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Employees are forced to work overtime, and Chery Automobile is forced to work overtime again

Chery Automobile Compulsory Overtime

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Last March, Chery executives issued an internal email saying that Saturday was a working day for strivers.

(Original title: employees are forced to work overtime, and Chery Automobile is forced to work overtime again.)

Interface journalist | Zhou Shuqi

In the near future“ Chery Automobile force overtime ”The topic of "" has aroused heated discussion on the social platform. This is the company's re exposure of relevant information after it was reported last year that senior executives asked employees to work overtime on Saturday.

A netizen who was certified as "Chery employee" posted that Chery Automobile had forced overtime behavior inside. The weekly overtime hours should be more than 20 hours and there was no overtime pay. Only 10 yuan of meal allowance was provided. In addition, employees' overtime compensatory leave time is strictly limited. Some departments are prohibited from applying for compensatory leave and asking for leave. The last position will be eliminated according to the length of overtime.

What makes Chery employees more difficult to accept is that, in order to cover up the fact of overtime, the history of employees' clock in has been closed, and the default display time is 8:30 to 17:00. This has also become the fuse of employee dissatisfaction.

An employee working at the headquarters of Chery Automobile in Wuhu confirmed to InterfaceNews that the internal clock in system was modified last week. In the department where the employee works, the monthly working hours are at least 1.4 times of the time signed on the labor contract.

"The working hours are '896'. It is compulsory to work overtime on Saturdays, and the rest on Sundays is not guaranteed. Even if the work is finished, you are not allowed to leave work, and you must stay at the work station to roll up the overtime hours."

"896" refers to working at 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., six days a week. Previously, Ningde Times, a giant in the power battery industry, called on employees to "strive for 100 days", and implemented "896" working days internally.

According to the interface news, the overtime hours of each department of Chery Automobile are not explicitly stipulated, but are formulated by the department leaders, and can only be notified in each department group. According to the above employee, the department leader will check working hours And criticized the employees who ranked lower in the department's working hours at the weekly meeting. The performance pay of employees is also linked to the length of overtime.

The employee thinks that the long overtime of Chery Automobile is forced to work overtime, on the other hand, the frequent internal meetings occupy normal working hours, and even many meetings are held at the same time.

"Sometimes, in order to avoid the risk of overtime work, the company also arranges meetings after 6:00 p.m., or even at 10:00 p.m. Department level meetings are held on Saturdays."

A new student who joined Chery Automobile in 2023 pointed out to the interface news that Chery Automobile has a high brain drain rate, with 70% of the new students leaving in less than one year, and the rest are only prepared to save two years of work experience before changing jobs.

According to his statistics, a total of 120 hours of overtime work in May, plus 174 hours of normal work, totaled nearly 300 hours of work. But the salary he received was only about 4800 yuan, and the hourly salary was only 16 yuan.

In March last year, Gao Xinhua, president of Chery Automotive Engineering and Technology Research Institute, issued an internal email saying, "All employees should be notified to focus on the strivers, and Saturday is the working day of the strivers.

Chery's official recruitment website claims that the company is like a university campus, valuing partnership, and has no concept of superior and subordinate. But according to Tianyan, nearly 10% of the hundreds of legal litigation information of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. are labor disputes and labor contract disputes.

Chery Automobile, in the transition period of new energy, is eager to catch up with its peers. In 2023, Chery will sell 1.88 million vehicles, the highest annual sales in history, but New energy vehicles The wholesale sales volume is only 128000, accounting for less than 10%. During the same period, Chang'an and Jili New energy vehicle The sales volume has reached more than 450000 vehicles.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Automobile, admitted that Chery "got up early and caught up late" in terms of new energy vehicles. At present, on the one hand, Chery Automobile is stepping up cooperation with Huawei to re launch the Smart S7, based on the high-end new energy vehicle market. On the other hand, through sub brands such as iCar, new models are intensively launched in the automobile market with more than 100000 yuan.

According to the technology media 36 Krypton, Chery will also release a new new energy vehicle brand, or "Yueji", in the third quarter of this year. The first model will be officially launched at the end of the year.

Several brokers told the news on the interface that Chery Automobile was restarting IPO , which will be completed before 2025 as scheduled A-share Listing. Considering that the current IPO review is further tightened and there is a high probability that it will not be relaxed next year, it is still unknown whether Chery Automobile can complete the listing as scheduled.

However, in any case, the formation of large-scale sales of new energy vehicles is a key step for Chery to go public.

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