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At the end of "The Beginning", I cried and laughed but also had too many regrets

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After the main character has experienced 24 explosions and 25 time cycles《 beginning 》The big ending finally came yesterday.

There were no casualties, all the staff were HE, and the hidden villains also got their due punishment. Some people think that such an ending is very warm.

Some people also believe that "The Beginning" failed to explain the time cycle well, including the final disposal of bombs. They told Wang Mengmeng that there were bugs in the story. I'm sorry for its early preparation.

However, it is undeniable that only 15 episodes, with a score of 8.1, "The Beginning" has become the first "popular" drama in 2022.

(The following may involve spoilers)

1. Cyclic game of ordinary people

The music of Canon sounded, and the No. 45 bus exploded.

A few seconds later, Li Shiqing (Zhao Jinmai), a female college student who is one of the passengers, wakes up and finds that she has returned to the bus before the explosion unharmed.

She actually entered the time cycle.

In order to save the lives of the passengers in the car, Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun, who also entered the cycle( Bai Jingting Play the role of) Together, in the cycle after cycle, close to the truth

Actor and heroine, a college student, a game architect. Ordinary people, who represent the average level of intelligence and force in life, can easily be replaced by the audience.

Their task is simple and progressive: find the cause of the explosion, find out the murderer and deal with the bomb.

In the first three episodes, the plot focuses on how to "get off"? And find the cause of the explosion.

After the cause of the bomb was determined, men and women checked people on the bus one by one in a slightly funny way without being found by the killer.

In this process, the regional plot is triggered.

After locking the killer, how to deal with the bomb when he is unprepared has become the biggest problem at present.

In a single enclosed bus space, the setting that the explosion will "restart", the appearance of hidden accomplices, and only the countdown of more than 20 minutes... all add difficulty to the destruction.

Trial and error again and again, like game over again and again, the audience has a strong sense of participation.

2. Interrogation between humanity and reality

In fact, time cycle is very common in movies and TV dramas: Cruise of Terror, Source Code, Kiss of Death

However, there are some elements of "cleverness" in the beginning. It focuses on exploring human nature and social issues.

The video of a truck killing her daughter was spoofed on the Internet. On the bullet screen, the ugly abuse became the last straw to crush Tao Yinghong.

With only one video, netizens judged their normally clever and sensible daughter as "deserved" to die, which Tao Yinghong and her husband could not understand.

Unfortunately, such videos in real life can still be found on some websites.

The trial and ridicule of the strange dead never stopped.

Don't treat a person from a one-sided perspective; Don't judge a stranger with your own morality (keyboard).

Everyone knows, but they can't do it.

Xiao Heyun accidentally killed the murderer. Although he was out of the just purpose of protecting people, the impact of destroying a life by himself made him unable to calm down.

A murderer like a walking corpse can despise life. But as an ordinary person, while killing others, he also obliterates his own soul.

He began to reflect: Can violence against violence really bring a happy ending?

There are a lot of torture about human nature in The Beginning.

In each episode, the audience not only considers how to deal with bombs, but also examines life, good and evil, words and deeds.

In the portrayal of group images, Beginnings intentionally weakens individual heroism, focuses on the connection between people, and shows the contradiction of human nature.

The male leader, Xiao Heyun, hesitated at the beginning of the cycle.

He felt that he should cherish the chance to survive rather than take risks to save others. He did not have such great ability.

"Is it wrong to be afraid of death? Isn't it human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages?"

On the other hand, when "Aunt Guo" wielded a knife to cut Li Shiqing's throat, none of the others in the car dared to come forward to rescue her.

This disappointed Xiao Heyun. After the cycle was restarted, he wanted to pull Li Shiqing out of the car, and he simply ignored the matter.

However, in the face of the knife wielding assailants who were red eyed, the fear and dullness of other passengers were also human.

Do they deserve to die if they don't stand up?

A person is three-dimensional and can have many faces.

In the branch line of passengers, the audience saw their other side.

Although many people hate him, he always wants to pass happiness on to others.

Lu · Cat's Apostle · Asthma Terminator · Light Selected Person · Di, because of asthma, was excessively cared for by his parents, and could only immerse himself in the two-dimensional world.

Ludi is an alien in the eyes of others, but in the setting of time cycle, his "second in the middle" instead becomes a reasonable opportunity.

He is the only one who believes that Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun have entered the cycle.

He is also the one who nods his head without hesitation when called.

And Lao Jiao, the character whom I most sympathize with in the whole play and who is most happy about his ending.

In order to save tuition for his daughter, Lao Jiao rented a car to live in the garage; When I saw the fire, I rushed up at once, just to get a reward for bravery.

And the warm-hearted aunt who took medicine with her, and gave the watermelon to the uncles who ate it

This group of people is the bottom of the people, there are shortcomings, but also shining lovely place. They are not evil people in their bones, but instinctively seek advantages and avoid disadvantages before they die or die.

After repeated cycles, Li Shiqing understood their story.

Passengers are no longer strangers to Li Shiqing. This is why Li Shiqing is willing to "try again".

Yes, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. But kindness is a choice.

3. "Anti bombing Couples" with more sense of cp than sweet soap operas

Kindness is a choice, and it is also the achievement of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun fatalism

During Li Shiqing's single line cycle, she tried to feign illness in order to make the driver stop.

At that time, only Xiao Heyun asked her whether to accompany her to get off the bus and wait for 120. Li Shiqing found that Xiao Heyun was the only person in the whole car who considered problems from her perspective.

It was this kindness that enabled Xiao Heyun to be "selected" by Li Shiqing and pulled into the cycle.

Although she is only a simple college student, Li Shiqing is the most perfect female character in domestic dramas in recent years.

She is calm, brave, kind-hearted and optimistic. The cycle after cycle did not defeat her, but made her more tenacious.

Her persistence also affected Xiao Heyun, and they finally stood on the same front.

From the beginning, "there is no fulcrum to make a quarrel"

In the end, he dares to show off in front of the police, deliberately revealing flaws, and trying to catch the police's words.

Li Shiqing is calm and resolute, and Xiao Heyun is smart and resourceful. They trust each other, make suggestions together, and grow into a good pair of partners.

In the cycle of battle, their feelings are also changing.

Xiao Heyun leans down and says to Li Shiqing: "Run", then he goes to hold the bomb alone;

Without hesitation, he rushed up to block the stabbing knife.

After being cut by "Aunt Guo", Li Shiqing woke up in horror with her neck clenched. Xiao Heyun held him tightly in his arms, his eyes full of heartache.

He began to want to protect the people around him.

After Xiao Heyun accidentally killed someone, Li Shiqing silently guarded him: where you go, where I go.

Xiao Heyun became weaker and weaker. Lishi's eyes were red with anxiety. She cried for his name, fearing that he would never wake up again.

Time and time again, it is time and time again.

"What if we wake up the next day and don't remember anything?"

"Even if you forget me, I will take the initiative to find you, knock on the door and say

This sense of predestination, which is both a comrade in arms and a lover, may lose each other at any time, and you are the only one in the world to fight with me, making "anti bombing cp" more effective the end or doom The taste of lovers also makes their feelings develop naturally.

4. An out of the loop villain

In addition to the male and female protagonists, half of the broken stems of "Beginning" are related to Tao Yinghong, "Guo Yi".

This villain with pressure cooker is expected to become a classic villain like Zhang Dongsheng and others, and will be repeatedly mentioned in the future.

The cold-blooded eyes that see through the world of mortals.

"Wang Xingde, you coward!" The hysterical roar made people shudder.

In the unfolding plot, we see the root of "Guo Yi" becoming what she is now.

Liu Dan, the actor, shows the mentality of a middle-aged woman who lost her only mother vividly.

She stubbornly searched for the truth of her daughter's death. When she saw the young girl, she asked, "Have you ever met a lecher?"

Looking for the lonely soul of her daughter on the accident bridge.

People gradually forget the existence of Wang Mengmeng. They only remember that Tao Yinghong is a crazy woman and Wang Xingde is a cowardly husband.

No one remembers that she was an excellent teacher of the people, and he was an accident free model driver.

Probably no one understands her except Wang Xingde.

When the cause of her daughter's death finally came to light, Tao Yinghong's relieved expression deeply hurt the audience.

The audience did not approve of Tao Yinghong's retaliation, but sympathized with it, repeatedly jumping in the extreme emotions of fear and sympathy.

In addition to "Aunt Guo", Liu Yijun plays Police Officer Zhang, which is also the performance guarantee of the play.

The two young stars, Zhao Jinmai, who was born in the early 2000s, have officially lost her childlike innocence and seen her infinite possibilities; Bai Jingting can also get rid of the ridicule of "variety artists" and finally has a masterpiece of high quality and popularity.

Even police officer Xiao Jiang, who was scolded in the early stage, and Lu Di, who didn't play much in the drama, received good reviews.

Except for Liu Tao, other actors have more or less benefited from The Beginning.

5. Just the "beginning", not the peak

In the last episode, Wang Xingde and the wretched man meet in the detention center. The audience is more helpless than happy to get revenge.

Because people know that in reality, "Wang Mengmeng" is still happening every day. How many people can really be punished?

From this perspective, "The Beginning" is more like a fairy tale.

At the same time, as a suspense work of time and space cycle, "Beginning" has obvious shortcomings.

Especially in the last two episodes, there is a part of logic that can't be self consistent: someone actually remembers the only person who surfed the Internet in the dormitory five years ago; Why did Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun wait until the explosion was imminent to tell the driver about Wang Mengmeng's death; Xiao Heyun's increasingly weak body seems to exist only for sadistic love, and can't get a reasonable explanation

What Officer Zhang said made people mistakenly think that he also entered the cycle.

In terms of narrative rhythm, The Beginning can do better.

The two bus scenes in Episode 8 and the police interrogation in Episode 11-12 are highlights of the whole drama, but they also consume the audience's emotions prematurely.

Since then, the delay in pursuing the cause of Wang Mengmeng's death and the blandness of the last cycle have made the audience feel that they have hit the cotton with a fist, which is a pity.

But generally speaking, as an experimenter of domestic time cycle theme, "The Beginning" makes the audience see more possibilities of domestic dramas.

I hope it can really become the "beginning" and drive more excellent works to come out.

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