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 Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Laigang Science and Technology Magazine Provincial Journals

Laigang Science Technology

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • -- CN
  • -- ISSN
Competent unit: Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd
Sponsor: Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. Technology R&D Center
Published in 1977
Format: A4
Published at: Shandong
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.03
Cited times: 0.065
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Laiwu Steel Science and Technology Magazine, founded in 1977, is an excellent journal sponsored by the Technology Research and Development Center of Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and officially approved for public distribution by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China. Since its inception, the magazine has taken new ideas, new methods and new materials as its theme, and adhered to the concept of "wonderful issues and readable articles". Laigang Science and Technology Magazine has always adhered to the principle of "quality first", and the editorial department is responsible for editing each issue of the magazine carefully, so that the quality of the journal is exquisite and the pictures and texts are exquisite. Laigang Science and Technology is recognized as one of the influential magazines in the industry, and has won the China Excellent Journal Award. It is now included in full in the databases of CNKI and VIP. The editorial department of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine welcomes the contributions of authors. All contributions are required to be in correct format, with clear pictures and texts. The contribution center of the editorial department welcomes high-quality contributions. Those who like Laigang Science and Technology Magazine can subscribe through the post office.

Column setting of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Monographs and summaries, practice and innovation, information and abstracts, practice and innovation, information and abstracts, research and development, and experience exchange.

Honorary Information of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Subscription mode of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Address: Technology R&D Center of Shandong Laiwu Steel Group Co., Ltd. Zip code: 271104.

Instructions for contribution of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

1. The manuscript should be academic, professional, innovative and scientific, with prominent theme, sufficient argument, refined text, reliable data, and high academic, professional and practical value. Contributions should be novel in subject matter, authentic in content, clear in argument, clear in hierarchy, reliable in data and fluent in sentence.

2. Each paper must include the title, the author's name, the author's organization, the location of the organization and its postal code, the abstract and keywords, the text, references, and a brief introduction of the first author and corresponding author (usually the supervisor) (including name, gender, title, date of birth, degree obtained, current main work and research direction), In the footer of the first page of the manuscript, indicate the project and the fund (number) of the thesis. If not, do not indicate.

3. The structure of the manuscript is generally title, author's name, unit (zip code), abstract, keywords, Chinese Library Classification Number, introduction, text, references and English translations of the above items. Please refer to GB 3100-3102-1993 for the usage of all physical quantities and units in the document. Constants, English abbreviations, numerical operation symbols and function symbols are in regular font, variables are in italic font, vectors and matrices are in black italic font, and set symbols are in black regular font.

4. The Chinese title shall not exceed 20 words, and the English title shall not exceed 10 notional words. The Chinese abstract should have 150-250 words and 3-8 key words. The abstract must have the same amount of main information as the paper, including four elements of purpose, method, result and conclusion. For the purpose of providing a synopsis, do not comment on the content of the manuscript, and try to avoid special characters or mathematical expressions.

5. The length of the manuscript (including charts) generally does not exceed 5000 words, and the length of a page is 2500 words. Please refer to the latest standard of legal measurement units of the People's Republic of China for the use of quantities and units in the text. Foreign characters must be distinguished between upper and lower case, front and italics, black and white, and the upper and lower corners should be clearly distinguished.

6. The figures and tables in the text shall be self explanatory. There should be no more than 2 pictures, and the images should be clear and layered.

7. All papers are required to have Chinese abstracts and keywords. The abstracts are written in the third person. They are divided into four parts: purpose, method, result and conclusion. They can completely and accurately summarize the substantive content of the article. It is better to use 150 words or so. Generally, there are 3-6 keywords.

(5) The first level title of the title hierarchy is identified with "I, II,...", the second level title is identified with "(I), (II),...", the third level title is identified with "1.2.", and the fourth level title is identified with "(1), (2)". Generally, it should not exceed 4 layers. The header line and the first line of each paragraph of the body are two blank spaces. No punctuation is added at the end of each level of title.

8. The description format of references shall adopt the sequential coding system. Please number them in the order in which they appear. The cited literature must be the most important and publicly published literature that the author has directly read and referred to. For unpublished references that are necessary to be quoted, please use footnotes to indicate them, and the number of references shall not be less than 3.

9. Do not submit more than one draft. After receiving the manuscript, review it within 5 working days and reply to the author via email. Key manuscripts will be sent to peer experts for review. If you do not receive the notice of proposed draft within 10 days (you can send a paper employment notice if you need it), please contact our department for confirmation.

10. Be responsible for the contributions. All authors shall have no objection to the content and signature of the manuscript, and the content of the manuscript shall not be copied or repeatedly published. Please submit your contributions by E-mail in WORD format; Please provide the author's profile and detailed mailing address, postal code, telephone number, mobile phone and e-mail address. Please keep your own copy, and all contributions will not be returned.

Example of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Technical improvement of plunger pressing structure of 2500t forging hydraulic press

Application of ABB Profiler in Reversible Cold Rolling Mill of Laigang

Research and Development of Forging Process for Laigang 1000t Hook

Effect of aging temperature on copper precipitation in ultra-low carbon steel

Metallographic Examination and Analysis of Hot Rolled Portal Channel Steel for Forklifts at Home and Abroad

Process Research on Improving the Pass Rate of Steel Plate Flaw Detection

Xinye Iron and Steel Energy Center Construction Project Launched

Quality Status and Analysis of 20CrMnTiH Gear Steel

Research and Production of Key Technologies of High Strength European Standard H-beam

Experimental study on heat treatment of φ 50mm deformed bar with dendritic structure

Cause Analysis of Impact Brittle Fracture of Q235D Round Steel

Photometric determination of titanium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, copper and nickel in ferrotitanium

Effect of furnace temperature on grain size of 45 steel and 40Cr steel

Combined determination of titanium and aluminum in ferrotitanium

Research on Material Tracking Control Mode of Double side Shear

Analysis and prevention of wall cracks in brick concrete structure buildings

Data information of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of Laigang Science and Technology Magazine

Address: Technology R&D Center of Shandong Laiwu Steel Group Co., Ltd. Zip code: 271104. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.