What to do if the World of Warcraft server fails to log in? Solution

Source: 18183 Integration

Editor in charge: No difference

Published: 2024-06-27 09:26:24



The World of Warcraft national service was officially opened in the morning market today (June 27). However, many small partners encountered server problems when logging in. It always showed that they could not enter in the queue, and all servers were queuing. It was obvious that there was something wrong with the server. How to solve it? Let's have a look.

 What to do if the World of Warcraft server fails to log in? Solution

1. Open the source file of World of Warcraft and find the _classic_ folder.

 What to do if the World of Warcraft server fails to log in? Solution

2. Find the WTF file in the _classic_ folder and delete it.

 What to do if the World of Warcraft server fails to log in? Solution

3. Re login the game, and you will find that some servers can enter. But if the servers in the New Area are actually queuing, you don't have to question your computer or network

 What to do if the World of Warcraft server fails to log in? Solution

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