Is it far from the official release of Biochemical Crisis: Reprint? Fan: I'm ready to scream!

Source: unknown

Editor in charge: Elodia

Published: 2024-06-19 16:14:22



Recently, there have been many discussions and rumors about the reprinting of Biochemical Crisis 0 and Biochemical Crisis: The Code of the Virgin. Surprisingly, the Biochemical Crisis series seems to be preparing for more remarkable new trends.

 Is it far from the official release of Biochemical Crisis: Reprint? Fan: I'm ready to scream!

According to foreign media, European PEGI has rated the PC version of Biochemical Crisis, and the age requirement is 18+. The first version of Biochemical Crisis was released on the PC platform in 1998, but for many years, playing this classic game on the modern platform has been a challenge, even on Steam. This game got a PEGI rating, suggesting that the first generation remake of Biochemical Crisis may be coming soon, which is what fans have long expected.

 Is it far from the official release of Biochemical Crisis: Reprint? Fan: I'm ready to scream!

The latest rumor shows that the second remake of the original "Biochemical Crisis" is under development and will use RE engine. This news comes from Daniel RPK, a Reddit player who has accurately leaked some information in the past. Subsequently, the Twitter user PRE_Atarabiya further supplemented some new developments of the new reprinting of Biochemical Crisis on the X platform, saying that the film is planned to be released in 2026 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series.

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