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"Hello, I'm He Bingjiao, playing badminton." No. 2 of Guoyu Women's Singles teaches you how to follow Wang Manyu

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See for the first time Wang Manyu He Bingjiao Gather up the courage and say, "Hello, I'm He Bingjiao badminton Of the. " As National feather When talking about how to succeed in "chasing stars", He Bingjiao smiled several times and covered her mouth with her hand.

Why do you like Wang Manyu?

"I think I can play hard enough. She works harder than me. I train very hard. She works harder than me."

Idol now ranks third in the world, while in Tokyo Olympic Games In the following year, He Bingjiao used 13 consecutive wins and 4 championships to raise her ranking to a new personal high - the fifth in the world.

He Bingjiao: To be a player that can reassure my mother (Source: Outside Editorial Department)

She's "not very obedient"

A bunch of elastic bands, a yoga mat. These two things accompany He Bingjiao every isolation day in the three years of the epidemic. Her transformation also began when the epidemic broke out in 2020.

In the three years before the epidemic, He Bingjiao experienced a career downturn. For three years, he failed to win the championship and was repeatedly "one round tour", "reversed" and "swept away". At that time, Xia Xuanze, her coach, said to her no less than 800 times: "Your physical ability has affected your skills. If you lose weight, you will run faster." But at that time, He Bingjiao hated this sentence most.

He Bingjiao lost weight passively many times, but failed. At that time, she had a nickname called "Pangjiao".

In 2020, he Bingjiao read some books about weight loss and began to try scientific weight loss.

This initiative to lose weight is different from being urged by the coach to lose weight.

She was almost crazy to soak in the power room and run After four months of hard training, I tasted the sweetness of living on the plane - 16 kg of weight, "Pangjiao" has a sharp chin and muscles. In 2020, the hardest thing for He Bingjiao is to lose weight, and the happiest thing is to lose weight successfully.

"He Bingjiao has her ideas, but she is not willing to express them, which is very satisfying." This is the comment of coach Xia Xuanze on He Bingjiao. Xia Xuanze follows He Bingjiao's example by pursing her lower lip and nodding her head firmly - "Every time I say something, she will respond to me with such determination, but she won't listen..." Xia Xuanze is always uncertain about He Bingjiao's intention of nodding her head. Later, he found that the gym and canteen were easy places for He Bingjiao to open her mouth, so when he was not sure about He Bingjiao's nod, he would go to these two places to talk to He Bingjiao. Xia Xuanze slowly figured out that if her suggestion could make He Bingjiao taste the sweet, her nod would be particularly sincere.

After tasting the benefits from the coach's suggestions, for three years now, He Bingjiao still strictly controls her diet and goes to the gym when she has nothing to do. During the isolation period, the elastic band and yoga mat are always in her hands. He Bingjiao revealed in the quick question and answer posted on her microblog that her favorite food is cake. This answer made fans exclaim: "Last time, you severely rejected your teammate's birthday cake!"

Recently, He Bingjiao practiced calligraphy, which was also proposed by the coach. "Xia Dao told me several times, but I don't think that calligraphy practice has anything to do with playing ball." Until Xia Xuanze proposed it for the fourth time, He Bingjiao finally agreed. During the period of isolation, he practiced one piece a day. The reporter asked to see the current results. He Bingjiao did not hesitate: "I threw it away. If it was not well written, I threw it away." He Bingjiao said that she could practice every day, It is because she found that calligraphy practice really has something to do with playing: "Every stroke, every pause, corresponds to your ball, there is urgency, there is emptiness, there is speed, and there is slowness. The mind must be calm and the hand can be stable, just like we play."

After tasting several sweets, He Bingjiao trusted the coach's suggestions more and more.

Xia Xuanze described the process of training He Bingjiao as "very enjoyable". What does He Bingjiao feel about this coach? "He is a fashionable uncle."

Her goal is very special

In 2022, He Bingjiao ended up with the results of the top four in the year-end finals, which is the best reward for her running all the year round. Only the eight players with the best performance throughout the year will have the opportunity to participate in this event.

As for the Paris Olympic points competition, which began in May this year, He Bingjiao, who is expected to stand under the five rings for the second time, is naturally one of the key candidates. However, at the age of 25, she does not only regard "Paris" as the ultimate one. "I will not take the Olympic Games as the ultimate goal. There will be an ultimate goal in my life cycle. Of course, I am playing basketball now. In this cycle, my standard is to let my mother dare to watch me play."

Different from the traditional guoyu women's singles, He Bingjiao has more offensive attributes, which makes her competition process always seem particularly dangerous. The biggest "victim" is He Bingjiao's mother.

He Bingjiao's parents are grassroots gymnastics coaches. When they were working, they put He Bingjiao in the court. The gym is adjacent to the badminton court, so my mother thinks that He Bingjiao is born with badminton.

Before practicing badminton, He Bingjiao briefly practiced gymnastics with her parents. Because her body was too hard and her talent was not enough, she went to the next room to practice badminton.

When He Bingjiao played basketball as a child, her mother would circle around the outside of the stadium and keep asking He Bingjiao's father about the war situation. After He Bingjiao was selected into the national team, her mother was braver, but when the Olympic Games came to the final round, she would still slip away.

He Bingjiao defined the phased goal in this way: "People often say that sports can teach a person a lot, not only in terms of willpower, but also in terms of perseverance, dedication and effort, as well as in terms of learning to treat everything sincerely, and then go all out to do a good job. My mother doesn't dare to watch me play. She is obviously not very relieved of me, so in this cycle, I will try to become a player who can make my mother feel relieved to watch the game. "

She "follows the stars"

"The first time I saw Wang Manyu, I took the initiative to pursue a star."

Speaking of Wang Manyu, He Bingjiao talks endlessly.

One year, when Guo Yu was preparing for the Asian Championships in Wuhan, He Bingjiao, who was carrying a rice plate, found a place to watch TV. At that time, a table tennis match was on TV, Wang Manyu's singles. Before that, He Bingjiao knew that the table tennis team was a god, but after watching that game, she was still impressed by the short haired, tall player in front of her. "I think I can fight hard enough when I play basketball. She fights even harder than me." The first time I watched Wang Manyu's game, He Bingjiao became her fan sister. Long after that, He Bingjiao has been a fan of Wang Manyu in silence. Until one time, Guoping and Guoyu gathered together in Lingshui for training.

When He Bingjiao saw Wang Manyu at the base for the first time, she chose to pursue the stars boldly.

"I walked behind her and said, 'Hello, I'm He Bingjiao, playing badminton'."

Later, they got to know each other.

Later, He Bingjiao became Wang Manyu's "ice brother".

During the Tokyo Olympics, He Bingjiao asked Wang Manyu to take herself to watch table tennis. Wang Manyu was pleased.

Did you take Wang Manyu to watch badminton? The reporter asked.

"No, she doesn't play badminton very well. I guess she's not interested in badminton, and she's all bent on table tennis."

"Wang Manyu is not very outgoing, but she is very polite. She trains very carefully, and I am far from her. Although she is younger than me, she taught me a lot about the mentality during the competition, and she is more mature than me..." This is what He Bingjiao thinks of Wang Manyu. All of them are advantages.

She "dotes on powder"

He Bingjiao, a successful star follower, as an idol, also dotes on her fans.

Every once in a while, He Bingjiao will receive a stack of letters from fans. Her way of giving back to supporters is to write letters from home. She basically replied to her fans at the speed of 10 letters a day, but to her chagrin, the pen ran out of water halfway. He Bingjiao had to switch to computer typing and chose the font most like handwriting.

After the letter was sent out, He Bingjiao added a microblog: "Apologize to everyone! Next time I will bring enough ink bags!"

He Bingjiao said that she has no ultimate goal in badminton, but the ultimate goal in life is to treat everything sincerely, as well as fans.

In the 2022 season, He Bingjiao played a total of 16 races, won 4 championships, and also encountered a low point in the middle of the year. But at the end of the year, her personal world ranking rose to the fifth, marking a satisfactory end to 2022.

He Bingjiao is still dissatisfied. If the score is 100 out of 100, she only gives herself 50 points, because: compared with her teammates, the state of the year has fluctuated and is not stable enough.

He Bingjiao has a black bracelet on her wrist, which is printed: BELIEVE · WHY NOT ME (I believe I can). She has worn this bracelet for many years.

"I have always been a bit stubborn in my character. I may not belong to a very good athlete. I have gone through many detours and drilled through many ox horns. But I know that the most important thing on my growth path, whether in life or playing basketball, is the solid accumulation. For a thing, it is just looking forward to it again. Without ordinary accumulation, there will be no miracles."

Now, He Bingjiao has been training in winter. For the new season in 2023, she only said one word "go all out". In the past 2022 season, He Bingjiao achieved a breakthrough and won the championship of four races at one fell swoop. In the new year, she will continue to break the limit and launch an attack in a higher and farther direction.

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