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The Past of Basketball: Jiang Xingquan (Part 2)

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Editor's note: "The Past of Chinese Basketball" is a basketball history review column of Netease CBA. It was written by Sun Baosheng, a senior Chinese basketball journalist, based on his own experience. Sun Baosheng is a senior basketball expert and a senior reporter of Beijing Evening News. It has reported Chinese basketball for more than 40 years. He was a member of the China Basketball News Committee and the first winner of the Special Contribution Award of the China Basketball News Award. The following is the 53rd issue of the column, which continues to tell the story of basketball star Jiang Xingquan.

Wen/Sun Baosheng

Since he is an unprecedented player and has reached the top eight of the World Championships, there must be success. We should take Lao Jiang and his generation Basketball Human exploration experience is summarized for future generations.

[Related reading: Jiang Xingquan, a legend of youth (Part 1)

Successful experience should be borrowed

Looking back on the long years, Mr. Jiang first said: "The first successful experience is the guidance of the 1981 Hangzhou Conference, and the core of the conference is to strive to climb the world basketball peak. This meeting can be said to be five clear goals, clear guiding ideology, clear responsibilities, clear playing methods and clear measures , the whole basketball world is united and cooperative. For example, the country women 's basketball The goal is to be the top three in the world, and the national men's basketball team is the top eight in the world. In terms of deployment, the women's basketball team is the first, and the men's basketball team is closely followed. "

"In addition to the national team, the top six men's basketball teams and the top four women's basketball teams also have the goal of catching up with and surpassing the national team. Every year, 1 to 2 players are sent to the national team. The guiding ideology of training is to firmly implement the" Three Abilities and One Greatness ", reaffirm the" Double Strict Policy ", and call out the slogan" Practice Basic Skills Hard "."

"In combination with the development trend of world basketball, we have handled the relationships between inside and outside, defense and attack, big and small, ground and space, accuracy and flexibility. The Hangzhou Conference really made us clear and unforgettable!"

When it comes to "double strictness" and "three requirements and one major task", Mr. Jiang said, "Some people say that these are outdated and unscientific. I still don't think so. Whether it is a planned economy or a market economy, whether it is a professional team or a club, training must be strictly managed and trained! Strict management cannot be achieved only through ideological education. There must be rules and regulations to ensure that hard work is rewarded and lazy work is punished. How can it be unscientific to start from difficulties and be strict and start from actual combat and train with large amount of exercise? The training effect should be tested in the competition. Can you play 40 minutes without sufficient physical strength? Improve the shooting and free throw percentage. If you don't shoot it hundreds or thousands of times every day, can you improve it? It is said that competition is a mirror for testing and training. You don't have to practice hard at ordinary times. Can you do it in an international competition? "

"'Three requirements and one major' is to challenge the limits. After a large amount of exercise, we have to recover. The first thing to do is to ensure a good rest. Why is it unscientific? At that time, we didn't have so many advanced and scientific auxiliary equipment as we do now, but we were able to practice what we should. That group of players also had injuries, but there was no major injury. It is not like the season reimbursement and treatment abroad. What does this mean? As long as you practice at home, you can adapt to the needs of high-level competitions with good skills and physical strength 。”

"Now when the league is suspended, you often hear the coach scold the team members. What's the use of scolding the team members when you haven't trained at home in normal times? The old coach said that you are scolding yourself! The coach should set an example and be strict with himself in all aspects. My original coach has set an example for me. During training, you have to stand, move back and forth, stop and explain when encountering problems, do not sit down when you are tired, or go down when you cannot stand. This is called teaching attitude At that time, I also asked the team members to write training notes. After the training, let the team members think about what they practiced today? How about the effect of practice? What are the shortcomings? How to improve? Let them use their brains. I want to read and correct all the players' training diaries, which is an important part of improving athletes' ability.

"The players are all young people with different personalities. As long as they don't break the rules, I will turn a blind eye to some things and let them go. This is called 'combination of teaching and management'. Our coaches at that time paid attention to learning. They read books like psychology and training carefully, took notes, checked themselves against each other, enriched themselves, and improved their coaching level and management ability."

To the generals who have made historic breakthroughs, Mr. Jiang believed that the team members in that period had a strong sense of honor for the country, a strong sense of responsibility and mission, not empty slogans, but fully reflected in action. Training consciously and hard, obeying the coach's command, willing to think, dare to fight and fight in the game, excellent psychological quality, tenacious will, brave and tenacious style. It can be summed up as "five excellent abilities" in ideology, style, physical ability, technology and tactical execution

Mr. Jiang said that this group of players was watching them grow up. They stood out from the provinces and cities and the youth teams of the armed forces. They showed sports talent and plasticity before they were 20 years old, so they were soon included in the key training plan of the Basketball Department of the National Sports Commission. From the national youth team to the national team, from the intercontinental competition to the international competition, from failure to victory, they have matured in hardships.

They are also ordinary young people with different personalities. Some have complained and some have violated discipline. However, they change when they know their mistakes. When they were in the National Youth Team, they stayed in the underground guesthouse of the National Sports Commission and slept in hard wooden beds. Later, he became a member of the national team and lived in the athletes' building, but there was still no air conditioning. It was still a wooden bed. The conditions of that year were far less than those of the current athletes' apartments, the food was not as rich and nutritious as that of today, and the training facilities were not as advanced and complete as they are today. In order to improve the level of the Chinese men's basketball team and win a place in the world basketball world, they have silently contributed everything. At that time, there was no mention of value. At most, it was benign competition within the team. No matter the main players or the substitutes, they were united, mutual assistance and mutual tolerance, making the collective full of cohesion and combat effectiveness.

Mr. Jiang believes that these team members have solid basic skills, exquisite skills and different characteristics. In the game, they are clear headed, the executive coach is determined, can find the breakthrough of the opponent, can make full use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and give priority to me. These golden generation players grew up and became famous in the period of planned economy. They can become national players and win glory for the country because of the cultivation and careful carving of provinces, cities and military teams. The old coaches who made them become talents are all experienced and conscientious. When these old coaches played young, they were the main players of each team. There were centers, forwards and guards in all positions, and the characteristics of the North South School were distinctive.

When they become coaches, they teach skills and educate people, hoping that "they are better than others." For example Beijing Chen Wenbin, Zhang Guanglie, Zhang Xishan, Ma Jiayi, Yu Bangji, Zhang Zipei, Ma Qingsheng, Zhang Zhongshu, Wu Xinshui of the Bayi team, Jiangsu Li Fangying, Li Chunxiang, Xia Hongfa, Shi Fuping, Liu Guiyi, Shanghai Zhu Chengtang, Yang Boyan, Chen Yinbao, Yang Jiaxun, Shandong Ju Fenkang, Zhang Mingzhe, Sui Fu'an, Jilin Li Xufeng, Yao Decheng, Mo Liangui, etc.

As the saying goes, a strict teacher makes a good apprentice. It is precisely these old coaches who have carefully taught that these golden generation players were born. There is also an old saying that "masters lead the way, and cultivation is in the individual." If the golden generation players do not have a strong ambition, they will not succeed in the fierce competition.

Ordinary breeds extraordinary

Although he has written an ageless legend in basketball, Mr. Jiang is an ordinary man with flesh and blood after all. There are many unforgettable things in his memory, but two things are impressive.

In 1999, he became the "fire coach" of the national men's basketball team for the first time because Wang Fei went to the United States for further study. He was 59 years old that year, and there were many jobs in the Provincial Sports Institute that could not be separated from him. He would retire after another year of work. However, Xin Lancheng, director of the basketball management center, said that he had to come to Beijing to take up his post.

After leading the national men's basketball team to win the Asian Championships again, he went to Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. At that time, the Chinese men's basketball team was eye-catching in the world basketball world because of the enviable "three centers" of Wang Zhizhi, Bartel and Yao Ming, and a group of veteran players such as Hu Weidong, Zheng Wu, Sun Jun, Liu Yudong and Zhang Jinsong were in the team. The new faces were Guo Shiqiang, Li Qun and Li Nan. The expectations of domestic fans were very high. Chiang also wanted to fight hard.

China's opponents in the group include the United States, France, Italy, Lithuania and New Zealand. It is very difficult to reach the top eight. China defeated New Zealand in the group match. In the third game, the Chinese team, which was well prepared before the match, played well, combining inside and outside, blossomed at many points, and led by as much as 14 points. Everyone saw the dawn of victory. It was unexpected that the situation changed in the second half. While strengthening defense, the French team changed its attack from inside to outside. Through various cooperation, it created a good opportunity for Rigado, who played for the NBA Mavericks. Rigado also lived up to the expectations of the public. He made six 3-pointers in more than five minutes, which turned the score into a better one. Although Lao Jiang also made targeted personnel and defense adjustments, he was helpless and was finally reversed by the French team 70-82.

After that, although the Chinese team defeated the Italian team by 85-76 with a record of 2-3, there were three teams with the same record. The "serial set" could only be calculated as the percentage of points gained or lost between the three teams to rank the group match. The Chinese team with the lowest percentage of points gained or lost ranked fifth and was not qualified for the top eight. In the competition for the ninth place, China lost to Spain 64-84 and only won the tenth place.

Many Chinese people cannot accept this result. If they win the French team, the Chinese team will not only reach the top eight, but may even surpass the eighth. However, there is no if in the arena, only results. After defeating China, the French team became braver and braver, winning the championship all the way, but losing to the US team won the runner up.

At that time, the voice of "overthrowing Chiang Kai shek" did appear in China, saying that Chiang Kai shek lacked the ability to respond to the situation on the spot. However, Xin Lancheng, the director of the basketball management center, was the first person to stand up for Chiang Recalling the past, Mr. Jiang said, "It's all over now. I was really depressed at that time, but I wanted to let them talk about it again!"

Mr. Jiang saved the game for the second time in 2003. Coincidentally, he took over from Wang Fei to coach the Chinese men's basketball team. At the Busan Asian Games in 2002, the Chinese men's basketball team failed to defend its title, while the Asian men's basketball championship in the coming year was held in Harbin, China. It was about whether it could be promoted to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games as an Asian champion. Li Yuanwei, the director of the Basketball Management Center, thought twice and decided to invite Jiang to come out again. At that time, Lao Jiang had retired and was coaching the Xinjiang Guanghui Team. Li Yuanwei also lobbied around. First of all, he supported the Xinjiang Sports Bureau and Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club. They both believed that national interests were paramount and agreed to let Jiang lead the national team.

Old Jiang also felt that the national interest should be the most important. However, he firmly said to Li Yuanwei: "To lead the national team to play the Asian Championships is to complete the task. The basketball management center should reconsider the coach selection, regardless of whether it is local or foreign teachers." Li Yuanwei agreed with Old Jiang's request.

In fact, at that time, the basketball management center also had such a consideration, that is, the national women's basketball coach Gong Luming When transferred to the men's basketball team, the women's basketball team will find a suitable head coach. The women's basketball team members have known about the transfer, and some of them are crying like tears, unwilling to leave Gong Luming. Finally, the relevant leaders of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China put forward their opinions: "Gong Luming is making progress with the women's basketball team. At this time, it is not appropriate to transfer him to the men's basketball team. Let's invite Jiang to go out of the mountain for work!"

After the end of the CBA League in 2003, Old Jiang quickly convened the Chinese men's basketball team for training, and in the final of the men's basketball Asian Championship held in Harbin on October 1, 2003, he won the championship by defeating the South Korean team 106 to 96, presenting a congratulatory gift for the 54th anniversary of the founding of New China, The champion of the Asian Championships is also the fifth champion of the event he led his team to win (all five times).

During these two rescues, two things made me unforgettable. One thing was that some media said that Chiang smoked during training, and even I was a bit deceived. I haven't seen Chiang smoke for so many years! No wonder Old Jiang asked me as soon as he saw me: "Do you know the reporter who wrote this? Why did I make a fool of myself? When did I smoke? He also wrote something with a nose and an eye. He said that I saw the team members in training were not satisfied with their practice, so I stubbed out the cigarette butt and stepped on the ground..." I said: "I am not afraid of evil shadows, so don't care about them!" Old Jiang said: "I have smoked for a long time, but I have already quit!"

Another thing is the rise of Internet language, which said that Chiang was a coach of the ashes, When he saw me, he asked: "What does the bone ash level mean?" I said: "It means that they call me a bone ash level reporter when they are older and senior." Old Jiang's unhappy expression immediately turned into a smile.

Mr. Jiang has worked hard in the basketball world for more than five or six decades. It started in Liaoning, but has made great strides in basketball. He has led Tianjin Team, Xinjiang Team, Foshan Team, and Zhejiang Team. All the teams he has led have changed significantly. These clubs praise him in addition to gratitude: "rigorous work style, plain training content, meticulous problem solving, high sense of professionalism and responsibility." "Old Jiang must have a high level of leadership. I feel that Jiang's time is to lead the team in training, competition and management." "Jiang has always been strict, but he shows his true feelings for young Xinjiang minority athletes, and is devoted to training them, because these children represent the future of Xinjiang basketball!"

Now, Mr. Jiang has left the front line of basketball, but I know that he, who takes basketball as his lifelong career, cannot leave the basketball court. He is eager for a new generation of Chinese men's basketball team to be brave and brave, dare to bear hardships, dare to contribute, dare to take responsibility, and focus on revitalizing the Chinese men's basketball. This is Mr. Jiang's full sense of happiness to maintain a healthy body and mind.

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