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US senior officials call on China to exercise restraint in the Taiwan Strait. The Foreign Ministry: It's not the turn of the US to gossip

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(Former title: US senior officials call on China to exercise restraint in the Taiwan Strait, Foreign Ministry: it's not the turn of the US to gossip)

According to the Beijing Daily client, on May 24, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hosted a regular press conference.

Agence France Presse reporter asked, about the military exercises near Taiwan, senior officials of the United States yesterday strongly urged China to exercise restraint in this regard. How do you respond to the comments made by the US side?

 US senior officials call on China to exercise restraint in the Taiwan Strait. The Foreign Ministry: It's not the turn of the US to gossip

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin Image source: Foreign Ministry website

Wang Wenbin said that Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and it is not the turn of the United States to gossip. The root cause of the tension in the Taiwan Strait lies in the Democratic Progressive Party authorities' attempts to rely on the United States to seek "independence". Some American forces, under the guise of maintaining regional peace and stability, seek to "control China with Taiwan". If the US really wants to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, it should take a clear stand to adhere to the one China principle and oppose the "Taiwan independence" split. China will never allow any force to provide an umbrella for "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities under any pretext.

He stressed that more help is gained than lost. In recent years, many national dignitaries and people from all walks of life have intensively voiced their just voice of abiding by the one China principle, expressing their support for the Chinese people's opposition to the separatist activities of "Taiwan independence" and striving for national reunification, which once again proves that the pattern of the international community adhering to the one China principle cannot be shaken. The pursuit of "Taiwan independence" is a dead end. conniving at and supporting "Taiwan independence" will only lead to fire. China is unswerving in its determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will take all necessary measures to resolutely smash any "Taiwan independence" attempt.

Extended Reading

Media: US generals accuse PLA of military exercises and incite Asia Pacific countries to "condemn"

The picture shows the PLA's military exercises

Direct news: Today (23rd), the PLA has launched the "Sword Shining Military Exercise" around Taiwan Island, which has become the focus of global public opinion. Reuters reporter asked at the Foreign Ministry's press conference this afternoon whether China plans to hold more similar exercises. What's your observation, Mr. Guan?

Special commentator Guan Yao: The top leaders of China have repeatedly stressed on many occasions at home and abroad that no one should underestimate the strong determination, determination and ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity! The motherland is bound to be unified, and it is also bound to be unified. This is the trend of the times, where the great cause lies, and what the people want.

I believe that the PLA's multi service and arms joint exercise today is a strong declaration of this core theme again, and also the most realistic demonstration of the 1.4 billion Chinese people's strong determination, will and ability. A military expert in the island commented today that this military exercise is a full process exercise of military operations in Taiwan, so in my opinion, this extended theme is also reinforced in a knowable and convincing way: on the core agenda related to national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese People's Liberation Army will always be able to fight, win The most reliable force for the mission is the strongest backing.

Today, the spokesman of the Eastern Theater of War clearly mentioned that the military exercise is a strong punishment for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces seeking "independence" and a serious warning of interference and provocation by external forces. This strong signal of punishment has been fully received by foreign media. I noticed that the most common keyword in the headlines of English mainstream media today is "punishment". Today, the New York Times reported that under the headline of "China conducts military exercises around the island to punish the authorities", it also made a special composite map, which clearly shows that the latest exercise area is closer to the island and more deterrent, with six areas of the PLA's island exercise after the Pelosi cross channel two years ago in the same frame as five areas of this joint exercise. The New York Times also highlighted in its subtitle that this is the PLA's "stern warning", or "a stern warning". The headline of the British Daily Telegraph's real-time report today also added the preposition "surprise" before the "disciplinary military exercise", emphasizing that the incident was sudden, but CNN in the United States did not agree with the "surprise", CNN today quoted Drew Thompson, a visiting senior researcher at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and a former Pentagon official, as saying that this was not an accidental action, nor was it a tactical response to Lai Qingde's speech. On the contrary, this military exercise was part of the PLA's long-term strategic preparation for winning the Taiwan Strait. In my opinion, Tang Anzhu answered Reuters' questions about the follow-up military exercises across the ocean. He stressed to CNN that the code of the military exercises appeared "2024A", which means that this year's follow-up military exercises will come one after another, which is also the deepening and promotion of the PLA's long-term strategy concerning Taiwan. Of course, today Wang Wenbin's response is stronger and more resolute: every time the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces make trouble, China and the international community will increase their efforts to defend the "one China" principle.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin Chairs the Regular Meeting

Direct news: In response to the PLA's military exercise, some US military officials accused it as "disturbing". Today, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin should ask questions about it. What message does this convey?

Special commentator Guan Yao: The AFP reporter asked today that a US military official said that the Chinese exercise was "disturbing". Here we can name him. The senior US official who called "disturbing" was Lieutenant General Stephen D. Sklenka, a Marine, and now the deputy commander of the US Indo Pacific Command. According to a telegram sent by the Associated Press from Taipei today, the deputy commander made this tough statement during his visit to Australia. He even made more provocative remarks, inciting countries in the Asia Pacific region to "condemn" military exercises.

Sklenka was at the All Australia Media Club in Canberra, the capital of Australia, and made accusations about stirring up the flames during the military exercises. In his words, Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence confession" speech, which came to power, was packaged as Taiwan's so-called "international field visibility" action. Hu said that "whenever there is similar action in the island, the mainland will make 'some kind of declaration'", so the military exercises are not surprising. The so-called no surprise, but the deputy commander said that "the military exercises can be expected, which does not mean that we cannot condemn", He even instigated. To strengthen the effect, the United States had to "condemn" and the countries in the region had to follow. This is tantamount to trying to show that the US military's bad words and deeds on the issue of the Taiwan Strait not only flagrantly violate the position of the US President and Commander in Chief of the three armed forces Biden, who has repeatedly declared that they do not support "Taiwan independence", but also openly encourage camp confrontation and engage in all kinds of coercion.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi announced today that the PLA's sword exercise is a serious warning of foreign forces' interference and provocation, but at least from the response of the lieutenant general and deputy commander, the motivation and action of the US military's deliberate interference and provocation of the Taiwan Strait agenda will probably continue. In connection with the fact that the US has previously passed the so-called special budget in the form of a bill to focus on military assistance to Taiwan, the US has even created a gimmick for joint performance with the Taiwan army in the name of "accidental encounter at sea", and President Biden has also thrown out the so-called "Taiwan defense theory" four times at home and abroad, which are all external promoters of Lai Qingde's speech of "Taiwan independence confession" without fear. Therefore, for the interference and provocation of external forces, we should issue serious warnings in a long-term, lasting and powerful manner, including military exercises, to form a real deterrent and deterrent effect, which must also be part of the long-term strategy of the PLA observed and analyzed by Tang Anzhu. Since it is a long-term strategy, I also want to remind that it is necessary to work for a long time. Public opinion should have strategic patience in this regard, form joint efforts of all parties, and have a sense of the bottom line, so as to prepare for plans and build capacity to deal with long-term, complex and severe challenges. In fact, foreign media have paid special attention to it.

The picture shows the PLA military exercise ship

Direct news: In your opinion, what special attention does the media pay to the PLA's large-scale military exercises around the island, and what kind of signals do they send?

Special commentator Guan Yao: I noticed that not long after the PLA officially announced today that it would hold the round the island sword drill, the Chinese coast police also announced that the Fujian coast police organization's fleet would carry out comprehensive law enforcement drills in the waters around Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island. This kind of simultaneous action by the Chinese military and police is considered to be the next step in creating the "Golden Gate Model". Some insiders have disclosed to the "Yuyuan Tantian" official account that the law enforcement drill of the People's Maritime Police has also entered the so-called "prohibited and restricted waters" defined by the Taiwan authorities near Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island.

This trend is also highly concerned by foreign media. Bonny Lin, director of China's military power program at the CSIS, a Washington think-tank, once served at the Pentagon. When she was interviewed by the New York Times today, she analyzed that the maritime police law enforcement exercise and the PLA's multi service and arms joint exercise were carried out simultaneously, which helped to test and strengthen the PLA's ability to coordinate operations in a wide range of waters around Taiwan Island, It will provide high price experience value for the PLA to finally carry out combat tasks. In an interview with the newspaper, Ja Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, also stressed that he would pay special attention to the proximity of the mainland military and maritime police to the whole island in this joint military exercise and law enforcement exercise, whether the exercise would interfere with and block traffic, communications and daily life, and even whether the exercise would actually cut off the connection between the main island and the outer island.

Ma Ying jeou, the former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, severely criticized Lai Qingde for fabricating the "new two countries theory" in his inaugural speech two days ago, which exposed the two sides of the Taiwan Straits to unpredictable risks. I believe that such risks are actually concentrated in the island. Therefore, an important measure to observe this joint exercise and law enforcement exercise is whether this strong risk has been clearly and widely perceived by all walks of life in the island, and then recognize that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, a dead end that can never be undone.

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