Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

Selected Basic Knowledge of Mechatronics (9)

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 Basic knowledge of electromechanical integration

Part 1: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

Key words: higher vocational education; Automatic control and electrical; Professional group; Curriculum system; vocational ability

CLC No. G712 Document ID Code A Article No. 1008-3219 (2015) 29-0027-03

About the author

Chen Xiaorong (1969 -), female, associate dean and associate professor of Automation Engineering College of Beijing Electronic Technology Vocational College (Beijing, 100176); Huang Dunhua (1978 -), male, director of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, School of Automation Engineering, Beijing Electronic Technology Vocational College, associate professor; Zhang Wentao, Liu Zenghui, Beijing Electronic Technology Vocational College

Fund projects

General Project of Science and Technology Plan of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (PXM2014_01 4306_000083), hosted by Huang Dunhua

The specialty group is a specialty collection composed of one or more key construction majors with strong school running strength and high employment rate as the core specialty, and several related majors with the same engineering objects, similar technical fields or similar professional discipline foundations [1]. The "Automatic Control and Electrical Specialty Group" of Beijing Electronic Technology Vocational College is composed of Mechatronics Technology, electrical automation technology, industrial network technology, urban rail transit control, building intelligent engineering technology, heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineering technology major Composition. The electromechanical integration technology specialty is a national key construction specialty and a Beijing vocational education grading system reform specialty. It is positioned as the core specialty of the specialty group according to its status and role in the specialty group, leading and radiating other specialties [2]; Electrical automation technology and industrial network technology play a supporting role in the professional group and are positioned as the backbone specialty; The other three majors have distinctive industry characteristics and are positioned as characteristic majors.

1、 Thoughts on Course System Construction of Automatic Control and Electrical Specialty Group

Investigate the talent demand of regional industry enterprises, analyze and study the growth law of professional graduates, follow the cognitive law, build a "1-4-1" curriculum system [3] based on the goal of professional ability, "general knowledge penetration, platform progression, module parallel, skill innovation", and achieve the whole process of training professional quality, theoretical knowledge, practical ability and innovation ability. "1" is a "general education course" that highlights the application of knowledge, and runs through the cultivation of cultural knowledge literacy; "4" is a professional course in four aspects, namely "general technology platform course", "professional technology platform course", "professional technology course" and "professional direction course", highlighting the application of theory and technology, to achieve iterative and progressive technical skills training; "1" is a practical teaching link of "professional practice and innovation" that highlights technology application and innovation.

2、 Curriculum system construction scheme of automation and electrical specialty group

(1) A general education course for the cultivation of scientific and humanistic literacy

General education courses include public basic courses and public elective courses. Through general education courses, students can form a broader knowledge structure and improve their cultural literacy. The public basic courses are composed of the ideological and political theory courses, college English, applied mathematics, college Chinese, information technology foundation, sports and other courses required by the Ministry of Education for junior college students Basic knowledge And basic ability. Public elective courses are guided by quality education, with the goal of cultivating personality, inheriting culture, and improving humanistic spirit and cultural quality. More than 50 courses are offered, and each student chooses 5 courses according to their individual needs.

(2) Specialized courses of "platform+technology+direction module"

1. Sharing and co building professional group platform courses

The platform courses of specialty groups are generally courses composed of basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills between similar specialties or specialties themselves. They are aimed at the cultivation of core professional abilities on the corresponding post groups of this group, with the post structure as the framework, the systematization of work process as the main line, and the work practice as the starting point, and are oriented to the basic knowledge required for production or service Learning and training items determined according to the requirements of ability and quality structure.

"Automatic control and electrical specialty group" is oriented to automation equipment and system operation and maintenance, assembly and commissioning, production, design, management and other post groups, refining the basic theory and basic knowledge of the common requirements of each specialty of the specialty group, and constructing the platform courses of specialty group, including general technology and professional technology platform courses, which are respectively Mechanical Drawing, Mechanical Basis, Electrical Technology Basis Electronic Technology Application, Motor and Electrical Control Technology, Electrical Technology Application, Sensor Detection Technology, Microcontroller Technology Application, PLC Control Technology.

These nine courses require students of different majors in the automation and electrical specialty group to learn, mainly to cultivate students' knowledge and ability in three aspects: mechanical foundation, electrical foundation, and control foundation, so as to lay a good foundation for students' subsequent professional technology courses and professional orientation courses, as well as students' employment or further education.

2. Core technology and employment oriented professional technology courses and directional module courses

The six majors in the specialty group have constructed different professional technology and professional direction courses according to their respective employment fields. The main courses of each major are shown in Figure 1. These courses are work oriented, select appropriate teaching carriers, and mostly adopt the integrated teaching mode of teaching, training, doing and evaluation, task driven teaching methods, and complete learning in professional training rooms.

(3) Practice and innovation links of professional groups highlighting skills

Practical teaching plays an important role in the teaching of higher vocational colleges. The automatic control and electrical specialty group constructs a practice curriculum system of progressive cultivation of professional basic ability, professional special ability, professional comprehensive ability and innovative ability of specialty group according to the post ability standard of specialty group, as shown in Figure 2.

Basic practical training, such as fitter, low-voltage electrician operation and maintenance, electronic product assembly and adjustment, professional quality practice and post recognition practice week, has been set up for all majors in the automation and electrical specialty group to cultivate the professional basic ability of students in the specialty group.

Different comprehensive training and productive training weeks have been designed for each specialty within the specialty group to cultivate students' professional skills from simple to complex, from single to comprehensive, and from simple to deep, as shown in Figure 3.

The specialty group has set up post placement practice and graduation design in combination with the employment position to comprehensively check and summarize students' learning, cultivate students' comprehensive professional ability, and make full preparations for entering the professional position.

Professional innovation ability practice projects of professional groups include professional social practice, professional skills competition, scientific research projects of teachers involved, professional qualification certificates, participation in or opening lectures, etc. The content of the same practice project of each specialty in the specialty group is different, for example, the social practice of the specialty arranges students to write research reports on related industries and enterprises, and different specialties need to research different industries and enterprises; The major of electrical automation technology can participate in the competition of photovoltaic power generation system installation and debugging, SCM application and other projects. The electromechanical integration technology specialty can participate in the competitions of robot application, automatic production line assembly and adjustment, and the building intelligent engineering technology specialty can participate in the competitions of intelligent elevator assembly and adjustment, building intelligent system assembly and adjustment; In addition, if there are other subjects that can cultivate students' innovation ability, they can also obtain credits for professional innovation after being recognized.

3、 Conclusion

The "1-4-1" curriculum system based on the professional ability goal of the automatic control and electrical specialty group is based on the needs of enterprises. It is designed according to the needs of industry enterprises and the talent market for technical talents. General education courses comprehensively cultivate the basic quality of students, and professional platform courses cultivate the basic theory and basic skills of students' specialty groups, The professional technology courses focus on cultivating core technical skills. The orientation module courses consider the personality development of students. The practical courses highlight the application of skills and innovative thinking, and ultimately cultivate high-end technical talents with sustainable development ability in the field of automation and electrical specialty. Of course, the construction of specialty groups is a long-term process, and both the understanding of its connotation and the practice of construction need to be further explored and improved.


[1] Yuan Hongzhi. Analysis on the Construction of Specialty Groups in Higher Vocational Colleges [J]. China Higher Education Research, 2007 (4): 52-54

[2] Liu Jun. Analysis on the Construction of Modular Curriculum System of Electromechanical Specialty Group in Higher Vocational Education [J]. Career Space, 2013 (11): 21-23

[3] Xiao Ying, Li Hongzhao. Research on talent training system of electrical automation technology [J]. China Electric Power Education, 2014 (33): 48-49

On the Construction of “1-4-1” Curriculum System Based on the Target of Vocational Abilities for Automatic Control and Electrical Specialties of Higher Vocational Education

Chen Xiaorong,Huang Dunhua,Zhang Wentao,Liu Zenghui

Abstract Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science constructed the “1-4-1” curriculum system based on the target of vocational abilities for automatic control and electrical specialties. Among the curriculum system, the comprehensive literacy of students will be cultivated through general courses, students’ technical skills will be built up through specialized courses of “platform + technology + direction”, and their practical skills and innovative abilities will be built up through professional practices and innovation link.

Part 2: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

Analysis for Reformation of“Basic of Computer Culture” in Universities of Water Conservancy and Hydropower

LI jun1 LIU Mingtang1 YU Guijun2 ZHANG Weijian1

(Department of Information Engineering, North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power,Zhengzhou Henan,450045,China;Henan Admissions Office,Zhengzhou Henan,450011,China)

Abstract:"Basic of Computer Culture"as one of the basic course in Universities of water conservancy and hydropower, is a introductory course water for conservancy and hydropower professional students to learn and master the computer knowledge.This paper firstly analysis and investigates the characteristics of“Basic of Computer Culture“of water conservancy and hydropower,then proposes the guiding ideology of“individualized, focusing on experiments, combined with programs to develop quality,”,according to the computer-based teaching culture of teaching object,and discusses new teaching mode and teaching reform ideas from the teaching objectives,hierarchical aspects of teaching, information literacy,exam mode, and so on.

Key words:Water Resources and Hydropower Basic of Computer Culture Guiding ideology Teaching Reform

As computer technology plays an increasingly important role in water conservancy and hydropower majors, basic computer knowledge and technology are increasingly important in the quality training of students majoring in water conservancy and hydropower. As one of the public basic courses in water conservancy and hydropower universities, Computer Culture Foundation has become an introductory course for students majoring in water conservancy and hydropower to learn and master computer knowledge. Therefore, Computer Culture Foundation plays a very important role in water conservancy and hydropower professional education. The Foundation of Computer Culture has a history of more than 30 years in the education of water conservancy and hydropower universities.

The teaching purpose of Computer Culture Foundation for water conservancy and hydropower is to enable students of water conservancy and hydropower to systematically understand the basic knowledge of computers and master the common operation of water conservancy and hydropower design software, so as to improve the computer culture quality of students of water conservancy and hydropower, and lay a good foundation for future water conservancy and hydropower construction. However, the current teaching effect of the course "Computer Culture Foundation" is not ideal. A considerable number of students have poor practical computer application ability after completing the course, and some have hindered the further development of a considerable number of students for water conservancy and hydropower. Moreover, the characteristics of the course of Computer Culture Foundation in water conservancy and hydropower are also different from those of the course of Computer Culture Foundation in general colleges and universities. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out teaching reform on the course of Computer Culture Foundation for water conservancy and hydropower.

1. Characteristics of Water Resources and Hydropower "Computer Culture Foundation" Course

Compared with the courses of other disciplines, the courses of Fundamentals of Computer Culture in water conservancy and hydropower have prominent characteristics, that is, they have the characteristics of water conservancy and hydropower industry, and are practical and professional. The characteristics of water conservancy and hydropower means that it is intended to cultivate students' background knowledge of water conservancy and hydropower, guide students to use it in the design of water conservancy and hydropower majors, and lay a good computer cultural foundation for the study of other courses of water conservancy and hydropower; The so-called practicality means that the course of Fundamentals of Computer Culture emphasizes the practicality of knowledge. In the teaching process, students should be allowed to operate computers by themselves as much as possible. In practice, students should be trained to use computers to solve practical problems. Specialization means that the content of the course "Fundamentals of Computer Culture" should not only span multiple disciplines, but also be combined with other courses of water conservancy and hydropower. Therefore, more rational knowledge of water conservancy and hydropower is imparted. In addition, the Water Resources and Hydropower "Computer Culture Foundation" course is a very interesting subject. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers should pay attention to excavating and embodying the interest that the basic computer culture course can be applied to the water conservancy and hydropower specialty, and attach importance to stimulating and cultivating students' interest and curiosity in learning the course.

2. Current situation and existing problems of the teaching of Computer Culture Foundation in water conservancy and hydropower

2.1 No consideration of teaching objects and no professional characteristics

At present, the computer technology related courses offered by various schools in China do not consider different teaching objects, and the knowledge and technology taught are unified. However, there are obvious regional and professional differences in the teaching of water conservancy and hydropower, which makes the students of water conservancy and hydropower universities have some differences in computer common sense and basic skills at the beginning of their enrollment. Some have a good foundation, while others have a poor foundation. Such a complex group of water conservancy and hydropower students makes the teaching of water conservancy and hydropower more difficult.

2.2 Obsolete content and weak sense of the times

At present, the technology of water conservancy and hydropower is changing with each passing day, but the updating speed of the curriculum content of Computer Culture Foundation is relatively slow. On the one hand, the computer technology is constantly accelerating the transformation, on the other hand, the curriculum system and teaching content are relatively stable. The renewal cycle of the syllabus and textbooks of Computer Culture Foundation always lags behind the development of technology, which leads to many new technologies and knowledge of computers can not appear in textbooks soon. For example, the operating system is still talking about Windows XP, which is no longer provided with technical support and security by Microsoft. The operating system installed on students' own computers actually follows the current popular systems, such as Windows 7, even Windows 8, and so on. If such content is used for teaching, the sense of the times is not strong and there is no introduction of new technology, which will inevitably lead students to mistakenly believe that the courses they have learned do not have a sense of the times, are not practical and applied, and are not interested in the course, thus leading to poor teaching results.

2.3 Single way and low efficiency

With the rapid development and increasingly extensive application of water conservancy and hydropower science and technology, the teaching of basic computer culture in water conservancy and hydropower is faced with the contradiction between rich curriculum content and limited class hours. At present, although the theoretical teaching of Computer Culture Foundation course in water conservancy and hydropower universities is all conducted in multimedia classrooms, the current multimedia teaching is still in the primary stage of demonstration. Most of the time, it is still passive listening and watching. Like traditional teaching methods, students cannot actively participate in and practice, It is far from meeting the requirements of students majoring in water conservancy and hydropower, cannot realize personalized and professional teaching, and cannot teach students in accordance with their aptitude, which leads to poor teaching effect and can not improve students' learning enthusiasm.

3 Teaching reform measures of computer culture foundation course

3.1 Highlight education of water conservancy and hydropower characteristics

First of all, students will be tested for basic computer knowledge after they enter the university, and students will be divided into two categories: the first category is to master some basic computer knowledge, and the second category is to have only a small amount of basic computer knowledge. Students of the same category should be assigned to the same teaching class. In teaching, different learning objectives and teaching contents are set for different types of students. The knowledge level of the first kind of students should be improved through teaching. At the same time, they should join the teaching of professional software of water conservancy and hydropower to carry out simple software programming and design. The second type is to first improve the basic computer knowledge and skills, and then strengthen the experiment and operation ability in the process of computer experiment, so that students can make breakthroughs every time they use computers.

3.2 Introduction of basic knowledge of water conservancy and hydropower and operation practice of professional software

The basic knowledge and basic skills of water conservancy and hydropower specialty should be introduced into the basic computer culture course in time, and the practical operation of water conservancy and hydropower specialty software should be introduced in time. The selection of appropriate teaching content of water conservancy and hydropower professional knowledge can promote the sustainable development of the teaching of Computer Culture Foundation of water conservancy and hydropower professional knowledge and ensure the successful completion of teaching tasks. At the same time, in the basic computer teaching, we should increase the proportion of cultural basic experiment class hours, let students practice operating professional software of water conservancy and hydropower, and lay a good foundation for future professional learning. More importantly, water conservancy and hydropower universities can also move the teaching of Computer Culture Foundation to the computer laboratory, so that students can listen and operate at the same time, which will achieve good teaching results.

3.3 Project driven teaching is adopted to encourage students to participate in scientific research practice

In the teaching process of Computer Culture Fundamentals, the case teaching method is used to attract students' learning interest through the actual relevant water conservancy and hydropower design based on the scientific research projects that our teachers actually participate in and preside over, so that students can know the usefulness of the knowledge they have learned in real life, encourage students to participate in scientific research practice, and improve their practical ability. When students can participate in projects and scientific research practices related to real life, they naturally have an interest in learning and can have a deeper understanding of the corresponding computer operations. At the same time, it also strengthened the case teaching method of scientific research projects, focused on the analysis and research of cases, and paid attention to the whole process of scientific research work from the early research, planning, design, debugging and analysis of experimental results. The case teaching mode of water conservancy and hydropower research projects closely combines theoretical knowledge with scientific practice, which makes students change from passive learning to active learning, fully arouses students' enthusiasm for learning, improves teaching quality, and also makes preparations for students' actual participation in scientific research projects in the future.

3.4 Participate in the water conservancy and hydropower innovation design competition and strengthen the education of water conservancy and hydropower characteristics

In teaching, students should be trained to use correct learning and exploration methods to set special topics according to knowledge content, encourage students to participate in more water conservancy and hydropower innovation design contests, and participate in the national college students' extracurricular science and technology works competition; Through a variety of competitions and extracurricular activities, practice and learning, the practical ability and practical ability of water conservancy and hydropower students have been trained. The thinking and wisdom of teachers and students can be shared by the whole group, and the whole learning group completes the construction of knowledge together. At the same time, it also improves the enthusiasm for learning, thus promoting the teaching of Computer Culture Foundation in water conservancy and hydropower, and improving the computer application and practice level in water conservancy and hydropower universities.

3.5 Reform the assessment method

The examination method of the course "Computer Culture Basis" in water conservancy and hydropower universities should be the combination of computer examination and paper examination of basic knowledge. The way of computer assessment is the general trend of the reform of the teaching assessment method of Computer Culture Foundation in water conservancy and hydropower universities, and it should also be combined with the traditional basic knowledge assessment. Computer based examination can have a database of basic examination questions of computer culture on the computer. During the examination, the system automatically generates test papers, and students can operate on the computer. Finally, the system can automatically judge papers, which is more professional and intelligent, and reduces the randomness and unscientific nature of manual operation.

Part 3: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

This paper mainly discusses the comprehensive reform of the basic courses of the numerical control technology application specialty in secondary vocational schools. According to the problems existing in the original basic course system of the numerical control technology application specialty, this paper discusses the necessity of comprehensive reform, and discusses the specific practices and precautions of the comprehensive reform.   

1 Analysis of the original curriculum system

1.1 Adopt the organizational model of subject based courses, with detailed division and large number of disciplines

The content of the original basic courses of NC technology application specialty is basically the same as that of the mechanical processing specialty. The traditional organization mode of single subject curriculum is followed, emphasizing the relative independence between different disciplines and the integrity of the logical system of a discipline. Professional basic courses include 11 courses, including: electrician foundation, electronic technology, engineering mechanics, mechanical drawing, mechanical design foundation, mechanical manufacturing foundation, metal technology, computer drawing, mapping, microcomputer principle application, mechanical processing technology, etc. ①  

1.2 Theory and practice are taught separately, and students have less time to operate

The theory and practice in the original professional basic course system are set up separately. Generally, the corresponding practice teaching is carried out after the theory teaching is completed. Due to the limited number of practice teaching weeks, the practice class hours are usually less than the theoretical class hours.  

1.3 The course connection is not enough and the schedule is too concentrated

These 11 professional basic courses form a system with strong independence and parallel relationship. Therefore, in the teaching arrangement, the cohesion of each course cannot be reflected. In terms of time arrangement, professional basic courses are mainly offered in the second and third semesters, without supporting implementation with backbone courses.  

2 Necessity of comprehensive reform

2.1 Comprehensive reform is to better adapt to the learning characteristics of secondary vocational school students

The cognitive characteristics of most students in secondary vocational schools are that thinking in images is better than logical thinking, practical learning is better than theoretical learning, and practical ability is better than brain ability. A small number of students have unclear life goals, lack of self-confidence, low interest in learning, and poor learning habits. If we continue to use the organizational model of subject based courses in the teaching of professional courses, and adopt the traditional methods of independent theoretical and practical teaching, it is difficult to produce good teaching results if there are too many theoretical knowledge points, too deep, and too complex, and it is difficult to achieve the goal of vocational education and teaching of "service oriented, career oriented, and ability oriented".  

2.2 Comprehensive reform is to better serve professional backbone courses

Professional basic courses should be "necessary and sufficient". The purpose of teaching is to serve students better in learning professional backbone courses. If too many professional basic courses are offered and too many class hours are occupied, it will inevitably affect the number of courses and total class hours of backbone courses, which is not conducive to in-depth learning of professional knowledge and mastering professional operating skills, and cannot really highlight professional skills training.  

2.3 Comprehensive reform is to better teach students in accordance with their aptitude

The original professional basic courses are generally assessed by means of theoretical examination, which is simple and easy to form exam oriented education without taking full account of the practicality of the courses. Secondary vocational education should be open to all students. On the one hand, each student must be able to develop on the original basis, and on the other hand, different students should be given different space for development. This requires that teachers should be able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and adopt flexible and diverse assessment methods to enable students at different levels to gain.  

To sum up, there are many deficiencies in the original basic courses of NC technology application specialty, which determines the necessity of comprehensive reform.  

3 Specific methods

3.1 Select teaching content and integrate basic courses

Firstly, the content knowledge points of each basic course are sorted out, the knowledge points irrelevant to NC specialty are eliminated, and the knowledge points with deeper theory are simplified. Then, the course subjects are re divided, the relevant knowledge points are integrated, and the pertinence of serving the main courses and practical training is highlighted. For example, in the comprehensive reform, the original two courses of "Electrical Basis" and "Electronic Technology" were integrated into one course of "Electrical and Electronics", and the course content was designed according to the identification standards of junior electricians, removing some of the contents of electronic technology that are more theoretical and professional; The content of theoretical calculation in the original Engineering Mechanics is too much, which is too difficult for most secondary vocational school students, and is not used much in later learning. Therefore, the knowledge points of basic concepts in this course will be incorporated into the Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, so that the Fundamentals of Mechanical Design mainly includes engineering mechanics, mechanical principles, mechanical parts, etc., without complex calculation requirements. Through curriculum integration, the number of basic courses has been reduced, and the content has become more concise and targeted. At the same time, the class hours of basic courses have been compressed, providing conditions for increasing practice class hours and opening more backbone courses.  

3.2 Pay attention to course connection and optimize teaching plan

On the basis of curriculum integration, we should clarify the relationship between various courses and strengthen the connection between courses in teaching arrangements. For example, pay attention to the connection relationship in the arrangement of the three courses Mechanical Drawing, Computer Drawing, and Cartographic Mapping Training, and divide Computer Drawing into two parts: the first part is the operation learning of the basic drawing commands of the computer drawing software, and arrange teaching in parallel with Mechanical Drawing; The second part is the operation learning of computer drawing of part drawings and assembly drawings, which is arranged for a one week training in the later stage of the "Drawing Surveying and Mapping Training".  

3.3 Highlight skill requirements and innovate assessment methods

The reform of teaching methods and means is also one of the key points of the comprehensive reform. Through the introduction of integrated teaching, module task teaching and other methods, students are encouraged to participate in identification and examination, highlighting the training of practical skills. For example, in Computer Graphics, modular project teaching method is adopted for training, with computer operation as the main method, supplemented by theoretical explanation, so that students can cooperate and discuss in each project to complete the task by themselves, avoiding the situation that students follow the example of others and forget after learning in Computer Graphics. Organize students to participate in skill appraisal in several courses, such as Electrical and Electronics, Computer Graphics, and as one of the assessment methods, so that students have a chance to participate in skill appraisal every semester, which can better meet the needs of future posts.  

3.4 Basic curriculum system after reform

(1) Electrical and Electronic Technology: Simplify some contents of electronic technology according to the requirements of the identification standards of primary electricians. (2) Mechanical Drawing: It is combined with Computer Drawing to reduce the difficulty appropriately based on the ability of students to read drawings. (3) Computer Graphics: Self compiled teaching materials, modular integrated teaching, comprehensive arrangement of teaching progress with the practice of Mechanical Drawing and Cartographic Surveying and Mapping, and students participate in the examination of draftsmen. (4) Fundamentals of Mechanical Design: It includes some basic concepts in engineering mechanics, basic laws of mechanical movement, commonly used mechanisms and mechanical parts, and does not require relevant theoretical calculations. (5) Fundamentals of Engineering Materials and Machinery Manufacturing: Self compiled teaching materials, including basic knowledge of common materials and metal material heat treatment, basic knowledge of metal cutting, overview of common processing methods, and structural and technological properties of parts. (6) Fundamentals of Equipment Control: The hydraulic transmission and pneumatic transmission technology are connected with each other, which compresses the traditional content. The knowledge and content of programmable controller are appropriately expanded by using the good PLC training facilities in our school.  

4 Summary

The comprehensive reform of the basic courses of NC technology application specialty makes it easier for students to stimulate interest in learning by combining theory and practice of the basic courses of the specialty. At the same time, due to the faster access to major courses, students have a deeper understanding of what to learn and what to do in the future, which makes learning more targeted. However, in the practical operation of the comprehensive reform, we also need to pay attention to the following two aspects: First, we should pay attention to the improvement of supporting textbooks. Due to the comprehensive arrangement of knowledge points for many courses, it is difficult to find corresponding textbooks for some courses. In this regard, we mainly meet the teaching needs by compiling our own textbooks. The quality of these self compiled textbooks will greatly affect the effect of comprehensive reform. The second is to enhance teachers' understanding of the comprehensive reform of professional basic courses. Every teacher should realize that the comprehensive reform is not only the integration of the curriculum content, but also the integration of the entire teaching philosophy, teaching methods and means, so that teachers are required to master the basic knowledge of various professions more comprehensively, and even organize the preparation of textbooks, try to use flexible and diverse teaching methods and means, and improve their teaching level.  


Part 4: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

Key words: World Skills Competition; Electromechanical integration; Professional English; Curriculum construction

1 Introduction to the World Skills Competition

The World Skills Competition is the world's top event held by the World Skills Organization, and is known as the "Olympics of Skills" in the world. Gold, silver and bronze prizes are set for each competition event, and the contestants who have scored more than 500 points will be awarded a certificate of excellent performance. In 2010, China officially joined the World Skills Organization. In the 42nd World Skills Competition in 2013, China sent 26 players to participate in 22 events. Wu Yongchao and Zeng Zhizhi participated in the electromechanical integration project and won the seventh place. In the 43rd World Skills Competition in 2015, our delegation participated in 29 project competitions. Xie Kun and Guo Jiezhao won the silver medal of electromechanical integration project, creating the best performance of electromechanical integration project since China participated in the World Skills Competition. It can be seen from the summary of previous contestants that only individual contestants' English level can independently read the relevant documents of the competition, write reports and communicate with foreign judges. The rest of the contestants need to be assisted by experts and technical translators, but their communication ability needs to be improved. It can be seen that English skill is a training program that Chinese players need to improve urgently. This paper explores the curriculum construction through the analysis of the current situation of the teaching materials, teachers' ability level and the existing teaching mode of the electromechanical integration professional English, aiming to provide new ideas and new perspectives for the English skill training of the electromechanical integration project contestants of the World Championships.

2 Assessment and capability requirements for electromechanical integration project of World Skills Competition

Mechatronics project is a traditional project of the World Skills Competition. The competition mainly includes mechanical installation, sensor debugging and PLC programming. It is required to use pneumatic, mechanical, electronic information technology and other knowledge to complete the installation and commissioning of MPS. Each contestant needs to compete for a total of 22 hours for four days. For the contestants, it is not only better than their superb skills, but also their physical strength, psychology and anti-interference ability of observers from all over the world. Since the contestants must be young players under the age of 22, and the technical documents of the competition use English as the language, it undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulties to the Chinese team. Only when we understand and master the requirements of the competition rules and technical working documents can we use them for our own purposes and apply them to the targeted training of athletes, and then add them to the revision and formulation of these competition rules and technical working documents.

3 Current Teaching Situation of Specialized English Course of Mechatronics

3.1 Specialized English textbooks are not applicable

The electromechanical integration course covers a wide range of professional knowledge of mechanical and electrical control. The existing teaching materials are difficult to meet the suitability of professional knowledge, the content is outdated, and can not keep up with the development of professional knowledge. It mainly introduces the history, development and academic papers of electromechanical related knowledge, and is decoupled from actual teaching and application. Basically lagging behind the actual production, most of the books are popular science articles. The content is monotonous and stale, the difficulty is different, and it is uninteresting. Teachers find it boring, and students are more difficult to be interested.

3.2 Limited level of teaching staff

At present, there is a lack of professional English teachers who are proficient in using English and mechanical and electrical professional knowledge. Either English teachers or electromechanical teachers are responsible for it. These two kinds of teachers have drawbacks in the teaching process. Although English teachers have been trained in English teaching in regular colleges and universities, their advantages lie in their solid foundation and rich teaching experience, but these teachers lack professional theoretical knowledge of mechanical and electrical specialty, the way of preparing lessons and teaching is basically similar to basic English, and the accuracy and professionalism of words are relatively lacking. However, electromechanical professional articles, especially the competition rules and technical working documents in the World Skills Competition, cannot be completely literal or free translated, but also need systematic electromechanical professional knowledge. However, English teachers are not only difficult to explain or translate these knowledge points clearly, but also unable to use terminology to explain relevant English vocabulary, and do not understand the latest development of electromechanical integration, so they cannot expand their professional knowledge in teaching. Although professional teachers master systematic electromechanical professional knowledge and practical operation skills, have strong analysis and understanding of professional vocabulary, and can integrate professional knowledge with English knowledge in a targeted way, their English ability is relatively weak, their pronunciation is not standard, their vocabulary is not enough, and they are less accurate than English teachers in analyzing sentence structure and other grammatical knowledge, They are not good at English teaching methods and cannot achieve the best teaching effect.

3.3 Existing electromechanical integration professional English teaching mode

At present, the classroom teaching of professional English mainly focuses on vocabulary teaching, sentence pattern and grammar teaching, and article understanding, which cannot supplement and expand relevant professional knowledge, and cannot be organically combined with professional training knowledge. In classroom teaching, teachers often first explain the key vocabulary and typical grammar of the text, then elaborate and translate the text content, and finally explain the exercises after class. The traditional teaching mode not only lacks interaction, but also reduces the teaching quality. It not only makes the teaching of electromechanical professional English lack of professional characteristics, but also fails to fully integrate teaching with social practice.

4 Specific Measures and Practice Plan for the Construction of Specialized English Course of Mechatronics

4.1 Target orientation of electromechanical integration professional English course construction

As an international competition, the World Skills Competition not only assesses the skill level of contestants, but also highlights the comprehensive ability of English. All the titles, drawings, models and scoring tables of the World Championships are in English, which requires us to pay attention to the basic quality and language ability of the players when training and improving their professional skills.

4.2 Content construction of electromechanical integration professional English course construction

4.2.1 Develop electromechanical training suitable for technical colleges

English teaching material Specialized English is a course offered for learners' special purposes, and learners' needs are the essence and foundation of Specialized English. The needs of the electromechanical integration players of the World Championships are to be able to read the relevant documents, write reports and communicate with foreign judges independently. The specialized English teaching materials for electromechanical integration in vocational colleges can be taught in modules. From easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, the teaching materials are divided into: (1) basic and electrical installation; (2) Motor and driving technology; (3) Electronic technology; (4) PLC application; (5) Variable frequency speed regulation; (6) Single chip microcomputer; (7) Sensor and detection technology; (8) Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission; (9) Mechanical knowledge; (10) Numerical control technology; (11) Rules and technical documents of the World Skills Competition; (12) Responsibilities of members of the World Skills Competition delegation; (13) Participants' feelings; (14) Past World Skills Competition questions.

4.2.2 Establish a high-level teaching staff

Based on the lack of professional English teachers who are proficient in English and electromechanical professional knowledge, in order to establish a high-level teaching team, the following two suggestions are put forward: (1) The provincial vocational and technical teaching and research office will uniformly arrange systematic electromechanical integration professional English training, which is divided into two categories. One is the training of English professional knowledge for electromechanical teachers, and the other is the training of electromechanical professional knowledge for English teachers. (2) Each school organizes itself to let English teachers participate in professional training teaching. Through practice teaching, they can master the electromechanical professional knowledge first, and then master the corresponding English knowledge.

4.2.3 Teaching Design of Specialized English for Mechatronics Teaching Suggestions for Specialized English

It will be held in the third semester, when students have already learned professional basic courses and initially mastered certain professional basic knowledge. According to the students' ability and level, we adopt hierarchical teaching. In order to create a good teaching environment and improve students' ability to use English, professional English teaching is suggested to be carried out in the corresponding training room. Graded teaching includes basic teaching and professional teaching. In the basic teaching stage, learn the first four modules of the textbook to enable students to have a certain degree of English ability. In the professional teaching stage, select some students with strong professional skills, especially the candidate students, to continue to learn the more professional modules in the textbook, in combination with the students' professional skills training results. Professional teaching is the deepening of basic teaching. Students will learn the latest and most distinctive professional knowledge and skills to prepare for the provincial skills trials, national skills trials, and even the world skills competitions.

4.2.4 Teaching methods and means of electromechanical integration professional English

It is suggested that action oriented and task driven teaching methods should be adopted in the teaching of specialized English for electromechanical integration in vocational colleges. The action oriented teaching method is subdivided into guiding text teaching method, project teaching method, exploratory teaching method, role playing method, case teaching method and group teaching method. Its advantage lies in training students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing in cooperation to achieve classroom learning goals. The task driven teaching method is to transform the traditional teaching idea of imparting knowledge into a multi-dimensional interactive teaching idea of solving problems and completing tasks; Transform the reappearance teaching into inquiry learning, so that students are in a positive learning state. Each student can put forward plans and solve problems according to their own understanding of current problems, using common knowledge and their own unique experience. In actual teaching, it is suggested that students should be grouped and assigned tasks. The learning group should complete the tasks within the specified time through group discussion and inquiry in the form of mutual learning.

4.3 Effect evaluation and assessment scheme of electromechanical integration professional English course

The effectiveness evaluation of the specialized English course of mechatronics should be based on the objectives and requirements of the curriculum standards, and the effective monitoring of the whole teaching process and results should be implemented. Through evaluation, students can constantly experience progress and success in the learning process of English courses, know themselves, build self-confidence, and promote the overall development of students' comprehensive language use ability; It enables teachers to obtain feedback information on English teaching, reflect on their teaching behavior and make appropriate adjustments, so as to promote teachers to constantly improve their education and teaching level.

4.3.1 Diversification of evaluation subjects and evaluation forms

Change the previous phenomenon of single evaluation subject dominated by teachers, and advocate teachers, students and classmates to participate in the evaluation together. The evaluation should pay attention to the development process of students' comprehensive language ability and the effect of learning. The method of combining formative evaluation with summative evaluation should be adopted to focus on both the results and the process, so that the evaluation of learning process and learning results can reach a harmonious unity. Make full use of the advantages of formative assessment feedback regulation, incentive, diagnostic reflection, record growth and positive guidance. In addition, the classroom assessment should be combined with the phased assessment.

4.3.2 Contents of evaluation

The assessment of specialized English course for mechatronics is based on the principle of "practicality first, sufficiency second, and application for the purpose", and the objects of assessment include not only students but also teachers. Evaluate students from language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes and learning strategies. For teachers, evaluation should include teacher quality, teaching objectives, teaching design, classroom management ability, and classroom process.

4.3.3 Evaluation tools and methods

Evaluation forms are mainly used, such as teacher observation and interview forms, self-evaluation forms, and mutual evaluation forms. It is suggested to establish student files, encourage students' self-evaluation, enhance their sense of responsibility for self-evaluation, drive the interaction between students and teachers and students, improve students' subjective awareness, encourage students to learn, guide students to reflect, and encourage cooperative evaluation.

4.3.4 Specific course assessment scheme

As the ultimate goal of the Specialized English Course of Mechatronics is to reserve talents for the world skills competition and select top students. It is suggested to combine formative assessment with summative assessment: formative assessment accounts for 60% and summative assessment for 40%. Formative evaluation scores are based on teacher observation and interview forms, self-evaluation forms and mutual evaluation forms; Among them, teachers' observation and interview scores account for 70%, self-evaluation accounts for 10%, and mutual evaluation accounts for 20%. In the past, the summative evaluation focusing on the examination of basic language knowledge did not reflect the professional characteristics of vocational English. The content of the exam is also out of touch with real life, and its practicability is greatly reduced.

It is suggested that the assessment of professional English courses should be divided into theoretical examination and practical examination. The theory test takes the textbook as the core, and focuses on assessing students' mastery of basic language knowledge. The practical training examination is to assess students' language application ability and skill mastery: for example, students are required to use English to dictate the correct use of instruments or equipment, troubleshooting and troubleshooting steps, and the working principle of the analysis circuit. Combine professional knowledge and professional training knowledge through summative evaluation.


[1] Liu Dongju. Inspiration of World Skills Competition on Talent Training in China's Vocational Colleges [J]. China's Vocational and Technical Education, 2012

[2] Yuan Mingwei, Zhang Yuzhou. Research on the Project Setting and Performance Characteristics of the World Skills Competition [J]. China Vocational and Technical Education, 2012

[3] Liu Yuanyuan. Optimizing Teaching Content to Stimulate Learning Interest -- Teaching Reform of "Specialized English" in Higher Vocational Electromechanical Education [J]. Education and Teaching Forum, 2014

[4] Li Bin. A Preliminary Study on the Teaching Reform of Electromechanical English in Higher Vocational Education [J]. China's Off campus Education, 2014

Part 5: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

1. Analysis of the original curriculum system

1.1 Adopt the organizational model of subject based courses, with detailed division and large number of disciplines

The content of the original basic courses of NC technology application specialty is basically the same as that of the mechanical processing specialty. The traditional organization mode of single subject curriculum is followed, emphasizing the relative independence between different disciplines and the integrity of the logical system of a discipline. Specialized basic courses include: electrician foundation, electronic technology, engineering mechanics, mechanical drawing, mechanical design foundation, mechanical manufacturing foundation, metal technology, computer drawing, mapping, microcomputer principle application, mechanical processing technology and other courses.

1.2 Separate teaching of theory and practice, and less time for students to operate

The theory and practice in the original professional basic course system are set up separately. Generally, the corresponding practice teaching is carried out after the theory teaching is completed. Due to the limited number of practice teaching weeks, the practice class hours are usually less than the theoretical class hours.

1.3 The course connection is not enough and the schedule is too concentrated

The specialized basic courses form a system with strong independence and are parallel to each other. Therefore, in the teaching arrangement, the cohesion of each course cannot be reflected. In terms of time arrangement, professional basic courses are mainly offered in the second and third semesters, without supporting implementation with backbone courses.

2. Necessity of comprehensive reform

2.1 Comprehensive reform is to better adapt to the learning characteristics of secondary vocational school students

The cognitive characteristics of most students in higher vocational colleges are that thinking in images is better than logical thinking, practical learning is better than theoretical learning, and practical ability is better than brain ability. A small number of students have unclear life goals, lack of self-confidence, low interest in learning, and poor learning habits. If we continue to use the organizational model of subject based courses in the teaching of professional courses, and adopt the traditional methods of independent theoretical and practical teaching, it is difficult to produce good teaching results if there are too many theoretical knowledge points, too deep, and too complex, and it is difficult to achieve the goal of vocational education and teaching of "service oriented, career oriented, and ability oriented".

2.2 Comprehensive reform is to better serve professional backbone courses

Professional basic courses should be "necessary and sufficient". The purpose of teaching is to serve students better in learning professional backbone courses. If too many professional basic courses are offered and too many class hours are occupied, it will inevitably affect the number of courses and total class hours of backbone courses, which is not conducive to in-depth learning of professional knowledge and mastering professional operating skills, and cannot really highlight professional skills training.

2.3 Comprehensive reform is to better teach students in accordance with their aptitude

The original professional basic courses are generally assessed by means of theoretical examination, which is simple and easy to form exam oriented education without taking full account of the practicality of the courses. Secondary vocational education should be open to all students. On the one hand, each student must be able to develop on the original basis, and on the other hand, different students should be given different space for development. This requires that teachers should be able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and adopt flexible and diverse assessment methods to enable students at different levels to gain

To sum up, there are many deficiencies in the original basic courses of NC technology application specialty, which determines the necessity of comprehensive reform.

3. Specific practices

3.1 Select teaching content and integrate basic courses

Firstly, the content knowledge points of each basic course are sorted out, the knowledge points irrelevant to NC specialty are eliminated, and the knowledge points with deeper theory are simplified. Then, the course subjects are re divided, the relevant knowledge points are integrated, and the pertinence of serving the main courses and practical training is highlighted. For example, in the comprehensive reform, the original two courses of "Electrical Basis" and "Electronic Technology" were integrated into one course of "Electrical and Electronics", and the course content was designed according to the identification standards of junior electricians, removing some of the contents of electronic technology that are more theoretical and professional; The content of theoretical calculation in the original Engineering Mechanics is too much, which is too difficult for most secondary vocational school students, and is not used much in later learning. Therefore, the knowledge points of basic concepts in this course will be incorporated into the Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, so that the Fundamentals of Mechanical Design mainly includes engineering mechanics, mechanical principles, mechanical parts, etc., without complex calculation requirements. Through curriculum integration, the number of basic courses has been reduced, and the content has become more concise and targeted. At the same time, the class hours of basic courses have been compressed, providing conditions for increasing practice class hours and opening more backbone courses.

3.2 Pay attention to course connection and optimize teaching plan

On the basis of curriculum integration, we should clarify the relationship between various courses and strengthen the connection between courses in teaching arrangements. For example, pay attention to the connection relationship in the arrangement of the three courses Mechanical Drawing, Computer Drawing, and Cartographic Mapping Training, and divide Computer Drawing into two parts: the first part is the operation learning of the basic drawing commands of the computer drawing software, and arrange teaching in parallel with Mechanical Drawing; The second part is the operation learning of computer drawing of part drawings and assembly drawings, which is arranged for a one week training in the later stage of the "Drawing Surveying and Mapping Training".

3.3 Highlight skill requirements and innovate assessment methods

The reform of teaching methods and means is also one of the key points of the comprehensive reform. Through the introduction of integrated teaching, module task teaching and other methods, students are encouraged to participate in identification and examination, highlighting the training of practical skills. For example, in Computer Graphics, modular project teaching method is adopted for training, with computer operation as the main method, supplemented by theoretical explanation, so that students can cooperate and discuss in each project to complete the task by themselves, avoiding the situation that students follow the example of others and forget after learning in Computer Graphics. Organize students to participate in skill appraisal in several courses, such as Electrical and Electronics, Computer Graphics, and as one of the assessment methods, so that students have a chance to participate in skill appraisal every semester, which can better meet the needs of future posts.

3.4 Basic curriculum system after reform

(1) Electrical and Electronic Technology: Simplify some contents of electronic technology according to the requirements of the identification standards of primary electricians. (2) Mechanical Drawing: It is combined with Computer Drawing to reduce the difficulty appropriately based on the ability of students to read drawings. (3) Computer Graphics: Self compiled teaching materials, modular integrated teaching, comprehensive arrangement of teaching progress with the practice of Mechanical Drawing and Cartographic Surveying and Mapping, and students participate in the examination of draftsmen. (4) Fundamentals of Mechanical Design: It includes some basic concepts in engineering mechanics, basic laws of mechanical movement, commonly used mechanisms and mechanical parts, and does not require relevant theoretical calculations. (5) Fundamentals of Engineering Materials and Machinery Manufacturing: Self compiled teaching materials, including basic knowledge of common materials and metal material heat treatment, basic knowledge of metal cutting, overview of common processing methods, and structural and technological properties of parts. (6) Fundamentals of Equipment Control: The hydraulic transmission and pneumatic transmission technology are connected with each other, which compresses the traditional content. The knowledge and content of programmable controller are appropriately expanded by using the good PLC training facilities in our school.

4. Conclusion

The comprehensive reform of the basic courses of NC technology application specialty makes it easier for students to stimulate interest in learning by combining theory and practice of the basic courses of the specialty. At the same time, due to the faster access to major courses, students have a deeper understanding of what to learn and what to do in the future, which makes learning more targeted. However, in the practical operation of the comprehensive reform, we also need to pay attention to the following two aspects: First, we should pay attention to the improvement of supporting textbooks. Due to the comprehensive arrangement of knowledge points for many courses, it is difficult to find corresponding textbooks for some courses. In this regard, we mainly meet the teaching needs by compiling our own textbooks. The quality of these self compiled textbooks will greatly affect the effect of comprehensive reform. The second is to enhance teachers' understanding of the comprehensive reform of professional basic courses. Every teacher should realize that the comprehensive reform is not only the integration of the curriculum content, but also the integration of the entire teaching philosophy, teaching methods and means, so that teachers are required to master the basic knowledge of various professions more comprehensively, and even organize the preparation of textbooks, try to use flexible and diverse teaching methods and means, and improve their teaching level.


[1] Zhong Yongfeng. On Teaching Reform of NC Technology Application Course [J]. China Science and Education Innovation Guide, 2012, Issue 22

Part 6: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

[Key words] Electrical engineering and automation training program economy is underdeveloped

1、 Introduction

Our school is located in the Jinggangshan area in the middle of Jiangxi Province. The local economy is not developed enough, but it is adjacent to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other economically developed areas. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, Jiangxi plans to start the construction of Huaneng Ruijin Power Plant, Fenyi Power Plant Phase II Expansion Project, Jinggangshan Huaneng Power Plant Phase II, Xinchang Power Plant and Pingxiang Power Plant, and other new units. By 2010, the installed capacity of electricity in the province will be more than 5 million kilowatts, and the total capacity of unified regulation in the province will exceed 12 million kilowatts. 9 new 500kV substations and 1887km 500kV lines were built; 52 new 220 kV substations, 10 expanded and renovated substations, 3378 km of new 220 kV lines, forming a 500 kV main grid structure covering the province.

It can be predicted that before 2050, the power system and electrical engineering inside and outside our province will still have great development, and there will be a considerable demand for talents. In line with the purpose of developing the local and serving the whole country, our university started to set up the undergraduate major of electrical engineering and automation in 2006. Since the enrollment of this major, we have conducted research and practice on how to make full use of the limited local educational resources to cultivate application-oriented talents welcomed by the market, and explore the path of sustainable development, which has certain reference value for similar colleges.

2、 Professional training objectives and business requirements

Our school is a local university. It is our school's policy to train talents for Jiangxi's economic development and social progress. Our professional characteristics are positioned in: giving priority to strong electricity and combining strong and weak electricity. Students should receive basic training in electrical engineering, applied electronic technology, computer technology, control theory and information theory. Our training goal is to train wide caliber senior engineering and technical talents who can be engaged in system operation, automatic control, power electronics technology, information processing, experimental analysis, research and development, economic management, electronics and computer application technology related to electrical engineering. Students are not only specialized personnel in electrical engineering and automation, but also have a wide range of knowledge, good adaptability, not only profound basic knowledge, but also good ability to continue learning and innovation.

The students of this major mainly study the basic knowledge of engineering technology such as electronic technology, electrical technology, information control, computer technology and the professional knowledge of power system operation. There are the following business requirements:

1. Master the basic knowledge of natural sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, and have a good foundation in humanities and social sciences, management science and comprehensive foreign language ability;

2. Systematically master the basic theoretical knowledge of technology in a wide range of professional fields;

3. Get better engineering practice training and have more proficient computer application ability;

4. Master the basic methods of Chinese and foreign language data retrieval and the use of modern information technology to obtain relevant information, and understand the development trend of the frontiers of the discipline;

5. Have strong work adaptability, and have certain practical work ability of scientific research, scientific and technological development organization and management.

3、 Development of training program

1. Reform and exploration of training program.

(1) Broaden professional caliber. Since the reform and opening up, China's economic system has shifted from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, and students have gradually shifted from national unified distribution to independent job selection. The original training objectives and curriculum have obviously failed to meet the needs of the socialist market for talents. The main performance is that the employment of graduates shows a trend of diversification, and the contradiction of narrow professional scope is increasingly prominent. For example, the number of electric power majors assigned to work in the power system is decreasing year by year, and a large number of graduates are not engaged in the work related to their majors in school. The narrow and deep talent training mode can not meet the needs of social and economic development. In order to increase the adaptability of students, it is imperative to broaden the majors. However, with the expansion of professional caliber, it is impossible for students to learn and master all the knowledge of several professional directions at the same time during school. The practical way is to broaden and strengthen the foundation.

(2) Quality education of students. In recent years, in the great discussion on educational thoughts, the issue of strengthening the cultivation of students' overall quality has been clearly put forward. The so-called overall quality mainly includes ideological and moral quality, professional ability quality, good psychological quality, cultural cultivation and physical quality. Reflecting on our past teaching plans, the disadvantages of emphasizing science and engineering over humanities have seriously affected the improvement of students' overall quality. Therefore, we must change our educational ideas, change the concept that only mathematics, physics and chemistry, and only basic technology courses are basic knowledge. We should start from the need to cultivate people, from the need to pay equal attention to knowledge and ability, from the need to survive and adapt to social development, to lay a good foundation for students in humanities.

2. Set up a scientific and reasonable curriculum system.

(1) The total class hours should be compressed. There are differences between eastern and western education, modern and traditional education. Oriental education focuses on cramming and indoctrination education, with more total class hours and longer single class hours; Western education focuses on innovative and heuristic education. There are not many innovative achievements in China. We should strengthen innovative and heuristic education. The number of course hours should be reduced. At the same time, we should make up for the lack of class hours by adopting modern educational technology, organizing topic discussion after class, and combining practice with teaching.

(2) Curriculum should be "new, true, knowledgeable, refined and practical". "New" is reflected in that the curriculum should keep pace with the situation, the curriculum content must be new, and the development trend and the latest development situation of the major should be told to students. The "truth" is reflected in the scientific and reasonable curriculum arrangement, the reasonable curriculum connection, and the scientific arrangement of class hours. "Bo" is relative to the "essence" of the major, which means that the class hours should be relatively reduced and the number of courses should be relatively increased, so that students can contact the pulse of the time span as much as possible. There should be more elective courses, and the elective courses should also create high-quality products. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of college students' humanistic quality. "Excellent" is reflected in fewer and better class hours to improve class efficiency. This needs to set up a scientific curriculum group, effectively use multimedia means, make full use of experimental and practical training means, and consolidate the achievements of classroom teaching. "Practicality" is reflected in the down-to-earth teaching of basic knowledge and skills, and the down-to-earth practice teaching.

3. Setting of training scheme.

In order to achieve the training objectives and ensure the training quality, our department has carefully set up professional courses. After preliminary exploration, our department has initially formed a complete curriculum system, including 171 credits and nearly 2500 class hours. The main courses are as follows:

(1) General education module. It mainly includes politics, sports, college english, college physics, advanced mathematics, computer foundation, c language programming, linear algebra, college physics experiments and other courses. These courses are designed to lay the foundation for students to develop morally, intellectually and physically in an all-round way and further study professional basic courses and professional courses.

(2) Specialized basic course module. It includes electronic technology, assembly language, circuit analysis, MATLAB program, programmable controller, single-chip microcomputer principle, DSP principle and application, literature retrieval, etc. Lay a solid foundation for further study of professional courses.

(3) Specialized course module. It mainly includes electrical engineering, power system analysis, automatic control theory, power electronic converter technology, high voltage technology and insulation, power system relay protection, etc. It enables students to learn the professional knowledge in the direction of power system automation and become senior engineering and technical talents who can engage in the design, operation, test and research in the field of power system automation.

(4) Practice module. Including 2 weeks of military training, 2 weeks of metalworking practice, 1 week of motor training, 1 week of electronic technology training, 1 week of relay protection design, 2 weeks of production practice, graduation practice and graduation design.

The above courses not only focus on basic knowledge, but also highlight professional characteristics, which has constructed a more reasonable professional knowledge structure for students. While learning theory, strengthen practical teaching, arrange students to practice and practice in major power companies and power plants, and combine theoretical knowledge with work practice.

4、 Conclusion

With the gradual improvement of the socialist market economy and the deepening of the credit system management system in colleges and universities, how to face the market and cultivate "wide caliber" and "complex" senior engineering and technical talents is a serious issue for colleges and universities. We will further emancipate our minds, continue to carry out teaching reform and curriculum construction in a down-to-earth manner, develop our own professional characteristics, and cultivate more and better talents.


[1] Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education: Opinions on Principles for Regular Institutions of Higher Learning to Revise Undergraduate Professional Teaching Plans [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1998

Part 7: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

Key words: training technicians, course setting, characteristics and suggestions

1、 Curriculum Design for Mechanic and Electrical Integration Technicians

1. Knowledge and ability requirements

(1) Capability requirements. General English and computer skills; Master the skills of operating electromechanical equipment, and have the ability to analyze and formulate machining process documents; Have the ability to deal with process and technical problems on the production site in the workshop; Have the ability to maintain the operation of common electromechanical equipment; Have the ability to maintain electromechanical equipment and manage the workshop production site.

(2) Knowledge requirements. Have the basic cultural knowledge necessary for highly skilled talents; Have necessary mechanical technical knowledge; Have the necessary knowledge of detection and sensing technology; Have the necessary knowledge of servo drive technology; Have the necessary knowledge of information processing technology; Have the necessary knowledge of automatic control technology; Knowledge of workshop production, quality management and product marketing.

2. Basis for curriculum setting of mechatronics professional technicians

The construction of electromechanical technician curriculum is based on the Compilation of Professional Catalog and Teaching Plan of Technician College issued by Jiangsu Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department. Second, it is necessary to design courses in the form of modules and comprehensive methods based on the current and future production front-line high-tech and highly skilled professional abilities, starting with the analysis of professional abilities, and centering on the requirements of training objectives on the knowledge structure, ability structure and professional skills of talents. Thirdly, relevant courses shall be offered according to the theoretical knowledge, skill requirements, regional economic characteristics and requirements of employment units supporting the electromechanical integration specialty.

3. Theoretical course structure

Curriculum structure refers to the arrangement and combination structure of curriculum or curriculum content. The curriculum structure can be divided into three types: professional depth structure (type I), professional branch structure (type Y) and longitudinal strip structure (type II).

4. Practice course structure

The teaching of mechatronics specialty adheres to the concept of taking practical training as the main body, and theoretical courses are attached to practical courses. Adjust the teaching objectives of basic cultural courses, core courses, specialized characteristic courses and practical courses according to students' actual education level and employment needs.

2、 Characteristics of Mechatronics Professional Technician Course

1. Highlight the cultivation of core skills

Mechatronics, a new high-tech, has developed and changed rapidly. The original technical posts have been constantly differentiated and compounded, and the intellectual and creative components have been increasing. The core skills of workers are playing an increasingly important role.

To strengthen the cultivation of core skills, the key is to develop core skills training topics. The preparation of core skill training topics should be based on the connotation of core skills and penetrate the general skill standards of the industry. In order to facilitate teaching, learning and teaching inspection, the teaching content of core skills can be divided into six series: thinking, ability, method, skill, awareness and quality.

An important step in the implementation of core skills training is to prepare new teaching plans. Teaching plan is the blueprint and scheme of core skills teaching activities. The content structure of core skills courses is not only different from the knowledge system of subject courses, but also different from conventional skills training.

Core skills are integrated into industry general skills. Similarly, industry general skills training can promote the improvement of core skills.

2. Define core courses, characteristic courses and comprehensive courses

(1) The core curriculum refers to the curriculum that is closely related to the specialty, can dominate the overall situation of the specialty, basic, key and common. Although the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security does not have a unified teaching plan for technicians at present, from the perspective of supporting the professional technology of electromechanical integration, combined with the existing school resources, the author suggests that the core courses of the specialty are engineering drawing and computer drawing, automatic control technology, mechanical engineering transmission foundation, sensor and testing technology, electrical and electronic technology foundation, and mechanical manufacturing technology foundation.

(2) The integration of courses. Many problems on the production line and on the job site are almost comprehensive. It is often impossible to solve problems with a single subject knowledge. It is necessary to comprehensively use various technical knowledge to analyze and then find various technical solutions.

3. Adopt the mode of "integrated capability view"

According to the characteristics of the two majors of machine and electricity, starting from the goal of professional ability, we should learn from the curriculum idea of "integrated ability view", choose different teaching modes, and maximize the advantages of teaching resources. The teaching of basic courses mainly emphasizes the systematic and logical nature of knowledge. The teaching of professional courses breaks the discipline system and adopts the integrated teaching model of topic.

Design a series of research topics according to the technician's ability standards. Such as high-tech topics, typical technology topics, comprehensive skills topics and technology research topics. During the teaching of subject and curriculum design, the author's school has set up a special discipline review group to formulate rules for the work of subject and curriculum design and clarify the norms. The members of the discipline review team conduct technical research on the student's unit, understand the technical content of the student's position, determine the project standard according to the student's situation, adopt the research and study interaction mode, each student puts forward a project based on his own reality, and the discipline review team collectively reviews the feasibility of his project, and then issues a project notice to enter the four month course Teaching stage of project design. Combining the theory and practice of various topics, classroom teaching and enterprise production practice, students learn in the way of research and study, and implement the tutorial system and small class learning, focusing on cultivating students' ability to learn and work independently, and developing a strong sense of professionalism and innovation.

3、 Some Suggestions on Training Technicians in Colleges

1. Course standardization construction

The formulation of teaching objectives and assessment standards for technicians are the primary problems encountered by domestic vocational technician colleges in technician teaching in recent years.

2. Sino foreign curriculum cooperation research

Chapter 8: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

0 Introduction

This paper will discuss the research and preliminary practice of computer education curriculum in the curriculum system of electronic information engineering specialty. Electronic information engineering is a discipline that applies modern technologies such as computers to electronic information control and information processing. Its main disciplines include information science, electronic science and computer science. Therefore, its professional training goal is to have solid basic knowledge and basic theory of electronic information engineering, be able to master the knowledge of electronic technology, computer technology, network and information system engineering design and management, understand the application prospect and the latest development trend of the discipline through basic training of electronic and information engineering practice, and have the ability to design, develop The ability to apply and integrate electronic equipment and information systems, and good scientific research and innovation ability. The above goals reflect the knowledge structure that the students of this major should have, and also fully reflect the importance of computer technology in cultivating students of electronic information engineering.

1 Integration of modern computer courses and professional courses

The development of modern computer technology has strongly promoted the rapid development of electronic information technology. At the same time, the concepts related to computer theory and technology have also infiltrated into the basic and professional courses of electronic information engineering, which has an important impact on the teaching of electronic information engineering, mainly in the following aspects.

(1) In modern electronic systems, electronic information technology and computer technology are closely integrated and gradually moving towards integration. At the same time, the close combination of computer technology and microelectronics technology makes embedded computer systems develop rapidly, and also makes SoC (System on Chip) widely used.

(2) Electronic information technology requires a lot of transformation and data processing, and the algorithm used is an important link to realize system functions, such as fast Fourier algorithm, discrete cosine transform, error processing and regression fitting of measurement data, etc. In algorithm implementation, computer technology has obvious advantages. With the rapid development of software technology, data operation, data transformation and data processing in the field of electronic information can be integrated into computer programs.

(3) The rapid development of computer simulation technology makes the design, analysis and simulation test of electronic circuits and communication systems more convenient and efficient. Many electronic design automation (EDA) software for different application levels have emerged, covering the entire process of electronic design. The design of electronic system has been inseparable from the computer, and the position of EDA software is becoming more and more important, which has become an important part of electronic circuit teaching.

(4) With the rapid development of software technology and the popularization and application of Windows operating system, many new software design methods have emerged, such as object-oriented programming, visual programming, control technology, etc. These new technologies have greatly improved the efficiency of software development, and also greatly enhanced the functions of software.

2. The links that should be paid attention to in computer education of this major

The computer education of electronic information engineering specialty should focus on the characteristics of the specialty, attach importance to the teaching laws, scientifically organize the courses, and reasonably arrange the teaching contents. The following links should be emphasized in teaching:

(1) Clarify the training objectives of computer education

In order to effectively improve the computer ability of students in this major, we must clarify the training objectives of computer education in this major. According to the development characteristics of computer technology, the actual situation of computer application in this specialty and the requirements for students' professional computer application ability, a complete computer ability training system for electronic information engineering specialty is established to comprehensively improve students' computer application ability and innovation awareness in electronic information technology.

(2) Pay attention to the integration with relevant computer technology knowledge

Electronic information technology and computer technology are closely combined, and computer technology is included in the professional basic courses and professional courses of electronic information engineering specialty. Therefore, we must pay attention to this integration in the course setting and course content connection of electronic information engineering specialty, and combine computer technology as much as possible in the theoretical and experimental teaching of professional basic courses and professional courses.

(3) Pay equal attention to computer hardware and software

With the rapid development of embedded computer systems, high-performance single chip computers and special microprocessor chips have been used in various electronic systems. One of its characteristics is the coexistence of software and hardware. Therefore, students of this major should not only prefer computer software or hardware technology, but must fully master both software and hardware knowledge.

(4) Combination of compulsory and elective courses

On the basis of ensuring the basic specifications and quality of the trained talents, a large number of elective courses should be added to broaden the professional scope, enhance adaptability, and meet the students' interests, personality development and the latest achievements of discipline development. According to this idea, we should consider: appropriately compress the required courses, and only take computer foundation, programming language, microcomputer principle and application and electronic design automation (EDA) as the required courses; Increase elective courses to further broaden students' knowledge and cultivate their expertise in some aspects; Properly increase professional characteristic courses focusing on professional follow-up courses, application characteristic courses focusing on computer education application practice, and local characteristic courses focusing on special needs of local talents.

(5) Pay attention to the renewal of computer education content system

Specifically, on the one hand, we should select the required courses as the basis, and appropriately delete the overlapping and repetitive contents in each course; On the other hand, we should actively introduce new knowledge, new theories and new methods of computer technology, enrich them into the teaching content, and constantly adjust and update the teaching content. It enables students to master new knowledge, have deeper skills, and better adapt to social needs after graduation.

Part 9: Basic Knowledge Model of Mechatronics

First of all, the reform of professional training mode must be synchronized with the guarantee mechanism and management mode. The guarantee mechanism must ensure the implementation effect of the training mode reform. The reform of training mode must consider the feasibility of management and be forward-looking and flexible. Secondly, adhere to the principle of educating people first, taking students as the main body, and adapting to the needs of economic, social and professional development. In the design of the professional training system, closely combining the requirements of economic and social development and professional development of the industry for talents, we carefully designed a talent training program that not only has the professional ability required by actual employment, but also meets the personalized and sustainable development of students. Third, adhere to the principle of coordinated development of knowledge, ability and quality, and highlight the ability cultivation. Combine quality education, innovative education and professional education organically, and constantly improve students' ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality, professional quality, physical and mental quality; Focus on the cultivation of professional learning and practice ability, innovation ability and social adaptability. Fourth, adhere to the principle of coordinating the curriculum, professional training objectives and school running orientation. The design of talent training program must meet the "four coincidences", that is, the orientation of professional training goals is consistent with the orientation and philosophy of school running; The professional training objectives are consistent with the requirements of the society for the knowledge, ability and quality structure of the professional talents; All kinds of teaching links, curriculum settings and structural systems are consistent with the training objectives and basic requirements; The talent training program is consistent with the basic requirements of professional norms formulated by the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education. Fifth, adhere to the principle of combining optimizing the curriculum system with highlighting professional characteristics. Optimize and reorganize the settings of public basic courses, professional basic courses, professional courses, directional courses and practical teaching links, integrate curriculum content, optimize curriculum settings, and scientifically and reasonably build the curriculum system. At the same time, the second classroom will be incorporated into the teaching system to form an organic combination of the first classroom and the second classroom, highlighting professional advantages and characteristics [2]. Sixth, adhere to the principle of strengthening practical teaching and focusing on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Practice teaching should adhere to the "four years of continuous line", increase the strength of comprehensive and design experiments, strengthen the management of graduation thesis (design), and effectively promote the improvement of students' innovative spirit, practical ability and innovative ability [3]. Increase the practice links outside the school, and improve the cooperative education mechanism of "talent education, specialty construction, process management, responsibility sharing, and achievement sharing" [4].

2、 Curriculum system construction around engineering innovation

The electronic information engineering specialty of our school is positioned to meet the needs of the electronic industry in the northwest region, especially in southern Shaanxi, and cultivate senior engineering and technical talents with wide adaptability, strong practical ability, professionalism and innovation ability in the field of electronic information engineering for the society. In contrast to the Guiding Professional Specifications for Undergraduate Majors in Electronic Information Science and Engineering in Colleges and Universities (Trial) formulated and issued by the Teaching Steering Committee for Electronic Information Science and Engineering in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education in 2010, the quality requirements, ability requirements and knowledge requirements were classified in detail and explained clearly in the formulation of the training program. It emphasizes the requirements for the professional quality of electronic information engineering students, pointing out that professional quality includes scientific quality and engineering quality, and scientific quality includes scientific thinking methods, scientific research methods and realistic and innovative consciousness; Engineering quality includes engineering consciousness, comprehensive analysis quality and innovation spirit. In terms of ability requirements, the ability to acquire knowledge includes self-study ability, communication ability and document retrieval ability; The applied knowledge ability includes comprehensive applied knowledge ability, comprehensive experimental ability and engineering comprehensive practical ability; Innovation ability includes innovative thinking ability, innovative practice ability, scientific research and development research ability, with emphasis on engineering practice ability. In terms of knowledge requirements, it is pointed out that professional knowledge includes engineering technology knowledge and professional direction knowledge. The curriculum system of electronic information engineering specialty is divided into three levels of modules: general education curriculum, basic discipline curriculum and professional curriculum. The basic content of the curriculum covers most knowledge units and knowledge points in the knowledge system. General education courses include ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, outline of modern Chinese history, basic principles of Marxism, military theory, introduction to ideology and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, situation and policy, advanced mathematics, college English, computer culture foundation, college physical education, quality education elective courses, etc. The elective courses of innovation education module include college students' career planning, mental health education, small and medium-sized enterprise management, technology innovation management, e-commerce case analysis, etc. Basic courses of the discipline include Introduction to Electronic Information Engineering, C Language Programming, Linear Algebra, College Physics, Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis, Complex Variable Functions and Integral Transformations, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Signals and Systems, Analog Electronic Technology, Digital Electronic Technology, Microcomputer Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers. Specialized compulsory courses include information theory and coding, high-frequency electronic circuits, electromagnetic fields and waves, digital signal processing, communication principles, modern sensing and detection technology; Specialized elective courses include MATLAB programming, EDA technology, electronic measurement technology, professional English, digital image processing, digital voice processing, Internet of Things technology, DSP principles and applications, Labview graphical programming, etc; Courses jointly offered by schools and enterprises include Linux operating system foundation, ARM embedded application technology foundation, hardware system design based on SOPC, industry engineering standards and specifications, digital television technology, microwave and antenna technology, etc.

3、 Reform and construction of practical teaching system

The practice link of engineering innovation talent training strictly controls the theoretical class hours in class, and increases the practical teaching links such as social investigation, practice, comprehensive practical training and curriculum comprehensive design. Build a practice teaching system consisting of independent experimental courses, professional experimental courses, practical courses and social practice. It also includes scientific research training courses, scientific research training activities, college students' innovative experiment programs and other scientific research training courses and activity systems, focusing on cultivating students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems, as well as their independent learning ability and research ability [5].

(1) Practice link setting

Electronic Information Engineering is an engineering major with strong practicality, which emphasizes the cultivation of students' hands-on ability and practical ability, including experimental skills, engineering design and technical coordination. In the process of practical teaching, we advocate the combination of professional teaching practice and humanistic social practice, so as to educate students to learn how to behave and do things, exercise their ability to adapt to society, and improve their literacy and innovation awareness. The practice links of electronic information engineering specialty include national defense education and public welfare labor in the basic links, metalworking practice, electrical and electronic practice, electronic technology curriculum design, cognition practice, high-frequency circuit curriculum design, enterprise engineering practice, embedded system and EDA curriculum design, graduation design in the professional links, and professional expansion links are set as optional modules, Students can obtain extracurricular practical innovation credits through scientific research training, subject competitions, undergraduate innovation projects and corresponding academic achievements and competitions.

(2) Construction of practical teaching conditions