Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model of corporate image management system

Selected Corporate Image Management System (9)

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 Corporate image management system

Part 1: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: thinking about the construction of enterprise culture

1、 Strengthening the construction of enterprise culture is an important way to promote the development of measurement and testing

Enterprise culture, also known as enterprise spirit, is an enterprise management theory aimed at strengthening operation and management, with human management as the main body, and based on the behavior of employee groups. It is also a value concept and code of conduct recognized by all employees. As a large system, corporate culture contains corporate philosophy, corporate spirit, corporate goals, corporate values, corporate quality, corporate democracy, corporate ethics, corporate system, sense of solidarity, corporate cultural and sports activities Corporate image And other subsystems, almost covering all aspects of enterprise activities. It can be said that corporate culture reflects the essential characteristics of an enterprise's operation and management. The construction of corporate culture is a conscious, targeted and deep-seated strategic measure and management behavior. Its basic content includes three aspects: first, the construction of corporate spirit. The direct purpose is to form a group awareness and values with the characteristics of the enterprise, and to be consciously observed by all employees; Second, enterprise system construction. The direct purpose is to form a management system And management environment, and in the process of improving management level, make all employees feel the full realization of personal value; Third, establish the corporate image. The direct purpose is to improve the brand value, social reputation, popularity and reputation of the enterprise. A good corporate image can generate strong cohesion and centripetal force internally, establish a good reputation externally, expand market influence and improve competitiveness. The measurement and testing unit is the most closely connected part with the society. It is not only the carrier of achieving economic benefits, but also an important window to display the measurement and testing brand and image. It can be said that the level of measurement and test management is most intuitively displayed through the corporate culture. Therefore, strengthening the construction of enterprise culture is one of the important ways to promote the management level of measurement and testing.

2、 An Effective Method to Strengthen the Construction of Enterprise Culture by Quantitative Testing

(1) Use common ideals to motivate employees and enhance their sense of responsibility as masters

In the construction of enterprise culture, we should vigorously promote the enterprise spirit, enterprise goals and enterprise values, enhance the sense of unity and sense of responsibility of all employees of the unit, make every employee of the unit consciously think that he is the owner of the enterprise, rather than a migrant worker, and adopt various ways to let this idea penetrate into the ears and minds of the people, Gradually become the conscious action of all employees, and give full play to their potential in their respective posts, so as to promote and improve the management level and service quality of measurement and testing, and realize the harmonious development of the enterprise and employees.

(2) Formulate standardized system, strictly operate procedures, and realize service standardization

The management system should have the characteristics of the enterprise and adapt to the management environment, so as to improve the management level and enable all employees to feel the full realization of personal value in the process of implementing the system. The management system of measurement and testing must be able to standardize the behavior of employees. Only by operating in strict accordance with the standardized procedures can the corporate culture idea of service first be fully reflected in the service process. For example, normative and standard measurement and testing operation management procedures, if they can be implemented as system specifications, they will greatly improve the service quality of measurement and testing and fully display the good image of the enterprise, laying the foundation for the enterprise to expand the market and enhance profitability.

(3) Create the image of measurement and testing enterprises and provide quality services

Corporate image is a part of corporate culture, the display and performance of corporate culture, and the cognition and evaluation of corporate culture in society or market. The carrier of enterprise image is enterprise, enterprise behavior and enterprise activity results. The first carrier is the institutional carrier, which mainly displays the most exposed and intuitive surface phenomena such as enterprise name, trademark, factory emblem, factory song, and factory environment. The second carrier is enterprise behavior, which mainly includes production behavior, management behavior, business behavior, marketing behavior, public relations behavior, etc. These behaviors display the image of enterprise staff, management image, business image, market image, social image, etc. The third carrier is the results of enterprise activities. Measurement and testing is a service window, which can show the corporate image in the form of three carriers at the same time. At present, the measurement test has a unified logo of the group company on the surface image, and now it is important to shape the image on the second and third carriers. We should pay more attention to the image of employees, management image, business image, market image and social image. The establishment of these images must rely on the improvement of the quality of employees, and high-quality service can win the trust of users. In daily operation, we should conscientiously implement the service concept of "paying attention to details and doing with heart", regard customer satisfaction as the eternal pursuit, adhere to all for customers, creatively meet customers' needs, so that a single service can leave a good image in the hearts of customers, and thus shape the image of measurement and testing for credibility and quality service. It is true to mold people with a unified culture, restrain people with system management, retain people with sincere service, and attract people with a good image.

3、 Several problems should be paid attention to in the construction of enterprise culture in measurement testing

(1) Practicability should be paid attention to in the construction of enterprise culture

The construction of enterprise culture should first make clear what problems to solve and how to solve them. Without pertinence, it may be aimless and affect the effect; Without operability, it may become an armchair strategist and cannot be implemented. Only when it is targeted and operational at the same time can the enterprise culture have vitality and competitiveness. Rules and regulations are the direct embodiment of the cultural construction of measurement and testing units. They should be scientific and standardized, with clear responsibilities, smooth processes, and clear accounts to be operable. For example, the post responsibility system of measurement and testing must have very clear provisions on the responsibilities, work objectives and work processes of each post, so that employees can clearly understand what they should do and how to do it. Instead of passively completing the tasks assigned by their superiors, they actively participate in management and improve management, truly making basic management from asking their superiors for everything to being managed by people, This can not only effectively strengthen the management of the whole unit, but also fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate in management.

(2) Adhere to the Combination of Inheritance and Innovation in Developing Enterprise Culture

Inheritance is the basis of innovation, and innovation is the development of inheritance. Measurement and testing is a grass-roots organization of the aviation industry. In addition to inheriting and carrying forward the cultural spirit of the aviation industry, its corporate culture construction should also have its own innovation and development. We should mainly innovate in management from two aspects. First, we should innovate in thinking. First of all, we should change the traditional concept model, that is, the management concept of "the emperor's daughter does not worry about marriage", and the awareness of "waiting", "relying" and "wanting" in organizational management. Secondly, we should adapt to the requirements of the development of market economy and construct a new concept of thinking, that is, focusing on cultivating and maintaining the overall image of aviation enterprises, strict cost concept and total quality management concept, establishing brand strategy awareness, strengthening crisis management concept and competition awareness; Establish the modern civilized business concept of "people first, customer is God", etc. The second is to carry out market innovation. If an enterprise wants to succeed, it must rely on market innovation. We should attach importance to the use of promotion concepts to develop and manage the market and strengthen the close relationship with customers. So as to better promote the development of aviation industry.

(3) To carry out the construction of enterprise culture, we should attach importance to improving the management system and improving the management level

Part 2: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: corporate culture; Image management

CLC No.: F270 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1001-828X (2011) 12-0051-01

1、 Concept and content of corporate image management

Corporate image is the concrete manifestation of corporate culture, which is essentially the mirror image of corporate culture. As a form of modern culture, corporate culture is the composition of three parts of corporate material civilization, spiritual civilization and corporate population, so it should be understood from three aspects. 1. Corporate image is the image of tangible assets of an enterprise. Including many natural attributes of enterprises, such as; Plant, land, equipment, products and other production or non production tangible resources. Generally, it has accessibility and visibility. 2. The intangible asset image of the enterprise includes some invisible but intangible value images, such as patent technology and brand value. 3. The image of enterprise crowd, including the image of enterprise crowd to the public, is directly related to the establishment of enterprise image. Enterprise crowd is not only the shaper of enterprise image, but also the destroyer of enterprise image.

At the same time, the corporate management image is based on the product image and aims at the corporate image. It not only focuses on the internal quality, but also emphasizes the overall management of external performance. Its content is mainly reflected in five aspects, including the overall image of the enterprise, product image management, environmental image management, employee image management, and social image management.

2、 The Importance of Corporate Image Management

Corporate image management is a kind of overall, strategic and comprehensive management, which will undoubtedly infiltrate into all kinds of enterprise management to command all kinds of management. If there are various problems and losses in management, it will undoubtedly damage the corporate image. Therefore, we should focus on the management of corporate image, starting from the content and all aspects of corporate image, so that enterprises can firmly establish a conscious image awareness from top to bottom, and implement it in concrete actions. It is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

1. Overall corporate image. It should be an enterprise image that conforms to both the development strategy and the current needs, with accurate positioning, high generalization, specific image and distinctive characteristics. Once established, it will become the guide and code of conduct for all management activities of enterprises.

2. Product image management. Starting from the height of enterprise image, it implements unified management on all aspects of product development and design, material selection, modeling and processing, color selection, name determination, trademark registration and after-sales service. It is the basis of enterprise image. Without a good product image, enterprise image cannot be talked about.

3. Environmental image management. It is the construction and performance of production, work and living conditions of enterprises, and the external form of enterprises. It creates good working conditions for enterprise employees and provides a good external image to the outside world. It involves working environment and living environment. Management of enterprise appearance and community environment.

4. Employee image management. It is the personification of enterprise image management and the fundamental guarantee of enterprise image. Through employee image management, we should comprehensively improve the internal quality and external performance in professional ethics, professional skills, cultural literacy, mental outlook, speech and behavior, clothing and service attitude. A good employee image can spread the corporate image to all directions, root in the society, and organically combine the enterprise's own value and social value

5. Social image management. It is the embodiment of the concept and specific performance of being responsible for society, the public and the environment. On the one hand, actively make due contributions to society; On the other hand, it shows the unique values and responsibilities of the enterprise. Deepen the public's sense of closeness, identification and trust to the enterprise, so as to transform it into good economic and social benefits.

3、 How to strengthen the image management of enterprises

1. The enterprise's overall image management should be combined with the enterprise's strategic norms to strengthen the integrity of the enterprise's strategy and improve the implementation of the strategy.

On the one hand, enterprises should carry out the overall image management at a strategic height, formulate the overall image strategy that meets the enterprise conditions, strengthen the integrity of the enterprise strategy, and give play to the strategic planning power; On the other hand, corporate image management can help enterprises turn strategy into action and strengthen their strategic execution. Accurately and effectively convey strategic information, create scope, and achieve recognition of strategic vision.

2. Corporate image management should be combined with corporate culture construction to pave the way for corporate culture construction. "Innovative culture breeds innovative cause, and innovative cause encourages innovative culture". Therefore, the construction of corporate culture can be implemented through the overall image management of the enterprise. We should persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, constantly promote institutional innovation and cultural innovation through theoretical innovation, and provide scientific theoretical guidance, strong institutional guarantee and good cultural scope for scientific and technological innovation.

3. The overall image management of the enterprise should be combined with the enterprise brand to ensure the creation of a good brand image. Branded goods have become the most basic cell in today's market economy, and brand is the most important image asset and concentrated embodiment of enterprises. The close combination of overall image management and enterprise brand management is a strategic measure for brand to rise from a marketing tool to an enterprise. At the same time, the brand's own unique cultural attributes, through the image management system, make it the unity of corporate culture, value and economic value, shape, maintain and innovate the brand image, It has become the basic survival threshold and the fundamental driving force for the development of enterprises in the 21st century.

4. The overall image management of the enterprise should be combined with the innovation of the enterprise system, so that people can be united, ideas can be unified, and the overall reform atmosphere can be created. How to comprehensively shape the market-oriented image of Chinese enterprises has become a historic topic. In the process of system transformation, enterprises have a myriad of problems and need to find the entry point and path to solve the problems. Develop enterprise identification system and establish new image standards. The overall image management of enterprises is a very important auxiliary measure.

5. The overall image management of the enterprise is combined with improving the profitability of the enterprise. With the development of the economy, the profitability of the enterprise increasingly depends on the value creation ability of the enterprise image. The uniqueness of image creation is to create a kind of scarce resources, so as to enhance the ability of enterprises to create value, which will profoundly affect the design of enterprise benefit model. Innovation has become a way to improve enterprise productivity, create value and gain profitability. Product image innovation, service image innovation and channel image innovation have become important ways to improve the profitability of enterprises, which provides a wide range of practical applications for the overall image management.

To sum up, the establishment of corporate image needs to be put into management, which is just the beginning. The true establishment of corporate image depends on the spread of corporate culture. Only when the corporate image acts on the outside world can it be truly called the corporate image and shape the characteristics of the enterprise in the market economy.


[1] Yang Du. On Enterprise Growth [M]. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 1996

Part 3: Model of Corporate Image Management System

[Key words] Property management brand image innovation strategy

1、 Elements of Brand Image of Property Management

Brand image is a collection of images and concepts about various elements of a brand that exist in people's minds, mainly brand knowledge and people's attitude towards brands. The brand image of property management enterprises can be divided into internal image and external image according to their manifestations. The internal image mainly includes:

1. Service image. The main content of property management is to serve the owners. The "product" of property management enterprises is "service". The property management enterprise obtains the satisfaction and loyalty of the owner by virtue of the service to the owner, so as to obtain the remuneration and realize the purpose of making profits. If the property management enterprise does not have a strong sense of service, cannot meet the requirements of most owners, and does not establish a good service image, it is impossible for the enterprise to create a brand. Therefore, it can be said that service is the foundation of brand.

2. Cultural image. The brand culture image is the recognition and evaluation of the owner and the public on the brand culture or the overall corporate culture embodied by the brand. The brand culture, together with the environmental image, employee image and entrepreneur image of the enterprise, constitutes a complete enterprise culture. The brand of the property management enterprise is actually a concentrated reflection of the external divergent force of the corporate culture.

3. Management image. The brand management image is the recognition and evaluation of the owners and the public on the standardized management and anti risk ability of the property management enterprise. An enterprise with a good management image plays an important role in maintaining and appreciating the value of the property.

The external image of the brand of the property management enterprise includes the image of the brand identity system and the reputation of the brand in the market and consumers.

The brand identity system image is the recognition and evaluation of the owner and the public on the brand identity system. The brand identity system includes brand names, trademark patterns, logo characters, standard colors and other brand appearances, such as the Peace Dove logo of Vanke Property, the Great Wall logo and the Big Tree logo of Great Wall Property.

High quality brand image is a necessary condition for enterprises to enter the high-end market, and also a necessary condition for a brand to be widely recognized by consumers and become a famous brand. As a property management enterprise, brand innovation strategy must be implemented to improve brand quality image. The brand innovation strategy of property management enterprises includes internal skills and external communication.

2、 Main strategies for property management enterprises to improve their internal skills

1. Accurate market positioning. "Brand" has a unique image, personality, is especially suitable for a certain part, and has specific interests. Only those enterprises that are committed to adapting to a certain type of market demand segmentation and positioning will have the most vitality. Therefore, to establish a brand, property management enterprises should first establish a target market and accurately position the market. For example, Derun Marriott Property has two management projects, Beijing Marriott International Apartment and Tangquan Villa. According to the service functions, main buildings, auxiliary equipment, supporting facilities, roads, traffic and other conditions of each project, the company positions Marriott International Apartment as a senior apartment management and introduces a hotel management model; Tangquan Villa is positioned as a high-end residential area, and a high standard and high-grade service standard has been formulated. Accurate market positioning provides an essential prerequisite for enterprises to build brands.

2. Implement standardized management.

(1) Scientifically set up the organizational structure and build a high-quality staff team. The scientific setting of the organization and the reasonable allocation of personnel are conducive to improving the management ability and work efficiency of the enterprise and ensuring that the enterprise can continuously provide efficient and high-quality services to customers. The company should pursue the miniaturization of enterprise management organization in terms of organizational structure. Managers are required to have professional knowledge and experience; Engineering and technical personnel should be professional and versatile with strong adaptability; Service management personnel must have high quality and good image. We should set up jobs and take part-time jobs reasonably to avoid unnecessary cost loss and use more resources to meet the diverse needs of consumers. Employee management is the core work of the service industry. The fundamental way to improve management service level is to conduct employee management.

(2) The whole chapter is organized. Improving the company system and building a scientific management system is the cornerstone of brand innovation. The company must develop a set of management system covering the functions of all departments and the code of conduct of employees at all levels, so that all departments and employees at all levels have rules to follow and clear responsibilities and rights in their work, and the company gradually enters into standardized operation. For example, according to the requirements of the management system, each department of Bailian Property has formulated 182 departmental responsibilities, job responsibilities, and various systems. It has improved the establishment of the company's system, reflecting the clear responsibilities of departments and personnel, clear work interfaces, and reasonable distribution of rights and obligations.

(3) Strengthen on-site management. Strengthening on-site management is an effective way to enhance the value of property management services. For example, Bailian Property has specially set up an amateur supervision team. The supervisors come from each property management office, and use their spare time (including night time) to supervise the property management offices under the company at fixed and non fixed points, explore the good practices and experiences of each property management point in management, and exchange and promote them; The deficiencies and problems found shall be corrected and rectified.

(4) Establish ISO9000 quality management system and ISO14000 environmental management system. It is an effective quality assurance strategy for property management enterprises to actively establish the ISO9000 quality management system and make their property management level in line with international general standards as soon as possible. The establishment of ISO14000 environmental management system is another competitive strategy for property management enterprises, following the ISO9000 quality management system, to meet the needs of international integration, national policy requirements and the expectations of businesses and the public.

3. Provide refined and personalized services. Refined service is to implement the management responsibility and make the property management service responsibility specific and clear. It requires that every step of the service should be meticulous and every link should be meticulous. Its purpose is to improve the quality with details, and then innovate the enterprise brand.

Personalized service refers to the service with added value provided by property management enterprises to owners, which is different from other standard services, and is beyond the imagination of owners, aiming at different needs and potential needs of each owner. Personalized service competitors can't imitate and customers can't compare, so it can comprehensively improve the brand level of property services.

Part 4: Model of Corporate Image Management System

From Sudan red to melamine, from gutter oil to dyed steamed buns, the food safety problem of frequent red lights has attracted much attention, and the enterprises related to the problem are facing a serious image crisis. At the same time, it triggered the thinking of all circles on the corporate image crisis and risk.

Recently, the chief executive of Hangzhou food enterprises participated in the "food safety legal examination for legal persons and managers of food production enterprises", and the examination results directly affect whether enterprises can obtain production licenses. Undoubtedly, examinations have played a regulatory role: first, they are linked with qualification licensing, making the responsibility for safe production inescapable; The second is to promote the enterprise legal person and management personnel to know, understand and abide by the law; Third, it has attracted the attention of the society and has played an exemplary role in safety production education in other fields.

However, the legal education of enterprise legal persons and management personnel is only the beginning. In the whole operation of the enterprise and the production process of products, the implementation of the principles of safety and standardization also requires the strict management of the enterprise itself.

In recent years, food safety issues have been particularly prominent, such as Mengniu milk carcinogenesis and expiration, fruits and vegetables containing illegal pesticides, Shuanghui clenbuterol incident... Although Mengniu, Shuanghui and other enterprises have made corresponding disposal and apologized to consumers after the exposure of the problem, the image and social trust of enterprises have been severely damaged, whether to enterprises themselves or consumers, All caused damage.

The reason why enterprises frequently have problems is that they involve a wide range of risks, and many risk factors fail to attract the attention of enterprise managers, which is impossible to prevent.

Although the "food safety legal examination for legal persons and managers of food production enterprises" has attracted the attention of food enterprises to a certain extent, "there are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom", as reported by the media, "33 enterprises have actively changed their legal representatives because of the examination, and a group of young people have taken the leadership position in food production instead of their parents". To a certain extent, we can think that the change of the legal representative of the enterprise is not for the purpose of more effective management of the enterprise, but only for the purpose of "taking the exam". We don't know what specific actions the enterprise will take after passing the exam. We can't say that the enterprise bosses with problems have "high scores but low abilities". We can only say that in the process of enterprise management, they failed to achieve "unity of knowledge and practice".

A large number of enterprise managers and managers believe that the crisis is accidental and encountering, and they do not realize the importance of internal causes. On the basis of a large number of case studies, we believe that corporate image crises are generally from the inside out, and their responsibilities include their own management and operation responsibilities and social responsibilities. The Research Report on Image Crisis Response (2012) points out that 89.19% of corporate image crisis is a "self inflicted" crisis. The enterprise is directly responsible for the image crisis of the enterprise. Enterprises should focus on preventing the "self caused" image crisis in product production, product circulation, enterprise operation, enterprise internal management, enterprise leaders and corporate social responsibility, and strive to reduce the corporate image crisis.

The risks involved in the corporate image crisis will also directly affect the outbreak of the "front office" image crisis, and the effective response of the "back office" responsibility subject is crucial. Only when the "back office" operates effectively can the "front office" be safe. Therefore, enterprises should strengthen their own internal control and management, improve various links such as product production, product circulation, company operation and personnel management, improve management systems, improve personnel quality, effectively grasp the whole process, and implement risk prevention and control in every detail of every link.

Enterprises also need to focus on the prevention and control of the focus issues of social concern, focus on the monitoring and tracking of high-risk risks, and do a good job in risk early warning and risk assessment while conducting scientific management. Each link of the enterprise must withstand the supervision of superior leaders, supervision departments and stakeholders in many aspects, and withstand the test of the actual situation to ensure that there is no risk, effectively prevent risks, and build a good image of itself.

Part 5: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: financial management; business management; Central position; Important functions; Modern enterprise management system

CLC No.: F275 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1001-828X (2013) 02-0-01

The market economy system of our country is constantly improving and deepening, which directly affects the nature and role of enterprise financial management and the position of enterprise financial management in enterprise management.

1、 Concept and content of enterprise financial management

The so-called enterprise financial management mainly refers to an economic management work that an enterprise organizes financial activities and deals with financial relationships with all aspects. Financial management is a kind of value management that reflects the value movement in the production process of an enterprise. As far as financial management is concerned, it can be divided into investment management, cost management, financing management and income management, etc. It is characterized by strong comprehensiveness and wide coverage.

The financial revenue and expenditure activities of enterprises mainly include financing activities, investment activities, business activities and distribution activities. Enterprise financing activities refer to the financial revenue and expenditure activities arising from the enterprise's raising of capital or working capital; Enterprise investment activities mainly refer to the financial revenue and expenditure activities arising from the use of funds raised by enterprise awards for investment and profit or expansion of business scale; The business activities of an enterprise mainly refer to the capital income and expenditure activities under the current account carried out by the enterprise to carry out production and business activities; Distribution activities of enterprises mainly refer to the financial revenue and expenditure activities caused by the distribution of profits from production and operation or foreign investment. According to the content of enterprise financial revenue and expenditure activities, enterprise financial management also includes four aspects: enterprise financing management, enterprise investment management, working capital management, and the management of profits and their distribution. So today, when the socialist market economy is playing a huge role, the financial management of enterprises must make strategic adjustments and strategic transfers to these problems with a targeted view, so as to ensure that it can adapt to the management system under the socialist market economy, In a word, in order to better adapt to the market economy, modern enterprises under the background of socialist market economy must establish a management system consistent with it, attach importance to enterprise management, and ensure that financial management is the center.

2、 The Objective Necessity of Establishing the Central Position of Financial Management in Enterprise Management

There is an objective inevitability for enterprises to establish the central position of financial management in the management process. The author analyzes this problem from the following two aspects. On the one hand, it is determined by the important function of financial management in economic development. Under the new situation, if enterprises want to continuously increase their own strength, they need to do a good job in controlling funds, improve the operating capacity of funds, and enhance the preservation and appreciation of funds. As a financial manager of an enterprise, making a scientific and reasonable financial plan not only increases the productivity of enterprise resources, but also effectively improves the profitability of enterprise resources. To sum up, decisions involving any aspect of financial management will play an important role in the survival and development of enterprises; On the other hand, the strengthening of financial management can promote modern enterprises. In order to realize the rapid development of enterprises under the conditions of socialist market economy, it is the only way to establish a modern enterprise system and deepen the scientific management of the internal reform of enterprises. For the construction of enterprise system, firstly, it is necessary to establish a scientific internal management system and conduct scientific management of enterprise business activities. Second, we should base ourselves on good financial and accounting work. In short, clarifying the central position of financial management in enterprise management will greatly promote the production and development of enterprises.

3、 Establish an enterprise management system centered on financial management

Under the background of socialist market economy, more and more enterprises have attached importance to the establishment of an enterprise management system centered on financial management. For the financial management of enterprises, in the production and operation activities, the business managers should implement the capital budget management, cost budget management and comprehensive budget management as a whole, and finally establish a scientific and reasonable financial budget management system, which not only gives full play to the important decision-making function of enterprise financial management, but also achieves the ultimate goal of constantly improving the economic efficiency of enterprises. Therefore, the author believes that establishing the central position of financial management in enterprise management still needs to establish an enterprise management system centered on financial management. The author discusses the necessity of establishing an enterprise management system centered on financial management from three aspects.

(1) In modern enterprise management, vigorously expand the field of financial management

To establish an enterprise management system centered on financial management, we must first vigorously expand the field of financial management. With the increasing degree of China's opening to the outside world, the protection period after China's accession to the WTO will expire, the speed of capital market opening will accelerate, and a large amount of foreign capital will enter the Chinese market. If Chinese enterprises do not improve their financial management system and pay no attention to the management of capital operation, it will bring huge losses to enterprises and even the country.

Therefore, in modern enterprise management, we should vigorously expand the field of financial management, add new content in many aspects of financial management, such as financial risk management, human capital management, insurance management, etc., establish an independent financial management department, and comprehensively improve the level of financial management. In modern enterprise management, the main functions of financial management not only include raising funds, using funds and passively providing financial statements to the outside world, but also need to study the application of national laws and regulations, pay attention to the balance of capital structure, and verify and calculate long-term investment, control short-term investment, and plan the economic benefits of enterprises in different periods, Comprehensive regulation such as reliability analysis of foreseeable risks and dynamic allocation of production economic factors is used to provide timely and accurate basis for business decisions. Therefore, it is the first step to vigorously expand the field of financial management in modern enterprise management to establish an enterprise management system.

(2) Establish a sound internal financial management system

The establishment of an enterprise management system centered on financial management is supported by a sound internal financial management system. Although the ultimate goal of the financial management department and other relevant departments of the enterprise is to provide services for the enterprise, each department has its own different division of labor and corresponding terms of reference. In the formation of this enterprise network management system, financial management is the center, and all departments coordinate with each other to provide services for the enterprise. For the concrete implementation of the internal financial management system management system of the enterprise, the budget should be the center in the production and operation management, the fund management should be the center in the financial management, and the formation of the enterprise management system should be the center in the index assessment mechanism. Only by establishing the important position and role of financial management in enterprise management can enterprises experience the fierce market tide and remain invincible in the fierce market competition. So in short, a sound and perfect internal financial management system is also an important part of the enterprise management system.

(3) The main contents of the financial image constitute the corporate image

The establishment of an enterprise management system centered on financial management also requires the establishment of a good corporate financial image, which is an indispensable part of the corporate image. Then what aspects should the enterprise financial image be evaluated from? What are its evaluation criteria? To sum up, the enterprise financial situation, the enterprise's comprehensive strength and the enterprise's operating results are the main criteria for financial image. To grasp and understand the financial image of an enterprise is the key to evaluate whether an enterprise has sufficient financial strength and a solid financial foundation. For an enterprise, a good corporate image is an important task to adapt to the market economy under the modern enterprise system. Therefore, grasping the financial image is also the main content of establishing a good corporate image.

Therefore, consciously maintaining good financial conditions and considerable operating results, timely fulfilling payment obligations, and actively carrying out financial public relations activities can improve the financial image of enterprises, give full play to the central role of financial management, and thus improve the corporate image. The advantages and disadvantages of the financial image show the advantages and disadvantages of the external environment on which the enterprise is based in its development, and also show the strength and weakness of the enterprise's ability to use the financial market to finance and invest. Especially for listed companies, the good financial situation and operating results of enterprises are the fundamental factors that determine the stock market, and also the most powerful expression of the stability of stock prices. The good financial image, good product image and the image of consciously abiding by the law constitute the corporate image. It is an important part of corporate goodwill and an intangible asset that cannot be underestimated. To sum up, the establishment of an enterprise management system centered on financial management can truly realize the central position of financial management in enterprise management, and truly realize the survival and future development of enterprises.


[1] Sun Shiying. On the position of financial management in enterprise management and how to play its role [J] Journal of Zhejiang Vocational College of Industry and Commerce, 2005 (04)

[2] Hou Chao. The Status and Role of Financial Management in Enterprise Management [J]. Economic Perspective, 2005 (11)

Part 6: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: culture; Transnational operation

CLC No.: F74

Document ID: A


1 Corporate culture

Academic circles at home and abroad have different views and ideas on the definition of corporate culture. Terrence E. Deal and Allan A. Kennedy wrote in Corporate Culture that corporate culture consists of five elements: corporate environment, values, heroes, ceremonies and ceremonies, and cultural network; Kotter, John P., in Corporate Culture and Business Performance (2004), divided corporate culture into two levels: values and behavior norms. In addition, the domestic academic community also has many understandings of corporate culture. Liu Guangming (2006) believes that: "corporate culture can be divided into broad and narrow senses, which broadly refers to corporate material culture, behavioral culture, etc., and narrow sense refers to corporate ideology with values as the core."; Although scholars at home and abroad have their own unique views on the understanding and description of corporate culture, there is no fundamental difference in essence. After reading a lot of literature, this paper tentatively defines corporate culture as: corporate culture is the sum of values, systems, and codes of conduct that can be recognized by employees, restrain and motivate employees, and promote the development and progress of enterprises.

2 Enterprise I Transnational operation

2.1 Multinational enterprises

The embryonic form of transnational corporations can be traced back to the middle of the 18th century, when individual enterprises began to run enterprises abroad to engage in production and business activities in the powerful countries with an earlier industrial revolution in the West. In the second half of the 20th century, in the increasingly integrated world economy, transnational corporations have become the core organizers of current global economic activities. In the 1990s, transnational corporations closely linked the world economy and formed an integrated production and management system. Its scale continues to expand, almost everywhere in the world. The 21st century is called the "era of transnational corporations".

There are different views and propositions in the academic circles on what conditions can an enterprise be called a multinational company. Sullivan, Daniel (2003), a famous American expert on transnational corporations, believes that "transnational corporations are enterprises engaged in business activities between two or more countries. They can be either private enterprises or state-owned enterprises. Regardless of their ownership and profitability, these enterprises are transnational corporations." S E. Rolfe believes that multinational companies should have 25% or more foreign business performance (quoted from Fan Qiangqiang, 2004). To sum up, there are three standards for judging transnational corporations: operating standards, structural standards and United Nations standards. Now, the more accurate definition of transnational corporations is formed after the United Nations draft Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations further supplemented and improved the above definition in 1986: transnational corporations refer to enterprises in the form of public, private or mixed ownership formed by entities in more than two countries, which operate in a decision-making system, Obtain consistent policies and common strategies through one or more decision-making centers; The entities in the company are connected through ownership or other forms, so that one or more entities can exert effective influence on the activities of other entities, especially sharing knowledge, resources and responsibilities with other entities.

2.2 Current situation and characteristics of transnational operation of enterprises

In 2000, after China implemented the "going out" strategy, many domestic enterprises went abroad to seek opportunities. According to the Report on the Development of Chinese Multinational Corporations (2015) (Lu Jinyong, Li Jianming, Yang Liqiang, 2015), at present, there are 6182 enterprises engaged in transnational operations in China. After China's entry into the WTO, the transnational process of Chinese enterprises has been further accelerated, and the overseas investment and transnational operation of enterprises have made great progress. Among them, a number of backbone enterprises, such as PetroChina, Sinopec, Huayuan, Haier, TCL, Changhong, Konka, have achieved breakthrough progress and achievements. However, due to the late entry of Chinese enterprises into transnational operations and weak management links, many enterprises still have obvious primary characteristics in transnational operations. These primary characteristics are mainly manifested in the following aspects: (1) In terms of employee communication and cooperation, Chinese enterprises often fail to manage their employees reasonably due to differences in language, etc. (2) In terms of system construction and execution, most multinational enterprises do not have a perfect system and are still in the process of exploration. Due to the diversity of employees, the execution of formal systems is weak. (3) In terms of system operation cost, the enterprise is still in the stage of constantly improving the system, which requires a large cost. (4) With the strengthening of enterprise innovation, many multinational companies can well absorb and learn from foreign advanced management development concepts. (5) Consumers have weak awareness of corporate image.

3. The role of corporate culture in the process of transnational operation

3.1 Reducing cultural conflicts

By creating a good environment, harmonious interpersonal relationships and excellent corporate ethos, the corporate culture enables employees to truly integrate into the enterprise and restrict themselves according to the rules and regulations of the enterprise. In this good working environment, employees from different countries and regions can work with the core value culture of the enterprise as the guide. Cultural differences such as language, customs and habits under the corporate culture will be despised or even ignored to a certain extent. In addition, when cultural conflicts arise, management personnel can also guide employees' thoughts and behaviors through words and actions, so that employees of multinational enterprises can be proud of their contributions to the enterprise, regard the enterprise as their pride in life, coordinate and unify their personal goals and corporate goals, constantly improve their ability, and increase their personal value in the enterprise.

3.2 Make up for the shortcomings of system construction and promote the effective implementation of the system

Professor Zhang Weiying of Peking University once said: "Culture is an idea, value and code of conduct that can not be formally stipulated in words. With these informal codes of conduct, we can make up for the lack of formal norms, and also make the formal norms more effective." With the continuous development of multinational enterprises, While ensuring that the enterprise can establish itself in the local market, it maintains its original business characteristics and overall development strategy. The types of work in the enterprise are gradually increasing, and the attendant complexity of work has become a management problem for many multinational companies. The formal management system cannot specify the responsibility and authority of the enterprise. Employees from different countries all have their own working habits and ways of communication, which is a big problem for the system construction of enterprises in transnational operations. Therefore, soft constraint has become an essential management element for multinational companies. Corporate culture can create a good psychological contract (Potter Martin, 2001), so that employees can still take the company and the collective as the guide to complete their work when things outside the system specifications occur in the future, do a good job in linking work, and improve the existing system; In addition, the corporate culture enables employees to take the initiative to take responsibility in the part of responsibility and authority with vague boundaries, communicate effectively, and promote the implementation of formal norms more effectively.

3.3 Reduce the operation cost of enterprise management system

The operation and management system of a multinational company is often produced by combining the company's strategy with the characteristics of the host country in order to achieve the effective operation of the company. This management system will ignore the needs of some employees from other countries in terms of work habits, living habits, etc. When a certain normative management system of a multinational company cannot be recognized by its employees, their behavior will be very passive and resistant. Many employees will not consciously abide by some of the company's management systems, or even try to. These behaviors will increase the obstacles to the operation of the management system, thus increasing the system operation costs and supervision costs of multinational companies. The addition of corporate culture will effectively weaken employees' resistance psychology and behavior to a certain extent through the common value orientation of the enterprise, and stimulate employees' "self-discipline awareness". When the tangible and mandatory management system is transformed into the conscious behavior of employees, the operating cost of the enterprise's management system will be reduced, and the enterprise's profits will rise accordingly.

3.4 Create a good innovation environment

The key to enterprise development is innovation, and the key to innovation is the innovation of ideas and culture. In HP, even at 1:00 a.m., many workshop doors are not locked. This phenomenon is caused by the enterprise to encourage HP employees to actively explore innovation outside work. The visionaries in 3M Company in the United States have enough time to explore new theories. The company stipulates that 15% of the working time of employees can be used to prove the correctness of their ideas. In Microsoft, blank paper and black pen can be seen everywhere, and every employee can write his own sudden inspiration anytime and anywhere. The fierce competition in the international market is constantly changing the original competition rules of the market. In this kind of invisible competition, innovation gradually highlights its important role in the development of multinational enterprises. Good corporate culture is the prerequisite for creating an innovative environment for enterprises, and is the key driving force to promote continuous innovation of enterprises. Especially for multinational companies, diversified employees can exchange different views and opinions after innovative corporate culture management, so there are more solutions to problems arising from transnational operations, and the enterprise innovation environment is gradually improved

3.5 Establish a good corporate image

Corporate image refers to the overall impression of the enterprise generated by various signs of the enterprise in the process of contact and communication between the public and the enterprise. The content of enterprise products and the quality of employees are all expressions of corporate image. Corporate image is often a form of expression of corporate spiritual culture. Excellent corporate culture plays an important role in establishing the image of multinational enterprises. As multinational enterprises are not well known by most people when they first enter foreign countries, they can use different ways to convey good management, high-quality products, excellent services and other aspects to the corporate image through corporate culture; At the same time, under the influence of the image of multinational enterprises, resource integration in different countries and markets can be formed, which can quickly open a breakthrough in the new sales market, deliver the unique and excellent image of the enterprise to consumers, and thus make profits.

4 Summary

With the development of social economy, the trend of globalization has become more and more serious, and more and more enterprises have embarked on the path of transnational enterprises. In the process of transnational operation, problems such as assimilation, staff diversification, system construction, system operation costs, and corporate image are constantly emerging. In this case, the connotation of core values, enterprise spirit and other aspects in the multinational enterprise culture is conducive to harmonizing the enterprise's development strategy, business activities and other aspects, constantly improving the enterprise's management system, cultivating employees' creativity and loyalty, thus forming a strong cohesion, and constantly deepening the connotation of enterprise products and services, It has realized the maximization of enterprise value and effectively improved the competitiveness of enterprises in the process of transnational operation. The specific summary is as follows:

(1) The corporate culture can avoid cultural conflicts in the business process.

(2) Corporate culture can make up for the lack of system construction and promote the effective implementation of the system.

(3) Enterprise culture can reduce the operating cost of enterprise management system.

(4) Corporate culture can create a good environment for innovation.

(5) Corporate culture can establish a good corporate image.


[1] Liu Guangming. Enterprise Culture [M]. Beijing: Economic Management Press, 1999

[2] Yan Shiping. Corporate Culture in the Perspective of System [M]. Beijing: China Times Economic Publishing House, 2012

[3] Fan Qiang. Research on Transnational Operation of Chinese SMEs [M]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2004

[4] Lu Jinyong, Li Jianming, Yang Liqiang. Report on the Development of Chinese Multinational Corporations [M]. Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press, 2015

[5]Kotter, John P.Corporate culture and performance[M]. Beijing:China Renmin University Press,2004.

Part 7: Model Articles of Corporate Image Management System

Adhering to the concept of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the basis for the survival and development of credit cooperatives. Serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the business purpose of rural credit cooperatives, but also the realistic choice for their survival and development. For more than 50 years, rural credit cooperatives have emerged and grown in the process of serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Historical lessons and practical experience tell us that only by taking root in the countryside can rural credit cooperatives flourish and flourish. Without "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the rural credit cooperatives will become a tree without roots and water without source, just like duckweed in water, and will never grow into a towering tree. Therefore, rural credit cooperatives should take advantage of the contraction of commercial banks' outlets, give play to their advantages in many aspects, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, select the right market positioning, give full play to the advantages close to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, actively support private enterprises and agricultural industrial restructuring, carefully build the credit union brand, improve service quality, and expand the rural market.

2、 Constructing Enterprise Culture and Cultivating Modern Enterprise Spirit

Corporate culture is an important part of building the modern enterprise system of rural credit cooperatives. For rural credit cooperatives, it is to focus on building a good corporate culture. Through spiritual and cultural strength, from the deep cultivation of management, standardize the corporate spirit, governance structure, business philosophy, management system and image logo of rural credit cooperatives, and create a good corporate culture atmosphere.

1. Founding enterprise concept and constructing enterprise spiritual culture system. The construction of enterprise concept is the main content of enterprise spiritual culture and an important spiritual pillar to unite all employees and enhance the cohesion of the staff of rural credit cooperatives. Under the socialist market economy system, building the excellent enterprise culture of rural credit cooperatives is the need to promote the spiritual civilization construction of rural credit cooperatives and realize "governing the cooperatives with morality and prospering the cooperatives with morality". Through the construction of spiritual civilization, the rural credit cooperatives can create an excellent enterprise culture.

First, establish a good industry atmosphere. On the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of "three railways", we should keep pace with the times, blaze new trails, base ourselves on practice, and establish a strict, standardized, prudent, honest and innovative industry atmosphere to enrich the connotation of corporate culture.

The second is to vigorously carry out the establishment of civilized units with the theme of "strengthening quality, building image and gathering people". Increase the education on employees' ideals and beliefs, the basic theory and basic line of the Party, and improve the consciousness of implementing national financial guidelines and policies; At the same time, we will carry out in-depth selection activities for the creation of "civilized demonstration posts", "civilized families", etc., lead the activities from depth and breadth to depth, and take enriching content, improving quality, highlighting effectiveness, and optimizing image as the important tasks of the creation work.

Third, cultivate team spirit and enhance enterprise cohesion. Cultivate cohesive force among employees, build a harmonious family culture, and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise. Strengthen the establishment of "employee home", and realize the coordinated development of "home building" and social construction. Pay attention to the staff's health, properly solve practical problems, timely deliver warmth, create a good working and living environment for the staff, make them feel comfortable, live and work in peace, love the community as home, and cultivate a sense of collective honor.

2. Highlight the characteristics of the times and build a scientific and cultural system of enterprises. Scientific culture is an important part of modern enterprise culture. The effective operation of electronic information science and technology in today's world is the basis for the establishment of modern intelligent enterprises. Rural credit cooperatives should start with changing ideas, strengthen science and technology education and training, strive to improve the application ability of modern information science and technology, and focus on building enterprise science and technology systems. First, guide employees to establish the view that science and technology are the first productive force, comply with the historical trend of scientific and technological progress, fully implement the strategy of promoting society through science and technology with electronic informatization as the content, and effectively transfer decision-making based on experience to decision-making based on scientific information. Second, science popularization education activities were widely carried out. Form an atmosphere of learning science and using science, around the business work center of rural credit cooperatives, guide employees to persist in arming their minds with scientific theories, scientific ideas, science and technology, scientific knowledge, strive to adapt their knowledge level and knowledge structure to the requirements of the development, and use the power of science to defeat feudal superstition, pseudoscience and other irrational behaviors. Third, firmly establish the concept of respecting knowledge, talents and creativity, and form a good atmosphere of respecting the talents and literature and science. Fourth, we should strengthen the informatization and electronization construction to achieve the first-class environment, management and application. Fifthly, we should pay close attention to the application of computer information technology, fully control the tools and means of informatization with the wisdom of personnel, and implement office automation.

3. Adhere to strict management and build enterprise system and culture system. The construction of system culture is a basic work for the scientific management and standardized operation of rural credit cooperatives. It establishes the management concept of "strict system, scientific decision-making, advanced means, and standardized behavior", establishes and improves various rules and regulations, forms a scientific and standardized management chain, deepens the management according to law, integrates it into the daily work of employees, and promotes the standardized management of all work of rural credit cooperatives.

First, establish a rigorous and scientific assessment mechanism. Strengthening assessment is an important means for the construction of enterprise culture to change from virtual to real and from soft to hard. In combination with the actual situation of rural credit cooperatives, we will refine the assessment items and quantify the assessment indicators for the construction of corporate culture, implement a dynamic inspection, assessment and acceptance mechanism, and form a pattern with sound institutions, clear responsibilities, specific goals, and clear levels

The second is to cultivate a scientific talent selection mechanism. Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity, actively implement the system of cadres competing for posts, and ensure that young cadres with good style, professional skills, and high quality stand out; We will strengthen the exchange of cadres in shifts, fully implement the regular exchange system, constantly broaden the channels for identifying and employing people, form a scientific employment orientation, realize the scientific, democratic and institutionalized work of cadres, and create a good environment for talent development.

Third, establish a democratic supervision and management mechanism. The focus is to establish and improve the system of workers' congress, carry out reasonable suggestions and implement the system of opening social affairs, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate in democratic management and care about the reform and development of rural credit cooperatives.

Fourth, improve the system operation chain. Further improve the circular operation procedure of "establish implement improve improve", and put the system construction through the management of rural credit cooperatives. All work will be guaranteed by the system from the implementation of decisions, and will be improved continuously to improve the quality of system construction.

The fifth is to implement accountability. Pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and truly make each system become an effective means for the rural credit cooperatives to make scientific decisions and strictly restrict.

4. Highlight industry personality and cultivate enterprise material culture system. The material change of the enterprise includes a unified image, high-quality service and innovative development mechanism. First, we should unify the signs, add service facilities and beautify the service environment. Second, we should deepen the civilized and high-quality service activities, cultivate the service concept of "enthusiasm, integrity and efficiency", and spare no effort to build the service brand of rural credit cooperatives. The third is to focus on innovation and promote the comprehensive development of business work. Fourth, strengthen the self construction of the leading group to guide and standardize the behavior of the masses. Excellent corporate culture can not be separated from the leadership with high quality, unique personality charm and excellent quality. As the first designer of corporate culture, leaders must integrate their own business philosophy, values, behavior, etc. into the staff to form a "community".

Specifically, the leadership of rural credit cooperatives should play four functions in building corporate culture. ① Advocacy. The leadership of the rural credit cooperatives put forward the core concept on the basis of in-depth practice, which is the integration and unification of the purposes, business policies and values of the rural credit cooperatives, and the starting point and soul of the image strategy of the rural credit cooperatives. ② Demonstration. After advocating, designers (leaders) should set an example. Take the lead in setting examples and typical guidance to form a unified pattern of creating corporate culture. ③ Boot. The connotation of corporate culture construction is to effectively communicate with employees, so that the diversified value orientation of employees can be integrated into the unified mainstream orientation of the rural credit cooperatives. The leadership must assume the quality of guiding employees' thoughts and behaviors, so that employees can accept the corporate culture, and integrate their own values into the realization of corporate goals, Stimulate employees' sense of responsibility and initiative. ④ establish. As the corporate culture should be dynamic and developing, the leadership, as the pioneer of the corporate culture of the rural credit cooperatives, should consciously shape the enterprising corporate culture, make timely innovations, and provide cultural explanations for each evolution of each system in accordance with the fact that China's accession to WTO and the institutional reform of the rural credit cooperatives have entered the substantive stage, Give its corporate culture practical significance so that employees can have a deep understanding of it and further do a good job in creating activities. The fifth is to build a unique corporate culture through corporate image design. Establishing a good corporate image needs the support of corporate culture, and corporate image will be an important part and external embodiment of corporate culture. Modern enterprises, from the level of leadership to the quality of employees, as well as various management activities, are all factors that permeate the corporate culture, all of which reflect the corporate image, which is an intangible asset of an enterprise.

To this end, the rural credit cooperatives should focus on image building from a leap forward height, and create their own brand new and unique corporate image. During this period, the rural credit cooperatives should focus on cultivating the collectivism spirit of the vast number of employees, creating a working atmosphere of striving and making progress, so that employees can devote themselves to their own work with a good spiritual outlook in a vibrant and dynamic environment.

3、 Create a good corporate image of rural credit cooperatives

In the competition of modern enterprises, a good corporate image is an intangible asset and priceless treasure of an enterprise, and an important factor for an enterprise to win competitive advantage. Creating a good corporate image is the key to the construction of corporate culture.

1. Establish lofty enterprise values of rural credit cooperatives. The enterprise values of the rural credit cooperatives are the evaluation criteria for the right and wrong of the employees of the credit cooperatives on the behavior of their own units, and the ranking of work, service quality, social reputation, collective interests, etc. in their minds. And fully understand and respect employees, give employees a sense of belonging, make employees realize the relationship between self value and enterprise development, and enhance the common honor and disgrace and common feelings of the enterprise. Under the pursuit of lofty goals, the enterprise and employees must meet the needs of society with high-quality services.

2. Create a distinct corporate image of rural credit cooperatives. That is, to shape the corporate visual image of the rural credit cooperatives. The corporate image of rural credit cooperatives can be shaped from two aspects: the overall image and the collective image of employees. First, the establishment of the overall image of the rural credit cooperatives and the improvement of their popularity are unique manifestations of building the corporate culture of the rural credit cooperatives. We should make full use of newspapers and magazines to vigorously publicize the achievements of rural credit cooperatives in supporting economic construction and the achievements of spiritual civilization construction, so that newspapers and magazines have words, television has images, and radio has sound, so that the whole society and the public can deepen their understanding of rural credit cooperatives, and strengthen the public's visual impact, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the cultural taste and cultural image of rural credit cooperatives. Second, the collective image of the staff of the rural credit cooperatives is an internal manifestation of the corporate culture of the rural credit cooperatives, which is most directly reflected in the mental outlook, business skills, service attitude and work morale of the staff. In this regard, in the process of service, we should combine the creation of "Youth Civilization" and the development of high-quality service "window" demonstration units and other activities, which will reflect the enthusiasm and generosity of the rural credit cooperatives, The patient, thoughtful, accurate and fast service mode will be deepened into a specific image brand and promoted to the society, so as to establish a good image of "Xinhe people" with "dedication, love, trustworthiness and efficiency" as the main body.

3. Establish good enterprise spirit of rural credit cooperatives. The enterprise spirit of the rural credit cooperatives is the core soul of the enterprise culture of the rural credit cooperatives. It is the crystallization of the business philosophy, code of conduct, and ideals, ethics, discipline and values shared by all employees of the rural credit cooperatives. It can motivate employees, promote employees to devote their interests, enthusiasm, and aspirations to work, and strive to improve work efficiency.

4. Create a good environment for rural credit cooperatives. Enterprise environment is an important part of building the enterprise culture of rural credit cooperatives. First, it is necessary to create a lively political environment, meet the needs of employees to participate in democratic management, and form a directional joint force; The second is to create a safe, civilized, comfortable and clean working environment, so that employees can engage in all kinds of work with full emotion, forming a common attraction; The third is to create an ideal welfare environment, closely link the personal interests of employees with the interests of the rural credit cooperatives, achieve common prosperity, and form a natural centripetal force. Fourth, create a good cultural and entertainment environment, carry out some useful cultural and entertainment activities according to employees' hobbies and reality, so that employees can be inspired by the enterprise spirit in the process of teaching and entertainment, and form a strong cohesive force. Fifthly, we should create a harmonious psychological environment. On the premise of respecting, understanding and trusting people, we should meet the reasonable requirements, beliefs and ideals of employees as much as possible, so as to develop "power" resources, encourage employees to consciously combine their own interests, work responsibilities and personal ideals with the interests of rural credit cooperatives, and constantly sublimate them, Become a strong spiritual pillar to promote the development of corporate culture.

Chapter 8: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: archives work, enterprise culture construction

"Enterprise archives work is an important part of enterprise information management work and an organic component of the basic work of enterprise management. The main responsibility of enterprise archives work is to safeguard the economic interests, legitimate rights and interests and historical reality of the enterprise, while also providing information guarantee for the normal operation of the enterprise." [1] Enterprise culture is the value concept that enterprises believe in and attach to practice, In other words, the enterprise believes in and advocates the value concept that is really implemented in practice. Both enterprise archives and enterprise culture are part of the basic management of enterprises. Although they belong to different management categories, there are differences and inseparable internal links between them. The construction of enterprise culture has an important influence on archives work. Strengthening archives work can effectively promote the construction of enterprise culture.

1、 The Relationship between Archival Work and Enterprise Culture Construction

As an objective original record of human social activities, archives are gradually accumulated and preserved through conscious creative labor. They record the material wealth and spiritual civilization wealth of human development history, are an important part of human cultural inheritance and civilization development, and have inherent cultural connotation and characteristics. "Archives belong to a cultural phenomenon, because archives not only reflect the ideology of superstructure, but also reflect the spiritual values condensed in the material achievements of economic foundation." [2] Enterprise archives have cultural characteristics, and enterprise culture is reflected through the contents of enterprise archives. The inevitable relationship between enterprise archives and enterprise culture determines that they play a role in ensuring the growth and development of enterprises.

The construction of enterprise culture runs through the whole process of enterprise production, operation and management from the outside to the inside, from material to consciousness, and is an organic part of enterprise production, operation and management. The process of enterprise production, operation and management is the process of culture construction. Both enterprise archives and enterprise culture originate from the production and operation process of enterprises, and there is a close relationship between them.

(1) Archival work injects power into the construction of enterprise culture

The new archives record the new trends of the enterprise, carefully study and explore the cultural ideas contained in the enterprise archives, actively collect the enterprise archives related to the construction of enterprise culture, so that the archives work can play a major role in the process of enterprise culture construction, and make the archives work and enterprise culture construction mutually promote and complement each other, and jointly promote the development of the enterprise.

(2) Enterprise archives are the cultural wealth of enterprises

The spread and recording of corporate culture depends on corporate archives. Without corporate archives, corporate culture construction will be difficult to be lasting and vital. The content of enterprise archives itself is a phenomenon of enterprise culture. Archives work and enterprise culture construction complement each other and rely on each other, which are two indispensable parts of enterprise development.

2、 The Influence of Enterprise Culture Construction on Archival Work

(1) Collection scope of archives affected by corporate culture construction

The content and scope of enterprise archives collection is fundamentally determined by the needs of various work of the enterprise. The construction of enterprise culture needs the true record of the enterprise's growth and development process, as well as the record of the enterprise's business philosophy and spiritual and cultural propaganda. The enterprise archives truthfully record all the information needed for the construction of enterprise culture, which can provide valuable materials for the construction of enterprise culture, and is the guarantee for the construction of enterprise culture.

On January 1, 1982, China National Tobacco Corporation was officially established, marking that China's tobacco industry has entered a new development period. It can be seen from the files of the past 30 years that the industrial and commercial tax profits of the national tobacco industry increased from 7.5 billion yuan in 1981 before the monopoly to 750 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 100 times; The amount handed over to the state finance increased from 6.7 billion yuan in 1981 to 600.1 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 89 times; Total assets increased from 10.8 billion yuan in 1984 to 1116.5 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 103 times; Owner's equity increased from 3.7 billion yuan in 1984 to 931.5 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 252 times. The quality and efficiency of industry development have been continuously improved, and the overall competitiveness has been significantly enhanced, which has made positive contributions to ensuring the national financial revenue and safeguarding the interests of consumers. Over the past 30 years, China Tobacco has adhered to the development direction of Chinese cigarettes and cultivated a number of big cigarette brands with strong competitive strength. By 2011, the number of cigarette brands in the industry had been adjusted from more than 2000 to 124, and the commercial wholesale sales revenue of 9 brands had exceeded 40 billion yuan, of which 3 brands exceeded 60 billion yuan and 1 brand exceeded 100 billion yuan; The production and sales volume of five brands exceeded 2 million cases, of which 3 brands exceeded 3 million cases. The development goal of "532" brand is accelerating, the development pattern of "461" brand is basically formed, the competitiveness of key brands is significantly enhanced, and the Chinese cigarette brand firmly occupies the domestic market.

(2) The construction of enterprise culture affects the value and appraisal of archives

The value of archives refers to the usefulness of archives to the country, social organizations or individuals. The value of enterprise archives is reflected in the demand and satisfaction of the object of enterprise archives for the enterprise subject. The value of enterprise archives is affected and restricted by many factors, showing different values. The value of enterprise archives that are useful for business decision-making is greater than those that are useless for business decision-making. The appraisal of the value of enterprise archives is highly subjective and affected by many factors. Therefore, enterprises usually develop their own standards and methods for appraisal of the value of archives to ensure that valuable archival information can be preserved for a long time and to realize the explicit economic value brought to enterprises by the implicit value of archival information.

As an important part of enterprise management activities, corporate culture construction is not only the focus of enterprise archives information collection, but also affects the identification of enterprise archives information value. The files and documents formed in the production, operation and management activities of an enterprise can not only serve as the evidence for reference and utilization of enterprise management activities, but also be sublimated into the basis with enterprise characteristics and reflecting the spirit of enterprise culture. In the enterprise archives information, the archives information that can reflect the growth, development process, image publicity, business philosophy and philosophy of the enterprise can become the material for the construction of enterprise culture. Therefore, the enterprise archives information

During value appraisal, these files will be kept for a long time together with the valuable file information. In the process of value appraisal of enterprise archives, the influence of enterprise culture construction should be fully considered, so that the value of enterprise archives shows multiple values and gives enterprise archives more abundant value connotation.

3、 Strengthening the work of enterprise archives and promoting the construction of enterprise culture

(1) Perfect the enterprise archives work system and strengthen the construction of enterprise system culture

The establishment of modern enterprise archives work system is an important part of enterprise basic work. In the process of enterprise development, only by establishing a set of perfect and sound enterprise archives work system can the contents of enterprise archives management have rules to follow and documents to check. The enterprise should incorporate the archival work system into the various systems of enterprise management, effectively combine it with the construction of enterprise culture, and ensure the completeness, effective utilization and proprietary ownership of enterprise archival resources.

The enterprise archives record the growth and development history of the enterprise, the whole process of production, operation and management of the enterprise, and all the contents of enterprise science and technology, which run through all the production and operation activities of the enterprise, and truly reflect the history and current situation of the enterprise. As a true and accurate carrier recording the whole development process of enterprises, it contains the whole process of enterprise management. As an important part of enterprise production, operation and management activities, the construction of enterprise culture is also naturally recorded in the enterprise archives as the witness of all activities of the enterprise. Enterprises should, according to their own conditions and from the actual situation, formulate practical and effective enterprise archives work system, build the operational framework of archives management under the modern enterprise system, study the new problems encountered in enterprise archives work, formulate and issue practical and feasible enterprise archives management measures, and form a sound enterprise archives work system. At the same time, enterprise archives, as an important source of literature for corporate culture construction, provide essential materials for corporate culture construction, that is, enterprise archives must also contain the whole process of corporate culture construction. Therefore, strengthening the construction of enterprise archives work system, as an important embodiment of strengthening enterprise management system, also reflects the important significance of enterprise culture construction to a certain extent.

(2) Strengthen the reform of enterprise personnel file work and realize human resource management of enterprises based on people

As the basis for enterprises to select talents to develop human resources, enterprise personnel files are an important part of enterprise file information resources to optimize enterprise human resources management. They can not be separated from the support of enterprise personnel files work, and are closely related to the continuous improvement of personnel files work system. Enterprise personnel archives work provides basic and important basis for human resource management. The purpose of human resource management is to optimize the allocation of talents within the enterprise, make the best use of talents, and improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, when selecting and inspecting employees, enterprises should not only look at their current working ability and level, but also understand the entire history and working conditions of each employee. Personnel files are all records of personal social experience and practical activities, which comprehensively reflect the basic contents of personal professional ability, professional ethics and quality. To perfect the personnel file system of enterprises and optimize the development of human resource management system of enterprises, we should start from the following aspects: improve the content system of personnel files to meet the requirements of modern enterprise human resource management and development; In combination with the standardized management system of enterprise archives work, the personnel archives work shall be evaluated to form a talent evaluation system suitable for the actual situation of the enterprise; The personnel files of enterprises are managed in a socialized and open way.

(3) Establish and Perfect Enterprise Credit Archives, Develop Enterprise Credit Culture

Enterprise integrity culture, as an organic part of enterprise culture construction, is an important part of enterprise culture management philosophy and a direct embodiment of enterprise culture spirit. Enterprises should establish the corporate culture value concept of "integrity first, character first", so that the business concept of honesty, trustworthiness, fairness and legality can penetrate into all aspects of enterprise management and the core part of corporate culture construction. The enterprise credit file refers to the original record formed in the enterprise and the relevant administrative authority, which reflects the relevant reputation and behavior norms of the enterprise when engaging in various social activities. It can appear in the form of paper or other storage carriers, and has a certain value for preservation for future reference. Different enterprises have different business scopes, so the contents of their credit file records are different. However, they can directly or indirectly reflect the reputation and integrity records of the enterprise, and have the value of reference and utilization.

Enterprise credit file is the carrier of enterprise credit culture, and enterprise credit culture is the manifestation of enterprise credit file. They are interdependent and constitute an important part of corporate culture construction. On the one hand, enterprise credit archives are the objective requirements for establishing enterprise credit culture. On the other hand, the establishment of enterprise credit culture depends on the standardized management of enterprise credit files. The quality of the establishment and management of enterprise credit archives is directly related to the realization of the voucher value and utilization value of enterprise credit archives. Because we must do a good job in the establishment and management of enterprise credit files, strengthen the identification, development and utilization of enterprise credit files, and create conditions for enterprise credit files to play their voucher value and utilization value.

(4) Establish enterprise image system and realize the cultural value of enterprise archives

Enterprise archives are authentic and reliable original records of production, operation, management and other activities of enterprises. It reflects all the activities of the enterprise in its daily production and operation process, contains the profound cultural heritage of the enterprise, and includes the rich information resources of the enterprise. Corporate image is the comprehensive impression of various perceptions, views, understandings and feelings of the public on the enterprise and its behavior, and it is the corporate culture represented by the image of the enterprise in the form of physical features. Enterprise archives and enterprise image publicity are different aspects of enterprise management culture. They have played a positive role in promoting enterprise management and are an indispensable part of the enterprise management system.

Enterprise archives and corporate image publicity are closely related. Both archives and corporate image publicity are valuable assets of enterprises and play an important role in the survival and development of enterprises. Archives are the premise and foundation of corporate image publicity, providing conditions for corporate image publicity; The content of corporate image publicity comes from archives, which provide original, authoritative and reliable data sources for corporate image publicity; Corporate image publicity enriches the content of archives, increases the types of archives, and accumulates new information resources for enterprises.


Chapter 9: Model of Corporate Image Management System

Key words: enterprise culture, people-oriented, enterprise image, integrity

In the five years after China's entry into WTO, construction enterprises will face further opening to the outside world and accept greater competitive pressure, and the competition with foreign enterprises in the same industry will become more intense. The competition after China's entry into the WTO is not only in the material and institutional aspects of production, operation and management capabilities among construction enterprises, but also in the spiritual aspect of enterprise culture. This requires our construction enterprises to constantly improve the level of corporate culture construction, and develop corporate culture in depth. Only in this era of global competition, can we adapt to the requirements of diversified competition in the construction market since joining the WTO, and can we achieve our strategic goals in the process of enterprise development.

1、 Definition of enterprise culture

What is corporate culture? Academics believe that corporate culture is a kind of culture reflected in the operation process of an enterprise team, which can be divided into four levels. The first is the surface, that is, the material, which is also the most variable part; Secondly, it is shallow, that is, behavioral culture; The third level is the middle level culture, namely the system culture; The last is the deep culture, that is, the spiritual culture, which is the essence and the part with the least change. This is an element of corporate culture. Enterprise culture refers to the values and enterprise spirit gradually formed by the enterprise and its employees in production, operation and management activities in a certain social and historical environment, as well as the general name of the codes of conduct, moral standards, life beliefs, enterprise customs and habits formed with this as the core. It includes values, behavior orientation, ethics, psychological state, factory style and appearance, rules and regulations, enterprise spirit, enterprise goals and many other aspects. It is a comprehensive reflection of corporate group spirit, cultural quality, cultural behavior, interpersonal relations and other cultural phenomena. It is enterprise culture that has become the most profound basic element of enterprise management in modern enterprise management. Whether there is a profound corporate culture or not determines the market competitiveness of an enterprise and the rise and fall of an enterprise.

2、 Emphasize "people-oriented" and build enterprise culture

Man is the first element in the development of productive forces. Confucius said: "The people are the most important, followed by the state, and the monarch is the least important.". Emphasizing "people-oriented", encouraging people with advanced ideas, encouraging people with a competitive mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of construction enterprises, and fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of managers and employees are the lasting driving force for enterprise development. The success or failure of an enterprise depends on whether it has a first-class staff team. Good employees are not only an important resource of the enterprise, but also the main body of corporate culture construction, and the foundation of corporate culture construction. For example, CIMC Engineering Survey, Design and Research Institute takes the enterprise spirit of "integrity is gold, market first, science and technology oriented, pioneering and innovation, quality and trustworthiness", takes the full play of each employee's own value as the starting point, and takes improving the owner's satisfaction with the project as the goal, implements the "safe project" and "safe project" in the construction process, and builds a monument for each project, To build and deepen friendship with design, supervision and other units and personnel. Make the owner feel that the project is reliable and the service is considerate. Respect knowledge, respect talents, and provide a harmonious, stable and good development environment for outstanding talents to show their talents, so as to establish a good image for the enterprise. Through the training of employees, managers, operators and engineering technicians at all levels can skillfully master the knowledge and skills necessary to complete their jobs. The geotechnical engineering industry of our institute includes geotechnical engineering survey, geotechnical engineering design, geotechnical engineering construction, geotechnical engineering supervision and geotechnical engineering monitoring. The fields they are engaged in also cover industrial and civil buildings, water conservancy and hydropower, transportation, mines, docks and tunnels. From intelligence intensive to capital and labor intensive, from traditional industrial and civil construction to various fields of capital construction, the span is quite large. Therefore, the training of management personnel and technicians, such as geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, surveying and mapping, hydropower engineering, monitoring, etc., is based on the principle of "what is missing" according to different posts or positions, aiming to improve the working ability of employees and make them become qualified managers. For the construction personnel, the purpose is to improve their construction technology, strengthen their safety awareness, and assign quality responsibility to each person. Focusing on innovation and improving the quality of employees is the cornerstone of the development of the "people-oriented" corporate culture established by the China Machinery Engineering Survey, Design and Research Institute in recent years. Among our eight words of "learning, innovation, management, brand", including the learning of employees, it is fundamental. It is also the embodiment of the idea that enterprises should strengthen themselves, base themselves on society and serve the people. If people gather, wealth will gather; if talents prosper, career will prosper. People oriented humanistic care for employees full of love must be an indispensable cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

3、 Strive to build enterprise image

The corporate image or brand image is the overall impression, overall feeling and evaluation of the public and enterprise employees on the enterprise, is a comprehensive reflection of the composition of the enterprise culture, and is the popularity and reputation of the enterprise created in the society through various practices, multiple ways and owned core resources (including high-end human resources, core technology resources, patents, financial resources, etc.). Establishing a good corporate image is an indispensable part of corporate culture construction. Establish a good corporate image and have the advantage of selecting the best among the best in the process of attracting and recruiting outstanding talents; It can also stimulate staff morale, improve combat effectiveness, and enhance enterprise vitality and internal cohesion.

A good corporate image can improve employees' sense of pride and belonging. In the process of establishing corporate image, construction enterprises closely focus on the realization of business objectives to shape their own image and win strategic advantages in competition. How to grasp the advantages in strategic competition? The most important thing is that the corporate image is not illusory, it needs a lot of real software and hardware to support an enterprise. For example, we have a standardized system, strict and scientific internal management, mastered the high-end technology of the industry and have considerable innovation ability, as well as well-known academic and management leaders in the industry. First, make the corporate image recognized by the whole society. Corporate image is the recognition and recognition of the public and consumers on corporate image. The public's recognition of the corporate image will make it possible for the company's products and services to be accepted by the society. Secondly, the individualization of enterprise design should be highlighted. Personalized corporate image can give people a strong visual impact and stay in people's memory. Personalized design must reflect the history, background and characteristics of the enterprise. At the same time, the personalized image design is also different from other enterprises of the same type, leaving a deep impression on the public. In this way, the efficiency of information dissemination will be higher and the influence will be greater. Thirdly, the design of corporate image should consider different customer groups. The process of understanding corporate image is the comprehensive reflection of people's subjective consciousness on the objective thing of corporate image.

People of different social backgrounds and cultural levels have different understanding of corporate image. For example, the owners of construction enterprises mainly know and understand an enterprise from the aspects of social reputation, service concept, consulting services with high-end knowledge content that can be provided, and projects that have been built in the past. Therefore, while creating a good external image of the enterprise, it should also publicize the significance of the enterprise image to gain social recognition. Finally, keep the continuity of corporate image design. Corporate image is an integral system that is constantly accumulated and accepted by the society in the long-term production and operation process of an enterprise. The public's recognition of corporate image is a process that goes on repeatedly. The quality of corporate image is the result of the public's evaluation in their own minds after many times of recognition. The public can only establish a comprehensive understanding of the enterprise through multiple evaluations of the enterprise image. The establishment of corporate image is not a temporary force, but a complex systematic project. It is only effective to establish a long-term and overall concept.

4、 Cultivate an honest corporate culture

Mencius, a thinker in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, said, "Honesty is the way of heaven, and honesty is the way of people. It can be seen that construction enterprises that lose credit also lose an important resource in the process of enterprise development. Honesty is an important factor in improving enterprise image in modern commercial society. Good integrity of construction enterprises can enhance the trust of owners and will certainly gain more market share. There are many examples of enterprises that have lost their integrity and pushed themselves to a dead end. Heilongjiang Qiqihar No.2 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned pharmaceutical company. In order to save costs, the production of "Armillarisin A Injection" with fake raw materials led to 4 deaths and many serious adverse reactions. It is self-evident that the results of enterprises that have caused such serious social consequences are obvious. It is also a pharmaceutical enterprise. Anhui Huayuan Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was seized by the relevant departments in order to seek huge profits by replacing clindamycin injection with Xinfu, which resulted in three deaths and many serious adverse reactions. The above two cases not only endanger the society, but also block the door of their own development due to the loss of integrity.