Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model for discussion on coal mine safety production

Selected discussions on coal mine safety production (9 articles)

Foreword: The birth of a good article requires you to constantly collect data and sort out ideas. This website has collected a wealth of model articles on the topic of coal mine safety production discussion for you, which are only for reference. Welcome to read and collect them.

 Discussion on coal mine safety production

Part 1: Model text for discussion on coal mine safety production

Strengthening Coal Mine Safety Supervision and Deepening Gas Special Treatment to Realize the Whole Province Coal mine safety production Stable and improved situation (abstract)

Determination of basic gas parameters in C9 coal seam of Enhong Coal Mine No. 2 well

Preliminary Practice of Gas Control in 293 Return Air Lane of Yangjia Mine

Application of special roadway and air door in fire prevention and extinguishing in mining area

Evaluation of the stability of the slope behind the dam on the left bank of Yunnan Jinanqiao Hydropower Station

On the Coal Accumulation Characteristics of Tianwo Coal Mine Area in Deqin County and the Significance of Searching for Coal in Northwest Yunnan

Improvement of Roadway Support Scheme in C2 Coal Seam of Bailongshan Coal Mine

Application of bolt mesh cable support in working face roadway

Discussion on prevention of roof caving and gangue washing in steep seam of Yangchang Coal Mine

Talking about upward mining method of coal mine

Popularization and Application of Comprehensive Excavator in Dongyuan Zhenxiong Coal Industry Co., Ltd

Safety protection device of air compressor pressure relief valve

Discussion on the way to improve the core competitiveness of coal enterprises

The Application of Electronic Archives Management in Promoting the Informatization Construction of Archives Work

Cost estimation in economic evaluation of coal construction projects

How to strengthen the management of construction site

Discussion on the causes of cracks in reinforced concrete floor and roof slab and preventive measures

Viewing the beauty of doors and windows in Chinese traditional architecture from the partition

Putting People First, Resolving Contradictions, and Maintaining Social Stability -- Frequent Reflections

Symposium to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Yunnan Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau Held in Kunming

The special rectification and technical progress of coal mine gas in our province are in full swing

Deeply Implement the Scientific Outlook on Development and Promote the Safety Development of Bole Coal Mine

People oriented and safe development: a record of the development of Dahai Coal Mine in Zhanyi County

Scientific Development, Striving for First Class -- On the spot Report of the Development of Laoniupo Coal Mine in Fuyuan County

A New Chapter of Yunnan's Coal Spectrum in the Past 60 Years, Continuous Development and Brilliance in the New Century - Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

My Opinion on Safety Assessment of Coal Mines in Yunnan

Talking about Human Management in Safe Production of Township Coal Mines

Discussion on hidden danger of safety in small open pit mine

Characteristics of coal series diatomite deposit in Xianfeng mining area

Selection of coal geological drilling equipment and discussion on deep hole drilling technology

Application of AutoCAD in Drawing Mining Engineering Plan

Discussion on Some Problems in Reconstruction and Expansion Design of Small Coal Mines in Yunnan Province

Countermeasures against the danger of coal industrialization in Xuanwei City

Discussion on Application of Subdivision and Dense Mining Method with Subdivision and False Oblique Strike in Steeply Inclined Coal Seam Mining

Comparison of several gas drainage methods in semi closed goaf

Horizontal slicing top coal caving mining method in steep and extra thick seam

Suggestions on popularizing the use of bolt grouting support

Discussion on site selection in general layout design of Speer Coal Mine

Horizontal replacement and tunneling works in mining area

Analysis of key technologies of distributed monitoring system for safety of underground fan in coal mine

Application of PLC electric control system in mine hoist

Application of High voltage Frequency Conversion Technology in Energy saving Transformation of Zhanhua Coal Drum Motor

Talking about the application of rope pressure car barrier in inclined shaft and roadway

On the Internal Management Innovation of State owned Coal Enterprises under the New System

Thoughts on Economic Policy of Coal Mine Safety Production in Yunnan Province

On the Concept of Emancipating Executive Power

How to be a good class teacher in a technical school

Experience in nursing postpartum hemorrhage

Paper exchange at the 2009 Yunnan Coal Academic Annual Meeting was held in Wenshan

Yunnan Local Coal Mine Design and Research Institute

Supervision Opinions of the Sixth Supervision Group of the Safety Commission Office of the State Council on Coal Mine Safety Production in Qujing City (Abstract)

Yunnan Provincial People's Government further studies and deploys the special action work of 100 day safety production supervision

Discussion on the construction of enterprise safety culture

Talking about the Problems and Countermeasures of Coal Mine Safety Supervision

Cause analysis of a gas accident

Discussion on Coal Seam Stability in the South Wing of Xinzhuang Syncline

Part 2: Model text for discussion on coal mine safety production

Key words: coal mine; Coal mine safety; Safety monitoring; monitoring system; problem

CLC No.: TD76 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1671-7597 (2014) 12-0155-01

Most coal mines in China have installed coal mine safety monitoring and control systems, but in actual work, there are some problems in the use of these monitoring and control systems, and their role has not been really played. In coal mine production, there is a relative lack of professional and technical personnel related to the safety monitoring and control system. Most of the personnel who carry out this safety monitoring and control work only carry out monitoring in production, rather than safety monitoring and control, which has caused some coal mine safety accidents [1]. These safety accidents occur because they do not attach great importance to their safety monitoring and control, and also because the safety monitoring and control system itself has certain deficiencies, resulting in poor results and hidden safety hazards. Summarize and analyze the problems existing in coal mine production, and then propose targeted solutions.

1. Problems in coal mine safety monitoring system

1.1 Lack of safety monitoring concept

Some coal mine production owners and management personnel do not have a high degree of awareness of the importance of safety monitoring and control. Safety accidents in coal mine production are inevitable. Even if the coal mine safety monitoring system is installed, coal mine safety accidents will also occur. When installing the coal mine safety monitoring system, it still needs manual underground monitoring during its normal operation, so they put their focus on production, ignoring the importance of safety monitoring.

1.2 Incomplete monitoring system

The system and procedures of coal mine safety monitoring and control stipulate a complete workflow of coal mine safety monitoring and control. However, in the general evaluation company, the working procedures are presented in a schematic way, and the objective monitoring and control has lost its integrity and scientificity, because the establishment of the monitoring and control system is not perfect.

1.3 Weak pertinence of safety monitoring

The safety of the coal mine system is affected by geological conditions, mining conditions, rock mechanics properties, mining technology, ventilation management and other aspects. Therefore, the analysis of coal mine safety monitoring and control should be targeted to the region, geology and other aspects, so it is difficult to achieve the accuracy of monitoring and control, and it is difficult to ensure safety.

1.4 Low professional level of monitoring personnel

There are many technologies in the coal mine safety monitoring and control system, which requires skilled personnel to carry out monitoring and control management. There are sensors, computers, electronic technologies, etc. in the coal mine safety monitoring and control system, which all require certain professional knowledge and technology [2]. However, in the practical monitoring work, the educational level of the management personnel is relatively low, and there are uneven phenomena. Some personnel even enter the monitoring and monitoring work without going through the formal selection, resulting in a lack of safety and explosion-proof awareness, as well as the corresponding operating skills. They can not operate some more advanced jobs.

2 Countermeasures for coal mine safety monitoring system

2.1 Change traditional ideas

Coal mine safety production is directly related to property and personnel safety. Therefore, coal mine staff are required to establish monitoring and management awareness. First of all, establish the corresponding safety monitoring and management methods, and gradually attract the attention of the staff through the constraints of rules and regulations. Secondly, strengthen the management of safety monitoring, and make every worker in the coal mine enterprise realize the importance of safety monitoring through publicity [3]. For example, through WeChat, Weibo and QQ platforms, we can publicize how to monitor safety in these forums, as well as recent coal mine safety accidents across the country, to improve the vigilance of staff. Thirdly, leaders should pay more attention to safety monitoring. Establish the corresponding leader on duty system, let leaders participate in the safety monitoring work, and monitor the coal mine safety together with the grassroots monitoring personnel. In this way, the confidence of grassroots personnel can be stimulated. Once problems are found, they can report to the leaders in time, and formulate detailed solutions through discussion and communication. Finally, do a good job in coal mine ventilation safety. Due to the occurrence of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, gas and other gases in coal mining, they are not only harmful to the personnel on site. If ventilation is not carried out in time, fire or explosion accidents may occur, which will cause serious personal and property losses. Therefore, the coal mine ventilator should be monitored to ensure its normal operation.

2.2 Establish monitoring system

In recent years, with the continuous development of information technology, modern information technology should be fully used in coal mine safety production to establish the corresponding monitoring system. And send corresponding staff to work in turn, which can reduce the workload of personnel on the one hand, and improve the monitoring efficiency on the other hand. In addition, the relevant management of coal mine safety monitoring equipment and files should be well done, and the performance and usability of the equipment should be comprehensively and systematically reflected. The corresponding system maintenance center shall be established in the coal mine production area, and the monitoring equipment shall be overhauled regularly to ensure the normal operation of the monitoring system. A sufficient number of full-time monitoring personnel shall be allocated to realize the 24-hour rotation system, query the coal mine gas monitoring data, draw corresponding curves, generate monitoring reports, etc., so that the personnel can view them, and take preventive measures based on this [4].

2.3 Strengthen the quality of monitoring personnel

In order to better realize coal mine safety monitoring, it is more important to improve the internal monitoring system. First of all, we should strictly regulate the monitoring, clarify the responsibilities, implement the work posts, and make everyone responsible. Secondly, do a good job in the training of monitoring personnel to make them master the correct operating specifications and keep in touch with relevant departments. Its training includes not only skills but also theoretical knowledge. Without rich theoretical knowledge, everything is in vain. Only with rich theoretical knowledge can we effectively combine theory with practice. Finally, a skill activity contest can be held to train the skills of personnel in the activity so that they can be effectively carried out [5].

3 Conclusion

In a word, coal mine safety production is directly related to personal safety and enterprise property safety. Therefore, coal mine safety monitoring should be done well. By analyzing the current situation of coal mine safety monitoring, and then focusing on the analysis of safety monitoring strategies, this paper discusses in detail the monitoring system, monitoring system and the quality of monitoring personnel, aiming to improve the safety of coal mine production and promote the sustainable development of enterprises.


[1] Li Ji. On China's Coal Mine Safety and Environment Monitoring and Control System [J]. China Science and Technology Investment, 2013 (35): 111-111

[2] Zhou Yuhui, Li Junmin, Jiang Pingping, etc. Application of wireless network technology in coal mine safety monitoring system [J]. Coal Technology, 2011, 30 (11): 149-151

[3] Deng Huaiyong, Ma Qin. Design and development of coal mine production monitoring equipment [J]. Coal Technology, 2013 (10): 84-84, 85

[4] Wen Zengyi, Zhang Liang, Zhang Fubing, etc. Analysis of problems in the application of coal mine safety monitoring system [J]. Shandong Coal Science and Technology, 2011 (6): 173-174

Part 3: Model text for discussion on coal mine safety production

Yiluo Coal Mine, built in 1907, is a "red coal mine". After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War in 1937, underground workers here publicized the anti Japanese ideas and strengthened the Party's strength. In August 1948, Luoyang Administration sent personnel to take over Yiluo Coal Mine, transferred some party members, cadres and workers, and organized to resume coal production. Coal production began on January 1, 1949. On September 5, the CPC Yiluo Coal Mine Party Branch Committee was established. At that time, there were more than 300 workers in Yiluo Coal Mine, and the daily coal production was about 200t.


At 6:45 p.m. on February 27, 1950, a ball of fire suddenly appeared in the Ligou Mine of Yiluo Coal Mine belonging to Henan Xinyu Coal Mine Company, followed by a loud noise. At that time, there were more than 200 miners underground.

After the incident, the coal mine immediately organized the miners to go down to the mine for rescue. But at that time, the technical conditions were backward, there was no professional rescue team, and the miners who went down to the mine for rescue did not even have miner's lamps and helmets. Nevertheless, everyone took turns to go down the well and finally rescued 58 people. Luoyang Administrative Office, Yiyang County and the local garrison sent medical staff to the mine to maintain order.

The coal seam of Ligou Mine where the accident occurred was thick but relatively soft. The pit and roadway were blocked after the collapse of the mine, and the smoke was filled underground. Except that some miners were burned to death on the spot, most of them were suffocated to death due to lack of air. The last body was shipped out on April 22, and the rescue time was up to 55 days.

The accident killed 174 miners and injured 39. The official concluded that "this is the largest, heaviest and saddest safety liability accident that has occurred in less than half a year since the founding of New China".


After the "Yiluo Mine Disaster", the bodies of miners were temporarily placed on a vacant land. Some of the bodies were burned and deformed, which was difficult to identify. The relatives were extremely sad. An old man couldn't find his son's body, so he hit his head against a tree in anger. The chairman of the Miners' Association knelt down in front of the old man and cried, "I will be your son in the future, and I will support your old man to his death."

During that time, Yiluo Coal Mine received more than 3500 family members of miners and many units. According to the file, "the family members of the deceased workers received 15kg of rice, millet and wheat each, and each family received at least 100kg of coal compensation, which was sent to the parties by specially assigned personnel... According to statistics, the cost of burial, pension, emergency repair and other rehabilitation projects was more than 900000 kg of wheat."

At the end of 1949, 15 year old Fu Bao now wandered to Yiluo Coal Mine to earn a living by digging coal. In 1998, Fu Bao retired from the position of deputy head of Yiluo Coal Mine. In an interview with the media, he said that at that time, it was common for workers to smoke underground, and no one cared. Fu Baoxian believes that the people working in the coal mine are complex, most of them are poor peasant children and beggars, as well as local ruffians and bandits. There is no security system and labor discipline in the mine, the inspection mechanism is in vain, and the mine leaders are negligent in supervision.

In the first three months of 1950, there were 10 serious accidents in coal mines across the country, especially the "Yiluo Mine Accident", which caused the largest number of casualties and losses. After the accident, the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government, the Central South Military and Political Commission and the People's Government of Henan Province attached great importance to it. The Supervision Committee of the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government sent three people, including Peng Da, to form an inspection team to check the management of the mine, investigate the cause of the accident, and propose remedial measures.

According to the first report issued by the joint accident investigation team on March 9, 1950, the area of the Ligou mine was exploded is 16000m2, accounting for more than 1/3 of the total area of the mine.

On March 13, 1950, the front page of the People's Daily reported the incident. The "Editor's Note" said: "Recently, many unfortunate events have occurred in mines, especially coal mines, all over the country, causing heavy losses to national property and workers' lives, which should arouse our serious vigilance. The gas explosion in the state-owned Yiluo Coal Mine in Henan Province has again caused heavy losses. Although the specific cause of the fire in the mine is being investigated, the results will be announced soon. However, from the preliminary brief report of this event, it has been enough to arouse the high attention of mines everywhere. All local mines should earnestly try to improve the leadership and management methods, check the safety equipment, and try to prevent the continuation of such unfortunate events. "

After the accident, all regions and industries throughout the country also carried out ideological education campaigns, publicized labor protection policies, and criticized the wrong view of focusing only on machines but not on people.

a review

On March 29, 1950, Deng Zihui, Vice Chairman of the Central South Military and Political Commission, presided over a review meeting on the "Yiluo Mine Accident", and reported the accident investigation. The cause of the accident is that the concentration of biogas in the mine is high, and the mine is mined by soil method, without ventilation equipment, the wellhead is small, the air flow is extremely weak, and there is air leakage. Although these problems have been mentioned by the workers several times, they have not attracted the attention of the mine leaders and the engineering personnel in charge, resulting in increased heat and biogas accumulation. In addition, there is no downhole inspection system in the mine, and many people smoke underground. On March 7, four corpses were transported from the underground, all of which were loaded with matches and cigarettes. The accident may have been caused by smoking and striking a fire. In addition, the tunnel engineering of the mine is extremely unstable, and the explosion caused multiple collapses of the scaffolding, resulting in an increase in casualties.

Zhu Yi, the minister of the Central South District Heavy Industry Department, said in the review: "The Central Committee had earlier decided that the mine should be taken over by the Central South Military and Political Commission's Heavy Industry Department, but the Ministry had delayed in accepting it. During the period when it was temporarily under the direct leadership of the People's Government of Henan Province, it did not strengthen its leadership over the province's industry and mining. Therefore, the Ministry must bear the main responsibility for the incident and request the Central South Military and Political Commission to take disciplinary action." At the end of April 1950, Yiluo Coal Mine was taken over by the Ministry of Heavy Industry of the Central South Military and Political Commission, and changed from a provincial coal mine to a state-owned coal mine, which was listed as a key project in the first five-year plan of the country. Then, Li Yiqing, Deputy Director of the Finance and Economic Commission of the Central South Military and Political Commission, and Qian Ying, Deputy Director of the Supervisory Commission also reviewed. Li Yiqing said in the review: "The committee did not carry out systematic reform of public enterprises, which led to the existence of quite serious unreasonable phenomena in Yiluo Coal Mine and other places, which caused this consequence, and asked for punishment." Qian Ying said: "After the incident, the Central Supervision Committee has sent people to investigate, but the Central South District Supervision Committee has not paid attention to it, so it should conduct a profound review."

Deng Zihui characterized the accident as a "serious tragedy". He said: "The people's government should be responsible for the people's lives and property, and resolutely oppose the attitude of making fun of the lives of working people; Check the safety equipment of Yiluo Coal Mine, and do not rush to start work until there is no safety guarantee; As for the investigation of responsibility for the Yiluo incident, in addition to the punishment already decided by the person in charge of the Yiluo plant and mine and the Henan Department of Industry and Commerce, it is suggested that the Central People's Government should give the Henan Provincial Government and the Central South Ministry of Heavy Industry due punishment. The Central South Military and Political Commission did not conduct strict inspection before the incident, and did not pay enough attention after the incident. It should also conduct self-examination.

Shortly after the Central South Military and Political Commission self reviewed, the People's Supervision Committee of the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government invited the heads of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Labor, the Central Finance and Economics Commission, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Fuel Industry and other organs to have a discussion. They agreed that the main reason for the explosion accident in Yiluo Coal Mine was the style of the mine leaders who did not pay attention to the safety of workers' lives.


In June 1950, at the proposal of the Prime Minister, the Government Affairs Council held the 35th government affairs meeting to discuss and study the handling of the gas explosion accident in Yiluo Coal Mine in Henan Province, and proposed measures to strengthen the safety of coal mines. This is the first government meeting devoted to coal mine safety since the founding of New China. At the beginning of the meeting, it was pointed out that the reason why the Yiluo coal mine accident was mentioned in the national government affairs meeting was that it was not a matter of one province and one place, nor only a matter of coal mines, but a national problem.

After discussion, the meeting decided to dismiss the manager of Xinyu Coal Mine Company, the main responsible person for serious and blind competition and disregard of safety, and send him to the judicial authority for punishment according to law. More than a dozen persons in charge at all levels were dismissed, dismissed and sentenced. The deputy director of the Henan Provincial Industrial Steering Committee and the deputy director of the Henan Provincial Trade Union recorded a major demerit once, and the chairman and vice chairman of the Henan Provincial People's Government were given a warning. The meeting also decided to send a notice to all parts of the country, demanding that the wrong idea of focusing only on production and ignoring safety must be corrected, establishing security organizations and systems, and improving coal mine equipment and mining methods.

An article published in People's Daily on June 30, 1950 pointed out that after the People's Supervisory Committee of the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government issued a notice on the explosion of Yiluo Coal Mine in Henan Province, the People's Government of Henan Province said that it would accept the punishment received and ensure that the instructions of industrial and mining security work would be implemented in the future. The deputy director of the Industrial Steering Committee has been sent to Xinyu Coal Mine Company and Yiluo Coal Mine to deal with the derelict cadres who should be punished according to the notice. Relevant leaders of Henan Federation of Trade Unions, Xinyu Coal Mine Trade Union and Yiluo Coal Mine Trade Union made public self-examination to the masses in newspapers.

After the trial by the judicial organ, Zhang Baosan, the deputy chief of the Public Works Section of Yiluo Coal Mine, and Mao Decai, the team leader, were sentenced to death. Among them, Zhang Baosan was identified as "leading the workers to steal more than 170 bags of coal, but he could not seriously review it and tried to shirk responsibility." Mao Decai failed to perform his duties, did not work in the well at the time of the incident, and "led the workers to steal coal collectively, causing roof fall, gang fragmentation, and scaffolding collapse." Other accident responsible persons were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 1.5 to 5 years.

Three months after the incident, the special military representative of the Central South Military and Political Commission stationed in Yiluo Coal Mine. After Yiluo Coal Mine was taken over, safety shelters were opened underground, more than 700 miner's lamps were added, 7 safety lamps were used to check the methane content, and 1 anemometer was used.

Yiluo Coal Mine has been producing from the late 1950s to the late 1990s. In 2002, the mine declared bankruptcy and was restructured into Yiluo Coal Industry Company, and Ligou Mine was abandoned. At the end of April 1950, all the miners of Yiluo Coal Mine set up a monument for 174 dead comrades.

to implement

Part 4: Model text of coal mine safety production discussion

Key words: full-time professional master; Cultivation mode; Safety engineering; Curriculum system

Chinese Library Classification: G643.0 Document Identification Code: A

0 Introduction

In 2009, the master training mode changed from academic oriented to application-oriented, and new undergraduates were included in the enrollment scope of application-oriented masters. [1-2]。 On April 26, 2010, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of Comprehensive Reform of Postgraduate Professional Degree Education, Jiao Yan Han [2010] No. 1, which proposed to guide the rational positioning of different types of postgraduates, support some universities to pilot first, and select about 30 subordinate universities and local universities to be designated as pilot units of comprehensive reform. Domestic engineering colleges and universities began to increase full-time professional masters and reduce academic masters, so that the proportion of full-time professional master degree graduates and academic graduate students should reach 1:1 [3-5] within five years. In 2011, in response to the urgent need for high-level professionals with special needs in relevant industries of the country, a small number of local colleges and universities with high school running level, distinctive characteristics, ability to serve the needs of national strategic development and irreplaceable talent training were arranged according to the principle of "selecting needs, selecting excellence, selecting urgency and selecting importance", We carried out the pilot work of "talent training project for special needs of the country" [6]. This series of reforms in the training mode of master's degree students has far-reaching significance for the effective supply of applied talents. However, in terms of the specific implementation mode of the reform, due to the fact that the education and training of full-time master's degree graduates are at the exploratory stage, there is no mature experience, which needs further discussion and improvement. On the premise of clarifying the training objectives of various professional fields, it is very necessary to formulate an innovative training model suitable for them in combination with their own characteristics and existing problems.

1. Shortcomings of full-time professional master training mode

1.1 Unclear training orientation [7]

The Ministry of Education has different training objectives for professional masters and academic masters, and the training mode should also be different. Compared with the cultivation of academic masters, colleges and universities have also carried out some reforms in formulating the cultivation mode of professional masters, such as: implementing the dual tutor system inside and outside the school; Emphasizing the combination of theory and practice, advocating case teaching; Strengthening professional practice teaching links. These ideas are good, but they are difficult to achieve in the actual implementation process. For example, the dual mentoring system inside and outside the school, some colleges and universities employ enterprise experts as external mentors, but the employment of external mentors is mostly a mere formality and does not play a substantive role. For another example, the curriculum emphasizes the combination of theory and practice, and advocates case teaching. It is not difficult for the school to formulate a new professional master training program, but the difficulty is the specific implementation. There are problems in time arrangement and training costs. Also, in the process of building off campus practice bases, there is also a serious formalization. Some schools are only listed at the gate of some enterprises and institutions, and no effective contact mechanism has been established between schools and enterprises and institutions. At present, the difference between full-time professional master's and academic master's training modes is only limited to the difference in the training plan formulated by the school. In the actual implementation process, full-time professional master's and academic master's training modes are similar.

1.2 Imperfect access system [8]

At present, the enrollment orientation of many professional degree graduate training institutions is not clear, which confuses academic degrees with professional degrees. The training of professional degree graduate students draws too much from the training experience of academic graduate students, overemphasizes the written examination and pays no attention to the assessment of actual ability, which does not reflect the characteristics of professionalism. In addition, many training units blindly pursue the number of students enrolled, do not seriously audit, and do not attach importance to the role of the re examination. The re examination becomes a mere formality, and unqualified people crowd out the quota, resulting in low quality of students.

1.3 Thesis quality is not high [8-9]

The curriculum system of most schools basically follows the academic postgraduate education curriculum system, which mainly imparts theoretical knowledge, and lacks the teaching methods of combining research, case study, practice observation, etc. with practice, so that professional degree graduates have a bad tendency of "academic". Professional degree postgraduates lack targeted textbooks, and teachers use textbooks used by academic postgraduates in teaching. However, these textbooks have strong theoretical knowledge but poor practicality, and lack of front-line examples, which is not conducive to their learning. As a result, the theoretical knowledge and professional skills of professional degree graduates are generally not high. There are still major problems in the professional degree theses, which are highlighted in the lack of pertinence in the topic selection, academic bias and lack of practicality, lack of innovation, and inability to link with reality. According to statistics, the dissertations of nearly half of professional degree graduates do not meet the requirements of the training objectives.

2 Difference between professional masters and subject masters

Postgraduates with academic degrees lay particular emphasis on cultivating high-level scientific and technological talents, and they have high requirements for basic theories. Students' research projects lay particular emphasis on theoretical research, requiring students to innovate in theory. During the three-year research process, students are required not only to master broad basic theoretical knowledge, but also to strengthen laboratory experimental research while going deep into practice. Most of the engineering academic master's students are required to use numerical simulation and similar simulation experiments to explore the internal mechanism and internal law of the research object, and establish a theoretical mathematical model and theoretical system, So as to achieve the research purpose of the project [10]. Since the reform and opening up, this training mode has hardly changed. The training mode does not adapt to the environment where the national economic construction and social development need a large number of engineering talents. Because the school running orientation is divorced from the actual needs, some enterprises or industries are badly in need of high-level engineering application-oriented talents. At the same time, some master graduates are difficult to find reasonable jobs and play a role. The main problem is that academic graduate students lack engineering practice ability and engineering innovation awareness, narrow professional scope, poor practical ability, low comprehensive quality, outdated knowledge, and lack competitiveness in the fierce talent market.

The professional degree oriented master students emphasize the cultivation of high-level engineering and technical talents with "engineering planning, engineering design, engineering organization and engineering management". Students are required to have strong pertinence in basic theory, shorten the time for theoretical study as far as possible, invest more in engineering practice, seek innovation in practice, cultivate their coordination ability in engineering construction, and can directly serve engineering practice and national economic construction after graduation. As China's economic construction is in a period of rapid development, there is a great demand for professional masters. It is an urgent task for engineering colleges to cultivate professional masters with comprehensive practical ability and to meet the needs of specific industries.

3 Construction of full-time safety engineering master training mode

Henan University of Engineering is a university with coal mining as its major. Combining the actual needs of China's coal industry and the development of coal industry in Henan Province and the demand for talents, the master of safety engineering mainly serves the coal industry, and its training goal must highlight the characteristics of coal. Students are required to adapt to the characteristics of coal mine safety production in terms of theoretical basis, professional skills, practical ability, innovation ability, etc. Therefore, they must also adapt to the characteristics of coal mine in terms of student source organization, backbone curriculum setting, practice link setting, paper design requirements, teaching method reform, tutor allocation form, etc. [11].

3.1 Principles for running a master's degree in safety engineering

3.1.1 Principle of focusing on characteristics

The coal industry is a high-risk industry with special environment, which has a large number of dangerous and harmful factors and frequent safety accidents. The prevention and control of disasters need special knowledge, skills, methods and means. The special technical equipment and safety technical measures adopted are different from those of other industries. The master of safety engineering major focusing on coal mine safety must adhere to safety science and highlight the characteristics of coal. The knowledge and skills mastered by students must have the ability of coal mine safety production and disaster management.

3.1.2 Principle of combining production, teaching and research

In order to master the knowledge of coal mine safety production, manage the coal mine enterprises, ensure the safe and efficient production of coal mines, minimize the occurrence of accidents or control them in the bud, and prevent them before they happen, students must go deep into coal mine production practice, combine the actual needs of coal mines, take the road of combining production, learning and research, carry out engineering project research, and solve practical engineering problems, Acquire the comprehensive ability of "engineering planning, engineering design, engineering organization and engineering management" in production practice.

3.1.3 Principles of engineering innovation

China's coal mining conditions are poor, the level of basic equipment is low, and disasters and accidents are frequent. The occurrence mechanism and internal laws of many natural disasters have not yet been fully revealed, which needs to be explored in engineering practice. There is still a large gap between the comprehensive technical level of coal mining and that of developed countries. To make China's coal industry develop rapidly and narrow the gap with developed countries, It is necessary to cultivate students' engineering innovation ability.

3.2 Curriculum

In terms of student source organization, it is emphasized to focus on on-site engineering technicians with certain engineering practice experience and bachelor's degree or equivalent education, supplemented by fresh bachelor's degree or equivalent education in main mining majors. The main courses are set according to the actual needs of coal mine production, focusing on basic theory and professional skills training, and strengthening engineering process training. Students come from practice. After short-term theoretical study (about 8 months), they directly participate in coal mine construction engineering, technical transformation engineering and safety engineering practice (about 16 months). Through engineering practice, they strengthen students' ability in engineering practice, engineering organization and engineering management, cultivate their professional skills and innovation ability, and through graduation defense, After graduation, I will return to the coal mine production practice, fully reflecting the road of "practice theory practice re practice".

The cultivation of safety engineering master must emphasize engineering innovation, which is honed by students in theoretical learning and engineering practice through the combination of theory and practice. Therefore, every link in the cultivation plan must attach importance to the cultivation of engineering innovation ability.

The setting of master's main courses in safety engineering adopts dynamic management, and timely increase or decrease is adjusted according to the development level of coal mine industrial technology and the actual needs of coal mine safety production.

3.3 Strengthen enterprise mentors and promote dual mentors

In order to strengthen the cultivation of students' innovation ability, the "double tutor system" of full-time and part-time tutors is established. The full-time tutors are selected from the full-time teachers with senior professional titles, and the part-time tutors are selected from the part-time professors of the students' practice mining units. Students are mainly taught by full-time teachers at school, and famous technical experts are invited to give lectures as needed, emphasizing the scientificity, foresight and practicality of the teaching content [12]. When students are in school, the college starts to select coal mine safety engineering projects and practice units for students, and students can also contact with projects in advance. After in-depth practice, students directly participate in the "planning, design, organization, management and construction" of actual safety engineering projects, and achieve the training objectives through a cycle of practice.

3.4 Topic selection

The topic selection of students' papers must be closely combined with the coal mine production practice and carried out together with the coal mine safety engineering project. Take the road of combining production, teaching and research, and focus on cultivating students' comprehensive innovation ability with the purpose of engineering innovation and solving technical problems faced by coal mines. According to the current coal mining technical conditions and technical development requirements, students have the following topics:

3.4.1 Mine ventilation and gas prevention

With the increase of mining depth, coal mines are more and more threatened by coal and gas outburst. The proportion of high outburst mines is increasing, and the gas content and pressure are becoming higher and higher. Comprehensive gas control technology is a major technical problem in coal mine safety production. The comprehensive gas control project mainly includes gas occurrence and emission law investigation project, gas regional prediction and gas geological investigation project, coal and gas outburst prevention project, gas monitoring and monitoring project, gas drainage technology project, mine ventilation control and regulation project, etc.

3.4.2 Mine flood prevention

Flood is one of the natural disasters threatening the safe production of coal mines. With the increase of the mining depth of coal mines, the hydrogeological conditions are becoming more and more complex, and the threat of water disasters is becoming more and more serious. High pressure water inrush in coal mines, water accumulation in old goafs, water inrush from fault karst caves, etc. are major technical problems in coal mine water prevention. The water control project mainly includes the dynamic monitoring and management project of mine water disaster, the exploration project of hydrogeological laws, the geophysical exploration and drilling project of hydrogeological conditions, the grouting reinforcement project of North China type mine floor water, the rapid grouting plugging project of various types of water inrush, and the rescue and rescue of major sudden flood accidents.

3.4.3 Ground pressure and strata control

With the increase of mining intensity and depth, the underground pressure borne by underground roadways, stopes and chambers is increasing, and roadway support is becoming more and more difficult. The phenomenon of rock burst in some deep mining mines is becoming more and more obvious, which brings new technical problems to the analysis and control of mine pressure. The deformation of soft rock roadway and rockburst hazards in some mining areas have become major constraints to the safety of coal mine production. Exploring the distribution law of deep ground pressure and the mechanism of rockburst are major technical problems that need to be solved urgently at present.

3.5 Construction of training base

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the production, study and research project for students, Henan University of Engineering will rely on three large coal enterprise groups, Henan Coal Chemical Group, Zhongping Energy Chemical Group and Zheng Coal Group, to establish three joint training bases for master students in safety engineering, create conditions for students to take the road of production, study and research development, and provide opportunities for students to find jobs and apply their knowledge.

4 Conclusion

Full time professional degree postgraduates aiming at cultivating advanced applied talents are developing rapidly. The current training mode can not fully adapt to the training of professional masters. The training mode of professional masters needs years of accumulation and continuous improvement. It needs several years of student training to gradually form, and it also needs to be updated and improved with the development of economic society. Therefore, the exploration of professional master training mode is also an important long-term work of engineering colleges.


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Part 5: Model text for discussion on coal mine safety production

Key words: coal mine; Safety management; train; Equipment; Operators

China is rich in coal resources, which is the most abundant country in the world. For a long time in the past, China's coal mine safety accidents have occurred frequently, causing irreparable loss of life and property to the people and the country, and having a serious impact on people's lives, domestic stability and unity, and China's international image. In recent years, the domestic research on coal mine safety management has never been interrupted, showing a hundred schools of thought contend. Based on this situation, it is necessary for us to carry out more in-depth research on this topic, find out the problems in coal mine safety management more deeply, put forward corresponding countermeasures, and then eliminate coal mine safety accidents through effective safety management means.

1 Definition of safety management concept

What is security management? Fan Yajing (2015) pointed out in the Research on the Storage Safety Management of a Grass roots Reserve Warehouse that "safety management is the general term for a series of activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, controlling and coordinating safety issues in production activities in accordance with the objective laws revealed by science in various production activities." The author agrees with this concept. In order to better understand the safety management, we can simplify the concept of safety management as a series of management means to prevent safety accidents.

2 Main problems in coal mine safety management in China

The frequent occurrence of coal mine safety accidents in China is mainly due to the problems in safety management. Then, what are the problems in China's coal mine safety management? The author briefly discusses them as follows:

2.1 Incoordination between management system and mechanism

After the establishment of New China, the safety production management system of our country has always been in a state of constant change. A relatively systematic and stable safety production management system and mechanism have not been formed, and there is also an uncoordinated situation between the safety production management system and mechanism. Taking Shanxi Province as an example, the system and mechanism of coal mine safety management in Shanxi Province are also uncoordinated, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) Many departments manage a coal mine at the same time, but these departments lack sufficient power. Many local departments are just dealing with the inspection of the superior departments, but they have not made enough efforts to the safety management of coal mines. (2) The management functions of the coal mine management departments are overlapping, and the coordination between the various management departments is relatively insufficient, resulting in confusion in safety management.

2.2 Unsafe factors of coal mine operation equipment

For a coal mine, safety production should always be the first priority. From the coal mine safety accidents that have occurred in recent years, we can clearly see that many coal mine safety accidents are caused by unsafe factors in the relevant operating equipment. For example, when the coal mine introduces new equipment, the quality of new equipment has problems, which is also easy to cause safety accidents. Some coal mine operation equipment also has potential safety hazards due to years of disrepair. If relevant personnel fail to check and repair these equipment in time, it is also easy to cause safety accidents.

2.3 The coal mine lacks a sound safety management system

At present, there are many small coal mines in China, and the construction of safety management system in these small coal mines is relatively lacking. Due to the lack of perfect safety management system, it is also easy to cause coal mine safety accidents. Even some large coal mines are not so perfect in safety management system. In specific work practice, it is found that although many coal mines have established systematic safety management systems and formed relatively perfect safety management systems, they have not been effectively implemented in specific work practice. Once an accident occurs, we will really pay attention to it. This situation is also common at present.

2.4 Lack of professional training for coal mine operators

In addition to the above points, some coal mines have not provided professional training for coal mine operators. Workers who have not received professional training are easy to make some unsafe behaviors after going down the well, threatening the safety of coal mine production. This situation is rare in large coal mines, but it is more obvious for some small coal mines. In order to improve the safety production quality of the coal mine and eliminate the occurrence of coal mine safety accidents as far as possible, the coal mine must strengthen the professional training of operators and improve the professional quality of operators.

3 Relevant countermeasures for improving the quality of coal mine safety management

Existing problems must be solved in a timely and effective manner. In order to effectively solve many problems existing in the process of coal mine safety management in China, the following countermeasures are proposed:

3.1 Coordinate safety management system and mechanism

In order to further improve coal mine safety management, it is necessary to coordinate the safety production management system and mechanism. Specifically, we can start from the following aspects: (1) Give coal mine management power to specific departments to break the pattern of multiple departments managing the same coal mine. In addition, the management department should be given sufficient power to manage the coal mine safety more effectively. (2) Establish a supervision department to conduct regular spot checks and long-term supervision on coal mine safety management. Once problems are found in coal mine safety management, the coal mine and relevant management departments must be held accountable. Such practice is very important for promoting the improvement of the quality of coal mine safety management, which is conducive to the further coordination of the coal mine safety production management system and mechanism.

3.2 Management of coal mine operation equipment

The potential safety hazard of coal mine operation equipment is an important factor causing safety accidents. Based on this situation, when the coal mine introduces new equipment, the relevant departments must strictly inspect its quality. Once the imported equipment is found to have problems, it must be replaced in a timely manner, and such equipment is strictly prohibited from being put into production. In addition, the coal mine should also arrange special personnel to carry out regular or irregular inspection on the operating equipment. Once the operating equipment is found to have potential safety hazards, it must be timely repaired or replaced, so as to better ensure the safety of coal mine production.

3.3 Improve the safety management system of coal mine

In order to better ensure safety in production, coal mines must establish and improve the safety management system. After the establishment of the safety management system, it still needs to be tested by practice. Once the relevant safety management system is found to be deficient, it must be adjusted and improved in a timely manner. Especially for some small coal mines, the relevant management departments must help them to establish a sound safety management system. In addition, after the establishment of the coal mine safety management system, the relevant departments should also inspect it regularly or irregularly to check whether the coal mine has strictly followed the safety management system. Such practice can help the coal mine to further improve the safety management system, and then use the system to promote safety and realize the safety production management of the coal mine.

3.4 Strengthen the training of coal mine operators

In order to effectively put an end to the occurrence of coal mine safety accidents, the coal mine staff must be strictly trained before taking up their posts. Only after passing the training assessment can they take their posts formally. In addition, in addition to daily work, relevant staff should also be actively organized for professional training. The specific forms can be as follows: (1) Assign senior old staff in the coal mine to give professional training to everyone, and impart specific safety work experience in practical operation. (2) Invite experts from outside to carry out professional training for operators of the coal mine, so as to continuously improve their safety operation skills and safety awareness.

4 Conclusion

Coal mine safety management is a systematic project. In fact, in addition to the above points, there are many problems in China's coal mine safety management, so I will not repeat them here. It is hoped that the writing of the article can fully arouse the attention of the coal mine safety management department and relevant staff, effectively carry out coal mine safety management, and effectively eliminate the occurrence of coal mine safety accidents. It is not only related to the safe production of coal mines, but also to the harmonious and stable development of the whole society.

Author: Jia Kai Unit: Tongmei Group Chujinwan Hulonggou Coal Industry Co., Ltd


[1] Fan Yajing. Research on the storage safety management of a grass-roots storage warehouse [D]. Beijing Jiaotong University, 2015

[2] Li Jun. Discussion on Elements of Coal Mine Safety Management [J]. China Science and Technology for Work Safety, 2011 (2)

Part 6: Model for Discussion on Coal Mine Safety Production

Key words: coal mine ventilation system, safe operation, influencing factors, suggestions

CLC No.: TD724 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1672-3791 (2012) 08 (a) - 0101-01

In all production and operation activities of the coal mine, ventilation management is the top priority. If the ventilation work of the coal mine is not in place, all subsequent production and operation activities will be difficult to carry out. Although the current "one ventilation and three prevention" accident control and prevention technology is becoming mature, the high incidence of coal mine accidents is still difficult to be effectively contained, which requires us to better explore the relevant factors affecting coal mine safety, especially the factors affecting the safe operation of the coal mine ventilation system. Based on this, the author makes the following discussions in combination with the actual work.

1. Discussion on the characteristics of coal mine ventilation system

The mine ventilation system has two main characteristics: one is complexity; The second is dynamic. The safety operation of the complex mine ventilation system is affected by multiple factors. For example, the ventilation system of large mines has more than 600 network branches. There are more than 500 network nodes, and the number of branches is 34.6%~98.9% of the total number of branches. Besides, most of the roadways are about 50km long, and the number of ventilation facilities can be as high as 100. The number of air consumption points can range from 15 to more than 40. This shows the complexity of the mine ventilation system; However, the structure of the dynamic mine ventilation system is constantly changing with the needs of coal mine production, and various parameters are constantly changing with the advancement and alternation of coal mine excavation work, as well as the advancement of processes such as the preparation and production of the mining area until the end and alternation, and has strong randomness, so it can be said that the mine ventilation system is actually a dynamic random system.

2 Analysis of relevant factors affecting the safe operation of mine ventilation system

The mine ventilation system is a dynamic and stochastic system. There are many factors affecting the safe operation of mine ventilation system, which are mainly divided into two aspects: one is the factors of people and environment; Second, the ventilation system itself and natural factors.

2.1 Human and environmental factors

While China's coal mining industry is booming, a variety of coal mine accidents occur from time to time, especially some major accidents, which pose a great threat to the safety of people's lives and property, bring irreparable economic losses to the country and enterprises, and also reduce the social reputation of coal mining enterprises, thus directly affecting the transformation and upgrading of coal mining enterprises. Among the factors that affect the safety of the mine ventilation system, the human factor is the most important. For example, the current coal mine gas explosion accidents in many coal mines, the main reason is the carelessness of the management personnel. The gas is not removed from the mine in time. With the increase of the concentration, the gas and coal dust will explode under certain conditions, which is the main factor of personnel, The second is the environmental factors. Most of the mine environment is poor. In addition, the carelessness of personnel management and the failure of mechanical and electrical ventilation equipment have affected the safe operation of the mine ventilation system.

2.2 Self factors and natural factors of ventilation system

The factors of ventilation system itself mainly refer to the factors of ventilation power device and ventilation network structure, while the natural factors mainly refer to the factors of natural wind pressure. The following author discusses these influencing factors.

(1) Influence factors of ventilation power device.

Because the mine ventilation system is constantly changing with the needs of coal mine production, the change of the number and performance of the main and sub ventilators of the mine ventilation system will not only lead to the change of the air volume in the tunnel where the fan is located, but also lead to the change of the air volume of other branch systems in the ventilation system, thus affecting the work of other fans in the ventilation system.

2.3 Influencing factors of ventilation network structure

All the tunnels through which the air flows belong to the network structure of the ventilation system. As an important analysis basis of the ventilation network, the mine ventilation network structure diagram is composed of the collection of points and branches. However, because most of the mine tunnels have ground pressure, which makes the section of the air duct severely deformed and shrunk, resulting in greater resistance of the mine return air system, Only on the premise of increasing energy consumption can sufficient air volume be ensured in the mine.

2.4 Influencing factors of natural wind pressure

Generally, in summer, the natural wind pressure is negative, which is not conducive to mine ventilation; In winter, the natural wind pressure is positive, which is conducive to mine ventilation. The instability of the air flow in the mine ventilation system generally refers to the change of the air flow quality or quantity in the roadway, and the change range exceeds the allowable range. The instability of the air flow can be divided into the instability in the normal production period and the disaster period.

3 Suggestions on strengthening the safe operation of mine ventilation system

3.1 Try to improve the mine environment and reduce the impact of environmental factors

First, establish and improve the relevant control and management plans and systems for ventilation, gas and coal dust in coal mines, and earnestly implement them, ensure the standardization and standardization of the implementation procedures, make full use of modern information technology, increase accident prevention efforts, and establish corresponding reward and punishment mechanisms; The second is to ensure the rationalization and standardization of mine design, increase mine ventilation management, apply modern automation technology, strive to improve mine ventilation performance, and inject sufficient fresh air while ensuring that harmful gases such as gas are discharged from the mine in time; Third, increase the electromechanical management of mine ventilation system to ensure the safe and efficient operation of mine electromechanical; Fourth, increase the safety assessment work, increase the investment in software and hardware of the mine ventilation system, especially strengthen the monitoring of the concentration of harmful gases such as gas, and adjust the operation mode of the mine ventilation system in combination with the actual situation to ensure the safe operation of the ventilation system.

3.2 Precautions for Canadian factors and efforts to improve the safety factor of ventilation system operation

First, constantly improve relevant laws and regulations, establish and improve relevant rules and regulations and safety operation institutions, and allocate professional management personnel to implement specific responsibilities to individuals, strive to create a comprehensive management system for the mine ventilation system with high ventilation efficiency, extraction efficiency up to standard, effective supervision and timely management, and constantly improve the accident emergency plan; The second is to pay attention to the improvement of the quality of the pass and defense personnel. The enterprise leaders should take a high development strategic vision, and put the idea of "one pass and three defenses" throughout the whole process of coal mine production and operation; The third is to increase the application of automation technology in the process of mine ventilation system transformation; The fourth is to strengthen safety education and training, that is, to standardize the operation process while strengthening safety education and training, to carry out training and accident emergency drills in a way that combines theory with practice, and to improve the safety factor of coal mine production.

4 Conclusion

In a word, there are many factors affecting the safe operation of the mine ventilation system. In addition to increasing the transformation and investment of the ventilation system, we should mainly focus on the control and management of the factors affecting people and the environment to ensure the safe operation of the mine ventilation system, so as to promote the safe, orderly and efficient operation of the coal mine production and operation activities.


[1] Wang Liang, Wang Zhaoqi, Zhang Xiaobo. Analysis of air volume stability and influencing factors of mine ventilation system [J]. Small and medium-sized enterprise management and science and technology (late issue), 2011 (8)

Part 7: Model for the discussion of coal mine safety production

[Key words] Coal mine production Coal mine electromechanical installation innovation

1、 The Importance of Innovation in Mechanical and Electrical Installation in Coal Mines

Coal mine electromechanical installation plays an important role in coal mine production enterprises. It is of great significance for coal mine electromechanical enterprises in terms of both technological innovation and practical operation.

First, in order to ensure the safe production of coal mining enterprises and promote the increase of coal mine output, it is necessary to give full play to the special performance of coal mine electromechanical equipment and meet the precision requirements of its installation in order to improve the efficiency of coal mine production. Therefore, the innovation of coal mine electromechanical installation will help improve the production efficiency of coal mining enterprises, reduce production costs, and promote the long-term development of coal mining enterprises.

Second, the innovation of coal mine electromechanical installation can promote the continuous innovation of coal mine electromechanical installation methods and concepts, and is conducive to the timely and effective treatment of the existing defects in the current electromechanical installation, so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of coal mine electromechanical installation industry.

Third, the innovation of electromechanical installation in coal mines has been effectively implemented, which can introduce more emerging science and technology into it, and timely adjust the development direction of traditional electromechanical installation technology, which can not only improve the quality of electromechanical installation, but also meet the requirements of different coal mine production enterprises for electromechanical installation, and improve the social recognition of electromechanical installation in coal mines.

2、 Problems Existing in Mechanical and Electrical Installation of Coal Mines

(1) Lack of scientific planning and management of electromechanical installation construction in coal mines

In the process of mechanical and electrical installation in coal mines, some enterprises started construction without fully understanding the mechanical and electrical equipment in coal mines, and lack scientific construction organization design as a guide to ensure the quality of installation and construction. At the same time, some installation personnel only rely on their own experience to carry out construction, and do not make corresponding plans to deal with many unexpected problems in the construction process, and can not take effective measures to deal with problems in a timely manner, which will not only affect the quality of electromechanical installation, but also may lay hidden dangers to the stable operation of electromechanical equipment, causing safety accidents.

(2) Incoordination between installation and construction of electromechanical equipment in coal mine and civil engineering

The installation of mechanical and electrical equipment in coal mines involves the connection with civil engineering, and is also an important link between coal mine production and civil construction. However, the installation of mechanical and electrical equipment and civil engineering in the same city are usually not contracted by the same construction unit, so it is difficult to ensure the same construction progress in the actual construction process, It will also have a certain impact on the quality of electromechanical installation.

(3) The installation technology level of electromechanical equipment in coal mine is not high

The low level of electromechanical installation technology in coal mines is an important factor affecting the installation quality. Mechanical and electrical installation in coal mines is a highly technical and professional work, but there are many mechanical and electrical installation enterprises whose technical level cannot meet the standard. The problems encountered in the installation process cannot be properly solved, and even the quality of the entire installation project will be seriously affected due to technical defects in key parts. In addition, the comprehensive quality of the construction personnel is also a factor affecting the installation technology. Some construction personnel have low comprehensive quality and a weak sense of responsibility. They dare to try the installation links that cannot be mastered. They often judge the problems in the construction process by virtue of their construction experience, which can easily affect the project quality and even damage the reputation of the enterprise.

3、 Innovative Thinking of Mechanical and Electrical Installation in Coal Mines

(1) Establish and improve the innovative management mechanism of electromechanical installation in coal mines

The innovation of management mechanism can provide a strong guarantee for the sustainable development of electromechanical installation in coal mines. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the management system in strict accordance with the relevant requirements in the Safety Operation Specifications for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Coal Mines and the Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Standards for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, according to the actual situation of the installation project, and strengthen the construction organization design of electromechanical installation, Through scientific planning and management of coal mine electromechanical installation, it can ensure the effective connection of all links in the installation process and improve the installation quality.

(2) Do a good job of relevant coordination during installation and construction

Coal mine civil engineering is the foundation of electromechanical equipment installation, and also affects the effectiveness of electromechanical installation in coal mines. Therefore, when installing electromechanical equipment in coal mines, it is necessary to effectively communicate and coordinate with the civil works involved, so as to ensure the coordinated development of electromechanical equipment installation and civil works in coal mines. At the same time, relevant agreements have been reached with the construction in writing, specifying the relevant requirements for the coal mine civil engineering in the construction area of equipment installation, and particular attention should be paid to some technical problems that need to be reserved.

(3) Improve construction technology

The improvement of technical level is an important factor affecting the comprehensive competitiveness of coal mine electromechanical installation enterprises, and also affects the sustainable development of enterprises. Under the background of rapid development of science and technology, coal mine electromechanical equipment is also constantly updated. More and more advanced science and technology at home and abroad are applied to electromechanical installation, which requires strengthening the exploration and research of construction technology. The application of new installation processes and methods is conducive to improving the quality of electromechanical installation and forming a good cycle path for the development of electromechanical installation enterprises. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the training of compound talents through skills training and education means, so that the construction personnel can master more advanced construction technology, which is conducive to promoting the process of innovation in coal mine electromechanical installation.

(4) Strengthen the quality training of construction personnel

The technical level of construction personnel has an important impact on the quality of electromechanical installation, so it is necessary to pay attention to the cultivation of the comprehensive quality of construction personnel. On the one hand, it is necessary to enhance the technical level, so that the construction personnel can master more advanced equipment and material installation technical requirements; On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of constructors' sense of responsibility and safety awareness, operate in strict accordance with the requirements of specifications and standards in the process of mechanical and electrical installation, and take safety protection measures to prevent on-site safety accidents.


To sum up, as an important part of China's industrial economy, coal mine electromechanical equipment plays an important role in promoting the development of China's national economy. Coal mine electromechanical equipment is the application of modern coal mine production, which undoubtedly plays a huge role in promoting coal mine production. Therefore, coal mine electromechanical installation requirements have higher standards, The innovation of coal mine electromechanical installation is the inevitable trend of the development of coal mine electromechanical installation technology. It can not only promote the sustainable development of coal mine electromechanical enterprises, but also promote the effective development of various management work of enterprises, and promote the overall improvement of economic and social benefits of coal mine electromechanical enterprises.


[1] Fan Zongyong. On the Innovation of Mechanical and Electrical Installation in Coal Mines [J]. Research on Urban Construction Theory (Electronic Edition), 2013 (340)

[2] Kang Anxin. Talking about the measures for the installation innovation and problems of electromechanical equipment in coal mines [J]. Zhonghua Folk House, 2013 (21)

[3] Wang Dong. Discussion on How to Do a Good Job in Mechanical and Electrical Installation of Coal Mines at Present [J]. Research on Urban Construction Theory (Electronic Edition), 2013 (24)

Chapter 8: Model for Discussion on Coal Mine Safety Production

Xianyang Branch of Shaanxi Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau (hereinafter referred to as "Xianyang Branch") is a collective with 17 staff members, responsible for coal mine safety supervision in five cities, namely Xianyang, Baoji, Ankang, Hanzhong and Shangluo, with 116 mines under its jurisdiction. The number of casualties in the coal mines under the jurisdiction of Xianyang Branch has been controlled within the control indicators issued by the Safety Committee of Shaanxi Province for 8 consecutive years, and no major production safety accidents have occurred for 3 consecutive years, and all employees have not violated laws and disciplines. These achievements are due to Xianyang Branch's innovation in supervision methods, its severe crackdown on violations, and its anti-corruption education for supervisors.

"Centralized and anatomical" supervision

Xianyang Branch has jurisdiction over all kinds of coal mine safety supervision in five cities, covering an area of 97000 km2. According to the coal seam occurrence conditions and ore scale, it is divided into Guanzhong area and southern Shaanxi area. In Xianyang and Baoji cities in Guanzhong area, the coal mines are modern large and medium-sized mines with advanced equipment, and various disasters such as gas, fire and water are serious, which is the top priority of the safety supervision work of Xianyang Branch. In order to focus on key areas, key periods, key mines and key links, Xianyang Branch carried out "centralized and anatomical" supervision, and used the limited supervision force on "cutting edge". The "centralized and anatomical" supervision is mainly aimed at large and medium-sized coal mines with an annual output of more than 300000 tons in Guanzhong area. These coal mines have large well types, a large number of people entering the well, concentrated production, complete gas, water, fire, coal dust, and roof "five poisons", and are more likely to cause mass casualties.

The working process of "centralized and dissected" supervision is: supervision plan - supervision plan - implementation supervision - collective discussion - writing paper - notifying the situation - issuing documents - tracking rectification - filing documents. In the process of implementing safety supervision, Xianyang Branch broke the boundaries of departments according to the supervision plan formulated in advance, and dispatched inspectors from various disciplines such as mining, excavation, machinery, transportation, power supply, etc. from the branch to form an inspection team, which carried out a dragnet and carpet type troubleshooting against the checklist. At last, the leader of the team will convene a meeting to summarize the hidden dangers of the accident detected by each group and discuss the handling methods.

On February 22, 2011, Xianyang Branch transferred 8 professional and technical personnel from 4 supervision rooms, including mining, excavation, machinery, transportation and transportation. Zhang Junchang, the director of the bureau, led the team to carry out key supervision on a coal mine under the jurisdiction of Xunyi County. As the operation of each system of the coal mine was countless shortly after the Spring Festival, the supervisors of Xianyang Branch decided to adopt "centralized and anatomical" supervision. In the afternoon of February 22, 2011, after hearing the report on the resumption of production acceptance and recent work safety after the mining festival, the safety supervisors of Xianyang Branch were responsible for 2 to 3 items according to the 10 aspects of the monitoring plan and the professional expertise of each person. From the ground data and the main key places, they checked the validity period, operating procedures, rules and regulations, equipment operation records The leader led the shift and investigated the hidden dangers, and looked at the fan operation, yellow mud grouting station, sprinkler fire pool, monitoring, personnel positioning, nitrogen injection system, winch room, etc. On February 23, 2011, according to the mining deployment of the mine, Xianyang Branch divided eight safety supervisors into four groups, namely, the coal mining working face group, the transportation gateway heading group, the return air gateway heading group, and the main underground chambers group, and carried out a dragnet inspection of all operating sites underground. In the afternoon of February 23, 2011, Director Zhang Junchang convened all supervisors to classify and sort out the problems of surface and underground inspection, and launched a heated discussion on the uncertain or unclear accident hazards, and sorted out 8 accident hazards in total.

During the inspection by the safety supervisors of Xianyang Branch, through the calculation and estimation of the coal output of the coal mine in 2010, it was found that it exceeded its approved production capacity, and it was suspected that it had exceeded its production capacity. The safety supervisor of Xianyang Branch immediately sent someone to the financial section of the mine to review the detailed account of safety expense extraction and use. The inspection records confirmed that the suspicion of the safety supervisors of Xianyang Branch was correct. In 2010, the mine actually produced 2013300 tons of raw coal, exceeding the approved production capacity of 1563300 tons. According to the general procedure of administrative punishment, the safety supervisors of Xianyang Branch called the mine manager of the coal mine to sign the on-site inspection record to confirm the illegal facts. According to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 8 of the Special Provisions on the Prevention of Production Safety Accidents issued by the State Council, the Xianyang Branch made a decision to impose a fine of 2 million yuan on the coal mine in accordance with the upper limit, and imposed an administrative penalty of 150000 yuan on the person in charge of the coal mine. In addition, Xianyang Branch also found that the coal mine used anchoring agent without coal safety mark in the inspection, and ordered it to correct within a time limit and impose a fine of 10000 yuan according to the Measures for the Implementation of Work Safety Licenses for Coal Mining Enterprises. The inspection involved two illegal acts of administrative punishment, and they were given administrative punishment respectively, with a total fine of 2.16 million yuan.

According to the supervision plan, Xianyang Branch will supervise key mines in Guanzhong once a quarter, and other mines at least once a year. Xianyang Branch also carried out one special supervision every quarter, with an average of 23 mine inspections per month. Previously, the large and medium-sized coal mines under the jurisdiction of Xianyang Branch, relying on advanced equipment and strong technical force, believed that there were no major problems in their safety production, and did not think highly of the safety supervision work of Xianyang Branch. After Xianyang Branch implemented a period of "centralized and dissected" supervision, due to strict and detailed investigation, the problems raised were reasonable and to the point, which convinced the principals of these coal mines thoroughly and were willing to implement the supervision instructions to rectify hidden dangers.

"Centralized and anatomical" supervision also provides opportunities for supervisors to learn from each other. As a coal mine safety supervisor, in order to complete the task of safety supervision, we must constantly learn new knowledge in practice. Through "centralized and anatomical" supervision, supervisors learned from each other, solved many paradoxical concepts and problems, and greatly improved their business capabilities.

Exemplary supervision

In Hanzhong, Ankang and Shangluo cities in southern Shaanxi, most of the coal mines are small town coal mines. These coal mines have poor coal seam occurrence conditions, backward production technology, low operating skills and weak safety awareness of workers. Accidents caused by "three violations" occur from time to time, and the total number of accidents is large. The coal mine gas, fire and water disasters in this area are small, and the disasters are mainly sporadic roof accidents. In view of the characteristics of scattered mine spots, large mountains and deep trenches, rugged roads in the mining area, and long supervision front in southern Shaanxi, Xianyang Branch carried out demonstration supervision.

In the process of demonstration supervision, Xianyang Branch selected representative mines, called together the main leaders of adjacent mines for inspection, pointed out the existing problems, precautions and rectification measures hand by hand, urged the main leaders of mines to learn to find and solve problems, and constantly enhanced their safety awareness and legal concept, which played a role of drawing inferences from one instance to another Get twice the result with half the effort.

Langao County is located in the Qinling Bashan Mountains, and each mine is far away. It takes a whole day to monitor one mine. There are fewer natural disasters in the stone coal mines in this area, the mine systems are relatively simple, and the mine lacks technical personnel. Xianyang Branch has adopted a demonstration monitoring method for the coal mines in this area. On August 3, 2011, Ji Zhiwen, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Xianyang Branch, led three staff of the Fourth Supervision Office and two staff of the Coal Section of Ankang Bureau of Industry and Information Technology to carry out exemplary supervision of Shengli Coal Mine in Langao County. After arriving in Langao County, the county industry bureau will convene the main principals of the other seven nearby mines to participate in the preliminary supervision meeting. At the meeting, the head of the department of Xianyang Branch Bureau explained the general situation of the monitored mine, the main contents of this supervision and the division of labor of each supervision team according to the supervision plan, and at the same time, assigned other mine heads who participated in the meeting to each inspection team to participate in the inspection. During the supervision process, the supervisors of Xianyang Branch will explain in detail why the accident hidden danger found on the site is considered as an accident hidden danger, the causes of the accident hidden danger and the rectification methods.

At the supervision briefing attended by all the staff, the staff of Xianyang Branch analyzed 11 potential accidents in mining, electromechanical transportation, "one ventilation and three prevention", leadership leadership and other aspects of the coal mine, made immediate or deadline rectification, and imposed economic punishment on the mine for lax implementation of leadership leadership system, omission or replacement. At the same time, local regulatory authorities were required to urge the coal mine to rectify hidden dangers and report the rectification results to Xianyang Branch. Through this exemplary supervision, Xianyang Branch Bureau not only improved the efficiency of supervision, but also made the main principals of other mines observe and study, playing a role of "monitoring one point, influencing one line, and educating one large area".

Integrity and self-discipline system

Most of the inspectors of the Xianyang Branch came from rural areas and had similar childhood and growth experiences with coal miners. They know the hardships of life, the difficulty of earning money and the importance of men as the backbone of their families. They cherish the lives of miners and the work more from the bottom of their hearts, which is the root of their ability to maintain integrity records.

The coal mine safety supervisors hold certain administrative law enforcement power in their hands, and also shoulder the sacred responsibility of protecting the lives and property of the people. Therefore, Xianyang Branch took the integrity and self-discipline of the inspectors as the top priority and adopted a series of effective measures. Xianyang Branch recently carried out the theme practice activity of "deepening the education of governing for the people, standardizing the safety law enforcement behavior, and rectifying prominent problems", and found 18 risk points of integrity from the aspects of coal mine safety administrative licensing, coal mine safety supervision and law enforcement, and coal mine safety intermediary management, and formulated targeted preventive measures. At the same time, Xianyang Branch carries out family anti-corruption activities twice a year, and asks the supervisor's family members to fill in the letter of assistance for building a clean government. Xianyang Branch also sent a proposal to the family members of the inspectors for their lives beyond 8 hours, calling on them to establish the awareness of "family helping to be honest", and to rule the family with morality and protect the family with honesty; Carry forward the tradition of "diligence and thrift to promote integrity". Family members consciously act as propagandists, supervisors and gatekeepers to fight against corruption and promote integrity. They often preach the family's "clean government style" and manage the family's "clean government accounts".

According to the regulations of Xianyang Branch, when going to the coal mine for supervision, the supervisor cannot go down the well alone, live in a single room or talk to the mine owner alone, and the supervision document must be made on site; Collective discussion and decision on punishment measures; The regular meeting notification of monitoring results has blocked the occurrence of dishonesty from the system. Xianyang Branch regularly carries out cadre rotation exchange, and the leader in charge and the supervision office rotate every two years to avoid the "human relationship law". In 2011, Xianyang Branch employed 30 incorruption supervisors in the area under its jurisdiction and hung 116 incorruption reporting telephone boards at eye-catching locations in the coal mine.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2012, a coal mine owner in southern Shaanxi went to the office of a leader of the Xianyang Branch Bureau to report his work on the pretext. After a short talk, he took out a file bag, saying that it was the safety facilities acceptance data sent to the leader. After putting down the file bag, the mine owner ran away. The leader opened the file bag and saw that a brand new hundred yuan note was sandwiched in the middle of the data. The leader quickly called the owner of the mine and asked him, "What does that mean? Come and get your money back. The leader returned home at night and couldn't sleep through the night. His 80 year old mother's words - "Son, if you want to be an official, don't be greedy" haunted his ears from time to time, making him toss and turn. The next day, just before dawn, the leader drove back and forth for more than 800 kilometers and returned the money to the mine owner. As soon as the mine owner saw this leader, he was very moved. He took his hand and said, "I don't mean anything else. It's the Spring Festival. Come and see you. Why be so serious?" The leader said solemnly, "We are disciplined and can't collect money from the mine owner." After that, the leader turned around and hurried back.

Yan Yongqi, deputy director of the First Supervision Office of Xianyang Branch, was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Individual in Work Safety Supervision" by the State Administration of Work Safety and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety in 2011. Yan Yongqi, who is in his 40s, suffers from serious diabetes and hypertension all the year round. He is in charge of Binchang mining area, which has the largest production and the most serious disaster in Xianyang Branch. The First Supervision Office, which he presided over, also undertook the office and finance work of Xianyang Branch, with heavy supervision tasks and many work threads. On a business trip, he had two more things in his bag than others - several bags of Chinese medicine and a small refrigerator for storing insulin. When others are tired, they can drink water. When they are tired, they have to take medicine and give injections; Back in Xianyang Branch, others can go online, read newspapers and drink tea, while he has to deal with official documents and write articles. Colleagues advised him to take a rest. He always smiled and said, "Nothing".

Part 9: Model for the discussion of coal mine safety production

[Key words] Technology management; Safety production; premise

CLC No.: c829.23 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1009-914x (2013) 06-0048-01

1. Introduction

As we all know, strengthening technological innovation and accelerating technological progress is an important part of implementing the strategy of revitalizing coal through science and education under the new situation, and is a systematic project to improve the face of the coal industry. Then, strengthening technical management is the premise of realizing coal mine safety production. Technical management has the characteristics of advance, planning and guidance. Coal mine accidents, especially major malignant accidents, are largely caused by inadequate technical management or loopholes. Therefore, strengthening technical management and improving the level of technical management are the prerequisite for achieving safe production.

2. Technical management is an effective way to find out hidden dangers of coal mine accidents

In the underground production process of coal mines, there are natural disasters such as water, fire, gas, coal dust, roof and so on. In the production process, improper coordination of various processes and links will cause failures and accidents, even serious disasters, causing major property losses, and even seriously endangering the life safety of employees. Only by constantly investigating and dealing with potential accidents, eliminating accidents in the bud, clarifying the key points of safety work, putting safety work in the first place at all times, and taking targeted reasonable measures can we ensure the safe production of coal mines. The hidden dangers in coal mine production are closely related to accidents. The key point of preventing accidents is to improve workers' awareness of safe production and eliminate hidden dangers at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the basic work, establish and improve various rules and regulations, improve the monitoring and monitoring system, implement comprehensive prevention and control measures, and eliminate dangerous conditions. In the production process, targeted measures should be formulated for the safety hazards such as the driving face approaching the aquifer and fault, local gas out of limit, the first and periodic roof weighting of the mining face, and passing through faults and fracture zones. They should be carefully implemented, responsibilities should be clarified, management should be strengthened, and safety production should be ensured. Therefore, coal mine safety production is the key point of technical management, which requires not only regular analysis, but also research and prevention as far as possible. According to theoretical analysis and practical experience, we should explore the relationship between hidden dangers and accidents, scientifically and reasonably formulate practical measures, carefully implement them, and eliminate accidents in the bud.

3. Strengthen technical management, investigate and deal with hidden dangers of coal mine accidents

During the underground production of coal mines, they are restricted by the five natural disasters of water, fire, gas, coal dust and roof. In the production process, improper coordination of mining, excavation, machinery, transportation and transportation will cause failures and accidents, even serious disasters, which will seriously endanger the safety of employees. There are unsafe factors in any coal mine, but only to different degrees, Only by constantly investigating and dealing with potential accidents, clarifying the key points of safety work, and taking targeted and reasonable measures can we ensure the safe production of coal mines. During the mining process of coal mines, water, fire, gas, coal dust and roof problems are always accompanied by the mining of coal mines. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen basic work, establish and improve rules and regulations, improve monitoring means, and implement prevention and control measures for these long-term problems, so that they do not appear in a dangerous state. In the process of mining, if there are short-term hidden dangers such as local gas exceeding the limit, exploration and excavation working face approaching the aquifer, initial and periodic roof weighting of mining working face, passing through faults and drilling empty roof, responsibilities should be clarified, temporary measures should be formulated, management should be strengthened, and they should be eliminated as soon as possible. Short term problems in coal mines are the focus of technical management, and not only regular analysis should be made, It is also necessary to make quantitative analysis as far as possible, explore the correlation between hidden dangers and accidents according to theoretical analysis and practical experience, and scientifically and reasonably formulate practical measures to eliminate accidents in the bud.

4. Pay close attention to the key points of "one ventilation and three prevention"

In recent years, China's coal mine gas accidents have occurred frequently, causing heavy losses to the country and people's lives and property. If we want to grasp the initiative of safety production, we must take the "one ventilation and three prevention" work as the focus of safety work, pay close attention to the "one ventilation and three prevention" technical management work, and resolutely control the occurrence of gas, coal dust and other major accidents. To do a good job in the technical management of "one ventilation and three prevention", the following points should be done well:

(1) Establish and improve the responsibility system of "one ventilation and three prevention" management of leaders at all levels and business departments, clarify responsibilities, pay close attention to implementation, and implement joint management and coordinated operation. At the same time, we should focus on four key points, namely, design, production layout, measure approval, and hidden danger handling.

(2) Attach great importance to the management of mine ventilation technology, adjust and transform unreasonable ventilation system, manage and use ventilation facilities well, establish and improve mine ventilation management system, and achieve reasonable air supply and distribution. At the same time, it is necessary to educate the staff to take good care of the ventilation and dust prevention facilities, eliminate man-made damage, and ensure that the mine ventilation system is reasonable, stable and reliable.

(3) Increase the investment in "one ventilation and three prevention" safety measures and equip with ventilation and dust prevention facilities. That is to say, in the use of funds for "one ventilation and three prevention" facilities, we must spend a lot of money to ensure the safety and reliability of ventilation and dust prevention facilities and ensure that everything is safe.

5. Rely on scientific and technological progress

To achieve safe production in coal mines, we must rely on scientific and technological progress, improve coal mining technology, vigorously promote new technologies, new processes, new equipment and new materials, improve the comprehensive quality of employees, and strive to improve the working environment underground. The poor safety condition of the coal mine, except for the special geological and mining conditions, is largely due to the backward equipment and technology, the low quality of safety technology management personnel and the comprehensive quality of employees. Therefore, relying on scientific and technological progress to strengthen technical management is the biggest driving force to achieve safe production in coal mines. However, the promotion of new technologies should be based on local conditions, do a good job in feasibility study and technical demonstration, do not act blindly, and also have enough capital investment to ensure. There is a problem of secondary development for some new technologies. Attention should be paid to the adaptability and reliability of new technologies and equipment under new conditions to avoid new hidden dangers and make them play a good role in the process of safety production.

6. Establish a sound management mechanism for technical talents

A large number of facts of coal mine safety production have proved that it is very necessary to strengthen the leadership of production technology, clarify the division of responsibilities, and establish a technical system of technical responsibility headed by the chief engineer technical director. Without an effective technical management mechanism and a perfect technical management organization, technical management will inevitably be arbitrary and will inevitably bring hidden dangers to coal mine safety production.