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The Warriors scored 21 points and 27 points, beating the Lakers 1-1 and 50 points, Zhan Huang 23+7

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Netease Sports reported on May 5:

The NBA playoffs of the 2022-23 season continue, Los Angeles Lakers The team suffered a crushing defeat. Thompson got 30 points, and Curry sent out 20 points and 12 assists in double doubles. They led the team to establish a big lead in the second and third quarters. Jinzhou warrior The team defeated the Lakers 127-100 at home in the second world war of the Western semifinals. The Warriors tied the total score to 1. The third game of the series will be transferred to Los Angeles.

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Thompson of the Warriors got 30 points, Curry got 20 points, 4 rebounds and 12 assists, Ja Green got 15 points, Dream Chasing Green got 11 points, 11 rebounds and 9 assists, Wiggins got 11 points, Moody's got 10 points and 7 rebounds. LeBron LeBron of the Lakers got 23 points and 7 rebounds, Kyokamura got 21 points and 5 rebounds, Davis got 11 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists, and Russell got 10 points and 8 assists.

Luni of the Warriors is not well, and his starting vacancy was filled by Ja Green. The Warriors scored 4 points after the opening game, LeBron and Reeves hit back 5 points, and the Lakers overcame. After that, the two teams scored alternately, and the lead changed several times. There were also many equal points on the court. After 19 draws, Davis hit a jumper, and the Lakers took a 21-19 lead with three minutes left in the first quarter. After the Warriors continued to strike iron, the Lakers scored 5 points to expand the advantage. Moody responded with a three-point approach, and Kobayamura responded with a three-point response. LeBron made a successful mid shot, and the Lakers ended the first quarter with a 33-26 lead of 7 points. LeBron scored 14 points in a single quarter.

After the beginning of the second quarter, the Warriors came into being more frequently. Divenzenzo and Thompson scored three points each. They led the team to a 10-2 climax, and the Warriors overtook the team by 36-35. After the Lakers paused, they continued to strike iron. Curry made a breakthrough, and LeBron made a three-point shot. The two teams were tied at 40. After 42 draws, Wiggins and Thompson scored three points each, and the Warriors led the way. Ba Murakami had a good feeling. He responded with two three-point shots to catch up. Green and Thompson scored in turn. At 3:50 before half time, the Warriors led by 54-48.

Davis made up a dunk and scored. James made an offensive foul. Cole challenged him. The referee looked back at the video and changed the judgment. The Warriors made three consecutive free throws. Thompson scored two more three-point shots. A 9-0 climax gave the Warriors a 13 point lead. LeBron made a breakthrough, Curry and Davis were replaced with three criminals successively, and the Warriors firmly kept the lead. Schroeder made two free throws, and the Lakers were 11 points behind 56-67 at half time.

Thompson of the Warriors got 19 points in the first half, and Curry got 8 points and 8 assists; LeBron LeBron of the Lakers scored 21 points and 5 rebounds, and Kyodo Omura scored 14 points.

Shortly after the beginning of the third quarter, the Lakers recovered 4 points, Thompson and Wiggins scored 3 points each, and the Warriors led by 14 points. LeBron made a successful mid-range shot, and the Warriors maintained their outside touch. Ja Green and Thompson scored three more points. The Warriors led 82-64 after 4:15 in this section. After the Lakers paused, Russell and Reeves scored 5 points, while the Warriors refused to be outdone and responded with 8 points, opening the gap to 21 points. Davis led the team to recover 3 points, Thompson kept his hand feeling and scored another 5 points. He led the team to a 7-2 climax, and the Warriors led by 99-74 with 25 points. Davies scored 3 points successfully, Divenqin scored 3 points, and Kulilian scored 4 points, with the difference of 28 points. Eight villages hit under the basket, Moody even scored 4 points to end the third quarter, and the Warriors led by 110-80 by 30 points.

The big score gap made the fourth quarter into garbage time early. The Lakers sent all the substitutes, and Tristan Thompson also got a chance to play and scored. In the end, the Warriors kept a big lead and won by 127-100.

The Lakers' starting lineup: Russell, Reeves, James, Vanderbilt, Davis

Warriors' starting lineup: Curry, Thompson, Wiggins, Ja Green, Dream Chasing Green

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