Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

Source: 18183 Integration

Editor in charge: No difference

Published: 2024-06-06 14:37:47



At present, the first group of DNF mobile games, Ben Rotes, has opened up. There are many BOSS mechanisms, but they do not appear every time. You should familiarize yourself with each mechanism to deal with every BOSS situation.

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 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

First of all, I have a progress bar above my head, because octopuses are at the bottom of the sea and need to breathe oxygen. A low progress bar means that there is insufficient oxygen. Standing at the bubble can breathe oxygen, which requires attention throughout the process.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

1. There is a mark on your body. Remember to avoid the whirlwind.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

2. A red scene appears on one side of the map. Run away from the opposite side (the farther the better) to avoid a large number of subsequent tentacles.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

3. Avoid the tentacles. The cross on the ground will explode later, causing high damage.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

4. A school of fish appears on the screen. Pay attention to avoiding the waves. (The first wave stands on the X-ray of a school of fish, and then jumps or dodges)

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

5. There is a green circle. At this time, the next step is to place stones to resist the water polo attack. Try to use the Y axis as a line, with the yellow point as the falling point.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

6. The chaos tentacles on both sides should be knocked out before the end of reading, otherwise chaos will be caused.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

7. Inhale and blow to the upper left corner or the upper right corner to avoid, and then quickly get up and use forced backward displacement to avoid.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

8. After the touch in the middle of the screen is knocked off, a pillar will appear. The blue light area behind the pillar is a safety zone. Stand here to avoid subsequent damage.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

9. The high priest appears on the map. You need to beat it and avoid the waves (the yellow arrow represents the direction of the waves).

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

10. Water polo mechanism on the ground to avoid red light.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

11. A tentacle appears on one side with adsorption, running in the opposite direction first, and then running in the middle.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

12. If octopus eggs appear, shoot them as soon as possible, or small octopuses will hatch.

 Dnf mobile tour: How does Roses beat Roses

Because the number of tests is limited, there may be no trigger mechanism, and the partners can meet flexible changes.

Dungeons and Warriors: Origin

Official website Gift Bag

Game type: Action breakthrough

Game platform: Android

Game features: Homeboy, arcade

Updated: 2024-05-21

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