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Return of Shanghai Campus Volleyball League Beach Volleyball Championship

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Netease Sports reported on September 12:

2023 Shanghai Campus Volleyball union Beach Volleyball The championship (middle school group) high school group competition recently ended successfully in Shanghai Gezhi Middle School (Fengxian Campus). Nearly 100 athletes and coaches from 12 high schools in Shanghai participated in it and staged a "barefoot" carnival on the volleyball court.

in recent years, Beach Volleyball With rapid development in Shanghai, the beach volleyball championship is held on the campus of Shanghai Volleyball League As an important part of the competition, schools in all districts actively responded to the call of the league, organized students to participate actively, and campus volleyball culture was further communicated and spread through the competition.

After two days of fierce fighting, the men's and women's group champions were won by Wu Haiyi/Cao Shengxuan and Zhao Zihan/Pan Xinyan respectively. They share the same identity - senior two students of Fuxing High School. As an old volleyball characteristic school in Shanghai, Fuxing High School is a "golden signboard" of Shanghai campus volleyball.

Influenced by the epidemic, the sand volleyball championship organized by the Shanghai Campus Volleyball League has been suspended for four years. This year, the two champions set sail again. Zhao Zihan/Pan Xinyan, the women's champion, are a pair of golden partners. "We started to form a team at the beginning, and this year is the fifth year." The two have worked together to achieve many good results in major sand volleyball competitions in Shanghai. "Our junior high school is not a school, because we love volleyball, we went to Fuxing High School together Continue to play volleyball. The campus volleyball atmosphere here is very strong. "

When talking about the experience of participating in the competition, Cao Shengxuan said that "it was a bit unexpected": "so many students in schools were playing sand volleyball." Compared with indoor volleyball, sand volleyball is also a minority event. Because of the venue and other reasons, students rarely have the opportunity to contact the real sand volleyball. While expanding the influence of indoor volleyball, Shanghai Campus Volleyball League has always focused on the development of beach volleyball. "We cherish every opportunity to play sand volleyball. At the beginning, it was difficult to adapt when bare feet touched the sand. After playing several games, we slowly began to adapt and felt the fun of sand volleyball." Cao Shengxuan said.

As the coach of this king's teacher, Tang Zhirong is an "old friend" of the campus volleyball league. She has taken root in reviving the senior high school volleyball team for many years, and has trained a large number of excellent student volleyball players. Leading the team to participate in the competition of the Campus Volleyball League is more like a gathering of old friends: "Every time the league organizes a game, I will lead the team to participate as long as I have time." For this time when the students win the championship of the high school group, Tang was happy but also worried: "I am happy that they won the championship, which shows that our phased training is effective. However, more and more schools need to participate in the development of campus volleyball. With competition, communication and learning, the road of campus volleyball will become wider and wider. "

It is difficult for a single tree to become a forest. This is the hope of Tang Zhirong, a volleyball practitioner, and also the expectation of the Shanghai Campus Volleyball League. The event was hosted by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, organized by Shanghai Student Activity Management Center, Shanghai Youth Training Management Center, Shanghai Middle School Sports Association, Shanghai Campus Volleyball League, Oriental Sports Daily, and co organized by Shanghai Gezhi Middle School (Fengxian Campus).

In this sand volleyball championship, many "saplings" have shown their tenacious vitality. "I didn't expect to win the runner up. I didn't dare to think before I came here. We came to the competition with the goal of not being the bottom." Wang Jiayi and Gui Yichen from Datong Middle School said excitedly. Relying on the special class of campus volleyball, they became interested in playing volleyball, "We have few opportunities to participate in volleyball matches. We have not entered a professional sand volleyball court before. This time, we are learning while playing."

Compared with the student athletes who achieved good results on the podium, those who did not stand on the podium are also worthy of praise. Their participation in the sand volleyball competition itself is the best practice of campus volleyball culture. Nurguzeri Nurmai Maiti and Dinara Bielek are senior two students of Songjiang No. 1 Middle School. They have been living and studying in Shanghai for two years. Their biggest feeling in the past two years is that "the volleyball court really plays volleyball".

"When we were in Xinjiang, we also had many well-equipped volleyball courts, but there were few people playing volleyball. Many volleyball courts turned into rope skipping and basketball courts. In Shanghai, we found many people playing volleyball. The school volleyball atmosphere is very strong, and this time we are honored to represent the school to compete." Although the two players won the fifth place in this competition, Failed to stand on the podium, but the girls were still happy to share their feelings about participating in volleyball in Shanghai, "This should be the last time we participated in the sand volleyball competition in high school, and this memory is very good!"

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