Your current location: Home of car owners > Complete range of models > Wuling Automobile > SAIC GM Wuling >Wuling Rongguang
1.5L 99 HP L4 model Attention Guide price National lowest quotation Preferential amount Quotation quantity Inquire about reserve price
2021 1.5L extended basic L3C
Middle rear drive 5-gear manual
50 thousand and 900 46 thousand 4900 231 quotations Inquire about reserve price
2021 1.5L extended basic window sealer, two L3Cs
Middle rear drive 5-gear manual
52 thousand and 900 46 thousand 6900 229 quotations Inquire about reserve price
53 thousand and 200 47 thousand and 300 5900 230 quotations Inquire about reserve price
53 thousand and 900 45 thousand and 900 8000 228 quotations Inquire about reserve price
55 thousand and 600 50 thousand and 600 5000 228 quotations Inquire about reserve price
55 thousand and 900 49 thousand and 900 6000 228 quotations Inquire about reserve price
2021 1.5L Extended Standard Air Conditioner L3C
Middle rear drive 5-gear manual
56 thousand and 500 48 thousand and 500 8000 228 quotations Inquire about reserve price
57 thousand and 300 51 thousand and 200 6100 229 quotations Inquire about reserve price
57 thousand and 600 51 thousand and 500 6100 228 quotations Inquire about reserve price

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Popular complaints

  • New cars that have been burning oil for more than a year

    2020.4.1 I picked up a Wuling Rongguang small car in Yili Qingshuihe and Yiyi Automobile City. After driving for more than a month, I felt that the car was boring. I also told them and didn't give any reply. The door handle often broke, the clutch plate also burned. After driving for more than a year, I found that the car was not sound right, and the back was emitting black smoke. After driving over, they said that the engine was broken and needed to be overhauled, [Detailed]

    Ts_61a750f0cdf58 | 2021-12-04 19:43 | Xinjiang Yili | Complaint type: engine one zero
  • New car engine fault

    The engine fault light came on at 268 km on the day of collecting the car. The manufacturer complained many times. The manufacturer always said that they would replace the engine. When asked about the reason for the replacement, the manufacturer's 4S store refused to do so until now, but they still haven't got the test results for half a month [Detailed]

    Ts_609fc19445f3a | 2021-05-15 20:49 | Yunnan Zhaotong | Complaint type: engine one zero
  • Difficult ignition, abnormal noise, burning of engine oil and delay in solving the problem

    A new car has been less than a year, and the following serious symptoms occurred after a journey of 14000 km: 10 months after buying a new car, it is difficult to start, the engine shakes abnormally, and the noise is loud. After that, the engine oil burns heavily and smokes, the oil road is blocked, and four major parts are seriously damaged. Require a warranty to protect the rights and interests of consumers, and require replacement of the engine or warranty repair. Maintenance condition: once for 2500, once for 7500 and once for 12500 [Detailed]

    Owner's Home netizen | 2015-07-03 21:58 | Henan Shangqiu | Complaint type: engine one zero
  • Computer board is broken

    The car is idling at a high speed. I went to the service station and said that the computer board was broken. I didn't want to have the warranty. I said that the warranty period was over. As one of the core components of the automobile, ECU has a warranty period of only one year, and its quality can be clearly known. Besides, it's only been over two months. The manufacturer has overbearing terms! Expect a reasonable statement from consumers [Detailed]

    Owner's Home netizen | 2014-09-04 12:03 | Hubei Xianning | Complaint type: engine one zero
  • Wuling Rongguang pulled the cylinder after an hour of maintenance

    On April 20, I drove into Wuling Sunshine Auto Shop (No. 495, Chuangye Road) and changed the front wheel brake pads and discs at the same time. After the maintenance at noon, the 4S store said that they washed the coolant jug for me and changed the coolant. I drove directly to the expressway. After about 5km, the water temperature suddenly disappeared, and then the power also disappeared. I stopped on the emergency lane. When I called the 4S store, I said to check the water temperature with the power on, and the meter showed that [Detailed]

    Owner's Home netizen | 2014-04-26 11:19 | Zhejiang Wenzhou | Complaint type: service one zero
  • Do not follow the rules when changing the antifreeze.

    When changing the antifreeze, they did not follow the rules, which led to the car coming out of the 4S store, and when it was almost to Zhuhongqiao, it was boiled. Later, they called the repairman to get it repaired at the 4S store. I hurt myself from 8 am; OO hungry until 3 noon; 00. I bought 85 yuan a barrel of antifreeze at my own expense, which made the repairman waste half a barrel..... Please allow me to say impolitely that this 4S store keeps a lot of dung.... When things go wrong, they show [Detailed]

    Owner's Home netizen | March 13, 2013 10:39 | Shaanxi Xi'an | Complaint type: service one zero
More comments>> Wuling Rongguang's reputation
Car Friend Rating: fifty-six branch
common three hundred and eighty-six Comments from netizens
62 points Section ten name
48 points Section twenty-four name
Performance operation:
45 points Section twenty-seven name
after-sale service:
38 points Section twenty-eight name

Ranking of models at the same level thirty-five

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Sales details of Wuling Rongguang More>>

Sales in May: 2294 vehicles

Sales volume in 2024: 13990 vehicles

Cumulative sales: 1132968 vehicles

Ranking in MPV sales: Section twelve name

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