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 Journal of Chemical Labor Protection

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Journal of Chemical Labor Protection Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 37-1158/TB CN
  • -- ISSN
Competent unit: Chemical Labor Protection Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
Sponsored by: Institute of Chemical Labor Protection, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Published in 1983
Format: A4
Published at: Shandong
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influencing factor: 0.225
Cited times:
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to the Journal of Chemical Labor Protection

This journal is a labor protection journal. It is mainly aimed at chemical production and construction, the majority of workers in the chemical industry, the realization of safe production and civilized production for the chemical front, and the improvement of industrial health and occupational disease prevention.

Chemical Labor Protection has been renamed Safety, Health and Environment.

Column setting of chemical labor protection magazine

Research report, literature review, briefing, special research

Honorary Information of Chemical Labor Protection Journal

Subscription mode of chemical labor protection magazine

Address: Chemical Labor Protection Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, No. 218, Yan'an Third Road, Qingdao, 266071.

Instructions for contribution of Chemical Labor Protection Magazine

1. Basic requirements The contributions shall be novel in subject matter, authentic in content, clear in argument, clear in hierarchy, reliable in data and fluent in sentence. Articles generally do not exceed 5000 words. Please send a printed copy of your contribution, and we recommend you to submit your contribution by email.

2. The title should reflect the content of the article accurately and concisely. Generally, it should not exceed 20 words. The name of the author should be listed under the title.

3. The number of authorship between the author and the company is generally not more than 5, and the number of authorship is not more than 3. The first author must attach a brief introduction, including the work unit, address, zip code, age, gender, nationality, education background, professional title and position; Other authors shall attach their unit, address and zip code.

4. Abstracts and keywords All papers are required to have Chinese abstracts and keywords. The abstracts are written in the third person and are divided into four parts: purpose, method, result and conclusion. The substantive content of the article is completely and accurately summarized. It is better to use about 150 words, and the keywords are generally 3-6.

5. The first level title of the title hierarchy is identified with "I, II,...", the second level title is identified with "(I), (II),...", the third level title is identified with "1.2.", and the fourth level title is identified with "(1), (2)". Generally, it should not exceed 4 layers. The header line and the first line of each paragraph of the body are two blank spaces. No punctuation is added at the end of each level of title.

6. Text: generally no more than 10000 words, printed on A4 paper, and the text in No. 5 Song typeface.

7. Number usage: in accordance with GB/T15835-1995 Regulations on the Use of Numbers in Publications, Arabic numerals shall be used for the year, year, month, day, hour, various counts and measurements in the calendar year; Chinese characters and numerals are used in the Chinese calendar, the calendar of the Qing Dynasty and its earlier years, the day of the week, the stereotyped words, phrases, idioms, abbreviations, and the synopsis of the adjacent two numerals used side by side as morphemes.

8. Charts and tables: try to use as few as possible in the text. When it is necessary to use charts and tables, they should be concise, clear, and take up less space. All charts and tables should use black lines and be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. There should be concise table titles (above the table) and figure titles (below the figure). The data sources should be indicated in the figures in the table.

9. Note: It refers to the explanation or explanation of a specific content of the article. Its serial number is ① ② ③...... The note text and punctuation should be consistent with the text, and the note should be placed at the end of the text, before the reference.

10. Reference: It is a description of the citation author, work, source, version, etc., which is marked with serial number, and the detailed citation is arranged at the end of the text in order. The following types of references are identified in a single letter way: general books [M], conference papers [C], newspaper articles [N], journal articles [J], dissertations [D], reports [R], standards [S], patents [P], compilations [G], archives [B], ancient books [O], reference tools [K].

11. Funds: For articles that have received national funds and provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects, please indicate the name and number of the fund project, which shall be clearly marked according to the documentary evidence of the project

12. About the author: the first author's name (date of birth -), gender, nationality (Han nationality can be omitted), native place, full name of the current employer, professional title, degree, and research direction.

13. Others: please do not submit two manuscripts at a time, and please keep the original manuscripts. This magazine will not reject manuscripts. After submitting the manuscripts, wait for review. The editorial department will inform you that the general review time of the magazine is 1-3 months: if you want to send your paper to our center, please read it in detail.

Examples of chemical labor protection magazines

HSE Performance Evaluation Column

Comparison of HSE performance indicators and safety performance between domestic and foreign oil companies


Anqing Petrochemical "Keep Vigilance" to Build Environmental Protection Embankment in Spring

HSE Performance Evaluation Column

Introduction to OSHA occupational injury and disease recording and reporting mechanism

Conception of setting HSE performance indicators in petroleum and petrochemical enterprises

Introduction to process safety performance indicators

Performance Evaluation of Enterprise HSE Management Based on BP Neural Network

Security technology

Application of fail safe control system in acrylonitrile plant

Risk and control of gas field CO2 acquisition and treatment project

Production and environment

Application of XGGL Desulfurization Unit

Feasibility analysis on comprehensive utilization of residual activated sludge in refinery

risk evaluation

Application of Hazard and Operability Analysis in LNG Truck Filling Station

Storage and transportation safety

Analysis of electrostatic prevention during oil storage and transportation

Discussion on hazard control management of oil transportation station team

Analysis of Chemical Industry Labor Protection Journal

Address: Chemical Labor Protection Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, No. 218, Yan'an Third Road, Qingdao, 266071.