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Taiwan Affairs Office: urges the US and relevant countries to immediately correct their mistakes and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces

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(Former title: Taiwan Affairs Office: Urge the United States and relevant countries to immediately correct their mistakes and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces)

On May 20, Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered questions from reporters.

On May 20, Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made a statement on the "May 20" speech of Taiwan leaders

Q: The United States and a few other countries sent officials to attend the inauguration ceremony of Lai Qingde and congratulated Lai on his inauguration. The DPP authorities thanked him. What's the speaker's comment on this

A: There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The one China principle is the basic norms of international relations and the consensus of the international community. It is adhered to and abided by by most countries in the world. It is where the great cause lies and what people want. We firmly oppose any form of official exchanges between the United States and other countries that have established diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and strongly condemn their interference in Taiwan affairs in any way and under any pretext. We urge the United States and other countries concerned to immediately correct their mistakes, adhere to the one China principle and their serious political commitment to China, prudently and properly handle the Taiwan issue, and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

The DPP authorities, in conjunction with external forces, continue to carry out "independence" provocations and expand the so-called "international space". Their actions completely deviate from the mainstream public opinion in the island and damage peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. It must be pointed out that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and connivance in supporting "Taiwan independence" is doomed to failure. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities' "relying on foreign countries to seek independence" and the interference of external forces will only bring serious disasters to the people of Taiwan. They will not change the fact that Taiwan is a part of China, shake the pattern of the international community adhering to the one China principle, or stop the historical trend of China's eventual reunification.

Extended Reading

Hong Xiuzhu, Zhu Lilun and others spoke against Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" speech

Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 20th that today's speech by leaders of the Taiwan region stubbornly adhered to the "Taiwan independence" position, released a dangerous signal of seeking "independence" to provoke and undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and fully exposed the nature of their "Taiwan independence workers".

Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News noticed that the insightful people in the island had the same position with the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China and denounced Lai Qingde for persisting in the "Taiwan independence" position and provoking the mainland.

Xiao Xucen, CEO of the Ma Ying jeou Foundation, bitterly criticized that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech was a "new two country theory" that directly regarded the People's Republic of China as a foreign country, and did not mention the "Regulations on People's Relations across the Straits" at all, which was a naked provocation. Xiao believes that Lai Qingde's direct and naked attitude is tantamount to approaching the direction of "Taiwan independence", and the two sides will be in an unprecedented dangerous situation.

Lai Qingde Delivers an Inaugural Address

Hong Xiuzhu, the former chairman of the Kuomintang, bitterly criticized "Mr. Lai Qingde, we all know that you are lying". Hong Xiuzhu pointed out that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech deliberately distorted the international community's recognition that under the one China principle, Taiwan can maintain a system different from that of the mainland, and distorted it into the international community's support for confusing the relevant terms of reference of Taiwan, so as to brainwash people. Hong Xiuzhu stressed that Lai Qingde's "two countries theory" has left no way out and no space for the current cross-strait impasse. "He didn't even recognize his own blood line of the Chinese nation, lied a lot at the beginning, which is not worthy of trust, let alone trust". Hong Xiuzhu said that we must arouse the people of Taiwan, recognize the current situation and historical facts of the international community, and then return to the right track to safeguard the peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. This is true love for Taiwan.

The chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun, held a press conference this afternoon. He said that he had expected Lai Qingde to say that the two sides would prosper together, but now instead, he relied on making the "two countries theory" public, which worried him and made the stock market plummet.

Wang Hongwei, a member of the National Party and the People's Representative, pointed out that Lai Qingde always said "China" in his inaugural speech from beginning to end, and the words "mainland China" and "both sides of the Taiwan Straits" that Tsai Ing wen would say when she took office have disappeared. It is a "full theory of two countries". Moving closer to the spectrum of "Taiwan independence", Taiwan's stock market fell more than 100 points. Wang Hongwei pointed out that it is self-evident whether everyone will buy the list of Chiang Tak's inaugural speech. Wang Hongwei also mentioned that from the inaugural speech, it can be proved that Lai Qingde is more "independent" than Cai Yingwen, and Lai Qingde is more "aggressive" than Cai Yingwen, which can also be seen from the performance of the stock market.

When Lai Qingde made a speech, Taiwan shares fell sharply

Zhao Chunshan, honorary professor of the China Mainland Research Institute of Tamkang University in Taiwan, admitted that Lai Qingde's statement was more backward than Cai Yingwen's speech in 2016. At that time, Tsai Ing wen mentioned the "Regulations on People's Relations across the Taiwan Straits". This time, Lai not only didn't mention it, but also vaguely showed his shadow of "pragmatic workers for Taiwan independence", "talking about both Taiwan and China", which will make it difficult for the future cross-strait affairs contacts, such as the Taiwan Travel Association, the Maritime Travel Association, the Red Cross, the Straits Foundation, the ARATS Association, etc.

Zhang Yazhong, the president of Sun Wen School in Taiwan, believes that Lai Qingde will not accept the "1992 Consensus" or the one China principle. He has not shown any goodwill for cross-strait relations, but is more tough and firm.

Taiwan's "United News Network" commented that, compared with Tsai Ing wen's "doing more and talking less" on cross-strait issues, Lai Qingde's inaugural speech made no secret of his hostility to the mainland. Although the speech did not discuss the political relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, he called it "Taiwan vs. China" and did not even use the word "mainland" to explain everything. The possibility of resuming dialogue between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is unlikely to be favorable in the short term.

According to the commentary, the conclusion of Lai Qingde's speech mentioned that in 1624, when Taiwan set out from Tainan and stood at the historical moment of "400 years of Tainan", Taiwan should show confidence, boldly sail to the new world, and let the world meet the new Taiwan. The 400 year history of Tainan implies a "historical view of Taiwan independence". Lai Qingde has not forgotten the background of his "Golden Sun of Taiwan independence". The implication is that Taiwan starts from Tainan, not from the mainland, and responds to the expectations of the dark green fundamentalists. After Lai Qingde takes office on May 20, Taiwan will indeed turn a new page, but this page is both a turning point and a crisis.

Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" published a review article saying that May 20 was the beginning of Lai Qingde's "blunder". Lai Qingde's deepest "political character" will never change. How can impulsive Lai Qingde tolerate "Cai Gui following"? Lai Qingde is likely to surpass Chen Shuibian's level of "trouble maker" in the next four years! For example, the recent fierce conflict in Taiwan's legislature came from Lai Qingde's request to the Democratic Progressive Party League as the party chairman to "counter defense as attack", which clearly revealed the profound essence of Lai Qingde's "nature of struggle, irrepressibility, and difficulty in compromise".

Author: Liu Liping, chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

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