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Ambassador Lu Shaye's keynote speech at the symposium on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the United Nations Association

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(Original title: Keynote speech by Ambassador Lu Shaye at the symposium on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France of the French Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Association)

On June 26, Ambassador Lu Shaye attended the symposium on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France of the French Association of Diplomacy and the United Nations (FDNU) and delivered a keynote speech. The full text in Chinese and French is as follows:

Mr. Laurent Braugan, the president of ISTEC Business School,

Eric Ledley, Dean of ISTEC Business School,

Pierre Lalay, Director of ISTEC International Department,

Members of the Association of Diplomacy and the United Nations,


hello everyone! It is a great pleasure to come to ISTEC and attend the seminar hosted by the Association of Diplomacy and the United Nations in Paris. As you all know, President Xi Jinping paid a successful state visit to France again not long ago. First of all, I want to review President Xi Jinping's visit to France with you through a video.

It is believed that through this video, everyone has a more comprehensive understanding of President Xi Jinping's important visit. The theme of today's seminar is the development achievements of China France relations in the past 60 years and the prospects for the next 60 years. I would like to focus on the following three issues: What does the 60 year history of China France relations tell us? How can China France relations go forward steadily in the next 60 years? How to view the world significance of the Sino French spirit?

First question: What historical experience has the 60 year history of China France relations given us

To answer this question, it is necessary to review the process of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. At the beginning of 1964, when the Cold War was in full swing, the French government planned to establish diplomatic relations with New China under the mediation and preparation of Edgar Foer, the special envoy of President de Gaulle, but this angered the "boss" of the Western camp, the United States. On January 9, 1964, the State Department of the United States issued a statement, accusing France of recognizing New China; On January 16, the United States government noted to the French government that it strongly protested France's decision to establish diplomatic relations with New China, claiming that it was detrimental to "the interests of the free world". However, General de Gaulle, full of independent spirit, set out from his own long-term interests and the general trend of historical development, withstood the pressure of the United States and adhered to the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations with New China. For this reason, when China and France established diplomatic relations in January 1964, Le Monde published an editorial saying that "two independent countries came together".

It can be seen that the first historical experience of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France is independence. Independence is the spiritual background of China France relations. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France in 2014, President Xi Jinping summarized the spirit of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France as "independence, mutual understanding, foresight, mutual benefit and win-win", putting independence first. It is in the spirit of independent diplomacy that China and France have created one "first" after another in the history of Sino Western relations, from the first establishment of a comprehensive partnership to the opening of a strategic dialogue, from the first mutual establishment of cultural centers to the holding of a cultural year, from the opening of the first civil aviation route between China and the West to the earliest civil nuclear energy cooperation, not only creating benefits for the two countries and their people, It has also played an important role in maintaining world peace and stability, promoting world multi polarization and democratization of international relations.

The second lesson is mutual benefit and win-win results. Mutual benefit and win-win results are a strong driving force for China France cooperation. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France 60 years ago, the trade volume between the two countries has increased by nearly 800 times, and the quality has been continuously improved and upgraded, benefiting both peoples extensively. Today, traditional cooperation between China and France in aerospace, civil nuclear energy and other fields continues to consolidate, and cooperation in new fields such as agriculture and food, green industry, and digital economy is in the ascendant. I believe that many of you have bought goods online on AliExpress, Xiyin, Temu and other platforms. Relying on a sound industrial chain and supply chain, China's high-quality and inexpensive goods bring real convenience to everyone's life. Three weeks ago, the European flagship store of Chinese electric car brand BYD opened in Champs Elysees. On the other hand, more and more French products are entering millions of households in China, and high-quality French products such as Bordeaux red wine, Charolais beef, and a wide range of cheeses are on the Chinese table from French farms. Last year, China imported about 6 billion euros of agricultural products from France, an increase of 50.5% over 2019. A number of Chinese new energy enterprises are investing and building factories in France to inject Chinese momentum into France's green transformation.

It is believed that everyone is concerned that not long ago, the European Commission issued a statement that it plans to impose a temporary countervailing tax on Chinese electric vehicles from July 4, with the tax rate ranging from 17.4% to 38.1%. China firmly opposes this and will take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. The European rhetoric cannot hide the protectionist nature of this move. Since the European side launched the so-called countervailing investigation, many people of insight have repeatedly pointed out that protectionist practices are not conducive to improving the competitiveness of the European new energy vehicle industry, are not conducive to Europe's green transformation and consumer interests, and are not in line with the free trade rules advocated by Europe. Mercedes Benz, BMW and other European car companies were the first to oppose the above tax increase decision. In fact, the real reason for the rise of China's electric vehicles is that they have mastered the core competitiveness formed by more than 20 years of technology accumulation, rather than relying on government subsidies. As we all know, in the era of fuel vehicles, the Chinese market is open to U.S., European, Japanese and Korean car companies. Foreign brands once accounted for 100% of the Chinese market, and Chinese local brands have been suppressed for a long time, making it difficult to survive. However, China has never criticized the monopoly position of foreign brands, nor the "overcapacity" and "dumping" of relevant countries. Instead, it has "turned to its own devices" to catch up and finally seize the first opportunity on the electric vehicle track.

BYD vehicles waiting for shipment at the port (data picture)

When China began to develop electric vehicles and power batteries in the late 1990s, European and American countries were still sleeping in the comfortable nest of fuel vehicles. When I woke up and found myself lagging behind, I blamed China for running early, massive subsidies and "unfair competition". When it comes to subsidies, in fact, since 2016, China's subsidy policy for electric vehicles has gradually declined. By the end of 2022, the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles has completely withdrawn. Instead, the United States and the European Union, while blaming China, continue to provide huge subsidies to the electric vehicle industry, especially the production and consumption sectors. The US Inflation Reduction Act alone has provided US $430 billion in subsidies for related industries, almost seven times the total subsidies for China's electric vehicle industry from 2009 to 2019. The French government subsidizes the purchase of locally produced electric vehicles by 5000 to 7000 euros per vehicle, and subsidies for power battery super factories are often hundreds of millions or billions of euros. The EU's attempt to weaken China's advantages in electric vehicles by imposing tariffs is unfair competition in itself.

Third, experience is mutual learning of civilizations. More than three hundred years ago, Kangxi, the Qing Dynasty emperor of China, and Louis XIV, the French king, promoted the two countries to open far-reaching exchanges in science, technology, commerce, thought and culture through correspondence. The scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries gave birth to China's first scientific map of Huangyu; The trade exchanges between the two countries have led to the "China craze" of Chinese goods entering France; The ideological and cultural exchanges between the two countries introduced a large number of ancient Chinese classics, including The Analects of Confucius, into France, and had a profound impact on the French ideological and academic circles, especially on the enlightenment movement on the eve of the French Revolution. In recent years, people to people and cultural exchanges between China and France have become increasingly frequent, and more and more French stars have become "top class" in China. Two years ago, French soccer star Mbape and Chinese Olympic diving champion Zhang Jiaqi jointly named two giant panda cubs in Bowale Zoo. Giant pandas have now become the gold lettered signboard of Bowale Zoo. On the occasion of President Xi Jinping's visit to France not long ago, the two heads of state presented the Olympic torch to each other, demonstrating their common desire to implement the Olympic motto of "faster, higher, stronger - more united".

During his visit to France, President Xi Jinping announced that China's visa free policy for France would be extended to December 31, 2025. This means that French friends can go to China at any time if they want to. China is a country with a vast land of 9.6 million square kilometers. You can experience the modern skyscrapers in Shanghai and Shenzhen, the ancient city of Xi'an, the archaeological site of Sanxingdui in Sichuan, and the long history of 5000 years of culture. You can also go to the landscape towns in Guangxi, Guizhou, and Hunan to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. The Chinese say that "seeing is better than hearing". I believe that friends from all walks of life in France will be able to establish an objective and accurate "view of China" by experiencing the real and three-dimensional China in person.

Second question: Looking forward to the next 60 years, how can China France relations be stable and farsighted? I think the key lies in three points:

First, we should establish correct cognition. Needless to say, most of the reports you see and hear about China in the mainstream western media, such as radio, television, newspapers and magazines, are probably negative. Taking China's economy as an example, recently, some western media, while promoting the "summit theory" and "collapse theory" of China's economy, hyped the "threat theory" and "impact theory" of China. The arguments are riddled with holes, contradictory, and laughable.

It must be pointed out that China's political system, historical and cultural traditions are indeed different from those of the West, but this does not mean that the path and system chosen by the Chinese people is "undemocratic" or even "autocratic". China has always believed that every country has the right to choose its own path independently; To judge whether a country's political system and development model are good or bad, the key lies in whether they are in line with their national conditions, whether they can maintain national stability, promote economic development, improve people's lives, and safeguard people's rights. China implements the whole process of people's democracy, and its essence is the whole process. The people not only have the right to democratic elections, but also participate in the whole process of democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, rather than just being awakened when voting and entering a dormant period after voting. The second is consultation. In the whole governance process of the government, decision-making, implementation and management are carried out through consultation and dialogue, rather than through games and confrontation between different political parties. China's consultations are diverse and almost ubiquitous, including political party consultations, government consultations, people's congresses consultations, CPPCC consultations, and grass-roots democratic consultations. This ensures that the Chinese government's decision-making is scientific, long-term and people-oriented, and that the stability of the governance process is ensured, rather than "turning the cake over", making quick success and instant benefits, making changes day after day, being hesitant and negative. This is where China's national competitiveness lies. Only by recognizing and accepting this point can the West truly abandon its ideological prejudice against China and treat China and its development objectively and rationally.

In 2019, the EU proposed a triple orientation towards China, defining China as a "partner, competitor and institutional competitor", which has seriously disrupted the development of China EU relations. It's like a car coming to an intersection and the red light, yellow light and green light are on at the same time. In recent years, a series of problems, including the blocked EU China investment agreement and trade frictions on electric vehicles, wind power and photovoltaic products, are ultimately due to the EU's perception of China. There is no conflict of fundamental interests between China and the EU, let alone geopolitical contradictions, and they are not necessarily institutional rivals. China does not export ideology and political system, does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, has no intention of challenging or threatening any country, and is happy to see a united, strong, confident and open Europe. Therefore, China's development is an opportunity rather than a risk for Europe. General de Gaulle said at a press conference on January 31, 1964: "By establishing diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, France is serving the cause of human wisdom, progress and peace, which will help to bridge the division of the world and weaken the huge confrontation between the two camps". I hope that French and European friends will review General Charles de Gaulle's enlightening speech 60 years ago, proceed from the long-term interests of France and Europe, take practical actions to adhere to strategic autonomy, resist the infiltration, manipulation and even coercion of other countries, and take advantage of the healthy and stable development of China France Europe relations to promote Europe to become an important pole in a truly multipolar world.

Second, we should adhere to openness and cooperation. From a bilateral perspective, China and France still have huge potential for cooperation to explore: China has a huge consumer market with 1.4 billion people and the most complete global industrial chain supply chain, and is promoting high-quality development with accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity as the focus, which can provide valuable opportunities for France to achieve "reindustrialization"; France has a solid industrial and basic scientific research accumulation, an adequate pool of innovative talents, and is China's priority partner in expanding high-level opening up and achieving high-quality development. Four days ago, the Sino French astronomical satellite was successfully launched. Yesterday, the Chang'e-6 lunar probe just successfully returned to the earth, successfully completing the world's first sampling trip back to the back of the moon. During this mission, the Chang'e-6 probe carried several international payloads such as the French lunar radon detector and the ESA lunar surface anion analyzer, which is a vivid manifestation of high-quality practical cooperation between the two countries in the field of innovation.

At the global level, some countries adhere to the cold war mentality, gather "exclusive small circles", engage in trade protectionism under the banner of "eliminating risks" and "reducing dependence", and undermine the international economic order. During the Cold War, the two camps led by the United States and the Soviet Union were isolated from each other, confronted in an all-round way, and even engaged in a "nuclear terror balance", which frightened the world. Today, some people, in the name of "reducing dependence" and "eliminating risks", are "decoupling" from China, trying to block and contain China's development. Some even fantasize about going against the trend of the times, establishing a "two parallel worlds" system and launching a "new cold war" against China. Just imagine, if the West and China do not rely on each other, and no one needs each other, will the risk of confrontation, conflict, or even war between the two sides rise significantly? We need to strengthen the discrimination and analysis of the arguments of "reducing dependence" and "eliminating risks", and not be fooled easily. As the "main engine" of European integration and an important beneficiary of the multilateral trading system, France should jointly oppose group confrontation and political manipulation with China, adhere to open cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, and use the toughness of China France cooperation to enhance the strategic stability of China France and China EU relations.

Third, we should adhere to mutual respect. In 2014, President Xi Jinping, in his speech at the UNESCO headquarters, quoted the famous words of French writer Hugo: "What is broader than the sky is the mind of people". Hugo himself has always respected and appreciated Chinese culture. In May this year, during President Xi Jinping's visit to France, President Maklon prepared an important gift for President Xi Jinping, which was Hugo's book "Meditation Collection" published in 1856, which fully reflects the valuable characteristics of mutual respect and appreciation between China and France.

Mutual respect, in particular, should be reflected in mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both China and France have a strong sense of national pride and cherish their own sovereignty. China is the only country among the five permanent members of the Security Council that has not achieved complete reunification. The Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests and of special significance. A French netizen once left a message under the social media account of the Chinese Embassy, saying that Taiwan is to China what Corsica is to France and Catalonia is to Spain.

The picture shows the data map of Taipei 101 Building

I want to emphasize that Taiwan has never been a country, but a part of China. At present, if it wants to make "independence", it is to split the territory of sovereign countries, which is contrary to international law. Taiwan's current state of partition is a legacy of China's civil war in the 1940s, which does not affect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In a sense, China's civil war has not ended. The current regime in Taiwan is a rebel regime in China's territory. The Chinese government has the right to expel this regime at any time and regain Taiwan's governance power. However, in view of the well-being of the people of Taiwan, we do not want to achieve this goal by force, and do not want to expose the people of Taiwan to the scourge of war. Instead, we hope to achieve the return of Taiwan's governance through peaceful means. Therefore, we have put forward the policy of "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems". However, for the purpose of maintaining its world hegemony and maintaining its "first island chain" to contain China, the United States connives at and supports the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities to engage in "Taiwan independence", constantly increases arms sales to Taiwan, encourages the "Taiwan independence" forces to "seek independence with arms", undermines the prospects for peaceful reunification between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and causes ongoing tension in cross Straits relations. There is only one future for Taiwan, which is to return to the embrace of the motherland. If it cannot be done in a peaceful way, it should be done in a non peaceful way; If someone does not want "one country, two systems", then implement "one country, one system". In short, we will never allow Taiwan to secede from the motherland.

The one China principle is the political basis of China France relations and an untouchable red line. China has always respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of France and never interfered in its internal affairs. It is hoped that the French side will follow the one China policy reiterated by successive French governments since General de Gaulle, take a clear stand against "Taiwan independence" and support China's peaceful reunification.

The last question is: how to view the world significance of the Sino French spirit It is not difficult to answer this question if we understand the deep spiritual core of the development of China France relations in the past 60 years. In my opinion, China and France have great potential in at least four aspects:

China and France can become key forces for safeguarding peace. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Today, 70 years later, the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence still shine with the light of the times. The world today is not peaceful. The two crises are intertwined and overlapping, testing the historical wisdom of our generation. I would like to focus on China's views on current international issues in the light of these two crises.

The first is the Palestine Israel conflict. This tragedy, which has lasted so far, is a test of human conscience, and the international community must do something. I have noticed that in recent years, teachers and students in many western countries, including France and the United States, have spontaneously organized activities in solidarity with Palestine, which shows that the development of this tragedy has touched the bottom line of every ordinary person's emotion and morality. On the Palestinian Israeli issue, China and France have broad consensus. During President Xi Jinping's visit to France, the two sides issued a joint statement, jointly condemning all violations of international humanitarian law, calling for a decisive and irreversible way to restart the political process, effectively implement the "two country plan", and achieve lasting peace in the Central East region. We are well aware that the road to peace is doomed to be bumpy. But as long as there is a glimmer of hope for peace, we cannot give up easily.

The second is the Ukrainian crisis. The crisis in Ukraine has had a serious impact on European security, major country relations, international trade, global industrial chain and supply chain stability. The psychological impact of the war's return to the European continent on the European people has also spawned some fallacies and rumors. Some people advocate the so-called "China Russia alliance theory" and "China responsibility theory". They not only blame China Russia relations and normal trade between the two countries, but also blame China's support for Putin's tough stance of not giving in to western pressure to stop special military operations. I want to emphasize that Russia is an independent big country, and China cannot and will not dictate Russia's decisions within its sovereignty. Russia and Europe are both friends of China. China understands and values the feelings, concerns and demands of European friends, and will continue to adhere to an objective and fair position. It will neither stand across the river, nor choose sides to stand in line, nor pour oil into the fire. We are opposed to any attempt to use the Ukrainian crisis to discredit and blame China and incite the "new cold war". We will scrupulously abide by our commitment not to provide weapons to belligerents, strictly control dual-use items, and continue to promote peace and talks in our own way to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the crisis.

The spillover effects of these two crises fully prove that in the stormy waves of the global crisis, all countries are riding on a ship of common destiny. We are willing to work with the French side to jointly implement the global security initiative, the global development initiative and the global civilization initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, to jointly shoulder the international responsibilities of permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and to be a staunch defender of world peace.

China and France can become models of harmony but difference. From the political perspective, the current and future decades are a critical period for the transformation of the old and new international order, and an era of rising tide in the south and everything is new. The democratization of international relations is unstoppable, and the "Global South" is gaining momentum. The majority of southern countries have accelerated their awakening and are unwilling to be silent. China and France can cross the camp gap 60 years ago, break through the cloud of the cold war, and start the democratization of international relations. They will also be able to shoulder the historical mission 60 years later, show the responsibility of major countries, and issue a strong voice of the times of mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

From the perspective of civilization, China and France, as two outstanding representatives of eastern and western civilizations, have profound cultural heritage and brilliant achievements in civilization. We should lead global civilization exchanges and mutual learning, let different civilizations enjoy their own beauty, oppose any form of "civilization superiority theory" and "civilization conflict theory", help all countries and nations to inherit and develop their own civilizations, independently choose development paths that meet their national conditions, and provide platforms and opportunities for different countries and civilizations to achieve collective prosperity through mutually beneficial cooperation. Half a month ago, the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China, which established June 10 as the International Day of Dialogue among Civilizations, echoing the strong demand of the world today to enhance exchanges and understanding among civilizations. The young generation is the most inclusive, innovative and diverse group. We look forward to your breaking away from the stereotype of other civilizations in the West, and writing a wonderful symphony of the beauty and co existence of different civilizations in the future world.

China and France can become the engine to promote development. Opening up and development are two key words for China to promote international cooperation. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping pointed out at the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the Sino French Entrepreneurs Committee that "reform and opening up is the most prominent feature and the most magnificent atmosphere of contemporary China." China is a beneficiary of opening up, and will also be an active promoter and practitioner of the open world economy. It is planning and implementing major measures to further comprehensively deepen reform, We will steadily expand institutional openness and further expand market access. This will create more opportunities for enterprises in various countries, including French and European enterprises. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be held next month. It is believed that there will be major policies and measures to further comprehensively deepen reform and promote Chinese style modernization, which we can pay attention to. The fruitful results of practical cooperation give China and France the confidence and responsibility to clearly oppose "decoupling and chain breaking" and "small courtyard and high wall", build a stronger and more dynamic China France comprehensive strategic partnership in the new big change, and jointly promote inclusive economic globalization.

In recent years, with the escalation of international geopolitical tensions, the growth rate of global development momentum has gradually failed to catch up with the emergence of global problems. The gap between the North and the South, the development gap, and the technological gap have become more prominent. Peace, development, security, and governance deficits have continued to grow. I have been engaged in African affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China for more than 25 years, visited more than 40 African countries, and stayed in Guinea, Senegal and other African countries. I have personally experienced the urgent desire of African people to achieve economic development, national revitalization and live a happy life. France has deep historical ties with many developing countries, including Africa; China is an important member of the "Global South" and a successful case of modernization in developing countries. Based on their own advantages, China and France can strengthen cooperation on global development issues through tripartite market cooperation and other ways to jointly bridge the global development gap.

China and France can become an engine to promote development. The picture shows the national flag of China and France

China and France can become partners in shaping the future. The current era is an exponential iteration stage of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing and the energy revolution, as well as a critical period for global governance and rule making of related technologies. These scientific and technological progress will not only change our way of life, but also have a profound impact on the social structure, economic model and global pattern. At the same time, non-traditional security such as climate change, network and information security, public health security, terrorism and so on are growing day by day.

China and France should meet each other, enhance understanding, give play to their complementary advantages and strengthen the supply of global public goods. Scientific and technological civilization should not become a treasure buried in a cave, nor should it become a "harvester" for a few countries to obtain excessive monopoly profits. China and France should strengthen the sharing of scientific and technological achievements and cooperation in global governance of artificial intelligence, and resolutely oppose scientific and technological barriers; Adhere to the goals and principle framework set by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, actively respond to climate change, and implement the "Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework"; Answer the new topic of "the question of the times" with a stronger sense of historical responsibility, and work together to create a better future for mankind by building a closer community with a shared future for mankind.

All of you here today are young students majoring in international politics or concerned with international issues. You are the backbone of the future French diplomacy and the participants in shaping the future international pattern and order. On the one hand, Tiktok and other social media have broken the "information cocoon room" set up by traditional media at the right time for you to feel the pulse of world development more realistically. On the other hand, the amount of information on the Internet is a mixture of good and bad, and the sensational false news makes it difficult to distinguish the true from the false. I hope you will carry forward the advantages of young people who are brave to explore and study, advocate diversity and inclusiveness, actively explore China, discover the world, inherit the mantle of Gaullism, and contribute wisdom and strength to the long-term, healthy and stable development of China France EU relations and the building of a better world.

Thank you. Now, I would like to answer your questions.

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