Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Essay on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Selected Basic Theories of Modern Educational Technology (9)

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 Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Chapter 1: Model Essay on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

[Abstract] As a training base for pre service teachers Modern Educational Technology Public courses are an important way to cultivate and improve the ability of pre service teachers in modern educational technology. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of offering modern educational technology public courses in normal universities, and puts forward the implementation strategies of the reform.

Teachers should have the quality of modern educational technology, be able to use modern teaching ideas and educational technology theories to guide teaching practice, and use modern teaching media and scientific teaching methods to implement teaching. Normal colleges and universities are the training bases for pre service teachers. Normal students in school are the main source of pre service teachers. They must have strong educational technology ability to meet the requirements of social development. Modern educational technology course is a public course that imparts theoretical knowledge of educational technology to normal students and cultivates applied skills of educational technology for teaching needs. Therefore, it is very important to set up a good public course of modern educational technology in normal universities. However, there are still many problems in the teaching of modern educational technology public courses that need to be solved urgently, and reform is imperative.

1、 The Current Situation of Public Course Teaching of Modern Educational Technology in Normal Universities

In the era of various media pouring into classroom teaching, modern educational technology ability has become the basic skill of contemporary teachers. At present, almost all colleges and universities have set up public courses of modern educational technology, which mainly rely on public courses to complete the training of normal students' educational technology ability. However, many teachers' colleges and universities do not recognize and attach enough importance to them. The structure of teachers is complex, there are many versions of textbooks, the content is outdated, the curriculum content is unreasonable, the teaching content is numerous and extensive, and the teaching objectives are not clear, Single teaching means, equal emphasis on theory and practice, unclear class hour distribution ratio, even insufficient class hour setting, weak pertinence of teachers' teaching and students' learning and other factors make normal students unable to truly understand the meaning of educational modernization, let alone consciously apply educational technology in teaching, forming a vicious circle.

2、 Problems in the Public Course of Modern Educational Technology in Normal Universities

1. Different understanding of the nature of the course

First of all, one-sided understanding of "modern educational technology" ignores the understanding and mastery of the theoretical basis of educational technology. Educational technology is only regarded as an intuitive teaching aid or a tool for cultivating students' practical skills. It is not put at the level of education, media technology and teaching system, so it lacks the guidance of scientific theory.

Secondly, the setting of curriculum objectives of modern educational technology is too broad. Some aim at training students' information literacy and modern teaching ability; Some are positioned to enable students to master the basic theory of teaching and learning, and have the awareness and ability to use educational information technology in education and teaching. This orientation of curriculum objectives will inevitably lead to the disunity of understanding of the nature of the curriculum. Should we focus on theory or practice? How should theory and practice be distributed in teaching? There has always been great controversy.

2. Insufficient teaching staff and unreasonable professional allocation

Many teachers' colleges and universities have a large number of students, a relatively concentrated schedule for public courses, and a wide range of courses, which leads to a shortage of teachers engaged in this public course, and a complex professional structure. Teachers who study pedagogy, computer science, and even other related majors have a relatively simple knowledge structure, This will inevitably lead to the strength of different knowledge points when the same teacher is teaching, and will not be able to achieve satisfactory teaching results in each module. The requirements for teachers are complex talents. It is undoubtedly difficult and the result is uncertain for teachers to combine information technology and educational theory, and to understand or learn educational theory by themselves.

3. The positioning of teaching materials is not accurate enough

For the teaching materials of educational technology public courses, they are aimed at normal students of different majors. Therefore, the teaching materials should be different from the teaching materials of educational technology professional courses, and the content should not be too professional and profound. First of all, the content of the textbook is arranged unreasonably, and is not detailed and appropriate; Secondly, the compilation of textbooks did not really focus on students. Since there is no reference standard (outline) and requirement, all colleges and universities prepare their own outlines and textbooks, which makes some textbooks too theoretical or technical. The selection of textbook content does not really focus on students, and does not understand the reality of the objects of textbook use and what they really need. Thirdly, the content of teaching materials is outdated. In the past ten years, information technology and educational technology have changed with each passing day and are constantly updated. The teaching of public courses has changed from cameras, slide projectors, projectors, recorders, televisions, etc. to the use of computers and multimedia teaching. In addition, there is no unified outline for experimental courses, experimental equipment and materials are scarce, and class hours are insufficient. Finally, the teaching lacks pertinence.

4. Traditional and single teaching means

Due to the large number of students and limited teachers, most of the teaching of the public course of Modern Educational Technology adopts the teaching method of collective teaching, which is dominated by lecture notes. It does not completely break through the traditional teaching methods and teaching methods, and the teaching effect is poor. Some teachers' educational technology concepts are backward. On the one hand, they talk about the theory of improving teaching effect; On the other hand, I did not use the theory of modern educational technology to guide my teaching practice. Advanced media technology was rarely used in the classroom to promote the improvement of teaching effect. Advanced means and methods were monotonous and backward, turning the past "human irrigation" into "electric irrigation", which was difficult to stimulate students' interest in learning. As a result, teachers were difficult to teach and students were tired of learning.

5. Inadequate practice conditions

The public course of modern educational technology is a course combining theory and practice. To enable students to master the necessary educational technology skills, it is necessary to set up enough experimental classes to enable students to master them. However, in recent years, with the expansion of enrollment, there has been a large increase in the number of students on campus and the lack of experimental facilities, which has greatly reduced the training opportunities for students' hands-on ability, while the lack of supporting experimental courses has greatly reduced the quality of courses. At the same time, the curriculum was not strictly implemented in accordance with the Standards for Educational Technology Competence of Pre service Teachers. The implementation of this curriculum involves a large number of operational experimental teaching content, and even the hands-on operation was replaced by a few pages of PPT from the instructor. It is over to tell the operation essentials. So that there will be such a problem: after normal school graduates are assigned to primary and secondary schools, they have no choice but to rely on chalk blackboard for teaching in the face of modern teaching equipment.

6. Single evaluation mechanism

Teaching evaluation is a value judgment on the process and results of teaching and learning, which reflects the value orientation of educational technology curriculum and has a direct guiding role in teaching and learning for teachers and students. At present, many teachers adopt the form of "usual performance+final written examination", and the assessment method is mainly written examination, which leads students to focus only on the results and ignore the process; The other way is to test the students' operation level. The exam is only completed on the computer. For example, let students complete the production of a courseware on the computer, so that normal students will understand this course as an information technology course, a multimedia course, and completely misinterpret the meaning of modern educational technology.

The above problems urge us to reform the modern educational technology curriculum, explore the goal orientation of the curriculum, build a reasonable and scientific teaching content system, reform the teaching means, methods and evaluation means, and ultimately improve the quality and efficiency of teaching.

3、 Strategies for the Reform of Modern Educational Technology Public Courses

1. Correctly position teaching objectives and construct scientific teaching content.

Many common courses of modern educational technology in normal universities have 2-3 class hours per week, which is relatively small and cannot guarantee the integrity of teaching content. According to the characteristics of less class hours, the teaching goal of the course should be narrowed down and positioned more specifically. It can be positioned according to different disciplines and professional backgrounds, so that students can understand educational technology fundamental theory At the same time, focus on learning teaching design, master computer multimedia and its application in teaching, and form teaching application ability.

At the same time, the construction of teaching content is based on the teaching objectives. The selection of teaching content follows the principles of appropriate weakening, focusing on sufficient use, highlighting application characteristics, focusing on ability and skill training, in-depth key content, simplifying secondary content and combining disciplinary and professional background, and constructing teaching content based on teaching objectives.

2. Break through traditional thinking and reform teaching mode.

Modern educational technology public course has the characteristics of attaching equal importance to theory and practice, combining educational ideas with teaching methods, and emphasizing practicality. Practical teaching is the key to the cultivation of educational technology ability. Educational technology is a marginal subject, which involves many fields of knowledge. In teaching, we should select teaching content, pay attention to the renewal of subject knowledge, reasonably arrange the curriculum structure, and strengthen the teaching of practice links. In the arrangement of teaching content, remember "big and comprehensive", adjust the teaching content reasonably, and highlight the cultivation of practical application ability while mastering the basic theory. Through learning, students can preliminarily master the basic theory of educational technology, the operation and use of modern educational media, the design, development and production skills of teaching software, information processing ability, teaching design ability, and the ability to integrate modern educational technology with professional disciplines.

We can try to enrich teaching means by building a teaching environment and opening learning resources. At present, the network has become one of the indispensable learning tools in our real life. We can fully rely on the advantages of school and local information resources to create a good learning environment for students, provide rich learning resources, build open experimental conditions, and also use blogs Moodle and other platforms build an open learning environment to meet the individual learning needs of students and focus on individual learning and cooperative learning.

3. Enrich evaluation methods

Enrich the evaluation means and adopt the method of combining traditional evaluation and practical evaluation. First, assess the basic theories and knowledge of modern educational technology of normal school students to understand and master the students' grasp of basic theories. Second, in order to strengthen the students' practical operation and application ability of modern educational technology and better quantify the actual level of these abilities of students, It can be assessed by means of media operation, courseware production, teaching plan design, etc., with emphasis on the ability to use modern educational technology ideas for teaching design, access to teaching resources, and integration with professional courses.

You can also try to use the combination of traditional learning evaluation and online learning evaluation to form a diversified evaluation system. Teachers can log on to the online learning platform at any time to view students' electronic files, and timely feedback and adjust teaching behavior through classes, emails, forums, etc., so as to enhance students' learning enthusiasm and initiative Quantitative evaluation such as online test is combined with qualitative evaluation such as classroom project learning achievement report, learning experience and after class interview, questionnaire survey, Moodle online voting, and teaching ability evaluation to accurately and scientifically evaluate learners.

4. Create an environment conducive to curriculum

Many normal universities lack corresponding measures to ensure the complete opening of modern educational technology public courses. They should start from various aspects, such as increasing hardware investment; Strengthening teachers' professional quality and improving teachers' professional ability; Construct a learning platform to meet the individual learning needs of students; Open an educational technology discussion area on the learning platform to allow teachers and students to participate in the discussion and exchange learning experience, or strengthen the communication between teachers and students through QQ, MSN and other tools; Advocating collaborative learning; Select some successful classroom teaching cases to provide demonstration; Strengthening the integration of educational technology with other disciplines.

5. Attach importance to textbook construction and standardize teaching content.

The ultimate purpose of modern educational technology public course is to cultivate students' awareness of modern educational technology and improve their educational technology literacy. Therefore, textbook construction must take this concept as the guide to build a new system structure that constantly meets the requirements of information development. The teaching material system of modern educational technology public course should take the Standards for Pre service Teachers' Educational Technology Competence as a reference, pay attention to the connection between relevant subject knowledge, and set it according to the characteristics of different majors in normal universities and the needs of students. At present, there are many versions of modern educational technology textbooks nationwide, which can be selected and used appropriately according to needs. If conditions permit, schools can also organize teaching personnel in modern educational technology to compile them. In teaching, teachers should take the content of the outline of the Standards for Pre service Teachers' Educational Technology Competence as the standard, combine the school teaching environment, students' learning needs, and make different priorities.

The teaching of the public course of modern educational technology is an important way to cultivate the educational technology ability of normal school students. We should use all positive factors, find out problems, have the courage to try reform and put it into teaching practice, so that our graduates can go out of school and become qualified teachers with educational technology ability.


1 He Kekang. On the Standards of Educational Technology Competence for Pre service Teachers [J]. Research on Audio Visual Education, 2005 (4)

2 Chen Yimin. Some Thoughts on Teaching Reform of Modern Educational Technology Public Course [J]. Journal of Yuxi Normal University, 2009 (5)

Chapter 2: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Key words: curriculum integration of modern educational technology

1、 Introduction

Teachers' modern educational technology literacy should cover a wide range and be characterized by acquiring, evaluating and using modern educational technology. Scientific and cultural literacy combining traditional and modern cultural literacy. In order to meet the needs of curriculum reform and development, teachers should constantly improve their ability to use modern educational technology, so as to promote the reform of teaching methods, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, and effectively promote the implementation of quality education. The special education schools are facing disabled children with various physiological defects. Mathematics is a rigorous and slightly boring subject. The use of modern educational technology to assist teaching can improve the richness, intuition and interest of mathematics teaching, so that the physiological defects of disabled children can be compensated. Therefore, it is very important to improve the modern educational technology literacy of mathematics teachers in special schools.

2、 Basic contents of modern educational technology literacy of mathematics teachers in special schools

1. Basic theory and information literacy

Teachers must understand the basic theory, knowledge and methods of modern educational technology; Understand the basic knowledge of the development of modern educational technology and the integration of mathematics curriculum; Proficiency in basic computer knowledge, including the application of computers to deal with students' exam scores, lesson preparation, writing electronic teaching plans, writing test questions, etc.

2. Application of modern educational technology equipment

In order to improve the quality of education and teaching in special education schools, different modern educational technology equipment is selected and used according to the characteristics of mathematics and different types of disabled students, around the teaching objectives and teaching content. For example, deaf children mainly participate in vision while blind children mainly participate in hearing. The equipment should be selected according to these characteristics. Teachers should be proficient in the use of slides, projectors, multimedia computers, etc. Teachers should also learn to use professional software to make multimedia courseware, such as PowerPoint, Authorware, Geometer's Sketchpad, etc. Through the use of courseware, the classroom teaching is intuitive, rich and interactive. In addition, as teachers of special education schools, they should also have the use and maintenance of hearing aids, the use of hearing testing equipment, language training equipment and relevant modern educational technology knowledge; The use of Braille typewriters and other auxiliary equipment for the blind.

3. Use network literacy

In real life, there is little information about special education, and the Internet provides a good platform for resource sharing of special education. Teachers should master the general principles of computer networks, learn to use the network to search for professional knowledge and various teaching resources needed in teaching, learn to transfer files and conduct network interactive teaching, be able to use e-mail to communicate with peers or students, and also create personal web pages and campus networks of their own teaching experience to provide reference for other teachers' teaching.

4. Curriculum integration literacy

That is to strengthen the ability to comprehensively use modern educational technology. We should strive to promote the integration of modern educational technology and mathematics curriculum, have the ability and quality to optimize the combination of modern educational technology and different media, and integrate the modern educational technology into the mathematics teaching process, so as to truly play the role of modern educational technology and improve the quality of education and teaching.

3、 Methods and Approaches for Special Education School Teachers to Improve Modern Educational Technology Literacy

1. Pay attention to it ideologically and establish a new educational concept assisted by modern educational technology.

First of all, we should realize the importance of modern educational technology from the ideological point of view, because teachers' educational behavior is mainly dominated by their educational thoughts and ideas. Only by establishing new educational ideas in line with the new curriculum reform, can we continue to innovate in teaching practice, so as to cultivate qualified talents who meet the requirements of the times and remain disabled. The new educational concept includes: constructing the subject curriculum, teaching method reform and teaching evaluation based on modern educational technology, taking full account of the impact of modern educational technology, creating a suitable environment for developing students' awareness and ability of independent learning, changing learning methods, encouraging positive inquiry, and forming an active learning attitude. In classroom teaching, this change is mainly manifested in the following aspects: the organic combination of traditional teaching methods and modern multimedia teaching; The form of teaching organization has changed from simplification to diversification; The teaching mode has changed from classroom teaching to collaborative learning. Integrate the concept of modern educational technology with the original educational concept and internalize it into its own new educational concept.

2. Actively participate in various teacher training to improve the integration ability of modern educational technology and mathematics courses.

The number of special education schools is relatively small, and there are relatively few teaching experiences and educational teaching resources that can be used for reference. It is an effective way to improve their modern educational technology to attend various professional trainings for special school teachers. Its types are: (1) degree training. This way is mainly for teachers to participate in in-service correspondence education or off the job learning, such as undergraduate correspondence education for teachers and master of education. (2) Short term training. This way mainly refers to short-term concentrated learning activities of modern educational technology. The short-term training is mainly organized by the teaching and research department, and the backbone teacher training is organized by the education competent department. (3) School based training. This way mainly refers to the modern educational technology training activities that the school organizes teachers to participate in, mainly including the modern educational technology training organized by the school in winter and summer vacations or weekends, the teaching observation or teaching research of the integration of modern educational technology and subject curriculum.

3. Advocate self-study and improve their modern educational technology literacy through self-study

Some new teaching skills can be acquired quickly through training, but it needs a process to internalize them into teachers' teaching ability, so the key is self-study. In the learning process should pay attention to several points: (1) the attitude should be positive. (2) It is good at learning from others. At present, there are many free courseware on the Internet. Teachers should learn to internalize and process, and learn from their own subjects and students' characteristics. Only by learning from them can they create something. (3) Strengthen cooperation. On the one hand, cooperation between teachers should be strengthened, and on the other hand, cooperation between teachers and students should be strengthened. (4) Focus on accumulation. Teachers should pay attention to the accumulation and collection of various teaching materials and various types of excellent courseware.

4. Multi practice is the key to improving teachers' modern educational technology

Chapter 3: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Key words: normal students; Educational technology capability; present situation; culture

CLC No.: G642.0 Document Code: A Article No.: 1674-9324 (2013) 46-0149-03

Educational technology is not only an interdisciplinary subject, but also a technical subject. As a future group of teachers, the cultivation of normal students' educational technology ability is closely related to the development of teachers' specialization and the construction of basic education informatization. Therefore, it is particularly important to analyze the current situation of normal students' educational technology ability and explore ways to cultivate their educational technology ability.

1、 The Standard of Measuring the Educational Technology Ability of Normal Students

In December 5, 2004, the Ministry of Education proposed the standards for measuring the educational technology of teachers and students in the Standards for Educational Technology Competence of Primary and Secondary School Teachers (Trial), as follows:

1. Awareness and attitude: it is used to specify the requirements of relevant personnel in terms of awareness, application awareness, reflective awareness and lifelong learning of educational technology.

2. Knowledge and skills: they are used to specify the basic knowledge and skills of educational technology that relevant personnel should master.

3. Application and innovation: It is used to specify the innovation and improvement of relevant personnel in application teaching design and implementation, teaching support and management, scientific research and development, cooperation and exchange.

4. Social responsibility: it means that fair use can ensure that all teachers and students can make good use of learning resources in the management system.

2、 The Present Situation and Analysis of Educational Technology Ability of Normal University Students in Inner Mongolia

This survey is based on the measurement standard of educational technology ability of normal university students, adopts the questionnaire survey method, and designs the questionnaire according to the four dimensions in the Standard. The survey is conducted on normal university students who are not majoring in educational technology in Inner Mongolia University, Baotou Normal University and Hulunbeier College The research objects are selected from the normal college students who are about to graduate in their senior year. A total of 220 questionnaires were issued, 220 were returned, and 200 were valid. Through the questionnaire survey, we found that:

1. Survey on awareness and attitude. Normal college students in Inner Mongolia have insufficient awareness of educational technology.

Question 1: Do you think that the public course of Modern Educational Technology has a great help in improving your own educational technology ability?

Question 2: Do you think educational technology ability is an essential part of teachers' professional quality?

From the data statistics, it can be found that some normal school students are not aware of the importance of the public course of Modern Educational Technology and fail to realize that educational technology ability is a necessary professional quality for a teacher.

2. Survey on knowledge and skills.

(1) Only a basic understanding of the basic theoretical concepts of educational technology is achieved.

Question 3: Your understanding of the basic theoretical concepts of educational technology.

It can be seen from the data statistics of question 3 that normal school students only have a basic understanding of the basic theoretical concepts of educational technology, and only a few people can reach a very good understanding.

(2) The understanding and mastery of the concept of educational technology by normal university students in Inner Mongolia is not ideal.

Question 4: Have you mastered the concept of educational technology?

From the statistics of question 4, it can be found that only 47% of the people have reached the basic level of understanding and mastering the concept of educational technology, while the remaining 53% are not very good.

(3) Normal college students in Inner Mongolia are weak in obtaining information, using other media resources and innovation.

Question 5: What is your main way to obtain information? (multiple choice)

From the statistics of question 5, we can find that normal students can collect teaching resources through some ways.

(4) Normal college students in Inner Mongolia have a single access to teaching resources, and the use of teaching media and multimedia resources is single.

Question 6: What kind of teaching media will you usually use in your teaching in the future? (multiple choice)

From the data statistics of question 6, we can see that the most commonly used teaching media for normal students is computers, and few other teaching media are used.

Question 7: Which multimedia resources do you usually use in teaching in the future? (multiple choice)

From the data statistics of Question 7, we can see that most normal students use graphics and images as multimedia resources, while students use other multimedia resources less.

Question 8: How do you usually collect teaching resources? (multiple choice)

From the data statistics of Question 8, we can see that 76.7% of normal school students obtain teaching resources and information through paper resources, and few other ways are used. The way to obtain and collect teaching resources is single.

(5) The current situation of mastering the basic skills of modern educational technology is uneven.

Question 9: How well do you master the commonly used lesson preparation software?

Question 10: What is your grasp of multimedia devices?

Question 11: How well do you master the exam assistant system?

Question 12: How well do you know the characteristics of media?

From the survey results, we find that normal students only master the basic lesson preparation software, and other multimedia resources use skills are relatively poor; The mastery of the examination assistant system is also relatively poor; The mastery of media characteristics is average.

3. Investigation on application and innovation.

(1) The design and development ability of normal college students in Inner Mongolia is poor.

Question 13: Can you design and produce teaching resources according to the teaching content? (such as courseware, pictures, music, etc.)

From the statistics of Question 13, we can see that the ability of normal university students in Inner Mongolia to design and develop teaching resources is very weak.

The ability of teaching design in practical teaching is very poor.

(2) The practical ability of normal college students in Inner Mongolia is very poor.

Question 14: Do you know the basic content of instructional design? (multiple choice)

From the statistics of question 14, it can be seen that the majority of normal school students have a weak grasp of the four links of teaching goal analysis, teaching content analysis, teaching media design and selection, and teaching evaluation design, which cannot exceed 30%; The ability to grasp the three links of "learner analysis", "teaching method and strategy selection", and "teaching plan compilation and writing" also failed to exceed 40%. It shows that these normal students have poor practical ability.

(3) The innovation ability of teaching design of normal university students in Inner Mongolia is poor.

Question 15: Can you design teaching independently?

It can be seen from the data statistics of Question 15 that only 29% of normal school students can independently carry out teaching design in the process of practical teaching, and 70.9% of students indicate that they can not independently carry out teaching design in the process of practical teaching, which indicates that the teaching design of normal school students is only theoretical learning and lack of exercise in practice.

4. Investigation on social responsibility.

(1) Most normal college students in Inner Mongolia pay more attention to the social responsibility of applied educational technology.

Question 16: To what extent do you attach importance to social responsibility in educational technology in teaching?

From the statistics of question 16, we can see that most people pay more attention to the social responsibility of applying educational technology, and only a small number of normal students do not pay much attention to it.

3、 Suggestions on Cultivating Educational Technology Ability of Normal University Students in Inner Mongolia

1. Strengthen the awareness of normal students on educational technology ability.

Change the concept of normal students, so that students realize the importance of building educational technology capabilities. Through the practical application training of modern educational technology means, improve the ability of normal students to use modern educational technology means, and optimize the awareness of normal students' educational technology ability.

2. Strengthen the learning of basic knowledge and theory of the common course Modern Educational Technology for normal students.

Modern Educational Technology is an important public basic course to cultivate the educational technology ability of normal college students. This course should be based on the original standard and guided by the actual situation of the normal students in our normal college. We should strengthen the open course of educational technology. In the actual teaching, we should properly change the original teaching method and content to attract more students to learn this course.

3. Strengthen the construction of educational technology multimedia equipment and provide students with rich information resources.

The school increased investment in modern educational experimental equipment and replaced modern educational technology multimedia equipment, such as projectors, electronic whiteboards and other multimedia equipment. Invest money to create a good learning environment. Strengthen the construction of network resources, encourage students to use the school's network resources, set up a rich network teaching resource database according to different disciplines, and provide students with access to information and rich extracurricular learning resources.

4. Strengthen the teaching design ability of normal students, and pay attention to training their practical ability.

Teachers should strengthen normal students' learning of basic knowledge and theories related to educational technology, and teachers should change teaching methods and strategies to impart theories and knowledge related to teaching design. In order to cultivate normal students' ability of teaching design in theory, we should strengthen the connection between theory and practice, so that normal students can become the leaders of teaching design and teaching process. Allow more time for students to think and practice, and allow more communication time between students and teachers.

5. Enhance the social responsibility consciousness of normal students for educational technology.

The four words "teaching and educating people" tell us that as a teacher, we should not only pass on lessons, but also pass on the principles and how to behave to students. As future teachers - normal students, their ethics education is particularly important. As college teachers, they should permeate the education of "being a man" in the process of teaching, guide these future teachers - normal students to use technology responsibly (such as not indulging in games, not being superior), and let students bear their due social responsibility.


[1] Cheng Ling. Interpretation of the Standards for Measuring the Educational Technology Competence of Normal Students [J]. Examination Weekly, 2008, (42)

Chapter 4: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Keywords: modern educational technology; Teacher-student community; Thematic teaching; interaction

Teachers' ability is the basic factor that determines the effectiveness of education and teaching. Teachers with good ability can help improve the efficiency and effect of imparting knowledge, promote the development of students' ability, and help teachers adapt to new changes and needs. Teachers' ability structure includes teaching organization, design, implementation and teachers' ability to improve themselves. This is closely related to educational technology. The Standard for Educational Technology Competence of Primary and Secondary School Teachers (Trial) clearly requires that primary and secondary school teachers must have the awareness of applying information technology, stimulate learners' interest in learning new technologies and mastering new methods, and be able to actively learn modern educational technology and apply it to the teaching of various disciplines. Therefore, it is an important aspect of personnel training in normal universities to explore the appropriate teaching mode of Modern Educational Technology and effectively improve the modern educational technology ability of normal students.

1、 Current Situation of Public Course Teaching of Modern Educational Technology

In order to understand the current teaching situation of the public course of Modern Educational Technology in normal universities, the author conducted a literature study and practical investigation. Through cross database retrieval on CNKI, it is found that domestic research on the public course teaching of Modern Educational Technology focuses on the reconstruction of the course content system, thinking about teaching reform, and task driven teaching practice exploration. Through the network interview with the teachers of Modern Educational Technology in normal universities in Henan Province, we learned that the problems in curriculum teaching in Henan Province are mainly reflected in the weak learning foundation of students, misunderstanding of curriculum, insufficient allocation of teaching environment, low quality of teachers, single teaching methods, no unified standard for textbook selection, and disconnection between teaching content and practice The assessment method is not objective. The survey data were counted through excel, and the results were analyzed by means of professional horizontal comparison and grade vertical comparison. Based on the results of literature research and practical investigation, the following problems exist in the teaching of the public course of Modern Educational Technology.

1. There is prejudice in the understanding of the course. First of all, some college and department leaders believe that it is only necessary to let students understand the relevant theoretical knowledge of modern educational technology, have systematic ideas, theories and methods of modern educational technology, and simply introduce the technical operation in the classroom. There is no need to spend more time and money to set up experimental courses.

Secondly, some teachers do not attach importance to the curriculum, and the teaching content focuses on their own research direction; Some teachers only explain according to the teaching materials, and seldom organize the teaching content according to the characteristics of the subject. In addition, students have misunderstandings about the curriculum. Because there are more theoretical explanations in teaching, lack of practical operation, and more content and less class hours, when there is a gap between learning expectations and teaching practice, students are easy to reduce their interest in learning courses.

2. The structure of teachers' ability is insufficient. Teachers' ability is one of the key factors that affect the development of students' ability. For example, in the teaching design module, teachers are required to enable students to understand and master the basic methods of information-based classroom teaching design through case analysis and learning activity organization based on the theoretical basis of teaching design, combined with the characteristics of different disciplines; However, in actual teaching, most teachers explain in accordance with the textbook theory, fail to reflect the concept of teaching design in their classroom teaching, and fail to design and analyze specific cases in combination with the students' majors, which will affect students' learning effect and ability development.

3. The teaching facilities are not complete. Most schools have limited teachers, insufficient multimedia classrooms and experimental facilities. Therefore, most colleges and universities only teach theory, and do not arrange experiments. At the same time, some multimedia classrooms have problems such as poor projection picture quality, poor sound amplification effect, and poor network, which make it difficult to effectively carry out the course teaching.

4. The teaching materials are complicated. Normal students are mostly engaged in basic education after graduation. The purpose and teaching practice of the course Modern Educational Technology in normal universities should consider the actual application of information technology in primary and secondary schools. There are many versions of the existing textbook Modern Educational Technology, which covers the basic theory of educational technology to teaching design, from conventional media applications to network teaching applications, from computer-assisted instruction to distance learning, from multimedia courseware production to information technology and curriculum integration. The range of knowledge is large and comprehensive, and the teaching focus is not prominent, which is not suitable for the learning requirements of normal students.

5. The teaching practice fails to be applied in combination with the discipline. Modern Educational Technology is a course with strong application. Teaching should focus on the organization of teaching practice activities and the integration of basic theory, information technology and professional learning. However, most teachers basically teach the relevant knowledge in the field of educational technology in accordance with the teaching materials, and pay little attention to the specific teaching practice of different disciplines. The teaching content and teaching mode are the same whether it is science, arts or art majors.

6. Single teaching method. There are many problems in course teaching, such as wide range of learning objects, large class size, more teaching content, less class hours, etc. At present, classroom teaching mainly adopts lecture and demonstration methods. In addition to a small number of homework assignments, there are fewer learning activities organized, and there is less communication after class.

7. The evaluation system is unreasonable. The curriculum evaluation adopts the examination method. The teacher is the main body of the evaluation, and the evaluation content is comprehensive final assessment and usual performance. The final assessment is mostly based on the course learning to ask students to write a small paper or make a courseware. The usual scores are scored according to the attendance records and the completion of homework, and less consideration is given to students' learning process and classroom performance.

2、 The Construction and Implementation of Curriculum Teaching Mode

Based on the above analysis, the author believes that teachers of the public course of Modern Educational Technology should have an open, interactive and developing educational philosophy, combine the characteristics of more course content, less class hours, and a wide range of learning objects, and on the basis of in-depth analysis of textbooks and full consideration of the effective realization of curriculum training goals, The teaching topics are determined according to the requirements of the teaching syllabus and the basic education curriculum reform on the educational concepts of normal students and the ability of modern educational technology. Through teaching practice research, the author has determined the course content as five teaching topics: theoretical basis, media and environment, computer-assisted instruction, courseware creation, and network education application. The theoretical basis topics include learning theory, teaching theory and communication theory.; Media and environment topics include media material acquisition and processing, modern education system and environment; Computer aided teaching topics include the basic methods of courseware making, information technology and curriculum integration. (case analysis, information-based classroom teaching design based on the content of the unit selected by the student's discipline); The topic of courseware making is to use authoring software to make teaching assistant courseware Ⅲ "(authoring software includes ppt authorware、flash, The teaching content focuses on different majors); The topic of online education application includes the retrieval and download of learning resources, the creation and application of personal online learning space (blog, good-looking book, de1. icio. us).

Instructional design is the core ability of modern educational technology training, but based on the fact that the curriculum is open to all normal students in the school, and taking into account the characteristics of different disciplines, it is integrated into the information technology and curriculum integration part of the computer aided teaching topic, so that students can deeply understand the basic meaning of instructional design through case analysis, Effectively master the basic methods of information based instructional design.

Distance education is basically involved in the existing textbooks of Modern Educational Technology. Based on the characteristics of more course content and less class hours, it is not listed as a separate topic, but is properly integrated into the teaching practice of courses. The traditional classroom teaching methods can be compared and analyzed, and the computer-assisted teaching method can also be introduced appropriately, and relevant distance education websites can be provided to enable students to deeply understand it through independent inquiry after class on the basis of perceptual knowledge.

(1) The Construction of Curriculum Teaching Mode

Curriculum teaching not only gives students knowledge and skills, but also teachers should guide students to change passive learning methods through classroom teaching and activity organization, cultivate their open, independent, cooperative and innovative learning awareness, and establish the idea of lifelong learning. The idea of model construction is "leading one subject, thematic explanation, interaction and cooperation, and mutual benefit between teaching and learning (see Figure 1). Teachers should reasonably allocate class hours in combination with teaching topics, build a learning community between teachers and students, flexibly use a variety of teaching methods, and carry out teaching and learning activities based on multimedia network teaching environment and subject design (see Figure 2).

1. Analyze the teaching materials and determine the teaching topics based on the actual situation. At present, there are many versions of the textbook of Modern Educational Technology. These textbooks are repetitive in terms of compiling ideas, and the content is outdated and complicated. The determination of teaching topics should follow three standards: (1) some key and difficult points in the course form topics; (2) The main contents of the course are integrated with relevant applications and research hot issues; (3) The integration of certain ability requirements of students in the course with the application of information technology.

2. Integrate resources and organize teaching content based on special topics around teaching priorities and difficulties. Teachers should understand the needs of students. On the basis of thorough analysis of the content of textbooks, they can use the network to check the new research progress and hot spots related to special topics, so as to integrate them with the content of textbooks and form special teaching content. In the teaching process, we should also be good at guiding students' divergent thinking and innovative learning by using mind mapping tools, and help students grasp the teaching content more systematically and completely by using mind mapping tools.

3. Select media and design the presentation mode of teaching content. When making courseware, we should combine students' cognitive characteristics, teaching objectives and teaching content, and select teaching media that can effectively stimulate students' learning interest and help students maintain their attention. Determine the presentation mode of teaching content based on the characteristics of students and media, so that classroom teaching can fully stimulate students' learning initiative and meet their learning needs.

4. Dominate the main body and drive the task. The establishment of the teacher-student relationship of "leading one subject" helps to activate the classroom atmosphere, enhance the classroom interaction effect, promote the cultivation of learners' subjective awareness and enhance teachers' teaching ability; The teacher's arrangement of learning tasks around the topic content will help stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and cultivate their ability to use the knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems.

5. Carry out learning activities, strengthen interaction and collaboration, and develop teachers and students together. In the teaching process, teachers should pay attention to the organization of learning activities, such as independent inquiry, group discussion, practical teaching and other creative activities. In the process of activities, teachers should guide students to actively participate, and promote the common growth of teachers and students in the process of solving problems through teacher-student interaction. After class, open homework is assigned to students in combination with teaching objectives and course content, and task requirements are clearly put forward so that students can effectively carry out independent learning. In addition, teachers should also make full use of the Internet to give real-time and non real-time guidance to students after class to cultivate their positive and correct learning attitude.

6. Curriculum evaluation focuses on student development. Teachers should change the evaluation view that paid attention to the mastery of knowledge and skills in the past, adopt various evaluation forms, consider various evaluation contents, and integrate multiple evaluation subjects. The evaluation form can adopt the combination of process and result; The evaluation contents include students' learning attitude, learning methods, assignments, acceptance of new ideas and technologies, final assessment, etc; Students and peers are allowed to participate in the course evaluation to achieve the objective, comprehensive and fair evaluation.

(2) Teaching implementation

Teachers teach mainly through classroom teaching and practical activities. Classroom teaching is based on teaching topics. The content of topics is comprehensively determined based on in-depth analysis of textbooks, integration of network related resources, and consideration of students' professional characteristics. The practical activities aim at improving students' practical application ability, and are carried out through independent inquiry, group cooperation, microteaching and other forms. Self inquiry aims at cultivating students' ability to learn independently, and deeply grasp knowledge through personal inquiry; Group collaboration is mainly carried out through classroom discussion or work creation to cultivate students' sense of collaboration; Microteaching is to guide students to determine unit content based on disciplines, carry out information-based classroom teaching design for unit content, and cultivate their ability to use modern media to assist classroom teaching through practical teaching in micro classrooms. In order to improve the effectiveness of curriculum teaching, teachers should change their curriculum awareness, improve their own quality, and constantly improve the knowledge structure system, so that students can have an open and developing learning view through curriculum learning, and can use modern educational technology to assist personal learning, educational practice, and teaching after graduation (see Figure 3).

This model focuses on the autonomy and interaction between teachers and students. Each teaching topic is carried out independently, and permeated into other topic teaching, realizing the cultivation of students' comprehensive application ability. Pay attention to the following four aspects when using.

1. The setting of teaching topics should be reasonable. The topic is not to abandon the textbook, but to guide students to fully understand and master the content of the textbook around the topic, so as to achieve the goal of curriculum training. Therefore, teachers should deeply analyze the teaching materials, identify topics from the key and difficult points of teaching, pay attention to the collection of network resources, extract information from research hotspots, constantly update the knowledge structure, and improve the content of topics.

2. The design of special content should be specific, practical and novel. Teachers should carefully design the knowledge structure, specific content and teaching process of the topic to improve the timeliness of teaching. Because of the wide range of teaching objects, teachers should be good at communicating with students to understand their needs and interests. At the same time, teachers should combine the ability requirements of basic education curriculum reform on teachers. The teaching content should be practical and innovative.

3. The teaching means should be flexible. In the teaching process, attention should be paid to the interaction between teachers and students and the cultivation of students' ability to cooperate, and a variety of teaching methods should be flexibly used according to the teaching content of special topics. Through the organization of group discussion, work creation and other practical activities, students' sense of collaboration is cultivated, and based on task driven, problem solving and other activities, students are provided with opportunities for practical application. The course teaching should make full use of multimedia and deal with the "instructional" and "artistic" of courseware, so as to highlight the key points and clarify the difficulties, and give students strong sensory stimulation to induce their intrinsic motivation to learn the course.

4. Evaluation focuses on process and application. The course of Modern Educational Technology aims to cultivate the ability of normal students to use information technology to assist teaching and learning, and improve their information literacy. Therefore, we should build a three-dimensional evaluation system, pay attention to the individual differences of learners, and pay attention to the practical application of learning content.

Chapter 5: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Key words: educational technology, art design, teaching, interactive application

1、 Overview of Educational Technology

1. Definition of educational technology

Educational technology is the sum of all technical means and methods used by human beings in educational activities. It is divided into tangible technology (materialized form) and intangible technology (intelligent form). Tangible technology refers to scientific knowledge solidified and embodied in tangible objects, which includes traditional teaching aids such as blackboard and chalk, and modern education and teaching media such as computer, network and satellite communication. Intangible technology refers to the skills, methods and theories that play a role in solving education and teaching problems.

With the development of educational technology, people are more inclined to use a systematic approach to define educational technology. The emphasis of educational technology in different stages is different. The development of the concept of educational technology also reflects the spiral process of human thinking. That is, educational technology is the theory and practice of designing, developing, utilizing, managing and evaluating the learning process and resources in order to promote learning.

2. Research contents and application fields of educational technology

Educational technology is a comprehensive discipline that pays equal attention to both theory and practice. According to the theory of teaching and learning, it focuses on learners, uses technical means and teaching resources, and uses systematic methods to solve teaching problems. It includes the following contents:

(1) Research on the basic theory of educational technology: such as the concept of educational technology; The purpose, object and method of educational technology research; The position and role of educational technology in the whole education; The theoretical basis of educational technology.

(2) The history of educational technology and educational technology; Comparative study of educational technology in various countries.

(3) Research on media theory and application: including the classification of media, the nature of media, the teaching function of media, and the teaching application of various media.

(4) The design and development of teaching system: including the design based on "learning" and the design based on "teaching"; The contents, methods and steps of teaching system development.

(5) The new development of the application of information technology in the field of education: including network education application technology, artificial intelligence education application technology, virtual reality education application technology, etc.

(6) Management, measurement and evaluation of teaching process and teaching resources.

(7) Optimization of education system and design of teaching environment.

(8) The theory and practice of distance learning: including the mode and theory of distance education, network education, and the quality assurance system of distance education.

The application of educational technology, that is, the field of practice, is often guided by procedural models and related theories to improve the quality and efficiency of education, expand the scale of education and promote reform. The general purpose of educational technology is to promote students' learning. However, due to different educational objects and teaching contents, the technical means and operation methods used are different, thus forming three main relatively independent practice fields, namely, classroom teaching field, distance learning field, and enterprise staff training field.

2、 The need to improve modern educational technology in art design teaching

One pen, one piece of paper, several model works and teaching plans are the most familiar and familiar teaching methods of art design. However, with the rapid development of information technology with computers as its core, it is a general trend for information technology to enter the field of education. It is no longer "embellishment", but an indispensable organic component in teaching activities.

1. Teachers

In some traditional and accumulated art colleges and universities, some old teachers have good theoretical and practical experience, but they do not know enough about new modern educational technology, including the use of computer knowledge. Some teachers of teaching design also tend to focus on a textbook, and do not compare and draw lessons from similar teaching in the network. Moreover, some related teacher training is not enough, or some teacher training is somewhat formalized.

2. Students

Since the expansion of college enrollment in the mid-1990s, there has been a craze for the art of college entrance examination in recent years. This has sent a large number of students to our art and design colleges. There is a big gap between the students' comprehensive artistic quality and that of the past. The number of students in the class has also grown from 10-15 in the past to about 30 now. In some professional schools, students' learning initiative is better because of the good artistic atmosphere on campus. However, in some comprehensive colleges and universities, especially those that have just opened art majors, the campus art atmosphere is not strong enough, and the students' learning atmosphere is generally weak.

3. Supporting facilities

The multimedia of classroom facilities is a major trend, but this is mainly for some large classrooms, and the feasibility of multimedia configuration in some professional classrooms is not yet great. In the art design teaching class, some modern educational technology will be used at the beginning, and students will be asked to draw sketches and make plans later in the class. This is the contradictory aspect of the use of modern educational technology resources.

3、 Good cooperation and full utilization

1. Since any good education concept, education idea, teaching method and teaching means are all based on teachers, we should guide teachers to actively participate in various teaching and research activities, and carry out information dissemination theory, teaching theory, teaching design, optimization group theory, design, compilation and use of teaching software Select and evaluate the training of educational technology theory and practice, improve the understanding and ability of applying educational technology, promote teaching reform, promote the optimization of classroom teaching process, and change the traditional classroom teaching mode. From focusing on teaching to interactive development between teachers and students in the classroom, teachers should start from themselves. Teachers should also use their own teaching and some related content through the network, so that students can learn selectively and comparably.

2. The quality combination of students is diverse, especially in some colleges where the comprehensive quality of students is relatively weak, it is crucial to improve the students' learning initiative by using modern educational technology. Modern educational technology has a wide range of performance capabilities. It can transcend the limitations of time and space, macro and micro, provide students with rich perceptual materials, fully reflect teaching ideas and links in classroom teaching, stimulate students' clear learning motivation, interest in actively participating in teaching activities and deep learning interest, and expand the scope of students' direct experience, Express the teaching content vividly and concretely, reflect the inherent attributes of things, provide rich perceptual experience and thinking materials for students' cognitive activities, and help students learn and master knowledge. With the support of modern educational technology, students have access to multi-channel learning opportunities and freedom of learning, that is, compensatory and adaptive learning. In addition, the active leadership of the school cannot be ignored. We should not only see the external possibility of students' role change, but also not ignore the guidance for students' learning. Students' learning initiative plays a key role.

3. Modern educational technology can not go deep into disciplines, teaching and classes without the support of educational media and supporting software. Therefore, in the process of teaching and construction, schools should give priority to adding teaching media and software without affecting the development of political party teaching activities, so as to apply modern educational technology Implement quality education and create good material conditions. In addition, create conditions where conditions are not yet met. Schools and teachers and students should actively exert the soft power of modern educational technology, organize and strive for the declaration of national and provincial characteristic majors, high-quality courses, funds, etc., and strive for funds. The existing modern educational technology resources should be integrated and fully utilized to improve the utilization rate of teaching resources.

Chapter 6: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

[Key words] Modern educational technology mathematics teaching curriculum integration

[About the author] Ma Shuxie (1961 -), male, from Puyang, Henan Province, associate professor of Puyang Vocational and Technical College, majoring in mathematical analysis and basic theory of mathematical education. (Puyang, Henan 457000)

[CLC No.] G642 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 1004-3985 (2012) 33-0165-02

1、 The Concept and Connotation of Modern Educational Technology

The so-called modern educational technology refers to the educational technology based on modern educational thoughts, theories and methods, guided by the viewpoint of system theory, and by means of modern information technology. Including computer technology, network technology, electronic communication technology, remote communication technology, digital audio and video technology, satellite broadcasting technology, artificial intelligence technology, virtual reality simulation technology, multimedia technology, etc. Modern educational technology is also the comprehensive embodiment of modern teaching design, modern teaching media and modern media teaching method.

The connotation of modern educational technology mainly includes: first, the materialization means of applying modern scientific and technological achievements to the development and utilization of educational resources. For example, make full use of modern scientific and technological achievements with computers, digital audio and video, satellite radio and television, interactive network communication, virtual simulation technology and other technologies as the core to make education information present the hardware components of multimedia, digital education information processing, and intelligent education and teaching process. The second is the carefully selected and reasonably organized learning materials. This learning material is closely integrated with mathematics education and teaching on the premise that it meets the needs of society and students' individual learning and conforms to cognitive laws, and becomes a software component of a new learning environment to serve classroom teaching. The third is the method of designing, implementing and evaluating the education and teaching process. The extensive application of modern science and technology in education and teaching activities not only enriches the learning resources of teachers and students, but also brings scientific and advanced technologies and methods to the evaluation and management of the learning process and teaching process, making it more accurate and fast.

2、 The Significance of the Integration of Modern Educational Technology and Mathematics Teaching

1. Build a dynamic environment for teaching and learning. Modern educational technology constructs an interactive and open dynamic teaching environment for mathematics teaching, which is organically integrated with computer technology, network technology and artificial intelligence technology. This environment not only refers to the place where the teaching process takes place, but also includes educational materials, teaching models, teaching strategies and interpersonal relationships. The teaching environment coexists with learners, teaching materials and support systems, and all the elements are changing constantly. They have changed from a static environment to a dynamic environment.

2. Provide an ideal operating platform for mathematics teaching. Modern educational technology provides an ideal operating platform for mathematics teaching by using multimedia information technology such as graphics, images, text, sound, animation, etc. (1) Enrich educational resources. It breaks through the limitations of book knowledge and realizes the diversification of teaching resources. (2) Change abstraction into image. It can enrich the teaching content, make it vivid, intuitive and easy to teach and learn. (3) Virtual reality. Virtual reality technology can make the presentation of teaching content get rid of the flat narration of words. (4) Multidimensional, integrated and interactive. It can create diversified learning situations for learners and promote learning through multimedia such as voice, text, image and animation. (5) The hypertext function of modern educational technology makes the teaching design that was difficult to realize in the past become reality, and optimizes the organization and expression of teaching information. (6) Two way communication and interaction function. It makes the educational process more interactive, educational objects more targeted, teaching problems more scientific and clear, and mathematics more realistic.

3. Construct a new type of teaching relationship to realize teaching interaction and cooperation. The development of mathematics education technology has built a new relationship for teaching. The teaching in the new environment makes teachers, students, teaching media and teaching environment form a pluralistic relationship of teaching, emphasizing the pluralistic interaction and cooperation process in the teaching process; Emphasize that everyone is both the exporter and receiver of information; It emphasizes the mutual cooperation of the dual identities of receiver and exporter to guide, supplement and inspire.

4. Easy personalized development of teaching activities. The close integration of modern educational technology and mathematics teaching activities, on the one hand, is conducive to reflecting teachers' teaching ideas and styles, giving play to teachers' personal strengths, and demonstrating teachers' unique teaching charm. On the other hand, it is also conducive to providing a convenient way for the growth of students' cognitive subjectivity, so as to maximize the development of personalized characteristics of teachers and students in bilateral teaching activities.

3、 The Principle of Integrating Modern Educational Technology with Mathematics Teaching

1. The principle of linking theory with practice. The new curriculum concept requires teachers to be developers of curriculum resources, but the current reality is that most teachers lack in-depth research on the integration of modern educational technology and mathematics teaching, which is limited to the discussion within the scope of technology. A perfect teaching mode should be the close combination of mathematical education theory and modern technical operation. Therefore, teachers who undertake mathematical teaching tasks must strengthen the study and research of mathematical theory and technical means in teaching practice activities, in combination with the characteristics of the subject, so as to achieve the integration of modern educational technology and mathematical teaching.

2. Research principle. It emphasizes the use of modern educational technology to show the process of the generation, formation and development of mathematical knowledge, emphasizes the reality of students' mathematical cognition, emphasizes the exploration of mathematical knowledge, emphasizes the application and transfer of mathematical knowledge, and aims to keep students' mathematical learning in the process of finding and solving problems.

3. Principle of subjectivity. Students are the main body of cognition and the active constructors of mathematical knowledge and methods. In the process of teaching, we should fully respect the dominant position of students, and let students learn and think independently of the teaching content.

4. Principle of dominance. After modern educational technology enters the classroom, it is easy to change from "teacher centered" to "multimedia centered". I believe that modern educational technology can help teachers solve some teaching problems, but it can never replace the basic responsibility of teachers to "preach, teach, and solve doubts", so we should correctly handle the relationship between teaching content and form, and between people and machines. According to the objective reality of students, give full play to the leading role, highlight the leading role of teachers in the teaching process, organically integrate learning and teaching, and reflect the educational ideology of taking the overall development of people as the ultimate goal.

5. The principle of openness. The principle of openness is a prominent feature of modern mathematics classroom teaching, and also the most important principle that should be followed in the process of integration. It includes the openness of teaching ideas, teaching content, teaching process, etc. In concept, teachers are not the only owners of knowledge; In terms of content, the teaching content is not limited to textbooks, with more channels and wider scope; In terms of learning methods, it is not limited to the classroom and does not depend on teachers' teaching. The ways are more and more extensive. Therefore, it breaks the traditional idea of the uniqueness of the answer to the question.

6. Mathematic principle. The principle of mathematics is the most essential principle that should be followed in the integration of mathematics classroom teaching and modern educational technology. The specific requirements are as follows: (1) The teaching process should fully reflect the characteristics of mathematics and mathematical thinking according to the reality of students' mathematical cognition; (2) In line with the basic principles of mathematics teaching, in the process of making full use of multimedia functions to show the generation, formation and development of mathematical knowledge, the expression should be refined, concise and comprehensive, and mathematical language and symbols should be used to avoid unnecessary words, and pay attention to the mathematical standardization of words and symbols.

7. Principle of practicality. When modern educational technology enters mathematics teaching class, two points should be paid attention to from the perspective of practicality: (1) the amount of classroom teaching information is not easy to be too large to avoid students' indigestion; (2) The courseware created by multimedia technology should be easy to operate, unified, easy to control, simple and practical.

8. Principle of efficiency. The multi-function and high performance of modern educational technology provide a solid material foundation for improving the efficiency of classroom teaching. The design of courseware should make full use of the various functions of the computer, enrich the teaching content, increase the teaching capacity, optimize the teaching process, and allow students to obtain as much information as possible in a limited time, so as to maximize the potential of students.

9. Scientific principle. Scientific nature is a necessary prerequisite for scientific research in any discipline and any field. Based on the integration activities of mathematics teaching, the teaching materials selected must conform to the educational laws and cognitive laws, guided by advanced educational science theories and teaching design ideas, the teaching purpose must be clear, the content must be accurate, and the content of teaching materials can be recreated to highlight the teaching focus and difficulties, in line with the cognitive characteristics of students.

4、 Basic Strategies of Integrating Modern Educational Technology with Mathematics Teaching

1. Integrate modern educational technology and curriculum teaching from the perspective of spiritual awareness. There are two understandings of integration: one is to integrate modern educational technology with curriculum teaching as a modern educational technology means of presenting knowledge in classroom teaching, which is a superficial and shallow integration. The other is the integration from the level of material skills as well as advanced educational ideas and scientific and technological methods. Specifically, in the teaching process, modern educational technology is used to transform teaching theory and learning theory into a systematic planning of teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching evaluation, fundamentally changing the education and teaching model, Promote the integration of the development of people's spiritual consciousness. The comprehensive analysis shows that the integration of the two must be fixed in the deep level of spiritual consciousness, with specific mathematical cases as the carrier, or the integration will be water without a source and trees without roots.

2. Strengthen the training for mathematics teachers to use modern educational technology. The integration of mathematics teaching and modern educational technology requires teachers to have the ability to skillfully use modern educational technology. If we want to improve the level and quality of mathematics teaching integration, we must first improve the level of mathematics teachers using mathematics specific software, which urgently needs high-level professional guidance. The specific leading methods are: (1) to carry out the study of special software for mathematics teaching in a planned and step-by-step manner; (2) The training work will be implemented by inviting experts from outside, using experts from inside and using both inside and outside. We should not only attach importance to the training of multimedia technology for teachers, but also attach importance to the learning and mastering of new educational ideas, educational concepts and educational methods, so as to truly form the integration of theoretical knowledge and intelligent technology.

3. Appropriate and effective application of modern educational technology. We should clearly realize that any advanced teaching method is not omnipotent, and if properly used, it will benefit a lot, otherwise it will cause endless harm. Mathematics is, after all, the product of rational thinking integrating rigor, logic, creativity and imagination, while modern educational technology is a kind of AI based technical means, which has essential differences. Excessive reliance on technology will not only restrict the openness of human brain thinking, but also lose the autonomy of human brain thinking. Therefore, a balance should be achieved between the application of modern educational technology and the traditional teaching of blackboard and pen, and modern educational technology should be used appropriately and effectively. It should also be emphasized that in the process of using modern educational technology for teaching, we should not lose the characteristics of mathematics due to the application of modern educational technology, and we should not regard modern educational technology as a tool to show off and a decoration to deal with inspection. According to the needs of mathematics teaching content, combined with the characteristics of modern educational technology, the best media is selected to truly achieve scientific and efficient application in the classroom.

4. Integration of "modern" teaching and "traditional" teaching. In the process of integration of information technology and mathematics teaching, the role of information technology and computer-assisted teaching cannot be overestimated, nor can the traditional teaching model be conservative or completely lost. As for the relationship between CAI and traditional teaching, it should be a synergistic relationship with complementary advantages. For example, as a symbol of traditional classroom teaching, blackboard still has some places that cannot be replaced by modern teaching media. The blackboard has the advantages of strong instant reproduction, writing and reading, easy operation, etc. Of course, the role of modern educational technology in mathematics teaching cannot be underestimated: (1) In terms of teaching rules, it overcomes the linear defect of traditional mathematics teaching knowledge structure, has the characteristics of information presenting in multiple forms and nonlinear network structure, and conforms to modern educational cognitive rules; (2) In terms of teaching mode, it is a teaching environment and system that can carry out individual independent learning, and it is also a teaching environment and system that can form mutual cooperation; (3) In terms of teaching content, it can integrate sound, text, pictures and images, making knowledge and information rich in sources, large in capacity, rich in content, vivid and attractive; (4) In terms of teaching means, it emphasizes the role of computer centered multimedia groups. Therefore, we should make rational and comprehensive use of various teaching media, including traditional media, integrate "modern" teaching and "traditional" teaching perfectly, learn from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses, and give full play to the comprehensive functions of various teaching methods, which is the best way to achieve the best teaching effect.

The integration of modern educational technology and mathematics curriculum is not achieved overnight, and it requires everyone's joint efforts and research. In addition, we should also emphasize that the integration of modern educational technology and mathematics curriculum is not a fixed model, and we should advocate a concept that modern educational technology is only a tool and cannot replace the position of teachers. In the integration practice of modern educational technology and mathematics curriculum, we should boldly practice, constantly explore and constantly revise, realize the continuous progress of human-computer interaction, obtain the best teaching effect, and cultivate qualified and useful talents for the society.


[1] Ji Chunqiu, Zhao Baojiang. Teaching Approaches and Methods of Mathematical Modeling Course in Normal Universities [J]. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research, 2009 (12)

[2] Li Shihong. Discussion on Information Technology and Curriculum Integration [J]. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Natural Science Edition), 2003 (8)

Chapter 7: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Key words: biology classroom teaching; teacher; Modern educational technology; student; optimization

The development of modern educational technology has brought new development opportunities for the development and progress of education. Multimedia and other technologies have become necessary for the development of education and the development of time. Biology is one of the main subjects in high school education. High school biology teaching adopts modern educational technology to integrate various technical means perfectly into students

In the classroom teaching of physics, it is the requirement of the new curriculum standard, the requirement of adapting to the development of the times, the requirement of improving the teaching quality of biology curriculum, and the requirement of meeting the needs of students' development. However, modern educational technology is not well used in high school biology teaching. How to solve this problem becomes the main content of this paper. The author combines his own teaching experience and some successful experiences at home and abroad to propose some specific solutions.

1、 Teachers should change their teaching concepts, be familiar with and master modern educational technology

Teachers play an important role in high school biology teaching. Teachers should fully realize the positive role of modern educational technology in education, actively promote the combination of modern educational technology and high school biology teaching curriculum, give full play to the role of educational technology in improving teaching quality, and help students understand biological knowledge more easily and comprehensively. In reality, many biology teachers are either unable to use modern educational technology or unable to give full play to the role of modern educational technology. Schools should pay attention to the training of teachers' teaching skills, and require teachers to keep abreast of the trend and constantly improve their own quality. Teachers should strive to change their teaching concepts, actively learn modern educational technology, skillfully apply modern educational technology to biological classroom teaching, and actively promote the combination of biological teaching and modern educational technology, so that students can better grasp biological knowledge.

2、 Using modern educational technology to improve students' interest in learning

Biology in high school is an experimental science that allows students to fully understand nature, contact nature and explore the mysteries of nature. Guide students to start with ordinary biological phenomena, and then further understand and master the basic theoretical knowledge and related skills of biology through careful observation, analysis, exploration and other ways. Through the research on biology classroom teaching, the author finds that there are many problems in teachers' teaching mode. For example, some teachers are used to forcing students to memorize some boring biological concepts and theoretical knowledge. If students cannot understand it, it is also difficult to remember, which easily leads to students losing interest in learning biology. For another example, some teachers only pay attention to the students' mastery of book knowledge, only pay attention to the students' examination results, and pay little attention to the development and progress of each student. They cannot give every student enough care and attention. The relationship between teachers and students is not very good, which will also seriously dampen the enthusiasm of students.

To solve these problems, teachers should make full use of modern educational technology to improve students' interest in learning and stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. Teachers can use multimedia teaching resources to simplify complex biological knowledge and visualize abstract biological knowledge. For example, the teaching content about the process of life activities in high school biology is difficult to experiment, and it is difficult for students to understand it only by teachers' explanation. In view of this situation, teachers can use modern educational technology, such as multimedia teaching resources, to make a dynamic courseware of the whole process of life activities, so that students can see the whole process of life activities, which is crucial to improving the quality of biological teaching. Another example is that the teacher arranges students to watch a ball game before the start of teaching, creates a situation for students, stimulates students' enthusiasm and interest in learning, and then follows the trend to trigger students to think: How can the team members transmit information? How to deal with information is the problem of the postnatal function of the team members. In this way, students' learning enthusiasm will be fully aroused and their learning efficiency will be improved.

3、 Use modern educational technology to optimize students' learning methods

The traditional biology teaching method is teacher indoctrination, which leads to a single way of learning for students, and each student's learning situation is different. The teacher's "full house indoctrination" is inefficient. In addition, the high school students have a lot of learning content, time constraints, and great pressure. The traditional teaching model can no longer meet the needs of student development. Modern educational technology can enable students to find solutions directly, accurately and quickly according to their individual learning conditions. For example, students can use network resources to directly query and obtain biological knowledge information. Not only that, modern educational technology can also flexibly analyze and process biological data information, draw tables, build models, and make video tutorials, so as to promote the diversification of students' biological learning methods. Optimizing students' learning methods through modern educational technology can effectively improve the efficiency and quality of students' learning biology.

High school biology itself is a very abstract and difficult course to learn, but the emergence of modern educational technology has brought great benefits to solve the problem of biology teaching. Teachers should fully realize the important role of modern educational technology in high school biology teaching, and strive to master the current situation

We should replace educational technology, change teaching concepts, constantly improve our own quality, and actively promote the combination of modern educational technology and high school biology classroom teaching. In this paper, the author briefly discusses the positive role of modern educational technology in senior high school biology classroom teaching

Learn technology to optimize high school biology classroom teaching behavior to make their own contributions.


[1] Tseren Deji. Discussion on the effectiveness of multimedia teaching in senior high school biology [J]. Science and Technology, 2013 (02)

Chapter 8: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

1、 Research teaching objectives, strengthen learning, and establish a new concept of education

The training goal of the major of traditional Chinese medicine is to train students to master the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and have basic pharmaceutical skills. As a course for pharmacy specialty, Marketing aims to enable students to comprehensively and systematically master the basic theories, knowledge and methods of marketing; Recognize the importance of enterprises and other organizations to strengthen marketing management in the process of economic development; Understand and analyze the marketing environment, study the market purchasing behavior, make marketing mix decisions, and organize and control the basic procedures and methods of marketing activities; Cultivate and improve the ability to correctly analyze and solve marketing management problems. From another point of view, the pharmaceutical industry in China should remain invincible in the fierce international competition. The quality and ability of the marketing personnel play a decisive role in the pharmaceutical enterprises' efforts to expand the market and obtain ideal investment profits. In addition to some of the pharmaceutical professionals will be engaged in pharmaceutical preparations, production and research and development, more and more talents have entered the pharmaceutical marketing industry and become a new force in China's pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, it is of great practical significance for the cultivation of pharmaceutical professionals and the expansion of employment channels to earnestly study marketing and master the laws, methods, means and strategies of sales. The application of different educational technology means can improve the development level and teaching ability of Marketing. To apply modern educational technology in the teaching of Marketing, teachers should learn and have the ability to use modern educational technology for teaching design, and be able to design different teaching implementation plans according to the training objectives of Chinese medicine specialty.

2、 Focusing on teaching objectives, using modern educational technology to further improve the teaching effect

According to the curriculum characteristics of Marketing, different modern educational technology can be used in the specific teaching process to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate in learning.

1. Application of audio-visual media

Audiovisual media is the core technology of modern educational technology. The use of audio-visual media can make the teaching content visualized and visual, so that it can better represent the content to be taught. The design of audio-visual media should consider the factors of image, text and color. Images are visual materials in media teaching materials. In the third section of Advertising in the chapter of Marketing Promotion Strategy, most of the use of print advertising requires images. In the chapter of Product Packaging Strategy, the principles of packaging design can be taught by using images, words and colors to express the content to be taught. For example, visual comparison is made between the old packaging and the new packaging of Yueyueshu Tongjingbao Granules produced by Wanxi Pharmaceutical to guide students to analyze and summarize the principles of packaging design.

2. Use of audio-visual media

Media that combines audiovisual perception is considered as a kind of very good communication media. It can inspire students to think and deepen their understanding of the content of the textbook. For example, when teaching the brand and packaging strategy in the chapter of commodity strategy, the textbook selects the brand "Mercedes" of German Benz to explain the connotation of the brand. However, most students still have some limitations in their understanding of this brand. In this case, by choosing Liu Yunlong's Mercedes Benz advertisement and the video of Mercedes Benz Global E-Class Car World Expo Shanghai, we can start with Mercedes Benz advertisement and introduce to students the attributes, interests, values, culture, personality and other connotations highlighted by the brand. In this way, students can deepen their understanding of the connotation of the brand by watching videos and combining with teachers' analysis and teaching. The use of audio-visual media can turn abstract knowledge points into videos that students are interested in, turn the words in textbooks into concrete examples, inspire students to think, improve students' enthusiasm for learning, stimulate their interest in learning, and achieve the teaching goal of imparting knowledge and cultivating ability.

3. Application of multimedia technology

Multimedia technology refers to the information technology that combines the forms of text, graphics, sound, animation, video, image and other media together, and edits, processes, processes and outputs them through computers, organically combines various elements of various media, and completes a series of random interactive operations. Multimedia teaching can give full play to the visual and auditory stimulation by using pictures, animations, videos and other materials, and can intuitively display abstract and boring learning content to students, which is more conducive to students' understanding and memory. Teachers can also present the teaching key points and difficulties of the taught courses as text, graphics, animation, video and audio and other teaching information through multimedia, and gradually present them according to the teaching ideas to improve students' learning interest.

Chapter 9: Model Essays on the Basic Theory of Modern Educational Technology

Key words: modern educational technology; digitization; Teaching information resources

CLC No.: G434 Document ID No.: B Article No.: 1673-8454 (2012) 07-0029-03

"Modern educational technology" is a public compulsory course for teachers' majors in normal colleges and universities stipulated by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Its main task is to enable normal students to receive training in modern educational skills before taking up teaching posts, and to master how to effectively use modern technology to assist teaching. The teaching goal of the course is that students can understand the basic theory, knowledge and skills of modern educational technology through learning the course, have the modern educational technology literacy necessary for the information age, be familiar with various teaching and learning environments supported by information technology, and be able to design and implement teaching based on various information environments, Adapt to the basic needs of school information teaching reform, and lay the foundation for teachers' professional development. In order to achieve this teaching goal, we have formulated a 45 class teaching plan, including 25 class hours of theoretical teaching and 20 class hours of experimental teaching. In order to better carry out teaching, we pay special attention to the design and construction of digital teaching information resources of courses.

1、 Current Situation of Digital Teaching Information Resources Construction of "Modern Educational Technology" Course

In order to effectively promote educational innovation, deepen teaching reform, promote the application of modern information technology in teaching, and maximize the use of high-quality teaching resources in colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education proposed the implementation of higher education teaching quality and teaching reform project in the "2003-2007 Education Revitalization Plan". Relying on the website of "Construction of National Excellent Teaching Courses in Colleges and Universities", a search shows that as of 2011, the "Modern Educational Technology" courses of 11 colleges and universities have been rated as excellent courses, including 3 national undergraduate courses, 2 national online education courses, and 6 provincial and municipal undergraduate courses. After years of construction and reform of the "modern educational technology" curriculum, the construction of teaching information resources has a certain scale and foundation, but there are also some shortcomings, which need to be solved urgently.

(1) The sharing of resources is not strong, and most of them are not updated. By browsing the "Modern Educational Technology" boutique course website, some learning resources and learning support service contents of many courses can only be used after account login. Most courses rarely improve and maintain the course website after the successful application of the boutique course. The course content is almost not updated, only some announcements or forums are updated. Therefore, in the process of resource construction, we should adopt advanced network technology and educational technology, constantly improve and perfect the curriculum platform, realize the full sharing of curriculum resources, and be able to access the latest subject dynamics and subject resources in time to meet the learning needs of learners.

(2) Lack of scientific and systematic management of resources, strong repeatability and weak applicability. The knowledge management system can be used in the construction of digital teaching information resources of courses to conduct unified and scientific management of resource construction.

(3) The international exchange of resource content needs to be strengthened. The existing course resource websites provide references, website links, extended reading materials and other resource contents, which are mostly domestic academic achievements, while foreign academic knowledge is mainly based on website links, lacking special latest academic conferences, results introduction and exchange.

2、 Principles for the Construction of Digital Teaching Information Resources in the Course of "Modern Educational Technology"

In combination with the requirements of the Technical Specification for the Construction of Educational Resources, in order to ensure the quality of the construction of curriculum resources and effectively apply it to the teaching process, the construction process of digital teaching information resources for the "modern educational technology" curriculum should follow the principles of practicality, systematicness, development and innovation.

(1) Principle of practicality. In the construction of digital teaching information resources for courses, we should, based on the specific teaching situation and the actual needs of teachers and students, purposefully and systematically carry out the construction of information resources that help teachers and students to carry out network interactive teaching, students to carry out independent learning, and inquiry learning.

(2) Systematic principle. In order to make the course digital teaching information resources form a systematic whole with reasonable structure and complete functions, in the preparation stage of resource construction, we must comprehensively consider the purpose, standard, structure, realistic conditions and other factors of resource construction, and have a holistic and systematic resource construction planning and design.

(3) Developmental principle. "Modern educational technology" is a course that is constantly developing and changing with each passing day. Therefore, the construction of resources is also a process of sustainable development. In the process of using resources, new content is constantly added to keep pace with the times.

(4) The principle of innovation. In the process of resource construction, existing resources can be processed and modified to extract more practical resources and realize re innovation of resources.

3、 Design of Digital Teaching Information Resources for "Modern Educational Technology" Course

1. Planning of "Modern Educational Technology" course module

According to the textbook of Modern Educational Technology (written by Li Fang and Ye Guping) adopted by our school, and referring to the curriculum of "Modern Educational Technology" of South China Normal University and Central China Normal University, eight theoretical learning modules and nine practical activity modules are designed, as shown in Figure 1. In the actual teaching, each teacher can adjust the teaching design content according to the actual teaching needs, design the teaching activity process suitable for different majors and different classes, and flexibly adjust the class hour arrangement of the practical activity module according to the professional characteristics.

2. Design of digital teaching information resources for "modern educational technology" courses

The Technical Specification for the Construction of Educational Resources divides educational resources into nine categories, and describes and limits educational resources through three dimensions: necessary data elements (LOM core set), extended data elements (classification attributes), and optional data elements, so as to achieve the purpose of standardization and standardization, and thus improve the compatibility and sharing of educational resources development. [1] With the development of modern educational technology, the upgrading of digital curriculum construction, and the improvement of students' learning initiative and dominant position, we believe that the digital teaching information resources of "modern educational technology" courses can be divided into educational resources, process resources, and environmental resources, as shown in Figure 2.

(1) Educational resources. It refers to the resources that ensure the smooth development of the teaching and learning process. This educational resource has a broader meaning than the Technical Specifications for the Construction of Educational Resources, including: learning guidance resources, teaching resources (resources defined in the technical specifications), and mobile resources.

1) Learning guidance resources. It refers to the necessary guiding resources and learning examples for the smooth implementation of online learning. Its role is to inspire and guide students' learning, enhance learning adaptability, improve learning efficiency, effectively obtain and use resources, and promote students' online learning ability. Such resources include video guidance, course introduction, course outline, key and difficult points of learning, learning methods, course navigation, knowledge map, etc. For example, video guided learning is a learning guide for the whole course, which mainly introduces the basic characteristics, content structure and learning methods of the course, so that learners have a general understanding of the course and a basic understanding of the course requirements to achieve effective learning of the course; Knowledge map is a kind of knowledge navigation system, which includes explicit and writable knowledge as well as tacit knowledge, and shows the important dynamic relationship between different knowledge and storage. [2]

2) Teaching resources. The Technical Specifications for the Construction of Educational Resources explains that the construction of educational resources has four levels of meaning: the construction of educational resources of materials; Network course construction; Evaluation and screening of resources; The construction of tool level defines nine types of resources: including media materials (also divided into text materials, graphics materials, audio materials, video materials, animation materials), question bank, test paper materials, courseware and online courseware, cases, literature resources, FAQs, resource catalog index, and online courses.

3) Move resources. The role of such resources is that teachers and students can use mobile devices to achieve 4A autonomous learning and interactive teaching activities. According to the media form used, it mainly includes text materials, audio materials, video materials, electronic courseware, electronic teaching plans and other rich and diverse mobile learning resources in various formats, and it is supported by a network platform suitable for mobile browsing. You can browse courses, obtain resources, participate in discussions, etc. by logging on the mobile platform.

(2) Process resources. It refers to the works and achievements generated in the process of students' learning. These works and achievements reflect the process and effect of students' learning, and are of great significance for the implementation of formative assessment and summative assessment to improve the comprehensiveness and scientificity of learning assessment. [3] Such resources include paper works, practical achievements, learning experiences, learning notes, experimental reports, learning forums, etc.

(3) Environmental resources. Such resources refer to the software environment supporting the teaching and learning process. It is mainly reflected in online teaching platform, mobile learning platform, system management platform, and learning tools (such as learning plan making tools, learning note tools, subject dictionary, QQ group, blog platform, learning forum, etc.).

4、 Construction of Digital Teaching Information Resources of "Modern Educational Technology" Course

The construction of digital teaching information resources for "modern educational technology" courses can be divided into preparation stage, design stage, construction stage, evaluation stage, and re innovation stage. The specific process is shown in Figure 3.

In the preparation stage, the characteristics of learners can be analyzed. Through pre-school assessment or learning style test, students' knowledge, skills, emotions and other conditions can be predicted to understand students' knowledge reserves, so as to generate targeted learning suggestions, or test students' learning styles, and provide corresponding personalized learning suggestions and learning support, The module analysis of learning content is carried out to plan the learning content of the course as a whole, and then the overall design of digital teaching information resources of the course is obtained through the analysis of educational resources, process resources and environmental resources. Select development tools on the basis of resource design, collect materials, and carry out the resource construction stage. The resources after construction shall be tested and evaluated for their educational, scientific, technical, artistic and systematic stability. If the evaluation fails to meet the standard, they will be returned for revision. If the evaluation meets the standard, it will be formal. During the use of resources, resources will be accumulated, integrated and processed to achieve re innovation of resources.

5、 Conclusion

Whether teachers have the ability to apply educational technology in line with the pulse of education is the decisive factor for carrying out educational reform and realizing educational informatization. [4] The construction of high-quality digital teaching information resources can promote students to effectively carry out various studies, thus cultivating strong modern educational technology capabilities, improving teachers' professional level, and becoming the leader of "digital survival".


[1] Yu Shengquan, Zhu Lingyun System Structure and Application Mode of Technical Specification for Educational Resources Construction [J]. China Audio Visual Education, 2003 (3): 51-55

[2] Knowledge map [DB/OL] baike. Omit/view/766171.htm