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The big tube is full! Cross sea kill weapon, far box fire, accurate strike picture comes

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(Original title: The big tube is full! Here comes the picture of remote box fire precision attack of cross sea killing weapons)

The remote box firearm of the "Cross Sea Killer" series has the following characteristics: long range - the range of each type of ammunition can reach tens to hundreds of kilometers; Modularization - multiple munitions can be launched according to operational needs; Accurate - strike accuracy of hundreds of kilometers can reach meter level; Fierce fire - dozens of ammunition of various types are launched in a single volley. The sword points to the sky, the air is full, and the big tube is full! (Eastern theater financial media center)

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Media: The Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China gives an answer to "when will the military exercises go from the stage to the decisive action"

The "United Sword - 2024A" military exercise around the platform, which began on the 23rd in the eastern theater of the mainland, continues today. Public opinion believes that the exercise fully demonstrates the strong deterrent ability and regional rejection ability of the mainland PLA.

PLA "United Sword - 2024A" military exercise poster

According to the Hong Kong China Review Service, this military exercise is the same as the military exercise held on the mainland after Pelosi, who was then the speaker of the US House of Representatives in August 2022. Both exercises were very loud, but "encircle rather than fight". When and under what circumstances did the mainland go from military exercises on the platform to decisive action? The Taiwan Affairs Office gave the answer yesterday.

Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, said on the 23rd that the PLA exercises around Taiwan Island are a firm punishment for Taiwan leaders' "May 20" speech to seek "independence" provocation, a stern warning for foreign forces to connive at supporting "Taiwan independence" and interfere in China's internal affairs, a just act to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. If the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces are determined to act or even take risks, The mainland will resolutely smash the separatist plot of "Taiwan independence" and firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It can be said that the day when the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces are determined to act or even take risks is the day when the mainland makes a decisive move. The unity of the mainland is hanging high, and the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces must rein in on the precipice.

The article believes that under the current situation, the "United Sword 2024A" military exercise around the platform in the eastern theater is only the first step for the mainland to deter and punish "Taiwan independence" after the "May 20". The next step for the mainland may not be what the outside world can guess. As for how big the action is, it depends on the reaction of the new Taiwan authorities and what external forces will do in the Taiwan Strait in the future.

On related topics, Li Zhengjie, a retired major general of the Taiwan Army who once served as commander of Lieyu (Little Kinmen), said that in addition to surrounding Taiwan's home island, the mainland specifically mentioned the two islands of Dongyin and Wuqiu, which is very serious. If the island falls or loses the missile protection function, the coastline in northern Taiwan will fall into a defensive vacuum. Therefore, it is of great significance for the mainland to list the eastward approach as the scope of exercises. In addition to Wuqiu Island, Li Zhengjie said that the number of residents on Wuqiu Island is not large, and the military defense capability is not strong. If the PLA wanted to take this island, it would be as easy as pie.

Li Zhengjie also said that the name of the exercise was "United Sword - 2024A", and he paid special attention to the latter A, whether it means there will be continuous exercises such as BCD this year, so this is just a beginning with great possibility.

In addition, in the exercise subject of this mainland military exercise, Li Zhengjie said that another special thing is that ships and aircraft approaching the battle patrol around Taiwan not only cross the "middle line of the Straits", but may even approach the critical area of 24 nautical miles, or enter Taiwan's so-called "territorial sea" and "airspace", which must be followed up.

Taiwan scholar: Lai Qingde's speech completely dispels the illusion that Taiwan will prepare for war

Economic Observer Wang Yiwei/Wen After Lai Qingde took office as the leader of Taiwan on May 20, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has rapidly evolved.

The latest news is that at 7:45 on May 23, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army released the following news: "Since 7:45 on May 23, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is located in the Taiwan Strait, and the northern, southern, and eastern parts of Taiwan Island, as well as around Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island, and Dongyin Island, a joint exercise and training has begun."

With regard to the code, duration and subjects of the exercise and training, Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone, said that the exercise and training code was "United Sword - 2024A", and the time was two days (from 23rd to 24th); 4 participating services, including the Army, Navy, Air Force and Rocket Corps; There are three key exercise subjects, including joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, and joint precision targeting of key targets; The scope and mode of the exercise and training are as follows: ships and aircraft approaching the island and patrolling around the island, and the island chain is integrated inside and outside.

Li Xi especially pointed out that this exercise and training was also a powerful punishment for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces seeking "independence", and a serious warning for the interference and provocation of external forces.

In terms of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, after Chen Binhua, the spokesman, made two speeches on May 20, severely criticizing Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" speech and the interference of a small number of countries led by the United States in Taiwan affairs, on May 21, Chen Binhua made another speech to further analyze and refute Lai Qingde's inauguration speech on May 20.

Chen Binhua said that the speech of Taiwan leaders on May 20 was full of hostility and provocation, lies and deceit. The "Taiwan independence" position was more radical and risky. They publicized the so-called "sovereign independence", "non subordination between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", "self-determination of Taiwan residents" and other separatist fallacies, and tried to enlist the support of external forces to boost "the internationalization of the Taiwan issue", Continuing to "rely on outside to seek independence" and "use force to seek independence" can be described as a thorough "confession of Taiwan independence". This fully proves that he is a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island and a destroyer of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region.

Chen Binhua stressed that no matter what Lai Qingde said or how he said it, it would not change the status and fact that Taiwan is a part of China, the basic pattern and development direction of cross-strait relations, the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to get closer and closer, or the historical trend of the eventual reunification of the motherland. The complete reunification of the motherland must be achieved and can be achieved.

The most direct reason why cross-strait relations suddenly became tense in just a few days is certainly Lai Qingde's inaugural speech. Experts on the mainland have pointed out that Lai Qingde's speech is "fighting". Many experts and scholars in the island were also surprised and worried about Lai Qingde's inaugural speech.

On May 22, Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor of the Institute of Chinese Mainland Studies at Tamkang University in Taiwan, said at a seminar that he had studied mainland issues for 60 years and had never been so frightened. He believed that Lai Qingde's speech had made the mainland completely disillusioned with Taiwan. As for what measures the mainland will take in the next step, Zhao Chunshan believes that the mainland will adopt a dual strategy of peace and war against Taiwan in the future, including continuous military deterrence, economic blockade, diplomatic isolation, and possibly further differentiation of Taiwan society. Zhao Chunshan stressed that the war without gunsmoke will be the next focus, and the invisible war is the most terrible. The mainland doesn't have to attack Taiwan directly. Just making Taiwan die can have a similar effect. "Why do we need to fight?"

Zhao Chunshan said that he has always advocated avoiding war, but looking at the relationship between the Democratic Progressive Party and the mainland, it is no longer possible to avoid war. There is no mutual trust between the two sides, and Taiwan needs to start preparing for war.

So, how should we look at the situation in the Taiwan Strait at this moment?

The author's answer is to seize the three key words in the above content: betrayer, punishment and warning.

Chen Binhua said that Lai Qingde was "a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island". This shows that the mainland has its own judgment on the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.

Chen Binhua made a statement on Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech

So, how does the Taiwan Affairs Office judge the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan?

The last answer was released on January 17. At that time, when talking about the results of Taiwan's general election, Chen Binhua said that stepping down from the Democratic Progressive Party, opposing "Taiwan independence", peace rather than war, development rather than recession, and communication rather than separation were the mainstream public opinions in the island.

The purpose of this PLA exercise is to effectively punish the "Taiwan independence" forces and severely warn external forces. It should be noted that there is a difference between punishment or warning and "taking non peaceful means and other necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity" stipulated in the Anti Secession Law.

Of course, it is still unknown to what extent the "forcefulness" in the "forceful punishment" will reach in the news released by the Eastern Theater. After the relevant news is released and compared with the previous performance training, we should find out the answer. What is the "power" of this time.

The eastern theater launched the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise

In the morning of today (23rd), the eastern theater of the People's Liberation Army announced that from 7:45 on May 23rd, the eastern theater of the People's Liberation Army was located in the Taiwan Strait, and the northern, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan Island, as well as around Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island, to carry out joint exercises and training.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Theater of Operations, said that from May 23 to 24, the Eastern Theater of Operations organized troops from the army, navy, air force, rocket corps and other forces in the theater of operations to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Bitai Island, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, joint precision targeting of key targets and other subjects, and warships and aircraft approaching the battle patrol around Taiwan Island, The island chain is integrated inside and outside to test the joint combat capability of the theater forces. The spokesman clearly pointed out that, This is also a strong punishment for the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces seeking "independence" and a serious warning of interference and provocation by external forces.

Later, the Eastern Theater of War released the sketch map of the exercise area and the combined poster "Cross the Sea Killer", which uses traditional characters.

The figure shows the exercise area in the eastern theater

Tong Zhen, a researcher of the Academy of Military Sciences, pointed out in an interview that from the exercise and training locations released by the Eastern Theater of War, this exercise and training operation presented an integrated design of the island and the outer island, "In the direction of outer islands, it covers Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island; in the direction of this island, it mainly adopts the island encirclement combat readiness patrol to effectively squeeze the so-called military defense space of Taiwan".

Shi Hong, a special commentator of the Direct News, said that from the code name "United Sword - 2024A", it can be seen that, first of all, this is a "joint" exercise with the participation of multiple services and arms of the Navy, Army, Air Force and Rocket Corps. The purpose is to let multiple services and arms work together to form a joint force, so as to maximize combat effectiveness. Joint operations are also the main mode of modern and future wars. Second, the word "sharp sword" is very straightforward. If the sharp sword is stabbed out, all ghosts and demons will be killed. Therefore, the "sharp sword" is a strong deterrent to the "Taiwan independence" force and the external interference force. Third, 2024 is followed by an "A", which is very interesting. This indicates that this year's "United Sword" exercise is likely to be a series, with B, C, or even D behind A, so that this year's "United Sword" exercise will form a series of exercises.

Taiwan media concern: how is this time different from 2022

In August 2022, Pelosi, the then speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, went to Taiwan. Then the PLA launched a military exercise in Taiwan, and the two sketches of the exercise area became one of the focuses of the Taiwan media. Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" pointed out that at that time, the PLA set up six areas around the Taiwan Sea to carry out a nine day live fire drill around Taiwan. That was the first time that the PLA appeared near the east coast of Taiwan Island. This exercise is closer to Taiwan Island than the 2022 exercise area, and the deployment is more comprehensive.

Li Guifa, retired lieutenant general of the Taiwan Air Force, said in an interview that the scope of this military exercise was expanded from last year to include Jinmen, Mazu and even the most north to east, which means that the entire Jinma and Taipei are included. This has two meanings: first, it echoes the punishment of the "Taiwan independence" forces, and includes all the Jinma and Taipei in the scope of the exercise, highlighting the positioning of the two sides as one China, In particular, the Dongyin is the northernmost area under the administration of the DPP authorities, and the PLA's special coverage of military exercises is of obvious significance; Second, the PLA's expansion of the scope of military exercises can further change the sea and air conditions in the Taiwan Strait. The PLA's air force can freely cross the strait airspace. At the same time, a large number of ships are patrolling, enforcing the law, and preparing for war in the Taiwan Strait, which means a strong sense of sovereignty declaration to the outside world.

Taiwan media compared this exercise with that two years ago, and the picture is shown on Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network"

The Taiwan media quoted Jie Zhong, a deputy research institute of the Taiwan Policy Research Foundation, as saying that the contents of the exercises announced by the PLA's eastern theater of operations include such subjects as joint naval and air combat readiness patrols, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, joint precision targeting of key targets, and the scope of the exercise areas set up around Taiwan, It should be a practice for all services and arms to carry out "joint blockade operations" around Taiwan, so as to cut off Taiwan's air and sea ties with foreign countries, delay and prevent the mobilization of the main forces of the Taiwan air and sea forces, and undermine Taiwan's naval and air force battle force preservation plan. He analyzed that the exercise subjects might include "containment operations" on foreign and outlying islands, or even "inshore island assault operations", which were not exercised in the second military exercises around Taiwan in August 2022 and April 2023.

Jiezhong also mentioned that although the exercise time announced by the Eastern Warfare Zone was only on the 23rd and 24th, the name of the exercise was "United Sword - 2024A", which may represent the first in a "series of exercises". The mainland would not rule out that after this exercise, it would launch subsequent exercises depending on the reaction of all parties.

The picture is a screenshot of CCTV live broadcast

Taiwan's "United News Network" noted that the CCTV News had broadcast the military exercise live since the morning. Zhang Chi, a mainland military scholar, pointed out in the CCTV program that Taiwan was isolated from the sea and depended on imports of energy. Once it was besieged and blockaded, it would easily lead to economic collapse. This time, the PLA was a new model of blockading the island of Taiwan. Taiwan's "United News Network" cited Zhang Chi's point of view that the mainland has formed a new normal of "anti sausage" through a series of military operations. In recent years, the United States and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have repeatedly hit the bottom line and red line of the mainland by "cutting sausages". Last year, after Tsai Ing wen's visit to the United States, the PLA carried out the patrol of the Taiwan Island War Preparedness Police and the "Joint Sword" exercise. After Lai Qingde's inaugural speech this time, the PLA again conducted the "Joint Sword" exercise. It can be seen that as long as the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke once, the PLA will make progress, which is the new normal of "anti sausage".

Lai Qingde "stormed" Lan Ying

Xiao Xucen, CEO of the Ma Ying jeou Foundation, said today (23rd) that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cannot "storm" politics every time for electoral interests, but leave the mess to Taiwanese. The DPP authorities' plan is to engage in political "violence", which will lead to a rebound or military exercises on the other side of the bank, and then to extort the opposition parties to condemn "anti land". But I'm sorry, Taiwanese are not fools. They can understand who is making trouble. They will not pay for the ruling party that is making trouble at home.

Lai Shibao, a member of the People's Representative of the Chinese National Party, said frankly that Lai Qingde obviously wanted to pursue "Taiwan independence" on the one hand, and on the other hand, he said he wanted to resume tourism and Lu Sheng. But the mainland was concerned about not pursuing "Taiwan independence". Lai Qingde was tough on the mainland, and the mainland was naturally tough. Lai Shibao said that Lai Qingde should show good intentions when he first took office. What everyone observed was when the ban on the regiment going to mainland would be lifted, and the effective date would be June 1. Lai Qingde should cancel the ban on the regiment on June 1 first.

Wang Hongwei, the representative of the People's Republic of China, said that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech did show a more "aggressive" and "independent" position than Cai Yingwen. The future cross-strait relations are not optimistic, but there should be a healthy space for dialogue between the two sides. The Kuomintang is also not happy with today's military exercise around Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party, including its flanks, will definitely bring out the old man who "fights against the land and protects Taiwan". However, the mainland is targeting Lai Qingde's inaugural speech. The Kuomintang still hopes for peace across the Taiwan Straits, without any danger of war.

Hong Mengkai, head of the party and league of the Taiwan legislature of the Chinese Kuomintang, said that no one in Taiwan's mainstream public opinion wants war and does not want the possibility of conflict to continue to increase. The Kuomintang demanded that the authorities should take responsibility and have reasonable communication channels across the Straits, so as to avoid the spiral of hostility between the two sides and increase the possibility of fire.

Guo Zhengliang, the former people's representative of Taiwan, believed that Lai Qingde's speech was not only a "confession of Taiwan independence", but also a "gamble". He believed that the current time was not conducive to "Taiwan independence", and that only Suoha and the mainland could have a "wager", which was extremely irresponsible for all Taiwan people.

Taiwan's Lianhe Daily commented that Lai Qingde set a record, and on the third day of his inauguration, the PLA had military exercises around the island. This record is unprecedented, and I'm afraid there will be no future. The commentary said that the main purpose of this military exercise was political. In addition to deterring Lai authorities who had just come to power, it was also dissatisfaction and anger with the United States to show the mainland. The commentary believes that the mainland is bound to still assess the damage area caused by Lai Qingde's speech, and will decide whether the interaction with the United States should increase or decrease. The Chinese mainland may choose to maintain the space for dialogue with the United States to maintain strategic initiative and flexibility, but I am afraid there is no redundant scope for interaction between the two sides. The mainland often says that "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace. Lai Qingde's cross-strait relations in the next four years may only be turbulent.

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