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Do you know what the English word "latte dad" means?

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The words that we associate with the title of father are often father's love, reticence, severity, etc.

however English There is a word called Latte Pappa, which literally translates as“ Latte Dad ”At first sight, I don't know what it is.

In fact, it is a nickname for Swedish full-time father.


You can also write latte papa, latte dad, and SAHD - Stay at home dad (full-time dad).

"Latte papa" is a slang term that refers to a very attentive and attractive Swedish dad that can often be found in coffee shops with prams (hence the "Latte" name), wearing designer clothes, and toting one or more kids.

"Latte dad" is a slang term, which refers to a very careful and attractive Swedish dad. You can often see them pushing a stroller, wearing brand-name clothes, and carrying one or more children in a cafe (hence the name "latte").

Men with prams have become such a familiar sight since shared parental leave was first introduced in 1974 in Sweden that there's the name – "latte pappas" – for the tribe.

Since shared parental leave was first issued in Sweden in 1974, it has become very common for men to push baby strollers, so that this group has a name - "Latte Dad".

Richard Orange, a reporter of the Guardian, observed that the number of treasured dads often exceeds that of treasured moms in the public recreation space of Malmo, Sweden, and that the number of treasured dads also varies from profession to profession.

At the free-of-charge, drop-in play group in Malmö that is my morning refuge, the pappas often outnumber the mammas. I'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer, a heavily tattooed biker, or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks, rattles and drums.

The free playground in Malmo, Sweden, is a place where I can take a break in the morning. Sitting there cross legged, I would find a silent Swedish engineer, a heavily tattooed motorcyclist, or a programmer from Chennai, India immigrant Our children play building blocks, rattles and tambourines there.

This type of stylish dad gained prominence in the 2010s. Through the family leave program, both parents receive a collective 480 days and the parents can choose who gets to use them (and the policy encourage dads to use them first). This has led to more dads staying home with the kids and has allowed more women to pursue their careers.

These fashionable fathers became famous in the 2010s. The family maternity leave plan allows both parents to share 480 days of maternity leave, and the two can choose who will take maternity leave (and the policy encourages fathers to take maternity leave first). This has led to more dads choosing to stay at home to take care of their children and more women being able to pursue their own careers.

Although the name is Latte Pappa, it is impossible for treasure dads to only take care of their children in the coffee shop. Supermarkets, bookstores and amusement parks all have them.

But the most important place for raising children is, of course, home.

Only there can we observe and experience the most real, and it also means the hardest childcare process.

Swedish Fathers, a photography exhibition by Swedish photographer Johan B ä vman, has been exhibited in more than 65 countries. In 2017, he also visited Shanghai, China. This photographic work took two years to complete, taking 45 Swedish father and son groups.

The scenes in the photos are mostly messy kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and bathrooms. Full time dads are always in a hurry. No matter whether they are civil engineers or electricians before the birth of their children, they face at least one life and at least three lives. Feeding, assisting in defecation, accompanying play, cleaning the room, etc. inevitably become a part of their multi task operation.

Urban Nordh, 32, civil engineer

Richard Orange, a reporter of the Guardian, was a full-time father for several months in 2012. He described Take baby One day, the readers all called it "true". His words and Johan's photos combined to create an ordinary day for a mother. The child cried bitterly. He was so worried that he could not stop crying even if he tried every means.

It's around 6 pm at the end of my third week of paternity leave, and since 5:30 pm I've checked the kitchen clock every five minutes.

It's about 6:00 p.m. at the end of the third weekend of my father's maternity leave. Since 5:30 p.m., I have to check the alarm clock in the kitchen every five minutes.

My daughter Eira is crying and I can't work out what she wants. I try walking her around the kitchen for what seems like the 50th time today. I thrust a maniacally smiling wooden caterpillar at her, hoping it'll placate her. I've tried whisks, pots, the colander, all objects that have fascinated in the past, but nothing works.

My daughter Ella is crying. I don't know what she wants. I tried to take her around the kitchen. It seemed that it was the 50th time today. It didn't work. I put a wooden caterpillar with a laughing face in front of her, hoping to appease her, but she was still crying. I've also tried egg beaters, teapots, and filter pots, all of which used to attract her.

Ola Larsson, 41, buyer

After looking at the diapers, it was dry. It was useless to play the children's songs with Ukrili. Finally, the baby was held up in front of the mirror and played instead.

I peek inside her nappy, more for something to do than because I think it needs changing. I try playing her a Swedish children's song on the ukelele, but realize that's more for my own pleasure than hers. Finally I bounce her in front of the mirror in the hall, which, as always, snaps her out of it, and I stare at her happy gurgling face next to my own desperate smile.

I looked at her diaper and knew it didn't need changing, but I just wanted to find something to do. I tried to play Swedish nursery rhymes for her with Ukrili, but I realized that I was not pleasing her at all, rather, I was pleasing myself. At last, I held her up to the mirror in the lobby. As usual, she finally smiled happily. I stared at her happy giggle face, next to which was my desperate smile.

When my wife Mia finally gets home, I hand the baby over and drop exhausted on to the sofa. I'm so tired that I'm in bed by nine, about the same time as Eira, and sleep through until 5:30 am, when her coughing and crying wakes me to the next day of my six-month stint.

When my wife Mia finally got home from work, I gave her the baby and collapsed exhausted on the sofa. I was so tired that I went to bed at nine o'clock, almost the same time as Ella slept until 5:30 in the morning. Her coughing and crying woke me up and started the next day of the six-month maternity leave.

Tired, I can fall asleep with my child at 9 p.m. and wake up with coughing and crying at 5:30 p.m. This typical day will repeat 180 times until the end of male maternity leave.

Jonas Jarl, 38, teacher

Britain is not as large as Sweden, so this experience has brought new knowledge to British journalist Richard Orange.

He realized how shallow it was to think that he could "empathize" with the mothers before he took the baby with him.

It has only taken a few weeks of this for me to know what the overwhelming majority of British fathers never find out. When I thought I was being sympathetic to my wife during her child leave, I wasn't being nearly sympathetic enough. And when I thought I was being understanding, I didn't understand a thing.

It only took me a few weeks to realize what most British fathers never knew. I thought I could sympathize with my wife during her maternity leave, but it was far from enough. I thought I knew enough about the difficulties of raising children, but I didn't know anything about them.

Leon, the software engineer he interviewed, had the same opinion.

In Sweden, men's painful discovery of how exhausting it is to look after a baby is believed to aid parental harmony. "You get a whole different understanding of how it is to take care of a child, because work is nothing in comparison, " says Leon, 34, a software developer I met pushing his baby daughter on one of the swings in front of a Malmö café frequented by dads who use the playground. "I don't think looking after a child for a weekend is enough. You have two days of chaos, but you don't get into the routines."

Swedish men are painfully aware of how tiring it is to take care of children, which is believed to contribute to parents' harmony. In front of a cafe frequented by treasure dads who bring children to play in Malmo City, I met Leon, a 34 year old programmer, who was pushing his daughter on the swing. He said, "You will have a completely different understanding of taking children, because work is nothing compared with it. I think it is not enough to take care of children on weekends. You've only experienced two days of chaos, and you don't know how chaotic your daily life can be. "

In the narration of father taking baby, it is inevitable that onlookers will first notice the modern, gentle and masculine characteristics of "Latte Dad".

But the essence of childcare is not playing and drinking coffee. Its trivia is hidden behind the headlines, in the crying baby room in the middle of the night, in the splashing bathroom, and in every sharp furniture corner that is blocked for babies.

The particularity of a human cub determines that taking care of a child means being around him/her 24 hours a day.

Therefore, latte dads are appreciated by many women not because they have launched their baby strollers on the street as male models on the show, but because they have truly assumed the responsibility of childcare, so that their wives can not only breathe, but also take care of their work.

Swedes tend to see generous shared parental leave as good for the economy, since it prevents the nation's investment in women's education and expertise from going to waste.

Swedes often believe that giving enough shared parental leave is actually beneficial to the development of the economy, because it can prevent the waste of the state's support for women sex education And professional training.

Of course, it's not just hard and tiring to take a baby. Richard Orange looks back at the harvest and records:

"Many latte dads I talked about mentioned that they are closer to their children. If they work in the daytime and have to spend time with their children on weekends or at night, their relationship will be much weaker. My daughter Eira will run to me when she is unhappy or tired. When her grandparents and my friends came to visit her, I was bored with them now. I can describe in every detail how my daughter feels recently, what new skills she has learned, and what she likes to eat.

I know every stage of her growth very well. I now think that taking care of children requires you to be able to carefully prepare and pack those childcare equipment, to be able to face the stench and resist nausea, to have strong psychological quality, and so on. These abilities are not naturally part of motherhood. "

Is there such a "latte dad" around you?


Pram [pr ≮ m] n. stroller

Tote [to ʊ t] v. carry; carry

Taciturn [712t ≮ s ɪ t ɜ ː rn] adj. unsmiling; Reticent; Reticent

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