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Don't take it seriously! Refer to 14 items for self testing whether the spine is healthy

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As the central axis of the human body, the spine has multiple functions such as support, protection and movement.

Spinal diseases have been listed as one of the world's ten neglected health problems by the World Health Organization, and become a common disease afflicting about 1 billion people around the world. What role does the spine play in the human body? What are the common spinal diseases? May 21 is the 24th World Spine Health Day. Let's have a correct understanding of spine health.

As the central axis of the human body, the spine has multiple functions such as support, protection and movement. It supports the human head, internal organs and limbs and protects spinal cord And nerve roots. At the same time, the spine also participates in the movement of the human body, enabling us to bend, twist, walk, etc. Therefore, the spine is also called "the second lifeline of the human body".

"Spine diseases cover a wide range, including trauma, congenital development problems, tumors, etc." Fan Tao, Vice President of Sanbo Brain Hospital of Capital Medical University and Director of Spinal Cord and Spine Surgery Center, said that the purpose of setting up the Spine Health Day is to let people understand the spine, pay attention to its function, reasonably protect the spine, and improve people's health and quality of life.

It is reported that, There are four major categories of common spinal diseases, including spine malformation , spinal trauma, spinal cord and spinal tumor, spinal degenerative disease.

Fan Tao pointed out that spinal deformities include scoliosis, kyphosis and developmental deformities, and the majority of patients are adolescents; Spinal trauma patients are mainly adolescents and young adults, and may occur in any part of the spine. Spinal cord injury in any part may lead to motor dysfunction, dysuria and even high paraplegia, which directly threatens people's quality of life and even life; Spinal cord and spinal cord tumor refers to the tumor growing on the spine or spinal cord; Spinal degenerative diseases include cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation and other diseases.

To prevent spinal diseases, Fan Tao suggested that we should find out the abnormalities in appearance in advance, such as scoliosis and spina bifida. Once local abnormalities are found, we should go to the hospital for screening, diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible; Avoid unnecessary injuries and take protective measures, such as wearing safety belts when driving and riding, wearing helmets when working, and protecting the spine when exercising; Strengthen regular and progressive sports, such as playing ball, swimming, running, etc muscle The stronger the strength of muscles and ligaments, the stronger the resistance of the spine; The stronger the resistance of the spine, the smaller the degeneration and injury.

"You should also maintain correct posture and proper weight." Liu Ruiduan, deputy director of the Orthopedic Medical Center of the Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University and director of spinal surgery, pointed out that whether you stand, walk or sit, you should keep your chest and abdomen straight and your back straight. Avoid poor posture such as long time bowing and bending, and proper "lying flat" will help lumbar vertebra healthy. In addition, obesity will bring too much load to the spine. At the same time, due to the relaxation of abdominal muscles, they cannot support the spine. Overweight will deform the spine.

About 1/3 of adults over 30 years old will have degeneration of cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra and lumbar vertebra. The official official account of Nanning Municipal Health Commission once warned that in daily life, people can judge whether the spine is healthy through the following simple checks.

1. The heel of a shoe is often worn uneven.

2. Not able to take a long and comfortable breath.

3. It often makes a "click" sound when moving.

4. Spine joint When locked or jammed, the neck, back or more joints will make a popping sound.

5. The head or medulla cannot easily twist to both sides or rotate at the same angle, and the range of motion is gradually narrowing.

6. Often feel tired.

7. Unable to concentrate well.

8. The neuroendocrine system is affected, and the resistance to disease is weak.

9. When walking, the toes extend outward.

10. One leg is shorter than the other.

11. Stand with your feet apart and shoulder width apart, and your weight should be equally distributed between your feet. If not, this is the best proof of spine distortion.

12. Headache or pain in neck, waist and back, as well as pain in soft tissues of muscles or joints, are usually signals of spinal subluxation.

13. There is a continuous sense of tension, contraction and pressure, especially in muscles and joints.

14. Often feel stiff and uncomfortable in the back and neck.

If you have some of the above characteristics, you should be alert to the problems of the spine, and it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for special treatment as soon as possible.

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