Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model of team system construction scheme

Selected Team System Construction Plan (9)

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 Team system construction scheme

Part 1: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

A reasonable system is to strengthen school management

A powerful driver of execution

The executive power is first shown in the implementation of management systems and policy decisions, and scientific formulation of management systems can ensure effective executive power. If the school's execution is poor, the first thing to see is whether the school's system is reasonable, scientific and perfect. Therefore, when formulating the system, we should be cautious, carry out more research, and listen to the opinions of the masses. Once the system is formulated, it should be strictly implemented from the principal to the middle level to the teaching staff. The first step to improve the school's executive power is to run the school according to law and have rules to follow.

The system construction of the school is relatively perfect, and some management systems of the school will be revised in accordance with the development status of the school every year. The rolling revision of the system is not decided by the president or several people, but proposed by the teachers' congress, discussed with various departments, and finally voted by the teachers' congress. 2012 is the first year to comprehensively implement the performance pay reform, and the school should complete the post setting programme And 30% annual performance appraisal plan, both of which are related to the vital interests of teachers and staff, so they should be cautious when formulating them. The school specially set up a leading group for post setting, and conducted research in many ways to produce the first draft of the plan. The headmaster of the school held a special forum for the head teacher, the head of the teaching and research section, and the teachers to listen to various opinions and constantly improve the plan, which was finally voted by the teachers' representative meeting.

At present, the problem in the system construction of the school does not lie in whether the system construction is perfect, but in how to establish and improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism and supervision mechanism according to the management system, encourage the teachers and staff to play the subjective initiative, and further improve the school management execution.

Efficient team Is to improve school management

Strong implementation of execution

To strengthen the execution, successful managers will inevitably enhance their individual execution ability by building a strong cooperative team and playing a team role. Efficient teams often have clear goals, responsibilities, strong participation and smooth communication. For the school, an efficient team is mainly to build a good team of middle-level cadres and teaching and research sections. The middle-level cadre team is the person who concretely implements the principal's management concept, and the teaching and research section team is the team who concretely implements the curriculum reform. Under the leadership of these two teams, the school task can be broken down and implemented to every teacher. The key to building an efficient team lies in two aspects: ① selecting the right person to the right position; ② Advocate continuous study and research.

In the process of creating a national model school for the reform and development of secondary vocational education, the school has cultivated an efficient learning team around this overall goal. The school has established a competition system for middle-level cadres, a system for middle-level cadres to take temporary jobs in industrial enterprises and a system for middle-level cadres to rotate their posts, implemented a flat management structure, delegated authority to middle-level cadres, and regularly organized middle-level cadres to study, giving full play to the team execution effect. For the construction of the teaching and research team, the school encourages outstanding teachers to become the leaders of the teaching and research department and encourage teachers to actively participate in the school curriculum reform by establishing a scientific performance appraisal scheme.

At present, what the school needs to think about in the team building is that after the implementation of the new performance pay reform, the performance pay assessment scheme is obviously inclined to front-line teachers, and how the school's management team should build a platform for them to improve the enthusiasm and execution of the management team.

Harmonious culture is a powerful guarantee for school management execution

For schools, high morale is the best execution. The input of educational workload cannot be calculated by pieces like a machine. Educators should have a positive and enthusiastic attitude to work, so as to cultivate high-quality students. How to inspire teachers' morale is the main work of school document construction. Harmonious campus culture is reflected in the following aspects: ① teachers and students have common goals; ② Teachers and students are willing to learn; ③ Teachers and students are in a fair environment. In such a campus culture, we can certainly do what we want. To create a harmonious campus culture, it is necessary to establish an open communication system. The principal and teachers should have a dialogue, and teachers and students should have a dialogue to achieve information exchange and feedback. Harmonious campus culture can create efficient execution culture, and turn the passive acceptance of teachers and students into active struggle.

Part 2: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

1、 The Construction of Teaching and Research Organization in Group Teams

In order to maintain the vitality and competitiveness of a school, "people" must be the center. We should not only emphasize people's psychological needs and ability allocation, but also emphasize the division of labor, cooperation and collaboration of the team. We strengthened the team building of the school, focused on the construction of the research group, teaching and research group, lesson preparation group and grinding group, and orderly promoted the curriculum reform of the school.

1. Research group

The research group is composed of outstanding backbone teachers. Pay attention to the difficulties, hot spots and key issues in educational and teaching practice, refine and sublimate them into valuable research topics, formulate implementation plans, carry out practical inquiry, strengthen theoretical learning in practical inquiry, and carry out reflective regulation. Through open teaching activities, teachers can improve their teaching and research level in the process of thinking collision. Promote the research results to all teachers, and truly play the role of leading the curriculum reform with project research. The research is carried out in the form of sub topics. Each activity is based on the classroom to solve problems in teaching practice.

2. Teaching and Research Group

The teaching and research group is composed of teachers in the same period and subject. The main forms of activities are: ① Case exchange and reflection meeting. Let teachers communicate and talk with teachers in the teaching and research group about their gains and puzzles in the recent teaching in the form of cases. Share each other's experience, reflect on the lessons of failure, discuss measures for improvement, and share teaching resources. ② Observe and discuss. During the activities of the teaching and research group, high-quality video lessons of famous teachers and special teachers are played, or the city's teaching experts and discipline leaders are invited to give demonstration lessons to guide teachers to observe and discuss. Comprehend from the operational level how to use textbooks to transform ideas into specific operations. ③ Classroom practice. Each semester, each person will have an open class on curriculum reform research, and update the teaching concept in the collective review to improve the classroom efficiency. Construct your own teaching experience and improve your practical wisdom. ④ Theoretical study. Each time, they collected and sorted out theoretical learning materials around their own or group's research topics.

3. Lesson preparation group

The lesson preparation group is composed of teachers of the same grade and subject, with the goal of in-depth study of textbooks, thorough understanding of learning conditions, optimization of process design, selection of exercise design, and effective teaching preset. The main forms of collective lesson preparation are: ① report and negotiation. The group members successively express their opinions and thoughts on textbook study, teaching methodology design, and training design, and then form a collective teaching plan through group discussion and negotiation. ② Compare and supplement. One member is selected by lot to design a lesson plan first, and other members supplement and question the plan and express their own opinions, so as to make the plan more perfect. ③ Case cooperation and exchange. Each team member combines his own style and experience to say his favorite piece of design, and then makes his own choice.

4. Grinding group

The grinding group is composed of experienced old teachers, excellent backbone teachers and young teachers who have just taken up their posts in the same subject. The main goal of the grinding group is to train young teachers, temper backbone teachers, improve teachers' classroom teaching level, enrich teachers' teaching practice experience, and improve teachers' practical wisdom. The grinding teacher selects topics, carefully studies textbooks and students, designs teaching plans on this basis, and carries out multi round grinding activities. The grinding teacher borrows the class for trial teaching to find out the problems that will occur in the actual teaching of the teaching plan. In the review of the members of the grinding group, the grinding teacher re modifies the teaching plan by integrating the ideas of others and his own reflection. Try to teach again -- reflect again -- revise again -- try to teach again until you are satisfied.

2、 Construction of teaching and research system of team

We believe that the construction of the teaching and research system is conducive to standardizing the activities of the team. We strive to build the "four systems" - dynamic research group activity system, teaching and research group activity system, lesson preparation group activity system, and grinding group activity system. Through the strict implementation of small team organizations such as research group, teaching and research group, lesson preparation group, grinding group, teachers' behavior is standardized.

The construction of teaching and research system is also conducive to improving the cohesion of the team. When a value in the team is recognized by the team members, it will produce a kind of adhesive, which will unite the thoughts and strength of the whole team members, stimulate their feelings of striving for the common development goals, and generate great synergy. Based on this understanding, we have formulated the Regulations on the Evaluation of Excellent Research Groups, the Regulations on the Evaluation of Excellent Teaching and Research Groups, the Regulations on the Evaluation of Excellent Course Preparation Groups, the Regulations on the Evaluation of Excellent Course Grinding Groups, the Scheme for the Evaluation and Reward of School level Excellent Groups, and the Regulations on the Reward of Teaching and Scientific Research Achievements, in an effort to improve the cohesion of the team.

We also improve the competitiveness of the team through the construction of the teaching and research system, so that the team has sustained development momentum and innovation ability, and form an overall competitive advantage. First, establish the system of teachers going out to study and listen to lectures. Organize team members to go out to study and listen to lectures in a planned way, and take the opportunity of high standard going out to study and listen to lectures as a reward for excellent team members and excellent team members. The second is to establish a system of regularly inviting experts to the school for guidance. The school supports and assists each team to invite experts from the teaching and research office, local top teachers or discipline leaders to give special lectures, answer questions and solve questions, so that team members can clarify their own efforts in the direct communication with experts and thinking collision. The third is to establish the "three optimization" system of high-quality course display and evaluation. Every semester, we will organize the "three optimization" evaluation of high-quality courses of teachers' curriculum reform, create a good research atmosphere, and improve the cohesion and competitiveness of the team in the process of launching high-quality courses in each team. Fourth, implement the system of inter school classroom teaching exchange and observation activities. Select the teachers in the school group to compete with the teachers in brother schools, and carry out a series of classroom teaching observation activities. In such classroom observation and exchange, teachers should lead observation, analysis and research, and improve their teaching practice.

3、 Creation of Teaching and Research Atmosphere in Group Teams

In the team building, we strive to create a harmonious, comfortable and warm environment, so that members feel that working in school is a kind of enjoyment and happiness.

Create a strong learning atmosphere. Change the concept of learning, advocate "lifelong learning", "team learning", "learning from work, learning from work", make learning become the survival state and development mode of groups and individual members, and make campus a place for reading and communication. Advocate group members to concentrate on reading, teaching monographs and magazines. Advocate shared discussions, and members of the learning group share their learning gains to promote the promotion of successful experience. Advocate critical dialogue, and members of the learning group debate and question a certain point of view in theoretical learning or hot spots and focus problems encountered in education and teaching from the perspective of reflection, so as to reach a high-level consensus through the collision of ideas.

Create a strong research atmosphere. The process of teaching research itself is also the process of learning, practice, cooperation, reflection, and more importantly, the process of teachers' quality and potential being constantly developed. In this process, ideas need to be collided, inspiration needs to be stimulated, experience needs to be exchanged, ideas need to be exchanged, and ideas need to be improved. We should gradually form an equal, democratic, harmonious and harmonious research atmosphere and build a platform for refining educational wisdom.

Create a good team atmosphere. We advocate that teachers should learn tolerance, find reasons from themselves when encountering frictions, and learn to think in terms of empathy. By doing a good job of teamwork, we can meet new challenges with a happy working attitude and develop together with the team members, so as to achieve a win-win situation in life and work. Be good at communication and cooperation, and truly realize that helping others is developing yourself.

Create a good atmosphere of innovation. We strive to create an innovative atmosphere of "dare to create" and "dare to take risks", and vigorously promote the spirit of "three dares": dare to "experiment", dare to "create a road", and dare to "rise to the top". To understand the development of our cause, we need a group of people and a multi-level talent structure. It is necessary to create an environment in which everyone can carry out their ambitions. Constantly introduce new ideas, new practices, new experiences, new classes

4、 Cultivation of team cohesion

Team cohesion is an invisible spiritual force and an invisible link that closely links the members of a team. Team cohesion comes from the inner motivation of team members and the common values. It is the highest embodiment of team spirit. Team cohesion is shown externally as the sense of honor of team members, and internally as the degree of integration among team members and team morale. The cohesion of the team is not only a necessary condition for maintaining the existence of the team, but also plays an important role in playing the potential of the team.

1. Team cohesion consensus based on goals

The consensus reached on goals is the basis of team cohesion. In addition to establishing common goals, the school and team managers should guide and unify the goals of each member into the common goals of the team, and provide practical steps and measures for the realization of the team members' goals. Only when the team members feel the care and respect of the team, can they truly regard themselves as the masters of the team and work with the team with one heart and one mind.

2. Team cohesion lies in respect and trust among members

Respect and trust are the key points in building a team. Respect and trust are the basis of team members' cooperation. Everyone in the team has different ideas, needs and personalities from other teammates. Team members need to respect everyone's skills, views and opinions, and respect everyone's contribution to completing the task. At the same time, good interpersonal relationship is the agent of efficient team. Therefore, effective measures must be taken to enhance the integration of team members and guide them to live in harmony, respect and trust each other.

3. Team cohesion is reflected in the communication among members

Part 3: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

1、 Comparative advantages of project oriented archives administration mode

The so-called project oriented archives administration mode is a management mode dominated by project and project management, supplemented by daily operation and functional management. It is a new exploration in the field of archives administration to adapt to the development of the situation and reform and innovate against the drawbacks of current daily operation management. Its essence is to regard the unique needs of each archive administration object as a project, and the archive administration department will organize a project team to complete the project; The main feature is that when the tasks of daily administration and project management conflict, project management takes precedence over daily administration. In this mode, the archives administration department focuses on meeting the "social needs", takes projects as the leading activities and project management as the leading management mode, and pointedly strengthens the various abilities of the organ to adapt to the changes in the external environment, so as to seek for the improvement of performance and social recognition and satisfaction. The project here includes all one-off, unique and uncertain activities.

(1) The project oriented archives administration mode can enhance the project management ability, so it can better carry out the project management work. In today's era, the development of a country, region, or a certain field or industry is achieved through innovative projects. Development means change, transcendence, and difference from the past. Such change and transcendence constitute projects. In recent years, the most prominent change of archival work is the gradual reduction of repetitive tasks, while complex and unique tasks with strong uncertainty (i.e. projects) are increasing, so it is necessary to establish a new concept of project oriented development of archival work. In the process of carrying out the construction of people's livelihood archives, Yueyang City has adopted the project oriented working mode, taking the work of people's livelihood archives in the city as a total project, taking the construction of different types of people's livelihood archives of various people related units as each sub project, both building each sub project pertinently, and taking all people's livelihood archives as a whole to integrate, develop and utilize resources, It has achieved good results and formed some successful experiences. Practice has proved that in the case of increasing projects in archive work tasks, the project oriented archive administration mode can better organize personnel to carry out independent innovation and other project activities, better respond to and deal with various emergencies, and better serve grassroots, enterprises and the public because it can enhance project management capabilities, Because their needs can be regarded as independent projects.

(2) The project oriented archives administration mode can enhance the overall ability to solve problems and respond to social needs, so it can meet the needs of service-oriented organization construction. The fundamental requirement of service-oriented organizations is service, and the archives administration department must improve its service ability in order to better serve the society.

The first is to improve the ability of organization and coordination and the ability to solve problems as a whole. The file administration of the traditional system is divided into administrative law enforcement, business supervision and guidance, file education, file publicity, file scientific research management and other work, and different internal institutions are set up to take responsibilities. In practice, in some places, to some extent, problems such as too detailed division of labor among internal institutions, fragmentation, departmentalism, shirking responsibility, rigidity and inefficiency have emerged, which has weakened the ability of organization and coordination and the ability to solve problems as a whole. For example, in some places, due to the separation of education and training from business supervision, and the lack of communication, each of them talks about a set of things, which makes the instructed object at a loss; In some places, due to the separation of business supervision and administrative law enforcement, the business supervision organization finds problems that require the law enforcement agency to exercise its law enforcement authority, and the coordination between the two is not coordinated, resulting in poor archive administration and low social satisfaction. The project oriented archives administration mode, guided by the seamless government theory, breaks down the barriers between the internal institutions, provides services and deals with problems in a holistic rather than independent way through the formation of a team, which can provide a more targeted overall solution, and the project teams are dispatched and coordinated through a unified command organization. In this way, The past barriers between various institutions within the archives administration department have become a complementary network system, and the ability to organize and coordinate and solve problems as a whole has been significantly enhanced.

The second is to improve the ability to respond to social needs. The construction of service-oriented organs requires organs and their staff to respond actively, quickly, accurately and with high quality to the needs of society and citizens, rather than passively respond to problems. This requires the archives administration department to have a smooth collection and acquisition channel of social demand information and suggestions, and to be more timely and effective in information processing. The project oriented archives administration mode can better serve the social needs by configuring the institutions, personnel and platforms for information collection and processing, and strengthening the ability of information acquisition, cognition and processing, so it can effectively improve the ability to respond to social public needs.

(3) The project oriented archives administration mode can enhance the ability of evaluation and supervision, so it can better implement performance management. At present, the appraisal and supervision mechanism of archives administration is not perfect. To some extent, it belongs to the self-evaluation mode, which assesses and supervises itself. For example, the same organization is responsible for the management of archives work objectives and the work of reaching the top standard, organization, guidance, technical consultation, inspection and acceptance, and the same organization is responsible for the administrative enforcement of archives from law enforcement inspection, filing to investigation and settlement of cases. The final results are only known by the relevant organizations and personnel themselves. In addition, the superior assessment and supervision often become formalistic due to the short time and unclear situation, which leads to some problems: first, the innovation motivation is insufficient, so that when encountering new fields and problems, the adaptability is not strong; Second, the lack of motivation in daily work has resulted in many problems that cannot be solved, and even the phenomenon that the functions of the archives department are squeezed or deprived by the relevant departments; Third, when there are mistakes in the archives administration, it is difficult to correct them in a timely and effective manner because of inadequate supervision.

The project oriented archives administration mode emphasizes the performance management with equal emphasis on process control and result orientation. By introducing an independent performance evaluation mechanism, the self-evaluation mode of each internal organization is changed. The task completion of the project team is supervised and evaluated by an independent supervision organization, which realizes the separation of project management, implementation, supervision and evaluation functions, It is a good driving force for improving the level of archives administration to urge the project teams to take the initiative to improve their work, enhance their responsiveness and improve their performance.

2、 Main tasks in the establishment stage of project oriented archives administration mode

From the above analysis, it can be seen that to create a project oriented archive administration mode, the operation system and mode of the archive administration department need to be rebuilt and standardized. Specifically, four major tasks need to be completed.

(1) Standardize the workflow of project oriented archives administration. According to the requirements of process reengineering theory and the actual needs of project oriented archives administration, rebuilding the workflow of archives administration is an important guarantee for the success of project oriented archives administration. Work flow is a combination of work procedures, and work procedures are solidified work steps and work contents. There are eight basic links in the workflow of project oriented archives administration, seven of which can be arranged in order: social demand information collection, information processing and project establishment, team building and task dispatch, project implementation, implementation feedback, verification and closure, assessment and evaluation, and supervision runs through the whole process. These eight basic links are connected with each other and form a complete closed loop.

Each link in the process must correspond to the corresponding organization, team and position, so the controllability and operability of the whole process can be ensured only by establishing relevant organizations and teams, setting up relevant positions, and specifying the work responsibilities, work procedures, and work standards of each organization, team, and position in detail.

(2) Establish a comprehensive command and supervision organization. The project oriented archives administration mode requires the archives administration department to change into a project oriented organization that can better organize government resources to provide project services. Therefore, the setting of internal institutions needs to be adjusted. In the initial stage, because the internal organization of the whole organ cannot be significantly adjusted, the more feasible way is to establish a comprehensive command and supervision organization that integrates the functions of information collection, command, supervision and evaluation, as the core organization of project oriented archives administration, and set up relatively independent posts to take charge of different operating procedures, To better adapt to the new process. The responsibilities of the organization can include five aspects:

1. Information collection. The problems, opinions and suggestions that need to be solved in the archives administration should be widely collected, so as to unblock the channels for the society to pay attention to and supervise the archives administration. There are four sources for information collection. One is the information provided by the file law enforcement liaison team formed by employing relevant personnel, the other is the information learned and formed by the decision-making level, internal agencies and law enforcement supervisors of the Bureau in the process of decision-making, management and law enforcement supervision, and the third is the opinions, suggestions, reports and complaints put forward by the public, Fourth, the policy and regulatory documents made and issued by the higher authorities and the information learned and formed in the supervision of law enforcement.

2. Project approval. The collected information shall be processed quickly and accurately, and the work tasks (projects) shall be determined according to the priorities.

3. Assignment. Command and dispatch other internal organizations and project teams established as required to deal with the determined tasks (projects) in a timely manner. First, classify or grade the projects according to the scope of influence and urgency of the project, and then arrange the project sequence according to different categories and grades, coordinate the actions of various internal institutions and project teams, so as to improve the management efficiency.

4. Check and close the case. According to the project processing information fed back by the executive team, verify and check the project completion, close the projects confirmed to have been completed, and send the unfinished projects back for rework or supplement.

5. Supervision, assessment and evaluation. Monitor the task implementation of the archives administration project in the whole process and in real time, and assess and evaluate the work of each project team and each internal organization. In order to ensure the fairness and accuracy of supervision, it is necessary to have a set of scientific supervision methods and systems as well as an open and transparent environment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct supervision on an open and fixed system platform, so as to accept the supervision of society while supervising others. In terms of evaluation, it is necessary to establish and improve the performance indicator system based on the analysis of the basic functions of various internal institutions and project teams. Through questionnaires, interviews, on-site inspection, summary and communication and other methods, it is necessary to achieve a multi-dimensional evaluation of the responsibility subject, work process and work performance.

(3) Establish a project implementation team. The project team is the executor of the archives administration task (project). It receives the task assignment from the command organization, is responsible for task processing, and reports the project implementation to the command organization. As required, personnel from internal institutions such as administrative law enforcement, business supervision, education and training, file publicity, scientific research management, etc. can be transferred to form a project team to carry out tasks, so as to achieve the purpose of special teams and special personnel carrying out special business activities with special measures within a special time to achieve specific results.

The personnel participating in the project team must have a sense of public service, have the ability of investigation and research, administration according to law, execution, team cooperation, communication, quick response, necessary professional knowledge and grass-roots work experience, and the team leader must also have the ability of team building, analysis and decision-making, and the ability to promote change.

The project team shall properly handle the relationship with the internal organizations of the archives administration department. Although project oriented organizations are project oriented, there are also daily operation activities in such organizations, and even many project oriented organizations' daily operation activities exceed project activities in total. Therefore, in order to balance project activities and daily operation activities, project oriented organizations must have both permanent functional departments for daily operation and temporary project teams for project activities. The organic combination of the two forms the unique dual organizational structure of project oriented organizations. As the archives administration department, the project oriented management mode is a new exploration, so more attention should be paid to handling the relationship between the two, solving the conflict between the two in personnel deployment, the conflict between the long-term and temporary nature of personnel positions, and the multiple leadership of personnel in work.

Part 4: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

The Party and Youth League branches of the Criminal Investigation Brigade insist on keeping pace with the times, forge ahead, vigorously build the image project and quality project of the team, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the criminal investigation team in the new era, and strive to create a first-class police force; We paid close attention to the investigation and case solving work, accelerated the pace of criminal investigation informatization construction, and created first-class work performance. To become the vanguard of criminal investigation work and criminal investigation reform in Fujian Province. In 20__, all criminal cases above provincial governor level were solved. In 20__, he won the first place in the spring detection battle and the first place in the annual severe crackdown and rectification of the city; New breakthroughs have been made in strengthening the police through science and technology. The Criminal Technology Office has been rated as the national first level criminal science and technology office by the Ministry of Public Security. In 20__, it was awarded the National Advanced Collective in Fingerprint Detection.

1、 People oriented, creating first-class service quality.

The criminal investigation department shall base itself on its own position, practice its service commitment, crack down on crimes and maintain public security and stability. In 20__, 2685 criminal cases were uncovered and 1243 criminal members were arrested in the campaign of severe crackdown and rectification. 117 criminal gangs were destroyed and 331 gang members were captured. 289 fugitives of all kinds were captured. 680 people, 739 people were arrested; The recovered stolen money and goods are worth more than 5 million yuan. Since the launch of the special fight against mafia, 37 mafia criminal groups have been completely destroyed, 212 mafia criminal members have been captured, and the attendance rate has reached 87.6, with a rate of 88.9. The achievements of the special campaign of "fighting against mafia and evil" rank among the top of the municipal bureau.

On the morning of July 1, 20__, a Western born woman rushed to the criminal investigation brigade to report that her husband had been kidnapped on June 25. The kidnapper called for a ransom of 230000 yuan and asked for the money to be sent to Ximei Town, Nan'an City. Otherwise, her husband would be thrown into the reservoir to feed fish. After receiving the case, the investigators of the Criminal Police Brigade immediately went to Nan'an to work. After continuous day and night operations and ingenious manoeuvres, they successfully ambushed and captured three kidnappers who came to take money, and safely rescued the hostages. After the extraordinary case of "8.10" Baogai Mountain robbery against government personnel and overseas Chinese under the supervision of the provincial party committee, the investigators of the special case team accurately analyzed and determined the scope and direction of the investigation, promptly sought clues, and investigated in disguise. Finally, on the evening of August 12, Zhai Qianwen, the first principal criminal of the case, was captured in Chidian Village, Jinjiang City. Due to the appropriate investigation measures, the analysis and judgment were accurate, Successfully captured four main criminals in a row. After that, the investigators of the brigade worked hard to solve a number of important cases, including the 130000 yuan robbery case supervised by the provincial department in "7.5", the series of "11.22" robbery cases supervised by the provincial department, the killing of "12.4" joint defense team members supervised by the provincial party committee, and the 10000 dollar robbery case of Iraqi businessmen supervised by the municipal party committee in "9.2". It has dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of criminals, and has effectively promoted the fight against severe punishment to be carried out in depth. Since the situation of "strike hard" and "high pressure" has been maintained all the time, the effect of "strike hard" and "regulation" is obvious, and the achievements are outstanding. In 20__, the number of criminal cases solved increased by 4.9 compared with that in 20__, and the number of criminal cases solved decreased by 3.6%. Won the first place in the spring detection battle and the first place in the annual severe crackdown and rectification in __ city. The satisfaction rate of the Party committees, governments and the people at all levels with the criminal investigation departments has reached a higher level.

In recent years, nearly 6000 criminal cases have been reported, and each criminal policeman undertakes the task of solving 70 criminal cases every year on average. The whole team of police is overloaded. In the face of difficulties, the Interpol members carry forward the noble dedication and fighting spirit of being loyal to the police and putting the people first. They are not afraid of death and hardship. Their annual rest days are less than 10 days, and they are bent on solving cases.

While making great efforts to investigate and solve cases, the young police of the brigade took the "Youth Civilization Service Card to Help Wanjia" activity as the carrier, took people's satisfaction as the highest standard, thought about the people's thoughts, and worried about the people's anxieties, and tried every possible way to do good things and practical things for the people. The Party and Youth League branches of the brigade, based on their own duties, vigorously carried out service activities for the convenience and benefit of the people and fulfilled their service commitments. Adhere to the "one police implementation" system, the alarm receipt system and the case handling feedback system. The implementation of these measures not only facilitates the masses, but also effectively improves the relationship between the police and the people, wins the trust and support of the masses, and also plays a very good role in promoting criminal investigation.

All the police of the brigade donated 4000 yuan to visit Huang Mingpan, a group of people in Lunhou Village, Baogai Town, on the occasion of the National Handicap Day, to send warmth to the families of the disabled. In the "Big Hand in Small Hand" charity student aid activity, the brigade signed a five-year student aid agreement with 15 primary and secondary school students in total, and paid 600 to 800 yuan of tuition and miscellaneous fees for each of them every school year. At present, it has donated more than 30000 yuan. In the midst of the severe crackdown, there was a huge murder case in Yongning Town of our city. The vicious gangster wielded a kitchen knife and chopped a 5-year-old girl from Chongqing, Gong Moumou, to death on the spot, and his mother, Tang Zhongju, was seriously injured. On the night of the crime, the criminal police caught the criminal in time, and Tang Zhongju was sent to the hospital for rescue. As the Tang family in Chongqing was poor and unaccompanied, they could not afford to pay the expensive medical expenses. Their lives were in danger. All the young policemen in the brigade generously donated 4150 yuan to Tang as medical expenses.

2、 Education first, leading to a first-class youth team.

Adhering to political construction of police is not only an important part of building a modern criminal investigation cause, but also an important force to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of all public security work for the criminal investigation brigade. In its work, the General Party Branch of the Criminal Police Brigade insists on investigating and solving cases on the one hand and team building on the other hand, and strives to create a first-class police force with "both hands are hard".

1. Constantly strengthen the construction of the Party and the team.

As the main force of the public security organs in combating criminal crimes, the Criminal Investigation Brigade should not only consciously safeguard the Party's absolute leadership over criminal investigation, but also comprehensively strengthen the Party's construction in accordance with the requirements of the "Three Represents", and enhance the ability of Party organizations and party members and cadres to control complex situations, grasp the direction, create situations, and rally people's minds. In recent years, under the leadership of the Bureau's Party Committee, the General Party Branch of the Criminal Police Battalion has been united, adhered to the work of Party building and Youth League Committee, further improved the Party and Youth League Branch Committee, promoted the healthy development of democratic life within the Party, strengthened the role of collective leadership, improved the system of collective research on major issues, and carried out work effectively. The Criminal Investigation Brigade presents a gratifying situation that the leading group has appeal, the team has cohesion, and the criminal police members can fight and win. The number of members of the Criminal Police Brigade has grown from 12 when the team was founded to 70 in five branches. Over the past few years, the average criminal police of the Criminal Police Brigade has solved more than 20 cases per year, more than double the average number of the province, and has become a team that can recruit and fight well.

2. Strengthen ideological construction.

The General Party Branch of the Criminal Investigation Brigade makes great efforts to carry out the "" system, conscientiously study and implement the thought of "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, actively carry out education and rectification, focus on the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly among the members of the Party and Youth League, the ideological line education of seeking truth from facts, and the legal education of strict, fair and civilized law enforcement. Vigorously carry forward the "five spirits", that is, the spirit of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, the spirit of keeping up with the times and seeking practical results, the spirit of indifference to fame and wealth and selfless dedication, guide the criminal police members to deeply understand that the ideal is in the position, and the belief is in the action, and encourage the members to actively practice the ideal in their respective positions. At the same time, the brigade paid attention to the role of the existing cultural position, insisted on running the bulletin board, blackboard newspaper, and the party journal and newspaper, set up a model, promote integrity, and did a good job of team history education and external publicity for the team members, and effectively strengthened the ideological and political education of the criminal police members to ensure the smooth flow of police orders.

3、 Pioneering and innovating to create first-class work performance.

Only by keeping pace with the times can we continue to create brilliance. The General Party Branch of the Criminal Investigation Brigade bravely stood at the forefront. Under the leadership of the Bureau's Party Committee, it insisted on reform, pragmatism and innovation, and team management and business construction continued to reach a new level.

1. Improve the incentive mechanism to keep the team alive.

The leading group of the Criminal Investigation Brigade insists on reforming and improving the team management competition incentive mechanism, so that the Criminal Investigation Brigade can maintain a strong combat effectiveness. In recent years, the personnel structure of each squadron under the Criminal Police Brigade has been reorganized. We can constantly revise and improve the Measures for the Implementation of Rewards and Punishments in the Management of Criminal Investigation Brigade with the times, carry out quantitative assessment of the work of all staff, link the assessment scores with subsidies, encourage hard work, encourage more cases to be solved, explore a new way beyond ideological education and administrative management, so that the team management is brought into a scientific, formal and standardized track. In order to maximize the enthusiasm of the team members, the post rotation system of 8 teams (offices) under the Criminal Police Brigade is implemented, and the first place in the annual work of each unit has priority. The brigade implements the system of "one star per month (the first)" and monthly work report. It implements the system of year-end merit evaluation, stipulates the top three case handling teams in the annual work, recommends and reports merit and bureau awards. Due to the implementation of a series of management measures, all team members have pressure and motivation, and the team always maintains vitality.

2. The informatization construction of criminal investigation has made great progress.

In accordance with the work deployment of the Bureau's Party Committee to build a "digital" criminal investigation, the Criminal Investigation Brigade has made great strides in the construction of the criminal investigation information network system. The leaders of the Brigade have striven for more than 2 million yuan and tried their best to invest more than 2 million yuan. The technical equipment has gradually been updated, and it is the first in the province to realize the connection between the regional network of the county level criminal police bureau and the criminal investigation information network of the provincial public security department. Through several years of efforts, the informatization of investigation and case solving, case management, preliminary informatization of office processes, and informatization of daily work have been basically realized, and the informatization of criminal investigation has taken the lead in cities and even the whole province. The informatization of investigation and case solving is to carry out online serial and parallel case investigation through the criminal investigation information network, query, compare and solve cases through the fingerprint automatic identification remote query system, and quickly obtain online information through intranet sharing. Case management informatization refers to the management of case data, on-site data, criminal suspect data and clues through the network. The initial informatization of the office process is to realize information sharing through the office computer networking between the leader of the brigade and various departments, offices and squadrons. The informatization development of daily work refers to the implementation of public policing, receiving online alarm, reporting, and online wanted notification through the criminal police website set up by the brigade on the Internet. The rapid development of criminal investigation information construction has effectively promoted the overall progress of criminal investigation. Due to the scale and quality of hardware construction, criminal technicians are enthusiastic about their work, and technical work has made breakthrough progress. According to the statistics, in 20__, through the combination of online resources and on-site investigation technology, 18 series of 172 cases were solved. Criminal technology has played a total of 335 roles in the investigation and solving of cases, with a rate of 15. 88 cases have been solved directly by using technology. The fingerprint remote query system was used to directly identify 65 suspects and 79 cases, which exceeded the task of solving 30 cases of the year issued by the provincial department at the beginning of the year. The technical solution won the first place in the city. The regulation of criminal suspects won the first place in the city.

[Secretarial station - standing in hand, writing without worry!]

3. The standardized construction of the team won the overall excellence.

The Criminal Investigation Brigade actively responded to the spirit of the superior public security organ to create a graded criminal police squadron, and launched the "creating excellence and striving for models" activity in the whole brigade. The brigade took the well-established Hubin Squadron as the entry point to carry out standardized transformation of office environment hardware facilities and improve various systems. The office environment was rectified and optimized. Various registration books have been established and improved, such as case acceptance, case filing, case cancellation registration books, seizure, retrieval, confiscation of goods registration, criminal suspect files, etc. The establishment of Hubin Squadron was ahead of all squadrons. The brigade took this as a typical example and gathered all the leaders of the squadron to visit Hubin Squadron for study and promotion. Driven by the atmosphere of creating squadrons in the area of responsibility, the standardized construction of the directly affiliated professional teams was not unwilling to lag behind, and soon set off an upsurge of creating grade criminal police squadrons within the range of the brigade. At present, one of the three responsibility area squadrons under the command of the brigade is rated as the national model criminal police squadron, and two are rated as the provincial excellent criminal police squadrons. The criminal police brigade has become the only unit with excellent criminal police squadrons in the responsibility area of the city's public security system. On the basis of the establishment of the level criminal police squadron, the brigade actively guided each squadron to establish a youth civilization number based on their own posts, and successively, the Serious Crimes Squadron and Fengli Criminal Police Squadron were rated as the city level youth civilization number and the city level youth civilization number respectively.

4、 Model leads the way and cultivates first-class young talents.

Cultivating high-quality talents is a powerful guarantee for creating stamina. On the one hand, the Party and Youth League branches of the Criminal Investigation Brigade pay great attention to the training and learning of young policemen and strive to improve their professional skills. In recent years, the brigade has organized young players to participate in the commander training, criminal police training, criminal technician training and other professional training courses held by the provincial department and the municipal bureau, so as to comprehensively enhance the comprehensive quality of young players. On the other hand, under the guidance of "Youth Civilization", the brigade gives full play to the vanguard and model role of the Party and League members in the youth, takes the advanced youth emerging in the team as the benchmark, takes them as the model, publicly praises them, promotes righteousness, and encourages the young police to take the model as an example, inspire their spirit, forge ahead, and make contributions. In the team, there has been a work upsurge of "comparing, learning, catching up, helping and surpassing" young police, and a large number of young "post experts" and advanced individuals have emerged. The police dog trainer Li Changhe took his dog to participate in the first national police dog contest and won the sixth place in the group and the second place in the provincial department; The scouts Wang Jinde, Wang Tao, Xu Shaoqin, Song Fengning and other comrades studied hard and worked hard. The investigation and case solving work has been at the forefront of the team for several consecutive years, and has been commended and rewarded by the provincial department and the municipal bureau for many times. There were also more than 20 comrades who were rewarded by the Bureau's Party Committee for their outstanding performance during the severe crackdown period, and 12 young policemen were employed as criminal investigation detectives because of their outstanding work. Since the establishment of the team, more than 30 comrades of the Criminal Police Brigade have been promoted to the leadership positions of the bureau or other departments and teams. The Criminal Police Brigade has become the "talent training base" of our bureau by cultivating young backbone and promoting talent growth.

Part 5: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

Key words: teaching team; Teacher team construction; Teacher professional development

Building a high-level teaching team has always been an eternal topic for the reform and development of the school, and the key link is to strengthen the construction of the teaching team.

1、 Connotation and significance of teaching team

The teaching team takes students as the service object, takes front-line teachers who are good at mutual cooperation and communication with a strong sense of self-development as the main body, takes teaching work as the main line, takes advanced educational ideology as the guidance, takes improving teachers' teaching level and quality as the goal, and takes the improvement of teaching content and teaching methods as the main way, The core team that carries out teaching research and improves the quality of running a school, driven by the school's problem-based learning and scientific research projects, focusing on professional self-development and generating professional happiness. Building an excellent teaching team with noble ethics, excellent business, moderate scale, optimized structure and full of vitality is conducive to the mutual cooperation between teachers and the promotion of teachers' professional development, is conducive to giving play to the leading and exemplary role of famous teachers, promotes the cultivation of young teachers, is conducive to the effective handling of complex teaching problems and the realization of resource sharing among teachers.

2、 Construction and management of teaching team

In order to ensure the orderly operation of the teaching team, we must strengthen the management of the teaching team, improve the relevant systems and policies for the construction of the teaching team, establish a set of policies and systems conducive to the development of the teaching team, establish the rights and status of famous and excellent backbone teachers in the team, and expand the management of the teaching team.

1. Chief teacher responsibility system

Formulate the team chief executive teacher appointment rules and team development guarantee rules, and make a detailed description of the employment conditions, employment methods, learning system, and management assessment system; Establish a team study group composed of the leading group and the team chief executive teacher, implement flat management on the learning community, and be responsible for supervising and guiding the teaching team to carry out study and discussion. In this way, leaders will no longer engage in administrative intervention, but as learners and leaders, they will participate in learning and discussion with teachers, and find and solve problems in time in activities. At the same time, the role transformation also makes the teacher group more willing to accept and absorb the opinions of the instructor, making team learning more effective.

2. Team management autonomy

The person in charge of the teaching team should have considerable freedom in reforming the teaching mode, content and method, formulating the team work plan, determining the composition of team members, regulating the use of internal funds, assessing and evaluating members, and formulating distribution methods. The management of the school is transformed from the person who issues the order to the instructor, supporter and server of the team, and provides guarantee for team building by establishing a scientific and reasonable system and mechanism. At the beginning of each year, the chief executive teacher puts forward his/her annual main topic and explains it to all teachers in the school. The teachers voluntarily apply to participate in the research. The chief executive teacher will form a team of applicants to jointly carry out the research on the topic, promote and develop together.

3. Establish a scientific performance evaluation system

In order to keep the teaching team vigorous and attractive, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of team members, an effective and scientific performance evaluation system must be established. In terms of professional title evaluation, external training, talent selection, scientific research project establishment, annual performance appraisal, etc., appropriate policy preference is given, so that each member of the team can personally feel the recognition and objective and fair evaluation of the school's contributions, and ensure the efficient operation of the teaching team. Within the teaching team, teachers should compete for posts to promote the rational and orderly flow of professional teachers; Establish a teaching evaluation system combining school evaluation, student evaluation and team internal self-evaluation to provide a good operating mechanism for the sustainable development of the teaching team.

4. Form a reasonable team structure

The teaching team should timely put forward opinions and suggestions on team training, adjustment and supplementation according to the needs of specialty and curriculum construction, and carry out the selection and training of key teachers and famous teachers in a planned way. Formulate training and further education plans for young teachers, give full play to the role of experienced teachers in spreading, helping and guiding, and promote the rapid growth of young teachers.

5. Improve the overall teaching level of the team

We should actively understand the cutting-edge information of education and teaching reform, and constantly update the concept of education and teaching. Focusing on the cultivation of students' innovative ability, we should constantly reform teaching methods and means, reform examination methods, promote students to learn to think and learn to learn, and stimulate students' interest and potential in learning. Regularly hold teaching seminars, and actively carry out teaching and research activities such as collective lesson preparation, teaching observation, experience summary, trial teaching, teacher training, expert reports, and thematic discussions. Through various practical and effective activities, strengthen the exchange of teaching experience and improve the level of teaching and teacher ethics. Team teachers should be encouraged to actively participate in scientific research and improve their academic level to promote the improvement of teaching level.

3、 Operation of teaching team

1. Introduce the "six thinking hats" method to constantly improve teachers' ability to think about problems

The so-called "six thinking hats" means six specific types of thinking styles. Six thinking hats with different colors represent six different thinking styles. It provides a tool for "parallel thinking". The key to using it is that the thinker should learn to distinguish logic from emotion, creation from information, etc. Wearing any hat represents a specific type of thinking mode, which can only allow the thinker to do one thing at a time, thus avoiding wasting time on meaningless thinking and arguing with each other. For example, when evaluating a class, everyone first puts on a white hat to provide each evaluator with the information they find, and then puts on a red thinking hat to express their feelings at the same time; Then the teachers in blue hats put forward their own suggestions, and the teachers in black hats put forward their own problems; At last, the teacher wearing the blue hat will synthesize everyone's opinions, reveal the problems and trigger everyone's thinking.

Through six thinking hats, teachers are led to participate in discussion and review activities from different perspectives and in different identities, pay attention to new problems and puzzles in teaching practice, and find solutions to problems in actual situations, so as to promote teachers to observe and reflect on their own classroom teaching and help teachers formulate improvement plans, Realize the renewal of teachers' education and teaching concept and the improvement of teaching level.

2. Carry out "class observation and discussion activities" to constantly improve teachers' ability to solve problems

The focus of the teaching team's work should be on improving the classroom teaching methods. The improvement of teaching methods should be the starting point, and efforts should be made to improve teachers' professional quality. In the activity of "observing and discussing lessons", the lecturer completes the accumulation of problems, forms the improvement strategy, gradually implements it, and forms the prototype of style; To help teachers to find the best solution strategies by improving the comparison of teachers; The chief executive teacher of the team helps the team teacher identify the truth of the problem and determine the gain and loss of the strategy. The three parties form a joint force to improve together. Team class observation and discussion should pay attention to the design intention of the teacher, talk about its advantages and disadvantages around the teaching methods used, and constantly reflect on the thinking of others to effectively improve the research and learning ability of each member of the team.

The lesson observation and discussion here is no longer a simple view and evaluation. Instead, it has constructed a three-dimensional process of four blocks, namely, research class - problem presetting, grinding class - processing generation, observation class - "catching worms" in class, discussion class - thinking and achieving. The basic methods are as follows: 1) The team teachers first study how to carry out teaching in the form of six thinking hats, use the pre class test to find out the problems of students, and confirm the reserves of students' knowledge; 2) Use the simulation class to find the problems in the preset, study the solutions, jointly establish the teaching goals, and design the core problems; 3) Team teachers "catch insects" in class and jointly produce video cases to improve. Teachers jointly identify the problems in the video cases through discussion, determine the theme of the case and the problems to be solved through case analysis; 4) Combine the case theme to form the problem solving strategy.

3. Build a platform for mutual assistance and progress. Continuously improve the learning ability of team teachers

(1) Self understanding research and training platform

The purpose is to improve the level of teachers' ontological knowledge, update conditional knowledge, solve problems in education and teaching practice, and improve the level of teachers' practical knowledge. It mainly includes reading and training. The process is as follows:

The process of independent reading is: personal reading - taking notes, writing after reading - exchanging learning experience with other teachers. We should make books such as "Quiet Revolution", "Who Moved My Cheese", "The Story of Fish", "This is Our Boat" and other books that stimulate thinking and promote team progress become the pillow books of every teacher; The series of books on the growth of famous teachers should become the consensus that the backbone teachers in the school imitate and talk about with relish; It is necessary to make the curriculum standards of each subject a guide to action for teachers' teaching, and let each teacher be fully familiar with the objectives of each learning stage.

The process of group training is: professional led course standard interpretation, case study, online learning, question answering and personal practice. Discipline researchers can be invited to train teachers and re interpret the curriculum standards; Teachers should review their teaching behavior in the past few years since they entered the curriculum reform, examine their own degree and ability to implement the learning objectives, and reposition their own teaching ability and level.

(2) Problem driven platform

The purpose is to enable teachers to use ontological knowledge, conditional knowledge and practical knowledge to self understand and cooperate to solve problems in education and teaching practice, so that each teacher's tacit knowledge can be enriched. The main ways are discovery, self-examination, theme exchange and interactive promotion.

The main process of discovery is: collective lesson preparation~normal teaching~peer "catching insects" - collective consultation once and twice lesson preparation once and twice teaching. The main process of self-examination is: pre teaching reflection and design - teaching implementation (reflection in teaching, secondary design) - six hat class review (post teaching reflection) - narrative research (record reflection), sharing the harvest. The main process of theme exchange is: preset theme - lesson practice - group discussion to become a new theme - lesson practice - discussion again. We should strive to find and solve problems through personal reflection and team cooperation in the process of discovery and self-examination, so as to improve teachers' ability to grasp the learning objectives and textbooks. Interactive promotion includes two channels, namely, dialogue channel and network channel. Dialogue channel: propose theme (host) - express their opinions (salon) - refine consensus; Network channel: personal posting (forum, blog), participants' independent communication and experts' comments.

We should give full play to the role of bbs forum on campus network, build a blog group and online lesson preparation system within the school, make full use of the school's network resources, and make it a platform for teachers to communicate and interact. The school can also undertake district level uc special forum and lesson preparation activities to build a platform for teachers' learning and display.

Part 6: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

Reporting person:***

Dear company leaders and colleagues

In 2019, with the strong support and help of the company's leaders, technical assistance team and the joint efforts of the brewing team, the brewing department successfully implemented the quality and process control and improvement, orderly promoted the work related to team building, and overfulfilled the production task of quality raw wine. Now, the work of the whole year is reported as follows:

1、 Post awareness

The head of brewing department should control the effective operation of the whole system of Luzhou flavor brewing production, and focus on production organization, production quality objectives, performance management, team building, external connection, planning layout and process quality supervision of engineering processes under construction. At the same time, according to the annual objectives and tasks assigned by the company, formulate the division and distribution of various objectives of the department, form the promotion plan and production technology support plan, and organize the brewing management and technical team to summarize and analyze the abnormal conditions, guide and solve the production management and technical problems; Formulate and organize the implementation of improvement plans.

2、 Completion of annual operation and management objectives of the department in 2019

(1) By the end of December, * * * tons of grain will be put into production, and *******% of the annual goal of * * * tons of grain will be achieved; * * * * tons of liquor is produced, and the liquor output rate is * * *% (calculated by grain consumption), * * * * percentage points higher than the liquor output target of * * *%; Produce ****** tons of first grade or above raw wine, of which (* * * tons of super grade raw wine, * * * tons of top grade raw wine, * * * tons of first grade raw wine) has completed * * *% of the annual target of * * * tons.

(2) The consumption of koji is * * * tons, and that of rice husk is * * * tons.

(3) Cultivating pit mud ******* m3 (including primary pit mud * * * m3, secondary pit mud ****** m3, and tertiary pit mud ****** m3); * * * tons of culture solution and * * * tons of esterification solution.

3、 Performance of duties and completion of various objectives in 2019

(1) Main work items completed by individuals

1. Quality and process control and improvement

(1) Led the team to draw up the * * * Process Optimization Implementation Plan from * * aspects such as process mode, production operation, standardized operation, etc., to promote the optimization and improvement of more than * * * items, so that the quality of fermented grains can get a virtuous cycle, the output can be normalized, and the quality of original wine can be improved.

(2) Organize and implement the strengthening of process finalization, determine the production organization implementation plan and standardize the production process details control, explore the * * * process, * * * process operation plan, and complete the process standardization production technical documents.

(3) The research work on pit mud cultivation and culture solution formulation has been carried out in depth, and the immobilized pit mud formulation and the operation method suitable for pit mud cultivation of * * * have been formed.

(4) Take the lead in drafting the technical documents for the pilot production of medium and high temperature koji, and classify the suitable microbial growth conditions, environmental advance culture bacteria sources and suitable microbial plants for medium and high temperature koji.

(5) The scientific promotion of various quality improvement experiments, the development of ******** production experiments and the exploration of centralized ********* production have greatly improved the quality of fermented grains.

2. Safety management

Establish a safety supervision group, develop a safety production control implementation plan, sign a safety responsibility commitment letter level by level, and implement safety production responsibilities. For work safety, the high-pressure management and control mode of "one person gets sick and all take medicine" is implemented. In case of safety accidents in production teams and groups, the qualification for evaluation of excellence in the current month is cancelled, and the participation of all safety management personnel is promoted.

3. Standardized management

(1) The establishment of the brewing standardization working group has comprehensively promoted the standardization construction of the department and improved the standardization of production.

(2) Continuous efforts were made to standardize the management of the department's clothing, food, housing, behavior and words, so as to improve the image of brewing employees and play a leading role in the company.

(3) Organize the department management system revision, optimize the department performance appraisal management, and guide the standardized management from the system standard level.

4. Learning, improvement and innovation projects

(1) Through company training, going out to study and peer inspection, the idea was improved and the vision was broadened. With the purpose of strengthening management, improving quality and cost control, * * improvement and improvement work was completed.

(2) * * invention patents, * * utility model patents, * * * papers, and * * * technological innovations reported by the department.

(2) Main work items completed in cooperation with relevant departments or individuals

1. Fully cooperate to complete the installation and commissioning of centralized steam supply boiler equipment, and match and optimize the centralized steam supply and production related processes.

2. Carry out special supervision on the construction and equipment installation process of the project under construction in the ****** workshop, timely feed back the existing problems to the related departments and urge the rectification.

3. Actively coordinate and communicate the purchase and quality control of purchased koji to ensure the smooth progress of brewing production.

4. Complete the "* * *" ceremony, "* * * name" ceremony and the daily reception of * * * and dealers.

5. Actively provide technical parameters for the * * * Research Institute to carry out projects in * * *.

6. Cooperate with the * * * * technical assistance team to hold * * * * production technology analysis and summary meetings for many times.

(3) Team building

1. According to the Brewing Department Team Construction Plan, we participated in various cultural and sports activities, knowledge contests and skill contests held by the company's departments, which increased the sense of honor and achievement of employees and promoted the spirit, vitality and spirit of the whole team.

2. Actively cooperate with * * * to carry out reasonable suggestions for employees, optimize management and solve actual problems of employees; Carry out regular staff communication meetings, build emotional bridges and enhance team cohesion.

3. Promote the training of employees' business skills, corporate culture, food safety, etc., organize the evaluation of excellent teams, expand the development of excellent employees and management teams, and conduct military training for all employees. Over the past year, the department has a strong atmosphere of catching up, learning, comparing, helping and surpassing, and the overall quality of the team has improved significantly.

4、 Analysis of existing problems

(1) There were * minor safety accidents at the beginning of the year, mainly due to the weak safety awareness of new employees, poor self-protection awareness, insufficient practical safety training and guidance, and continued strengthening of safety education is still the key work.

(2) The overall education level of the department staff group is low, and the awareness of thinking and ownership needs to be further improved. In the later period, we will continue to strengthen communication with employee groups, strengthen corporate culture education and team building through solving employees' practical difficulties, and enhance employees' sense of identity with the company and the team.

(3) The progress of the project under construction is slow, the construction is not strictly in accordance with the drawings, and the problems found in the construction process are not easy to be implemented. In the later period, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the communication and coordination with the construction party, strictly implement supervision in accordance with the inverted arrangement plan of the project under construction, and ensure the project quality and progress.

5、 Self evaluation of individual performance of duties

Under the guidance and encouragement of leaders, my way of thinking and personality have changed greatly. Through continuous training, study abroad and peer inspection, I have broadened my vision, become more motivated to work, and improve my management and professional skills. Under the background of the company's rapid development and pursuit of ultimate quality, I always adhere to the spirit of craftsmanship, We completed the production quota target and the important work of each section with quality and quantity guaranteed, and fulfilled the responsibilities of the brewing director.

6、 Main work plan for 2020

In 2020, the brewing department will focus on improving quality and ensuring production. In terms of quality, the output of high-grade and super grade liquor will be improved, and the bottle neck of flavoring liquor will be broken. In terms of production capacity, we have completed the task of * * * tons of grain input, the rate of grain consumption and alcohol production is ≥ * * *%, and the alcohol production is ≥***

(1) Optimize process and improve quality

1. Solidify the cultivation plan, pay attention to the cultivation management of pit mud, and improve the quality of pit mud.

2. Implement the * * th optimization of brewing process, continue to improve the process, further refine the standardized production mode, and ensure the effective implementation of production operation and process.

3. Steady the overall quality of fermented grains and ensure the quality of raw liquor.

(2) Medium high temperature koji production

In the process of trial production of koji making, we explored, analyzed and summarized to finalize the koji making process and form a unique medium and high temperature koji quality process standard.

7、 Department performance improvement and measures

1. Optimize the reward and punishment mechanism, and increase the reward range for employees with outstanding performance, teamwork and skills, which will be reflected in the monthly and annual assessment.

2. Add detailed assessment rules for cost management and energy conservation and consumption reduction management.

3. Strengthen daily supervision, implement the first question responsibility system, improve staff execution, and ensure the smooth implementation of all work.

8、 Key points and methods for improving individual and team capabilities

(1) Personal character cultivation perception and improvement

1. Try to restrain, think more from others' positions, communicate more and bring more harmonious faces.

2. More affinity with employees, continuous face-to-face communication with employees, understanding employees' ideological trends and actively helping employees solve problems.

(2) Team promotion

1. Carry out business skills training in the form of independent training and training with the company's cooperation professor, lead the management team to continuously improve business skills, technology and management level, vigorously promote the practice of "mentoring", and form a good atmosphere of "spreading, helping and guiding".

Part 7: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

1、 Problems in performance evaluation of oilfield exploration project teams

In large state-owned enterprises like Oilfield, performance evaluation is in the stage of traditional personnel evaluation, and the level of performance management is not high. At present, there are still some shortcomings in the performance evaluation of exploration project teams:

1. Performance evaluation still stays at the stage of traditional personnel assessment

Focusing on the evaluation of a single department or organization in a fixed cycle, there are few linkage evaluations between organizations or departments. The evaluation subject is single, and other departments or evaluation subjects have little participation. The evaluation dimension is single, and the evaluation of the project team or organization only stays in the mode of economic benefit evaluation. The evaluation of economic benefit indicators that are easy to quantify ultimately leads to low reliability and validity of the evaluation results.

2. The evaluation indicators are seriously disconnected from the strategic objectives of the oilfield

In terms of the establishment method of performance evaluation indicators, it is often from the actual task, to set the production task objectives of the organization or department in advance, and to conduct work efficiency assessment in a fixed period. The evaluation of grass-roots staff did not describe the task requirements and behavior requirements of the position in detail through job analysis technology, but focused on the evaluation of employee behavior. The evaluation indicators of employees in different positions tend to be the same, which is not strongly related to the position work, and the indicators that can be directly controlled by non position holders occupy an important part of the evaluation indicators. Therefore, the satisfaction and validity of the final performance evaluation are not high, resulting in that the strategic objectives of the enterprise cannot be transferred to employees through the performance management of organizations at all levels.

3. The management concept is relatively backward, lacking performance management ideas and technical support for performance management

In terms of performance management concept, although the role of knowledge workers has been recognized to a certain extent, the traditional performance evaluation methods and ideas have been more followed in terms of specific management strategies. Almost all of them are directed by leaders directly to subordinates. There is almost no situation for employees to participate in and communicate with employees, and there is no guidance for the improvement of employee performance plans. Performance evaluation stays in the traditional sense of controlling and urging the set goals, focusing on the post evaluation of the event results. The monitoring and control role of the evaluation system is greater than the incentive and urging role.

2、 Improvement of performance evaluation of oilfield exploration project team

In view of the problems existing in the performance evaluation of oilfield exploration project teams, the following aspects should be supplemented in the oilfield performance evaluation system:

1. Project output evaluation

The output evaluation of the project mainly includes economic benefit evaluation and labor productivity evaluation of team members. The benefit evaluation of exploration project is an important part of the project team's performance evaluation. It can directly judge whether the project has achieved the expected effect after implementation through investment, cost, benefit and other indicators. For exploration and research project teams, the labor productivity index of team members is one of the indicators to measure the labor efficiency of team members and the overall cooperation efficiency of the team. According to the statistics and technical analysis of the current exploration situation, the average labor productivity should be about 200 tons of oil and gas equivalent/day/person, which is determined as the standard full score level based on the annual increase of 40 million tons of reserves and 1000 exploration researchers.

2. Technical and scheme evaluation

The evaluation of technology and scheme mainly includes the rationality evaluation of exploration scheme and the evaluation of technology application and innovation degree. The rationality evaluation of the exploration plan is to analyze whether the workload and precision design of the single project match the geological requirements, and whether the workload is saved as much as possible, based on the analysis of the exploration results. In the exploration process, whether the technology application is matched or not affects the quality of the exploration project and the smooth progress of the project. The exploration technology evaluation is mainly to evaluate whether the overall technology application in the exploration research process is matched, whether it can adapt to the stage of the exploration project and the geological problems to be solved, whether the technology selection is targeted and adaptive, whether the team has designed or adopted the technology not used before in the field and has achieved remarkable results in the research process, And whether the newly adopted technology has a positive impact on similar research projects in the future.

3. Project cost control evaluation

In oilfield exploration projects, the cost of the exploration project team includes various expenses that can be controlled by the project team engaged in scientific research from the beginning of the project initiation to the end of the project, such as test expenses, equipment maintenance expenses, workers' and farmers' compensation expenses, office expenses, travel expenses, staff meals, etc. Due to the relatively rich scientific research human resources, the wage cost during the project operation is relatively fixed and uncontrollable. According to the SMART principle and the actual situation of the oilfield, the labor cost and the depreciation of instruments and equipment are not included in the project cost budget and evaluation. The project cost control reflects the management and operation level of the project manager and the ability and work effect of project team members to deal with surrounding relationships. At the same time, in the exploration projects dominated by uncertainty factors, it is not only necessary to consider whether the cost of the research process is saved or not, but also more important to measure the input-output ratio. High input can bring high returns within a certain range, so the cost saving situation should be evaluated together with the unit research cost output situation.

4. Operation process and quality evaluation

The evaluation of operation process and quality mainly includes the evaluation of work procedure standardization and progress control and the evaluation of technical archives quality. The evaluation of work procedure standardization and progress control mainly considers three elements: project progress control technology, the rationality of project construction sequence and the matching of tracking geological research. The collection and storage of technical data is one of the important indicators reflecting the quality of project operation, which affects the output of project research results and team work efficiency. The completeness of technical data refers to the collection, storage and sorting of various technical data related to exploration and research from the project initiation to the completion of the project. The quality evaluation of technical report materials mainly evaluates whether the content of the final report is comprehensive, primary and secondary, and whether the technical ideas are clear.

5. Evaluation of project team building

As a part of performance output, team building is the basis for promoting project teams to strengthen internal performance management and achieve high-quality cycle. The evaluation of project team construction mainly starts from four aspects:

(1) Quality of project manager: the project manager's ability in planning, organization, coordination and control, as well as the ability and performance in building a learning team and improving team collaboration. The quality of project manager is an important factor affecting team performance.

(2) Cooperation degree of team members: it refers to the improvement of the overall research ability of the team through strengthening communication, communication and knowledge sharing among team members, which is an important guarantee for the timely and quality completion of the project.

(3) Team vision construction: refers to the effect that the team has achieved in improving the ideological and political quality of team members, improving work enthusiasm and initiative, improving work efficiency, and improving service attitude by sharing values and common vision during project operation.

(4) Team learning ability and execution ability: during project operation, the team has achieved results in building a learning organization, strengthening the basic theoretical knowledge of team members, improving their work attitude, and improving their research ability.

Part 8: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

[Key words] Campus culture; School improvement; Action research; U-S cooperation

1、 The Origin of Action Research

LT Middle School is a junior middle school separated from the No. 1 County Middle School (the provincial key middle school) in August 2007. At that time, Wanzhong was the only key middle school in the county, which was founded in 1956 and has a good school running accumulation. LT Middle School is located in the center of the county, and some high school teachers volunteered to stay to teach junior high school when it was stripped off, so the teachers are strong, and the school naturally becomes the "key junior high school" and "preferred school" in the eyes of parents. However, due to the rapid expansion of the school scale, the school management and education and teaching reform did not keep up in time, and various contradictions and problems gradually emerged. For example, the construction of school buildings and equipment conditions lags behind, and the class completion rate is very high. The number of students in some classes exceeds 80, which brings great difficulties to teachers' teaching; The students have poor behavior habits. They eat snacks in class and throw garbage everywhere, which has become a "chronic problem"; Students do not respect teachers, and some even send short messages or write slogans to scold teachers: the relationship between home and school is tense, and parents often collide with teachers: teachers' enthusiasm for work is reduced.

In March 2010, the principal of LT Middle School contacted the Education Department of Jiangxi Institute of Education, hoping to carry out U-S cooperation (that is, cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools) to help the school implement the improvement plan. The Education Department of Jiangxi University of Education has organized a guidance team composed of three professors to carry out problem diagnosis, formulate school improvement plans, and guide the school to carry out improvement practices. After nearly three years of efforts, the school has made remarkable achievements in improvement, and all work has jumped to a new level, showing a good momentum of development.

2、 Diagnosis of school development problems

The key to the improvement of the school is to find the right problems. For this reason, the guidance team, after having a preliminary conversation with the principal of LT Middle School and having a general understanding of the school running situation, has specially formulated a work plan, forming a work strategy of "clinical diagnosis, finding the right problems - applying the right medicine to the case, formulating a plan - implementing improvement, and guiding the process". The guidance team went to the school for on-site diagnosis for six times, which covered all aspects of school education, teaching and management. The forms of research included questionnaire survey, individual interviews with leading group members, middle-level cadres' symposium, teachers and students' representative symposium, and classroom listening. In order to find out the underlying reasons behind the school's problems, the guidance team also specially planned an outing with some team members, middle-level cadres and teachers of LT Middle School. In the process of walking and talking, the guidance team learned a lot of things that teachers would not say at the meeting, so that they had a deep and thorough understanding of the problems in the development of the school and their root causes.

After nearly a month's diagnosis of the school, the guidance team conducted a SWOT analysis (situation analysis) of the school's development, and agreed that the advantages of LT Middle School lie in: first, the school's cultural heritage is relatively thick, the basic conditions for running a school are good, and the school spirit, teaching style, and learning style are passed down in one continuous line; Secondly, the school running quality has been widely recognized, and the high school entrance examination results have obvious advantages in the promotion rate and excellence rate among similar schools in the county, with good social reputation; Third, the leadership wants to do things and seek development. It hopes to plan the connotation development of the school based on a higher standard, improve the school running quality in an all-round way, and build a brand school with wider influence in a larger region; Fourthly, the existing professional title structure, educational background structure, discipline structure and age structure of full-time teachers are basically reasonable; Fifthly, the school has inherited the original rules and regulations, covering all aspects of teacher team construction, education and teaching, which has laid a good foundation for strengthening system management.

However, LT Middle School also faces some prominent problems in running a school. First, some cadres and teachers have outdated ideas and can not fully adapt to the new situation of basic education curriculum reform. They are accustomed to the traditional teaching mode and the teaching reform is not strong enough; Second, the responsibilities and authorities of some departments of the school are not clearly defined, and there are overlapping and blind areas of functions; Third, it failed to handle the relationship between higher education and students' all-round development, paid insufficient attention to the subjects of non senior high school entrance examination, and did not educate students to form civilized manners and behavior habits; Fourth, the scale of the school is too large and the class completion rate is too high, which leads to the heavy workload of teachers. In addition, the working conditions of teachers and the home school relationship need to be further improved. Fifth, the software and hardware conditions of the school should continue to be improved. Experimental equipment and multimedia equipment are insufficient. There is still much room for the positioning, mining and development of school culture, which needs to be further strengthened.

From the external environment of the school, the county where LT Middle School is located has gradually increased its investment in education. It has laid a solid material foundation for improving the conditions and quality of running schools. At the same time, the people's demand for their children to receive quality education is becoming increasingly strong. The demand is not just for "learning well", but for "learning well". This has brought pressure to the development of the school: the school is located in a county where quality education resources are relatively concentrated, and faces competition pressure from brother schools. The basic starting point for planning the future development of the school is how to turn the "two pressures" into the driving force, carry forward with a heavy load in the high expectations of the government and the people, and in the fierce inter school competition, so as to realize the sound and rapid development of the school.

3、 Develop school improvement plan

After clarifying the advantages and disadvantages of the school's development, as well as the internal and external environmental conditions, the guiding team and the school team members repeatedly negotiated to establish the basic orientation of the school's development. That is to say, with the purpose of promoting quality education and promoting the development of teachers and students, with strengthening system management as the starting point, with school culture construction as the guarantee, and with improving the quality of education and teaching as the center, the school will be built with advanced educational concepts, the leadership team is good at planning and acting, teachers love life and teaching, students are polite and eager to learn, the campus environment is beautiful, teaching facilities are complete, and the school quality is excellent, Modern schools that play a demonstration role in cities and counties and have a greater impact in the province.

In order to achieve the above goals, the guiding team and school leaders reached a consensus and decided to implement the comprehensive improvement of the school from the perspective of campus culture construction. As a result, a school improvement plan led by the construction of campus culture has been formed.

1. Forging campus spiritual culture with cohesive function

Campus spiritual culture is the highest level of campus culture, which mainly includes the school's historical tradition and the common cultural concepts and values recognized by all teachers, students and staff. It is a concentrated reflection of the essence, personality and spiritual outlook of a school. The guidance team has formulated a plan for LT Middle School to create a "ritual and music culture", refining the school running concept of "teaching students to be human, cultivating students to become talents; helping teachers develop, promoting teachers' happiness" and "one training and three styles" (school motto: etiquette is positive, music [yue] is internal; school ethos: harmony of reason and etiquette, and progress with music [le]; school ethos: respecting teachers and etiquette, music [le] is good at learning and thinking; Teaching style: be respectful and polite, and be happy to teach others), and put forward specific implementation suggestions on how to widely publicize through various measures to internalize it into the internal behavior of the whole school's teachers and students.

2. Building campus material culture with edifying function

The campus material culture aims to make every corner of the school humanistic, and can naturally become an ideal place for educating people, so that the educational behavior of teachers and students can show the beauty of harmony with the campus culture.

In the improvement plan, we put forward the following suggestions for the physical and cultural construction of LT Middle School: First, we should adjust the overall layout of the campus, skillfully design the scenic spots in the school, scientifically arrange the green belt, and form a elegant environment of "hard, green, clean, beautiful, and bright". The second is to present the school running philosophy, goals and "one training and three styles" in multiple ways on campus, so that it can lead the educational behavior of teachers and students internally and show the educational quality of the school externally. The third is to unify the school image logo, make and standardize the use of school logo and school song around the "ritual and music culture", carefully design the school plane sketch map, reasonably make and beautify various indicators, and establish the school newspaper to fully display the school running ideology and humanistic characteristics. The fourth is to name the buildings, roads and squares in the school.

3 Enrich campus behavior culture with educational function

Campus cultural activities are the main form of campus behavioral culture. The guidance team suggested that the school should constantly expand the field of activities of teachers and students, enrich the content of campus cultural activities, innovate the form of campus cultural activities, reflect knowledge, science, highlight fun and entertainment, maximize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all teachers and students, guide teachers and students to participate in and experience in person, and cultivate good ideology Moral style and behavior habits. It includes paying attention to the construction of class culture and persisting in carrying out club interest activities.

In view of the problem of poor behavior habits of students, the guidance team highlighted the specific measures to strengthen the cultivation of education and cultivate good behavior habits of students, that is, based on the daily behavior norms of middle school students, combined with the actual situation of the school, to formulate the Daily Routine for Students in LT Middle School, from "civilized access", "goods sorting", "two exercises meeting", "recess" "Classroom learning", "environmental sanitation", "treating public property", "teacher-student relationship", "orderly school leaving" and other aspects put forward clear, specific and appropriate requirements for students' daily behavior; We should combine strict requirements with standardized training, repeatedly focus on repetition, and at the same time, we should cooperate with persuasion education, model demonstration, and theme activities to enrich education forms, let students say goodbye to uncivilized behaviors, and gradually develop good moral character and behavior habits.

4. Improve the campus system culture with normative function

As the internal mechanism of campus culture, campus system culture is an indispensable guarantee mechanism to maintain the normal order of the school and a guarantee system for the construction of campus culture. The guidance team suggested that the school should review the existing rules and regulations. In particular, the system directly related to the immediate interests of teachers and staff should be revised, and the principle of "from teachers and students to teachers and students" should be followed, so that "everyone's system should be determined, everyone's system should be for everyone", and efforts should be made to create a harmonious system construction situation of "everyone's system should be determined, and everyone should be governed by the system". It includes improving the school management organization network, improving the school management system, and cultivating the system awareness of teachers and students.

5. Create a teaching and scientific research culture that promotes the development of teachers

High quality teaching and research can not only help teachers to solve the puzzles and problems in teaching and improve the quality of teaching, but also provide a situational, operable and personalized professional development environment for teachers' growth. At the same time, high-quality teaching and research is also an important carrier to enhance school culture. It can be said that doing well in teaching and research is an internal skill that must be practiced well in the process of school improvement. As Mr. Sato said, "In order to change a school, we need to constantly carry out teaching and research activities in the school, let teachers open the door of the classroom and comment on each other. There is no other way."

In the process of U-S cooperation, the guidance team proposed a series of measures to promote the construction of teaching and research culture to help teachers enhance their internal professional happiness, "guide every teacher to embark on the happy path of research", and provide an inexhaustible source of power for the improvement and sustainable development of the school.

First, establish the awareness of teaching and scientific research and improve the management system of teaching and scientific research. Through the formulation of management methods and work plans for teaching and scientific research, we will strengthen the assessment, evaluation, commendation and reward of teaching and scientific research work, promote teachers to establish the awareness of scientific research, encourage teachers to actively think, reflect and summarize their teaching experience, transform the confusion in teaching into teaching research topics, and form the habit of "research in teaching, teaching in research". Vigorously create an atmosphere of teaching and scientific research.

Second, we should strengthen research and improve teaching efficiency. Establish the awareness that teaching and research problems come from teaching and research results serve teaching. At the beginning of each school year, the Department of Education and Science organizes teachers to apply for teaching research topics. At the same time, the Department of Education and Science regularly solicits teachers' opinions, lists key topics to be solved according to common problems in teaching, and determines researchers in the form of bidding: the Department of Education and Science strengthens the mid-term inspection of teaching research topics; For the teaching and research projects that have been approved and won the bid, the university will grant funding in stages and batches according to the results of project approval, mid-term inspection and final research results. Encourage teachers to carry out group research and cooperative research, expand teachers' communication and exchange, and strengthen teachers' team spirit.

Third, strengthen the construction of teaching and research group and lesson preparation group to lay the foundation for the smooth development of teaching and research. Select teachers with high professional level, strong organizational ability and sense of responsibility to serve as the teaching and research team leader and lesson preparation team leader: formulate the construction plan and activity plan of the teaching and research team and lesson preparation team, and set the afternoon of every Friday as the time for Chinese, mathematics and English teaching and research activities, and other disciplines conduct teaching and research every other Friday afternoon; The activity plan presentation and exchange activities of the teaching and research group and lesson preparation group will be held once a semester to promote mutual learning among peers; Implement the system of selecting and awarding excellent teaching and research groups and lesson preparation groups.

Fourth, give play to the leading role of experts to improve teachers' teaching and scientific research ability and level. Employ experts and scholars to give lectures on teaching and scientific research, impart expertise and skills in teaching and scientific research, and improve teachers' teaching and scientific research level and ability; Hold at least one teaching and research experience exchange meeting and teaching and research salon every semester to promote the exchange of teachers' teaching and research experience.

In addition, the guidance team also proposed specific measures for the improvement of the school's team building, excellent teacher team building, and strengthening the management of teaching routines.

4、 Practice of school improvement

From September 2010 to May 2013, LT Middle School implemented the comprehensive improvement practice for nearly three years according to the plan after widely mobilizing the faculty and staff of the school.

1. Widely publicize and launch to stimulate the internal motivation of all teaching staff to participate in the improvement of the school

Before the implementation of the improvement plan, the plan will be distributed to each faculty member, and a meeting of middle-level and above cadres and a meeting of teachers will be held respectively to interpret the improvement plan one by one, create a positive public opinion atmosphere for the school's improvement work, and on this basis, obtain the understanding and recognition of faculty members for the school's improvement work, reach a consensus through understanding and recognition, and stimulate resonance in the consensus, Let the goal of school improvement become the common vision of all teachers and staff, and unite and unite people with this goal to inspire all teachers and staff to work hard to achieve the goal.

2. Strengthen department responsibility and establish a guarantee mechanism for achieving goals

Before the start of the improvement work, the guidance team, together with the relevant functional departments of the school, will break down the measures in the improvement work plan one by one by year and department by department. Guided by the achievement of development goals, the goals will be detailed to each year and semester, and the specific tasks and sub goals will be broken down to departments and teachers. The specific tasks and sub goals will be implemented to each person. The division of labor and responsibility will be divided, and the management will be graded, Form a linkage mechanism between departments and teachers. The analysis and summary meeting of school improvement implementation shall be held every semester. Include the completion of annual work objectives in the annual assessment of teachers and staff, enhance the subjective awareness and implementation ability of teachers and staff, and improve the achievement of improvement objectives.

3. Open the information channel, establish the feedback and correction mechanism of the school's improvement implementation

Establish a top-down self-evaluation system. At the end of each semester, each functional department and each teaching and research group will carry out self-evaluation, write a summary report, and carry out mutual evaluation among departments to jointly put forward opinions and suggestions for further implementation of the improvement plan in the new semester. A consultation and guidance group composed of expert guidance team and school team members was set up to answer the doubts and questions of teachers and staff, and monitor the process of school improvement. Timely revise and improve improvement measures, correct deviations, and ensure the realization of improvement objectives.

5、 Reflection on School Improvement Practice

Reflecting on the three-year improvement process of LT Middle School, although the results were obvious, the guidance team clearly recognized that the improvement of LT Middle School was always carried out with the help and guidance of the guidance team. How to let the school lose the "crutch" of experts after the U-S cooperation, and achieve its own continuous improvement and sustainable development, is a new problem to be solved after the three-year improvement process.

1. Establishing a common vision is the spiritual power for the continuous improvement of the school

Peter Senge once vividly said that building a team is actually like building a three legged table: one leg is our common vision, one leg is our personal values, and the other leg is motivation. Vision is the image or scene shared by people in the team. The common vision will arouse people's hope and encourage team members to make unremitting efforts to pursue a certain goal. The development of the school needs a common vision shared by all members. It is the spiritual pursuit shared by all teachers and students, and the spiritual power for teachers and staff to transcend personal gains and losses, overcome various external difficulties and pressures, and forge ahead with unswerving determination. Therefore, in order to achieve the continuous improvement of the school, we must take the common vision as the driving force to enhance the internal ability of the school development.

2. Improving the level of cognitive methodology is an important value of U-S cooperation

The so-called epistemological methodology is a general method to understand and transform the world, including philosophical methodology (such as materialistic dialectics), general scientific methodology (such as system theory and system analysis) and specific scientific methodology, which are interdependent, interactive and complementary. Among them, philosophical methodology plays a decisive role. It is the generalization and summary of various scientific methodologies and has guiding significance for general scientific methodology and specific scientific methodology. Marxist philosophy is the only scientific philosophical methodology, which is not only a weapon to understand the objective world, but also a weapon to transform reality.

The methodology of school improvement also belongs to the system of cognitive methodology. School improvement is a comprehensive and complex process, which is the unity of technological process and social process inside and outside the school. Gao Hongyuan, a professor of Beijing Normal University, pointed out that cognitive methodology is actually the construction and application of thinking for the development and improvement of schools, seeking comprehensive positioning and operational paths for all concepts, problems, goals, knowledge and methods, and sorting out various factors and problems in various fields. It is difficult to integrate them by experience alone, and cognitive methodology needs to play a guiding and structural role.

Part 9: Model of Team System Construction Scheme

Key words: higher vocational colleges, file management, team building


At this stage, archives management is faced with such topics as the development of archives informatization resources, targeted compilation and research work, personalized information services, and rational and effective use of resources. At present, archives management teams in higher vocational colleges fail to integrate with college management teams organically due to unreasonable personnel structure, lack of effective incentive mechanism and personnel training system, etc, Unable to meet the requirements of these new topics. Higher vocational colleges should attach importance to file management, establish and improve an effective incentive mechanism, standardize the training of file management personnel, promote file management research, strengthen file management exchange and communication, and build a learning management team with its own characteristics, which combines full-time and part-time work, so as to meet the requirements of file management at this stage.

1、 Analysis on the Current Situation of Archives Management Team in Higher Vocational Colleges

1. The personnel structure is "five low, one high and one poor". Due to the short history of higher vocational colleges, the file management is still in the primary stage, and the age structure, professional title structure, professional structure, and educational background structure of their file management team are unreasonable. There is a phenomenon of "five low, one high, and one poor", which is mainly reflected in: the file management echelon has not yet formed, and there is a lack of leaders or technical backbones leading the file management and research of colleges and universities, The proportion of professional and technical personnel in archives management is low, and there are generally low professional titles and educational levels, low level of professional skills in archives, low level of research in archives, high frequency of adjustment and change of part-time personnel, and poor stability of the team.

2. The archives management team and the college management team failed to achieve organic integration. The archives management of higher vocational colleges serves the management of colleges and universities, and is a record of the history of the management of colleges and universities. Archives management and college management are closely linked and inseparable. However, at present, higher vocational colleges often focus on file management in order to collect files, ignore file management in order to focus on college management, fail to achieve the organic integration of file management team and college management team, often set up a temporary file management team to cope with file management, fail to integrate college management and file management, and fail to achieve the systematization of work, In the management work, the synergy effect is not strong and the cohesion is not enough.

3. Lack of effective incentive and training mechanism for archive management personnel. Archives management in higher vocational colleges is often regarded as non-technical work. Due to the fact that their work is not valued, full-time archives management personnel have long served as a supporting role in the management of colleges and often also do some chores outside the archives management. They feel that their work is boring, their thoughts are depressed, and their professional talents cannot be fully developed, so they lack passion for work; Archives management personnel are regarded as ordinary administrative and logistics personnel. Their wages and benefits are less related to their work performance, and their personal interests are not directly linked to their professional contributions, which cannot reflect their value and play an incentive role; No rules and regulations have been established for the professional title evaluation, merit evaluation, further training, foreign exchange and learning of full-time and part-time file management personnel, and no preferential policies have been formulated for the professional title, performance appraisal, etc. The part-time file management personnel think that this work is optional, which leads to frequent replacement of part-time file management personnel, and the stability of the file management team cannot be guaranteed.

2、 Basic Thoughts on Strengthening the Construction of Archives Management Team in Higher Vocational Colleges

1. Attaching Importance to Archives Management and Adhering to the "First Hands" Project of Archives Management

Attaching importance to file management is the premise of doing a good job in file management. Higher vocational colleges must adhere to the combination of full-time and part-time work in the construction of management teams, pay attention to the "first hand" project of file management, and strive to achieve the "integration" of college management and file management, as follows:

First, adhere to the combination of full-time and part-time, and achieve the "integration" of college management and file management. The archives management in higher vocational colleges has duality. It should not only follow the management rules of higher vocational education, but also conform to the archives management norms and business processes. The archives management team of higher vocational colleges should be composed of organization and management personnel, professional and technical personnel of archives, part-time management personnel, and technical support personnel. The archives management organization personnel are the organizers and leaders of archives work, and the professional and technical personnel of archives are responsible for grasping the professional and technical direction of archives management and editing research and providing technical support, Part time management personnel are responsible for the collection and management of archives within their respective scope of responsibility, and the realization and improvement of modern management means of archives informatization need modern technical support from technical support personnel. Since the work of higher vocational colleges is carried out around the training of highly skilled talents, the core content of its file management is to record the details of the training process of highly skilled talents, so the composition of its file management team should reflect the organic integration of higher vocational education management and file management, and should establish a compound file professional technical backbone as the leader Assisted by the management team of part-time management personnel and technical support personnel within the scope of their respective management responsibilities, a two-level management team of colleges and departments with a combination of full-time and part-time management personnel who understand both college management and file business is formed.

Second, we should do a good job in the "first hand" project of file management, and establish and improve the file management team. The file management work in higher vocational colleges is closely related to the attention of college leaders, especially the main leaders. The main leaders of colleges must attach great importance to file management, establish the concept of "the level of file management reflects the level of college management", optimize the environment, establish rules and regulations, provide necessary external conditions for the construction of the file management team, and do a good job in the "first hand" project of file management, Adhere to the "first leader" responsibility system of the department. Each department (office) and department (department) is the responsible department for archives management. The "first leader" of the archives management department is responsible for the archives management of the whole school, and the professional and technical personnel of archives should be allocated. Each unit should be "first leader" in charge, and the part-time archives management personnel should be allocated to form a two-level archives management pattern of the college and department.

2. Establish an effective incentive mechanism to stabilize the archives management team

The core issue of establishing an effective incentive mechanism for archive management is to enhance the initiative, dedication and sense of achievement of archive management personnel. The establishment of the incentive mechanism must be based on local conditions, people, events and times: first, the incentive mechanism should be established according to the different needs of different people and the different needs of the same person in different periods; second, the incentive mechanism should be established according to different tasks. The incentive mechanism includes assessment, evaluation, reward, punishment and other links. Each link can use different means and methods, which will produce different results. The incentive mechanism should combine material incentives with spiritual incentives. The material incentives should be quantified and operable. The method of "seniority" assessment, reward and promotion of archive management personnel by level and length of service should be gradually broken, and the archive management work should be included in the performance assessment as the professional and technical management work of colleges and universities, Their assessment allowance and professional title promotion are closely combined with the performance, workload and nature of archive management work, and gradually establish and improve the "professional performance" assessment of archive management personnel. For example, part-time file managers can be evaluated and rewarded according to various indicators such as file sorting and collection, work efficiency, management means and technology improvement, and file research results, so as to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of part-time file managers and let them work with their hearts and minds and do their job responsibly. Higher vocational colleges should establish the appointment system of post responsibilities and professional titles of the file management team, gradually transform the members of the file management team into the professional title appointment system of the file series, and encourage the professional and professional development of the management team. At the same time, we should attach importance to the construction of software and hardware for file management, implement preferential policies for the file management team, improve the file work environment, increase investment in hardware and software equipment for file work, increase publicity for file management, create a cultural atmosphere for the file management team, and give the file management personnel a sense of spiritual abundance. Thesis Reference Network.

3. Standardize the training of archive management personnel and build a learning management team

Archives management personnel in higher vocational colleges should have the following qualities: good service awareness, selfless dedication, comprehensive professional knowledge and administrative management knowledge of archives, strong organization and coordination ability and computer application ability, foreign language reading ability, legal knowledge application ability, etc. In particular, as the leader or technical backbone of file management, in addition to the above qualities, he should also have a strong sense of innovation and the ability to study and grasp the latest direction of file management and reform. Therefore, the continuing education and professional training of archives management personnel are extremely important. The training of archives management personnel shall be carried out in the following aspects: First, change the ideology. Through training, we should correct the mentality of archive management personnel, establish the concept of service first, glorious service, and proud service, and promote archive management personnel to establish a strong sense of responsibility, a good working attitude, and a strong spirit of dedication; Second, improve comprehensive quality. The ability of organization and coordination, oral expression and writing organization should be cultivated through training; The third is to organize business training. Professional knowledge training in management science and professional training and learning in archive management dynamics, archive policy and other aspects should be carried out to enhance the modern management awareness and competitive innovation awareness of archive managers. During the implementation, leaders or experts of the competent department can be invited to the school to make reports or lectures on archival policy, management knowledge, law, public relations, etc., or to take turns to let management personnel attend classes or have group discussions, send them to other schools for further study, and study for degrees, Build the archives management team into a learning team. Thesis Reference Network.

4. Promote archives management research and innovate archives management

Archives management in higher vocational colleges is worth discussing and studying in terms of management means, management mode, rational resource utilization, work operation mechanism, etc. Archives management will certainly continue to develop with the rapid development of science and technology, and many new problems and new topics will inevitably emerge. Archives management should be gradually transformed from the past as "experience management" to "scientific management", We should combine centralized management with decentralized management, flexible management with rigid management, and modern management with traditional management. Thesis Reference Network. We can set up special research funds to explore and research, enrich, develop and innovate archive management, and reward staff with outstanding contributions and outstanding achievements in archive management research. Higher vocational colleges should attach importance to promoting the professional ability of file management staff and the overall level of the team through file management research projects in order to innovate file management.

5. Smooth file management communication and communication channels, and build a harmonious file management team atmosphere

Exchange and communication are the premise of understanding, and understanding is the basis of support. Smooth communication and communication channels are the basis for building a good atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual support, an important part of creating a management team culture, and a key link for archive managers to exercise their ability and improve their business. The exchange and communication channels of archives management in higher vocational colleges include the exchange and communication between the archives management personnel in the hospital, between the archives management personnel in the hospital and other management personnel, between the archives management department in the hospital and the superior archives department, between the archives management personnel in higher vocational colleges, and between the archives management personnel in higher vocational colleges and other colleges. Archives management personnel should fully understand and master the latest archives management and research progress of the school, as well as the national and local science and technology policies and information, and give full play to these information advantages. On the one hand, they should take the initiative to report to the leaders of the competent departments and seek support in management, on the other hand, they should timely feed back the opinions of the competent departments to the archives management personnel of each department, Help them make corresponding adjustments or improvements to the file management. Only by establishing smooth horizontal and vertical communication and communication channels, can we give full play to the pivotal role and bridge role of archive managers, and create a good situation of mutual communication, mutual understanding and mutual support, so as to truly achieve complementary advantages, resource integration, power multiplication, and promote the development of archive management. This kind of file management is not only a service, but also a direct promotion, that is, "the level of file management reflects the level of college management".


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