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 Characteristics of electromechanical integration

Part 1: Model Essay on Characteristics of Mechatronics

characteristic major Construction is an important means to further optimize the specialty setting of colleges and universities, and improve the quality of talent training and talent competitiveness. At present, with the economic transformation and upgrading, the number and structure of high-level technical talents in China are far from meeting the market demand. Local undergraduate colleges and universities undertake the mission of providing talent support for the economic and social development of local regions. During the transformation and upgrading of local regional industries, there is a shortage of high-level applied technical talents at the production, construction, management and service lines, while graduates of local undergraduate colleges and universities are difficult to find jobs because they cannot learn to use. Therefore, it is urgent to adjust the structure of higher education and talent training in a timely and strategic manner, promote the diversified development of higher education, and promote the matching between talent training structure and market demand. Based on this background, at the beginning of 2013, the Ministry of Education launched the strategic research on the pilot reform of applied technology universities. In June, the Alliance of Applied Technology Universities (Colleges) was established to explore the pilot reform of applied technology universities at the national level. Yitong College of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications was listed by the Ministry of Education as one of the first reform pilot colleges of China University of Applied Technology. The electrical engineering and automation specialty takes this opportunity to continuously strengthen the specialty construction and refine the specialty characteristic , deepen teaching reform, and cultivate application-oriented professionals who adapt to local economic development, master new technologies and have high skills. Strengthening the construction of characteristic majors is an important starting point and foothold for colleges and universities to deepen the reform of education and teaching, deepen the implementation of the "quality project" and improve the quality of talent training in the new era. The specialty of electrical engineering and automation, in accordance with the demand for talents for strategic tasks such as the implementation of industrial optimization and upgrading and the support of rejuvenating Chongqing through science and education in western China, timely adjusts and optimizes the talent training program, highlights the professional characteristics of power system automation and automotive electronics, highlights the ability training of applied electrical automation technology talents and "complete human" education It emphasizes the integration of electrical engineering and automation technology, the professional curriculum arrangement is "refined and specialized and practical", the teaching content and teaching methods are constantly reformed, students' professional technology application ability is improved, and the quality of talent training is ensured.

2. Positioning and objectives of characteristic specialty construction

Since its establishment, the major of electrical engineering and automation in the School of Migration of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications has been based in the western region, facing electrical engineering and related industries, serving the regional economic development, taking student employment as the guide, and establishing a suitable teaching staff and talent training mode as the basis, to clarify the training orientation of applied technology universities and technical application-oriented undergraduate talents, According to the trinity training mode of "professional education+general education+perfect education" of the school, give full play to the advantages of information discipline, deepen the education and teaching reform, and train the local regional economic and social development needs to be able to engage in power system, motor control High level applied technology skilled talents and practical innovative, applied and compound talents working in the design, operation, maintenance, application and management of power electronic and electrical facilities and equipment and control system. With the purpose of cultivating innovative applied talents and the main line of improving students' engineering practice ability and comprehensive engineering quality, the major actively carries out the "four in one" comprehensive teaching reform (integrating curriculum, specialty, discipline and laboratory construction), Always adhere to the applied talent training mode of "combination of knowledge teaching and exploration and innovation, combination of teaching and research, combination of teachers and students, combination of in class and out of class, and combination of in school and out of school", condense and establish a new practical teaching mode that reflects personalized education and engineering application, and highlight the school running advantages of integration of production, learning and research, We will form a professional construction system to promote reform in an all-round way, and strive to build the "Electrical Engineering and Automation" specialty into a characteristic demonstration specialty of applied talents training in the pilot project of the University of Applied Technology.

3. Thoughts on the construction of characteristic specialty

The construction of characteristic specialties should first conform to the overall development plan and layout of disciplines and specialties of the school, the current situation and changing trend of social talent demand, and the direction, level, scale, ability and characteristics of the school.

3.1 Focus on market demand and refine professional characteristics

The major of electrical engineering and automation, adhering to the school motto of "happy teaching, happy learning, creation and entrepreneurship", takes employment as the guidance, condenses the professional characteristics of power system automation and automotive electronics, and is committed to cultivating high-quality talents with a sense of social responsibility, strong communication ability, professional creation, multi-disciplinary integration, international vision and diversified vision, It plays the role of talent transmission and reserve for the talent demand of regional economic development, and serves the information technology industry and regional economic and social development.

3.2 Based on the platform of "Electrical Automatic Chemistry"

Discipline and specialty structure system Electrical engineering and automation specialty actively carry out discipline layout and structure adjustment, coordinate the development plan of each discipline, and gradually form a "discipline group of electrical automation specialty". This discipline group can strengthen the cultivation of students' basic skills, highlight interdisciplinary (or more meaningful) comprehensive curriculum design, comprehensive experiments, comprehensive classroom discussions, etc., which is conducive to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, the development of open experiments and students' extracurricular scientific research activities, the comprehensive cultivation of young teachers' professional quality, and resource sharing.

3.3 Strengthen professional construction based on industry background

The specialty of electrical engineering and automation closely focuses on electrical engineering technology, based in Chongqing, serves the west, radiates across the country, faces the world, closely combines the needs of national and local economic construction, highlights the characteristics of electrical technology, emphasizes the combination of electrical engineering and automation technology, and cultivates the design and manufacturing of electrical automation equipment The development and maintenance of automobile electronic control system is oriented as a professional application oriented technical talent, which provides excellent engineering application oriented senior talents for national and local economic development and construction.

4 Contents of characteristic specialty construction

4.1 Talent training program and mode construction

The traditional undergraduate talent training program includes three links: theoretical teaching, practical teaching and national defense education. It is simple in design and mainly focuses on teachers, textbooks and classrooms. The University of Applied Technology is student-centered, practical ability improvement centered, and solving practical problems on the production line centered. Therefore, the traditional talent training program is not applicable to the University of Applied Technology, and the talent training model is not applicable to the University of Applied Technology. In this regard, the school implements the trinity of talent cultivation, integrating professional education, general education and perfect education, and strives to cultivate "complete people" around the center. The biggest feature is that students' extracurricular education practice and classroom teaching are equally important and have the same status. Professional education focuses on training students' ability to apply professional technology; General education focuses on broadening students' horizons, improving their cultural taste, and cultivating their scientific spirit and humanistic quality; The goal of perfect education is to strive to cultivate students with good character, temperament and comprehensive ability, and to vigorously enhance students' emotional intelligence. When formulating the talent training program, the specialty should strengthen practical teaching, strengthen the cultivation of knowledge application ability, practical ability, professional ability, innovation and entrepreneurship ability and learning ability, and build a competency based curriculum system according to the needs of economic and social development for advanced technical and skilled talents and the school's cultivation philosophy of application oriented, ability oriented and all-round development, Explore and build a training mechanism that combines school and enterprise training, professional education and industrial development, curriculum content and professional standards, academic education and professional qualification certificates, establish and improve a quality evaluation system that involves industry, enterprises, employers and third-party institutions, and achieve seamless connection between talent training and social needs. In order to improve students' ability to apply professional technology, increase the proportion of practical teaching hours, strive to build a school enterprise cooperation and off campus practice base, give full play to the role of the training base, reform the teaching mode and explore a variety of "work study integration" forms for professional courses with a significant proportion of skill training. The integrated teaching mode of "teaching, learning and doing" is adopted for such courses as Electrical Control and PLC Technology, Automatic Control Principle, Microcontroller and Embedded System Technology; For the courses such as Electrical Control and PLC Technology, Motor and Drive Control, in combination with the design, installation and commissioning of flexible automatic processing production line, we will promote the talent training mode characterized by productive training, so that students can participate in production activities in the experimental practice link, cultivate and realize students' professional and technical level, and enhance their comprehensive adaptability to enterprise posts. In the practical teaching, the "task driven" teaching mode is adopted for the courses that are closely linked with "work and learning".

4.2 Course system construction

The construction of the curriculum system is based on the principle of "solid foundation, appropriate caliber, re application, and strong capability", with the ability training as the core, the specialty as the guidance, and according to the talent training objectives of the specialty and the actual job needs of the enterprise, set up courses and adjust the course content. The teaching of basic courses should aim at application, be necessary and sufficient, and focus on clarifying concepts and strengthening application; Professional courses should be targeted and practical; The basic courses should select the things that really belong to the foundation, and the professional courses should enrich the modern high-tech knowledge related to the specialty in time, giving full consideration to teaching the most necessary knowledge to students; Through quality education and humanistic education. It is not only necessary to ensure that the most basic and up-to-date technical knowledge is taught, but also to enable students to accept more dynamic knowledge, master some knowledge and capabilities that have application potential and regenerative effect, can adapt to future changes and serve the knowledge economy, and should enable students to have a certain capacity for sustainable development. This major constructs the curriculum system of power system automation and automotive electronics. The power system automation module mainly includes Power Supply and Distribution Technology, Power System Analysis, Power System Relay Protection and New Technology, Power Supply and Distribution Technology Curriculum Design and other courses; Automotive electronic modules mainly include Modern Automotive Electronic Control System, Sensors and Detection Technology, Automotive Fault Detection and Diagnosis Technology, Modern Automotive Electronic Control System Course Design and other courses.

4.3 Construction of teaching materials

Teaching materials are an important factor in the construction of characteristic majors. Choosing appropriate textbooks is an effective measure to ensure the quality of teaching. The teaching materials of this specialty are selected and compiled and published in a way that pays equal attention to the actual situation of independent college students, actively participates in the compilation of self compiled teaching materials, and highlights the characteristics of application-oriented undergraduate teaching from the practical application of engineering. At present, teachers of this major have compiled and published Modern Control Theory, one of the core professional basic course textbooks, which was published by the People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House in November 2013. It is a textbook planned for the "12th Five Year Plan" of industrial and information-based general higher education and the 21st century college electrical engineering and automation specialty. In addition, several teachers of this major have signed contracts with Chongqing University Press to participate in the preparation of "Applied Undergraduate Teaching Materials for Electrical Engineering and Automation". The course materials involved include Automatic Control Principle, Power Electronics Technology, Sensors and Detection Technology, Microcontroller and Embedded System Technology, etc. These textbooks are the core professional foundation and professional course textbooks that highlight the characteristics of applied universities. They have an important impact and role in cultivating applied talents with engineering technology foundation and skills, and are an important support for the construction of the professional curriculum system.

4.4 Construction of teaching staff

The construction of the teaching staff is the most fundamental construction in the construction of characteristic specialties, and the quality of the teaching staff directly determines the level of specialty construction. Traditional higher vocational colleges emphasize that professional course teachers should be "double qualified" teachers. For applied technology universities, only "double qualified" professional course teachers are far from enough. They must be "three capable" professional course teachers, who can not only speak theory, guide practical training, but also carry out technology research and development together with enterprises. The key point of the construction of applied technology university is to build a "three ability" teaching staff. This major focuses on both training and introduction, attaches importance to the guidance of teachers' practical experience, attaches importance to teachers' practical ability in enterprise production management and engineering technology, and strives to strengthen the construction of "three abilities" teachers.

4.5 Construction of practice training mode

This major adopts the three-dimensional practice mode of "cognitive practice+production practice+graduation practice". Let the freshmen understand the industry overview, enterprise production process, enterprise management workflow and product structure; Let the senior students use the basic knowledge and professional knowledge they have learned, go deep into the professional field practice, understand the setting and functions of the professional related jobs, understand the composition, performance and operating principle of the equipment, master the corresponding operating technology, and prepare for the graduation design and solving practical problems. The professional training generally includes three training modes: basic skill training combining classroom and training room, comprehensive skill training combining production factory and training room, innovation and R&D ability training combining graduation design and R&D service. Let students participate in school enterprise cooperation development projects, stimulate learning interest, and improve students' comprehensive application ability of professional knowledge and team spirit; Establish a scientific and technological innovation group, under the guidance of teachers, let students participate in scientific and technological innovation activities, and cultivate students' innovation ability; Utilize the perfect experimental training conditions to carry out various skill competitions such as single-chip microcomputer and PLC, so as to enhance the competitiveness of students. Therefore, strengthening school enterprise cooperation in running schools, school enterprise cooperation in educating people, and school enterprise common development is the development direction of the University of Applied Technology, and is also an inevitable requirement to continuously enhance the vitality of the University of Applied Technology in running schools and improve the quality of education and teaching.

5 Conclusion

Part 2: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

Key words: teaching reform; Railway specialty; Electrical Engineering and Automation

About the author: Su Hongsheng (1969 -), male, from Jingyuan, Gansu Province, deputy director and professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University; Dong Haiying (1966 -), male, from Lintong, Shaanxi Province, is the vice president and professor of the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering of Lanzhou Jiaotong University. (Lanzhou 730070, Gansu)

CLC No.: G642.0????? Document ID: A????? Article No.: 1007-0079 (2012) 33-0027-03

1、 Historical evolution

The electrical engineering and automation specialty of Lanzhou Jiaotong University is the predecessor of the electric locomotive specialty established by a group of electrical engineering experts such as Professor Jiang Jiayou in 1958 and the electric locomotive power supply specialty established in 1959. In 1999, the university set up the undergraduate major of electrical engineering and automation according to the new national undergraduate specialty directory, and began to recruit students in the same year. In 2000, the major was included in the list of national managed specialties by the Ministry of Education, and in 2004, it was funded by the Ministry of Finance with the special funds for the central and local co construction of colleges and universities. [1]

Since its establishment, the major of electrical engineering and automation has followed the excellent school running tradition of Lanzhou Jiaotong University (Lanzhou Railway Institute) for many years, and has trained more than 1000 professional and technical talents in the field of railway electrification engineering for the country's construction in the principle of serving the railway and training talents in the field of local power system, In particular, the western railway construction has made important contributions.

2、 Professional positioning

With the development of higher education reform, higher education in China has changed from elite education period to popular education period, and the biggest problem faced by popular education is the employment distribution of graduates. The severe employment situation has evolved into a social problem of great concern, which is difficult to do only by improving the teaching quality and paying close attention to the teaching level. Therefore, we must start from social analysis, correctly position ourselves, find a good combination of talent training and social needs in colleges and universities, do a good job in professional teaching reform of higher education, and complete the three main functions of colleges and universities: talent training, scientific research transformation, and serving the society.

The major of electrical engineering and automation is a major commonly established in engineering colleges and universities in China. The scale of the major is relatively large, and the employment competition is extremely fierce. As mentioned above, how Lanzhou Jiaotong University can train students to meet the needs of the times and occupy a place in many universities is an important issue related to the survival and development of the major. For this reason, the Department of Electrical Engineering of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the current specialty, combined with the characteristics of the original railway colleges, made a bold attempt and reform, that is, the specialty of electrical engineering and automation of Lanzhou Jiaotong University is positioned at the specialty of railway characteristics, On the basis of the original direction of the original electrical engineering and automation specialty, two characteristic specialty directions of electrified railway traction power supply and catenary engineering have been set up. On the one hand, it has expanded the employment channels of students, further defined the teaching objectives, and on the other hand, it has taken into account the learning interests of students. After two years of professional attempts, it has been proved that the practice of the Department of Electrical Engineering in positioning the electrical engineering and its automation specialty in the railway specialty is completely correct, and the situation of graduates in short supply has emerged. Many people have made good achievements in their own posts, which is welcomed by employers.

3、 Establishment of characteristic specialty direction

The Ministry of Education's Regulations on the Specialty Setting of Ordinary Colleges and Universities clearly stipulates that "ordinary colleges and universities can independently examine and approve the specialty direction within the scope of the existing specialty after completing the basic course teaching according to the special needs of the society and their own advantages and characteristics". Under the guidance of this rule, the Department of Electrical Engineering of Lanzhou Jiaotong University has carried out the discussion and research on setting up a characteristic specialty under the specialty of electrical engineering and automation.

1. Analysis of problems in the wide range of electrical discipline

Looking at the current situation of electrical engineering and its automation specialty, the existing problems are mainly manifested in: First, the talent training objectives are not clear enough. Some colleges and universities follow the educational concept of emphasizing theory and ignoring knowledge teaching in higher education in China, ignoring the education of people themselves and lacking clear professional positioning, which leads to too large training objectives to meet the needs of the times and the multi-level needs of society for talents. Second, the talent training model is backward and lack of innovation. The teaching is subject to specific majors, and the corresponding professional knowledge is instilled into students. Less consideration is given to whether students can fully digest the knowledge they have learned, whether they have formed a reasonable knowledge structure, and whether they can use these professional knowledge to solve practical problems. With the rapid development of information technology, technical specialization has become increasingly prominent. It is inevitable for social development to cultivate more professional electrical talents.

2. Feasibility and inevitability of establishing railway characteristic specialty direction

The uneven distribution of energy resources in China and the increasing number of migrant workers decide that China's railway transportation will still play a very important role in the future national economic development. Compared with other traction methods, railway electric traction has great advantages in high-speed, heavy load, environmental protection, etc, Therefore, it will be the main traction mode for the future development of railway transportation industry. In the later period of the Ninth Five Year Plan, with the completion of a number of passenger and freight mixed railways with a speed of more than 200km per hour and passenger dedicated railways with a speed of 200~350km, China's railways have entered a period of rapid development. In addition, these railways are mostly controlled and managed by information technology, which objectively determines higher requirements for the railway traction power supply industry: electrical professionals are required to have a deep understanding and mastery of railway knowledge; It is required that the traction power supply system, as the representative of railway automation, modernization and science and technology, should meet the requirements of high-speed railway construction from reliability to advancement; It is required that modern electric traction power supply should develop in the direction of specialization, science and technology and informatization.

At present, China's railway construction has set off a new round of climax, and is infiltrating into Xinjiang and other remote areas. The characteristics of these railway construction are high starting points and high standards. A large number of talents in railway power supply and catenary who have mastered modern scientific knowledge are urgently needed to engage in the operation and maintenance work related to traction substation and catenary to ensure the safety and smoothness of the main artery. In addition, because the training objectives of Lanzhou Jiaotong University's electrical specialty are not clear enough or the training plan can not meet the requirements of high-speed railway development, talent training is disconnected from social needs, and graduates are difficult to find jobs.

According to our survey in Urumqi, Hohhot, Harbin, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Lanzhou and other railway bureaus, Qinghai Tibet Railway Corporation, as well as CSR, CNR and other railway rolling stock manufacturing enterprises, these enterprises' annual demand for talents of graduates majoring in traction power supply is one-third of what the school can provide, and the gap is more than half, Moreover, the demand of these railway enterprises for traction power supply talents will continue to grow.

On the one hand, the employment pressure brought by the lack of skills and the increasing number of students in many colleges and universities for electrical majors in a wide range of areas; On the other hand, there is a shortage of talents in the railway traction power supply specialty, which leads to the situation that many households come to the school in advance to compete for talents and cannot meet the talent demand. In view of this, according to the characteristics of the original railway colleges of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, the Department of Electrical Engineering of Lanzhou Jiaotong University has decided to open up the direction of traction power supply under the major of electrical engineering and automation. At the same time, considering that the catenary is an indispensable carrier of electric traction and is often intertwined with the operation and maintenance work, the direction of catenary engineering has been set up. Along with the original professional direction of power system automation, Lanzhou Jiaotong University's electrical engineering and automation specialty has three professional directions, namely, two railway specialty directions and one traditional specialty direction, which better meets the needs of employers and provides more choices for students.

4、 Specific measures for the reform of railway specialty orientation

As soon as the railway specialty direction of the Department of Electrical Engineering was determined, it became an important specialty direction of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, which is also the only undergraduate college in Gansu Province and even in the northwest region. In order to meet the teaching requirements of the special railway specialty direction (i.e. railway power supply and catenary direction), the college and department have set up a special research group in talent training mode, curriculum, textbook selection and platform construction, which has been strongly funded by the university.

1. Revision of teaching plan and improvement of curriculum

The original teaching plan and syllabus of the Department of Electrical Engineering were set up for the undergraduate major of electrical engineering and automation, with the characteristics of complete courses and wide coverage. The disadvantages are lack of characteristics, vague orientation and unclear training objectives, which lead to difficulties in employment of graduates. In order to match the training objectives of railway characteristic specialty, the existing teaching plan must be adjusted so that it can not only meet the training plans of electrical engineering and automation specialty, but also reflect the training objectives of railway characteristic power supply specialty. For this reason, the research team believes that the formulation of new teaching plans should reflect the integrity and coherence of knowledge; Fully reflect the new technology and development prospect of the course direction; Eliminate the old and create the new, and highlight the key points; Combine theory with practice, and pay attention to the cultivation of practical ability. It is based on this principle that the original teaching plan is revised from four aspects: public basic course teaching platform, professional basic course teaching platform, professional course teaching platform and engineering practice ability teaching platform. [2]

(1) Revision of the teaching platform for public basic courses. In addition to implementing the public basic curriculum system of the whole school, the college has also built a computer application ability platform consisting of 14 courses: "Fundamentals of Program Design", "Data Structure", "Discrete Mathematics", "Microcomputer Principles", "Microcontroller Principles and System Design", "Numerical Computation and MATLAB Methods", "Embedded System Design", "Introduction to Computer" "DSP Technology and Application", "Digital Signal Processing", "Software Development Technology Foundation", "Database Technology and Application", "Web Technology and Application", and "Computer Network" lay the foundation for students' future development.

In view of the high requirements for mathematics in the specialty direction of railway, the teaching content of engineering mathematics was added when the plan was revised, including the courses of "mathematical physical equation", "vector analysis and field theory", "probability and mathematical statistics", "complex variable function and integral transformation", which laid a solid foundation for students to learn the specialty direction courses.

In this way, students can not only learn in the wide range of teaching platform for basic courses of large electricity, but also master the teaching content of basic courses of characteristic professional direction courses, laying a solid foundation for future professional direction learning.

(2) Revision of teaching platform for professional basic courses. The teaching platform for basic courses of electrical engineering and automation specialty includes 10 courses, including "circuit analysis", "circuit experiment", "electronic technology", "electronic technology experiment", "engineering electromagnetic field", "automatic control principle", "electrical engineering", "introduction to electrical engineering", "electrical system analysis", and "power system communication and network technology", Together with public basic courses, it forms a large platform for teaching basic courses of big electricity.

Because the catenary specialty has strict requirements for mechanical and mechanical knowledge, the courses of "Mechanical Design Basis" and "Engineering Mechanics" have been added to the professional foundation platform, which enriches the students' professional knowledge and lays a foundation for learning the catenary specialty in the future.

(3) Revision of professional course teaching platform. The teaching platform for electrical engineering and automation courses mainly involves "high voltage technology", "power electronics technology", "power system relay protection principle", "electrical testing technology", "electrical control and programmable controller", "power system automation", "professional English reading and writing", "electrical equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis" "Distribution network automation" and other courses, together with graduation design and curriculum design, build a professional skills acquisition platform.

The revision of the professional course teaching platform is crucial to ensure the success of the railway characteristic specialty direction, so it has made a major adjustment. In view of the direction of electrified railway traction power supply, the courses of "electrified railway power supply system and design", "electrified railway power supply system and equipment", "urban rail transit power supply system", "traction power supply station design and construction" and the course design of these courses have been added. For the direction of OCS engineering, "OCS engineering and design", "OCS regulations and rules", "OCS construction", "OCS detection" and "OCS engineering and design course design" are added. In addition to compulsory courses, there are 9 credits of elective courses in the above two characteristic directions. Table 1 is the teaching plan of the adjusted specialty of electrical engineering and automation railway.

(4) Revision of engineering practice ability teaching platform. The adjustment of the engineering practice ability teaching platform is mainly based on two aspects: first, the training content of the engineering practice platform itself is adjusted. For example, the cognition practice is changed from visiting Liujiaxia Hydropower Station to visiting the Lanzhou Traction Substation of Lanzhou Railway Bureau's power supply section, and the production practice is changed from the original practice in Lanzhou Motor Factory to the practice in the OCS training base of Longxi Branch of Lanzhou Railway Bureau's staff training station. The second is to open up new training content or training base, such as the addition of parts disassembly practice related to traction power supply system and catenary specialty, and the opening of the practice base of Lanzhou Railway Administration Power Supply Section Electric Dispatching Center. In addition, the college also regularly hires on-site professionals from major railway bureaus, design institutes, China Railway Electrification Corporation, Qinghai Tibet Railway Corporation and other major railway bureaus to teach or make reports in the college, so that students can learn on-site knowledge without leaving the school.

2. Research on the construction of teaching staff

Railway characteristic specialty of electrical engineering and automation specialty is a new direction, and the allocation of teachers directly affects the success or failure of specialty construction. On the basis of optimizing the allocation of teacher resources, we must increase teacher training and improve the professional level of teachers. Specific measures: First, arrange teachers to carry out practice training in relevant colleges and universities to strengthen learning exchange. For example, in 2008, two young teachers Zhang Tingrong and Li Hong were arranged to study at East China Jiaotong University, Li Yaning was arranged to study at the First Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways, in 2009, Zhang Tingrong and Li Hong were arranged to study at the Lanzhou Branch of the First Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways, and in 2010, Min Yongzhi was arranged to study at Southwest Jiaotong University, improving the theoretical level of teachers. In addition to arranging relevant teachers for further study and practice every year, the college has also put forth the "1+2" research plan and the "1+1" mentoring plan. The second is to encourage teachers to visit factories or railway construction sites in summer and cold seasons, exchange and learn with on-site workers and technicians, and achieve real practical learning. The third is to actively carry out scientific research in the railway characteristic specialty direction in the institute and increase investment in scientific research. Through undertaking and participating in scientific research projects, teachers' ability to find and solve practical engineering problems will be improved, and teachers' engineering practical experience will be enriched. The fourth is to strengthen the professional team of teachers, introduce high-level talents, and especially strengthen the introduction of high-level professional and technical talents with high academic level and rich engineering practice experience from enterprises, so as to improve the overall engineering practice ability and level of the teaching staff.

3. Laboratory construction and practice base establishment

Experiment is an important part of teaching, and the corresponding laboratory construction is particularly important for professional development. Before the establishment of the professional direction of railway electric traction power supply system and catenary, we carried out a lot of investigation and demonstration work on the laboratory construction, and started the laboratory construction work once the professional direction was established. Due to the particularity and vastness of the specialty direction with railway characteristics, there is a large gap of construction funds required. It is extremely important to study how to use limited funds to complete representative experimental equipment to complete laboratory construction, meet daily teaching needs, help students understand and accept their professional knowledge and improve their learning initiative. The school has adopted a self construction oriented approach, while strengthening the introduction of foreign funds. On the one hand, the school has made great efforts to build a railway characteristic professional orientation laboratory with yen loan, and has initially built a model laboratory of electrified railway power supply system, including a power system sand table and a traction power supply system sand table; Full compensation, half compensation and catenary simple suspension model; Power equipment models of traction substations such as circuit breakers, disconnectors, transformers and lightning arresters; Hanging plate model under AT, BT and catenary direct supply mode; The hanging plate model of the secondary circuit and DC operating power supply of the traction substation can meet the basic needs of students majoring in railway characteristics. On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance and local governments should take advantage of the opportunity of jointly building laboratories and characteristic schools to win national financial support. Through the active efforts of all parties, it obtained the construction fund of several million yuan from the Ministry of Finance, and established the telecontrol and integrated automation laboratory. Finally, using the existing experimental equipment, the school invested matching funds for secondary development, carried out in-depth research on telemetry, remote signaling and remote control systems, and improved laboratory equipment and technology. [3]

With regard to the construction of the practice base, the OCS specialty requires that students must pass the corresponding safety regulations test before they can go on duty. Its particularity determines the importance of practice. Using the existing conditions and relying on relevant enterprises to build a new practice base is something we must think about. The school takes advantage of the OCS practice base of Lanzhou Railway Bureau Staff Training Station to send students to the OCS practice base for disassembly and assembly of OCS parts during the practice phase, and tries to obtain work permits. In addition, actively cooperate with enterprises to establish new internship bases. For example, an employment practice agreement was reached with Lanzhou East Power Supply Section of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, giving students a chance to become familiar with and practice, and combining theory with practice.

4. Diversified teaching methods, focusing on the cultivation of students' ability

In order to increase students' interest in learning, the courses of railway characteristic specialty of electrical engineering and automation specialty have been constantly tried from content to form, in order to find the best combination point for students' learning and ability improvement.

The teaching content is no longer simply indoctrination teaching, but rich in teaching content. First of all, the "trinity" textbooks are used in the selection of textbooks, and then the best and most advanced textbooks are selected after a large number of comparisons. Correction of inappropriate teaching materials through the joint efforts of teachers and professional technicians; Different teaching methods are adopted in the classroom. Multimedia courseware is used for teaching. On the one hand, videos are introduced from exchange units, and on the other hand, teaching videos are made on the spot according to needs, which improves students' interest in learning.

Classroom teaching pays attention to ability training. In order to improve students' ability and give full play to their learning initiative, some courses are taught by teachers and participated by students. For example, for the introduction to rail transit, after the teacher has finished teaching some courseware, he/she will assign students to complete certain tasks through data retrieval after class, and let students explain in class. Because the knowledge that students consult is diverse, it not only enriches students' vision, but also enables teachers to learn a lot of knowledge and benefit from it. It improves students' learning initiative and self-learning ability.

5、 Actual effect of railway characteristic specialty direction

Lanzhou Jiaotong University has shown great vitality and development potential since the beginning of the railway specialty of electrical engineering and automation. It is supported by leaders and teachers in the school, providing a new employment opportunity and choice for students. After two years of construction and development, it has been recognized and praised by Railway Administration, Design Institute, China Railway Electrification Bureau, China Railway Construction Corporation and rolling stock manufacturers. At present, except for some graduates who have been admitted to graduate school, most of the students have taken up jobs, and the overall situation is that supply exceeds demand. In the recent three consecutive graduate employment distribution, no one is unemployed. In the recent two consecutive years of college entrance examination, the number of students applying for this major has greatly increased. This specialty is matched with railway signaling and locomotive control, which has constructed the "trinity" disciplinary advantage and filled the gap in disciplinary construction.

6、 Conclusion

It has been more than 10 years since the resumption of enrollment of electrical engineering and automation majors in 1999. With the support of leaders at school and college levels, the teachers of the Department of Electrical Engineering have worked tirelessly and painstakingly to establish two platforms of national characteristic specialty and provincial experimental demonstration center, set up a first level master's degree authorization point of electrical engineering and a master's degree authorization point of engineering, and attracted Dalian Jiaotong University, Southwest Jiaotong University, East China Jiaotong University, Ningxia University Teachers from Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou Polytechnic College, Hexi University, Longdong University, Gansu Industrial Vocational and Technical College, Jiuquan Industrial Vocational and Technical College, Ukraine's Clemenchug National University and Slovakia's Magebel University visited the center and learned, and made remarkable achievements.


[1] Su Hongsheng. Research and Practice on the Construction of Characteristic Specialty of Electrical Engineering and Automation Railway [J]. China Science and Education Innovation Guide, 2011, (5): 193-195

Part 3: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

Key words: local colleges and universities; marketing management; Training of featured talents

CLC No.: G648.4 Document Code: A Article No.: 1673-291X (2010) 26-0257-03


With the gradual development and improvement of China's market economy, the demand for marketing professionals is growing, and the requirements are higher and higher. According to incomplete statistics, since 2005, the demand for marketing professionals has ranked first in a row. Because different industries have different characteristics, enterprises hope to find a group of compound marketing talents who have both professional knowledge and marketing skills. How to integrate professional knowledge into the training process of marketing professionals has become an urgent problem faced by many colleges and universities. Among the 2286 universities in China, 2179 are local universities, accounting for 95.3% [1]. Therefore, local colleges and universities bear an important responsibility in the training of marketing professionals.

The comparative advantage of a major is its specialty characteristics, and the talent training mode determines the positioning of talents and the employment of students. For general local colleges and universities, they often have strong comparative advantages in certain majors, and the quality of graduates in these majors is also good. However, because most of the marketing majors in local colleges and universities are relatively new and lack of resources to attract discipline construction, they are also often relatively "weak" majors in local colleges and universities. The marketing graduates trained according to the traditional model are often not competitive in the talent market because they do not have comparative advantages. Therefore, it is particularly important to learn from each other's strong points to make up for each other's weak points and to compete in the wrong place in the fierce employment situation, which not only reflects the characteristics of local colleges and universities, but also has the basic skills of marketing specialty to realize the innovation of talent training mode. This paper will analyze the problems existing in the process of cultivating featured talents in marketing specialty in local colleges and universities, and propose countermeasures, hoping to play a pioneering role in the training of featured talents in marketing specialty in local colleges and universities.

1、 An Analysis of the Necessity of the Characteristic Construction of Local Colleges and Universities

In his master's thesis, Yang Liu (2006) made a very detailed analysis of the necessity of the construction of school running characteristics of local colleges and universities [2]. Although the author discusses this issue from the perspective of higher education, this paper believes that it still has a very important reference significance in the construction of marketing specialty characteristics. In his paper, Yang Liu believed that:

First, characteristic construction is the objective requirement for colleges and universities to adapt to the economic system transition. This is because, in the era of planned economy, talent cultivation and employment distribution are managed by the central government as a whole, and the school's task is to complete the tasks assigned by the state. However, the social situation of the market economy has changed. Schools must consider the market demand in talent training to achieve differentiated training, and characteristic training is one of the most effective and feasible ways to achieve it.

Second, characteristic construction is an inevitable requirement for colleges and universities to obtain effective resources. The limitation of resources is the fundamental problem to be solved by management science. With the continuous expansion of the scale of universities in China, the number of college students is decreasing. How to attract excellent students through characteristic construction has become a problem that enterprises have to consider for future survival.

Third, the construction of characteristics is the inherent requirement of the level and diversity of colleges and universities. Compared with subordinate universities, local universities are inferior in terms of teachers, student resources and available resources. Local colleges and universities avoid this disadvantage and carry out characteristic talent training, which also enriches the level of talents in China in general. Hefei (2003) believes that diversification is the basic reason for the high level of American higher education [3].

Fourth, characteristic construction is the external requirement for universities to meet the differential development of regional economy. Local colleges and universities are more responsible for the task of cultivating talents for their own regions. Therefore, from a practical perspective, local colleges and universities must also consider the differences in regional economy and the characteristics of talent requirements, so as to better play the role of local colleges and universities in serving local economic development.

Under the background of economic globalization and regionalization, higher education is facing more severe challenges. It has become an urgent problem for colleges and universities, especially local colleges and universities, to strengthen the characteristic training of professionals. Marketing, as one of the most demanding majors at present, must also take precautions to strengthen the training of characteristic talents to meet the increasingly obvious differentiated needs.

2、 Problems Existing in the Process of Cultivating Characteristic Talents

The so-called characteristics, according to the modern Chinese dictionary, are "the unique colors and styles of the office". From the explanation, we can see that the special is characterized by uniqueness, unity, representativeness and accumulation, which is not only the excellent essence of "people have no me, people have my own advantages, and people are excellent and I am excellent", but also the historical precipitation in the development of affairs. Therefore, the training of characteristic talents in marketing specialty in local colleges and universities is that schools should, according to their own conditions and social needs, under the guidance of certain educational concepts, and through long-term efforts, obtain unique school running styles, teaching contents and operating mechanisms that are different from other schools. As for the problems existing in the cultivation of featured talents, many literatures have discussed them. For example, Mao Cheng and others described several deficiencies in the cultivation scheme, including the failure to reflect social needs, the lack of characteristics and personalization, and the emphasis on theory over practice [4]. Based on many literatures and the author's own understanding, this paper believes that there are still many problems in the training of marketing professionals in local colleges and universities in China, which are mainly reflected in:

(1) The training objectives are not clear enough

Although many schools have training objectives in the training of students majoring in marketing, most of them are large and empty and do not have practical guiding significance. Moreover, the training objectives do not take into account the advantageous majors of the schools they rely on, which makes the trained students lack competitive advantages, and the employment pressure is relatively large. Shang Gang also mentioned in the Theoretical Thinking on the Construction of University Running Features that in the process of talent training characteristics construction, we should firmly grasp three important links, the first link is the construction of training objectives [5]. Therefore, the goal as a guide, without a clear goal, talent training will lose its direction.

(2) Professional courses are too mechanical

At present, most college courses are divided into basic courses, professional basic courses and professional courses. This curriculum emphasizes the education of basic courses and general courses. There are many common courses, and the students trained have some theoretical knowledge, but lack the knowledge of relevant industries. Therefore, students need to be familiar with product knowledge and industry background knowledge for a long time after graduation, which directly increases the employment cost and risk of enterprises. In addition, because there are too few practical training links in the curriculum, students' innovation ability and adaptability are poor. Graduates cultivated based on the above curriculum often lack competitiveness due to lack of industry knowledge. Dai Linfu [6] emphasized in his article "A Humble Opinion on the Talent Training Mode of Innovative Independent Colleges" that training innovation includes the innovation of training content, and the training content is the curriculum system and curriculum content. Therefore, compared with the goal as the direction, the curriculum system is the carrier, and a good carrier is an important condition to reach the goal.

(3) Too single training means

At present, local colleges and universities mostly adopt the "classroom+experiment" training method for marketing professionals. Classroom teaching means to teach students the basic theoretical knowledge of marketing; In the experiment, students enter the computer room and use simulation software to simulate a certain link of marketing. Although the students trained based on the above methods have some theoretical knowledge and understand the use of some software, their entire learning process is completely out of touch with society. Even if some schools can provide and create conditions to set up some professional practice courses, most of them are led by teachers to walk around the enterprise, which is just a formality.

(4) Professional advantages are not fully utilized

Many local colleges and universities have disciplinary advantages in a certain professional field, but they often ignore this advantage when training marketing professionals. For example, Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology, as the representative of engineering colleges in Guangxi and one of the four famous electronic colleges in China, has obvious advantages in mechanical design and manufacturing, communication engineering and microelectronics technology, but the school's marketing talents training did not make full use of this discipline advantage. Although the school has recognized this problem in recent years and clearly put forward the professional "with machine and electrification", it still needs constant reference and exploration to realize the true combination of engineering (science) management (science).

To sum up, in the process of training marketing professionals, local colleges and universities, despite their own professional advantages, failed to achieve an effective combination of professional knowledge and marketing skills. If such professional advantages and marketing skills can be integrated into the whole process of marketing talent training, it is bound to cultivate marketing talents with outstanding professional advantages and better meet social needs.

3、 Countermeasure analysis

In view of the above analysis, this paper believes that the problems existing in the process of cultivating characteristic talents of marketing specialty in local colleges and universities should be solved from the following aspects. In order to make the countermeasures more specific, the following countermeasures take Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology as an example.

(1) On the issue of unclear objectives

With regard to the problem that the objectives are not clear enough, it is necessary for the school to clarify the training objectives in words when formulating talent training programs.

At present, the training objectives of the marketing major of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology are: to have basic theoretical knowledge and ability in marketing, management, economy, law and computer, to have outstanding expertise in the direction of marketing major, to have a higher level of foreign languages and more skilled computer application ability, to have good comprehensive quality and professional ethics, Applied senior talents who can engage in marketing planning, commercial business and operation management in various industrial and commercial enterprises. In this training goal, the training goal of marketing professional knowledge, computer and foreign language level is clearly put forward, which does not reflect the effective combination with the electronic information industry. Therefore, in view of this goal, this paper believes that it should be revised to: have basic theoretical knowledge and ability in marketing, management, economy, law and computer, understand the development trend of electronic information industry, master the basic working principle and basic structure of electronic information products, have a high level of foreign language and more skilled computer application ability, Applied senior talents with good comprehensive quality and professional ethics, who can engage in marketing planning, commercial business and operation management in the field of information industry.

(2) On training means and professional advantages

With regard to training means and professional advantages, this paper proposes the "1+1" training mode. On the one hand, it can solve the problem of simplification of training means, on the other hand, it can also highlight the professional advantages, that is, the traditional disciplinary advantages of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology in electromechanical, communication and other disciplines.

"1+1" training mode, namely "marketing professional education+electronic information education". The former emphasizes the cultivation of students' professional skills, while the latter emphasizes the use of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology's professional advantages in the electronic information industry, highlighting the industry background and the education of basic principles and knowledge of products.

At present, the marketing major of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology has two directions: sales management and international marketing. However, the courses offered in these two aspects did not reflect the professional advantages of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology as an electronic information school. Therefore, this paper believes that Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology should orient the training of marketing professionals to serve China's electronic information industry. According to the different work links of marketing personnel, the training objectives of talents should be defined from the three links of pre-sales, sales and after-sales. At the same time, combining the advantages of the university as an electronic information university, it highlights the "electrification" color to ensure that students master the basic theory and skills of marketing on the one hand, and on the other hand, they should also understand the development background of the information industry and the basic working principles and product structure of information industry related products.

(3) About curriculum

With regard to the curriculum, the key is to ensure that students can master basic theoretical knowledge as well as professional knowledge in a certain field through learning characteristic modules, so as to distinguish themselves from other universities in the mass training of marketing professionals. To solve this problem, first of all, we should analyze the problems existing in the current curriculum, combine with the training objectives, and correct them, so as to ensure the realization of the training objectives from the content.

1. Current curriculum group of marketing major of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology

At present, the setting of marketing professional course group of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology is shown in Table 1.

In the above table, "major" refers to marketing major, and "foundation" also refers to the foundation of marketing major. Therefore, all course designs are not connected with the professional characteristics of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology. Although this kind of curriculum can well guarantee the general education of basic knowledge of marketing, the lack of education of industry background and product knowledge leads to serious homogenization of trained talents, lack of market competitiveness, and increased employment pressure on students.

2. Purpose and thinking of adjustment

Through research, this paper digs out the professional advantages of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology as an electronic information university, so as to reset the curriculum group. The adjusted curriculum group will highlight its distinctive advantages in the following two aspects.

First, the curriculum has the characteristic advantage of the electronic information industry. Students majoring in marketing will be required to take courses such as economics of information industry, basic circuit analysis, and basic electromechanical products. The school has the basis for offering these courses. The business school has a master's degree in industrial economics. The foundation of circuit analysis is a basic compulsory course for the electronic information engineering major, and the foundation of electromechanical products is also a course once offered by the business school.

Second, the teaching practice has the advantages of industry characteristics. The information industry has been listed as a pillar industry in Guangxi during the 11th Five Year Plan. Guilin has more than 100 large and small electronic and information industry enterprises, whose output value accounts for more than 2/3 of the total electronic and information industry in Guangxi. At present, well-known electronic information enterprises such as Tsinghua Tongfang, China Software Corporation, Guoxin Technology, Top have settled down in Guilin. Therefore, Guilin has rich professional practice teaching bases and practice base resources. These rich resources provide a solid foundation and basic guarantee for the centralized practice links such as cognition practice, production practice and graduation design of marketing specialty.

Combining the professional advantages of general local colleges and universities, we carry out the training of marketing professionals with distinctive characteristics [7]. Although there are application practices in many colleges and universities with distinctive professional characteristics, theoretical research is insufficient and systematic, so there is no basis for promotion. Based on the viewpoint of system theory and combined with the professional advantages of local colleges, this paper tries to analyze systematically the problems in the process of cultivating talents with marketing characteristics in local colleges, so as to provide an analytical basis for comprehensively solving the existing problems. In addition, at present, many local colleges and universities in China have their own advantageous disciplinary backgrounds, or engineering, or science, or medicine, or agriculture. These local colleges and universities have their own characteristics and advantages in their traditional disciplines. However, in recent years, more and more local colleges and universities often neglect their own professional advantages while offering marketing majors, which makes the talent training of this major increasingly homogeneous. Still taking Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology as an example, the university has advantages in mechanical manufacturing and electronic information majors, but the construction of the marketing major of the university has abandoned such advantages, thus losing professional characteristics, making the major lack competitive advantages, and increasing employment pressure on graduates. Therefore, as far as local colleges and universities are concerned, it has become a very urgent problem how to cultivate marketing professionals who not only understand marketing expertise, but also have product knowledge and industry knowledge. This paper hopes that on the basis of the above, it can provide reference for the training of marketing professionals in local colleges and universities.


[1] Yang Xiaojun. Highlighting Characteristics: An Inevitable Choice for the Development of Local Universities [J]. Contemporary Education Science, 2008, (1): 46-49

[2] Yang Liu. Research on the Construction of School running Characteristics of Local Universities [D]. Nanchang: Jiangxi Normal University, 2006, (4): 6-8

[3] Hefei. Research on the Construction of Running Characteristics of Newly built Undergraduate Colleges [J]. Higher Education Exploration, 2003, (4): 24

[4] Mao Cheng, Cai Lingli, et al. Building a talent training program with magnetic materials characteristics guided by social needs [J]. China University Teaching, 2009, (1): 70-72

[5] Shang Gang. Theoretical Thinking on the Construction of University Running Features [J]. Research on Higher Engineering Education, 2008, (2): 100-103

Part 4: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

The rail transit industry is one of the strategic emerging industries that Guangdong Province has determined to focus on. According to the plan, 1866 kilometers of high-speed railway will be built by 2020, and 690 kilometers of urban rail transit lines and 1593 kilometers of intercity rail transit lines will be added in Guangdong Province. With the implementation of the above plan, the rapid development of rail transit equipment manufacturing industry will inevitably be accompanied by the development of various technical equipment. The maintenance of all these new technical equipment naturally requires a large number of technicians. In addition, the assembly and commissioning of various equipment produced by the equipment manufacturing industry also requires a large number of highly skilled personnel who are familiar with electromechanical technology. Although various electromechanical equipment have different forms, their basic technical principles are the same. "Mechatronics technology" is a composite technology that organically combines machinery, electronics, computer and information processing technology, automatic control, detection and sensing technology, servo control technology, system engineering, etc. It represents the frontier direction of the development of electromechanical engineering technology, and has strong innovative application potential. However, how to train electromechanical integration technical talents to serve the rail transit industry, and how to focus on the reform of talent training mode for rail transit equipment manufacturing, station related electromechanical equipment maintenance, vehicle repair base and other technical posts is an urgent problem to be solved. At present, most engineering vocational colleges at home and abroad have set up the electromechanical integration technology specialty. Through the research of relevant colleges and universities, the training objectives of this specialty can be generally summarized as: to cultivate students who are familiar with the basic theory of modern mechanical manufacturing, master the operation, maintenance, debugging and repair technology of electromechanical integration equipment based on mechanical and electronic technology, Advanced technical applied professionals with the ability of local design and new product development of electromechanical products, as well as product management, promotion and after-sales service. [ 2) Although the professional training objectives are clear, each university has its own professional characteristics. For example, the electromechanical integration technology major of Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology has opened 32 professional courses, including 9 courses with the words "aviation" or "aircraft". The training objectives are clear and the professional characteristics are distinctive; The electromechanical integration technology specialty of Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College closely relies on the light industry industries such as beer and food packaging to train application-oriented talents engaged in installation and commissioning, maintenance and management, technical transformation and sales in automatic production lines and related automatic machinery posts. Its school enterprise cooperation foundation is solid, the quality of talent training is stable, and the social reputation is high. The electromechanical integration technology major of Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College, on the basis of learning from other colleges and universities, has carried out beneficial exploration and practice in the construction of the college's backbone colleges and the creation of first-class vocational colleges in terms of how to adapt to local economic development, create professional characteristics, and cultivate talents needed by society.

2、 Professional orientation, curriculum system and teaching reform

(1) Professional positioning

Mechatronics technology involves a wide range of knowledge and is a new interdisciplinary discipline integrating many disciplines such as machinery, electronics, information and management. Therefore, Mechatronics is a very broad specialty, which can also be said to be a professional platform. [ 3] We connect with the regional economic development of Guangdong Province, analyze and predict the regional industrial talent demand corresponding to the specialty through the research on the enterprises, industries and enterprise alliances related to the electromechanical specialty, and extract the professional skills and quality requirements of the electromechanical integration talents for specific jobs (post groups) in the rail transit industry. The graduates are mainly oriented to the electromechanical industry, As well as the electromechanical product R&D and manufacturing enterprises, equipment operation and other employment units in the rail transit industry, the main jobs are: automation equipment maintenance, electrical equipment installation and commissioning, electromechanical product development, design, etc. Therefore, according to the requirements for the cultivation of highly skilled talents, we set the professional training goal as follows: market-oriented, actively adapt to the development needs of the traditional competitive industries and new characteristic manufacturing industries in the Pearl River Delta, face the frontline of production, construction, service and management, and cultivate innovative spirit and good professional ethics in the mode of "integrating industry and education, learning into work", With basic knowledge and professional skills of mechatronics technology, suitable for the design and manufacturing of mechatronics products, the installation, commissioning, maintenance and maintenance of rail transit mechatronics equipment, management and other jobs, and skilled technical talents with craftsmanship and innovation spirit.

(2) Construction of curriculum system

Adhere to the principle of one main line and strengthening ability. That is to say, starting from the application of professional technology, taking the cultivation of students' professional ability as the main line, using the backward extrapolation method, from the structure of professional ability, we can deduce the structure of knowledge, ability and quality, to the talent training program and curriculum standards. In addition to the basic humanities courses set by the "public basic courses" in accordance with the relevant spirit of the national and provincial education authorities, according to the professional characteristics and job market demand, it has carefully set up the "professional basic courses (professional group platform courses)" with the dual support of "machinery+electricity", "mechanical drawing and CAD", "mechanical foundation", "electrical and electronic technology applications" "Electromechanical Transmission and Control", "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Technology" and "Programmable Controller". On this basis, according to the demand of the job market and the needs of students' career development, "professional core courses" and "comprehensive ability courses" are set up. The professional core courses set up "SCM principles and applications", "electrical control of CNC machine tools", "assembly and debugging of production lines" and "application of robot technology"; Comprehensive ability courses include machining training, fitter training, electromechanical equipment disassembly training, electrical control comprehensive training, CNC machine tool operation and programming, and graduation internship. The professional core courses also include the courses of electromechanical equipment of urban rail transit stations and maintenance of station elevators; In the professional elective module, courses of Introduction to Railway, Rail Transit Vehicle Construction and Maintenance, and Station Air Conditioning and Ventilation System Maintenance are also set to meet the needs of the development of rail transit industry for station equipment management and maintenance personnel. In order to stimulate and cultivate students' awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship, employment guidance, innovation and entrepreneurship guidance, and mechanical and electrical product innovation design courses have been set up in professional elective courses to encourage students to participate in municipal and above college students' innovation and entrepreneurship competitions or various scientific and technological innovation, creative design, entrepreneurship plan and other thematic competitions, Students who have won the third prize or above can be exempted from taking this course.

(3) Reform of teaching methods

Deeply carry out curriculum construction and reform, and innovate classroom teaching. Project teaching, case teaching, work process oriented teaching and other teaching modes integrating "teaching, learning and doing" are implemented. Reform teaching methods and means, strengthen the concept of "student-centered", and widely use heuristic, discussion, inquiry and other teaching methods to stimulate students' motivation for active learning. Through the construction of high-quality online open courses of professional core courses, teachers can make use of the course platform to independently build courses, assist in teaching implementation, and achieve teaching goals; Make students use this open platform to learn abstract concepts intuitively and vividly by changing the perspective through animation, so that teaching activities can be more consistent with the natural thinking habits of learners, improve the learning interest and enthusiasm of learners, replace dangerous or difficult to arrange on-site practice with virtual simulation, or show complex structures and complex movements that are difficult to understand in real teaching, Improve the actual teaching effect, consolidate and expand learning beyond classroom teaching. Build a platform for course selection and realize flexible teaching mode with the help of online learning [4].

3、 Major Features and Achievements of the Major

(1) Explore the training mode of order class

Closely connect with the development needs of the rail transit industry in Guangdong Province, rely on the traditional and professional cluster advantages of the college, hand in hand with the rail transit industry enterprises, and jointly cultivate high-end skilled talents to meet the special needs of enterprises. At present, it has carried out "order based" training with Guangzhou Metro, Guangzhou Railway (Group) Corporation, Dongguan Metro, Shenzhen Metro, Hong Kong Metro and other rail industry enterprises, gradually formed a close school enterprise cooperation mechanism of "talent co education and process co management", and opened "2+1" mode order class. Both schools and enterprises have formed a mechanism to jointly formulate talent training programs, jointly train students, send teachers and teachers to work together, and share resources. At the same time, we will establish a pool of part-time teachers in enterprises, hire skilled craftsmen from enterprises and teachers in schools to teach courses together, and teach students about their future job skills. One to many and one to one teaching of enterprise teachers is adopted in the process of following and replacing posts to guide students to operate independently. Through half a year of enterprise internship, students' professional quality can be effectively improved, and the docking between internship and work position can be realized.

(2) Establish a training system for linking secondary and higher vocational education

In recent years, it has successively implemented the reform of talent training mode of the connection between secondary and higher vocational schools, such as "3+" certificate, "3+" and "2+" segmentation, and secondary vocational independent enrollment. It has done a good job in the connection and communication of talent training specification positioning, talent training program, curriculum setting, practical training practice, training mode, practical training condition construction, and teacher training, and explored the construction of modular curriculum system in secondary and higher vocational schools, Form an integrated talent training program and corresponding talent training mechanism for secondary and higher vocational education, and promote the coordinated development of secondary vocational education and higher vocational education. In the project construction, it has risen from practice to theory, and formulated professional teaching standards and curriculum standards for the connection of secondary and higher vocational education.

(3) Improve students' practical ability by using the "factory in school" and campus practice base in the work study integration park

The major focuses on cultivating students' professional ability, and constructs a practical teaching system consisting of professional post practice in school and post practice outside school. The productive practical training teaching on campus is arranged according to the teaching objectives and the requirements of graduates' employment ability, from simple to deep, from simple to complex, from single to comprehensive logic. The productive practical training in the school pays attention to the strengthening training of individual ability and the design, assembly, adjustment and maintenance of simple functional systems. For this reason, we have introduced Guangzhou Honghui Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Guantong Mechanical Equipment Industrial Co., Ltd., Dongguan Jingteng Automation Technology Co., Ltd. and other entity enterprises focusing on electromechanical integration products through the way of "introducing enterprises into the park", and the school and enterprises have jointly built "school factory". Arrange corresponding positions in the "school in factory" for post practice to achieve the training goal of comprehensively training graduates to solve problems and adapt to job requirements. For example, programmable control design, electromechanical equipment disassembly training, SCM product control system design, installation and operation commissioning of production line, electrical circuit connection and system commissioning of CNC machine tools are carried out in the "School Factory".

(4) Graduates are recognized by the society

According to the data from the graduate evaluation report of MyCOS, a third-party professional evaluation agency entrusted by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, the employment rate of 2014 graduates majoring in mechatronics technology in our school reached 100% half a year after graduation, higher than the national level of 94%. The average monthly income half a year after graduation is 3746 yuan, which is higher than the 3478 yuan level of the second issue of Zou Weiquan, Zhang Xiaodong and Zhang Yang, the key school ministers in other countries: the major of electromechanical integration technology construction, exploration and practice with rail transit characteristics. In recent three years, the competent rate of comprehensive evaluation of graduates by employers has reached 100%, and the excellent rate is more than 70%. After employment, graduates have been highly recognized by the enterprise in a relatively short period of time. Their work attitude is correct, and they have a strong spirit of hard work, diligence and pragmatism; He has a wide range of knowledge, a quick start, and a strong spirit of innovation, and has won a good social reputation.

(5) The enrollment rate is at a high level

From the perspective of independent enrollment by specialty in Guangdong Province, the enrollment rate of electromechanical integration specialty reached 604.44% in 2015 and 513.24% in 2016; In the college entrance examination, the enrollment rate reached 147.37% in 2015 and 153.22% in 2016. From the perspective of registration rate, it was 92.39% in 2015 and 93.12% in 2016. The above data shows that the electromechanical integration major of Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College has been recognized by the society.

4、 Conclusion

After years of construction, relying on the tradition and cluster advantages of Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College in the rail transit industry, the mechatronics technology specialty is positioned in the training of mechatronics talents with rail transit characteristics, and carries out a series of characteristic professional practice activities from the aspects of talent training mode reform, teaching method innovation, teacher team construction, and improvement of practical teaching conditions, With fruitful work and more distinctive characteristics, it has become a base for training special talents for rail transit stations.

Author: Zou Weiquan, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhang Yang Unit: Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College


[1] Ministry of Education. Notice on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for Innovative Development of Higher Vocational Education (2015-2018) [Z]. Jiao Zhi Cheng [2015] No. 9

[2] Zhu Minhong, Yan Honglei. Research on professional skills system of electromechanical integration [J]. Vocational Education Communication, 2012 (3): 20

Part 5: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

This paper analyzes the training program, practice base construction, teacher construction, practice teaching, textbook construction and other aspects of electrical professionals in the perspective of innovative education to strengthen the construction of electrical specialty characteristics.


Innovative education; Electrical discipline; Characteristics; build

In the context of innovative education, the construction of professional characteristics has become an important direction of professional development. As the key specialty of colleges and universities, electrical specialty is directly related to the training of electrical talents. In the increasingly important college education of innovative education, the characteristic construction of electrical specialty has become an important work of colleges and universities. Research on the construction of electrical specialty characteristics in the perspective of innovative education can not only promote the development of electrical specialty, but also have profound significance for the cultivation of electrical talents in colleges and universities.

1 Innovative talent training program

Electrical majors are highly comprehensive, involving not only electronic technology, power technology, but also information network technology, material science, mechanical engineering and other disciplines. Therefore, the electrical specialty should actively innovate the talent training program and actively cultivate compound talents. First of all, to strengthen the characteristic construction of electrical specialty in the perspective of innovative education, we should strengthen the development of characteristic talent training programs. The talent training program needs to be formulated according to the school's cultural heritage, school history and professional development direction. For this reason, colleges and universities should actively formulate a program that reflects the characteristics of their talent training, build a curriculum system for electrical majors according to the program, and plan the development direction of electrical majors. In addition, in the context of quality education, the construction of electrical specialty characteristics in colleges and universities should pay more attention to the cultivation of students' humanistic quality and their comprehensive ability, adhere to the main line of innovative talent cultivation, build a talent cultivation system combining theory and practice teaching, and focus on the basic and innovative characteristics of electrical specialty talent cultivation; Secondly, to strengthen the construction of electrical specialty characteristics in the perspective of innovative education, it is necessary to reposition the talent training goal, incorporate the goals of innovation spirit, humanistic quality, international exchange ability, etc. into the talent training goal system, and focus on cultivating high-quality comprehensive talents who can engage in engineering design, scientific research and technological development. Especially in the context of the current economic globalization, we should emphasize the cultivation of international talents and innovative talents to meet the requirements of international development; Thirdly, to strengthen the characteristic construction of electrical specialty in the perspective of innovative education, we should pay more attention to the forefront of the professional development direction. In the process of characteristic construction, we should not only pay attention to the school running tradition of colleges and universities, but also pay attention to the cutting-edge technology and characteristics of the industry development, timely transform teachers' scientific research achievements into curriculum resources, and promote the development of professional characteristics. In addition, colleges and universities can actively carry out international cooperation in running schools, introduce excellent curriculum resources from foreign universities, and strengthen the cultivation of international talents; Finally, we should pay more attention to the modular development of curriculum. To strengthen the talent training system of electrical specialty in the perspective of innovative education, modular teaching should be set up, and curriculum should be set up according to the four modules of general education curriculum, basic discipline curriculum, professional curriculum and self-development curriculum. General education courses mainly include ideological and moral education, culture and art education and other courses to cultivate students' humanistic quality. The basic courses of the discipline mainly include the main basic courses that need to be learned in the electrical discipline to consolidate the professional foundation of students. Professional courses mainly include electrical automation, power system, electrical technology and other professional backbone courses to cultivate students' professional skills. Self development mainly refers to new technology elective courses, which enable students to choose their favorite elective courses according to their own interests and hobbies, and promote students' personalized development.

2. Strengthen the construction of comprehensive practice base

First of all, to strengthen the construction of electrical specialty characteristics in the perspective of innovative education, the laboratory system should be constructed according to the categories of professional courses. To this end, the school can set up professional backbone laboratories according to professional courses. For example, colleges and universities can set up relevant laboratories according to power electronics, motors, electromagnetic compatibility and other contents to strengthen the research on professional theoretical knowledge. In addition, colleges and universities can establish comprehensive laboratories according to the development direction of the specialty to strengthen the professional skills training of students. For example, schools can carry out intelligent building simulation, intelligent substation, control engineering laboratory, power system laboratory and professional practice teaching. In addition, colleges and universities should pay more attention to innovative education and establish laboratories focusing on innovative research and development. For example, colleges and universities can establish scientific research laboratories and innovation training rooms to strengthen the cultivation of students' innovation ability; Secondly, in the perspective of innovative education, strengthening the construction of electrical specialty characteristics should speed up the construction of teachers' self research laboratories. The construction of teachers' self research laboratories can effectively avoid the problems of similar equipment, lack of characteristics and low scientific and technological content in the process of laboratory construction in colleges and universities. For this reason, schools should pay more attention to teachers' scientific research work, actively encourage teachers to carry out scientific research that is scientific, innovative, open, research-oriented and engineering, accelerate the construction of laboratories for teachers' scientific research, and promote the transformation of teachers' scientific research achievements; Finally, from the perspective of innovative education, the construction of electrical specialty characteristics should actively cooperate with enterprises to jointly build practice bases. The school enterprise cooperation construction practice base can not only make full use of the practical teaching resources in the school, but also make full use of the enterprise resources to strengthen students' practical training, realize the complementary advantages of the school and enterprise talent training, and provide the industry development frontier characteristic knowledge and interdisciplinary technology for the training of electrical professionals. In addition, the cooperation between small schools and enterprises to build practice bases should break through the traditional enterprise practice mode, set up enterprise internships and enterprise practice teaching according to students' curriculum learning, and strengthen students' understanding of relevant industries.

3. Establish talent training mechanism

In the view of innovative education, the cultivation of electrical professionals should be based on the learning level of students and adopt the tomographic teaching method to cultivate general innovative talents and top-notch innovative talents. First of all, colleges and universities should actively set up innovative practice courses, incorporate innovative talent training into professional teaching plans, and systematically implement talent training plans by setting up necessary courses. For example, electrical majors can group students to complete innovative product research and development in the process of group cooperation, strengthen students' innovation exercise, and actively cultivate general innovative talents; Secondly, colleges and universities should actively carry out diversified innovative practice activities, encourage students to actively carry out innovative research, combine the knowledge learned in the classroom with practical exercise, and cultivate students' innovative ability. In addition, the school can encourage students to carry out innovative practice across majors and grades through an open innovation laboratory. In addition, the school should actively encourage students to participate in innovation competitions and science and technology competitions, and strengthen the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents; Finally, colleges and universities should actively formulate incentive policies for the cultivation of innovative talents, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of electrical majors to cultivate innovative talents. To this end, colleges and universities should provide financial support for the construction of electrical specialty characteristics, and formulate economic and work awards for teachers and students to stimulate students' enthusiasm for innovation and research and development.

4. Building double qualified teachers

Strengthening the characteristic construction of electrical specialty in the perspective of innovative education requires colleges and universities to actively train double qualified teachers. Therefore, colleges and universities should actively attach importance to the teaching and training of electrical teachers, regularly organize electrical teachers to participate in training, and guide electrical teachers to learn advanced teaching skills, especially practical teaching skills. In addition, colleges and universities should organize electrical teachers to participate in enterprise training, understand the cutting-edge hot spots and emerging technologies of industry development, constantly improve the practical ability of electrical teachers, so that electrical teachers can scientifically guide students' practical activities.

Author: Ji Yinghua Unit: Yizheng Technician College


Part 6: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

Abstract: University is an academic organization based on disciplines. Discipline construction is regarded as an important part of teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities. Discipline construction fundamentally reflects and reflects the school running level, school running characteristics, academic status and core competitiveness of the school. This paper expounds the necessity and feasibility of building the electromechanical integration specialty of our college as a characteristic famous brand specialty.

With the continuous enrollment expansion, a large number of students have entered colleges and universities. Teaching oriented colleges and universities face the dilemma of serious shortage of teacher student ratio, increased teaching burden of teachers, lack of time and energy to engage in scientific research and academic activities, low academic enthusiasm, less school running funds, no capital investment or enrichment of corresponding scientific research laboratories, and difficulties in applying for municipal, provincial and national scientific research funds; In addition, the heavy teaching task makes most of the energy of teaching oriented colleges and universities focus on teaching work, attach importance to professional planning and expansion, and lack attention to discipline development. Lack of understanding of discipline construction to promote the development of professional characteristics. In scientific research, there is a widespread phenomenon of individual combat, random topic selection and low-level repetition. Due to the lack of scientific research base, some teachers' efforts in scientific research can only stay at the basic level of "writing papers", which is difficult to sublimate to the level of systematic research. Therefore, it is difficult for teachers to make a major breakthrough in scientific research and professional level as a whole, to form a distinctive scientific research direction and a reasonable discipline team, let alone the establishment and development of professional characteristics, which is not conducive to the formation of a high-level teaching atmosphere. It has seriously hindered the university's progress towards a deep and high-level university. For this reason, this paper discusses the discipline construction to promote characteristic majors, promote teaching and talents, and puts forward suggestions for the discipline construction of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of our college.

1. Dialectical relationship between disciplines and specialties

Disciplines are the basis of the development of colleges and universities, talents are the driving force for the development of colleges and universities, and the level of disciplines is the symbol of colleges and universities. Therefore, discipline construction is the fundamental and core of the work of colleges and universities, and is the foundation of foothold. Discipline is the soul of a university and the foundation and basis of specialty setting in a university. The level of discipline construction directly or indirectly reflects the university's scientific and technological innovation ability and the level of teaching and education. Discipline definition is a specific category formed by scientific development. It is a relatively independent academic system divided by knowledge categories. In operation, it also refers to the discipline on which the institutional system of specific colleges and departments depends. The characteristics of colleges and universities are often reflected by the characteristics of disciplines. Whether a university has a high level mainly depends on whether it has a group of high-level, distinctive and systematic disciplines, a team of influential teachers with profound scientific and technological attainments, and a group of high-level scientific research achievements.

The specialty of colleges and universities is defined as the academic categories divided according to the needs of social division of labor, and each specialty has an independent teaching plan to reflect the training objectives and specifications of the specialty. Therefore, on the one hand, majors are set up to meet the training needs of engaging in certain social professions. Based on a discipline, several majors can be set up. These majors are summarized in a discipline category because their main basic knowledge is the same or similar, and are considered as similar majors. On the other hand, majors are set up for training discipline talents, which is the basis and embodiment of discipline development. The specialty needs to organize multiple disciplines to meet the knowledge structure of social fields and post talents. Therefore, one discipline may cover several disciplines, and one discipline also supports several disciplines. Discipline construction and development are long-term and relatively stable, while majors are relatively flexible, which can be timely adjusted according to social needs and economic development.

2. Discipline construction is a breakthrough for colleges and universities to improve the level of running schools

Discipline construction should include the following aspects: (1) Academic echelon construction is the core of discipline construction. The key is to cultivate an academic team that is reasonable in age, professional title, educational background structure, innovative, energetic, enthusiastic, and cooperative; (2) The quality and quantity of scientific research achievements is another indicator of discipline construction. The realization of scientific and technological innovation lies in knowledge creation and technological innovation. The implementation of scientific research includes the selection of subjects, the construction of experimental bases, the possession of literature and other information, as well as the construction of soft and hard aspects such as discipline construction and management, and the creation of free academic atmosphere; (3) Teaching work includes two aspects, namely talent training and specialty setting. The former is to meet the needs of social talent development, and the latter is the basis of discipline construction. (4) Take the road of combining production, teaching and research, transform scientific research achievements into productivity, and promote scientific and technological and social development.

The key to discipline construction is to highlight key disciplines, have a target, and do something but not do something. Reasonably arrange the discipline construction, place the limited funds and manpower on the discipline and direction with relatively thick foundation and good conditions, strive for a breakthrough and follow up. Therefore, we should make adjustments in academic research, talent training, team building, conditions and facilities, break the original framework of the department, rebuild the disciplinary platform, and establish an interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research center. Make key disciplines distinctive, create brands, and enhance the popularity of the school.

Building scientific research and teaching teams with the construction of key disciplines as the core can not only adhere to the school running characteristics of the school, but also stabilize the development direction of disciplines. Adhere to the combination of the old, middle-aged and young to form a scientific research team, select high-level discipline leaders, organize a reasonable and relatively stable discipline echelon, and cultivate high-level talents. While attaching importance to the construction of key disciplines, we should also attach importance to the construction of non key disciplines and give necessary support to promote the intersection, penetration and combination of related disciplines.

Discipline is the basis of scientific research, and scientific research is the premise of discipline construction. We should set up scientific research projects as a breakthrough in the development of disciplines, encourage interdisciplinary and cross unit joint research projects, and improve the level of scientific research achievements. Encourage teachers to participate in more academic exchange activities, build an academic platform for teachers' scientific research, promote teachers to track the advanced technologies in relevant disciplines at home and abroad in a timely manner, and strive to see the forefront, so as to stand at the forefront and finally lead the forefront. Discipline construction cannot be separated from the construction of scientific research practice bases, and the construction of professional laboratories must be closely linked with discipline construction. Specialized laboratories, practice bases, training centers and scientific research centers play an important role in practical teaching and scientific research. In discipline construction, for those laboratories that have a foundation, good development prospects, obvious advantages, and belong to emerging disciplines or interdisciplinary or comprehensive disciplines, we should focus on key support and policy preferences to accelerate the pace of construction and development. Strive to create more provincial, ministerial and national key laboratories. Based on this, we will carry out scientific research.

Focusing on the close combination of scientific research and teaching is another key to discipline construction. To build key disciplines, the first thing is to deal with the relationship between scientific research and teaching. In the era of knowledge explosion and information development, subject knowledge is rapidly updated, and basic theories are developing rapidly. Only through subject research, can university teachers comprehensively and systematically understand and master professional knowledge in a certain field, can they constantly provide new content for teaching. At the same time, teaching in turn can promote the development of disciplines. The discussion and thinking in the teaching process and the knowledge problems in the teaching are all likely to be new subjects for scientific research. For the cultivation of talents, it provides a guarantee for enriching the scientific research team and promotes the discipline construction.

Therefore, in the construction of discipline and professional characteristics, scientific research project construction is an important link of discipline construction. The purpose, content and focus of research, fund raising and team organization are the key. The investment and integration of scientific research and experimental equipment is still a top priority. Once the development direction is determined, it is possible to produce influential research results, cultivate and train a high-level scientific research teachers after the actual scientific research funds are invested.

3. Reflections on the establishment of characteristic majors in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of our college

The Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, formerly known as Guangdong Machinery School, was merged into Guangdong Normal University of Technology in 2003. At that time, Guangdong Machinery School had few majors, and the school made great efforts in the construction of the numerical control specialty of technical secondary schools, and achieved certain results, so it had a certain popularity in the higher vocational and technical secondary schools in the Pearl River Delta. Guangdong Normal University of Technology, as an ordinary undergraduate university in Guangdong Province, although it has its own characteristics in liberal arts and other aspects, it is still the first time to run a school in the mechanical discipline. There is still a large distance between Guangdong Normal University of Technology and South China University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology and other universities in terms of school running ideas, funding and personnel training. After the development in recent years, the Department of Electromechanical Engineering has set up three majors: mechanical and electronic engineering (mechatronics), industrial design, mechanical design and automation. Under the major of mechanical design and automation, it has set up two directions: automotive engineering and CAD/CAM. In 2006, it successfully applied for the key numerical control laboratory of Guangdong Province, laying a good foundation for the comprehensive development and discipline construction of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering. In recent years, through continuous efforts, the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering has gained some experience in the training of CNC skilled talents. Many of our college graduates have become CNC teachers in technical schools in surrounding areas. Their hard-working spirit, strong practical ability, and high professional quality are welcomed by employers. However, we are still in the initial stage of exploring the development direction of mechanical discipline.

This paper believes that the development of mechanical discipline should take one direction as a breakthrough, that is, under the full support of the resources of the college, the construction and development should focus on the development of numerical control technology. Therefore, the goal of the work to be done is to take the mechanical discipline as one of the key disciplines of the college's engineering discipline, and to determine the electromechanical integration discipline that has been carried out for many years and has a certain foundation as the characteristic specialty. Combine the development of electromechanical integration specialty with the construction of key numerical control laboratory, make the characteristic specialty laboratory become the key laboratory of the school, and strive for upgrading. The characteristics of numerical control technology of mechanical and electronic specialty can be shown in the following aspects: ① We still have great advantages in numerical control skills training. We should continue to deepen training programs such as numerical control machine tool operation skills, widely understand the skills needs of enterprises for mechanical talents, expand the direction and depth of technical training, and strengthen the improvement of skills; ② Attach importance to the dependency between the level of teaching theory and the level of scientific research. In the direction of mechatronics, it is emphasized that without corresponding scientific research, there will be high-level professional teaching, let alone professional characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to organize a team for the scientific research projects in the direction of numerical control technology supported by the college. The team emphasizes concept first and theory first in numerical control technology, strives to have some papers on numerical control technology first, and then strives for provincial and municipal projects after certain research groundwork, and pays attention to the situation of horizontal association with enterprises. It is reported that the domestic machine tool market is very active and CNC machine tools are developing rapidly, driven by the sustained and rapid development of China's economy and the continued implementation of the policy of expanding domestic demand. However, the product level and industrialization scale of functional components matching with CNC machine tools cannot meet the needs of the development of CNC machine tools, which has become one of the bottlenecks restricting the development of CNC machine tools. Therefore, starting from the digital control of equipment, it is one of the development directions of our scientific research work to apply numerical control technology to the corresponding mechanical equipment. At present, the high-speed processing technology and equipment components of CNC machine tools, such as CNC system, drive system, high-speed motorized spindle, spindle components, ball screw, rolling linear guide, CNC tool holder, measuring system, protective devices and other projects, are the hot topics of research. Our research direction should consider the characteristics and advantages of the Pearl River Delta region, link scientific research with the technological progress of enterprises, face enterprises and serve the society. Therefore, we should increase investment in the innovation and development of the main functional components of CNC machine tools, start with the research of CNC equipment components, work closely with enterprises, improve the level of theory and research from the three aspects of production, learning and research, and drive the progress of professional theory teaching.

Part 7: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

1 Overview of Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering is a new frontier discipline, which integrates the theories and methods of engineering, biology and medicine, studies the state changes of human system at all levels, and uses engineering technology to control such changes. Its learning content includes the following aspects.

1.1 Medical imaging technology

It refers to the technology of imaging through X-ray, ultrasound, radionuclide, magnetic resonance, infrared ray and other means and corresponding equipment, as well as the emerging impedance imaging technology.

1.2 Medical electronic equipment

It is divided into two categories: diagnostic instruments and therapeutic instruments. Diagnostic instruments are mainly used to collect, analyze and process human physiological signals. At present, most of them are ECG, electromyography and multi parameter monitors. Biochemical testing instruments that understand the biochemical reaction process in the human body through body fluids have gradually improved and become micro and automatic. Therapeutic instruments and equipment are X-ray, gamma ray, radionuclide, ultrasound, microwave, infrared and other instruments and equipment, such as X-ray deep treatment machine, extracorporeal lithotriptor, artificial ventilator, etc. Surgical equipment such as gamma knife, laser knife, respiratory anesthesia machine, monitor, X-ray TV, etc. In modern medical technology, equipment functions are more diversified and complicated.

1.3 Biomechanics

It mainly studies the mechanical properties of biological tissues and organs, and the relationship between human mechanical properties and their functions. These include biorheology (hemorheology), soft tissue and bone mechanics, circulatory system dynamics and respiratory system dynamics.

1.4 Biomaterials

That is, the materials and materials required for artificial organs and tissue engineering, most of which need to be implanted into the human body, need to have corrosion resistance, chemical stability, and compatibility with body tissues, blood compatibility, and non-toxic. As a material, it should also meet the requirements of various organs for materials, including strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, deflection, surface characteristics and other physical and mechanical properties. The knowledge to be mastered includes the synthesis process conditions and characterization, molding preparation, and properties of metals, nonmetals, composites, and polymers.

1.5 Biological effects and biological control

Biological effect refers to the distribution and change of light, sound, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear radiation in the body during medical diagnosis and treatment. Biological control is the phenomenon of the body's own regulation and control. Biological and chemical methods are used to understand these situations. Others include invasive diagnosis and treatment. The most competitive field of biomedical engineering is medical imaging technology, which mainly includes image processing, impedance imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, three-dimensional imaging technology, image archiving and communication systems. The processing and analysis of medical signals, including the processing and analysis of ECG, EEG, facial features, language, heart sounds, breathing and other signals and graphics, as well as the research and processing of neural networks, are also the hot spots of research and learning in the world at present. As an undergraduate student majoring in biomedical engineering, he will be engaged in research, equipment development, manufacturing, use, maintenance, etc. in this field. The knowledge system is very extensive, ranging from basic physical chemistry, engineering to medicine. If such a large amount of knowledge is learned in only four years, students will show a lack of basic knowledge and professional knowledge. For this reason, we investigated and analyzed the characteristics of medical universities, science and engineering universities, and comprehensive universities. On this basis, we put forward the idea of establishing a characteristic curriculum system for biomedical engineering undergraduate learning.

Discussion on the training characteristics of biomedical engineering professionals

Biomedical engineering undergraduate programs are set up in medical universities, comprehensive universities and science and engineering universities in China. Due to the typical cross characteristics of biomedical engineering, graduates of this major are expected to apply medical imaging technology and medical informatics technology to diagnose and treat diseases in hospitals, apply basic mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge to theoretical innovation and practice, and more importantly, apply engineering technology to research and develop medical devices and equipment Manufacturing and maintenance management, etc. Due to the huge knowledge system of biomedical engineering, which cannot be mastered by a certain practitioner, it requires cooperation and cooperation from all directions. Therefore, it is believed that biomedical engineering majors set up in medical universities, comprehensive universities and science and engineering universities should have their own characteristics.

2.1 Training characteristics of biomedical engineering professionals in medical universities

2.1.1 Talent training objectives

As a medical university, its professional personnel training has distinctive medical characteristics and advantages. Talents majoring in biomedical engineering in medical universities should be more likely to enter hospitals to engage in routine radiology, CT, nuclear magnetic resonance The operation of DSA and computer, and the use of various imaging, information and other diagnostic technologies for disease diagnosis or treatment, so the trained talents should first learn and have medical professional knowledge, and then learn the knowledge system with the ability to research, develop, use and manage modern medical instruments based on the needs of the medical professional field, He has become a medical application-oriented and compound senior talent with engineering knowledge and application ability. After graduation, he still works in the field of medicine and health, and plays an important role in the use, maintenance and management of hospital equipment. Therefore, its curriculum should be different from the emphasis of engineering biomedical engineering. If there are biomedical engineering majors in general medical universities, as well as related medical imaging majors and medical informatics majors, their training objectives should be "to cultivate basic medicine, clinical medicine and modern medical biomedical engineering (such as imaging, informatics, etc.) The basic theoretical knowledge and ability of ", and senior medical professionals who can engage in medical diagnosis, treatment (or information management, etc.) and medical imaging (or medical information, etc.) technology in medical and health units". The corresponding training requirements should be "learning the basic theoretical knowledge of basic medicine, clinical medicine, medical imaging (or informatics, medical ultrasound, etc.), and being subject to routine radiology, CT, nuclear magnetic resonance, DSA Basic training of nuclear medical imaging, informatics, medical ultrasound and other operating skills, basic ability of image diagnosis, ultrasonic treatment and interventional radiology operation of common diseases, and basic equipment (equipment) maintenance ability.

2.1.2 Curriculum

Based on the characteristics of medical universities, their main courses should focus on basic medicine and clinical medicine, and offer engineering and engineering courses based on medical characteristics. Such as basic mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer, such as advanced mathematics, general physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, computer principles and applications, and basic and clinical medicine, such as human anatomy, physiology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine Health management and other courses, and then the engineering and engineering courses of traditional biomedical engineering, such as analog electronics, digital electronic technology, sensors, digital signal processing, medical image processing, medical instrument principles, medical imaging instruments, inspection and analysis instruments, clinical engineering, human morphology, etc., can be set according to the emphasis of each university. Some majors can be set, such as mechanics Mechanical engineering, organic materials or metal materials courses. Although it is the same biomedical engineering major, it is necessary to set up courses according to the characteristics of the university. It is forbidden to set up courses that are large and without characteristics, or all colleges and universities set up the same courses. This is contrary to the interdisciplinary characteristics of biomedical engineering.

2.2 Training characteristics of engineering talents in comprehensive universities and biomedical engineering talents in science and engineering universities

2.2.1 Talent training objectives

At present, engineering and science and engineering universities in comprehensive universities basically have biomedical engineering majors, such as Peking University College of Engineering, Zhejiang University College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Southeast University College of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Sichuan University College of Polymer Science and Engineering, etc. Take the School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering of Southeast University as an example. Its predecessor is the Department of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, which was founded in 1984. The scientific research and student training direction of the college is to emphasize the intersection and penetration of life science and electronic information science, apply the theories and methods of electronic information science to solve scientific problems in the field of biomedicine, and develop modern life science and technology. Its talent training goal is to "cultivate excellent talents who master the professional knowledge of biomedical engineering, master the methods of analyzing biomedical engineering problems related to health, have the ability to comprehensively apply the knowledge and methods learned to solve practical engineering problems, and have sound personality and lofty ideals.". That is to say, more attention is paid to the training of composite talents combining engineering and medicine. These professionals are engaged in the design, R&D, manufacturing and maintenance of instruments and equipment used for medical diagnosis and treatment. The training goal of the biomedical engineering specialty of Sichuan University, according to its characteristics, is to "give priority to engineering, based on the relevant disciplines engaged in biomedical engineering teaching and research, and train senior professionals engaged in research, development and production of biomechanics, biomaterials, artificial organs and other related aspects." It is biased towards material engineering. It can be seen from this that in engineering and science and engineering universities of comprehensive universities, biomedical engineering should pay more attention to engineering and engineering content, and its training goal should be "to cultivate modern medical biomedical engineering (such as machinery, electronics, materials, computer applications in medicine, etc.) The basic theoretical knowledge and ability of the medical equipment related enterprises and institutions can be engaged in equipment (or equipment) design, research and development, manufacturing, maintenance, management and other work of senior composite professionals. The corresponding training requirements should be more basic theoretical knowledge of engineering, basic training in the design, research and development, operation, maintenance and repair, and management skills of conventional medical equipment and equipment, and corresponding ability.

2.1.2 Curriculum

Based on the characteristics of engineering, its main courses should focus on the basic theory of engineering, understand the basic knowledge of medicine, and learn the specialized courses derived from the application of machinery, electronics, materials and computers in medicine. For example, the basic courses of biomedical engineering majors that focus on medical equipment manufacturing have strengthened the study of basic mathematics and physics, set up higher mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, college physics and experiments with more credits, and medical courses have set up basic medicine and experiments, covering human anatomy, Specialized basic courses and specialized courses have set up biomedical mathematics foundation, circuit and analog electronic technology and experiment, digital circuit and logic design and experiment, microcomputer principle and interface technology and experiment, Visual C++program design and experiment, signal and system EDA technology, computer hardware control basis, single chip microcomputer principle and application, medical imaging principle, medical imaging system, physiological signal detection, physiological signal processing, medical image processing, medical instrument design and implementation, medical sensors, medical optics, medical ultrasound, medical materials, etc. Similarly, the curriculum should also be selected according to the characteristics of the school.

Part 8: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

Key words: electrical engineering; Applied talents; Curriculum system; Practical teaching

About the author: Huang Wenli (1974 -), male, from Mengzhou, Henan Province, associate professor of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management; He Linlin (1972 -), female, from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, associate professor, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management. (Zhengzhou, Henan 450015)

Fund project: This paper is the research result of the key scientific and technological research project of the Education Department of Henan Province (project number: 2010B470010).

CLC No.: G642 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1007-0079 (2013) 08-0005-03

In recent years, due to the transformation of the subordinate mechanism from the former China Aviation Industry Corporation to the central and local joint construction, the daily management is dominated by Henan Province, and the employment situation of students has also changed from targeted training to two-way choice and independent career selection, in order to meet the development requirements of the new situation, Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management has changed the past single management specialty setting, The school running policy of "combination of management and engineering, equal emphasis on arts and science, obvious advantages of management discipline, and coordinated development of multiple disciplines" has been adjusted and established, and engineering majors have been vigorously developed. The major of electrical engineering and automation was established in 2001, and then the major of electrical engineering and automation was further subdivided according to the characteristics of regional economic development in Henan Province. In 2008, the major of automation was newly established, which caused a series of new thoughts on the original specialty characteristics, talent orientation, curriculum setting, etc. of electrical specialty. This paper mainly introduces the characteristics of the development of the electrical engineering and automation specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, discusses the construction of the corresponding curriculum system, and highlights the practical teaching link to cultivate engineering application-oriented talents in this specialty.

1、 The orientation of application-oriented talent training

1. Features of electrical engineering and automation

In 1998, when the Ministry of Education adjusted the specialty catalog of colleges and universities, the specialty of electrical engineering and automation was formed by merging the original four strong current majors of "power system and its automation", "motor and electrical appliances and their control", "high voltage and insulation technology" and "electrical technology". It is one of the new majors with the largest number of merged and adjusted original majors in the new specialty catalog. [1] The construction of the new specialty follows the principle of "thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability and high quality", changes the practice of too many and too detailed specialty settings in the past, emphasizes the mastery of basic professional knowledge at the undergraduate stage, and has the characteristics of combining strong and weak electricity, electrical technology and electronic technology, software and hardware, components and systems. From the above development, it can be seen that the major of electrical engineering and automation should be a major focusing on strong electricity and combining strong and weak electricity, and should reflect the concept of "strong electricity as the body and weak electricity as the use". The students should be trained to understand both strong and weak electricity, both hardware and software, not only master the professional knowledge of electrical technology, but also understand the application of computer and electronic technology. [2]

The training goal of the electrical engineering and automation specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management is to cultivate those who are fully developed in morality, intelligence and physique, meet the needs of the socialist market economy, have good cultural and scientific quality, and have professional knowledge and application ability of electrical engineering, and can engage in system operation, automatic control, power electronics technology, information processing Wide caliber, innovative and compound senior engineering and technical personnel working in the fields of test analysis, research and development, economic management, and electronic and computer applications. The students of this major have not only the professional knowledge of electrical engineering, but also the basic knowledge of automation and computer due to the basic training of electrician, electronics, information control and computer technology, which makes them have greater advantages in the future employment.

2. Development opportunities for electrical engineering and automation

After years of rapid development, China's power industry now ranks second in the world in terms of total installed power generation capacity and annual power generation capacity, second only to the United States. However, per capita installed capacity and per capita annual power generation capacity are far behind, and there is still much room for development. The 11th Five Year Plan for the development of the electric power industry puts forward the development strategy of ultra-high voltage, and the concept and goal of building an intelligent and strong power grid, which provides unlimited development potential for the electric power industry, electrical equipment manufacturing industry and related machinery and material industries. [3]

Henan Province pointed out in the 11th Five Year Development Plan: "strengthen the construction of power grid, enhance the power transmission capacity, accelerate the promotion and application of computer technology, automation technology and information technology, and improve the automation level of urban power grid" and "focus on the development of high-voltage and ultra-high voltage power transmission and transformation equipment, power station auxiliary equipment and special equipment for medium and high-end electricians, wind energy, low-temperature waste heat power generation equipment" Nowadays, developing a circular and low-carbon economy and building an environment-friendly and resource-saving society have become the strategic goals of sustainable economic and social development, in which the power industry will play a more important role.

The facts show that high-quality power supply is an important guarantee for China's social modernization and the basic condition for the rapid development of Henan's regional economy. It requires a large number of qualified electrical engineers, which is the fundamental mission and development prospect of electrical engineering and automation. Therefore, the electrical specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management closely follows the development plan of China's electric power industry, timely adjusts the direction of running the specialty in combination with the characteristics of regional economic development, and strives to develop professional characteristics and cultivate more electrical engineering and technical professionals.

3. Current situation of electrical engineering and automation

Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management is an ordinary undergraduate college that enrolls students according to two courses. It is an important base for local economy and the first line of aviation industry production, and for training and exporting compound application talents. The major of electrical engineering and automation was prepared to be established in 2001. According to the current situation of power industry development and the characteristics of regional economy, the training objectives of applied talents in the major of electrical engineering and automation were proposed, and in combination with the level of engineering development in Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management and the teaching staff in the major of electrical engineering and automation, The curriculum system of electrical machinery and its control is compiled. After several years of construction, the major of electrical engineering and its automation has been adapted to the rapid development of the power industry in the 21st century, It promoted the thinking of the corresponding curriculum system and professional positioning.

Although the major of electrical engineering and automation in Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management has made great progress in recent years, the professional foundation is still weak compared with other colleges and universities, and the experimental conditions and teaching staff are still limited. It is still in a period of rapid development, and the overall level is still low. Therefore, the current electrical engineering and automation specialty still needs and must be positioned at the training of engineering application talents. After graduation, students can work in power plants, power design units, electrical manufacturing enterprises and various industrial and mining enterprises in electrical design, operation, management and other work.

4. Characteristics and training of application-oriented talents

The characteristics of application-oriented talents are solid basic knowledge of the discipline, strong practical ability and innovation consciousness. In addition to good scientific literacy, they also have good engineering literacy, and the ability to solve practical engineering problems. After graduation, they are mainly engaged in operation and management in the production front line. Applied talents are first of all innovative talents with the innovative ability to transform theoretical knowledge and technology into practical productivity; Secondly, it is also a kind of compound talents. Because the work of applied talents is based on solving practical problems, and solving a practical problem can not always rely on only one kind of professional knowledge. Practical innovation often occurs at the edge of disciplines or at the intersection of various disciplines. Therefore, applied talents are also compound innovative talents. [4]

The cultivation of application-oriented talents can not be achieved simply by adding or subtracting several courses. Building a scientific curriculum system is the basis for cultivating qualified application-oriented talents. How to establish a curriculum system for electrical engineering and automation majors that focuses on strong current courses and penetrates electronic technology, information technology and computer technology is a systematic project, which requires a thorough understanding of relevant courses and experience the test of practice.

2、 Construction of curriculum system

In the setting of the new curriculum system of electrical specialty, the specialty characteristics of "giving priority to strong electricity, supplemented by weak electricity, and combining strong and weak electricity, software and hardware, electrical control and information technology" are highlighted, which are mainly based on four basic principles: first, highlight the characteristics of strong electricity, and combine the development prospect of electric power with the existing teaching staff, The course modules of power system and its automation and electrical machinery and its control are set up; The second is to closely combine the application of automation technology in the field of electrical engineering, and maintain the teaching of electronic and computer technology related courses for four years; The third is to strengthen the characteristics of the training of application-oriented talents in this major, and maintain the practice teaching link for four years; The fourth is to stimulate the individualized development of students, combine the employment needs of students, and pay attention to the scientific and systematic curriculum arrangement.

The main feature of the new curriculum system is to meet the development needs of the original electrical engineering and automation specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management subdivided into electrical engineering and automation specialty and automation specialty, highlight the strong current characteristics of electrical engineering and automation specialty, and set up according to the applied talent training mode of "thick foundation, wide caliber, emphasis on practice, and strong application".

1. Reform of curriculum system

The original electrical specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management combines the contents of electrical engineering and its automation and automation. The specialty is characterized by "combination of strong and weak, appropriate and weak"; The characteristics of the new electrical specialty have changed to "strong weak combination, strong current first", and the scope of professional courses has become relatively narrow. The curriculum of new electrical specialty is no longer the distinction between electrical specialty and automation specialty, but the establishment of power system and its automation and electrical machinery and its control in electrical specialty. Therefore, it is considered to change the original curriculum system of basic subject courses - specialized basic courses - specialized elective courses - interdisciplinary elective courses - practice link to the curriculum system of primary subject basic courses - secondary subject elective courses - interdisciplinary elective courses - practice link that is more in line with the characteristics of the new electrical specialty, as shown in Table 1. The new curriculum system ensures that the theoretical teaching of students can be less than 2500 class hours on the premise of meeting the basic credits. At the same time, it optimizes the curriculum content, expands the scope of elective courses, expands the knowledge of students, and encourages the personalized development of students.

Table 1 New Curriculum System of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Course type Course name

First level discipline

Basic courses Automatic control principle (bilingual), analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology, circuit (bilingual), electromagnetic field, microcomputer principle and interface technology, complex variable function and integral transformation, electrical engineering, power system analysis, power electronic converter technology, signal analysis and processing, professional technology lectures

Secondary discipline

Limited Elective Courses: Power System Automation, Power System Relay Protection, Power System Telecontrol and Dispatching Automation, Power Plant Electrical

Motor design and optimization, motor and drive foundation, electric drive automatic control system, electrical appliance


Elective courses High Voltage Technology, Power Plant Power Part, Power Supply and Distribution Technology, Power Market Foundation, MATLAB/SIMULINK Simulation and Application of Power System; Detection technology and instruments, sensor application technology, building automation system, micro and special motors, AC and DC speed regulation system and MATLAB simulation; Principle and application of single chip microcomputer, principle and application of DSP, electrical and PLC control technology; Mechanical drawing CAD technology, software technology foundation (bilingual), visualization program, EDA technology (bilingual), industrial configuration technology; Scientific paper writing


Elective courses Management and Marketing; Music appreciation and art appreciation; Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, Computer Network (Bilingual)

Practical teaching

Link metalworking practice, professional practice, professional investigation, cognition practice, military training, social investigation, public welfare labor, graduation practice, graduation design; Curriculum Design of Single Chip Microcomputer (Elective), PLC (Elective), Power System Relay Protection (Elective), Power Plant Electrical Part (Elective), Electric Drive (Elective); Electrical major production practice, power system analysis course design, electrical engineering course design, power electronics course design

2. Optimization of course content

The new curriculum system highlights the requirement of "thick foundation" under the premise of "wide scope" of strong current specialty, and the class hours of public basic courses and subject basic courses account for 74% of the total class hours. The new curriculum system not only realizes the cultivation of students' knowledge of humanities and social sciences and natural sciences, but also realizes the complete connection of general education courses and professional basic courses in the same major, the basic professional courses are basically the same, and the different professional directions are only reflected in the requirements of non main courses and practice links in professional courses, It also strengthens the students' requirements for the basic knowledge of the major, and highlights the characteristics of different professional directions.

The new curriculum system highlights the strong current characteristics in the curriculum content, and highlights the application of computer technology and weak current control technology in the professional field. According to the two professional directions of power system and its automation and electrical machinery and its control, two distinctive course modules are set as optional compulsory links. In addition, in accordance with the principle of "broadening" and "deepening", a total of 19 secondary subject elective courses are offered, and students can take 5-7 of them. In accordance with the requirements for improving the comprehensive quality of students, cross specialty elective courses and public elective courses of the whole school are set up, requiring students to study about 6 courses in humanities, social sciences, economic management and other aspects.

3. Adjustment of teaching schedule

In accordance with the principle of basic before professional, from simple to profound, and step by step, keep computer teaching and English teaching continuous, and scientifically allocate the teaching time and class hours of each course.

(1) Keep computer teaching online. According to the teaching order, computer courses include: "Fundamentals of Computer Application", "C++Language", "Mechanical Drawing CAD Technology", "Fundamentals of Software Technology", "Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology", "Industrial Configuration Technology", "MATLAB/SIMULINK Simulation and Application of Power System", "Principle of MCU", "AC/DC Speed Governing System and MATLAB Simulation", "EDA Technology" "Visualization Program", "Computer Network", "Graduation Design".

(2) Keep English teaching continuous. It is suggested to cancel the "Specialized English" course and add bilingual courses. Relevant courses taught in English (or bilingual) include "College English", "Circuit", "Software Technology Foundation", "Automatic Control Principle", "EDA Technology", "Computer Network" and "Graduation Design".

(3) Allocate the class hours of each semester scientifically. For example, the learning effect of students in the first and second school years is good, and the class hours of basic courses and professional courses can be appropriately increased; In the fourth academic year, students' learning effect has declined due to social practice, job hunting, postgraduate entrance examination, etc. At this time, we can highlight the computer and practical teaching links, use the strong practicality of the curriculum to calm the students' impetuosity, and maximize the learning effect.

3、 Strengthen practical teaching links

Practice teaching is an essential link for colleges and universities to cultivate engineering application-oriented talents, and is a decisive factor to improve the core competitiveness of talents. The level of talents trained by electrical engineering and automation majors in colleges and universities depends on the level of practical teaching, including the improvement of experimental conditions, the design of experimental content and the quality of experimental teachers. The practice link of the electrical specialty of Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management is mainly composed of course experiment, course design, production practice and graduation design, which forms a relatively systematic, hierarchical and comprehensive content system from line to surface, from foundation to synthesis. [5]

1. Course Experiment and Course Design

Course experiments include electrical circuit, electronic technology, power system relay protection, power system automation, power electronic technology, motor and drive, C++language, single chip microcomputer principle, electrical PLC principle, etc.

Curriculum design is an important part of practical education for engineering majors, and an important way to cultivate college students' ability to think independently, search information, cooperate with each other, and initially engage in scientific research. The course design practice link is mainly composed of core professional courses and some practical professional courses, such as "motor design", "power system analysis", "single-chip microcomputer principle", power plant electrical part, etc.

2. Practice base

The internship base is composed of two parts: on campus and off campus. The campus practice base is mainly composed of school run factories, which complete basic professional training such as metalworking practice, electrical and electronic technology, computer aided design, etc; Off campus practice bases mainly include Shaanxi Aviation Electric Co., Ltd., Chengdu Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, Guizhou Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, etc. Students in off campus practice bases mainly receive production education from modern enterprises to cultivate engineering practice ability.

3. Graduation design

The graduation project of electrical engineering and automation majors mostly comes from engineering practice. The topic is usually drafted by the tutor himself, or from a module of the tutor's scientific research project, or from a professional field familiar to the tutor, which is closely combined with the engineering practice. In view of the problems existing in the graduation design, such as outdated topics, narrow knowledge, poor experimental conditions, students' expenses, and weak operability of the results, the following measures can be actively taken at this stage: first, strengthen the management of teachers and students. Conduct mid-term spot check and assessment on teachers, especially young teachers, organize discussions, and ask students; Strengthen attendance check, irregular check, and organize mid-term inspection and pre defense for students. The second is to encourage and guide students to choose topics freely within the scope of subject knowledge, and encourage them to choose topics that come from life practice and can solve practical problems. The third is to create conditions to allow students to work in internship or work units to do design, and employ personnel with senior professional titles in enterprises to participate in the guidance of graduation design.

In addition to the above basic professional practice links, we can also actively organize students to participate in the "Challenge Cup", "Electronic Design" and other national competitions, encourage students to carry out scientific and technological innovation and production, build professional open laboratories, and actively explore education and teaching models that will help improve students' innovation ability and engineering practice ability.

4、 Conclusion

The huge development space of the electric power industry and the change of the school running policy of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management provide a good opportunity for the development of electrical engineering and automation. Grasping this development opportunity, based on the education concept of "thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability and high quality" of electrical specialty, a scientific and effective curriculum system has been constructed, laying the foundation for cultivating a large number of qualified applied electrical technical talents in the future. The construction of the professional curriculum system and the training process of applied talents still need to be tested by practice.


[1] Ding Jianyong, Xiang Tieyuan, Zhang Chengxue. Opinions on Teaching Reform of Electrical Engineering and Automation [J]. China Electric Power Education, 2000, (1): 34-37

[2] Huarong Thoughts and Exploration on the Construction of "Electrical Engineering and Automation" Specialty and Curriculum Design [J]. Journal of Shanghai Institute of Applied Technology, 2002, (2): 34-37

[3] Huang Wenli, Zhang Dan. Research on Building a Harmonious Power System [J]. Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management, 2009, 27 (3): 53-55

Part 9: Model Essays on Characteristics of Mechatronics

Orientation of Chemical Engineering and Process

1. Nature and training mode of chemical engineering and technology

Chemical Engineering and Process is an engineering major, awarded with a bachelor's degree in engineering. Due to the wide range of related fields in the chemical industry, the specialty of chemical engineering and technology is also very diverse, and the characteristics of chemical engineering and technology in various universities are also different. In recent years, according to the demand trend of social economy and industrial development, the setting of chemical engineering and process specialty directions in sister colleges, as well as the original advantages of similar specialties in our school, our school has set up a chemical engineering and process specialty direction that can reflect the characteristics of our school, and gradually established an education and training mode suitable for our chemical engineering and process specialty. In 2008, the chemical engineering and technology major of our school has seven undergraduate graduates. Their employment situation is good, and social feedback is positive. In the work of formulating teaching plans, we should strengthen the reform of teaching content and curriculum system, and strengthen practical teaching links, with the purpose of further improving the teaching quality and cultivating more adaptable chemical engineering and technology talents.

2. Tasks of Chemical Engineering and Process

According to the nature of chemical engineering and process specialty, the task of chemical engineering and process specialty is to cultivate and learn the basic theory and knowledge of chemical engineering and chemical technology, and receive basic training in chemical and chemical experiment skills, engineering practice, computer application, scientific research and engineering design methods. It is capable of simulating and optimizing the production process of existing enterprises Basic ability to innovate, develop and design new processes and develop new products. As there are many disciplines and fields involved in chemical engineering, chemical engineering and technology majors should not only let students learn the basic knowledge and skills of general applied chemical engineering, but also focus on the specific application of chemical engineering in one or several fields in combination with the actual situation of the region, the industry and the university, so as to form a characteristic specialty direction of applied chemical engineering majors in different colleges and universities

3. Business training objectives of chemical engineering and process

This major cultivates engineering and technical talents who have knowledge of chemical engineering and chemical process and can engage in engineering design, technology development, production technology management and scientific research in chemical, oil refining, metallurgy, energy, light industry, medicine, environmental protection, military industry and other departments.

4. Curriculum of Chemical Engineering and Technology

In order to make different colleges and universities have both unified norms and different professional characteristics, according to the tasks and business training objectives of the chemical engineering and technology specialty, the graduates of the chemical engineering and technology specialty should have a solid foundation of chemical engineering theory, a wide range of chemical engineering application knowledge and a certain foundation of engineering technology, so that the curriculum of the specialty (excluding public courses and basic courses) It shall be composed of basic chemistry course, engineering basic course and professional direction course. Basic chemistry courses include inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, etc. Basic engineering courses mainly include: chemical instrumentation and automation, basic chemical engineering, electrical and electronics, etc. Specialized courses: specialized chemistry courses can be selected according to specific directions, such as theoretical electrochemistry, chemical power source technology, electrolytic engineering and electroplating engineering. The direction of fine chemical industry can be chemical technology, chemical separation engineering, chemical reaction engineering, etc. In addition, practical links include basic experiment, comprehensive experiment, improvement experiment, production practice, graduation practice and graduation thesis.

Major in Chemical Engineering and Technology

As far as the professional direction is concerned, the nature of chemical engineering and process is engineering. The specialty of chemical engineering and technology should cultivate a solid and broad basic knowledge of chemical engineering theory, with special attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability and ability to solve practical problems. The overall design of the teaching plan should reflect the basic knowledge of engineering technology possessed by application-oriented talents, and attach importance to experiments, practices, internships, graduation theses and other links. Setting the direction of professional development, combining the needs of Guangxi's economic development, is based on the rational use of resources in Guangxi and schools, adaptation to scientific and technological development, and attention to social needs. Accordingly, the specialty direction of chemical engineering and process in our school is set as: electrochemical engineering and fine chemicals.