Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Selected Research Reports on Intelligent Transport Development (9)

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 Research Report on Intelligent Transportation Development

Part 1: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Chinese think tanks should be able to influence and assist decision-making and provide intellectual support. The lowest level of think tank work is the provision of information; The middle level is the evaluation policy, including post evaluation; The highest level is direct participation in decision-making. On the one hand, China should highly recognize the importance of think tanks. Although China has proposed to "strengthen the construction of think tanks" at the 2005 Foreign Affairs Conference, it is still unsatisfactory. Now the problems and situations facing China are so changeable that it is impossible to properly cope with them by decision makers and government agencies alone. We should use more external brains. stay development In terms of the role of think tanks, the government can set questions for think tanks, establish a sound liaison mechanism, and provide support for think tanks in terms of funds and personnel. On the other hand, think tanks should be proactive. You should not only complete your composition, but also be able to write independently research report There are three types of readers in the think tank report, namely, leaders of domestic and foreign decision-making departments, other think tanks, and the general public. The United States is outstanding in this respect, and think tanks can provide various research reports to give advice to the United States government. The US think tanks also have "revolving doors", and China should also develop in this direction.

Chinese think tanks should also actively carry out internal and external exchanges, including internal and external exchanges. Internal communication should include horizontal and vertical communication, especially the establishment of research platforms to gather experts from various departments. Foreign exchanges should "invite in and go out", and give full play to the characteristics of frequent foreign exchanges of think tanks. Foreign exchanges also include track two dialogues. The China Foundation for International Strategic Studies has established the China US Nuclear Dialogue and the China US Second Track Crisis Management Dialogue. The second track dialogue is very important and can play a role of communication and exploration. In 2007, Nomura Securities of Japan offered money to ask our foundation to send people to Japan to talk about China's energy, national defense and other issues. Later, they reported that this kind of exchange was much better than that of the general government.

Chinese think tanks should also be able to correctly guide public opinion. The first priority of think tank work should be "guidance" rather than "reaction". At present, wrong information on the Internet plays a very important role in misleading. Think tanks should strengthen network construction and guide online public opinion.

Part 2: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

This report will comprehensively analyze the development history, current development situation and future development trend of AI, and analyze what the development of AI brings.

01 Basic concepts and development history of artificial intelligence

1. Origin of AI discipline

2. Basic concepts of artificial intelligence

Research purposes: Explore the essence of intelligence and develop intelligent machines with humanoid intelligence

Research content: theories, methods, technologies and application systems that can simulate, extend and expand human intelligence

Form of expression:

See: image recognition, character recognition, license plate recognition

Listening: speech recognition, speaker recognition, machine translation

Speak: voice synthesis, man-machine conversation

Able to act: robots, autonomous cars, unmanned aerial vehicles

Can think: man-machine game, theorem proving, medical diagnosis

Able to learn: machine learning, knowledge representation

3. Development history of artificial intelligence

4. Important enlightenment from the development of AI

Respecting the law of development is the prerequisite for promoting the healthy development of science and technology

Basic research is the cornerstone of sustainable development of science and technology

Application demand is the inexhaustible source of scientific and technological innovation

Discipline crossing is the "shortcut" for innovation and breakthrough

Tolerance of failure should be an integral part of supporting innovation

Seeking truth from facts and setting scientific goals

02 Development Status of Artificial Intelligence

Although the development path of artificial intelligence for more than 60 years has ups and downs, its achievements can be described as fruitful. Whether it is basic theoretical innovation, key technological breakthroughs, or large-scale industrial applications, they are brilliant and colorful, making us enjoy the convenience of this discipline every day.

In recent years, artificial intelligence has received increasing attention from all walks of life due to its very broad application prospects and significant strategic significance.

1. Special AI made breakthrough

Due to the clear application background requirements, profound accumulation of domain knowledge, and simple and feasible modeling and calculation, artificial intelligence oriented to specific fields (i.e. special artificial intelligence) has formed a single breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence, which can surpass human intelligence in the single test of local intelligence level.

Successful application of special AI

2. Statistical learning becomes the theoretical basis for AI to become practical

2.1 Technical development

2.2 Intensive learning

Through the reward and punishment mechanism, the interaction and behavior strategies between agents and the environment can be constructed, which can be combined with deep learning to achieve practical application on strategy problems.

2.3 Generation of confrontation learning

Build generator model and discriminator model, and achieve collaborative improvement of generator and discriminator performance through mutual game.

3. Industrial history: new and old IT giants seize the beach and layout IT ecology

AI innovation and entrepreneurship are in full swing:

In 2017, 1100 AI start-ups were newly established in the world, with a total investment of 15.2 billion dollars in the field of AI, up 141% year on year.

4. "Intelligence+" becomes an innovative paradigm for AI applications

The application paradigm of "intelligence+X" is becoming more and more mature, and AI is rapidly infiltrating and integrating into all walks of life to reshape the development of the whole society, which is the main manifestation of AI driving the fourth technological revolution.

5. Fierce competition in artificial intelligence around the world

6. The social impact of artificial intelligence is widely concerned

7. Misunderstandings and hype in the field of artificial intelligence are widespread

Machine learning ≠ artificial intelligence

Deep learning ≠ machine learning

Image recognition ≠ AI

Big data ≠ AI

Expert system ≠ artificial intelligence

Robot ≠ AI

Special AI ≠ general AI


8. The overall development level of AI is still in its infancy

The research and application of general artificial intelligence still have a long way to go.

Limitations of existing AI:

9. Bottleneck of AI development

10. Future development trend of artificial intelligence

03 Artificial intelligence is expected to lead a new round of scientific and technological revolution

AI will be the most revolutionary technology in the next decade, and ubiquitous AI will become a trend.

1. From special intelligence to general intelligence

How to realize the leap forward development from special intelligence to general intelligence is not only the inevitable trend of the development of the next generation of artificial intelligence, but also a challenge in the field of research and application.

2. From machine intelligence to human-machine hybrid intelligence

Artificial intelligence (or machine intelligence) and human intelligence have their own strengths. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses. The intelligent technology integrating multiple intelligent modes will have broad application prospects in the future. The combination of "human+machine" will be the mainstream direction of AI research, and "human-machine coexistence" will be the new normal of human society.

3. From "artificial+intelligence" to autonomous intelligence system

4. Interdisciplinary will become the source of AI innovation

5. Artificial intelligence industry will flourish

6. Laws and regulations of AI will be more complete

7. Artificial intelligence will become the strategic choice of more countries

8. Artificial intelligence education will be fully popularized


After more than 60 years of development, AI has made significant progress, but it is still in the primary stage on the whole.

Artificial intelligence not only has great theoretical and technological innovation space, but also has broad application prospects.

High technology itself has no angel and devil, so does AI. Whether the double-edged sword of AI is an angel or a devil depends on human beings themselves.

We should take precautions and form joint forces to ensure the positive effects of AI and its benefits to mankind.

On November 25, the symposium on the frontiers of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence was held in the Institute of Automation. At the meeting, Academician Tan Tieniu made a report on "New Developments in Artificial Intelligence", reviewed all the scientific and technological revolutions and their extensive influences since modern times, and explained the deep reasons why artificial intelligence is currently concerned according to the objective laws of scientific and technological development. The report deeply analyzed its current limitations and bottlenecks, sorted out and listed the ten major events of AI in 2017, and showed the latest progress of AI in an all-round and multi-dimensional way. Based on the in-depth analysis of these events, the report summarizes the future development trend of AI and the research directions that deserve attention.

In scientific research, from the perspective of methodology, we should see the forest first and see the trees again. In order to better guide people to understand the development trend of artificial intelligence, the report reviews the historical process of scientific and technological development in the modern world, mainly including two scientific revolutions and three technological revolutions in the world from the 16th century to the present.

The report points out that these five scientific and technological revolutions have brought fundamental changes to the process of human civilization, and have also affected the adjustment of the entire international pattern, accompanied by the rise and fall of major countries. In the past five scientific and technological revolutions, our country did not occupy a dominant position or even was seriously absent. Therefore, our country's GDP fell from more than one-third of the world's GDP to only a few percent of the world's GDP before the founding of New China. We should learn from this painful experience.

The most recent scientific and technological revolution is a technological revolution, which began in the 1940s. It has been more than 60 years since the emergence of computers in 1946. In the past 60 to 70 years, there has been no major breakthrough and progress in science and technology, and no scientific and technological achievements comparable to the first half of the last century have been achieved. Teacher Tan called this period of time a window of scientific and technological revolution.

Part 3: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Key words: local socialist college; Think tank construction; proposal

CLC No.: D613 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1672-3163 (2017) 01-00059-04

Building a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics is an urgent need to serve the Party and the government in making scientific and democratic decisions and solving development problems. It is of great significance to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhance the country's soft power, and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. With the issuance of Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics by the Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the State Council and the proposal of the idea of building new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, building think tanks in combination with teaching and scientific research has become a hot topic in the cadre training institution system. However, how to strengthen the construction of think tanks of socialist colleges at all levels has not been fully discussed. In combination with the advantages and disadvantages of the socialist institute itself, and drawing on the "Promotion Plan for the Construction of New University Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics" and the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Think Tanks of the National School of Party Administration", to strengthen the top-level design, firmly establish the correct awareness of think tanks, and improve their ability to provide advice and suggestions for the United Front Department of the local party committee and the local United Front System, To clarify the direction, participation path and standardized development process of the think tank construction of the cadre training school as the main line, I have carried out some thoughts on the construction of think tanks that fit the actual work of local socialist colleges.

1、 Clarify the positioning and advantages, and reasonably promote the planning of think tank construction

Think tanks refer to non-profit policy research institutions that are born in specific political, economic and cultural soil, serve national interests and public interests, and aim to influence public policies and public opinion, including official think tanks, university think tanks and private think tanks. [1] As far as the existing types of think tanks in China are concerned, they can be basically divided into the following categories: the first category: Party, government and military think tanks. It refers to think tanks established through legislation or administrative organization regulations that exist within the party, government and military series and provide decision-making services for leaders at all levels. Most of them appear as decision-making advisory institutions directly under the party and government organs and the military. Its main work is to directly provide decision-making reference to leaders through internal channels, and play the role of decision-making "brain" within the party and government. The second category: Academy of Social Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Academy of Social Sciences). This is the think tank series with the most Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of funding sources, the Academy of Social Sciences is a government advisory institution established by full financial allocation or funding, which conducts relevant research through project entrustment and other forms. Although funded by the government, the Academy of Social Sciences is not directly affiliated to the government, and its service objects are not limited to government agencies, but also can serve the entrustment or consultation requirements from enterprises, industry associations, and society. The third category: university think tanks. That is, an organization affiliated to a university engaged in policy research and decision-making consultation. Such think tanks are created by the university alone or with the assistance of other institutions and groups. Its funding mainly comes from the university's grants and some foundations, corporate sponsorship or private donations. The researchers are mostly scholars in various disciplines of the university and researchers recruited from other universities and research institutions. The service objects and research topics are also quite extensive. The fourth category: private think tanks. Private think tanks are public policy research institutions that are mainly funded by the private sector and reflect the public's voice or policy needs. Most of them are created by enterprises, private individuals or private groups. They are organizationally independent of any other institutions and self funded. The voice of private think tanks mostly revolves around social fairness and justice, hoping that the government's institutional arrangements can be more inclined to the bottom members of society. From the perspective of funding sources, private think tanks can obtain relatively small amount of government funding, even without financial support from the government. Most of their funding comes from large foundations or enterprises, but they can generally maintain close relations with government departments, and even many private think tanks provide services for government decision-making consultation. Therefore, It can also have a certain impact on the policy formulation of specific departments. All kinds of excellent think tanks at home and abroad have very clear characteristics, research directions and research advantages, and their positioning is very clear.

The socialist college is a political college with the nature of a united front under the leadership of the Party, a joint party school for members of the Party and non party members, an important part of the education and training system for Party and state cadres, and a main position for the education and training of talents on the united front. The national socialist college system has advantages in teaching staff, discipline support, student resources and organizational system, which is different from ordinary universities and general party and government organs. Therefore, the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges should combine their own special advantages, highlight the orientation of theoretical innovation, working method innovation and providing decision-making services for local united front departments. The think tanks of local socialist colleges at all levels aim to study the major strategic decisions of the local united front system and major issues in economic and social development in a forward-looking manner, act as the policy "foresighters" of the provincial united front system, and undertake the special topics and research tasks assigned by the local united front system, especially strengthen the research on the implementation of important policies and documents of the central government, Serve as the actual "watchman" of the local united front work, and offer advice and suggestions for promoting the united front work at the local or even national level. Therefore, local social institutes at all levels should come up with a "short-term plan for the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges" that suits the local reality as soon as possible, clarify the goals, ideas and measures for the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges at all levels, make detailed plans and specific arrangements for short-term development goals and key tasks, and take system construction as the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges Scientific research transformation and development escort.

2、 Integrate the resources of the United Front System and strengthen the training of teachers in local social colleges

The united front system has the unique advantages of talent gathering, intelligence intensive and complete knowledge background. Socialist colleges at all levels can make full use of the advantages of local united front resources to widely mobilize the intellectual capital of united front resources by jointly running research centers, convening forums, holding academic conferences, conducting joint research and other forms with the united front systems at all levels, the united front departments of colleges and universities, and research institutes with united front characteristics.

For the training of teachers in socialist colleges at all levels, we can find "professional mentors" that fit in with our own research direction within the college, or even expand to provincial organizations, the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee. We can make up for the shortcomings of local socialist colleges in talent introduction restrictions due to system constraints by means of temporary training, writing relevant work materials and research reports, We should strengthen the construction of our own teaching staff. While introducing social wisdom for our own use, this measure also makes the research of teachers in socialist colleges at all levels truly grounded. At the same time, it is also necessary to broaden the theoretical learning channels for teachers, such as the United Front Research Center of Shandong University • Central College of Socialism, the Central Academy of Socialism and other universities as visiting scholars. At present, there are few opportunities for teacher training in local socialist colleges, and some training theories are not targeted. Education and training should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of think tanks, and measures such as further education, training and further study should be taken to improve the scientific research quality and theoretical research level of young researchers. In addition, in order to enable teachers to accurately grasp the spirit of important documents, it is suggested that the College formulate the "Management Measures for Teachers to Check Important Documents", so that teachers can check important documents by themselves according to the management measures, and help teachers to timely grasp the dynamic information of the latest major policies and guidelines.

3、 Take teaching and scientific research as the starting point, increase the strength of consultation and investigation

Local socialist colleges should strengthen the problem oriented curriculum management system, try to select topics for consultation and set up relevant courses by teachers. This requires teachers to pay more attention to the policy system in the design of curriculum content structure, and at the same time to understand and apply the theory; In terms of teaching form, in the process of exploring teaching method reform, increase the proportion of "student experience". The teachers and students of the Institute will participate in the teaching objectives and tasks throughout the teaching process, and clearly define the form, approach, project management, operating mechanism, incentive measures and safeguard measures for students to participate in decision-making consultation, so as to realize the transformation of subject research from academic to practical, and teaching content from scientific research to consulting. For example, structured teaching, through the systematic arrangement of learning environment (field experience related to teaching purposes), learning materials and learning procedures, organically integrates various factors of teaching. Teachers and students collide with sparks of thought in the classroom interaction, triggering both sides to think deeply about the practical operation of work. Scientific research management related to annual consultation needs should be strengthened. Conduct independent review on consulting topics, strengthen the specific requirements of empirical research, and focus on the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis in research methods; Strengthen the investment and tracking management, especially the time schedule, research requirements and task implementation, achievement submission and issue closure; Increase the reward for the political consultation report that has received affirmative instructions from the relevant leaders of the Party Committee and government agencies, and give a heavy award for the achievements of major economic and social benefits. It is necessary to establish a sound multi-level information source mechanism, increase research efforts, give full play to the overall resource advantages of the united front system of the province, and strengthen cooperation and exchange with actual departments, university united front departments and research institutes. In fact, the problem oriented decision-making consultation and research work is also helpful to solve the long-standing problem of teaching and scientific research in cadre training colleges.

Trainees are one of the unique resources of the think tanks of local socialist colleges, and even an important "mine" for the construction of the think tanks of socialist colleges. Therefore, attention should be paid to exploring student resources and innovating the way of student participation in decision-making consultation. First, students are required to write research reports, pay attention to the guidance of the direction of decision-making consulting, and combine the typical case studies in the research reports with the special forums to better promote the integration of teaching and consulting. Second, encourage students to pair up with teachers, combine students' writing of research reports and participation in teachers' decision-making consulting research, set up joint research groups of teachers and students around major local issues, and promote the transformation of students' research reports into decision-making consulting. Third, the students recommend the topics of the consultation report to broaden the channels for generating consultation demand. The topics should be closely related to the central work and major decisions of the Party, the state, local Party committees and governments.

4、 Strengthen the construction of think tanks and innovate the consultative research platform

The construction of the think tank team of the socialist college should establish and improve two basic mechanisms, namely the convenient "revolving door" mechanism and the diversified government communication mechanism. The "revolving door" mechanism is a unique feature of American think tanks, which realizes the free and two-way flow of think tank researchers and politicians. The flow in and out is conducive to improving the social influence of think tanks. [2] Think tank researchers have been focusing on research in a certain field for a long time. Once they become the makers and executors of government policies, their ideas in politics, ideology, economics and other aspects will be easier to implement. However, when politicians join think tanks, it increases the connection between think tanks and the government, providing more possibilities for think tanks to produce more research results that are adopted by the government and affect government decision-making. In the construction of the think tank team of local socialist colleges, the resource advantages of the local united front system can be fully mobilized. In the pattern of the general united front, the teachers of think tank members can be selected to take temporary temporary positions in various work departments and positions that are compatible with the research, to assist relevant departments in their work, and to keep abreast of the latest work practices, Thus, the research and suggestions and countermeasures made by the consultative government will be more operable. In the process of combining theory with practice and promoting each other, the forward-looking research direction will be constantly improved.

The diversified government communication mechanism is mainly reflected in the innovation and development of the communication mode between think tanks and the government. For example, teachers can be selected to participate in various activities such as government hearings in line with their own research directions in order to timely understand the changes and trends of government policies; Make full use of trainee resources, invite trainees and think tank members and teachers to work together on topics and research, so that trainees working in various business departments can bring the research fields and research results of think tanks of socialist colleges at all levels to various business units. On the one hand, the construction of such an exchange mechanism is conducive to mutual understanding and exchanges between the two sides; On the other hand, it is also conducive to improving the influence of think tanks, the practical level of think tank members and the theoretical level of staff in business departments. Well known think tanks in the United States, such as the Heritage Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, have similar activities and exchange projects. Through joint research, scholars not only understand the current policies and propositions of the government, but also pass on their own ideas to the government, thus affecting the government's policy formulation.

In a word, the construction of the think tank team of local socialist colleges needs to combine the three forces of teachers, students, and outside experts (non party representatives and academic experts in colleges and universities) of the college, break the single academic background, enable comprehensive talents of different ages, academic backgrounds, or even two different academic backgrounds, and create a teaching, research Consulting a trinity think tank team. At the same time, for the teachers of our school who are members of think tanks, we should make them fully aware of the symbiotic relationship between individuals and teams, as well as the relationship between teachers' individual theoretical research direction and think tank team consulting research direction; We should have a sense of honor, pride, crisis and urgency; We should strive to improve our investigation and research ability, produce more excellent works of decision-making consultation, and add luster to the think tanks of local socialist colleges.

5、 Establish internal reference for the consultation report, and unblock the channel for submitting results

The important goal of think tanks is to promote the latest ideas, latest thinking, policy recommendations and other intellectual products. The Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Academy of Socialism and the National School of Administration have established a number of internal references for political advisory reports. In the past two years, the Party School of the local provincial party committee and the local school of administration have also established their own internal journals for political consultation. As the highest institution of local socialist colleges, provincial social colleges should establish their own internal journals with the theme of consulting politics. Relying on the existing resource platforms of journals of local socialist colleges, the internal journal of political consultation focuses on strengthening the communication with the business departments of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, analyzing the political consultation needs of the United Front Work and regularly submitting it in a short, fast and timely manner.

In addition, we can also make our research achievements known to the public through publications, magazines, media interviews, lectures, online and offline forums, lectures, academic exchanges and other channels. In this regard, we can learn from the experience of think tank construction in developed countries: books and magazines are generally the export mode of old think tank products with large scale and certain influence; The report meeting is the most frequently adopted way by think tanks; The policy bulletin is similar to the internal reference. It solves the embarrassment of policy makers who are busy with their business and have no more time to read large articles; The role of websites and digital media cannot be underestimated. Especially in the era of fragmented reading, the results of think tanks on websites have become an essential channel for the output of think tanks. The think tanks of local socialist colleges can focus on selecting appropriate communication methods in combination with the actual needs of the work and the main information dissemination objects.


Part 4: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Building a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics is an urgent need to serve the Party and the government in making scientific and democratic decisions and solving development problems. It is of great significance to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhance the country's soft power, and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. With the issuance of Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics by the Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the State Council and the proposal of the idea of building new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, building think tanks in combination with teaching and scientific research has become a hot topic in the cadre training institution system. However, how to strengthen the construction of think tanks of socialist colleges at all levels has not been fully discussed. In combination with the advantages and disadvantages of the socialist institute itself, and drawing on the "Promotion Plan for the Construction of New University Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics" and the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Think Tanks of the National School of Party Administration", to strengthen the top-level design, firmly establish the correct awareness of think tanks, and improve their ability to provide advice and suggestions for the United Front Department of the local party committee and the local United Front System, To clarify the direction, participation path and standardized development process of the think tank construction of the cadre training school as the main line, I have carried out some thoughts on the construction of think tanks that fit the actual work of local socialist colleges.

1、 Clarify the positioning and advantages, and reasonably promote the planning of think tank construction

Think tanks refer to non-profit policy research institutions that are born in specific political, economic and cultural soil, serve national interests and public interests, and aim to influence public policies and public opinion, including official think tanks, university think tanks and private think tanks. [1] As far as the existing types of think tanks in China are concerned, they can be basically divided into the following categories: the first category: Party, government and military think tanks. It refers to think tanks established through legislation or administrative organization regulations that exist within the party, government and military series and provide decision-making services for leaders at all levels. Most of them appear as decision-making advisory institutions directly under the party and government organs and the military. Its main work is to directly provide decision-making reference to leaders through internal channels, and play the role of decision-making "brain" within the party and government. The second category: Academy of Social Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Academy of Social Sciences). This is the think tank series with the most Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of funding sources, the Academy of Social Sciences is a government advisory institution established by full financial allocation or funding, which conducts relevant research through project entrustment and other forms. Subordinate? As soon as the gorge opens? Although it is funded by the government, the Academy of Social Sciences is not directly affiliated to the government, and its clients are not limited to government agencies. It can also serve the entrustment or consultation requirements from enterprises, industry associations, and society. The third category: university think tanks. That is, an organization affiliated to a university engaged in policy research and decision-making consultation. Such think tanks are created by the university alone or with the assistance of other institutions and groups. Its funding mainly comes from the university's grants and some foundations, corporate sponsorship or private donations. The researchers are mostly scholars in various disciplines of the university and researchers recruited from other universities and research institutions. The service objects and research topics are also quite extensive. The fourth category: private think tanks. Private think tanks are public policy research institutions that are mainly funded by the private sector and reflect the public's voice or policy needs. Most of them are created by enterprises, private individuals or private groups. They are organizationally independent of any other institutions and self funded. The voice of private think tanks mostly revolves around social fairness and justice, hoping that the government's institutional arrangements can be more inclined to the bottom members of society. From the perspective of funding sources, private think tanks can obtain relatively small amount of government funding, even without financial support from the government. Most of their funding comes from large foundations or enterprises, but they can generally maintain close relations with government departments, and even many private think tanks provide services for government decision-making consultation. Therefore, It can also have a certain impact on the policy formulation of specific departments. All kinds of excellent think tanks at home and abroad have very clear characteristics, research directions and research advantages, and their positioning is very clear.

The socialist college is a political college with the nature of a united front under the leadership of the Party, a joint party school for democratic parties and non party personages, an important part of the education and training system for Party and state cadres, and a main position for the education and training of talents on the united front. The national socialist college system has advantages in teaching staff, discipline support, student resources and organizational system, which is different from ordinary universities and general party and government organs. Therefore, the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges should combine their own special advantages, highlight the orientation of theoretical innovation, working method innovation and providing decision-making services for local united front departments. The think tanks of local socialist colleges at all levels aim to study the major strategic decisions of the local united front system and major issues in economic and social development in a forward-looking manner, act as the policy "foresighters" of the provincial united front system, and undertake the special topics and research tasks assigned by the local united front system, especially strengthen the research on the implementation of important policies and documents of the central government, Serve as the actual "watchman" of the local united front work, and offer advice and suggestions for promoting the united front work at the local or even national level. Therefore, local social institutes at all levels should come up with a "short-term plan for the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges" that suits the local reality as soon as possible, clarify the goals, ideas and measures for the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges at all levels, make detailed plans and specific arrangements for short-term development goals and key tasks, and take system construction as the construction of think tanks of local socialist colleges Scientific research transformation and development escort.

2、 Integrate the resources of the United Front System and strengthen the training of teachers in local social colleges

The united front system has the unique advantages of talent gathering, intelligence intensive and complete knowledge background. Socialist colleges at all levels can make full use of the advantages of local united front resources to widely mobilize the intellectual capital of united front resources by jointly running research centers, convening forums, holding academic conferences, conducting joint research and other forms with the united front systems at all levels, the united front departments of colleges and universities, and research institutes with united front characteristics.

For the training of teachers in socialist colleges at all levels, we can find "professional mentors" that fit in with our own research direction within the college, or even expand to provincial democratic party organs, the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and make up for the institutional constraints Local socialist colleges have limitations in talent introduction, and strengthen the construction of their own teaching staff. While introducing social wisdom for our own use, this measure also makes the research of teachers in socialist colleges at all levels truly grounded. At the same time, we should also broaden the theoretical learning channels for teachers, such as Shandong University? The United Front Research Center of the Central Institute of Socialism, the Central Academy of Socialism and other universities are visiting scholars. At present, there are few opportunities for teacher training in local socialist colleges, and some training theories are not targeted. Education and training should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of think tanks, and measures such as further education, training and further study should be taken to improve the scientific research quality and theoretical research level of young researchers. In addition, in order to enable teachers to accurately grasp the spirit of important documents, it is suggested that the College formulate the "Management Measures for Teachers to Check Important Documents", so that teachers can check important documents by themselves according to the management measures, and help teachers to timely grasp the dynamic information of the latest major policies and guidelines.

3、 Take teaching and scientific research as the starting point, increase the strength of consultation and investigation

Local socialist colleges should strengthen the problem oriented curriculum management system, try to select topics for consultation and set up relevant courses by teachers. This requires teachers to pay more attention to the policy system in the design of curriculum content structure, and at the same time to understand and apply the theory; In terms of teaching form, in the process of exploring teaching method reform, increase the proportion of "student experience". The teachers and students of the Institute will participate in the teaching objectives and tasks throughout the teaching process, and clearly define the form, approach, project management, operating mechanism, incentive measures and safeguard measures for students to participate in decision-making consultation, so as to realize the transformation of subject research from academic to practical, and teaching content from scientific research to consulting. For example, structured teaching, through the systematic arrangement of learning environment (field experience related to teaching purposes), learning materials and learning procedures, organically integrates various factors of teaching. Teachers and students collide with sparks of thought in the classroom interaction, triggering both sides to think deeply about the practical operation of work. Scientific research management related to annual consultation needs should be strengthened. Conduct independent review on consulting topics, strengthen the specific requirements of empirical research, and focus on the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis in research methods; Strengthen the investment and tracking management, especially the time schedule, research requirements and task implementation, achievement submission and issue closure; Increase the reward for the political consultation report that has received affirmative instructions from the relevant leaders of the Party Committee and government agencies, and give a heavy award for the achievements of major economic and social benefits. It is necessary to establish a sound multi-level information source mechanism, increase research efforts, give full play to the overall resource advantages of the united front system of the province, and strengthen cooperation and exchange with actual departments, university united front departments and research institutes. In fact, the problem oriented decision-making consultation and research work is also helpful to solve the long-standing problem of teaching and scientific research in cadre training colleges.

Trainees are one of the unique resources of the think tanks of local socialist colleges, and even an important "mine" for the construction of the think tanks of socialist colleges. Therefore, attention should be paid to exploring student resources and innovating the way of student participation in decision-making consultation. First, students are required to write research reports, pay attention to the guidance of the direction of decision-making consulting, and combine the typical case studies in the research reports with the special forums to better promote the integration of teaching and consulting. Second, encourage students to pair up with teachers, combine students' writing of research reports and participation in teachers' decision-making consulting research, establish joint research groups of teachers and students around major local issues, and promote the transformation of students' research reports into decision-making consulting. Third, the students recommend the topics of the consultation report to broaden the channels for generating consultation demand. The topics should be closely related to the central work and major decisions of the Party, the state, local Party committees and governments.

4、 Strengthen the construction of think tanks and innovate the consultative research platform

The construction of the think tank team of the socialist college should establish and improve two basic mechanisms, namely the convenient "revolving door" mechanism and the diversified government communication mechanism. The "revolving door" mechanism is a unique feature of American think tanks, which realizes the free and two-way flow of think tank researchers and politicians. The flow in and out is conducive to improving the social influence of think tanks. [2] Think tank researchers have been focusing on research in a certain field for a long time. Once they become the makers and executors of government policies, they will focus on the political, ideological? The concept of economy and other aspects will be easier to implement. However, when politicians join the think tank, it will increase the connection between the think tank and the government, providing more possibilities for the think tank to produce more research results that are adopted by the government and affect government decision-making. In the construction of the think tank team of local socialist colleges, the resource advantages of the local united front system can be fully mobilized. In the pattern of the general united front, the teachers of think tank members can be selected to take temporary temporary positions in various work departments and positions that are compatible with the research, to assist relevant departments in their work, and to keep abreast of the latest work practices, Thus, the research and suggestions and countermeasures made by the consultative government will be more operable. In the process of combining theory with practice and promoting each other, the forward-looking research direction will be constantly improved.

The diversified government communication mechanism is mainly reflected in the innovation and development of the communication mode between think tanks and the government. For example, teachers can be selected to participate in various activities such as government hearings in line with their own research directions in order to timely understand the changes and trends of government policies; Make full use of trainee resources, invite trainees and think tank members and teachers to work together on topics and research, so that trainees working in various business departments can bring the research fields and research results of think tanks of socialist colleges at all levels to various business units. On the one hand, the construction of such an exchange mechanism is conducive to mutual understanding and exchanges between the two sides; On the other hand, it is also conducive to improving the influence of think tanks, the practical level of think tank members and the theoretical level of staff in business departments. Well known think tanks in the United States, such as the Heritage Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, have similar activities and exchange projects. Through joint research, scholars not only understand the current policies and propositions of the government, but also pass on their own ideas to the government, thus affecting the government's policy formulation.

In a word, the construction of the think tank team of local socialist colleges needs to combine the three forces of teachers, students, and outside experts (non party representatives and academic experts in colleges and universities) of the college, break the single academic background, enable comprehensive talents of different ages, academic backgrounds, or even two different academic backgrounds, and create a teaching, research Consulting a trinity think tank team. At the same time, for the teachers of our school who are members of think tanks, we should make them fully aware of the symbiotic relationship between individuals and teams, as well as the relationship between teachers' individual theoretical research direction and think tank team consulting research direction; We should have a sense of honor, pride, crisis and urgency; We should strive to improve our investigation and research ability, produce more excellent works of decision-making consultation, and add luster to the think tanks of local socialist colleges.

5、 Establish internal reference for the consultation report, and unblock the channel for submitting results

Part 5: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

[Key words] University library; Think tank; Capacity building; Information service; Information assurance; Collaborative innovation; mechanism


[CLC No.] G2526 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 1008-0821 (2016) 11-0128-04

〔Abstract〕Research on the capacity building of the university library think tank, for the construction and service of university library actively involved in the construction and service of the new think tank,to improve the quality,level and influence of the construction of the library think tank is of great significance.Through literature research and case analysis, this paper put forward three kinds of abilities:document,information and data resources collection ability,intelligence analysis ability and service ability.With the library practice and experience,the upgrading of university library think tank construction ability put forward specific suggestions, university libraries should pay more attention to strengthen the characteristic collection and think-tank team construction,improved a think-tank of the brand influence,especially set up by university library based think tank alliance,vigorously promoted the information security of collaborative innovation.

〔Key words〕university library; think tank;capacity construction;information service;information security;collaborative innovation;mechanism

University think tanks are scientific research institutions oriented to government decision-making consultation and economic and social development. University think tanks have obvious advantages in building. Universities have strong basic research force, complete disciplines, extensive academic exchanges with foreign countries, and concentrated talent resources, which can provide strong academic support for policy advice, influence public opinion, and international exchanges [1].

In recent years, the state has attached great importance to the construction of university think tanks and issued a series of policies such as the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics to support the construction and development of think tanks [2]. In January 2015, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics, taking university think tanks as an important part of building a new think tank system with Chinese characteristics, and fully affirming the important position and role of universities in the construction of think tanks. In December 2015, the Ministry of Education issued the latest revised Regulations for Libraries of Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning, in which the fourth article of Chapter I clearly states that university libraries should "actively participate in the co construction and sharing of various resources, give play to the advantages of information resources and professional services, and serve the society", which provides a strong policy support and guarantee for university libraries to participate in the construction of think tanks.

The predecessor of many famous think tanks in the world is the library. For example, the Hoover Institute of Stanford University was originally the War Information Library. The Legislative Decision Service Department under the National Library of China is the earliest library think tank in China. The Library Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (also known as the National Science Library), Tsinghua University, Jiangsu University, Shanghai Maritime University, Fuzhou University, Dalian Foreign Studies University, Changshu Institute of Technology and Jilin Tonghua Normal University have all provided successful cases of think tank construction, Therefore, university libraries have the ability to build think tanks. In the new information environment, facing the rapid development of think tanks, how university libraries adapt to the new changes in user needs, actively participate in the construction and service of new think tanks, and improve the ability of university libraries to build think tanks is a new topic facing university libraries [3].

1. Think tank building capacity of university libraries

The decision-making consultation and theoretical innovation activities of think tanks should be based on information collection and analysis. University libraries have rich literature information resources, digital resources, interlibrary borrowing and other resource sharing methods, which can provide sufficient information guarantee for the construction of think tanks [4]. And the university library is good at classification indexing, data management and analysis and other information metrology tools and methods, as well as subject tracking services, scientific and technological novelty retrieval and other reference services, which provide strong technical support for the standardized construction of think tanks [3].

11 Collection capacity of literature, information and data resources

After years of accumulation, university libraries have rich collection resources, fully guaranteeing the needs of teaching and scientific research, constantly enriching, optimizing and integrating the collection resources, and focusing on the accumulation and refinement of the collection characteristics, ensuring the needs of key disciplines and majors, consistent with the school's orientation. But for the construction of think tanks, it is far from enough to rely only on the collection of literature resources. University libraries should not only pay attention to the preservation and processing of original documents, but also develop thematic databases using the collection of characteristic literature resources. The establishment of institutional knowledge base with regional and university characteristics, such as monographs, journals, scientific research projects, academic conference papers, graduate dissertations, etc. published by experts and scholars of the university, plays an important supporting role in promoting the development of disciplines and specialties of the university and scientific decision-making of local governments and enterprises [4].

In order to ensure the richness of think tank data information in university libraries, it is also necessary to broaden the data collection methods, take multiple ways to obtain massive data and materials, especially pay attention to the Internet and open access information resources, so as to maximize and optimize think tank resources, while paying attention to data depth mining, data multi way processing and multi-dimensional use of data [5]. University library think tanks should cooperate with governments, enterprises and scientific research institutes to establish a data sharing platform, jointly develop think tank resource databases, and improve the data accumulation and information storage of think tanks [3].

12 Information analysis and processing capability

The most obvious advantage of university library think tank construction is its intelligence analysis ability. The library uses information analysis technology to carry out information services, reveal the development trend and law of think tank research objects, predict the development prospect, and provide support for decision-making consultation [4].

In recent years, with the continuous development of new media technology, information science and its information analysis ability have become an increasingly important part of library work. The process of information analysis is the process of think tank research. Library information analysis technologies include classification indexing, information measurement, associated data, visualization technology, ontology and semantic web, social network analysis, data management and analysis, etc. Especially in the current big data environment, the information analysis ability, data processing ability and information fusion ability of think tanks are more important. Therefore, in addition to the construction of information base and database, think tanks should also focus on building the systems, platforms, methods and tools needed in the research process of think tanks. Looking for clues from the sea of data and information requires various analysis tools. For example, CiteSpace and other specific tools and software are used to make technology prediction and analyze technology emergence, innovation opportunities and technology trends in a certain field [6]. In addition, we can also use the statistical databases and platforms purchased by our library, such as CNKI's Statistical Database of China's Economic and Social Development, Tongfang Network Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis System, China Economic Information Network's Statistical Database, China's Regional Monitoring and Evaluation System, and EPS's global statistical data/analysis platform, Or purchase the corresponding statistical analysis platform according to the needs of the library's think tank construction.

13 University Library Think Tank Service Capability

131 Provide decision support for university management

University library think tanks have the professional research ability to solve practical problems and application needs by using data analysis based on theoretical research. In addition, they are familiar with the actual situation of universities, and can give play to their own advantages to provide scientific decision-making consulting services for university management [4]. University management is the organizer and manager of higher education. It needs to study domestic and foreign higher education theories, study the higher education policies of the state and local government departments, study the needs of society for college talents, study the new changes in the higher education environment, and formulate strategic development plans for colleges and universities. University libraries can not only provide rich and targeted information resources, but also provide university management plans, decision-making analysis reports, assist and participate in the formulation of university strategic development plans and implementation plans to meet the decision-making needs of university management [7]. Since 2012, our library has regularly provided the school leaders with the "Principal Decision Reference", which has been recognized and praised by the leaders.

132 Establish a new platform for production, teaching and research in colleges and universities

University library think tanks can recruit part-time doctoral/master graduate students on campus, providing them with practical opportunities to accumulate scientific research experience. The university library think tank can also cooperate with the scientific research department of the university to provide information consultation and policy suggestions for project application and project establishment. Think tanks of university libraries can also cooperate with local enterprises to directly apply the research results of think tanks to the operation and management of enterprises. Make the think tank of university library truly assume the multiple functions of university production, teaching, research and use, and provide advice and suggestions for university management, teaching, scientific research, and local economic and social development [4].

At present, the library of Harbin University of Commerce has carried out the citation analysis report service for academic papers collected by the School of Management and the School of Economics. In the future, we will also carry out statistical analysis for a certain discipline and introduce Citespace technology, so that we can clearly and accurately describe the development process and future development trend of our school in this discipline. And can accurately describe the scientific research development direction of the discipline leaders in the discipline field. The introduction of ESI analysis can determine the scientific research performance statistics and scientific research strength rankings of countries, institutions and journals in a certain discipline research field. This kind of statistical analysis service can not only help the college to accurately understand the development of teachers' scientific research, but also become an important part of the overall evaluation of the school's scientific research and provide decision support services for school leaders.

Our school is located in Songbei District, Harbin City. The library carries out document information tracking services, reports, information research, etc. according to the hot issues and major topics concerned by the Songbei District government, including research and analysis reports, document information integration, and self built characteristic databases for special topics.

Songbei District, where our school is located, has been included in Harbin New Area, which was approved by the State Council on December 16, 2015 and is the only national level new area in China with the theme of cooperation with Russia. The library of Harbin University of Commerce will, based on the Sino Russian regional cooperation think tank platform, carry out investigation and analysis of enterprise information needs, and provide all-round information consulting and decision-making services for Russian enterprises in the region, so as to enhance enterprise vitality and international competitiveness.

2 Strategies for improving the capacity of think tanks in university libraries

21 Refine the collection characteristics and clarify the resource positioning

The construction of document resources in university libraries should be advanced in concept and clear in orientation. It should not only highlight the professional disciplines with advantages of the university, but also take into account the local humanistic characteristics and socio-economic and cultural development. The construction of library collections should ensure stability and continuity, and adjust the proportion of printed documents and electronic resources in a timely manner. Be familiar with the basic situation of experts and scholars in colleges and universities, and understand their research direction and content; It conducts research around major issues of national and local economic and social development to serve decision-making of governments and enterprises at all levels. Collection construction should be adjusted according to the changes of information carriers and the development of disciplines. University libraries in all regions have certain characteristics. University libraries must establish the resource orientation of think tank construction according to local social, economic and cultural characteristics [3].

22 Strengthen the construction of talent team of think tanks

The construction of think tanks of university libraries should give full play to the advantages of human resources of university libraries, especially the advantages of subject librarians, and establish a talent model of think tanks composed of "subject librarians+experts and scholars on campus+doctors/masters". Subject librarians, who have received professional training in library and information science and have a certain professional background, are compound professionals who provide users with personalized, in-depth information acquisition and utilization services. University libraries should carefully organize and select subject librarians engaged in information technology, reference consulting, data mining and other services, set up a think tank service team of university libraries, and employ experts and scholars in various disciplines as special consultants of university library think tanks. At the same time, we will employ doctoral and postgraduate students from all colleges as part-time assistants to make up for the lack of academic coverage and personnel of university libraries' think tanks.

23 Building the Think Tank Platform of University Library

Platform development is an important carrier for the functioning and effective operation of university library think tanks. The platform is an important channel for the construction of university library think tanks, a hub and window for cooperation with other think tanks, a medium for exchange and interaction of university library think tanks, and directly affects the future trend of university library think tanks.

In order to further expand the scope of joint construction and sharing of Sino Russian economic and trade information resources in Heilongjiang Province, better promote the promotion and utilization of the results of think tank platform construction, and create an information service environment conducive to teaching and scientific research, our library cooperates with Beijing Jintu Chuanglian International Technology Co., Ltd. to jointly build the think tank platform of the library of Harbin Commercial University.

Through cooperation with Beijing Jintu Chuanglian International Science and Technology Co., Ltd., the experience and relevant resources of its Northeast Asia regional research database platform are combined with the Sino Russian literature collected and sorted by the library of Harbin Commercial University to jointly build the Sino Russian regional cooperation platform of Harbin Commercial University. The completion of this platform will become a data and information center and sharing platform with high influence at home and abroad in the study of China Russia economy, trade, politics, culture and other aspects, which can provide a comprehensive training for our school to train professionals in China Russia economic and trade research, Heilongjiang regional cooperation research, enhance the soft power of academic research of Harbin Commercial University, and provide a platform for inheritance and innovation of Chinese culture Provide decision-making consultation for relevant departments in Heilongjiang Province, and create a solid foundation for building a think tank in Heilongjiang Province.

24 Improve the communication and communication ability of think tanks

The construction of think tanks of university libraries needs a long-term accumulation process to gain the recognition of university management, university research teams, local government departments and enterprises, expand the influence of think tanks, and form their own service brands. University libraries need to carry out information publicity and services to support the construction of think tanks.

First, produce think tank service products, including official or informal publications such as annual reports, journals and yearbooks, such as information bulletins and internal references. These publications can not only serve as the basis or source for decision-making or policy making, but also serve as an empirical evidence for public opinion propaganda on the construction of think tanks in university libraries. Second, university libraries can organize experts and scholars from different disciplines to exchange and discuss by holding seminars, symposiums, forums, seminars and news conferences of different sizes and themes, so as to expand the influence and voice of university library think tanks. Third, use new media for promotion and dissemination. Compared with the process of publishing, distribution and academic research, new media communication is more popular and fast. It extends the achievements of university library think tank construction from monographs, journals and research reports to the Internet and social media. More extensive promotion and communication through new media will have greater brand influence and bring more subsidies and financial support to university libraries, It will also promote the transformation of more research achievements [7].

25 Compared with the official think tanks, the information security collaborative innovation mechanism of the think tank alliance based on university libraries is still at a disadvantage in terms of quality and influence. University think tanks should coordinate innovation, integrate resources, and establish long-term and stable cooperative relations between think tanks. Establish interdisciplinary and cross departmental research teams, build university alliance think tanks based on local university libraries, increase the integration of university library information resources, strengthen collaborative innovation among think tank alliances, form a mechanism to unify the research achievements of various think tanks, and provide high-level rational ideas and operational strategies for local governments, social politics and economic development [5]

At present, among the key universities in Heilongjiang Province, Harbin Institute of Technology enjoys a high reputation in machinery, aerospace, energy and other aspects. The discipline of Harbin Engineering University focuses on "three seas and one core", and its strong majors are ship and ocean engineering and nuclear energy. Heilongjiang Province should take these two "985 Project" and "211 Project" universities as the focus of think tank construction, unite with key universities in Heilongjiang Province such as Northeast Forestry University, Northeast Agricultural University and Heilongjiang University, integrate superior discipline talents and literature information resources, and provide high-level intellectual support for social and economic development of Heilongjiang Province. The library of Harbin University of Commerce will participate in building a Sino Russian regional cooperation think tank platform.

3 Conclusion

The construction of university library think tanks is in line with the strategic requirements of universities to use scientific research capabilities to promote national development, and the demands of university libraries for their own development and extended services. University library think tanks can not only improve the utilization rate of library literature resources, enhance the social influence of universities and libraries, but also provide intellectual support for the development and construction of the country, local governments, enterprises and universities themselves. At the same time, university library think tanks reflect the advantages and characteristics of university libraries, give full play to the innovation of ideas, management methods, organizational structure, etc., and establish the brand of university library think tanks [4].


[1] Wang Yan. Clarifying the Construction Orientation of University Think Tanks [N]. People's Daily, 2016-02-24, (07)

[2] Huang Xuemei. Analysis of the Path for University Libraries to Become Important Members of University Think Tanks [J]. Wireless Internet Technology, 2015, (13): 76-78

[3] Lu Xuemei. Thoughts on the Construction of New Think Tanks for University Library Services [J]. Library Science Research, 2016, (8): 79-82

[4] Zhang Ming, Zhang Ying, Li Yanguo. Research on the organizational structure and functional orientation of university library think tanks [J]. Library Work and Research, 2016, (4): 10-17

[5] Li Ling, Li China. The lack and improvement of university think tank platform development [J]. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research, 2014, (10): 52-54

Part 6: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Although the public's attention to AI technology continues to rise, the existing survey on the public's opinions on the development of AI technology is still in its infancy. The survey report on the AI industry in 2017 still focuses on the industrial scale, resource allocation and opinion leaders of the AI industry. The lack of adequate attention to public participation and understanding is the basic status quo of the current development of AI industry.

It is worth noting that the media, as an important social resource to shape and guide the public's opinions, has not yet found a way to effectively integrate the public's understanding of AI and coordinate and cooperate with expert opinions and industrial development. Nevertheless, experts from all walks of life quickly formed a group of AI opinion leaders through mainstream social media, and had a huge impact on the public opinion orientation of AI development. Among them, technology optimists represented by Zuckerberg, President of Facebook, believe that it is unnecessary to overemphasize the risks of AI technology, which will lead to concerns about rising unemployment rate; AI will eventually promote human progress, rather than replace human beings. On the contrary, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking believe that people's lack of understanding of the threat of AI to human survival is a great security risk from the perspective of long-term development. This group of experts and industry leaders who emphasize the risk of AI development has become the opposite faction of technology optimists in the public media. At present, the media's integration and guidance of the public's opinions are mainly achieved by presenting the opinions disputes of technical optimism and cautious anxiety, and stimulating public discussion.

In fact, it is far from enough to create a healthy and stable social opinion system to support the benign development of AI industry by relying only on opinion leaders to attract news flow and stimulate public attention. At present, there is a lack of effective integration between public opinions and experts' opinions, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

First, the impact of public opinion on AI is estimated, which is significantly different from expert opinion. In the view of scholars and experts, the trend of AI replacing many jobs has become irresistible. For example, Li Kaifu, the chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, once predicted that about 90% of the people engaged in translation, news reporting, assistant, security, sales, customer service, trading, accounting, drivers and other jobs will be completely or partially replaced by artificial intelligence in the next 10 years. However, in the survey report jointly written by Polaris and ASM, more than half of ordinary people believe that artificial intelligence is not competent for human work in the fields of heavy manufacturing, logistics, public transport, medical care, military, fire fighting, agriculture and cooking due to the dual consideration of safety and efficiency. Scholars, experts and industry leaders are very optimistic about the impact of AI change, while the public is relatively conservative, or even too cautious.

Part 7: Model Report on Intelligent Transport Development

1、 Introduction

"Smart Tourism" originates from the proposal of a business plan and project "Smarter Planet" launched by IBM in 2008 and the practice of "Smart City" under "Smart Planet". On July 11, 2011, Shao Qiwei formally proposed to take smart tourism as China's tourism development strategy for the next ten years at the National Tourism Directors' Seminar, which has thus started the upsurge of smart tourism construction nationwide. By January 2013, 33 "Smart Tourism Pilot Cities" including Beijing, Zhenjiang and Nanjing had been established in China. On May 17, 2011, the European Union proposed to provide innovative services for the development of regional tourism market through "smart tourism" under its "SMART+" plan. On June 30, 2011, the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Association (SICSA), the Scottish Foundation Committee and the Scottish Tourism Organization proposed two new initiatives: smart tourism and tourism "cloud" computing services at the SECC technology exhibition in Glasgow, England.

From 2011 to 2013, China's academic research on smart tourism rose. It can be roughly divided into five aspects: basic theoretical research, relationship evolution research, participant research, practical research, and development research. Although there is no consensus on the theoretical research of smart tourism, the basic characteristics and functions of smart tourism have been recognized: smart tourism should use new technologies to meet the personalized needs of tourists and provide high-quality and high satisfaction services for tourists. Based on the Internet of Things, mobile communication, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, geographic information system and other smart tourism backgrounds mentioned in the existing research and the characteristics of tourism tourists in Beijing suburbs, this paper puts forward reasonable suggestions for tourism suppliers and government service departments.

2、 An Analysis of the Characteristics of Beijing Suburb Tourists in the Era of "Smart Tourism"

Beijing has started the construction of urban infrastructure for "smart tourism" since October 9, 2011. In May 2012, Beijing officially became the first batch of "national smart tourism pilot cities" in China. The concept of "suburban tourism in Beijing" is a new concept for the upgrading and development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, and its combination with smart tourism is an inevitable trend. To develop smart tourism in Beijing suburbs, we should first understand the characteristics of tourists in Beijing suburbs in the era of smart tourism.

(1) Characteristics of tourists

According to the 2013 Beijing Tourism Green Book "Beijing Tourism Development Report" of Beijing Tourism Society, the demographic characteristics and tourism behavior characteristics of Beijing suburban tourists are analyzed.

1. Demographic characteristics

The Beijing Tourism Development Report (2013) made statistics and analysis on the source market of tourists in the suburbs of Beijing. The demographic characteristics of tourists in the suburbs of Beijing show three major characteristics: first, the age is relatively young, and adolescents and young people account for 63.7% of tourists in the suburbs of Beijing; Second, the cultural level of tourists is high, and more than 65% of tourists have college education or above; Third, tourists' income is relatively high, of which the high-income and high-income groups account for 47%.

2. Short stay time and high revisit rate

According to the Beijing Tourism Development Report (2013), in 2012, most of the trips to the suburbs of Beijing still returned on the same day, accounting for 64.3% of the total sample. However, since most of the tourists in the suburbs of Beijing chose to travel on weekends in the suburbs of cities and surrounding areas, the distance is relatively short, and the time required is short, the revisit rate of the tourism in the suburbs of Beijing is generally high, and there is no obvious seasonality.

3. Prefer self-help travel and self driving travel

At present, tourists mainly travel by themselves with relatives and friends, family trips and organizations, and 70% of them travel at their own expense. Self driving has become the most important means of transportation. According to the Beijing Tourism Development Report (2013), in 2012, most of the tourists traveling in Beijing suburbs by self driving accounted for 64.8%, followed by long-distance buses, friends' cars and urban rail transit.

4. The most expensive item is still catering

According to the Beijing Tourism Development Report (2013), catering was still the most expensive item in suburban tourism in 2012, accounting for 32% of the per capita cost in 2012, followed by local transportation, accounting for 20.4% (see Table 1), and entertainment accounted for a high proportion.

Figure 2 Proportion of tourists by means of transportation in Beijing suburbs in 2012 and 2011 (100


(2) Characteristics of tourists' behavior in the context of "smart tourism"

1. Prefer online search and e-commerce

According to the 31st Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China (hereinafter referred to as the Report) issued by China Internet Network Information Center, by the end of 2012, the number of search engine users in China had reached 451 million, of which 291 million were mobile search users, with a utilization rate of 69.4%, Online search is more focused on third-party travel network platforms (such as Ctrip, eLong, etc.) when querying travel routes. In addition, tourists prefer e-commerce, travel booking and other forms such as "group purchase". As of December 2012, the number of online shopping users in China has reached 242 million, and the number of group purchase users has reached 83.27 million. The utilization rate has increased to 14.8%, with an annual growth rate of 28.8%, maintaining a relatively high user growth rate.

2. Smart mobile terminals such as mobile phones are used frequently and APP is widely used

Intelligent mobile terminal is an important tool to use intelligent tourism resources. In May 2013, the number of mobile phone users in Beijing has exceeded 31.969 million, and mobile mobile clients have become the main search and sharing tool for tourists. Mobile APP and other applications are widely used, prompting more and more consumers to start transferring offline shopping to online shopping, bringing new growth opportunities for mobile shopping. The proportion of mobile group purchase, mobile online payment and mobile online banking among mobile Internet users has increased, and the growth rate of users of these three types of mobile applications has exceeded 80%. In 2012, the number of mobile phone group buying users nationwide increased by 88.8% to 19.47 million.

3. Love tourism sharing

According to the Report, as of the end of December 2012, the number of users using social networking sites in China was 275 million, an increase of 12.6% over the end of last year, with a rapid growth. The popularity of social networking sites and APP has made tourists pay more attention to tourism sharing, and the highest usage rate of sharing websites is microblog. As of the end of December 2012, the number of microblog users in China was 309 million. Because of the convenience and vividness of sharing, microblog is very popular among tourists. The utilization rate of microblog accounts for 91.7% of mobile phone applications for social sharing when tourists travel. The most shared information is photos, followed by mood and location information.

4. Tourists' consumption psychology tends to be experiential and authentic

In the era of smart tourism, tourists' consumption psychology will pay more attention to the needs of tourism experience and truth seeking. In the era of smart tourism, people's demands for autonomy have increased significantly, and they have higher requirements for price concessions and time-saving. With the advent of the era of smart tourism, people pay more attention to the real experience of tourism consumption.

3、 Suggestions on Tourism Development in Beijing Suburbs under the Background of "Smart Tourism"

The construction of smart tourism in the suburbs of Beijing should develop healthily under the guidance of the Beijing Smart Tourism Rural Construction Norms (Trial) and the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Tourism in the Suburbs of Beijing. The author puts forward development suggestions from the two aspects of government public service construction and tourism supplier marketing in combination with the characteristics and needs of tourists in the suburbs of Beijing in the era of smart tourism.

(1) Government public service

1. Realize network coverage and break through talent bottleneck

The "three networks" composed of the Internet, mobile communication network and the Internet of Things are important technical support for "smart tourism". The primary condition for realizing "smart tourism" is network coverage. However, due to its remote location, low optical fiber penetration rate and insufficient comprehensive wireless network coverage, the government should first complete the construction of network infrastructure for suburban tourism in Beijing to achieve broadband penetration and wireless network coverage. In addition, most of the tourism operators and suppliers in the suburbs of Beijing are local farmers with relatively low education level. The government can provide technical training to cultivate relevant talents and break through the talent bottleneck.

2. Build a public information service platform for suburban tourism

Tourism public information is incomplete, lacking in accuracy, reliability and slow update. The government can effectively integrate the existing and decentralized local professional tourism websites, official tourism websites, tourism related forums, communities, etc., to form a platform system for the integration of local or regional tourism information services, share tourism information within the region, avoid repeated or decentralized construction of tourism information resources, that is, facilitate unified management and review, It also greatly reduces the time for tourists to search for information for the first time.

3. Improve intelligent search and personalized information push

In the era of big data, the government needs to use personalized information services to realize the intelligent search of tourists. The information recommended to tourists can be formed by data mining based on the past travel behavior of the tourists, such as click behavior and consumption records on the Internet. In addition. Encourage cooperation with mobile map app manufacturers to integrate the integrated tourism information into mobile maps. When tourists travel in the suburbs of Beijing, mobile maps can provide personalized push of tourism information in the suburbs of Beijing while achieving navigation and location search.

4. Transportation services suitable for self driving groups

When leading the road construction, the government should combine the demand characteristics of self driving travel, make the traffic roads in the suburbs of Beijing comfortable and convenient, and strive to achieve intelligent traffic. Establish and improve the tourist traffic signs at the expressway intersections, and update or publish the road conditions, passenger flow, parking conditions and other information of the tourist attractions at all times; With the help of GPS navigation, it provides the latest information, such as the location and general information of traffic congestion, parking lot and parking space, scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, etc.

(2) Tourism supplier

The suppliers of suburban tourism in Beijing include scenic spots, tourism enterprises (travel agencies, hotels, restaurants), farmhouses, leisure parks, etc. According to the characteristics of Beijing suburb tourists in the era of "smart tourism", tourism suppliers can make marketing strategies to meet the needs of tourists.

1. Accurate product positioning

According to the above description and analysis, the tourist groups in the suburbs of Beijing are young, mostly for one-day leisure trips, and more self driving groups spend more on catering. Therefore, we should continue to promote the creation of special catering and leisure environment. At the same time, we launched local product consumption for self driving groups to fill the trunk of self driving tourists with local products (Wei Xiao'an 2013).

2. Combination of online marketing and offline marketing

At present, the commonly used online marketing methods include search engines, forums, social networks, e-mail, etc. Among them, forum marketing and microblog marketing have lower costs and are closely combined with offline experience. For leisure agriculture, which can only be identified through experience, its marketing and promotion destination must be set offline, that is, specific parks and routes. The mode of "online recruitment+theme experience+activity sharing+experience dissemination" can be adopted. According to the main content, organize theme experience activities, with 20-30 participants each time, and experience several selected parks each time. Participants in theme experience activities mainly include forum moderators, bloggers (with more than 150000 fans), photography lovers, media opinion leaders, etc. Each activity affects at least 1-2 million people.

3. Establish tourist database information through tourism website

Tourism websites should not only stay in the "window" like display stage, but also move in a dynamic and interactive direction, and use the Internet to do a good job in customer relationship liaison and management. For example, online friend files of rural tourism such as "donkey friends" (travel friends) club, "farmer guest record", "urban old watch group", etc. are established through the Internet. When customers visit the website, the website provides a login form, asking customers to leave information such as name, age, gender, favorite tourism projects, e-mail address, etc. Contact a large number of rural tourists through lively and diverse online activities.

4. Focus on virtual tourism marketing

Tourism suppliers can cooperate with virtual tourism enterprises to display tourism products to tourists through the 3D software system of virtual reality, so that tourists can experience destination tourism and make decisions. Virtual tourism marketing is conducive to improving the competitiveness of tourism products. For tourism operators, the direct purpose of providing virtual tourism is to promote its real products and achieve the purpose of promotion.

5. Provide online electronic transactions

Part 8: Model Text of Research Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Key words: scientific and technological innovation think tank; Factual data; Scientific and technological information organization


Science and technology think tanks are an important part of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics. They are professional policy research and advisory institutions with the main functions of science and technology strategic policy research and science and technology support services for public policy formulation. The common characteristics of science and technology think tanks are as follows: ① The research work is political and realistic. It does not focus on academic research, but focuses on influencing government decision-making. ② It is independent and non-profit. It is named after scientific research institutes, universities, societies, companies, centers, etc. It is an independent legal entity, not for profit. ③ Intellectual products are the basis for survival. They maintain their own survival and development by providing decision-making departments with policy ideas, plans, suggestions and other intellectual products and their impact and reputation. The basic requirements and necessary conditions for the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tanks mainly include the following points: First, the basic resource conditions for carrying out decision-making consultation are available. Complete databases and rich factual database resources are one of the bases for building scientific and technological innovation think tanks. Objective and scientific data can help researchers carry out quantitative analysis, provide strong support for putting forward scientific and technological decision-making suggestions, and avoid subjective assumptions; Second, we have high-quality professional research talents and research teams. The core of building a scientific and technological innovation think tank is to create high-quality professional research talents and research teams. Talents are one of the most important innovation resources. Building a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary talent research team is the endogenous power to maintain the innovation vitality of scientific and technological innovation think tanks; Third, it has the practice and accumulation of long-term decision-making research. To become a "think tank" that government departments rely on, scientific and technological innovation think tanks must have accumulated practical experience in scientific and technological decision-making research for a long time, have strong information analysis and policy research capabilities, and be able to put forward forward-looking, scientific and effective scientific and technological decision-making suggestions.

1 Status quo of global scientific and technological innovation think tanks

The Global Think Tank Report 2019 points out that at present, the global think tanks are growing rapidly as a whole. There are 8248 think tanks in the world, of which the United States has 1871, ranking first in the world; There are 509 think tanks in India; There are 507 think tanks in China, ranking third.

1.1 Overview of the construction of well-known science and technology think tanks in the United States

The United States is the most developed country in the international public policy research and consulting industry, with the largest number of think tanks and the largest influence in the world, ranking first in the world. Among them, most of the US science and technology think tanks, represented by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, RAND Corporation and others, are funded by the government through commissioned research. Think tanks focus on the needs of the government to carry out research and provide professional knowledge and ideas for policymakers. Establish a talent exchange mechanism between think tanks and the government. Give full play to the decision-making consultation and educational functions of think tanks.

1.2 Overview of the construction of well-known European science and technology think tanks

The British government attaches great importance to the role of scientific consultation in government decision-making, and has formed a relatively complete scientific support decision-making mechanism, which provides important support for government decision-making through think tanks [2]. The UK science and technology decision-making think tank participates in the policy process, helps formulate the framework for policy issues, provides background information on relevant issues, and provides policy recommendations to the government. The UK science and technology decision-making think tank will also provide early warning for key issues in science and technology in the medium and long term, to remind the government to prevent major mistakes and decision-making bias.

1.3 Overview of Japanese and South Korean science and technology think tanks

The construction of Japanese and South Korean science and technology think tanks started later than that of European and American countries, but their growth speed and development quality are very high. Their operating mechanisms are affected by the national system, the level of economic and social development and cultural origins, and have their own characteristics [3]. The research team of Japan's science and technology decision-making think tank is generally set up based on research projects. The project is set up according to the most important problems faced by science and technology policies. According to the project, a project oriented research and development team is set up to carry out research in a specific field. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Policy mainly provides policy research and advisory services to the Prime Minister's Office and government departments, local governments and enterprises [3], develops policy options for government departments and other organizations, introduces strategies to the private sector to promote its technological innovation, and provides information and data on science and technology policy trends to the public.

2 Overview of the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tanks in relevant provinces and cities in China

Since 2018, the development of think tanks in China has entered the stage of institutional construction. The construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics has entered the "fast lane": the "leading goose effect" of national high-end think tanks is remarkable, and various systems around the country have studied and formulated the development plans of local think tanks and think tanks within the system, which has opened the prelude to the reform of the system and mechanism of think tanks within the system. Media think tanks should be born, university think tanks are in full swing, and social think tanks are booming [4]. Many domestic research institutions have conducted research and analysis on the development of innovation think tanks in China. Among them, according to the relevant contents in the 2018 China Think Tank Report issued by the Think Tank Research Center of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, affiliated to the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Development Research Center of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomics, the China Center for International Economic Exchange, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (the National School of Administration) The China Institute of Modern International Relations, the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, and the China Institute of International Studies are among the top 10 think tanks with comprehensive influence in China. The 2018 CTTI Think Tank Report jointly developed by the China Think Tank Research and Evaluation Center of Nanjing University and the Think Tank Research and Release Center of Guangming Daily pointed out that in recent years, the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics has made remarkable achievements: from the central to the local, policy documents to promote the construction of think tanks have been constantly issued, policy formulation is comprehensive, and the think tank policy system has been gradually established; It has formed a new type of think tank system with "national high-end think tanks as the leader, provincial and municipal key think tanks as the support, and other new types of think tanks as the supplement", a clear vertical hierarchy and rich horizontal types, as well as a think tank platform covering a wide range of fields and types; The external communication of think tanks has gradually deepened. Chinese think tanks have gradually gone abroad, integrated into the international development environment, and actively engaged in dialogue and exchange with international think tanks; Research related to think tanks is booming, and research results have exploded. Think tanks are playing an increasingly prominent role in serving national strategies and social public policies.

3. Thoughts and suggestions on scientific and technological information institutions becoming the main force in the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tanks

3.1 Scientific and technological intelligence agencies have shouldered the mission of "think tank" since its establishment

In 1956, China's information industry was founded, and various scientific and technological information institutions throughout the country have developed in succession. The function of scientific and technological information work is positioned as "ear and eye, spearhead, and staff". China's science and technology information institutions have constantly adapted to the needs of socialist economic construction, rapidly recovered and continued to develop, carried out a lot of research on leadership decision-making, scientific and technological development, economic construction and other aspects, and made due contributions to the country's economic construction and scientific and technological development.

3.2 The practical basis for scientific and technological information institutions to become the main force in the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tanks

From the previous overview of the construction of think tanks outside China, the intelligence function has become an important part of think tanks. In foreign countries, think tanks generally have powerful information and intelligence functions, and even some famous think tanks have evolved from library and intelligence institutions. At the same time, since its inception, the scientific and technological information agency has regarded providing scientific and technological decision-making services for government departments as its core function and business, and all links of the decision-making chain need decision-making services, including information research [6].

3.2.1 Scientific and technological information institutions have the data resource base for building scientific and technological innovation think tanks. All scientific and technological think tanks at home and abroad analyze and draw conclusions on the basis of a large amount of data, so as to provide decision-making advice for decision makers. Since the 20th century, with the rapid development of electronic information technology and "Internet+" technology, scientific and technological information institutions in all provinces (cities) in China have established a large comprehensive scientific and technological literature service system integrating excellent domestic and foreign resources. The literature categories cover journals, patents, standards, books, conferences, dissertations, research reports, scientific and technological achievements, statistical data, enterprise information Product samples, expert information, policies and regulations, local characteristic database, etc. At the same time, science and technology resource service platforms such as scientific data, science and technology reports, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and science and technology finance built by science and technology intelligence agencies in all provinces (cities) have mastered a large number of scientific and technological fact data and rich information sources, laying a solid foundation for the construction of science and technology think tanks, which can provide scientific and reliable information resources and information services for the government and the public.

3.2.2 Scientific and technological information institutions have the ability to provide information support for decision-making research. Although the resource guarantee of scientific and technological information is still the main business of many traditional domestic scientific and technological information institutions, as China's scientific and technological information institutions are basically subordinate to government scientific and technological management departments, providing decision-making services for government scientific and technological management departments has always been the main business activities of scientific and technological information institutions, It has played an indispensable role in scientific decision-making and scientific and technological management of government departments, and has become an irreplaceable role, serving the whole process of government decision-making [7]. As the country vigorously promotes the construction of think tanks, many traditional science and technology intelligence agencies have taken the construction of science and technology think tanks as an important direction of institutional development. At present, the research activities carried out by the provincial (municipal) science and technology information institutions for decision-making services have formed a scale and system, and have developed steadily year by year. This shows that scientific and technological information institutions can provide information support for the government to better grasp the trend of scientific and technological development, formulate scientific and technological planning and scientific and technological management decisions.

4. The main path for scientific and technological information institutions to become the main force in the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tanks

4.1 Build a perfect science and technology big data platform

Data and information are the foundation for the survival and development of think tanks. Accurate data and information are the basis for precise decision-making. The decision-making analysis, risk assessment and policy assessment of think tanks all need big data to provide real-time dynamic monitoring and real-time early warning analysis for scientific decision-making and policy assessment. Big data is needed to promote the refinement and accuracy of risk analysis of think tanks. Therefore, in the era of big data, science and technology innovation think tanks should focus on building and improving science and technology big data platforms, make full use of big data data mining algorithms and other technologies, acquire massive data information through multiple channels and at multiple levels, and organize and analyze it, so as to improve the scientificity of new think tanks in policy formulation [8].

4.2 Strengthen the construction of professional talent team of scientific and technological innovation think tanks

1) Invite authoritative experts with high prestige and influence inside and outside the province as the chief experts of think tanks, or invite experts who are recognized as academic and technical leaders in the industry and have innovative ideas and strategic thinking for work in their professional fields, adopt the model of experts leading and excellent team support, with experts as the core and excellent teams as the main force, Build a high-end talent team of think tanks with professional qualities who are good at policy research and understand provincial conditions and people's conditions. 2) Improve the overall research level of scientific and technological information researchers. The first is to train scientific and technological intelligence personnel to base themselves on the national strategy and overall development situation, and carry out forward-looking and strategic basic theoretical research on major theoretical and practical issues of reform, development and stability in China; The second is to cultivate the "grounding" style of scientific and technological intelligence personnel who are good at carrying out practical investigation, and require them to obtain first-hand research materials from social practice to provide scientific basis for theoretical innovation and decision-making consultation; The third is to further improve the professionalism of scientific and technological intelligence personnel, constantly innovate research methods, use analytical tools to conduct scientific and accurate analysis, and provide scientific and effective basis for making decisions on major issues.

4.3 Establish a sound benign operation mechanism

1) Entrusted by the government science and technology department, adhere to the orientation of serving the province's scientific and technological development, closely focus on the major and forward-looking issues of the province's scientific and technological development, quickly organize and carry out research on the basis of accurately grasping the decision-making needs, complete the "proposition composition", strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of policy recommendations, and vigorously improve the quality of achievements. Both parties can specify the consultation purpose, consultation task, completion time, quality requirements, conditions provided, fund guarantee and other matters in the letter of entrustment by signing a "letter of entrustment" and other forms. 2) Gradually establish and improve the mechanism for independent topic selection of think tank experts. The scientific and technological innovation think tank can, according to the scientific and technological development plan, draw up and issue the "Guidance Catalogue of Annual Key Research and Consultation Topics" around major issues such as scientific and technological development strategy, industrial scientific and technological innovation, and regional innovation capability evaluation, for the reference of think tank experts. Give full play to the role of think tank experts as leaders in relevant industries, and the research team led by think tank experts will independently select topics and offer suggestions. Strengthen the ability of strategic planning and comprehensive research and judgment, and constantly improve the level of decision-making consulting services.

4.4 Research and analysis methods of innovative science and technology think tanks

To become a think tank of scientific and technological innovation, it is not only necessary to carry forward the role of intelligence agencies as "eyes and ears, spearheads and staff", but also need to respond more quickly and refine more comprehensively. The information research method of "factual data+special tool method+expert wisdom" proposed by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information is a new information analysis model that adapts to the current innovation needs and conforms to the characteristics of government decision-making. Through the organic combination of the three, comprehensive use of quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, statistical analysis and other methods, while ensuring objectivity, give full play to the subjective initiative of experts.

Part 9: Model Text of Research Report on Intelligent Transport Development

Integration of real economy and digital economy

The monitoring results of Inspur Tianyuan big data show that: compared with last year, the focus on topics related to the development of the real economy has increased most significantly, up 52%; The second topic is about "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", with a 46% year-on-year increase in attention.

As the world's second largest economy, China is a major contributor to world economic growth. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2016, China's GDP exceeded 70 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.7%, and its economic growth returned to the first place among major economies in the world. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) pointed out that China will still be a key factor in accelerating the recovery of the global economy this year.

We have entered a new era of digital economy. In order to adapt to this change, enterprises in various industries are stepping up the implementation of digital transformation. The integration of digital economy and real economy is the focus that people generally pay attention to at present.

This year's Government Work Report mentioned that the transformation and upgrading of the real economy should be led by innovation.

The real economy has always been the foundation of China's development. The top priority is to accelerate transformation and upgrading, deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, and promote the optimization of the structure of the real economy. To revitalize the real economy, we must constantly improve the core competitiveness of enterprises through scientific and technological innovation. The improvement of the core competitiveness of the real economy no longer depends only on the input of labor, resources and capital, but depends on innovation, constantly increasing more soft value, and continuously improving the soft power of the economy.

The Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, released in 2015, proposed to implement the "Internet Plus" action plan, develop the technology and application of the Internet of Things, develop the sharing economy, and promote the integrated development of the Internet and the economy and society. Traditional industries actively embrace "Internet+" and use Internet thinking to realize the transformation and improvement of traditional industry business.

In the "Internet+" era, the development of information infrastructure and network will become an important support for the development of various industries. Faster speed and lower cost are people's urgent needs for network infrastructure. This year, the network will take a substantial step forward to speed up and reduce costs. It is understood that all domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones will be abolished within the year, and the charges for Internet access of small and medium-sized enterprises will be significantly reduced, and the charges for international long-distance calls will be reduced, so as to promote the in-depth development of "Internet+" and promote the rapid growth of the digital economy.

After the connection between traditional industries and the Internet, there will be a lot of opportunities for transformation and upgrading. Quantong Education Group (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. was approved to take the lead in the construction of the National Engineering Laboratory for Internet Education System Technology and Application, combining the advantages of enterprise R&D and promotion with the academic innovation ability of universities, and jointly promoting the further deepening and development of "Internet+" education. The implementation of "Internet+" in various industries has become a top priority.

Yang Yuanqing, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, mainly talked about three points in his "two sessions" proposal, namely, strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, improving financial services, and supporting enterprises to "go global". Yang Yuanqing believed that in order to develop the real economy, we should reduce costs, reduce burdens, let the real economy go into action lightly, curb asset bubbles and overheating of the virtual economy, and adhere to supply side reform. In the process of developing the real economy, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the position of enterprises as innovation subjects and strengthen the new momentum of the development of the real economy, such as further expanding the voice of enterprises in national innovation decisions, and setting up national laboratories and technological innovation centers among more qualified enterprises.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission released a list of big data national engineering laboratories. The National Engineering Laboratory undertakes the important task of national scientific and technological innovation. This time, 19 national engineering laboratories were approved, including 11 in the field of big data and 8 in the field of "Internet+". For example, the National Engineering Laboratory for Industrial Big Data Application Technology and the National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data System Software, which Alibaba Cloud participates in, are all among them.

For another example, the National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Circulation and Trading Technology, which is jointly built by Shanghai Data Trading Center as the undertaking unit and China Internet Network Information Center, China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd., Fudan University, China Information and Communication Research Institute and other units, has also received the approval. The National Engineering Laboratory aims to improve the supporting capacity of China's big data basic technology, solve the problems of China's big data sharing, exchange and trade circulation, unclear standards, uneven data quality and other problems, build an application oriented big data circulation and trade technology innovation platform, support the development of government and enterprise data resource sharing and exchange, open public data circulation Research, development and engineering of technologies such as cloud based public big rice Xinzhi Information Technology, cross system public big data sharing and exchange standards, big data resource and service identification, valuation and modeling.

When talking about promoting the development of the real economy, Yang Yuanqing also said that we should vigorously improve financial services and guide more funds into the real economy. This not only relies on the industrial chain finance of large enterprises, but also needs to establish an enterprise credit management system and information platform based on the core enterprise data of the manufacturing industry. It also needs to further expand the platform and channel for enterprises to develop direct financing services, build a multi-level capital market, accelerate the reform pilot, and simplify the approval process.

Internet finance is developing rapidly in China. Many foreigners come to China surprised by the booming development of China's mobile payment, and WeChat is a typical representative. Ma Huateng, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tencent's board of directors, said that the core issue to be solved in finance is stability and stability, not how fast the competition can run in the short term. Therefore, Tencent Finance will focus on stability. Tencent's core businesses, including payment and wealth management platforms, are within Tencent's system and closely integrated with its own other business platforms, and will not be split for the sake of splitting.

Although there are many difficulties to face in the process of promoting the development of the real economy, Yang Yuanqing believes that the fields in line with the direction of technological innovation, industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading have maintained a high growth rate, which is also the focus of future capital investment.

The 2016 Government Work Report proposed to promote the development of the sharing economy and build a sharing platform through institutional and institutional innovation; Support the development of sharing economy, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and let more people participate in and become rich. This is the first time that the sharing economy appears in the Government Work Report. In this year's Government Work Report, the sharing economy was mentioned again. Supporting and guiding the development of the sharing economy, improving the efficiency of social resource utilization, and facilitating people's lives are the core ideas of sharing economic development.

In the past year, China's sharing economy has developed rapidly. For example, the increasingly popular bike sharing is a typical form of sharing economy. In the future, with the popularization of autonomous cars, people will benefit more from the sharing economy. Some representatives pointed out that the country attached great importance to the sharing economy. In order to ensure the rapid and healthy development of the sharing economy, it should be guided and the rules should go first.

Zhang Dongdong, chairman of Suning Group, who has served as a member of the CPPCC National Committee for many years, said: "The consumption upgrade will be further deepened in 2017, which is a new starting point for China's retail industry." At this year's "two sessions", Zhang Dongdong prepared five proposals covering youth entrepreneurship, international trade, big data management, tax computerization and other aspects, Give consideration to the two directions of people's well-being and industry development.

As early as 2007, Zhang Dongdong put forward the idea of "expanding the consumption of rural information appliances by using poverty alleviation policies" to encourage home appliances to go to the countryside. Subsequently, relevant national policies were implemented and widely concerned and recognized by the society. Zhang Jindong also advised on the construction of modern logistics three times. Today, logistics construction has become the key support of the entire Internet retail industry. Zhang Dongdong also talked about O2O transformation in the proposal of the "two sessions" for many times. Today, the O2O mode of online and offline integration has become the industry consensus. Suning Group has also become one of the successful representatives of O2O transformation. Focusing on the integrated development of the real economy and the digital economy, Suning Group will continue to deepen its reform, transformation and upgrading to create greater value.

From "Internet+" to digital economy, and then to building a network power, Ma Huateng believes that the three are in the same line: "Internet+" is the means, digital economy is the result, and network power is the goal. Ma Huateng suggested that we should vigorously develop the digital economy from five aspects, so that the strategic goal of becoming a network power can be smoothly implemented: first, constantly improve the network infrastructure; The second is to accelerate the promotion of network projects to benefit people and help the poor, and narrow the digital divide; Third, help the transformation and upgrading of stock economy; Fourth, innovate the supervision mode and concept; Fifth, expand the development space of the digital economy and actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation.

The rise of "digital commerce"

The report of Boston Consulting predicts that new technologies such as cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence will bring up to 6 trillion yuan of additional value to China's manufacturing industry in the future. There is no doubt that new technologies such as cloud computing and big data will become an important driving force and support for the development of the real economy.

This year's Government Work Report reviewed the work in 2016, which mentioned that the country has been promoting the "Internet+" action plan and the national big data strategy, fully implementing the "Made in China 2025", and implementing and improving the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" policies and measures.

During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, China will vigorously implement the cyber power strategy, the national big data strategy, and the "Internet+" action plan, develop a positive cyber culture, expand the space of cyber economy, and promote the integrated development of the Internet and the economy and society. Today, big data has become a national strategy, which has played a very important and positive role in promoting business innovation in various industries. Big data is not only a technology and an efficient tool, but also a new idea and route. Data is an important strategic asset of the whole society. If the commercial value contained in data can be effectively mined and utilized, it will undoubtedly greatly promote the development of social economy and the improvement of people's lives. In recent years, a large number of big data start-ups have emerged in China. They combine the ideas and technologies of big data with practical applications, not only greatly improving productivity, but also opening up new business areas.

In 2016, the country proposed to build a nationwide integrated national big data center, which is good news for the development of big data and data center industry.

At the end of 2016, Beijing Supply and Marketing Big Data Group signed contracts with Beijing Intellectual Property Operation Management Co., Ltd., Peking University Big Data Research Institute and other enterprises and scientific research institutions to carry out collaborative innovation in the fields of big data and artificial intelligence application research, big data public services, supply and marketing cloud and other fields. Since its establishment more than a year ago, Beijing Supply and Marketing Big Data Group has been accelerating the construction of a distributed, fully interconnected data center cluster network with independent property rights at home and abroad, achieving a globally integrated industrial layout and innovative business model, improving the data storage, distribution, and technical operation and maintenance response capabilities across the entire industrial chain, and is committed to becoming the main force in building a national big data center.

Recently, the National Engineering Laboratory of Air, Earth and Sea Integration Big Data Application Technology has also received the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission. The national engineering laboratory will focus on improving the integrated analysis capability of air, space, sea and big data and expanding the demand for applications, build an innovative platform for the application technology of air, space, sea and big data integration, support the development of air, space and sea integrated data benchmark and collaborative sensing detection, intelligent processing and understanding of wide area dynamic multi-source information, multi-source information multidimensional reconstruction and visual computing Research, development and engineering of application oriented big data information mining and analysis, multi domain and multi-dimensional information system and other technologies.

According to the Outline of the Construction Plan of Beijing Tianjin Hebei Big Data Comprehensive Pilot Zone recently launched, Beijing Tianjin Hebei will give full play to the demonstration and driving role in big data infrastructure construction, data sharing and opening, industrial cluster development and other aspects, accelerate the promotion of big data industry to benefit people and innovative development, and jointly build the first cross regional big data comprehensive pilot zone in China. The construction of the comprehensive pilot zone will highlight innovation driven, serving people's livelihood, linkage and coordination, and industrial integration, and create a big data industrial integration pattern with Beijing as the innovation core, Tianjin as the comprehensive support, and Zhangjiakou, Langfang, Chengde, Qinhuangdao, and Shijiazhuang in Hebei as the application expansion. The comprehensive pilot area is committed to building seven big data application demonstration areas, including Beijing Big Data Core Demonstration Area, Tianjin Big Data Comprehensive Demonstration Area, Zhangjiakou Big Data New Energy Demonstration Area, Langfang Logistics Finance Remote Sensing Big Data Demonstration Area, Chengde Tourism Big Rice Spawn, Qinhuangdao Health Big Data Demonstration Area, and Shijiazhuang Big Data Application Demonstration Area.

According to incomplete statistics, there are already 14 big data exchanges in China, which are actively exploring suitable models for data sharing and trading to create conditions for the circulation of big data and the display of value.

On January 11 this year, the China Data Sharing Convention Organization was officially established. The organization is composed of enterprises, universities, scientific research institutions and other units actively engaged in the big data industry. Its core task is to explore the innovation of industrial organization mode, promote data providers, service providers, technology providers, data demanders, and research institutions in data basic materials, technology research and development, product development and data services Deeply cooperate in data security circulation and other fields, integrate industry resources, shape the alliance brand of China's data sharing industry, and form a new green and low-carbon big data circulation industry system. CAICT China Information and Communication Research Institute serves as the chairman unit of the China Data Sharing Convention Organization, and 14 enterprises such as JD Cloud, China Telecom and Kingdee serve as the vice chairman units.

JD Vientiane, an online data transaction and service platform, is conducting beneficial exploration and attempt. Its data and application scenarios include financial risk control, enterprise credit reporting, communication marketing, and application development. Its services include personal data authorization, personalized data customization, data industry map, data call monitoring, flexible data integration, data quality system Data confirmation and traceability, as well as multiple data types. JD Vientiane has introduced blockchain technology, which is combined with products and services such as JD Vientiane EID, data quality management, data atlas and data integration to form a complete set of end-to-end data flow solutions from copyright, quality, security, guidance to integration, realizing data flow and transaction traceability.

Sun Pishu, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Inspur Group, said that the sparks from the collision of big data and "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" will show a trend of starting a prairie fire, becoming a new force to promote industrial transformation and another explosive point of innovation and entrepreneurship after e-commerce. Combining the development of big data industry with the promotion of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" can form a social oriented, low threshold, sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship model, and cultivate a large number of Chinese "digital merchants".

"Last decade saw e-commerce, this decade saw digital commerce! It must be big data companies that can surpass BAT!" said Sun Pishu.

As a provider of big data "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" platform, Inspur is committed to becoming Alibaba in the field of data circulation and building a new "digital commerce" ecosystem similar to e-commerce. "Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" must leverage the trillion yuan level of large industries in order to truly drive ordinary people to participate in them. In addition, such a large industry also needs a platform for the whole society and a lower threshold for entrepreneurship.

Data is gradually becoming an important means of production. The future society must be a society of data. All people use and benefit from data, and everyone produces and contributes data. The continuous and explosive growth of data will become an ideal innovation and entrepreneurship resource, while the Internet will build a business platform for the circulation, trading, development and application of data resources and data goods. Around this platform, a large number of "digital businesses" with data production, transaction and development as the entrepreneurial direction will spring up like mushrooms.

The e-commerce platform represented by Alibaba has changed the circulation mode of traditional goods based on the Internet, cultivated tens of millions of e-commerce, and created a trillion yuan business form. Today, e-commerce has entered a stable development period. We need new energy injection to continue to promote industrial reform and economic transformation. Sun Pishu believes that "digital merchants" use data as a brand new commodity and means of production, which has a very large space for development. The application of the data produced by them can provide continuous impetus for the innovation and development of various fields and industries.

The big data industry has a wide ecological coverage, and no manufacturer can take everything from top to bottom, so it must rely on the crowdsourcing model of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". The big data industry is not only a representative of the new economy, but also an important driving force for the upgrading of traditional industries. Its perfect combination with "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" will become an indispensable new force for China's economic transformation.

To this end, Inspur has made a lot of attempts. For example, Inspur created the "company+maker" model based on "company+farmer", supported innovation and entrepreneurship of Makers A (engaged in big data application development) and Makers B (engaged in big data collection) by relying on Tianyuan big data (network, database), built big data maker centers in Shanghai, Shenyang, Chengdu, Guiyang and other places, and integrated Internet data resources, R&D tools Big data technology and other technologies are distributed to makers free of charge. At present, Inspur has developed more than 10000 makers and created economic value of more than 1 billion yuan.

This year's Government Work Report talked about the key work in 2017. One of the main contents is to strengthen support for innovative small and medium-sized micro enterprises, build a "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" full service system for the public, and form a benign interaction between online and offline.

The "Hundred Cities Ten Thousand Guests · Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Action Plan" was launched. It plans to invest 10 billion yuan to establish a big data innovation fund, build 100 maker centers in 100 cities nationwide, and plan to establish 100 data offices to support 10000 makers and drive 1 million people to find jobs. The combination of big data and "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is yielding fruitful results.

During the "NPC and CPPCC", many big data companies, including percentage points and Inspur, have their own research data. Through big data, people can better understand the hot topics of the "NPC and CPPCC".

Accelerate the development of artificial intelligence industry

In 2016, a "human-computer war" between Google AlphaGo and South Korean Go player Li Shishi is still impressive in memory. It was through this event that many people began to pay attention to the development of artificial intelligence and its possible impact on the development of human society.

In this year's Government Work Report, it is proposed to comprehensively implement the development plan of strategic emerging industries and accelerate the research, development and transformation of new materials, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, the fifth generation mobile communications and other technologies. This is the first time that the expression "artificial intelligence" appears in the Government Work Report.

Many securities analysts said that, driven by the report, AI concept stocks, including HKUST Intelligence, Saiwei Intelligence, Huiding Technology, Hanwang Technology, Sichuan University Zhisheng, and iFLYTEK, rose sharply on March 6. From 2012 to 2016, AI set off a global investment boom, and a large number of AI landmark achievements emerged. For example, Google AlphaGo mentioned above, and IBM used its AI products in the medical field. It took only 10 minutes to diagnose a rare leukaemia of a Japanese female patient in her 60s and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. There are numerous similar cases. Today, artificial intelligence is no longer just an armchair strategist, but plays an important role in many fields such as finance, medical treatment, manufacturing, and automobile.

The White House of the United States has already issued several important reports on artificial intelligence, the latest of which is Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Economy on December 20 last year. The report points out that dealing with the automation economy driven by artificial intelligence is a major policy challenge for the government. The government should formulate policies to promote the development of artificial intelligence, release the creative potential of enterprises and workers, and ensure the leadership of the United States in the field of artificial intelligence.

In July 2016, artificial intelligence was included in the 13th Five Year National Science and Technology Innovation Plan issued by the State Council. This year's Government Work Report mentioned AI for the first time, which shows that the country attaches great importance to the AI industry. This also indicates that China's AI industry will enter a new stage of development.

"China's AI industry is facing a good strategic opportunity, and it is possible to achieve catch-up development." Xu Xiaolan, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, said, "In 2010, there were less than 20 AI enterprises in China, and by 2016, there were more than 700. In search engines, image recognition, voice interaction, intelligent control and other fields, Chinese enterprises have launched a number of innovative achievements, and many research institutions have achieved internationally advanced research results in machine learning, neural networks, brain like intelligence and other fields. "

The rapid development of AI technology also provides a new path for the reform and innovation of traditional industries. Intelligent production, intelligent life and intelligent governance will form the cornerstone of the development of intelligent society.

According to the statistics of Venture Scanner, as of November 2016, 1485 AI companies had raised up to 8.9 billion dollars in total, involving 13 fields. KPMG reports that AI and cognitive learning will change almost all aspects of people's lives.

2017 will be a key year for the development of AI. Some experts predict that lightweight AI applications may be launched this year, and financial, medical, service-oriented robots and other fields will become hot areas of AI entrepreneurship.

The development of AI depends on the coordinated development of multiple composite technologies, including computing, data perception and collection, algorithm optimization, etc. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission approved the establishment of a number of national engineering laboratories, mainly focusing on deep learning, brain like intelligent technology and other fields, and also announced the list of proposed support for "Internet+" major projects. In addition to algorithms and software, the development of hardware such as processors and sensors is also an opportunity. Chengdu Shuguang will work with relevant units to prepare for the establishment of the National Engineering Laboratory of Advanced Microprocessor Technology, and jointly promote the research, development and application of domestic high-performance CPU chips.

The National Engineering Laboratory for Deep Learning Technology and Application, led by Baidu and jointly established by Tsinghua University, Beihang University and other universities, recently held an unveiling ceremony. This laboratory is considered to be the landing of the concept of "Chinese brain" mentioned by Robin Li, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu two years ago in the "two sessions" proposal. Li Yanhong said: "The laboratory represents the advanced level of China's artificial intelligence. We should not only be the first in the country, but also be admired around the world."

At this year's "two sessions", Li Yanhong submitted proposals including "On Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technology to Help Solve the Problem of Lost Children", "On Strengthening the Application of Artificial Intelligence Industry to Build a National Innovative Economy", etc. Li Yanhong suggested that we should formulate an overall action plan at the national level, vigorously promote the development of "intelligence+economy", and build a good policy environment for the development of the AI industry from the aspects of concept guidance, institutional innovation, data opening and special support.

Lei Jun, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Xiaomi Science and Technology, proposed to carry out top-level design and special planning for AI development at the national level, strengthen basic theoretical research on AI, as well as the training and introduction of relevant talents, establish an AI industry university research collaborative innovation community, and vigorously promote the industrial development of AI.

In January 2016, Alibaba Cloud launched the big data platform "Data Plus". "Data Plus" includes 20 products, covering the whole data production chain of data acquisition, computing engine, data processing, data analysis, machine learning, data application, etc. A series of industrial manufacturing enterprises, such as GCL Photovoltaic, XCMG and BYD, have adopted Alibaba Cloud technology to improve production efficiency. "Data Plus" provides artificial intelligence support for the transformation of manufacturing enterprises from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

After Dell and the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the establishment of the "Joint Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing" in November 2015, in December 2016, Dell and the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly announced the official launch of the "enterprise level deep learning application and service platform Zhuge Deepknowledge", realizing the deep participation from the initial platform infrastructure construction to the co creation platform. "Zhuge Shenzhi" provides enterprise users with a unified interface of the deep learning toolkit, and many mature algorithm models of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be easily called on the platform, so as to realize big data analysis based on deep learning.

"Zhuge Shenzhi" platform will initially be oriented to the financial and medical fields, such as real-time fraud detection of banks, and automatic processing of medical images in the healthcare industry.