Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

Summary and Selection of Healthy Township Construction (9)

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 Summary of healthy township construction

Part 1: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

In order to thoroughly implement the Outline of the National Fitness Plan and the spirit of the minutes of the special meeting of the county government [20 *] No. 53, further do a good job in the elderly sports work in the new era, and comprehensively promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the work of the grass-roots elderly sports association and the elderly sports cause in our county, according to the Notice of the * Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly on Developing Sports Streets, Towns and Townships Activities for Building a Well off Elderly (Zhe Ti Lao Zi [2004] No. 48), on the basis of the pilot projects of Hushan Street and Liucheng Town, and in combination with the actual situation of our county, this implementation opinion is hereby formulated.

1、 Guiding ideology

Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", we will conscientiously implement the general secretary's proposal on "extensively carrying out nationwide fitness activities and improving the national healthy Quality is an important content of building a well-off society in an all-round way, an important indication of the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society, and the in-depth implementation of the Outline of the National Fitness Plan And the provincial government's [20 *] No. 16 special meeting minutes, adhere to the people-oriented principle, comprehensively promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the work of the grass-roots elderly sports association and the elderly sports cause in our county, expand the elderly sports population, meet the growing needs of the elderly for sports and fitness, and constantly improve the physical and mental health, life and quality of life of the elderly, Make contributions to the overall construction of a well-off society and the construction of a new socialist countryside in our county.

2、 Work objectives

(1) Overall objective

Through the establishment of well-off elderly sports in * province Township , street activities, to achieve the popularization of sports activities for the elderly, a sound organizational network, complete sports facilities, and a new pattern of coordinated development of sports for the elderly and economic society, to reach the provincial level《 establish The conditions for well-off elderly sports streets and township activities.

(2) Specific objectives

The creation activities are carried out in villages, towns and streets, and every two years is a creation cycle. The deadline of the first creation cycle is the end of December 20 *, and the pilot units are determined as Hushan Street and Liucheng Town. The second creation cycle is from January 1, 20 *, to the end of December 20 *, and the creation unit is * town. The third creation cycle is from January 1, 2009 to the end of December 2010, and the creation unit is * Township. Through the establishment of three cycles, the whole elderly sports work in our county will reach a new level.

3、 Selection conditions

(1) Party and government leaders attach importance to

1. Conscientiously implement the minutes of the provincial, municipal and county governments, and include the work of the elderly sports association in the work scope of towns and streets.

2. Include sports for the elderly in the overall plan for economic and social development of towns and neighborhoods; The elderly sports work is written into the township and street work reports, which are in the charge of leaders. They listen to the work reports regularly or irregularly, study the elderly sports work more than twice a year, and can solve some practical problems.

3. Strengthen the management and guidance of the work of the elderly sports association, and incorporate the elderly sports work into the assessment content of the annual work of the government, so that there are plans, activities, inspections, summaries, and commendations.

4. The elderly sports work funds are included in the annual financial budget of towns and streets according to the standard that the elderly population's per capita sports activity funds are more than 2 yuan in towns and more than 3 yuan in streets, and have increased year by year.

(2) Organization building

5. Villages and towns (including administrative villages) and streets (including communities) have established a sound organization network of elderly sports associations. The elderly sports associations have stamps, signs, offices and full-time (part-time) staff.

6. The Association should strengthen its own construction, establish financial and property management systems, member registration systems, and document filing systems.

7. The Association should actively develop the organization, constantly absorb new members, and strive to keep the number of members consistent with the elderly sports population.

(3) Construction of sports facilities

8. Townships and streets have two games and one room (gate court, air volleyball court or ground throwing court, comprehensive activity room), which are publicly listed and open to the public.

9.70% of administrative villages and communities have fitness centers (or comprehensive fitness venues) and activity rooms with complete facilities.

(4) Popularization of sports activities

10. Villages, towns and sub districts shall organize more than 4 individual competitions every year, and hold a senior (comprehensive) sports meeting every 2-3 years.

11. There are more than 5 individual sports fitness teams in towns and streets, 1-2 characteristic sports, and 1 sports fitness team in administrative villages and communities under their jurisdiction.

12. The elderly sports population (it should be that each person exercises more than three times a week, and each exercise is more than half an hour, which is regarded as the elderly sports population) has reached more than 45% of the elderly population in towns, more than 60% of the elderly population in streets, and walking activities are basically popular.

13. Actively participate in all kinds of sports backbone training courses at and above the county level, hold more than one backbone training course every year in towns and sub districts, and have five social sports instructors at or above the third level; At the counseling stations (points) of administrative villages and communities, each station (point) should have more than 1-2 instructors.

14. Actively participate in various sports activities and competitions organized by cities and counties.

15. Carry out scientific fitness activities, advocate scientific, civilized and healthy recreational and sports activities, and consciously resist feudal superstition and "*" and other organizations.

16. Actively participate in social public welfare activities in the form of fitness display for the elderly to serve the construction of "three civilizations".

4、 Declaration procedure

(1) First, the applicant shall conduct self-evaluation according to the selection conditions, and then submit the elderly sports for the past two years to the county elderly sports association Work summary And returns.

(2) The County Elderly Sports Association shall make a preliminary review of the materials submitted by the applicant and sign the review opinion, and then report to the Municipal Elderly Sports Association for reexamination.

(3) After reviewing the application materials, the Municipal Sports Association for the Aged sent an inspection team for on-site assessment and acceptance, and reported the assessment results to the Provincial Sports Association for the Aged.

(4) The provincial elderly sports association will review the reporting units and spot check some units, and the qualified ones will be awarded the title of "* Provincial well-off elderly sports villages and towns, streets".

5、 Job requirements

Part 2: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

1、 Guiding ideology

Guided by the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Decision of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on Further Strengthening Rural Health Work, based on strengthening the infrastructure construction and talent training of township (town) health centers, driven by deepening the reform of the internal operating mechanism of township (town) health centers, and taking the creation activity as the carrier, improve rural medical and health service conditions and improve township (town) health services The management ability and service level of health centers fully implement the functions of public health and basic medical services, and provide cheap, convenient, safe and high-quality medical and health services for the majority of rural residents.

2、 Create Target

The establishment activity started in 20 * and took three years to reach the standardization level of more than 80% of township (town) hospitals in the province by 2008: complete infrastructure, reasonable staffing, perfect service functions, and standardized supervision and management. Focus on strengthening the construction of preventive health care, first aid, obstetrics and traditional Chinese medicine.

3、 Create Content

(1) Construction scale

Township (town) health centers are established according to the township (town) administrative divisions and local health service needs, with reasonable layout and appropriate scale. The construction and basic equipment meet the requirements of national standards, and ensure the infrastructure and conditions required for public health and basic medical services.

1. Construction standards

Township (town) health centers are divided into general health centers and central health centers according to their functions. According to the size of beds, it can be divided into three types: 0-10 beds, 11-29 beds and more than 30 beds. The size of beds in township (town) hospitals should not exceed 50 beds generally. The construction standards shall be implemented according to the standards specified in the Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Township Health Centers for National Debt Projects. The functional zoning of township (town) health centers is reasonable, and the environment is clean, quiet, green, beautified and purified; The medical sewage, sewage and waste shall be treated innocuously to meet the hygienic standards; The rooms for hospitalization, surgery and functional examination are quiet; The business housing meets the relevant requirements of the construction standard of the national hometown (town) health center.

2. Equipment configuration standard

The medical equipment and equipment of township (town) health centers shall be reasonably allocated according to their different functional positioning and business technology projects. The level of medical equipment and equipment shall be consistent with the technical level of medical technicians, business projects and workload. The equipment allocation standards shall be implemented according to the standards specified in the Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Township Health Centers for National Debt Projects.

(2) Department settings

The setting of departments in township (town) health centers should adapt to their functions, tasks and work needs.

1. Department setting of general hospitals

① Clinical departments: at least emergency (rescue) room, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology (obstetrics) department, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine department, and independent prevention and protection department; Facial features/stomatology department can be set if conditions permit;

② Medical technology departments: at least pharmacy, laboratory, radiology department, functional examination room, observation and treatment room, injection room, disposal room, disinfection supply room, information statistics room; If conditions permit, operating room, delivery room, physiotherapy room, TCM processing room and decoction room can be set up;

③ Other departments can be set as required.

2. Department setting of central hospital

On the basis of the setting of departments in general hospitals, the department of five senses/stomatology, operating room, delivery room and physiotherapy room are added.

(3) Staffing

The personnel of township (town) health centers (including prevention, health care, medical treatment, nursing, medical technology and management, work attendance and all other personnel on the staff) are reasonably allocated, which is suitable for their functions, tasks, service population and work needs. Health technicians must have legal practice qualifications, and non health technicians are not allowed to engage in medical and health professional and technical work.

1. The total number of health technicians shall not be less than 85% of the total number of staff in the hospital;

2. Clinical medical service personnel must have the professional qualification of assistant doctors or above, and other health technicians must have the professional qualification of primary or above;

3. 3-4 full-time protection personnel;

4. The allocation of nurses should meet the clinical and community nursing needs;

5. TCM licensed assistant doctors and TCM licensed doctors account for 8-12% of clinical medical service providers;

(4) System and operation mechanism

Township (town) health centers shall be set up by the government and managed by the health administrative departments at the county level according to their duties; The county level health administrative department shall open, select and employ the best person who has a good style of work, understands business and is good at management, and has intermediate or higher health technology qualifications to serve as the president of the township (town) health center within the whole county; Township (town) health centers implement the reform of personnel distribution system, implement the appointment system of all staff, and establish a distribution mechanism that pays more for more work, pays more attention to performance, and pays more attention to contribution.

(5) Functions and tasks

The township (town) health centers have perfect comprehensive service functions such as prevention and health care, basic medical care, health education, family planning technical guidance, rehabilitation, etc; Undertake the responsibility of public health management within the jurisdiction, and implement the integration of rural health service management.

1. Preventive health services:

① Undertake disease prevention and control within the jurisdiction, report infectious disease epidemic situation, disease and public health emergencies and relevant information, strictly implement the statutory infectious disease registration and reporting system, and carefully monitor, register and report infectious diseases.

② Be responsible for the vaccination work within the jurisdiction. The coverage rate of the "five vaccines" for children's EPI reached more than 90% in villages and towns; The immunization is standardized and safe, and the vaccination cards, forms and certificates are complete and filled in truthfully and completely.

③ Targeted prevention, screening and behavioral intervention of chronic non communicable diseases, endemic diseases and occupational diseases, as well as monitoring and management of high-risk groups.

④ Provide health care services for women, children, the elderly, chronic patients, the disabled and other key groups, and carry out health guidance for maternal and child health care, elderly health care, mental health, rehabilitation medicine and other work.

⑤ We will do a good job in the management of the maternal and child health care systems. The management rate of the maternal and child health care systems will reach 80%, respectively. The maternal and child health care manuals and registration forms will be completed. Establish a monitoring and reporting system for the deaths of pregnant and lying in women and children under the age of 5, and report them in a timely manner.

2. Basic medical services

① Use appropriate Chinese and Western medicine and technology to carry out diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently occurring diseases;

② Provide first aid services to ensure 24-hour consultation, rescue the acute, critical and severe patients to maintain vital signs, timely refer the patients who have no conditions for diagnosis and treatment, and timely refer the patients who cannot be referred to the medical and health institutions with rescue conditions in case of emergency;

③ The medical staff shall be proficient in the correct operation of medical instruments, bare handed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other rescue techniques;

④ Township (town) hospitals with obstetrics can provide normal delivery services;

⑤ Provide outpatient, referral and itinerant medical services, and be available at any time;

⑥ Actively carry out rural community health services, conduct community health surveys, and establish residents' health records.

3. Health education

Actively carry out health education and health promotion activities, go deep into rural communities, families and schools, carry out health guidance, popularize health and disease prevention knowledge, and improve the awareness rate of basic health knowledge and health behavior formation rate of rural residents.

4. Family planning technology and rehabilitation services

① To carry out family planning consultation, publicity and provide appropriate technical services;

② Provide rehabilitation services.

5. Other work

① Actively support the establishment and development of the new rural cooperative medical system, and provide standardized diagnosis and treatment services;

② Responsible for the management, technical guidance and training of village doctors of village level health institutions;

③ To be responsible for the collection, sorting, statistics, analysis and reporting of health related information within the jurisdiction; Various statistical statements shall be filled in in a standardized manner, with accurate data and timely reporting;

④ To be responsible for providing technical guidance for patriotic health work such as environmental sanitation treatment, elimination of four pests, and improvement of water and toilets in the jurisdiction;

⑤ Provide other appropriate medical and health services according to the health service needs of rural residents.

(6) Township (town) health center management

1. Naming rules for township (town) health centers;

2. Conscientiously implement medical and health laws, regulations and relevant policies;

3. Strictly implement diagnostic and nursing standards, routine and technical operating procedures;

4. The management system is sound, and full-time or part-time personnel are responsible for all work;

5. Strengthen outpatient and emergency management, and strictly implement the first visit responsibility system;

6. The medical service should be standardized to ensure reasonable inspection, rational drug use and reasonable charges;

7. Outpatient registration, manual, prescription, inpatient medical record, nursing record and other medical documents are written in a standard manner, meeting the requirements;

8. First aid equipment is in good condition, medicines are complete, and there is no fake or substandard medicine. The management of toxic, narcotic and psychotropic drugs meets the requirements of the regulations;

9. Strictly implement the disinfection and isolation system to prevent hospital infection;

10. Management specifications for use of disposable medical supplies;

11. Strengthen personnel training and assessment, and establish technical files for health technicians;

12. Establish a publicity system, set up a public column, and publicize various charges and prices of commonly used drugs;

13. Strictly implement the financial management system and medical charge price, and improve the supervision and audit system;

14. Implementation of prevention and protection personnel funds and work funds;

15. Perfect the preventive measures for medical accidents and strictly prevent the occurrence of medical accidents;

16. All rules and regulations are sound and carefully implemented. For example, the working system of township (town) hospitals, the job responsibilities of all levels and types of personnel, the routine diagnosis, treatment and nursing and technical operating procedures, the registration and reporting system of infectious diseases and public health emergencies, the disinfection and isolation system, the registration, statistics and reporting system of medical and health work, and the reporting and handling system of medical accident registration;

17. The township (town) health centers have no operating losses and good social and economic benefits.

(7) Medical ethics

Township (town) health centers implement medical ethics standards, professional discipline, fee items, and drug price disclosure, have good medical order, and have measures to facilitate and benefit the people. Set up reporting telephone and suggestion box, employ social obligation supervisors, and solicit patients' opinions by holding regular symposiums, issuing "opinion cards" and other forms. Medical staff wear badges on duty, dress neatly, behave decently, speak courteously, serve warmly, and practice medicine honestly. The satisfaction of outpatient and inpatient patients has reached more than 97%. Establish and strictly implement the system of evaluation, reward and punishment of medical ethics education.

4、 Implementation methods and steps

(1) The establishment activities are carried out in cities, and implemented annually according to the Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province issued by the Provincial Department of Health. In 20 *, the standardized township (town) hospitals in the province reached 30%, 60% in 2007 and 80% in 2008.

(2) Before the end of March 20 *, the Provincial Health Department formulated and issued the Assessment Criteria for Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province. The municipal health bureaus, in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province and the Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province formulated and issued by the provincial health department, and in combination with local conditions, formulate implementation plans and report them to the provincial health department for filing.

(3) From April 1, 20 *, all cities officially launched the activity of creating standardized township (town) health centers.

(4) The assessment and evaluation of standardized township (town) health centers shall be carried out by applying level by level. Before the end of October each year, the municipal health bureaus, on the basis of the declaration by the county health administrative department, will assess the standardized township (town) health centers declared within their jurisdiction one by one in accordance with the Assessment and Evaluation Standards for Standardized Township Health Centers in Hebei Province. The evaluation results shall be submitted before November 10, and a written application for review and evaluation shall be submitted to the provincial department, which shall organize spot check, review and evaluation. After the review by the provincial department, the municipal health bureaus will name and commend them. The provincial department will select the best among the named standardized township (town) health centers to evaluate the provincial demonstration township (town) health centers every year, and name and commend them.

5、 Safeguard measures

(1) Raise awareness and strengthen leadership. It is of great significance to carry out the activity of establishing standardized township (town) hospitals for accelerating the construction of rural health service system, promoting the healthy development of the new rural cooperative medical system, and building a new socialist countryside. The health administrative departments at all levels should, from the perspective of practicing the important thought of "Three Represents" and implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, fully understand the necessity and urgency of carrying out the creation activities, effectively strengthen the organization and leadership, and take this work as an important measure to strengthen rural health work, and put it on the important agenda and work goals. In order to ensure the implementation of the creation work, the provincial health department has established a leading group and an office, and each city should also set up corresponding institutions to organize and implement the creation activities.

(2) Formulate the plan and carefully organize the implementation. The municipal health bureaus shall, in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province and the Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Standardized Township (Town) Health Centers in Hebei Province, and in combination with local conditions, formulate the establishment and implementation plan, work plan, guarantee measures, and inspection and assessment system. We should work solidly, pay attention to actual results, prevent formalism, and ensure that the creation activities achieve tangible results.

Part 3: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

1、 Strengthen leadership and clarify objectives. The township party committee and the government have taken the rural waste disposal and sanitation work in towns and villages as the key work of this year. They have held two meetings on the rural waste disposal and sanitation work in towns and villages, attended by village secretaries, directors, village group leaders, heads of units directly under the township government, and cadres in the hospital, to unify ideas and raise awareness. Establish a leading group for health creation work, allocate special staff to focus on health creation work, and form a working situation of linkage from top to bottom and joint management. Party and government meetings have been held for many times to specially study the township health creation and rural garbage disposal, and a practical and feasible work plan for township health creation and rural garbage disposal, as well as a health education plan, a patriotic health work plan, and a plan to eliminate the "four pests" have been formulated. The responsibility statement for health creation goals has been issued. The leading group holds a weekly creation work scheduling meeting to summarize work and deploy tasks.

2、 Widely publicize and raise awareness. We will intensify publicity efforts on the establishment of township sanitation and rural garbage disposal, comprehensively improve the quality of residents (farmers), make full use of various publicity tools such as meetings, blackboard newspapers, government affairs bulletin boards, propaganda slogans, leaflets, and widely publicize the purpose, significance, and implementation methods of the establishment of township sanitation and rural garbage disposal, and publicize relevant laws, regulations, and policies on new rural construction, Stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate, and create a strong atmosphere for health creation and rural waste disposal. Since this year, the township has posted 112 slogans, published 98 wall newspapers, and issued 5960 leaflets. Through publicity, the awareness of civilization and health of the masses has been further improved, so that the masses can actively participate in and strongly support the work of health creation and rural garbage disposal.

3、 Break down tasks and implement responsibilities. In order to make the township health creation and rural garbage disposal work effective, the township party committee and government made it clear that the township head was responsible for the whole township, the director and township linked point leaders were responsible for each village, and the leaders in charge of each specific implementation, and implemented the system of division, division and responsibility. The township and market towns are divided into three responsible areas, and the team members are responsible for the creation of health in this area, focusing on the "three guarantees" in front of the gate and rectifying the "eight chaos" phenomenon. Clarify the division of responsibilities and work tasks of each department and unit for health creation, and the township health creation office shall supervise and urge the implementation to ensure the realization of the creation goals, implement the responsibility responsibility for rural garbage disposal, and implement the work goals.

4、 Supervise, report and comprehensively improve the environment. Irregular supervision, evaluation and notification system shall be implemented for the sanitation creation and rural garbage disposal in market towns. Every half month, cross inspection on sanitation shall be organized in each district and village. A major inspection on sanitation shall be organized once a month to find problems in time, issue a notice on sanitation creation and rectification, and propose rectification time and requirements for existing problems. We will conscientiously carry out comprehensive improvement of environmental sanitation and comprehensively improve the sanitary environment in towns and villages along the line. Further strengthen the comprehensive improvement of environmental sanitation, focus on the treatment of dirty, disorderly and poor phenomena, and the vast number of cadres and masses comprehensively clean up the sanitary dead corners. According to statistics, the township has removed 21 pig and cow dung, 30 garbage sites, 52 disorderly piles, 9 sewage ditches, and 13 randomly built and demolished. Remove 4 weeds in the market town, standardize the order of the market town, add traffic signs, and park motorcycles and bicycles head and tail. Standardize the business order, reasonably divide and return to the market within the farmers' market, improve the phenomenon of disorderly placing, off-site operation and over store operation, strengthen the garbage removal and cleaning of the market, and strengthen the comprehensive improvement of environmental health and food safety in the catering industry.

5、 Increase investment and optimize environmental construction. We will further improve the infrastructure of market towns, and this year we will focus on the five modernizations of market towns. Accelerate the road hardening work, especially the hardening work of the main streets, roadways and unit courtyards of market towns, and basically eliminate the ground. This year, more than 7200 square meters of road surface were hardened. Carefully do a good job of planting trees on the sidewalks on both sides of the main streets and the construction of street greening communities. This year, 356 new camphor trees were planted and replanted, and the courtyard greening area was more than 1720 square meters. Further accelerate the purification work, increase the overall goal of the catering industry, install lampblack purification devices, make the lampblack discharge meet the standard, increase the sanitary cleaning efforts, raise the wages of two cleaners in Xuzhen Town, implement the responsibilities, build 28 garbage pools in the township, equip 46 cleaners, and implement all-weather cleaning in the streets and villages along the road, so that the garbage can be produced and cleaned every day. The storefront buildings along the street have been fully decorated, dilapidated houses and broken walls have been demolished, and garbage advertisements have been regularly removed and standardized,

Part 4: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

1、 Strengthen supervision and make unremitting efforts to continuously improve the overall appearance of urban and rural environmental health

This year is a year for us to welcome the examination and acceptance of health creation. It is an important task for our patriotic health work to vigorously carry out special treatment of environmental health. In order to create a distinctive new Xx with beautiful environment, we have set up a professional team of appearance management, increased the management of environmental health management and business order in and around the station, refined the cleaning rights and management rights, formed a long-term mechanism of appearance management, adjusted the greening trees on both sides of the street in the station, and realized the greening and beautification of the station. In recent years, a total investment of more than 300000 yuan has been put into the township's appearance control, and good results have been achieved in environmental health control.

2、 Improve the construction of health infrastructure and accelerate the pace of new rural health creation

In 2010, the township health infrastructure construction was further accelerated. At present, the township has built and rebuilt more than 2000 sanitary toilets, granted more than 100000 yuan of supporting subsidies, and invested more than 900000 yuan to rebuild village roads and village roads leading to Nanzhao, and planted green trees on both sides of the road; At present, 8 of the 15 administrative villages in the township have started the construction of new communities, with a developed construction area of more than 80000 square meters and 26 residential buildings, making more villagers become residents. The improvement of facilities has also greatly improved farmers' health awareness, environmental awareness and good health habits. The overall appearance of environmental health in villages and towns has been constantly improved, laying a solid foundation for our township to achieve the goal of creating a municipal health demonstration township.

3、 Strengthen the publicity of healthy urban and rural construction, and constantly improve the health quality of the staff and workers

Part 5: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

County Health and Family Planning Bureau:

In 2018, according to the unified arrangement and deployment of the county party committee and government, the sixth founding of the county, and the county health and family planning bureau, the county health office conscientiously implemented the health care work in accordance with the idea of having goals at the beginning of the year, quarterly arrangements, monthly supervision, and weekly effectiveness. Through special rectification, classified assessment, daily supervision, public participation and other measures, various tasks were well implemented. The work in the past year is summarized as follows:

1、 Implementation of various works

(1) Continuous efforts in health creation

1. The organizational system and working mechanism have been continuously improved, and the achievements of health creation have been continuously and deeply consolidated.

First, ensure the stability of the national health team. In 2018, 7 people were transferred from the health and family planning system, which enriched the work of the Health Office and formed a strong and capable work team. We will continue to create and maintain the responsibility of the special team. At the same time, each establishment unit has also formed and improved the establishment work pattern in which the main leaders take overall responsibility, the leaders in charge take specific measures, the functional departments and social organizations closely cooperate with each other, and the implementation is emphasized at all levels.

Second, a responsibility letter for creating national health goals was signed, specifying the responsibility of each department and unit for creating national health, and the creation work was effectively implemented.

The third is to strengthen the responsibility system of "contracting, helping and building" and "road leader system". In 2018, the six cities of the county co creation headquarters will be divided into 38 sub districts, and the county leaders will act as the sub districts' leaders to coordinate and supervise the infrastructure construction in the sub districts and solve the key and difficult problems in the sub districts. The key unit is the leading unit, which takes the lead in implementing and formulating the construction scheme, decomposing the construction tasks and implementing the safeguard measures. The relevant units directly under the county level are the help construction units. Specifically, the cleaning team will be set up in the help area, the environmental facilities will be improved, and the long-term environmental sanitation mechanism will be established. The county has 38 county leaders, 38 leading units, and 132 contracted joint construction units. It has formed a working situation in which the whole county participates in the co creation. In 2018, the "road director system" was established in combination with the actual situation in the process of promoting the establishment of our county. Through the transfer of personnel from the urban management and law enforcement bureau, the traffic police brigade, the environmental health station, the community and other relevant departments to form the road director system responsible for specific road sections, the law enforcement force will sink to a fixed position and responsibility, and the normalization of management in the county will be established to achieve fine management in the city, Continuously improve the level of urban management,

Fourth, adhere to the accountability system for supervision and monthly assessment system. Since the establishment of the National Health County, in order to ensure the implementation of the establishment work, the County Six Cities Co creation Headquarters has formulated the Implementation Measures for Accountability of the Six Cities Co creation Work in * * County. Every month, 12 relevant functional units, 4 communities, 27 villages in cities and villages in the fringe of urban and rural areas will be assessed and supervised, and a notice of supervision will be issued. Units and villages with outstanding work will be commended, and year-end comprehensive target assessment will be scored. Units and villages with passive and backward work will be given a notice of approval. Relevant departments that have been notified twice will start an accountability mechanism.

2. Infrastructure construction has been vigorously promoted, and the urban environment has been effectively improved.

First, the construction of waste transfer station is nearing completion. After intensive construction, Shaotian Waste Transfer Station and Beihuan Road Waste Transfer Station are nearing completion.

Second, the pavement was blackened in an all-round way, and the road construction was upgraded. In order to improve the cleanness and neatness of the road surface in the urban area and reduce pollution, since 2018, all major and secondary roads in the urban area have been blackened, sidewalks have been widened and raised, and cement bricks have been paved to make the roads in the entire urban area blackened and brightened.

3. The reconstruction of shantytowns and old residential areas has been carried out in an orderly manner. Since 2017, 12 old residential areas, such as the old foreign trade residential area and the material bureau residential area, have been transformed, and have now become bright, beautiful and standardized. The reconstruction of Guanyinge village shantytown has been basically completed, the roads have been blackened, the shantytown has been removed, and the surrounding environment has been greatly improved. Dongchengjiao shantytown has been started, and the old houses have been demolished. The follow-up work is in order.

The green environment of the four urban areas has been expanded. In 2018, two parks, Dongchengjiao Square Park and Gaoqiao Park, have been newly built, with an additional green area of more than 200 mu. In order to consolidate the green environment in the urban area, green belts, greenbelts, street trees, etc. have been replanted since the beginning of this year, with an increase of 210000 square meters.

3. The responsibility system of sanitation guarantee has been formed, and the environmental sanitation improvement has achieved remarkable results.

First, clarify the subject of responsibility to ensure the normalization of rectification work. Cooperate with relevant departments to organize communities and units to identify the scope of responsibility for public environment and "four guarantees in front of the door", implement the "four guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system, actively strengthen the supervision and inspection of "six small stores", do a good job in the publicity, persuasion and supervision of catering unit owners, timely rectify problems found, and implement the urban sanitation mechanism.

Second, implement environmental governance measures through mobilization. With the issuance of A Letter to the Citizens and the creation of civilized villages, civilized units, civilized households and other activities as the carrier, guide the majority of residents to carry out environmental sanitation renovation. Organize community residents, unit cadres and workers, primary and secondary school students to regularly carry out volunteer activities to clean their homes, campus and surrounding environment. In particular, we should focus on solving the problem of dirty, disorderly and poor environment in back streets, old residential areas, villages in cities and rural-urban fringe, highlight the environmental governance of sanitary dead corners, remove garbage, and clean up graffiti and piles of sundries.

Third, take the opportunity of the ten major special renovations to solidly carry out the special renovation work of environmental sanitation. At the beginning of this year, according to the creation standard of the National Health Township Standard, the Health Office formulated the "Ten Major Special Projects" Rectification Work Plan for * * County to Create a National Health County Town, focusing on the current city appearance, environmental sanitation, city appearance, illegal buildings in the urban area, "seven small stores", street stalls and recycling of renewable resources, property community management, and "ten chaos" Phenomenon, special rectification was carried out for ten outstanding problems, such as transportation of muck, sand and gravel, construction site, traffic order, river channel and urban environmental pollution. Since April 2018, 132 contracted construction units have gone deep into the contracted construction area to carry out a special renovation of urban environmental health, focusing on the comprehensive cleaning, removal of old garbage and treatment of river pollution along the main and secondary trunk roads, back streets and alleys, urban villages, urban and rural fringe areas, demolition of vacant land, river weirs and ditches and other places with outstanding environmental health. Up to now, more than 1300 people have been invested, more than 140 cleaning vehicles have been used, more than 80 sanitation facilities have been added, and more than 140 tons of white garbage have been cleaned up and treated, realizing the comprehensive improvement of greening, purification, brightening and beautification of the village environment; The Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau has carried out rectification of the city appearance and environment, illegal buildings in the urban area, outdoor advertisements and "wild advertisements". Up to now, we have corrected more than 200 out of shop and occupation operations on the main and secondary roads, removed more than 30 illegal hanging objects, banned more than 40 mobile push points, and cleared more than 300 plastic cones on both sides of the streets in the urban area. In August 2018, the "Liangxi" special rectification action was carried out, with more than 3000 times of regulating the disorderly parking of motorcycles and electric vehicles on sidewalks, and more than 100 "zombie cars" were cleaned up. In addition, special work teams were set up to clean up and dismantle 211 main and secondary streets in the urban area, private land piles and land locks in the community. In 2018, a total of 52 illegal construction acts were investigated and dealt with, and the area of illegal construction demolition reached 1500 square meters. More than 600 people have been dispatched to participate in the special rectification of "wild advertising", and more than 6000 "wild advertising" and "psoriasis" have been cleaned up. Intercept 145 registered muck transport vehicles in violation of regulations, and wash 1336 mud transport vehicles for free; The Comprehensive Health Law Enforcement Bureau carried out special rectification of five small stores in the built-up area, issued 140 Hygiene Licenses, and urged the employees to have 1100 physical examinations, so that the certificates, facilities, and environmental sanitation were rectified in place; The Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau and the Environmental Sanitation Institute have made good achievements in actively carrying out the dust control of waste soil, and the air quality in the urban area has been improved; The Housing Administration Bureau has cleaned up and supervised the disorder in the community; The Traffic Police Brigade organized the First Squadron and the Women's Mounted Police Team in the urban area to carry out comprehensive clean-up and rectification actions, such as disorderly parking and placing of electric vehicles and motorcycles, illegal installation of sunshade umbrellas, illegal installation of "zombie vehicles", ground pile locks, and vans in the urban area, illegal installation of solar films, urban traffic protection posts, vehicles not giving way to zebra crossings, and pedestrians running red lights, A total of more than 280 vehicles on both sides of the main roads in the urban area were cleaned up, more than 80 illegal shed umbrellas were removed, and more than 40 vans were removed and solar films were illegally installed. Using the special action of "comity zebra crossing" carried out every Wednesday, education and punishment were given to illegal behaviors such as vehicles not comity to pedestrians in front of zebra crossing and pedestrians running red lights, so as to promote motor vehicle drivers to develop civilized driving Pedestrians have a good habit of obeying traffic rules. Ensure the normal traffic of vehicles and pedestrians in the urban area, and the roads on both sides of the urban trunk roads are clean and orderly.

(2) Powerful promotion of patriotic health

1. We will continue to organize patriotic health month activities. In April every year, our county actively organizes patriotic health month activities, adheres to the whole region, and focuses on the implementation of supervision. During the activity, the construction units in the Baolian District were mobilized to take the opportunity of the national health spring theme activity of "cleaning homes, mosquito control and disease prevention" to carry out comprehensive and thorough environmental health improvement. Health units are called on to take the "Patriotic Health Month" activity as a platform to do a good job of health education on the theme of "pay attention to our health and cherish our life", and guide residents to improve their awareness of health, civilization and hygiene. During the activity, the county people's hospital, traditional Chinese medicine hospital, health care center, township Chengguan health centers and other health care units set up a free clinic consultation service desk to provide the masses with disease diagnosis, drug distribution, health consultation and other services. Through the distribution of publicity funds, free clinic and health consultation, people's health care awareness has been greatly improved.

2. Various health education activities were carried out. First, the national fitness campaign is very impressive. Since June 2018, we have organized and carried out nationwide fitness activities, including basketball, badminton, table tennis, and fun sports. Second, actively organize health education publicity. Invite experts from Taihe Hospital to carry out health education lectures in grass-roots units. Organize experts from county hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and maternal and child health care hospitals to give health education lectures in county units. Third, carry out the "World No Tobacco Day" publicity activities in an all-round way. This year, our county carried out a series of propaganda activities on the theme of tobacco control on the "World No Tobacco Day" on May 31. On May 31, the signing activity of "Refusing to smoke the first cigarette and becoming a new generation of non-smokers" was held in Chang'an School of the county to make students realize the harm of smoking. Each township health center, community service center, county medical and health institutions carried out theme day publicity in various forms, such as poster display, campus tour, etc., to improve the public's awareness of the hazards of smoking and second-hand smoke, so as to create a good atmosphere for the tobacco control and compliance camp.

3. The assessment and evaluation of advanced health units were carried out in a down-to-earth manner. First, in the middle of May, the assessment and acceptance of the health units declared by the county in 2017 were carried out at the county level and at the township level. Check and accept the health villages and towns, health units and health villages declared in 2017. Through examination and acceptance, 15 townships were rated as health townships, 386 units were rated as health units, and 249 villages were rated as health villages. Second, we formulated and issued the notice of 2018 declaration of advanced health units, health townships and health villages. The third is to supervise the establishment of health units in 2018 in combination with the establishment and acceptance of advanced health units, health towns and villages.

4. Orderly promote the declaration of national and provincial health villages and towns. At the beginning of 2018, we actively recommended Longba Town and Tianbao Township to apply for national health township. At the end of July, organize Longba Town and Tianbao Township to sort out the reported application materials. In the middle of November, the provincial secret visit team will conduct secret visit investigation and technical evaluation. By the end of 2018, Xinzhou Town, Xiangba Township and Huiwan Town had been rated as National Health Towns. According to the requirements of the Notice of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hubei Province on Printing and Distributing the 2030 Action Plan for Healthy Hubei, the establishment of a national health county must reach 15% by 2020, and our county has overfulfilled the task.

(3) "Toilet revolution" precise force

1. Adhere to the goal orientation and improve the account management. On the basis of the account table formulated by the provincial "Toilet Revolution" headquarters, the household survey of the current situation of farmers' toilets, the current situation of rural public toilets, township public toilets, and the proposed transformation of the current account table are formulated, which will be used as the account of the "Toilet Revolution" in the whole county. Through household visits, field surveys, household entry information, big data comparison, spot checks and other ways The current account of rural toilets and rural household toilets and the account of construction and reform have been accurately established by the three levels, classification and sub sectors of the county. At present, 15 villages and towns in the county and 19 units such as the Administration Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Comprehensive Farm and Longwangya have established a "toilet revolution" account at the county, town (bureau, field) and village levels.

2. Adhere to the planning orientation, and printed and distributed normative documents. First, planning first. The "Toilet Revolution", "One General and Five Special" plan and three-year action plan of * * County were formulated, and the overall idea of "one construction, two changes and three management", the overall requirements of "one quality, two quantity, and three progress", the overall arrangement of "one year pilot, two years construction, and three years completion" were put forward, Clarify the objects, principles and construction standards of awards and subsidies. The farmers' toilets shall implement a standard of new construction and renovation, and the poor and non poor households shall be given a standard of 2000 yuan per household. The rural public toilets shall be given an award and subsidy of 80000 yuan per seat according to the construction standards, and the township public toilets shall be given an award and subsidy of 150000 yuan per seat according to the construction standards; Second, design first. In combination with the development of the area and the construction of beautiful villages, the plane design drawing and the effect drawing after completion of the "toilet revolution" public toilets in the whole county are typically designed; According to the size of the family population, the plan design drawing and effect drawing of the newly-built farmer's toilet with two separate squatting positions and two toilets for men and women and one squatting position and one toilet for men and women are designed respectively through village entry, interview and discussion, and field survey. Third, layout first. According to relevant specifications and standards, combined with the actual situation, this paper puts forward the principles of selecting points for the planning and layout of rural household toilets and rural public toilets; For rural public toilets, in principle, one village should have one rural public toilet, of which villages with less than 150 households should not be arranged in principle, villages with 150 to 500 households should have one rural public toilet, and villages with more than 500 households should not have more than two rural public toilets; For township public toilets, the total number of township public toilets shall be controlled. In principle, one township shall have one township public toilet, among which, one to three township public toilets shall be set in organic towns with large residents, and one to two township public toilets shall be set in general towns.

3. Adhering to the demonstration orientation, we launched the pilot work. First, we will do a good job in pilot projects. In 2018, three pilot towns were selected as the whole town promotion pilot, three demonstration villages were selected as the whole village promotion pilot in non pilot towns, and one or two pilot villages were determined respectively by the Administration Bureau, the Forestry Bureau and the Comprehensive Farm of Shibali Changxia, ensuring that there are pilots at all levels, all regions and all types. Second, choose the right path. In terms of the construction and reform mode of household toilets, it is proposed that the households covered by sewage treatment plants and constructed wetland pipe networks should be mainly flushed by the above sewers; Built and planned biogas households, mainly biogas connected; The scattered farmers mainly live in three septic tanks. In terms of construction and reform mode, it is proposed to focus on reconstruction, supplemented by new construction. In terms of construction mode, the "five unified" mode of unified planning, unified design, unified bidding, unified construction, unified inspection and acceptance is proposed. In terms of system and mechanism, the paper puts forward four promotion paths to villages and towns, namely, goals, tasks, funds and responsibilities.

4. Adhere to the standard orientation and implement the technical specifications. The County Toilet Construction Office timely forwarded a series of provincial and municipal documents on the technical quality standards for the construction of the rural "toilet revolution" project. According to the supervision and inspection of the municipal government's supervision team on the "toilet revolution" in our county, and in combination with the Notification on the Inspection of the City's "Toilet Revolution" Work, the County Toilet Construction Office issued the Notification on the Progress of the County's "Toilet Revolution", While affirming the achievements, the problems of non-standard and substandard construction and reform technologies were highlighted. On the basis of the rural "toilet revolution" construction and reform technical specifications, a training class on rural "toilet revolution" project construction technology was held, and experts from the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention were invited to give lectures. On the installation and construction of FRP integrated and assembled three grid septic tanks, towns, departments The construction team conducts training and explanation on site. The villages and towns have successively organized and carried out toilet revolutionary technology training classes to train the village cadres' construction teams.

5. Adhere to the problem orientation and strengthen quality control. In response to the common problems existing in the pilot project, timely measures were taken. First, leakage prevention of three grid septic tank. The leakage of three grid septic tank is not easy to control, but it is also a key technology, which directly affects the effect of harmless treatment. In order to solve the leakage problem, we start from three aspects. On the one hand, we insist that the fiberglass septic tank should be installed by technicians arranged by the manufacturer. In case of leakage, the manufacturer should be responsible for it; On the other hand, we insist on seepage prevention monitoring. We have formulated a unified "seepage prevention monitoring table" and distributed it to towns and villages. After the installation of the three grid septic tank, the leakage prevention monitoring shall be carried out according to the technical guide, and the three grid septic tank without leakage can be delivered for use; Finally, fill in the "Anti leakage Monitoring Form", which is confirmed and signed by the manufacturer's technicians, village committees, towns and farmers, and checked layer by layer to ensure that the three grid septic tank delivered for use does not leak. The second is about scientific site selection. Insist on site selection before design, and insist on design before construction. It is strictly prohibited to "build toilets behind closed doors", design while construction, and build public toilets in geological disasters, which may lead to safety addiction; It is forbidden to build the septic tank beside the water body to form a new pollution source; It is strictly prohibited to build public toilets near residents, which will lead to new social conflicts. Adhere to improving the coverage and scope of benefits, and build public toilets in areas where people live and floating population gather, reflecting the concept of "public toilets are for use, not for viewing". The third is about the separation of water for bathing and feces. In order to prevent the bath water from entering the three grid septic tank and affecting the harmless treatment effect, a small constructed wetland is required to be built behind the three grid septic tank, and the bath water is piped into the constructed wetland or discharged into the sewage pipe network by means of diversion. Fourth, the qualification of the construction team. On the basis of strengthening training and expanding professional construction teams, all villages and towns are required to select qualified construction units through bidding, competitive negotiation and other ways to promote the construction and reform project of "toilet revolution".

6. Adhering to the compliance orientation, we completed government procurement. First, the Notice on Performing Procedures and Standardizing Project Construction Commencement was issued, which clarified the bidding and negotiation procedures for household toilets and public toilets; Second, we conducted a unified public bidding for the whole county's FRP integrated three grid septic tank, completed the government procurement, and signed the procurement contract. At present, 200 sets of goods are continuously transported to Zhuxi in 2-3 days on average, ensuring the project progress; Third, the county government has integrated the "toilet revolution" financial start-up funds of 10 million yuan, and 50 million yuan of government bond funds have been applied for.

7. Adhere to progress orientation and establish a weekly report mechanism. On the basis of provincial and municipal schedule, our county has put forward higher requirements to complete the construction and reform tasks one year ahead of schedule, that is, 40% of the total tasks will be completed in 2018, the construction and reform tasks will be fully completed in 2019, and the final improvement will be completed in 2020. According to the requirements of "progress on a Monday, summary on a Monday", the progress is counted every Friday, a weekly progress mechanism has been established, and the progress of the "toilet revolution" construction and reform project in the county, especially the progress of harmless toilets for farmers, has been timely mastered and summarized; In view of the urgency of the "toilet revolution", the implementation of the "toilet revolution" and the "100 day campaign" was proposed, focusing on strengthening the progress supervision of the "toilet revolution" in the whole county.

8. Adhere to performance orientation and strengthen supervision and assessment. First, the supervision office of the county party committee and the supervision office of the county government set up a "toilet revolution" work supervision group. The five supervision groups carried out technical supervision, strengthened progress supervision, recommended typical experience, and issued a notice in time for the "toilet revolution" in the county by region and category. At present, our county has organized two special supervision works, The executive deputy county magistrate held the commander's meeting in person; Second, the "toilet revolution" work has been included in the annual performance target responsibility assessment of the whole county, the weight score has been allocated, and the public supervision and evaluation mechanism has been introduced to accept social supervision.

9. Adhere to the guidance of public opinion and improve the participation of the masses. Connecting with the county newspaper office, the "toilet revolution" column was launched on the news network and today's Zhuxi; The "Toilet Revolution" office of the county has launched and issued the "Toilet Revolution" Work Briefing in * * County "," Toilet Revolution "Work Dynamics in * * County", outdoor publicity and inkjet printing, and household brochures. The township has distributed the manual to households through the targeted poverty alleviation team, and has done propaganda and guidance work. Some villages have launched a column "Toilet Revolution" on the village affairs information publicity bulletin board, Posted "toilet revolution" outdoor publicity spray painting.

By the end of October, 3012 households in the county had completed the construction and reform of harmless toilets, accounting for 115.85% of the annual goals and tasks assigned by provinces and cities; A total of 81 rural public toilets have been built and renovated, accounting for 93% of the annual goals and tasks assigned by the provinces and cities.

2、 Existing problems

(1) Problems in health creation

Although great achievements have been made since the work of creating "national health" was carried out, there is still a gap compared with the national health county standards and requirements. There are still some outstanding problems that need to be solved urgently.

1. There is a gap in infrastructure construction, mainly because the dry toilet (pigsty) and mud road (hospital) have not been completely eliminated, sewage from some old communities has not entered the urban pipe network, live poultry slaughter is not standardized, sanitation facilities are damaged and missing, and the lighting rate of street lamps needs to be further improved.

2. There is still a gap in environmental sanitation, mainly due to the frequent occurrence of "ten disorders". It still exists that people stop and place, build, paste, pour, and throw in disorder.

3. There is a gap in vector control. There is a gap in three aspects: insufficient persistence in eliminating rat marks and traces, damage of rodenticide bait stations, and incomplete elimination of breeding places of "four pests".

4. There is a gap between the two aspects of health of "seven small stores". The facilities of "seven small stores" are not complete. Some do not have smoking ban signs, some do not have complete "four prevention" facilities, and some do not have disinfection facilities, especially in the front and back rooms of small restaurants. Mobile stalls and morning and night markets operate in disorder. It includes mobile fruit stalls, mobile snack stalls, mobile general merchandise stalls, morning and night markets, etc., which are parked in disorder, affecting the appearance of the city. Mobile snacks around schools and kindergartens not only affect the appearance of the city, but also have potential food safety hazards.

5. There are three gaps in the management mechanism. Insufficient investment in basic health facilities. Those that need to be replaced or repaired cannot be replaced or repaired in time. The long-term mechanism needs to be improved. Long term mechanisms such as the governance of the "ten chaos" phenomenon, the governance of mobile stalls along the street have not been formed, and the waste purchase has not been centralized. Although the sanitation and cleaning mechanism has been established, there are still dead corners in sanitation, and there are still management loopholes between villages and between villages and communities.

(2) Problems in Aiwei's work

1. The patriotic health movement was shouted more than done, and leaders did not pay enough attention to it. Some units do not pay enough attention to patriotic health work, and fail to really recognize the importance and necessity of patriotic health work. They always think that it is a form and the activities are carried out in the past. The establishment of health units and the development of health education activities remain on paper, with the purpose of welcoming the inspection.

2. The promotion of health education activities needs to be further strengthened. "2018 Healthy China Travel - Scientific Fitness and" Health Promotion "and" Healthy Lifestyle for All "have not been widely carried out. Health education lectures are too few, theme health day activities are not widely carried out, health education columns are not updated in time, and other issues need further improvement and improvement.

(3) Problems Existing in the Construction and Reform of "Toilet Revolution"

1. The progress is uneven, and the progress of construction and reform of various toilets needs to be coordinated. According to the promotion of the classification of six categories of toilets, the progress of household toilets is better than that of public toilets. As far as public toilets are concerned, the construction of village level public toilets is better than that of other public toilets. According to the requirements of provincial and municipal headquarters, the six categories of toilets should be promoted as a whole. According to the requirements of the county government, 40% of the construction and reform tasks will be completed in 2018, including public toilets as well as household toilets. According to the schedule, we still owe a lot.

2. Propaganda is not enough, and the main body of the masses needs guidance. A few villages and towns and departments have not publicized the "toilet revolution" thoroughly enough, and the publicity, mobilization and organization of the masses are not in place.

3. Technical quality is not guaranteed. Due to the large number of villages involved, the technical level of construction teams in each township is uneven, and the revolutionary technical guidelines for rural toilets are difficult to implement in the process of construction and reform, the qualification rate of construction and reform needs to be further improved.

3、 Suggestions for work in the next stage

(1) Health creation work

Overall goal: consolidate the existing achievements, further upgrade and upgrade, and ensure that the establishment of a national health county in 2019 is reviewed and passed.

1. It is suggested to increase investment in infrastructure construction.

(1) Accelerate the hardening of the road surface in the villages in the city and at the junction of urban and rural areas, and increase the greening of the exposed land of the land to be built. The vegetation shall be covered by vegetation, and the fence shall be covered and beautified.

(2) Accelerate the renovation of dry toilets. It is suggested that Chengguan Town take the lead to remove the dry toilets, open cesspools, cesspools, pig pens and independent simple toilets in 37 districts within a limited time, and transform them into water flush or harmless sanitary toilets in the order of center first and then surrounding.

(3) Organize and implement the supporting construction of sewage pipe network to ensure that all urban sewage enters the pipe network and is treated innocuously.    

(4) Standardized live poultry separation slaughtering houses are set up in the farmers' market. The excrement enters the urban sewage pipe network for harmless treatment, and disinfection facilities are equipped. At the same time, the market is closed regularly for disinfection.

(5) 59 main streets and back streets were equipped with missing and damaged sanitation facilities.

(6) Repair the road green belt, make up the line to the tree, repair and improve the green belt guardrail. Replace the damaged street lamp in time to ensure that the lighting rate reaches 100%.

2. Continue to carry out the special rectification of the "Top Ten". Further clarify and strengthen the responsibilities of relevant departments in creating health, and solidly carry out remediation of environmental health, city appearance, demolition of illegal buildings, wild advertising and psoriasis, muck transportation, six small stores, property communities, traffic order, renewable resources recovery, urban environmental pollution, etc. Strengthen the responsibilities of the construction unit directly under the county, and thoroughly clean up the "Ten Disorders" of residential areas, buildings, households, streets, lanes, and road sections in the area.

3. Implement the main task of the health and family planning department in the creation of national health. Concentrate the human, material and financial resources of each unit of the health and family planning department, strengthen health education, strengthen guidance on the construction of health promotion site environment and activities, and comprehensively complete the tasks of health management. Implement the high-risk groups of chronic diseases, take preventive intervention measures, make good contact with the superior love and health department, and strive for technical support. Under all kinds of pressure, we overcame all difficulties and cooperated with Liuchuang to do a good job of joint innovation in six cities.

(2) Aiwei work

1. Deeply carry out the establishment of health units and actively strive to create national health villages and towns. Use the establishment of health units to further improve the publicity atmosphere of the whole county and promote the implementation of the creation task. In 2019, strive to create at least one national health township. Further implement the working mechanism that is not a health unit and cannot be rated as a civilized unit.

2. Deeply aware of the urgency of the work of "eliminating the four pests", we carried out extensive and in-depth activities of "eliminating the four pests". The work of "removing four pests" is not only the prerequisite for creating a national health township, but also the need to improve the people's living environment. We will strive to carry out large-scale activities to remove four pests extensively and thoroughly in the summer of 2019, and the effect of removing four pests will meet the relevant requirements.

3. Strengthen health education publicity and expand the content of propaganda. First, insist on carrying out health education lectures. Organize and carry out health education lectures at the city and county levels, and strive to reach 95% of the household health knowledge. Second, organically combine the work of health promotion counties to carry out healthy China travel and healthy fitness activities.

4. Strengthen the creation of health education publicity atmosphere and improve the health civilization level of the city. First, a number of health education columns were updated. Replace the original damaged and incomplete health education column. Add health education columns or posters in sections with concentrated population and large traffic volume. The second is to actively communicate with the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau and request each store's electronic display screen to play the health education content in a rolling manner. Third, strengthen the propaganda of radio media.

(3) Toilet revolutionary work heng

1. Accelerate the data reporting of rural "toilet revolution". According to the requirements of the training meeting on rural "toilet revolution" data reporting system held at the provincial, municipal, county and provincial levels, the time node was defined, full-time personnel were solidified, relevant equipment was deployed, technical training was organized, and the data entry of rural "toilet revolution" was quickly and comprehensively started.

2. Focus on construction and reform progress. Strengthen supervision, implement the annual task of "Toilet Revolution" "One Hundred Day Campaign" in accordance with the goal of completing 40% of the total task in 2018, count down the time, schedule the construction period, focus on three months, and fight for 100 days, to ensure that the construction task of the year is completed before winter. Learn the spirit of targeted poverty alleviation and relocation resettlement, catch up with the progress of all kinds of toilets, strive to overfulfil the task, and take the lead in non pilot counties.

3. Strengthen technical guidance. Strengthen the training and guidance of technical standards and industry norms, set up special classes for surveying and mapping design and technical guidance, train craftsmen, expand professional construction teams, and strengthen technical guidance.

4. Expand publicity and guidance. Cooperate with the Propaganda Department and the news media to strengthen publicity and guide and organize the masses to invest in the construction of "toilet revolution".



**County Aiwei Office


Part 6: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

1 Basic information

Jianyang City is located in the center of northern Fujian, with a total area of 3383 square kilometers. There are 8 towns, 3 townships, two sub district offices, and 190 administrative villages in its jurisdiction. At the end of 2009, there were 68899 rural households and 267315 rural residents. There are 11 township (town) hospitals in our city, including 2 central hospitals and 9 general hospitals; At present, the township (town) health center has 357 on-the-job personnel, 333 authorized personnel, and 234 actual personnel, including 170 health professionals; 164 temporary and re employed personnel, including 145 professional technicians.

2 Main working measures

2.1 Adhere to big service and set scientific and feasible work objectives

Our city has scientifically formulated work objectives, and actively carried out rural basic public health service projects in accordance with the principle of "pilot first and gradual promotion", taking villages and towns as the unit, taking villages as the starting point, mature one village, and carry out one village. In 2008, our city first carried out pilot projects in Jiangkou, Chongluo, and Shufang, focusing on the establishment of urban community public health services such as residents' health records, management of chronic diseases of the elderly, health education, and community doctors' access to families, and towns such as rural disease prevention and control, planned immunization, health education, health supervision, maternal and child health care, health emergency, and first aid The functions of village public health services should be organically combined to promote basic public health services in rural areas. In 2009, based on the success of the pilot project and the actual results, our city strengthened the construction of the health service functions of township hospitals, comprehensively launched the rural basic public health service projects in 11 townships in the city, and determined to achieve the goal of "three 60%", that is, 60% of the health files for the elderly over 60 years old were established in villages and towns; The systematic management rate of chronic patients with hypertension and diabetes in the jurisdiction reached 60%; The rate of in home health follow-up more than four times a year reached 60%. The clear and feasible work objectives and the progressive approach have set the tone and direction for steadily advancing the basic public health service projects in rural areas of our city.

2.2 Make great efforts to strengthen the construction of public health system

In recent years, our city has strengthened the construction of key projects to improve the "hematopoietic function" and self-development potential of medical units. Since 2004, our city has seriously organized the implementation of the "township health center reconstruction and expansion project" and the provincial "hundred health centers reconstruction and upgrading project". At present, 11 projects have been implemented and completed, with a total investment of 8.25 million yuan, and 10 health centers have completed supporting construction and equipment upgrading, effectively improving the shortage of medical equipment in grass-roots health centers. At the same time, various financial subsidy policies have been effectively implemented. The municipal government has increased its investment in health care. Under the condition of limited financial resources, it has arranged work funds to ensure the implementation of rural public health service projects. According to statistics, in the past four years, the municipal government has invested more than 18 million yuan in new rural cooperative medical care, social security funds, free premarital examination subsidies, village level epidemic prevention maternity and child personnel subsidies, community health service subsidies, emergency public health funds and other projects. By accelerating the basic construction of township hospitals, constantly strengthening the work of epidemic prevention for women and children, establishing and improving the new rural cooperative medical system, and improving financial subsidies, we have laid a good material foundation for our city to carry out rural basic public health service projects, and created the necessary working conditions.

2.3 Focus on large coverage and build a three-level shared service network

The basic public health service project in rural areas is a new topic of grass-roots health work. In order to strengthen the work of the basic public health service project in rural areas, in early 2009, the township hospitals in our city set up public health departments, with a staffing of 3-5 people, and allocated funds for transportation, office work, publicity, grass-roots tour, information management and other work, The information management software for rural community health services was installed in all villages and towns throughout the city to ensure that there are institutions, personnel and funds available, which effectively guaranteed the normal development of rural basic public health service projects. In view of the wide collection of information on the work of rural basic public health service projects, the variability of systematic health tracking management, and the regional, industrial, life habits and language limitations of health education, our city organically combines the city, town and village health networks through the rural basic public health service project model, Take the construction of village health centers as the focus of medical and health work extending to rural grassroots. The medical and health institutions in the network are coordinated to achieve "general hospital", "general diagnosis" and "general technology service", and realize resource sharing, technical cooperation and business cooperation. Implement the system of "management, help and guidance" of municipal, township and village health institutions, strengthen the standardized training of village doctors in the city, subsidize the village health office staff who undertake the work of epidemic prevention for women and children, and give a subsidy of 3-5 yuan per household to township doctors who collect basic health information of villagers, so as to improve the level of rural medical and health services.

2.4 Devote great enthusiasm to expand the service function of rural health

Improving the service function and innovating the service mode is a highlight of our city's rural basic public health service projects. Each health center in our city will assign the health professional technicians of the whole hospital to different villages and different areas, designate the corresponding responsible doctors and nurses, go to the village regularly to guide the township doctors, provide health services for the villagers, focus on strengthening the systematic management of chronic patients such as hypertension and diabetes, and provide health intervention and drug treatment guidance for the elderly key groups, Provide free health service guidance and health education to the villagers, and issue the fellowship cards of the responsible doctors and nurses of the health center to the villagers, so as to facilitate the villagers' daily health consultation and emergency treatment contact. Give full play to the role of village level health centers, file all the elderly over 60 years old, manage the health files of residents by specially assigned persons, implement computer network management in township health centers, and have completed the database entry work, regular physical examination, keep abreast of the dynamic changes of their conditions, and establish special projects for patients with chronic non infectious diseases; The responsible doctors and nurses of township health centers formulate follow-up management plans for them and carry out systematic management. Systematically managed chronic patients can also enjoy reduction or exemption of registration fees and treatment fees when they go to the outpatient clinic of township health centers, and implement zero price drug services. For the items requiring medical technical assistance inspection, the township health center shall charge the cost according to one-third of the charging standard.

2.5 Based on great effectiveness, improve the working mechanism with strong guarantee

In order to promote the effective development of rural basic public health service projects, our city has actively taken measures, developed a series of management, supervision and restriction mechanisms, and strengthened and improved the system. First, one vote veto. The basic public health service project in rural areas is an important evaluation content of the target management of the presidents of township health centers during their tenure. Township health centers that have not completed their work goals will not participate in the evaluation of township health centers in the city at the end of the year, and will be linked with the evaluation of priority, excellence and performance. The second is to include the target assessment. The detailed evaluation rules for the comprehensive objectives of rural communities of township health centers were formulated. The Municipal Health Bureau listed 100 points from the 300 points of the comprehensive evaluation of township health centers at the end of the year, and comprehensively evaluated the basic public health service projects in rural areas of each township according to five major contents: organizational leadership, community health diagnosis, health education, chronic non communicable disease prevention and treatment, and rural community residents' satisfaction. Third, strengthen work supervision and inspection. Implement regular notification and quarterly tracking and supervision system. Frequently go deep into the rural grassroots, and urge the development of basic public health service projects in the villages and towns.

3. Achievements

3.1 The transformation of health concept has been strengthened. All 11 townships in our city have implemented basic public health service projects in rural areas. For the villagers, the establishment of health records, the popularization of health education, and the work of basic public health services in rural areas have enabled rural villagers to enjoy the same health services as urban residents, shortened the gap between urban and rural medical care, promoted the balanced development of medical care, and effectively improved everyone's health awareness and self-care awareness, It is conducive to promoting the overall improvement of the physical quality of urban and rural residents in our city.

3.2 Realize the transformation of service mode. The development of basic public health service projects in rural areas has transformed the service concept of township hospitals from the traditional "hospital service" and "waiting service" model to the community health service model of "active service, comprehensive service and lifelong service", and transformed the traditional "medical" service function into the "public health+basic medical" service function. The transformation of the service mode has brought greater benefits to the farmers.

3.3 Promoted the transformation of medical institutions. Based on the integration of existing health resources, our city focuses on the transformation of township hospitals and village clinics in the construction of community health service institutions, and integrates township hospitals and village clinics into the community health service system. In order to adapt to the basic public health service projects in rural areas, rural medical personnel must firmly establish the service concept of general practice medicine, provide all-round health services for villagers, transform from specialty to general practice, transform health centers into community health service centers, and transform village health centers into community health service stations step by step.

3.4 Promoted the transformation of doctor-patient relationship In order to better carry out basic public health service projects in rural areas, our city implements the initiative of medical personnel, door-to-door service, convenient for patients from the service process, service attitude, service quality and other aspects, constantly meet the growing demand of the masses for medical and health services, and win the welcome, understanding, trust and support of patients. Through all-round, multi-level and multi perspective subject communication between doctors and patients, feelings are enhanced and contradictions are resolved, creating a harmonious atmosphere of high interaction between doctors and patients, and promoting the transformation of doctor-patient relationship to a more harmonious one.

4 Existing problems

4.1 Inadequate organization functions Although the three-level public health management and service network has been basically completed, it still does not give full play to the corresponding functions, especially the individual project units still do not have a good understanding of public health work. Inadequate cooperation has affected the work quality to a certain extent.

4.2 The quality of the service team is not high. There is a shortage of prevention and protection personnel in grass-roots units. 68% of the personnel have not been trained by general practitioners. The overall quality of the service team is not high, and it is difficult to complete the project tasks with high quality.

4.3 The overall progress of the project is unbalanced. The work of the rural basic public health service project covers 3 categories and 8 items, which is a systematic project. The 11 townships in the city have made uneven progress in the dynamic health management of rural chronic diseases and the elderly, and in the supervision of rural food, drinking water and occupational health.

5 Considerations

5.1 Further strengthen fund management, standardize the use of funds to ensure that the project funds are sufficient and in place in a timely manner, strictly follow the requirements of the Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Rural Basic Public Health Service Projects in Fujian Province, and include all the special funds for rural basic public health services into the special account for financial and social security, and implement special account management.

5.2 Strengthen the team building and service capacity. In view of the low quality of the prevention and protection personnel of grass-roots units and the overall team of rural doctors, we should do a good job in the introduction and training of rural prevention and protection personnel, especially the shortage of prevention and health care personnel. We should adopt preferential policies to attract public health technology backbone to take root in rural services and enrich the prevention and protection team. [1] At the same time, it is necessary to regularly carry out training on the service skills of prevention and protection personnel and rural doctors in grass-roots units, further improve the professional quality and skills of the overall team of prevention and protection personnel and rural doctors in grass-roots units, and comprehensively improve the ability of basic public health services in rural areas.

5.3 Further strengthen the publicity and expand the influence of the project. While carrying out the project work, we should further promote the project work in various forms, so that the masses can fully understand, actively participate in and enjoy the benefits.

5.4 Constantly sum up experience, innovate working mechanism and mode, constantly explore and summarize project management mode, innovate management mode, improve public satisfaction, establish and improve "one system, two mechanisms and two modes", that is, establish project management system, dynamic adjustment mechanism, project evaluation mechanism, special account management mode and unified account mode, Further improve the standardization of project management.

Part 7: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

In the past 20 years, under the leadership of the township party committee and government, under the guidance of the county Love Health Office and the cooperation of relevant departments, the patriotic health has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Party and the spirit of the health work conference at the higher level, emancipated the mind, updated the concept, blazed new trails, based on reality, and widely mobilized the masses to actively participate in the patriotic health movement. In cities and towns, we should focus on building health towns and take governance as a breakthrough to consolidate and improve the achievements of health creation; In rural areas, we will focus on the renovation of new socialist rural villages, take cholera prevention and control, water and toilet improvement, and environmental improvement as breakthrough points, and strive to improve the quality of health village construction. The extensive and in-depth patriotic health campaign has effectively promoted the continuous development of patriotic health work in the whole town, made efforts to improve the living and production environment of urban and rural residents, and improved the public's awareness of health and disease prevention and the people's health level. Through the joint efforts of the people of the whole town, the health situation has greatly improved, the national health education and the work of pest control and disease prevention have been continuously consolidated, the health management work has been regular, institutionalized, standardized, and the scientific development level has been continuously improved, so as to successfully create a national health town, a national health promotion action for hundreds of millions of farmers and a health education demonstration town of rural public health projects in Zhejiang Province, Through the review of provincial health towns, the review of advanced cockroach control towns and the establishment of food safety demonstration towns, we have made positive contributions and successfully completed the work assigned by the superior. The work is summarized as follows:

1、 Leaders attach importance to and the organization is sound

The township love and health office has a sound organization, a clear division of responsibilities, and responsibility implementation. This year, another person was added to enrich the love and health management team. The plan is fully implemented, the work is deployed and inspected, and the village level health care is under the charge of a specially assigned person. A relatively sound and stable health care work network is formed throughout the town, which effectively ensures the development of patriotic health, and patriotic health campaigns in different seasons are carried out in combination with the needs of health and disease prevention. Establish a long-term management mechanism, promulgate various rules and regulations according to the needs of the construction work, supplement and adjust them in a timely manner, and promote the overall development with the town leading the village to ensure the completion of the construction work. It provides a complete, scientific, practical and standardized management system for the successful establishment of a national health town.

2、 Strengthen publicity, create a health education atmosphere,

Our town attaches great importance to health education publicity, and regards health education as the main content of improving citizens' quality. The whole town carried out various forms of health education activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Health Promotion Action Plan for Billions of Farmers. On the basis of the successful establishment of the "National Advanced Towns for Billions of Farmers' Fitness Activities" last year, we made persistent efforts. This year, we successfully established the "National Health Promotion Action for Billions of Farmers and Zhejiang Rural Public Health Project Health Education Demonstration Town". In order to effectively promote the establishment work and consolidate the improvement work, the Office of Love and Health led the organization of health centers, schools, radio and television, culture, family planning and other departments to carry out a wide range of health education publicity by using various carriers such as town newspapers, radio, "literature and art to the countryside", publicity on the street, and group activities, so as to create a healthy living atmosphere of "everyone talks about health, everyone protects health", Let the masses gradually accept correct health knowledge and establish good living habits in a wide range of health knowledge publicity environment. More and more people attach importance to and support health education, and make sure that the work is led, planned, recorded and summarized. Strengthen the construction of the front, actively create a healthy atmosphere, and build new health education bulletin boards in nine administrative villages and communities, so that the window propaganda content is changed every quarter, and the blackboard newspaper propaganda content is changed every month. Health promotion days such as No Tobacco Day, World Tuberculosis Day and World Health Day are used to popularize health knowledge. The radio station has a health propaganda column all the year round. The administrative village, family planning office, new residence and other departments make full use of the self run publications such as Population and Health, Village level Briefing, and constantly innovate the health education methods, use mass SMS, vigorously promote health knowledge, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. A total of 69000 copies of various health publicity materials, such as the Citizen Civilization Manual, Questions and Answers on Citizen's Health Knowledge and Health Behavior, and Chuangye souvenirs (aprons), were distributed to each household and each household in more than 50 kinds, with 100% of the materials entering the household, 40000 messages sent in groups, and more than 80% of the residents' awareness of health knowledge. Health education was comprehensively carried out in primary and secondary schools throughout the town, with a class opening rate of 100%. After consulting relevant data and communicating with some students, the awareness rate of basic health knowledge of primary and secondary students reached more than 90%, and their personal health habits were good. The work of tobacco control was actively carried out, and Gu Linfa, secretary of the central primary school and the town government, was named the advanced unit and activist of tobacco control in Jiaxing. The bus station waiting room and other public places are equipped with non-smoking signs

There is no tobacco advertisement in the district.

3、 The patriotic health campaign was launched at all levels and linked with towns and villages.

This year, on the basis of consolidating and improving the provincial health town, we successfully created the only national health town in Jiaxing at present, and took this opportunity to vigorously carry out a vigorous patriotic health campaign.

Our town attaches great importance to environmental health management and infrastructure construction, achieves phased goals, has deployment, and has responsibilities in place. In particular, in order to solve the problems of "psoriasis", sanitary dead corners, ground and facade repair in the town, five teams have been established, including building, pipeline construction teams and wall coating, garbage removal, and random posting removal teams. The roads are washed every day to reduce dust, It ensures that the infrastructure of the town is complete, and the roads and facades are clean and tidy; The implementation of the leadership and department road section responsibility system, the implementation of the "one broom" system and the assessment of rewards and punishments incentive mechanism in environmental sanitation, town environmental sanitation work has achieved remarkable results; The laying coverage rate of sewer network shall reach 85%; The public toilets, garbage transfer stations, garbage bins and shell containers are reasonably arranged, in sufficient quantity and neat; The sanitation organization is sound, equipped with enough cleaning personnel, and the funds are available; 18 hour cleaning for main streets and public places; Start the compression type waste transfer station, remove and merge part of the waste collection places, collect the garbage in bags, transport the garbage in a closed manner, and clear the garbage on a daily basis;, The harmless treatment rate of domestic garbage and feces meets the requirements; The farmers' market is under the jurisdiction of the city, with clear functional zoning, complete drainage facilities, neat and clean operation, complete systems and good management; Live poultry sales and slaughter can be divided into separate areas; The greening coverage rate reached 37.16%, which was in line with the national standards for health towns; The lighting facilities are in good condition, and the bright project has characteristics; The riverway and both banks in the urban area are clean, under the unified management of the environmental sanitation department, and the garbage is disposed uniformly; It is prohibited to raise poultry and livestock in the town; Basic Code for Sanitation Management of Construction Site.

On the basis of the benefit rate of the whole town's tap water reaching 100% and sufficient supply, it is the first to start the construction of integrated urban and rural water supply and sewage pipe network connection. At present, the first phase of the project has been completed and passed the acceptance. It is expected that the whole town will achieve the integration of urban and rural water supply by next June. In accordance with the requirements for the prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infectious diseases such as cholera prevention and control, the disinfection of farmers' soil, wells and water was carried out. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the long-term management mechanism of rural environmental sanitation. The Town Love and Health Office and the Establishment Office patrol to supervise the long-term cleaning of environmental sanitation in each village. Timely notify the problems found and expose them on the government website, effectively supervise the long-term cleaning of environmental sanitation at the village level. So far, the town has 169 cleaners, including 81 village cleaners, Fully implement the collection of household garbage of residents in each village, and actively do a good job in the hardware construction of environmental sanitation facilities. All the household garbage cans of residents in the three provincial health villages have been replaced with covered garbage cans and covered trucks. The garbage collection places have been removed and merged, and the garbage has been transported to the town compression type garbage transfer station for transfer, truly meeting the requirements of "household collection, village collection, town transportation, and county treatment". Efforts should be made to eliminate the four pests, and experts should be invited to train the network team. And carry out routine density monitoring of four pests to grasp the dynamics. The purchase of rodenticide and cockroach killing drugs will be distributed free of charge to residents, a large number of fly stickers will be distributed in the farmers' market, fly killing lamps will be installed, 150 fly traps and other facilities will be reasonably set up in the town, and special personnel will be assigned to be responsible for it. While taking comprehensive measures to prevent, control and kill pests, self inspection and assessment will be carried out according to the "Standards and Assessment Methods for Mosquito, Fly and Cockroach Control", and timely measures will be taken if problems are found, Effectively control the density of four pests within the range of indicators specified by the state. At the beginning of August this year, it passed the reexamination assessment of the advanced town for killing cockroaches.

4、 Actively carry out special rectification of food safety in the field of catering consumption

Through food safety

A series of activities including the establishment of demonstration towns, the declaration of family dinners, and the establishment of harmonious canteens. Actively supervise and inspect food safety in the field of catering consumption, strengthen on-site guidance and rectification work, and promote the implementation of work. Adhere to regular or irregular patrol inspection, carry out communication and report, find problems in a timely manner, guide improvement work, and make immediate changes while patrolling. The food safety in our town has been improved to a new level, with obvious results, which was praised by Vice Premier Wu Yi.

5、 Do a good job in urban and rural cooperative medical care

Due to the attention of leaders, good publicity and strong organization, the cooperative medical insurance rate reached 98.58% with the joint efforts of cadres and the masses of the town. We will standardize the unified management system, improve settlement methods that are convenient for farmers, expand the range of benefits for farmers, and improve the degree of benefits for residents. The physical examination rate of general population has reached 85.19% within two years. The health care awareness of "early prevention without disease and early treatment with disease" of the masses of residents has been improved.

In the past 20 years, the establishment of a national health town has strengthened the coordination ability of departments, villages and units, communicated with the Party masses, cadres and masses, and increased the cohesion. Through active publicity, make health knowledge known to everyone, and form a good fashion for all people to participate in and work together; Further enhance the health awareness of the people in the town, guide residents and farmers to consciously change their unhealthy habits, improve their health awareness and self health care ability, and form a new trend that everyone pays attention to health and observes social ethics.

Work ideas for the next year:

While striving to complete the tasks assigned by the Party Committee and the government, actively do the following work: 1. Focus on consolidating the prevention and control of cholera, vigorously carry out comprehensive environmental sanitation renovation activities in all villages. In the process of completing patriotic health work, we should adopt the method of combining surprise and regular, temporary and permanent solutions, take pragmatic and innovative working ideas, firmly grasp the Love Weiyue and important festivals, and extensively carry out the mass country health campaign.

2. Actively encourage farmers to build sanitary latrines, guide farmers to consciously improve latrines and rent houses to change latrines, and make the rate of latrine change in the whole town reach more than 95% in the form of rewards instead of subsidies.

3. We will continue to do a good job in monitoring the four pests throughout the year. By combining surprise killing with long-term treatment, we will kill key areas, check and fill gaps, and prevent and control the breeding of the four pests. Establish inspection, monitoring and archiving system. We will continue to consolidate the achievements of eliminating four pests based on environmental governance.

4. Continue to apply for the establishment of advanced health units. (2 provincial-level, 7 municipal and 6 county-level)

5. Do a good job in team building. Establish a complete, scientific and standardized new model of sanitation management.

6. Ensure the normal operation of the compressed waste transfer station. Properly handle the waste transfer work of each property management company.

Chapter 8: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns

Health service is a social public welfare service in which the government implements certain welfare policies, and is an important part of the social security system. Everyone has access to health care, and the improvement of the health quality of the whole people is an important goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and socialist modernization, and an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the economy and society. In order to fully implement the work plan of the county government for the next five years and the health work goals and tasks proposed in the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" for the National Economic and Social Development of the County, speed up the pace of health reform and development in our county, and constantly improve the health level of urban and rural residents, the "Eleventh Five Year Plan for the Development of Health Undertaking in Guiyang County" is hereby formulated in combination with the actual situation. [Secretarial website articles - find articles, go to Secretarial website]

1、 Planning background and health development status

(1) Socio economic status.

__The county governs 39 townships, 503 administrative villages and 5024 villagers' groups, with an area of 2994 square kilometers and a total population of 793000, including 641000 agricultural population. In 20__, the total output value of the county was 5.341 billion yuan, the fiscal revenue was 456 million yuan, the per capita net income of farmers was 4024 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 9116 yuan.

(2) Health status of residents.

1. Main indicators of residents' health: in 20__, the average life expectancy of the whole county residents was 73.4 years old, the maternal mortality rate was 35.23/100000, the neonatal mortality rate was 8.92 ‰, and the incidence of infectious diseases was 158.96/100000.

2. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, acute and chronic infectious diseases are still important factors threatening the health of residents in our county. In 20__, our county reported 14 kinds of Class A and B infectious diseases, 1259 cases, 9 deaths, and the mortality rate was 114/100000. The top six infectious diseases in terms of incidence are tuberculosis, dysentery, viral hepatitis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, measles and gonorrhea, which account for 97.14% of the total number of infectious diseases.

The situation of AIDS prevention and control is grim. In 20__, one new HIV infected person was found in our county. The incidence of viral hepatitis has risen rapidly. In 20__, 157 cases of viral hepatitis were found, with an incidence of 19.82/100000, up 32.11% over last year. Pulmonary tuberculosis is on the rise. In 20__, 579 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were found, ranking first in the incidence of infectious diseases.

3. Chronic non communicable diseases have become the main factor affecting the health of residents in our city. With the improvement of people's living standards, the aging of the population has accelerated, the health awareness of residents has lagged behind, unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of exercise, smoking, excessive drinking and irregular life have not been effectively curbed, and mental health and reasonable nutrition issues have not received enough attention, leading to an increase in the incidence of chronic non communicable diseases.

(3) Status of health resources.

1. Health institutions: By the end of 20__, there were 574 medical and health institutions in the county, including 5 county medical and health units, 39 township (center) hospitals, 2 provincial and municipal hospitals in Guangxi factories and mines, 4 private hospitals, 484 village clinics, and 40 private clinics.

2. Health manpower: 1669 employees in the county's health system, including 1398 health technicians, accounting for 84.44 of the total. 456 licensed doctors, 462 licensed assistant doctors, 1.16 doctors per thousand people; 486 registered nurses, 0.61 nurses per thousand; 264 other health technicians, such as medicament and inspection personnel. There are 16 people with senior professional titles and 287 people with intermediate professional titles. Hospital beds: By the end of 20__, there were 1148 beds in the county, 1.5 beds per thousand people.

3. Housing and equipment: the total area of medical and health units in the county is 161341m2, and the business room is 77608m2. At present, the medical equipment in the county is 39.4817 million yuan, and there are 236 sets of equipment above 10000 yuan, including 226 sets of equipment below 500000 yuan, 9 sets of equipment between 500000 yuan and 1000000 yuan, and 3 sets of equipment above 1 million yuan. Among the large medical equipment, there are three X-ray electronic computed tomography (CT) devices and three color ultrasound devices. By the end of 20__, the total assets of all medical and health units in the county were 141.5723 million yuan.

4. Public health expenditure: In 20__, the county's financial investment in public health was 6.4319 million yuan, including 6.15 million yuan for public health and 280000 yuan for traditional Chinese medicine. In the health expenditure, the hospital expenditure is 400000 yuan, accounting for 6.5%; The fund for epidemic prevention and control is 993600 yuan, accounting for 1615; Maternal and child health care expenditure was 574500 yuan, accounting for 934; The expenditure for township hospitals is 3.7 million yuan, accounting for 60.14%; Other health expenditure was 483800 yuan, accounting for 786.

2、 Development during the Tenth Five Year Plan

(1) Main achievements

The "Tenth Five Year Plan" period is a historical period of rapid development of the county's health cause. The county's health system, in accordance with the spirit of the relevant documents of the superior, seized the opportunity, realistic and innovative, pioneering, united and hard working, deepened reform, improved health services, promoted the healthy development of the county's health cause, and initially established a A health service system that basically meets the health needs of the people. The goals set in the Tenth Five Year Plan were basically achieved. The health service in the county has taken on a new look. In 20__, 20__, 20__, 20__ and 20__, it won the first place in the municipal health work objective management assessment; It has been successively rated as "National Advanced County for Primary Health Care", "National Advanced County for Poliomyelitis Eradication", "Qualified County for Eliminating Iodine Deficiency Disease Hazards in Hunan Province", "Qualified County for Provincial Maternal and Child Project", "Advanced County for Rural Traditional Chinese Medicine Construction in Hunan Province", "Advanced Collective for Learning and Education of the" Three Represents "in Hunan Province", "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization for Fighting SARS in Hunan Province" "Hunan Provincial Public Welfare Image Demonstration Unit" and other honors.

1. The management of rural health work was strengthened.

(1) Actively explore township health

Reform of the internal operating mechanism of the School. In 20__, our county took the lead in implementing the reform of the internal operation mechanism of township health centers, which is "movable property financing and paid use of real estate". After operation, the total assets of township health centers in the county increased by more than 5 million yuan, ensuring the appreciation of state-owned assets, and the average wages of cadres and workers increased. The Provincial Personnel Department and the Provincial Health Department called this reform of our county "Guiyang Model" and introduced it to the whole province. (2) Further consolidate rural health infrastructure. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, the infrastructure construction of rural health centers was increased, with an annual investment of more than 1 million yuan for the construction of talents, houses and equipment of township health centers. In 20__, the construction of the public health system focused on the county CDC, the infectious disease area of the county people's hospital, and the central hospitals of Taihe and Yangtse, with a total investment of more than 10 million yuan; In 20__, the construction of 24 township hospitals will be completed, with a total investment of 3.97 million yuan, including 2.9 million yuan of national debt funds, which has greatly improved the infrastructure and medical environment of our county's medical institutions. Further improved the overall service function of township hospitals in the county.

2. The pilot work of the new rural cooperative medical system was carried out smoothly.

In February, 20__, the provincial party committee and the provincial government identified our county as one of the first five pilot counties of new rural cooperative medical care in the province. Our county actively carried out its work. In 20__, 20__ and 20__, the number of farmers participating in cooperative medical care in the whole county reached 169000, 233000 and 455000, respectively, with coverage rates of 25, 347 and 71. Since July 1, 20__, 12813 farmers who participated in cooperative medical care have been hospitalized in designated medical institutions at all levels, and 8606600 yuan of subsidies have been cashed. It has effectively alleviated the phenomenon that farmers become poor due to illness and return to poverty due to illness, and has been supported and welcomed by the masses.

3. The quality of prevention and health care work has been improved, and the health supervision and law enforcement work has been continuously strengthened.

Earnestly implement the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on Emergency Handling of Public Health Emergencies. Through strict epidemic reporting system, strengthen epidemic monitoring, timely deal with epidemic spots and other measures, we have solidly managed infectious diseases, and controlled the occurrence and prevalence of infectious diseases to the maximum extent. The total incidence of infectious diseases has decreased year by year, and there is no occurrence and prevalence of Class A infectious diseases, Especially in 20__, when the SARS epidemic broke out in our country, our county quickly established a headquarters, formulated a work plan, set up a mobile team, carried out a series of work, and took practical measures to ensure that there was no SARS epidemic in our county, and achieved a major victory. The supervision and monitoring of food hygiene and public place hygiene were strengthened. We have carried out law enforcement work on professional health. At the same time, the maternal and child health care work was carried out in strict accordance with the Law on Maternal and Child Health Care, and the management of the two major systems of maternal and child health care was further consolidated and improved.

4. The work of medical administration, unpaid blood donation and health associations was further strengthened.

All medical and health units have strengthened the medical quality and medical safety work, clarified their responsibilities, strengthened the professional learning of medical personnel, constantly improved the professional level and prevention awareness of medical personnel, and strictly prevented medical accidents. Strengthened the leadership of the Red Cross Society and unpaid blood donation, such as completing the unpaid blood donation task in quality and quantity. In 20__, the third member representative meeting of the county's rural health associations was held, the health association institutions were improved, training courses for rural doctors were held, and the rural doctor practice registration examination was organized, which further improved the professional level of village level health workers.

(2) Main problems

1. The allocation of health resources is unreasonable.

The overall per capita ownership of health resources in our county is not high, the distribution is unbalanced, and the structure is unreasonable. Health resources such as health manpower, beds and equipment are concentrated in the county seat. Rural health resources are relatively insufficient. The equipment of grass-roots township hospitals is backward. The educational structure of the health team is low, the technical level is low, and the service facilities are not perfect. The "three-level" medical prevention and health care network needs to be further improved.

2. The overall scientific and technological strength is not strong, and the professional and technical talents are faulty.

Since the distribution of college and technical secondary school graduates stopped in 20__, the township health centers have basically no professional and technical personnel, while some of the existing professional and technical personnel have reached the retirement age and retired, and some of the better skilled have been upgraded or flowed out, resulting in the fault of most of the township health centers' professional and technical personnel. According to the statistics in 20__, at present, the township hospitals have a total shortage of 78 professionals in clinical, nursing, imaging, pharmacy, radiology, accounting and other fields, especially the serious shortage of nursing and imaging professionals. At the same time, the county level medical institutions have prominent structural contradictions in human resources, lack of top talents, and the level of health management personnel needs to be improved The high-tech innovation system of research integration has not yet formed, the overall strength of medical and health science and technology is not strong, there are not many advantageous disciplines, the transformation of medical and health scientific research achievements is lagging behind, the benefits are not high, and the health science and technology does not adapt to the economic and social development of our county. This has restricted the development of health services.

3. Insufficient investment in public health system construction.

According to the relevant documents issued by the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Department of Health, the standards and responsibilities for the construction of the disease prevention and control system, the health supervision system and the maternal and child health care system are clearly defined, the responsibilities of governments at all levels are standardized, and the governments at all levels are required to arrange the staffing, working funds, personnel funds Public health emergency response funds. The original health and epidemic prevention station of our county has a verified staffing of 50 people, and the county maternal and child health care center has a verified staffing of 70 people. After the reform of the disease prevention system and health supervision system of the county in 20__, the total staffing of the three units has been reduced by 35 people, and the personnel funds have been reduced by half, which has brought great difficulties to the development of public health management work and severely restricted the construction of our county's public health system.

4. Insufficient investment in health services.

County financial health care funding gap is large, seriously affecting the development of health work. According to the relevant national policies and regulations, the health expenditure should account for 8% of the total financial expenditure of the whole county, but now the health expenditure of our county only accounts for 1.9% of the total financial expenditure. According to the 20__ health expenditure compensation policy, the health system compensation fund was originally arranged to be 11.3445 million yuan. However, the county finance actually appropriated 6.2308 million yuan for health care, which is a large funding gap. Due to the relatively insufficient financial subsidies, while the funds for in-service personnel and the development and construction of medical institutions can only be solved by the medical institutions' "income generation", which leads to the distortion of medical service prices, increases the burden of national, social and personal medical expenses, keeps the total health expenses high, and seriously affects the normal development of health services.

5. The pilot work of the new rural cooperative medical system is difficult.

First, the masses' awareness of mutual assistance is poor; Second, the long-term mechanism of new rural cooperative medical care financing has not been established, and the workload of township financing is large; Third, it is difficult to guarantee the staffing and working funds of township cooperative medical management institutions.

3、 Guiding ideology, objectives and tasks

(1) Guiding ideology

During the Eleventh Five Year Plan period, we should follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", establish a socialist scientific outlook on development, take everyone's access to health care, and constantly improve people's health quality as the goal, focus on rural health, community health, disease control and public health services, and implement the guidelines for health work in the new era, Deepen the reform of the medical and health system, make overall planning and rational allocation of health resources, improve medical and health conditions, improve health service capabilities, establish a sustainable and coordinated health system that meets the economic and social development and people's health needs of Guiyang County, and make due contributions to the construction of a harmonious new society. Under this guiding ideology, the main principles that must be adhered to are: according to the principles of regional coverage, reasonable layout, convenient medical treatment, resource sharing, and efficient utilization, through planning the total amount, adjusting the stock, optimizing the increment, improving the quality, ensuring the investment in key projects and priority areas, and fully improving the utilization rate of health resources and health service performance. Increase investment in rural health, further narrow the gap between urban and rural health conditions, and vigorously develop urban and rural community health services.

(2) Total// Physical objectives and main indicators

1. Overall objectives.

Starting from the situation of our county, taking the overall goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way as the main line, and building a socialist harmonious society as the goal, we will gradually build a socialist market economy and people's health

The medical service, prevention and health care, disease control, and health supervision and law enforcement systems required by health care have established a medical management system with diversified economic types, diversified service forms, and specialized health teams, and gradually formed a new pattern of health care with multiple types of medical institutions coexisting, complementing each other, fair competition, and orderly development. By 20__, the medical and health services and the main health indicators of residents in our county will reach the leading level in the city. 2. Main indicators.

⑴ The coverage rate of health education is more than 95, and the awareness rate of residents' health education knowledge is 95 in cities and 75 in rural areas;

⑵ Maternal mortality ≤ 35/100000;

⑶ Infant mortality ≤ 15 ‰;

⑷ The system management rate of pregnant and lying in women reached 95, and the hospital delivery rate reached more than 90.

⑸ The management rate of children's system is more than 90.

(6) The total incidence of Class A and B infectious diseases is ≤ 140/100000.

(7) The rate of card and certificate establishment for children reached 100, the single vaccination rate of "five vaccines" reached more than 95, and the qualified vaccination rate of "five vaccines" reached more than 90.

(8) The supervision coverage rate and standardized treatment rate of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis patients reached 95%; The cure rate reached 90.

(9) 1.8 doctors per thousand population.

(10) Two beds per thousand people.

(11) Average life expectancy reaches 74 years.

(12) The missing report rate of epidemic report shall be controlled within 5;

(13) The qualification rate of food hygiene monitoring reaches 90;

(14) The coverage rate of health supervision reaches 95 in urban areas and more than 90 in villages and towns;

(15) The coverage rate of new rural cooperative medical care is more than 80;

(3) Key development areas and main tasks

1. Medical treatment system.

According to the economic and social development of the county and the supply and demand trend of the medical market, gradually improve the overall urban and rural medical network. Build the county and urban area into a health service network center with comprehensive hospitals, specialized hospitals, private hospitals and community health service institutions as the main body; Further improve the county, township and village medical and health service network to make it a comprehensive service network integrating medical treatment, prevention and health care.

(1) Construction of general hospitals and specialized hospitals

Relying on the People's Hospital of the county, the county has gradually established a modern medical center with complete facilities, modern management, first-class service and leading level in the city, which has become the medical, teaching and scientific research base of the county and even the city. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, we will focus on strengthening the construction of the outpatient building and surgical inpatient building of the County People's Hospital. At the same time, we will build a leading department of stomatology and neurosurgery, actively strive for projects, introduce funds, update equipment, improve infrastructure construction, vigorously strengthen the construction of infectious disease areas, and gradually build a legal infectious disease treatment center throughout the county. Build a medical and health service system that conforms to the future development level of Guiyang, and make Guiyang County People's Hospital become the medical emergency center of the county.

(2) Construction of traditional Chinese medicine

We will conscientiously implement the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine, highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, strengthen the connotation construction of traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions, cultivate and build a number of municipal key specialties of traditional Chinese medicine, and focus on creating specialties such as orthopedics and craniocerebral surgery. Strengthen the training of excellent TCM clinical experts, and cultivate a group of inherited, integrated Chinese and Western, and export-oriented senior professional and technical talents; Increase investment in traditional Chinese medicine, further strengthen the infrastructure construction of traditional Chinese medicine institutions, consolidate and improve the service network of traditional Chinese medicine, and highlight the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine; Actively strive to use national debt and provincial subsidy funds, focus on completing the reconstruction of the inpatient building of the county TCM hospital during the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, accelerate the construction of TCM hospitals, and strengthen the development of ethnic medicine.

(3) Construction of community health service network

The community health service center is a service organization that performs the functions of health education, disease prevention, health care, treatment, rehabilitation, etc. in urban communities, is the carrier for implementing various specific public health work, and is the network base for the construction of public health system. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, our county should establish and improve a reasonable layout and economic order that is suitable for the construction of urban communities and the health needs of the people, A community health service network that directly faces the masses and families and integrates basic medical treatment, prevention, health care, rehabilitation, family planning and health education services. With the community as the basic unit, each community should set up a community health service center, and every 10000 residents should be equipped with two general practitioners, so as to ensure that the urban community health coverage rate should reach 100, and gradually realize the new medical model of not leaving the community for minor diseases, but entering the hospital for serious diseases.

(4) Construction of rural health institutions

For the construction of rural health institutions, it is necessary to clarify the objectives, make good planning, highlight the key points, speed up the pace of construction, and pay close attention to the establishment and improvement of the rural medical and health system network based on the village clinics and the township hospitals. We should actively strive for the construction of township hospitals and village clinics. At the same time, we should further integrate rural medical and health resources, and actively explore new ideas and methods for rural primary health care under the new situation; Ensure that all indicators of primary health care in 20__ meet the standards. We should balance urban and rural development, increase investment in rural health services, and fully guarantee the personnel and funds needed by township hospitals to perform public health functions; Strengthen the construction of rural medical and health teams, strengthen personnel training, enhance professional quality, and improve service quality; Actively use national policies, strive for national debt projects, strengthen the infrastructure construction of township hospitals, update equipment, expand business, and ensure the basic medical service needs of farmers.

(5) Medical first aid

Strengthen the construction and development of 120 medical rescue command centers in the county, and gradually complete the transition from "pre hospital command" to "pre hospital first aid" by 20__. Our county will first rely on the county people's hospital to build a 120 command center, and actively create conditions to set up a 120 command center. Through the 120 command center, we will integrate resources, activate advantages, and gradually build an emergency medical treatment system that is suitable for the actual situation of our county, covers urban and rural areas, has perfect functions, is responsive, operates coordinately, and develops sustainably.

2. Disease prevention and control system.

During the period from 20__ to 20__, we will further strengthen the construction of the three-level prevention and health care network at the county, township and village levels, formulate the Measures for the Integrated Management of County and Village Prevention and Protection, improve the prevention and protection team at the village level, and keep the three-level network at the county, township and village level unblocked and efficient. Taking the construction of standardized vaccination clinics as an opportunity, we will strengthen and standardize the work of children's planned immunization, and effectively reduce the incidence of infectious diseases related to planned immunization. Taking towns as a unit, the coverage rate of "five vaccines" for 12 month old children will reach more than 95%, and the reported incidence rate of AFP cases will be more than 1/100000. We will do a good job in "four in place" of personnel, funds, materials and technology.

Earnestly implement the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on Emergency Handling of Public Health Emergencies, and strengthen the emergency capacity for various epidemic situations and other public health emergencies; Further reduce the total incidence of infectious diseases, improve the sensitivity and accuracy of epidemic reporting, and control the rate of missing epidemic reports within 5; Further strengthen the prevention and control of key infectious diseases, establish and improve the diarrhea disease monitoring and prevention network focusing on cholera, and focus on strengthening the monitoring of key diseases such as SARS and human avian influenza; Implement the Regulations on the Administration of Vaccine Circulation and Vaccination, and by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan, strengthen the prevention and control of AIDS. According to the long-term plan of Guiyang County for AIDS prevention and control, strengthen institutional construction, increase financial input, improve the quality of professionals, strengthen the monitoring of key vulnerable groups, and explore behavioral intervention for high-risk groups, Extensive publicity and education on AIDS prevention and control among all people; Continue to promote the modern tuberculosis control strategy, and take the county as the unit to make the coverage rate of the modern tuberculosis control strategy in the whole city reach 90, the discovery rate of newly treated smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients reach 70, and the cure rate of smear positive patients reach 85; We will strengthen the prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders and endemic fluorosis, strengthen malaria surveillance among mobile populations, prevent outbreaks, and consolidate the achievements of malaria elimination in our city.

3. Health supervision system.

Further improve the reform results of the health supervision system. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, in accordance with the principles of simplification, unity and efficiency and the requirements of separation of politics and affairs, comprehensive law enforcement, and administration according to law, take the means of integrating resources, increasing investment, and improving conditions, and focus on infrastructure construction and law enforcement equipment construction, gradually establish clear responsibilities, standardized behavior, reasonable structure A new health supervision system with coordinated operation, clear procedures, strong law enforcement and efficient work. Make full use of the existing health supervision team, strengthen the construction of health supervision capacity for epidemic situation reporting, isolation of infectious sources, hospital disinfection, drinking water, food hygiene safety, labor hygiene, radiation hygiene, school hygiene and other work involved in emergency response, improve the efficiency of law enforcement, increase law enforcement efforts, and strengthen the horizontal and vertical connection of health supervision information inside and outside the province, Ensure that once the emergency plan for emergencies is launched, the relevant supervised departments can actively cooperate and all prevention and control measures can be smoothly implemented. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, it is necessary to ensure that the qualified rate of food hygiene monitoring in our county reaches more than 90, the supervision coverage rate reaches 95 in urban areas, 90 in villages and above, the quantitative and graded management of food hygiene supervision in school canteens reaches 100, the quantitative management of catering industry and other food hygiene business units reaches more than 90, and the physical examination rate of health practitioners

100, and the application rate of hygiene license in the food hygiene industry reached 100. In order to strengthen the health law enforcement work at the township and village levels, the township central health centers completed the establishment of health supervision branches 20__ years ago. Each township shall assume the health law enforcement function within its jurisdiction and ensure that the coverage of health supervision and law enforcement reaches 100%. 4. Construction of maternal and child health care institutions.

In accordance with the requirements and standards for the construction of national maternal and child health care institutions, we will strengthen the construction of the maternal and child health care system. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, we will establish and improve a three-level maternal and child health care service system that covers urban and rural areas, integrates maternal and child health monitoring and technical services, and can undertake the task of protecting women's and children's health and improving the quality of the birth population. We will establish and improve the rescue mechanism for high-risk pregnant women, high-risk children, and poor pregnant women, and work hard to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality. Further strengthen the construction of maternal and child health care service network, incorporate the construction of maternal and child health care institutions at all levels into the unified planning of public health system construction, and ensure the investment of funds. Actively strive for loans from the National Development Bank, build maternal and child health clinic buildings and health center buildings, improve service facilities and improve service quality. We will further strengthen technical training for maternal and child health care personnel, and strive to improve the technical level and service ability of maternal and child health care personnel at all levels. We will resolutely cancel family midwifery, strengthen the construction of obstetrics in township hospitals, actively explore new forms of construction and management of village level maternal and child health care teams, and comprehensively achieve various indicators of maternal and child health care.

5. Health information construction.

Build an accurate and efficient health management information system with modern technology. Further strengthen the network construction of the health system, realize direct network connection with all medical and health units, and provide medical information and other information services for health science and technology personnel; Improve the regular system of health service information, select the indicators that some patients care about and can reflect the actual working conditions of the hospital, and publish them regularly or irregularly through the news media to ensure the patients' right to know.

6. Health personnel training.

Actively explore the long-term mechanism of health talent education and management, strengthen theoretical armed forces, strengthen professional ethics education, increase professional knowledge training, and strive to ensure that during the "11th Five Year Plan" period, health professionals with graduate degrees account for 1 of the total number of professional and technical personnel, undergraduate degrees account for 20, and vice senior professional titles account for 10; Adhere to the implementation of the talent cultivation system project, strengthen the cultivation of discipline leaders, and strive to cultivate 10 discipline leaders at the leading level in the city's relevant disciplines or technical fields within five years; Attach importance to the training of young talents and reserve cadres, and determine 5 young talents for tracking training every year; Reform the selection and appointment of health management personnel, and implement an open, fair and just talent competition mechanism.

7. Patriotic health.

In accordance with the spirit of the Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Patriotic Health Work, adhere to the basic policy of patriotic health, actively cooperate with the urban management department to do a good job in health care, extensively carry out health education, and improve the civilized and hygienic quality of citizens and their awareness of self health care; Focus on pest control and disease prevention, and carry out in-depth activities to create healthy counties and towns; We should increase the efforts to guide rural water improvement, basically popularize safe and hygienic drinking water, and improve the living and sanitary conditions of farmers; Strengthen health education. During the "11th Five Year Plan" period, Guiyang County will build a health education center in the urban area of Guiyang County, equipped with audio-visual equipment, and form a comprehensive health education network. The opening rate of health education in primary and secondary schools in the city will reach 100, and the non-smoking units in the county will reach more than 50; Fully meet the national health county standards.

8. New rural cooperative medical service.

We will continue to carry out the work of rural cooperative medical care, increase the management of medical institutions, improve the service quality of designated medical institutions, further strengthen fund supervision measures, and ensure that the pilot work is standardized, balanced, and orderly. During the 11th Five Year Plan period, farmers participating in cooperative medical care accounted for more than 80% of the permanent agricultural population in the county.

9. Key construction projects

During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, our county will invest in 16 projects step by step, including the county people's hospital, the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the county maternal and child health care hospital, the county center for disease prevention and control, the county health supervision office, township (center) hospitals, village clinics, and Red Cross hospitals. The total investment of the project is 189.95 million yuan, including 46.32 million yuan for upward investment and 134.98 million yuan for self raised loans, County financial support: 8.65 million yuan; The newly increased land area of the project is 24248m2, the total building area is 52250m2, the investment in business housing construction is 148.72 million yuan, and the investment in equipment supporting is 41.23 million yuan. See the attached table for details of each project.

4、 Safeguards for achieving objectives

(1) Raise awareness and strengthen leadership.

The people's governments of counties, townships (towns) and relevant departments should, from the perspective of practicing the important thought of "Three Represents", fully understand that it is the important responsibility of all departments at all levels to develop health undertakings, deepen health reform, and build a health system that meets the requirements of the new situation. Establish a leading group for the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" health development plan composed of the County Development and Reform Commission, the County Finance Bureau, the County Health Bureau, and the County Planning Bureau to study and formulate the health development plan for the Eleventh Five Year Plan, and be responsible for organizing the implementation, evaluation, and revision of the plan, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan and achieve the expected goals. The County Development and Reform Commission is responsible for supervising and managing the implementation of the plan, and providing corresponding policy support; The county finance bureau should increase the investment in health work, ensure the investment in key health projects, and guide the development of health services to be fair, efficient, high-quality and diversified; The county health bureau is responsible for the specific implementation and management of the development plan and the implementation of the macro-control of the allocation of health resources; The county planning bureau shall incorporate the health development plan into the overall urban planning, arrange the layout and land use of health institutions according to the requirements of the health development plan, and provide policy support; All township governments should formulate regional health development plans in accordance with the requirements of the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" health development plan of Guiyang County in combination with their own actual conditions.

(2) Strengthen industry management and transform government functions.

According to the overall requirements of the "11th Five Year Plan" health development plan, the county health bureau should make unified planning, approval, adjustment, supervision and evaluation of all health resources in the region, and break the pattern of fragmentation of health resources; Establish the access system of health resources, and gradually strengthen the government's macro-control ability on health undertakings; Actively promote the socialization of health institutions in enterprises and units, incorporate the health institutions in enterprises and units into the management of health development planning, and gradually implement the closing, stopping, merging and transferring of medical institutions that do not meet social needs. Health administrative departments should transform government functions, make full use of legal, administrative and economic means, and strengthen the macro management of the health industry. The public medical institutions run by the government will be the main body to meet the basic medical needs of the people, and the private medical institutions will be the supplement to facilitate the medical treatment of the people and meet the medical needs of different levels. The county health bureau should further guide and standardize private medical institutions. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, our county will actively introduce foreign capital to develop a high-level comprehensive secondary hospital in the urban area. Continuously improve the management of medical institutions, do a good job in the regional health planning, strictly implement the relevant documents of the regional health planning of the superior, and reasonably arrange health resources. Establish and improve the management system of medical institutions. According to the requirements of "four access", strengthen the management of medical institutions, focusing on the integration of existing medical institutions, improving quality and improving functions. Strengthen the medical business management of private hospitals. While doing a good job in business, it is necessary to fulfill the medical treatment obligations of prevention and health care and public health emergencies. On the basis of improving the comprehensive objective assessment of township health centers, a set of assessment standards for private hospitals should be formulated, and the assessment of private hospitals and private clinics in the county should be strengthened. For those that do not meet the requirements, the practice license should be revoked resolutely, and the fair competition between private hospitals, private clinics and state-owned medical institutions should be encouraged to activate the medical market in our county. Improve the internal management of the County People's Hospital and the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, stand on the height of development, strengthen the internal management of the two hospitals with a scientific outlook on development, give full play to the leading role of the majority of medical technology backbone, widely mobilize the enthusiasm of all cadres and staff, tap potential, expand business, highlight characteristics, play advantages, be brave in innovation The county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine will be built into a first-class county hospital with various characteristics in the city. Gradually implement the integrated management of township hospitals. On the basis of improving the reform of the internal operating mechanism of township hospitals, gradually promote the integrated management of township hospitals. With township hospitals as the center, the local hospitals should allocate the people, finance and materials of village clinics, reasonably allocate local health resources, and give full play to the advantages of township hospitals.

(3) Actively explore new ideas for health system reform.

The Development Research Center of the State Council has made a comprehensive survey of China's health system reform and concluded that since the reform and opening up

Although the reform of the medical and health system has made progress in some aspects, many problems have been exposed. During the 11th Five Year Plan period, the medical and health system reform in our county will achieve "one combination, three separation and three linkage". "One combination" is to combine market allocation resources with government allocation resources, and change the problem of "focusing on cities and towns over rural areas" and "focusing on insured people over uninsured people" in market allocation of health resources. Further liberalize the medical market and develop various forms of medical institutions to meet the medical needs of different groups of people. "Three separations", one is the separation of public welfare hospitals and for-profit hospitals: all operating costs of public welfare hospitals are paid by the government, mainly facing low-income groups, poor people and special groups; For profit hospitals are mainly for high-end customers with higher demand for medical services; The second is separation of medicine: the implementation of separation of medicine is the final direction of reform, but it will take five to eight years to implement in three steps: the first step is to implement separate accounting of medicine, with two lines of revenue and expenditure; The second step is to completely separate the pharmacy, making the hospital pharmacy an independent legal entity; The third step is to thoroughly implement the separate operation of medicine and transform the hospital pharmacy into a socialized retail pharmacy. After the separation of medicine industry, the current situation of 60 hospitals' income from drugs has been completely changed. Finally, management and management are separated. This is an important guarantee for the implementation of medical reform. The "three linkages", that is, the reform of the medical system, the reform of the medical insurance system, and the reform of the medical circulation system must be designed as a whole to promote each other and improve together. (4) Accelerate talent training and implement science and education to promote medicine.

During the period from 20__ to 20__, we will increase the training of talents in medical and health institutions. According to the demand of medical institutions in the county, 40-50 college and technical secondary school graduates majoring in health will be recruited every year to enrich the medical team in the county. Each year, more than 1.3 million yuan of special funds are allocated for talent training. Every year, 30 health technicians are sent to municipal hospitals for further study for more than half a year. Business training classes are held irregularly to train all health technicians, including the hospital director, epidemic prevention specialists, women and children's health care specialists, to ensure that everyone has training opportunities.

Widely carry out domestic academic exchanges and cooperation, take the way of going out and inviting in, cultivate and introduce a number of high-level health professionals and discipline leaders; Formulate preferential policies to train a group of health talents who can be retained and used in rural areas; Vigorously carry out standardized post training for health management cadres, and create a group of professional management teams that adapt to the development of health undertakings in the new era. The medical science research work should aim at the international and domestic medical science and technology frontier. Our county will rely on the county people's hospital and the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, adhere to the principle of technology introduction, combination of introduction and innovation, clinical research and basic research, pay attention to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, focus on strengthening the construction of well-known specialties in the region, and strive to make breakthroughs and innovations year by year. We will increase research subsidies for key clinical disciplines in medical institutions, improve disease diagnosis and treatment, and promote the development of clinical medicine. Every year, medical and technical personnel are sent to provincial hospitals for clinical advanced study and academic education. By 20__, all medical personnel under the age of 45 in the county will have college degree or above, so as to effectively improve the professional working ability and professional level of medical and technical personnel and improve the quality of medical services.

(5) We will improve health economic policies.

We will increase spending on health care. According to the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening Rural Health Work and the implementation opinions of the provincial party committee, provincial government, municipal party committee and municipal government, the proportion of health investment in financial expenditure should be increased year by year, and the growth rate of health expenditure should not be lower than the growth rate of financial expenditure. The county-level finance should make a full budget for county-level disease prevention and control, health supervision, maternal and child health care, as well as the salaries of presidents of township health centers and epidemic prevention, maternal and child specialists. At the same time, 200000 yuan should be invested every year to set up a special fund for rural health work: 200000 yuan should be invested to set up a special fund for the prevention, control and treatment of public health events such as major outbreaks, major infectious diseases, endemic diseases and occupational diseases; An annual investment of 500000 yuan will be set up to support the development and construction of specialty schools. Increase the staffing of health institutions. Since 20__, the full staffing of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the County Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the County Health Supervision Institute (including the staffing of branch offices) should reach one person per 10000 people.

(6) Further expand the business of Chinese and Western medicine.

Chapter 9: Model text for summarizing the work of building healthy villages and towns


Today, we are holding a conference here to solemnly commemorate the 55th anniversary of the patriotic health movement, and at the same time, we will commend and award medals to the national health towns, provincial health towns and health villages that have emerged in recent years. The purpose of the meeting is to summarize the experience, explore the next stage of work ideas, and further promote the patriotic health campaign in the province. Here, on behalf of the Provincial Health Care Council, I would like to express my sincere condolences and heartfelt thanks to the patriotic health workers in the province and the members and departments of the Health Care Council for their hard work and close cooperation. Now, let's make a few comments.

1、 Review and enlightenment of patriotic health work in our province

Fifty five years ago, the mass health movement advocated by the older generation of revolutionaries, such as,, and held high the patriotic flag was vigorously carried out in China's vast urban and rural areas. The people of the whole country launched an epidemic prevention campaign to eliminate the four pests and improve health. Men, women, old and young went to war together, successfully crushing the germ war launched by the enemy and greatly inspiring the spirit of the Chinese nation. This is a great movement advocated by our party to carry out public health and disease prevention, a great initiative in the history of China's health development, and a way of health work formed under specific conditions in China.

In the past 55 years, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made a series of important decisions and instructions, pointing out the direction for the patriotic health movement in the new era. The patriotic health work of our province has always adhered to the policy of "prevention first", firmly established the idea of serving economic construction and disease prevention and control, fully cooperated with the prevention and control of major diseases, organized and mobilized the masses to improve the environment, eliminate four pests, and control smallpox, plague, schistosomiasis, malaria Filariasis and other infectious diseases play an important role in the prevalence of our province. We also closely combined the needs of disease prevention and the work of creating healthy cities and towns, and actively organized activities to eliminate four pests such as rats, cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes, effectively controlling the density of four pests. Especially after being hit by tropical storms, floods and other natural disasters, we insisted on combining environmental management and chemical prevention, organized experts and killing teams to carry out killing in the disaster area, and ensured that there was no major epidemic after the disaster.

In 2003 and 2004, the Provincial Health Care Commission actively coordinated with relevant departments, mobilized the masses, publicized and educated, carried out patriotic health campaigns focusing on fighting SARS and preventing and controlling bird flu, and implemented various disease prevention measures. We regard disease prevention and control work and public health emergency response capacity building as one of the criteria for assessing healthy cities and towns, which has effectively promoted the construction of disease prevention and control institutions at all levels in our province, and enhanced the ability of all regions to effectively respond to public health emergencies, It has made positive contributions to ensuring the people's health and the coordinated economic and social development of the province.

During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government, the patriotic health work in our province has made remarkable achievements. Relying on government organization, department coordination, scientific management, mass supervision and other means, the Aisa Health Association at all levels extensively and deeply carried out the patriotic health campaign, and the overall health level in urban and rural areas has been significantly improved. Provincial Aiwei has successively formulated the "Fujian Provincial Administrative Measures for Health Towns", "Fujian Provincial Administrative Regulations for Health Towns" and "Fujian Provincial Administrative Measures for the Elimination of Four Pests and Reaching the Standard", and compiled the "Fujian Provincial Guidelines for the Creation of Provincial Health Towns", thus further improving the working mechanism for the creation and management of health towns in our province, so that there are rules to follow for the creation and management of health towns in our province, Step by step on the track of standardized management.

In cities, focusing on creating healthy cities and counties, strengthening health supervision and management, and comprehensively rectifying the dirty, disorderly and poor phenomena, Quanzhou was named "National Health City" by the National Health Care Association in 2004, which increased the number of national health cities in our province to 4 (Fuzhou, Xiamen, Sanming and Quanzhou); One national health county (Yongchun County). According to the new standards for provincial health cities and health counties, the Provincial Health Care Council also confirmed and named 10 provincial health cities and 13 provincial health counties.

In rural areas, we actively carried out the activity of creating health towns (villages) focusing on water and toilet improvement and taking environmental improvement as a breakthrough, created three national health towns (Yuefeng, Tingjiang, Chongwu), named 62 provincial health towns and 180 provincial health villages. Health, water conservancy, agriculture, women and children's work committee office and other departments jointly promoted the steady progress of water and toilet improvement in rural areas of our province. The main form of water improvement has developed from decentralized water supply such as water wells and hand pumped wells that mainly improved water quality in the mid-1980s to centralized water supply such as self built water plants at present; In rural areas, from building simple outdoor toilets to building harmless indoor sanitary toilets, farmers' hygiene concepts and habits have also changed fundamentally. According to statistics, by the end of 2006, the total number of beneficiaries of tap water (including simple tap water) in rural areas of the province was 20.2617 million, with a penetration rate of 75.57%; The cumulative number of harmless sanitary toilets was 4.1442 million, and the popularization rate of harmless sanitary toilets was 59.76%; They increased by 4.38 and 8.09 percentage points respectively from the end of the Ninth Five Year Plan. There are 5 rural water plants rated as "National Excellent Rural Water Plants" by the National Love Health Association, 12 as "Fujian Excellent Rural Water Plants" by the Provincial Love Health Association, 22 national advanced rural water improvement counties and 7 national advanced rural toilet improvement counties.

Over the past 55 years, the patriotic health campaign in our province has made remarkable achievements in different historical periods by establishing different priorities to promote urban and rural health construction and improve the health quality of the people. The accumulated experience and enlightenment can be summarized as follows: First, the leadership of the Party and the government is the guarantee for the continuous development of patriotic health; Second, people-oriented, mobilizing and relying on the masses is the foundation of the patriotic health movement; Third, departmental participation is the basic way to carry out patriotic health campaigns. When the patriotic health campaign was initially launched, it took "patriotism" as the starting point, "pay attention to health" as the purpose, and used the method of carrying out mass campaigns to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in health and disease prevention, which is a successful experience created by our country. With the passage of time, the patriotic health movement has been given new connotations in various historical periods, which has gradually transformed patriotic health from a "movement" into a special form of health and disease prevention. From the perspective of public health, the work of health creation, the elimination of four pests, the improvement of water and toilets in rural areas, and health education in patriotic health work are all centered on the elimination of adverse environmental factors, the elimination of disease breeding grounds, the reduction or reduction of vector density, and the improvement of public health awareness and self prevention ability. Practice has proved that the patriotic health movement has become an integral part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, reflecting the important thought of "Three Represents".

2、 The new historical period endows the patriotic health movement with a new mission

For more than half a century, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the patriotic health movement has entered a new historical period of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of China's economic construction and tremendous changes in social life, the situation and tasks of patriotic health work have changed greatly, and a series of new situations and problems have emerged, which is a very arduous task. First, with the development of commodity economy, the total urban population and floating population are increasing, which has brought a lot of new social health problems and increased the difficulty of disease prevention. Second, with the accelerated process of urbanization, the contradiction that urban health infrastructure is difficult to bear is further highlighted, which is not suitable for the needs of economic development. In some cities, especially the county seat, the environmental sanitation is dirty, disorderly and poor, which has seriously affected the image of our province's opening to the outside world and the process of attracting investment and developing the economy. In some rural areas, poor environmental sanitation has led to an increase in intestinal infectious diseases; In other places, food poisoning incidents often occur due to poor food hygiene. Third, most of the rural areas have not yet undergone harmless treatment of human and livestock manure, coupled with the impact of township industrial pollution, resulting in new environmental health problems. Fourth, the city appearance and environmental sanitation in many cities are not satisfactory. The main streets are usually clean and sanitary, while the back streets, residential areas and markets are relatively poor. Fifthly, the organizations of some city and county love and health associations are not sound and weak, which cannot meet the needs of patriotic health work in the new era. We should seriously study and solve the above problems.

Strengthening patriotic health work in the new era is the requirement of practicing the important thought of "Three Represents". Patriotic health movement originates from historical experience, social needs and the purpose of our party to serve the people. The problems to be solved by the patriotic health movement are the basic needs of the vital interests of the masses of the people; Each specific work carried out is related to the improvement of social civilization. Governments at all levels must further improve all patriotic health work from the perspective of adhering to the advancement of the Party, giving full play to the advantages of the socialist system and realizing the prosperity of the country and the people, and comprehensively implementing the important thought of "Three Represents".

Strengthening patriotic health work in the new era is an important part of improving the investment environment and the need to accelerate economic development. It is an important part of socialist spiritual civilization and material civilization to do well in urban sanitation and create a clean and beautiful ecological environment. The quality of a city's health is not only related to the vital interests of the people, but also to the overall external image of the city. Good urban health and ecological environment advantages can be transformed into economic development advantages, especially for cultivating tourism resources, promoting tourism, expanding foreign economic and cultural cooperation and exchanges, and driving economic development.

Strengthening patriotic health work in the new era is the need of building a well-off society in an all-round way. To build a well-off society in an all-round way requires that the health quality of the whole nation be significantly improved and the capacity for sustainable development be constantly enhanced. We should have better economic situation, better investment environment, better physical quality and better quality of life. This gives a new content and higher requirements to patriotic health work in the new era. The society needs harmonious development, and development needs to adhere to the people-oriented principle. Under the new situation, the people's requirements for a healthy environment and health level are getting higher and higher. The new historical period has also given the patriotic health movement a new mission, which is also a proposition from practice. At present, the patriotic health work carried out by governments at all levels is to keep pace with the times, carry forward the past into the future, take building a well-off society in an all-round way as the goal, focus on public health issues of concern to the masses, and pay close attention to and achieve results.

The Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Patriotic Health Work pointed out that China has a large population and a weak foundation. In the primary stage of socialism, we should make full use of the way to carry out patriotic health work, mobilize and rely on the masses to solve the problem of health and disease prevention. In view of the long-term, arduous, complex and social nature of social public health and the task of pest control and disease prevention, patriotic health work should be carried out deeply and persistently to further improve the health awareness and health level of the masses. This statement has clearly stated that in the primary stage of socialism, the problem of health and disease prevention, especially the health awareness of the masses, cannot be solved by the government, but must and can only be solved through the conscious participation of the masses. Therefore, we must clarify the main tasks, grasp the key points of work, take the initiative to combine with the actual work in various places, innovate the working ideas, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects, and strive to implement the new mission entrusted to patriotic health work in the new era.

3、 Solid and effective promotion of patriotic health work in the new era

In the coming period, the patriotic health work of our province should closely focus on the goal of building a harmonious "Haixi", take health creation as the carrier, health education as the basis, rural water improvement and toilet improvement as the focus, and pest control and disease prevention as the means, to promote overall and comprehensive development, strive to improve people's health level, and constantly promote economic and social development.

First of all, we should speed up the pace of building health towns and villages, and further improve the overall level of urban and rural environmental health with health creation as the carrier. In accordance with the spirit of the Outline of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Patriotic Health Work in Fujian Province, all localities should take the creation of health cities, towns and villages as the carrier, actively respond to the call of the Provincial Commission of Civilization and the Provincial Health Care Commission to jointly launch the theme activity of "Clean My Home, Create Civilization Together" in response to the urban and rural environmental health conditions, and closely combine the construction of civilized cities, civilized villages and towns, etc, Make scientific planning for the local patriotic health work, keep pace with the times, carefully formulate the creation plan, and organize the activities of creating health cities (towns and villages). From this year, the work of health creation in our province will gradually extend from cities to counties (townships, towns, and rural areas). The Health Care Association of cities divided into districts should speed up the pace of health town (village) creation in combination with the construction of new countryside, cultivate a batch of provincial health towns (villages) in a planned way every year, and actively guide the towns (villages) with more mature conditions to create national health towns (villages). With the health creation as the carrier, further promote the improvement of the rural environmental health in our province, and further improve the overall level of urban environmental health.

Second, we should strengthen rural patriotic health work, focus on improving water and toilets, and further promote the construction of a new socialist countryside. Toilet improvement is a breakthrough to change the health situation in rural areas It was emphasized that: "We should adhere to the focus of the rural patriotic health campaign on improving water and toilets and environmental sanitation, effectively improve the basic conditions of rural sanitation, and constantly improve the harmless treatment rate of rural garbage and feces and the hygienic qualification rate of rural drinking water. Governments at all levels should, from the perspective of safeguarding the fundamental interests of farmers, based on the local actual situation and economic development level, observe the public sentiment, understand the public opinion, concentrate the wisdom of the people, cherish the strength of the people, put the rural water and toilet improvement work on the important agenda, incorporate it into the rural economic and social development plan, and combine with the "home cleaning activities" focusing on rural garbage treatment, Implement the task of rural garbage treatment year by year. In accordance with the goal of "sanitary living environment, drinking clean water, and using sanitary toilets", the health service project for farmers will be truly well and solidly carried out. Each city divided into districts should set up a demonstration township for rural patriotic health work and health promotion of hundreds of millions of farmers. In the process of implementing rural water and toilet improvement, various forms should be taken to popularize knowledge of disease prevention and health care. Through the typical demonstration role, the experience is summarized and popularized in rural areas of all counties and districts to promote the process of new rural construction in our province.

Third, we should strengthen the work of "eliminating four pests" and further participate in the coordinated disposal of public health events by means of health and disease prevention. The work of pest control and disease prevention has always been one of the important contents of patriotic health work. In the new era, patriotic health work should still strengthen the work of eliminating "four pests" focusing on rodent control, adhere to the combination of environmental governance and chemical control, widely mobilize the masses, and actively carry out seasonal "four pests" activities. At present, it is the season of high incidence of various infectious diseases. Governments at all levels should organize relevant departments and the public to take active action, carry out in-depth patriotic health campaigns in spring, carry out large-scale deratization activities throughout the province, and effectively control rat density; In summer, we will comprehensively improve the urban and rural health environment, organize and carry out mass anti mosquito and fly activities, effectively reduce the density of vector organisms, and prevent and control the occurrence of rat borne diseases and insect borne diseases. The content of patriotic health work is social health, and how to use it is a strategic issue. The key is to carry out mass pest control and disease prevention activities against the outstanding problems of social health, which should form a system and be adhered to for a long time. Patriotic health work should also keep pace with the times, actively cooperate with health and disease prevention work, organize and carry out patriotic health special rectification activities according to the needs of disease prevention and control, seize key places and key populations, as well as vulnerable and infectious diseases, implement targeted disease prevention and control measures, coordinate and solve major social public health problems, We will work hard to prevent and control major diseases and epidemics in major natural disasters.

Fourth, we should extensively carry out commemorative activities, and further promote the in-depth development of patriotic health work in the new era based on health education. Today, we are here to solemnly commemorate the 55th anniversary of the patriotic health campaign. We also hope that all localities will vigorously publicize the achievements of the patriotic health campaign in accordance with the Publicity Plan for the 55th Anniversary of the Patriotic Health Campaign issued by the National Health Care Office, thoroughly implement the Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Patriotic Health Work, and combine the activities of "Welcoming the Olympic Games, stressing civilization, and fostering new trends", We will deepen patriotic health campaigns. All localities should combine the actual situation, carefully plan, adopt various forms, widely publicize and popularize the knowledge of health and disease prevention, carry out in-depth health education activities for all, actively advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and create a good atmosphere of "welcoming the Olympic Games, stressing health, and setting off a new upsurge of patriotic health campaign" in the whole society. Our province has issued the key points of patriotic health work in 2007. The local patriotic health committees should carry out commemorative activities with practical actions in accordance with the spirit of the key points of work, further summarize the experience of all aspects, vigorously publicize the nature and significance of patriotic health work, improve the whole society's understanding of patriotic health work, and guide the whole society to participate in patriotic health work. On the other hand, we should give full play to the role of the news media as the main channel of publicity, strengthen the publicity and reporting of patriotic health work, widely publicize the achievements of patriotic health work, further mobilize the masses based on health education, widely publicize the typical deeds and advanced experience emerging in patriotic health work, and create a social atmosphere that stresses hygiene and promotes health, Further promote patriotic health work in the new era.