Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays The indulgence of youth

Selected indulgence of youth (9 chapters)

Foreword: The birth of a good article requires you to constantly collect data and sort out ideas. This website has collected a wealth of model articles on the theme of youth indulgence for you, which are only for reference. Welcome to read and collect.

 Indulgence of youth

Chapter 1: Youth Indulgence Model

Still like initial contact youth Similarly, I still have the same awe, confusion, deep incomprehension and shock for the meaning of the two words of youth. Like looking up to a person who needs me to look up to, youth is always receiving my admiration. Also like looking down on a person who needs to look up to me, youth is always under my gaze. For youth, what I can do is to try my best to draw a strong color in my life memory, no matter what the road will experience in the future, but when I think of this period of youth that makes my heart rise and fall in the dead of night, the feeling I feel will not be a deep regret, but a contented regret.


Whenever I walk along a road, I will leave a period of time to stop and look back.

Whenever I shed tears and blood once, I will also stay for a period of time to look back.

Youth used to be a wound to me, and it ran off the blood red liquid wantonly in my dying life. Now, youth is still a wound to me, but it has scarred and no more bleeding. I walked on the road of youth step by step, and strode forward bravely. There were betrayal, love, loss, and laughter. There were tears to accompany me down the road when I came, and laughter to accompany me to cut through thorns in the way. Loneliness has invaded my fragile heart for countless nights, and the ideal in my heart has determined the direction, never giving up, never regretting. The youth tomorrow that I turn page by page has too many hopes, too many hopes, too many desires, waiting for me to take whatever I want one by one.

Youth is the pain left to me by years.

Youth is a cluster of fireworks blooming in my life.


Sitting in front of the computer, staring at the top of the building. Weep in the breeze, shout in the rain. In the long dark night, I whisper, in the torrent of youth, I yell at the top of my voice.

The distance from the next station to the next station is just an instant, and the distance from the next year to the next year is just a moment to look back. From the time you left your mark in my life to the time I branded your life with a scar, that is, in silence. Not aware of the passage of time, not aware that it has been far away. We allow time to shuttle back and forth in our world. In fact, change is just a moment, and youth is also in a blink of an eye.

Ten thousand sails advance together, and hundreds of barges compete for the current.

The sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, the grass is so green, and this youth is so changeable.

The call from the blood, the fighting spirit from the bone, and the grand blueprint from the mind.

This is youth, the struggle left by years.

This is youth, and it is a green iron sword that shines brightly in my life.


How many spring, summer, autumn and winter have I enjoyed playing in ignorance.

How many days and nights have I spent my life in darkness.

From frivolity to madness, and then to knowing how to think about gain and loss, pay and gain. Unconstrained from the beginning indulge Up to now, it is still uninhibited and indulgent, but it is more mature and less childish. Tears and sweat, bitterness and tiredness, blood and hope, the glory of life and the desolation of death are stimulating my growth. It is the living laughter, the existing wildness, the public attention I expect, stimulating my growth. When I grow up, I know, when I understand, I choose. In the process of choosing, I am accompanied by youth. I haven't forgotten that I have too many dreams not yet done, too many wishes not yet realized, too many people waiting for me to miss, too many things, too much concern. I was born sad, accompanied by youth in tears, doing what I want to do step by step, loving the people I want to love, hating the people I want to hate.

Joy, anger, sorrow, love and hatred. Youth to me is an encyclopedia of my life. My love and hate, my joy and anger, my everything, are all imprinted with deep marks.

Do not forget youth, forget youth.

This is a feast of youth, and I am fascinated by it.

This is a battle field of youth. I have been rampaging forward and backward to create a bright time.

Only a pure heart, only a pure dream.

Chapter 2: Youth Indulgence Model

Youth is like a gurgling river, always in the non-stop flow, always in our indifference to gurgle away; Youth is like a poem, which can only be appreciated when it is recalled; Youth is like a fireworks in full bloom, always blooming the most brilliant light in our look

Youth cannot be ignored, can not bear to face it directly, and dare not look back. The songs and laughter at that time, the roaring in the sky at that time, and the overflowing tears at that time were all true and unforgettable, because in those pure and beautiful days, all emotions were naturally expressed.

In youth, we don't express love, but we can use violence to prove that we like a girl, just as Xu Kaiyang likes Zheng Wei; In youth, we dare not express our love, just like the secret love with Ruan Guan; In youth, we don't know what love is, just like Ruan Guan's care for Zhao Shiyong; In youth, maybe we will bury a love forever, which can not even be called secret love, just like Zhu Xiaobei's words that have no intention of ending. Love in youth, ignorant, can also make people toss and turn, but it is just like the clear and bright blue sky, even though far away, it can calm our hearts. At that time, a word of like was our expression of unswerving until death. At that time, love was the purity of the stars in the sky.

In youth, we are ignorant and fearless, we have been unrestrained and melancholy, we have laughed loudly and cried loudly. At that time, we were like cucumbers and eggs. Too much childishness and weakness were exposed to us. Just like Zheng Wei, who dares to love and hate under the seemingly strong appearance, but dares not to walk out of the cage; Just like Ruan Guan's too kind and weak; Just like Zhu Xiaobei's over self-respect and weakness, just like Zhang Kai is always a nobody and dare not say love is weak; Just like Zhao Shiyong's forever child, he needs protection and is timid and afraid of taking responsibility; Just like Lin Jing's excessive pure love for love, it is also her cowardice who cannot walk out of the shadow of her childhood Because we are young, because we still need to grow up, we left regrets and tears in the days of youth, and it is because these regrets and tears are intertwined that our youth is not so blank in memory. Because at that time we really paid and worked hard, so we also lived up to the beautiful years and youth, so we have a smile with tears now.

Some people say Ruan Guan's death is not worth it. Many times, I also regret such a beautiful and kind life. But calm down and think about it. If what she wants is not just a marriage, that action is the real answer in her heart. At least she is living for a real self. Each of us has different goals in life. As long as we can reassure ourselves. Many things are not worth it or not, but on the way of growth, we can rest assured that every step we take now is enough, because none of us can predict the future, so we should make our own inner choices without regrets.

In those green years, we were like uncontrolled notes, jumping with rhythm. Although we were the worst performers, we dared to let this youth dance play in front of everyone. Because we are the director who is in his prime of life and young.

In that green age, we have grown up and matured by bumping and stumbling. Looking back in the flow of time, the most beautiful smile still stays in the memory of youth.

Chapter 3: Youth Indulgence Model

The years of youth are always fleeting, colorful dreams are always colorful, and the beautiful future will always belong to youth. We have no complaints and no regrets. Because youth is the most beautiful season of life, like a flash in the pan to see the most dazzling brilliance. No one can be greedy to occupy it forever. Youth is a just balance, which gives everyone an average amount of time. As long as you treat it with your heart, youth will write down the brilliant historical contributions for you and play the music of "Empowering the country and the city" for your grand four seasons. Youth is a promise without regret. Because it always plays the role of a passer-by in your life, in a hurry to come, in a hurry to go!

In the season of youth, everything is just an instant. But you and I must not regard this moment as eternity. If you are always so indifferent to it, you will find its brevity when it "takes back" your mediocre youth. Once you lose it, you will appreciate it. However, time is fair, it will not give alms to anyone who does not know how to cherish. Please grasp your watery youth, so that you will find that the fleeting youth has become eternal in your heart!

Gorky once said, "The greatest wealth in life is youth." Youth is like a sailing boat full of dreams. On the way, there will be storms and winding roads. But please do not give up your youth full of dreams. It is the best testimony to your life value. On the contrary, you should be able to withstand the hardships. Use the "weapon" of youth to deal with one difficulty after another in the journey of life.

Xi Murong's "Youth without Resentment" tells people who love life that they should love youth and cherish it. Don't waste your youth blindly. When you have silver hair, time seems like water, but remember? In fact, when you are in your youth, which is always worthy of pride, it is also a kind of beauty!

Because you can only have it if you know how to cherish it. Think that only when you know how to be satisfied can you be happy. This is our only commitment to youth. This is our only commitment to life. When we recall the fleeting years again, please use a knowing smile to face our once grand four seasons. Don't let youth lose to time! Let us cherish this once in a lifetime glorious journey, let the time of running water record our eternal regretless youth.

Chapter 4: Youth Indulgence Model

Is youth bound to become a dead bone in a tomb, a bird must experience the pain of Nirvana, a young person must be severely hit by the scorching sun, and love must be accompanied by sadness?

Nietzsche, in the book Birth of Tragedy, threw a cold spell to young people: "Young people! Don't think that youth can change the world. In the eternal cycle of life, everything is blocked." The eternal cycle is the heaviest burden that human beings shoulder. Even time is initially set, and the world just keeps repeating the scenery of yesterday.

But I don't believe it! Even if the past of youth is heartbreaking, even if the youth will eventually become withered in the grave, won't youth change anything and leave nothing behind?

In the village of a man, a handful of grass seeds that Liu Liangcheng unintentionally sowed many years ago have become a dense bush when he passes by. This may be nothing to the desert, but just a handful of inconspicuous hairs on its dry heart. This grass seed was supposed to be eaten by cattle or donkeys and turned into feces. But now it has become a focus in the tired eyes of tourists, and a stop in the vast desert. Liu Liangcheng described the great impact of this bush on his lost youth with deep emotion. The vast desert can't stop the wanton sprinkling of youth! What's more, the illusory eternal reincarnation brings delirious fear to human beings?

The vain reincarnation is unable to stop youth, but some elderly people's doubts often make young people confused, wandering, or even shrinking back. Young people's hearts are young and inexperienced, but they often easily want to go up to the sky, catch the moon, go down to the five oceans, and capture dragons... They are often beaten to pieces -- finally, youth is smoothed by years.

But I am not reconciled! Not willing to fly before your wings are full, not willing to sing without applause. In the torrent of life, is youth so easily blocked by difficulties and dangers?

No, in the days of poverty and embarrassment, Terya watched Thomas go from blood to white hair. She was desperate for youth to be blocked by hardship, disappointed and even thought of suicide. But at the last moment, she saw the smile of Karenin, the dog she had nurtured for many years... Even if she was as indifferent as Milan Kundera, she would also give "Unbearable Lightness in Life" such a lyrical ending and wrap up the whole article with Karenin's smile. Difficulty is like this, and despair is like this. Years have smoothed the edges and corners of your face, but not the ripples in your heart. Difficulties and obstacles can stop fate, but can not stop Karenin's smile. The vigorous force of youth gushing from the smile has soothed the hearts of many desperate people!

Haizi once sang on the mountain top in September: "My lamp and wine jar are covered with dust, but the distance is clean." The distance is the eternal dream of young people.

The pursuit of youth is far away; The road of youth is at your feet.

Those blocked by fear are the weak; Those who are blocked by difficulties are cowards. Wang Guozhen once wrote a meaningful poem: "The full moon is a picture, and the lack of moon is a poem."

When the moon is full, the Chinese branches are full of spring, and the songs of the sirens at the bottom of the sea cannot stop my youth. I want to shake my wings, fly away from the marsh of greed, and paint a picture of Phoenix nirvana.

In the absence of the moon, everything is quiet. The thorns on the Caucasus cannot stop my youth. I want to sing a song, chide the evil spirit, and sing a poem about sunflowers and sunshine.

I want my youth to take life as its wings and blood as its clothes, to lead me to travel far away, to watch the colorful clothes of the dawn and the spray of dreams, and to fly day by day.

(Instructor: Wang Gansheng)

Chapter 5: Youth Indulgence Model

?? In a twinkling of an eye, we walked through the flowering and rainy seasons, and suddenly looked back, all the way through trials and hardships. Once upon a time, I stopped dreaming in the cradle woven by youth and paying attention to the beautiful scenery that is not forever. Some people say that youth is a cup of tea. The more you taste, the more fragrant you will be; Some people say that youth is a beautiful fireworks, clear and gorgeous as flowers. The years like the wind have brought down our virginity and innocence. Through the baptism of years, we have grown up slowly.

?? In the burning years of youth, we unleash our enthusiasm, play beautiful melodies and sweat hard. Even if there are setbacks and failures, they will not make us discouraged, and the superficial temptation cannot shake our firm determination.

?? Multicolored youth, happiness and pain, happiness and frustration go hand in hand. Whether we feel lucky or unlucky, it is a feeling that we can only control the results by ourselves. Some people come, while others embark on another journey. The wind passes without trace, the water flows back and forth, the clouds are light and the wind is clear. In this precious youth years, how can we grasp it? When setbacks come, do we face them or avoid them? The road of life can only depend on yourself. The meaning of flat and rough is not absolute. As long as the road is not at the end, there will be no final answer. You should know that even roads have also been hit by wind and rain.

?? Life is like a desert of frustration, and the occasional smooth sailing is just a little oasis in the vast sand sea. If we want to make life shine, we must step on the oasis, bravely meet the desert, and embrace the sand sea. Youth is not afraid of setbacks, setbacks are the prelude to success, is the prelude to success.

?? If we are afraid of setbacks, have we ever thought that what we really fear is the setbacks themselves or the ridicule behind them? Does being laughed at mean that you are incompetent? Laughing is not necessarily a denial of you, perhaps just a lack of understanding. Do we have to blame ourselves for others' incomprehension?

?? We cannot change the law of life, old age, sickness and death in nature, but we can grasp the rhythm of youth and reflect our own value through our own efforts. The true owners of youth belong to those who are struggling. Despite the ups and downs and arduous journey, the belief in their hearts is still unbreakable and they keep moving forward!

Chapter 6: Youth Indulgence Model

1. When you wake up, the short dream in youth has already disappeared—— nameless

2. Youth is wonderful. When I see young girls wasting their youth, I feel sad for them—— Bernard Shaw

3. As time goes by, the wine of youth is not always clear, sometimes it becomes turbid—— Legge

4. Youth is the pillar of the revolution. Youth is the defender of the fruits of revolution and the force that accelerates history to a better world—— Soong Ching ling

5. Too much indulgence in youth will lose the nourishment of the soul, and too much restraint will become a dead brain—— Saint Tibuf

6. Youth is like the morning of a day. It is pure and clean, full of reverie and harmony—— Chadobulian

7. The more excited the youth's thoughts are by the power of models, the more brilliant they will be—— Faziev

8. If your youth fails to shine, everything will lose its charm—— Huo Walpur

9. Everything must be far away. He has to spare me. Youth must be early, how can we be young—— Meng Jiao (Tang Dynasty)

10. Youth is mental youth—— Konosuke Matsushita

11. Young people's sensitivity and ingenuity can complement each other once combined with the rich knowledge and experience of mature scientists—— Beveridge

12. Youth must be early, how can you grow young—— Meng Jiao

13. Youth is an incredible power. It stimulates the body of young people and enlightens their wisdom. At the same time, it also instills warm hospitality and strong reason—— Li Zhun

14. The runway of life is fixed. Nature only gives people a route, and this route can only be run once. Each stage of life has its own characteristics: childhood weakness, adolescence recklessness, middle age seriousness, old people's experience, all bear natural fruits, which must be stored when it is in command. There are things worth enjoying at each stage—— Cicero

15. A classic of youth will never be redeemed.

16. Youth will never return, and career will never succeed—— Browning

17. There are many beauties in the world. They had a dissolute youth, but they welcomed their old age with regret—— Bacon

18. Don't idle away the sun and the moon. Youth will never come again—— proverb

19. If your heart is young, you will often keep many dreams. In the thick dark clouds, you will still catch the golden sun—— Swaren

20. Youth is a short dream. When you wake up, it has already disappeared—— Shakespeare

21. Youth is a kind of continuous intoxication, a kind of intellectual craze—— Laroshfuko

22. How should youth be spent? Some, like fire, always shine on others. Some are like fluorescence, and they can't even shine themselves! Different life ideals and attitudes determine a person's position in the battle—— Wu Yunduo

23. Youth is the morning of life, the dawn of the sun, full of purity, fantasy and harmony—— Sid Brown

24. How beautiful young people are! Glow and heat, full of color and fantasy, youth is the first chapter of the book, is a story that never ends—— Longfellow

25. If youth also has a shortcoming, it is that it fades too fast. () La Lowell

26. There is only one youth in one's life—— Longfellow

27. If the time of youth is spent in idleness, it will be a sad tragedy to recall the years—— Zhang Yunke

28. Pain and loneliness are good medicine for young people. They not only make the soul more beautiful and noble, but also maintain its youthful color—— Alexandre Dumas

29. Youth, like a bird singing a song, has burst out of the window in the late winter and gone into the vault of the royal blue—— Wen Yiduo

30. Young people are full of energy, just as rich as the river in spring—— Byron

31. The dawn of life is paradise, and youth is the real paradise—— william wordsworth

32. Youth is in you. You have the most valuable thing in life—— Dreiser

33. Books can keep our childlike innocence; Books can keep our youth—— Yan Wenjing

34. The sun is happy because it shines everywhere; The sea is also happy, because it reflects the happy light of the sun—— Golgi

35. Youth is the flower of life and the natural expression of life—— Daisaku Ikeda

36. Youth is happy because it has a future—— Gogoli

37. Youth is really wonderful. It radiates red light from the outside, but it can't feel anything inside—— Sartre

38. Youth is the only thing worth having—— Wilde

39. When youth is wasted, nothing can be achieved. How can a white head make up for it—— (Tang Dynasty) Quan Dexing

40. Youth is one of the most active and energetic forces in the whole society. They are most willing to learn and least conservative, especially in the socialist era—— Mao Zedong

41. Youth is happiness after all, because it has a future—— Gogol

42. Death is the inextricable shadow of life. It is the inseparable companion of life who is full of joy, love, youth and achievements. The closer to sunset, the longer and more obvious the ominous shadow will be—— Yuri Bangdalev

43. Whoever bravely experiences the baptism of youth will not be afraid of the cold frost of his old age—— Landuo, silk dye no longer white, white sideburns no heavy black, try to love youth, lose no more—— Xuan Guozhang

44. After the youth period, there will be a beautiful and mature period like autumn. At this time, the fruits of life will wait for harvest in a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere like ripe rice—— Tagore

45. Youth is an ordinary name. It is happy and beautiful, but it is also full of hardships—— Golgi

Chapter 7: Youth Indulgence Model

- Title

Youth is a turning point in life. It means that we will leave our childhood behind and move towards maturity. Youth is a beautiful flower season, which is poetic and desirable, and we should cherish it.

The dreams of youth are diverse. We should strive for dreams, open up our own sky, stick to the dream of youth and never give up. We should firmly believe that our efforts will succeed.

Time has taken away beauty and eliminated gratitude and hatred. What is eternal before time? Yes, the dream of youth, when time goes by, the dream will not break.

Youth is the fine sand in your hand, which has been lost unknowingly.

Youth is a meteor that flashes across the sky. Although beautiful, it is fleeting.

Chapter 8: Youth Indulgence Model

Youth is the most beautiful season in our life. It is pregnant with the vitality of early spring, showing the warmth of midsummer, hiding the rich reality of golden autumn, showing the hope of winter, full of poetry but not lack of passion for struggle, fashionable and romantic but full of hard struggle. When a person's youth is integrated into an era and a career, such youth will not go away, and this career will also reflect a dazzling light in the years of experience.

To tell the truth, when I first came to work, I was also lost and confused. I felt that the reality was not satisfactory, and that I was always a little far away from my dream. I was once in confusion. However, I am a young man who has just cast a knife. You cannot wait and hesitate for a moment. I can never watch this knife slowly oxidize, lose its luster, then become mottled, rusted, weathered, and finally become a piece of scrap iron. I told myself, "As long as you are gold, you can shine. As long as you face life and work with high morale, you will gain something". As the road slowly grows, I will search up and down. Youth is the season of learning and the year of struggle. Don't stop our pace of progress, because the road to youth is long.

I chose BBAC. In a sense, I have chosen dedication, away from the noise of family and the city. I am witnessing growth with sweat and measuring value with dedication. In this originally barren land, in the new factory and new car shop, we have created new products. People who are shining with the flower of youth are blooming here without withering. Because those flowers have become fruits and eternal memories of history.

In one's life, who can't expect to succeed in his career, and who can't hope to create the glory of life? Previously, I always thought that all the heroic words and actions should have powerful reasons, such as dedication and sacrifice. These melodies to be promoted and the triumphant songs to be sung are too far away from us ordinary people. But looking back at the comrades around us and the "ordinary people" who live with us day and night but ignore us, I was deeply shocked, "I will devote my limited life to the infinite service for the people". Lei Feng said so and did so. We young people are also silently contributing our youth and strength. Some people suffer from severe colds and still rush to their posts with hoarse throats. Some people just grit their teeth and insist on not leaving their posts in order to ensure that the finished cars can be smoothly off the line without delaying production, and endure the pain caused by injuries and diseases; Others hand over the wedding preparation to their fiancee and their family, and they are still fighting at their posts two days before the wedding... This is their shining point, which is the true embodiment of their love for BBDC and their contributions to BBDC. Their youth is blooming due to their dedication.

Maybe we can't become great people. Even if we live a dull life, it doesn't matter. When the stars twinkle, we are also brilliant. Such an ordinary is actually a great thing. Because only we know that ordinary jobs need us to pay, and hot life needs us to pay. These contributions are undoubtedly a kind of dedication, regardless of size and order. Our youth is limited, because our dedication has become enriched for a long time. My dear friends, work is beautiful. With the young wings and enthusiasm that years have given us, let's devote ourselves to the cause we are pursuing. Let's make contributions quietly, because there is a fire burning here!

Chapter 9: Youth Indulgence Model

The blue dream has gradually heated up

To fall into meditation through hands

Only then did I realize that I had passed through a large landscape

The white clouds are silent

A childhood dream like marshmallow

The clear sky no longer lies

Forgot the hug time

Forgot to put away funny

Forgot how to touch

The fleeting youth face


The pain subsided

Finally, in front of youth, I was silly and silent

Say good self flying

We agreed to jump slowly

Promised happy youth

Clear and beautiful scenery

Beautiful youth

Silent note marks

Summer of Mango

Little by little

Lost full of youth sweet

I can continue to fly

I will be ruthless and strong

i want

Make good compensation through youth

Sunlight through fingertips

The hope of releasing the blue elves