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 Journal of Tunnel Construction

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Journal of Tunnel Construction Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal

Tunnel Construction

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 41-1448/U CN
  • 2096-4498 ISSN
Competent unit: China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd
Sponsor: Luoyang Science and Technology Research Institute of China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd
Postal code: 36-329
Published in 1981
Format: A4
Published at: Henan
Language: Chinese, English
Review cycle: 1-3 months
Influencing factor: 0.49549999833107
Cited times:
Database inclusion:

Peking University Journal (Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal) Source journal of CSCD China Science Citation Database (including extended edition) Statistical source journal (excellent journal of Chinese scientific papers) Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) P ∨ (AJ) Abstract magazine (Russia) Copernicus Index (Poland) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Tunnel Construction Magazine

Tunnel Construction is a highly practical technical journal in the field of tunnel and underground engineering. It was founded in 1981 and approved as an internal publication by Henan Province, and has handled the internal data permit. In 2002, with the approval of Henan Provincial Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Press and Publication Administration, the scientific and technological publication Tunnel Construction, which is in the charge of China Railway Tunnel Group and sponsored by the Research Institute of China Railway Tunnel Group, is a bimonthly published publication in China. Tunnel Construction is a bimonthly magazine, which is mainly distributed to engineering units across the country, including China Railway System, China Hydropower System, China Communications System, China Metallurgical System, China Construction System, local construction systems, relevant universities and scientific research institutions.

Column setting of tunnel construction magazine

The main columns of Tunnel Construction include: new technologies, new processes, new achievements, new experiences and project records in the fields of tunnels and underground works in domestic and foreign railways and highways, and related structural engineering, water conservancy engineering, geotechnical engineering, engineering blasting, engineering materials, engineering machinery, engineering management, as well as domestic and foreign scientific and technological information and industry trends in related fields. The content of the publication is mainly practical technology, giving consideration to experiment, research and comprehensive review.

Honorary information of tunnel construction magazine

Subscription mode of tunnel construction magazine

Address: No.3 Lingyuan East Road, Luoyang, Henan Province, 471009.

Instructions to contributors of Tunnel Construction Magazine

1) The main contents of this magazine are: research achievements and advanced technologies in tunnel and underground engineering and related fields; New achievements, new methods, new experiences and project records in engineering design, construction, management, scientific research and other aspects of relevant disciplines; Domestic and foreign scientific and technological information and industry trends in relevant fields. The content of the publication is mainly practical technology, giving consideration to test, research and comprehensive review, involving tunnel and underground engineering and related structural engineering, water conservancy engineering, geotechnical engineering, engineering blasting, engineering materials, engineering machinery, engineering management and other disciplines in railway, highway and other fields.

2) The content of the contribution is the research results that the author has not published publicly, and the presentation should be enriched and refined; The abstract should be in the range of 100~300 words; References shall be provided for quoting figures and data; Keep state secrets; Words, figures, measurement units and symbols shall comply with relevant national standards and regulations; The title of the article, the author's name and work unit, the abstract, key words, as well as the picture and table titles should be translated into English; The illustrations shall be drawn with CAD software. The coordinate lines or frame lines of the illustrations shall be thinner than the curves in the drawings. The coordinate variables and figures in the drawings and tables shall be marked with units. The outline lines of the drawings shall be thicker than the marking lines. If the article is funded, please indicate the source of scientific research project.

3) The number of references shall not be too few or old, and the number of references shall not be less than 10. In order to reflect the latest research achievements in this field, it is recommended to appropriately quote the articles published in this journal and relevant journals in the last two years. The references shall be attached at the end of the text in the order cited in the text, and the serial number of the references shall be indicated where the references are cited in the text. The names of three or less authors should be written in full, and the names of more than three authors should be replaced with "etc.". The format is briefly described as follows (please refer to GB/T7714-2005 Bibliographic Description Rules for Reference Documents):

① Monograph: Author. Title [M]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication: beginning and ending pages

② Journal: Author. Title [J]. Title, year, volume number (issue number): start and end pages

③ Literature extracted from the collection: author. title [C]//editor of the collection. title. place of publication: publisher, year of publication: start and end page numbers

④ Dissertation: Author. Title [D]. Depositary: Depositor, Year

⑤ Technical standard: drafter. Standard code and standard name [S]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: start and end pages

⑥ Patent literature: patent owner. Patent title: patent country, patent number [P]. Date of announcement or publication

⑦ Electronic literature: main responsible person. Title: other title information [document type mark/document carrier mark]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication (date of update or modification) [date of quotation]. Access or access path

4) The incoming documents shall be sent to electronic files in A4 paper format, and the illustrations shall be sent to the original CAD format. No matter whether the manuscript is used or not, it will not be returned. The author is requested to keep a backup copy. If no notice is given within 3 months, it can be transferred to another journal.

5) Elements of the manuscript: the manuscript shall include title, author's name, work unit, address, postal code, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgment (if necessary), reference, appendix (if necessary), Introduction to the first author (name, gender, year of birth, nationality, native place, graduation time, school of graduation, major, highest education, professional title, professional field or research direction engaged in).

6) Hierarchical titles of the text are all consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, the introduction number is "0", and the rest are "1", "1.1", "" and "". "1)" for the first level, "①" for the second level, and "a)" for the third level.

7) The scientific and technical terms and nouns in the article should be general and standard words. The formula shall be accurate, and the meaning of each symbol and the unit of quantity shall be indicated. The variable letters shall be in italics, and the source shall be indicated if necessary.

Example of tunnel construction magazine

Design of full jet longitudinal ventilation in highway tunnel

Notice of the 6th National Youth Academic Conference on Rock Mechanics and Engineering

Discussion on the Design of the Underground Tunnels Group at Yuexiu Park Station of Guangzhou Metro

Research on Key Problems of 3S System for Sliding Wave Prediction in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

INERGEN gas fire extinguishing system and its application in subway stations

The shield shaft at the west end of Yitian Station of Shenzhen Metro Lot 10 of China Railway Tunnel Group was completed ahead of schedule

Time strain law of three bench method construction in collapsible loess tunnel

Comparison and improvement of CRD method and three bench seven step excavation method

Comparison and Selection of Construction Methods for Controlling Large Deformation of Railway Double track Soft Rock Tunnel

Numerical analysis of soft rock tunnel construction method

Study on calculation method of frost heaving force of frozen soil tunnel

Comparative analysis of numerical simulation of three bench and two bench excavation of Zhifang Tunnel

Analysis of the influence of blasting excavation of super large section tunnel on the vibration of existing tunnel

Large deformation control technology of Muzhailing Tunnel

TBM Stepping Technology for West Qinling Tunnel of Lanzhou Chongqing Railway

Cause Analysis and Construction Technology of Soft Rock Large Deformation in Daping Inclined Shaft of Muzhailing Tunnel

Research on risk management technology of high-speed railway tunnel construction

Data information of tunnel construction magazine

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis on the issue of tunnel construction magazine

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
International Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchange Project (2011DFB71550) twelve
National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB046906) eight
Science and Technology Fund of the Ministry of Railways (2009G005-F) six
Luoyang Applied Technology Research and Development Fund Project (1301065A) six
National Science and Technology Support Program (2006BAJ16B06) five
National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB724308) five
National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB202302) four
National High tech Research and Development Plan (2012AA041802) three
National High tech Research and Development Plan (2005AA420210) three
National Basic Research Program of China (2013CB036005) three

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Natural Science Foundation of China one hundred and thirteen
National Key Basic Research Development Plan sixty-four
National High tech Research and Development Plan twenty-six
National Science and Technology Support Plan twenty-three
International Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchange Project thirteen
Science and Technology Research and Development Plan of the Ministry of Railways thirteen
Special funds for basic scientific research of central universities twelve
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation nine
Ministry of Communications Western Transport Construction Science and Technology Project eight
Science and Technology Fund of the Ministry of Railways seven
Address: No.3 Lingyuan East Road, Luoyang, Henan Province, 471009.