Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model of team system construction

Selection of Team System Construction (9)

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 Team system construction

Part 1: Model of Team System Construction

[Key words] Expressway; service area; team build


With the increasing mileage of expressways in Hebei Province, the guarantee role of expressway service areas has become increasingly prominent. It is the goal of service area managers to provide high-quality and efficient services for drivers and passengers. The author believes that doing well in the construction of the basic team in the service area is the basis and guarantee for achieving this goal. There are many expressway points and long lines in Hebei Province. Up to now, there are more than 70 pairs of service areas of 22 expressways (sections) under the jurisdiction of Hebei Provincial Expressway Administration, which are under the unified management of the service management center entrusted by Hebei Provincial Expressway Administration. Although the team is large, it is also composed of the basic teams in each service area. Improving the morale of each service area team can change the combat effectiveness of the entire industry. Therefore, service area team building is the key to improving the construction of the entire service area industry.

The author has been serving as the manager of the service area for a long time. In recent years, he has been thinking and practicing how to promote the team building in the service area, improve team morale and promote team growth.

1. Two aspects of team building

To do a good job of team building in the service area, there are many things that need efforts and attention, especially the "hard environment" of the team in the service area, that is, the enterprise System construction And "soft environment" is the construction of enterprise culture.

If the team building in the service area is compared to a car, then the system building is the engine of the car and the driving force for the team building to move forward; The construction of corporate culture is the catalyst for team building in the service area, and a good corporate culture will make qualitative changes in the whole service area. These two aspects are the two key points of team building, both of which should be "grasped" and "hard".

1.1 Enterprise system construction

Enterprise system construction mainly refers to the establishment and maintenance of enterprise systems, principles and norms that employees in the service area should abide by and obey. Without rules, there is no square. A good system can make bad people better, and a bad system can make good people worse. This shows the importance of the system. Effective and beneficial system norms can make a team accelerate to success along the right path, otherwise it will be counterproductive. The team leader in the service area is the main participant in the enterprise system construction. In order to build a team system conducive to team development and create a good institutional environment for team growth, the following measures and methods should be given high awareness and attention.

(1) Think twice and communicate deeply. To maintain the long-term vitality of the service area team, a good team system is the foundation. The system is the "principle", and the principle is clear. The premise of a good team system is that the team leader should think carefully about the norms to be established, and should conduct extensive and in-depth communication among teams, so that most team members can reach a consensus. It is only through ideological recognition that we can practice.

(2) Be strict with yourself and set an example. Whether the team leader can be strict with himself and set an example in front of the team system is the key to the success of the team's "hard environment" construction. He is upright and does not obey orders; If he is not upright, he will not obey. A righteous man must first rectify himself.

(3) Be fair and upright, dare to grasp and manage. Half of those who travel a hundred miles are 90. Although it is not easy to establish a team system, the most difficult thing is to implement it. Only when team leaders are fair and upright, dare to grasp and manage, can the system be truly implemented, can the rigidity and effectiveness of the system be truly maintained, and can the system truly play its role in team growth.

1.2 Corporate culture construction

The core of a team is the construction of corporate culture and the transformation of ideas. It is useless to change one's mind. Without a good corporate culture, a good system can not be implemented for long. This is especially true for every team. Without a good team culture, a good team system will be greatly reduced. There are many ways and means to enhance the construction of corporate culture and improve the centripetal force and cohesion of the team.

(1) Enterprise spirit is the core of enterprise culture construction. The enterprise spirit is an important entry point for the construction of enterprise culture. The team concept and values are refined from the daily stories and events in the service area. The design concept and values are based on the future development needs of the service area, so that this concept and values can penetrate into the hearts of each employee and generate positive and upward motivation for employees. It is this kind of motivation that will play a powerful incentive role. Taking Haier as an example, when people say "quick response and immediate action", they will think of "three days after getting the information, the big sweet potato washing machine will design the drawings, and 15 days after the product is launched", and when they say "sincerity lasts forever", they will think of "the salesperson who carried the washing machine for three hours to deliver goods to customers due to the failure of the delivery truck" It is these moving events and specific images that make Haier's cultural philosophy not stay on the wall or paper, but enter the hearts of every employee. This is the core of Haier's successful corporate culture management.

(2) Incentive mechanism is the driving force of corporate culture construction. According to the content of the corporate culture in the service area and the specific situation, establish scientific and reasonable performance appraisal standards and incentive systems, make clear the rights and responsibilities, reward and punishment, and maintain the important position and trust of the corporate culture.

(3) Learning enterprises are the guarantee of the sustainable development of corporate culture. In order to maintain sustainable development, improve the core competitiveness of enterprises and gain advantages in competition, enterprise culture must be a learning enterprise; The learning and quality improvement of employees will be the driving force to promote the development of corporate culture in the service area.

2 Suggestions on improving and perfecting the current construction of the basic team in the service area

In several years of work practice, the outstanding feeling and confusion is that the personalized characteristics of service area team management are obvious, and the management is different due to different principals. The management norms and common culture of basic teams are lacking. Even the same type of teams do not have a ready-made "management template" for reference. Although it will not be overnight to form a standardized basic management system and a common basic management culture, it is urgent to further improve and perfect the current basic management.

2.1 Improve the guidance of team assessment and evaluation

The "bull nose" of team building is the management of team leaders, including selection, training, assessment, rewards and punishments, elimination, etc. The management basis of team leaders is team assessment and evaluation. At present, team evaluation relies too much on team performance, and the evaluation of employee growth is weakened. If this continues, it will easily lead to problems such as team management myopia, insufficient motivation for sustainable development, long-term risk hazards, etc. It is suggested that under the premise of performance first, increase the weight of employee growth evaluation, and take employee growth as the main content of team evaluation, Make the team leader pay attention to the team performance and the growth of each team member at the same time, so that employees can grow together with the team. The common growth of employees and their teams will inevitably promote the long-term endogenous growth of the enterprise.

2.2 Improve the adaptability of the team's "matter" right and "person" right

As the manager of the team, the team leader should have not only the "matter" right but also the corresponding "person" right. From the perspective of personnel policy and system, the team leader should match the "matter" right with the "person" right, and improve the current situation that the team leader in the service area has the "matter" right but no "person" right, or has more "matter" power and less "person" power. For team leaders, having corresponding "human" rights to select, reward, progress, punish and eliminate team members will undoubtedly better promote the implementation of their "matter" rights such as setting work goals, formulating work measures, assigning work tasks and standardizing work processes, and will also improve the execution of the whole team.

2.3 Improve the effectiveness of team incentive and constraint mechanism

Incentives and constraints are two basic issues in the management of team members. Effective incentives and constraints are the main ways and important means to do a good job in the management of team members. At present, there is still room for improvement in the effectiveness of the team incentive and constraint mechanism: first, further improve the pertinence of the incentive and constraint mechanism, more subdivide the team type, and use different incentive and constraint mechanisms for different types of teams; The second is to further improve the balance of incentive and constraint mechanisms. In team building, various incentive and constraint means are comprehensively used to avoid both insufficient incentives and inadequate constraints; The third is to further improve the timeliness of the incentive and constraint mechanism. Change is the eternal theme of enterprise management. The team incentive and constraint mechanism must also keep pace with the times, flexibly adjust, and dynamically optimize in order to be sustainable and effective.

Part 2: Model of Team System Construction

Taking the grass-roots team of tobacco commercial enterprises as the research object, this paper analyzes the significance of grass-roots cultural management from three aspects: improving the initiative of grass-roots team culture construction, promoting the institutionalization of team culture construction, and enhancing the durability of grass-roots team culture construction.


Grassroots team; Cultural construction; Initiative; be institutionalized; persistence

For enterprises, the value of team culture lies in that it creates a "common value" for the team and determines the development direction of individual behavior. For tobacco commercial enterprises, after the long-term traditional administrative mode has been constantly impacted by the process of marketization, how to build a grassroots team culture more suitable for enterprise development and establish core competitive advantages through cultural guidance has become a crucial new topic. This article ponders over the construction of grass-roots team culture in tobacco commercial enterprises, and on this basis, puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the construction of grass-roots team culture.

1、 Improve the initiative of grass-roots team culture construction

Corporate culture provides an important internal environment for the survival and development of enterprises. As an invisible resource, culture strongly supports the development of enterprises with its uniqueness and stability. From a practical point of view, tobacco commercial enterprises must first improve the initiative of team culture construction at the grass-roots level, so that team leaders and members can jointly establish a unified vision of team development.

First of all, leaders should help team members to clarify team building and development goals. Lead the team to work around the goal, mobilize the enthusiasm of the members through reasonable authorization, and fully trust the team members to have the ability and sense of responsibility to complete the task.

Secondly, leaders should pay attention to cultivating team members' identification with the organization. On the one hand, to gain members' personal recognition of themselves, make members feel that leaders are trustworthy and reliable, and make members naturally accept the values and codes of conduct advocated by team leaders; On the other hand, the psychological reinforcement mechanism is applied to the construction of team culture. By affirming or denying a specific behavior, making it appear repeatedly or be stopped, employees are guided to take actions that are beneficial to the realization of organizational goals and avoid actions that are unfavorable to the realization of organizational goals, and a unified organizational action atmosphere is formed through positive and negative reinforcement, It enables employees to have a sense of identity with the team culture imperceptibly, thus forming the team culture expected by the organization.

In addition, cultural construction needs to be promoted through incentive mechanisms. The personal development of team members should be put in an important position, so as to establish career development channels for employees, provide them with broad space and platform, and enhance their recognition, contribution and dependence on the enterprise. At the same time, establish a series of talent incentive mechanisms, timely praise or reward ideas and behaviors consistent with team culture, and criticize or punish ideas and behaviors that are inconsistent with team culture.

2、 Promote the institutionalization of grass-roots team culture construction

Successful team culture can make people consciously or unconsciously identify with the values of the whole group, deeply understand and accept the system of the group, and realize the internalization of the external power of enterprise development.

On the one hand, tobacco commercial enterprises can transform their values into practical and operable management systems, internalize the system into the tradition and culture of employees, set clear procedures, modify conditions, communicate and implement publicity plans while establishing the system, promote and practice the enterprise's values, and make employees agree with and follow the system from a business perspective, In practical work, we will combine the values, pursuits and qualities embodied in the personal code of conduct with the core spirit and development philosophy embodied in the enterprise system and norms, and maximize the combination of individuals and groups through the grass-roots team culture.

On the other hand, tobacco commercial enterprises can spontaneously create a positive cultural atmosphere of learning and innovation by advocating learning and arranging staff training, so that enterprises can maintain the atmosphere and trend of continuous learning, continuous improvement and sustainable development, constantly tap and stimulate the maximum potential of employees, and encourage employees to break through various limits, Achieve the development of the enterprise while achieving the development of employees' life.

In addition, the construction of a trinity cultural identity system of enterprise concept identity (MI), behavior identity (BI) and visual identity (VI) also has a good role in promoting team building.

3、 Strengthen the continuity of the construction of grass-roots team culture

The construction of team culture can not be completed overnight. It is not only simple propaganda, organization and coordination, but also an invisible code of conduct and value guidance. It is the inheritance and continuation of the core values of the enterprise at the grass-roots level. Therefore, the characteristics of the team itself are integrated into the implementation, and the management model is innovated to promote the continuous and phased development of team culture construction. In the exploration stage, find out the actual situation, summarize experience, and create your own team culture brand; In the determination stage, we should integrate innovation, inclusiveness, trust, tenacity and partners into the development and construction of the enterprise in combination with the actual elements, as the core value system of the enterprise, and establish the correct values, outlook on life and work of employees; In the development stage, we should strengthen the team orientation, make corresponding adjustments according to the actual situation in the specific implementation process, and view it from the perspective of development. We should not act too hastily, but steadily, and take every step steadily.

To sum up, in building their own group culture, tobacco commercial enterprises should not only consider from the perspective of maximizing corporate goals, but also from the perspective of culture, so that team culture and enterprise management can be organically combined and mutually promoted. In actual operation, the emotional maintenance mode, interest relationship mode and "home" mode are organically combined, and the corresponding team goals, systems, team ethics, cultural etiquette and other contents are established around the core values of the team, so as to build the whole system of team culture. Secondly, make full use of all publicity tools and means to strengthen the team members' awareness of team culture. Team leaders practice and take the lead in setting an example. Team members work hard to practice and constantly improve. Through the establishment and application of the reward and punishment system, the team culture will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and create a strong enterprise management atmosphere. Thirdly, adhere to the principle of "people first", improve the living conditions of employees, enrich their spare time activities, build a learning organization, build staff dormitories, staff training bases, staff gyms, book reading rooms, electronic classrooms and other supporting facilities, and organize staff amateur cultural and art troupes, staff football teams, basketball teams and other amateur activities to create a "home" for employees as far as possible And enhance the atmosphere of "home".

In short, to unite an organization as a whole, it is necessary to build an excellent team culture. Similarly, the survival and development of an organization cannot be separated from the nurturing of team culture. A successful organization should not only have a sound governance structure, competitive core technology, innovative entrepreneurs and management team, but also have a positive and harmonious team culture. Especially in the tide of China's economic construction, building an excellent team culture with the organization's own characteristics will generate a huge force to promote the company's progress.



Fan Rui, Ma Hongyu, Zhu Yongjun, Li Xiangxiang. A preliminary study on the misunderstanding and countermeasures of grass-roots enterprise culture construction [J]. Research on Ideological and Political Work, 2009, 04

[2] Min Xinli. Exploring Problems Related to Corporate Culture Construction from Several Examples [J]. Foreign Economy and Management, 1988, 10

[3] Yang Xianju. A Brief Understanding of Corporate Culture [J]. Economic Theory and Economic Management, 1987, 06

Part 3: Model of Team System Construction

Key words: teaching team incentive mechanism, influencing factors, practical difficulties, countermeasures

The teaching team in higher vocational colleges is the key factor affecting the quality of talent cultivation. Its main purpose is to establish a team cooperation mechanism, innovate and reform the traditional teaching content and methods with the strength of the team, develop a teaching resource system that is suitable for the purpose of higher vocational professional education, promote teaching discussion and exchange of teaching experience, and promote the transmission, help We should combine with the old, middle-aged and young people to improve the level of theoretical teaching, especially practical teaching, and build a good teaching team for higher vocational education.

Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Construction of Incentive Mechanism of Teaching Teams in Higher Vocational Colleges

The most important strategy for higher vocational colleges to gain advantages in the competition is to effectively motivate the teaching team. Stimulating the teaching team is mainly to make the motivated develop in a mutually beneficial direction through a certain reward and punishment system, that is, to enable the teaching team to enhance the internal motivation of its team behavior to achieve organizational goals. It can also be expressed as: the cycle of manager incentive team effort team performance management payment team member satisfaction feedback effort, the process of recycling to achieve organizational goals, the incentive to teaching teams in higher vocational colleges will be affected by the following factors.

1.1 Fairness of remuneration distribution within teaching teams The establishment of teaching teams in higher vocational colleges is based on the cooperation of individuals. Teachers are first independent individuals, then team individuals. Teachers are first "economic people", then "self actualizing people", In the team, there is how to motivate the income distribution within the team through management. The fundamental purpose of individual's pursuit of performance is to obtain remuneration (economic remuneration is considered first here), and the basis of remuneration is the quantity and quality of performance, as well as the degree of recognition of performance. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, even if a higher level of needs becomes the driving force of behavior, lower level needs still exist. Therefore, at this stage and for a long time to come, the problem of teacher income distribution within the teaching team will affect the quality of teaching team construction for a long time.

1.2 Respect and trust among teaching team members psychologist Gordon once said that trust is "the factor that produces miracles in the life of an organization - a lubricant to reduce friction, a connecting agent that combines different things together, and its role in work is irreplaceable". For teaching teams in higher vocational colleges, especially interdisciplinary teaching teams, due to their different educational backgrounds, professional development directions and teaching levels, mutual respect and trust among team members, especially the respect and trust of team leaders to team members, are particularly important. If there is no respect and trust within the teaching team, It will not enable members' opinions to be effectively expressed, and the working strength of the teaching team will decline. This is not conducive to learning from each other so as to improve their ability and level, nor to enhance the team's innovation, which will go against the original intention of the teaching team construction. The ultimate result is that the inefficient teaching team is facing disintegration.

1.3 "Hitchhiking" behavior in the teaching team In institutional economics, "hitchhiking" refers to the economic phenomenon that some people or some economic organizations gain benefits from others or society without paying any price. Hitchhiking is an opportunistic behavior of team members. Suppose a teacher thinks that if I don't work hard and everyone else works hard, then the team's output will be almost unchanged or only slightly reduced. If only one teacher does this, the team's output will indeed decline little or even not. In fact, because of personal rationality, Every member of the team may have the motivation of "hitchhiking", which will lead to the "prisoner's dilemma", and eventually everyone will not want to work hard, making the teaching team ineffective and low productivity, which is contrary to our original vision of setting up a teaching team. This is a phenomenon of social laziness. In addition, from the perspective of system managers, because there is a principal-agent relationship between managers and teachers, and teachers' efforts in work are their private information, managers cannot accurately observe, or more accurately, the cost of accurately observing teachers' efforts is too large, which makes managers simply do not have enough self motivation to do accurate observation, However, teachers' efforts in work can only be inferred through the output under the influence of noise, so the "free riding" behavior of teaching teams is widespread.

1.4 The problem of harmonious cultural atmosphere in the teaching team is a common problem in higher vocational colleges, which is how to effectively encourage teachers and teaching teams to carry out innovative exploration and research freely, boldly and effectively under the guidance of the general direction of college development? Is it only the economic incentive that is the most important? In fact, through several years of investigation and interviews, it is found that the exploration of the enthusiasm of teaching teams and the improvement of teachers' personal enthusiasm, in addition to the incentive mechanism of the system and hardware equipment support, more importantly, to create a positive and harmonious campus culture, Provide a relatively loose academic environment and atmosphere, provide relatively convenient working and living conditions, and let the external system regulations and condition control transform into teachers' self-regulation and self-control, so as to intrinsically stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teachers, and consciously take the development of high-level and innovative teaching and scientific research as their own responsibility. Only by building such a cultural atmosphere can the innovative potential and vitality of the talent team in higher vocational colleges be further stimulated, and more high-level skilled talents can be cultivated for our country.

2. Analysis of problems in the construction of incentive mechanism for teaching teams in higher vocational colleges

In recent years, the development of higher vocational education has gradually taken the road of "connotative" development, and building a high-level teaching team is not only related to the development of teachers themselves, but also the fundamental guarantee to enhance the competitiveness of the college, as well as the fundamental guarantee to cultivate high-quality skilled talents. Therefore, we should consider how to build an incentive mechanism suitable for the development of higher vocational teaching teams. In the context of the reform of the internal management system of colleges and universities across the country, the college needs to design more incentive mechanisms to promote the development of teaching teams in terms of the reform of the distribution system. Due to the principal-agent relationship between managers and teachers, managers often avoid the following problems when designing incentive mechanisms for teaching teams.

2.1 The team formation rules are not in place The team formation rules cannot be too large. The more team members, the more serious the problem of "free riding", which makes team members dissatisfied with the team allocation system. Robbins believes that the best work team is generally small. If there are more than 12 team members, it is difficult for them to carry out their work smoothly. They will encounter many obstacles when communicating with each other, and it is difficult to reach an agreement when discussing issues. This is to increase the cost of writing. If the team is to operate efficiently, cooperation norms must be formed. This is very important. Teachers should be allowed to choose teaching teams freely, and team leaders should also be allowed to choose teachers freely. Because they can choose each other, it is easier to establish an efficient teaching team, thus forming a "hidden incentive" for teachers. However, the current personnel management system in higher vocational colleges is relatively difficult to achieve this.

2.2 The fairness of teacher assessment in the teaching team There are incomplete information and asymmetric information in the teaching team, and only common output can be observed by managers. Because the output of the teaching team is external, and everyone is indispensable to the team, the interdependence of teaching team members will blur the work achievements of each teacher, so it is impossible to accurately judge the contribution of each teacher to the common output. However, whether for the management of the personnel department of the college or for the managers of the teaching team, the degree of effort of each teacher is private information. They can not accurately judge or more accurately judge the contribution of each teacher to the teaching team, but only take turns to assess, thus inhibiting the efforts of members of the teaching team, It makes members of the team compete for mediocrity, which is not conducive to improving the overall quality of the teaching team and teachers.

2.3 The standard of teaching team building is not in place. Here I want to talk about the Hawthorne test first. The Hawthorne test is a study of the integrated welding workshop of Western Electric Appliance Company, which proves the role of social interaction and norms in team production arrangements. The conclusion of this experiment, I think, is also applicable to the construction of teaching teams in higher vocational colleges. Compared with it, there is an obvious defect in the teaching teams in higher vocational colleges. Although there seem to be many norms and regulations, they do not play a normative role in fact. We know that in the team of bureaucratic enterprises, the central task of managers is to stimulate the willingness of team members to cooperate and promote mutual trust, which is also a special part of bureaucratic management that needs to be strengthened. In our current institutional relationship system, it is obvious that most universities are not doing well in this respect.

2.4 Lack of effective competition mechanism From the perspective of the current post setting situation in higher vocational colleges, many higher vocational colleges have not set up posts according to the requirements of setting up posts according to needs and employing posts according to posts, and the drawbacks of "being able to go up and down, being able to go up and down" in the talent flow mechanism still exist for a long time, which makes such contradictions in the allocation of human resources in the teaching team, This makes it difficult for teachers to give full play to their potential and stimulate the creativity and enthusiasm of the teaching team.

In short, there is still a mismatch between the current management system and the actual needs, and there is no way to promote the teaching team to develop towards a higher goal and direction in the design of the incentive mechanism.

3 Suggestions on the construction of incentive mechanism for teaching teams in higher vocational colleges

In the process of development of higher vocational education, the main goal is to improve the quality of professional talent training and social service ability. Therefore, we must build a high-quality teaching team. We must carefully analyze various problems existing in the process of building teaching teams in higher vocational colleges, such as the solution of problems in team organization planning, team goal consistency, etc, Strengthen the construction of the incentive mechanism of the teaching team.

3.1 Optimize the team structure and the system within the team First, the teaching team should formulate the development goals of the teaching team, the existing member structure of the teaching team, and the future development goals. In the process of optimizing the team structure, it should achieve the combination of professional courses and basic courses, the combination of full-time teachers and part-time teachers, and gradually form a teaching team with clear division of labor and complementary knowledge and skills structure. Focusing on the reform of the employment system and distribution system, we should select talents based on open recruitment and competition, allocate talent resources based on optimizing structure and improving efficiency, encourage talents based on encouraging labor and innovation, serve talents based on scientific management and high quality and efficiency, and establish a new mechanism that conforms to the law of running higher vocational schools and the law of talent growth, Create good conditions and environment for the healthy growth of all kinds of talents and the display of intelligence. The manager of the teaching team defines the expectations of teachers in the teaching team and the expectations of cooperation among all teaching members, and creates common knowledge of trust and cooperation. It is necessary to establish the system and cultural construction (including authorization, trust, etc.) of the teaching team from the perspective of team members, and guide the development of the teaching team towards normalization.

3.2 Follow the talent law, scientifically plan and develop, closely combine the medium and long-term strategic development plan of discipline construction, refine the discipline development direction, formulate the talent team construction plan of higher vocational colleges, and enhance the overall control ability of the school; Strengthen the executive power of the institute (department), and give play to the enthusiasm and main role of the institute (department) in the talent team construction. We should improve and perfect the support system of teaching teams from the aspects of optimizing teaching and research organizations, improving team building effects, and building teaching team culture. In order to meet the needs of teaching reform and development, it is necessary to straighten out the relationship between subjects related to specialty construction, appropriately increase the management power of team leaders in the reform of specialty training mode, the formulation of team work plans, the selection of team members, the internal assessment and evaluation of team members, and salary distribution methods, so as to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of education and teaching. In order to promote higher vocational colleges to build high-quality teaching teams and improve the incentive level of teaching team building, the teaching team adopts a high degree of participation and self-management approach to help improve the team efficiency of teaching teams and effectively solve the "free riding" problem.

3.3 Strengthen performance assessment, improve the evaluation system and establish the objective management responsibility system of the institute (department). Focus on the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the implementation of the relevant system of the college's talent work, the discovery, introduction, training and use of talents, and the quality and efficiency of talent team construction. Establish an effective incentive mechanism, give a certain performance award to the school (department) that has been assessed excellent every year, and mobilize the enthusiasm of the school (department) teacher team construction.

We will improve the performance appraisal system for teachers. Establish a talent performance evaluation system consisting of moral character, knowledge, ability, performance and other elements guided by job responsibility requirements and talent professional development; Actively explore the team's comprehensive evaluation model, and introduce third-party evaluation methods such as intermediaries; Attach importance to quality evaluation and encourage basic and original research; Establish a long-term mechanism to reasonably avoid employment risks.


[1] Ministry of Education. Several Opinions on Improving the Teaching Quality of Higher Vocational Education in an All round Way [z]. JG [2006] No. 16

[2] Bai Xianli, et al. Analysis of Incentive Factors and Research on Incentive Strategies for Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges [J]. Petroleum Education. 2010 (1)

[3] Chang Zhongwu, Niu Lixin. The connotation development of higher vocational colleges should attach importance to the construction of teaching teams [J]. China Adult Education. 2010 (6)

[4] Shao Jiandong. The dilemma and countermeasures of professional teaching team construction in higher vocational colleges [J]. Journal of Jinhua Vocational and Technical College. 2010 (10)

Part 4: Model of Team System Construction

Key words: teaching team; Universities; Construction; Administration

1、 Understanding the Connotation of College Teaching Team

American scholar Jon R. Kazenbach's definition of team is widely recognized, that is, "a group composed of a few people who have complementary skills and are willing to take mutual responsibility for the common purpose, performance goals and working methods". Therefore, the teaching team can be defined as a team composed of a few teachers with complementary skills who are willing to work clearly and shoulder mutual responsibilities to achieve common teaching goals. The value of the teaching team lies in "teaching". It is a specific organization based on the teaching goal. Its particularity lies in that it is a professional learning organization that educates both people and oneself. That is, through the establishment of the teaching team, we should not only improve the educational effect and quality, but also promote the professional development of teachers themselves.

Based on the above understanding of teaching teams, we further clarify that teaching teams in colleges and universities should take teaching work as the main line, improve teaching quality and teachers' teaching level as the goal, take effective communication and cooperation mechanisms as the guarantee, and be reasonable in structure, complementary in advantages, clear in division of work, mutual cooperation An academic community composed of teachers with uniform responsibilities, rights and appropriate numbers. The implementation of the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities aims to further strengthen the construction of teaching grassroots organizations, deepen teaching reform, develop high-quality teaching resources, promote teaching discussion and experience exchange, promote the integration of old, middle-aged and young teaching teams, play the role of transmission, help and guidance, and achieve the sustainable development of teaching team construction, It will ultimately achieve the goal of improving the quality of education and teaching, and play an exemplary role in personnel training, teaching reform, teacher team building and other aspects.

According to the purpose of college teaching team construction, college teaching team should have four basic characteristics, which are also the basic criteria for measuring teaching team. (1) Clear teaching reform objectives. In the teaching reform, the teaching team has a clear idea and pragmatic thinking. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of higher education and promote the professional development of teachers. The reform measures are unique and effective, with the basic teaching construction project of colleges and universities as the starting point, the curriculum (group) or specialty as the construction platform, and the reform of teaching content and teaching methods as the main way. (2) Appropriate scale and reasonable composition structure. The members of the teaching team are reasonably structured in terms of age, educational background, academic background and professional title, and have strong complementarity in knowledge and skills. The team is led by experts and professors with high teaching and scientific research levels and strong organization, coordination and management ability, and is mainly composed of middle-aged and young backbone teachers, forming a team with moderate size and reasonable echelon of members. (3) Bright team spirit. The internal operation of the teaching team is orderly, the rules are clear, the members share responsibilities, cooperate and help each other, and form team cohesion. (4) Excellent teaching construction results and achievements. First, the teaching quality has been significantly improved. Second, school level, provincial (municipal) or national landmark achievements have been achieved in specific teaching construction projects, such as teaching achievement awards, quality courses, characteristic or demonstration majors, teaching demonstration centers (bases), etc., or show a good trend of achieving excellent results.

2、 The construction of teaching team should focus on three aspects of basic work

1. Develop a scientific and feasible teaching team building plan

The work of the teaching team in colleges and universities is carried out around the basic construction of teaching such as majors, courses and textbooks. Therefore, the construction of the teaching team should become a basic and overall normalization and long-term work in colleges and universities, and it should continue to develop steadily for a long time. At the same time, in order to make the teaching team the most cohesive, potential, influential and exemplary teaching construction project, and achieve the purpose of promoting teaching reform, promoting the construction of the teaching team, and improving the quality of undergraduate teaching, universities need to carry out top-level design from the school level, according to the school running orientation and teaching reform needs, according to the effectiveness, long-term and scientific The principle of systematic combination is to coordinate the overall development of the school's majors, courses and teaching staff, and form a comprehensive, systematic, scientific, reasonable and practical construction plan after full demonstration, and clarify the ideas and strategies for promoting the construction of teaching teams. Tianjin University of Technology attaches great importance to the leading role of planning work. In order to ensure that teaching reform is promoted at a higher level, at the initial stage of school level teaching team construction, attention should be paid to finding out the current situation, digging out teaching construction projects with good teaching reform and research foundation, and making full use of disciplinary advantages and professional characteristics to expand, integrate and improve, The teaching team building plan has been carefully formulated, and the idea of strengthening cultivation and gradually improving the level and level of team building has been formed according to the categories, selecting the best and strengthening the strong, and gradually improving the level and level of team building. That is, according to the course category, the teaching team is divided into four types: public courses, professional basic courses (groups), professional courses (groups) and experimental practice courses; According to the teaching practice and basic research conditions of the teaching team, in combination with its expected construction goals and the level and level of landmark construction achievements, from high to low, it is divided into A B. C three grades, so as to form a matrix construction structure with four types and three grades crossing each other, to achieve a clear content of team construction of different types and grades, orderly and gradual improvement of construction goals, and a progressive teaching team construction pattern of point to area, phased and batch, to explore and establish a hierarchical investment, guidance, management The teaching team building mechanism of graded assessment and graded incentive.

2. Do a good job in the selection of teaching team project establishment

The construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities is an innovative and pioneering work. Its construction effect is to effectively improve the level of education and teaching and the quality of talent training, and produce a number of landmark achievements. This requires that teaching teams must have a certain basis for teaching practice and construction, and have the potential to form landmark achievements in a certain aspect of teaching. In addition, from the perspective of highlighting the discipline advantages and professional characteristics of the school, it is also necessary to select a team with emphasis to build and support. Therefore, in the selection of teaching teams, Tianjin University of Technology has set up different selection conditions and construction tasks for teams of different types and grades. On the basis of considering and demonstrating whether the planning of the secondary teaching unit and the construction goals proposed by the teaching team recommended by it are consistent with the planning and goals of the school and reasonable and feasible, in accordance with the principles of both the needs of teaching reform, the basis of work and the possibility of achieving the reform tasks, the major problems or important construction projects that need to be solved urgently in the talent training work of the school, Strengthen planning, guidance and coordination, concentrate superior resources, make overall layout, and select teams with development foundation, development potential and good development trend for project establishment by combining top-down and bottom-up methods. In addition, for the team to be established, we should pay attention to the key elements such as team leaders, member size and structure, select team leaders with rich teaching experience, innovative awareness and influence, and form a reasonable team structure under the appropriate team size.

3. Clarify the construction objectives and tasks of the teaching team

From the definition of team, we can see that the goal is the soul of the team. A team must have a clear goal from the beginning of its formation. It is the driving force for the team and its members to work. Therefore, based on the current situation and problems of the school's teaching reform and development, we should grasp the key, difficult and hot issues of talent training and teaching reform, bundle major and important teaching reform projects, and formulate clear and specific construction goals and tasks around the construction of high-quality teaching and the cultivation of teaching achievements, Make the construction of teaching team not only become the main position of school teaching reform and research, the model of teacher teaching cooperation and the demonstration point of improving the functions of grass-roots teaching organizations, but also become the incubator of cultivating high-quality teaching, the cradle of cultivating famous teachers and excellent teaching achievements, and the breakthrough of improving school teaching quality. Specifically, it is necessary to distinguish teaching teams of different curriculum types, and refine the main tasks and objectives of team building into specific construction contents in teaching work, teaching research, scientific research, team building, team management mechanism construction, and cultivation and acquisition of landmark achievements. On the one hand, the objectives and tasks of teaching teams of different curriculum types have different priorities; on the other hand, teaching teams of different curriculum types constantly deepen their understanding of the status of their own courses and teaching links in talent cultivation, and form distinctive construction ideas and measures. On the basis of defining the overall goal of team building, it should also be broken down into specific phased goals that are relevant, measurable, achievable through hard work, and have clear deadlines in each year of the construction cycle, so as to promote the teaching team and its members to find their own position, clarify specific tasks, know and share their responsibilities, Carry out the team building work in a targeted way in stages, and lay the foundation for the school to strengthen the process management and objective management of teaching team building and implement scientific performance assessment.

3、 Three aspects of management should be strengthened in the construction of teaching team

1. Strengthen the hierarchical management of teaching team construction and operation

The essence of teaching team building is to strengthen the basic construction of teaching. Therefore, after the establishment of the teaching team, we should follow the teaching law, treat the construction of the teaching team rationally from the perspective of the school's development strategy and overall situation, make overall arrangements, carefully organize, combine management with guarantee monitoring, combine objective management with process management, combine the downward shift of management focus with the delegation of management authority Strengthen the principle of combining guidance with hierarchical management, bring the management of teaching team construction into the important category of two-level teaching management of colleges and universities, and implement scientific and standardized management to ensure the orderly operation and steady development of teaching teams. Tianjin University of Technology attaches great importance to the management of teaching team construction. At the school level, the vice president in charge of teaching and the University's Teaching Work Steering Committee lead the construction of the teaching team. They are responsible for organizing the planning, selection and project establishment management of the teaching team, coordinating and solving problems involving various departments of the school, and conducting regular inspection, guidance and consultation, The project establishment and construction management methods and assessment and evaluation index system of the teaching team have been formulated, and the team building work has been included in the annual work assessment of the teaching unit, which has played a guiding and binding role in standardizing the team building work and management. The teaching unit of the teaching team, as the management subject under the guidance of the school, is responsible for controlling and supervising the working status and process of various teaching teams at all levels of the department, assisting in solving problems encountered in team building, creating a good working environment, and effectively promoting the orderly development of teaching team building and the completion of task objectives. Within the teaching team, the team leader is fully responsible for the daily management of the construction of the teaching team, coordinating the work and cooperation of the team members, and leading the team members to form a team spirit and team cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness.

2. Strengthen the guarantee mechanism of teaching team construction

The teaching team must be backed up and guaranteed by certain policies and systems, software and hardware conditions and capital investment if it wants to operate normally and achieve excellent results. Tianjin University of Technology has widely publicized and advocated the concept of team building to achieve win-win cooperation, actively created a cultural atmosphere of people-oriented, respecting talents, encouraging reform, exploration and collaborative innovation, so that the whole school can fully understand and understand the positive role of teaching team building in the development of the school's connotation, and promote the construction of teaching team with the help of the whole school. In particular, school leaders and management personnel should renew their working concepts and ideas, consciously change their roles, consciously provide thorough guidance, support and services for team building, build a good working platform for the construction of teaching teams, and provide a relaxed working environment and sufficient hardware and software conditions. In accordance with the principle of combining material incentives with spiritual incentives, a series of policies have been introduced and implemented, giving the decision-making power for the implementation of team teaching reform and the right to allocate and use self construction funds and teaching resources. In promoting teaching research work, we give priority to the establishment and funding of research projects for teaching team members, give appropriate preference to teaching team members in professional title evaluation, award and evaluation, provide more opportunities for team members, especially young and middle-aged backbone teachers to learn, train and communicate, and encourage them to go deep into the production line of industry enterprises to carry out production, learning and research practices. Set up special funds and management methods for teaching team building, grant different amounts of funding to teams at different levels, and increase the reward for teaching team achievements by 20% according to the teaching performance reward standard, strengthen the team building management concept of combining responsibility, power and benefit, and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of team members.

3. Strengthen the performance appraisal of teaching team construction

Scientific and effective performance appraisal is an effective way to mobilize the enthusiasm of team building and improve the level of team building. We believe that scientific and effective performance evaluation should be based on the improvement of the school's talent training level, closely surrounding the content and goal of teaching team construction, and taking "evaluation to promote construction" as the purpose. In terms of evaluation subject, we should pay attention to the evaluation of management departments and peer experts as well as the evaluation of students; In terms of evaluation content, the interaction between teaching and scientific research should be reflected, and team performance and individual performance of members should be taken into account. The evaluation should not only focus on the evaluation of the team's explicit achievements in curriculum teaching and reform, teaching research and scientific research, but also on the evaluation of implicit achievements in cultivating and improving students' quality and ability, team spirit, team cooperation and self-discipline; In terms of evaluation methods, subjective evaluation and objective evaluation should be combined, qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation should be combined, formative self-evaluation should be combined with regular inspection and assessment of the school, and results publicity and on-site reporting and exchange should be combined; In the evaluation link, the combination of objective management and process management should be strengthened, focusing not only on the qualification evaluation after the completion of team building, but also on the periodic supervision and assessment of the process. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the openness, fairness and impartiality of the evaluation work, improve the seriousness and transparency of the evaluation, establish a platform for learning and communication among teams, and realize the guidance, guidance, incentive and constraint of performance evaluation on the construction of teaching teams.

Tianjin University of Technology will assess the performance of the teaching team, including the annual assessment and the acceptance assessment after the completion of construction. The annual assessment index system is divided into quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation, which is composed of 35 secondary indicators under 13 primary indicators, Under its secondary indicators, different levels of excellence, good and qualified shall be set according to different levels of teams; Qualitative evaluation mainly includes four first level indicators, including team organization and operation management mechanism construction, teaching content, teaching methods and means, and teaching guarantee. Under the second level indicators, main observation points and specific evaluation standards are set up. The acceptance assessment at the end of the construction period is based on the target assessment, and the assessment indicators are set up. For the achievement of the landmark achievements of teaching and scientific research after the completion of the construction period, the minimum standards for qualified teams of different grades and levels are set up. If the construction period is four years, the project can be regarded as finally qualified only if it meets the qualification criteria at the expiration of the period, and the number of times of passing the annual assessment is not less than three. Under this performance appraisal system, the school has carried out two annual assessments on the first batch of 34 teaching teams, urging the teaching teams to find gaps against the indicators, find problems and correct them in a timely manner, realizing the tracking management of the progress and effectiveness of the school's teaching team construction, and playing a role in diagnosing, regulating, encouraging and urging the team work.

In recent years, the practice of the school's teaching team construction has played an exemplary and leading role in curriculum construction, teaching reform, teacher team construction, teaching quality and the cultivation of teaching achievements, and has produced good results. At the same time, it also found some problems that need to be solved urgently in the construction and management of the teaching team, such as the cultivation of team leaders, the establishment of the team's internal cooperation mechanism, and the optimization and dynamic adjustment of the assessment index system.


[1] Liu Yongbing. Analysis on Characteristics and Construction Objectives of College Teaching Teams [J]. Vocational Education Forum, 2009, (6): 232-234

[2] Teng Xiangdong, Ren Weining, Yang Bing. Analysis on the Construction Path and Management Strategy of Teaching Teams in Local Universities [J]. Journal of Beijing Union University, 2009, (7): 115-119

[3] Wang Zhengbin, Wang Tao. Discussion on the connotation and construction strategy of university teaching team. China University Teaching, 2011, (3): 75-77

[4] Liu Chang'an, Wen Qinneng. Analysis on the Strategies of College Teaching Team Construction [J]. China Adult Education, 2009, (4): 31-33

Part 5: Model of Team System Construction

Key words: teaching team; Basic theory; Construction status; Development opportunities; Dilemma; Countermeasures; Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

CLC No. G642.4 Document Identification Code A Article No. 1007-5739 (2014) 12-0315-03

Teaching is the basic way to cultivate talents in colleges and universities, and the core of teaching oriented colleges and universities. With the launch of the "Quality Project" of the Ministry of Education, colleges and universities in China have generally started to build teaching teams and achieved good results. However, teaching team building is still an exploratory work, and there is no perfect theory and system to guide it. With the transformation of China's higher education from "elite education" to "mass education", the scale of China's higher education has expanded rapidly. The rapidly expanding scale of higher education, on the one hand, has met the needs of national and social development, on the other hand, it has also caused many problems such as funding, organization, management, etc. [1-2], among which the decline of education quality has become a more prominent problem [3]. Under the new situation, how to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching has gradually become the central issue of university education reform. For provincial undergraduate colleges, strengthening the construction of teaching teams, organizing teachers' teams in a planned and purposeful way in teaching management, promoting teaching seminars and exchange of teaching experience, and improving teaching level are the key links to strengthen the discipline construction of the school, strengthen the construction of teachers' team, and promote the sustainable development of the school. The establishment and improvement of the system of teaching team construction, and the establishment and improvement of the operating mechanism of teaching team construction are the premise and guarantee for promoting the healthy development and efficient operation of teaching teams.

After several years of development, colleges and universities in all provinces have also formulated corresponding policies and measures and built teaching teams at all levels, which have achieved a series of good results. What can't be ignored is that the development of teaching teams is still in the exploratory stage in China. How to evaluate the performance of a teaching team and guide the healthy development of teaching teams is a realistic problem to be faced by the construction and management of teaching teams in colleges and universities in China. As for Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, with the implementation of a new round of undergraduate training program, the development and process management of the teaching team need to be further improved in theory and practice to meet the requirements of the overall development strategy of the university. Taking the teaching team construction management of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University as an example, this paper describes the problems existing in the teaching team construction, and gives the corresponding countermeasures.

1 Basic theory of teaching team

1.1 Role and significance of teaching team

Stephen Robbins believes that a team is a formal group formed to achieve specific goals, and team members work together within the group to achieve the set goals [4]. The team has a strict organizational structure, and members cooperate with each other and complement each other's advantages, so that the team can play a more effective role than the total number of individual members. As an efficient management model, the concept of team has been widely used in various countries and fields, and has played an important role in promoting economic development and social progress.

Teaching team is the application of team management in the field of education. Scholars at home and abroad have defined it from different perspectives, and its connotation is constantly developing. After the implementation of "quality engineering" in China, the construction of teaching teams has officially been popularized, and the corresponding theoretical research has also increased. According to the three elements of the team, the teaching team can be defined as a formal group consisting of more than two members from the same discipline or similar disciplines, with the specific goal of improving the level of teachers and improving the quality of education and teaching, and working together around a course or curriculum group. Obviously, the teaching team takes teaching work as the main line, and finally achieves the goal of improving the teaching quality of colleges and universities through the innovation of teaching organization.

The construction of teaching team makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional teaching and research department as a grass-roots teaching management and service organization. With the development of theory and practice, the construction of teaching team is bound to gradually improve, and break the unreasonable institutional framework in the old system, and establish a new management system that conforms to the goal of improving teaching quality. In the future, as the core of the teaching work in colleges and universities, from the perspective of the development of colleges and universities, the sound operation of the teaching team is conducive to improving the teaching quality and the integration of educational resources, thus promoting the construction of disciplines and specialties in colleges and universities, improving the quality of talent cultivation in colleges and universities. From the perspective of individual development of teachers, the teaching team is conducive to improving the professional quality of teachers and improving the development space.

1.2 Theory and practice of teaching team building

Teaching team is a very important way of organizing teaching work in many countries. Relevant concepts can be traced back to the team teaching implemented in American primary and secondary schools in the 1950s, which realized "peer assistance" [5], achieved good results, and was extended to higher education in the 1970s. The teaching methods of "collaborative teaching", "peer assistance" and "peer cooperation" have played a positive role in improving the teaching quality and teacher education in American colleges and universities, making the teaching process more smooth, not only promoting the professional growth of teachers, but also enabling students to learn more professional skills through different teachers.

The collaborative teaching method has been gradually followed by universities in other countries. In March 2001, the British government issued a document to reform teachers' professional development to promote the implementation of collaborative teaching. The document emphasizes that cooperative development is the best way to improve professional knowledge and strengthen professional skills. The government summarized this mode of teacher professional development as "learning from each other and learning from work". Japan takes the "lesson study" project as a carrier to promote teachers to share knowledge and experience, rebuild their knowledge system and improve their teaching skills. Through this knowledge sharing mode, teachers not only improve their professional skills, but also enhance the academic friendship between teachers.

In China, the first attempt to build a teaching team began in the 1990s. After the Ministry of Education launched the "Quality Project" in 2007, the research related to teaching teams has gradually become a hot spot in China's education theory research. Based on the background of higher education quality engineering, some scholars have enriched and developed the connotation of the concept of teaching team. From the perspective of innovative talent training, they proposed that teaching teams should focus on teaching and educating people [6]. Theoretical research on the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities is relatively concentrated. For example, Huang Yufei discussed the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities from the perspective of team sharing [7], Mei Shuiyan and others analyzed the characteristics of teaching teams at various stages from formation to maturity, and proposed corresponding construction management methods based on dynamic development [8], Wang Sheng and others explored the performance evaluation system of university teaching teams [9].

The above research enriches the connotation of teaching teams and provides solutions to various problems in the construction and management of teaching teams. In view of the fact that the construction and management of teaching team is still an innovative and pioneering work for China's higher education, and will constantly face new problems in the process of practice, analyzing these contradictions has theoretical and practical significance for strengthening the process management and objective management of teaching team construction, and implementing scientific performance assessment.

2 Current situation of teaching team construction of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Since the Ministry of Education launched the "Quality Project" in 2007, Zhejiang A&F University has launched the construction of teaching teams. As of January 2014, 39 teaching teams have been established, including one at the national level, four at the provincial level, and 34 at the university level. Since 2007, the number of newly established teaching teams each year is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that since 2007, Zhejiang A&F University has begun to build a teaching team. However, until 2010, it was in the exploratory stage. From 2011, the number of newly established school level teaching teams began to maintain rapid growth.

From the perspective of discipline distribution, the newly established school level teaching group has gradually expanded its coverage of disciplines after 2011. Among 39 teaching teams, there are 7 professional teaching teams, 32 curriculum teaching teams, covering 32 undergraduate majors in the whole school, including 6 basic courses, 22 professional courses, and 4 village official school curriculum teaching teams, accounting for 54% of the total number of undergraduate majors. The above situation reflects that under the background of in-depth reform, the school continues to increase its investment in teaching teams, which are also playing a greater role in undergraduate teaching.

3. Development opportunities for teaching team construction of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Similar to other domestic universities, the construction of the teaching team of Zhejiang A&F University is still in the initial exploration stage. As the school takes "ecological" and "entrepreneurial" universities as its development goals, a new round of teaching reform will continue to be carried out around the improvement of teaching quality. The new training program is about to be implemented, and more attention will be paid to the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability, which also brings new opportunities for the construction of teaching teams.

In the future, guided by the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University and the "1030" scientific research plan of the university, the construction of the teaching team will take the characteristic specialty of agriculture and forestry as the starting point, and based on the specialty construction, gradually form a batch of industries, universities, colleges, universities with high academic level, good teaching effect, strong faculty, reasonable structure and good cooperation spirit A teaching team with obvious research characteristics.

4 Difficulties in Teaching Team Construction of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

4.1 Conflict between old and new systems

Similar to other domestic universities, the construction of the teaching team of Zhejiang A&F University is still in the initial exploration stage, and the external mechanism of the development of the teaching team still faces many obstacles, which can be summarized as follows: First, the construction goal is not clear. On the one hand, the teaching team has played an increasingly important role in the teaching work. On the other hand, the corresponding construction goals are not clear, and the school still lacks reasonable planning in the construction of the teaching team. There is a certain blindness, resulting in the teaching team can not break through the constraints of the old administrative management model in the actual operation, and does not play the maximum efficiency. The second is the obstruction of traditional teaching organization mode. In the traditional teaching organization model, the basic teaching unit is the teaching and research department. However, the perfect combination between teaching and research has not been achieved. Many teaching and research departments have deviated from the track of teaching, and the feedback effect of scientific research on teaching has not been effectively played, affecting the improvement of teaching quality. In addition, due to the unreasonable organizational structure, the division of professional directions of the teaching and research department is too detailed, and there is a lack of cooperation between different teaching and research departments, which has a negative impact on scientific research and teaching, and hinders the healthy development of the teaching team. Third, support needs to be improved. Teaching team is not only the change of teaching organization form, but also the deepening reform of the original talent training and management mechanism. The teaching team needs more resources to guarantee, such as the construction of teachers, teaching software and hardware, as well as the construction of new courses and textbooks, which requires more investment, and more time and energy from the team and members. At present, the teaching team is not only faced with insufficient support of resources such as funds, but also the problem of uneven distribution of resources in various academic disciplines and within the team.

4.2 Internal management of teaching team

Compared with the external environment, the teaching team of Zhejiang A&F University also has many aspects to be improved in the internal management mechanism. First, the organizational objectives are not clear. In the actual operation of the teaching team, the goals were not sorted out and divided into specific levels, resulting in the lack of operability of the team goals. At the same time, the team members do not fully understand or even know the common goals of the teaching team. They do not play the role of collaborative teaching within the team, and still work in a state of separation. The second is the lack of team culture construction. The healthy development of the team requires team members to have team spirit, to achieve the overall interests of the team as the goal, and to participate in the work through mutual cooperation and dedication. After several years of construction, the cultural construction of the teaching team of Zhejiang A&F University has also received corresponding attention, but it still does not match the construction of the teaching team. At present, the most prominent problem is the sense of identity of the team members. The teaching team did not play its due role due to insufficient team cohesion, the tradition of teachers' independent management and consideration of individual evaluation, and even excessive competition and insufficient cooperation among different members of the same team. Third, the performance evaluation system is not perfect. The traditional teacher assessment and evaluation mechanism focuses on the evaluation of individual teachers rather than team work, and the existing evaluation system is scientific research oriented, which can not fully reflect the real performance of individuals and teams as a whole. In addition, the incentive system corresponding to the performance appraisal is not perfect, which also leads to the low enthusiasm of teachers to participate in the teaching team, and they do not pay due attention to the team work.

5 Development countermeasures

5.1 Clarify the objectives and reform the teaching organization model

The clear goal has a guiding role. The school running philosophy of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University emphasizes ecological and entrepreneurial. The goal of the teaching team should be in accordance with the requirements of the school running philosophy, reasonably set up the organizational structure for the teaching team, and actively promote the development of the teaching team construction with the construction of the teaching team as the foundation, the teaching work as the core, and the science, research and engineering as the leader. The school should take the teaching team as the basic teaching unit, gradually deepen the reform of teaching management and administration, break the restrictions of similar and related disciplines and even between colleges, truly aim at talent training and improving teaching quality, and clarify the work direction of the teaching team.

When formulating the objectives of the teaching team, priority should be given to the school running policy and the characteristics of the discipline. The following aspects should be strengthened: strengthen talent training, emphasize people first, and improve the quality of talent training; Strengthen the construction of quality courses and new textbooks, so as to strengthen the radiation role of teaching teams; Strengthen the construction of team culture, inspire people with team cohesion, cultivate and accumulate good team spirit, and form an atmosphere of harmony and knowledge sharing.

5.2 Establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system

On the one hand, the role of performance evaluation is reflected in the objective assessment of team members; on the other hand, it is more important to guide, supervise and manage members in the process of team operation. Whether the performance evaluation is reasonable or not is related to whether the team can operate normally and whether it can develop sustainably. Performance evaluation can change the current phenomenon that teaching teams pay more attention to construction than evaluation and management.

To establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system, the performance evaluation should be supported by a sound incentive system, so that teachers' personal interests and performance, especially in the team, can be linked. How to rationalize the relationship between individual performance and team performance is also the core issue of team performance evaluation mechanism. The current evaluation criteria mainly include scientific research achievements, academic papers, teaching workload, teaching effect, etc. The evaluation of scientific research achievements should not only emphasize the level of scientific research achievements, but also should not ignore the practical significance of the achievements. The achievements should play a guiding role in teaching practice.

5.3 Increase resource input and support

The construction and management of the teaching team is an important part of the teaching reform in colleges and universities, which needs more resources and conditions from colleges and universities to guarantee. The school should increase the support for the teaching team of agriculture and forestry specialty, ensure that the new teaching team can obtain sufficient resources to start the work, and also ensure the normal operation and development needs of the existing teaching team. How to coordinate and closely cooperate among colleges and disciplines, and how to deal with funding compensation are important issues that must be faced.

6 Conclusion

The emergence of the teaching team is one of the important signs of the implementation of the "quality project". The construction of the teaching team is an important measure to deepen the teaching reform of higher education and improve the teaching quality. College teaching teams have higher requirements for the organization and management of teaching work, but the construction of teaching teams is dynamic and is a process of gradual development and improvement. The relevant mechanisms will never be successful overnight, requiring the participation and cooperation of national education authorities, colleges and universities, college teachers, and even college students.

7 References

[1] Zhai Chunguang. Research on the operation mechanism of university teaching team based on process management [D]. Nanchang: Jiangxi Normal University, 2012

[2] Zhao Zhen. Research on University Teaching Team Management Based on Knowledge Sharing [D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2013

[3] Shi Qiaojun, Zhang Xiwei. Research on Teaching Team Construction Mode of Provincial Universities [J]. Higher Agricultural Education, 2011 (2): 36-40

[4] Xue Tianxiang. Higher Education [M]. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2001

[5] FRANK A.Brunetti. Studies of team teaching in the open-space school[J]. Interchange,1972(6):85-101.

[6] Liu Baocun. Building a high-level teaching team to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching [J]. China Higher Education, 2007 (5): 29-31

[7] Huang Yufei. Sharing and cooperation: an ideal model for efficient teaching team building [J]. China Higher Education Research, 2010 (3): 88-89

Chapter 6: Model of Team System Construction

[Key words] Innovative teaching team construction management

[CLC No.] G45 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 2095-3089 (2013) 09-0200-01

The innovative teaching team is a teaching team with strong teaching ability, scientific research ability, academic ability and teaching research ability established to cultivate high-quality innovative talents. Its value lies in gathering innovative teams, refining the direction of teaching reform, creating landmark achievements and building a comprehensive base for teaching and academic research.

The innovative teaching team is a new force full of hope and expectation in the current teaching construction of colleges and universities. The level and quality of its construction is directly related to the improvement of the overall teaching quality of colleges and universities and the production of innovative achievements. On the question of how to build an innovative teaching team with sustainable development, the author combines years of teaching practice and management experience in colleges and universities to talk about some thoughts.

1、 Adhere to the combination of team building and teaching construction

The innovative teaching team is a team that mainly undertakes teaching work. The teaching work is carried out around the basic construction of teaching, including professional construction, curriculum construction, textbook construction, teaching base construction, teacher team construction, etc. Therefore, team building should be carried out in close connection with the basic construction of teaching in colleges and universities. At present, it is necessary to grasp some key, difficult and hot issues of teaching reform, focus on major teaching reform projects, and achieve substantive breakthroughs, especially to creatively solve many problems existing in teaching that affect the effectiveness of teaching work. For example, the renewal of education and teaching concepts, the reform of talent training mode, the reform of information-based teaching, the construction of key disciplines and specialties, the construction of characteristic specialties, the construction of high-quality courses, the cultivation of famous teachers, the reform of the curriculum system, the reform of teaching content, methods and means, and the reform of practical teaching, carry out team research, give full play to the advantages of collective cooperation On the basis of teaching research and teaching practice, we should innovate and practice from teaching concepts, teaching systems, teaching management, teaching models, teaching contents, teaching methods and means. The innovative teaching team is the main force to improve teaching quality. It should make positive contributions to teaching reform and innovation and become the main front of teaching reform and innovation. We encourage interdisciplinary, cross department (department), and even cross university teams to form excellent teaching teams. Because of the heterogeneity and complementarity of knowledge among their members, they stimulate strong creativity and play an irreplaceable role in promoting teaching construction.

2、 Insist on the infiltration of teaching reform and scientific research

Improving the level of scientific research is the source of vitality for the construction of teaching teams. A teaching team integrating scientific research and teaching is a qualified innovative teaching team. How to organically integrate teaching team and scientific research team, so as to better promote the integration of teaching and scientific research is an unavoidable problem in the construction of innovative teaching team.

On the one hand, teaching quality will not be high without scientific research. On the other hand, scientific research does not aim at teaching, which is a kind of research without education, losing the essential characteristics of scientific research in colleges and universities. More importantly, in colleges and universities, scientific research is a natural way to cultivate scientific reserve talents. Therefore, colleges and universities should first encourage the application of scientific research topics and scientific research cooperation projects in the form of teaching teams, and give preference to policies when reviewing; Second, encourage teams to jointly study the path and method of practical teaching with scientific research projects and academic research content as the carrier, so as to realize the penetration of scientific research into teaching; Thirdly, the team should be encouraged to establish an academic research platform, make academic reports and lectures regularly to all teachers and students of the school, and introduce the latest research trends in this field. Fourth, when building teaching and scientific research teams, try to realize the overlapping roles of teachers in different organizations, combine curriculum teaching and scientific research directions, and make each teacher's scientific research and teaching organically blend and promote each other.

3、 Adhere to the combination of assessment and evaluation with the goal of team building

First, improve the assessment standards. Guided by scientific evaluation standards and reasonable assessment standards, the team will continue to explore more teaching reform achievements and maximize the radiation role of the team. The assessment standards should adhere to the principle of differentiation, that is, different teaching teams have different bases and goals, and the assessment standards should be differentiated; Adhere to the principle of policy guidance, that is, pay attention to the contribution of teaching research and reform and innovation carried out by the team to the construction of disciplines and specialties, and emphasize the teaching reform demonstration function of teaching research achievement awards, quality courses, excellent textbooks, teaching and research projects, as well as scientific research achievements, academic achievements, scientific research projects and other landmark achievements.

Second, improve the evaluation mechanism. Centering on the strategic goal of the team, through scientific, fair and strict performance evaluation and elimination system, timely adjust the personnel structure, supplement effective forces, and always maintain the vitality and vitality of the team, so that it can actively adapt to the requirements of the era of teaching reform, scientific and technological development, and high-quality innovative talent training. In the process of evaluation, we should adhere to the principle of integrity and adhere to the overall assessment of the teaching team; Adhere to the principle of autonomy and take the teaching team as the main body for assessment; Adhere to the principle of development and pay attention to the development and growth assessment of teaching teams. In terms of specific strategies, it is necessary to shift from focusing on individual performance appraisal to focusing more on the long-term value of the team, from focusing on process management to focusing more on management by objectives, from focusing on annual appraisal to focusing more on tenure appraisal, from purely quantitative appraisal to focusing more on quality appraisal, support team cooperation, and commit to achieving team goals.

4、 Adhere to the appropriate separation of administrative power and academic power

At present, the internal power allocation mode of colleges and universities is a hierarchical management mode dominated by administrative power. The focus of power is higher, administrative power is extensive, academic power is weak, and various academic organizations basically obey the orders of administrative institutions. Although this management mode is conducive to unified command and improving decision-making efficiency, it is not conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of teaching teams, It weakens the autonomy and independence of the teaching team. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the internal right allocation mode of colleges and universities, establish the principle of appropriate separation of administrative power and academic power, administrative affairs and academic affairs, establish the status of academic power in the system, endow the teaching team with necessary academic autonomy, and realize the return of academic power in the teaching field; At the same time, the team should be given more autonomy, such as the way to complete the work, the reform and schedule of teaching content, the rights of members, the rights of internal assessment and the right to eliminate unqualified members, so as to enhance the team's sense of responsibility and work initiative. At the same time, the teaching management organizations and managers of colleges and universities should also realize the role transformation, from the original command to the guidance, service and support of the teaching team.

5、 Adhere to the unity of standardized management and reform and innovation

It is very necessary to build an innovative teaching team, establish a complete teaching management system and strictly implement it. Strict, standardized and scientific management in accordance with the teaching management rules and regulations is the guarantee for the normal team building. It should be noted that standardized management should also reflect the spirit of the times and conform to the trend of reform and development of higher education. Colleges and universities can form a new working mechanism by creating teaching teams, that is, first of all, we should clarify the working ideas, and make scientific positioning, overall planning, guiding according to the circumstances, and scientific arrangements for the team's system management; Secondly, the school (school), department (department) and team leaders should make great efforts to build a good team cooperation mechanism. According to the principles of policy incentives, appropriate authorization, intellectual integration and resource sharing, by strengthening the construction of system culture, creating a good atmosphere, selecting a good construction platform, improving management, operation, incentive and evaluation mechanisms and other measures, Make breakthroughs in the key and difficult points of education and teaching reform.


[1] Li Jian et al Mechanism Innovation and Practice in Teaching Team Construction. China Higher Education, 2009 (10)

Chapter 7: Model of Team System Construction

The construction mechanism of higher vocational teaching team The construction of higher vocational teaching team is one of the important tasks of the National Quality Project and an important link in the process of education and teaching reform. In order to serve regional economic and social development and cultivate highly skilled talents facing the frontline of production, construction, management and service, higher vocational colleges must take employment as the guide, promote professional construction, accelerate curriculum reform, promote the combination of work and learning, and strengthen school enterprise cooperation. The key is to build a teaching team with high teaching quality, reasonable structure, and mutual cooperation. A team is a community composed of employees and management. The community makes reasonable use of the knowledge and skills of each member to work together to solve problems and achieve common goals. Common behavioral goals and effective communication and cooperation are the essential characteristics of a team. To strengthen the construction of teaching teams in higher vocational colleges is to establish an effective team cooperation mechanism, promote teaching discussion and exchange of teaching experience, explore teaching models conducive to increasing students' practical ability, develop teaching resources on the school enterprise cooperation platform, and improve teaching level with the goal of promoting professional construction and curriculum reform with vocational education characteristics. The construction of teaching team is an important part of the construction of teachers' team in higher vocational education, and it is also an important measure for higher vocational colleges to improve teaching quality and achieve sustainable development.

1、 The connotation and characteristics of the teaching team in higher vocational colleges is a community composed of employees and management. It reasonably uses the knowledge and skills of each member to work together to solve problems and achieve common goals. The elements of the team are summarized as 5Ps, including goals, people, positioning, authority and plans. In 1993, American scholars Kazenbach and Smith gave a more comprehensive exposition of the concept of team. They believe that "a team is a group composed of a small number of individuals who have complementary skills and are willing to take mutual responsibility for the common vision, performance goals and methods. The teaching team of higher vocational colleges is a full-time and part-time teaching team established with the major or curriculum as the carrier and the major or curriculum construction and reform as the goal. The teaching team of higher vocational colleges aims to cultivate the talents needed by industry enterprises. It is composed of full-time and part-time teachers from schools and enterprises. In teaching practice, members complement each other in knowledge and skills, work together, and assume mutual responsibility. In the process of teaching team building, full consideration should be given to the professional and professional development of members. In addition to course teaching, we should also undertake the tasks of professional construction and teaching reform, scientific research, and providing technical services and staff training for enterprises, so as to seek win-win and multi win through school enterprise cooperation. The most distinctive features of teaching teams in higher vocational colleges are the combination of full-time and part-time, teaching and working, practical innovation, and win-win cooperation.

2、 The current situation and existing problems of teaching team construction in higher vocational colleges At present, the setting and management of professional teaching teams in higher vocational colleges are generally divided into two levels: department and professional teaching and research department. When it comes to the implementation and development of specific teaching activities, the teaching and research department lacks the command and decision power of teaching work, the distribution power of teaching resources, and the allocation power of teacher resources. It is difficult to organize interdisciplinary, cross department, and cross professional teaching reform tasks, so it fails to form a truly effective teaching team. The main problems exposed in the construction of teaching teams in higher vocational colleges are: 1. The professional structure of teaching teams is not scientific and reasonable enough. The professional structure of the teaching team is unreasonable, which does not fully meet the needs of local economic development; First, the age structure is unreasonable. 70%~80% of teachers are young teachers under 35 years old; Second, the structure of professional titles is unreasonable, the proportion of lecturers and assistants is too large, and there are fewer teachers with senior professional titles; Third, the professional structure is unreasonable, and there is a lack of academic structure. Most of the teachers come from ordinary colleges and universities, have not been specialized in higher vocational education, and carry out teaching by copying the way of ordinary academic education. Fourth, there are too few professional and technical personnel from the production line, which directly affects the extensive development of work study integration. 2. The proportion of "double qualified" teachers is relatively low. Since most of the newly introduced young teachers directly enter schools after graduation from colleges and universities, they are excellent in theoretical knowledge but not familiar with post practice, so there is a phenomenon of "walking on one leg". The theoretical teaching level is high, but they cannot carry out practical teaching. 3. The educational concept of teaching team is outdated. Higher vocational education emphasizes the ability standard, requires that activities drive teaching, and students can learn theory and skills through behavior guidance and skill demonstration. However, teachers generally have not changed the traditional education concept, and teaching is not active and creative. They cling to the old teaching model, and preach according to the book, so they cannot achieve the professional teaching goals. 4. The teaching team is lack of cohesion. The teaching team is unable to form a unified goal and take consistent action, which is manifested by the lack of cohesion. Teachers only pay attention to individual teaching and lack coordination and communication, resulting in teaching duplication or contradiction. In the teaching process, teachers have no sense of teamwork and regard teaching as personal work. Therefore, although there is a professional curriculum system, there is no division of professional teaching, making the whole professional teaching not systematic. 5. Professional leaders cannot fully play a leading role. The existing professional leaders are basically professors or associate professors who have grown up in teaching. They generally have rich experience in teaching and scientific research, but lack practical experience in industry and social services. It is difficult for them to play a leading role in "school enterprise cooperation, work study integration".

3、 In the process of innovation, it is a systematic project to constantly explore the methods and ways of teaching team construction in higher vocational colleges. We must combine the characteristics of higher vocational colleges, be brave in innovation, and constantly explore the methods and ways of curriculum teaching team construction in higher vocational colleges. The key is to break through the institutional drawbacks of traditional teaching grass-roots organization management, reasonably allocate teaching resources, and establish an effective team cooperation mechanism. In recent years, our college has made some positive innovations and explorations in the process of building a provincial teaching team of the Tourism Teaching and Research Office, and has achieved remarkable results. (1) Clarify the goal of team building in higher vocational colleges In the process of building a provincial teaching team in the Tourism Teaching and Research Office, with the in-depth promotion of various work, we deeply understand that the goal of teaching team building in higher vocational colleges mainly has five aspects: first, we should innovate the educational concept, focus on "school enterprise cooperation, work study integration", deepen teaching reform, and strengthen curriculum construction; The second is to build a teaching team with high morality, excellent business and relatively stable dual qualification; Third, we should focus on cultivating core core teachers, who are used to undertake the teaching of core courses, skills training and high-level projects, forming a close combination of production, learning and research; The fourth is to have a leading team leader, who should have strong influence and appeal and be the spiritual pillar of the team. The fifth is to establish and improve effective post system and management system, and form and good operation mechanism. (2) Create a reasonable institutional environment 1. Expand team management authority. Higher vocational colleges should clarify the power and status of teaching teams at the institutional level, and expand the autonomy of teams. For example, the self financing of teaching reform and the right to use teacher resources. The team should be given the freedom to arrange teaching work, teaching content, team internal assessment, etc. 2. Improve personnel management system. To some extent, the relationship between team teachers and their colleges and departments should be weakened. From the reality of talent training and curriculum construction, we should encourage the selection and employment of full-time teachers throughout the hospital, part-time teachers in off campus training bases, and establish a curriculum teaching team that involves cross disciplines, cross departments, and on campus and off campus training bases. 3. Reform the evaluation and incentive mechanism. The appraisal should focus on individual performance appraisal to team development; Change from attaching importance to process assessment to attaching importance to objective assessment; Change from paying attention to annual assessment to paying attention to employment period assessment: change from purely quantitative assessment to paying attention to quality assessment. The content of performance evaluation mainly includes: first, the degree of realization of team goals, and the establishment of a scientific evaluation system with performance as the core; second, the performance evaluation of team leaders, which mainly evaluates their contributions to the team; third, the performance evaluation of team members, which evaluates the tasks undertaken and performance achieved by each member; fourth, the evaluation and evaluation of team cooperation awareness and innovation ability. The teaching team of the Tourism Teaching and Research Section of our college, under the guarantee of relevant systems of the college and department, aims to establish a full-time and part-time curriculum innovation teaching team, focuses on improving the comprehensive quality and teaching ability of team members, formulates and implements the teaching team building plan in terms of standardizing and improving the institutional environment, and focuses on establishing the internal assessment mechanism of the team, Attach importance to the construction of full-time and part-time teachers and two training bases inside and outside the school, and the team construction and development are standardized and orderly. Improve the internal management and operation mechanism of the teaching team with performance appraisal In the process of teaching team management, combine the performance appraisal of team members at the individual level with the performance appraisal at the team level, and establish a scientific, effective, fair and just performance appraisal index system based on the team's own characteristics and development laws, with performance as the core and peer recognition as an important indicator, Realize effective incentive for team members and ensure the efficient operation of the teaching team. For example, the salary distribution of teachers can implement "post performance management", which directly links the post and performance created by teachers in the teaching team with the post performance; Within the teaching team, realize the system of teacher competition and elimination of the last position, promote the rational and orderly flow of professional teachers, and eliminate the fittest; Establish a teaching evaluation system that combines school evaluation, student evaluation and team internal self-evaluation to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of teaching reform and talent training effect, and provide a good operating mechanism guarantee for the sustainable development of the teaching team. (3) To establish an efficient management mode, the curriculum teaching team of higher vocational colleges is composed of full-time and part-time teachers with complementary knowledge and skills, which reflects the characteristics of higher vocational education professionalism and practicality, the characteristics of school enterprise cooperation, and the characteristics of combining work with learning talent training. These characteristics are reflected in the organizational structure of the curriculum teaching team, which must be a flat and loose organization, and must adhere to democracy, equality, communication, collaboration and common progress in the concept: the team leader must have both a high professional level and job skills, and must reflect the integration of two management powers, namely, academic first and administrative second, Effective management must be carried out on the basis of respecting the rights and personality of members. On the one hand, the construction of teaching teams should be reasonably planned, focusing on building a teaching team with high teaching quality and reasonable structure, and selecting a group of team leaders with rich teaching experience and innovative consciousness. Develop incentive policies conducive to the development of teaching teams, and give preferential incentive policies in terms of material, professional title, evaluation and employment to team leaders and members with outstanding achievements, so as to create a competitive policy environment for the healthy development of teaching teams. On the other hand, there should be special funds to ensure that the construction of teaching teams should be combined with the construction of existing characteristic majors, high-quality courses and experimental bases, and the excellent standards of teaching teams should be organically combined with the measurement of the effectiveness of these project construction, so as to give necessary material incentives to the achievements of teaching teams. In the process of building the teaching team of the Tourism Teaching and Research Office, a series of systems have been established, such as the leader responsibility system, internal goal assessment and incentive, regular discussion on teaching reform policies, consultation on major issues, young teachers' mentoring, full-time and part-time teachers' mutual learning, team self-evaluation and so on. At the same time, we will develop professional development and career planning for team members, including full-time and part-time teacher training and further education, enterprise training under full-time teachers, and team members' ability to improve scientific research services, so that the individual goals of members are consistent with the overall goals of the team, the overall strength and level of the team are constantly improved, and sustainable development is guaranteed. Building a free, open and harmonious cultural atmosphere conducive to the formation and development of the curriculum teaching team is the key to the sustainable development of the teaching team. The cultivation and formation of harmonious and tolerant team culture, the most important thing is to form an atmosphere of respect for knowledge, recognition of differences, and cooperation within the team. In teaching practice, the tourism teaching team has formed the team spirit of "teaching and educating people, being a model for others, being devoted to work, rigorous and innovative". Under the influence of the harmonious win-win team culture, the team members are dedicated, united and cooperative, and the teaching reform is impressive. (4) Make good use of the two kinds of resources inside and outside the school. 1. Reconstruct the "double qualified" vocational education teaching staff with the combination of full-time and part-time with the interaction of work and learning. In a broad sense, "double teachers" means that professional teachers are both teachers and engineers. In terms of the structure of the whole teaching team, there are both full-time teachers and part-time teachers; There are both teachers from university research institutes and teachers from enterprises; There are both teachers who focus on professional theory teaching and teachers who focus on professional skills teaching. The construction of higher vocational education also has teachers who focus on professional skills teaching. To build a "double qualified" teaching team in higher vocational education, we should not only rely on teachers working in enterprises to improve their skills or blindly increase the number of part-time teachers. Instead, we should use the combination of work and learning between schools and enterprises as a cooperation platform to form two forces of full-time schools and part-time enterprises, sharing teaching resources and two-way interaction of talents, Complete the open teaching process of higher vocational education with task driven and project oriented, achieve the overall effect, and achieve the restructuring of the teaching team's teacher structure. 2. Build a good training base inside and outside the school. Strengthening the construction of training and practice bases and constantly improving the conditions of course training are the key and difficult points to improve the quality of course teaching, as well as the basis for implementing the talent training mode of combining work with learning. The curriculum teaching team in higher vocational colleges should, while constantly strengthening and improving the conditions for on-site practical training, strive to expand the off-site practical training bases related to the curriculum, conduct teaching in the real practical training environment, integrate "classroom" and "workshop", theory and practice, and fully improve the practical ability of students, so as to reflect the professionalism of higher vocational education The requirements of openness and practicality reflect task driven in "teaching", project oriented in "learning", and integration of work and learning in "doing". The teaching team of the Tourism Teaching and Research Office has made some useful explorations on how to build a curriculum innovation teaching team that combines full-time and part-time work. In the course construction, the teaching team designs the teaching content based on the requirements of warehousing enterprises for the knowledge, ability, quality and other requirements of higher vocational students and the positioning of the course in the specialty; Focusing on the cultivation of professional ability, the development and design is based on the working process, including a series of processes such as enterprise research - school enterprise cooperation in the development of courses - determination of course training objectives - decomposition of job tasks - construction of learning areas - creation of learning contexts - organization and implementation of teaching activities. Cooperated with enterprises to formulate curriculum standards, developed teaching materials, courseware, practical training (practice) guide books, test question bank and other teaching resources for the combination of work and learning, and established a work process oriented curriculum construction scheme; It has innovated project driven, task oriented and other teaching modes;. Strengthen students' understanding of travel agency and hotel management knowledge and skills through learning and doing integrated teaching; Through post practice, help students master operating skills, improve management ability, and cultivate professional quality: cultivate students' ability to explore knowledge independently through the course network platform of teacher-student interaction; cultivate students' sense of team cooperation, communication, and ability to analyze and solve problems through summer social practice and other activities. After more than two years of construction, the teaching team of the Tourism Teaching and Research Office has achieved fruitful results. There are now two provincial quality courses, three provincial new century teaching reform projects, and more than 30 teaching and research papers published publicly; Published 1 monograph and 5 textbooks; Undertake 7 enterprise horizontal projects and technological innovation process transformation, and train more than 2000 employees for enterprises; Won one second prize of 2008 Provincial Excellent Teaching Achievement Award, and the team members have greatly improved their teaching, practical guidance ability, teaching reform, service enterprises, scientific research level, etc.


[1] Sun Qiugao. Research and exploration on the construction of curriculum teaching team in higher vocational colleges

Chapter 8: Model of Team System Construction

Key words: college teaching team, teaching team construction

CLC No.: G640 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1007-3973 (2012) 002-143-02

1 Connotation of college teaching team

The Ministry of Education started the "Quality Project" of undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities in 2007, and many colleges and universities have also carried out the "Year of Teaching Quality". An important aspect of these projects and activities is to build teaching teams and strengthen the construction of teaching staff. It clearly stated that we should focus on selecting and building a number of teaching teams with high teaching quality and reasonable structure, establish an effective team cooperation mechanism, promote teaching discussion and exchange of teaching experience, develop teaching resources, promote the combination of old, middle-aged and young people in teaching work, carry forward the role of spreading, helping and leading, and strengthen the training of young teachers. This shows that strengthening the construction of teaching teams will become an important direction for China to reform teaching in colleges and universities and improve the quality of undergraduate education.

Team first appeared in enterprise organization activities, and later transplanted to colleges and universities. However, different scholars have different definitions of teams. As early as 1933, American scholars Jon Kazenbach and Smith proposed a representative definition of the concept. They believe that a team is a group composed of a small number of individuals with a common vision and a common goal, who share certain responsibilities for the need of complementarity. Therefore, the teaching team of colleges and universities can be clearly defined from this: the teaching team of colleges and universities is a group organization formed by a small number of individual teachers who take corresponding responsibilities to complement each other in order to complete a certain teaching and academic task with the fundamental goal of talent training, teaching and educating people.

Generally speaking, high-level teaching teams in colleges and universities have the following clear characteristics: (1) They have a common purpose. The common purpose promotes these talents with complementary skills to come together, and stimulates their future direction and creativity. (2) Knowledge complementation and sharing. The professional directions of college teaching team members are different, and their knowledge backgrounds are also obviously different. However, under the influence of common goals, there will be obvious sharing, overlapping and complementation of knowledge among these members. (3) Collaboration. In the teaching team of colleges and universities, the gradient is obvious, the division of responsibilities of each member is clear, and the responsibilities can also be reasonably allocated, which generally requires joint efforts to achieve goals. (4) Communication mechanism. High level teaching teams have relatively perfect communication mechanisms, and members speak freely. Under the influence of teaching and academia, they can resolve individual misunderstandings and reach final agreement. (5) Strong leadership. The success of a high-level teaching team also lies in its strong leadership. As a leader, excellent team teaching and academic leaders can clarify team values and development strategies, coordinate team members' behaviors, and lead team members to move forward. Because of this, the performance of high-level teaching teams will have a multiplier effect.

It is not an accident that colleges and universities are required to establish teaching teams, but it is based on the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities, the requirements of scientific and technological development trends, and the needs of improving the teaching effect and quality of colleges and universities, and promoting the professional development of teachers.

2 Main factors affecting the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities

2.1 Limitations of cognitive concepts

The organizational form of teaching team began to appear in American universities in the 1970s. In the late 1990s, China's colleges and universities carried out a certain degree of trial promotion and practice at a certain level. In 2007, the Ministry of Education of China really began to promote the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities. Therefore, there are still many controversies in the domestic academic circles about the cognition of university teaching teams, and there are conceptual limitations. For example, some scholars believe that the current construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities has been basically completed, which can meet the needs of the current development of higher education, and can undertake the task of improving the quality of undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities. They do not understand the long-term nature of the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities, and do not recognize that the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities is a long-term task, It develops with the development of higher education theory and practice, and also changes with the change of teaching reform theory and practice. Some scholars believe that the teaching team in colleges and universities is actually a deformation of the teaching and research section. In fact, the teaching and research section is a traditional form of teaching organization. The teaching team can promote the cross professional and interdisciplinary growth of teachers more than the teaching and research section, and the core talents of the teaching team can grow faster; At the same time, the teaching team can overcome the shortcomings of the hierarchical management of the teaching and research department, and stimulate the innovation enthusiasm of teachers through resource sharing. Therefore, the lack of attention and understanding of the education management level is one of the important reasons for the lack of resources of the current college teaching team.

2.2 Restrictions of external environment

From the above data, we can see that the construction of national teaching teams in underdeveloped areas is significantly different from that in developed areas, which is mainly restricted by the external environment. This is reflected in the huge difference in resource input. The necessary resource input for teaching team construction not only includes the input of hardware facilities and material resources, but also includes the advanced ideas and open awareness of leaders. Due to the relatively developed economy and abundant material conditions in developed areas, and the fact that most university leaders in these areas are in the forefront of reform and development, they are more innovative and open minded, and can accept new things; These regions can also attract a large number of outstanding talents, thus promoting the virtuous circle development of university teaching teams. The colleges and universities in underdeveloped areas are limited by local economic conditions and lack of material conditions such as funds. In addition, the teaching team has less external exchanges, insufficient innovative thinking, and obvious self complacency. In addition, the lack of access to educational information and weak cultural construction make it difficult for outstanding talents to have a sense of belonging, and a large number of core teachers are lost. These have directly affected the construction of teaching teams in underdeveloped areas. In the long run, if no effective measures are taken, the gap between the two will be further widened.

2.3 Differences in disciplinary characteristics

Due to the different characteristics of different disciplines, the development of teaching teams in different disciplines also presents different characteristics. The teaching team of science and engineering has relatively clear development, accurate positioning of teaching content, teaching objectives and textbook construction, and rich teaching experience of teachers; However, due to the subjectivity of liberal arts teaching content, teachers' teaching is easily affected by their own knowledge structure. Therefore, the communication between the members of the teaching team of Chinese subjects is more difficult than that between the members of the teaching team of science and engineering, and it is difficult to reach a consensus, which affects the overall performance of the teaching team. At the same time, the construction cycle of liberal arts teaching teams is often longer than that of science and engineering teaching teams, and teaching results are often not easy to show in a short period of time, which is related to the characteristics of liberal arts and science and engineering disciplines. Therefore, under the guidance of their own characteristics and utilitarian ideas, some colleges and universities often pay too much attention to the construction of science and engineering teaching teams, while ignoring the construction of liberal arts teaching teams. They are too inclined to science and engineering teaching teams in terms of resources, which ultimately leads to the unbalanced development of college teaching teams and affects the improvement of the overall level of college teaching.

2.4 Impact of individual teaching autonomy

The composition of teachers in the teaching team is relatively complex, and their majors, educational background, knowledge structure, cognition, personality characteristics are different. Although team members can also work actively with their team culture identity, their independence in essence is also easy to become an obstacle to the construction of teaching teams, and the implementation of teaching team norms is vulnerable to the impact of teachers' individual personality. The university itself is a place where academic autonomy and teaching freedom are advocated. Therefore, individual freedom of teachers, teaching methods, teaching styles, teaching methods, teaching content processing, etc. will change significantly due to individual characteristics of teachers. At the same time, colleges and universities are affected by society, economy and culture, and science and technology appear the trend of continuous integration. The teaching process has become more and more complex. Many teaching tasks often require many teachers to cooperate in teaching, and teacher cooperation is essential. Therefore, if the freedom of teaching personality is not properly guided in the construction of teaching teams, it will become one of the important reasons that affect teaching reform and make it difficult to unify understanding.

3 Countermeasures for the construction of teaching teams in colleges and universities in China

3.1 Renew the concept of teaching team construction and establish a people-oriented work concept

Due to China's strong advocacy of the "people-oriented" idea, colleges and universities should also draw on this "people-oriented" awareness in their daily teaching management activities. Scholars have expounded the value and significance of "people-oriented" thought for college education and teaching management from the perspectives of the emergence and development of "people-oriented" thought, the future prospect of college teaching management, and the overall management system of colleges and universities. The management thought of "people first" should be cultivated as a whole, so that it can become an organizational management culture for every member of the university to follow. The management objects faced by managers are constantly changing, including the management between the upper and lower levels of managers, the management of academic personnel by administrators, and the management of students by teachers. In each management process, the views, ideas and will of each managed person should be fully respected, so that the management process becomes a harmonious communication process. This management concept should form a complete management system from top to bottom from senior managers.

3.2 Establish and improve the teaching team management system and create a good institutional environment

The efficient operation of the teaching team and the relevant policies, mechanisms, systems, regulations and other conditions to support its development are essential. In the process of supporting the operation of the teaching team, colleges and universities have their own dominant position. From the current practice, there are not many teaching teams in colleges and universities that can maintain a high level of operation, and teachers lack cooperation and sharing, which can not play the role that the teaching team in colleges and universities should play. This is mainly because colleges and universities lack the main body in the operation of teaching teams, and colleges and universities lack the institutional environment that can promote and enhance the operation of teaching teams. Improving and creating the institutional environment for college teaching teams is the prerequisite for ensuring the normal operation of college teaching teams, improving the quality of undergraduate education and teaching, encouraging teachers to participate in teaching reform, and giving full play to the exemplary role of teaching teams.

At present, the internal management structure of many colleges and universities in our country still stays in the traditional bureaucratic structure, the rule of man model is more obvious, the distribution of power is more unbalanced, the optimization mechanism of resource allocation is relatively weak, academic autonomy has not been launched, and academic organizations are difficult to truly achieve independent operation. This hierarchical organizational structure can effectively make decisions and improve the consistency of strategic implementation, but it is not conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of grass-roots organizations and weakening the innovative consciousness of teaching and academic organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively reform the internal power and resource allocation mode of universities in China, effectively distinguish administrative power from academic power, respect the dominant position of teachers, further clarify and support the independent management of teaching teams in the system, make clear arrangements for teaching activities, methods, means and contents, and endow teaching teams with more self-reliance, And provide certain resources. The senior managers of colleges and universities should start from the strategic height of colleges and universities, change their administrative functions, change their working concepts, change from managers to service providers, provide guidance and support for the construction of teaching teams, and provide a loose and appropriate institutional environment for the growth of teaching teams.

3.3 Pay attention to the team building of teaching team and reasonably grasp the structure of academic echelon

In terms of the selection and training of teaching team talents, it is necessary to establish an academic echelon with high overall discipline level, reasonable academic layout, complementary knowledge structure, obvious academic level gradient, age and other aspects of clear and reasonable structure according to the actual needs of the university's own discipline, specialty and curriculum construction Profession, knowledge and academic structure can fully form a team spirit that can work together and unite, and maximize the enthusiasm, innovation and work potential of teaching team members.

At the same time, we should actively handle the relationship among the old, middle and young teachers in the teaching team. Through the rational allocation of teachers with different experiences in the academic gradient, we should improve the unity and cooperation of teachers of different ages and levels. In the large group of teaching teams, unite all team members to overcome the difficulties in teaching and scientific research, and improve the teaching level by sharing each other's experience. On the one hand, young teachers can learn from old teachers to improve their teaching and scientific research ability as soon as possible; Old teachers can also gain some new teaching and scientific research ideas from the exchange with young teachers, and enrich their knowledge structure. At the same time, academic leaders and backbone teachers should also play a leading and exemplary role in the teaching team and academic echelon, and set an example to improve the overall strength of the teaching team.


[1] Zang Xingbing, Lou Xing. On the Construction of Undergraduate Teaching Team [J]. Journal of the National Institute of Education and Administration, 2007, (7)

[2] Zhang Hongbo, Zhao Xiaoning. Research Groups and Research Team Models [J]. Science and Technology · Talent · Market, 2003, (5)

[3] Wan Wentao, Zhou Lihua. Research on the Formation of Scientific Research Teams [J]. China Higher Education Research, 2006, (11)

Chapter 9: Model of Team System Construction

Key words: learning teaching team in higher vocational colleges

1、 Connotation of Learning Teaching Team

Learning teaching team belongs to a type of learning organization, and the two have a high degree of consistency. The theory of learning organization is also an important theoretical support for the construction of learning teaching team.

The theory of learning organization generally believes that a learning organization is an organization whose main members pay attention to learning, spreading and innovating knowledge under the guidance of common goals. It is an organization with high cohesion and vitality. It includes five aspects: cultivating the self transcendence consciousness of the members of the organization, improving the mental model, establishing a common vision, doing a good job in team learning, and establishing systematic thinking.

A team is a community composed of employees and management. It makes reasonable use of the knowledge and skills of each member to work together to solve problems and achieve common goals. Combined with the theory of learning organization, the learning teaching team can be summarized as follows: taking students as the service object, teachers as the main body, taking the reform of teaching content and teaching methods as the main way, taking series of courses and professional construction as the platform, taking improving teachers' teaching level and quality as the goal, and complementing each other in knowledge, skills and work roles, A team with continuous learning and innovation ability, a common vision and the ability to constantly create the future.

2、 The Significance of Learning Teaching Team Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges

1. It is conducive to promoting the construction of teaching staff

At present, due to the rapid development of many higher vocational colleges, it is easy to ignore the importance of internal talent training while introducing high-level talents. Moreover, higher vocational colleges attach too much importance to external talent introduction, which in a sense also deviates from the original intention of teaching team building. The significance of strengthening the construction of learning teaching team for the construction of teachers is reflected in the following aspects: firstly, it is conducive to improving the quality of teachers, and then improving the teaching level; Second, it is conducive to promoting the cross discipline, promoting the complementarity of disciplines among teachers, and ultimately promoting the optimization of teacher structure; Third, it is conducive to promoting the role of old teachers in "transmitting, helping and guiding" new teachers, and old teachers also need to update their knowledge and ideas in the exchange with new teachers, and finally realize resource sharing and information interaction.

2. It is conducive to promoting teaching reform in higher vocational colleges

At present, the connotation of higher vocational education is constantly deepening to adapt to the development requirements of higher vocational education in the new era. The teaching objectives, teaching situations, and characteristics of teaching objects of higher vocational teachers are also changing quietly. Strengthening the construction of learning teaching team is conducive to promoting the reform of teaching content and teaching methods, and promoting the development of teaching resources. Today, with the increasingly clear division of labor in teaching, it is difficult for teachers to achieve the success of a major or even the teaching reform of the college alone. Only a team of teachers who keep learning, making progress and cooperation can win in the professional construction and even the teaching reform of the college. It is an important hand to deepen the teaching reform of the current higher vocational colleges.

3. It is conducive to promoting the personal development of teachers

Learning teaching teams provide excellent cultural atmosphere for teachers' personal development. People are the product of the environment. Building an environment for learning based teaching teams in higher vocational colleges can promote teachers' work reflection, enhance teachers' sense of professional mission, stimulate teachers' enthusiasm for learning, improve the team's concept of cooperation, and then improve teachers' personal knowledge and skills by promoting cooperation and exchange, role positioning and filling. The construction of learning teaching team is based on the construction of teachers' personal growth, which will certainly create convenient conditions for teachers' overall development.

3、 Misunderstandings in the Construction of Learning Teaching Teams in Higher Vocational Colleges

1. Regard the construction of learning teaching team as "formalism"

In the view of many people, the establishment of a learning teaching team is just to cope with the assessment and inspection, to declare the honor, and to form a nameless team, to meet and learn when needed, and to go out for training, which is just a formalism. Meeting and training are necessary, but they are not the essential significance of creating a learning teaching team. They are tangible but soulless, and can only be regarded as a metaphysical organization. The learning teaching team should first have the common values and organizational spirit. The learning teaching team especially emphasizes the transformation of learning into teaching ability and teaching effect. There are "learning" and "learning", and "learning" is more important than "learning".

2. Regard learning team building as "a gust of wind"

Creating a learning teaching team is not an emergency activity or short-term work, and cannot be treated with a "gust of wind" attitude. The development of a learning teaching team needs long-term planning, organization, leadership and innovation. It should combine learning and teaching organically and implement it persistently. The success of any learning organization at home and abroad has experienced long-term struggle and persistence. The choice of learning team building is actually the choice of a state of the team, a new way of working, which has no end. Therefore, it is necessary for us to get rid of the eager thinking and change the "gust of wind" behavior mode.

3. Regard the construction of learning teaching team as "ideological work"

At present, there is an upsurge of learning organization construction in the country. Some people think that it is just a kind of ideological work to serve some political or economic needs. Building a learning teaching team does need to carry out some ideological work, but there are essential differences between the two. The building of a learning teaching team belongs to management and pedagogy, not ideological and political pedagogy. The learning teaching team advocates two aspects: one is learning from work, and the other is learning from work. The process of work is also the process of learning. Work and learning go hand in hand. Learning, teaching and research need to be organically linked. It can be seen that creating a learning teaching team is not the same thing as carrying out ideological work.

4. Treat the construction of learning teaching team with the attitude of "waiting, relying and demanding"

The construction of a learning teaching team reflects the common goal and vision of the team. It also reflects the internal needs of professional construction and teacher growth, and should have a certain degree of spontaneity and autonomy. Therefore, its construction must change the traditional practice of "waiting, relying and demanding" that the superior issues documents and orders, and the grassroots follows suit. The construction of a learning teaching team should aim at improving the core competitiveness of the team and the teaching level, and effectively strengthen independent, targeted and creative learning.

4、 The path of learning teaching team construction in higher vocational colleges

1. Establish scientific concepts and improve learning management

First of all, the construction of learning teaching team should first let the team establish a scientific learning concept. It is mainly divided into four aspects: First, establish the concept of lifelong learning. Every teacher must keep pace with the times and constantly learn new knowledge and skills. Nowadays, learning in the world is no longer a thing that can be done once and for all after receiving education at one stage; The second is to establish the concept of team learning. Team members should communicate with each other, discuss in depth, seek consensus, integrate and forge individual wisdom and ability, and ultimately produce collective wisdom higher than individuals; The third is to establish the concept of systematic learning. With the deepening of the connotation construction of today's higher vocational education and the emergence of new problems, the learning teaching team must learn systematically and promote systematic thinking through learning, so as not to lose sight of details and one-sided; Fourth, establish the concept of self transcendence, and regard learning as a mission, a pursuit, and a realm.

Secondly, we should improve learning management. First, play the exemplary role of team leaders. The team leader taking the lead in learning can bring a good demonstration effect to other members of the team, and drive the whole team to learn through them; The second is to reduce the focus of management. The majority of ordinary teachers are the foundation of the construction of learning teaching teams, and they are also the inexhaustible power of team building. Learning teaching teams should strengthen the training of ordinary teachers, stimulate their vitality and drive, and even need to establish a certain "help" mechanism. Only in this way can the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team be enhanced.

2. Create team culture and harmonious atmosphere

First, establish a common vision. Without a common vision, there is no learning teaching team. It contains team goals, values and sense of mission. It is the cornerstone of team development. Its formation is based on the establishment and sharing of personal vision. It can be said that there is no team vision without personal vision. Therefore, we must first listen carefully to the vision of each teacher in the teaching team, and then propose and develop a common vision.

Secondly, form spiritual culture. Spiritual culture reflects the sum of spiritual achievements such as mode of thinking, psychological state, ideal personality, and value orientation. To form the spirit culture of learning teaching team, we must take scientific teaching ideas and team development ideas as guidance, arm teachers' minds with theories, so as to guide practice and promote work. In addition, the team spirit construction must be people-oriented, close to reality, close to teaching, close to teachers, and can reflect the advancement of the team, and can stimulate the overall development of team members.

Thirdly, we should improve the system culture. An excellent team culture should not be all flexible, but also moderately rigid. It includes rules, disciplines, policies, standards, etc. with strong compulsion, as well as customs, habits, and ethics with weak compulsion. A sound system is an important guarantee for team development. The formulation of the learning teaching team system needs in-depth investigation and research to ensure that the system meets the actual needs. After the system is formed, publicity and education should be strengthened to achieve the combination of hardness and softness, and the power and responsibility should be assigned to people.

3. Expand diversified learning and form a dynamic mechanism

First, carry out personal learning. The construction of a learning teaching team is a work in which all members participate. Only the earnest participation of each member can promote the change of the whole team. If front-line members do not understand the intention of team creation, or cannot participate effectively, the creation work cannot make substantive progress. Therefore, the establishment of a learning teaching team must attach importance to individual learning, put forward specific learning requirements for team members, strengthen regular training, and even combine learning with assessment and appointment.

Secondly, carry out team learning. Team learning is the key to building a learning teaching team. It is a learning system with joint participation, multiple feedback, autonomy and openness of members, which can integrate and improve the overall advantages of the organization in the collection of different advantages of members. In team learning, discussion and discussion are the main means, and improving organizational creativity is an important goal. Its common tools include benchmarking learning, reflective learning, special training, experience exchange, autonomous learning, etc.

Thirdly, form a dynamic mechanism. On the one hand, the external environment of the teaching team is constantly changing. The team must always keep a clear head, make scientific analysis and decisions on the development of the team, and transform the pressure generated by the changes in the external environment into courage and motivation; On the other hand, learning teaching teams need to constantly reflect on their own development ideas, strengths, strengths and effectiveness, and a clear look at themselves can make the team realize their strengths and weaknesses, tasks and goals, thus forming a source of motivation for their own development.

4. Strengthen the team building and promote the overall development of teachers

First, strengthen echelon construction. Strengthening echelon construction is to form a well-organized and reasonably structured teaching team, such as professional title, gender, skills and knowledge. This requires that first, we should strengthen the theoretical and technical training of learning teachers to improve their learning and teaching abilities; second, we should pay attention to practical training, and we should arrange teachers to take temporary jobs in enterprises and public institutions to exercise, broaden their horizons and increase their talents; Third, we should adhere to dynamic management, strengthen the supervision and assessment of teachers in the team, actively reward and encourage outstanding teachers, so as to keep the team alive and vibrant.

Secondly, we should strengthen the cultivation of backbone talents. We should adhere to democracy, openness, competition and merit selection, implement a dynamic mechanism for selecting and appointing talents, and promote outstanding talents to stand out. On the one hand, this is conducive to improving the working efficiency of the learning teaching team, on the other hand, it is also conducive to maximizing the wisdom and strength of talents, and thus forming a strong team that can shoulder heavy burdens and dare to struggle.

Thirdly, plan teachers' career. Each teacher is an important organism of the learning teaching team. Helping each teacher in the team scientifically and systematically plan their career is conducive to helping teachers correctly position themselves, overcome difficulties in work, improve their skills and knowledge, and also conducive to communication and trust among the whole team members, This is consistent with the development goal of the learning teaching team.


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