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 Journal of Food Industry

Annual pricing: ¥ 400.00/year

Journal of Food Industry Ministerial journals

Food industry

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1162/TS CN
  • 2095-638X ISSN
Competent unit: China Federation of Commerce
Sponsor: Beijing Institute of Food Science
Published in 2013
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.19
Cited times: 252
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to food industry magazines

The food industry magazine (monthly) was founded in 2013, with the concept of "focusing on the growth of food enterprises, leading the development of the food industry, grasping the forefront of the food field, and analyzing food policies and regulations", to provide readers with the latest food industry information. Readers of the magazine include operators and managers of food enterprises, experts and scholars in the food field, and successful people in the industry. Most of them are readers who pay the most attention to the food industry and are the backbone of the current food industry. Food World brings readers pleasure and expectation of reading with its broad vision, professional views, lively writing and exquisite production. Since its inception, the magazine has been adhering to the editorial philosophy of the Food Industry, focusing on the latest developments in the food field, advocating a unique market concept, promoting all-round marketing methods, and making a brilliant debut with "new" faces and "interactive" costumes.

Column setting of food industry magazines

News and information, industry finance, information, fashion life.

Honorary information of food industry magazine

Food industry magazine subscription mode

Address: Toutiao 4, Luchang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100050.

Notice to contributors of food industry magazines

1. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument shall be novel, the argument shall be sufficient, the data shall be reliable, the writing responsibility shall be borne by itself (plagiarism is strictly prohibited), and the words shall be refined.

2. The names shall be arranged in order under the title, and the arrangement shall be determined at the time of submission. The name, organization, detailed address and postal code of the author must be clearly written. When signing multiple authors' manuscripts, the consent of other authors must be obtained, and the sequence must be arranged. No change will be made after receiving the notice of recording.

3. The article should be between 2000 and 2400 characters, and the format should generally include: title, author and unit, zip code, content summary, keywords, text, references, etc. Article title characters shall be less than 20 characters.

4. The charts in the article should be typical, as few as possible and refined, and the tables should use three line tables; The black line chart shall be used in the drawing, and the lines drawn shall be smooth, smooth and even in thickness; The unit of measurement shall be subject to the recently promulgated "The Legal Unit of Measurement of the People's Republic of China" by the State Council, and no illegal unit of measurement shall be used.

5. In order to shorten the publication cycle and reduce errors, all contributions should be in word format, and please specify your contact details.

6. The editorial department has the right to delete and revise the incoming manuscript. If you do not agree to delete and revise the manuscript, please make a statement in the incoming manuscript. Our journal has been included in many domestic academic journal databases at the same time. Please state in your contributions if you do not agree with the inclusion.

Examples of food industry magazines

An Expert Star with Dream of "Counter growth" -- An Interview with Wang Dawei, a Criminology Professor

To ensure "tip of the tongue safety" and "the strictest food safety law in history"


The Development of Regional Economy Needs the Use of Active Geographical Indications and Trademarks

Food consumption sparks the economy or becomes the leader of the new economic normal

The Belt and Road Initiative ushers in a new era of food industry - "Haisi" is heading for the first stop in the world

Insights into food are all knowledge, grasp the new pulse of "food substitution", and talk about the way of convenience with small ideas

Trust crisis of organic milk

With the wings of "Internet+", ecological food flies to thousands of tables

Different key information of milk powder traceability publicity is difficult to check

Chinese wine classification needs to be warm

Huishan Dairy shouts grievance for exceeding the standard of sodium acid involved in the product

Jinluo is caught in the "retreat tide"

"Two Barrels of Oil" Competition for Water Industry

Deepening adjustment of liquor industry cannot be urgent

Cognac is sold both at home and abroad

Two level differentiation of dairy market consumption

Huiyuan: There are still many ways to go in such a big market

Sugar enterprises have "benefits" from a number of support policies

Three elements: use the capital market to integrate Baxi resources

Data information of food industry magazines

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of articles published by food industry magazines

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan (201310720013) four
National Natural Science Foundation of China (21002034) one
Doctoral Research Foundation (648206) one
National Litchi Longan Industrial Technology System Construction Project (CARS-33-16) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan four
Science and Technology Research Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education three
Special funds for basic scientific research of central public welfare research institutes three
Doctoral Research Startup Fund three
Jilin Educational Science Planning Project three
Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Province two
National Natural Science Foundation of China two
Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Planning Industry Project two
Science and Technology Planning Project of Guizhou Province two
Teaching Reform Research Project of Hunan Ordinary Colleges and Universities two
Address: Toutiao 4, Luchang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100050.