. The United Nations General Assembly issued the Declaration on Social Progress and Development in 1969, pointing out that citizen participation is an indispensable part of the process of social development. In April 1995, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization, through the Charter for Sustainable Tourism Development, formulated the Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development, emphasizing that "tourism development goals should conform to economic expectations and environmental requirements, not only taking into account the local social and natural structure, but also respecting local residents", "Promoting public participation". In June 1997, the World Tourism Organization, the World Tourism Council and the Earth Council jointly formulated and issued Agenda 21 on Tourism, which clearly proposed that the sustainable development of tourism should take residents as the object of concern, and take residents' participation as an important content and indispensable link in the process of tourism development.

The main connotation of community participation in tourism development is to consider the construction of tourism destinations from the perspective of communities, guide the overall planning and layout of tourism areas with the interaction theory of community development and tourism development, improve the efficiency of tourism flows by optimizing the structure of tourism communities, and seek the coordination, unification and optimization of economic, environmental and social benefits of tourism and tourism destinations.

2、 Explanation of the problem: theoretical and practical analysis of community participation in tourism development

1. Community participation in tourism development under the system theory. The system is "an organism with certain functions composed of several elements in a certain structural form." The tourism system is an organism with specific tourism functions formed by tourism elements in a certain structure. Community tourism system is a subsystem of tourism system. In his book Tourism: A Community Approach, Murphy, the main advocate of community tourism, described in more detail the impact of tourism on communities and the response of communities to tourism, and how to develop and plan tourism from the perspective of communities [4]. He regards the local community of the tourist destination as an ecological community and builds a community ecosystem. The natural and cultural tourism resources of the community are equivalent to plant life in an ecosystem, which forms the basis of the food chain. Excessive demand will lead to the reduction of plants and natural degradation. Local residents are regarded as animals in the ecosystem. As a part of the overall attraction of the community, they have to live a daily life as well as a part of the community display. Tourism is similar to predators in the ecosystem, while tourists are prey. The income of tourism comes from tourists, who care about tourism attractions (natural and cultural tourism resources and entertainment facilities) and services, which are the objects of "consumption". In this way, attractions and services, tourists, tourism and local residents constitute the main components of an ecosystem with a certain functional relationship (biological chain). Whether their proportions are coordinated is related to the health and stability of the system. In the tourism community ecosystem, the elements of local residents are often ignored, and the stage and degree of community participation in tourism development are often low-level. It is an effective way to maintain, coordinate and maintain the tourism community ecosystem by attaching importance to community participation in tourism development, reflecting local residents' ideas and attitudes towards tourism development, and reducing residents' aversion to tourism and conflicts.

2. Community tourism development under stakeholder theory. Stakeholder theory is one of the hot spots in western economics and management, and its theory has a great impact on enterprise management. Stakeholders refer to "any group or individual that may affect the realization of the organization's goals, or to some extent be affected by them." Stakeholder theory emphasizes the social responsibility of enterprises and believes that the development of enterprises cannot be separated from the input and participation of various stakeholders, and enterprises should pursue the overall interests of stakeholders, It is not just the interests of individual subjects. Stakeholders involved in tourism activities mainly include government authorities, direct tourism operators, local community residents and tourists [5]. Among the numerous stakeholders of tourism development, tourism operators pursue the maximization of economic interests; Tourists seek to maximize tourism demand; The competent government departments seek to maximize the management benefits. Local communities are often neglected interest subjects. Community residents are vulnerable groups in tourism development, and their status is marginalized. Sustainable tourism development requires comprehensive and balanced development. The development of community tourism is to solve the problem of unequal status between community and government, community and operator, community and tourists, and to maximize the economic, social, environmental and cultural effects of the community.

3. Description of the practice of community participation in tourism development. Community participation in tourism development is to fully consider the opinions and needs of the community in the process of tourism development, such as tourism decision-making, development, planning, management and supervision, and take it as the main body of development and participation, so as to achieve the comprehensive development of the community on the premise of ensuring sustainable tourism development. At present, China is in a difficult and long period of social transformation. It is necessary to realize the transformation of industrial structure, urban and rural structure and social and cultural structure, and realize the coordinated development of economy, environment and society. The extensive participation of communities in tourism development can promote the transformation of the industrial structure of local communities, resolve the opposition between urban and rural dual structures, enhance exchanges with foreign cultures, and improve their adaptability to the environment. China has made some progress in the practice of community participation in tourism development. "Ancient Town Tour", "Hutong Tour", "Folk Custom Tour" and "Rural Tour" have been carried out in full swing. "Agritainment" in Chengdu, "Folk Village" in Beijing, "Courtyard" in Shanxi, "Water Town" in Jiangnan, "Ethnic Family Hotel" in Yunnan, "National Industrial and Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site", Community participation tourism with various forms and rich contents has become a common practice.

4. The practical dilemma of community participation in tourism development. Community participation in tourism has a good momentum of development, but there are some problems due to the internal factors such as weak democratic consciousness of community residents, backward economic development, limited knowledge level, and insufficient participation consciousness, as well as the external factors such as the development degree of tourism destination products, changes in tourism supply and demand, advantages and disadvantages of natural and cultural environment, and fluctuations in market prices, Faced with various difficulties.

First, focus on economic interests. At present, community participation in tourism development in China focuses on economic interests, pursues the positive effect of tourism, and pays attention to the increase of income, access to employment opportunities, and improvement of life quality. Driven by economic interests, community residents are enthusiastic about participating in tourism activities, and even excessive participation occurs, such as setting up stalls at will to peddle, buying and selling by force when directly participating in tourism business activities; Wild guides are everywhere, misleading and cheating. The pursuit of pure economic interests has resulted in excessive commercialization and artificalization of tourist destinations, deterioration and unnaturalization of environmental progress, cultural distortion and camouflage. These negative impacts have resulted in reduced attraction of tourist destinations, decreased experience and satisfaction of tourists, and reduced number of tourists. The result of the vicious circle is the unsustainable development of community and tourism.

Second, the level of community participation is low. Inseep (1993) showed through case studies that community participation is mainly represented by symbolic participation, passive participation and pseudo participation. Pretty (1995) proposed that community participation can be divided into seven levels, namely symbolic participation, passive participation, consultative participation, participation due to material incentives, functional participation, interactive participation, and self incentive participation. Ho Chi yi (2002) divided the historical process of community participation into four stages: individual participation, organizational participation, public participation and comprehensive participation [6]. The practice of community participation in tourism development in China has proved that, at the level of participation, community consultation and symbolic participation remain two forms; In the participation stage, most of them are in the stage of organization and participation. Some mature tourist destinations have entered the stage of public participation, but have not yet entered the stage of full participation, promoting the two-way interaction between community and tourism development, and forming a stage of comprehensive economic, environmental, social and cultural development.

Third, community participation is relatively weak. The stakeholders in tourism development mainly include government, enterprises, communities, non-governmental organizations, tourists, etc. In China's current situation, the government is in the lead, and the government and developers decide to develop tourism; The community lacks the right to know, and its strength is weak, which is not enough to counter the powerful group; Non governmental organizations are underdeveloped. It is difficult for strong governments and companies to have equal dialogue with vulnerable community residents [7]. The weak position of community residents is not only reflected in their economic income, but also in their political status and the ability and channels to express their interests. Community residents have no opportunity to participate in the formulation of "rules of the game". In concept, community residents are discriminated against; In the process of land acquisition, there is no active decision-making power; In terms of policy, it is in a passive acceptance state; In administration, it is the object to be managed.

3、 Institutional Arrangement -- Countermeasures and Suggestions for Community Participation in Tourism Development

The overall goal of community participation in tourism development: through economic participation, political participation, environmental participation, cultural participation, psychological participation, and extensive participation in all aspects of tourism planning, development, operation, management, and supervision in a multi field, all-round, high-level way, to achieve the goal of improving community participation awareness, maintaining the community as a whole, and enhancing community power, and to achieve community tourism integration, Take the road of sustainable tourism development.

1. Economic participation. Establish a reasonable benefit distribution mechanism and strengthen coordination and cooperation among stakeholders. On the one hand, through the restriction of negative externalities in the economic activities of developers and operators, a diversified benefit compensation mechanism is formed. On the other hand, through a series of effective benefit incentive mechanisms, community groups and residents can be involved in tourism business activities to bring lasting economic benefits to local communities. The income obtained is shared by the community, which is used to improve the quality of life of residents and improve their living environment [9].

2. Political participation. Improve the overall quality and participation ability of residents, and participate in tourism planning and tourism development decision-making. Propaganda, education and training of tourism knowledge for community residents to improve their awareness of community participation; Give the community residents the right to participate in the decision-making and suggestion of tourism development, internalize the community participation will into the community power, rise to the decision-making of the competent authority, and implement it in all aspects of tourism planning, development, operation, management, and supervision.

3. Environmental participation. Keep the balance between community ecology and environment, and create a harmonious and good social environment. The community participates in the formulation of environmental policies in tourist destinations, supervises the implementation of environmental policies, and participates in the organization and activities of environmental protection equipment, facilities, and institutions. Tourism enterprises are urged to reduce the damage and pollution to the environment in their development and business activities, and strive to form a good social atmosphere for environmental protection. Cultivate the good habit of protecting the ecological environment, form a positive and healthy lifestyle, and form a good social atmosphere of harmony and co construction.

4. Cultural participation. Prevent national historical and cultural nihilism, and enhance community identity and sense of belonging. Reduce the alienation of community social culture and lifestyle in tourism cultural exchanges. Strengthen the inheritance education of community traditional culture and ensure the inheritance of the core of traditional culture. In daily life, through public opinion, media and other ways, enhance community residents' sense of cultural identity and community belonging, reduce social tension, and promote community integration.


[1] Li Xinjian. Tourism Economics [m]. Dalian: Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2002

[2] Warren Smith. Hosts and tourists: a study of tourism anthropology [c]. Nanning: Yunnan University Press, 2002: 185-201

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[5] Ma Yong. Tourism Planning and Development [m]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006:11-14

[6] Hu Zhiyi. Community Participation and Sustainable Tourism Development [j]. Human Geography, 2002, (2): 38-41

[7] Bao Jigang, Sun Jiuxia. Differences between China and the West in community participation in tourism development [j]. Journal of Geography, 2006, (4): 401-413

Part 4: Model Essays on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Key words: experiential tourism; Tourism products; Uniqueness; product design

With the in-depth development of economic reform, national and local finance and residents' income have increased significantly. On the one hand, local governments have more funds to develop tourism, and on the other hand, residents' spending on tourism consumption has also increased more. As a new economic growth point in the future, tourism has a promising prospect.

However, because of the differences in the stock of tourism resources and the degree of value exploration in different regions, and the differences in the overall planning of the tourism industry and the degree of investment attraction by the government, there is an imbalance in the economic strength and development level of tourism between regions. Therefore, when developing tourism, each region should make an objective and detailed analysis based on its own different tourism resources and local development status, combined with the market background of tourism economic development, so as to put forward correct development countermeasures.

1、 Experiential tourism economy in the era of experience economy

Futurists Alvin Toffler and Gan Haman have predicted the arrival of a special service economy centered on "leisure people" - "experience economy", and said that "experience economy" will become another pillar of future economic development after the service industry. The experience here refers to an activity in which enterprises focus on services, supplemented by goods, and aim to stimulate the initiative of consumers' inner space, so as to create unforgettable experiences. Therefore, experience has become a unique economic product to create value, making experience a new source of value. The book Experience Economy, co written by American scholar Joseph Pine and James Gilmore, believes that experience economy is the fourth stage of economic development after agricultural economy, industrial economy and service economy. Tourism itself is a major way of experience, obviously including most of the spiritual points of experience economy. Therefore, as the main stage of experience exhibition, experience tourism naturally takes the lead in experience economy.

Experiential tourism products are different from general tourism products. They have more distinctive characteristics, which can be summarized in the following four aspects: first, personalized needs, that is, when designing tourism products, pay attention to the differentiated needs of tourists to achieve personalized tourism experience; Second, the theme is unique and distinct, that is, when designing tourism products, there is a clear and novel theme to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of tourists to participate and cause deep emotional or cultural resonance of tourists; The third is the plot design in the tourism experience, so that tourists can fully participate, form a good interactive atmosphere, and improve the tourism level of tourists; The fourth is the authenticity of tourism experience, that is, the experience consumption of leisure and entertainment, tourism, labor experience, etc. represented by the experience economy should be organically combined with the real production activities, social culture, etc., to avoid the distortion of experience caused by excessive commercialization and reduce the quality of tourists' experience.

2、 Feasibility Analysis of Experience Tourism Development Mode in Huaiyuan County

Experiential tourism products focus on individuality, regional characteristics, cultural value and spiritual experience, and the core is the authenticity of experience. The focus of tourism product design is to fully explore and reasonably utilize the differentiated cultural and characteristic environmental factors in the existing tourism resources, including landscape architecture, folk customs, special products, production and life forms or special cultural forms, so that they can be freely and flexibly combined into experience products under the guidance of market demand. The second is to grasp the specific experience needs of tourists, including entertainment, knowledge, participation, pleasure, stimulation, sense of achievement, sense of belonging, etc.

Huaiyuan County takes Tushan Scenic Area as the axis, with Yuxu, Tianhe, Jingshan, White Milk Spring, Black Tiger Mountain and other natural landscape resources distributed around it, as well as Fengzuizi Huagudeng Original Ecological Reserve, Bengbu Zha Water Conservancy Scenic Area and other historical and cultural landscape resources; A variety of folk activities, such as the Temple Fair for Emperor Yu to Surprise the Dragon, the Birthday Sacrifice Fair for Emperor Yu, the Temple Fair for the Three Emperors, and the Flower Drum Lantern Fair, reflect the unique and representative characteristics of the combination of the Dayu culture and the Huaihe culture.

From the perspective of tourism resources, Huaiyuan County has rich tourism resources, profound cultural heritage, and conforms to the resource characteristics of experiential tourism. The environment and cultural factors that tourists are exposed to can highlight the special history, culture, aesthetics, etc. of the region, forming a unique experience; The community residents and production environment of the tourist destination are unique. When visitors enter these occasions, they will clearly know what kind of scenes they will experience, and get special experiences that are not usually felt. From the perspective of tourism products, there is a mature 4A level leisure tourism scenic spot "Hequan Farm" in the area. The farm takes leisure sightseeing and eco-tourism as the theme, and the supporting mechanism is mature; In addition, the pomegranate industry in Huaiyuan County has been famous since ancient times, and the rural experience tour with the integration of "purchase purchase tour" driven by it also has a large market. From the perspective of the tourism market, China has entered an aging society. The demand of the elderly for experiential tourism such as leisure tourism is growing rapidly. High quality leisure tourism has also become the focus of future tourism economic development. Overall. The development of experiential tourism in Huaiyuan County can be said to have the advantage of favorable weather, favorable location and harmonious people.

3、 Exploration on the Development of Huaiyuan Experiential Tourism Products

The formation of the pattern of tourism industry in Huaiyuan County should take Dayu Culture as the banner, Huaiyuan's cultural context as the thread, Huaiyuan's folk customs, folk customs, folk arts, and folk activities as the platform, and the two mountains and three rivers scenic characteristic industries as the support to create a distinctive style of Dayu's historical sites, a profound folk customs of Huaiyuan, and unique Tujing landscape, Make tourists really feel the essence of boutique culture and appreciate the happiness of boutique tourism. For the development of its tourism products, the author believes that the following three points can be emphatically considered:

1. Influential theme setting

Experiential tourism needs to set a clear theme, build a complete experience activity around the clues of this theme. A good theme runs through the tourism activities, leaving a deep impression on tourists, improving their comprehensive experience and reflecting the unique value of tourism products. For example, in view of the inheritance of Huaihe River culture, Huaiyuan County can launch a one-day experience activity with the theme of "drinking Huaihe River, tasting Huaihe River food, and being Huaihe people", to provide tourists with real life scenes and show the unique food culture and living customs of Huaihe people. In the fruit harvest season, the theme of "pomegranate picking contest" can be launched.

2. Creation of good experience environment

Developers should make use of existing resources to provide tourists with a real or attractive experience environment. For example, in the Yu Culture Scenic Spot, houses in ancient times are imitated, and high-tech acousto-optic technology is used to simulate ancient life scenes. In the folk culture area, keep the original scenes of villagers' life and avoid foreign and local design.

3. Complete experience process design

Under the set theme, rely on a good experience environment to create a complete experience process, extend and expand the experience of tourists. For example, we can create a cultural journey with time as a clue, experience the scenario of "three times without entering" in the era of Dayu, experience the antique life of "one day Huaihe people" in the Huaihe Cultural Area, and listen to the public voice, Enjoy the flowers and drum lamps, participate in the lively temple fairs and fairs, and then experience the "One Day Orchard Owner" in modern farmers' homes to feel the joy of harvest and the joy of labor. At the end of the day, you can enjoy a rare leisure time in Hequan Farm.

The experiential tourism design of Huaiyuan County must focus on its own unique resources, adhere to the development concept of resource product market trinity, deeply tap the internal energy of resources, and form a complete tourism economic chain.

4、 Problems in Tourism Development of Huaiyuan County

Experiential tourism is different from general tourism, and its payment standard is not related to the cost, but depends on the satisfaction and enjoyment of tourists in the experience. For example, if the cost of coffee is 5 yuan and you can buy 50 yuan in a coffee shop, the value increase in the middle comes from the private and comfortable atmosphere experience. If the satisfaction and comfort of tourists experience decline, the development of tourist areas will have problems. According to the author's observation of the current situation of tourism development in Huaiyuan County, the main problems that have adverse effects on tourists' satisfaction and comfort are as follows:

1. Disadvantageous protection of tourism resources

The ecological environment as a scenic spot should first give people aesthetic pleasure and visual image enjoyment. In fact, the current situation of tourist areas in Huaiyuan County is mostly unsatisfactory. For example, although Tushan Scenic Area is located on two mountains and three rivers, with a magnificent mountain pattern, there are mostly pieces of weathered rocks above the mountainside of two mountains, which are monotonous and barren. In particular, most of the top of Jingshan Mountain is covered by private tombs all over the mountain, which is very dense and messy. For another example, Dayu and other historical sites have been severely damaged and few remain. Most of the existing buildings are short and simple, rough and difficult to talk about beauty.

2. Low level of resource development and short industrial chain

The existing tourism resources in Huaiyuan County are at a low level of development and belong to the "free range" state. There is no tourism product in the market sense, nor can tourists experience and consume. There is no systematic construction of supporting facilities such as food, housing, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment. The existing supporting facilities have no connotative and formal relationship with the theme and core resource advantages of tourist attractions.

3. The independence of the original cultural ecology gradually disappears

The original ecological cultural activities such as the temple fair flower drum lantern are basically in a laissez faire state. Some traditional activities even live and die on their own. Young people lack the enthusiasm and awareness of inheriting folk activities, and lack organization, guidance, support, planning, innovation, and development for a long time. Under the modern social living conditions, the river will inevitably decline, become difficult, and eventually disappear from the sight of the people.

5、 Countermeasure analysis

First of all, experience requires not only the guidance of the theme and active participation, but also the setting off of the environment. The chaotic environment of the scenic spot will inevitably violate the overall harmonious atmosphere and reduce the quality of tourists' experience. The top priority of Huaiyuan County scenic spot is to integrate the natural landscape garden culture into the historical site protection, new rural construction and industrial planning, so that production, life, urban area, farmers, and ecological environment become landscapes, open the aesthetic contrast with the surrounding areas, and make the scenic spot worthy of its name.

Secondly, the experience of tourism products includes its core product activities, additional facilities, services, tourism commodities and other elements. Therefore, additional elements need to be calculated on the basis of product experience design to improve the comprehensive benefits of products. For Huaiyuan County, it is necessary to deeply tap the value of Dayu culture and Huaihe culture industry chain, extend the industry chain, and encourage the creation and innovation of folk culture. Accelerate the introduction of tourism projects and improve the development review and construction projects of tourism areas. Utilize the existing channels and networks among the people to introduce the main track of the scenic spot market, drive the large-scale entry of agricultural products and local specialties in northern Anhui, and determine the construction projects with market pertinence.

Thirdly, protection and development should be combined to protect the independence of local culture. Once the difference is lost, the experience of tourism will be lost. In striving for high economic added value of experience, we should not blindly invest in costs and blindly pursue efficient experience, but grasp the degree of long-term development. It is suggested that Huaiyuan County establish a folk culture reserve, improve the protection and inheritance mechanism of folk culture, and preserve the authenticity and uniqueness of its residents' original ecological life and production activities.

6、 Conclusion

Under the experience economy, tourism product design must highlight the essential attribute of experience and show multiple experience values. Huaiyuan County should focus on its special culture, history and folk landscape, strengthen its aesthetic and pleasant spiritual feelings for tourists, reflect the value of personalized and differentiated experience, make overall planning, overcome various problems in the development process, so as to give full play to the core value of its tourism resources, and then promote the development of regional economy.


[1] Zheng Liaoji. Research on Rural Ecological Experience Tourism Development [D]. Northeast Normal University, 2013 (11)

[2] Jia Yunlong. Research on Tourism Development in Non optimal Tourism Resources Areas [D]. Yanshan University, 2013 (5)

[3] Song Yanhui. Research on the coordinated development of tourism industry and county economy [D]. Jishou University, 2012 (6)

[4] Niu Junyi. Research on Types and Development of Experiential Tourism Products [J]. Academic Exchange. 2014 (1) 125 - 128

[5] Lishui University, the Ministry of Ideological and Political Affairs, the Organization Department. The benefit structure and institutional path of the development of rural ethnic cultural tourism - based on the investigation of She villages and towns in Lishui, Zhejiang [J]. Heilongjiang Ethnic Group Series, 2013 (5)

[6] Zhang Xufeng. Research on County Tourism Development Direction Based on Tourism Resources Analysis -- Taking Wuhu County, Anhui Province as an Example [J]. Science and Technology and Industry, 2011 (6)

[7] Xu Feixiong, Liu Juan. On China's County Tourism Economic Cooperation [J]. Journal of Hengyang Normal University, 2005 (6)

Part 5: Model Articles on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Key words: literature tourism; development; economic performance; channel

CLC No.: F590 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 2096-0298 (2015) 12 (a) - 103-03

In a diversified social environment, the transformation of tourism resource elements no longer emphasizes a single natural resource, but emphasizes the driving force of cultural tourism resources for social development while highlighting natural resources. Literary tourism has changed from a single form of tourism to a more aesthetic and valuable human wealth with diversified tourism and cultural resources. Literary tourism resources have distinctive characteristics of artistic conception beauty and lyric beauty, which all show the value system that literary tourism development will bring. In essence, the economic value brought by the development of literature tourism resources is an important driving force for the development of literature and tourism. Moreover, the continuation and promotion of cultural value, the economic pulling force in economic value and the creativity of environmental economy all emphasize the necessity of literary tourism development in the new era. In addition, in the current transformation and development of modern society, the demands of social development on traditional culture, especially the excellent culture of traditional ethnic groups, have created a good internal and external environment for the development of literary tourism, making the economic benefits formed by the development of literary tourism more prominent. Therefore, the internal and external environment of literary tourism development is good. While constructing literary value and environmental value, we should strengthen the sustainable acquisition of economic benefits and promote the benign development of regional economy.

1. Value system of literature tourism development

The rise and development of literary tourism is the realistic demand of the dual development of literature and tourism, and also an important way to obtain economic benefits by relying on literary tourism resources. In the development of literary tourism, the value system it constructs mainly reflects the economic value, literary value and environmental value, which plays an important role in prospering the literary cause and promoting the development of tourism.

1.1 Economic value under the development of literature tourism resources

Economic value is an important foothold for the development of literary tourism, and it is also a concentrated embodiment of the equal development of literature and economy under the background of market economy. Under the realistic condition of economic diversification, "literary place" has become the highlight of tourism development, and it is also a powerful move to build new tourism elements with culture. Rely on literature tourism to attract cultural tourists, and the economic benefits brought by the food, housing and transportation of cultural tourists are bound to be considerable. At present, literary tourism has become an important mode of economic development in many poverty-stricken areas. With the protection and promotion of literary heritage as the entry point, it seeks a new mode of economic development and literary development. Mining the aesthetic value of literary heritage and building a literary economic chain with regional characteristics and national flavor is more in line with the realistic demands of the dual development of economy and culture. At present, the diversification of value also emphasizes that the economic value of literature resources should not overemphasize the acquisition of short-term economic benefits, and "culture" is too much a selling point of commodities, which can not realize the economic value of literature. Therefore, the economic value under the development of literary tourism should strengthen the continuity of literary value and the sustainability of economic benefits, and create a good economic chain for sustainable economic and cultural development. While highlighting the economic value, it also respects the dominant position of literature.

1.2 Cultural value under the development of literary tourism resources

The foundation of the development of literary tourism resources is the spillover of literary values, emphasizing the construction of new tourism elements guided by cultural values. Lushan, a world cultural heritage, is a tourist attraction with profound cultural value. From Li Bai's "Watching Lushan Waterfall", to Su Shi's "Titling the West Forest Wall", and then to the "Red Revolution", these are important cultural elements of Lushan as a world cultural heritage, so that Lushan, with rich cultural connotation, can highlight cultural values in tourism development to build a new model of tourism economic development of Lushan. The literary diversity of Lushan, the poetry of literati and poets, the beauty of landscape, and the beauty of human landscape and natural landscape, make the rich cultural elements and diversified natural landscape the highlight of Lushan literary tourism. Therefore, in the development process of literary tourism, the compatibility of cultural value and natural environment value makes the expression form of literary value more diversified, and attracts tourists into tourism culture with more complete aesthetic taste. This is more in line with modern people's aesthetic and emotional needs than a single cultural tourism or a single natural environment viewing.

1.3 Environmental value under the development of literature tourism resources

In the new era of advocating "green and environmental protection", the development of literature tourism resources is undoubtedly a powerful move to maximize the environmental value in tourism development. On the one hand, the environmental problems brought about by tourism development make the economic benefits brought about by tourism short-term. In the consumption of natural tourism resources, the economic benefits gradually fade away, and it is impossible to build long-term economic benefits; On the other hand, environmental problems in tourism development have become the bottleneck of tourism development. Under the development of literary tourism resources, the construction of environmental values has made environmental protection a new measure for tourism development. The application for World Heritage of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal is a typical example of the development of literary tourism resources and the construction of environmental values. Let the spread and protection of traditional culture become an effective measure for environmental protection. Therefore, in the new historical period, the economic benefits of literary tourism are not only reflected in the economic value and literary value, but also in the environmental value, which is a powerful guarantee for the sustainable acquisition of economic benefits, and also meets the practical needs of social development.

2. Ways to obtain economic benefits under the development of literary tourism

The development of literature tourism is an important mode of the development of both tourism and literature in the new era, and also an important way of tourism economy and literature benefits. In my opinion, the key to obtain economic benefits under the development of literary tourism is to build an economic benefit system as shown in Figure 1. The economic value, cultural value and environmental value under the development of literary tourism have built their existing economic benefit system, but they are mutually restricted and affected, emphasizing the acquisition of economic benefits, and can not abandon environmental value or literary value, To promote the maximization of economic value alone is obviously contrary to the essence of literary tourism development, and it is also impossible to achieve sustainable access to economic benefits. Therefore, to obtain economic benefits under the development of literary tourism, first, we should practice the principles of literary tourism development; The second is to build a good artistic atmosphere, and under the experiential development strategy, activate the literature tourism resources, and promote the economic benefits of tourism development. Then, specifically, it is mainly to do a good job in the following aspects.

2.1 Practice the principles of literary tourism development and build sustainable economic benefits

The development of literary tourism has its particularity. It should not only strengthen the economic benefits of tourism development, but also give consideration to the creation of cultural values under literary tourism. Therefore, the implementation of the "market-oriented principle", "high-grade construction principle" and "diversified development principle" of literary tourism development is an important basis for building sustainable economic benefits and an effective way to obtain economic benefits. First of all, adhere to the principle of market orientation and realize the advantageous development of literary tourism resources to industrial economy. With the continuous improvement of the market economy system, the development of literary tourism adheres to the principle of market orientation, which is to rely on market vitality, realize the benign interaction between literary tourism products and the market, and then develop literary tourism resources to the advantage of industrial economy. According to the statistics of the National Tourism Administration, nearly 80% of tourists in China hope to feel a good literary atmosphere while traveling. In addition, tourists aged 25-40 have become the mainstream market of literary tourism, and have a strong interest in literary tourism. Therefore, in the development of literary tourism, we should strengthen the development and promotion under the guidance of the market. While expanding the tourism brand, we should make the economic benefits no longer be weak literary values, but gradually form industrial and economic advantages to obtain more economic benefits of literary tourism. Secondly, adhere to the principle of high-quality construction and enhance the economic value of literature radiation. The economic benefits of literature tourism resources are mainly reflected in the high quality of literature and its influence on social development. Adhere to the principle of high-grade construction, enhance the radiation of literature, and then promote the economic value of literature tourism. On the one hand, we can rely on the media to expand the publicity content of literary tourism's literary connotation, so that good literary tourism products can meet the production and living needs of modern people and meet the development requirements of the market economy; On the other hand, it provides tourists with more literary tourism products to meet the needs of tourists to appreciate the cultural landscape and feel the cultural influence brought by literature. Finally, adhere to the principle of diversified development and develop literary tourism resources with more economic development potential. The economic benefits of literature tourism resources should adhere to the development principle of literature as the main body, take literature tourism resources as a more diversified development model, and enrich the value of literature tourism in urban and rural areas. By combining literature tourism with rural tourism and ecological tourism, more economic benefit chains will be generated driven by literature tourism. In particular, the "marriage" between literary tourism and ecological tourism not only further expands the economic value of literary tourism, but also further realizes the environmental value, which is an important direction for the development of literary tourism.

2.2 Strengthen the creation of literary and artistic atmosphere and expand the social influence of literary tourism products

In the market-oriented development of literary tourism resources, the importance of the social influence of literary tourism products is more emphasized. Literary tourism resources can not be separated from the essential attribute of its "literature" connotation and strengthen the creation of literary and artistic atmosphere. Under the broad social influence, further expand the market competitiveness of literary tourism products and revitalize the economic benefits of literary tourism. First of all, in the process of literary tourism development, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the artistic value of literature. While digging deeply into the aesthetic artistic conception of literature, let the aesthetic artistic conception of literature attract tourists and expand the social influence of literary tourism resources; Secondly, strengthen the creation of literature and art atmosphere, connect literature and art in literature tourism resources, and improve artistic taste, so that tourists can get better literary influence. Such literature tourism resources are more in line with modern people's pursuit of literature tourism. With a market and a wide range of social influence, literary tourism is bound to drive the development of the tourism industry chain, so as to obtain more economic benefits.

2.3 Strengthen the implementation of experiential development strategy and activate literature tourism resources

In modern people's life philosophy, experiential interactive development is an important measure to improve the efficiency of resource development and activate literary tourism resources. First of all, take tourists as the main body, pay attention to the experience effect of tourists, so that literary tourism products can better meet the needs of tourists. Especially in the integration of literature resources and natural landscape, we should strengthen the organic integration of the two to promote the dominant position of literature resources in the acquisition of tourism economic benefits; Secondly, the activation of literary tourism resources is an important basis for them to obtain more economic benefits. From a practical point of view, in the development of literary tourism resources in many places, literary resources have not been fully activated, and the content and presentation form of literary resources are too single to meet the practical requirements of the development of literary tourism. Therefore, it is necessary to activate the literature tourism resources and fully display the literature connotation; It is an important foundation for the development of literature tourism economy to let literature elements flow to tourists fully and let tourists gain good literary influence in their experience.

3 Conclusion

To sum up, China is rich in literary tourism resources. The rise and development of literary tourism is an important trend in the development of tourism economy in the new era, which meets the practical requirements of the development of modern tourism economy. At present, the development of literary tourism in China is in the development stage. In the process of highlighting economic value, there is still a lack of corresponding development efforts for the construction of literary value and environmental value. Therefore, in constructing the economic benefit chain of literary tourism resources, first, we should practice the principles of literary tourism development and build sustainable economic benefits; The second is to strengthen the creation of literary and artistic atmosphere and expand the social influence of literary tourism products; The third is to strengthen the implementation of experiential development strategies and activate literary tourism resources. In essence, we should promote the economic benefits of literature resources, promote the sustainable development of literature tourism, and realize the dual development of literature and tourism.


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[2] Liu Liangliang. Analysis of Cultural Tourism Development Approaches in the Era of Experience Economy [J]. Journal of Hebei Tourism Vocational College, 2014 (05)

[3] Guo Wenquan. Analysis on the Profit Model of Tourism Development Projects [J]. Contemporary Tourism (Academic Edition), 2012 (04)

[4] Wang Liangyan. Research on the Development of Jiuzhaigou Tibetan Cultural Tourism [D]. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2011

[5] Hong Fang. Research on the Development of Literary Tourism Resources from the Perspective of Communication -- Taking Qinhuangdao as an Example [J]. Tourism Monthly, 2013 (09)

Part 6: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Tourism is an industry that develops with the improvement of people's living standards and relative abundance of materials. In recent years, the opening policy and rapid economic development have created good conditions for the development of China's tourism industry. China's tourism has developed rapidly. And this has produced considerable economic benefits. In 1994, China's tourism revenue was more than 160 billion yuan, ranking eighth among the top ten tourism destinations in the world. At the same time, the problems of the destruction of tourism resources and the decline of environmental quality in tourism areas are also increasingly prominent. For the sustainable and coordinated development of tourism, it is necessary to analyze the causes, impact modes and results of tourism environmental problems, so as to provide services for the management and decision-making of China's tourism development.

1、 The relationship between tourism environment and tourism

In general, tourism environment refers to various external factors that affect the tourism behavior of tourists, including social environment, natural ecological environment, tourism atmosphere environment and tourism resources, etc. Here only refers to the tourism resources, natural ecology and corresponding tourism atmosphere of the tourist area. In connection with it, tourism environmental problems also refer to the impact and destruction of the above factors due to external effects, which affects the satisfaction of tourists' tourism activities.

The tourist resources in the tourist area are the objects for tourists to watch. For tourists, the various aesthetic features and historical, cultural and scientific values contained in tourism resources are the direct motivators of tourism behavior, and the destruction of resources will directly affect the satisfaction of tourists.

The natural ecological environment of the tourist area is the general term of ecological factors such as landform, air, water, animals and plants in the tourist area. The organic combination of these ecological factors forms the beauty and pleasure of the tourist area environment. From the perspective of human aesthetic psychological needs, the beauty of natural landscape is the foundation. In an environment with dirty air, polluted water and noisy surroundings, tourists are unable to appreciate, appreciate and experience various aesthetic characteristics of specific tourist objects. Especially with the development of production and the progress of science and technology, people's leisure time is gradually increasing. Urban residents' desire to travel, return to nature, and exercise and recuperate their bodies and minds by virtue of the cleanness of the natural environment is growing. From this point of view, the natural ecological environment of the tourist area is also a kind of tourism resources in a sense.

Tourism atmosphere environment refers to the unique local characteristics, history, ethnic customs and the corresponding external atmosphere of the tourist area. The beauty of tourism environment is the double beauty of image and artistic conception, and the stimulation of each specific tourist object to tourists' tourism behavior, to a large extent, is the special historical, local, national characteristics it reflects or a special mood of a foreign country or place.

Therefore, the impact of the environmental conditions of tourist areas on tourists' tourism effect cannot be ignored. The satisfaction of tourists' tourism is closely related to the environmental conditions of tourist areas, which directly affects the sustainable development of tourism. We must fully understand the necessity and importance of protecting the environment of tourist areas.

2、 Major environmental problems faced by China's tourism industry at present

The main environmental problems faced by China's tourism industry are:

1. Quite a number of hot tourist areas are seriously polluted. It is mainly manifested in water pollution, air quality decline, local ecological environment damage, and tourism resources damage;

2. The environmental sanitation of the tourist area is poor, and the garbage in the area is thrown and piled up at will, and sewage and dirt can be seen everywhere;

3. Some hot tourist areas receive tourists in a super scale. The tourist areas are overcrowded and crowded, and the tourist atmosphere is lost;

4. Tourism development and construction projects are not in harmony with the overall environment of the tourist area.

3、 Causes of Tourism Environmental Problems

There are many reasons for environmental damage and degradation of environmental quality in tourist areas. To sum up, there are the following:

1. Improper human economic behavior has damaged the tourism environment

The impact and destruction of human economic activities on the environment of tourist areas can be divided into three aspects: (1) In the process of economic development, the waste discharged from industrial production and the noise generated have polluted the natural environment of tourist areas and disturbed the tranquility of tourist areas. Results On the one hand, the tourist area has lost its fresh air, transparent water and quiet atmosphere; On the other hand, tourists' interest in sightseeing is reduced due to environmental pollution. (2) Unreasonable resource utilization and agricultural production mode destroy the natural ecological balance of the tourist area, and the tourist resources are directly affected, such as water and soil loss caused by deforestation, overexploitation of groundwater, mountain blasting and other activities, water level decline of tourist water, and destruction of beautiful mountains and scenery. (3) In the economic structure, productivity distribution and urban development planning, the existence of tourism resources is ignored, which makes the regional economic structure type, productivity distribution mode and urban development direction incompatible with the requirements of normal and sustainable development of tourism on environmental conditions. For example, large cement plants will be built in Yunnan Shilin Tourist Area, and ash kilns and coal kilns will be built in Beijing Zhoukoudian Ape Man Site.

2. Impact of tourism activities on the environment of tourist areas

The impact of tourism activities on the environment of tourist areas mainly lies in the pollution of garbage generated in the process of tourism on the environment of scenic spots and the impact of tourism activities on the natural ecological balance of scenic spots and tourism artistic conception. Due to the imperfect facilities in the tourist area and the low quality of tourists, with the expansion of the scale of tourism activities, the amount of garbage abandoned in scenic spots is increasing. A large amount of garbage in the tourist area is dumped and piled up at random, which destroys the natural landscape, pollutes the scenic water and makes the water in the tourist area eutrophic. Water bodies in many tourist areas in China have been polluted to varying degrees, and the transparency, chroma, smell and other indicators of a considerable part of tourist water bodies have exceeded the national standards for tourist water bodies. Floating matter, suspended matter, and oil pollutants have affected tourists' senses, reducing their tourism interest.

The super scale reception exceeding the capacity of the scenic spots has destroyed the balance of the natural ecosystem in the tourist area. The habitat system that constitutes the natural landscape has a certain carrying capacity for tourism activities, which is determined by the structure of the ecosystem. Tourism activities that exceed its carrying capacity will change the structure of the ecosystem in the tourism area, and the tourism function of the tourism area will be lost. It is mainly manifested in that a large number of tourists have compacted the land in the tourist area, making the soil harden and trees die; A large number of tourists climb the mountain and step on it, destroying the stable deciduous layer and humus layer formed under natural conditions for a long time, causing water and soil loss, tree roots, and mountain grass lodging, thus harming the ecosystem of the tourist area

The problems inherent in improper tourism activities are serious. Ignoring this impact, focusing only on short-term benefits, blindly expanding the scale, and receiving tourists without restrictions will cause serious damage to the sustainable development of tourism in the future.

3. Tourism development and construction destroy the environment of tourist areas

In the process of development and utilization of tourism resources, the construction of relevant facilities is not coordinated with the tourism area as a whole, resulting in the destruction of tourism resources, the ecological environment of the tourism area, especially the tourism atmosphere environment, which is mainly manifested in the improper restoration of historic sites, the incongruity between new projects and the landscape of the tourism area, and the change or destruction of all the history that should be preserved in the tourism area Culture, national style and atmosphere are beneficial to specific tourism objects. Its tourism value is mainly reflected in its unique history, culture and national style. In the development and utilization of tourism resources, these should undoubtedly be preserved and vigorously protected and fully displayed. Ignoring the overall coordination of tourism areas and their connotation, blind development will only lead to the disharmony of scenic spots, thus losing their tourism value, and reducing the interest of tourists.

The urban construction destroys the tourist atmosphere, which is mainly reflected in the disharmony between the new buildings and the overall buildings of the tourist city. Make the city itself as a tourist object lose its true colors.

4、 Analysis on Countermeasures of Tourism Environmental Protection

In order to ensure the sustainable development of tourism and give full play to the economic and social benefits of tourism, the author proposes the following measures for the environmental problems existing in tourism:

1. Strengthen scientific research on tourism environmental protection and publicity and education on tourism environmental protection knowledge.

For a long time, the research of environmental science has only started from the needs of human health, and rarely from the needs of human spirit and psychology. This is another important aspect of the relationship between human beings and the environment, and has been fully reflected in human tourism activities.

This paper studies the relationship between tourism environment and tourism from the aspects of the dependence of tourism on tourism environment, the carrying capacity of tourism area environment to tourism activities, and the damage of tourism development to tourism environment; Study the methods of tourism environmental protection from the aspects of determining the quality standards of landscape aesthetics, natural ecological quality, environmental quality standards that meet special tourism activities, and environmental quality evaluation methods of tourism areas; Study the engineering methods of tourism environmental protection from the perspective of aesthetics and psychology; It is also necessary to conduct research on tourism environmental protection policies to lay the foundation for correct decision-making.

Strengthen the publicity of tourism environmental protection knowledge, improve people's awareness of tourism environmental protection, and publicize tourism environmental protection knowledge to all tourists, tourism practitioners and residents near the district.

2 Pay for the environmental impact assessment of tourism development.

Inappropriate tourism development activities can not make up for the damage to the environment of the tourist area, from the perspective of protection. Before conservation and development, carry out environmental impact assessment, analysis, identification of possible impacts of development activities during construction and operation, and propose corresponding mitigation measures to minimize possible impacts on tourism environment. The environmental impact assessment of tourism development includes: analysis of the environmental carrying capacity of tourism areas, analysis of tourism scale, identification of the impact of development activities on the environment, analysis of the impact of tourism process on the environment, etc.

3. In the development and construction of tourist areas, tourism environment planning should be done well.

The main reason for the emergence of tourism environmental problems and the decline of environmental quality in tourist areas is the improper economic activities of human beings. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate scientific, rigorous and predictable tourism environmental planning. It is used to organize and manage the economy, tourism and other activities that damage the tourism environment, to solve the contradiction between the development of production, expansion of tourism scale and the environmental protection of scenic spots, to make them coordinated, to ensure the sustainable and stable development of economic development and tourism activities, and to prevent the destruction of the tourism environment.

The environmental planning of a tourist area is a comprehensive planning for the economic development, tourism development and environmental protection of the tourist area. This planning is from the perspective of maintaining the environmental aesthetic quality of the tourist area and making rational use of tourism resources, applying the principles and methods of system engineering, following the laws of economic development and environmental aesthetics of the tourist area The scale and layout shall be planned as a whole, so as to develop the economy and expand tourism without damaging the environment of the tourist area.

4. Use economic and other means to control the tourism scale of hot tourist factories.

Take measures such as raising ticket prices in hot tourist areas, designating special tourist attractions and controlling the number of tourists; Adjust the tourism scale of the tourist area to ensure certain economic benefits while protecting the environment of the tourist area.

Chapter 7: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Key words: national sports tourism; Product; Experiential development

CLC No.: F590.3 Document Code: A Article No.: 1673 - 291X (2008) 14 - 0197 - 02

Experience economy is a new economic form after agricultural economy, industrial economy and service economy. Tourism, by its nature, is a kind of natural experience activity. Its purpose is to create unforgettable tourism experience and memorable tourism experience for tourists. The experience attribute of tourism determines that tourism will be a pioneer in the experience economy era. The national sports tourism products, due to their own uniqueness, become typical representatives of experiential development.

1、 Necessity and Significance of Experiential Development of Ethnic Sports Tourism Products

(1) The Necessity of Experiential Development of Ethnic Sports Tourism Products

American scholar Joseph Pine and James Gilmore, in their 1999 book Experience Economy, made a systematic exposition of experience economy, pointing out that human society has gone through agricultural economy, industrial economy and service economy, and is now gradually entering the era of experience economy. As an important type of economic output, experience refers to the activity that enterprises use services as a stage and goods (products) as props to activate the initiative of consumers' internal psychological space, cause a warm response in their minds, and create unforgettable experiences for consumers. In this era, enterprises not only sell goods or services, but also are full of perceptual power, leaving unforgettable and pleasant memories.

The experience is unique and non replicable, and the high-quality experience will leave a deep impression in the buyer's memory, which is unforgettable. The nature of experience makes it a new source of value after goods and services and the basis for future economic growth. Once experience is integrated into goods or services, it will form high economic added value, which will greatly increase the price of goods or services. Therefore, in the era of experience economy, continuous innovation and providing customers with fresh, personalized and differentiated experiences are the foundation and core of the development of sports tourism enterprises.

With the arrival of the era of experience economy, the demand of tourists has changed dramatically, from focusing on tourism products to focusing on the psychological feelings when accepting products. Consumers are willing to pay for the experience because it is beautiful, rare, non replicable, and non transferable, and every moment of it is "unique". Therefore, tourists are no longer satisfied with the fancy tour of walking horses, but more and more prefer perceptual tourism products that can realize their own values or resonate with themselves. They need the emotional impact and shock brought by in-depth tourism that they participate in personally.

(2) The Significance of Experiential Development of Ethnic Sports Tourism Products

1. Make tourists get unforgettable memories in differentiated experience activities

Tourism product is a kind of enjoyment product. We should attach importance to the spiritual and psychological satisfaction of customers and experience their requirements and feelings. In the era of experience economy consumption, in order to achieve product differentiation, diversification and personalization, modern tourism enterprises must design and sell tourism products that closely meet people's spiritual needs based on consumers' psychological characteristics, lifestyles and behavior patterns, so that tourism products and services can arouse consumers' imagination and resonance. Experiential development of national sports tourism products can enable tourists to obtain unforgettable and distinctive unique memories in differentiated experiences and activities.

2. Enrich the content of tourism products

Experiential development of ethnic sports tourism products can further increase ethnic sports tourism products on the basis of the existing natural landscape, humanistic buildings, folk customs performances, and provide more tourism projects for tourists. It can make the structure of the scenic spot more reasonable, and achieve functional complementation between various tourism projects, thus making national sports tourism a comprehensive tourism product integrating aesthetics, education and entertainment. The experience project in ethnic sports tourism is also an important means of scenic spot differentiation and personalization, which can be distinguished from the scenic spots of the same type to make them have their own characteristics and attract more tourism consumers.

3. Increase tourism income

Charging for tourism experience can not only increase tourism income, but also an important means to promote the development of tourism. Tourists come to travel in order to get some kind of experience and a wonderful memory that is worth collecting. In order to get this feeling, they will pay more for this experience. As a tourism enterprise, to increase the experience fee for tourists, it is necessary to design more abundant tourism products and experience content for tourists, strengthen the improvement of service content and quality, transform the role between tourists and service personnel, and make tourists become the protagonist of national sports tourism, while staff are only assistants.

2、 Principles of Experiential Development of Ethnic Sports Tourism Products

Looking at the current situation of China's tourism development, the current tourism industry mainly provides a static tourism product to tourism consumers as a whole. There are few participatory, interactive, interesting and entertaining tourism products, highlighting the wisdom of tourism, and paying insufficient attention to the entertainment aesthetic function that should be provided as a tourism product. Some scholars pointed out that when entering the experience consumption period, including entertainment consumption, tourism brings psychological satisfaction characterized by spiritual pleasure. Therefore, the innovative development of national sports tourism products is concentrated on the experience process. Product experience is not only the demand of the tourism market, but also the demand for natural improvement of national sports tourism products. Therefore, the author believes that the design of ethnic sports tourism products based on experience should follow the following principles:

(1) Highlight the theme of experience and strengthen the brand image of experience

The theme is the foundation and soul of experience. The theme is to create an environment, create an atmosphere, focus on customer attention, and make tourists get a strong impression and deep feeling in one aspect. How to define a clear theme for ethnic sports experience tourism? The author believes that the determination of the theme should be rooted in the local context, history and contacts, and should highlight personality, characteristics and novelty according to the demand of the dominant tourist source market, so as to avoid being the same as the similar tourism destination in the surrounding areas. The key to the success of experience theme positioning lies in the attractiveness of its products. It is necessary to design experience products with high participation and enthusiasm to attract tourists.

(2) Highlight product personality

The development of national sports tourism products should adhere to the principle of individuality, clarify the theme of sports culture, highlight national characteristics, and enhance local color. The more prominent and distinctive the characteristics of national sports tourism products, the stronger the monopoly and the greater the attraction to tourists. This must give full play to the "unique" national sports tourism product advantages, fully reflect the characteristics of the region and the nation, and have a higher level of participation and appreciation value, to create a "unique" national sports tourism project. To highlight individuality, we should also adjust measures to local conditions. We should not leave our own humanistic and natural advantages. We should not only explore the unique ethnic sports tourism products, but also creatively develop new ethnic sports tourism products by taking advantage of the unique conditions in the region.

(3) Highlight the simplicity and local characteristics of products

The scarcity and uniqueness of tourism products are the fundamental reasons for their attraction to tourists, and also the potential advantages that can be transformed into economic advantages through development. Therefore, when designing ethnic sports tourism, we should obviously base on the local ethnic sports tourism resources, such as the throwing of hydrangeas by the Zhuang nationality, the robbing of fireworks by the Dong nationality, and the Lusheng of the Miao nationality. The performance should reflect the local characteristics and the original national sports. Only in this way can the local historical and current characteristics be reflected. Therefore, not only the content, style, but also the modeling and color should have a strong local and primitive nature, giving people a warm, true, simple, local, nostalgic and other psychological feelings, and embodying personality It is characterized by commonness and evolution.

(4) Emphasize customer participation and interaction

With the expansion of the tourist class, the growth of tourism knowledge, and the improvement of recognition level, "experience" has increasingly become the core of purchase. Nowadays, more and more tourists require cultural attraction, sports content and even adventure interest in their travel life, and require participation rather than watching from the sidelines. The biggest advantage of national sports tourism is that tourists can experience national customs, participate in sports activities, and experience rich national sports culture. Therefore, when developing national sports tourism products, tourists should be able to integrate into the story in the beautiful scenery, be a "god", be a "fairy" and lead an extraordinary life. Therefore, in the development of national sports tourism products, more attention should be paid to the development of projects that can let people try, taste, and be exposed to exotic and exotic customs. The traditional way of performance and display is not so cordial and exciting for people to participate in activities.

3、 Basic Ideas of Experiential Development of Ethnic Sports Tourism Products

(1) Focus on the exploration and research of experience theme

Experience should be combined with a certain theme. It can be said that it is the soul of the whole experience process and the core of a series of management such as planning, implementation and control of tourism enterprises. Therefore, it is important to choose and expand the theme.

There are five criteria for a good theme: (1) The attractive theme must adjust people's realistic feelings. (2) The most abundant tourism theme, by influencing people's experience of space, time and things, completely changes people's perception of reality. (3) The bold theme integrates space, time and things into a harmonious reality. (4) Multi scenic spot layout can deepen the theme. (5) The theme must be coordinated with the nature of the tourism enterprise that proposed the experience. Therefore, national sports tourism enterprises must carefully analyze and study the theme they want to choose, and make overall layout of the environment around it, so as to create real artistic conception and unforgettable memories for tourists.

(2) Create a complete experience atmosphere

It is not enough to rely on the theme alone to determine whether the tourist's journey of minority sports tourism is worth remembering. Tourists are placed in unusual places of life and activities such as ethnic sports tourism destinations and ethnic sports tourism landscapes, and contact and communicate with specific people, namely other tourists, ethnic sports tourism reception service personnel, and destination residents. What they desire is a complete experience process, that is, tourists' experience needs for ethnic sports tourism products are complete, It contains the organic combination of space, time and things. Therefore, sports tourism enterprises should integrate resources, combine themes, create a complete experience atmosphere, ensure that tourists do appropriate things in an appropriate space-time environment, and let tourists' experience flow from the shallow level of feeling to the high-level of enjoyment.

(3) Design highly participatory experience projects

Modern tourists increasingly value tourism experience and are eager to participate. Tourists demand cultural attraction, sports content and even adventure taste in their travel life, hoping to gain emotional comfort and spiritual purification through participation and communication. Those tourism products that have strong folk customs and local characteristics and combine with entertainment are very popular with tourists. We should vigorously explore the cultural connotation of ethnic sports, highlight ethnic culture and folk culture, and design a series of ethnic sports tourism projects for tourists to participate in, so as to enrich the experience of tourists and improve their satisfaction. National sports tourism does not mean to collect strange customs, nor is it fabricated. It comes from life, pursues nature, and hides the taste of life and rich cultural connotation under the plain appearance. It should be easy to feel, design, and participate, so that tourists can quickly enter the atmosphere and integrate their body and mind into it, Meet and adapt to the needs of tourists for various ethnic sports, and give full play to its many functions with the help of various ethnic sports activities, so that tourists can achieve harmonious physical and mental development.

Chapter 8: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Tourism is an industry that develops with the improvement of people's living standards and relative abundance of materials. In recent years, the opening policy and rapid economic development have created good conditions for the development of China's tourism industry. China's tourism has developed rapidly. And this has produced considerable economic benefits. In 1994, China's tourism revenue was more than 160 billion yuan, ranking eighth among the top ten tourism destinations in the world. At the same time, the problems of the destruction of tourism resources and the decline of environmental quality in tourism areas are also increasingly prominent. For the sustainable and coordinated development of tourism, it is necessary to analyze the causes, impact modes and results of tourism environmental problems, so as to provide services for the management and decision-making of China's tourism development.

1、 The relationship between tourism environment and tourism

In general, tourism environment refers to various external factors that affect the tourism behavior of tourists, including social environment, natural ecological environment, tourism atmosphere environment and tourism resources, etc. Here only refers to the tourism resources, natural ecology and corresponding tourism atmosphere of the tourist area. In connection with it, tourism environmental problems also refer to the impact and destruction of the above factors due to external effects, which affects the satisfaction of tourists' tourism activities.

The tourist resources in the tourist area are the objects for tourists to watch. For tourists, the various aesthetic features and historical, cultural and scientific values contained in tourism resources are the direct motivators of tourism behavior, and the destruction of resources will directly affect the satisfaction of tourists.

The natural ecological environment of the tourist area is the general term of ecological factors such as landform, air, water, animals and plants in the tourist area. The organic combination of these ecological factors forms the beauty and pleasure of the tourist area environment. From the perspective of human aesthetic psychological needs, the beauty of natural landscape is the foundation. In an environment with dirty air, polluted water and noisy surroundings, tourists are unable to appreciate, appreciate and experience various aesthetic characteristics of specific tourist objects. Especially with the development of production and the progress of science and technology, people's leisure time is gradually increasing. Urban residents' desire to travel, return to nature, and exercise and recuperate their bodies and minds by virtue of the cleanness of the natural environment is growing. From this point of view, the natural ecological environment of the tourist area is also a kind of tourism resources in a sense.

Tourism atmosphere environment refers to the unique local characteristics, history, ethnic customs and the corresponding external atmosphere of the tourist area. The beauty of tourism environment is the double beauty of image and artistic conception, and the stimulation of each specific tourist object to tourists' tourism behavior, to a large extent, is the special historical, local, national characteristics it reflects or a special mood of a foreign country or place.

Therefore, the impact of the environmental conditions of tourist areas on tourists' tourism effect cannot be ignored. The satisfaction of tourists' tourism is closely related to the environmental conditions of tourist areas, which directly affects the sustainable development of tourism. We must fully understand the necessity and importance of protecting the environment of tourist areas.

2、 Major environmental problems faced by China's tourism industry at present

The main environmental problems faced by China's tourism industry are:

1. Quite a number of hot tourist areas are seriously polluted. It is mainly manifested in water pollution, air quality decline, local ecological environment damage, and tourism resources damage;

2. The environmental sanitation of the tourist area is poor, and the garbage in the area is thrown and piled up at will, and sewage and dirt can be seen everywhere;

3. Some hot tourist areas receive tourists in a super scale. The tourist areas are overcrowded and crowded, and the tourist atmosphere is lost;

4. Tourism development and construction projects are not in harmony with the overall environment of the tourist area.

3、 Causes of Tourism Environmental Problems

There are many reasons for environmental damage and degradation of environmental quality in tourist areas. To sum up, there are the following:

1. Improper human economic behavior has damaged the tourism environment

The impact and destruction of human economic activities on the environment of tourist areas can be divided into three aspects: (1) In the process of economic development, the waste discharged from industrial production and the noise generated have polluted the natural environment of tourist areas and disturbed the tranquility of tourist areas. Results On the one hand, the tourist area has lost its fresh air, transparent water and quiet atmosphere; On the other hand, tourists' interest in sightseeing is reduced due to environmental pollution. (2) Unreasonable resource utilization and agricultural production mode destroy the natural ecological balance of the tourist area, and the tourist resources are directly affected, such as water and soil loss caused by deforestation, overexploitation of groundwater, mountain blasting and other activities, water level decline of tourist water, and destruction of beautiful mountains and scenery. (3) In the economic structure, productivity distribution and urban development planning, the existence of tourism resources is ignored, which makes the regional economic structure type, productivity distribution mode and urban development direction incompatible with the requirements of normal and sustainable development of tourism on environmental conditions. For example, large cement plants will be built in Yunnan Shilin Tourist Area, and ash kilns and coal kilns will be built in Beijing Zhoukoudian Ape Man Site.

2. Impact of tourism activities on the environment of tourist areas

The impact of tourism activities on the environment of tourist areas mainly lies in the pollution of garbage generated in the process of tourism on the environment of scenic spots and the impact of tourism activities on the natural ecological balance of scenic spots and tourism artistic conception. Due to the imperfect facilities in the tourist area and the low quality of tourists, with the expansion of the scale of tourism activities, the amount of garbage abandoned in scenic spots is increasing. A large amount of garbage in the tourist area is dumped and piled up at random, which destroys the natural landscape, pollutes the scenic water and makes the water in the tourist area eutrophic. Water bodies in many tourist areas in China have been polluted to varying degrees, and the transparency, chroma, smell and other indicators of a considerable part of tourist water bodies have exceeded the national standards for tourist water bodies. Floating matter, suspended matter, and oil pollutants have affected tourists' senses, reducing their tourism interest.

The super scale reception exceeding the capacity of the scenic spots has destroyed the balance of the natural ecosystem in the tourist area. The habitat system that constitutes the natural landscape has a certain carrying capacity for tourism activities, which is determined by the structure of the ecosystem. Tourism activities that exceed its carrying capacity will change the structure of the ecosystem in the tourism area, and the tourism function of the tourism area will be lost. It is mainly manifested in that a large number of tourists have compacted the land in the tourist area, making the soil harden and trees die; A large number of tourists climb the mountain and step on it, destroying the stable deciduous layer and humus layer formed under natural conditions for a long time, causing water and soil loss, tree roots, and mountain grass lodging, thus harming the ecosystem of the tourist area

The problems inherent in improper tourism activities are serious. Ignoring this impact, focusing only on short-term benefits, blindly expanding the scale, and receiving tourists without restrictions will cause serious damage to the sustainable development of tourism in the future.

3. Tourism development and construction destroy the environment of tourist areas

In the process of development and utilization of tourism resources, the construction of relevant facilities is not coordinated with the tourism area as a whole, resulting in the destruction of tourism resources, the ecological environment of the tourism area, especially the tourism atmosphere environment, which is mainly manifested in the improper restoration of historic sites, the incongruity between new projects and the landscape of the tourism area, and the change or destruction of all the history that should be preserved in the tourism area Culture, national style and atmosphere are beneficial to specific tourism objects. Its tourism value is mainly reflected in its unique history, culture and national style. In the development and utilization of tourism resources, these should undoubtedly be preserved and vigorously protected and fully displayed. Ignoring the overall coordination of tourism areas and their connotation, blind development will only lead to the disharmony of scenic spots, thus losing their tourism value, and reducing the interest of tourists.

The urban construction destroys the tourist atmosphere, which is mainly reflected in the disharmony between the new buildings and the overall buildings of the tourist city. Make the city itself as a tourist object lose its true colors.

4、 Analysis on Countermeasures of Tourism Environmental Protection

In order to ensure the sustainable development of tourism and give full play to the economic and social benefits of tourism, the author proposes the following measures for the environmental problems existing in tourism:

1. Strengthen scientific research on tourism environmental protection and publicity and education on tourism environmental protection knowledge.

For a long time, the research of environmental science has only started from the needs of human health, and rarely from the needs of human spirit and psychology. This is another important aspect of the relationship between human beings and the environment, and has been fully reflected in human tourism activities.

This paper studies the relationship between tourism environment and tourism from the aspects of the dependence of tourism on tourism environment, the carrying capacity of tourism area environment to tourism activities, and the damage of tourism development to tourism environment; Study the methods of tourism environmental protection from the aspects of determining the quality standards of landscape aesthetics, natural ecological quality, environmental quality standards that meet special tourism activities, and environmental quality evaluation methods of tourism areas; Study the engineering methods of tourism environmental protection from the perspective of aesthetics and psychology; It is also necessary to conduct research on tourism environmental protection policies to lay the foundation for correct decision-making.

Strengthen the publicity of tourism environmental protection knowledge, improve people's awareness of tourism environmental protection, and publicize tourism environmental protection knowledge to all tourists, tourism practitioners and residents near the district.

2 Pay for the environmental impact assessment of tourism development.

Inappropriate tourism development activities can not make up for the damage to the environment of the tourist area, from the perspective of protection. Before conservation and development, carry out environmental impact assessment, analysis, identification of possible impacts of development activities during construction and operation, and propose corresponding mitigation measures to minimize possible impacts on tourism environment. The environmental impact assessment of tourism development includes: analysis of the environmental carrying capacity of tourism areas, analysis of tourism scale, identification of the impact of development activities on the environment, analysis of the impact of tourism process on the environment, etc.

3. In the development and construction of tourist areas, tourism environment planning should be done well.

The main reason for the emergence of tourism environmental problems and the decline of environmental quality in tourist areas is the improper economic activities of human beings. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate scientific, rigorous and predictable tourism environmental planning. It is used to organize and manage the economy, tourism and other activities that damage the tourism environment, to solve the contradiction between the development of production, expansion of tourism scale and the environmental protection of scenic spots, to make them coordinated, to ensure the sustainable and stable development of economic development and tourism activities, and to prevent the destruction of the tourism environment.

The environmental planning of a tourist area is a comprehensive planning for the economic development, tourism development and environmental protection of the tourist area. This planning is from the perspective of maintaining the environmental aesthetic quality of the tourist area and making rational use of tourism resources, applying the principles and methods of system engineering, following the laws of economic development and environmental aesthetics of the tourist area The scale and layout shall be planned as a whole, so as to develop the economy and expand tourism without damaging the environment of the tourist area.

4. Use economic and other means to control the tourism scale of hot tourist factories.

Take measures such as raising ticket prices in hot tourist areas, designating special tourist attractions and controlling the number of tourists; Adjust the tourism scale of the tourist area to ensure certain economic benefits while protecting the environment of the tourist area.

Chapter 9: Model Essay on the Subject of Tourism Economic Activities

Tourism is a sunrise industry in China, and tourism economy accounts for one tenth of gross domestic product (GDP) in China's tourism economy. Tourism economy is based on tourism and commodity economy. It is a kind of social economic activity generated under certain economic conditions and the sum of various economic relations in tourism activities. With China's entry into the WTO, the economic environment of the international and domestic economy has undergone tremendous changes. Influenced by many factors, China's tourism economy is still not sound, and there are many problems, which have seriously hindered the better development of China's tourism economy.

1、 Relevant theoretical basis of tourism economy

(1) The connotation of tourism economy. Tourism economy refers to the association between tourism behavior and economic behavior through a series of tourism activities based on modern science and technology, which is reflected in the whole process of tourism activities, between tourists and tourism operators, The sum of various economic benefits shown by the economic behavior in accordance with various interests. Tourism economy includes the relevant clothing, food, housing, transportation and entertainment consumption of tourists in the tourism process. Tourism economy is an economic subsystem that includes tourist consumption, tourism enterprise management, tourism market and macro tourism economic operation activities. It is an important part of China's national economic system. (2) The important role of tourism economy. First of all, the tourism economy can alleviate the employment problem that widely exists in China at present. Tourism economy includes all aspects of tourists' food, accommodation, transportation, travel and purchase in tourism activities, and it spreads across various related industries, which can directly or indirectly provide a large number of employment opportunities. Secondly, it can adjust the overall economic structure of our country and drive the continuous development of related industries. Thirdly, it can promote the development of local economy. It can increase taxes, expand the tax sources of the local government in the tourist area, promote the construction of the local municipal, transportation, water supply, power supply, communication and other infrastructure in the tourist area, and help improve the living standards of the local residents in the tourist area. Finally, it can better display the local cultural, social and investment environment, expand the influence and attraction at home and abroad, and improve the opening level of tourist areas.

2、 Problems in China's tourism economy

(1) The overall level of service quality in China's tourism industry is not high. The essence of the competition of tourism economy is the competition of the quality of tourism products and services. With the constant intensification of tourism competition at home and abroad, the quality of tourism products determines the vitality of tourism products. According to relevant surveys, most tourism enterprises in China still have many problems of low service quality. In particular, the small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in China do not realize the importance of tourism service quality and are indifferent to the construction of tourism service quality, which leads to the low overall level of tourism service quality in China. This is mainly due to the rapid development of China's economy, the continuous improvement of people's living standards, and the strengthening of people's desire for tourism, which makes the tourism industry in short supply. Especially on statutory holidays, all tourist attractions, especially scenic spots, are overcrowded, making tourism enterprises pay no attention to the construction of tourism service quality and only pay attention to the current interests; Secondly, China's tourism economy lacks professionals. At present, China's tourism enterprises are short of talents and the human resource management system is not standardized. The personnel of travel enterprises have low educational background, most of whom are graduates of technical secondary schools or higher vocational schools. The lack of practitioners with bachelor's degree or above leads to the low level of tourism management. In addition, as a window industry to the outside world, China's tourism service level is not high, the tourist visa procedures are very cumbersome, the foreign language level of tour guides is poor, the service quality is low, the hotel service does not meet international standards, and a large part of foreign tourists are lost, which makes China's tourism industry unable to establish an international brand image and participate in the competition in the international market. These factors have brought adverse effects on the development of China's tourism economy. (2) China's tourism economic development lacks safeguard measures. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, there are problems in the tourism administration system. Although the reform has been carried out, the reform is not in place. The management in the tourism industry lacks comprehensiveness and serviceability, which leads to the poor management effect of China's tourism economy and management dislocation. Secondly, the overall informatization level of tourism economy is low. So far, China's tourism industry has not really formed tourism e-commerce, leading to the failure of timely and effective release of tourism information. Thirdly, the public security system of tourism in China is not perfect. Due to the lack of awareness of tourism marketing, China's investment in tourism public security is small, which makes the total supply of tourism infrastructure public facilities insufficient and can not meet the needs of tourists. Finally, the tourism related laws and regulations are not perfect, resulting in an unfair environment for the development of the tourism economy, and the tourism economy cannot be developed under the premise of a sound operating mechanism. (3) Tourism economic industry lacks promotion mechanism. Although the development of China's tourism economy has been highly valued by the government and society, China still lacks the corresponding promotion mechanism, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, the main body of the tourism market is not clear. The excessive administrative intervention of the government has led to such problems as the single product, extensive development mode and insufficient core competitiveness of the tourism economic industry. Secondly, the coordination of tourism regions is poor, and government supervision and management are not in place. Due to the lack of regional coordination, the phenomenon of forced buying and forced selling often occurs when celebrities compete for their hometown. Finally, the organizational structure of China's tourism industry is unreasonable and lacks a competitive mechanism. At present, China's tourism industry is protected by the state, with no distinction between government and enterprise, and the lack of introduction and incentive mechanism, which restricts the self-development of tourism enterprises and cannot fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects. 3、 Analysis of countermeasures for the development of China's tourism economy (1) Improve the overall level of service quality of China's tourism industry. To develop China's tourism economy, we must constantly improve the service quality of China's tourism industry, and China's tourism industry must fully understand

The quality of tourism service is the main way to continuously improve the tourism economy. The main methods to improve the service quality of China's tourism industry are as follows: First, we should constantly improve the service quality of tour guides, interpreters and other service personnel, improve the moral and professional level of China's tourism practitioners, and constantly meet the quality needs of domestic and foreign tourism services; Secondly, cultivate tourism professionals and improve the quality and level of tourism services. We should attach importance to the management of human resources within tourism enterprises, increase investment in training tourism talents, conduct regular scientific training for tourism personnel, encourage tourism research, and establish relevant incentive mechanisms; Thirdly, it is necessary to constantly improve the construction level of hardware facilities in the tourism industry. It is necessary to match the quality and price of services for domestic and foreign tourists, operate in good faith, and constantly improve the hardware level to meet the needs of domestic and foreign tourists' hardware facilities; In addition, relevant service quality supervision systems should be established, and relevant departments should regularly release tourists' satisfaction and complaint information, so as to find and solve problems affecting the development of tourism economy in a timely manner; Finally, improve the tourism management system, establish and improve the quality assurance system of China's tourism services, and constantly improve the overall competitiveness of China's tourism economy. (2) Improve the safeguard measures for the development of tourism economy. Good safeguard measures are inevitable for the development of tourism economy and can achieve good promotion effects. First, reform the current tourism management system. Change the current industry management into comprehensive management, change the existing supervision and management system, establish the concept of service management, and improve the service level of China's tourism management. Secondly, improve the tourism public security system. Increase investment in tourism infrastructure construction, improve various supporting basic tourism facilities, make tourists travel more quickly and conveniently, meet the needs of tourists, and improve tourists' satisfaction; Thirdly, we should improve tourism laws and regulations. Promptly introduce and timely revise tourism related laws and regulations, standardize the basic order of the tourism market, and create a good legal environment for the development of China's tourism economy. (3) Improve the promotion mechanism of tourism economy. To develop China's tourism economy, we must establish an efficient operating mechanism to promote the development of tourism economy. First, cultivate tourism enterprises and turn them into market players. In the process of developing the tourism economy, the government should reduce excessive administrative intervention, encourage tourism enterprises to become market players, and mobilize the enthusiasm of tourism enterprises to develop tourism. Secondly, strengthen the supervision of the government. In the process of the development of tourism economy, it is necessary to coordinate the development of tourism economy in various regions, standardize the tourism industry, and establish a normal market order of tourism economy; Finally, establish a market competition mechanism and strengthen macro management. It is necessary to constantly strengthen macro management, transform the tourism management mechanism, separate government from enterprises, push tourism enterprises into the market, make tourism enterprises become independent operators who are responsible for their own profits and losses, constantly improve the international competitiveness of tourism, and improve the service quality of tourism enterprises.

With China's entry into WTO, the continuous promotion of world economic globalization and the improvement of the popularity of domestic tourist cities, tourism has become one of the pillar industries of the national economy. The development of China's tourism economy is also facing enormous challenges and competitive pressures, and there are also many problems. On the basis of theoretical research and practical exploration, this paper discusses the current situation in the development of China's tourism economy and puts forward corresponding strategies. As long as China's tourism industry is fully aware of its own problems and actively improves, China's tourism economy will enter a new era.


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