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Korean Army Restarts Artillery Training Near the Korean Military Boundary

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(Original title: Korean Army Restarts Artillery Training Near the Korean Military Boundary)

△ Pictures from Yonhap News Agency

On the morning of July 2 local time, according to the South Korean military, the South Korean military restarted artillery training near the military boundary between the two Koreas that morning. This is the second artillery training conducted by the South in the border area between the two Koreas nearly six years after the signing of the September 19 Military Agreement.

It is reported that during the training in the morning of the same day, the Korean army fired more than 140 shells. The shooting training place was within 5 kilometers south of the military boundary between the two Koreas. After the two Koreas signed the relevant military agreement in 2018, the artillery training within this distance was prohibited. (Chief reporter Tang Xin)

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