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The day after his subordinate was arrested, the 70 year old former secretary of the provincial party committee was prosecuted

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(Original title: The 70 year old former secretary of the Provincial Party Committee was prosecuted the day after his subordinates were arrested)

In the afternoon of May 22, the Supreme People's Procuratorate website announced that Sun Zhigang, the former vice chairman of the Finance and Economic Committee of the 13th National People's Congress and the former secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, was suspected of taking bribes. The investigation was concluded by the National Supervision Commission, and designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the second branch of Tianjin Municipal People's Procuratorate reviewed and prosecuted the case. Recently, the Second Branch of the Tianjin Municipal People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Tianjin Second Intermediate People's Court.

Prosecutors accuse: the defendant Sun Zhigang used to serve as a member and secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, a member and deputy governor of the Standing Committee of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee, a member and deputy director of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, a deputy secretary and governor of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, a secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, and a director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guizhou Province, The vice chairmen of the Finance and Economic Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress and other conveniences in their positions, as well as the conveniences formed by their powers and positions, seek benefits for others, and illegally accept other people's property, which is especially huge, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law as a crime of bribery.

 The day after his subordinate was arrested, the 70 year old former secretary of the provincial party committee was prosecuted

The picture shows the information of Sun Zhigang, who was once the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission and the director of the Medical Reform Office of the State Council

According to the public resume, Sun Zhigang was born in 1954 and worked in Wuhan in his early years. He was once the head of Hanyang District, the deputy mayor of Wuhan, the mayor of Yichang, the secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee, and the standing committee member and secretary-general of Hubei Provincial Party Committee in 2002. In 2006, he was transferred as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor. In 2010, he was appointed as Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Health Care Reform Office of the State Council; In 2013, he served as the deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the director of the Health Reform Office of the State Council, and was clearly designated as a minister. In October 2015, he served as Acting Governor of Guizhou Province, and in January of the next year, he served as Governor of Guizhou Province. In July 2017, he served as the Secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and stepped down in November 2020. In December 2020, he served as the vice chairman of the Finance and Economic Committee of the 13th National People's Congress.

In August 2023, Sun Zhigang was investigated. On February 5 this year, Sun Zhigang was expelled from the Party. The bulletin showed that after investigation, Sun Zhigang lost his ideal and belief, abandoned his original mission, violated the political principle of "two safeguards", failed to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, followed the principle of "seven haves", appointed people by favoritism, failed to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, engaged in unorganized activities in cadre inspection, and opposed organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the eight point central regulations, occupying more housing in violation of regulations, seeking special treatment in terms of living security, accepting banquets and travel arrangements that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Violating organizational principles, failing to truthfully report personal matters, and failing to truthfully explain problems when organizing correspondence; The bottom line of integrity has been breached, gifts and cash gifts have been received in violation of regulations, large returns have been obtained through private lending, and the influence of their positions has been used to help their sub businesses; Intervention and intervention in judicial activities; Pay no attention to family style construction, and lose control and education of spouses and children; Alienate the public power given by the Party and the people into a tool for personal gain, collect money and wealth wantonly, make use of his position to make profits for others in project contracting, share subscription and other aspects, and illegally accept huge amounts of property.

On February 22 this year, Sun Zhigang was arrested.

Shangguanhui noticed that on May 21, the day before Sun Zhigang was prosecuted, Chen Liping, who had worked under Sun Zhigang for more than two years, was arrested, and the latter was accused "Engaging in political attachment"

According to the news of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on May 21, Chen Liping, the former deputy director of the General Office of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee (at the level of deputy department), was suspected of taking bribes and offering bribes. The investigation of the case was concluded by the Guizhou Provincial Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution. Guizhou Provincial People's Procuratorate designates jurisdiction, and Qiannan Prefecture People's Procuratorate reviews and brings a lawsuit. Recently, Qiannan Prefecture People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Chen Liping for bribery. The case is being further handled.

 The day after his subordinate was arrested, the 70 year old former secretary of the provincial party committee was prosecuted

The picture shows Chen Liping, who worked under Sun Zhigang for more than two years

According to the public resume, Chen Liping was born in 1966 and has worked in Tongren City, Guizhou Province for a long time. He used to be the Deputy Secretary General of Tongren Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Tongren Municipal Office Affairs Management Bureau, and the Director (Director) of Tongren Municipal Office Affairs Management Bureau (Public Property Management Office). In June 2018, Chen Liping was announced to be the Deputy Director of the General Office of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee (one year's probation). After the publicity period, she took the post.

In August 2023, Sun Zhigang, the former secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, was investigated for serious violations of discipline and laws. Two months later, on October 27, 2023, Chen Liping, an official who worked under Sun Zhigang for more than two years, was demobilized.

On April 24, 2024, Chen Liping was "double opened". According to relevant reports, upon investigation, Chen Liping lost her ideals and beliefs, abandoned her original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, engaged in political attachment, and participated in superstitious activities; Ignoring the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule, and accepting gifts and cash gifts in violation of regulations; There is no organizational principle, abandon the bottom line of integrity, and seek post interests in violation of rules and disciplines; Having no reverence for the Party, discipline and national laws, taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in project contracting, enterprise management and other aspects, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property; In order to seek illegitimate interests, they give property to state functionaries.

"Shangguanhui" also noted that, according to the Guizhou Daily, on May 20, the leading group for promoting the reform of Sun Zhigang's serious violations of discipline and laws in Guizhou Province held a meeting to hear the progress report of Sun Zhigang's case. Xu Lin, secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and leader of the leading group, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Shi Guanghui, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Li Yuanping, Shi Yubao and Guo Xiwen, members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, attended.

 The day after his subordinate was arrested, the 70 year old former secretary of the provincial party committee was prosecuted

The picture shows the meeting site

The above information shows that Guizhou has set up a leading group to carry out Sun Zhigang's serious violations of discipline and laws, and Xu Lin, the secretary of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, is the leader.

The meeting stressed that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his visit to Guizhou and his important instructions for Guizhou work should be fully, accurately and comprehensively implemented. From the political height of sincerely supporting the "two establishment" and faithfully practicing the "two maintenance", we should focus on the case of Sun Zhigang to promote reform, continue to purify the political ecology of the province, and unswervingly promote the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict party governance.

The meeting also stressed that we should focus on the key and difficult points and focus on the rectification, focus on the prominent problems exposed in the case, take more targeted and pragmatic measures, adhere to the list and project promotion, make rectification one by one, and resolutely and thoroughly eliminate Sun Zhigang's pernicious influence.

Extended Reading

He has accumulated wealth for more than 20 years, and the vice ministerial "tiger" was prosecuted

The reporter learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate on May 15 that, Qu Min, the former member and vice chairman of the CPPCC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, was suspected of taking bribes, The investigation shall be concluded by the State Supervision Commission, designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and reviewed and prosecuted by the Wenzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province has filed a public prosecution to the Intermediate People's Court of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

The picture shows Qu Min presiding over the meeting (data picture)

At the stage of examination and prosecution, the procuratorial organ informed the defendant Qu Min of his litigation rights according to law, interrogated the defendant Qu Min and listened to the opinions of the defender.

Prosecution and accusation by the procuratorial organ: the defendant Qu Min used Director of Harbin Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Heilongjiang Province, head and president of Harbin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, deputy secretary, head and secretary of Hulan District Party Committee in Harbin, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the management committee of Limin Economic and Technological Development Zone in Harbin, cadres at the departmental level in Harbin, deputy secretary and division chief of the Party Committee of the 10th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Political Commissar, Deputy Secretary, Mayor and Secretary of Beitun Municipal Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary, Mayor and Secretary of Suihua Municipal Party Committee of Heilongjiang Province, Member and Vice Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of Heilongjiang Provincial CPPCC To seek benefits for others, and to take advantage of his own power or position to seek illegitimate benefits for others and illegally accept other people's property through the official acts of other state functionaries, The amount is particularly huge, According to law bribery Investigate their criminal responsibility.

According to the public resume, Qu Min was appointed as the director of Harbin Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Heilongjiang Province in December 1998, until 2023 when he was investigated, It has accumulated wealth for more than 20 years.

Heilongjiang "First Tiger" after the 20th National Congress

Fall from office

On June 14, 2023, Vice Chairman of Heilongjiang Provincial CPPCC Qu Min was ousted from office. This year Qu Min just turned 60. Some media reported that he became the "first tiger" in Heilongjiang after the 20th National Congress.

According to public data, Qu Min, male, Han nationality, Born in June 1963, He was born in Shangzhi, Heilongjiang Province. He started working in August 1986 and joined the Communist Party of China in November 1992. He graduated from Heilongjiang University with an on-the-job junior college degree in economic management. He is a senior manager with a master's degree in business administration and a researcher level senior agronomist.

Qu Min has worked in Heilongjiang for a long time.

He used to be the director of Harbin Institute of Agricultural Sciences, the president and secretary of the Party Committee of Harbin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the head and secretary of Hulan District of Harbin, the cadres at the level of the main office of Harbin, the deputy leader and deputy commander in chief of the front headquarters of Heilongjiang Province's Xinjiang aid cadres, the deputy secretary and division chief of the Party Committee of the 10th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the mayor of Beitun City Political Commissar of the 10th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Secretary of Beitun Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Board of Supervisors of Heilongjiang Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union, etc.

Qu Min was appointed Acting Mayor of Suihua in February 2016, Mayor in March, and Secretary of the CPC Suihua Municipal Committee in December 2016, In 2021, he served as the vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, and later ceased to serve as the secretary of the Suihua Municipal Party Committee. Until June 14, 2023, Qu Min was investigated.

Qu Min appeared in public shortly before the investigation. On June 7, he also attended the 9th (enlarged) meeting of the 13th CPPCC Heilongjiang Provincial Party Group.

It is worth noting that just over a month before Qu Min's fall, Wang Xuefeng, former vice mayor of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, was investigated. During Wang Xuefeng's tenure as Vice Mayor, Qu Min was the Secretary of the CPC Suihua Municipal Committee.

In addition, Zhang Jingchuan, who served as the secretary of Suihua Municipal Party Committee before Qu Min, was investigated in November 2016.

The picture shows Wang Xuefeng. During his tenure as Deputy Mayor of Suihua, Qu Min was the Secretary of the CPC Suihua Municipal Committee

On December 7, 2023, according to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, Qu Min was opened to both sides.

After investigation, Qu Min lost his ideal and belief, abandoned his original mission, resisted organizational review and engaged in superstitious activities; In violation of the spirit of the eight point rule of the central government, accept banquets and travel arrangements that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Violating organizational principles and failing to report personal matters as required, Selecting and appointing cadres in violation of regulations and accepting property; Receive gifts and cash gifts in violation of regulations, seek benefits for others by taking advantage of their authority, and their relatives receive property; Great deal of power and money transactions, Take advantage of his position to seek profits for others in enterprise operation, project contracting and other aspects, and illegally accept huge amounts of property.

In charge of Hulan District, Harbin

Subordinates were beaten by gangsters

According to media reports, In his career, Qu Min's Hulan District of Harbin and Suihua City were important nodes. He held real power in both places and served as the "top leader" of the party and government.

In recent years, Hulan District has attracted much attention because of its anti mafia activities. According to the disclosure of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine in August 2019, Since June of that year, many party members and cadres in Hulan District have been investigated for being suspected of acting as "protective umbrellas" for underworld organizations.

The magazine disclosed that Hulan District has been in the position of "storm eye" since the 14th Steering Group of the Central Anti Mafia and Anti evil Campaign entered Heilongjiang Province on June 5. Zhu Hui, the former secretary of Hulan District Party Committee, Yu Chuanyong, the former head of the District Government, Sun Shaowen, the former chairman of the District CPPCC, and others were investigated.

They are all suspected of acting as "protective umbrellas" for the evil forces involved in the underworld that are known by the masses as the "four families" of Hulan (Yang, Yu, Wang, Dong). Among them, Sun Shaowen, the former Chairman of the CPPCC Hulan District, deserves the most attention.

Sun Shaowen has been working in Hulan District for a long time. When Qu Min was the head of Hulan District, Sun Shaowen was the deputy head of Hulan District. When Qu Min was the secretary of Hulan District Party Committee, Sun Shaowen was the standing member of Hulan District Party Committee.

In June 2019, the Supervision Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection released the news, Sun Shaowen, the former chairman of Harbin Hulan District CPPCC, acted as a "umbrella" for the underworld group, and was investigated for serious violations of discipline and laws. At present, the authorities have not disclosed more information about Sun Shao's case.

The magazine also disclosed that the forces involved in mafia and evil have a long history and great influence, various relationships are intertwined, there are many public officials involved in the case, and some of the issues involved span as long as 17 or 18 years. During the active period of the evil forces, Qu Min was also in office.

In addition, there are many departments involved in the Hulan Anti Mafia case, involving the land, housing construction, taxation, urban management, environmental protection and other departments of Hulan District, and many fields involved, including heating, housing construction, environmental protection, real estate and other fields.

Some media mentioned that in December 2009, Yu Wenbo, a member of the underworld, suspected that Wang Mingjie, the then director of Hulan District Construction Bureau, had spoken ill of him behind his back, so he joined others in abusing and beating him. At that time, Qu Min was the secretary of Hulan District Party Committee.

It is worth noting that, Wang Mingjie retired in 2014 and was investigated in June 2019. It was reported that Wang Mingjie, the former secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Hulan District Construction Administration of Harbin, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and laws, It also acts as a "umbrella" for underworld organizations.

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