Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Selected Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture (9)

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 Summary of Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture

Chapter 1: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: ideological and political theory course, integration into traditional culture, action strategy

[CLC No.] G641

Ideological and political theory course is a very important way for vocational colleges to carry out ideological and political education and moral education. Chinese traditional culture education is one of the most important ways to cultivate students' moral quality. Then, it will be of positive significance for education to integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education.

1、 The scope of integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education.

We believe that, in a broad sense, Chinese excellent traditional culture refers to the essence of ancient Chinese culture inherited from ancestors and passed down from generation to generation. In a narrow sense, Chinese excellent traditional culture refers to the excellent ideas in Chinese culture. This article discusses the excellent Chinese traditional culture to be integrated into the ideological and political theory course from a narrow sense.

2、 Analysis of the reasons for the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course in higher vocational colleges.

(1) Support from relevant national documents. In 2004, the State Council issued the No. 16 document "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Political Education of College Students", which clearly requires that in the ideological and political education of college students, the role of national excellent traditional culture should be played, and contemporary college students should be deeply educated to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit. In 2007, in the report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was clearly proposed to "promote the chinese people Culture, building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation ". In 2012, the Ten Report emphasized "construction excellent traditional culture Inherit the system and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture ". It can be seen that the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to China's excellent traditional culture.

(2) The relative lack of textbook content. In the ideological and political theory courses for college students mainly offered in higher vocational colleges, the content of Chinese excellent traditional culture is also very few. For example, in the Introduction to Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, there is only one page that talks about "carrying forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times". In the second section of Chapter IV of Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis, it specifically talks about "inheriting and carrying forward the fine moral tradition of the Chinese nation", which only occupies 7 pages. In the second section of the eighth chapter of the Course of Xinjiang History and Ethnic and Religious Theory and Policy, it only covers 6 pages. In general, the content is relatively thin.

3、 The role of integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education.

We believe that the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education has the following important roles:

(1) From the basic level, learning Chinese excellent traditional culture can enrich or expand students' knowledge structure to a certain extent. In the ideological and political theory course of vocational college students, the content is too abstract, rich in conceptualization and insufficient in life. If the knowledge of Chinese excellent traditional culture is integrated into the classroom, it will not only inherit and promote Chinese excellent culture, but also enrich the content of the curriculum. To a certain extent, it can expand the knowledge structure of students.

(2) From the middle level, learning Chinese excellent traditional culture is conducive to the cultivation of students' professional ethics. Students can cultivate good morality by learning Chinese excellent traditional culture. For example, the "early morning and night in the public" in the Book of Songs, the "public to destroy private affairs, and the people's tolerance" in the Book of Shangshu, the "public to forget home, public to forget private" in the Public Security Policy, and the "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later" in the Yueyang Tower Story all emphasize the importance of overall interests, National interests and national interests emphasize a person's sense of responsibility and dedication to society, the nation and the country.

(3) At the high-end level, learning Chinese excellent traditional culture can improve students' personal quality to a certain extent. First, it can improve the ethical and moral quality. For example, in Zuo Zhuan, it is said that "the father is kind and teachable, the son is filial and observant, the elder brother loves and friends, the younger brother is respectful and obedient, the husband is harmonious and righteous, the wife is gentle and upright, the wife is gentle and obedient, the wife listens politely, and the etiquette is good." Students learn what is the best family interpersonal relationship in Dunlun; Second, it can foster patriotism. In ancient China, there were many historical records of patriotic people. For example, Qu Yuan, who "saved the monarch and revitalized the country", Yue Fei, who "devoted himself to the country", and Zhuge Liang, who "devoted himself to the country", have all prominently displayed a strong patriotic spirit. Students can understand the patriotic quality and inherit the patriotic spirit by reading their historical stories; Third, we can establish the concept of thrifty life. In the excellent traditional Chinese culture, there is such a saying: "The people are diligent, and diligent is not scarce." At present, there are many wasteful phenomena in student life, such as the phenomenon that students throw unfinished fast food on the table in the canteen. By learning traditional culture, students' concept of thrift can be established to a certain extent; Fourth, it can cultivate a studious attitude. For example, in the Analects of Confucius, "erudite and dedicated, eager to ask and close to thinking, benevolence is among them." It can be seen that the ancients paid great attention to the attitude of dedicated and eager to learn. Through learning, students can develop a studious attitude; Fifth, we can foster a correct view of money. For example, in the Analects of Confucius, it is said that "injustice, wealth and high value are floating clouds to me." Students who have established a correct view of money can consciously resist the omnipotence of money, and know how to create a better life through their hard work; Sixthly, students' behavior can be better standardized. In the "Disciple Rules", every sentence is the norm of student behavior. For example, "the crown must be right and the knot must be tied", so that they can understand what should be done and what should not be done. Moreover, it is easy to recite.

4、 The strategy of integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education.

We believe that the following ways can be adopted to better integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the ideological and political course.

(1) Ideological and political teachers should strengthen the study of Chinese traditional culture. For a college, first-class teachers, to a large extent, determine whether it can cultivate first-class talents. Then, teachers who have a certain foundation in traditional Chinese studies are more likely to make this course lively, reduce the boredom of the course itself, and integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the ideological and political education of college students, so that students can be influenced and inspired by the excellent traditional culture. In this way, the students not only accepted the ideas of Marxism Leninism, but also inherited the excellent Chinese cultural ideas.

(2) Enrich the content of Chinese excellent traditional culture in the classroom. In colleges and universities, teachers should not simply announce lessons according to the textbook, but should excavate the deep content of the textbook and supplement the missing content of the textbook. We believe that there are three ways to integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the ideological and political theory course of higher vocational education: first, integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the classroom theory teaching, and explain the spiritual connotation of the traditional Chinese culture in the classroom. Let this excellent ideology and culture be shared in learning and passed on in sharing. Second, integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into practice classes. The way of integration is diversified. For example, in practical classes, teachers can take students to visit local museums and feel the long history and bright civilization of the Chinese nation. Third, we should integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into our extracurricular practical work. In the course of "Ideological and Moral Cultivation", we are more just talking about morality in words than how to let students do it. If teachers want to explain the traditional Chinese filial piety education to students, they should select some films in this field for students to watch. After watching, they should take doing housework as practical homework, such as helping parents cook a meal, washing their feet, etc., to cultivate students' filial piety.

(3) Actively carry out various activities related to China's excellent traditional culture. The inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture not only needs to be carried out through the classroom, but also needs to carry out various activities, so that students can participate in them, learn in activities, and understand in practice. For example, in schools, calligraphy and painting contests, speech contests, charity activities, visits to places of interest and other forms can be held to enable students to learn in activities and benefit from learning.


【1】 Gu Guanhua, On Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture [J], Journal of Yangzhou University, No. 6, 1999.

Chapter 2: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

[Key words] Cultural power Cultural development

[CLC No.] D64 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 1009-5349 (2012) 01-0117-02


The Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee resolutely put forward the goal of striving to build a socialist cultural power. On the basis of combining the requirements of the times and summing up historical experience, the Party made a general plan to deepen the reform of the cultural system and promote the great development and prosperity of socialist culture. The convening of this conference has brought China's socialist cultural construction to a new level.

Building a strong socialist cultural country is a grand project, which requires many aspects of work. In this undertaking, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of the concept of culture. What is "culture"? Or more specifically, what are the main contents of the "socialist culture" we mentioned? This should be the first thing to make clear, because if the understanding of "culture" is not comprehensive enough, in the process of building a socialist cultural power, it is easy to take a partial view and lose sight of one another. Therefore, a comprehensive and correct understanding of the concept of culture is the prerequisite for cultural construction. In combination with the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Deepening the Reform of the Cultural System and Promoting the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture [1] (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, this article talks about how to comprehensively understand the concept of culture in the process of building a socialist cultural power.

The culture mentioned in the Decision involves different levels and types. We need to correctly understand the relationship between these cultures at different levels and types. The following are several groups of corresponding cultural concepts at different levels or types.

1、 Elite Culture and Folk Culture

In a complex society, culture is hierarchical, and there are mostly differences between folk culture and elite culture. American anthropologist Richard divides culture into two parts: "big tradition" and "small tradition". The so-called "big tradition" refers to the elite culture represented by the gentry and intellectuals in the upper class, while "small tradition" refers to the culture of life represented by the general public, especially the rural people. [2] Li Yiyuan, an anthropologist in China, believes that "these two traditions are interactive and complementary. The big tradition guides the direction of culture, while the small tradition provides the material of real culture. Both are important parts of the whole civilization. If you only pay attention to one part and ignore the other, you will always be biased and can't take a comprehensive view of the whole". [3]

The Decision calls for "promoting Chinese culture" and "constantly enhancing the international influence of Chinese culture". When it comes to "Chinese culture", we should realize that Chinese culture is a very complex system, which has different constituent elements, and also has the above-mentioned "big tradition" and "small tradition". The "great traditions" of Chinese culture, such as Confucianism, Tang and Song poetry, calligraphy and painting, and classical novels, belong to elite culture, classical culture, and orthodox culture. The "small traditions", such as folk songs, festivals, folk folk art, and folk crafts, belong to folk culture, folk culture, and local culture. In the past, when we mentioned Chinese culture, we first thought of the "big tradition" culture represented by elite culture and classic culture, such as various schools of thought, classical poetry, calligraphy and painting art, while the "small tradition" culture represented by folk culture and folk culture was ignored in a certain degree. Many people think that folk culture and folk culture can not be seen on the stage, and some people do not even regard them as culture. Fortunately, since the new century, with the deepening of cultural system reform, the country has paid more and more attention to the inheritance and development of folk culture and folk culture, and the social voice of protecting folk cultural heritage is also growing. The Decision attaches great importance to folk culture. For example, the Decision requires "deep excavation of the cultural connotation of national traditional festivals", "emphasis on the discovery and cultivation of local cultural talents rooted at the grass-roots level, inheritors of national folk culture, especially representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage projects", "Relying on major festivals and national and folk cultural resources, organize and carry out cultural activities that the masses are willing to participate in and facilitate participation", etc.

Therefore, to carry forward Chinese culture and build a socialist cultural power, we need to take into account both elite culture and folk culture. We should not only pay attention to the excellent cultural works created by writers, artists, thinkers, artists, scientists, actors, scholars and other celebrities, but also pay attention to the creation of folk artists, local cultural talents and the general public Excellent folk cultural works inherited.

2、 Material Culture and Non material Culture

The Decision proposes that "we should protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage", which involves the difference between material culture and intangible culture. Dealing with the relationship between these two types of culture is of great significance for a comprehensive understanding of the meaning of culture.

In today's era, material culture and intangible culture are usually linked with the concept of cultural heritage, which endows the social significance of cultural protection and inheritance. The corresponding two concepts are material cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage, and the similar two concepts are tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.

In 2005, the Notice of the State Council on Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Heritage defined the two concepts of physical culture and intangible culture: physical cultural heritage is cultural relics with historical, artistic and scientific values, including ancient sites, ancient tombs, ancient buildings, cave temples, stone carvings, murals, modern important historical sites and representative buildings and other immovable cultural relics, Movable cultural relics such as important objects, works of art, documents, manuscripts, books and materials of all ages in history, and famous historical and cultural cities (blocks, villages and towns) with outstanding universal value in terms of architectural style, uniform distribution or combination with environmental scenery. Intangible cultural heritage refers to various forms of traditional cultural expression that are closely related to people's life and are inherited from generation to generation in intangible form, including oral traditions, traditional performing arts, folk activities and ceremonies and festivals, traditional folk knowledge and practices related to nature and the universe Traditional handicraft skills and cultural space related to the above traditional cultural manifestations. [4]

The distinction between material culture and intangible culture requires that in the process of building a socialist cultural power, we should not only pay attention to the visible and tangible cultural objects and cultural works, but also pay attention to the protection and inheritance of oral literature, public knowledge and folk skills, as well as cultural creation processes and skills that remain in people's minds.

The Decision mentions "intangible cultural heritage" in many places, which shows that the Party and the state attach importance to the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The convening of the sixth plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee will certainly promote the sustainable development of the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in China.

3、 Urban Culture and Rural Culture

This is a spatial distinction between cultures, which recognizes the differences between urban and rural areas. The Decision requires "to increase the total amount of rural cultural services and narrow the gap between urban and rural cultural development". With the development of China's socialist modernization drive, the flow between urban and rural areas is increasingly frequent, and the gap between urban and rural areas is narrowing. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, although there are many links between urban culture and rural culture, they still belong to two different cultural types.

We can look at the differences between urban culture and rural culture from two aspects: first, from the perspective of development, there is a gap between them. For example, in terms of public cultural facilities such as schools, libraries, museums and art rooms, rural areas lag far behind urban areas. Therefore, the Decision calls for strengthening projects to improve rural public cultural infrastructure, such as "rural bookstores", "three trips to the countryside" and "village cultural rooms", in order to narrow the gap between urban and rural cultural development. Second, from the perspective of cultural attributes, they represent two cultural types with different attributes, with different forms of expression and cultural connotations. At this level, it is not suitable to use "good or bad", "good or bad" or "gap" to evaluate urban culture and rural culture. Urban culture is based on modern division of labor, which forms community culture, apartment culture, enterprise culture, fashion culture and other cultural forms, while rural culture is based on agricultural production, which forms local culture, village culture, folk culture and other cultural forms, with more prominent traditional and folk elements. From this perspective, the difference between urban culture and rural culture requires that in the process of building a socialist cultural power, we should not blindly rush to transform rural culture into Chengdu's culture, but should see that there are many excellent parts of rural culture and rich cultural resources, We should fully tap the cultural resources with local characteristics in rural areas, protect and inherit the excellent folk culture in rural areas.

The basic national condition of our country is that the rural population accounts for the majority. Therefore, the development of rural culture is the foundation and key to building a socialist cultural power. However, the construction of rural culture should not be a one size fits all approach. Rather than simply improving the basic cultural facilities in rural areas or transforming rural areas into cities, it should respect the reality of rural areas, tap the advantages of rural areas, and build them into a new socialist countryside with distinctive features.

4、 Contemporary Culture and Traditional Culture

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee not only mentioned the contemporary culture, such as network culture, digital media, animation and games, but also emphasized the important value and significance of traditional culture, such as the Decision, "We should have a comprehensive understanding of the traditional culture of the motherland, take its essence and discard its dross, make the past serve the present and bring forth the new, adhere to the equal importance of protection and utilization, popularization and promotion, strengthen the exploration and interpretation of the ideological value of excellent traditional culture, safeguard the basic elements of national culture, and make excellent traditional culture become the spiritual force of encouraging the people to move forward in the new era."

Contemporary culture and traditional culture are not diametrically opposed and incompatible. They can promote each other and develop together. On the one hand, we should pay attention to the new changes and trends brought by modern science and technology to the cultural field, guide and promote the development of contemporary new culture, and be good at using new digital technology to sort out, protect, inherit and develop excellent traditional culture. On the other hand, we should realize that traditional culture is the root of Chinese culture and the soul of Chinese culture. The more we develop modernization, the more we should carry forward traditional culture. In addition to protecting and inheriting it, we should also pay attention to tapping traditional cultural resources to make traditional culture serve modern life. For example, there are many excellent folk stories in our country, which can be combined with modern animation technology to create a new type of cartoon, so that our children are educated in excellent traditional culture from an early age.

In short, building a socialist cultural power requires a comprehensive understanding of the concept of culture, a correct handling of the relationship between different types of culture, a comprehensive consideration of the overall situation, and the realization of the overall prosperity and healthy development of Chinese culture.


[1] Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Deepening the Reform of the Cultural System and Promoting the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture. People's Publishing House, 2011

Chapter 3: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Professor Wu Qiantao, doctoral supervisor of Tsinghua University and chief expert of the Central Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Project, pointed out that the excellent traditional culture, which embodies the spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation's self-improvement and enduring spiritual wealth, is the deep foundation for the development of advanced socialist culture, It is an important support for building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. It is of great significance to vigorously promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation for building a socialist cultural power and a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

To carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, we must have a comprehensive and correct understanding of the ancient traditional culture of the motherland. Chinese ancient traditional culture has both the essence of democracy and the dross of feudalism; It has both positive, progressive and innovative aspects and negative, conservative and backward aspects. It is a complex cultural mixture of essence and dross. Therefore, we must adhere to the principle of critical inheritance to fully understand and correctly treat the ancient Chinese traditional culture. After the founding of New China, our party clearly put forward the correct policy of critically inheriting the ancient Chinese culture, established the principle of absorbing its essence and discarding its dross to make the past serve the present, and correctly solved the attitude and method of treating traditional culture. Since the reform and opening up, our party has attached great importance to inheriting and carrying forward the position and role of traditional culture in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has repeatedly stressed that our cultural construction cannot cut off the history. We must use Marxism to analyze, distinguish and criticize the traditional national culture, take its essence and discard its dross, make the past serve the present, and bring forth the new, Make excellent traditional culture the spiritual force that inspires the people to advance in the new era. This "critical inheritance" attitude and method towards the traditional culture of the Chinese nation is an objective reflection of the basic laws of the development of national culture, and also a summary of the experience and lessons of our party's long-term development of national culture.

To carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, we must adhere to the unity of carrying forward and cultivating. The so-called promotion is to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture gradually formed by the Chinese nation over the past five thousand years, including the enrichment and development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture led by our Party and the Chinese people in long-term practice by constantly combining the requirements of the times and society. The so-called cultivation means that on the basis of carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture, we should absorb the spirit of the times that reflects the direction of social development, endow China's excellent traditional culture with the characteristics of modernity, make it adapt to the contemporary society, coordinate with modern civilization, maintain the nationality, reflect the times, and push China's excellent traditional culture to a new level. Carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture is the prerequisite for China's excellent traditional culture to keep pace with the times. Without inheriting and carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture, it is inconceivable that China's excellent traditional culture keeps pace with the times; Cultivating China's excellent traditional culture is the key for China's excellent traditional culture to keep pace with the times. It is also inconceivable that China's excellent traditional culture can not absorb the spirit of the times in a timely and continuous manner. Therefore, adhering to the combination of promotion and cultivation is the fundamental way to promote China's excellent traditional culture to keep pace with the times.

To carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, we must oppose "cultural retro ism" and "" two erroneous trends of thought. Both trends of thought are wrong. On the issue of treating Chinese traditional culture, the theory of returning to the ancients only recognizes its generality and universality, but denies its individuality and particularity. It completely equates traditional things with modern things, which in fact denies the history and development of culture. The nihilism only recognizes the individuality and particularity of Chinese traditional culture, and denies the generality and universality of Chinese traditional culture, which actually cuts off the historical inheritance of culture. Both "retro theory" and "nihility theory" have a very negative impact on social development, especially cultural progress. In carrying forward China's excellent cultural traditions, we must pay attention to scientific discrimination and avoid the influence of various wrong tendencies.

Chapter 4: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

[Key words] Innovation of traditional culture courses in art education

1、 The Concept of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

The excellent traditional culture of China is the outstanding moral character that the Chinese nation has accumulated over thousands of years of history. It is a good ideology formed after inheriting all kinds of excellent ideological, cultural and spiritual concepts. It is the sum total of material and non-material excellent cultures such as politics, economy, art, etc. Chinese excellent traditional culture includes ancient poetry, ci, fu, music, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, national music, national drama, etc. [1]. As a historical culture, it is also the long-term accumulation and cohesion of the Chinese national spirit and practical wisdom, which is concentrated on the traditional Chinese virtues and the Chinese humanistic spirit, such as moral quality, national integrity, creative spirit, exploration spirit, etc. [2]. Its characteristics are that even though it is a long time ago, it is still widely applicable to the current society and plays a positive role in promoting the construction of spiritual civilization.

2、 The Theoretical Basis and Contemporary Significance of Integrating Art Education in Colleges and Universities

(1) Theoretical basis

The excellent traditional Chinese culture can have an important impact on people's thoughts and behaviors. Contemporary college students are in a critical period for the formation of aesthetic values. Colleges and universities and teachers can carry out art education for college students with the help of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and guide them according to the situation, which is solid and effective. For example, with the invisible appeal of art education, we can create a common aesthetic concept in society, guide people to live a better life in this atmosphere, and then form a good social fashion. Similarly, the excellent traditional Chinese culture contains rich aesthetic education content, which can run through people's daily life and work, thus affecting more people. The art education curriculum is to educate students at the aesthetic level by means of art, so that students can be influenced by it, so as to beautify people's mind and behavior, and improve people's morality and wisdom. The excellent traditional Chinese culture also enables people to form correct values in this way. Therefore, some educational methods and methods of the excellent traditional Chinese culture can be used in art education courses in colleges and universities, such as edification education method, demonstration education method, and practice education method. The significance of Chinese excellent traditional culture education lies in shaping modern people and cultivating modern people, while the purpose of art education is also to cultivate and shape people. From this point of view, the goals of the two are consistent, so in the process of art education, a large number of Chinese excellent traditional cultures can be introduced to enrich the art education curriculum. The patriotism of "the rise and fall of the country, everyone has a responsibility" and the enterprising spirit of self-improvement can all be penetrated into art education.

(2) Epochal significance

1. Innovate and change the teaching methods of art education courses in colleges and universities

The moral feelings, humanistic spirit, ideal pursuit, life attitude, etc. involved in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, through long-term historical accumulation, occupy an important position in the world's cultural treasure house. The introduction of Chinese excellent traditional culture into college art education courses has important epochal significance, which can greatly enrich the content of art education for college students. Especially in the era when art education is highly valued, it conforms to the ideological needs of the new era. At the same time, the Chinese excellent traditional culture has many contents and a wide range, which can expand the extracurricular knowledge of art education. At present, there are many online open courses about Chinese excellent traditional culture and aesthetic education. With the help of these courses, teachers can fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, change the traditional indoctrination teaching method, adopt online and offline hybrid teaching, and truly realize the reform and innovation of teaching methods of art education courses in colleges and universities.

2. Promote the comprehensive quality of college students

The objects of art education are college students, who shoulder the important task of the times and are the key objectives of the Party and the country. At present, the state attaches great importance to the art education and comprehensive quality development of college students. Integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into art education in colleges and universities will help improve students' comprehensive quality, further enhance their understanding of the socialist good life, cultivate their aesthetic awareness, and guide them to realize their self-worth.

3. Promote the prosperity and development of excellent traditional culture

After thousands of years of accumulation, human civilization has formed a traditional culture with strong vitality, and now it is playing a different light. Today, with the deepening of cultural system reform, integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into art education in colleges and universities can benefit all college students, help them learn nutrients and wisdom from excellent traditional Chinese culture, and thus boost the prosperity and development of traditional culture.

4. Coordinate the comprehensive development of social politics, economy and culture

Social development depends on the level and direction of political, economic and cultural development. Just like the troika driving socialism forward, if these three forces cannot be combined and act independently, then social development will inevitably be hindered. Therefore, promoting the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into art education will help to cultivate compound talents with high comprehensive quality for the society, and then promote the coordinated development of political, economic and cultural.

5. Further exert the ideological and political education effect of art education courses

Art edification is a process of aesthetic education that every college student must go through. Sometimes it is difficult to give full play to the due effect of art education by simply teaching textbook theory. The art education is interspersed with some excellent traditional Chinese cultural content, which can make students feel more proud, so as to maximize the effectiveness of ideological and political education.

3、 An Effective Way to Integrate Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture into College Art Education Curriculum

(1) Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture Approaches Teachers

The key to the integration of excellent traditional Chinese culture into the art education curriculum in colleges and universities is to first enter the minds of teachers [3]. Teachers should not only set a good example for others, but also set up their own talents. A teacher's implicit influence on students is far greater than the explicit influence, so teachers should pay attention to their words and deeds, and should constantly strengthen their own learning of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and set a learning model for students with good character and demeanor, which is undoubtedly the best education for students. Teachers intersperse excellent traditional Chinese culture in the art education curriculum, which originates from the familiarity and understanding of excellent traditional culture, so as to base on the classroom, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, excavate the elements of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the curriculum materials, and guide students to understand the national spirit and wisdom in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, Imperceptibly deepen students' patriotism.

(2) Advanced Chinese Traditional Culture Textbook

The excellent traditional culture of China is an important resource that can promote the reform of art education textbooks. All art education courses offered in colleges and universities should incorporate it into the knowledge system, transform and enhance these contents, and integrate them into various art education courses in the form of traditional culture. The excellent traditional culture is quoted in the textbook, and the emphasis is on introducing it into modern art education to promote aesthetic education.

(3) Chinese excellent traditional culture into practice

Practice is one of the important forms of art education curriculum, and also an effective way to improve the quality of art education for college students. The excellent traditional Chinese culture covers all aspects and has various forms, including a large number of artistic elements, such as calligraphy, dance, opera, painting, etc. Colleges and universities can make full use of their geographical advantages to carry out art education practice teaching with the help of local excellent traditional cultural resources (such as the murals in Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang), so as to achieve the unity of knowledge and practice among students.

(4) Chinese excellent traditional culture into online courses

Online elective course is an important means for college students to learn knowledge and obtain credits. Many students are willing to take the initiative to learn online courses. Online courses cover a wide range of subjects in various forms, and a large number of students take elective courses. In combination with the national first-class course "Double Ten Thousand Plan", create the "golden course" of art education, and integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the online open course of art education. This kind of art education course is easier to be selected into the national or provincial first-class online open course, with twice the result with half the effort, thus affecting more college students.

(5) Entrance Examination of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

The final exam is a good way to measure students' learning effect on art education. Adding questions about excellent traditional Chinese culture to the final exam will help students to learn and master excellent traditional culture.

Chapter 5: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: traditional culture; Atmosphere; Teachers; evaluate

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the soul and blood of our nation, and the profound cultural foundation for building the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation. It is very important to do a good job in inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture in primary school for cultivating students' sentiment, cultivating aesthetic ability and improving students' cultural literacy. The school is an important carrier and main position for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

1、 The specific methods of our school to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture

1. Create a scholarly campus and atmosphere

Create a strong atmosphere for learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture, make full use of some bulletin boards of the school and the "cultural exhibition board" column of the class, and create a special column for learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture to introduce the content of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the importance, significance, methods, etc. of learning the excellent traditional Chinese culture, Let students obtain the nourishment and edification of Chinese excellent traditional culture through subtle influence.

2. Each class shall set up a class book corner (the bookcase shall be uniformly made by the school, placed in a designated place, and managed by a special person in each class)

The school encourages teachers in charge of classes, fellow teachers and students to donate books and magazines with healthy contents and suitable for students to read. Regularly hold "good books for reading" activities to open up book sources.

3. Establish the school's traditional culture experience room

The experience room includes guqin, tea art, flower arrangement, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, go, etc. Use one traditional culture class or school-based course every week to provide students with a good traditional culture learning environment, so that students can experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture in the traditional culture experience room.

4. Integrate education in activities to enrich connotation

The education of excellent traditional culture is embedded in a variety of activities. In the annual June 1 reporting performance, the content of traditional culture is indispensable. For example, textbook plays such as "The fox assumes the tiger's power", "Pushing the seedlings too far", classic readings such as "Disciple Rules", "Youth in China", dance plays such as "Rap and Sing Face", "Spring Dawn" and other excellent traditional cultural programs are most praised. In addition, in the first "Classic Reading" competition between teachers and students in the county, the "Young China" of our fourth grade won the first prize, and the "When Is the Bright Moon" read by two teachers in our school also won the first prize. Excellent traditional culture enriches the content of educational activities, improves the connotation of educational activities, and also enables excellent traditional culture to be inherited in educational practice.

2、 Problems Existing in the Specific Practice of the School

1. Teaching time and place of traditional culture education

It is far from enough to carry forward the essence of our national traditional culture, regain our national cultural beliefs, and rebuild the cultural soul only by reading the classics of traditional Chinese culture in schools. In addition, to carry out excellent traditional culture education, in addition to school teaching as the main channel, we should also guide students to enter the society and return to their families, and guide them to return to life and understand history with family life.

2. Teaching contents and methods of traditional culture education

How to inherit the culture of China with a long history of five thousand years in our generation or the next generation is facing a very realistic problem. The "Tang and Song poetry craze", "Chinese culture craze" and "children reading classics craze", which were set off by the inheritance of eager for quick success and instant benefit, also let us fall into meditation while busy. Is the culture that has been circulating for thousands of years just "reciting poems" and "taking forms"? In this way, the traditional culture is not close to our life, but far away. It is not beautiful and fruitful for children's learning, but redundant and burdensome.

3. Teacher training in traditional culture education

Inheriting excellent traditional culture requires a team of teachers with good moral standards, professional skills and increasingly reasonable allocation. However, the current situation of teachers in traditional culture education can be summarized in three words: "lack, weakness and poor". There is a long way to go to train a team of teachers with noble morality, excellent business, harmony and efficiency. This can not be done overnight. It needs a process.

4. Evaluation methods of traditional culture education

Teaching evaluation is an indispensable part of teaching, whose main purpose is to check and promote teaching work. However, there is still a problem of randomness in the evaluation of inheriting excellent traditional culture, and even some evaluators have no sense of standards at all.

Chapter 6: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

[Key words] School education; Moral education; traditional culture

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is an excellent national culture that reflects the national characteristics and spiritual outlook in the evolution process of the Chinese nation's civilization. It is the overall expression of various thoughts and cultures, customs, traditional customs, lifestyles, literature and art, and values in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. The Chinese civilization has a long history, and is recognized as one of the oldest civilizations in the world, as well as one of the longest lasting civilizations in the world. In the five thousand years of development, the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the soul of the Chinese nation, promoting the continuous progress of history, and is also a valuable spiritual resource for moral education in colleges and universities, which has a positive practical significance for the cultivation of students' good qualities. At present, a series of discussions and reflections on the "Chinese Dream" have become a social hotspot and have been firmly rooted in the hearts of the broad masses of the people, but the road to realizing the "Chinese Dream" is tortuous and full of hardships. In today's era, the political economy is developing at a high speed, but the contradictions have not been completely eliminated. There are still many uncoordinated factors in the needs of the people and in real life. To make the dream come true, the whole society and people must work together. As qualified builders and reliable successors of socialist modernization, the majority of college students are also participants and builders of the "Chinese Dream". Fully integrating the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the moral education work in colleges and universities will greatly expand the space for the development of moral education in colleges and universities, effectively promote the majority of college students to inherit the excellent personality of the Chinese nation, establish a correct world outlook, open up valuable wisdom and innovative spirit, and cultivate excellent cultural character and moral quality, To better contribute to the socialist modernization drive.

1、 Problems Existing in the Current Integration of Excellent Traditional Culture into College Moral Education

In practical work, although colleges and universities have a deep understanding of the importance of moral education, due to the imprisonment of the management system and traditional concepts, the effect of moral education is not satisfactory, and some teachers, students and even the public do not have a high evaluation of the integration of the current Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education. The integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities has serious problems, such as being denied, formalistic, and impacted by foreign cultures. And because of the inherent defects in the ideals, beliefs, value orientations, and other aspects of contemporary college students, such problems are exacerbated. It can be summarized as follows:

(1) Ignoring or denying the strong moral function of Chinese excellent traditional culture. In daily life, people generally agree that "China is an ancient civilized country with a cultural tradition of five thousand years, and thousands of years of civilization history has shaped the national character and spirit of the Chinese people", but many people ignore that "thousands of years of civilization history is an important cultural resource of our national ethics and morality, and has a strong moral education function", Even hold a negative attitude to such a view. The patriotism, collectivism, and socialist education we advocate, the prosperity, democracy, civilization, and harmony we advocate, the freedom, equality, justice, and rule of law we advocate, and the patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness we advocate can all trace their roots from the treasure house of China's excellent traditional culture. Based on the basic national conditions, it is urgent to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen moral construction and give full play to the moral function of traditional culture.

(2) The integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities has been severely challenged. Conventional school moral education is easy to stay on the surface of propaganda and preaching, but the integration of various moral education resources is insufficient. In addition, the moral education function of Chinese excellent traditional culture is questioned, and the integration with moral education is severely challenged. The cultivation and promotion of college students' moral quality should be based on the profound moral culture, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture is a moral ideological resource that can be fully utilized. It is the fundamental value of the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education to learn from excellent moral education resources, creatively transform and play in the context of adapting to the reality of China's college education, and innovate moral education.

(3) The excellent traditional Chinese culture has been impacted by foreign cultures. China is in the historical period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the hostile forces at home and abroad are trying to infiltrate the concept of "westernization" and "differentiation" of China into the ideological field through religious, cultural and other channels; Under the banner of "academic", various unhealthy trends of thought continue to impact the vast number of college students who are still young in the world. Campus security and stability work is facing many new challenges. The excellent traditional Chinese culture and moral education work in colleges and universities have been seriously impacted. Under the background of economic globalization and cultural diversity, they face the dilemma of serious shortage of moral resources. Absorbing the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, avoiding or limiting the negative effects of modernization and diversification, and practicing the socialist core value system become the fundamental guarantee for establishing correct national moral concepts and values.

(4) The ambiguity of contemporary college students' ideals and beliefs and the diversification of their value orientations have a direct impact on the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education in colleges and universities. With the promotion of cultural diversity, social contradictions and various undesirable phenomena inevitably occur. Influenced by this, the majority of college students are new to the world, and there are often problems such as vague ideals and beliefs, weak moral awareness and distorted values. Moral education in colleges and universities is facing severe challenges. A considerable number of students, due to family education, growth environment, social impact and other reasons, have a serious sense of self-centered, lack of social responsibility, increasing uncivilized phenomena on campus, and a weak sense of integrity and performance. After graduation, these problems will be brought into the society, causing a greater impact. The emergence of these phenomena must be attached great importance.

2、 Suggestions on Integrating Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into Moral Education in Colleges and Universities

Moral education of college students is the basic project of ideological and moral construction in China. The ideological and moral quality of students is directly related to the future and destiny of the country. Deeply pointed out: "The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the outstanding advantage of the Chinese nation and our deepest cultural soft power." The extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture is rich in content and has a broad system. Its basic spirit and ideological purport are integrated into a hundred schools and extend in one continuous line. With the deepening of the process of national rejuvenation, People gradually and profoundly realize the value of the times of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. In the process of today's social development, moral education in colleges and universities is facing many new practical problems. To properly solve the ideological and moral problems, we cannot expect foreign thoughts or rely only on empty preaching. Only by inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and reviving the Chinese civilization can we do a good job of moral education in colleges and universities in today's era of powerful countries and fundamentally educate and guide students, Build China into an economic power and a civilized country.

(1) To integrate excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities, we must recognize its profound moral value and combine it with daily ideological and political education.

All colleges and universities are carrying out publicity and education of the "Chinese Dream" and socialism with Chinese characteristics in combination with courses such as "Introduction to Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", "Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis", "Introduction to Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thought of" Three Represents "," Situation and Policy "and" Career Planning ", We carried out publicity and education on socialist core values and innovative talent cultivation. However, the form of education is mainly classroom teaching, and the content of education is basically inseparable from textbooks. We often stay in the stage of completing teaching tasks, ignoring the combination with practice, and even ignoring the organic integration with the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The Zhouyi (Book of Changes) is the first excellent traditional culture in China. It is the theoretical source of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in traditional Chinese ideology and culture, the crystallization of ancient Chinese national thought and wisdom, and is known as the "source of the great way". The content is extremely rich. It explains the origin of the universe, the birth of all things and the evolution law of human society in the simplest principle, which has had a profound impact on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields for thousands of years. Its essence will play a great role in people's life in the past, present and future. The current college education advocates cultivating the innovative spirit of college students, which is derived from the true meaning and spirit of the Book of Changes. Patriotism in the excellent traditional Chinese culture is also a good teaching material for the choice of contemporary college students' life values, such as the eternal quatrains left by Qu Yuan, Li Shangyin, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, Su Shi, Lu You, etc. The majority of college students can not only absorb knowledge and knowledge from the excellent traditional culture, but also cultivate noble sentiments, encourage them to establish a correct outlook on life and values, and show their ambitions.

(2) To integrate excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities, we must deeply explore the value of moral education in traditional culture and sublimate students' temperament with traditional art

The excellent traditional Chinese culture embodies the lofty aesthetic ideals and novel aesthetic tastes of the ancients. The traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, such as patriotism, hard work, honesty and trustworthiness, diligence and thrift, modesty and politeness, respect for the old and love the young, are still of great practical significance today. The excellent traditional Chinese culture contains the view of unity of knowledge and practice, and the spirit of striving for self-improvement; Have patriotism and attach importance to people's spiritual life; There are ethical norms of solidarity, mutual assistance, respect for the old and love the young; Have the spiritual quality of pursuing truth and being brave to offer. The unswerving belief and integrity described in the traditional culture of "wealth cannot be immoral, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be subdued"; The strong will of "Heaven moves healthily, and the gentleman constantly strives for self-improvement"; The broad mindedness of "embracing all rivers and embracing all rivers" will exert a subtle influence on students' moral education, encourage them to improve their self-restraint and become civilized, honest, patriotic and law-abiding modern people. The excellent traditional Chinese culture carries history, inherits civilization, and contains the traditional virtues and national spirit of the Chinese nation. To organically integrate it with the moral education work in colleges and universities, we must clarify the cognitive laws and physical and mental development characteristics of contemporary college students, tap the moral value in excellent traditional culture, let students work hard under the influence of traditional culture, strive to achieve a solid foundation of cultural knowledge, behave decently and elegantly, and cultivate civilized manners in words and deeds, so as to benefit from life.

At the same time, art activities play an important complementary role in purifying people's minds and promoting people's overall and healthy physical and mental development. Colleges and universities should attach great importance to improving the pertinence of activities and accelerating the internalization of moral education. To be specific, we can rely on important traditional holidays and combine the development of artistic activities to promote the promotion of moral education. There are various traditional festivals in China, and many things have various etiquette norms and national customs. There are nearly 50 traditional festivals of the Han nationality alone. Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Winter Solstice Festival, Laba Festival, Spring Festival, New Year's Eve, etc. are all very important traditional festivals for the people of the whole country. Colleges and universities should make full use of the excellent traditional cultural resources of China and carry out various artistic activities in an orderly manner, so that students can purify their minds and learn knowledge in a pleasant artistic experience, cultivate a vigorous and enterprising spirit of self-improvement and the quality of self-confidence of perseverance and initiative, and achieve the goal of "cultivating morality with art". In recent years, colleges and universities have widely carried out the activity of "traditional art on campus", integrating Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, calligraphy, clothing, painting, classical music, etc. into campus cultural activities, which has become an important means of introducing and disseminating excellent traditional Chinese culture, allowing students to be exposed to a high-quality spiritual and cultural atmosphere, better establishing self-confidence and cultivating sentiment, It has played a good role in promoting students' physical and mental health and overall development.

(3) To integrate excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities, we must effectively solve "internal worries" and foreign aggression

The tenth report of the Party pointed out that "culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. We should build a system of inheriting excellent traditional culture and carry forward the new trend of the times". Chinese traditional culture has a long history and is broad and profound. It is the spiritual pillar of the Chinese nation, the soul of our nation, the deep foundation for the development of advanced socialist culture, and the important support for building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. With the development of today's society, cultural competition has become a contest of soft power among countries, and will play a greater and stronger role in building the comprehensive strength of countries in the future. In recent years, China's traditional culture has been challenged by the invasion of external culture and the loss of its own inheritance, which has hindered the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education in colleges and universities.

1. Some countries have invaded our traditional culture. In today's society, the contest of cultural soft power has become an important form of competition between countries, and its complex situation is growing day by day. In November 2005, the Jiangling Dragon Boat Festival, which was declared by South Korea, was officially identified by UNESCO as "the representative work of human oral and intangible heritage". For this traditional festival, China only focuses on eating rice dumplings, rowing dragon boats and enjoying holidays. The once heated dispute between China and South Korea over the "World Heritage Application" of the Dragon Boat Festival ended with the victory of South Korea. The Chinese can only comfort themselves with the statement that "intangible heritage belongs to all mankind, and South Korea's successful declaration is not a bad thing". With the promotion of reform and opening up, many thoughts and customs from abroad have poured into China, which has effectively promoted the rapid development of China's politics, economy and culture, but at the same time, many negative factors have also emerged. All kinds of "foreign festivals" continue to boom, fast food culture prevails, and foreign cultural products such as Japanese cartoon animation, American movies, Korean TV dramas, overseas variety entertainment programs are introduced in large quantities. While learning about foreign culture, the vast audience, while understanding and accepting the foreign life state, also imperceptibly accepted their thoughts, behaviors and values, but were unaware of the huge cultural crisis hidden in the cultural business market. A typical aspect of literature and culture is that many college students are tasteless when reading traditional classical literature, but they are fond of foreign vulgar works; Many people are keen on celebrating Christmas, but they don't care about the traditional Chinese Spring Festival; Love the Valentine's Day abroad, but ignore the Chinese traditional Tanabata Festival; All kinds of festivals are crazy about "grabbing red envelopes" from mobile phones, rather than visiting relatives and friends or communicating with family members; Crazy pursuit of overseas entertainment programs, but scorn of Chinese traditional art and excellent folk customs; Folk villages and traditional art performances are just places and means to earn profits. As time goes by, the connotation of Chinese traditional culture weakens, and people often get ahead of them, which can not but sound an alarm to the people.

2. "Internal worries" in the inheritance of traditional culture. China has a rich traditional culture, and many foreigners feel weird and "jealous", but we haven't protected and utilized it well. In addition, due to the lack of human capital, unclear boundaries of the cultural industry and backward concept of the cultural industry, we lack the ability to transform the advantages of valuable resources into economic advantages. A typical example is China's four great inventions. The Chinese themselves did not give full play to them. As a result, South Korea printed metal movable type for World Heritage application, and the western powers used gunpowder for cannons and guns as weapons, which opened the door to China in cooperation with Sinan, who was invented by China; China's silk and tea are very famous from ancient times to the present, but there are few enterprises that produce high-quality silk and tea. Even our clothes are foreign chemical fiber products. Only "Li Ning" of Chinese clothing has entered the ranks of the world. These phenomena indicate that there are problems in the inheritance, export, and introduction of Chinese culture.

In view of the above "foreign invasion" and "domestic worries", to integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the moral education in colleges and universities, we must change our ideas, gradually understand the importance of Chinese traditional culture education, and correctly handle the coordination between protection and development, development and utilization, inheritance and introduction, central and local, overall and local, current and future; The traditional cultural education of college students should be closely combined with the construction of campus culture and classroom teaching, and various measures should be taken to promote college students to consciously combine their interest in traditional culture with their own development needs, so as to truly achieve cultural self-confidence.

(4) To integrate excellent traditional culture into moral education in colleges and universities, we must focus on cultivating students' sense of social responsibility

Chinese civilization is unique in the history of world civilization. Colleges and universities should create conditions, give play to the main role of students, guide students to correctly face the challenges in life with the concept of self-improvement in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, let students fully understand the excellent traditional Chinese culture, feel the unique charm of Chinese civilization, stimulate their patriotic enthusiasm, and dare to assume social responsibilities, Keep striving, forge ahead, always persevere in the spirit of hard struggle, establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values, and lay a good foundation for becoming a qualified constructor and reliable successor of socialist modernization.

(5) Strengthen curriculum construction and reform, and better integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into moral education classroom

In addition to the regular ideological and political courses, colleges and universities should set up special traditional culture courses, give full play to the guiding role of the values of Chinese excellent traditional culture, pay attention to the organic integration with the ideological and political course teaching, create a teaching environment with diverse forms and rich connotations, and play an invisible role in moral education. At the same time, we should strengthen the construction of the teaching staff of traditional culture education, and give full play to the exemplary role of teachers. Teachers must have unique views on excellent traditional culture, have excellent quality, and have a high ideological and moral level, love the country and the party, be honest and trustworthy, be dedicated to their work and love students, consciously show a high cultural quality and noble personality charm, and do a good job in guiding the ideology of college students. In addition, we should attach importance to the construction of student associations in colleges and universities, strengthen the guidance of student associations, give full play to students' innovative consciousness, regularly and irregularly carry out unique traditional cultural activities, let students participate in them personally, experience the unique charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture, cultivate their aesthetic taste, and enhance national pride.

3、 Conclusion

School education, education oriented; Virtue, intelligence, physical beauty, moral education first. The fundamental task of school education is to establish morality and cultivate people. In terms of practical significance, it is to let the Chinese nation's spirit of respecting truth and being good pass on among college students, fully rely on their advantages of rich knowledge and strong vitality to better contribute to the socialist modernization, and promote the smooth realization of the beautiful "Chinese Dream". The excellent traditional Chinese culture has distinctive national characteristics, a long history, extensive and profound connotation, and fine traditions. The fundamental purpose of carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture is to inspire our national spirit, enhance national pride and responsibility, and improve national self-esteem and self-confidence. Colleges and universities are an important place to inherit and innovate the excellent traditional Chinese culture, an important position for the construction of national spiritual civilization and cultural soft power, and the fundamental support for the cultivation of innovative talents. We should adapt to the current complex and changing situation, take the unique charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture and the function of moral education as the starting point, select the excellent Chinese traditional culture that has played an important role in the formation and development of the valuable spirit of the Chinese nation and still contains positive factors in current and future real life as the research object, and integrate it into the moral education work in colleges and universities, Improving the scientificity and effectiveness of moral education is the internal requirement for colleges and universities to effectively carry out the practice of moral education, and also the fundamental requirement and inevitable choice for colleges and universities to effectively improve the effectiveness of moral education and boost the construction of a socialist cultural power.


[1] Li Hong, Zhang Guanghua. Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education in colleges and universities [J]. Journal of Three Gorges University: Humanities and Social Sciences Edition, 2004, 26 (3): 57-59

[2] Huang Hongli, Research on the Integration of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into University Moral Education [D]. Hunan University, 2013

[3] Wu Yanduan, Zhuang Yu, Preliminary Study on Bringing Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Education into the Moral Education Work of Counselors [J]. Academic Theory, 2013, (25): 206-207

Chapter 7: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

China's excellent traditional culture has a long history and is broad and profound. Carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and combining it with the moral education work in primary schools will help primary school students to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values in the nourishment of traditional culture, and improve their ideological and moral level and civilization. Under the premise of ensuring certain teaching quality, schools should integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the moral education in primary schools to ensure the effective implementation of moral education in primary schools.

1、 Chinese excellent traditional culture is the cultural foundation of moral education in primary schools

Culture means "educating people", that is, educating people, influencing people and infecting people. Its purpose is to improve people's quality and shape people's hearts. The Chinese excellent traditional culture has a long history and rich content. The way of thinking, values and codes of conduct contained in it are not only deeply historic and inheritable, but also has a distinctive reality and innovation. For example, since ancient times, "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, honesty, and shame" are the basic principles of life, and also the essence of Confucius' moral education. Even if we enter the modern society, we should also teach children how to behave, how to treat the country, parents, others and ourselves.

At present, under the influence of the complex market economy environment, many primary school students' ideological, psychological and behavioral qualities have been impacted and affected by foreign culture and the negative effects of the market economy, resulting in some bad performances, such as money worship, blind comparison, selfishness, hedonism, lack of integrity, and weak collective awareness. These phenomena and problems put forward higher requirements for moral education in primary schools. Some schools blindly put forward various formalistic slogans and carried out a large number of moral education activities, but the results were not satisfactory. The main reason is that the school level has not fully understood the purpose of moral education, has not fully grasped the content of moral education, and has not scientifically chosen the way to carry out moral education. Essentially, moral education in primary schools lacks correct and scientific cultural guidance. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, follow the cognitive laws of primary school students, integrate the classics and essence of traditional culture, and integrate them into the moral education work in primary schools.

2、 The Importance of Combining the Inheritance of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture with Moral Education in Primary Schools

Realizing the organic combination of Chinese excellent traditional culture and moral education in primary schools is the requirement of the times to strengthen and improve the ideological education, moral education, political education and psychological education of primary school students, and has important practical significance.

(1) Help students establish scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values

The main goal of moral education in primary schools is to help pupils establish a correct outlook on the world, life and values. The education of outlook on life and values pays more attention to the transformation of human thoughts. Psychological research shows that primary school students can not fully understand the exact meaning of concepts such as "life" and "value", but this does not mean that it is too early to carry out scientific outlook on life education in primary school. Because in the primary school stage, children have begun to have a preliminary understanding of the concepts of happiness, responsibility, money, conscience, and so on, and these understanding is precisely the basis for the formation of an independent outlook on life in the future. If these education and guidance are ignored in primary school, it will be difficult to form a scientific and healthy outlook on life and values in the future. Therefore, the introduction of excellent traditional Chinese cultural content in primary school to educate and influence children, so that they can learn to work seriously, respect teachers, unite and cooperate, be honest and trustworthy, will help primary school students form a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values.

(2) It is conducive to improving students' ideological and moral level and civilization

At present, with the rapid development of science and technology, people's pace of life is accelerating. These social changes force people to constantly update their knowledge and change their values. As an important place for educating people, the school has both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, the school should carry forward the excellent traditional culture; On the other hand, it is inevitable to be impacted by reality and foreign culture. As far as the actual behavior of primary school students is concerned, at present, many students know little about the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese culture, let alone the awareness of cultural consciousness. Primary school students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Strengthening the education of excellent traditional Chinese culture for primary school students is not only conducive to improving the ideological and moral level of primary school students, regulating their civilized behavior, but also conducive to enhancing the cultural consciousness of primary school students and enhancing their cultural self-confidence.

3、 The Path Choice of Organic Combination of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture and Primary School Moral Education

(1) Promote the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture by stages

The development of moral education in primary schools needs to follow the rules of learners' cognitive development. Only by following the rules can we achieve twice the result with half the effort. According to the maturity of students' physical and mental development, the primary school stage can be divided into lower grades and higher grades. According to the specific requirements of the outline, the primary school's lower grades are mainly for enlightenment education, focusing on cultivating students' feelings for the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Low grade students in primary schools should know some traditional cultural festivals. Teachers can organize class meetings or cultural and sports activities with different cultural contents according to different festivals, such as lantern riddle guessing and poetry contest on the Lantern Festival; The Dragon Boat Festival's "Dragon Boat Festival feelings" hand copied newspaper, "thick Chinese feelings" literary and artistic performances; On Teachers' Day, the speech contest of "Teacher, You Are Hard" and the concert of "Sing a Song to Teacher" strengthen students' understanding of traditional festivals through various forms of expression. In addition, junior students also need to understand and use some basic traditional etiquette, such as saying hello to others, showing filial respect to parents, and respecting teachers. Teachers can let children realize the importance of traditional etiquette through story explanation, video broadcast and family practice activities, and can practice it personally to form good behavior habits.

Compared with the lower grades, cognitive education should be carried out for the upper grades of primary school students, focusing on improving their sensitivity to the excellent traditional Chinese culture. For example, senior pupils should not only know some traditional festivals, but also know the cultural connotation of festivals, including the origin, customs, classic stories and the comparison with foreign festivals. In the appreciation of classical poetry and prose, we should be able to understand the general idea of the work, understand the author's writing emotion and the specific historical environment at that time, and comment on its social impact. Because classics are the essence of national culture, the condensation of national spirit and the accumulation of human civilization. In addition, we should train senior students to have a stronger ability to identify, gradually improve their ability to identify the true, the good, the beautiful, the false, the evil and the ugly, and help them establish lofty ideals and aspirations.

(2) Integrate excellent Chinese traditional culture into relevant curriculum system

Classroom teaching is the main way to combine Chinese excellent traditional culture with primary school moral education. In the long history of thousands of years, Chinese traditional culture has been deeply melted into the ideology of the Chinese nation, accumulated as a cultural gene, and become an important part of the psychological structure of national culture. We should give full play to the important educational influence of moral education classes in primary schools, enrich the content of moral education courses, and innovate the methods and means of moral education. In addition, the content of moral education can also be permeated in classroom teaching of other subjects. Such as poetry appreciation and article analysis in Chinese class; Character introduction and event background in history class; Appreciation of classic and famous music in music class; Understanding of beauty in art class; Team cooperation in physical education will exert a subtle influence on students. Therefore, we should actively expand the primary school moral education curriculum system, enrich the curriculum content, enhance the school-based characteristics, and infiltrate the relevant content of the excellent Chinese traditional culture from multiple angles and links.

(3) Improve the level of teachers of Chinese excellent traditional culture education

Teachers are the backbone of school education and teaching, and the key element to ensure the quality of education and teaching. To make students learn well, teachers must first teach well. A good teacher should not only let students learn the knowledge they should have, but also let students understand the principles and principles of life. Primary school teachers are a mirror of primary school students. Every word and deed of teachers will have a profound impact on immature primary school students. Therefore, as a primary school teacher, we should be more strict with ourselves, strengthen our moral cultivation, always establish a sense of being a teacher, enhance our sense of responsibility, honor and historical mission, be polite, modest, set an example, and strive to be good teachers and good examples for students. The school should also take the promotion of teachers' moral level and cultural accomplishment as the key work of the school, set up a model, emphasize demonstration, and create a high-quality and highly cultivated teaching team.

(4) Promote the diversified integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture education

Chapter 8: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Key words: excellent traditional culture Path of ideological and political class in vocational colleges

In the process of economic and information globalization, multiple value cultures and various eastern and western trends of thought are surging each other, and vocational college students are affected to varying degrees by foreign cultures when they examine traditional cultural concepts, which provides new opportunities for ideological and political work of vocational college students, At the same time, it also brings new crises and challenges to the ideological and political theory classroom, the main position of ideological and political education for vocational students. "How to carry forward China's excellent traditional culture in the ideological and political class, and let vocational college students consciously internalize the ideological connotation of excellent traditional culture into the world outlook, outlook on life, and values that fit the socialist core values in today's cultural pluralism." This is a new topic for every ideological and political educator.

1、 The Value and Realization of Excellent Traditional Culture in Ideological and Political Education

As a new force to realize the Chinese Dream, how much do contemporary college students know about China's excellent traditional culture, and how much do they accept, master and inherit it? In response to this problem, the research team conducted an in-depth investigation on various colleges in the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan urban agglomeration, especially higher vocational colleges. The investigation results are not optimistic, or even worrisome. The limitations of China's current education system, the lack of ways to accept traditional cultural knowledge, and the lack of college students' own understanding of traditional culture lead to the serious lack of traditional cultural knowledge among contemporary college students, especially vocational college students. In order to improve college students' moral standards and their comprehensive quality, we must start from practice, deeply tap the value of excellent traditional culture in ideological and political education, and actively explore the new model of traditional culture education.

1. Excellent Chinese traditional culture provides rich ideological and political teaching resources

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is abstracted from China's long cultural accumulation and actively affects the development of the whole society. It is a high generalization and summary of the common spirit, mode of thinking, psychological state and value orientation of the Chinese nation. It is the crystallization of China's politics, ideology and culture for thousands of years, covering five thousand years of Chinese civilization, and its ideological concepts The value orientation, mode of thinking, moral sentiments, etiquette system, etc. provide inexhaustible and valuable ideological resources for future generations to deal with people and govern the country. They are the spiritual source of self-esteem and self-confidence for every Chinese people, and also the driving force for the nation's development.

Patriotism, the core and cornerstone of Chinese excellent traditional culture, has laid a solid theoretical foundation for patriotism education of vocational college students. The research group took the freshmen in senior high school of Hunan Electric Vocational Technology as the research object, held theme class meetings on May 4th Youth Day, National Day, Army Day and other festivals, led students to visit Changsha Martyrs Park, Shaoshan Former Residence, Former Residence and other red revolutionary education bases, stimulated students' concern for the destiny and future of the motherland, and aroused their feelings of loving the country, hometown and campus, And then sublimate these feelings into a strong sense of responsibility for the country and a noble character of safeguarding national dignity and safeguarding the interests of the motherland.

In order to improve the comprehensive quality of college students, the spirit of "vigorous and promising, self-improvement", the spirit of striving, the spirit of "harmony between man and nature", the spirit of "truth-seeking and honesty", the spirit of "harmony is the most valuable, and promote others", the spirit of "poverty leads to change, reform and innovation", the spirit of "diligence and thrift", the spirit of "fraternity, filial piety" and so on in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, The realization of the greatest dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides an internal basis and strong support.

2. Inspiration of Chinese excellent traditional culture on the teaching of ideological and political courses

Ancient Chinese philosophers and educators have accumulated a large number of ideas and methods of ideological and political education through their profound understanding and insight into human nature. Through the innovation, improvement, renewal and summary of generations of ancestors, they have formed a relatively complete and systematic system of educational methods, It has an extremely important enlightening role for today's ideological and political educators to carry out teaching.

(1) Teaching and learning are mutually beneficial. "The Book of Rites · The Book of Learning" wrote: "Although there are delicacies, there is no idea of their purpose without food; although there is supreme Tao, there is no idea of their goodness without food. It is the reason to learn and then know the deficiencies, and then teach and then know the difficulties. To know the deficiencies, then be able to self reflexive; to know the difficulties, then be able to self-improvement. So it is called: teaching and learning grow together." The classroom is a place where teachers and students collide with each other in thought, and where hearts blend. Teachers' teaching is a kind of teaching that respects students' individual perception and their unique individual experience. It is not arbitrary to "fill", "fill", "block" and "block". It allows students to have their own beliefs and awareness of independent existence, and allows students to discuss their own opinions in class. Such an open classroom, on the contrary, allows teachers to hear students' true voice of knowledge interpretation and their mastery of knowledge in their expectation, appreciation and tolerance of students, so that teachers can continue to improve and perfect, and truly achieve mutual benefit between teaching and learning.

(2) Put yourself in the other's shoes. "If you want to benefit others, you will benefit others. If you want to reach others, you will reach them. Do not do what you don't want to do to others." That is to put yourself in the position and think in terms of others. Teachers should accurately grasp the needs and aspirations of students, instead of focusing on teaching and forgetting the students' real demands for knowledge, this "supercilious" teaching will naturally not be recognized by students. In the classroom, we should learn to think in terms of empathy, fully respect students, respect the classroom, and truly connect teachers, students, and the educational media, so that teachers and students are harmonious, happy, teachers and students feel the same way, and the teaching effect is natural.

(3) No discrimination. Confucius said that "there is no class without education", anyone can change through education. In the eyes of teachers, "there are no poor students, only differences". The so-called "poor students" and "bad students" are just excuses for our own educational failure. We have not yet found a suitable way of education or communication for them. Instead of "sitting on the table and talking", it is better to step down from the podium, lean down, pay close attention to the growth of each student, go out of the teaching materials, be people-oriented, vary from person to person, teach according to their aptitude, teach according to time, place to place, and matter to matter.

2、 The New Path and New Thinking of the Ideological and Political Classroom of Higher Vocational Colleges with Excellent Traditional Culture Rooted

Integrating the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the teaching process of ideological and political courses in higher vocational colleges, the teachers of ideological and political courses are urged to review the teaching materials and explain the contents of the teaching materials in depth, thoroughly and correctly, so as to stimulate students' interest, so that students can listen, listen, and listen to each other, and improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching.

1. Change the educational concept and create an excellent traditional cultural atmosphere and educational environment

Due to the influence of government strategy, economic orientation, social fashion and other aspects, there has been a serious cultural fault in the inheritance of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Most vocational colleges in China adhere to the school running idea of "employment oriented and skill strengthening", and generally implement the talent training mode of combining work with learning. The focus of teaching is mostly on cultivating students' skills. Very few of them regard excellent traditional culture as an important carrier to open students' minds and shape their morality. They ignore or ignore the inheritance of traditional culture. In order to make traditional culture take root in the campus of higher vocational colleges, we should first change the educational philosophy of the leaders and teachers of higher vocational colleges, think about and position excellent traditional culture education from a strategic perspective, and actively build an educational environment with profound cultural heritage and strong humanistic atmosphere. Secondly, we should launch a series of activities to inherit and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture inside and outside the campus and classroom, so that students can re understand, understand and accept our excellent traditional Chinese culture, re-establish self-confidence in traditional culture, and thus form the consciousness of inheriting and innovating China's excellent traditional culture.

2. Develop "three in one" characteristic textbooks for ideological and political courses

Closely combining the excellent traditional culture of China with the actual needs of schools and students' lives, we have re compiled the characteristic textbooks of ideological and political courses (that is, the textbooks that integrate "national specific textbooks, local characteristic textbooks, school-based characteristic textbooks"), whose teaching contents are flexible and changeable, close to life and students' reality. Taking "Introduction to Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" as an example, the textbook content is organized in the form of "theme+activity" module. For example, the original textbook has 12 chapters. In the new school-based curriculum, "nine topics+nine practical activities" are selected. In the selection of school-based curriculum content, the emphasis is on understanding historical facts, broadening horizons, enriching students' thinking, interpreting and infiltrating the connotation of excellent traditional culture and ideology in practical activities in combination with various problems encountered by students in their real life, and encouraging students to put themselves in a real and specific social environment to play their own initiative and actively think and explore. Only when students are interested in it, can they truly inherit and innovate excellent traditional culture, truly realize the settlement of excellent traditional culture in higher vocational colleges and take root in the ideological and political classroom.

3. Improve teachers' traditional cultural literacy and scientific research awareness

When talking about the teaching quality of a certain course, UNESCO proposed the formula: teaching quality=(students+teaching materials+environment+teaching methods) × teachers. From this formula, it can be inferred that the ideological and political teachers are the first influencing factor, and the "environment" and "teaching methods" are also the two factors that mainly depend on the organization and implementation of the ideological and political teachers. Therefore, whether the Chinese excellent traditional culture can take root in the ideological and political classroom of higher vocational colleges depends to a large extent on the level of personal comprehensive quality of the ideological and political teachers.

The ideological and political course in higher vocational colleges is the main position of ideological and political education for higher vocational students and the main carrier of inheriting traditional culture. The ideological and political course teachers are the main bearers of inheriting and interpreting the ideological connotation of excellent traditional culture, and they have a direct relationship with students' learning knowledge structure. "Teaching with textbooks rather than teaching textbooks", which can not grasp the essence of textbooks. Teachers should take the initiative to learn, devote themselves to research, constantly improve their classroom organization ability, modern media application ability, knowledge in-depth research ability, etc., and pass information to students through their own tangible language actions and intangible personality charm.

4. Promote cultural awareness and build an incentive, diversified and dynamic assessment system

Vocational college students are the bearers and embodiment of inheriting traditional culture. In order to realize the educational value of excellent traditional culture and not passively accept traditional cultural knowledge, they must upgrade from a blind state of freedom to a level of self-consciousness. Through dialectical thinking of traditional culture, they can form a cultural consciousness, build self-confidence in excellent traditional culture, and neither underestimate themselves, It is also not arrogant. It actively internalizes the connotation of traditional culture and ideology into its own knowledge system, internalizes the world outlook, outlook on life, values, and outlook on life in line with the socialist core values, and consciously applies them in practice to solve practical problems.

In classroom evaluation, we also need to change the single, quantitative and static evaluation method of "one paper determines the universe" in the past, but establish an incentive, diversified and dynamic evaluation system. Effective and diversified classroom evaluation protects students' learning passion and enables students to spontaneously and consciously walk into the classroom and fall in love with the classroom, so as to allow excellent traditional culture to settle down on the campus of higher vocational colleges, take root in the ideological and political classroom, and let excellent traditional cultural ideas take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit in the hearts of higher vocational students.


[1] Zhang Guizhi. On Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture [M]. June 2012

[2] Deng Yanping. Theory of Ideological and Political Education for College Students [M]. Changsha: Hunan University Press, 2010

[3] Liu Chuansheng. Research on the Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education for College Students [M]. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2009

[4] Zhou Long. Research on the Value of Confucian Excellent Traditional Culture in Ideological and Political Education of College Students [D]. Xi'an University of Science and Technology, 2013

Chapter 9: Model Essay on the Outline of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

[Key words] Traditional culture; college student; Education; sense of worth

1、 Introduction

With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in college students' value orientation, lifestyle, thinking concepts, etc. This change is both an opportunity and a challenge for the current ideological and political education of college students in China. At the same time, the invasion of western thoughts and the impact of network culture have brought many problems that need to be solved urgently to the ideological and political education of college students, which also makes it particularly urgent and necessary to absorb and learn from the essence of excellent traditional culture and further enrich the cultural resources of ideological and political education of college students.

In this context, on the one hand, by combing the meaning of Chinese traditional culture, ideological and political education of college students and the performance of Chinese excellent traditional culture in ideological and political education of college students, we can explore the feasibility and inevitability of their integration. On the other hand, combining the characteristics of traditional culture and college students' ideological and political education, this paper analyzes the reality and existing problems of their integration path, in order to provide useful suggestions for improving the integration path of China's excellent traditional culture and college students' ideological and political education, and finally make the essence of traditional culture carry forward and inherit in college students. Therefore, how to correctly understand China's excellent traditional culture and how to effectively integrate the excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students is still an important issue that needs to be discussed and studied. On the basis of reasonable absorption and reference of useful research results from the academic community, combined with the new situation facing today's ideological and political education, through the definition of Chinese traditional culture and ideological and political education of college students, the necessity and feasibility of the integration of the two, actively explore the path of effective integration of the two, It is expected to provide new theoretical content for the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture and ideological and political education in universities in the new era. The fine tradition and valuable spirit in China's excellent traditional culture are beneficial supplements to the ideological and political education of college students. Combining the two will not only help the inheritance and development of China's traditional culture. At the same time, it also helps to enrich the content of college students' ideological and political education and enhance the effectiveness of education.

2、 Research overview

In China, in recent years, the academic community has not only paid attention to the exploration of Chinese traditional culture and ideological and political education, but also more and more studies on the integration of the two.

(1) Traditional culture

In recent years, there have been more and more studies on traditional culture, and more and more books on Chinese traditional culture, including the Introduction to Chinese Culture edited by Zhang Dainian and Fang Keli, the Essentials of Chinese Traditional Culture by Zeng Dechang, the Introduction to Chinese Culture by Chen Jiangfeng, and the General Introduction to Chinese Culture by Gu Weilie, Ma Xin et al. In terms of papers, in February 2016, there were 942 results of searching "traditional culture" in the "China (CNKI) Academic Literature Database", which shows that China is paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese culture.

In his Introduction to Chinese Culture, Zhang Dainian made a profound exposition of culture, Chinese traditional culture, and the methods of learning Chinese culture. He also deeply sketched the historical process of the emergence and development of Chinese traditional culture from the aspects of China's historical geographical environment, the economic foundation rooted in Chinese culture, and the social and political structure on which Chinese culture depends. This work is a careful interpretation of the Chinese traditional culture from its connotation to its development process, and has a high reference value. In "The Essence of Chinese Traditional Culture and Thought", Liang Songcheng mainly combed the essence of spiritual civilization in Chinese classical culture, such as "The Book of Changes", "The Analects of Confucius", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The University", and pointed out that "the famous aphorisms in traditional culture that have the nature and development of the people, or contain absolute truth, still have strong vitality and social value today". In his Introduction to Chinese Culture, Chen Jiangfeng comprehensively combed the basic structure, basic spirit, historical development system and other aspects of Chinese traditional culture. At the same time, he also deeply analyzed the construction of today's cultural system in combination with the needs of social reality, providing a new perspective for the study of traditional culture. All kinds of macro studies on Chinese traditional culture have systematically combed the development process, basic characteristics, ideological essence and other contents of Chinese traditional culture. Although they fail to comprehensively cover all aspects of Chinese traditional culture, they still have strong reference significance.

(2) Ideological and political education for college students

With the promulgation of the 16th Document of the CPC Central Committee, a large number of works on ideological and political education came into being. For example, Fang Hongjian and Guo Chunxiao wrote the Science of Ideological and Political Education for College Students, and the Compilation of Documents on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education for College Students, which was publicized by the College Working Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee. All of these have carefully combed the connotation, historical development and work philosophy of ideological and political education for college students. At the same time, with the deepening of the ideological and political education of college students, combined with the development of the times, some works on the innovation of the ideological and political education system and content of college students have come into being, such as Xie Shoucheng's Research on the Innovation and Development of Ideological and Political Education in Universities in an Internationalized Perspective, and Cheng Gang's Practice and Innovation of Ideological and Political Education of College Students.

3、 The Connotation and Spirit of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

(1) Traditional cultural connotation

People all over the world have discussed and defined the definition of "culture". It can be said that until today, there are still many disputes about this concept in the academic community. However, no matter how many definitions of culture there are, people will admit that the core issue of culture is people, and the essence of culture is also people. Culture itself is both a noun and a verb. It is not only a process, but also a unified system with multi-level and multifaceted contents. Generally speaking, "tradition" has both time extension and space expansion compared with the present. So traditional culture, as its name implies, is a kind of culture that is formed and developed in the past long-term historical development process in time, has its own national characteristics in space, and has a stable form of culture. Therefore, traditional culture is the historical record and spiritual home of a nation, and also the prerequisite for the nation to create a new culture. On this basis, Chinese traditional culture refers to the stable Chinese culture formed, developed and integrated in the long-term process of social and historical development with the Chinese nation as the main culture. After thousands of years of changes, Chinese traditional culture has formed great wisdom in thought, great virtue in ethics, great beauty in art, and great truth in science, which has a long history and is broad and profound.

Chinese traditional culture also has limitations. For example, strict hierarchy and concepts; The concept of "three obediences and four virtues" for women; The small peasant consciousness of self-sufficiency and contentment with the status quo has become a tool for the ruling class to educate and rule the people in a specific period, restricting the development of human personality and the equality of rights, with a certain feudal class color. Therefore, when carrying forward and inheriting Chinese traditional culture, we should take a critical view, remove its dross, select its essence, and dig deeply into the spiritual genes in Chinese traditional culture that are consistent with the development of the times. The excellent traditional culture of China is the essence of traditional culture that has been accumulated through historical precipitation and is in line with Marxism, the goal of cultivating contemporary college students, and the direction of China's development.

(2) The Excellent Spiritual Analysis of Chinese Traditional Culture

1. Advocate the harmony between man and nature, and embody the harmony of Chinese traditional culture. The unity of heaven and man is an important category of Chinese traditional culture. "Heaven" has two meanings, one is the nature of heaven, the other is the morality of heaven. Man originates from nature and imitates nature. Therefore, he should fear nature, conform to nature, and follow the laws of nature. He should "combine his virtue with heaven and earth, his name with the sun and the moon, and his order with the four seasons". Only in this way can we coexist with nature; On the other hand, human nature is born according to the destiny of heaven, and heaven is the ultimate goal of human morality. To achieve the goal of self realization, people should strive to practice the law of heaven, cultivate their morality, and live in harmony with others and society.

The concept of "harmony between man and nature" reflects the harmonious and unified relationship between man and nature, man and society, subjective and objective, perceptual and rational, and embodies the concept of harmony in Chinese traditional culture.

2. Pursue great harmony and embody the social ideal of Chinese traditional culture. Great Harmony is an important part of ancient Chinese thought, which is used to refer to the ideal world that human beings can finally achieve and describe the beautiful vision of human beings for the future society. Datong society, as the highest stage of human society, is mainly composed of three basic characteristics: first, everyone can receive the care of the whole society, especially for the "widows, widows, orphans, alone, disabled people"; Second, everyone can live and work in peace and contentment; The third is to make the best use of goods and people. That is to say, people cherish the products of labor, but they have no selfishness, will not take them as their own, and will not care about the amount of labor. The three characteristics of the Datong society reflect the Chinese people's desire and pursuit for friendship, wealth and public affairs. In modern times, through the transformation and improvement of different political thinkers, it has become the cultural source of the modern Chinese dream.

The Confucian thought of Great Harmony contains the principle that the existence of individuals must be based on the whole. In the case of the optimization of the overall interests, individual interests can be fully satisfied and realized, that is, by coordinating the interests of individuals and the whole, everyone can finally achieve a free state where they can exert their maximum ability. "The world is for the public, select talents and capabilities, and be faithful and harmonious" means that we should adhere to the overall interests as the leading principle, constantly coordinate and integrate the interests of individuals on the basis of seeking common ground while reserving differences, mutual humility and respect for everyone, and finally achieve a high degree of consistency between individuals and the whole, so that each individual can play its role and get the maximum freedom, equality and welfare.

3. Constant self-improvement and moral integrity reflect the spiritual power of Chinese traditional culture. In five thousand years of labor practice, the Chinese nation has gradually bred such noble qualities as self-improvement, generosity and tolerance, hard work and plain living, and striving to become stronger. These qualities are not only the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation, but also the spiritual impetus for the continuation of China's excellent traditional culture for thousands of years. This spiritual quality can be reflected in two sentences in the Book of Changes. "Heaven moves healthily, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement". In Chinese traditional culture, "Heaven" is the nature's heaven, representing the nature, the so-called "also of nature", "the general name of all things"; At the same time, it is also "the heaven of morality", "the heaven of justice", the root of goodness and nature, and the supreme moral code of mankind. As the Doctrine of the Mean once said, "The destiny of heaven is nature, and the frankness is Tao". Based on this, the heaven is eternal. No matter what kind of lightning flint, ups and downs, the "Heaven Way" always maintains its strength, stability and vitality. Therefore, a gentleman should also follow the example of heaven. When facing various difficulties and hardships, he should be able to forge ahead, work hard, be resolute and strong, and not be swayed by difficulties.

4、 The Way to Realize the Value of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

(1) Adhere to the ideological guidance of Marxism in the process of ideological and political education of college students

Marxism is the unity of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. It is a complete scientific thinking system formed on the basis of a profound summary of the laws of historical movement. It explains the universal laws of world development and has a cosmopolitan character. It is the combination of the objective reality of China's development, which has more distinctive characteristics of the times and national characteristics, is an advanced world outlook and methodology, and is the fundamental guiding ideology of socialist ideology.

The advanced and scientific nature of Marxism determines that Chinese traditional culture must develop and discard itself under the guidance of Marxist theory. Only in this way can we firmly grasp the direction of socialist culture. In today's society, there are still ideological trends such as "Confucianisation of China" and anti Marxism, which deviate from the needs of the times and should be carefully distinguished when promoting traditional culture. At the same time, the ideological and political education of college students should adhere to the guidance of Marxism, arm the students' minds with scientific theories, and resist the influence of various errors and decadent ideas.

Therefore, in the process of integrating excellent traditional culture into the ideological and political education of college students, we must adhere to the monistic guidance of Marxism, put traditional culture into the scientific theory of Marxism for selection, accumulation and sublation, remove its dross and extract its essence, so as to extract values consistent with the spirit of the times and apply them to the ideological and political education of college students, Avoid the influence of erroneous thoughts such as "overall westernization" or "acculturation of China". While truly enabling college students to carry forward and inherit the excellent spirit of their ancestors, they can also analyze problems, solve problems, distinguish right from wrong, correctly understand the mainstream of social ideology, see the essence of complex social phenomena, and resist the penetration of western ideas with the basic viewpoints and theories of Marxism.

(2) Strengthening the Psychological Value Identification Mechanism of College Students

The integration of excellent traditional culture and college students' ideological and political education is by no means an overnight thing. In order to enable college students to fully and accurately grasp the internal essence and rich content of the Chinese national spirit, they must first start from the value identity. The establishment of the value identity mechanism can ensure the lasting charm of China's excellent traditional culture.

The formation of values is a process of imperceptible influence. To establish a value recognition mechanism, multiple forces need to work together and coordinate development. The value recognition of traditional culture includes two levels: on the one hand, the recognition of universities and teachers; On the other hand, it is the identification of college students.

Colleges and universities are an important external environment for the formation of college students' values. Only colleges and universities attach importance to the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture can create a good atmosphere for college students to learn, accept and inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture. At the same time, the value recognition of Chinese excellent traditional culture education in colleges and universities will, to a certain extent, promote the value recognition of college teachers, so as to better integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into teaching practice. In addition to the guiding role of the value orientation of colleges and universities, college teachers' own recognition of the value of China's excellent traditional culture is also crucial. Only a high degree of recognition from the heart can skillfully integrate it into the ideological and political education. Of course, it is more necessary to fully consider the acceptability of college students, and seek countermeasures from college students' cognition, belief, emotion, will and other links, so that college students can not only theoretically accept the education of China's excellent traditional culture, but also integrate it into their study and life, and truly achieve brain and heart integration.

(3) Improve the course teaching in colleges and universities and change the way of education for college students

Classroom teaching is the most important way to carry out ideological and political education on campus. Ideological and political educators can effectively help college students form a unified and standardized ideological and moral concept by instilling knowledge systems into the education objects. Therefore, in order to achieve the effective integration of the two, we must improve the teaching content and improve the education methods.

Use ideological and political education classes such as situation and policy to set up special courses related to excellent traditional Chinese culture. For example, courses with the theme of building an honest society, exploring Chinese traditional cultural festivals, cultivating patriotic national spirit, etc. can be set up to help students understand the historical origin and development context of traditional culture while combining with real life, Practice the ideological essence and moral essence of traditional culture. At the same time, in terms of curriculum, we should scientifically design the educational content, highlight the core content of China's excellent traditional culture, and improve the pertinence and timeliness of ideological and political courses according to the ideological characteristics of contemporary college students. For example, when introducing curriculum content, ideological and political educators can start from the current hot issues related to traditional culture to stimulate students' thinking, such as promoting students' thinking and discussion on the ethical issues of the elderly falling down, the integrity of cheating in examinations, the lack of Chinese traditional Spring Festival flavor and other issues. Starting from what these students pay attention to and understand, it is easier to attract students' attention, thus enhancing the attractiveness and appeal of these courses to college students.

(4) Creating a Green College Network Education Environment

Nowadays, the Internet is full of various good and bad network information. Due to the immature ideological understanding of college students, especially some junior students who have just entered the campus, it is difficult to distinguish them, which results in deviation in their ideological attitude. Therefore, college educators should assume the obligation and responsibility of purifying the network environment and building a green campus. Through the organization of hot discussions on Internet information dissemination, college students are guided to exchange their views and opinions with each other. Recognize the complexity of the network environment in the process of criticism and self-criticism, cultivate their awareness and ability to identify Internet information, and improve their cultural self-examination, selection and judgment abilities.

The Chinese traditional culture has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, leaving behind not only the dust of history, but also great wisdom in thought, great virtue in ethics, great beauty in art, and great truth in science. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, but also the precious wealth of Chinese people. It is deeply rooted in the hearts of every generation of Chinese people, It has influenced the thoughts and behaviors of generations, and has finally shaped the image of the Chinese nation of diligence, courage and wisdom, forming the soul of the national spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation. This is the reason why the traditional Chinese culture can survive for thousands of years without defeat, and it is also an important reason to continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Chinese nation. The integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into college students' ideological and political education is not only a historical necessity, but also a need of the times. Through analysis and research, we can see the problems and shortcomings in the current education in China, and also see a new dawn: the party and state leaders attach great importance to traditional culture, and the effective practice of colleges and universities in the process of integrating traditional culture, all of which make Chinese traditional culture shine in the ideological and political education of college students, and believe that the realization of the "Chinese Dream" is just ahead.


[1] Chen Shoucong, Wang Xizhen. The Value of Chinese Traditional Culture and the Construction of Modern Moral Education. Guangming Daily Press, 2013

[2] Chen Zhijun, Pu Jieming, Zuo Yi, etc. Research on the whole process of integrating socialist core value system into college students' ideological and political education. Guangming Daily Press, 2015

[3] Gu Youren. Innovation of Chinese Traditional Culture and Ideological and Political Education. Anhui University Press, 2015

[4] Su Zhenfang. Comparative Research on Ideological and Moral Education. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014

[5] Su Zhenfang. Comparison of Contemporary Ideological and Political Education Abroad. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014

[6] Deng Qiubai. Chinese Traditional Culture and Ideological and Political Education. Capital Normal University Press, 2013