Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model Essay on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Selected Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette (9)

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 Cultural Differences in Communication Etiquette between China and the West

Chapter 1: Model Essay on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: business etiquette cultural difference international business

Cultural differences inevitably lead to behavioral differences, and different business etiquette will be formed under different cultural environments. In international business activities, in order to achieve the goal of effective communication, we must understand international business etiquette from the perspective of cultural differences, and understand the differences in transnational business etiquette. To sum up, the difference in business etiquette is mainly due to Chinese and Western Different values, time, diet and language habits. This article will analyze the differences in international business etiquette based on the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, hoping to be helpful to transnational business workers.

1、 Differences in values

In the Chinese cultural concept, the value of life is often reflected in its social value, always putting the individual or ego in social relations to investigate, denying the individual's self subjectivity, and the meaning of life is often associated with "selflessness" or "sacrifice". It pursues a harmonious and stable ethical and moral society in which individuals can promote individuality, but cannot place themselves above the country and the collective; The West, on the other hand, advocates individualistic values with self as the core. The individual is the core of the society, and the subjective initiative and creativity in pursuit of personal interests is the internal power of social progress. Therefore, personal interests should be put above everything, and egoism and liberalism should be practiced. Individuals have the right to meet their material interests and spiritual enjoyment, and have their own privacy in life. This difference in values can be said to be fundamental. It is the fundamental factor that determines the difference in business etiquette between China and the West.

2、 Difference in time view

In the field of Chinese traditional culture, people worship a circular concept of time. Therefore, the Chinese use time more freely and flexibly; Westerners follow the linear concept of time, believing that time is gone forever. Therefore, they have a strong sense of time. They have a strict schedule for everything they do, and always maintain a "tight" sense of time. This difference is reflected in international business etiquette, which mainly leads to the following two differences: first, in international business activities, the Chinese people do not attach importance to appointment, sometimes even if they make an appointment, they do not strictly abide by the appointment time, while Westerners pay attention to appointment, and strictly arrange activities according to the appointment time. Secondly, in business negotiations, Westerners like to come straight to the point, and do not like to stop or remain silent in negotiations, but are accustomed to quick decisions. However, Chinese people prefer emotional investment, and like to entertain or send gifts. They reach an agreement in handing over cups and changing cups. The process of business activities is generally slow.

3、 Difference in diet

In China, diet has risen to an important thing that almost surpasses all other material forms and spiritual forms. "Food is the essence of the people" is its best expression. Chinese cuisine emphasizes "harmony of five flavors" and "good color, fragrance, taste, shape and utensils", and pursues delicacy while neglecting nutrition balance; Westerners pursue scientific diet and balanced nutrition. The "color, aroma and taste" of dishes are inferior requirements. They like light food with less oil and fresh raw materials. They just regard diet as a means of getting nutrition. They eat simply and will not excessively pursue taste. Therefore, in business activities, the Chinese side likes to arrange a round table banquet, with delicious food at the center, and toast each other with guests to make the food lively, forming an atmosphere of unity, politeness and common interest in form. However, western banquets are elegant and warm, full of interest and etiquette, and achieve the purpose of friendship by talking with the guests next to them; In terms of banquet etiquette, most people in China have always respected the "left". Guests with high status should be seated on the left and then arranged in turn. In the West, the "right" is the most important,

"Ladies first, respect for women" is the standard for people to arrange seats at banquets. In the banquet, men and women sit at intervals, and couples sit separately. The seats for female guests are slightly higher than those for male guests. Men should open the chairs for female guests on their right to show respect for women. In addition, Westerners should sit up when eating. They think it is impolite to bend down, bow down and eat with your mouth, but this is exactly the way Chinese people usually eat. When eating western food, the host does not advocate wanton drinking. Chinese table wine is a must, and it is used to cheer up. Sometimes, in order to show respect for each other, people drink one cup at a time.

4、 Differences in language habits

In China, modesty is regarded as a virtue. Therefore, when being praised by others, the Chinese often respond with "where", "bad", "no", "not enough", etc. This is not in line with Western traditions, especially the United States. Westerners will respond positively to others' praise and often say "Thank you". In addition, Chinese people pay attention to belittling themselves and respecting others. They call their homes "humble houses", their works "humble works", the other party "you", and the other party's opinions "high opinions" and "valuable opinions". However, honorific and humble words in English are very rare. In English, no matter how old, seniority or status the person talking to is, you are you and I is I, so there is no need to use many honorific and humble words such as "you, your old man, my humble person" like in Chinese. Therefore, in international business activities, the modesty and self abasement of Chinese people often make Westerners feel impolite.

Behavior language difference is also an important aspect of language habit difference, including sign language, body language, eye language, body distance, etc. In international business activities, different cultural characteristics are often reflected in every move. For example, the most common nonverbal habit in business etiquette is handshake. In western countries, the two shake hands and immediately release the distance between them; In order to show their enthusiasm and respect for each other, Chinese people often hold each other's hand for a long time and spend time talking contentedly. Sometimes they also often slap each other on the shoulder and back. People in western countries will feel embarrassed about this. They think that being too close to each other will make them too close.

In a word, from the comparison of the above aspects, it can be seen that the cultural differences between China and the West lead to different business etiquette. Today's world economy is increasingly globalized. If business people want to successfully conduct international business exchanges, they must understand and understand international business etiquette at the cultural level, adjust their own etiquette behaviors in time, avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and finally enter the smooth development of international business activities!


[1] Wu Xi, Chen Bi, Cross cultural communication Analysis of Language Appropriateness [J] Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education, 2006, 27, (5)

Chapter 2: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

As we all know, etiquette is an important part of culture and the basis for people to establish good interpersonal relationships in communication. And gift giving, as an important part of communication etiquette, is an important part of interpersonal communication. However, due to cultural differences, different countries have different understandings of etiquette, as well as different gift giving customs and taboos. With the increasingly frequent exchanges between China and western countries in all aspects, this issue deserves our deep consideration. Therefore, this paper starts with the social phenomenon of "gift giving", specifically compares the customs, taboos and different understandings of etiquette between China and the West on gift giving, and explores its deep cultural roots, so as to further understand Chinese and Western cultures and better conduct cross-cultural communication.

2、 Etiquette Overview

China is known as the "Land of Etiquette". "Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi, Xin", of which "Li" is the most classic and brilliant page of Chinese Confucianism. Its influence is far-reaching, and it is still highly respected by people today. Then gift giving has become the most expressive way of communication. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "courtesy requires reciprocity", "comity without comity", and "politeness is not blamed for many people". The western society, as the successor of several ancient civilizations, also shows the human pursuit of etiquette and its evolution history to a large extent.

Etiquette, as the basic principle and tool of interpersonal communication, "coordinates the interpersonal relationship, regulates people's daily behavior, affects the social and cultural psychology of all kinds of people, and thus makes human society operate in a regular and orderly manner." Throughout the world, there is a custom of gift giving in all countries, but "it is no wonder that many people give gifts" This traditional concept is bound to face more challenges in the new era, so the following will be a comparative study of the etiquette differences embodied in gift giving between China and the West.

3、 Comparative analysis

(1) An occasion for giving gifts.

In China, gift giving is essential in people's daily life and interpersonal communication. During the holidays, daily relatives and friends, moving around in the neighborhood, asking someone to do something or thanking, gifts will be used, and there are many occasions for giving gifts. From the child's full moon, one hundred days, one year old; From the birthdays of the elders or the elderly, or even the young and children, to the daily major activities such as marriage, funeral, marriage, and marriage, as well as the move, opening a celebration, the invited relatives and friends naturally want to give gifts.

Relatively speaking, the daily gift giving in western countries is not so frequent, but it is also common to bring some gifts on important days such as the birthdays of relatives and friends, engagement, wedding anniversary, moving, farewell, college graduation, Christmas, or when invited to visit other people's homes.

(2) Choice of gifts.

Chinese people attach great importance to the value of gifts when choosing gifts. They believe that the more expensive the gift, the more respect the other party will have, and the more sincere their feelings will be. Therefore, when giving gifts, they generally take specific objects and occasions into consideration. In birthdays, house moving, and daily marriages, funerals, weddings, and weddings, money giving is more common, which is very rare in the West. However, Chinese people do not pay much attention to gift packaging. Of course, with the changes of the times, people also pay more attention to packaging.

Western countries do not pay much attention to the choice of gifts. They generally do not give or accept gifts that are too expensive, because this may cause unnecessary trouble and misunderstanding for both sides. "Gift is light and affection is heavy". For them, the most important thing is the gift giver's intention and blessing, not the price of the gift. A bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, a watch, some room decorations, souvenirs, homemade handicrafts or cards are all good gifts. However, Westerners pay more attention to the packaging of gifts. Generally, gifts bought or made by themselves must be carefully packaged.

4、 The Cultural Roots of the Differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette

Etiquette has more or less the characteristics of its local culture in its historical interpretation. Different customs and taboos in daily communication have their deep cultural roots in essence, so we should have a certain understanding of their cultural roots before understanding and respecting these etiquette differences.

(1) Collectivism vs. individualism.

According to the collectivism individualism dimension, one of the five value dimensions proposed by Hofstede, Chinese culture belongs to typical collectivism culture, while western culture belongs to individualism culture.

Under the cultural background of collectivism, Chinese people have a strong sense of group and are dependent on groups. They believe that each person is not an independent individual, but a member of a complex group network. Therefore, we should attach importance to handling interpersonal relationships in daily interpersonal communication, and strive to establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the Chinese people value "gift" and advocate "reciprocity", hoping to maintain or deepen the relationship and emotional connection with others by giving gifts to each other, so as to obtain a sense of belonging and identity.

But what the West most values is individual independence and autonomy, respect for individual power, yearn for freedom, and advocate equality. They think they are just loose individuals in the cultural model, relatively independent of the collective, less dependent on the collective, and put their own interests and self realization ahead of the group. Therefore, we don't pay much attention to the establishment of group relations in our daily life, so there are far fewer occasions for gift giving than in China.

(2) Face view.

When it comes to "face", Larry once defined that "face is the personal self-image that every social member hopes to have" In China, "face" is an important factor in the structure of interpersonal relationships. In interpersonal communication, people try to avoid "losing face", and should "give face" and "take care of face". Therefore, Chinese people attach great importance to the value of gifts when choosing gifts. They think that if a gift is too cheap, it will not only lose their face, but also offend others.

In the West, people pay more attention to the individual itself, advocating freedom and equality in interpersonal communication. Therefore, gift giving is more about the love and affirmation of the other party than about the price of the gift and the face of both parties.

5、 Conclusion

In short, "gift giving", a social custom that can be seen everywhere in daily communication, is an integral part of interpersonal communication in life. The customs and taboos related to gift giving essentially reflect the different etiquette cultures and value systems between China and the West. With the increase of cross-cultural communication in life, understanding the nature and characteristics of these deep cultures will help both sides strengthen communication and understanding, and avoid possible misunderstandings and conflicts in cross-cultural communication.


[1] Shu Anna. The emergence and historical evolution of communication etiquette [J]. Journal of Zhengzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 1996, (3): 26

[2] Wang Aiying. The Influence of the Differences between Chinese and Western Communication on Etiquette [J]. Public Relations World, 2006, (7): 54

[3] Liu Tiantian. Differences in gift giving customs in different countries from the perspective of cross-cultural communication [J]. Times, 2008, (4): 47-48

Chapter 3: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: English teaching; Western etiquette culture; infiltration

CLC No.: G633.41 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1006-3315 (2012) 12-005-001

Language and culture are inseparable. The cultural category is extensive, and etiquette culture is the most important part. There are huge differences between Chinese and Western etiquette cultures. With the increasingly frequent international exchanges, understanding the differences between Chinese and Western etiquette cultures and cultivating students' intercultural communication ability has become one of the goals of English teaching. Through years of teaching practice, the author has found that infiltrating western etiquette culture has positive significance for English teaching and students' personal growth and development. Combining the rich connotation of western etiquette culture and the characteristics of English teaching, the author has implemented the following main infiltration strategies in the teaching practice.

1、 Combine teaching materials, seize the opportunity, and infiltrate in time

There are many teaching contents related to western etiquette culture in junior high school English textbooks. For example, modules such as Food and Lifestyle and 7B pets in the Oxford Junior High School English 7A textbook contain the connotation of western etiquette culture. In the teaching process, if teachers can seize the opportunity to refine, supplement and expand the text content properly, they will greatly enrich students' language and cultural knowledge and achieve the purpose of effective infiltration.

For example, when talking about food in the unit teaching of Food and Lifestyle, the author timely added the western food culture, such as the main composition of western food, the order of serving western food, the placement of tableware, and the problems that should be paid attention to when eating. At the same time, let students understand and experience westerners' eating habits and dining etiquette vividly through group discussion, sitcom performance and other forms. The author also interspersed several misunderstandings and embarrassing stories caused by the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures. These stories are humorous and interesting, and more thought-provoking. After laughing, the students realized the importance of understanding western etiquette culture.

7B Unit 6 The teaching content of Pets also contains rich western etiquette culture. Westerners regard pets as their families. They love their pets just like their families. In the process of teaching, the author timely infiltrated the good morality of Westerners "respect and care for animals". At the same time, students are warned that if they visit western families, they must treat their pets kindly, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding and unhappiness.

2、 Combined with the class type, targeted and skillfully penetrated

English class model includes listening and speaking class, reading class, writing class, review class, etc. Teachers can skillfully design teaching content according to the characteristics of the class type, and purposefully infiltrate western etiquette culture. For example, in a listening and speaking class, the author once told the students such a joke: an American praised the wife of a Chinese man: "Your wife is so beautiful." The Chinese man said modestly: "Where? Where?" This embarrassed the Americans. The author asked the students to discuss and think about the reasons for this misunderstanding, and finally came to the conclusion that it was caused by the differences between Chinese and Western etiquette cultures. When we communicate with westerners, we should learn to use their way of thinking and language expression to communicate with them more easily and appropriately.

In the reading class, teachers can also select some articles related to western etiquette culture as reading materials, design reading questions according to these materials, guide students to read, think, and cultivate students' ability to skim, intensive read, summarize and search for information. These vivid and interesting reading materials can greatly stimulate students' reading interest and promote the improvement of students' reading skills.

Similarly, in the teaching of writing, teachers can also explore the theme of composition related to western etiquette culture. For example, teach students to write a thank-you note or thank you note. For example, ask students to describe stories about western etiquette in the form of reading pictures and talking, and ask students to write their feelings about western etiquette stories. In recent years, there have also been many questions related to it. For example, if you are Li Ming, your pen pal Peter will come to your school with the group for a one-day learning and exchange activities. Please send an email about the following arrangements. In this composition, if students have a certain understanding of western etiquette culture, then the arrangement of communication activities will be more appropriate, language expression will be more fluent, and it is easy to get high scores.

3、 Combine with reality, create a situation, and effectively infiltrate

With the progress and development of society, going abroad to study and travel has become a very common thing. When we communicate with foreign friends, if we do not have the knowledge of etiquette, we will encounter many problems and problems, resulting in many misunderstandings and embarrassments. In response to the needs of some students who are going to study abroad, the author has simulated and created various language situations to show and introduce the etiquette rules of Western society, such as visiting etiquette, dining etiquette, tip etiquette, garbage classification, etc. In the vivid language situation, the students actively communicate with each other under the motivation of actual needs, have a deeper understanding of the differences between Chinese and Western etiquette culture, and have made full knowledge and psychological preparations for the upcoming study abroad.

4、 Combination of activities, multiple channels and multiple penetration

The charm of English teaching should not be limited to the classroom, but should extend beyond the classroom. In the "second classroom" of English teaching, the author organized a variety of English activities with the theme of "Western etiquette culture", such as English corner activities, class meeting activities, English speech contests, newspaper copying contests, etc. At the class meeting activity entitled "Experience Western Culture, Learn to Be Gentlemen and Ladies", the students performed English dramas, learned about Western etiquette, tip etiquette, visit etiquette and other aspects of knowledge, developed great interest in Western etiquette culture, and also inspired enthusiasm for English learning. As a result, through the careful organization and promotion of teachers, students have more rich knowledge of western etiquette culture through colorful activities. Their English learning motivation is stronger, and their personal moral cultivation has also been greatly improved.

Practice has proved that the infiltration of western etiquette culture in English teaching is conducive to promoting English teaching and improving teaching efficiency. It is an "addition problem" in English teaching. As teachers, we should constantly summarize the strategies and means of infiltration, reflect on the problems and omissions in the implementation process, and creatively develop more innovative and effective ways of infiltration. More importantly, we must strengthen our own language and cultural cultivation, and use our extensive knowledge and noble moral quality to influence and infect students. Infiltrating western etiquette culture has become an important topic in English teaching, which is worth further exploring.


[1] Wang Yong. Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence in Language Teaching [J]. Foreign Language Teaching Abroad, 1998, (4)

Chapter 4: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: etiquette culture; Guilt culture; Origin; Mechanism of action; Civilized exchanges

Due to the differences in cultural origins between Eastern and Western civilizations, there are differences between "etiquette culture" and "guilt culture". The thought of "propriety" of Eastern Confucianism and the "original sin" of Western Christianity have a root influence on the development of etiquette culture sin and sense culture. "Etiquette culture" has always been inherited by oriental culture, focusing on goodness. "Sin culture" is rooted in western culture, emphasizing original sin. The original differences between the two have been constantly deduced and continued in their respective civilizations, bringing different ideas, values, and outlooks on life to people living in them, affecting the East and West's thinking patterns, serving people, educational concepts, behavior norms, and other aspects, and also providing reference for today's ideological and cultural exchanges and dissemination between China and the West.

1、 Interpretation of the definition of etiquette culture and guilt culture

1. "Etiquette" and "Etiquette Culture"

One interpretation of "ceremony" in Ciyuan, published by the Commercial Press, is that it stipulates the general name of the rules, norms and ceremonies of social behavior; "Etiquette" is interpreted as "rite of salute". "Etiquette" in modern society evolved from traditional society and has become a multi-dimensional category. From the perspective of ethics, etiquette is the manifestation of "etiquette" morality, the unity of social morality and behavioral morality. Therefore, to grasp the oriental "etiquette" culture, we must first understand "etiquette". In China's culture of thousands of years, "propriety" is not only considered as the product of human civilization, the boundary between barbarism and civilization, but also the general name of the Confucian cultural system. It is the ideology and institutional rules to maintain social order, and has long been a social norm and criterion to restrict social members and coordinate interpersonal relationships.

China is commonly known as the land of etiquette, and has attached importance to the construction of etiquette culture since ancient times. The earliest origin of "etiquette" is related to offering sacrifices to gods. The Book of Rites - Title Book said: "Rites originated from the Suihuang Emperor, and the name of rites originated from the Yellow Emperor." Xu Shen said in Shuowenjiezi: "Rites are performed by the gods, so it is also a kind of ritual for blessing." That is to say, rites were originally a kind of ritual for worshipping gods and ancestors in primitive society, with a strong sense of mystery and awe. Confucius and Mencius' doctrine communicated the emotional basis of "propriety" with the spiritual core of "benevolence", so that the externality of social norms was in line with the internality of moral subjects. Such conjunctions as "courtesy, righteousness, honesty and shame", "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust", and "loyalty, filial piety and righteousness" all reflect that "ritual culture" plays a prominent role in the spiritual support of the Confucian ideology. "Xunzi · Li Lun Pian" also wrote: "Where does Li originate? It said: life has desires, and if you want, you can't live without them. If you want without measuring boundaries, you can't live without them; if you want, you can't live without them; if you want, you can't live without them; if you want, you can't live without them; if you want, you can't live without them; if you want, you can't live without them, you can't live without them. After thousands of years of development, the "ritual culture" has been given new meanings, but its fundamental idea of pursuing good nature has been passed on to this day.

2. Interpretation of "guilt culture"

Sin had been deeply rooted before the western "guilt culture" became a definite cultural concept. The original sin of Christianity began when Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, ate the fruit of evil and were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Augustine, a western Christian theologian, put forward the theory of "original sin", believing that human nature is flawed, and people need to have the heart of repentance and repentance. The Bible Psalm says: "I was born in sin, and I had sin when my mother was pregnant." Catholicism is part of the broad sense of Christianity. Its doctrine interprets "sin" as an offense to reason, truth and conscience, which is caused by the indulgent pursuit of specific substances, resulting in the loss of love for God and neighbors. Simply put, sin is disobedience to God. Christianity is the pillar of western culture. Influenced by its tradition, people believe that thought and behavior are subject to the God who overlooks all things and sees everything. God will score people's good and evil, that is, judgment. The guilt culture of Western Christianity grew up under the nourishment of such religious civilization. In the culture of guilt, Christians often regard themselves as sinners, whose purpose is not to indulge themselves and deny the existence of good, but to get rid of evil and move closer to good. The term "guilt culture" was first proposed by American anthropologist Ruth Benedict. In Chrysanthemum and Knife, she summarized the western civilization represented by American culture as "guilt culture", that is, a society that "advocates the establishment of an absolute standard of morality and relies on it to develop human conscience".

II. Similarities and differences between "etiquette culture" and "guilt culture"

Although "etiquette culture" and "guilt culture" are rooted in different regions and civilizations, their ultimate goal is to suppress crime and promote good, but the former focuses on "suppressing crime", while the latter highlights "promoting good"; Both of them urge people to comply with their own "moral standards" in social life, so that once people violate that standard, they will feel uneasy or regretful, ashamed or guilty, and then urge people to stop committing the same fault or sin in order to get rid of this anxiety, so as to achieve the goal of reducing evil and increasing good. However, in the communication and ideological collision between Chinese and Western civilizations, their differences have become important research objects of cultural conflict.

1. Differences in the root causes of cultural development

Christianity is the pillar of western guilt culture, from which guilt culture comes; Although "ritual" originated from offering sacrifices to gods, it does not have a fixed image of gods. However, when it comes to the "ritual" and "benevolence" advocated by Confucian culture, it has become an emphasis on "human nature". That is, the culture of guilt focuses on the negative side of human nature, while the culture of etiquette pays more attention to the positive side of human nature, reflecting one of the fundamental differences between Chinese and Western thinking cultures.

2. Difference in action mechanism

The difference of root causes also makes the mechanism of "guiding people to be good" of "guilt culture" and "ritual culture" different: the former relies on internal forces, while the latter relies more on external forces. Westerners pay attention to the concept of individualism. The "culture of guilt" advocates the establishment of an absolute standard of morality, and develops people's conscience through this standard. Its force for good is mainly spontaneous and proactive, that is, it emphasizes the internal cause: as long as a person commits "sin" and violates the "absolute moral standard", without the participation of external forces, his soul will feel uneasy. Chinese ritual culture attaches importance to the concept of collectivism. The "ritual" of "ritual culture", on the one hand, also requires abstinence and control of instinctive desires. On the other hand, "ritual" is more expressed as specific collective behavior norms, such as a set of institutional rituals, which is the guarantee of morality. "Xunzi - Self cultivation" wrote: "Those who are polite should be upright. How can rudeness be upright?" Yan Yuan said: "If you are polite, you should be upright." Rite is to correct people's behavior. In the traditional society of China, people's moral character is cultivated, their moral behavior is standardized, and the implementation of social moral standards is ensured mainly through the ritual education of learning, using, and safeguarding etiquette. That is to say, the force for good in "etiquette culture" is mainly external awakening and promotion. People living in this culture need external systems, rules or public pressure to promote good at all times; If there is no external pressure, the force for good will not be as natural and powerful as that in the "guilt culture".

3、 Cultural Exchange between China and the West under the Influence of "Etiquette Culture" and "Sin Culture"

Chinese and Western civilizations belong to two completely different civilizations, namely heterogeneous civilizations. Comparing the noumenon of Chinese and Western cultures, we will find that their differences are manifested in the difference between "human based" and "God based". Oriental etiquette culture first advocates the moral integrity of the individual world, promotes the individual mind, and believes that the pursuit of individual perfection needs to be verified by society; In the western culture of guilt, there is God. God is the embodiment of moral perfection. He examines and urges people to stick to their conscience, guides people to be good, and people are willing to admit that they are imperfect. Different cultural roots, different guiding mechanisms, etc., make "ritual culture" and "guilt culture" have different meanings, and affect the civilization ideas and dialogue between the East and the West.

For example, the "Chinese etiquette dispute", which took place within the Chinese and Western churches at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty and later expanded to the Holy See and Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, made Chinese and Europeans deeply feel the cultural differences between China and the West for the first time. The core issue of the debate is the ritual system in Chinese culture, which is related to the Confucian system of "worshiping heaven", "ancestor worship", "Confucius worship" and other aspects. The focus of the debate is to judge whether Chinese etiquette is a religion: if so, the Chinese religion is "idolatry" and "heresy", and Catholicism, which is strict with the theological doctrine, cannot accept it and believe in the "God" of another religion; If not, it can be tolerated. After the controversy lasted for more than 300 years, in 1714, the Holy See banned its believers from practicing Chinese etiquette, and Emperor Kangxi also expelled the missionaries. It was not until 1939, when the cultural environment gradually changed and the spirit of tolerance between the two sides improved, that the Holy See abolished the ban, and Chinese Catholics in China and overseas were allowed to hold Chinese ceremonies again. This "etiquette dispute" had a great impact on European and Chinese society in the 18th century. On the surface, it was a religious dispute between China and the West, but in essence, it was a cultural conflict between China and the West.

On the other hand, the idiosyncratic factors in different cultures can always lead to some extraordinary ideological emancipation, which is the essence of cultural exchange and comparison. The conclusion of the "debate on Chinese etiquette" is that Chinese culture is humanistic, non religious, ethical, and worthy of imitation by Westerners in the Enlightenment. This made Europeans understand the mysterious "Oriental Empire" and formed the basic concept of Chinese culture; At the same time, this debate has deeply influenced a large number of thinkers, including Voltaire, Mendezhen, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, etc., especially the thoughts of enlightenment thinkers in the 18th century, and also promoted the reform of Chinese thought and culture. As a result, this cultural debate rooted in "etiquette" has become a worldwide hot topic since the 18th century, which is of great significance to Chinese and Western cultures, and its profound social impact still exists today.

Entering the 21st century, with the rapid development of informatization and economic globalization, how China's "etiquette culture" should develop to meet the new needs in the future has become another important topic. The author believes that in the context of the internationalization of personality liberation, the function of "etiquette" as a social and political order or a model of national institutions should be gradually weakened, and its function as a standard for interpersonal communication and moral cultivation should be highlighted. Through critical moral education, it should gradually become a moral constraint and spiritual principle that is widely applicable to international exchanges and social exchanges, At the same time, we should affirm and carry forward the concept of "ritual culture" advocating people first, advocating "introspection", and emphasizing personal moral cultivation, so as to further promote the exchange of political civilization and spiritual civilization between China and the West.

4、 Conclusion

Although "etiquette culture" and "guilt culture" are rooted in two different social and historical backgrounds and natural geographical environments, and their ultimate ideals are to pursue a good world, they are different in ways of persuading and guiding mechanisms. The sense of sin in Western culture is that "I" committed a sin, as Paul said in Romans: "because all people have committed a sin, they lack the glory of God"; In the old days, "courtesy" was an external life principle that the masses must abide by in their common life, but as a concept to maintain moral people's hearts, it is beyond the scope of the existing legal culture, and it is also one of the important ethical supports for "courtesy" to seek new development in China today. With the advancement of the information age and the tide of economic globalization, the exchanges between different cultures are becoming more and more extensive. Whether facing "etiquette culture" or "guilt culture", we should first recognize the transplantation of civilization, learn from the behavioral concepts of the two cultures that appreciate the courage to admit mistakes and sincerely repent, and constantly strengthen communication, enhance understanding, and absorb each other, so as to inject fresh blood into each other and make both sides gain vitality.


[1] Liu Zongkun Original sin and justice [M] Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2006

[2] Li Tiangang The Controversy of Chinese Etiquette: History, Literature and Significance [M], Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1998:345

[3] Ruth Benedict Chrysanthemum and Knife: Types of Japanese Culture [M]. Beijing: Commercial Press, 1996:65

[4] Moro. Origin and Religious Analysis of Original Sin Consciousness and Repentance Consciousness [J]. Chinese Culture, 2007, (2): 51-60

[5] Peng Lin Ancient Chinese Etiquette Civilization [M] Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2004:8

Chapter 5: Model Essay on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

[Key words] Cultural differences; cross-cultural communication

1、 Culture, Cultural Differences and the Connotation of Intercultural Communication

Hofstein, the master of culture, defined culture as a "common psychological process" that people in the same environment have. Therefore, culture is not an individual characteristic, but a psychological process shared by many people with the same social experience and education. The reason why people from different groups and countries or regions have different common psychological procedures is that they have always received different education, had different societies and jobs, and thus had different ways of thinking. Cultural differences refer to the differences arising from the similarities and differences between regions and the unique cultural similarities and differences of people in different regions. Intercultural communication refers to the communication between people of different cultural backgrounds, which is actually a process of language blending and cultural integration. Understanding the cultural differences between China and the West can avoid cross-cultural communication mistakes as much as possible, eliminate misunderstandings in international exchanges, and promote international exchanges and cooperation, which plays a very important role. This paper analyzes the cultural differences between China and the West and their impact on cross-cultural communication from the aspects of cultural differences in terms of address terms, greetings, social etiquette and values.

2、 The Influence of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences on Intercultural Communication

1. Cultural differences in address terms

For people with different cultural backgrounds, how to use address forms correctly is related to the success of cross-cultural communication. In Western families, children can directly address their parents by their first names. In addition, there is also a custom in the naming culture of Britain and the United States that children are named after their grandparents or parents to show their memory. There are a few westerners who name their children after famous people, which will not cause trouble, but they are proud of it. However, in China, children cannot call their parents' names, and it is also taboo for the younger generation to have the same name as their elders, or to have homophones or homophones. Such a name would be regarded as disrespect for elders. As for the rare use of the names of great men and celebrities, people are afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. In the West, no matter your position, you can call your boss by his name. Only a few official titles can be used as address terms, which is not as common as title titles in Chinese. For example, President, Governor, Ambassador, Minister, Mayor, etc. However, in China, in order to show respect for each other, subordinates usually take official titles when addressing their superiors. The main reason for this phenomenon is the cultural differences between China and the West. Westerners attach importance to individuality and equality, not to rank and authority. Western philosophers also pay attention to individual based culture. He believes that everyone has his natural rights, equal rights and free rights, and attaches great importance to the realization of self-worth. This view is related to their economic characteristics. In the West, strangers call each other by their first name when they first meet. This is contrary to the characteristics of Chinese culture. "Chinese culture focuses on groups and emphasizes the proper position and lifestyle of individuals in groups". This is due to the influence of Confucianism, which emphasizes social and collective spirit and advocates interdependence rather than independence. In the 5000 year civilization of China, the Chinese people have strict differences in terms of address due to the influence of traditional etiquette ideas, such as "order from age to age, distinction between high and low". If the Western style of address is applied to Chinese people, it will be considered unreasonable and uneducated.

2. Cultural differences in greetings

When westerners meet, they usually greet each other as "Hello, how are you?". But the greeting in Chinese culture, "Where are you going?", is just a way for Chinese people to greet each other when they meet. Even if the other person does not answer the question, they will not care. It is just a friendly and polite greeting. I don't expect a corresponding true answer. But in the eyes of Westerners, "Where are you going? The Chinese are suspected of interfering with others' freedom of movement." Have you eaten yet? "It is misunderstood as saying such words because you want to invite the other party to dinner. Similarly, Westerners use "How are you?" as a greeting, which does not mean that they are very concerned about your recent situation, but also a polite way of greeting. The function of Chinese and Western greetings is the same, but the cultural connotation is different. Therefore, the use of greetings should be "what people say".

3. Differences in social etiquette

In the etiquette of guests, due to the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, misunderstandings and cultural collisions often occur. China has always been known as the "Land of Etiquette", and Chinese people have always been hospitable. The old saying goes, "It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.". The hosts often prepare rich food and wine for guests, but first they say modestly, "Sorry, there is nothing to eat, please forgive me." Westerners will not be very happy when they hear this. Since there is nothing good to eat, why do you invite. At the dinner table, the host will constantly persuade the guests to drink and eat more to show their enthusiasm. According to Chinese etiquette, guests usually prefer not to eat enough, but to leave some food to show that they are full. When we go to a friend's house as a guest, we can make an appointment or come without invitation. Generally, we don't go empty handed and bring the prepared gifts. But when you visit a western family, you must make an appointment in advance. It is very impolite to venture forward, and the interviewees will even refuse to meet. When visiting, we also pay attention to the arrival time. It is generally appropriate to arrive on time or five minutes late. It is impolite to go earlier or later than the specified time. If something will delay your arrival, be sure to call the host. When inviting westerners as guests, the amount of food prepared is generally based on enough to eat. A few simple dishes can be served without filling the table. Don't force food to the guests and persuade them to drink and serve food. In addition, according to Western etiquette, guests should try their best to finish the food on their plates and praise the delicious food prepared by the host. If the guest gives you a gift. It should be opened and thanked in front of the guests.

Due to the influence of specific Chinese and Western cultures, Chinese and Western people have different responses to praise. Westerners are willing to praise others. When they are praised by others, they are usually very happy and happy to be praised, and say, "Thank you; while the Chinese are modest and regarded as a good virtue. When they treat praise, they usually say," It's too much or not enough. ". When others praise "You are very beautiful", the reaction of Eastern women and Western women to this sentence is quite different. Western women are usually happy and give warm thanks, following the principle of consistency in communication principles; However, the oriental women are very reserved, modest and evasive, and follow the principle of modesty and harmony.

4. Differences in values

There is a Chinese idiom called "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Western translation: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do”。 It means to know the taboos of a place. Otherwise, I will offend others, but I don't know it at all. There are a lot of taboos and euphemisms in Eastern and Western languages. These languages are the product of people's convention in their long-term life on the basis of following the politeness principle, so foreign language learners cannot ignore them. For example, in Eastern and Western cultures, a word "old" can cause people to react differently. In China, "old" represents a kind of respect and recognition, which means that the person is very experienced, experienced or respected. For example, "teacher, teacher Fu, old doctor, old gentleman, old Zhang", etc. However, in the West, "old" is often a taboo word, and Western old people are taboo and afraid of "old". The elderly in America do not want to be called old people. People often use the euphemism senior people to call them.

3、 Conclusion

The word "culture" has the same meaning. But in China and the West, culture is more different. Language is not only a part of culture, but also a mirror of culture. Because "different cultures have different values, lifestyles, ways of thinking, social norms and so on." People's behavior is restricted by their own culture. Therefore, it is very important to understand each other's differences and cultural characteristics if we want to communicate correctly and effectively, use language appropriately.


[1] Hu Wenzhong. Culture and Communication [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1994

[2] Gu Jiazu, Lu Sheng. Language and Culture [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1990

Chapter 6: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: cross-cultural communication, table etiquette differences

1、 Introduction

China is one of the four ancient civilizations, and the Chinese nation is the only nation to inherit the millennium civilization. Western society, after the darkness of the Middle Ages, finally ushered in the Renaissance, and gave birth to capitalism and modern civilization. Due to the different origins of etiquette, people in different regions of the world observe different etiquette. China and the West have very different etiquette cultures. In today's world, with the globalization of economy and the increasing frequency of international business activities, intercultural communication has become an indispensable part of every national life. In some international business negotiations, it is often necessary for Chinese representatives and their counterparts to have dinner. In our daily work and study, we will also be invited by foreign friends to have dinner together. By comparing Chinese table manners with Western table manners, this paper aims to better understand the differences between Chinese and Western table manners, so as to successfully achieve cross-cultural communication.

2、 Viewing the Cultural Conflict between China and the West from the Difference of Chinese and Western Table Etiquette

(1) The Difference between Chinese and Western Concepts of Banqueters

Mr. Yi Zhongtian once explained the Chinese and Western culture subtly in Culture on the Dining Table: the ideological core of Chinese culture is "group consciousness", while the ideological core of western culture is "individual consciousness". So even if westerners invite guests to dinner, they order their own dishes and drink their own wine. Chinese culture believes that the individual's will must obey the common will of the group. The Chinese treat guests to dinner, focusing on the food itself. The food and wine at the banquet must be rich and colorful.

Westerners' dietary concept is different from that of Chinese people. Mr. Lin Yutang said: "The British and Americans only use 'eating' as fuel to inject a biological machine. As long as they can keep the body to know each other after eating, which is enough to resist the infection of bacteria, nothing else will matter."

(2) Differences between Chinese and Western banquet etiquette

1. Differences in table arrangement

When Chinese entertain guests and friends, they often use round tables. Not only are the round tables placed in different positions distinguished from each other, but also the different seats on each round table are distinguished from each other. A small banquet consisting of two tables is usually arranged horizontally or vertically. When two tables are arranged horizontally, the table facing the right side of the main door is the main table; When two tables are arranged vertically, the table farthest from the main door is the main table. A banquet consisting of three or more tables should not only pay attention to the rules of "facade orientation", "right orientation", and "distance first", but also consider the distance between other tables and the main table. Generally, the closer to the main table, the higher the number of tables; The farther away from the main table, the lower the number of tables. For example, in a wedding, the closer the table is to the rostrum, the higher the number of tables will be. Mothers and family members or unit leaders will generally arrange the table directly opposite the rostrum to show their respect.

Long tables are usually used in western food. In a formal banquet, the position of the table depends on the distance from the main table. The more right the table, the more noble it will be; At the same table, the closer you are to the host, the more noble you are.

2. Etiquette differences in the use of tableware

(1) Place and use of Chinese tableware

① Chopsticks. The most important tableware for Chinese food is chopsticks. Chopsticks must be neatly placed on the right side of the bowl before the meal, and neatly placed in the middle of the bowl after the meal.

② Spoon. The spoon is mainly used to drink soup, and sometimes it can be used to take small vegetables, such as peanut or pine nut corn. When taking food with a spoon, do not overfill it to prevent it from spilling out and polluting the table or your clothes.

③ Plate. The plate is mainly used to hold food, which varies in size and shape according to the amount and shape of food. Chinese dishes are various, with larger cold dishes specially used for cold dishes; There is a fish plate, which is slender and used to hold fish; There is a slightly smaller plate, which is a food plate, and is usually placed on the left side of the bowl to temporarily place the dishes taken from the public dishes.

④ Water cup. The water cup is mainly used to hold tea, soda, fruit juice and other drinks. Ceramic texture is generally used to hold tea, while glass texture can be used to hold drinks and fruit juice.

(2) Placement and use of western tableware

① Principles of tableware placement and use. When tableware is placed, the tray is in the middle, the left fork and the right knife are placed, the knife point is upward, the knife edge is inward, the horizontal spoon is in front of the plate, the staple food is left, the tableware is right, and other utensils are placed as appropriate.

The tableware shall be taken from the outside to the inside. When cutting, the left hand shall hold the fork and the right hand shall hold the knife while cutting; You can also hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand. After cutting, you can use the fork in your right hand. Generally, use your right hand to hold a spoon and cup, and use a fork to put food into your mouth, rather than holding up dishes and bowls for eating.

② How to use tableware. Ⅰ Principle of knife and fork use: When using knife and fork for meals, knife is used to cut food and fork is used to send food to the entrance. When the knife and fork need to be put down temporarily during the meal, they should be placed in the shape of "eight" and placed on the edge of the plate respectively after the meal. Put the back of the fork upward, the blade inward and close to the fork, and place it on the dinner plate in parallel, indicating the end of the meal. II Principle of using the spoon: Generally, the spoon can be divided into two types. The larger one is the spoon, which is placed at the outermost end on the right side, side by side with the knife; The smaller one is the dessert spoon, which is placed horizontally above the knife and fork used for eating dessert.

3. The difference between the order of serving Chinese and Western food

The order of serving Chinese food is: cold dishes, drinks and wine first, then hot dishes, then main food, and finally sweet food and fruit. When there are many tables at a banquet, each dish at each table should be served at the same time. The order of serving remains traditional, cold before hot. Hot dishes should be served on the left side of the seat opposite the guest of honor; When serving a single dish or side dishes and snacks, guests should be served first, and then the main dish. When serving plastic dishes such as whole chicken, whole duck, and whole fish, the head of the chicken, duck, and fish should face the main dish. Generally, there are several ways to serve food: first, serve large dishes by yourself; Second, the waiter holds the dishes and gives them to each person one by one; Third, put them in small discs, one for each person. The order of serving Western food is: first dish soup side dish main dish vegetable dishes dessert coffee or tea. The first course of western food is the first dish, also called appetizer. The contents of appetizers are generally divided into cold or hot appetizers, and the common varieties are caviar, goose liver sauce, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, cream crispy chicken box, etc. Because it is for appetizer, appetizers generally have special flavor, mainly salty and sour, and the quantity is small and the quality is high. The second dish of western food is soup, which is very different from Chinese food. Western food soup can be roughly divided into clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup. Fish dishes are generally the third course of western food, also known as side dishes. Generally, aquatic dishes, eggs, bread and crispy box dishes are called side dishes. Because fish and other dishes are fresh and easy to digest, they are put in front of meat dishes and are different from meat dishes in terms of main dishes. Meat and poultry dishes are the fourth course of western food, also known as the main course. Beef or steak is the most representative of meat dishes. Vegetable dishes can be arranged after meat dishes or served at the same time with meat dishes, so they can be regarded as a dish, or called a side dish. Vegetable dishes are called salads in western food. Western dessert is eaten after the main course and can be counted as the sixth course. In a real sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit, etc. The last course of western food is to serve drinks, coffee or tea. Coffee is usually sweetened and light cream, tea is usually sweetened with peach slices and sugar.

4. Etiquette differences during meals

The principle of eating Chinese food: the dishes should be served by the guest of honor first; When picking up dishes, don't get too much. A toast should first be given to the venerable, the elderly and those with high positions. When several people eat at one table, they should pay attention to mutual comity when picking up the dishes. They should follow the order and use the right amount; Never get up or leave your seat for dishes that are out of reach; Do not grunt when eating noodles and soup. The eating principle of western food: try not to make any noise when eating; Try to talk less when having dinner, and it is time to chat when having dessert after dinner; Don't make a noise when drinking soup; When eating bread, first use a knife to cut it in half, and then use your hand to tear it into pieces to eat; When eating spaghetti, use a fork to slowly roll up the noodles and send them to the mouth; When eating fruit, do not bite the whole fruit. First, cut it into several pieces with a fruit knife, then remove the skin and core with a knife, and eat it with a fork. Precautions: Don't use your own tableware to serve others; Don't cut all the food on the plate and eat it with a fork in your right hand.

There are also differences in table manners. The most fundamental difference between Chinese table manners and Western table manners is the noise on the Chinese table and the silence on the Western table. Chinese people regard food as the supreme joy of life. Once they sit down at the table, they will talk endlessly. They will offer food and wine to each other, and enjoy delicacies and delicacies. However, no matter how rich the dishes are, the host will also habitually say a few polite words, such as "nothing delicious, just eat" or "simple food, no respect, please forgive me". As soon as Westerners sit at the table, they concentrate on quietly cutting their own dishes. The host usually says "Help yourself, please". A western feast usually has four to five dishes, and the best portion is after eating or a little surplus. If you are at home, you'd better finish all the dishes, so that the hostess will be very happy and think everyone likes her cooking. In the face of a sumptuous banquet, the host will say, "I have given everything to entertain you". It is easy to infer from the dinner table discourse of Chinese and Western hosts that Chinese people follow the principle of "belittling themselves and respecting others", while Westerners emphasize efficiency and pragmatism values.

In addition, in western countries, don't ask our customary greetings such as "did you have dinner" and "what did you have for dinner". "Did you have a meal?" It is easy to make people confused and even misunderstand. For example, in the UK, if you ask someone if they have dinner, it means that you intend to invite them to dinner; For unmarried men and women, it shows that you intend to date each other.

3、 Conclusion

Every culture in the world has its essence. All cultures are equal and there is no distinction between good and bad. From the above analysis of the differences between Chinese and Western table manners, we can find the advantages of the two cultures. In the current situation of economic globalization, understanding the differences between Chinese and Western etiquette culture, and combining the two reasonably and organically, we can establish a etiquette culture system suitable for our contemporary society, eliminate misunderstandings caused by cultural barriers in cross-cultural communication, and help the development of spiritual and material civilization in China and the life of Chinese people abroad.


[1] Hu Wenzhong, Du Xuezeng. Comparison of Chinese and English Cultural Customs [M]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, July 1999

[2] Jin Zhengkun. Etiquette Gold I [M]. Shaanxi Normal University Press, May 2006

Chapter 7: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: Chinese and Western; Table etiquette culture; difference

Introduction: Today, with such advanced spiritual civilization, foreign exchanges are becoming closer and closer. Whether in business negotiations or in the gathering of friends, we all realize that understanding the differences between Chinese and Western table cultures is crucial to our daily communication. Among them, Chinese and Western table manners are a threshold, which is the prerequisite and touchstone for our exchanges and cooperation.

From the perspective of tableware placement and use, the cultural differences between China and the West Chopsticks, knives and forks are the most basic differences between Chinese and Western table manners. Knives, forks and chopsticks not only bring about differences in eating habits, but also affect the life concepts of East and West people. For example, it is not allowed to play with chopsticks when eating Chinese food, nor to point or gesture with chopsticks. Of course, never suck or insert chopsticks into rice, which is a big taboo. Usually, before dining, chopsticks should be placed on the right side of the rice bowl, and both ends must be aligned and neatly placed. If you use chopsticks to pick up food during the meal, but do not eat continuously, the chopsticks should be placed vertically in the middle of the bowl. In the placement of tableware, the common rule for Western countries to place Western tableware is: "the cushion plate is in the middle, the left fork is right, the knife point is upward, and the knife edge is inward". [1] The specific rules are as follows: "horizontal spoon in front of the plate, staple food on the left, tableware on the right", and other utensils should be placed as appropriate; [2] The number of wine glasses is equal to the type of wine, and the placing method is from left to right, and then the strong wine glass, wine glass, champagne glass and beer glass are placed in turn. When speaking or talking, it is polite to put the knife and fork on the plate. Do not bend down to pick up the tableware if it falls.

From the seat arrangement, we can see the cultural differences between China and the West. Both China and the West pay attention to the seat arrangement of formal banquet activities. Chinese people traditionally use the Eight Immortals table to entertain guests. Opposite to the door is the top, and both sides are offset seats. When inviting guests, the elderly, guests of honor or people of high status will take their seats, the host and hostess or guests will take their seats, and the rest of the guests will take their seats sideways in order. Because in China, most dishes are served clockwise, and those on the right have priority over those on the left. "The middle seat is the most important, the front door is the top, and the view is the best." [3] In the West, usually, the secondary position of the table depends on the distance from the main table. Take the master's table as the benchmark, right high, left low, near high, far low. Westerners use a long table for entertaining guests. The host and hostess sit at both ends, and then arrange seats according to the order of male and female guests of honor and ordinary guests, that is, men and women are arranged alternately. The hostess's seat shall prevail. The guest of honor sits at the top right of the hostess, and the lady of the guest of honor sits at the top right of the host. In China, the left is the most respected, and the right is the second; The top is the highest and the bottom is the second; The middle is the most important, and the second is the most important. In the West, the right is respected, and the left is second.

From the difference of serving order between China and the West, we can see that the dining procedures of Chinese and Western table cultures are different. The order of serving Chinese food: first, appetizer, usually a large platter composed of four kinds of cold dishes. The main course is immediately after the appetizer, also known as the big piece and the big dish. "The number of courses of the main course is usually the even number of four, six, eight, etc., because the Chinese people think that the even number is the lucky number." [4] Dim Sum refers to the desserts provided after the main course, such as pie, cake, steamed stuffed buns, almond tofu, etc. The last is fruit. "There are four or five categories on the western food menu, which are appetizers, soup, salad, seafood, meat, snacks, etc.". Soup, different from Chinese food, is the second dish of western food. Western food soup can be roughly divided into clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup. As the third course of western food, fish dishes are also called side dishes. The species include all kinds of freshwater fish, shellfish and molluscs. The main course, meat and poultry dishes are the fourth course of western food, also known as the main course. Dessert: Western dessert is eaten after the main course, which can be regarded as the sixth course, such as pudding, pancake, ice cream, cheese, fruit, etc. Coffee, tea, the last course of western food is to serve drinks, coffee or tea.

From the perspective of dining atmosphere, the most fundamental difference between Chinese and Western table manners is the noise on the Chinese table and the silence on the Western table. The Chinese people take food as the supreme joy of life, the grand pomp and the lively atmosphere are often breathtaking [6]. As soon as the Chinese people sit on the table, they will talk endlessly, offering food and wine to each other, and enjoying the delicacies and delicacies. This kind of banquet can reflect the enthusiasm and sincerity of the host, and the liveliness on the table reflects the heartfelt joy of the diners. This kind of "noisy" can, to some extent, reflect the "unity and harmony" of the Chinese family warmth, neighborhood harmony and national unity. As soon as westerners sit at the table, they concentrate on quietly cutting their own dishes. Don't make noise when drinking soup. If the soup and vegetables are overheated, you can eat them after they are slightly cool. Don't blow them with your mouth. When you eat, you should shut up and chew. Don't lick your lips or smack your lips to make a sound. When you chew food, you should not talk. Even if someone talks to you, you should wait until you swallow the food before answering. When eating, you can talk with the guests around, but not only with a few acquaintances. If the left and right guests do not know each other, they can introduce themselves first. Do not interrupt others when they are talking. Keep the volume of the voice within the hearing of the other party.

Conclusion: Exploring the cultural differences between Chinese and Western table manners will help us to deepen our understanding of the cultural differences between Chinese and Western table manners and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding of information. At the same time, this will play an important role in our daily communication, and will better promote cultural exchanges between China and the West. "Food is the most important thing for the people". Food is the first element of human life in China and the western countries, and it is also a reflection of national culture. Being able to easily navigate different table manners and cultures is a prerequisite for cross-cultural communication, and it will also be a catalyst for modern cultural exchanges between China and the West.


[1] Li Mingying. Social Customs and Diet Culture [J]. Journal of Jinzhou Normal University, 1997,

[2] Bian Haoyu. On the Differences between Chinese and Western Food Culture [J]. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2004

[3] Duo Xiaoping. Talking about Chinese and Western Culture from the Perspective of Diet [J]. Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Technology, 2005

[4] Lin Liduan. Comparison of Chinese and Western Food Culture [J]. 2009 (18)

Chapter 8: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

[Key words] Business negotiation International trade negotiation strategy

Language has many functions, and its most important and basic function is undoubtedly to act as a communicative tool. At the same time, language is also a tool of thinking, a carrier of culture and a symbol of the nation. The development of the international market, especially the current trend of "world economic integration", also inevitably requires rapid communication of information in the international scope. However, as an international language tool, the difference between English culture and native culture has seriously hindered human communication. As we all know, language communication in international trade and business negotiation can be divided into language communication and non language communication, so English culture can not be ignored in the whole process of business negotiation. Therefore, this paper combines the research background of English culture application strategies in international trade and business negotiation and the causes of cultural differences, This paper focuses on the strategies of cultural application of English in international trade and business negotiation.

1、 Research Background of Cultural Application Strategies in International Trade and Business Negotiation English

Since the 1980s, the great tide of world economic globalization has arrived. In order to maximize their own interests, countries around the world have generally adopted various ways to transcend space and social constraints, strengthen cooperation and coordination in trade, investment, finance and other fields, and fully comply with and integrate into this great tide and trend. Economic globalization has brought about cooperation and exchanges in many fields of the international community, which has profoundly changed the concept, mode and space of contemporary human economic life. Throughout the development process of economic globalization, business negotiation has always played an important role in promoting, and is a means for enterprises from all countries to closely contact and cooperate for win-win results. Therefore, with the economic globalization and the deepening of China's foreign development, business negotiation has become an important way for enterprises from all countries to cooperate and exchange in international trade. At the same time of cooperation, enterprises in various countries are also facing increasingly fierce competition. In this international game, in order to maintain competitive advantage, we must fully grasp the negotiation culture of our negotiating partners, so as to achieve "knowing the known one, and fighting every battle".

With the deepening of reform and opening up, especially after China's entry into the WTO, China has played an increasingly important role in international communication. For example, the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai World Expo and other opportunities have increased our opportunities to participate in international communication. At the same time, providing foreign language services to guests from all countries has become a major issue we are facing. As China's economy soars, the world begins to focus on China. This has enabled many Chinese enterprises to step into the world and cooperate, negotiate and exchange with foreign enterprises. In addition, some foreigners have also entered China, such as the rapid development of multinational companies in China. Whether China implements the "going out" strategy or foreign enterprises come to China for development, language communication is indispensable. It can be seen that the application of English culture in international trade and business negotiations has risen to an important position in promoting national economic development.

2、 An Analysis of the Causes of Cultural Differences between China and Britain in International Trade and Business Negotiations

Due to the existence of different reasons such as natural conditions, social conditions and historical backgrounds of people in China and western countries, the differences between Chinese and western cultures are caused. This difference is mainly manifested in: First, different values. Western culture highlights individual and individual behaviors, and advocates individualism, while Chinese culture focuses on integrity, highlights group behaviors, emphasizes group values, and advocates harmony and unity; Second, the concept of interests is different. Western culture advocates personal value and takes material wealth as the realization standard of personal value, while Chinese culture advocates desalinization of material desires and selfless dedication; Third, different ways of expressing feelings. Westerners express themselves directly, while Chinese people are relatively conservative. The main contents of this difference include the following:

1. Cultural differences in etiquette language communication

Etiquette is a general term for etiquette and ceremony. It is a code of conduct for people in social work and communication. From the perspective of ethics and morality, etiquette is the external manifestation of the code of conduct for dealing with people; From the perspective of communication, etiquette is an art of interpersonal communication and a skill of friendly communication; From an aesthetic point of view, etiquette is a comprehensive expression of a person's external beauty and internal beauty. Therefore, in the process of international trade and business negotiation, we must know where to speak etiquette in communication, so as not to backfire and make people laugh. For example, Westerners use hugs and kisses to show enthusiasm and goodwill when meeting, while Chinese people are more reserved and are accustomed to simple ways such as shaking hands and smiling to welcome guests.

2. Language and culture differences in time and space

Westerners are very particular about time. No matter where they are invited, they always want to arrive on time, so in the process of communication, whether it is usual communication or business negotiation, they should tell them the exact time. At the same time, if Americans invite or make an appointment with others, they will definitely set a time, which means that we should neither be earlier than that time nor later than the agreed time. If we are unable to arrive on time, we should call the other party and apologize as soon as we arrive, and explain the reason for being late. Because, in foreign countries, it is very rude to be late or arrive early, and it is also a sign of disrespect for others. In space, Westerners believe that "right is the top", "front row is the top" and "front door is the top", while in China, "left is the top" and "right is the bottom" are different. Therefore, in business negotiation or daily communication, we should also pay attention to the differences in English culture between the West and us, and show respect for others, so as to better communicate.

3. Differences in body language and culture

Body language includes eye contact, action, etc. It mainly uses the actions and postures of various parts of the human body that are connected with words to convey the information of self-expression. For example, smiling, nodding, frowning, etc., different countries and different cultures have different body languages.

First of all, the eye is the window of the soul and the organ of the face that can transmit information most. It plays an important role in cross-cultural communication. In Western culture, eye gaze shows respect and trust for people. For example, if the eyes of the other party are erratic during business negotiations, the other party will feel insincere and disrespectful. Different cultures have different habits in eye contact. We should adapt to the situation and not take such nonverbal communication lightly.

Secondly, the differences in movement should also be paid attention to in cross-cultural communication. For example, "shaking the head does not count as nodding" is a routine action that almost people of all cultures can accept, but shaking the head in some places in Bulgaria and India just means yes. Americans use their thumb and forefinger to form a circle to indicate OK, while Europeans regard this gesture as an obscene action. The thumbs up gesture has three meanings in Britain, Australia and New Zealand: (1) the riding gesture; (2) An insulting signal. At this time, the thumb is sharply raised; (3) Represents 5. It can be seen that the meaning of a detailed body language is different in different countries. Therefore, in order to truly understand the other party's thoughts, we must master the other party's body language culture.

In addition, the language and culture of body language are also reflected in the space of communication. For example, Germans tend to keep a certain distance in the process of communication, while shoulder to shoulder contact is very common in the streets and buses of Chinese people, which is unacceptable in western countries. Germans are used to working in a closed space, while Chinese prefer to keep the door open. If the door is closed, it means that an important and urgent meeting or special conversation is in progress.

3、 Cultural Application Strategies of English in International Trade and Business Negotiation

In 2002, when China Huali Corporation acquired Philips' cDMA chip design department, engineers in Philips' cDMA chip design department strongly opposed it, because these engineers did not agree with Chinese culture. In this case, senior leaders of Huali Corporation used diplomatic means to carefully prepare and arrange various environments for negotiations during business negotiations, In the process of negotiation, we tried our best to create a harmonious atmosphere to infect the other party. At the same time, we emphasized that in the company's operation and management, we adopted a management culture that combines Chinese and Western management. This point won a harmonious negotiation atmosphere. If Holley does not adopt the corresponding negotiation strategy, it is likely that all engineers will resign after the acquisition of Philips' cDMA chip design department, which will bring serious losses to the company. From this case, we can see that in international trade and business negotiations, we should understand English culture and take active countermeasures, as follows:

1. Attach importance to etiquette and respect each other

Etiquette is a general term for etiquette and ceremony. It is a code of conduct for people in social work and communication. From the perspective of ethics and morality, etiquette is the external manifestation of the code of conduct for dealing with people; From the perspective of communication, etiquette is an art of interpersonal communication and a skill of friendly communication; From an aesthetic point of view, etiquette is a comprehensive expression of a person's external beauty and internal beauty. Therefore, in the process of negotiation, you must know where to speak etiquette in communication, so as not to backfire and make a fool of yourself. For example, in terms of address terms of speech etiquette, men are generally called Mr., married women are called Mrs., and unmarried women are called Miss; Official persons with higher status who are generally ministers or above are called "Your Excellency", title or Mr. according to the situation of the host country. In addition, the names of Americans are not the same as those of Chinese Han people. In addition to the differences in words, the composition and order of names are different, and they often contain articles and affixes. In business negotiation, if you can't read the other party's name correctly, you will not only make jokes, but even

It will make the other party feel disrespectful and make the other party unhappy, which is not conducive to mutual exchanges. 2. Proper language

As the saying goes, "All things in the world are learned, and all human relationships are learned." Especially when speaking, if you want to grasp this degree, you should speak appropriately. The reason why many successful negotiations are successful is that they have a good sense of propriety when speaking, and that they can speak well. For example, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the beloved Premier Zhou has set up a glorious form of the Chinese people on many international diplomatic occasions. Especially at the Bandung Conference in Indonesia, with his elegant and unrestrained temperament, amiable charm, unassuming demeanor, measured language, and hit the "key" skills, he smashed the imperialist slander against New China, made international friends, increased friendship, won the praise of the world, and established the diplomatic pattern of New China. The language of negotiation should be pragmatic and direct, and the clothes of negotiation should be economical and appropriate, so as to respect each other and be friendly. At the same time, Carnegie stressed that the most important thing is to seize the opportunity to speak. Confucius said, "If you don't say something, it's called impatience; if you say something without saying it, it's called concealment; if you don't see color, it's called wood." In addition, in the process of negotiation, you should pay attention to "keep the ball rolling", which means that the conversation should not be cold or interrupted. Sometimes it is necessary to interrupt the other party strategically, sometimes it is necessary to clarify the facts, sometimes it is necessary to control the conversation, and sometimes it is necessary to fight for control of the conversation. In these cases, the use of language is quite skillful.

Sometimes the negotiation process can not go on and there is a cold spot, sometimes the other party is off the topic, sometimes the two sides disagree, sometimes they want to fight for the initiative in the negotiation. At this time, changing the topic may be a very necessary means. In addition to consciously talking about their own topics, Americans accept many public topics, including work, residence, personal hobbies, travel and vacation, movies, weather, local or national events, etc. Changing the topic will inevitably affect the other party, so pay special attention to language strategies. Be good at changing topics and be more "flexible" in negotiation.

3. Create atmosphere and take the initiative

Holding the initiative of negotiation has two meanings. One meaning is that the attitude of communication should be positive and dare to express their thoughts and opinions, and the other meaning is that the way of communication should be active. In order to take the initiative in communication and create a harmonious atmosphere. For example, in the preparatory stage of the negotiation, the Chinese negotiators should make full preparations, respect the negotiation customs of the US side, and create a harmonious, equal and harmonious atmosphere. In the negotiation process, according to the U.S. side's strategy of negotiating on specific terms, we should also adopt positive coping strategies and appropriately adjust our negotiating strategies, which, on the one hand, reflects our respect for the other party, and on the other hand, enables us to cope freely and take the initiative in the negotiation process.

4. Mastering skills to win

Any negotiation requires certain skills. Without any skills, it is difficult to gain a firm foothold in the negotiation process. In the process of negotiations between China and the United States, we should first learn to listen. First, we should collect materials related to the negotiations before the negotiations to be sure; Second, in the negotiation process, we should carefully listen to the other party's information, so that we can clearly identify the other party's strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, prepare various plans to be prepared. Especially when negotiating prices, we may encounter many situations, even deadlock, so we can provide new ideas to solve the problem.

5. Build a team and negotiate professionally

With the development trend of global economy, more and more professional negotiations are needed. Faced with the strength of the US negotiation, the negotiation team has professional negotiation skills and negotiation style. China should also strengthen the professional requirements for the negotiation team. The negotiation members should have the quality of translation, law, product technology and other parties. Building a professional, systematic and knowledgeable negotiation team is the magic weapon of China in the current negotiation process.

6. Accumulate English culture and know it well

It is particularly important for Chinese enterprises to understand the way of thinking, psychological characteristics and behavioral logic of people in English speaking countries. Because our Chinese culture is very different from western culture. In English learning, we should not think that we have mastered some vocabulary, grammar, sentence patterns, even if we know English, we should also know when to use these language materials properly, and we should also have social and cultural knowledge of English speaking countries. Therefore, we should strengthen the reading of English culture and accumulate non linguistic cultural knowledge. For example, you can read classic British and American literature, browse English news websites, English newspapers, British and American original movies, etc. to understand western society, politics, culture, etc. in a timely manner. Only with a certain knowledge of English culture can we understand others more thoroughly, express ourselves more accurately, grasp the opportunities better and know them well in international trade.


With the development of international trade, the exchanges between China and the West are increasingly frequent. As an important way of communication between China and the West, business negotiation can be said to be of great significance in promoting global economic cooperation, trade development and other aspects. It will help China and the West to achieve win-win results and promote common economic growth of all countries; It is conducive to the integration of Chinese and Western cultures and builds a good bridge of friendship between China and the West. However, in international trade and business negotiations, the differences in English culture have had an impact on business negotiations between China and the West. If the differences in English culture are not solved well, cultural conflicts will occur, which will destroy the harmonious and friendly relationship in international trade and business negotiations and cause communication interruption. Therefore, the application of English culture in international trade and business negotiations is an important issue for Chinese enterprises to "go global". Based on the research background of English culture application strategies in international trade and business negotiations, this paper further analyzes the causes and contents of the analysis of cultural differences in international trade and business negotiations; The language is appropriate and well spoken; Create atmosphere and take the initiative; Build a team and negotiate professionally; Mastering skills to win; Accumulate English culture and know it well.


[1] Liu Yuan: International Business Negotiation [M]. Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press, 2009

[2] Zhou Zhongxing: Principles and Skills of Business Negotiation [M]. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2010

[3] Zhao Li. Discussion on the Conceptual Framework of Internationalization of Higher Education. Education Development Research. 2005 (4): 74-76

Chapter 9: Model Essays on Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Communication Etiquette

Key words: international etiquette; Chinese international teachers; Chinese etiquette; Western Manners

CLC No.: H1 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1673-0992 (2010) 11-0000-01

As we all know, different countries, regions and nationalities have their own etiquette. Today, with the accelerating process of globalization, exchanges between countries are also increasingly frequent. With more and more international exchanges, the internationalization of etiquette plays an increasingly significant role in international exchanges. Therefore, while learning our own country's traditional etiquette, we attach importance to the knowledge of international etiquette: understand the meaning and characteristics of international etiquette; Understand the historical origins of international etiquette, Chinese etiquette and western etiquette; Recognize the difference and connection between international etiquette and traditional etiquette of other famous ethnic groups; Establish a correct and appropriate attitude towards international etiquette and learn international etiquette, so as to make it serve China's international exchanges. As an international promoter of Chinese, teachers of Chinese as a foreign language should also have a deep understanding of it, so as to eliminate cultural barriers to some extent, create a good learning atmosphere in the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, improve teaching efficiency, and facilitate the development of international promotion of Chinese.

1、 Meaning and characteristics of international etiquette

International etiquette in a narrow sense only refers to formal and official etiquette. In a broad sense, international etiquette not only includes formal and official diplomatic etiquette, but also includes various etiquette forms that are gradually formed, recognized and observed by people of different countries in mutual exchanges. More specifically, it is defined as a code of conduct system that reflects equality, friendship and mutual respect between countries and between people of different countries in the process of long-term exchanges, and is gradually widely recognized and followed by members of the international community with certain procedures and models. As a code of conduct universally recognized and observed by all countries in the world, international etiquette has five significant characteristics, namely universality, inclusiveness, relativity, inheritance and restraint.

2、 The Origin of International Etiquette and Chinese Etiquette

China, known as the land of rites, embodied a relatively complete national etiquette system as early as the "rites of Zhou" in the Western Zhou Dynasty. On the other hand, both ancient, modern and contemporary China and China after the reform and opening up in recent years have played a pivotal role in global international exchanges. Although many of the popular international etiquette in the world today have obvious traces of British etiquette and are greatly influenced by the West, international etiquette has also been absorbed from Chinese etiquette. For example, international etiquette and Chinese etiquette also seek harmony and smoothness in interpersonal communication.

3、 Thoughts on International Etiquette

(1) Internationalization tendency of national etiquette

The traditional etiquette of most countries and nations has different degrees of internationalization. The reason is obvious. With the increasingly extensive international exchanges, and in order to ensure the smooth progress of international exchanges, the traditional etiquette of our nation has to be adjusted to meet the etiquette of most countries or nations in the world. After the internationalization of etiquette, some problems have arisen, such as: the boundary between national etiquette and international etiquette is not clear. In particular, some young people neglect their own traditional etiquette after learning international etiquette. Therefore, there may be many traditional etiquette in the world that will gradually disappear due to the replacement of international etiquette.

(2) The Dynamic Development of International Etiquette

International etiquette is not a defined and unchanging concept, nor is it a rule of international communication that all countries must always abide by. Even today in the 21st century, international etiquette is still in the process of continuous development and self-improvement. International etiquette will change with the development of human society and the change of the way of communication between people in different countries. International etiquette will continue to absorb the traditional etiquette of some different countries and nations, making itself more perfect and contributing the most to global international communication.

(3) Understand international etiquette

Although international etiquette is getting more and more attention, there are still some problems in people's understanding and positioning of international etiquette.

First, the relationship among international etiquette, Chinese etiquette and western etiquette is often confused. Learn to understand the differences and connections between the three. We should know that the three are mutually absorbed and infiltrated in the long-term development.

Secondly, we should not completely equate the international etiquette with the western traditional etiquette and deny the Chinese traditional etiquette. We should not blindly worship the foreign countries and think that the western etiquette is superior to the Chinese etiquette or even can replace the Chinese etiquette. Western etiquette is a big concept, and it is not popular and implemented in all so-called western countries. Although most of the international etiquette has traces of British etiquette and other western etiquette, it should be understood that international etiquette is gradually formed and established by the people of all countries in the world through long-term exchanges.

1. Attitude towards international etiquette and its application

As Chinese in the 21st century, on the one hand, we cannot blindly accept the international etiquette and ignore the traditional Chinese etiquette; On the other hand, we should not reject international etiquette and ignore its importance. Instead, we should learn to use the right etiquette at the right time and place, so as to promote the smooth progress of interpersonal and international exchanges. Because countries and nations in the world are more closely connected and have more frequent exchanges. As a code of conduct for international exchanges, international etiquette will inevitably be comprehensively promoted and popularized to every corner of the earth. Understanding and abiding by international etiquette will become an important standard to measure the progress of a country's and national civilization. It is also necessary to carry forward and develop the Chinese etiquette with a long history of thousands of years, rather than blindly rejecting or even abandoning it. International teachers of Chinese represent the image of the Chinese nation and even the country to a certain extent. They are the inheritors of Chinese culture, and should have a deep understanding and understanding of them; And in the actual Chinese teaching, in the contact with different international students, correct attitude, correct and appropriate use of international etiquette.

2. Study of international etiquette

The scope of social activities in China has been gradually broadened after the reform and opening up. There are more and more international exchanges, and exchanges between people from different countries have become more frequent. More Chinese people go out, and many foreigners come in. In order to meet the needs of the times and strengthen exchanges with people from all over the world, we should learn and abide by international etiquette, which is the crystallization of the civilization and wisdom of people from all over the world.. Just like Professor Li Jing in his Modern International Etiquette As mentioned in, "Today, as China is moving towards the world and has increasingly close ties with the world, learning and abiding by international etiquette has a very important role and significance in building a good image of China and the Chinese people in the international community, promoting exchanges and communication with people around the world, and promoting long-term, stable, mutual trust and friendly national ties with countries around the world." When learning international etiquette, we should not learn its external form of expression, but also learn the essence and connotation hidden behind the form. While learning international etiquette, we also carry forward the traditional etiquette of the Chinese nation. In a sense, international teachers of Chinese can also be regarded as inheritors and promoters of Chinese etiquette, as well as learners and observants of international etiquette.


With the accelerated process of internationalization, Chinese traditional etiquette has gradually been impacted by the trend of internationalization. The internationalization of Chinese etiquette plays an important role in China's international exchanges; At the same time, it also has a certain negative impact on the inheritance and development of Chinese etiquette itself. This article tries to start from some thoughts on the internationalization of etiquette, and attract more scholars' attention in the academic world, so as to carry forward Chinese etiquette while applying international etiquette. As a bridge between cultural and linguistic exchanges and communication, Chinese language international educators should constantly learn, actively adjust their words and deeds, and actively carry out effective exchanges and communication. On the one hand, be neither humble nor overbearing, and carry forward the traditional Chinese etiquette; On the other hand, we should be neither arrogant nor impetuous, and respect the etiquette and customs of other countries.


[1] Li Jing, Modern International Etiquette [M]. Wuhan University Press, 2008

[2] Li Rongjian, Song Heping Social Etiquette [M]. Wuhan University Press, 2005

[3] Li Li, Characteristics of International Etiquette [A] Journal of Hainan Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), 2003, Vol. 16, Issue 5