Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model for summarizing the knowledge points of world history in senior high school

Summary and Selection of High School World History Knowledge Points (9)

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 Summary of knowledge points of world history in senior high school

Chapter 1: Model text for summarizing the knowledge points of world history in senior high school

[Key words] Middle school history knowledge integration multimedia

[CLC No.] G633.51 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 1674-4772 (2014) 03-012-01

Tang Taizong said, "Take copper as a mirror, you can correct your clothes; take people as a mirror, you can see the gains and losses; take history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs." The French philosopher Diderot also said, "Reading history can be wise." As a comprehensive subject, history has the characteristics of forward-looking, contemporary, humanistic, subjective and objective unity, and scientific and literary combination. Many students think that history learning is just rote, boring, and even "turns pale when talking about history". In fact, they did not understand the characteristics of the history discipline and failed to master the history learning methods. Compared with other subjects, junior high school history pays more attention to the relationship between historical events and emphasizes the role of historical laws. The part of comparative analysis and summary is more flexible. In short, it is more necessary to think and analyze on the basis of historical facts rather than simply rote. Therefore, junior high school history learning methods are very important. In combination with my own teaching experience, the summary is as follows:

1、 Work hard and make contributions in peacetime

China is a great country with a history of 5000 years. As one of the birthplaces of the world's ancient culture, it has a long history, which is rare in the world history. To learn history well, we must first learn Chinese history well. However, "Rome wasn't built in a day." No matter whether it is Chinese history or world history, learning in any aspect is not a temporary effort, which requires students to be down-to-earth in their usual learning process, step by step to consolidate the foundation. So what I often say to students is: "Any description in an unimpressive text is a brilliant history and culture, and there should be no pride and carelessness in learning history." Even brilliant achievements like today, what will be recorded in the history books in the future will be summarized in such an unimpressive text. From this perspective, history is the most simple and unadorned, It is also the most important.

On the other hand, history is the development history of our predecessors step by step to today. Any part of history cannot be lost. The existence of any knowledge gap will be a great regret of history. Therefore, as a student, the skill of learning history is to pay attention to the continuity of history, Remembering historical events according to time is the best way to prevent knowledge leaks. Because any historical event has a cause and effect, the sequence of time can help understand memory. "Diligence is good training, half hard work is half talent" Only when students lay a solid foundation, step by step, focus on accumulation, can they be invincible in junior high school history learning.

2、 Review the past and learn the new, and be good at integration

Confucius said that "reviewing the past and knowing the heart can be a teacher" and "reviewing the past and knowing the new" have four solutions. One is to "review the past to know the new", review the knowledge already learned, and gain new insights from it; The second is "reviewing the past and learning the new": on the one hand, we should review the rules and stories, and on the other hand, we should strive to acquire new knowledge. Third, review the past and learn the new. With my rich experience and improved understanding, I can always learn more from the knowledge I have seen before. Fourth, I believe that the correct interpretation means that by reviewing history and re classifying and integrating the historical knowledge I have learned, I can get some rules from it, so as to gain new understanding and perception.

For example, the integration of historical knowledge can be roughly divided into the following two methods:

1. Vertical knowledge integration. That is to say, according to the order of our study, history is divided into ancient Chinese history, modern Chinese history and modern Chinese history in chronological order; hold World history Decompose memory separately as a part. The advantage of this memory method is that the history is divided into several time periods, so that it is easy to focus on memorizing some or several parts of it. The disadvantage is that if you do not pay attention to synthesis, memory bias will easily occur. Separate Chinese history from world history. We should know that no matter how long China's history has a long history, it is still an integral part of the world history. The two are inseparable from each other as a whole. That is to say, the vertical knowledge integration can look forward and backward with strong coherence.

2. Integration of horizontal knowledge. Horizontal knowledge integration refers to the integration of Chinese history and world history. There are two standards for integration, one is time, the other is event. In general, it is to summarize all the major historical events that have occurred in various countries in the world within a specific period of time. The advantage of horizontal knowledge integration is that it can start from the overall situation, and summarize all the information in the unified historical period Knowledge points , relatively strong integrity; But its disadvantage is that the horizontal knowledge is too wide, and the memory difficulty is increased, which is easy to make students lose confidence.

3、 Keep pace with the times and skillfully use multimedia

If we say that the former horizontal knowledge integration and vertical knowledge integration can not be taken into account, it has brought many problems to teachers and students. With the progress of the times, the emergence of multimedia resources has easily solved the problem that has puzzled us for a long time: the problem that "looking forward and backward" and "seeking both sides" cannot be taken into account in the process of history learning.

With the development of economy, many subjects have begun to use multimedia assisted teaching, that is, to use computer technology to comprehensively process and control various information such as text, graphics, audio and video, thus forming a new teaching form. Using multimedia courseware to assist teaching can not only create realistic teaching environment, dynamic and static teaching images, lively teaching atmosphere, but also solve problems that are difficult to solve in conventional teaching.

Using multimedia to assist history teaching at ordinary times can create a good teaching situation by using relevant video materials and historical facts, deepen students' impression, stimulate students' interest in learning, effectively mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, thus improving classroom efficiency and achieving twice the result with half the effort. For example, when learning ancient Chinese history, we can list the brilliant achievements of ancient China to expand our knowledge: the four great inventions of ancient China have had a great impact on the world process; Qin Shihuang's merits and demerits in building the Great Wall were evaluated; The significance of the opening of the "Silk Road" in promoting China's economic development... When studying world history, you can use video materials to introduce in detail Watt's invention of the steam engine to kick off the first industrial revolution; The Great Depression of the American economy brought about by the First World War; Use the diagram to show the world pattern after World War II

In the review stage, multimedia can also be used to integrate knowledge, and multimedia technology can be used to create the knowledge framework of the system, which can not only deepen the memory impression, but also improve the comprehensive ability of students.

Chapter 2: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

Key words: world history; Difficulty; Understanding the world history in simple terms plays an important role in the whole history teaching. However, for high school students, it is generally believed that the world history is difficult, which is mainly manifested in students, difficulties, profundity and complexity, which requires that the history teaching should be simple in simple terms.

World history is strange and new to high school students. The difficulty is a large number of country names, people names and place names. It is difficult to remember and understand; World history not only contains the basic knowledge of history, but also contains profound ideological content; The world history textbook is chronological, and tells the history of countries in different regions at the same time. The content is complex and the clues are difficult to clarify. Because of this, teachers often have a lot of confusion in teaching.

First, the depth is difficult to grasp. The students' foundation is too weak and their depth grasp is not accurate, which affects their mastery and understanding of knowledge. Although teachers should take the syllabus as the basis in the teaching process, in fact, students who only meet the criteria of the syllabus are difficult to achieve good results in the college entrance examination. Especially in recent years, the content of the history college entrance examination is not only knowledge, but also reflects students' divergent thinking. The examination questions are becoming more and more difficult and live.

Second, the curvature is difficult to control. Some problems in world history have a certain degree of curvature. Some terms in the modern history of the world are difficult to understand, so students can understand and master them simply when introducing them. For example, the "world pattern", "chauvinism", "state monopoly capitalism" and so on in the modern world history should be both mastered and understood by students. This requires teachers to master the teaching materials, master the teaching materials, dig deep into the teaching materials, popularize and simplify the obscure historical knowledge, improve students' ability to remember and understand, and improve students' ability to analyze, synthesize, summarize and generalize. This requires teachers to prepare syllabus, teaching materials, and students in teaching, and to be able to explain in simple terms.

Third, the historical knowledge that spans the ages is difficult to control. World history can be divided into ancient history, modern history and modern history. In the process of learning, its contents are linked up and down. Some history books that have been learned cannot be mentioned at every stage, which will lead to the generation break. It is difficult for teachers and students to achieve the integration of knowledge from top to bottom.

How to explain in simple terms in teaching?

First of all, some place names and person names can be in the form of jingles. For example, when talking about the eight socialist countries in Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Algeria, and Democratic Germany) in history, we can use the phrase "South Polo, Czech Hungary and Ade" and explain that it is difficult to keep the man Polo because the robber he met was Ade, The students remembered the eight countries of Eastern Europe in their laughter.

Secondly, the metaphor is ingenious and easy to understand. Some contents in the textbook are obscure. For example, after the end of the two-level pattern in the modern history of the world, there will be no peace between the two tigers. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there was only one left, and the world reached a new balance and was relatively peaceful. However, tigers still need to eat animals, and other animals also need to eat, which will lead to new imbalances. There will still be fights, and there will be new unrest and new fights. In such a metaphor, the difficulty of knowledge is solved, and students can easily accept and understand it.

Third, juggle and clarify ideas. The high school history textbook system summarizes the history of various countries in chronological order, including the political, economic, military and other development histories of various countries. Students feel complicated. Therefore, teachers should not only pay attention to the horizontal connection of each country's history in teaching, but also pay attention to the changes of the same country in different historical periods, and take the textbook as the main line when reviewing, Summarize and summarize the history of each country in different historical periods.

History teaching in simple terms also reflects the teaching ability and artistry of history teachers. We should learn to summarize and refine in teaching. (Author's unit: Liaoning Rail Transit Vocational College)


[1] Ma Shili, Editor in Chief: Outline of World History, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1999.

Chapter 3: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

1、 The Necessity of the Combination of "Outline" Course and World History

(1) Chinese modern history is deeply influenced by the development of world history, and the "Outline" course cannot be separated from the elaboration of world history

Modern Chinese history is the history of the Chinese people's opposition to foreign aggression. The principles and policies of capital imperialism aggression against China are deeply determined by the characteristics of the capitalist development stage. During the period of free capitalism, the western powers expanded to look for commodity sales markets and raw material supply places. The Treaty of Nanjing and the Treaty of Beijing reflect this requirement: ceding land, paying compensation and opening trade ports. During the imperialist period, the emergence of monopoly organizations pushed capitalist powers to strengthen colonial expansion, and there was a frenzy of dividing up the world. Therefore, at the end of the 19th century, the big powers occupied concessions, divided their spheres of influence and tried to carve up China. Modern Chinese history has been since 1949. As an independent country, New China has emerged on the world political stage, and its internal affairs and diplomacy are inseparable from the impact of the international environment. The major events of the socialist camp and the contradictions between the socialist camp and the capitalist camp affect the decision-making of the Chinese government. For example, on March 5, 1946, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered the famous "Iron Curtain Speech", openly calling on all Western countries to unite against the socialist countries led by the Soviet Union. So in the early days of the founding of New China, only socialist countries established diplomatic relations with China, which led to the situation of "one-sided" foreign policy in this period.

(2) To enhance college students' self-confidence and sense of responsibility towards the motherland, the "Outline" course cannot be separated from the comparison with world history

The combination of the "Outline" course and world history will help to better explain China's special modernization process. These particularities are the key points of the "Outline" course. Comparison is the only way to distinguish. In the teaching of the "outline" course, compare the "three choices" with the history of world capitalism; First, it helps college students understand the inevitability of Chinese history and the limitations and profound significance of modern Chinese historical figures or events themselves (such as the national bourgeoisie and the 1911 Revolution). Only when college students have a deep understanding, can they know that today's socialist achievements are hard won, can they strengthen their socialist belief and improve their sense of responsibility for the construction and development of the motherland. Secondly, this comparison will help college students understand the nature and development direction of capitalism, reflect the superiority of the socialist system, enhance their confidence in the objective law that socialism will inevitably replace capitalism, and enhance their confidence in the future of their motherland in the invincible place in the world.

(3) Help college students establish a scientific view of history and a world view. The "Outline" course cannot be separated from the combination with world history

College students have a certain historical knowledge, but not necessarily a correct understanding of history; To get a correct understanding of history, we must rely on the guidance of a correct view of history. The scientific view of history is a sharp tool to correctly clarify the complicated historical process. Only by adopting the scientific view of history can we understand and grasp the regularity and particularity of historical development. Chinese history is a part of the world history. Only in the context of world history, can college students have a deep understanding, a wide range of thinking and a scientific and comprehensive analysis of problems by thinking in a comprehensive way rather than being confined to China. Moreover, the new generation of college students has grown up in the era since the reform and opening up. Various thoughts in the society are rampant, the culture is increasingly diversified, and the degree of internationalization is no longer comparable to that in the past. The combination of "Outline" course and world history helps college students to have a scientific view of world history and a broad vision of looking at the world.

2、 The Combination of "Outline" Course and World History

(1) Background Analyze the world background during the contract signing period to better solve the "why"

Background analysis is to solve the "why" problem. Put China's history in the context of world history, and some backgrounds and reasons that are difficult to understand will be much clearer. For example, the background introduction of the chapter "China and the World before the Opium War" made use of the comparison between the gradual decline of China's feudal society and the gradual rise of western capitalism to make college students realize how and where China fell behind at that time: China was at the end of the feudal society, while Britain carried out a bourgeois revolution in 1640, known as the No. 1 capitalist power. The middle of the 19th century was a period of great development of capitalism in the world. Western European capitalist forces invaded countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, brought these countries into the capitalist orbit, and turned them into economic vassals of western capitalist countries. In this invasion, Britain took the lead. In Asia, Britain occupied India and invaded Afghanistan, Singapore, Myanmar and other countries. The next target of aggression was China. Marxism came with the sound of the October Revolution. People with lofty ideals in China began to understand Marxism, and many people accepted it as a magic weapon to save the Chinese nation. While exploring the reasons why Chinese people choose Marxism, we should combine the historical background of Russia's establishment of a socialist country. Because Russia is the weakest link in the capitalist chain, its national conditions of internal worries and external difficulties are very similar to those of China. Russia used to be a powerful country in Europe, but it fell in the capitalist countries in Western Europe at the end of the 19th century. In order to strengthen the national strength and improve the international status, the tsar passed the Peter I reform, the Yekaterina reform and the reform in 1861, and gradually abolished the feudal serfdom until the establishment of the capitalist system at the beginning of the 20th century. However, even though Russia has become a capitalist country, its economy is still backward. The situation of internal worries and external difficulties forced the advanced intellectuals to find a national way out again, and finally chose socialism under the leadership of Lenin. In China, the Chinese advanced intellectuals who learned from the West's repeated failures and had been disappointed in the capitalist system saw a new dawn after the October Revolution: the same was the severe feudal oppression, the same was the economic and cultural backwardness. Since Russia took Marxism as the guide to achieve liberation, China's way out was near at hand. In short, background analysis in the context of world history can make it easier for college students to understand and think more clearly.

(2) Class analysis combines the same class in other countries to better solve the "what"

In 2007, former Minister Zhou Ji of the Ministry of Education mentioned in his speech at the training class for teachers of the ideological and political theory course "Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History" in colleges and universities across the country that teachers of the "Outline" course should help college students "understand the course, experience and lessons of hard exploration and tenacious struggle of the Chinese advanced elements and the people to save the nation from extinction in modern times; By comparing the political plans of the landlord comprador class, the national bourgeoisie and the working class parties, students can understand the reasons why the old democratic revolution gave way to the new democratic revolution and the bourgeois republic gave way to the People's Republic, and understand how history and the people chose the Communist Party of China and Marxism; They should further enhance their consciousness of supporting the leadership of the Party and accepting the guidance of Marxism. " In the old democratic revolution, there were three classes to explore the way out for the country: the peasants, the landlords and the national bourgeoisie. Today's college students are very familiar with these three classes and their indomitable exploration. If we go to teach the historical process in detail, we cannot distinguish it from professional history courses. Moreover, the "Outline" course bears the function of ideological and political theory education from the perspective of historical education. It should more analyze the class limitations that these three classes cannot lead the Chinese revolution to victory, and put this analysis in comparison with the same class in the world to better reflect the limitations that cannot be overcome in modern China. For example, when analyzing the bourgeoisie in China, we can compare the Revolution of 1911 with the bourgeois revolution in France. The similarities of both sides are that they are led by the bourgeoisie, take the road of armed uprising, and directly point to their own feudalism; The differences can be analyzed from the aspects of the national conditions of the times, leadership, public opinion preparation, reliance on strength, revolutionary location, etc. The French bourgeois revolution broke out in the 18th century during the period of free capitalism. The bourgeoisie at that time had huge economic strength through primitive accumulation. The leading force of this revolution was the left, middle and right bourgeoisie; Unlike China, which has only revolutionaries fighting alone. The preparation of public opinion is an enlightening thought with great momentum and resounding in Europe. The people depend on their strength. Moreover, the first place of revolution is Paris, the capital of France and the political heart. The above contents are shown to college students in the form of a table. It is clear why the Revolution of 1911 led by the bourgeoisie failed. In a word, comparing the three classes in the context of world history, the results may be the same or different, but all of them can enable college students to better understand the profound reasons for the failure of the old democratic revolution under the premise of a broad vision.

(3) Event analysis combines similar events in other countries to better address "how to"

The history and current situation of different countries are different, and countries often choose different ways and methods to solve the same type of events. When analyzing the events involved in the "Outline", teachers should follow the spirit of seeking truth from facts and proceed from China's national conditions, so that college students can understand and appreciate the inevitability of event handling. For example, when teaching China how to establish socialism, we can explain the inevitability of taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in combination with the "Poznan Incident" and "Hungarian Incident" in 1956 after the 20th National Congress of the Soviet Communist Party. On June 28, 1956, workers in Poznan, Poland, held a demonstration to reduce taxes and increase wages. The demonstrators and the Polish ruling party, the Polish United Workers' Party, suppressed the army, which led to the "Poznan Incident" that shocked the world. This incident was the result of Poland's imitation of the Soviet model between 1948 and 1953. From October 19 to 21, 1956, Poland withstood the pressure of the Soviet Union and elected Gomulka, who advocated the Polish style socialist road, as the first secretary. After 1947, Lakosi Magash, the main leader of the Hungarian Workers' Party, ignored his country's historical tradition and reality, blindly copied the Soviet model, and vigorously engaged in personality worship and totalitarian politics. What Lakosi did not only damaged the national interests, but also hurt the feelings of the Hungarian people. Therefore, from October 23 to November 4, 1956, there was an armed riot in Hungary caused by the peaceful march of the masses, known as the "Hungarian Incident". In order to ease the contradiction and stabilize the situation, the new leader Najib promised the people in the "Letter to the Hungarian People" that the government "will follow the Hungarian road of building socialism in line with our national characteristics". In a word, putting the analysis of events in the context of world history, and looking for appropriate examples from similar events to support it, it is more in-depth than the analysis of a single event, and the conclusions drawn are more persuasive.

3、 Several Problems Needing Attention in the Combination of "Outline" Course and World History

(1) Prevent falling into the wrong zone of teaching history

The "Outline" course belongs to the curriculum system of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. In the context of world history, the purpose of teaching the "outline" is to enable college students to understand the content of the textbook more deeply. Therefore, when choosing the content of world history, teachers of the "outline" course should strictly follow the principle of serving the content of the textbook to prevent falling into the misunderstanding of teaching the process of world history. It is absolutely forbidden to take the comparison of modern Chinese history and modern world history at the same stage as the teaching content; Emphasis should be placed on the analysis of the causes, background and role of the event.

(2) Prevent guests from dominating

This is a point that teachers of the "Outline" course must avoid when teaching. The "main" here is the basic content and idea of the "outline" lesson, and the "object" here is the world history. The teaching of the "Outline" course combined with the background of world history will make it easy for college students to understand some reasons that can not be deeply understood by modern Chinese history alone. However, if only the relevant parts of world history are described in detail in a class, which accounts for most of the class hours, and the ideas of college students are introduced to details that have nothing to do with the content of this section, even if they are wonderful, they are doomed to fail. Therefore, teachers of the "Outline" course should coordinate the relationship between the "master" and the "guest" when preparing lessons, and always remember that the "guest" is for the "master", and some details should be saved in the province. Do not blindly pursue to stimulate the interest of college students.

(3) It can prevent both superficial and excessive

Chapter 4: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

Keywords: college entrance examination; Unit knowledge structure; Module knowledge structure; Discipline knowledge structure; ability

The provisions on the teaching objectives of knowledge and ability in the History Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High School clearly put forward the requirements for comprehensive use of historical knowledge: "In the process of mastering basic historical knowledge, further improve the ability to read and obtain historical information through various ways; Through the analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, generalization and other cognitive activities of historical facts, the ability of historical thinking and problem solving is cultivated. " In order to achieve the teaching objectives of the curriculum standards and meet the challenges of the college entrance examination, our history team, under the planning of the "12th Five Year Plan" key project of Guangdong Province, "Research on the" Independent Construction, Cooperative Inquiry "Classroom Teaching Mode Based on Hierarchical Teaching", used constructivism theory to make useful exploration and attempt on the history review of the third year of senior high school, By helping students to establish a three-level structure of historical knowledge, we can improve students' ability to comprehensively use historical knowledge to solve problems and achieve efficient review.

1、 Unit knowledge structure construction. Its main point is to highlight the theme and pay attention to details. Its purpose is to solve the problems of basic knowledge and basic skills in history learning. The construction of knowledge structure should be fine rather than coarse, and it should be strengthened through memory training.

The three learning modules of the compulsory courses in the History Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High Schools include 25 learning topics that are connected with China and foreign countries from ancient to modern times. Only the third topic of the history of political civilization, "Modern China's Democratic Revolution", related to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, was not included in the scope of Guangdong's college entrance examination, and the rest were compulsory, Therefore, based on these 25 "learning topics", combined with the use of the textbook version of our school and the students' daily learning practice, the review of the third year of senior high school integrates the elective content included in the college entrance examination proposition into these "learning topics", highlights the theme characteristics and development process of each topic, and focuses on major historical issues in the development process, It includes important historical figures, historical events, historical phenomena and the basic context of historical development, and uses historical materialism and dialectical materialism to understand major historical issues.

For example, Unit 2 of Compulsory Course 2, "Formation and Development of the Capitalist World Market" (all the textbooks involved in this paper are the history textbooks for ordinary high schools under the new curriculum standard of the People's Education Press), and the following knowledge structure is constructed according to the requirements of the curriculum standard and the instructions for the college entrance examination.

One trend: the world is increasingly linked from being relatively isolated and dispersed into a close whole.

Two reflections: the causes and evaluation of the capitalist world market.

Three stages: the opening of new routes; Industrial revolution; The second industrial revolution.

1. The opening of new routes and the formation of the world market prototype: ① the reasons for the opening of new routes; ② The process of opening new routes; ③ Impact of new route opening; ④ Early colonial expansion and colonial wars.

2. The first industrial revolution and the initial formation of the capitalist world: ① the background conditions for the rise of the industrial revolution; ② The development process and main achievements of the industrial revolution; ③ Evaluation of the Industrial Revolution.

3. The second industrial revolution and the final formation of the capitalist world: ① conditions for the rise of the second industrial revolution; ② The development process and main achievements of the second industrial revolution; ③ Evaluation of the Second Industrial Revolution.

In such a knowledge structure, "one trend" highlights the theme of the formation and development of the capitalist world market; "Two point reflection" highlights the overall understanding of the causes and evaluation of the formation and development of the capitalist world market, and cultivates students' ability to use historical materialism and dialectical materialism to understand major historical issues; The "three stages" highlight the development status and trend of the formation and development of the capitalist world market in different historical stages, pay attention to major historical issues in the development process, grasp the historical facts of the opening of new routes, colonial expansion and colonial wars, the industrial revolution, and the second industrial revolution in detail, and use historical thinking to understand them.

2、 Module knowledge structure construction. The key point is to position space-time and vertical and horizontal relationship, and its purpose is to strengthen the concept of space-time, help students to establish the connection between ancient and modern knowledge and between China and foreign countries. The construction of knowledge structure should be rough rather than detailed. Through charts, knowledge trees and other relatively visual carriers, students can construct themselves, internalize knowledge, and form a clear knowledge structure map.

Students' learning and mastering of historical knowledge will eventually break the barriers of textbook compilation. They should not only understand the trend, context and law of human civilization development, but also understand the relationship and interaction between Chinese and foreign civilization development. According to the relevant contents of the History Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High Schools and the instructions of Guangdong Province's College Entrance Examination, the knowledge structure of three modules, namely, the history of economic civilization, the history of political civilization, and the history of ideological and cultural development (including thought, science and technology, literature and art, and education), is established. The contents of the elective module are included in the relevant units of the compulsory module.

Taking Compulsory II History of Economic Civilization as an example, this module focuses on the important content in the development process of human social economy and social life. There are eight topics in total, which play a decisive role in the development of social politics and culture. It is suggested to classify the eight learning topics by Chinese history and world history, and then by chronological order.

(1) History of Modern World Economic Development

One trend: the world economy is moving from isolation to unity.

Two systems: capitalist market economy system and socialist planned economy system (Stalin model).

Three stages: the formation and development of capitalist market economy before the October Revolution; During the period from the October Revolution to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the two economic systems developed and adjusted side by side; Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, regional collectivization and globalization of the world economy have accelerated.

1. The stage of the formation and development of the capitalist world market (before the October Revolution): ① the opening of new routes and the formation of the world market embryonic form in the 15th century; ② The first industrial revolution since the middle of the 18th century and the initial formation of the capitalist world market; ③ The second industrial revolution started in the middle and late 20th century and finally took shape.

2. The stage of co-existence, development and adjustment of economic systems of two natures (1917-1991): ① the formation of the Stalin model (the new economic policy before World War II, the wartime communist policy, the formation of the Stalin model), the promotion of the Stalin model in the early period after World War II, and the reform of the economic system of socialist countries since the 1950s; ② The development of capitalist market economy: the economic crisis in the 1930s and Roosevelt's New Deal, the new economic changes in capitalist countries after World War II, and the formation of the capitalist world economic system after World War II.

3. The accelerated development stage of regional collectivization and globalization of the world economy (since the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union): ① regional collectivization of the world economy; ② Globalization of the world economy.

(2) History of China's Economic Development

One theme: the country is rich and strong.

Three stages: ancient, modern and modern.

1. The basic structure and characteristics of ancient China's economy: agriculture, handicrafts, commerce, and economic policies.

2. The changes of economic structure and the tortuous development of national capitalism in modern China: ① the changes of economic structure in modern China; ② Modern Chinese national capitalism developed in twists and turns.

3. The road of socialist construction with modern Chinese characteristics: ① the start of socialist construction from 1949 to 1956; ② The tortuous development of socialist construction from 1956 to 1978; ③ Reform and opening up and the formation and development of the socialist market economic system.

4. Changes of social life in modern China: ① changes in material life; ② Changes in social customs; ③ Changes in mass media.

See the table below.

3、 Construction of discipline knowledge structure. The key point is the stage characteristics and thorough understanding, which aims to solve the problems of incomplete extraction of historical information, unclear answer ideas, etc., and the knowledge construction should be rough rather than detailed. In teaching practice, there is a misunderstanding that the construction of the subject knowledge structure is completed by superimposing the knowledge structure map of the three modules of politics, economy and ideology and culture. In fact, it is not the case. The construction of the subject knowledge structure must further strengthen the stage characteristics and integration on the basis of superimposing the knowledge structure of the three modules, In order to better improve the ability of students to use knowledge to solve historical problems.

Stage characteristics refer to that students have an overall and comprehensive understanding of the basic situation of social politics, economy, ideological culture, science and other aspects in the important stages of historical development on the basis of mastering the knowledge structure of units and modules. In fact, students are required to integrate social politics, economy, ideological culture, science and other aspects of knowledge in chronological order, It also emphasizes the connection between China and foreign countries. The stages of historical development can be long or short, and different stages of historical development can be divided according to different standards according to teaching needs. The ancient history part, based on the characteristics of the stages of Chinese historical development, and by comparing the history of ancient Greece and Rome, is divided into eight stages: Chinese primitive society, slave society, the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties (especially the middle and late Ming Dynasty). Based on the historical stages of world history, modern history can be divided into five stages: the 15-18th century, the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century, the late 19th century and the early 20th century, the post World War II period to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s.

For example, the following knowledge structure was constructed in the middle and late 19th century.


① World: The capitalist world market has taken initial shape, the first industrial revolution has been completed and entered the stage of the second industrial revolution.

② China: changes in the economic structure of modern China, the rise of the Westernization Movement, and the birth of national capitalism.


① World: Capitalist representative system is widely established worldwide, colonial expansion intensifies, international labor movement and Paris Commune.

② China: The ruling crisis of the Qing government was deepened due to internal and external troubles, the degree of semi colonial and semi feudal society was deepened, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement and the national bourgeoisie were born.


① The world: the birth of Marxism and the prevalence of economic liberalism;

② China: Westernization school "middle school as the body, western learning as the use", early reform thought.

World scientific and technological development: Darwin's theory of evolution and the second industrial revolution in the mid-19th century.

The development of world literature and art: post realistic literature in the 1930s, early impressionism in the second half of the 19th century, and romantic music in the 19th century.

Comprehension means that students can sort out the trend, context and law of historical development according to different historical views and master the methods of historical research through the cultivation and training of students' historical views and methodologies on the basis of mastering the knowledge structure and stage characteristics in the module. This requires strengthening the study of revolutionary historical view, global historical view, civilized historical view and modern historical view in the review of college entrance examination; Strengthen research study and inquiry study; Cultivate students' ability to solve historical problems by using the basic principles of historical research combined with historical theories; Develop the basic thinking method of solving historical problems according to materials.

In the review of senior three, we can construct the knowledge structure of the process of solving historical problems, which can be briefly summarized into five steps.

The first step is to extract the time, place, person, event (or phenomenon) related to problem solving, and attribute the event to a certain field in politics, economy, thought, science and technology, literature and art;

The second step is to analyze the event from three levels: background (cause), process (content), and result (impact);

The third step is to analyze the background (cause) and result (impact) of the event from the domestic and foreign aspects, from the political, economic, ideological and cultural fields;

The fourth step is to explore the basic characteristics and laws of historical development by means of judgment, comparison, induction, generalization and analysis;

Chapter 5: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

1 Teachers should carefully study and design, and focus on the first round of review

Through the study of the history course from Senior One to Senior Three, students have preliminarily completed the grasp and knowledge construction of the basic knowledge of history according to the chapter and section order of the textbook. The first round of review of history on this basis must be based on the examination syllabus, relying on the current high school textbooks, and taking the cultivation of ability as a breakthrough, systematically classify, sort out, expand and sublimate all the contents of the college entrance examination, find and fill gaps, draw inferences from one instance, and understand by analogy. The integration of textbook knowledge should change from thick to thin, eliminate the rough and extract the essence, and make the key points systematic, accurate and concise. "When everything is planned, it will be established, and when it is not planned, it will be abandoned." Taking a comprehensive view of all the historical contents from senior one to senior three, we will build the major and small branches and branches of review from the overall perspective. First, determine the major knowledge from the macro and overall perspective, and then comprehensively and carefully implement each minor knowledge. Then, on this basis, combine the learning and examination conditions, carefully study and add more details to give sunshine, rain and dew. What students learn is not only the lonely historical phenomenon, but also the structured and systematic historical scientific knowledge. For example, the main knowledge of constructing Modern World History mainly includes: bourgeois revolution and reform, socialist revolution and reform, the process of western political modernization, the First World War and the Second World War, the evolution of the pattern of international relations and relations between major countries, the capitalist world market and economic globalization, the world labor movement and the national liberation movement, The three scientific and technological revolutions, the evolution of ideology and culture, etc., the big trunk is divided into small trunk, such as: the big trunk "socialist revolution and reform", (1) the socialist revolution: the October Revolution in Russia; The establishment of people's democratic countries in Eastern Europe; People's democratic countries in Asia. (2) Socialist reform:

(1) The construction and reform of the Soviet Union (Russia): (1) measures taken by the Soviet government to establish political power; (2) Wartime communist policy; (3) New economic policy; (4) The general policy of socialist industrialization; (5) The principle of agricultural collectivization; (6) Highly centralized economic and political system; (7) Khrushchev's reform; (8) Brezhnev's reform; (9) Gorbachev's reform.

(2) The transformation of socialist countries in Eastern Europe: (1) Yugoslavia; (2) Poland; (3) Hungary; (4) Czechoslovakia.

(3) The reform of Asian socialist countries: (1) China; (2) North Korea; (3) Vietnam; (4) Mongolia (a former socialist country) re contacted and explained the following reforms:

The reform of the main capitalist countries after World War II: (1) the United States; (2) Western Europe, Federal Republic of Germany; (3) Japan.

The reform of Asian countries after World War II: (1) South Korea, Singapore and other East Asian countries; (2) Thailand, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries; (3) India in South Asia; (4) West Asian countries; (5) China; (6) Japan.

For each of the above small trunks, it is necessary to master its basic branches and leaves, such as time, background, process or measures, results, influence, etc., and then summarize and compare the revolution and reform to find out the rules and get inspiration. As for the further enrichment of the small backbone, based on the Examination Syllabus, relying on textbooks, and taking cultivating ability as a breakthrough, we have taught students in accordance with their aptitude, combined history with theory, broadened and deepened knowledge, connected vertically and horizontally, and combined teaching, practice and evaluation. In addition, the review process also needs to strengthen the common sense of literature and history, focus on hot issues.

2 Correctly handle the bilateral relationship between teaching and learning, and cultivate students' ability to explore and solve problems

In the stage of history review, there are often two extreme phenomena: "full house irrigation" or "sheep grazing". Teachers should renew teaching concepts and improve teaching methods. Give full play to the leading role of teachers and mobilize the enthusiasm of students. Teachers correctly handle the relationship between teaching and learning. It is required that the design of examination preparation and review teaching and classroom teaching should focus on guiding, supervising, stimulating and evaluating learning, mainly teaching students to use their brains to acquire knowledge and use knowledge. "Learning without thinking is frustrating", actively guide students to question, make students form the habit of asking questions, form an atmosphere of questioning, fully mobilize students' enthusiasm, give full play to the main role of students, make students change from "hard study, dead study, difficult study, learning" to "happy study, living study, easy study, learning", and make students from "absorption - storage - reproduction" In the process of learning, students turn to "exploration - transformation - creation", stimulate their independent thinking and innovative consciousness, and cultivate their ability to explore, apply what they have learned, and solve problems by themselves.

3. Summarize, refine and make comprehensive comments, and strengthen the guidance of answering skills and standardized answers

Chapter 6: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

According to the requirements of the syllabus and the examination outline, I divide the ability of history discipline into four development levels.

The first is the level of basic knowledge, also known as the plane level, which is the recognition of the Outline of Examination and reproduction of historical knowledge. Knowledge is the carrier of ability, and ability is the operation of knowledge. Without necessary systematic knowledge, no ability can be mentioned. "Never relax the memory and understanding of the basic historical facts, which is the basis of the ability of historical thinking." "The examination of the ability of the history discipline is always based on solid historical knowledge. Even if it is to answer some theoretical questions that require high ability, if there is no comprehensive and accurate understanding of the relevant historical knowledge, the answer can only be a bunch of bloodless zombies". For example, the history question of the college entrance examination in a certain year: history says that "people who gain prosperity", "people who lose their talents will die". This paper tries to explain it by combining the historical facts of employment in the early Tang Dynasty, and summarize its experience and lessons. In the face of this problem, if the basic historical facts such as Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty put Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui in an important position, and adjusted the ruling policy, there would be a "Zhenguan governance"; Empress Wu attached great importance to talents and made the social economy continue to develop; During the Kaiyuan period, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to the selection and assessment of officials. Yao Chong and Song Jing were appointed as ministers. The "Kaiyuan Prosperity" came into being. After the "Kaiyuan Prosperity", the appointment of people was improper. Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong were appointed as ministers. The "An Shi Rebellion" could not be mastered, so it was impossible to talk about the application of ability or the summary of experience and lessons. Without solid basic knowledge, it will become a rootless source and a forest without trees.

The second level is the improvement level, also known as the construction system level, which is to establish a networked three-dimensional knowledge system. It requires understanding and grasping historical knowledge from horizontal and vertical perspectives and at multiple levels. On the basis of a deep understanding of the essence of historical phenomena and concepts, understanding the inevitability of historical events and the significant impact they have had, it requires understanding textbooks, mastering the knowledge structure of chapters, and establishing a knowledge system that meets historical requirements. For example, ancient Chinese history can organize a network system according to economic history, political history, cultural history, national relations history, foreign relations history, etc., making the contents of each chapter a point of this network system. The modern history of China can build a network according to the history of humiliation, resistance, exploration, etc., and at the same time connect with the relevant content of world history to build a networked knowledge system combining Chinese and foreign history. The modern history of the world can follow the three clues of the emergence and development of capitalism and its victory over feudalism to form a world system, the rise and development of the international labor movement and socialist movement, and the national liberation movement of the oppressed nations and people against aggression or colonial rule, or follow the capitalist Capitalism in the steam age and capitalism in the electrification age are characterized by four stages to establish a networked knowledge structure. The modern world history can establish a knowledge system according to three clues: the further development of monopoly capitalism, the zigzag progress of socialism, the development of national liberation movement and the rise of the third world. Such basic knowledge is the "point" in the history knowledge network system, and the stage characteristics and basic clues are the "line" in the system. Points, lines and planes constitute a complete three-dimensional knowledge system.

Chapter 7: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

Compared with last year, the history test questions of the national comprehensive literature curriculum standard for the 2012 college entrance examination are generally stable and changing, and show a trend of constantly innovating and improving the ability requirements.

1. From the perspective of question type, it is basically the same as last year. The question is structured with materials, and the question mode is stable. As last year, multiple-choice questions did not set questions in the reverse direction. The way and type of questions set were stable. The non multiple-choice question 40 set questions slightly changed from two questions to three questions. In the design of the test questions, the materials changed from scattered paragraph materials to a single and complete material, and the trend of themization was more obvious. The design of question 41 is more diversified, with chart information in addition to literal views. The selected questions are still separated from the textbook itself, and the proposition mode remains unchanged.

2. Judging from the distribution of knowledge points, the 2012 test questions strengthened the examination of the history of ideology, culture, science and technology. The whole volume involves three compulsory modules: politics, economy, ideology, culture and technology. Among the 85 scores of the compulsory part, the score of the history of ideology, culture, science and technology is 49, accounting for 57.6%, while the score of the political history (16 points) and the economic history (20 points) is roughly the same, which has changed the phenomenon that the college entrance examination in recent years focuses on politics and economy, and the economic history is overheated. From the perspective of curriculum requirements and teaching practice, only by relatively balancing the distribution of knowledge points in the three modules can the test questions fully reflect the educational and teaching value of each module. In addition, this year's history test is characterized by the integration, connection, intersection and even blurring of political history, economic history and cultural history. It emphasizes the cross penetration, mutual connection and comprehensive understanding of all levels of history as the direction of the history of college entrance examination.

3. Judging from the proportion of knowledge points about Chinese and foreign history and dynastic history involved in the test questions, the test paper focuses on Chinese history, modern history and ancient Chinese history.

The history compulsory part with a total score of 85 points, Chinese history 52 points (57 points last year), accounting for 61.2% (67.1% last year). Among them, there are 24 points for ancient Chinese history (27 points last year), respectively: 24 points, and 4 points for ancient China's supervisory system · governor of thirteen prefectures (compulsory course 1 · political history); 25 questions, civil culture of the Song Dynasty (compulsory course 3, history of ideology, culture, science and technology) 4 points; 26 questions, commodity economy of Ming and Qing dynasties (compulsory course 2, economic and social life history) 4 points; 27 questions, Song and Ming Neo Confucianism · Wang Yangming's Psychology (Compulsory 3 · History of Ideological Culture and Technology) 4 points; 28 questions, the political system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (required course 1 - political history) 4 points; 29 questions, 4 points for Chinese ancient autocratic politics (required course 2, political history). 20 points for China's modern history (22 points last year), respectively: 30 questions, and 4 points for the preliminary development of modern national industry (compulsory course II, Economic and Social Life History); 31 questions, formation of ideas (compulsory course 3, history of ideology, culture, science and technology) 4 points; 41 questions, comments on the "impact response" model, the changes of modern Chinese history, "the trend of ideological liberation" (compulsory course 3, history of ideological, cultural and scientific technology), 12 points. 8 points for China's modern history (8 points last year), respectively: 32 points, 4 points for the exploration of the socialist construction road, 4 points for the reconciliation movement (compulsory course II, economic and social life history), 33 points, 4 points for the exploration of the socialist construction road, and 4 points for the goal of economic system reform (compulsory course II, economic and social life history).

World history has 33 points (28 points last year), accounting for 38.8% (32.9% last year). World history is divided into ancient world history and modern world history. The ancient history of the world scored 4 points (last year was also 4 points), and the modern history of the world scored 29 points (last year was 24 points). They are: 34 questions, 4 points for ancient Greek, Roman political civilization and ancient Roman law (compulsory course 1 - political history); 35 questions, World Trade · Transfer of Economic Focus (Compulsory Course 2 · Economic and Social Life History) 4 points; 40 questions, the development process of urban traffic lights, three scientific and technological revolutions (compulsory course 3, history of ideology, culture, science and technology), 25 points.

A total of 60 points will be given to the four elective questions, including 15 points for ancient Chinese history, 30 points for modern Chinese history, and 15 points for modern world history (basically the same as last year).

Chinese ancient history, modern history, both multiple-choice and non multiple-choice questions are involved. Chinese modern history, like last year, still has two multiple-choice questions, and involves the economy of the 1950s and 1990s. The ancient history of the world still has a multiple choice question. Last year, we examined ancient Greek thought, and this year, we examined ancient Roman law. The multiple choice questions of modern world history involve economic globalization, and the frequency of non multiple choice questions of modern world history is relatively high.

4. In terms of the difficulty of the test questions, this year's history test questions have no eccentric questions, and the difficulty has slightly decreased compared with last year's test questions, especially the objective questions, which continue the characteristics of testing the basic backbone knowledge and historical thinking ability of the examinees in recent years by setting up new artistic conception through new materials. The materials given by the question stem have no obscure classical Chinese and long sentences of European and American thinking modes, The difficulty of the materials is close to the medium level, and the way of expression is more consistent with the Chinese way of thinking; The examination still focuses on some long-term hot spots, such as institutional reform and innovation, economic development and social change, modernization and scientific and technological progress, modern and contemporary Chinese foreign relations, economic globalization, etc. The number of words read in questions 40 and 41 of the subjective questions is significantly lower than that of last year, and the materials given are easy to understand and the questions are not difficult to understand. As long as you can grasp the effective information of the materials and contact the relevant knowledge of the textbook, you can answer correctly. The reduction of the difficulty of question 41 is also reflected in the fact that the main points of the material have been given by the question stem itself, and there are hints in parentheses (whether in favor of, against or otherwise). Moreover, the examinees of relevant knowledge are familiar with it, as long as they can effectively organize the knowledge they have learned to prove, so that "the theory can be derived from history". In terms of exam scores, the average score of history subjects in this year's college entrance examination in the whole province has significantly increased compared with that of last year, which also indicates that the difficulty of this year's exam questions has decreased compared with that of last year.

5. From the perspective of the value orientation of the test paper, the proposition vision is broad, relying on textbooks, based on the foundation, highlighting the main knowledge of the discipline. This year's examination questions are basically about the main knowledge of history. Chinese history mainly examines the commodity economy and political system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Neo Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties, the preliminary development of modern national industry, the exploration of the path of Chinese revolution and construction, and the process of China's modernization; In terms of world history, it mainly examines the legal system of ancient Rome, urbanization, three scientific and technological revolutions, and economic globalization. From focusing on textbooks to focusing on curriculum standards, from basic knowledge of textbooks to understanding of historical information and solving problems, from "the topic is outside the book, the answer is inside the book" to "the content comes from books, and the answer is understanding". The test questions are mostly based on materials, and the questions come from materials rather than textbooks. They mainly examine the ability to understand concepts, deal with materials, analyze and explain, and demonstrate and explore other disciplines. They also examine the ability to explore and solve problems using historical research methods, and require candidates to be able to use materials correctly to demonstrate and explain problems. For example, in question 41, candidates are required to use the combination of historical facts and historical theories to demonstrate their own views. Pay attention to the progress of contemporary society and the development of science and technology, and highlight the times. The test questions highlight the historical view of civilization, the overall historical view, the modern historical view, and the social historical view, which meet the requirements of the new curriculum standard. For example, question 40 penetrates the overall historical view, social historical view, civilization historical view and modernization historical view, and takes "the development process of urban traffic lights" as the starting point. The theme involved is mainly related to urbanization and modernization. Respect the diversity of civilization development, pay attention to the development, collision and intersection of Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world, as well as the contribution of Chinese civilization to world civilization, and pay attention to the historical reference function. For example, question 41 involves the collision and intersection of modern Chinese agricultural civilization and western industrial civilization.

6. From the perspective of examination questions, relying on textbooks but not rigidly adhering to textbooks, it does not go beyond the scope of examination syllabus and the main knowledge of textbooks, and emphasizes the examination of comprehensive ability. (1) From the perspective of multiple choice questions, both the material and the question stem reflect the deepening and extension of the basic knowledge of history. Although the examination questions focus on a certain stage, a certain part of historical knowledge, a certain or several main knowledge, the examinees are required to grasp all levels of history and their connections, and to think and analyze a historical problem from multiple perspectives, Accurate understanding of historical concepts. The test questions are presented in the form of text materials or chart materials. Each test question focuses on examining students' basic abilities such as reading materials, obtaining information, summarizing, etc. The types of questions are mostly "reflecting...", "explaining...", "knowing from this...", etc. "reflecting...", which shows that multiple choice questions attach great importance to the examination of the understanding of the nature of history.

(2) From the perspective of non multiple-choice questions, there is an obvious trend of topic oriented questions, and attention is paid to the examination of comprehensive ability. For example, the topic 40 is created from a single and complete section of materials with "the development process of urban traffic lights" as the starting point. The topics involved are mainly related to urbanization and modernization. From the perspective of posing questions, they still attach importance to the analysis of historical background and the understanding of historical influence. They require candidates to closely follow the teaching materials, obtain as much historical information as possible from the materials, and mobilize the knowledge they have learned to analyze and think from multiple perspectives, so as to highlight the proposition of ability and purpose. Compared with last year, question 41 has basically the same proposition direction, and permeates the new historical view, such as the overall historical view, the modern historical view, and the civilized historical view. The question involves the major historical problem of the pattern of modern Chinese history. This question requires the examinees to have a basic sense of historical view, general historical clues, and historical facts, focusing on the examination of students' exposition and evaluation of views, the combination of historical theories Ability to demonstrate problems and language expression.

The optional test questions are relatively simple, focusing on the analysis and evaluation of historical materials and comprehensive generalization ability. The key is to fully and deeply understand the connotation of materials and obtain information. The examination of the knowledge points of the four optional modules this year has changed the original practice of completely separating from the three compulsory modules and the four optional textbooks. The examination of Wang Mang's reform, the National Government's, the compensation problem between Keynes and Germany, and the anti smoking measures of Emperor Daoguang are more or less related to the compulsory textbooks. It can be seen that the familiarity with the overall history and the characteristics of historical stages is crucial in the review of the college entrance examination. In the process of review of elective courses, it is unwise to simply buckle the textbook chapters without paying attention to combing the complete historical clues and integrating historical issues.

7. It does not avoid social hot spots, highlights the times, and better examines students' emotional attitudes and values. This year's college entrance examination history questions still have very distinctive characteristics of the times. They are implicitly involved in hot issues, and they do not avoid or follow hot issues. The perspective of the examination is basically unexpected and reasonable, closely linked with China's social and economic development, and emphasize the attention to reality, learning and using. For example, questions 26 and 30 actually involve the relationship between economic structure change and social structure, concept change, which is actually related to China's current economic development and the resulting changes in social structure and people's ideas. 2012 is the 20th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's South Talk and the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward the goal of socialist market economy system reform. These social hotspots are clearly reflected in this year's college entrance examination questions, such as the examination of the phenomenon of "going to sea" in question 33. Question 34 relates to the rule of law. Question 35 can be related to China's rise in East Asia and the Pacific. The topics involved in question 40 are mainly related to urbanization and modernization. From the knowledge points examined, they mainly involve the second and third scientific and technological revolution, urbanization, etc. In fact, this question is a reflection of China's urbanization and related social problems. The 41st question relates to the modernization model, which has a certain connection with the economic transformation and political system reform in China today. It uses historical materials to implicitly examine students' attention to some major hot issues, such as the 1911 Revolution, and this question takes "the collision and exchange of agricultural civilization and industrial civilization" as the entry point, Guide students to reflect on the reality of national economic development, stimulate and cultivate students' patriotic enthusiasm, establish the lofty aspiration of national unity and rejuvenation of China, and permeate the guidance of emotional attitude and values. Elective question 45 examines the reform of the currency system, which may have something to do with today's financial and monetary problems in China.

8. Highlight the new curriculum concept. This is manifested in the following aspects: (1) The content of the test questions reflects the new curriculum concept, and the proposition points extend to extracurricular. The new curriculum college entrance examination emphasizes the proposition idea of "sticking to the problem centered, using new materials, creating new situations, and paying attention to the examination of students' knowledge transfer ability and history discipline consciousness", which means that the college entrance examination proposition should change from "based on textbooks" to "based on curriculum", that is, "off textbooks". Looking at the history test questions of the 2012 national curriculum standard volume, they are basically based on new materials, creating new situations and raising new questions. For example, multiple-choice questions are mainly material type multiple-choice questions, and there are no questions that simply examine knowledge and simply recognize and reproduce. The materials are novel. In addition to text materials, there are also chart materials in flexible and diverse forms. It is far from enough for students to answer such questions only by relying on textbook knowledge. They must use the thinking ability of "acquiring and interpreting information, mobilizing and applying knowledge, describing and explaining things, demonstrating and exploring problems" to analyze materials concretely. This kind of examination method is conducive to students getting rid of the shackles of rote memorization of knowledge and cultivating the thinking habits and methods of specific analysis of specific problems, which conforms to the new curriculum concept. For example, question 32 examines the characteristics of China's times around 1960 through the assessment of Westerners. This question is novel and unique. The textbooks of the new curriculum standards only talk about the general line of construction, the modernization movement, and do not talk about the "Second Five Year Plan". This topic just makes up for this defect. The textbooks of the new curriculum standards only focus on international relations in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and this topic involves Sino Soviet relations in the late 1950s. To do this well, you must use the knowledge you have learned to make a comprehensive analysis of the stem and options. (2) Highlight ability examination, and require higher and higher discipline quality. Ability examination is the eternal theme of college entrance examination. The history test questions of the national volume of the new curriculum standard in 2012 continue to adhere to the proposition guiding ideology of ability conception, highlighting the ability to test students, including the ability to obtain and interpret information, generalization and evaluation. Multiple choice questions comprehensively test students' ability to "acquire and interpret information", "mobilize and apply knowledge" and other abilities by providing new materials and creating new questions; Non multiple-choice questions comprehensively test students' ability to "describe and explain things", "demonstrate and explore problems", etc. For example, question 41 requires an analysis of the "impact response" model, which implements the spirit of the new curriculum reform, examines the implementation of research-based learning, examines the students' ability to discuss and discuss issues, the historical research method of "combining history with theory, and the mastery of historical theory".

In a word, this year's history examination questions have successfully achieved the organic combination of "historical facts" (creating scenarios), "disciplinary ability" (four levels of ability testing), "historical view" (historical research paradigm), and "reality" (historical thinking of realistic problems), which will become the development trend of the college entrance examination questions in the future.

2、 Revelation from preparing for examination

The purpose of studying the college entrance examination questions is to grasp the law of proposition, so that our review and preparation for the examination can be more targeted and efficient. From the perspective of the characteristics of the college entrance examination, this year's college entrance examination history question provides us with at least the following inspirations for our review and preparation:

1. Adapt to the needs of the new college entrance examination and update the concept of history. To be specific, it is to integrate the existing teaching materials with the perspective of civilization history and build a disciplinary knowledge system. In the review, more attention should be paid to historical problems closely related to reality and global common problems, and these problems should be understood from the perspective of integration and civilization. While attaching importance to the value orientation of each civilized unit, we should also attach importance to the overall historical view of the relationship between the whole and the part, the center and the edge.

2. Highlight the main knowledge of disciplines and build a three-dimensional disciplinary knowledge system. The commodity economy and political system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Neo Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties, the preliminary development of modern national industry, the exploration of the Chinese revolution and construction road, the legal system of ancient Rome, the process of China's modernization, urbanization and the three scientific and technological revolutions involved in this year's history test of the college entrance examination are all the backbone knowledge of the discipline, The knowledge points involved are basically subject backbone knowledge. Therefore, students should take it as the key point of review in preparing for the exam. For example, the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the main dynasties and important historical periods in ancient China and their interrelationships; The essential characteristics of China's modernization process in politics, economy and culture, as well as its underlying causes, international background and mutual relations; Social and political changes, changes in economic life, development of science, technology and culture, and adjustment of international relations in major countries in modern times, as well as their crisscross connections and influences; Comparisons between similar historical events, historical phenomena and their backgrounds in politics, economy, culture and other aspects at home and abroad. In the process of reviewing the main knowledge of history, attention should be paid to the multi angle analysis and thinking of some important issues in combination with new materials, which is not only helpful to consolidate knowledge, but also helpful to cultivate discipline ability.

History knowledge is a knowledge network composed of points, lines and planes. If you only master fragmentary knowledge, it is impossible to learn history well by memorizing several scattered knowledge points in isolation. The current examination requires students to grasp the internal links between knowledge, from point to line, and from line to surface, to bring a large number of scattered and relatively isolated historical facts into the complete disciplinary system, to form a special topic, and then to build a three-dimensional disciplinary knowledge system. In review, attention should be paid to: (1) Grasp the "point" and "line": "point" refers to the intersection of vertical and horizontal links in history. For example, "the formation of the world market" has four points: the opening of new routes - the emergence of the world market prototype, colonial expansion - the expansion of the world market, the first industrial revolution - the initial formation of the world market, the second industrial revolution - the final formation of the world market; Connecting "lines" refers to the knowledge clues formed by historical events with internal connections. For example, the opening of new routes, colonial expansion, the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution constitute a "line" for the formation and development of the world market. (2) Spreading "surface" and weaving "web": Spreading "surface" refers to the whole knowledge composed of politics, economy, ideology, culture, science and technology in a certain historical period. The history of the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China can be summarized as follows: consolidating political power (resistance to U.S. aggression and aid to Korea, etc.), restoring the economy (establishing the state-owned economy, reasonably adjusting industry and commerce, etc.), completing the transition (three major transformations and the "first five year plan"), and building democracy and the legal system (the Common Program , the 1954 Constitution, the People's Congress system, the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China, the regional ethnic autonomy system, etc.), diplomatic achievements (the five principles of peaceful coexistence, the Geneva Conference, the Asian African Conference, etc.), science, education and culture (the "double hundred" policy, education policy, etc.); Weaving the "web" means connecting scattered knowledge into a complete and three-dimensional network, realizing the "hyperlink" within the discipline and building a "network" knowledge system.

3. Under the guidance of the concept of civilization history, realize the "connection between ancient and modern times", "connection between China and foreign countries" and "module combination". "Connecting the past and the present" is to connect history with reality, analyze and understand practical problems from a historical perspective and a historical perspective, and connect understanding of the past with understanding of reality and even forecasting the future, so as to make history learning closer to the times and show the practicality and application of history courses. "Sino foreign connection" refers to the review of Chinese history against the background of world history. In recent years, the frequency of comprehensive problems in the discipline from this perspective is very high. "Module combination" is to focus on the stage characteristics, that is, the overall stage characteristics reflected by the politics, economy and culture of a certain period. In addition, pay attention to the macro grasp of the three compulsory textbooks and the four optional textbooks, pay attention to the internal relationship between them, and have the concept of general history. We should appropriately strengthen the review of Chinese history, especially ancient and modern Chinese history.

Chapter 8: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

Key words: modern historical view; History teaching; 17. 18th century

Since the implementation of the new curriculum, high school history has entered the stage of comprehensive review. The textbook is compiled according to special topics. The phased characteristics of historical development are not obvious in the textbook. How to sort out knowledge and form a network has become a difficult point in the review. It is necessary to properly introduce new concepts and new formulations, reorganize textbook knowledge, change the perspective of thinking, and sublimate knowledge and cultivate ability. According to the new achievements of historical research in recent years, I think it is very valuable and worth advocating to apply the modern paradigm to the review teaching of modern history in high school. I will take the world history of the 17th and 18th centuries as an example to talk about how to integrate history teaching with modern historical concepts.

1、 Comprehensively grasp and clarify the basic concept and development stage of modernization

The modernization theory came into being in the United States in the 1960s. Professors Luo Rongqu and Qian Chengdan of Peking University were the representatives of this theory. They proposed that human beings had changed from an agricultural society to an industrial society since the 16th century. Its process refers to the process of transformation from a traditional agricultural society to an industrial society. The driving force is industrialization, involving all fields of the whole society. It is a systematic process, involving all aspects of economy, politics, culture, science and education, and ecology.

As far as the teaching of world history is concerned, the system of modern and contemporary world history can be regarded as the basic framework of modern and contemporary history teaching and can be divided into five stages; The second stage, from the 17th century to the middle of the 18th century, is the starting stage of modernization; The third stage, from the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, is the mature and developing stage of modernization in western countries; The fourth stage, from the mid-19th century to the end of the Second World War, is the global expansion stage of modernization; The fifth stage since the 20th century is a period of new signs of transformation in modern society. It concludes that the emergence of modernization is the evolution of civilization driven by productivity, and the main manifestations of the emergence of modernization are: (1) political democratization; (2) Economic industrialization; (3) Rationalization and scientization in ideology.

2、 Reorganize books, sort out knowledge, and construct structural diagrams

17. The 18th century was called the bourgeois revolutionary era in the previous textbooks, focusing on the early bourgeois anti feudal struggle and its characteristics. First, list the knowledge related to books. For example, political history (compulsory one): the establishment and development of the representative system of the European and American bourgeoisie; Economic History (Compulsory Course 2): Colonial Expansion and World Market Expansion; History of Thought (Compulsory Three): Enlightenment, Classical Mechanics. Secondly, clarify the characteristics of political, economic and ideological development at this stage; That is to say, politically, the bourgeois revolution broke out and the bourgeois representative system was established in Britain and the United States, but the whole world is still dominated by the feudal system. Economically, capitalism has further developed, the world market has further expanded, and the world has become more and more closely linked. Ideologically, with the further development of humanistic spirit, rationalism is the core idea of the Enlightenment. Finally, the theory rises and the overall improvement. 17. The general characteristics of modernization in the 18th century: with the development of productive forces, capitalism gradually defeated feudalism, and showed its development characteristics in politics, economy, ideology, etc.

It must be clearly pointed out that although capitalism has developed at this stage, it is still in its infancy. It is still accumulating strength in economy, politics, ideology, culture and other aspects. The world as a whole is still dominated by feudal rule. It still needs a process for capitalism to defeat feudal rule, but the signs of historical leap have been revealed at this stage.

3、 Think about China's modern and contemporary history from the perspective of the overall development of the world

China's modernization came from the West. The process of modernization started late, developed difficultly, and paid a great price. After comparing and connecting it with the western history, we will find that when the western modernization was in its infancy in the 14th and 15th centuries, China went into recession in an all-round way and failed to catch up with the pace of historical progress; In the middle of the 19th century, China's modernization came late because of the aggression of the great powers; In the 20th century, when the Western powers carried out the second industrial revolution and the productivity rapidly leaped, China once again missed a good opportunity and was still fighting for independence and democracy; Only after the founding of New China can we actively participate in the development of modernization. These understandings can help students to deepen their understanding of Chinese history and better form a holistic and modern view of history.

To sum up, in the modern and contemporary history of the world, although there are many root lines, these lines are cross and parallel, involving all aspects, such as production development, class struggle, ideological conflict, political change, etc., we can use all these lines to observe the world; Observe many important events in the world; But all these lines and events have a common theme, that is, modernization. We examined the major events (including political, economic, ideological, cultural, and of course social changes) that took place in the past few hundred years, all of which were carried out under the theme of "modernization". Especially today, high school textbooks are artificially separated from the characteristics of the development stage of history, which is not conducive to the development of students' overall thinking. At this time, it is very effective to introduce modern historical concepts to integrate review knowledge.


[1] Feng Yi. Instilling New Ideas in Historiography. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition, 2003 (04)

Chapter 9: Model Essay for Summarizing World History Knowledge Points in Senior High School

1、 Characteristics of New Curriculum Reform Textbooks

The new high school history textbook under the new curriculum standard has broken the original chapter system, broken the dynasty system, and changed the style of chronicles. With modules as the framework, special topics as the basic units, and Chinese and foreign history as the system, it has a strong organizational leap. It has a strong flavor of the times and humanistic spirit. This is something that the old textbooks do not have.

(1) It has strengthened the content related to the development of human society and the progress of the times. For example, in the compulsory course History II, the contents of "reform of state-owned enterprises", "development and opening of Pudong New Area in Shanghai", "taking the United States and other countries after the Second World War as examples to analyze the new changes of contemporary capitalism", "China's participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO)" and other contents have been added. In the compulsory course History III, "the important thought of Three Represents" has been added. Therefore, the historical content is closely combined with the social reality, reflecting the strong flavor of the times and realistic characteristics.

(2) Focusing more on facing the world is conducive to the formation of a grand historical view and a global historical view. With the continuous development of China's reform and opening up, China will be further integrated into the historical process of global integration. The world needs to understand China, and Chinese people need to understand the world even more. With China becoming a major trading country and improving its international political and economic status, the world cannot live without China, nor can China live without the world. For this reason, the new high school history textbook not only makes up for the defect that the old high school history textbook has no ancient world history, thus making the total amount of world history rise to about 40% of the total amount of the whole curriculum. For example, in the compulsory course History III, "the origin and development of western humanistic spirit" has been added. In the elective course "Review of Major Reforms in History", the contents of "Solon Reform" and "Ali Reform" are added. This will certainly help students better understand the world, and better understand Chinese traditional culture from the perspective of the development of world civilization, so as to help students form a complete and correct world view, as well as a macro and overall understanding of history.

(3) First, the old teaching materials were changed from the disadvantages of separating from the reality of society and daily life, close to the reality of life, and gave full play to the social service function of history. For example, in the compulsory courses, "Changes in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Life" has been added to the optional courses, such as the World Cultural Heritage Collection, so that students can feel social progress and historical development and changes through the historical changes in clothing, food, housing and transportation around them and the existing historical and cultural heritage.

(4) Weakening the political service function of history and restoring the true nature of history will help students understand history more objectively and rationally, so as to better play the educational and social service functions of history. The pursuit of history is authenticity. It pays attention to the continuity of ideology, culture and art. It is not conducive to the formation of students' modern values to simply focus on political struggle! This is also the purpose of the three-dimensional "emotion, attitude and values" highlighted in the new textbook.

2、 Problems that should be paid attention to in the teaching of new courses

(1) Teachers should strive to improve their overall quality, have extensive knowledge reserves and superb ability to control the classroom. Teachers should be familiar with the new knowledge system as soon as possible on the basis of the original historical knowledge reserves, and should have a large number of relevant historical data. In particular, the new textbooks have increased the proportion of literature and art history and the content of world cultural heritage. This requires us to have a wide range of forays into these art categories and fields. Superb classroom control ability means that teachers should have new history teaching forms, teaching methods and teaching means. This requires teachers to deeply study the new curriculum standards, and the three-dimensional curriculum teaching objectives determined according to the new history curriculum standards. Highlight key points and clarify difficulties; Determine the highlights of exploratory teaching activities in combination with students' knowledge level and cognitive ability; Carry out teaching activities based on students' actual life and topics of interest in the history field. So as to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of classroom teaching.

(2) Deal with the relationship between teachers and students in classroom teaching. Give full play to the leading role of teachers and the main role of students. Teaching process is the process of teaching and learning. How to deal with the relationship between teaching and learning? Which is the center between teachers and students? The first is to solve the role transformation of teachers, that is, teachers should change from knowledge imparters to organizers, guides, participants and collaborators of student learning activities. Teachers should create more harmonious, democratic, open and effective classroom teaching atmosphere, and strive to create a space for students to publicize their personality. So that students' knowledge, ability and intelligence can be fully developed in the teaching process. The second is to give full play to the main role of students, that is, teachers should pay more attention to students' learning interests, learning methods and learning effects in teaching, advocate teachers to actively guide students to participate in the teaching process, and guide students to actively participate in the process of actively exploring and experiencing history through creating scenes, collecting materials, classroom simulation and other activities, Make the information transmission in the teaching process change from the single way of "teachers and students" to the multiple ways of "teachers and students", "student teachers", "student students", and truly make history classroom teaching a new realm of teacher-student interaction, cooperative inquiry, teacher led, and student led learning.

(3) Try to change the way students study. Pay attention to the cultivation of innovation ability. One of the difficulties of curriculum reform is to promote the change of students' learning style. This is a revolution in thinking. In the new round of high school curriculum reform, we should guide and promote students to learn autonomous learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning. We should give full play to the leading position of teachers and the main role of students to create and create an open classroom atmosphere for students. In the new textbook, more political content has been deleted than before, and more content that is close to life and focuses on people's livelihood has been added. This is enough to enable us to better create learning scenarios for students to explore independently and practice personally, so that students can remove confusion as much as possible, clarify their own thoughts more clearly, and have the opportunity to share their own and others' ideas. Cultivating students' innovative ability is to cultivate students' creative thinking, which is the core of innovative ability. It is required that teachers should encourage students to ask more questions in teaching. Teachers should carefully set up, stimulate students' innovative thinking, give students more opportunities to communicate and express, create more opportunities for students to investigate, investigate and explore history, and organize classroom discussions, debates, lectures, exhibitions and other activities, so as to improve the efficiency and quality of students' history learning, And cultivate students' innovative consciousness and ability.

(4) Continuously reflect on teaching. In essence, teaching reflection is a kind of regular throughout inspection, analysis, feedback and adjustment of various phenomena in teaching activities. Make the whole teaching activity and teaching behavior more perfect and optimized. Reflection is not a review in the general sense, but a reflection, reflection, exploration and solution to problems in all aspects of the education and teaching process. In the face of new history textbooks and courses, teaching reflection is even more important. Teachers should reflect on the characteristics of the new textbooks, teaching status and teaching process. In order to optimize the teaching and improve the quality of history teaching, it is also conducive to the teachers to become scholars and researchers as soon as possible.