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Salah: Pharaoh's Exodus

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He is the most popular fried chicken in the world football Egypt Our national idol. He went in and out of the football field in England and Italy, and then became an old man in the noise of doubt. Now, his football career has been incorporated into the textbooks of Egypt and spread in various schools at the height of the national education system.

Mohammed- Salah A man who went from CCTV 5 to CCTV 1 and from CCTV 1 to CCTV Children's Channel.

This is his story.

On June 15, 1992, Salah was born in Basyong, a small town in Egypt. When Pharaoh was an ordinary pupil, he fell in love with football. As a child, Salah had the speed and skill of a striker. His favorite players were Zidane and Totti, who played in midfield. Then he followed the path of dreams and idols to the court and became a left back

Yes, Salah's alma mater still retains the precious video of the Pharaoh playing left back in his infancy. Many years later, Salah sent out a textbook full back defense against Porto - everyone thought it was a masterstroke, but in fact it was someone else's initial configuration.

However, any legend of the Red Army will not be buried in the position of full back. In an amateur competition organized by Pepsi Cola, Salah's performance attracted scouts from the Arab Construction Team. The Cairo based club soon invited Salah to test.

On hearing this news, Salah's family was very troubled, because Basyong is a typical urban-rural junction, more than 100 kilometers away from Cairo. My family lives in Langfang and commutes to Beijing every day. There is no high-speed rail and subway, so I have to take the bus.

However, the great enthusiasm for football made the 14-year-old Salah accept this kind of social animal life without hesitation. He goes to school at seven every morning for two classes, and then leaves school at nine to head for the capital. After more than 4 hours' drive and 5 buses, Salah can barely catch up with the training session of the Arab construction team at 2:00 p.m., and then spend more than 4 hours back home after the training at 6:00 p.m

The commute of nearly 9 hours every day carries the distance of dreams. Salah insisted on this for three years, and the development of his career path was not smooth.

At the age of 16, Salah, as a left back, had five chances to single out opponents in a game, but all of them failed. After the game, Salah, who felt that he had ruined the game, wept bitterly, while the team's head coach, Hishni, found a new business opportunity from it. He gave Salah a suggestion: "You are so abrupt, or you can just play forward?"

There are always infinite possibilities for a violent full back. If you don't try, you will never know whether Internal Medicine Williams or Gareth Bell is in his body. In the following season, Salah, who had changed his position, began to score 37 goals in a season, becoming the top scorer in the youth league. His outstanding performance made the team decide to formally promote him to the first team, and he finally ended his daily one-day tour in urban and rural areas.

In the 2010-11 season, Salah began to play the main team.

In the 2011-12 season, the Egyptian Football Super League announced its suspension

Because the most serious stadium casualty accident ever occurred in Egyptian football - Port Said Massacre, the bloodiest scene in international football in the past 20 years.

On February 1, 2012, the Egyptian team met the Egyptian Super League giants Ahley at the Port Said Stadium. Before the game, Ahley fans played an insulting slogan "No man in Port Said" at the opponent's home court, burying the fuse of gunpowder.

At the final whistle, the Egyptians won the game 3-1. The fans of the home team who celebrated crazily vented their frustrations and began to fight with Ahli fans. From small-scale conflict to rushing into the court, from shirtless to taking a knife, the court quickly fell into a state of uncontrollable In the end, about 13000 home team fans rushed into the stadium and attacked Ahley players and about 1200 visiting team fans, resulting in at least 77 deaths.

In fact, football is not the only thing behind this tragedy. After entering the 21st century, with the deepening of Egypt's privatization reform, the gap between the rich and the poor in Egypt has become larger and larger. A large number of highly educated youth have lost their jobs, and they have fallen to the bottom of the society and are seriously dissatisfied with the society. Behind the social chaos, the army, the police and the government are flickering. They use football as a tool to vent their discontent.

According to the Berlin Daily, Ahli fans, especially the extreme fan organization Ultras, were once "heroes" in overthrowing Mubarak's regime, and they were shot again in this tragedy. The aftermath of this incident was handled by the Egyptian military government very simply and rudely.

——The day after the riots broke out, Egyptian Prime Minister Kamal Zhanzuri asked the leadership of the Egyptian Football Association to resign and announced that the 2011-12 domestic league would be suspended.

——After the incident, 21 fans were sentenced to death, and the head of the security department of Port Said Stadium, Mark and Thad, were sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Once wrapped in complex historical events, football will appear small and helpless. The players who lost the league were in a situation where there was no ball to play. The Egyptian Football Association, which was assembled temporarily, could only think of a compromise: they recruited players in the name of the national team, and played friendly matches everywhere with national teams of all ages to help players maintain their status.

In March 2012, Salah played a friendly match with Basel in Switzerland as a member of U23. Although he only played in the second half of the game, he quickly scored two goals and helped the team win 4-3.

At that time, Basel had just sold Shakiri, the team's thigh, at the highest transfer fee in the history of the team, and was in the process of looking for a leg with a lot of money. Salah's performance made the head coach of Basel shine

"Since we can't kick you, we'll buy you."

In this way, Salah landed in Europe in an unexpected way. In two years, he made 79 appearances for Basel and scored 20 goals. From a mathematical point of view, Salah's efficiency in Basel, that is, scoring one goal every four games on average, belongs to the level of long-term dormancy and occasional paternity. However, he has the ability to suddenly become a god in key games—— In the 2013-14 Champions League group match, Basel scored a double victory over Chelsea, and Salah scored a goal in each of the two rounds. Among them, the goal scored in the 40 meter dash after receiving the long pass from teammate Fabian Scheer shocked the world football world.

Just like Basel two years ago, when Chelsea was Mata Put a cursive sign on the head. The Champions League competition made them urgently decide to postpone Mata's transfer to the last moment of the winter window, just to complete the transfer of Salah and make the new and old core seamless. As for the reason for signing Salah, of course

"Since we can't kick you, we'll buy you."

In a season at Chelsea, Salah didn't play his part. There are three main reasons.

First, he was bought as a substitute for Mata, and his technical attributes are seriously inconsistent with the team's positioning.

Secondly, there is no shortage of front-line players in Chelsea's front court, with Azar, William and Schuller on the flanks and Torres in the middle Eto'o Deng Baba is either plug and play or successful. Everyone is bigger than Salah.

Third, Salah is still in the primary stage of the pharaoh, and his shots can directly hit the corner flagpole.

In short, at that time, Chelsea did not give Salah room to try and make mistakes. The fans did not even know how bad he was. He had become a drinking fountain companion.

A year after joining Chelsea, Salah's Premier League statistics only hang a lone goal. On February 3, 2015, "I don't know why the water is gone", he added to "I'm sure the water is gone", and was stunned by Chelsea and rented to Florence. As we all know, the Blues are the conscience of the industry in the leasing industry. Then Florence was surprised to find that this gift was better than the genuine one.

During his six months in Florence, Salah made 26 appearances in various competitions, scored 9 goals and sent out 4 assists. In the second round of the last 16 of the European League, Rome was swept 0-3 at home by Fiorentina. In that game, Salah sent out an assist and hit the crossbar twice, each shot hitting the heart of the Red Wolf.

Therefore, based on the Salah exclusive trading principle of "Since we can't beat you, we will buy you", Rome quickly reached an agreement with Chelsea at the end of the season, with a loan fee of 5 million euros+a buyout fee of 15 million euros, bringing the advanced Salah to Rome.

In the two seasons in Rome, Salah delivered 34 goals and 18 assists, which was described by Dzeko as "a modest good partner Mo Mo". However, if you look back at the collection of Salah in Rome, you will always think that all his goals are to pick up the wallet - all his assists are due to the excellent shooting skills of the cake eating striker, and his highlights are mostly due to the alert movement. He just slipped back into the restricted area without being aware of it, and then ate the last guard with speed, and when the opponent found him, In front of him, there was only his wallet

Therefore, Salah at that time can be described as follows: He is Messi when he goes along with his feet, and Mei Dong when he goes against his feet; He runs Lionel Messi and shoots Lionel Messi; Before he was injured, he was Messi, and after he was injured, he was Maidong; In short, he is a player who is located at the junction of the east and the west of Mei. We can call him the middle stage of Pharaoh.

In the summer window of 2017, when such Salah was involved with Liverpool, the fans of the Red Army refused. First, because this person is the target of the transfer committee, Uncle Zha's plan A is Brent; The second reason is that this person left under the label of "junk", so returning to the Premier League may not be able to adapt to confrontation, and as long as they talk about business with Rome, a huge picture of Alberto Aquilani will appear in the minds of Red Army fans

Even if the transfer committee ignores the opinions of the fans, it is not easy to persuade Klopp.

So the transfer committee decided to make a big move.

Before finalizing Salah, Liverpool's awesome data analysis team made a multi angle evaluation on him, and then the transfer committee put the analysis conclusion in front of Klopp with reasonable reasons.

First, according to data analysis, Salah's decisive role in the game was seriously underestimated. Even in the unsatisfactory Chelsea period, Salah's average influence on the outcome was not lower than his influence in Basel and Rome. He was not "unfit for the Premier League", but incompatible with Chelsea at that time.

Second, according to the model comparison, Salah can combine with Filmino to create an explosive effect. Because Filmino can bring the winger the highest expected goal in the five leagues in the center position, and Salah's confrontation and shooting data can maximize the use of this point.

Third, Rome is eager to sell people to settle accounts for financial fairness, and the purchase price is very high before June 30.

Fourth, we can't afford the Brandt you want.

After hearing this, what else can Klopper say? Lang Youqing, my concubine, my father-in-law's family is short of rice. Since poverty makes us meet, we should send a dowry of 42 million yuan to get married as soon as possible.

On June 23, 2017, after a very short time on the tree, Liverpool officially announced the news of Salah's joining. At that time, the Red Army fans did not know that the team had just signed a record breaker at a price that broke the club's transfer record.

Opening the door of Anfield, Salah began to step by step into the senior stage of Pharaoh.

In the 2017-18 season, Salah had the most comfortable life. Some Cudicinho tried hard to feed bread with his back hurt, some Mane gave up the right road to play the left for him, and coupled with the selfless bitch Filmino, Salah just needs to bring out his original skills in Rome to use it to harvest a lot. In that season, Salah scored 45 goals and sent 14 assists in various competitions, breaking the scoring record of a single season in the Premier League with a winger. Except for being thrown over the shoulder by Ramos, everything was perfect.

In the 2018-19 season, Salah had a little trouble. The opponent began to give him special care at the level of Mero, which made him always work with weight when he finished turning, crossing and shooting. The name of Salah was gradually pasted in front of every record kept by Mane, which made his teammates start to have a sense of competition with him, and there were many scenes of whether to pass or not to shoot sideways. Although Salah made great efforts to develop his back ability that season, he was basically a master without the ball and a leader in sprinting. After the data dropped, he became a flash in the pan with the title of "Golden Boot".

In the 2019-20 season, Salah began to develop new skills. His speed is declining and his running position is improving. Although he is only 175cm tall, he is living more and more like a fulcrum, but he also left to fight against the tragedy with Luke Shaw and Lodi. However, the more comprehensive he is, the more fans want to push him to the altar of stop and shoot decathlon and personal heroism. So he often did the work of Giro with Messi's height under the pressure of confrontation between himself and Mane, and carried the pot of Benzema on his back. The fans also questioned why he did not play like Robben.

(Somatic changes of Salah)

In the 2020-21 season, with the Champions League and Premier League champions, Filmino began to become a Buddhist; In the second half of the season, a new championship was withdrawn, and Mane began to swim naked. The trident has turned into a red tassel gun. In addition to extensive injuries in the back court, the Red Army has lost the simple mode of Van Dyke connecting with Salah, so Salah can only pick up the old dribbling skills again and add a once disabled right foot to his arsenal.

Thus, when Fabinho's oblique pass, Van Dyck's long pass, Keita's direct pass and Henderson's cross pass were connected to him again this season, we found that Salah had become a standing winger, a sprinting center, a balance player of left and right foot precision, a reliable player in the edge of the restricted area, a vice chairman of Arnold's Butt Wiping Committee Debraunay style big arc straight pass successor, stripper show tendon meat expert, the king of street fighting who can move three or five people at any time in a small area

An exclusive hybrid forward of Klopper, who has never been seen before and will never be seen again, was born.

Some people say that Salah's performance this season is a dream of 1718. In fact, he is more versatile than that season. At the beginning of the season, his weekly salary of 350000 yuan was a little expensive, but now, 400000 yuan has to be paid by him. Therefore, Liverpool has been busy looking for ways to renew his contract on the basis of not breaking the wage structure in the past six months - for example, the salary should be kept as low as possible, and the goal award and assist award should be raised; For example, the signing fee, loyalty bonus and the like are used to make up for it secretly, and don't tell them about it.

Many fans in Egypt have suggested Salah to move up quickly for the Liverpool's stinginess. This is understandable, Because for Egyptian fans, Salah has gone beyond the meaning of an ordinary player.

The Port Said Massacre mentioned above is a microcosm of the social chaos in Egypt at that time. The decade of Salah's rise was a decade of despair and frustration for the Egyptian people. He came at a time when the country needed heroes, and he has always used his character and achievements to satisfy people's yearning for beauty.

For example, with his own efforts, he brought the Egyptian national team into the World Cup 28 years away; For example, he rejected the villas sent by the rich in Egypt and donated money to his hometown's hospitals and waterworks; For example, he shot an advertisement for drug treatment, and the help line for drug treatment was cracked. You know, the number of drug users in this country once accounted for 10.4% of the national population; For example, the probability of traffic jams in Cairo will be greatly reduced every time Liverpool matches

An Egyptian fan said in an interview: "As an Egyptian, I can't explain to you how Salah brings us. When the whole country falls apart and faces helplessness, it is Salah who brings light to the Egyptian people in their long suffering."

In April 2018, in Egypt's presidential election, more than 1 million Egyptian voters voted for Salah, who did not participate in the election. This is clearly a warning to the Pharaoh that if you do not play football well, you will have to return to Egypt to be president.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Salah to be selected into the textbook. Maybe in a few years, the Egyptian teacher will have to tell the students, "Don't use Salah's rotten example in writing."

(Salah was written into Egyptian textbooks)

(Salah's sneakers are on display in the British Museum)

Of course, fans outside Egypt will give Salah a more objective evaluation. Looking back on Salah's years in the Red Army, some people said that the system of Liverpool had helped him, some people said that the evolution of the Pharaoh was related to the coach's promotion of him to this position, and some people said that Salah's joining had to some extent sacrificed some of the offensive attributes and the right to fire of Mane and Fermi Filmino, but up to now no one has questioned his ability. For Liverpool fans, today's Salah is the Egyptian Lord, Pharaoh I, Anfield Guardian, Golden Boot Collector, the designated collection point of the Liverpool fans' knees, Mohammed Dad, Dad, Dad.

Over the past ten years, Salah has been constantly talking about the past and walking into the crowd, from Apennine to England. Even though his record has been towering like a pyramid, he still maintains his modesty ten years ago.

However, fans all over the world know that he has become very different from what he used to be.

Once the ball Tan, only once a year.

Now the ball is a year.

The Exodus, in which the Pharaoh himself played the role, is still going on

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