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 Journal of financial computerization

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Journal of financial computerization Ministerial journals

Financial Computerizing

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 11-3563/TN CN
  • 1008-0880 ISSN
Competent unit: People's Bank of China
Sponsor: China Financial Electronics Corporation
Postal code: 82-854
Published in 1993
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.14
Cited times: 460
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Financial Electronic Magazine

Financial Electronization (16 karat, full color copper paper, monthly) is a national science and technology journal hosted by the People's Bank of China and China Financial Electronization Corporation. It is a leading journal of financial information technology in China. Since 1993, it has received great assistance from financial institutions and friends from all walks of life. Based on the financial sector and facing the relevant industries, this magazine strives to work together with friends from all walks of life to seek common development in the construction of financial informatization.

The purpose of Financial Electronics is to serve China's financial electronics and electronic industry by facing the financial sector and the computer and communication industry. Its main tasks are: closely surrounding the theme of China's financial informatization, to explore the basic strategic principles of China's financial informatization construction; Communicate with China's financial sector and the domestic computer and communication industry; Carry out relevant academic discussions and technical exchanges; Popularize computer and communication application technology knowledge in the financial sector; Introduce the development situation of financial technology and the development trend of "Golden Series" project to the computer and communication industry; Introduce relevant policies, regulations and technical information of electronic information industry; Report the trends of computer and communication industry and the latest technologies and solutions.

Column setting of financial electronic magazine

The main columns of this magazine are: leadership forum, expert forum, hot reports, new observations, products and technologies, case studies, special discussions, applications and skills, special plans, industry interviews, and new developments.

Honorary information of financial electronic magazine

Subscription mode of electronic financial magazines

Address: Room 1-101, Building 18, Yiyuanju, No. 4 Cuiwei Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100036.

Notice to contributors of financial electronic magazine

1. The contribution requires clear argument, reliable data, strict logic, and concise writing. Each paper must include the title, author's name, author's unit, unit location and postal code, abstract and keywords, text, references, and the first author and corresponding author (usually a mentor) Introduction (including name, gender, professional title, date of birth, degree obtained, current main work and research direction), indicate the project and fund (number) of the thesis at the foot of the first page of the manuscript, and if not, do not indicate.

2. The abstract of the paper should be written as a reportable abstract as far as possible, including the purpose, method, result and conclusion (about 100 words). It should be independent and self contained. The key words should be normative words or combinations (3-5 words) close to the meaning of the text.

3. The length of the manuscript (including charts) generally does not exceed 5000 words, and the length of a page is 2500 words. Please refer to the latest standard of legal measurement units of the People's Republic of China for the use of quantities and units in the text. Foreign characters must be distinguished between upper and lower case, front and italics, black and white, and the upper and lower corners should be clearly distinguished.

4. The figures and tables in the text should be self explanatory. There should be no more than 2 pictures, and the images should be clear and layered.

5. The description format of references shall adopt the sequential coding system. Please number them in the order in which they appear. The cited literature must be the most important and publicly published literature that the author has directly read and referred to. For unpublished references that are necessary to be quoted, please use footnotes to indicate them, and the number of references shall not be less than 3.

6. Do not submit more than one draft. After receiving the manuscript, review it within 5 working days and reply to the author via email. Key manuscripts will be sent to peer experts for review. If you do not receive the notice of proposed draft within 10 days (you can send a paper employment notice if you need it), please contact our department for confirmation.

7. Be responsible for the contributions. All authors shall have no objection to the content and signature of the manuscript, and the content of the manuscript shall not be copied or repeatedly published. We have the right to make technical and textual changes to the incoming contributions. The magazine has 2500 words in one page and about 5000 words in two pages. If the author needs to arrange the number of pages, the date of publication, whether it is urgent or not, please make a special explanation when submitting by email.

8. The author is requested to keep a copy of the manuscript, which will not be returned.

9. Once the paper is published, 1-2 copies of current sample publications will be presented as gifts, and if express delivery is required, contact the headquarters.

10. Please indicate the name, work unit, detailed contact address, telephone number (including mobile phone), zip code and other information of the contact person at the back of the manuscript so as to contact relevant matters.

Examples of financial electronic magazines

Taiwan's rapidly developing credit card industry

The realization of "network to community, real-time clearing" of rural credit cooperatives

Design of USSD Mobile Banking System

Design of Insurance Agency Business System Platform of Banbaotong

Challenge risk management limit - risk rating early warning system promotes CCB credit asset optimization

XML and Network Service Security

Information Security Technology and Management Pay Equal Attention to the Formation of Security Awareness Culture -- Summary of the 7th EMEAPITDM Working Group Meeting

Comprehensively promote scientific and technological work of foreign exchange management - 2010 National Conference on Scientific and Technological Work of Foreign Exchange Management was held in Fujian

Integration, innovation and steady operation - information release of China International Finance Expo 2010

Standardize security control risk -- Interpretation of the General Specification for Information Security of Online Banking System (Trial)

"Win" in emergency management

"Three lines of defense" for emergency management

Emergency management path of financial information system

Let "Emergency" Be Like "Normal" -- Practice of Disaster Backup and Recovery System Construction in Large Commercial Banks

"Four dimensional" emergency: methodology for the construction of emergency response mechanism in the banking industry

Emergency, getting better -- the practice of Taipao emergency management system construction

Drills are not just tests -- a peek into the construction of emergency management system in the insurance industry

Data information of financial electronic magazine

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis on the Issue of Financial Electronic Magazines

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Science and Technology Major Project (2010ZX01042-001-002) one
National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAH13F01) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Science and Technology Support Plan six
National Science and Technology Major Project one
National High tech Research and Development Plan one
National Natural Science Foundation of China one
Consulting project of Chinese Academy of Engineering one
Address: Room 1-101, Building 18, Yiyuanju, No. 4 Cuiwei Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100036.