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 Journal of Quality and Certification

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Journal of Quality and Certification Ministerial journals

China Quality Certification

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1214/T CN
  • 2095-7343 ISSN
Competent unit: State Administration of Market Supervision
Sponsor: China Quality Certification Center
Postal code: 80-569
Published in 2007
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.18
Cited times: 246
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Quality and Certification Magazine

The journal of quality and certification (monthly) was founded in 2007 under the name of Certification Technology. With the purpose of spreading advanced theories and methods of certification technology and advanced management concepts, the journal adheres to the policy of professional leadership, effective communication, reader first, and quality first, and takes certification research and management windows as the reporting structure, closely following the difficulties, hot spots, and focuses of the industry, Publicize the national certification and accreditation system, regulations and policies, and build an effective communication bridge between the advanced and cutting-edge certification technology and the vast number of certification enterprises, certification institutions, training institutions, consulting institutions, testing institutions, scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, certification personnel, and people from all walks of life who care about the development of certification.

Column setting of quality and certification magazine

Information, high-end, attention, legal perspective, topics, standards, cutting-edge, international certification.

Honor Information of Quality and Certification Magazine

Subscription mode of quality and certification magazine

Address: Floor 4, Building 2, Zone 9, No. 188, South Fourth Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100070.

Instructions to Quality and Certification Magazine

1. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument shall be novel, the argument shall be sufficient, the data shall be reliable, the writing responsibility shall be borne by itself (plagiarism is strictly prohibited), and the words shall be refined.

2. The names shall be arranged in order under the title, and the arrangement shall be determined at the time of submission. The name, organization, detailed address and postal code of the author must be clearly written. When signing multiple authors' manuscripts, the consent of other authors must be obtained, and the sequence must be arranged. No change will be made after receiving the notice of recording.

3. The article should be between 2000 and 2400 characters, and the format should generally include: title, author and unit, zip code, content summary, keywords, text, references, etc. Article title characters shall be less than 20 characters.

4. The charts in the article should be typical, as few as possible and refined, and the tables should use three line tables; The black line chart shall be used in the drawing, and the lines drawn shall be smooth, smooth and even in thickness; The unit of measurement shall be subject to the recently promulgated "The Legal Unit of Measurement of the People's Republic of China" by the State Council, and no illegal unit of measurement shall be used.

5. In order to shorten the publication cycle and reduce errors, all contributions should be in word format, and please specify your contact details.

6. The editorial department has the right to delete and revise the incoming manuscript. If you do not agree to delete and revise the manuscript, please make a statement in the incoming manuscript. Our journal has been included in many domestic academic journal databases at the same time. Please state in your contributions if you do not agree with the inclusion.

Examples of quality and certification magazines

When traditional "encounter" new technology

Progress report on the integration and reform of inspection and testing certification bodies

Wei Chuanzhong: the initiator of the traceability system of art authentication quality

The first year of art authentication

My View on Artwork and Its Authentication

Articles published by this magazine will have "ID card"

Interpretation: "Traceability Procedures for the Quality of Artwork Authentication (Calligraphy and Painting)"

The role of third-party inspection and testing institutions in the construction of art authentication system

Safety and performance certification of air purifier

PV product certification mode needs systematic innovation

Investigate and deal with cases of illegal sales of set-top boxes on the Internet

Influence of food contact materials on food safety

Risk analysis and countermeasures of food contact materials

Hygienic requirements and testing methods for food contact materials

Safety certification of food contact products

Interpreting the National Standard of Air Purifier (GB/T18801-2015)

The annual average growth rate of the number of approvals in China during the "12th Five Year Plan" period is nearly 10%

CQC released the first third-party quality evaluation standard for elderly care institutions in China

China and South Korea Hold Conformity Assessment Cooperation Seminar

Build an intensive and efficient inspection and testing service organization

Quality and Certification Magazine Data Information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of quality and certification magazine

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Science and Technology Support Plan (2013BAK04804) one
National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAB18B02) one
National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAK26B05) one
Science and Technology Planning Project of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (20122K076) one
Key Discipline Fund of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (J51102) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Science and Technology Support Plan twelve
Science and Technology Planning Project of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China five
Special scientific research projects in Chinese medicine industry five
Special scientific research project of quality inspection public welfare industry four
Scientific research project of Jiangsu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau two
National Science and Technology Major Project one
Special funds for basic scientific research of central public welfare research institutes one
Global Environment Facility one
Key Discipline Fund of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission one
Scientific Research Program of Zhejiang Quality and Technology Supervision System one
Address: Floor 4, Building 2, Zone 9, No. 188, South Fourth Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100070.